The Best Newspaper IA OM that giv th MtMt and Jntktti CVMxirt thi WiWT SIDE tctlA any paper in Pvlk eotinfe. r' As an Advertising Medium THE WEST SIDE Take the Lead In Polk County. VOL. IX. 12.00 Per Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY B, It'92. Five Cents Per Copy. NO. 9. tV- h .1' General Directory CMtTBO VTATM. PrwMMt Viee-Preameut. . . , . . (fee. of State He, ol Treasury...,, IVartmaater General. , MMkirf Interior,...., 80. el War,..,,,,. . 8m. ot Ny, ....... Attorney General,,., .Benjamin Harrison ,.Utl I. Morion ...JalUea IV Maine ...... 1'hM. FlWlM .John Wenamaker ....John W.Noble ...Steven lt.F.tktn Benjamin F.Trsejr ...W.H.H. Nillmr tieaot Agriculture,., Coal, of Kdueathtn.,, Com. ot IWlou,.., ....Jereutinh Hum ......W. T.Harris Rtti or tmKMi utor...........8ylwiT Fennoyer See. ot State ...Ue W. Mtdtrkle Treasurer. ............... Pbit. Melchae. Supt. ot Pub. In K- li MeKlroy Att. nMri Creo. K. Chamberlain State Printer . . Frank linker U.S. Senators., CVngreiatt,,. Bnpretu Quart. I JO&0 II. MllOliell ' J J. N. IMIph ...Itiuger Hermann IV . cUrnwt W. I. Lord 11 8. ltMQ Rapt Of PMUUMy....U, H, IsiWUIOt Bapu of Asylum U u liowiana R. TL Ooma... Hubert Clow ( A. N. Hamtlloo Clerk.. Frank Millet i r. a iuwd. pres. Flab. Ooma..... RC. Campbell I Geo. X. Myers. Food Cora W. W. Hnker Circuit Jud.e R. P. Ioh ltnct Ally.. 0. Iliugham , . . i N. L. Roller lWpreeautaUvea a W, Myeri County Judge.... ..... J. Blouffer Bheriff . W. U Well C:irk O. O. Coed Treasurer HR. Turner School Superintendent... W. I, lleyttokl AMMKtr N. Gardner Surveyor T. Motler Coroner ....... L. Ketebnm Ukyor...,. Keoorvler.. .UkTtbl... M. Mrln J.T. Fowl T. Foniwll E. T. Unkl art coufpiu . Wikon Firt WtrJ (A. 8. Iotfkt 8odi1 Wtrd. ...... Third Wtnl... ( Jwiam 0buo l M. MorwiD --JA. Witoo rttaok DtKicruwi. tlx C Oilmor Clark. J. T. Ford church directory. Fnun Brrwt. 8odJt Sobuoi it 10 o'elock . . PwMbim twry 8aoUy l 11 o'elock ikI )m ry Hamlj twin. Yoaog poople'i nmtim on boar befurc tame to lhTrulng. l'rtyf Buetiog Tirjf Tborndiiy ewomg. All ordulljr iQfilad to itn4 Ki. A. J. UotnAKm pMtor. Caltirt PiirTw.Prching time every SiioJity moromcr t It anil lao io the oveotnt it T o'clock. HumUjr Bououlil VI o'ekirk. ImmMlnlxly rtr prvaobmc Prayer mating ery V ninf 4iy rrening. A ecrdwl iotiUIIoo j touJd lu all,epouliy ilriogeri vuitiog U city. Kit. A. F. Lott, Pior. M. E. Chi'iwb HorTB. Prebing try first inJ tbini 8aai)y. Haadiy Bobool it 8 oekwk In tbe ifliroooo. Prayer meeting eery Tbartday ereomg. AIliDTited. Rut. J. M. Pabkih, Pietor. ETxo!.l't. Precl)lo erery 8ib batb ei)t tbe iood4 Miimlny in Ibe month it InJepeudeoce t 7 p. m.. nl at Monmnnth in tbe public acbool builJ log at 11 a. m., by the pastor, lUv. A. 8, CM.aT. Chbibtia!. Sunday School every Holi day at 10 o'clock. Preaching the Bret and aecood Sundaya of tbe moutb morn ing and evening. Prayer meeting on Wedneeday evening. Kav. K. L.Sni.t.r. Pmlor. BECKKT BOCIKTll-X O. U. W.-IXUKI'KNnrSCK l)MK V. XO. n,mU tirrr Muuday nihl In MMonUi ball. AUwoarnlnx bruinrn linllnl wiind. U T.AMO.V, M. W. VAU.EY UHMIKNO.a I. O, O, finiwu III M Minlc bail nmy Thurlaj evnln. AlHlrtd Mluw. cordially Invliml Ui at- tend. 4, UAauti, s. vf. W. II. WHF.El,rit.8wmar)r. t.ns ItlMIK. Nn. M. A. F iiloni on Halurday nvrnliK o Unit two armka Ibrrraftrr. J. W. Biutor. W. M. t-U Kelcb- um, Uvorelary. err WlniHlayeiilii, AIIKnlghl line our city arc rdlally Invltwl to air l jn. a vi, V we ; H. HAWI.KY, H. w, IIYSICIANH DKNTlBTitV. LEE & BUTLER, " 31CIAHS AND SURGEONS. ' iAtOl 8. EXAMINING 8URQEON8. Office, Weal ilde of Main Ht., -fKyDKKCK. - - - OltWHiw. DR. J. K. LOCK1-; hysician and Surgeon, Buena Vleta, Oregon. 1! ATTORNEYS. A. M. HURLEY, torney and Counselor at Law. ffioci Next Independence Nat'l Bank. lndpcnan-i,Or. K. Bonbam. W. 11. Holme. I0NNIM, 1 HOLMES TTORNEYS AT LAW OFFICK IN HUSH'i HLOCK, I WW. State and Court, BALKM, OR. tin Commercial Ht. MISCELLANEOUS. .L,HATCHAotTBKMOVKR. , .n Of. Urlnl, UlrMut filttltf1 . A. kind of building moved at lowet rnl. CIUJW A WiU.KRU. HALKM, 0KEOON DfHinr in FRKHH AND HALT MKATH .XI8and 'MOimmcrdttl Htrwt. tcndlnt ilier of Hnlein. Wbolmalcand retail dealer Allk Ind of meal and aima, I. KIMBKK, BAI.KM, OKKUON, uainr in WATCHEfl. UM KM AND JKWKl.ttY. ill Silver ware told by him I engraved free fchanre. Bllver Knlvea, Fork and Mpoon hi. orlne arc cheaper than aleel. lUmulrln. Sine at ewtern nrlcwi. (irt r poelte Patteraon'a Drug Store, en Main street. LI. vw i 1 V-LJV j i rr;.,.. BANKS. Commenced. Builnesi Narah 4, 1889, KaUbllahed by KatlMal AttUiorltjf. -TIIR- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of tHdvpraitnave, Orra. Caaltal ttaak, twrplua, $80,000.00 H4.000.00 J, ft. tXHtPKIt, U W. IUIIKRTtHN, rreakloal, Vke rmldewk W. It IIAWI.KY, Caebter. DIRECTOR. J. K. (toiper, U W, RotwrUiMi, Uwt Itelnik'b (I, W. WhltceAvr, W, W. Cullln. A attiMnkl hanalne biwIncM IranwUMl Hurt Mid will titaiur uu all ImiKtrtaut lnla. IWnli rvmlvcd ."Ivlwl In bk or on eee- unmwuiWoaii. luiimiiunawauo, um noura; f a. m, w w. m. THE INDEPENDENCE National Bank ! Capital Stock, I50.000.0a H. HlKMt'HHKIKt, rnaldeal A Bit AM MKIW. Vtrc rrwtilwtt W. P.CONSAWAY (WW. A ivneral banking and eionaagw boatacaa inuwactiMii Hvuu made. Mill dlM0nle4.etMa- n)rrtal credit granted: depuatw ramlvad on current amount tubJeH to ebevk, tBtamt paid oa time depoalte. MKELTXIIUV Jotbua McDaatel. It. It. iwtenna. A. J. Uuodmaa, 11. HlrarklMm. A. KclatM, T.J.I.L A.AIUO. ntORPOMTf UIOH TMI U1 Of OUMI. MONMOUTH, OR. A. MArnt'M ..tVaaldent Vkw.lna. f.k.CAMPHKl4 IHACrVWI .Laahlar PAID CAPITAL, $25,000. DIRECTORS. . A, Jla.-n.ii, P.UCampball, I.M.nima a V. Butter, 1. 1. muin, r. n. 1-vwcn JoMpk I'ra.fO, IranuMMl; lan made rtwuMM (wwlrad -Kir ,irof vault and burglar prwu . Mrtirvd by Yl lira In k. umrt liuun.' a. ni, uu p. m. H. M. LINES, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AXt . UNDERTAKER, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. A full and complete) Una of Funeral good Alwayi on Uaod. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER Of Indcjndemc, having a titeatu engine, a brick machine and oeveral acre of finest clay, ia now prepared to keep on band a fine quality of Brick, which will be sold at retuton able prices. JAMES TATOM Real state and fire Insurance Lgent Will bay md Mil tricrty on reaaonabl Uirm. Monmouth, Polk county, Oregon WOODBURN NURSERY LARGEST STOCK OF TREES IN TIE NORTHWEST. One and Three-fourths Millions. 100.000 prone Treee (moitly French.) 85,000 Royal Ann cherry. 10,000 Early Crawford peaoh. 10,000 Moorpark and Iloyal apnoot. 8(5,000 Eeopui Spitzenberg tipple. . 20,000 OraveneteiD apple. 25,000 Yellow Newton Pippin apple. 10,000 Ben Davl apple. Largeet Stock of oil Other Leading Va riotioi ot Fanit. Free From Insect Pests CATALOGUE FREE. ADDRE8S, J. H. SETTLEMIER, Wodburn, Or. INDEPENDENCE Marble and IKK, ' fE ftreip ud Cith rmit ui Crcincntal. j4 hmiMt Piices. I'dpi Etiits, Kudstnts, FirsNliss mi r$iC Tablets. Cemetery Work of Furnlihed e , MILLER & INDEPENDENCE, OR. Prescott Sz Veness, raonurrou op Indcpendenr t Saul mill. HAKWAt-rviaau C? 133 ALina ia FIR AND HARDWOOD, ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER I A. Wvaaasa, afangr. FOR I offer the Pioneer Meat Market for sale at a bargain. Everything will be sold, business, fixtures, slaughter yard, and everything used in a first class butcher shop. This is the only shop in Independence, and supplies meat to a popula tion of over 2000 people. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. W. W. PERCIVAL, PropY, Independence, Oregon. CHAS. H. MORRIS MONMOUTH, OREGON Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Optical Goods, Sil verware, Gold Pens and Pencils. REPAIRS Wanted from everybody. First-class work, reasonable prices, prompt attention. SoltallflO Anerloan Ageacy for 1 r- J V OAVgATi, vftT COPVMIOHT, ate. tvt Inrnrnatlnn nd tru nandtmot wrtt to MiiNN io.. ,i iimiAi.w.r, Nw Yima. OldiMi tmriuiu fnr awnrliig patelil. In Amtttlm. Kvarr 1mUii1 tahn uut by u. I. hnniKlit bnlitn lb publlo hi uitliw givwi frcs it cbarg la U Iirrat clrmlatlnn of anr aHantlflc pnm In !t. wiirld. Mi.leiimiT iliuatraUKt, Nn liiinlllimt nan houM M wlthnut It, Wllr. iJI.OO a iwi ll.tu tl mc.iiili., Addraw MliNN CO, ruauuu,l llruadwar, M. lurk. IIKAITY'H Orrnin. It hariraln, len ... ml ImiiIum i.h,l .lal,ttfllM kit. I.HHHallr.M UnnUil IT. I1M.LLV. WRMllLUK' ton, New lent. STATE HI UL OPENS SEPT. 18, 1891. OODRHR OF HTUDT arranged eprely to meet the need of the rariiilng and me. chtnlcal InUirenU of the utiilc. Larire, coniiiiodUni, mid well-vcntllnted building", TheellK I Iwaled In a culti vated aiidCtirlxtian community, and In one of the health !et aacMoiiH of the mute, MrtlTABY TRAIN1NQ. Cxpeniea need not exceed $1.60 for the entire aeaalon. Two or more free Hchnliimlilp lrom every county. Write fiirCalnWigue to . li. ARNOLD, 1're., Corvalll, Or. S. A. PARKER, Manufacturer and denlortn , Sash, i Doors, : Mouldings, : l:tc. Pull ntnck of (Ilium, all Irirn, kept oonadili tly on hand. Kpcdlul rnte ou contract, Factory on H. H. utreet ueitr depot. Mi Granite Works J inericii TMIi and Graaite r.!in Every Deaorlption to Order. KONKLE, l a. mm IndependfiMce, Ortfon. LI I I wIhIi to Inform tlie public tlmt I am now prepared to fnrtiiHh FIRST-CLASS LUIvlBER in ail (linieiiHionH, ut siicrillct' prices with prompt iitm C'ull for priet. MAX FRIENDLY, Corvallls, Or. Smith & Jordan MONMOUTH, Suooenora to Vanduyn & Shelley, Have Jiwt received 11 fine and varied stock of goods, to which we call the. attention of the public. We have coino to stay, and by fair dealing and lowest prices expect to share with others tho patronago of the public. Duo attention will bo given to the wants of all, and everything in our line will bo furntahod to hand, or according to ordor of customers. Monmouth is tho placo to buy goods, and "don't yon forgot It" SALE Tichlc rv To Eartb With a He. tOW PRRRV'I IKKDI aad aatufi will a la ml. ftwdl It)! 4inM K K.mH-alr itw tMA-rttMIIV-a, A aw lull af laMauUa iWim Um4.m aow it at Hi um,h,, mil lr I .11 ik D. M.rtRRv7 DtraoiT, CO.. Jr wen. Harness, Saddles, Whips, Oils, Robes, and Brushes. minimi & n, Swooeiiera to ELKINS & CO., ritormirroiu of City Truck and Transfer Co. Uatilinir of all Kind Ikme at It a 1 o u b I e Kates. Agents for the 0. P. floats. MrCullvctloii Mlw Monthlyliag INDEPENDENCE, OREGON CORES! CA. C.I... Ir !, tmavkttla. lluct, I" 4 1 .l.ftl !. t.M1l.lla, ma, jiiNntn .) GREAT IUSE0I OP AHaTCKT 101 Market at , aa r,eri . Itta6ili4;ii') Go aad kin bow aunilvtlullr you ( nAle irnl bow to avoid tU kneUaod diwatca. MuwluRI enlarged wlih thouuntltof new otijei, Admittton l cU. I-riral Mm, 1 1 Oaan at. I)Imm ol mu- atiietiirv.laaof miibMd,dlMMtiaat tha Ala aad kiilna). qtilrtlr euml ih ttwol maiaMii Miaouauy er lit kllcf. avexl lot Dooa. C Street Restaurant! JAHtCS filtSON, NOPnltTOS. la imw riily to furitUlt a No, I ntottl for U5 wtiu, at tho now tmt, two linira woat of MMtonHtt. Luther Grounds Dealer In Hardware, queeiutware, tinware, sloven, end other uiiMeellitntHiim ar- tiflcH, cttllH the itttciitUin or tin1 public to his fine ittH'k of Ihealtove artieles now on hand. 1 1 is prices will compare fuvontlily with prietw in any other locality. Cotuo ami hm us and you will he ttaliHflcd with price, (iiiuiillly, and quality. MONMOUTH, OR. J. A. BOWMAN. eunne of ill kinds Neatly Done, MACHINERY REPAIRING HORSESHOEING A Specialty. Wood Working and Car riage Painting Done in First-class order. C STREET, - INDEPENDENCE . PATENTS Caveat ami Hc liMiin wimrnl, Trad Mark nwl.torcd, ami all miter patent mumm in th 1' Olllm end Iwfnr the I'ourln (irinuutly ami carofiilly proeeimtwl. Ulion nwlit ot diimIii) nr ekelch of In volition, I mtike nnrefiil einnilimlluii, and ailviw a to pntnninbl Illy froenl elmritn. Maiaolllce directly aro from theraloat Olllen. and attention 1 iimilly chIImI to my perfect aud loll eetnliliiilind Inoilitioa for mek. ill prompt lireliiiiiimry teamliea, for tli moat vlktoron and uctwMfiil iinieuutlftn of appll for patent, and fur attending to all linalnoua en l ru. I I'd to my care, In the ahorUwl Ihwaihle lime, Ili'Jni'led caee a pcclally. Vena MiHlerat uud excltutva atlenlinn given to paumt liuelnoae. Ilixik of Infiirmntion and advice, and .tmcial referancn, wnt wilhuut charge nponrem.e.1. Solicitor and Attorney in Patent t'uu.o". li, m.'M. v lull.,"., Waehiiiitiin, I). 0., ie U, B. PaUmt Ollloo. Opnoalte (Mention till, paper.) B S Celebrated ORGANS AND PIANOS. For Catalogue, mlilrosH, -DANIEL F. BEATTY, Waahington, N. J. GEO. A. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will prtictloo In nil Ntnto mid fodcral cmirta. Olllce over IniltiiHiiulonce iS'u tionul Bank.. Independence, Oregon. h m EATTY INDEPENDENCE. 1 Brief and Concise History of Hie City, with terse to iRSiits n its Busiiiess Interests. IMPROVEMENTS Electric Lights, Strest Mki), Water-KCfks, etc., Unsur passed in the State. Wbeo we apeak of Independence we ere el a km bow to begin and vliere to eoj oar deeeriptloo ut Hie oil . We wiu la make do Invhlton eomtmnaona be tveen it and ulliereiliee in I'ulk eutiuty. but MDdor and train impale tie In any thai IntleiwnilniKW auml out In bold re lief aa the nnnoieroinl oeoUir of tbe uuly. And why do we any tbiaf For lite reaaon tbat afte mniiini a pualllun bare tbe facilitice for ImwirtatloB of oiimineroial oonmioJilii-e, and tbe eipor- witon .or protiaoe r the rrm exael tint of any olber liwaltty m the onunty, In- depoodeooe k ettuakHl on tbe willametle rtwr, about win miloe aU.vo tbe eauitnl of tbaelato, mnlvm,) aUmt two mil1 awltfc Vaaduya Block. oortlieaat of Monmotilh, flee mllca below i Uueoa Vtata, and bordera oa one ef ibe ! miet Mleitaive, rich and fertile tract of torntory ftwnd In tbe Willamette valley. Krieud and foe, etranger and old aettter, Join la eommeodatory lerma, and apeak of Independence aa a point here nature and art, blended together, 111 In the future give bey a prominence among the buaineea eilice of tbe l'acifle eoaei Utoktng at tbe topography of tbe alte whlcb IikIimwioIi'iiop occuplcw, the otawrwra will lx liuprwei'il with IIhi IhiNight Dint nature lu hcrlmmuta bin tliHTta bail imtHiiicd that here wan aid the foundation of a great city; the future Imperial city of the weal aide of the WrlUuiietut. It may boaekwl, How all all we have crigiilutnoe of tho Inwa to give u faith In thi Mug accom- llnhcil? tio view the extent of terri tory which must bring her pnxliiciloti IO imlCpelHHMIOC, till' MWI Mllpplllg point on the went able of the WllUtiiiolte, ml li urliig tno on ly lHiitii etiloyitig hipping fiu'llltk both by water aim tiy ran. laamg lit view me vaai ma U'rial rceotircea yet to be dcveloied, Im agination win ecnmry conceive of tlm future of lnclctHmdcnce. Weaiirak of I tulcpoudcnce aa a comnn'Mal cunlor; and what I omutnrw l ommcrce in the rtMUltof two Indlajtciianhlo comll- lail.ptndenc. Optra tlonii a country tlmt produce and 1 1 tin the reuuUltca for trnnamirttttlon aud exohange, and an nctlvo and Intel ligent btniy of men who control the carrying-trndtt and tint exclmnge of iinHiucia. lnitepuniience nitty oe wild in ptvwctM tliiwo condltlona lu a very mir uegn'e. Mr. Henry Hill auttlcd on the land embracing within Ita limits the rrt-eciit town-elte ef Independence In H47. In o Mottling, piuitily liu had no thought liu v luoiilng on an em bryo ctiy, hut nature and the tUtwu lug eye of num. pointed (tout nan place that muat eveiituitlly liecomo a center of trade and commerce, and from that early aettleiiient by Hill, when a vaat wiiiicrneH met tne eye, we now ce a thriving, buny, and eoou to be a great pnmilotiM city, the tlrmt attempt at merchandlHlng at Intleptmdence wn made by Leon ard Allurbauk, In JS50. Walcut Hart noon after aUtrtod a store. Lemuel Lyon., who wan the flint V. M. of I, von I. oil io. A. V. A A. M.. oixmetl tin a biwl liens holme in Old Independence In lHtiu, and continued in the aula of nicrclmmllxe until about 1S04 or '05, when Mr. Iwmc Vanduyn anHmrod on the Htage of action, bought Lyoni out, and anon removed hit slock of goods to what was called "Now Town," he having erected a More limine on t ho cor ner now occupied by the firm of Hhollcy A Vanduyn. This wan tho tint lioiwe erected for luminous purposes within the limits of the coi'iKinitlon embraced by the ineornnrntion act of 1877. A snort time after engaging lu luisliicss in his new building, Isaao Vanduyn associated with him in business Asa McCully. After doing business for a time as partners, Mr. MeOully with drew from the Arm, and John Somor vllle (now a capitalist of East Portland) entered Into partnership with Van duyn. They did a sucocssful business for a term of years, when Somervlllo withdrew, ami the firm then became Vanduyn A Hmith. It was this firm who erected the spacious and oommo dious building on the corner now occu pied by the tlrm of Shelley A Vanduyn, Vanduvn A Kinltli were successful In their venture. They did an extonslve iHiif and lucrative bualiitvw, and rt'tlrod wit) a fair eoitiia'teiioe, Mr. Minltli la not eiigHved lu buetrUM In Fwlorn Oregnn. and Mr. laaao Vanduyn I now a Iwavy CBMlUUIat OT Hnlottl. 1 lie nrm of MliHIi-v A Vanduyn (Marlon Vttniluyn) will now rtnjve aonw attontlim umlortlie beau of Hliollcv A V'andu vii.euoovaaoia of Van duyn A Mtiillh, occupy the old plountr ooriinr in inaopmiumitx), anil nave uti leaocluMHl toui'tlwr 111 lillllii alllM' IHW, Mr. Mliolloy wan fowwrly en gttgotl aa cbrk for laiuto Vanduyn, and UKwrtte liioroogiiiy vorami in the ury giHxU trada before aanliiiiltig the pro priunitilDof aatiM'k of gooda on lit own account and tauiichlngout on the oa of liii'rcniillle tratiawtlolia. I hie firm la reiirmented by men of more than ofilluarv alillilv. libcralltv. and entrprias. They deal In all klmU of (try h'kxu routm in a nrat-cittaa titer- canllle eaUblUhmctit. Throuubout the whole range or qttuntry, tha name of thi firm la aa familiarly known aa I the city of lu Inflation. No mercantile boiiw in the city lanile hlghor In the iMtltnatlon of the tiuhllc, while the In dividual member of tbe Arm are nx ognlxtHi aa among Die nitt iiromliieiii and rt'tlHlilo of our licet clllwtie. The euocvM of thi firm le not only richly dMrvel, but etrtklnKly IlluatraU-e what rrMiluilon, clone aiiplKmUon, and ununiig energy, coupieci wnii lutein gnnt niniintft tiiciit, eoviTiicd and con- trollvd by hotunly and Integrity of the ntgntwi onicr, can acconiiuiaii. HtiM-kton A llciikle l another Ann dolnir a Hucctwdil bualiicaa In the tlrv- giHal tine In Imlcpcudoiicw. Mr. HUx k- ton ctiuimoniiMi tiUNtncaa la-onnlx-r let, Ihhh. and uu to Animal l'lli. IHUi. M. diictotlt alone, with the exception of aiHiHiiiiiodntiiigoii'rk mat were In hi employ. At that tlate, Auguat 1Mb iiwt, Mr. Hi-iikio, wiio iimi been in the gnawry and pnvllni trailo, Ik-ouiiio a lolnt twrtimr with Mr. istn'kti.o atnne wblclt time thi'v have bocu dolnir bu. Itiew under I he flmt name of Htockton A llcnkle, Tbe buatueae of thi firm I In a highly pruaperoua condition, and Increasing at a pace proiMirtionate to the progrvea of the city. ') heir buHiiien comprtwe atnile and fancy dry good, aud they are prepared to eutbify the intaat faetldloua taete In pcraotial adorn meut. One thlug l hut firm alwayi kex In mind U, to do what they ad vcrtlae t hrough the apere, by which fwt they have Lullt up a large tntalncea. lhith gvlillfUicn of title firm are liberal reprceciitaUve dtlam, who arvitrivtng to enbtrge the volume and direction of trade by honorable and porwIiU'iit ctfort, and who will con fiT U'ticllla of no oiill nary character, while In purwult of their own oonimcr. dal advancement The atnblo charao torof thla tlmt given It an lnipirtaii in tlie line It n'pnwcnt. Yax lUamndorf bit been engnged In the mercantile butui In IudcMu ih'iiee aluce IH72, with llio exception of a abort retirement from IhihIiiow a year or two ago, on account of ill health. He now occiiplca a prominent ixnltlon among the menttiitJIe cla, la plena atitly located, and 1 doing a profluiblc buaineea. He at one time oiuhI tip a atoreal Iwbtvillc. Polk county, where he did a lucrative trade with the Houm Black, fiirincrs of that section, aud In his pri-e-ent location he receive weeklv visits from his old-time friends from that sec tion of country. Zed knows how to buy goods, and how to sell them to please nis customers. Ho alms to purchase the best goods at the lowest prices, and aclM them at as low a percent, as fair business will permit, lie kcpson hand everything in the dry-goods aud cloth ing fine, and young or old, the fair sex and the sterner sex, can always lie fur nished with raiment according to their several wants, (five him a call, and sntlsry yourselves of the truth of our statements. When we mention the name of L. Kelso lu connection with business In Independence, all will rccogul.e The Ideal Baking Powder ) is - Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. For more than fifty years Cream of Tartar and Bi carbonate of Soda have been used for leavening purposes with sufficient flour added to preserve tho strength of tho powder unimpaired, and this with the addition of whites of eggs comprises this pure and wholesome leavening agent, that has been the standard for 40 years. In its use pure, wholesome and delicious food is always assured. Makes cake and biscuit that retain their moisture, and while they are flaky and extremely light they are fine grained, not coarse and full of holes as made with ammonia baking powders, latter dries up quickly. Alum powders leave a bit ter taste in tho bread or cake. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder once used, always used, worthy . and active merchant, one who strive to conform to a fair rule of trade, and one who ntoete Ida nitron in that genial maniH-r that charactiiu the gciitlurtian. lie first oM-iicd up for the ante of gnwla In Old liidurtudeuiw, butioon removed wlwre he may now be found, on First ain-et, with a fine aUick of itanle tlry irrsMle. ud which he dispoatu of to hut many ciitotiMra' at a kw per cent, on cost, He tieunii biiMincn at hia Drenent aland In Ihn'.i, and fnun unull Ucginuings he hiut built up a very remunerative trade. With a ooutlnuituce of hi prenent auc- oca be will mmn la"Mercliant l'nni" aiikmgat bla fellow. HiiarrangetiMmbi for the year show tlmt be la confident, and determined to make the coming buaineea year an Improvement over last. HAKOWAHK. For the handling of hardware. Inde pendence la moat bapjiily situate!, and ia availing herself or her advantatrea. (loodmitn A lktuty are fair rvprcNctit- uvesM the iiartiware I rule or imictteu- dence. Tln-y engaged In that liu of busiucMi In 1HK5, and from the start they have made mpldadvance,and have enlarged their stock m aa to Include all articles that could be called for In that Hue of trade. They keen on band aporbunou'B good, such aa gun aud ammunition, all kinds of tinware, aud a great variety of stoves and rangi a u I tnl de to tiie moat varied taste of the good hiHiacwife. A line of agricultural maehiucry t always on baud, also a large own t or cut lery, and they are prepared to furnish toorder any kind of vehicle that can be called for. In connection with their store they have a tin shop where alt articles made of tin can I manufactured, and wtierere- IMtirs of srlli lin made of that metal ean is promptly attcnuV'd to. ttoodnutn A isiuty aim to nave their gnoua nrst lass, and to oiler them to the trade at as low price as first chva gtxsla call be bought at. The geuilemeu comprising thla firm areafl'ittile, clear-hcjuled bus! news men, ml guidod by mauy yearn' exricnce In business, they are oomwteni Ut con tinue a trwlc remunerative to tlwm svlvee and aatWfwUiry to their patron. Another extensive hardware ottatw llshmeut la owned and oix-rated by J. F. t) itntineli. He Is siHweewir to the l'oxT ltroa.. who built the tine brick .tore that O'lsmnell recently racated. Mr. t isuineii naa bum a iifsu'ioiis two- story briek on the comer of Urst and Monmouth si ttx-is, whicit lie is now oc cupying with his large stock of goods. Air. u uonneu staru-a into DUHintMe m ludeiKiidctKW the first of July. ltW. and no one has made more rapid ad- vancea in extending his trade Utrougb- out the county than he. He is a live. business man, aud be is ever on the alert to supply the wants of his custom ers. It would be ueedluM to enumerate the variety aud extent of the stock be keeps ou hand; it is otily nexKenaxy to mention that any calls upon him for articles lu tils Hue of trade, w 111 be furnished cheerfully aud promptly, ac cording to order, aud at lowest rates plausible to justify him in a continuance uf the hardware buaineea. Agricula Uiral machinery, vehicles, tinware. cutlery, ironware of all descriptions, meet the eye on entrance to nia well stored salesroom. He expects to keep t hand the largost stock of four heeled vehicle that can be found in POIk eoltlllj . Ho offers sxclnl induce ment to cash buyers, and his trade has increased from its first . beginnings to such a mngtiitude a to make it aut- tsfuctory. Hardware ha so far changed In pattern aud tlnish as to drive out of the market many of theold-etyle goods, ml sou jxmneii tries to conform to he present condition of the trade, aud to keep lu stock such articles as Oinhioa and esthetic taste demand. 8A.DDI.EUY AND HARNESS. lleamer A Craven are tho sole and only representative of this branch of UUKiuemiQ J oaciendeuoe, ana wncn we meiiuon tbe names or ueamer raven, we mention tbe uaiues of two otiiis men that are destined to attain the topmost rung of tlie ladder lu busi ness clrx-lm, and who will eveutually lie among the leading wealthy moo. of the town. They are young, active, and Industrious, aud their wholo attention is directed to making their business a success, as well as to please all wit II whom they have business relations. They started Into business the third of August, 1AM), aud are the successors to M.licamer, w ho for a few years was engaged in that business here. Their Hue of goods comprises saddlery and hurocMs, aud the wares generally per taining to that trade. They are pro ficient in their trade, and turn out work that will compare for finish and suMiintlal workmanship, favorably with any Eastern manufacture. Every cltigen receives, lu greater or less de gree, a beueflt through the Introduc tiou of a thriving busloesa. These young men, lScamer A Craven, are doing a thriving business and add that much to the business Interests of the city. 'TIs a pleasure to call upon. them, when anything lu their line is wanted, for with much courtesy they will show you their well-made harness and sad dles, and will thankfully take vour colli In exchange for tbe sauto. This young firm commands the esteem aud respect of the entire business commu nity. imuus aj;d nuirooisTS. Duster & Locke.up to January 1, 1802, occupied A prominent positlou in busi ness cIMos as drtiggists,uut on the above ditto Mr. II. L. Hhelley ncpilrel Mr." Locke's Interest, and the tlrm is now Muster A Khelley. These gentlemen ' are receiving- their share of custom in IiidcHndeitce. They deal in drugs, Jewelry, shit ioncrv,palnts,and oils, and always kinp a large sttnk of these articles on hand. A. D Kohlnson, com monly known as "IKkj," opened tip the first stock of drugs in the eltj of Independence, ou tho premises now occupied by Duster A Shelley. For iimiiy years that Identical spot of (Continued on Kighth page.