The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 08, 1892, Image 5

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l l
I luil
Queen Beens
Stoves, Vehicles, Glidden Steel
Barb Wire, Farm Implements,
Pumps, Guns, Sporting Goals,
e National Bank.,
Cutlery, etc. Sheet metal ware-
made to order. Roofing and
Plumbing a specialty.
Main imif
k ,. I, . , M .
A 8Und tot Anujr, that conic In fur utile,
B A the IWUU, In elegant tiylt.
C tot COOK, where tlt crowd goe bjr teofiw,
D tot III Ilo Hhn.U, that look wll out of door.
E ! ft Everything In Um furniture Hue,
F tut the FtuUh, which all sy l flu,
G ! th ( Jou who go ! w her to buy ,
H ft th Honest Worth wliloti at one um.U the eyw
I toft Ingrain, lu carjU and paper,
Wall Paper
J th Judgment displayed lu cutting thl vwr.
K to ttw Kicker that iiUum you bear,
L Um Imv that It hear to all, far nnd near.
M lUuito ft Mirror, In eudhw Iwlloit,
N tit Ninny who huyi without due reflection.
0 I Um Order, that keep 111 Mtrv neat,
Q to th Query, ( 'an w vr tl.i butter ?
R taii(to ft ItugK, tltat cuttifurt Um frelter.
S Ihw lilit Hull: they are new, cheap, and pretty,
T to the Tim iuutc)mKMlngthlit ditty.
U U for Vsurers, who ell for high prior,
V for the Victim of such foolUh device.
W to the Welcome you g-t at Cook' store,
X UforTwciitlc, never well eiit before.
Y stand for Yokel, who are always In season,
Z to tho jinny who won't (Uteii to mvmn.
I buy Furniture as cheap as any one, and my freight rates are low. I am selling at bed rock. Call
and see me whether you wish to buy or not.
W. O. COOK, Independence, Oregon.
Remember that SVARVERUD & CAMPBELL will not
be undersold. See them for hardware and implements
after January 1st, 1892, at O'Donnell's old stand, Inde
pendence, Oregon.
W. T.
Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, and Bedding; Fine
Hanging Lamps, Mirrors and Mouldings.
Also, a large stock of Lumber and Builders' Material.
Opera House Block, Monmouth, Oregon.
Farmers and Merchants
Insurance Co.
Capita! Stock,
t. r. bo.
i L, Cowan,
, Treasurer,
0. F. HiKrwm.
Vine I'rmltlent.
M. Hannasa,
J, 0. WstrakU.
. and Mnr.
E. A. Mi,
, Hon. It U. Htrnhan, Chli-r Jil.tlm of th Mupntma Court; Una. John Burnett, ax-Asanrlat
, JatUmot lliHurm Court; linn. J. K. WaaUiarforif, AUurnay, Mini HnaUn Hon.
1 t, U ( 'n, rrmldnnt l.lnn O.uiilr NmUinsI Hwik; W. V. Hm4, Mirtinti
' U. K. Hlmpm, Cpltll.t; M. HUmtwrg. Mrrrhant; 1, (I, WrtUmo,
UpllAll.l; It, Kolojr, I'liiU-lnu.
. 1212,2(58.60
. IM1,0K5.8
. ' . 2-l.908.87
Premium rcceipU ninm organization,
Lowes paid nince organization, . .
SurpliM an security to policy holders,
EMI I $11, U Agenl I&depsndence. Oregon.
toy, Feed and Sale Stables.
O 0 0
t e o o o
Fint-CUii TaraoaU for Commercial Traveler. Price rvuoiubl utd SU1m
Uon gurnteeL Uiv a 1SU.
Successors to Henkle & Walker,
Carry a complete line of
W. .Holt. ah.r.f your Mtrert...'
Eltrin, Waltham, Scth Thomas, Swiss,
or any movement dcsircil, in gold or
silver case, hunter or open face.
Our line includes every kind of 30
hour and 0-day clocks.
Our stock is complete, and it will pay
you to select your jewelry from it.
Our stock of silverware is the finest in
the county. We sell at a very small
margin of profit.
Of Spctaclcs we have a large stock,
and can fit all kinds of eyes.
Wc carry a line of Banjos, Guitars,
Violins, etc., ot the finest quality.
Wc also carry a large stock of Lime, Plaster,
Paints, Oils, and Ulass.
FINALLY, Our goods are the best
and our prices the lowest. Call
and examine our stock whether
you buy or not.
Tk Nurwl cbm t Muurouutlt,
IhihI .iiiciiiti)( prominent m tit
IhnII vduiMllou) liMttltllkiU in Urrjfuu,
herein jrotitiK rivh rntil w imou cu b
fltlml for Um iMttlw of 1IIiik
ttalkl lu hvMlltiy inealtou, ! eutir.
Ir tr fmin Hi tmuxxiil Iotlttwurti Ihnt
n.)f h fun ml In utbvr luraiiiim, lb
lii.lrnt ran piir.ii lit litJim uutr.
niM by t.ujf tltiKitu intliin.
Httim tli Konnal earn n niter the oun
Irul ot lb it b rwtU new
luitu, utl lb iMrota fur lb ta
lnr of tlial illiltiltu am nl In lb
Kb and lttr of all frioml of lb Nor
mal, and u rjrott mtorttl in Hi
OatiM ot iluotMn,
Tb tirtiwinU lli tUi nuun of tb
Normal, I lb uxwl neoftil in it bur
lory. NtnJvnt ar atinn to tbir
t nil n. and bvo lb bllMt Nlwm fur
Ibvtr prMwiUir. l'alroua ar t r earn
t in It jiraw. and r dclnrnilnisl to
tbr r no 1H0 almlvnU taking tlinr
) niMit, at on dollar and a balf fcr wiwk,
aim limy ar rurntn4 Tryiiiiiic In Hi
ay of ealaliloa ouudttoir to lisaltli. Tb
dimtiK ball t nioely rrantrtid. mid It
doe un good U ea tb iludent ailtin
; at itw,nii miliiif tarn and ton
i olon apiwljlea, parUklug t( Die Mlable
art bvfor lliem. lt u y to parwiiU,
patron, and etttaen. Vwit tb Normal
arboui at chapel tarui, at thlr tnd
to. nd at Uielr bour of taking oral
and yon trill mm a happy a lot of young
men and women a fall to tb lot of man
on tin mundn plier. Jieadnr of Ut
VVT Mttia, do not tmagin Uial ar
partial, or in anyt Inllueuortl by pe
cuniary eouidmUon In onr praeouU
tion of faot niDoemmi tb Normal, for
lb balf baa not bes id of tb arMut;
and onr pmmonitiona ot tb fnlnr may
b fr In titan bt in reality it may
prov to be. Ttutr t on mow point in
eonwettou with tb Moumouth Normal
utiuool lo wlnob wih lu direct atteu-
aarM-aMaaaaBjaabUiBMaM. i ITni hum niiaa ! i
l i ii i. iiii.jitL nun, . ... , .U
folk Canal? Ilaak.
Tb Polk connly bank wa inonrpuralwl
under tb ! of lb ! of trwti,
nd liaa a paid-up capital of $AfMX It m
iltialixl In a cniinixliiiin to-lory
bnek building, wintn w a credit to tb
lon and oounty, and oorutreiinJ bu.i -nm
a joar and a balf ago. Tlio l'olk
b oild and vamubed bafor tb mil ia
art in operation.
Tbe cupaiMty ot tht mill will be 100
barrel every twenty four bourn, and the
oot of tbe aatne whpn amiplcUxi, will be
between !U,mW, and $M,Ui0.
A wnrlioue of JUU,(U0 buabel will be
built next nuoimer, and wilt be ready for
tb neit crop.
v-1 H! -FifciL-: 11
Palk County Baak, Monmouth.
gif all encottragenieutwitbin their pover
to moke Monmnutn ami in Aormal
shoot tbe prut of the uttite, and the
unrou from winch young men and young
women mny emerge emlowea wiui intcil
lootiinl rniinRilir tbnt will honor thetu-
elven. a well a the facility under wboae
attperiiitetiding car tliry lmve panaed Ntuiieiii lire.
'1'li'jre ar al the preM'tit time 5.H Mil-
dent iu altemlnlioo, with the proiet of
a litrge innronae after the bolidity. From
far and near lniiiirie are mail Willi
refnrenee to the Noinml, and tliere irmi
to lie a dlpoition among tha eoplo to
give it their tola and eioluaiva patron.
age, o fur a nnrmnl itudin and th pre
paration of teaoliera for tlie future areoon-
Tbe regent ot this iuatitnlion are
nine number, nil ot wnom ar not mi
and alert la lb boat intervals of the
aohool. They ar men woll known lu
lha community, and lmve a reputation
throughout the ntnte a men of honor,
intelligence, and ability to perforin the
work renuiiwd ot them, and we feel a-
nri'd tbnt the Institution will anffer no
loaa ot preatige at tbeir hnnda, Thli
Ixidy of regent wim appointed by the
lnit legiNliititre, and tbnt tegtalntttre be
ing reaponatbls for their notion, we have
no fenr but whnt the regenta and legi
lnture will receive tbe approval ot tb
pei pie.
The Kxeotmve ootnmiuee eonatat or
J, J. Unly, ohnirmnn; J. H. V. Duller,
eoretnryi nud Hon. r. W. Haley.
Alnch new ntiuarntua Una been added
by whtcb knowledge can be imparted to
atudntita, and there ia lu oontemnlntion
the adding of new fixture amtnhle to
the wiiuti ot th lohonl. H lion Id the
pntronnge of the aohool Inorenae for the
next fow year ni it Ima in the pant year,
it will necenMitute for the erection of a new
building. Tlie oonrae ot study adopted
m the Normal, is regular normal, nor
mal advanced, preparatory, bititneas, and
There are eleven reoitntlon room well
and comfortably arranged, and tbechnpel
la a Hue and oommodiotta hull, capable
of seating 1000 persons. lie wko list
never attended olmpel exorcises in the
morning, has missed one pleasing and
important features eomieoted wllii the
Normal. No locality, nor no town, pre
sents better accommodation for atndonts
in the wny nf board than Monmouth.
At the State Normal aohool dining bull
lion. We cannot oonoludri this artiole
without a reference to the highly esteemed
Pmfnwmr Campbell. Kodowed by nature
with all the characteristic portainiug to
a noble manhood, aud highly esteemed
by students, natron, and the entire com
munity, aud he having determined lo do
in tho future aa be baa in tbe past, devote
hia beat euergie to the canso ot educa
tion, the Normal must proaper, and be
oome tho center of attraction from an in
telligent public. Long life to tbe Nor
mal I May it prosperity at th beginning
of this new year be eclipsed from year to
year a time moves out
Any further Information regarding
this limtltiitlon, will tie furnished bv
V. is. I'auipMI, A. It., prwddont,or J.
M. Powell, A. M., vlw iKHkknt, Mon
mouth, Oregon.
On this flrak day ot the year, 1803,
your reporter aenda kindly greetings to
all, and wishes to say that be ba traveled
many mile throngh rain and mud to
gather items ot interest to the render ot
th YVkmt Htna. He ia well aware tbnt
on account ot stormy weather he baa not
been able to accomplish nil that be de
sired, when first aadcrtnking the task of
gathering nud furnishing to the Wkst
Bins, material that would meet with the
commendation of tta render. Whnt we
do present, is almost entirely from per-1
tonal observation, and we have endeav-1
ortd to avoid all exaggeration ot tbmgs
pertaining to onr county's history, and
to preeout them in their true and natural
colors. Many iu writing Oregon history
make extravagnnt observation, nnd give
highly exaggerated aooonnla of her soil
and productions, Oregon noeda only to
be represented tn her true oolors, aud she
then will stand tha peer of any state in
th Union. 8 lie has the climate and soil
comparable with tbe moat favored dimes
on earth, and in natural beauty nnd
ptaturesqiteness ot scenery, she outrivals
all competitors.
If nature decked out (lus tar-oft region
In robes of natural beauty nnsurpumed
by those of any other land, she was still
mora liberal in bestowing npon it a be
nignnnt olimate, It is unquestionably
a benveuly olime, for the ardent raj s of
the summer sun i ever tempered by
the sephvr that blow over from the tepid
water of the western wave, and the icy
fangs of winter are deadened by the
warmth-bearing currents.
county bank if now recognised as one of
tb permanent and prosperous financial
institutions of tli ouunlv. Tb officer
are I. A. Macro m, of the Merchant
National bank, Portland, president;
Prof. P. L. Campbell, of tbe Htate Nor
mal school, Monmouth, viee-pnwhleiit;
lr o. Powell, eaaluer. A general bank
ing buaiins I transacted, and it prove
quite convenient to tlioa who live in
that locality.
tar Holler Mill.
Tin mill i now nnder construction at
Talmnge, which hi situated between In
dependence and Monmouth on the motor
line, and will be ready for operation by
next April. Tbe building u now
ready for the machinery, a part of
which b on th ground, and the balunce
will be here in week or two. It ia a ml id
three-atory structure 84x42 feet, and the
foundation ia a solid and strong a eau
be made, Tb wall w thret feet wide at
tbe base, and is cemented on tbe outaide
so aa to keep all dampnesa out. The
foundation is three feet high, and. ex
tends otie foot above tbe ground, above
this being beavy frame five feet
high, which forms the basement. Tbe
basement tioor is concreted, and under
neath tut concrete are laid three row of
tile so a to dram tha ground from all
dampnesa, this being tbe place where the
elevator' boots, line shafts for driving
tbe roll, cleaning machinery, eta, are
located. Tbe second tloor.or first story,
is twelve feet six luchc high from floor
to lloor, and her are located the rolls
five double et 6x20 Steven's rolls for
tlonr: on roller mill for graham, oorn-
meal, ard chop; two Granatin scourer
sud polUhar for cleaning wheat; one
flour packer; on bran packer; 100 bushel
How hopper scale; 1,'JtK) pound plat form
scale; 1,400 pound floor teale. All
these acnlos have ball-bearings, which are
the bwt scale in th market.
The third floor is thitjaen feel six inches
high from floor to floor. Here we find
eight round reel floor dresser ot the lat
est improved patents; three improved air
belt purifiers, of which these are the only
ones on the coast, have been tested
A switch is built from tbe motor line
to tbe mill, on the south side, aud tlie
farmers will be accommodated on the
north side.
Th proprietor, D. M. Klemsen, ba
also built a mo two-story dwelling on
the premise for bifamily.
Improvement made in Monmouth
during H'l, and cost of the same.
Total amount, H",70. Following I
the list of Improvements:
Mr. Zeiler, cottage house, $600; M.
Hagwlalc, building, fctfO; J. Craven,
barn, sheet iron roof, $-V0; Mr. Flinn,
bam, tl'Jti; Prof. 8iiillman, six-room
cottiuru, IHHXi; V. II. Fulkersou, two
wtory seven-room bourn, barn, $ ISStt;
Hat tie Whitney, six-room cottage, t'HKt;
Ira Hmltli, collage building, tarn,
I1SIHI; Oleu firavee, cottage, fiMO; Mm.
(. 'nitron, building, M1; .Mrs. Martin,
two-story house, $AWt: Mrs. Harris,
six-room cottage, fsott; John " Howell,
two-story house, IHIUO; John Miller,
oiie-and-a-half-tory bouse, barn, 11040;
John Hubbard, house, f7tn); Mrs. Mum-
tier's addition, fJUtl; Mr. Hevklev, house,
:M; Mrs. Ihivls, house, r0U; Mr. Wil
cox, Hiimll cottage, $100; Mr. Ixmg,
house, fclOO; Mr. Morehead, store, dwell
ing, and barn, ftHit); L. (i rounds' ad
dition, $400; Mr. llunyard, house, $100;
Mr. lUn-k's addition, $400; store oc
cupied by Mulkey, the grocer, and
(Irouiids, hardware, $0t; Mm. Faubell,
$100; Mr. HuIht, $Ht; Max Haley,
$S0tt; Hewitt bam, $11K); N. 8. dining
nxmi, $.VI0; W'nterhouse, photo gallery,
$350; (Iwln's notion store, $500; Im
provements ou Smith's wagon and
blacksmith shop, $;K); T. J. Uerrv. cot
tag, $ 100; Tenl, house aud larn feJ,500;
Mr. Weeker, house, $350; Mr. Mason,
house Improvements, fiH); Worth, ell
to his residence, $150: Touit Booth by,
house, $(HH; Tom Hash, hotnw, $HKH;
one mile sidewalk, $l;)O0; hotel build
ing, $3,50(1; waterworks, fjl.OOO; motor
line, $S,tKHl; making a total of $45,70.
lly tho above It wilt be found that
Moiiniouth hua expended lu Improve
meiita ditrlmr tho year 18U1, $37,070.
During tho wmlng year tbe uttiwu or
Klemien'i Mill,,
tor th last fourteen months in tbe best
mill iu the country, and have proven a
suooess in every Instanoe. The line sliuR
runs lengthwise with the bmldiug for
driving tha machinery on this floor. There
will be bius for 4000 bushels of wheat;
also bins for flour, bran, aud shorts.
Tbe tourtb floor is fifteen feet high,
and here are the sieve soalpors, a tnoul
tor receiving separator, with a onpaoity
ot 000 bushels of wheat per hour; three
Cyolone dust collectors tor cleaning
the machinery; and one line shaft forty
feet long for driving the elevators, ot
whtoh there are tweuty-two.
On the west side ot tha mam building
la an addition 30x34 feet, whore the engine-boiler
room is. The engiue is
0x14 feet, aud was built by tbe liussell
Co. The iuside walls will be ceiled up
with dressed lumber, and all ot the eleva
tor and spouting lumber ia ot the very
best sugar pine and redwood, which will
tho towu, aud other who contemplato
coming to Monmouth, export to ex
pcud treble the amount for Improve
menu niiulo the last year.
Monmouth is moving right along.
Her business Is increasing from day to
day, and ere long she will rank with If
not excel nuy locality lu the county.
We extend our hand lu congratulation
to Monmouth. March onward to dis
tinction, .
"Tbe man I wed must be handsome,
brave, and noble; he must have no bad
habits, and must love me devotedly."
"But my dear, that is impossible, you
know; quite impossible." "Why If "Be
cause there is only one suoh man in all
tho world aud he is goiug to marry me."
Bill: "Are you going to make any good
resolutions this year f" Tom: "No, I
always break them." Bill; "Then make
a few bad ones tins time,"