The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 01, 1892, Image 2

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J. 1. I, Kit, tDITOH
tost PfiisSj Cc;any
Oil Ywkf
ttu MunihA
thr MvwtltA
All mn-lA unrt ImH antlm not Axcwnt
ln v limn will Im iiiavriml lYw, All uvnr
Av llnm will l (htipHt rtvvnu r lliitv
HvNhlv Himrj rwuimtim will I otmiy,,!
Hr l in rmio 01 ovv wiu iw linn.
AilvlrwwHvmumnloiUnftir intll(lim
to Tsi WawftUnit, iuirt m All rmnitMama
r.vUo w U tvl (.Vuuijr ruttitetilne uuii
IWUtwd At h lSwl.ortlt tn Tndi'lWtt-
Tub Democrats' of Providence
Rhode Island toave tdedod a mayor
for tli first tinio in thirty eight
Host. D. W. Skarh, of McCoy,
was in town last Srturdity. Ho is
quite hopeful of the success of the
great Democratic party, tho part?
of the people.
Ckihp, the ptvsent ftpwtker of the
house, is spoken of iw stiitjvMo un
terial for pi-widen. As he was
boru in Englaud, he is uot eligible
for that position,
I ..I
Senator Staxkouo aud his wife
have, it is said, embraced splritu
alism. It is easy to believe this
after his crcuy genome of govern
incut loans on land.
. L-... ... . XI
JOIISL. Sl'LUVAX is reported
as druuk again. Telegraphic tolls
would bo saved if the wires would
simply announce the occasions on
which the professor is sober.
Hon. Bin'ger Hkkmaxs has
been given an important place up
on the River's and Harbor's com
mittee. This is good for Oregon,
and we say good, for Speaker Crlxp,
We have received a circular from
parties in Portland referring to the
organization of a State Historical
society. Such a society is of great
benefit to a state. By all means
let as hare a Historical society, and
let it be in the hands of responsible
Our frieuds will bear with us,
because we shall be a week late in
getting out our holiday number.
Had it not been for the misfortune
of the fire in onr city a short time
since, we should have been on time.
Some of our work was burned up.
"We will reproduce it, however.
It is no w proposed by some Dem
ocrats in congress that a free silver
coinage bill shall be passed, but
with the proviso that it shall apply
only to the product of American
mines. Well, this ought to satisfy
every mine owner in the couutry.
Let is pass, llarrimt trill not rWo
that bin.
The Eugene 6riand Bid Ore'
gonian are now having quite a tilt
about who are good Democrats, and
who are not, as the leaders of the
party. What the En4 Oregouian
calls "independence," sounds more
like reckless speech for a purpose
than a candid statement about those
whom he assail. The Guard is j
couservative and is nearer the mcts
in the case than the East Orrgonian
The Republicans in the lower
houe of congress are much pleased
with their appointments upon all
the important committees. Some
of the Democrats are dissatisfied.
but it grows out of the followers of
Mr. Mills, of Texas, who failed to
be elected Speaker, aud also failed
to be appointed chairman , of the
Ways and Means committee. W
now oeiieve mac urwp will come
out all right.
Sib Edwin Ahsold, himself an
editor, condemns American papers
for carelessness in their style. II
claims that no piece of newspaper
work should be turned out inside
three hours. We would like to sec
Sir Edwin hustling on abig murder
. at 2 o'clock in the morning when
the paper went to press at 3. If
true to his theory he would bo feel
Jng around for a job next day.
Detroit Free Prem.
The theaters of Minneapolis,
after a trial, no longer give Sunday
bight performances. The experi
ment was contrary to tho prevail
lng moral sentiment anil even
pecuniarily was not a success. The
Sunday performences alieuated an
excellent class of attendants from
all theater going. The week-day
performances were avoided by peo
ple who would not give their mor
al support and example to Sunday
The late Henry W. Grady re
ceived the largest pay per letters of
any writer in America. The New
York Letycr paid him 20 cents a
word for five letters written on the
Southern condition. Each letter
averaged 1,000 words and his first
letter was dictated to his stenogra
pher In twenty minutes. He thereby
earned $10 a minute or $200 for
twenty minutes work on each letter.
In one hour and forty minutes by
the same ratio he had made $1,0G0,
"itoxiuw ; vraitu"
Till? Wasco Sun says: 'lion. U
V eaten, or iXtuago drove, '. Latin
eoiinly, will in all probability be
the IHmiocratic nominee for eon
gress In the first district, ami abet
tcr standard bearer the Democracy
coma not choose. Too nonsense pre
vailing some time ago about Itoh
Miller and .left" Myers amounted to
nothing. With Mr. Veateh m a
candt litte, hU opponent with Hip
usual ivepuiHtean nmorlty, will
have no walk over. Whoever it
may lie, the Republican, candidate
will have to, do somo hustling- to
vanquish Honest H b Veateh ol
Lane county."
Mr. Veateh is not t he man to rep
resent ns n congress, even tt we
could elect him, It is all nonsense
to soud a negation to represent us
in congress, Mi Veateh hit
learned one word by role, and one
word only, and like IWs Raven,
his invariable reply has been "net cr
more," or "no,'' which amounts to
the same thing. To be pouscrv
utive is conuneiidttWe, but to Ih
obstinate, contrary, nd at the same
time very inconsistent, is not
characteristic which would k
sought for in any man, the Dem
ocrats would desire to scud to i'on.
gresa. If Mr, Veateh had voted
"no" all the time, then he would
have been consistently contrary .
but self tuterot iudueeil hint to
change his melancholy and monoU
onous refrain jnst one time, and he
in Alow tone ot breath, voted ''yes."
We had better return Hermann,
than to make such illndvUil ox
periments its the Wasco St sug
One of the most amusui.' thin-".
Uiat hits come to the notice of Oie
gtm iieople lately, is the retimrksble
assuitiity ami Keal with wlucli the
W ashiugton rorrespomliMit of tin
UrtwttMn baa lalmreu to ensile the
luiprcasiou that there was it ureal
split in the Democratic jiarty in
congress. About wr-k ago tin
sprightly sprig legan enlarging
upon this ratal ttlviMon. Une day
he would tell of it and the n,t da'v
he would reiterate bis statement ol
the previous day, and this he kept
up until he saw he had overtaxed
the credulity of the render of evcu
the Ocwomwm. But wonderful to
relate, he now bojs that the split
will tie healed up so far as congress
is concerned, but Uiat the sola til
spread to the rank and tile of the
party ami ruin it. There uroevidon-
ees that the correspondent rereitetl
instructtous from heuilnuarteis to
change his tactics iuid lay the scene
of his story whereits untruthl'
could not bo so easily proven.--. I.
bimg Drmocmt.
We are alow to believe l hit the
Oregnnfon management at l'ortland
would Iwguilty as h.nged uhove.
But we do think that the rry,.
correspondent tit Washington
City has become so unreliidite, that
other testimony than his correspon
dence is required to pin credem e
as to the happenings at the suit if
government. We noticed recently
that he used slangy ami oppmbri.
ous terms in reference to the Ih.t.
o?rat ic momlwrs of the house, lule
hisiirtC(7(T in mwtot in refeivnce to
the Kepublicitns, wiw quite notice
able. The leading Democrats of
this Btate patronise the (Wiimlan,
and deservo better trcatinent.
mount mux.
John Lloyd Thomas, secretary
of tho national porhibition commit
tee delivered an address ut the
W. (J. T. U. hall lust evening to a
small audience.. Mr. Thomas is
sent out to re-organize the Prohibi
tion party in this state. He is a
very pleasant and logical speaker
and at tho close organized a club
of 72 member.' We imdcr.-itaud
that ladies, and young ladies and
gentlemen (non voters) are taken
into these clubs, Mr Thomas ar
raigned in terse language tint
system of legislation that has, in
the last twenty-five years, resulted
in making 8,000 millionaires who
own seventy tier cent, of llm
wealth of tho country. Ho made
the mistake, however, of blaming
the Democrats etjitally with the
Republicans for this system of
legislation. H.V should bear" in
mind that during the last twenty,
five years the Democrats have not
had legislative control of the govern
menr, and htnea could not be
held responsible for itAlkimj
Fair-minded men of nil parties
will commend President Harrison's
liberality in appointing Democrats
to the Federal judiciary. If our
entire judiciary could bo , con
structed on a non-partisan basis it
would be infinitely better for tho
country. An example in this di
rection was sot by Mr. Cleveland
when he made Judge Cooley chair
man of tho interstate commission.
President Harrison's disposition to
free the judiciary from partisan
politics is tho one bright spot In his
idmi n istrati on. Evening Telegram,
Will practice In all state ami feili-ntl
courts, Ofllco over iiidi'peutlenec Na
tional Bank.
' JJlllliul f , lionltjr,
WBMhinKtoti, NfW Jonwy.
UKA'H'V'S i)vmnn nt tmrnirm.
For imrtluulnni nnd oiittiliiuiin nil-
I vwvmrCMI Oiwtlol V. Uimtly. Wiuhlhu.
Niirf Jernny.
Xi;W 17.M.".V DAY.
It Is New Year's d ly, All "m tie-
d'tiii" emptim Into the si reels, nil
"httlydoiu" iviiialtiH atjiome. It is
a gala day, a holiday, a day for
polishing anew the claim of friend
ship and Interlocking the links of
love. It is a practical New Year's
day, one set apart to repair any
omission or error of the year Hint
has passed. It is like the merry
tnarelt with which the returning
funeral bund spirits off the sad
thoughts that the recent burial ex
cited. The old year has been laid
with Ids white head in the tomb,
aud everybody is happy to enjoy
the smiles of the newcomer. It
swum a spark struck off trout the
givat t hwl of ages by the revolu
Hon of lime-one of the Kinds in his
glass turned to gold. The streets
are full of joy in the arsoiis of well
dressed men on their tour of friend
tliip, acquaintance, or love, who
soeui almost to forget the out-door
glories, in anticipation of those
who preside over the domestic hos
pttalttlcs. ttrlght at d cheering ns
Is the sunlight, without, are the
suiltes within door, and soft as the
balmy air, are the words luvathcd
by the festive board. .
Titer la pleasure l;i the streets
aud-on the hilts; then Is happiness
within the dwelling; hearts swell
more joyously, blood (lows through
artery and vein with a wilder dc
light, 'Tis a good time, a grand
time, a happy time. Old friend
snips grow tusirer, love grows
stronger, ull hariuouUingly hit.
niani.'lng. There's nothing like as
soclation; il is the sandpaper which
rults iluwii nature s asiM-rities, the
burniiOter which polishes (ho louh
surfaces of society, the brush which
applies the lust varnlstu There
fore, long live the poetic nud tie.
lighlful custom of New Year's culls.
A cuslotu which raiiM ple.iMint as-
sociatious and sj nip.ithii s, Is like
oil on the surface of steel, keeping
it bright. It New Year's day,
then. In our mint to coin anew
plea.Huut feelings, and turn into
louble eagles the rough bullion of
life. '
( r.xiKAt. tiwMirrM.
Tho iiiciulH-rs of the Democratic
state central committee for the state
of Oregon ate hereby requested to
meet in Portland, Oregon, tit the
rooms of the Tammany Society, on
l riday, January 8, lvrj, for the
pnrposeof designating the II mo ami
place of holding the next Demo
cratic state convention and for the
apportionment of delegate to the
the same. A full committee is
carm-stly reipie-sted.
II. f!ot Dsuini,
Chairnun stale central committee.
A. Nm.TNKtt, Secretary.
Pot Hand, Dee. 1 1. lv.U,
Inherited !y few, Is pure blood, free,
from hereditary taint. Catarrh, con
sumption, riieumutlmn, Scrofula,
and many other maladies boru In
tho Mood, ran 1k effectually eradi
cated only hy tho uso of powerful
alteratives, Tho standard specific
for this purpose tho one best
known and approved is Ayor's
Sarsaparilla, tho compound, con.
centrated extract of Honduras sun
Bftparilla, and other powerful altera
lives. "I MMilir Unit t htefe been
Acteral hundred dollar' wt.
Aycr'A Bararllla, And would trongly
urge All who r troubled with tomcneM or
rlirunwuc tnu to give H a trial. I am aura
It will do tlii-m Himunnt food, A It lint
done me.'-Mrs, JuAvtitt Wood, West I'lottn
burgh. N.Y,
Dr. J. VT. SliIeMst, of Smltlitlllo.'Tfttn.,
!: "I ri'gnrd Ayor1 SmoiarlllA aI1i
butt blood nmlteliu) on rurtli, ami know ot
many wuutlutful curei fluotd 1J IU uo.'
' Vor many jtsun I won laid tin with S-nif-nl,
no 0-eiiHiiPtit llug ol Any tx-iwflt, At
li-Kth l wit iwomnii-tiilwl to glvo Ayor't
8 jr:irlll,i a ti lal. I did so, and
By Taking
Aliout a dozen bottle, win iwtorcd to per-
Icwt liRAHII WfllKtillin KBpnuiHtil Alld Atn
now a tHilloTflr In tint nii-rlti of Ayor'i Harv
piirllla." Jitrni-A IVtiy, Mine lion, Ilrack
eurlrigo Coal Co. (LlinlU'd), Victoria, Ky.
"My nlfwo, Santh A. T,om w for ytr
Aflllotcd with MrofitlntM humor In tlm blood.
Aliout l numttm Ago Alio bi-Riin to una
Ayor'A Sivrnnnnrllln, aiu! after tnklng tlirra
biitilos was eomplotelyourd," E. C'ttHall,
P, lt Umtse, Utah.
Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by All DmsijliU. Trlco 1 j Hi bottlm, 9,
Are tho hunt, VVrlln
ror (-.imii'tMim, Ad-
ittty, vv ttithiiiiKtori, Now Jornny,
lrw Omiiol V. IU
Jno. J. Daly. J. B. Sibley. H, C. Eekln,
Wo hiiVM thn only tt of Ahulmnt Im.ilr. in )it.
onniity. Jt"liiililo. Iwl.rnnta furiiiliiul, nml
mimny tu J.mri. No cnintnimlon olrHrKi-il un
loan. Ollluo, rooiim t mid il WIIwiu'a bluuk,
For Catalogues, addrtMH.
DANIEL F, BEATTY, Washington, N. J.
do. niirt.nin-Hhlii hi-cniiiiin-ii H.i.iinr, i.
" " " "iini'r hiiii H, n, i,ii(.iii, or lllilu.
'ii- u, i "in ihiii ui y, iiri-ifnii, H tlHN tiny,
- liU - (l til tlm mild Ill-ill will pny Ui0
,,1. ., w, ,-ii.iii-i i,i uio uiinnrmifrrit'd.
Ontol Jim, l.imiit, J, w, IIiwkk,
- ! ' . A, H, Utan,;l.)giivejudginetittliiit
only nt the hundredth time was that
sermon delivered at his best Its
power grew in the tulio r repeti
tions, The movement of the rud
der consumes part of the power of
tho otiglne, Steering check tuo
ineutum. The fumlliarlty, by rep
etition wit h the language of an or.
tlon, groove a tlttuge in the luenu
ory ami seeurea for prttpulslon the
w hole attention and energy.
Tin? old Roman, Allen (J. Thur-
man, passed the TM.h anniversary of
ftW blrjb on the l.'lth inst., Hint is
stHiiniiigly In Iwtter hoaUb than fur
years wst. lie will doubt less
round out his lift, to the close, as
one of tho most tcnijH'rate and best
regulated of all Hie public men the
nation bus ever known. ' He Is one
of the best models for young Amor
leans to imitate and emulate.
i no putiiie is respectfully Invited to come ami see tho wonderful
bargjtlns to lie hiitl in holulav cootls. hmlerv. nmli-i wi ill'. illYVUl ullll'lu
ealuHkH und ginghams, notions, 'tinware, ghisswaw, and other tirtleU
iw uiinicrous q mention. Jle sure
' . '.. - '
-ew L'tKMls are w me m-elvetl
2.1 to M r cent on every purchase.
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
T. W.
BuMr 10 J, 0, Irvine,
DAlr In
and Cigars
" '""I l'K 'l Of ciin,
cheap. Aloo, a M of vsry duo h a, llml will 1 aM wry nnr owl.
Remember the old stand of J. D. I.
Wo dtslrc to siiy a few words to tho peoplo of Indepen
dence and vicinity. Wo will not give you a hug, windy
story, but will t?ivo you row cold ftcts that will cxplulu
la it dollar miiilc, and wo,arc hero to sitve you the dollar
on groceries and qtieeuswurc; nnd you will not lmvc to buy
a carload of goods to do it cither. Wo pay spot cash for
our goods, and tho keen competition botweon Portland nnd
San Francisco wlioltwiilo houses cnitbUss us by paying cash
to get closo bargains. Wo have no rent nor clerks to pay,
nnd with our facilities we will sell you goods cheaper than
tiny other house In Polk county.
Our litiHlnesn is ntpidly Inereasiug, which bIiowh Mint tlto
peoplo npprcciiito our endt'iivors. Wo ltnvo douhled our
Htoek In tlm piwt thirty days, nnd aro reeeiving now goods
every day. Our building is choek full of goods, all nlco,
new, neat, nud clean, and wo aro hero to sell them to you
tit lower than you win buy for oIho where. Ciivo us a
filinro of your piitronnge, and be convinced of what wo tell
yon. Wo will tako your product) in oxchungo for goods, or
pity you casli, Goino nnd Heo m; wo will treat you white.
Independence, Or.
Otoady Progress
ItuiliMK'terHl HokI'i hrMMritl rr
lined 11 tu iiltMHi far Iht jmtilin.
WIMMVM lMlhKlur4 lit HIM kiri mw
fNim ycr to fmr, until now It In tlt rkmI
tpHl Add ttltHWHlHl WMllStlM oirn-il,
AnrdmmtlM will Mtiltrm Iht
TtiuMJfret at till, nuciipM Um In Ut lvt Ott
llntsi't iMtrin ti Kiiilomol ttmrlt.
it iIikmi RitttMlly mwmiluli All tlmt m
clAliiivd f'if It, itd wliru lvpit a ltr If Ini,
! rMMiiMbljr onln l to el bouvflt,
J'okIiIt NlAtcineittA,
'HIhp IIihmI'i htniwrtllA hM tmn In
. r hAtidt lor Mli t hutc. hul frwiunitt And
iiiimm-iviid tittBiutHiil In In !, At
lliuus i rrMm tliu rrAlla tut ltu
Mwu mi sroAr, toy fiat ban twn troAiar
limn ol Any Imlinr itvmlliiH, Atid Ik
ttxttniiuilitlD In tin fmrur rmtinti mn1IIv
And rwMillr uulliwitlilih" A. WA1UHT,
lliiAliUlmrn, ('At,
toll tin Its McrllA.
" My Wt mty, 1 I'ia, wh dmi't na tuf
niin ut Him.) ai,ninn m iiiuvi
r ! iiuMi ' t wiiiun itauwu uter.
Ha K, IUfc, I'tirllnud, OnnUi thitwld.
at iliKl.l lu Oriii,
N. II. H tin mi tat only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Md tjr rtniMlilA, fit llutW. I'rr4
nsi'i liJL Uuuu i,j,hw-i
IOO Doeot One Dollar
to see the immense
nil llm limn V ull) mn-u r,,..
Becoml door from First Nutiomtl
(;.) lliut will Im AnIJ by llio cni very
stmiiAiiiotrilir )
PI M AA M 1 1
W.J. MULKEY, Prop.
Snlisfictloii Ktiiintntccd in pi-lees
ittiil goods, Hlock Iron und 1miii;;1iI
for cwh, Tuir dealing mid good
l-'KKi: HKI.1VKI1Y ut the hours
olAli to 1 1 il. in, und .') to 5'p nt.
Th aoocaabIo RpublloAii Journl
of th Mttropollt.
A NwAppf for tht Maaaa.
Circulation over 100,000 copies
Tlti'IVf4ithrtitrtthir rnWMM"H( (tiillnno
telnwj Imim iu ftiiittitu U tiift
Tin fnm u nKtii'Mt nPi.rijt.'n fhi
!lm, fUVdf HIIfllUMIit kimI Irttlu liltl Hit
(.titlCf til tliflt t)llMlll Ot l(Hf t'f.
1 1- lrt li-i the lf ihtt! MlifMrUJ iMfW Ifi
Nrw York, H tmrimw wuh nutt,
n$ tfM r, trmg fvtiry rurri tit ii' ut
nf'ftil. Tlut viAKLv HlHtttti Mttln ih
gtni UiMttfM of llu) t4ll Hint HiitMUy tMHMimn
hr HiitsM wilt fltuil AtrtitU Un flaiiy, nr
tn l.rt'rnit liV iiitrftt Tnnii nrf HvwIV-
As an advertising medium
Tht I'rrM lm no nnfU.r in N't-w Yiik,
tlir t'r 1 r!(liii Hip n-li nf ell, Thrbral
m'l ilital nj"r iuAui'tUM.
iiily nnd H'liHlny, nn v-ni" ,.,.,, .,,.A
lixmllia 1 91
" HUB IIIMIitll . ,, ,. , f
lll I'lllj-, m Jir .. . , S U
" nimli ,,,, I K1
"tiniinv, i.iin i .r .Hi"
l4-,k! WW ) rr t .,.,19)
S.-ml tn tup f'rr.. t-imtlHP.
Nft-utiln. r,f A.'fOv nt,-.l tVrrttll,tv(
t.tlH-ml V.U,IHi,kt,M, A-i-ti.
full, r bull.llltif. 1 IVk Ituw, Nt ' urlt.
Illili-vtntitle( Oregnll
1'ninwcl n jjrii,-rnl l:,;iil !tiile Htinl-
newi, l.iivtit u lU PriM'rtj,el!ecU
IiikiinoKv ninl ih- urtu ntl
t'itlV..i.o IttlolllfnH.
Pitrile lmvltt I,ntii"fiir sulv will
II till II ti; their mlvtitititc tu
List Their Property
Willi tliU Cinnpjitiy, iw (hey n tlittly
w-iiillii); lift a of Inttil e.-ul, tint iiluc-
Inil (liwlrutiln property hefuiv She n-ji-
tllillA lif til.,' J JUit.
JAM1X tllllSU.V,'
J, W. KIKKLAM), nt.
Resident Dentist
All rk aiii-miiti.l slvt tin- lx-.t
tit .ttiiMfi-ii.
IM'KI'lMM.Xt t (tHKiii'N
(' W,, fndepenileliw.
IhXt.i. A. MAKK, lTuiifidur.
r int i-liiM in ry remKH-t HtH-oinl
nt li-ntit.ti 4;iven trmmtftit ruUimcni. A
huii1i niimi fur cmiiiiiercml trnvpliim.
" 0 Wt tntt I
oi ls i.i rri.t.
M i. U ti It TI...
in,iuit-i linn mum lutttf fvn.lln tr,-K , 0 n
iln.l i-Hll l lliHili. .'Illiiff IIii-iii, All hntr
In tin In l tnw til It Itiw-ir. m-nij i,f
iniim nun ii'iiiii, ii, ( Atfm-- mid
Suwiljr tvi nwiu uu. li'iM.,.i.ik Ml.t ttlcim,,,
W iiriiiinrt In k..
j mi run M-iitH
lint-,- iIiivk ,i (ir,-fl
nwm in wnt-iri unit
ilnnii w.-nttM-r. In
.(wit mil) UMid .v
Jim. T, I'ihiiu-iI Mint
lllll.'tM nf lii,tp,,.
ui-iii-,-, i.r, pNtrn
ii put Mr, Kmnk
Nilll. Ilnti-I I '. ,. I !....,
I'liiiriiim-v, I'uriliinit,
' n, jit nn ii did
tlll'itl null- i1v i,-.
A. M, l'i nip, ,s,n jj)!
iiiiu-ii nu iim,. Mill.
ln-mll, Mlllliiinm.
A ul. .1 ,
nir t-iiniii;iii-iiii,mm tki- no nib-uium or
. ' "-M I'll ll.TIK,
B i 3 ixi
O X . 5-- -
inw." Trnnnrv
ii o
:. S '
,; "'""O i-i ::'"' XSS
H.'WAI . . rt JS .
...... tJ)
El n u CLJ
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111 i
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Bm , B
J. F. O'Donnell's oval (
Sale will last untiabout h
December 1, whe"nifc ex- '
peets to begin mo'rL t0 7
his magnificent nevbVick.,
building.opposite thlpde- J
pendenee National 1
liKAl KH l!f
f 7" "rT-rC V . Mil III II JN "ij
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1 "Y
m;w :k)iw Aititmxci Kvova-:
My utiM-k I imw tnont mtuilfU than evi-r I fore, !.,
nil tlm ('in.tnti.-rx i,r Hiti Atore eoiitluue irMiiitiK, tid t0
Ifnile who iuvr itlil U-funs In cuiiixvtUm with niv ft
herw Uvm unit Ihk inn be n-Mln-I
lU-ini-tulA-r lh iiniiit niiit phuv,
F. 0. Patterson
Dealer in
Fruits, Nuts,
Elgin. Waltham, Sctli Thos, Swiss,
or any movement desired, gold or
silver case, hunter or open fe.
Our line includes ever)' ki of 30
hour and 8-day clocks.
Our stock is complete, and will pay
you to select your jewelry fn it.
Our stock of silverware
. i .
the county. Vc sell
margin of profit.
Ol bpetacles wc have
and can fit all kinds of.
Wc carry a line of IinV Guitars,
Violins, etc., ot the fincit Kty.
also carry a large stock o Lic Plcistcr,!
Paints. Oils, and ClnJ ! - il
Paints, Oils, and
and our prices
and examine
you buy or not.
i Jb.
I Mi
bleAKtsI (o lmv.
Hlu'-e timny to
r nmi)iifiuiurtilf tM imiuiirtim-ut
Main Streeultendence
One OolriVeekly
nn? a ivi rta-
y If Huh vii-m
r ! limn,
lln-iit, iiil i ' r iml
iw. ..ihI u miy Ti.viit
Ctil lM w tin li r arl) mif , Xl
iiiiiiiiii(jw ntrim rlut um-e.tal,
ml vud en, i. bf i-ntih nruiir.0
iniitliii b. ku, 1 ir Ui woia.
Our ar-nl Al IHtrtln, ; Hi;
kmw h you nn liuia.-li nx.rk Air m
miijr.w I
Our Ant ml Mmi Upr 8, p vrllm:
"Y,Mir WMlrbnt ila ht Thn mitta.
tnnil Vbonil IhnA rmld llnl he c.
iiiliiril mid prk.l -r' vnu-lim m
i no t tuna ; our, but
CsriRRl I'nJtiijusiM, wrltm;
"Am In nw!4iihMidini!lMuwHt
wIiIiiiiii iii.ui. All wvH-n ft mv il
would b clmiilt
On rvxvt lYllhU. und An- mu-i
pirn rile lii lamwu
KmJhk WaNj,, Nrw Viirk.
fe I finest in
-ery sinall
gi stock,
GlasJ j
goods L rtthe best
thelovttt. Call
our tot whether
fsb bill;