The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 08, 1892, SUPPLEMENT, Image 10

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    Til Knight l Ht Mrl..
A fralerual mid tstiiofleiary nwlety,
which provide for tho payment of out,
two, or three thousand dollar, nt )nllt
Itt tli widow, orphan or Uependeuta
tif deceased member. Atmiunt fur
th purpiswof paying those benefit are
gradvd according to the nge of Mm per-
mm at Joining, and lit prosirtlon to the
average expectancy uf life by the stand
ard Anicrleatt table.' The rale tint
not Inereaao, hut routalua tho name a
nt the bcglunlug, thiM ottering molnl
luduceiuent to young nml middle aged
, t mi.rrv Ai.r auk.
V turnover member beooimw totally
, dtuhkd through aleknen or Injury t or
when lie reaction the age of eveuty
"year, he U enlltUd to on tenth an
nually of hi endowment, until the
amount of bl certificate I paid.
Hhould ho tile before nil I paid, the re
maining part got to hi beneficiary.
All due mill asmmeuta eenmi from
the approval of the claim. Thl In
very desirable feature and commend
itMtr to
The ats'lal feature are made promi
nent aud give the K. U. T, tf. a broad
bal a fraternal moiety, thu Insur
ing It future growth and stability bo
yon. I qiitntlon.
Tim rltimlMIc work U decidedly
pleasing mul luatrtictlve muI Mlttmln a
vnlunhlo tt'hool III parliamentary pree
tlm mul social entertainment.
The uniform tint tvgalla for Itoor
work in wry attractive, rich, andtaaty,
making lnltliittiry ceremonies linpn
nive unit grand.
The grow th of the order lout beeu
phenomenal, belug tirgniiUed tu June
I sal with TOO member, and turn- uiiiii
lierlng over trt.tMd, mul having ptld out
tl,2'.o,owid.wth, Mini f ;oii iliwhllity
U'lirflu, nt mi average annual cot of
7..Vpof tl,OJU for all Mint tthleh lle
timn tiny otiur slunlir snelefy roo
htW Hlltt lent tlillll otio-tlllrd lilt' cost
of no safer ItiKiiruuft' tu M line cum-
Thegrouth of the order In it own
home lu Michigan, I riNif of the con
fidence tv cd bt thecxccutlve officer
ho m sts-lcty men of lirm exirrlcmv
itiitl have employed the knowledge
gained among tlie lvt of them to fniuie
the eiulUutlon, ritiiuU mul hv-hiwaof
the K. O. T. M.
For further Infnnuutloii lu rt'jrnrtl to
thin Moiety, cull on II, Vmi Meter,
r.Him I J, l,lul, I'hIihv hole), linlrKii
Mr. lilliitlK WimkIm Ii iUl( III.
Our M'huol I ImvliiK two wwkV v
cntioii. A. l'urkir rnt ChrUtuuw llh hi
lirotht-r t FnlUCIty.
Will Nlxou mul wlfo were nt their
oKI home nt Hui'im YUtu, Clirli.limut,
t) lug to Hie hluh witter, ltt v, l'luw
man ctmltl not get to hi nilnlmeiit
nt Ia-wImvIIIu Inxt Huntlny,
Mr. mul Mm, llek Mnttlwm mim up
from Inii i'iitli'iii e to vUlt her iwreiiU,
Mr. mitl Mr. Win.
The rotflit ruin Iinve fnuml ft bnciiu
lu the utrrHiim, ami the iuiw-ok nre
niuvliiK ilowii the lAiekluiuute.
It. II. Hvvunn, who k ntiiilymg dem
tldlry uinler Dr. IlnHvr, of Dullim, wtut
nun m n lilit I,clvllli) fi li'inU (Hiring
lU'V. IV II II lit wnn tuililenly culleil tu
IiIh lioiue nt lleppner, Sultmlny, to nt
tvliil tlu W'llxlilonf hi wife, who Ik
tlniigerotmly III.
Trncy Htnnl, C'lilt" Mdtelh, mul
Frnnk Turner, from the O, H. Ji. H.,
ami Morrln Fowle.fromtheO. A.C., nre
upending the holidny nt their lioimn.
Mr. W, J. Denioreet I nt prenout
ninklug IiIm nlii.v In our inliUt. lie will
not n piilntlng tencher for MImi Mnrv
Kiulth while he live on the good
thing whloh LowUvlllu nirord.
'nilto the hml rotulH mul (link
night, our church wu llllcd ChrM
, inoH eve to we our t'lirUtmn hotit, mid
enjoy tho cxerelNe. A ginid time w
hml hy nil, iind tho progrntume wit
pronounced very good, nil mintnlnhig
thulr pnrt well. The lumt wtui U'uiill
ful, nml Smilu Chum crcnted imioh
mirth by hi witty wiylng. Kaeh one
wcmed to feel n the p(M-t did when he
wrolti ''C'hrlHtnuw time linn come ngnln
ClirlKlinim pIciiMuro hrluglng."
W M itnt tnHi' Voitr ni'ltmil
del ouo of the grand cdiioittlouul prlc
w nr ollcrliig for ul).tcrH)cr to the
Wkmt Hi oh. Then.' arc several wthiNiU
In tho comity Unit run cnd In the
seventy-live iiiuiicm ncMiiry to se
cure tho Kncycloiedln ltrltuniilca
and many more that can mnil
thd fifty iico.'Hwiry to get Cham
hem' Kucyclopedla, wiille the number
that can send tin twenty nuhnnrlhern
iittcitemry to nenura Worccdtcr' Umi-
btidgtKt incllounry I legion. Tentihew,
you nre iutonwtod In thk (let your
pupil out, nmt mnwv for your nchool
one of tho grmid premium. Alt you
Imve to do I to miml III th ul'rlUm
lu th niime of tl. whowl, mid they
will t ulntvd to your ertKllt. The prl-
will I nwnrdud July 4ih, mul w Iiomi
to e every tehool III the county
miinug tb prlw winner.
klngt Vmy Niih
Ki. Wwt Hum: A ChrUlmn 1
over, nnlt tn, tliMUgh ymir jwjier,
toy it few thing concerning tin
Joynhle time we hml Xinn eve, ly
7 1. m. the large church wn fltletl with
the good eople. We luitl two pretty
little tae laden with ninny hw
thing nnd they did not forget their
uutor and family. Iklile many
thing to cot nd wenr, there vt a on
the tree pure eoulnlnlng ll..
King Vnllcy ngnlnvt the world for
kind henrt. L. N. I'iiwman.
Iniliitcw Muololji To.
There I no better ludlcntlon by
which to judge ft oniniiiuulty than It
noclclltw, heuce we (hiIiiI, wllh wrlti
nble pride, to the following; Iodge, No. Si, A. K. 4 A. M.,
wn the llml ilge umtltultd here, with
nix in l fourteen member, on Hcptemtier
17, Ihiki. It uow ha Itfty-thn) ineiu
her. Valley Wlge, No. , 1. 0. O. F wa
ImtiltuiiHi April ill, 1K7.1, mid hn a
membvnthlp of forty-three.
Iudcieudt'm )otlge, No. '1, A. (
U, W., wa Imitituletl November lu,
Imki, and lno a membtrhlp of twcnly-
Atigtixt 12, lMi, Imlge of Kulght
of l'ytlilit wn lUKlltuUtl, with four
teen memliem, and now ha a iiihiiIht-
hip of twuty-eevvli.
Thealmve lnw that we ant socially
tncllwd, and that peatv, harmony aud
liroila rly love prevail lu our iiibUt.
Mi. I JtlUtimrur eteelleitt Oorren -tn-donee
for the VaT 8ita will iiwar
Drkl wevk, front Callfurnw.
I'rtiwhlugby Mr.l'eart.HumUy iniirn
lug and evening. Organisation of the
Hunday aclmI, at l'.';3n p. in.
Arthur Kt. Clair, of t'orvallla, and
I jtfe William, were In towuatteudlug
the U'dolile of Wnymmt HI. Clair,
brother of Arthur.
Mr. Iloll It, of Taetima, Wb.,
enm down to wml the bli,)i with
reUlivr nml friniid. Mr Hum baa an
jiiilHirtniit ptMitinn la tbe audibir'i tittle.
Any tnie now a aulaerlber to the
Wfcmr Hiok who nya year luadvam
will I glwu the Amrrinm firuirrm
the Ii'uittl Xnrlhur! free of charge for
one year. 1Mb iaper are flint elm.
W. Mi ljtno.of Huver, who ha tint
been In I ndc Nudfiic for three year,
cnlli d thin wtHk to tell u how be wn
plitwd with our ellort to iuukeartad
able new Npnper, He I dcot ngent nt
In giving the hot of the large! town
In the county, by an overnight we left
Monmouth out. Monmouth 1 the
thlrd.largcut town in the county, and,
In noine reHct the IImI town in the
A Mr, Eaton w run agulnit by the
freight train hint wek btttween hero and
Huver tleing deaf, be did not hear tlie
apf-macli of the car, and win atrtiok by
tho engine. He wita not lernmaly hurt,
Mr. Jane I'nllemoii, of lIIIIloro,
one of ttregon'a moat repcctel pioneer
In now vldlllng her aon, Mr. P. A.
Pnttemon, of thl pbice. Thin lady I
mitring her eightieth year, and I In
good health and nplrita.
The IndiHndcuiv muhlcal nml liter
ary society coimltlng of eighty mt-m-bero,
which meeta every Krlday eve
ning at the ChrlMtlnn church, will give
a public meeting next Friday evening.
All nre cordially luvltwl.
lct nil take notion and govern thom
aclveanctHirdlngly, thnt after to-morrow,
Haturday, January 0, 18U1, the motor
line will discontinue it 0:1,1 nnd 6:.H0
trip to Monmouth nml return, until
further notice. Only fourteen rcgulnr
trlw will bo made per day for the pres
ent. In our lust Issue we made a slight
mistake mcutioulngthe name of those
who guvo prenenlH to 1). V. I'ollng and
wlfo. In regard to the silver knlvca,
forks, and spoons, wo should have said
Miss Clara Irvine, Instead of Mr. Clare
Tho leap-year parly given by Miss
Anna Hlocktou last Haturday evening
was u,ulto a novel ull'alr, and a leap
year party Indeed. Tho young Indies
played their part most admirably hi
sending the Invllallons to the young
gentlemen, and hi escorting them Mh
to nml from the parly. Tito charade
and other games engaged In were much
enjoyed by nil present, and nil certainly
did nmple Justice to tho delicious re
freshments which were handed round.
10 and 20 Acre Farms
all lu rnlllvtUitin ami ri-adv t"'t 10 fruit, within wvi'it milt
of Oregon's wilal, for
$7 5.00 PER ACRE
Ono fourth riudi ami the lutluuco in tlm etjital, unniiul imyiuctila; or 4 out to fruit nml cult ivalttl tliw
For fui tlior inforinut ion fiotul fir i:iuijililct t '
Kltt;oTiS. To the wife of Geo, Kreoti,
of Huena VUla, on DeceuiU-r SI, JMH,
a hoy, weight ix pounds.
JONFX-Tothewlfeof T. V. June,
near Ilucna, on January I, iwrj,
a boy, weight U-u pouinbt. All doing
lit! t.I.II'lH-IUirn, to the wife of A.
M. 1'hlllipiK, lu thl city, January 4,
H'i girl. Weight ten poumb'.
All doing wtdl.
8r.Cl.AUt.-Waymau Ht.Clnlr, of Cur
valli, died from pneumonia, after
short llliii'M, at the home of hi
wlfo'pareiil.Mr. nnd Mr, lleftle
mau, where he and lib wife had
been Mudlng the holiday.
Hi remain were taken to Corvalll
for burial. Thl U a very aad tsrur-
reuce ami we deeply nymiiathiiee with
the Iwreft one,
New line of decorated ware at Walk
er Jlro.
New Urb an moltuwea lit barrels at
W. Itroa.
HiH-k Candy syrup, the bct In the
city nt T. W. FjUcs'.
T. W. bjttea want all the butter aud
egga in l'olk county.
Hot and cold wntorbnth nt any hour
at Heiikle' bath house. If
When It entne to low price. T. W.
Kstea I fairly In It. He pay cash for
his goods, and sells way down.
To people who pay cah for groceries,
it will wy you to call on T. W. lte
nnd get hlit price. He ran kins' k 'em
all out.
When In quest of a have or hair cut,
call In at Henkle'a barber shop. Hank
building, Main street, Independence,
Oregon. tf
ltotnember when lu 8nlent to call lu
at Strong' rwunurnut, now Wesuioott
& Irwin, nnd get a meal not to U ex
celled on tlie lV'ltlo coast for lil cents,
at .71 Commercial street. if
aiiirkhuliliiri' Movllug.
The annual nnvtlng of the share
holders of tho Indcjiemlenoe Water
and Kleetrlo Light company of I tide
jicmleiicti, Or., for the election of direc
tors will le held nt the triors ot the
1 ndeiH'Uilenco National bank in said
city between ten and twelve o'clock,
Saturday the aoth day of January imiii,
and for the trunsnntlon of auch other
business that may come Ufore the
H, H. Jahi'kkhon, Sce'y.
I SUKrKNl'KNt'K, lkH!.aMh, lu.
iM mrinii'lilp litnUfnr fxillu 1m.
twwa J. W. lliiHlur sail A. H, 1mi1, of Iiule.
iii'mli'iuti, l,lk inimiy, Onwoa, it litis Uv,
by mutual uuiuiint, il(iilveil. All srmn'ui
Imlehteil In tlm aultl IIVui will (my Ih
ttiununls line Ui rllliernf the iiluli'n.luiiml.
imteil Jan. I, uui, J. w, HcsTKK,
A, H, Uk'KK,
Ose Hnndred Per Cent, en the lovestoent.
. years fur II :r.(Ml I'KU Af'IJlv .
InilrpH(lMr auil MuuninMtk Mnlur Una
Imivm Imtm
liulcwllilrur, Uiitoiioulb,
slu Kii
:iti tinu
UM l-'
I'M a- If.
Hew Grocery!
W. J. MULKE Y, Prop.
Ssilmfiit'tioii KimnntHHl in prices
ami gtHHlx. Htock frwh ami lKnij;ht
foruwh. Fair dealing ami gixul
tm renins.
FKEK DELIVERY nt tlto lioura
ol. 9 to 11 a. m. nml 3 to 5 p. in.
One Dollar Weekly
Iluys n isxl xnlil wnleh by our eltili yl.'in
tlur U.krl ulit.nilpd raiu-o r nrniiiliil
ftirJUyturn, Film Klgln tr Wnlthniu iiiovr.
ntrnl. ttn Wind mul .!. IjiiIv ' nr i nt
I !. KiumI to nny HI wsleli. To nviire
snU lnr lm miiiP, mII one nl tlm
liuntliiiiu wnteliii fur (lie rlub prli-, lai,
nml wuit tM) 1 1, by inL wltli ir(vUimi uf
uiulnioUn bi'fliro wvlnjt fur Urn aihi-,
tlur kmI nl Hurlinm, N. f.. wrltwi:
"l)ur wilni Iiiivii inlnM'il tbiy don't
know liuw ymi oui rurnluli mirli wrk for tu
Our ncrat l Hcslh 8lriiiK. H, C, wrllw:
"Your wiiti-hi Ink" t slnltt. Th si'iitK
msn who nul thii Ins I wnieh alit Hint Tip n.
KllllllPlI mul tirlWHt JlWllT'S WHlPllK in
1 joumtUT, llml wvre no bitter tlntu yours, but
Hi iiii WMita,"
thirMcnl l IVniilnti, hi, Texan, wrllni!
"Am In mwlutur llu'Hti'ti,iidiiiiilinril
wlllioul ini'nni. All wbu lisvo mwu 11 wu- II
would Iw i-liimp itt tM,"
On (purl rellubld iwi-al wntittKl ftir wu-h
pluit. W rtl ftir (wrl leulnra,
Eneisa Watch Co., New York.
For Reliable Fire Insurance
. Apply to th old
San Franclioo.
Willamette Heal Estate Co,
Independence, Oregon.
TninwcU a general Heal Kstate l!o
lie, tiuyaand idl I'niel1y,elle"t
lusummeand does a general
Conveyance ltuxim-wi.
1 'art I. tt Imvlng Indfur u!o will
Iind it te4 tlicir advantage to .
List Their Property
With thl Company, a they are dally
sending list of land east, thus pl.u 1
lug ttcxlruble property lefirt the rvii;
dents of Hie l At.
J.W.KIKKLANI), Preside
, StH-reUry, , j
ii U
li S S
Idji Mil
.! -o,,'
nlM; M
r w : - r -
- PC o