The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 08, 1892, Image 7

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West Sid3 Publishing- Cc:?ar,
Tk 1'
The hliry of the publl aehoota f
Independence, a uer given, w i'u
tu a nil the earlier record
Mruithir mtiuiliutHl r lot, and you
reporter waa dependent wholly upon
the klmlne of a lew who from memory
gave I he few tacts neiows
About the vear I.W the first school
bulldluir was erected In North Inde
pendence, tMil one hundred feet north
of the inwiit building. Among (hp
unwt prominent teacher In the build'
Inif were J. M. M jm who tatiuht
flve-iiioiith' term, during the school
year wf Isott and 'UT, aud wit eutvectled
bv Mr. Uratit, whu remained In
charge Rir four year, hi bud term do
tug Ut ih spring of isrt. J. J. lady,
one of the hoard of ivsmI of the Mtala
Noimnl school, and prominent altor-
llt'V Of Ul Willamette Valley, saw
taiusht the 'hol. and next to UiBt Hi
the bar, Im In proud of hi wt a
"wlliltr tJ the birch."
Th wvacut building wa erected
hUhii Kwi, and tieo. ltuthr taught the
first M'hMtl in U, be wing ueeceieii t.y
t', K. Magvm, fornrly county superin
tendent, who remained tlurtiiir the
vwini of 'SI Hint '&.'. ami ttt and !S3
hi MKxvMwtr u Mr. Hartaou dur
liig'Ki and 'Hi I'rof. Jarvls, now
count v fc'livml superintendent of I nut'
till county, taught two and one-half
ycarajii workhcreeutiiugm renroary
i-vs", when MlwCrowuover, (Mr Mw
AduntaO irtuclnal of lha lew Park
seliool, oi iNticui, awumeti ctiarge, iiu
j . i . . .
wa Kltett ty Ml iwiia Aewom
(Mr. Dr. Butler,) who taught a sue
cctwful school. MU l'rwwnovcra
health failtntr. he rrfiiMHl to Utke the
fch.HiJ lor niH'tlH-r yr, when Ml
.Ncln w cIhkh'U by the tumrvl of
tlitv(tr prtut'lil, with Ml Kvltle
J till m HwUtHiit. After a iku'uI
viir' work, Miwt Nelww w fuiloweU
Kv MtiM I'rowtiover, with Mm JlNttle m ftntiHitt, ml they rttultietl
In vhnrve of the work until dbtrlet
i!t tu) .is were uiiIUhI.
The flrt teacher tn Iiuknulenee
protier. u Atoiuo l)uewuer, wlft
Uuttit tturliitf the aehool yenr of I.Htl
ntid tnl lstW ml in wlMt I
liow the to tiieolileliiiiillioiktli)t.
llie tenoher iltirtntt ' Httil 'T yarn
M1n Hurt; '7Ud '71, Ml MlelU
JeHy; 'l ml '72, 4. Whltmiu, now
umiviwful tHlxliH-w Iiihii of .North
Yiikinirt, Winli, "7a itnci '7S, (ieorge
Nroniit: 7a ntul 'H, I. li. iviitou.
the well-known ihotoirrphir f I'ort-
Unti, Urryun; '(iwiulS, Chin, Mul
key; huJ iu turn, Mi' Mint ljuiie, M.
HmiUtrnw, Mm MoMurrtty, Mr. tHHUt,
Mr. Ftnley. Mi Jjiur riir, tnow
Mr. W. II. lldlMirtioi of Hulem;) JuiIkp
M. It. I'll, of CorvKlll: M1m Mrv
Ttoiu.(the Utte Mm. H. Hhellej ;)
Mr. fonuvll; Hon. I. W.Hiuey.of Ihl
ciHiiity; nl t'rof. V. K t'rrwy, who
hml the chooi III ilmtpi In '7 uil '!,
ami Ixtnin sraitiiiK It
in the fall of 10, i'rof. J. R .Sweet,
now 'rlm liul of tlie Ahlauil Normal
K-hotil, iuii M'hool In the new hll
Uon to the old t'hoolhotte,ant contin
ued the gmk work 1k" hy iTof.
t'rewy. I'mf. 8weel wa el"ted prin
cipal for the tliive conweutive year,
havInK hr amlitUniM Mr. Ida It.
Vaughn for the timt twoinrt, and for
the thin! year Mm. Jennie Logan,
(Mr. J. K l'o'r,) and Mr. Lottie
The auoewtful work of I'rof. Sweet
and liin iirr.l(Twin.wiui ably utlti'V
by Prof. Frank JUler, at nrexent
prim-iwil of the Harrison utreet nchuol
of I'lTiluud, UreKiin.and an educator
lio few eiUiil in Oregon. Ml
Ailiv TmUmii as IntemiedluUs and Mi
Kuruh McNury (Mm. Ira Hmlih) a pri
mary, went I'rof. Hlutfr' w-worker.
An I'rof. Kiitler aecvted a (ttutttiou
In Walla Vullitfr tiie next year, l'rf,
Klvd Stanley Iwcnme nriuciiml for the
next year, Ml Taloiu and Mim Mo-
?ry huvliiK chaote of the interme
diate and prinmry dqartnient rM l
Ively. I'rof. W. K. Crrty wa aifaln el'lel
to the iirliu l(illlti for l-vVi and ').
Mm. Jnrviit and Mix Mary Harden
'br.k (Mr. Tuck aitlnir.
Kelt we find I'rof. W, K YU, at
pnnt-nt eotiniy m-hool u;ierinU-ntieut
of Kenton lounty, he being aittd by
Mr. Mi VaUKlm aud Miiet Mary
Thin cjrp of bwrher were renjleete!
for the Mvond year, and the work tlmio
by tlieni I etilia helping fuetor in our
I'rof. J. 1). ICnwc wa principal dur
ing Inks and and Mlxt Mattiu Mo-
' Nary and AnnitlX'Uinau hi awltnnt.
For the past three yearn, 1. W. Mo
AduniH liun been piiuclpul, and til co
worker for each year have been a fol
low: Find year, Mix Mullia Merrl
man, Mr. Tuck,and Mr. I. It. Youhk.
"Hwsiud year, Mm. McAdiun, Mia
t'arrie Fowle, Ml Have, MbvHbupp,
and Mr. Tuck. Third year, Mr. Mo
Ailiuim, Mli ('olcninn, Mm. Nelti,
Mi 'ell)e Hill, Mim Alice Havao,
Mi Akiicm Ih-niimii, Mr. T. J. Juck
aon, and Mm. Tuck.
L uder the prew nt niunuKi'iiicnt an
cight-yenr' coume Im lxn adopted
In tlie public Kchool, uihI a hlgh-eciiool
coume of tha-e year.
The conlMi'iMi' of tho pupil liAMlieen
oliteincd hy Kunrdliig agniimt and a
fur u jllio pa-vcniing lrregubir
and ili-tiiiitii promotimw, wliliu Unit of
the inU'reMtol public line been aought
by mnklng thorouhm-wi and eniiuciit
practlcnlity the clmrnctcriMtica of all
work Ixjlh In the politic and the high
Jiurring fuilurc, there will lie nine
graduate in the puhllo wliool, and
tiireo in the lilgh ecliool at tho prcwiit
time, while tlie cluw to graduate next
year numbers thirty.
An the great iiiiTfiiwo lu the uumlicm
attending the two achoola, coneUiit
uixm tlie rapid growth ofoiirelty.niBde
it neoenanry to erect larger hiiflilingH,
and employ more teacher, it wu
deemed uct by a goiKl majority of tlie
proerty owner to unite tlie two dis
trict ntnl cotmtrtict a commodiou
liiiiiding. Accordingly on tiie 8lh of
March, 18ll, the county kcIkwI nupcrln
ti'iiilcnt wa iH'titioncd to unite the
dlxtrictH, which he did on Maroh 1CJ.
Hultnliie ground wore ut once nemired,
and the contract made for tlie building,
Which wue received January HO, IKiil,
The t2iw paid for ground, build
ing, etc., by the citizen of our pro
peroiiH city, an evidence of tho high
favor In which tlmy hold the educutloii
of the coming citlMiim b well u an
Index of tlie iiuli ami prngrceeivcncwi
tlutt hm muue linlcjifinlciice whut it
1 to-day.
There In more Catarrh In IIiIh aoctlon
of the country tluin all otlier (IIwuhck
put togutber, aud until tlie luet few
year wa auppoaed to Ijo incurable.
- For a great many year dochir pro
nounced It a focal dlHcuae, and pre
scribed local romedle. aud contiutly
falling to cure with locul treatment,
pronounced It Incurable. Hclenoe ha
proven cutnrrh to be a contllutloiiiil
dlMMum, and therefore rcjiil re tioiiHtitu
tioual treatment,, J lull Catarrh Cure,
riiHnufuciua'd hy V. J. Cheney & Co,,
Toledo, Ohio, I the only cuiHtitutionul
cure on the market, it I tuken in
ternally in d.mce from 10 drop to a
teimpooiiful. It acta directly on the
blmMl and mucoua aurfuce of the
Myeloid. They oll'cr one hundred dol-
lur for any cuee It fall to cure. Hetid
for circular and ti-ntlmonliiU, AddrcMH,
K. J. Cheney & (., Toledo, O, Hold
by Drugging, 75c. . ,
We arc aorry to ohroiilcle the
inur oil'
revived by W. W. Willlum falll
hi buck porch and breaking one of bin
rluH. He i Improving now nicely.
rtmtc iMrHovKMkNt.
A flrand Tutat ml KHn.lmt
llMrinf tit Vn at lu aaii 11.
The following table how the Miiount
of luiprovenieut envtwl and eotnpleted
til Independence, during theywtm Imuo
and l'l:
l'ubll.H'hool building. ...3V,ik
I'.lwlrlc-IUlit plant
Imlepeudenea and Monmouth
motor line..,,. ...,.......
Indctteuiletuw National liauk
building and tixtuir,,,,.,,
Illdependelli roller mill.,
i'rccotl A Yenewt aawmlll
Indeiiendetiee water-work ...,
J F t )' I H.nncire hardware elore.
Mitchell A lhdianiiou'!! and
door factory,,
A Parker' timehlue hop.,.,
U A Htitrk'a hotel addithma.aud
Hxturm tt(Vtttaltttl
J l Irx'lue, realdeuce,,. ,,.,.,
II K Whltoaker, aauie, . .............
P II 11 her) w, Ntne..,
I M Yamluyn, aame.
I II. Fenuolt, wnie ........,.,
It J.ilitiMin, is) aaine. ,. ...
TJ Fr)-er, wuue tatMtttti
L W MeAdania,Miiutt..... ........ i.
lien rtkiuuer. aanie. ....,..,.,,...
r, K Kritigel. aatue,...,? V''
iVIk fount viand I'o,, iilnie, l.wu
W II ( raven, name,, .,... ,..,..
(I V Weblier, atune ....,...
Mm F L'luek. MUite... ,...,.,.,
A 11 FlUiiemltl, MMtie ,
OA Kramer, atune
John Fluke, aatue
Ft nk Kenuwly, aaiiie.. ...........
Willamette real-ealatu fo., aame
Mr lloditln, aaine, ,
I) A Ihxltte, aame , Aoo
II M l,lmw,iiie.,,.
M A (' ItobertMiu, ame,.. .........
It M llo,ruuo, ....,. ,
W L Klder, aaiue .,
I, Hum liter. iim. . ,
Johu lmmon, aanie...
W U Ilarhatu. aanie......
Sherman lninwu, aame....
II II lmiuon, attiue...
John Hark, aanie
I. FJkln. aatne
J T Flkiu. aanie. .,
Ja I illUrd, mim, . .................. .
HanuK FlMher, anie.......
Jaatirr, loe...
KC IVnlland, bueltiM building
W lluater, realdemv Impniv l
KCYan Mwr, aanie,,
II llirintian, muu......
t' M lUnwn, wuue
I, Lciiiiiiiiii, iwiite......
W II Walker, aame
N June, wine,. ,.,...
a Wauu, Mine........... ...
llowuian, mtuiOT... ,
W II Murphy, aanie,...,.....,.,
Will llall, aame,.
II Hill, mine.. ,
K K Hblnn, nme.,.,
(' W Irvine, ane,,...,
W A Furguaou, aaine
0 A Mllier,auie
err Hina oitu-e
M Stalk, hotel
Total IITi.23
I) M Kleuwn, will and reald're I3,0()
1 Walker, rmiilciiee
N Louridee, aanie..
(1 Van Ormlrll.Mtme.,,,.
Total... ...
Ghand Tutai...
Hrklii'li Aralra !.
The tieot naive lit tlie world (or cuta,
mlM. aore. ulcer, eall rheum, fever
norm, letter, chated hand, rhiihlaln
com, aud all kta eruirtion. and m
luvcly cure piu. or no pay rwiuimi.
1 1 guaranteed to give fwrfeel UMc
on, or money refunded. I'nee &j nt
per box. For iwle by any druKKwI-
litilvpoiiUae Walcr-Warkn.
independence can claim, (andjuatly,
too,) eue of the newt omiplete water
ytem In the northweat. Mr. foul
C. Oilneire, formerly ofHhemmn, Tex
a, who ka-atetl at thta ptai a little
over one year ago, aud believliig a he
dhl tbnt Indrpendeliiw wa tu lat a city
of un Miiall prop.irtli.ini, Actio work aud
purehafied all the ta k In the old Inde
pendent water eoiniMiny, After eetir
lngullthetm k, heaclected a aite on
mill front utreet lu thoulhi'at cor
ner of the city, Immediately on the
bank of tlie river, where ha ha now
completed and lu operation the pump
Ing utatlon.coniplcte in every riect;
and by the way, thtwe of our clUxena
who have not paid Mr. Oilmore a vbtit
have mliaa-d a treat, for tbey muet tie
mn to be appreciated. Tbe ytem I
atuud-plpeand tllrcct-premure lyitem,
and ha a daily capacity of 750,000 gal
lon. The water aupply at obtained
from well what I known athe gang
well ytem, now being oextenIvely
adopted throughout the country, aud
In a ntiltry polutof vlw, th ouly
known vtem whcreliy pure and
wholeaotne water can beohtaliied. Ail
the well are connected up to oue com
mon anctlon; conttueutly, each well I
hermetically aealed and exclude all
aurfuee water. Mr. (Illmore ba lain In
the KtrecUof Independence 17,600 feet
of water main, and attached thcao to
ten atanilard chapman fire hydrunl;
the hydrnnU are well dUtrlbutcd
throughout the buaine and realdent
part of the city, and are very effective
In cane of fire, a our hud Are will amply
altcnt The eyatcm ha cmt up to dute
12,500, which nmy api;ar limlgnincant,
If compared with ytcm of aueipial
size, a are ueimlly wiwtructetl In other
citle, but when we tell you that there
were no contractor', cnghieera'.or mld-dle-meii'
profit, ou any of th machin
ery or main, ucd in tlie couatructloii,
you no doubt will undemtand why Jt
ha been eoiwtruetod for tho amount
mimed. Mr. (illmore bought all of hi
inuchlncry and appliance Kant.and u
IKrlnteiided the entire construction, all
from hi own plaint and ftpcclucutlon.
The piiniplng niachlnery I of the
Worthlngtoii compound duplex uou
coiidcnHlng tyiwaud 1 capable of
uinlntalnliig a coimtant fire prctwure
of 2()0 pound or more tiion the mnlti
throughout the city,
Mr, (Jlliuorohu made all of thcae
liiiproveinotiU without any encourage
ment whatever In the lmpeof a bonua,
aud only ak the Citlwn of Indeiien
detiee to lend their patronage In pro
portion to tho merit deaerved.
There I little "doubt VuT that many
pernon mifler for year with ailment
that could eially be cured by tbe use of
Home aim pie remedy. The following
incident I an llluHtrutlon of till fact:
My wife wa troubled with a pain In
her Hide the greater part of the time
for three year, until cured by Cham
berlain' I'liiu halm, It hit, I think,
permanently cured her. Weulitohave
uned Chamberlain' Cough llcmedy
whenever needed and believe it to tie
the beat In the world. P, M, Iloatoii,
I'ennvllle, Hulllvan county, MInhoui'I.
For oule by all medicine dealer.
Mcietr. Kretigcl and O'Dounell are
now talking of putting two new brick
up thi year, adjoining the new brick
ofJ.F. O'Donuell. The year begin
to move. .
Romembor the practice of the Mil
wli'ul aud Literary aiKiiety till evening.
Outttintmi Im Pmt .!
one and you will b aura to gW lilui
ronr enatoin ever afterward. II cmi
tay I found with "g"e" ami lteam
in bond at bw ttl placaot bumue,
ludetiendeue can buna! til a good
t(Hioniil artwt a en he found in any
of our aiator eiue. l.ll llnnkle agnlu oft
able Um narkir thai be did be
hire ehukuiiiu in meieantll nnrauit.
,v'kioH la mealy ftaetl tu lb nnk building,
permrni in won won raaa aim
nioiion Hi an nia painma. ilia iih
room r all tlit ean be ditired, aud it
wa Inxutt la lake a bath under n
Tli new barber hop, npptaiite I'nllee
ou' drug atore, m oieraleu hr !, L,
Van Norlwii'k. aud In etrieiia lit ton.
orial work luak bim an etiert in Ui
Imihiuc. It yon u lu It iivetl a
lick a an unkiti, let one of Vn Nort
wiek'traaor glnla near your hie ud
yon will tm m welt plerd you will oll
gain. lUir culling with bint l a p
eialty, aud b will til you a "wl" llmt
will mk you banpy.
M tOWt iM'IIT atoMN.
It, F. Andrew bn aagngetl In a new
buaine in Imieneudene that eventually I
will urove a imrtibl one. Tb Ibicket
tor, over hicli be preside, m woilliy
ofaMitfmttintdndoutig. II doe
not make sniien or a "racket" wini at-
tandmg In butine, bat attauila hi your
waul with gentlemanly eourteay. luda-
udene i teaklui rapid urottree la all
that make a city rich aud iMipnloti, and
tba racket lore will coniribut it abnre
iu aweliing tba trada ud bnmcMi of Hi
li. . li ax,
IT. U, I. mm ean tlU Im found at bl
oftice, wliera ba will Mrfona all dutwa
relreJi Ul hint, , lUk ftweral tflfeejr
and undertaker, and wiu nend iaV
fail to tba d rile tavtilwd la hl
uara) cemcanalaa. Ba prepared to tuf
uatb rkt and mabril found aaetwauy
a poo faneral ocraaion, ami will All all
order promptly. Hem, a italic of lb
naaee aUo. li I Promt MU Pappy W
villa all onutrovereiee between htiganta
oa an Ann Lonotao.
Mr, llotlelu b a very eomfortabl
and Minvenmul boarding beuaa, ee Mon-
montb street, wlirre li ba eommrtani
twiM for tlit diwirtng lepmg part
men I, and her labia beam evaieaea of
kill in lb eulitmry art, Traaienlgnrat
ar made wekmm, and rtjnlar boarder
will be mail enmfortabla a good t
teutlon will admit of.
Ve wiuia now lo pck of one of the
unwl luiiortant enterprise of Jnde
peiiileuce. Mi-xtm. rk!uur Wil
on. lu the erection of their flmirlng
mill, have addml largfl v to tbe bieiine
intereat of the city, 'l'lie manufacture
of Hour lean ludueiry tmllcative of the
progrewt and extent of the agricultural
Intenwt trlUitary to Independence,
aud thi induatry nitiat rank high
anamg thtwe 0'ratlon that glv aa
added value to tlie product of the await.
The bread producer, bread maker, and
bread eonumr, ar nla by aide, a alr
oumatanea of vt importuee in view of
the future growth nd welfar of JoO
pandeee. Tbi mill ml tb on being
erteied on tba Talmage tract miwt vut
ully manufacture into Hour tba vait
n.ount of wtieat tbl will b raiaed la
tb urrouudlng country, and tbat event
happening, it will give new life and ac
tivity to tb oily, o lbl ail will receive
beoetlt io oonieqtienoe thereof. Already
ba Independeuoa reaped benetlt from
the mill now in operation, by keeping at
borne mnch money tbat ba bewlofore
been tent abroad for breadttuff and
other thing tb product of the mill.
Tb mill of Kkinnar A Wilton ba a ca
pacity of 100 barrel or flonr a day, and
will be made to increase It eapeity lo
the demand made upon It Tlmy have
tbe Mordyke A Mbmou roll, and mitnu
faoture an A. No. 1 grade of flonri their
product i known by the brand "Jleat
Home," and i well entitled hi the name
it bear. There I no neoeaaity to apeak
in term of eulogy of tin mill, or of it
pioprieton. Tliey are well known a
men of action, oonrteou and kind in
public or ioclnl interconrae, nnd have e
tiihlmliDil a bmdiieM entitled to the com
mumlHtiou of the pubho, Let the "Hunt
Home" be in every man' home, nnd
then all good bniiHewive will tlx you np
a onke that will mtiafy the piilnte.
Lee A Butler ilnnd bigb with the mod
ion 1 fraternity a well with tbe general
public Dr. Lea bn bean a practicing
phyfficinn for about lixteeu year, aud w
a tnndby of tbi oonnty. Ha
flmt engnged in practice with J. E, Da-
i m- , , y?ii-i u ii a i n mist!' srse stt-. xb .
. loo J . .. xr-jkzlf'-- mrr.--i.. ZTii H iiiiii i i
3 i .1S5SS3aFa IfTTTWmtt
lJt V VI ITI Bl U III II I 111 II.. .11 II Bl Bl HI I I rt"2A-.
a Sw ,
vld on, nw ili'imintrii, and eonliuued in
pr u ne will) bin ntol of III lima nnlil
lir. Dnvhlou'atleall. lu 1W? 0. U,
limit r beenni aoeilMl wilb Iw In
IiioIi'miIiiiihI immult, and Ilia firm
well known ai borne aud abroad, Dr
lie hither wa lu year putt an eiten
iv praetltiouer iu l'olk euiitily, aad lie
In now well aud kindly lememberad by
om who mil viva bim, l'r. le I a
regulnr grnduala of Ilia aiedioat ouliege
o( Ht, Jrfini, MlMolirt, ami w proud of
me iipioni tiint nug in tiiaoiiiea, Ir.
liuller m a gradual of tb inedleol da
pitrlment of Ilia WitUmelte IVuivaraltv,
nitii won IiIku iitinor in in eina a a
fail lit ul l udent. 1 im. 1 A Duller bava
au ntniaive proiie and, tbeir auoee
with patient will oomHtre favorably wilb
tlie Ixil or praclilloiier WUerever tuey
way tie ronua.
Mcaara, Ketehum A Pradeu bava ao.
etatcd tbemelve togvlher lulli praotie
of medicine. Their onlo I on Monmouth
ireet where they my alwaya be found
ready In aucwer eall Md upon tbem.
They are graduate uf Mia nulveraity of
MiehtgHH, '"l " H veraed M lb
nimlicil art Tbey araaltentiva lobuai-
.. ..111. ..1 i 1 m...l u u
ply rninediee for tit iueeful relief uf
me kick, in private ami puuna in war
re all that m emnuieuiUbl, aad they are
meeting with a aueee lu tb practice uf
the r nrofeaaioit tbat t truly encouraging,
The expect tu mk Independence tneir
iiermHiieui noma nu wiuauuirinui ineir
lawi elTi.ri tu tu proaperity nt inaetty.
tl. W. Hlilnn i prepawd In do all kind
of lutiuliug tiial ean b Uon By a uutater
workman, it na ueea eugagea in in
buineae for aom yr m tndetieodeuee,
b bad umoh praetio with tba brtub,
aud alwy give entire Mtktfaotion-
Heolt, a recant eower tu ludeneu
deuce, w a flmt-el workman, and una
all kind of painting and work uaually
dona in bat liua. II t kwaled will
Jobtiuy Uowman, on (J treat.
aauM noaaatrt '
Joroma Uurnatfa, lb tenprtehf ut lb
opera bona la JadeBeodwc, Ml mn
ttiMiliVw uit '-iN'irtpe M aWtanaxi
aad ou wbn lata no gr grow atnWr
bi feat. Tba opera boa wa butll
om all or eight t ear ag by U W. Hob
arianu, at a eoal of I lO.UUU, M r. lUiberlaoe
eondmiiad ita operliu aom a yar turu,
when Mr. Durntlfe parch It, and ba
mad a etittMme or it tnee li earn inio
bl poaaemioo.
u. a. t'LonrxLTia.
Mr, Otodtaitar w a piomlneot bawaea
man of lodciiendmiee, aud eogaal in
varum parauil. 11 W ol owner of
tb brick block built by Cooper Ilroa, hi
Iwet, 11 at aver on tba atari la tbe bmt
iuteifwta of Iba eity, nJ ia a man of
outbllily, aoie'prata, and or generon ua
t, a. jotiaao.
J. li. Johnaon I lb rrudaot dmilil of
Indepetidenee. Ua b been aog led in
dt-uttalrv bar inea 1K70, and km
work b given geueral Mtlafaetion,
rurt, rni.!TiA.
Tba nuatofflea w In ebrir of M. A. 0
Itolwrtaon, wbo I biy awuted by bx
danahtar. Mm KmI. There are four
arrival of mall daily, and Ilia eouatautly
tnereaaing buMuea abowi a great lu
ereae in i nr populittun and oommerea.
Tbe Fennel Hiatera rlill to be found
at their old place of butineaa, providing
'or tba want of tb hungry. Tbey bava
been ruaniotf a maUnrant oppoaile tl
opera botian, on Firal treat, ins5 Hep
umilier. isuu. ana tiavw um tar met wiu.
a fair degree of uocom, In lb enlinnry
Im they ara proficient, aud they pre
para aa palatable a meal a can ba found
in tbe oitv. Tba amour partner of tbi
firm i a kiud-brted lady, and at timea
b pleaotly miniilered to lb wnnU
oftbeviek wiln tli kindtwl oenaider
Hon. ion will find tb diuiug room at
tbi returot In a ot ud orderly ton
dition. aud roq will ln tiiid Hi table
well (applied wilb daintily preptred
Tba 0 tiet reatanraot w onnduoted
by JmeOibon. It i ituted next
door lo the poatoDloe, and I netly fitted
National Bank,
np for comfort and oonvemenoe. Any
oue onlling at th 0 treet retanrnnt will
be cordially reooivad by Mr, Gibson, ind
be will eutartain yon with a fenatof good
thins to yonr heart' content, Tbi i
a new venture of bit, but be ba got tiilrly
to work, aud n receiving a fair bare of
pntroiinge rrom tnoie winning a gnou
meal. Mr. Oilmen and family, wbo a.
it in the culinary department, are bent
on promoting then own intercut by enre-
rnliy nttenuing to an ouim mnue upon
tliera for anything in tbe line of edible.
Jnme Olhmn M prenlilent, and J. W.
Klrkhind i eoretiiry of tbi oompnny.
Tbey are live neenta In the real-mttnte
linaiiieaa. nnd ara well onnlifled bv ex
Derienoe to L'ln mitisfnotlun to thoae who
wish to buy or Mill real eiitnte. They are
AAiitlAmatilv In Ihnlr inbtrnoiiraA with all
who call on tbem, and leave nothing nn-
dun whereby the Interest uf llilr pt
roB are Involved. Tlmy are alu geuta
for ilia uiwireliabl linoiriiiiwoiiiuiHiuIn
ilil firm flrt ngl in tb reai-stte
biwiua in April, lHlbu having bail
aaarly tour year1 atperleucn, ami haviua
a gnrl knowledge of tb iluntiou ut
lud( In folk and adjolulng miiiIIb,
tbey are prepared to lint, buy, and aell.
on a Uvorahla term a eu be obuluM
iMwbnra, Tho wauling unll parenl
of land, In five or ten aura trnnt, eau be
aeaomraodNtail by Uilxon A Klrkland, a
Ibev bav mad lb a!a uf lunli tract a
paolalty, and when larger Iraet ar da
Calvtry Frvibyttrt Church.
airul.liL lluaw am nniluiNul to effect DUr
aliaaea and aalea. ilop yard and fruit
farm ar lu In their Itn or nuaiueM
Huiall fruit farm eouttgnotiato ludcpeu-
Anna ara otiiuin in demand, and now
la the time Uteall on Ibi Brat aud aecure
a eouifurUUle hill home.
aeHlhara MlkIUt Cbereh, ,
We cannot now give the hUtory of
Ul MetlwdM Kpkwopal church Houtli,
lu Indepeudeuea; but Orcenllh Fmuer,
U 1)., of Texan, enttiineneed utleirlna; In
thai part of Oregon In 1V. lteva. H.
-r- ..
ft. iMXU't and n. V. iforeli did miwt of
the preaching for several year, and fur
Ui want of mluialani lb church wa
without toron aeveral conference
year. The church building waa flu
lll, tli debt paid off, and waa dl
iold to the ern'lce of Hod, by Hl.tiop
F- M. Marvin, lu 179. It wa the
only church luaiae In town for m-vcrnl
year, alt the other denomination wor
shiping In the 'beauty of hollmiai"
bare, until they built hottae of their
own. Dr, Hklpworth, Rev. Kharp,
Itev. J. It N. Hell, Quliiiby, IK V.
McFarUnd,have aerved a (wtom,wl(h
other, itev. F- F l'lilpi wa jiaator
laid year, and did a good work, The
outliMik I lioH'ful for the future of the
church. Tlie I'ublWilng'lI
Halted at Han Faancbicti, California, fat
on a firm boat, and two of the
bhcw have taken up their real
. E. Church
deuce on the FaclDo const, to aMlnt In
the great work, and put new life Into the
church. The mliatlon of the church I
to do what It can to lift up ChrUt to
tho world aud help bring It to the
Savior. J, M, PaiiKKR,
Fiwtor lu Charge.
Kvansellvat Church llllry.
Thi society wa organlxed In 1878, by
Rev. J. CMimian. The church wa
built In lfW, by Itev. J. L. Hcmhner.
This churgo ho Ihicii aerved by the
Itev. J, Croeinnn, J. L. Hcmhner, J.
jlowcmox, H. I. Itlttner, N. Khupp,
and. four others.
The ChrlMInn Chtirnh,
The Cbriatian oburub wa orgnuixod
bout 1H74, by II. M. Waller, with imnlt
membenhip, th lervice being hold in
the lolimillioime. After awtiating iu
building the Methodiat ch'irch, by mu
tual agreement, for cevernl yenr acrvice
were held in the Melliudmt ubnrch, soma
of the paitor being II. M. Waller, L. L.
Howlnnd, Elder Mnnning, T. F. Camp
bell, F. R. Bnrnett, D. M. Doty, 8. W, P.
Itiabnrdson, F, E. Jones, B. L. Bhoiloy.
Besides, meeting have bean hold by H.
M. Mesiick, N. B. Alley, B. F. Bunnell,
and other. In 1888 their ohnroh wa
built, at a oost of about ft!(XX. Tbe
present memberahip nnmhori about
rtntt llaptut0liunli.
Tba Firat Baptist ohurab of Indepon-
denoa, wa organised with six members,
April 25, 1809, by Rev, J. W. Onbom, Sr.,
nuder th name of th "Find Bnptud
ohnroh in Klugs Valley," the plnae of or-
gnuisntion being Kings Valley, Den to
oonnty. The obnrch bnd no regular
plaoe of meeting, although It met quite
regularly, at different place, which were
designated at the hut preoeding meet
ing, nntil in May, 1878, when, nt a moot
Ing held in the Alexander schoolhonae,
III 1'ulk ooiinty, it wa dimldwl lu bold
the regular ebamh neeilug at llii
plttea, In Ootolierof Ilia auie yatr, lha
nam of Ilia ehurolt wm elianged hi An
teich. Fur lit Oral nix year lb ebnreb
bud regulnr nrenoliiug nun Hahbatu In
ach tuoutli, by itev. t. W, Udmrn, Sr.,
and J. W . Oiburn, Jr. Fur lb nxl ten
year JUe. J.W. Oburn, Jr., preached
one a uwiuu auout nuir tu time.
Tb pulpll wa often uppliud during
Ilia remaiuJar of Ilia Um by Itcv. (1, 1)
ItlUini. J. M. Fulkttriaiiii- P. Hulmfin anil
" ' ------ - """"""
oHiorn. r rona uuiowr, u Attnu
4kafk at 1 I i.i a .
putral lalMir, but eweb o
named brethren oeeaaionally filled th
pntpit. In April, IHW, lWe.J. W.Oa-
boru again took an lha work, and
preached regularly one a month nutil
March, 1HH7, when th ebureb extended
him a eall tu preneb two Hunday In each
aeiutb. II eoniittued hi work until
My, 1HSH, when the pwtorata giu be
ftkiue vaeaet, reffiiiuing io nnlll tb ful
lot ing December, when Bee, A A Mo
Ltd, now a miniouary in India, became
itor. lie devoted three fourtu of bia
mc to Ui work, but remained only u
m.intii, when Ifee, A. J. Ilanaaker, of
wee ton, Oregon, accepted a cell to be
come II pnalor, During but flrnl year,
Be. HtiuMker devoted but tbree-fulirtb
of bl time to th wirk, but ainea then
ba given hi whole time. Io February,
IXWi. Um ebnreb voted tn nek Itev, A 3.
, UuuMkar, then th mtolnnary of the
Ceairal Aooitiou, i preaeb on Sun-
i day ia aaeb month in Independence, M (
muaiou iation, wbieh waa aaoepted with
tbe oouatuit of tb miMionary oummitlee.
Ftw tlima nrviea tb ebnreli paid 11(0
, Inward tb jUry of Hi miionry, Iu
i December, 1"W3, tb ebnreb voted to x-
lad au arm to Indcpendane to reomva
memlwr. ud alo paaeed at lb aame
meeting reaolutata reqtttwtiug Iter, P.
Jelaian to Ink op lb. work at Calvary
ebnreb, preaching on Sunday in the
mouth. Iu January, I), tba covenant
mealing were moved I) tb above ebureb.
it oon proved loo warm and too far
jVini water for HupluUo, o they returned
to th old place of mceUcg, and iu May
fotod to elmuga the regular meeting
to Independence, aud lu June, lHHu, tbe
ebnrch held it firal covenant meeting la
thw city. Meeting war held in tb M.
IK. church rWh nulit Jaunary, HsH,
fter wbirb they were held in the Cbria-
imo ouiirou. ia aiaren, iren, in nmi no-
twin wm taken toward tba erection of a
houaeof wuraltip. In May following,
tbe nam of the ebnreb wa changed to
th Firal Daplint church of Indepen
dence. In January, the ebureb
building waa completed, end detll
eated February 8d. Tbeaeiitingwipaaity
of tbe building I 330, and tbe owl, in
cluding the ground, wa t&'iO. In tba
utuma of IM, a paraunagewa bmlt,l
aetwtof lUU), Other nilunr Improve
meat were made, which, with th en-
hnei valu of real eauta. mka tbe
rtlnarVi ir.,Kikfltt eu.kaf .( t fti'jsiBl ! I
viinini v (h i j sfu wwi tn ewni AU
1HH7 appear tb find reeortl ut money
paid iu a ptor, wniou rei a loiiown
Total membership (id
!'tor aalary for the year., .1107 60
raid for Hm Mleini.....,..5 10
i'nld for Fortign Muntoit 6 10
l'atd to wwietMll'nal miMionary 101 40
ineitieutoletieniie !fJ H)
ru.s 00
A slntnmntit nt tbe finance of tbe
church during the peat year will be of
intercut, sud will ibow eoniidvrabla
Freeent memberaliip , 125
l'oiitor salary... .....tfNOO 00
l'Hiil for Homo MiMiiiin..,....05 IS
Foreign MiMiuD 21 00
Incidental ex ieiiHe., 115 00
MiMellaneoua 60 00
Tiii doe not include the nmimul con
tributed by the Woman' Mnwioim,
Th Chrlitlan
The pnator nnd ebnreb ara in full sym
pathy with nil the great denominational
iutcresta, mid contribute regularly to all
it beuevolent object. A Woman'
Mission Circle (home aud foreign) hold
meetings ou Thursday after tho flratSnb
bath in each month. Their meeting are
usually well attended by the alitor, nnd
prove to be ot much interest, In con
nection with the ohnroh work a. Young
People's Society ot Christina Endeavor
meets each Snbbulh at 8 o'clock p. m.,
which bid fuir to grow into great pro
portions. Tiie officers of the church are
ns follows: Pnator. Rev. A. J. Hnnsaker;
olerk, A. S. Lookoj treasurer, J, W.
Mv)ll; trnxliMM, Jiaepb Craven awl A. H.
Locke. Ia MsmIi, lHHfl, through th In
tromentality of the aburcb, a Hiimliiy
aolionl wa organined at tlm Oak View
clioollioine, which wa held regularly,
and with good moea, until the begin
uing of tba preaenl winter, when it wa
napeaded. Their lat oprinbindent
wa Hon. r. W. Ualey, with Mm UMie
Motereon a (eoretnry, Tb day In
wbtob Ilia boUM wa dedktaUd, the
ebureb orguid a HebUtb ecbeoL
S. Ixwka wu eboaen tnpenutenileiiL
wltbagoodeurp of other oflloer and
leoeber, ind U the prevent lima there
ba not been a HnhUlh but the anbuol
Im oonrdtiwl, and at aauh fneeeedmg
annual aleetbu, A. M, Lock ba bean
regularly ol)oo by the acjiool a inpor-
lntndoul. TbM offio. a well all
other in lb anbod, I filled by peciai
aetioo of tb ebnreb. Tb anbool now
ba aeveral officer and a good eor of
teacher, and quit a large attendance,
Willi a bilal memberahip of about ninety,
prmbirfciirtae tlmreh.
J'nliytriatiini I a oonoomltaiit of
civlliation, and hein-e we find . that
when the thbtl wave of Immigration
I . . . '
I Ulllltlir Illlkkhti taf liril V ttliiftttur aaM
I ii.. !.. rt i t.i
Uwn reared In IU prl..ClpUe1,whhh
tr education aud lllierty. It wa nat
ural, therefore, that they hould have
an lutein) love for the fnlth of their
father. Hut, In coming to the I VI He
hfc. they were eumiadted to leave be
hind them the church uf their youth
Havered, a they were, from the home
organisation, they felt like wrecked
mariner ct uion ikxiiu fur-ofT Wnml.
They were ready to hall any vewwl
heaving In lght, yet preferred one
wiilcli carried their own color. One
by one tuih veaeebi, with Mill apread
to a praplllou breene, came anlllug by,
and Macued tlliwe allnoaUIlacouragwl
one. Wa find that there were me
uch atranded at Indrenleuce, aud in
im tbey lent a reijucftt to the 1'
tory of Oregon, urging that a I'nwby
terlao church be orgnniMil among
thitn. Accordingly the Rev. Anthony
Klm,n wa delegated to eW-t uch
an organlxatlon. On Heptember9, ll,
at a public meeting held In th Mcili
txllnt cliurcli, tlie chundi wa organised
: vi
rirM Baptiit
with t-h'Vi'ii iiifinlicm, under the name
of "Calvary Freabyterian church of In
dewndeute, Oregon." Htejia were Im
mediately taken to erect a house of
womhip. The church wa completed
July, 1M2. at a coat of about ll.Vki, aud
on the 30th of tlie aame month, wa
dedicated to tlie aervlee of Ood, the
liev. E. II Genry, D. I)., preaching tlie
riiiou. The infuiit church wa nur-
uind by the Itev. A. Kimpou, who
Bk r JTia'v, r - r am i,
crveti aa piwu.r uutii uio spring otj There is an old adage: "Whatevery.
im. Then followed an Interregnum of My mv( mVtti be true," Henry Cook,
aeveral month, But lu October of tbe of X(w Knoxvllle, Ohio, In a recent
same year, the Rev. E, It Murgatroyd fttr aj: "Chamberlain' Cough a supply. 1 le provetl to lw the j iu,mty ha taken weU bare. Every,
right twin in the right place. He wa i likes It on account of the Iniue
an efftvllv preacher, an energetic pa- dlnl(l MM lt Rim.., ta nothing
tor, nnd a true friend. Under hi mln- j like it to loosen and relieve a severe
Uttatiou tho church prospered. Hi oold. For sale by all medicine dealers.
when, on account of hi wife's ill
health, bo felt compelled to resign.
Ill aueceaaor was the Rev. W. W,
Welle, who began his work July 1,
l'vsi', and remained one year. The
prceout lucuinlieut, Rev. A. F. Lott,
came uim tlie field January I'i, 1801,
and on March Oth received a call to be
come paetor of tbo church. This was
accepted, and ou the 6th of May he
was Installed by the Presbytery, The
church ha a beautiful and eonnuodl
mi mnmtc, for which we are Indebted
to the eucrgctio labor of Rev. E. It
M u rgat royd. 1 1 was completed lu the
full of 1HS7, at a coat of about 1 lot).
I'he church began with eleven mem
ber, aud ho now on Its roll nlucty
member. It hu a sceslou composed
of four, and a board trustees, three lu
"We know from exierenee In the
uaeof Chntnberlaln's Cough Remedy
that It will prevent croup," any Mea
ner. Oadbcrry A Worlcy, Percy, Iowa.
They also add thtt the Remedy ha
given great satisfaction In that vicinity,
aud that tin')' believe It to be tbe best
In the market for throat nnd lung din-
eases, r or sale by all medicine dealers.
II. M. Line and family, who have
been sick with la grippe, are recovering
lowly, v e are glad to uy.
One of the must Important Improve
ments which Is In contemplation for
Independence, and oue which Is now
aHHiired and will l completed In time
to liaiullo the fruit and vegetable crop
for this year, Is a cnuuory and packing
house, with a dally capacity of twenty
tous of products when running at full
capacity, lt will start with a capneity
of two thousand cans per day. An hi
stltutlon, of this kind will undoubtedly
prove a benetlt to ourgrowlng city from
Keveroi Biuuupoiiitg, i wm nave a
tcudtmcy to cot up the land adjacent
to Independence, and thereby Increase
our Mipubdion anl taxable property,
while It will furnlab market for aclaa
of product which In the tavn liava bad
IIUUi or no market value, and will fur
nlah employuient for A large nniulr
of petiple who ara willing and an x lout
to work, and who without aucb an en
terjirtae would necimarlly beoutaf am
ploymetit. W refer to boy ami gtrla
who can do much of tbla work at wall
aa men. Wa view thla irivtltuttoo
with favor, and feel aaaured tbat Um
bulhllng and running of this canner
In our mldt will prove to fa) on of th
beat euterprlw ever Inaugurated here
tn the way of building up our dty ,
lieMrrlag Prolaa,
W diwlre to nay to our dtixuns, that
fur year w have been salting Dr.
Ktng'eNewDiaoovcry for Consumption,
Dr. King' Kew Life Fill, Bucklen'
Anilca Halve and Kleidrlo Hitters, aud
have never handled remedies that sell
as well, or that give such universal
witUfiM'tlou. Ws do not beaitata U
guarantee them every time, and we
taud ready to refund the purchase
price, ir anunraetory reauiu do not loi
iiw thtur urn. llieas remedies have
won their great popularity purely on
their inerita. Afl druggists.
ftaty'a I'laao aa Orgaaa.
Hon. Daniel V, Beatty, the great or
gen and piano manufacturer, Is build
ing and ahlpplng more organs and
pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty
b ft home a pennile plow-boy, and by
hi Indomitable will he its worked bl
way upo as to sell o far, nearly 100,000
of lleatty'sorgan aud pianos sine 1870.
Not Id ng aeetn to dlahearten biro; ob
taclu kid In bl way that would have
wrecked any ordinary man forever, be
turns to an adverthwmeut and oomea
out of It brighter than aver. His
Itiatmmcnt, a is well known, are
very popular end are to be found in all
parts of the world. We am Informed
that during the next ten years be ln-
nd to okII aw,000 more of bi make.
That mean a bulnea of fjO.OOO.OOO if
e average them at f 100 each. It la al
ready tbe largest business of the kind
In exigence, tnd to Daniel V. Beatty,
alil ngbm, iScw Jersey, lor catalogue.
The new hotel tn Moo month is' all
ineiutcd and will soon ba ready for oo-
eupaney, .
A raddr red.
The latewt fad la a slice party. They
etmch a sheet acroas the room and Uia
Imlie aland behind It and stick tbeir
feet under it so you only oan see tbeir
hoe. Then you go along and pick out
a pair of shoe and tbe lady who is In
them you take down to supper. eJein
O, pehaw, that Is old; we bad tbat
"fad"' here over a year ago. Give us
something freh.
Nice new house to rent. May paj
rem oy uoarttinir owner
If desired.
Call ou or address
Monmouth, Or,
W. J. rjpUlman,
Mokmocth, Jan. 5, 1892.
Editor WkstSidk: The evidence
tbat Independence aud Monmouth are
tbe placca to Invest money in Polk
county, 1 every day becoming more
apparent, aud one noticeable feature in
the matter Is that locality Jealousies are
becoming obliterated. A few years
ago It a Dallas man bought property
here or In Independence he waa called
au enemy of Dallas, and a Monmouth
or Independeuoa worker. We are led
to these remarks by the wise move of
Hanker Kills, Sheriff Wells, and Hon.
W, . Brown, those staunch Dallas! tea
who have made purchase of Monmouth
real estate lately, as a good Investment
The tec is now broken, and Ellls,jWells
aud Brown realize when there ia a
good Investment, . aud their purchase
will do much to stop the Dallas-Inde
pendence strife, as no person wbo
knows either Ellis, Wells, or Brown,
would for a moment accuse tbem of
being anything but Dallas men.
J.D. Bcvtns, of Airlle, made the
printer's heart leap with joy last Mon
day. You can rest assured that all
who do business with him get their
money's worth.
Prof. Murphy, principal ot the Mon
mouth puhllo school, gave the Wawr
Sidb a very pleasant eall last Saturday.
The board of school directors of dis
trict No. ill will hold their regular
meetings iu the director's room of the
liHtciiemlcnce riationat bank at 4
o'clock p. m., Friday, October 2, 1891.
and on Friday at tlie hour of
every four weeks thereafter. Higned,
tt Hoard or Directors.
ktxcoui t', ore- rn n .
ill. lie,,.- what VJl f
ia now Baker City, a ,
a niMl who Ima tincc IstiJ 1 1 U(l I
become idciitlliett with the rtsourna and Off
devetonmcntoriluilcomitrv. ThUaun AVlU
U no other limn Mr. Johu 8tewrt, one of the
wealthiest nml uioat fukutnlial cHiieo ia the
eountv. Inn recent letter he aaya ! " I had be
iiUlcrliig from niilna lu my back and numl kid
ney complaint for mine time, and had natd uy
remedU a wil hout any but temirary rellet lha
pivlm In mvb.iclc had become ao sever that I waa
preveattxl from attending to my work and could
not move about without the u of a cane. Hear
h(f, tlirousH a Mend, of the wonderful corea at
fected by Oreijoii Kidney Tea, I wm induced to try
a box, and from timt very first do I found inataat
relief, and before uin half the conteuta of the
box th P'llns l't my Kick entirely disappeared.
hnv every ftillh In the virtues of the Oregon,
Kiduey Tea, and cau conclen0ouily recammend
li to my friends, I would not 1 wiUtout it fa
anything." ,
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache, tacaatfc
nence of I, ine, brick dust aedkueut. burntas or
painful sennatiou while urlnatlnc. and all
tlonaof the klduryor uriuary orKn of either sex.