The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 01, 1892, Image 3

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VTtst Sia Publishing G-;iny
.''RIPAY, JAN VAN Y 1, Sli
AIUhtuuay Hi'Hi,Hi'i4.-Mri. V
l lmnawy wwnv.wt ajtreeably sur
prised t'hrisUma evening, when a
number of Hot meat Intimate Mend
called upu her en mtwr, It being her
mntwd lttth birthday, Hhe I
settled with tunny nice rv,, Hl
a imH enjoyable evening passed
t lh jtarticlpatton of varloua game
andamusciueiit after which the uel
look theirderture,WiloKher long
ami happy Hftk
KKVtttrtM I'AHtV. A llUlllhcr lf
young ladle ami gentlemeu congrega
ted tilth reatdeneeof J.'K- N. 1WI lat
Monday evening, the occasion, being a
reunion of the member of party that
took atrip to Yvim Wt summer.
Incident ivlatlve to Mich trip w
reviewed with, much merriment, a the
anticipation of, the hklng back
utmuoh trip, gtvwi about a much
enjoyment m the realisation thereof,
Aftw participating lu game and
tie for time, the goodnight leave w
taken. ', .
nrmti.A awHKii-WiH, Ivm
pler, alia Henry William, with the
alstne of three unknown itrtic,
entered the gun 'vy yr""
nwn.of AHiny,udhHk several pi
hl ana gun. After they eompkted
the Job, they sveured kliT, and
entue down , the river about one
haU hour ahead of their pursuer, lap
ttty gherlfrSmilth, and three assistants,
who wptunM Ihe supposed leader of
the gang. Win. IVmpher, at the Little
Palace Mel, and was lakeu back to Al
bany on the S a, m. the next day,
Tiik Tkaciikkji Ml Ihdle Cde
man will eiioeeed Mr. McAdum. re
iKned, next week In the public chod
of Independence, and lrof. T. 4. Jack
mid ha is-en rk-eled supernumerary or
(he Mine school. Mr. MeAdam
toaprtm-ipaUhlp lit Kak-ni, and Ml
(ik-man (miw from the State Normal
at Monmouth, with ability, esperieuce
and a fine recommendation, while Mr.
Jackson la of the Slate Normal, but
more recently one of I'otk coitnty'
mmt awcntsful ediiiprti. 1 he Vr
Hum otter It best wiahr (br tha mic
i1" of, H pr-dagtcal practitioner.
JiiuTi MMifa. ThewrlUr In hiklg
fur umil. ru of iutwvat for thia etUthm
TWlett the real estate ofllee of Kirkiand
A tSitwoti and to hi nurprMj found en
exhibition nmne tuammoti, titrtl and
pointova. The tumlp were grown by
C P. Wella three mUetamtth uf ImW
pt iKktiee fnau tiU the lied f
July, and after hei out of the ground
everal ditya the eMiiblnel weight of
ftiur of Uime waa thirty-two and one
half pounda; the lrg.J, nine and one
half pound and theinaltet erven and
one half pound. They alo ahnwed u
one potato welt;hliiK alxand one half
pound, and thw are by no moan
exifptioiial cn
A (ku.oKX ltKUKMim.irrit.-The
friend and Bienibera of the Flrnt Jn
tltt ehureh of thl city rememred
llielr wortliy ant devote! pastor, lU'V,
A. J. Kukmuker, Clirbtmiweve by pu
chafing and plaelug uon the Xuiih
tr-e a very handwime and vatuatde
gobl watch m a present, ami a a token
or the high regard fu which he hi held
by hi parishioner and the member
ofhla congregation. U$ thl ehro
DotiK'ter be to him in dlvldlnt; time
Into mluutea and hour, what he will
be to hi people i" dividing the Kerlp.
turvlnto their analytical art, giving
b.tli to aalnt and winner their portion
in ilue and ancient form. '
How Thkv w KT.-The following
Item taken from an Eastern paper wa
banded to u by Dr. 1'arra, a Corvalll
bi aliout to build a cannery it will las of
Interest to our reader; The canning
factory started at Mound City, Mo.,
last January, ha paid out fr fruit and
lalior S18,. The Mound City Timm
In Kpeaklng almut It ay that one man
old the crop rniaed from eleven acre
to the factory anil it brought him
fs.sil.&'i, or over VHM per acre. More
than enough to pay for the land. An
other who had less than twelve acre
got 1279.02! another ten and a half
acre. $205.54; another neveii acres,
I41 50; another, four acre. U''.27.
VomUlU Onzrtk.
Tuh XmasTbkw.! iwre were fwir
Chrlstrnaa tree In ludependanea thin
year. Home of them were ladder how
ever, or device of some aort of a new
and novel atyle, Tlniw festivities of
our Havlor' natal day were held at the
leveral cborehe and at the opera house.
The exerewe proceeding the dlHtnbu
tlnn of the prcHcnt were well nmderei;
at the varlctm pluec, and all were well
attended. The little folk of our city
were out infuil droaa, and ou Die tip
toe of expectuicy for the beautiful gift
which they lid receive. Many a home
wiu made hippy by the gift uindo to
tlnwhlltlren.uid we were glad to w al
most untvemil interest taken In theao
fititlve (KKMnloia by the cltiwiim of our
town. The filing generation will l
the better for tiese rouurrlng holiday.
We gladly w4eome every Chrlatnmg
Tiik Train Ciiaiitmkkii. Our re
porter liuit weel did the P. T. JJarnum
tw-t lu good atylt,' It wa aliaolutely
m!tiry to getwmo "work from Mon
mouth to the ufhruoon train for the
Wtxr Siik, and fie hint regular trip of
the motor had btm made, mid the
work waa atlll at Monmouth, hence,
Henry Clodfelter lt theltiiportunco of
the situation, and A only a few mo
menta lu whleh I" act, therefore he
chartered the whoMf.raln, and for fif
teen minute the Ww Sinn Publluli,
lug Company throub ta ngnt wan
owner of an entire allrood, rolling
stock. denoU. telegraft linen, and all
hereditament, both firporealand In
eirnoreal. thereunto llouglng. But
aoon, like the momtntjulHt, our wealtl
vanlHhed, and we wereoot uh uhuiiI.
Hueh poU of enjoymenin a newpa
per mail' life are much like angel'
vMta, fw and fur betwoo, . We tnunt
not forgot to (Miy that our porter got
there, Juat tho "10'
The river wiw ipille high aKi thla
The only thing Hint prlulem like
Mter than weihling inke l, luoreeake.
Thewwkofprivver'wlll l held all
ol next week, thmtiKhtiut the entire
J, K. tt'Umnell movtHl, thin wwk,
Into Ida new hrlek whleh la fat neH
lug completion.
Head the new ad. of the law firm rf
Daly, Hll'ly and Kakln, In thU wtk'
laaueof theW'Wi'NwN.
ThMtrlt lieilliule, held at Kte
g'lle till week, Win a splendid llew,
The aople of Kugeiie aw fully alwiett
of the Umea.
?!loenew hout to rent. May pay
rent by boarding owner If dtlreU
Call on or addrew W. J. Hplllnmn,
Monmouth, Or.
A number of the leahJeutVuf the
botUan lamia along the river ai mo.v.
lug to higher grouud, m the river
g'ttlng ta eloe for etaufort.
The unrepealed tjueailon, you
love me?" In engagviueut, ahonldlw
ehang'! to "tu yon njtart me?"
and "Do you know how to
Vrof. Millard, the eelehraled alnger,
held Rrth at the I'nbyteriatk ebunh
lat bight to a delighted aWleiica.
The pwutlnwor la a nmgnlllceiit alg'r.
It. I Shelley naived Into the hue
stilly vacate,! by J, M, Validity
thU wwk. We extend to hliu and hi
ftonlly hearty welcome Into our tuldat.
The t'hrletniiw holiday ale M
Thuhklay were great. tmo nale f
our merehant ran from n to f
worth in on day. Thla U a great
AlbertMin, the Taioma lnk robU r.
who wa ahot and captured down tn
the(r'gon em.t, Im been inunen!
to teti yran In the Washington peni
tentiary. Tho Wtarr Sii'K for, i undei maiiy
obllgtitioiuto Mr U. A. Kulk-r fr
UitintiHiU utly f t'lirltmiw cake,
and all Join In wWihig h r a happy
New Year,
In a perUill mention hml week, !
eating tlie law oilier or tiro. A. hnillh,
we tuala Hght mUtnke, Id -llhv
may t round r the Jinlendiuiv
N'aliotial bank,
"N'ow U the wimer of our dU-oiitent
matW glorlou iiinin r" by Ayer' Pn
Mptuilla. ThU omterful tneIUin
Invlgorat- the ytti'u and eurhthe
the blood that cold weather d-one
lHlvely vnjo) able. Aretle explorer,
would ilo well to m ike a note of thla.
Young men should be cart ful, when
they leave their bt III rl In a neat In
ehureh, and return and le amahrr
at, and another girl, Hindi a cnlre.
teini enow great eiiiharrawiliii'iit.aiid
mahv bliwhi.
The brldmal.l laM evi uing weto
unumially baioUomely dtxwd, and
evIuetHl a preparation worthy theu.
ealoti, while thegMonwmetidUplaye!
eatpially a go"i tte hi their toilets,
Tbl wa a nwkm Aattiitr.
Mis I'atle 0jir very royally enter
talnvd s-ver!il of tlie young wile of
Iudetvndete at her home Just nrih
of town last Wetlnesdey evening III
honor of Mi Nora Cooper, of MeMlun
vtlle, who I visiting a lib her during
the holiday.
rhysMan all over the country re
port the twapiajaraneeand rapid Increiow
or la gHptH,l eootttionly eallel "the
grip." lu auclent tiitTeea uee( wa
m rare a thing that It w considered a
)il orgtssl luck, which how clearly
that jfple of ancient tlu were not
"up to nuofr. j
A rmily living iuHalem eonit of
a well-to-do Chluanmii, Jim Hong, hU
wire, a bluo-eyed Cauilan or phns
wssiiig aptsaraiice and their child, a
baby nine inoiitlii eld. The couple are
man and wife, and to all outward a
peamueo live together a enntentedly
and happily a most married people do.
There I an old adage; "What every-
IsKly say must 1h triw." Henry Cook,
or New Knoxville, Ohio, in a recent
letter anyo: "Cliamlmrlnlu' Cough
Itemedy h taken well here. Every-
btxly like It on account or tlio Imme
diate roller It glviwi. " There I i.olhi ng
like It to lMs-n and relievo a severe
cold. For sale by all ineilieliie tteakr.
At the annual election of olllcer of
Lyon halgo No, 2ii, Ik-e. ifi, the follow
ing tiftlcera were elected to serve for
tlio eioiiiliig Masoiile years H. W.
Hblbn.W. M.j Dr. O. D. Itutler, H. W.;
R L. Ketehum, J. W.j . I'. Con
naway, Hecy. W. I,. Hmigin, Tyler,
The prompt ncs Willi which Aycr"
Cherry Pectoral atop a bucking cough
and Induce refreshing alcep, k mmw
thing marvcloiw. It never fall to give
hiHtaut relief, even In the worst case of
throat and lung trouble, nod I t he best
remedy for whooping cough.
J, M. Vaiiduyn moved Into hi new
residence hist Monday, Juat finished by
Mr, Plant. It l a neat eoftage lndi-ed,
displaying mueh modern arehlUetnre,
and Uquitc a credit to our city.'
oVe know from ex-rli!ii('o In tlie
UHeorClmmbt-rliilu' Cough Itemedy
that it will preventcrmip," aaya Men
Owlnerry&Worley, Perey, Iowa.
They also add til t the Itemedy has
given grcatdatlHractloti in that vieiniiy,
and that they believe It to lie the best
In the market (or throat and lung ill
. I . I .1, 11..!.... .I....1..WU
eaaes, eor aaio oy an inmuoiim uin
Will Whltenkcr, who hud bin photo-
eranh Kullory burned out on Dooeui-
U.r 1st. waa nmircd n.V tlio i iuuornui
Inveatniontcomputiy. A full unjust.
mont wa made, and all damage paid
promptly by Janie Tatom, tmuuiger
and inretit tor theoompany, Mr. Tatom
In a live agent, and fully wormy tne
cotilldoneeof all thowidewlrlng properly
Itmured. HI lieiidiiiuirlew lira ut Mon
mouth, and ho can itlwaya be round
there or at, Independence when culled
upon ou biwlni'M.
There 1 little doubt hut' that runny
neraona miller for year with ailment
that could esnlly be cured by the ue of
aome simple remedy, The following
Incident I an Illustration or tbl fact
Mv wife waa troubled with a pain In
her Bide the greater part of the time
for three yearn, until cured by Cham
iMirliiln' Puln Jiiilin. It law, I think
nomiiuientlv cured lior". Woftlaohavo
used Chamberlain's Cough llemcd.y
wlmnnver needed and behove It to be
h best, in tlie world. P. M. Hoston
Pcnuvlllo, Hulllvan nounly, MIuhoui1
l-'oraale ty nit medicine iieaier..
V. Almllne, of I'tiHluud, thla week)
tMiiiuht mil the furniture buwliu of.
Itarat A Hlmrlllir of Monmouth, The ,
I I. .. Ill t ... I...l...t MM tllllltlk.t
OlimiU'M will ie niirawH'i "
fih. W illi the motto
of ' live and
live." We regret tlio retirement or
Mewra Itanan Wiurtiur, and wet
jcoitu to our mldnt their uwor
Hueeii to you all
Your n'lmiler, your humble servant,
'think Hennier I'ruven are the Ihw
tHiya, t'hrb.tmaeve we aiepjaHl Into
their widdte and haruw" eniiotiiini
and knowing that we had been riding
winalderable during the M month
and probably thinking our jmy had aoiuewlmt hwy, they pieeutiil
u with a titee pulr of apum with
whleh we would ride theWit Hiok fully
United and apurnal liib4lw atUH'ilou
of the iieople of lolk. Well "w ahull
mm what we hatl aee," a the hllml
Vnati aald. Iloy aeeept our bent re
gard and wlhe ftir your biwl tie aue
ewa,.,'' Advtrtlmenl are often alntennt.
tng to the general nudor aany portion
of a par. They are uoi, a aome
Udieve, merely twit for the uumeiotw
'tucker" which evryooe xll
In every enuiunhy, but they tell you
wherethe thing of luxury or niHwlty
In thla life may ImoblatntHl. And ho,ilwut,nj (iw bollday.
ean blame theadvertlaer iriieemleavor
by argumeiiia to prove to you that hi
house I the Ut place to buy? With
thisMote the Wtxr Hihk legluthe
puhlh'atlon of a tHwof advertisement
for the firm of Taylor k Wlloux, and
each week the gentlemen pruniit
you aouiethltig that It will lw ally
worth your white to read.
An elegant , premium oU'ereil by the
VmrHniiteouipany will 1m Wotw
tcr' fnalirldgeil Dletlonary. ThU
wotklaat present kadlng WeUter'i
Dletlonary a the standard of tht
itiuntry, Worwter' eoutalu mwrly
a hundreti more gc than the latwl
'els.ter, H the tnwt signlmwut faet
ax to the merit of the two U'k l that
a bll Webster Interiiatlotial Diction
ary aell Tor tU, Wonvslei' Vua
bnlget) eaiitly lea'l with I'J a the
ion .( selling price, The great house or, yppiueott t'oiujiauy, I'hlla
ilelpbla, published thU 14, and their
nam is at one a guarantee of uumir-pa-md
aehularahtp in the eotiteut of
tl,e dictionary ami also of auperior
workmanship lu tb awelmiileal de
partment. We regard "Worcester"
a one of our best premium.
KveryUwIy who can read 1 often,
tiiMU't to know wlm personage am
that aft incidentally referred to in the
lk or new per I fn him. The
dietloiiarit Imvt short biographical;
list In aps'uillcis but many name
are uet'ewwrily oinlttetl from them."iivtl' Dictionary of IHography
b.'ever,eiitMln the uame oT every
l-rrwonce of note ln.e the dawn or
history, It I a work of SWo jgi.
Iletwivil the coU W f till grnl work
nmy Is) round a eomplete pmotnittelng
dii ii"iinry d biography and mylhoKy
containing until of eminent ?rii
KeorallagiandeouutrU with the
eornvt pronunciation or their nana'.
The rct that the work I iuel by the
J, H. Mpplneott Company U a guar
ant w or It high character. The W .sr
,Mik Company w ilt otter tbl work
amoug It premium.
tsiu Di.M.a.Vir eorntsiudeiit
tnk hi ChrMma dinner with Wtl
liam Inland and family near Mou
mouth. William leourd and family,
of Oak lirove, and a gentleman from
Nebraska, Joined with us In doing Jus
tlee to the delicacies set before u. The
"( lobnler" which failed to rooat out of
slglil the night before adunns! thelable
and templed the ptlto to artake of
the delicloiisiy browneil "bird". We
will not attempt to give a description
f tin, delicate viands set U'foro us.
Sutlte It to say, that no party on
Christina day, nt down to a mon
sumptuous repast than we enjoyed the
r.Ui, of Decemls-r Wl.
A IliiKAK-ltoWM. The south bound
luuHt-uger train came near having so accident Velnelay morning,
When a few mlk lailow Independence
one of the axUit ol t he bolder broke and
eauwtl the trucks to give way and left
the w heel to roll at random; but a It
wa not Intended that there should bo
a wreck, the wheel kept the track un
til they reached the depot when another
engine wa telegraphed Tor to take the
train on. The broken engine while at
b uipilog toturn on the turntable, ran
the hind trueksoff the track and caused
Kuveral hour or hard work to get It on
iguln, after which they left at a slow
rale lor Portland.
W'AHi,tKKl'iiKFAK.vrioN,Many peo
ple take the wblug fitted up with
r:k crushing machine by .
Cliapmnn, at the ftsit of Jeltiirsoustit'ot
for some kind of an engine of war m-
ng got ready In a hurry or the war
against tlieChlhan. There being such
urgency In this matter, there I no
time to make gun aud cannon balls,
itul this emilne wilt be used to pour a
shower of derrick nu lite devoted heads
rtiChllliiu. The Itowoua will go
along a a torpedo bout and the glory
f Portland will be maintained. wr
Fmuit ( litowi;iia M KhTiNti.-The next
regular mcetliig of the Polk Co. Fruit
tlrowers' Assocliillon, will be held at
Diilluaou Friday January 8Ui, 1H2, at
2 p. in, All member of the lowwla-
tloii its ull thoseutereslcd lu fruit grow
ing are Invited to be nrcscut.
f )f all tho pleiiMure of lire, sympathy
would Hccin to bo one of tho awiwtcst
and purest. It unites, brethren and
friends In tlio closest bunds; It lift bur
dens, sooths sorrow, multiplies Joy,
and promote human brotherhood,
Flowltiir naturally from warm aud
loving heart Into grateful ones, it
bleasea both giver and receiver. t Is
the living Hpurk which kindles all sort
of benevolent enterprises, build Hos
pitals, school and churches, promotes
reforms, draws men away rrom vice.
gulden thorn Into path of virtue and
self reiK-et . '
ItueUleil's Ai-iiIoa HillvB,
The best salvo In the world for outs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
mows, totter, chapped hands, chilblain,
corns, and all sUlu eruptions, nnd pos
itively cures piles, of no pay required,
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, onnnnoy refunded. PnooiWceiit
I per Isif. For sale by any druggist.
fuel Itavy Joliinam la tpilleslck.
Mr. Nollner itavetlie 'Mr Hint! a
' ,. ,.,, ,,ll
Hun. J. J. Dnlv. ofDnlla. gnvaua a
call hint Haturday,
HliorttrWell wan hi town MTIiura
lay on ollleliU huluiia.
lliirilwin llrunk. of folk county, 1
very low, not fxpeoted to recover.
Mla flam Irvine, of MeMlnuvllIe,
k Vl-lllng friellda III Indepelldenwlhl
W, It. llawley returned Momlay
from hi t'hrltiua rteundon down
llnverMlaerwimeover from Halein
toeiid('hrlitmaN with frlemU am!
Mr. ami Mr. K. W. 'oor left
Wiilucdiiy, for JlarrWrnrg, their fu
lure hotias
Imiae MeKlinurray ami a Ife or Well
station, an vlalllnguM Mend lu linlo
jteudetieethla week,
Awegobpreswe leant with r
uret or the extreme Mm T ti H.
t)ravea,of Monmouth,
Ira (,'lodfelter, who I alUmdlog the
j.itiuHiUem, l at In uie
MU Clam Poppk'ton ami little
brother, of Taiioma, are vWtlng MU
Katie Wheeler thU week.
Orandma Irvlue wut to M.iMiun
ville yestenlay, to visit with her oh,
J, P. Irvine, tht winter.
MtssOm 1WH went to Kngetw last
Tuvwlay to smd tlie Indidays with the
family of Dr. C, K. lml.
Ml ltttle Itutler of Philomath came
down last Haturday to make a vWt to
her auut, Mr. A. K. IknU.
K. C. Peutlaud, of Portland, made u
a (lying bulus trip Tuwslay aud re
port everything unusually unlet,
Mi Kva ltobertoij, of Portland,
cam up Xma to pud tlie holiday
with her wlsier, Alt, and frlnuu.
The M Issn Cnsy k-rt for their home
lu New Port, Thmwlay, after receiving
a UUpateli of their Haulier's lllne,
Mis Mud an J Walter Hhelley re-
turuml Wednesday, from iMigeue,
where they had gone tomd Hie hol
Miss Delta Ityem, who went to Port
land to siwnd Christina, returned
WvtttHx)ay am! report having had a
jolly time.
Mr, and Mr. A, Noltm-r and fmiily,
of Portland, were III attendance ujmi
the wwbllug u Itev, D. V. ivding and
Miss Alice William last evening,
Mr. W, C. Drown nturiMd last
Hatunlay fUBH Callftifiil where lie
ha U-en lu quest of health. We are
twry to ay, that Mr. Ilmwn w but
little Improve!, If any.
IUv. Wil-n, P. K. of the M. K.
ehureh, b Id iptarlerly im-, ling here
Usi Hatunlay and Huuday. It v.
Wilson preached ably, a he alway
dis-a The nas ilng was eiyVyed by all
who atletHhwl.
A. W, Ciar, of Hhermsui eootity,
Hsdiew of J. K Cooper, U la town n
II visit. Air, l s,jst mjs iitnii;
vbsiige have taken place ahite he was
amoiiR u. II wa brwogbt up In this
town and w hope that he will return
to the place of his boyhood days.
Kll Johnson returned home from hi
unaiutain hpmneh Hunday even
ing, and r'sirt high water, and
bridge gone. He also ek of the
small amount of now In the eoast
range. and think It U due to the direc
tion of tlie wind, and m-ii current.
Mr. and Mrs, IU1 Young, r IVirtlatid.
snt their Christina holiday In our
ctty, with her parents, Mr, and Mm, 1,
Oaggi'tt, Mr. Young wa In tiuainm
here for several years, while tbl I the
home or Mr. Young. Their many
friends were truly glad toeethni,
Hev. Mr. I'leehwon, of Lafayette, ex
changed pulpit with Hev. A. V, UH
last Hunday, 1 he eougngatloti here
was highly pleased wlthMr. I'eehwou'
two splendid sermon, and nodoubt the
Lafayette congregation was well phtvd
with the minister from Indciendeiiee.
Tin exchnng' how a brotherly
klndnes and gwd will which can be
shown In no other way.
Hid, WikhI, of (Irliwly, Crook county,
was In town this week visiting friends.
Ho wa formerly acitlxen of Polk, and
resided near Indcsudeiu. Ho U a
mm or Doe. VI who brought the first
tsH-s to Oregon that ever erossed the
plains. It wa In WW. The bee were
brought safely to Oregon but were lost
In the thou dreaded UmSiia eanyon.
Mr. Sol. Wood lutsa line ranch In East
ern Oregon, aud ha made a siicee of
sbs-k raising, He ulorlld for ten
ples of the holiday luimlMH of the
Wtxr Hum. He aaya IndeH-ntluiJ
has made grvat liupiiivement since be;
AX AI'l'lUd.VH-H tKrrKH.
Wo il the tlis'i-ty or puipllslilnit
the following letter written to us, a It
Is so rull of encouragement and written
by one who ha friends by tho hundreds
lit Independence. Wo hope llro, M.
will pardon n for taking this liberty:
Ntew Vkunon, Morris Co,, N. J
Ih-a, Kith, IHlit.
Dkau lino, Iti-six: Inclosed you will
llnd one dollar for the Wkht 8tn. I
st by tho label that my mibscrlptlon
has expired. I nut glad to know you
are milking such a success of It. It Is
tho llrst thing we read when It onnics
aud we are alway disappointed when
it. falls to nut in an aiiaiirnucu as .1
wmetltnea happens,
IndciHUideiice lins changed so limn,
presume that we would scarcly
know It. We are alwavi on the l
out for any Improvement thafyou
may uhroululo and rejoice with old
frluiids lu every adviuice tiiiule. mere
Is one tlilim that Iuih canned usorrow
The Hunday Imso-lmll gnmesJ 1 "sen
to enjoy a giuue ir ball, and a'ur last
8. 8, plitnlo tiled my best J it with
some or the young men, butdo hope
Homo other day will be takeffor It.
Mm. Mnririitrovd lolus i In kind
rcgnrda. Your vol trujy , ,
E fl MtllATItOVI),
We wish to extend ou most Mncere
thanks to our friends uul nclghbom In
Indeiieiiilence, who solndly exlendcd
their syinpnlhy and nil during the lute
wluKiiesH or our near wukiiiui vn"ii.
Mid ANU MlIK, ), K. KltRNtlt.K.
Mi-RKY vi-um.v; I'.llLS.
Yc. the weddltiu U-lls rang out
swih'I and rleiir livt night atH o'clock
i), in at the Christian elmn li. It was
New Year' eve, and two happy heart
were "made to beat a one." Itev, D,
V. Poling of the Evangelical church,
am! Mb Alice, daughter of Mr. aud
Mr. W, W. William of Indes-ndcm.,
were Joined lu the IkiiuIs of holy mat
rimony, IWv.CC. Poling, brother of
the grm, ortlolutlng. The gwom Is
young and promising minister of this
eily of splendid pnlplt abilities, ana be
loved by all tor hi sterling worth, and
eniclent work lie Is doing In our midst
Mb WllllaiiHslsoiM or the most at
eoinptUhed aud handsome young la-
dM Im all our city, Hhe I ueservetiiy
popular iand the leading soprano of
Polk county. Weeould only eoiwnt
to the marrluge of these two excellent
singer, on the ground that they will
remain among us, Tlie marriage cere-
iiiouy was impressive , and the large
audience or Invited gnosis sent 11(1 ft si
lent prayer for their Voyag oer life'
en, to be a pleasant one,
Iim,1IU4TION ni Mi sir.
The ehureh wa very lieaiitlfulty
ih-eorate! with garland of evergreen
with a large bell of Ivy just lu front id
lite pulpit nudwr whleh the contracting
parlle t,asl (luring the ceremony.
1'he on-lw-stra, consisting of three
piece. Mr, Hebrlug with the violin and
Mr. Hill with the cornet, and Mis Ida
Kstc at the oran, rendered Meti
dcUsohu'a "WiHldlug March," The
gnsuii phsss-deil by the gioomsiiteti
mari'liis! up the alle to the altar, fol
lowed, shortly after, by tlie bride
miiliUaml the bride leaning upon her
r,ither' arm. The ofllelaliiig clergy
man then lepsd foi wanl aud pru
tiountvd Ihe ru ivmotiy. Immeillately
after the conclusion of the ceremony,
the bridal party rebvl to the resi
dent? or the bride' parvut, the minis
ter leadlug, Mktwed by the bride and
groom, after whom came the bride
liialil and gMstuismen.
TIIK iiJl6,
Tlia bride wa richly altlwl lu while
silk and silk koe, with train, while
ilk veil, and a real orange blossom
wreath. The biIikmIU were Mtow
(,ra Hnell, Clara Irvine, Etta Whit
eaker and Alice MaoauUy, and wae
cream taatuiuea with train. The
grisMiMiieu were, Messrs, Frank Noil
mr, V, Jl. Hawley, L Weaver, W.
H, Ijmghary, and aew lu
the eonvenlloual blaek with white kid
(lovsa. ThedoBssca orthe ldiiJ pr.
etit were rich and haudwime white the
attire of the gentlemen were id the
nwt approved tjlt, A more richly
attired atidlenjof Invited guest, one
, id"lll .
TH lift -KITIitN.
After the marriage crremoiiy In the
ehuri'h, a larue nmnls r of the Immedi
ate friends rvpaln d to the h-ldeut of
the bride' jsinrut, where a wunptuou
ups-r wa (tartaken of, and where
,!. t strain or inu-le IUK-I the air,
until t he old year swung back Into the
mighty jaed, and the mow year cams
rroiu the Orient to greet the Oe-ldeut,
with happy congmtulsilton f-r the
ruturv pr(s'tlly id the nealy wedded
THU l'llr)TN.
Hilver set, Mr ami Mm T J l, Mrs
J D Irvine, Mrs II I -!, Mr and Mrs
W I' Ctuinaway, Mis Maud and Hora
CooH-r, Mr am! Mm Fred Ikmty, Mrs
ItoyiUtntt, Mr Claire Irvine, Mis Min
nie Tetherow, Mrs lb dps, Mr and Mr
McAdiuns, Mr aud Mm Utaaliuan, Mr
and Mm Dornsife, Mr and Mm Hub-
bard; ullver cake Imsket, Mr and Mm T
W !-:tc and daughter, silver sugar
sHMn and butler knife, Mis Ida and
Delia Dyer; silver creamer, Mr and
Mm O F Keninfly; l!w A knife, Mr
and Mm C K Htattsj llver sirup pt letter
Mr and Mm H It Patterson; sliver
fruit basket, M Merwln; table lltien and
sliver napkin rings, Mr ZhI Ibss-ndorf;
liver plekle dish, Dr aud Mi T J Ie;
silver sugar spoon, Mr and L'ra W C
CaiiltM'r;llvercrilbket, M!Hoplila
(loir, silver cake basket, Mr ami Mm T
J Fryer; silver nut dish, Mr and Mm J
H Couper; stiver salt and pepsr set, Mr
aud Mm If II JK-won: silver tooth
pick holder, MrJooTuek;ilver knives,
nirks and spmm, Mis Alice MisCatilay,
Mis Cora Hueii, Mr Claire Irvine, Mr
W II Hawley, Mr Heot Utighnry, Mr
(leorge hebriug, ami Sir I. Weaver; Wvaspmin warraiitt to wear twenty
silver butterdish, Mr. and Mm, W,i,.. at. llostt-r A lake's,
W IVreival; butter knife, C W Hutlff
sugar MMsiii, Mr. and Mm, H K Oiv''
silver butter knife, MI- Mary Mn',;
china dinner set, Mr. and Mm,1
linen towel ami tablecloth. W
li-rniiil Mm luoioelh irhiui
JT set,
Mrand Mm W(l'larnlll;lul,l,,'"
Mr Drady; table linen, NuT
mcraud Verd'a Hill; Mr
and Mm 0 I) Jluil-r; llP WI lrM
x, ..ii... ..i. i, ..ti'rsvt. W inker
- . J
W K (loodell;
'. " ,"ir,il. silk salilln
s.I 1 1 tl , AnL'il IVaT M n 1
( MUa Uattln HUItlltlS, lmas:
ft. ... 11
..... ..1..LI,. .Ilul. Tartar, Alrllo; silver
fruit knivm Valid Mm W K illlanis.
Airllcjadvef urd retvlver, It Tarbsr,
Alrlls- slK knives and forks, I, F and
j j williua, Moscow, Idaho; glass
water set A Ihimhncr and fnmily,
Corvalllivory handled carving act
Mfnu.iMm J V O'Donnell; nvklug
clmlr,A' 0 Hlll; w'Um Ht'nrf'
Mlmltla Whlteakor, and lust, but not
loasftho Wkut Hi nio ftr one year, by
th-iVHHT Hit)K Publishing Company,
Wh their very best wishes and many
Aiinlhxr riaassr Hons,
Mm. F. W. Murphy, relict of Itev. J
K Murphy, died Dee, 30th, lu Mon.
ntounth at 8 o'clock a. nl., ngcil Hi
years and 2 months, Mrs. Murphy
crossed the plain In 1852 from Illinois,
settling In Polk county where slie bus
since resided. Hhe m the mother
ta-otvo children, nine of whom are
living, H. W. Murphy of Hint number
i A Mllllim Fi-IiumI.
A friend lu need Is a friend Indeed
and not less than one million tropic
have found Just suolia friend lu Dr.
King' New Discovery ' for Consump
tion, Coughs, and Colds. If you have
never inujd tbl Ureat Cough Medicine,
one trial will convince you that It has
woundcrful curative powers In U
disease of Throat, Chest nnd Lnnj?
F,i,eh boltlo Is gimrantccd to do all that
Is claimed or money will be refunded.
Trial bottle free at any Drug More.
Large bottles 50c. unilf I-(HI.
Iiik ivii,iruiriuuir.
What U'ti liuo by frmlilvNt IUrrUs
Vlss t'renlilnut Nanus an tb sb
Itisl OMesri,
VAHiiiKtiToN, D. C, Ik-e. IW,As
ha always Iseu life custom Christina
day wa olwerved at the national cap-
lied as a close holiday, The tooting of
a tin horn wa the lgnal air tlie coin
metlts'lliellt or the Christum cclebra.
tloit at the While house, about 10
o'eli-k thl morning. When Mrs,
Dlmitilek blew thl Juvenile Instrument
a fio'o came sndling from every door
around her In the corridor upstair,
ami aoou all the member of the pres
idential family a,iemblel itf laiiiihlug
priMvsston. The children round their
toy of all aorta and kinds arranged
around on the hW under the Christ
ma tree, On a table near by were
Mm, Harrison's gift, and ail the mem
ber of her family, a well a many
prominent --oile nil over the ctauitry
were represented by valuable uken.
Three or four nttHrtahlea held present
for President Hurrisoii, Mm, MeKee,
Dr. Bsott, Mm Dlmmlek, Mr, suit Mr.
I'arker, Mr. Hartford, Ml Hanger aud
all the Household retinue. Tlie pre!
dent yesterday presented each employe
of the household with an order for a
turkey or a imlr of glove. Mrs. Har
rison added to thl by pemoual gift
Ttltt VK-Kf tHOilllKMT ANtt PABtSET.
Vice-PniU utand Mr. Morton ate
ill iiuer with their daughter and a few
rrtoiid. Heeretary and Mm, Jllalu
had a late dinner, at which were res
ent Mm. 1 1 at lie lilaiue, Jatuc U.
Illntnejr, and Mr, and Mrs, Walter
Dtiiimwili. Heeretary KIkliw spent
ChrUtma with hi tuiiily In West Vir
ginia, Hocretory Tracy, Mr. Wllmer
dergeu and Ml Alice Wllim-wlergi'ii
formed tjuite a family party at their
residence, F.x Heeretary Noble and
wife had only a guest the Ml
HtilMend, alstir of Mm. Nolk Hee
retary and Mr. Husk had the 'principal
oltl.'er of the agricultural dcjr!innt
at dinner with them to-rilghL Atto
ney Ueueral and Mm. Miller, tlwlr two
ditugbtem and sou, had an old-fash
toned dlnuer togellior, I'mtumster
tieneral WaiiaiiiakerU-linttd Christ
mas at hi home in Philadelphia,
II MstsMri
rlljr Murh
Narlh l.
All 0r lh
Hr. Pail, Ie, 2i.A lllit uow
at nlKtll wa but the prelude to a
to-avy ustorin that began in this vicinity
thl afternoon. It Is snowing and
drifting hard, w Idle the mereurj Is rail
ing rapidly. It l regular blhutard,
having already attained large propi
Hon and extending all over the North
est. Kpwlal are generally to the
ante effect and eoim? from all di wtiou.
Ths Wll Rcsrhs a Vslwli af Psrlr
Mils sa Hour,
Ol.VxtflA, Wash., Ik-C. IS The
storm of Miaulay night wa the severest
exjs-rieneeil here trine August lSa,
aceiintlng to the record or (lis weather
bureau, The wind reached velocity
atoetock thl niorulng or thirty
thrvo iitilv ao hour for live minute,
rising to the rate of forty milt per hour
for a single mile thrtJ time. During
the gate last night the mis) at the
tcamer Colliy became entangWd at lew
water and she wa filled by the In
coming ti'le and sank. Hlic will not
be seriously diimnl- i
ni.. I....I .O...- i...ul l,.ii,onl
1,1V ,i,ni.,,ii,,i"i,t -. "
it warejt'W'-
New lino itf ileeoiw
er Dro. '
New Orleans nnr
W. lln.
Patlelsotl - Dr- fV
vlry slid
L usimi mr lino
.f'l, ... .......
horse r-x
ell w at. '
n.H-kCaoJEr?',h, "U'
wants an ine uuiur ami
e , . , , ... i,Hii.. ., i,.
fjxn uoo s ai,- -' w
""I . .
w ic
tbiith house.
M Imrlcy chop for
horse feed at
liner A Wilsmi'.
That .'street restaurant Is tlie lat
place III ine cuy 10 gin a nm inno,
When In Independence go to .the C
street restaurant and g-t your dinner.
Call at the C t reel restaurant and get
the last meal In tho city lor 25 cents.
Men's, boys and children' oveiwat
atagrent bargain at Htocklon Allen
Bu-ter & Locke have Just received
the buwst naaortnient of silverware
ever brought to the county,
The largest stock ol ring, luce pin
ii-t,-ii,-H. i, nun-lets, ami an kiiius oi
welry, at Buster A Looke a.
When It comes to low prices, T. W
I-Vtes Is fairly In It. He pays cash for
bis good, and sells way down
Onto Miicaulity A llobcrtsou' lor
your millinery, as they aresliiughtcrlng
prices, for they lo not carry stocnovcr,
To people who pay cash for grocerie,
it will nav vou to call on T. W. Fsm
nod act his nrlee. He can knock Vm
all out.
When In quest of a shave or hair out,
mill In at Ilenklo's barber shop. Bank
building, Main Mreot, Independence
Oregon. - tf
Buster A LiK-ko -request all tliose
knowing theiiisclve Indebted to them
to come forward and make liimiedlnto
Hemcniber when In Salem to cull
at Htronu'a rcatuiirnnt, now Wustiu'ott
& Irwin, and get ft meal not to be ex
colled on the Pacific, const for 25 cents.
at 271 Commercial street. tf
Mm. Bales, from California, wlshr
to Inform the ladles of tills vicinity
that aho hu opened up a first class
.Ireaaimtklng shop over the ludcpcn
deneo National bank, and also will give
lessons In cutting and fitting by the
latest Improved chnrt.
They any Buster A Locke don't ad
vertise right. Wonder what would
hnppou If they did, Their storo Is al
ways crowded with customers,'-. They
do not advertise no much with printer'
Ink ua with x Hue goods, retwoiiRbe,
price, umi fair t allng.
wumi.iao A MUMTII WITH
Tllli l'rtOHI,KM Or A
.KMMKNT, The slate board of equalization con
cluded It amdou and lalsim Wi-diii-duy.
The morning and afternoon were
sstit in taking-up the . remaining
eliuw ol pros!rty aud dlMiing of
J. J, Daly or Polk county; (leu. (,',
Hoar, assessor ol Multnomah jsuinty,
and Judge John Catlln; A. H. Watt,
tax agent, or tlie Union Pacific; were
before tlie board yesterday explaining
the aansuiieul oil different classes of
pntrty. ,
The total taxabk' pntHrty oftlmsUle
la not known but I variously estimated
by the meiulicn of the board to have
tatt Increased by their action from
thirty to forty million dollar, making
tlie total taxable proerly for the etate
proxlmalely alsiut IH),,ixx). :
It wa held by the board that tbilr
time would not expire fur ten day
yet to come, but Hon, JL J, Italy of
of Polk, held that according to the
strict collar ui-tliiu of the law, their
thirty days were up, and therefore Ihe
Hoard, after midnight Wednesday w a
hU. The opinion of the Attorney
Uenerul, Mf.CIiaiuU-rlalit, and Jinl-
Ikdso were asked, and they agreed with
Mr. Daly, heuiM the ltoard com-
pkte Uieir work by midnight, which
wa done. The Hoard ha done a gissl
aMillilli lur NulltlUff,
The W'KHt Hi lK Compaiiy have do-
elded to utter a iiuiiiUt of very valua
ble premium togelter up of clubs. It
give u plciixtir to announce that the
omiiptete 114 will be found In our hol
iday edition next wi-k. There Is not
"t-beiip"' nor a "stuaWy" article I u
the list Theeliler jirlw, Is a I--) or
gan. This instruiiietit la tlie very l-t
... ' .II I.. I.. l. t . 4 ,
weV ,r " ... . ""'"imaouf.u-turedby F.J. Cheney
nun w i nan me wvii-kiiowii iiouwcii,, , ,.i i ,.,.t ,.
.,-. . .. ujr oiw
given u snoiai aMiimuce that tin-
tiejdrument I the very Isst bis mam
tooth factory can turn out. The Kuey
eloHdla lirltunnlca will be the second
premium, This l n-eigtilMl the world
over a the standard em-yeloiMslU, and
the fact that It contains more than
Uire time as much matter a any
other work of It kind published Is am
ple ftMsumue that Ihe work will be all
we claim for It It 1 from the well
known house or Henry O. Allen & Co.,
New York, one oT the Inrgtt publish
ing house hi the world. The itrltan
ttltm consists or thirty volumes, -im-
plete with colored mujw or every pari
cm the world, Illustrations and d
Information regarding every Iuiiik
aide subject. The w ork should I
every mane, aim woint ij were ,p,
for It great cost. The Wtxr H,,,
give evwy one a chance ex.
gn at work, aud we deliverv nil-
jrv atid all chargee paldy,,, (.
ay statiuii lu Orx-goi), y Tni, lK,
tod states for Uiat iny m tticludr
mlunie of k-ssi-r v0rter'
Chamla-r' eiicyclC,. r i,,,.!,,,,,,..
l'llbrldg-d WT,,!... r.n.i.inn.lls'
Dletlonary or Jforld. 'and mim.-naiH
Ua.lUerorif11)mi 4,()Vt.t ,
miit puoit
iflvcfuU imrticulara. We
that thk is an opportunity
"Kinut alTord to ml, a every ar
y(rn oiler Is the verv tsist. No
iu sMua-r. itn-iit or suuill. ever ilfervd
A ti of thl character tK-tore. Watch
, the advertisement.
tiik roNvfcvriox,
Ths Tliuruiaa lrfKlaa Ifa-lrgstlon II
llnra 1'hoMn for thai Ciathrrlng,
hollowing Hivtliemen who will rt-p-
resi-nt the legion;
Hon. P. II. D'Aroy, Knlem.
Hon. Itolwrt Miller, Jaok,nville.
llou. J.W. Shelton, I'nioit.
V. J. Furnish, Pendleton.
Hon. J. K. Wentherford, Albany.
Hon. W. II. Vaughn, Molalla,
Inckama county.
Hon. C. J. Treneluiisl, Astoria,
Hon. Charles Nlckell, Jucksouville.
Hon. J, It, N. Ik-ll, Itidependeiiee
W, W. Jesse, New Kra.
JIou. John Myers, Kaat Port land.
Thoa. Outuean, Portland.
Eugene Protxman, Portland.
Hon.C.W.Boby, Portland.
I,. A. Radcltm, Portland.
Clmrles N. Walte, Portland.
CTmrlc Hlmclmcr, Portland.
A. D. Itockrullow, Portland.
J. D. McKcnnan, Poi tluud.
I O. linger, Portland.
A rr,l.
I take this method of stating to tb
public that I have sold my entire stock
of groceries to Mr. T. W. l-tos, wh
hits taken hold of the business, and 1
bespeak for him a liberal patronage,
ami tin I am working ror hlin, I shall
be very much pleased to meet all my
old customers, whom I know will be
given the very best of attcnlion
Thauklmr one and all for past" favors,
I bid you for the present, adieu.
Yours Truly,
J. I. IllVlSK.
Notice Is hereby given to the legal
voters ol school dlslrlct No. 15), In the
County of Polk, state of Oregon, Unit a
apodal meeting of said district will be
held at the sehoollmuso, on C street, in
the town of Independence, ou Monday
tho fourth day of January, A. 1),, 1SU2,
at 7:80 o'clock, p. in., for the following
objects; .To authorize the board of di
rectors to levy a Uix tor tho payment ot
a part or till of the current lndchtcduc
of aald school district, including In
terest on bonds; also for the mainte
nance of iv five school the remainder of
the school yeac.
Dated this iUth day of Peoom'ier,
18m. J. T. Fohd,
District Clerk.
When Baby wm slok, we gam her Castor!,
When iliewfta a Child, she ried for Cmuiris.
When she bom Mm, she cliing to Cantorl.
When the had OKlren, she gave Uuuii Csstorla.
( '
1 ft.""1
mi rv tt.
, ATI,
Tin? polk county .
turn wa called teorj
by P., Y. Stulkcy, pre
rclary Is-lng alswtit, T.
j.)loUd to All the 1.
ujH-rilng address t "
HIiDontou of Dixie
gris ting. Prof. It, V. I
el ably handled the 1
bhn, whleli wa "IX.'
Law at Prwajnt," f
hould receive further t
widiiHoii adjourned tonv.
House calleil to order t
Jeel asalgned Vfut. It. V.
llnued, Pfof, luynoldsa; '
atlrred up a hona-t' it e
Jut," President app-dnt-b
on program, vl,: I'ttA.
Mr. Faull and Prof. C. A.
Met bod In Interest w ere C
T. J. Jgekwn, An lute
drill In history by Prof. C.
ton wa then enjoyed. I
wxt meeting read and acec
meeting to be held at Me
last Haturday In January,
adjourned ut 8.30 p. in.
T, J, Ja ko!p Heft
HTAJtK Te the w ife of J. I
In this city, Monday, Itee. -twins;
a boy and a girl. W;'
pound each. Alt doing w'.
There Is more Catarrh In thk
of Umi country than all other
put (ig;iihcr, aud until the L
yer wa auppawd to I loc
For a great huuiy year doctor
Imuiind It a local dU-asc, lw
nrilH.-l local remedies, aud oott.'
railing to cure with local U'
prouoiii.o( it Incurable. Heleoc
prven itrrh to be ft conatlt
dl-4ti, and tla-nfore reulrcee'
llonal treatment. HaH'st-'atorrf
! , ,,, 111Mrt... It U
eureou the market, il ls1!
teniully lu d,wa from iib
teaMssmful. It act dlfi of
bbsst aud imii-ou gfundred i
system. Tiny oHer Jb cure, rk;
lam fur any case It ffidal. Addre
for circular and bf Toledo. O. . If
v .! riu-n.-v kJ f
- -- "
by Iruggit j
ejiist butight the entire stpt
iiVJaekrU or a whok-sale lioust
, ngure that we can sell tliem W yo
-s than wholesale prion. The.
Is are all ut thia year' uuike and
urn' or them are very handsome, Cals
soon, Iwfore the number are broke-
The annual nm-ting of the share-
holdem r the Iudetudeue Water
. ... . , .. , i . , . ........ m. .,r T,,Ha. i.
ami r.icctnu IjIKih " v
peudeitce, Or., for the election of din ( -
r,i will be held at tne parlors in i -.
udi'is-udeiKV National IwiuK lu aaw
city U-tweeti ten and twelve vciosk, ja;
at unlay the 30th day of January ISKI, -
aud for the transaction of auett orneri , .
businvsa that may come before "e .
meeting. ...
11 It. J Aai'KBSOH, f-ee '
iNit?iKsi.KxcK,ivxu2yth, laid. 'y
aiwkhaliliin Mrstinc.
v.iih-.'-Uli.-n-livciven that the ann
IT1 iliiwiif tin, HiiskhoUK-reof the lit
depi tHlemv Nitlioiml bank will be hek .
at aald bank on Tuesday, January 12,
I2 U-tween the bouraoi lu o eiuea s. t
..i i nVlir-li n in. of aald dav U'l f l -
tlie puriHxc of electing board or o
rectum and transacting eueh other A
business as may come beiore the meet- .t
lllg. W. P.CO.NSAW AY, 5
V list,,,:, . ."
aiix khaltlrra' MwU.
Tiu.m u 111 I meeting: of the sUa-k- .
holdem of the Flrt Naitoual tank of
Independence, Polk county, Oregon, y
ou Tuesdav, January l-', lssij, at the , -
parlors of Ihe IwiiK Ian ween iw iionm
of 10 oVba-k a. m. aud 4 o'ehx-k p. in,
or said dav, for the purpose of eWotiug
directors,' and trammeling any -other . .
ImstiuTM tlial may come wwn mv. ,
lntel tills mil day ot lKveiutwr, a. ,
tU. W. 11. 11AWI.KY,
i iiamer.
Itulepeinlsne "tl Moamoalh MoU- Llm -
7aW .
S ti .'
. fctft
lit SO
it IS
Notlee to Stockholders. .
Nutioels U,-ii-liyitl.'H that Ultra will btv
imvtlii ol lli lsholrter of U Inaop
ilenes A Moioinmlh Kallway company, ,
t linleiwiulemH, Ohiton, on Tliursilay, j,, A. Ii l!U. Ir tlie piirisw-
Dlitwnlor ,lli-liir(irlliiin year.JItt
ili iriiiiMH-tlou ef siu-li oilier biiuiiws a liy
wiintU-toreUieniwtliiii. '
v. r. i iiNNAWAT.Swrotary.
liuH-rliilem- lr IHh', a, Mil. 4-
Notice to Stockholders. '
Notice l hereby Riven lliul Hist will N
mi-lliii;il tlx- i-lixkliolilersot tbe Vnk Oeun
tv IjohI eomrany livlil lit U uHlee ot ssld
iiiiouoiv, In liuUKlilen(, Otveim onTllurs.
a.ilu-:il-i ilnvot lhwuibor, A.l.lsiu,l.irthn
nnVel' el--liii Imhii-,1 ot iliieotor for the
-uxiiiiitf vwur.and air the transaction ef suti
,lhi-r UtliillHwS A amy ivillf t-miv m iii,-,tv-
Ihk, 1'. , bkaks, evvroiary. .
linti-linrti-nw),tf., Dee. fcisvi. .
The hoard of school directors of dis
trict No.) will hold their regular
meeting in tlie director room of the
Independence 'National bank at 4
o'clock p. in., Friday, October 2, 1801.
ind on FiHIa.v at tlio sme hour or
,ivt-i'v four weeks herafter. Hitfned
tf uoara or iiirectorj
W n ""
uuiita' QUARTER
kercuuuty, Oit- fQ n
am. near what UT Jl
U now D.iker City, p C M Tf TRV
t man who 1ms aince V, L-i I 1 U 11 1 ''
become MentlAetl with the resources aul B'f'(
development of that country. This nwa flVal
la no other thun Mr. John Stewsrt, one of V t
weallhkHt And most fiittueuUsl clllxen ta
county. In recent leller he snj-s s "I hud',
ultcrluK oiim pain In my back snd general i
ney cotupltihit for aoivie ihne, nud had used r
rei'neiHcs without y hut temporary rellet t ,,
pains in my hack had become so severe thai-
preventeil imni aueanise; to my wors aaa .
not move ahoiil without the use of a cane. ;
h(f, through a filrud, uf the wonderful c
fected by Oregna K ktaey Tea, I was iaavcttl , .
a bos, and fiom that verj- firvt do I found lo ,
K-llef, and before untns; half the eontents On)
box the pnlns In mv-Kvk entirely ilisapp, f
I have every faith in ihe virtues of the Ot , .,.
KUlnuy IVa, and cms con vlentlonaly receramei, ;-
It to my frieuils. I would not he without it ft, ,
anytbtiii;."' "
Orejon KUaev Vc enw backa'.ae, raetmtW -neiire
nf , Hue. hi it. k tli'd acdimeiit, humlng or
kpninhil sensstiun wliih' i.nnutiiiR, anil all affee
lions of the kidney- or nr- vonsof eklw
i .. v.
1 .
, - -rs.
- -