The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 18, 1891, Image 2

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    s 4.
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I v i ' H 5 if . 1 ' "" 1
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-1 ,
. ... . ... ..
. - - . 9 l
r, an YtM ..;, .
M-.ntlit . . . .i
IUVini. IK AtU'AMlH.
" .. - ........
All mrriwHmitlHtlh noltiv tot -ot-l
Bv Itu- will b iitrrii-4 ftyo. All vr
, ,( t tlmrvl rtv wnu pf line
H.k.if oMninry rwxtlutliw will b eorgd
tut l 4k tUI f 1UW JW ItUft,
A .11 frniOMHntit.lh-1 Aw milUiIKvn
n . it .wnl in ll rutuix
. k Hi lmk iMuniy ruwuliur uuui.
ttalt-.r-t M It INxt-nllW IM Tttdown-
n', m MemnMiuii imr. ...
. lIsvLatliitbifce eta't via is
'iru to to i- U r' out it, fc he lm
g r ' y ,
'Wise $14 to we that th W.
Ci TJ U. Indies aro determined to
mats their column of connltlprnblc
'inUwtiurtoWKuT SiftK. .
Thk Cirw hu.s com ploted it
"rodeo.' . The guesswork of the
interviewer wua(rly good, nd
everybody montionsd , probubly
would liTt to have office if there
was anything in it. -
Tin; young lady who does not
know bow to muko good broad,
broil beefctatk ami nmke a good
cup of coffin, should retlro from
. tAo jMirlor and the matrimonii
market until he mastm thrao ac
Odtnp1islini(uU. Mouy won't uiiike
upmiclidffluloucit. .
Tux Democrats of JVIk ronnty
should orirnuittxat iViii'rly day And
tot iu motion tlio woik Uitit sTllfltl
be advniuiit LsIimI next roar. While
there may not I a great drtil of
politim in county elrotums, yet it is
Utcffiiiary for good governments to
have at least two political jwrtit
vide a nkn to the btst methods
nud Uio bwt men to run the govern
menu Democrats should bo oil the
alert, for the ncutiblicaus are not
- A.X exchange retera "to" aUidy
lately deceased as a "hiwyeress.
writeref s, a corruspondentess, a re
portereas, at one time, quite profl
cieut an a talkeress, and is said to
have betn no slouch as a doctoress,
4 . '
: besides being a capable steuograpb
. crews, a clever coc.ktsw, and a teach.
cress of no mean ability. As he
. : was a good and true wounnesa, It
is to bo hoped that idie is now an
An exchange t&yn, tbut over here
iu the AVillamette valley, where th
warm Japan current fraught with
moisture from the sea, is continu
uiijr uieii aim cuiiueiisixi uy me com
winds from over the Cascades, and
tne beautiful ; crystal fluid Jirot
a a '....t.
-.11 4 .1 !.. .. ..J I -.1. ( 1
. j.minrH til c(,,,ir,ii mmwnni nn I nm
. and forest, is the home of the web-
-' ' foot. And he is blessed with
.r productive soil, a variety of pro
ducts, a regularity of crops, and uu
1 equable clime not surpaKsed in the
glorious United States.
Tnu danger of the repeal of Tro
iiiuuiuu iu juwiii.Muiiut'uwtiy ifreuii
er than It would have b;en if the
l'rohibitiou party, instead of cast
ing a votes for ito estate ticket
had cast 9.000 votes. . It doson'
, pay to voto the old party tickets
"just this once." The Voire.
V e certainly agree with the
mat uany party advocating any
special priusiple in any state of this
...union, and especially the great state
of Iowa, with its hundreds of thou
ands of votes, only cjihW WJ2 votes,
then that party is in great peril
At least 20,000 votes would be nec
essary to look like business. J
Did you ever reflect that Vash
ington lost far more battles than lie
gained, and yet if he was not a sue
cessful man, where will you find
one! Think of this, when after
your best efforts, you find yourself
defeated, tyid are ready to give
way to despondency. - Almost all
nuccesfsful men have been made so
by battling with difficulties ;-'that
seemed overwhelming "Cast down
bat not destroyed" has still been
their motto. ' The struggle has de
vcloped nerve, and muscle, and
brain power that in the end -won a
glorious success. Tdmcope,
Tn k citizens' munici ticket in
1 Astoria last week, swepNiverything
before ii There were nearly 1200
I ' !:. X. i ... ' ' 9 a I. . 1 1
votes cuss, aim some oi ino canm
, . dates received 400 to 500 majority,
On a smaller scale only, Astoria for
years past has had as corrupt ofli-
' eiul management as Portland or
' r Chicago ever Jiad, A glorious day
has arrived at last, when party cor-
- rnpllon cannot rulo an intelligent,
tjr' law-abiding people. Vox populiis
low being heard and felt from the
A.k-bound uhores of the Atlantic,
Hh sweJHng tides of the Pacific,
i t'e cf er-gladc of Florida, to
irorean snow-capped mourit
f the north. May these cor
"aipulators' graves be a
f :t dccp, and upon their
i ..Intone monuments be
".'.'.rph, "Died during
"j of tho nineteenth
-o hereof ever hear
t blow."
r. v..i,', A,,l
exhaust lv doc
.e it eoiixUtwl of
''"; A . .lit'.dnnd mmvul.
IttiwHluiU h iim U. lliainn had
;Htott it, j et wc should take Into
iMUei'Utlou that Mr. Ilni-rison is
aiiuidldate to suocihhI himo'.f, nntl'
while thtamp was trim of. tltover
Ovelaml at the tlimi hn wrote hi
memorable uuv to oongns
Ue disDjimllartty is marked between
the attitude of the two men, Mr,
Cleveland had omethinjc to wiy in
rfreutic to the bwt Inteiwti of the
oouutry mn he verily bvlievmt, and
iu Kvs than forty houit thu whole
uatloa wtw Ml agog t htA bold iuul
devWivn utterance!), and. 'from that
momeut to thi, the trend of li
laUou has nvolvcd aiviiud that
great focal yolnt of taritf reform.
It is true that tt cost htm thopre4
deney for a second term, . but his
choice "mtlier to lw right than ; to
be pnwidcut' ' luauguratutl a ys
tarn of reform wbivh will lie rwl
Ued in its futluvtt Itiletut than' ten
years from to day. Hmriwiu
hits made a gotd pntdeiit Init
do not think i?Mt hih rotfC
Uve K)licj isiu Uuielluinl to the
whole country, for the jmidudug
and lalioriug aluv as the tat ill
reform wlicyVf Mr. Cleveland aiid
the party hi reiuvut,
H)XY:iiT titeu to Christianity
and the liquor iim-stion will Mtlc
ltsitf," we heard a mtiiiter kj
rewutly. That isn't at all certain
at hiiHt not with tho uudrstai)iU
iugof ChrUianif) thatiiit Clui
t iaiw ttts'in to lioltt. The surKt nv
to convert men to CbriU iiuty Is u
show them that .Christianity luwius
something more than meru phl'tu
sion, Tho Voice. '
The VwW here makes a vvry'
jitfel-inivw'it The miuivtcrV
statement alove In currect Iu everv
particular. Ho ft) not talking of
twudo-Clirlstiuulty. HeKUlkinx
about the genuiiif article. He is
not dlsoouraiug of; counterfeit, hip
oeritical Christianity. Xa cluis
tian can, or din e'ug.igc lu tho liq
uor business. Xo ehi Utian" chwts,
wrongs, or deframls his nelhl or,
nor steals, nor swcar.4, nor Ikos
false wit uess, uor any (f tlun-e
lltitifpo f i ....... rvt..:.. i
: r ; . ' 1 1 ur"
vu my a , au uu qunons will
seme meuisi'ivi." Too liiml.t
mental wrong in the whiskey Imsl
uess, is lu the mau tlmt drinks it.
He crciitw) the dcuiaiid, ami then
the ,"lV0 of money' h ails others to
sell it. , The drinker is the rent
criminal, the seller, is at nnts ouly
acHscnsory in the marter. The sell,
er's object fc to iitako jiiimcy, 'the
drinker's object is to pet di uuk and
thus satiate a degraded appetite.
Cure the driulfer ami we will Ih re
sponsible for all theft.- A "wire
t'Ure" for ''clasiiiL' the mUkhi on
Sunday,'? Is to attr;u t their fit.
quentew elsewhere on that (lay
and the saloon keejK'rit willsooi go
too. So much has Ih-ch Siiid of late
about the various remedies ftirsuj
pressing me liquor triune, ttiat we
have been led to tlne'few remarks.
Let us try all the remedies,, and
hold fast to that which is irooil.
Diseucbion leads to eoueliwious.
Foil the honor of llioi late it is to
no hoped tuai f lie report is iinlim
that Joseph Hinion is likely to lio a
successitii aiiiilieaut for the ninth
juuieiat circuit federal udiresliin,
Womething.4 hard to justify have
ueen (tone, but this would bo iufaro
ous, and the suggestion i-i resinrdei!
wiin aonorouce bv ail wlio rightly
view the facts iu tho1 ciise..l-
utriam (leu..1
do mt Hm whv fi0 , , H j)npor m ilf. M,rim slou(1
make such a fuss about josepli 8i
mou being appointed to tho, federal
udgeshlp of the ninth' judicial dis
trict - Mr, Simon h;is run the lie-
publican party of '.Oregon for a
numlwr of years past, ami has run
dored valuable servico to tho Dem
ocrats! on several f(!(usioti.s,Hnd lif
sides, roi'tluud wuU tli ,-r,-ly be
rt'joiced to got control of tho poliee
force, which Mr. Simon now hokt
with the grip ofa little giant,. ' Tho Adorian, should take
hw own fijdieino without making
such wt-ffaco. Swallow it down
it will do you good.
THK stale oi Oregon tliroiif'li its
attorney general, Geo. E. Chainliei
lain, has just l.roii'dit suit utruiibl
IJakcr county to recover s'ate tave
iliewe taxes are duo to tho nmnutit
0f?lI,2S8,!m, and cover the fae,
levied during the yeius between
1878 to I WW. Jiaker countv hit
(jacli year iu piyiug taxes., loft j
small oaiauce until uio dues now
aggregate the sum for ...which the
suit Is brought. .
; 'Alio ; .olhcrH i , ot , liaker , county
have not only failed continually y to
pay over the taxes due the state,
but the citizens of tho same county
have failed to pay back' the school
money they borrowed, which money
thoy must have obtained' by false
representation, The attpnicy-gori
eral ought to stand theia,.;, on thoit
feet one time, r " . " s' "
The chairman of the county Dem
ocratic committee should call the
committee together early. in Janu
ary and organize for th; coming
;;ampaigii. The'year 1802 will -be
one ot the greatest political years of
thin?, fast fa'llng century. , Morercnl
atesniansliip will bo called Into
play during tho coining year, and
less dciiiagoguery, than has been
seen or heard for runny years past.
. C atnoltuiof Uto lur! M lr
eulwtiou of the Witin IVlk
county in the hut few "nut y In, ami
of w hioh wo did not tokefaeeuralc
notice, we fell hort nearly 2(H)
ooplw i)f the l'rwldout's uua!igo
iu eiuliu to nil tf yur mtliserllu1,
for which we ask pardon for tr.:
ovwdjjht, and promhie thctwe
'dia!) mo e than i:;.,!;e up the Vlell
etoiiey in our .Sew Vcar'a lwuo, lu
oiiter toiiiucl Uio pnymit dcmandit
for our t;ilUay taitmlxr, nt thlD
writing, we Uiill. have to print
stMo copies Ti'e hope the demand
will 1m doubled, Send in your or
dcrn. Only five cents for a to ftill
tbur p.iged paper, niJikiug cljfht
r ,es or alxly-fotir columuD for flve
cents. All will bo iikiolutely hoiue
print, Kyery type will be mt ;ln
thla office, ThU M ill be the best
mlverti.sinji opportunity evcrofTeml
to the hmiucas men of IVdk wuitity.
Keiucmhcr that every voter in" the
sunty will rwvive a copy of this
isxtie, Over 1000 will taken in
Mariou county.
Mit. K. J. I.auh, tho well known
poultry fancier "f Port land, static
Unit he iiud tin demand for blooded
)'oJ liutuv ttnuw us great tVoin
VS'usbiugton us it in from Oregon.
I'ho Otvgoa folks must look to their
laurels or they w ill Hud themselvts
far behind thrtr tiioro enterprising
ueijihltors in llw north slate. The
pii it w hich prcvnlU in Washing
ton of waiatnjf the best of every
thing, is one that insUrcH future,
prosperity. It doui't do in the; c
times taint too Well hit toiled wilh
tliiojr- as they are. f.rf'W Xuilh-
How 1rue the ubovo Is. U is a
shaftio and. a scand ilous difgraw to
thrt people of Onlgol to have j We
.....'. . . i . .
car loads of evi 4ippH'a into tho
WillaiutHte valley . every winter
from ,Iowa. Thiuk of every inan
iu ton u this morntu having had
"Kaslerii" ham for brvakfiiit.
Think of tho ."ihousaud and one
thiugH' wSieuu priHiitee here which
we payout money for. With the
cliiAaie, soil, and every natural
eility needed, we could nave thou
sands of dollars every ear, but t in
imptoviilcuve und tW nrilit.bui
m!vs k(tqs the llj-u rtt balancing
UiTuinst us.
Fuwi'is Mt'ui'uv tut Imui huld
ing tempera neiiut-et in gs in 1'oit-
;'d r..r uu. ii-t
tu weds with
Mr, Murphy rm-
plojs the spLiit of bis Master iu his
work, he is not the Kot abusive,
but Appeals to th better naturt-s of
unfortunate men and women, lit
is N-ekliig the jjoml in fallen man,
not, magnifying the evil, lie per
siiudes, and looks ujkui (iitipul.x'ot)
astbchK reHirt. To makc'im-n
tcnqwriite, we must do one of two
things, educate him so that the
better forces of i;i unto re itso su
perior to the- temptation around
Id m, or wo mul gain hi consent to
reform, after having falleu. Any
thing else Is patchwork, And will
fail ultimately iiiiieeompli.ihingthe
desired end. The home, the school
Incise, and the chun h aie the rdn
:iiton, aud persimsive reasoning
will alone gain the consent of the
will. When these nil fail, I lieu the
man Is lost to all ebtuity,
WR not lec that, an eVu t h:w been
made to unseat senator-elect Jlrice
of Ohio. Jn tho I'ulted St Senate.
If theK qiublicauisiieciiod, wo shall
not weep nor wail, for the lliioe-PayiH-haron-KalrSfanford
stj le
of buying their way to it seat iu the
United Slates son.itoN adisracnto
to' our form of government. Mil
lionairc railroad sen
ators and iMuigressiiinn do not rep
resent the bwt Interests of the
pwplc. Tho motive for unseating
Calvin S. 'Jlrico may not be highly
coiH'iieadatory, but po.-.sihly th'i
"ends may justify thej nieaus"' in
this case. . . - : .
' Tin? Independence citv election
w as held hist Monday, nud every of-
lieo whs hotly, wensioned
by niatleistliat have hitely interes
ted Unit city. For Mayor) M, Mer
w in; new Coiineilnien, A. WUhoii,
l-W. Wilson, and Abe Locke' lie.
cordcr, J. T. FordiTreii-surer, Ji T.
ITeukle; Marshall, T. Fennell.--Ofc.
Our Cuai nrmif the Olmrn-ir ure
niisUikon. There wus not an olllro
contested, except that of Maishull.
Ml went bcieno lis a nmrriiij'obell.
Mu. Knnoii: Whilhcr am wc drill.
i ti n? lnriiiril to tnx-piiyurH1-article
vmccrnini tin pivseut city ediuicll. In
your lust wt'tk'K Insuo ot the Wkht Hi ok
I wIhIi to roconl my nMent so far iih It
gws, hut it only (hies tho suhject half
'Hid kick Is lllloKolhcr too
ll'ht totiildied'rct.CDiiiliiKai It elms frum
an imported mnssha'-k wllh onlyttHlIp-
pr on tt sere too. 4ow w hiit I pnipoM)
to do, Is W kick with hot h feet lu it
pair of No. Ill Htoglcii,, V lint's the use
In having the town huxirpomtwl any-
wy? iHluiply to wwnch tho numcy
from the peoples' pocket aud gmtlfy
the whims uud notions ofa fevr couu-
dluien, by building sldowulkN, RradliiK
snd tlllchliiR streets, and : llluliig
thu saiiio, whuu wa don't lined liny
Of tllCHO thillKH. ' , ' 1 ,
Twenty years ugo we got iilong with-
out them Just as well, A purson could
then ridije hogH at u little or no expotwe,
for thoy could go, from door to duonmd
Uvuon tho.ttthlc. leavings iind dishwater
that was thrown out... of tho ..JUtclicuAwjd will iw glml to. ntelvo a hIiuw of
window. JSo dccuylng yognUihlesth
tocuiiHo slekuesN; again, .where rr"
lrlftlng,' Who Is to Ui hciicflie'. ?
these hint thrco lira llghU mcntln
BMmtliW' j
u diilliirf f
t:ixpiiyer whopnys ithoUt
tt half city tiixtM, and f pay, few;
WMlcltiHl IIMMUmu,
Imply to furtiWi all,,,,, M. .. , ,.
mett'ly to it- vS4iiiiiintnle tt IV-w IIuiiikii
people KMii to mid chiuIhk fnnu MoujT, diiiljiiuither Unlit si (lot iiiti-l(
another m-JuiM "; and tin third
Illiht d.irt U tonm.1 iii Uiu third
rl. N 't, 1 raii't ilivre h
irniiw way cwia ;- t y wlileli 'J1
piyei "" ' J c;l.ti t ...pallor the aUtve
iii-Mit in . wnv. 'Bluni'D-wlthniit h.v
liiji mir I b't d-iiltir ml a hull rni li,
oik a 'y k. it ,lnq lies 111 , tie
R . tyoftll ".ling imlllK'U dlKOlvl
opnihitiii vtii lnw two u-
low out. ! -' -
Where, Oh wl. m we drlftlnu"
Mu iHA' " "awUvkh, No.a, '
- ; i", rWuawbybaik.
t Htt' AimIh(1iii.
lolliiivitnj f (He programme for the
iSitk county t.-tiflu'rw' - wMM-hitlon, to
te indii t r: -v, veii.tmr n, iwdj
Unulug ililit , I. A. HuluU'ii,
lllintlehii,.f. .:.',
"Vomlittow of ,. iiunm m-hwln
and etu:n, . .u-.J lu Hn Imv, t
tn-m-rtt tlwin," I'lnf. H. i Mulkey,
!teUil; ax-ittunls, ,'"r. fnuU'l, Mm
nim.linmiisii.1 MelM'ltti l'mf, Ketn
and ttifkt, w. I. KtyiyA-is,
"AlotlimUtif lWi,1,--;,'Vr, J. J''t
mm! MauUMiw N lll tSilllus, ' t,",
A s'tt tiit'Ul, ni Hiqif, nt'yuiil.k ' ;
"'Mfvti'l exi'tlt tit OrtliKi-raphy,"
Ml jSellie Folllix, (Hiwoeliitlmi , H
IUPIU,) , ' i.
"The plaw fur VulUU l.Ki iiilurc In
tlirentiimui ti.vh.," MIm Atiio Hjiv-
', ltilti -luk'HW.
ljlttli.ll l0, pit fIV lu fulleW
eaeli nut jvct. -
. , l.i.J. i it. Itina ii,
Aiit Ik-miuiu, . hsriireiwry.
W. Klefl,
tu'l, V. I, lieyr.ohU. . . '
your? CoiiGii
Has not yh-Hed to the vn-lou nui
Piths yon liftvu lsn t.Jiii;i:, . II
trouble yon J:iy and nUlit, hrcilj
ymr rest tit rodins-a yoor tr. H,;t!i.
Xew try Ayer's Cherry Pectornl,
bef.ifrt tin) bronchU! ti!H- l-eti-bm
cuUniAt or the delicatu ti-n,M it'
Uio lungs sustain futid Injury. As
an anodyne and'toriOi, tht
preparation Jnv no equal. It -Wit.-
th JrritaliHt ui('lntr;Oie, jinnitit si
ffpectoratioii, at(4 induei'i npi-,
Tie WUl-it COSlp'll
Can Dc Cured
ttf Ui utn wl Aetf Clrt fWi'inil. I'f. '
' U. minliKi, liirwl iv.. Vm., nirt t
B.- Arf' llwiry IV-liiral lit m (iriwU-,
Una Mwim U l.i tm uuwjliakU a irm-
Kt- l-l( nM COUi'Ut.' . . . f
Afti f ltr tilpi . om;h. Till wm my
ii-riiiM'v- li.uskiim, diy txiir-li. Hlt Kit
im vu ,i. iiHtj m i w muni, n jiiHiiriM!
I MM k iti-dl iiiiuUvr itl ctxisth.-Blv-ii Mil
"tt'o IIW iilily Hl;Jlury ,vl(i-!, M Utnl
I nHii-ltKli-il In ttiktt jljwt't l liwry rituiil,
)..4 h-tiw I h,4 04 iKOt Hll. I Iwl
mt lint oil iiJgiii Ktet-p. 1 crtUhiuMl ui
n.l .,- -on.Mipr injnlf cnri-4."
A. A. Shritliail, C-xjnwun, Y.
By Using
AyfVm (liirr fnrtnral, Sumy (into l-it
tliv.t tlW fatal
K. K l:4!nlrfkA, Caalnbur, X. l.
" In Hit iub-rii Hot I t titm-ym r
llltllla-f III Sjrf-Jlli-iilo, ('ot. Ik'l" fill, .lit.
tnWy iHitil, I tiKk hl -!k $tvm.
tittnM witli k i-rrlll miiglt, 1 tihil trti-ul
BKillM, Ina tin- l.iilwl la rut ai, ami It
' (Ili'iiuHl I Kilt a--i: Ittiit , tl-liii, (in
tlm,Mi.m!ii (!i.-iti,l, 1 U gtn lnnr Art
Ctvnt IS-flt-ipil, l ( UkIO MU iKfltld
umtilvivly tutvi nxv,"
Cherry Pectoral
Dr. 1 C. AVER I CO., Low;!!, Mass.
Sokl kjr til truMM, l-n U tl MtlM, (4.
, g
!lt '.'ji tX
rm -v in i..
D V "' " rti ; "O
T'" iJlt,-
&iy 4ii;:S'
'7 & sJT if
ra era r"
.. ..... -f - MSB . -
Him W ,
Main street. Independence. Or.
Two experloqced workmen In at.
' : tendance.
Johnny Vnlken, t,li old relliihlu tmol
umki'r, hi'iis leave to inform his .
niiiiiy old 1'ricndn. nud the gen
eiul piil,IU'.tlml he Imsiignlii
cuiiinienecil liiiMiass In linlciiciiilciici", ,
IICU pilllV'llll,'.
f ing Neatly and Promptly done.
tins rulilwr bout a mim-lnlt. 1 l)iil
i . iillmt nml iioiiiiheil, ' !
fiilipiiMlle the WKx-rSlliKolllec,
, ch Jndepellileuce,
Vk tnanr l" mtwrtM-, tni tMm
tmM M Mil MiittAA. jHurr? ift
tin, tt - kt'vH,' li-ailbunt, K-nif
itmh, m-iitnl 4iii-!.iU, (-.,
MhwiI Hit ltf Voiouiou "i lliitrriw' b llMid' lil'HtlHiliiUi
i-w,r utMUl miiwill. pmwalm dl
fMnS, iiiim liH.1fj DlliHiiittiiwlu4
n4 ! l;ii',tnl . i '
lit ter.;." I'lMiiHftun.
1 "t mm nit Ii' tl-.i' ! . j.b-t tt
' rr twii fvtn 1 iu t rrllthni4Htt
'Wlilt dW"!li 1 f!4''l tiiiililiin bill
ai:iilpi!li,n'llfyVil!ilMI tr-HIITa
la M fwon.lfc llii!it'lSirxrllhtlw4
tno M., -i. t '" l' f 13 li-'llUn I km
,uii-l7 t-itn-a, I av iiMirnU hi, uiiul
m- i-i. i; v""" ' ""l 1t ' i.
' Mil SMltK '' H T. ) Wu.roi.lMt
kt UlMJUlll Wlt.SHI lkl IIJ, l i
1'i'ndftcho- Itot Hntio,
-X M kl.-li", hnl CwhM, iHirfwM
and twniliiif ' w.r htHti. vMnln mr
MitHili. I0 li..i-'i Vi ioe! ,,, tiii-i
tuxvt t 4WMIil ttlOi tht lwt tMIIll
m iu l-.ii.'f M.ltH iliai, in luiir .-',
wxi't I, ,nl.., .l:a!.l tut
utv, J. C. iu..'li, Aukuru,
Hood's GarSvip-rilla ,
nl! T a-tf '"N. tlitithrlt, Titi4
ootr If C l. iloOU A (-0, Ai.Uio
UifU,Mwa i , ,
IC3 Ocsoo Cno CoJIir
; I-,
U Hrtt n wot ue In tj.. in rliklHlmt
itrm (4 jmj-tii ila'tl.l'iit-M'iiritUl
xfctntttltt li 1jtit tiH' jifru-l-irtCji ttV
tkltftl.H t t4l 'lu'-lt A t .liir It V O-M
wtitiii yrti,.it;tt rt-ttt thri' i it frti
UlwUliM H.Ht ttlll llf vt f n!f : w llllt- )t( UH1
M rlitn tlt fit.'v -'-u. hp tuid
ik'aii i.f rhiii tftrtl m
Vr'il tf- VUlvU!tti
kt-ti i', ti'H ntit all. aittt ! tt" liitrintiwit tlt .r, I
Ull't ft iV Mfhil!L' t tif kkill i lh H U It) lit.' '
rtti-ft 111 t'tV, t, Kt Hit ttf t'jf'.'l"! (,M- ) .ill'
.ItK.'m.i.f til ttr irrr1fstlt i .,Hlrtril 4 tnlAU
t;)i"itM( It a lt ir f, .u I tfiniti, HM'-tc
ut n' t'ii. i..r hh tuii ut tl' f u v r
-rnAr.- (iitt'f nt ft itUn(? ftrititNv Uiu
ur- r'l inm(i fr i-r Iikw tk, Mii w
ttti t ()i u ii hi fttumjti to rtr fill1
MMtt rut i.llf, J littj R Uim
Fate Bleach
Citrsti Ibf niMlr,u. if fr.rl,!., a,lul,f,i, tat.i
lltttl.-M, m-Ol (yilrl'., !fhll 1., .i. tl ill) A,,,, I
' ' ... ..... '!''.... .
i.i.hiii.Ii.. -rlr. f I., Hi. H..(i,l.. on.) ,.
tt-.'l ,S'.I MIHl'li-.Mil in M III. I ii.l. ,v' 111. i
WMllnJ, , j
Th Dcenois' iii oe. i. s ni nf i
.!- till ..mi l Itl.-Bt. iti.ii. ;! l it rill.
Illliti.- "(.la.-ti IA On .,ii, i'-ii.iii ivi, Vv !,!.
t'.iit.nt n. utt ,,,. I.t la itclrM,;,- ,ii'ii.!.i - lit
tUMMtiiM iuit my m a,
Notl to &tockhltr. '
.hir. lit 1-UV tlvt-ll Unit (l.,-ri-Hltt lt i,
liinn.u'Ht 11 i'.m uu l I. 1". . lhr i,.
j in' in. , V1'.:.1'.J1H l, , tt ...lui'.tiiii'. 1,1.1,1
,t Vl.lMi..- J
t tl. I
Ml., IHI 1 lllli.tltty.
4Nil.ii idi-M-jon, hr lit, ,in,, .x ,it.
f (Mm
i l-..
i-ciiiv wi'i' On- rtii-.-;!ii-
IU. til tlrl t..,n:, l,(iivv.n .
.Ills. It 1IMI"
W. f, -!. ivSHN-huy.
lm. -u.h'lnrt nr., i, jji
1 rr i Vz
in ii it
U U U L.
The- public Is hpeeii'ully lm iti-1 to come nud we tho -ondelfi
btraiiw t lm h.n in liot,u uood.s, luiwierv. umleiwe tr. dress shtits.
:ct!it!!is und jjiiyliantM, uotioi'jt, tiiiwnre, jrU-k-waie, nud other artielcs
ifi itiuneitiiis to mention, i-
n x n- iti
Q HM ni
I Now good, kio beiii) r.cile'J all
J to M per cm. on cwiy puivhase,
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
TI -
mm mi IE
Will positively leave here
When ymi wnut wiuiclhlng locut,
To J. J, Irvlne'N make your ivlivut,
And he your wnnrs will miiiply -l'Y
selling you each nit nppfc p'lo. '
Vlmir, sugii'r, ham, und eggs he's gut,
And nlsio corn, tiiiniitiieH and uprlciitH, :
Hul i he iH'Ktofull In Kock t'midy J)rlpn, 1
Which, diuiu) lu en an qncnu ship, ; ; , : .. j
Oernieu ftlid rolled oals, for ,'hreiik flint hike;
Niivy heniiH (md bacon, do not t'ormtke,
r'or Mrnfymi know has them In hIoiv, , .
"And slmst so slu-ap iw never bDlbii1."
Mow one word to my fncmt f iVIdihIh will wiy;
II' you want niiRiir and ootl'ce do not delay, '
Coiiie m ithiMit money, und cmiie without prlei
And tilko homo ten, Halt, hoi hi, iuul rice.
t . O fi A
t1iiS8 fl
2 ! IMP
n)I.O " lb b
O " -s T z -Of
'"llSf l
UJ o p g ill
ly i t o "sis
wfi if c HI
Q 5 I - ttC K ,.1 1
nJ hll I
S - ft J ll co il r
X f ; S of
jfccKSM Taciwiucorr,
, ' Dealer i 't .
Fruits, Nuts,
to w the immense.
I n r: rni imttd
tho time We will save ymi from
S-eoiid iUir tioni rii-it Natienal
1st, 1892.
J. F. O'DonnsU's i.
Sale will last unf-ii
Deeembs? 1,Whe..
pects to begin mo". . g to
his maghifieent nou iriek
building, opposite thcfhde-
pendence National ..,nk
lKAI.t.K lv
111 i N ' I
m :." t T -l T
1 .1 1 1 7
m- 'ii i
- XRv iooi).s AUKivt'(isi:vt:ii'S wkkk. ?
My k l iinw mow ts.inpU'te llmu evrr In-rure. Vhall have
nil the cu-aiMiM i-nf Uu utoreeoiitliiue tfJinc, and Ji to i,H, luv to
tmde v. Ii.i iii-vi f iliil U lon. I u eoumslioLk UU my b .
, jiiopaiji siiqp
Where !-. und nlu.n mm tw reji:dn il nr nmnuriu-tuml imk-r the WriflKement
of M. A, liAKKJL j
IU-iiii'iiiU r thv )imiif und plaiv, 5
M nmouth,
Good grain and stock farms and choice1 fruitands;
town property
Those having property for sale, please d!
; Elgin, Waltham, Scth lliomds; iiss,
or mv movement defeired, inigri-or
, : silver, case, hunter or open face.
Our line includes every kind oi 30
hour, and 8-day clocks J
, Christmas gifts will soon be in ler.
, Our stock is complete, and it uilpay
you to select your jewelry from it.!..
- Another appropriate holiday gift! a
piece of silverware. Wc havejust
. vnat you want.
Of Spetaclcs we have a large Jck,
, , . and can fit all kinds of eyes. l ;
. n We carry, a , line of Banjos, Gilirs,
'; Violins, etc., oi the finest quality. J
FINALLY,; Our goods are the est
and our prices the lowest. Sail
and examine our stock whrh
you buy or not.
r .
mmmm OMOIf.
Oreo n!
of all kinds. :
i y.
W it - -
T i
U L .
more than ho docs, utnl this nwi;-
. ... 1 . . . ... . ?