THE WEST SIDE. nwi'isn my- Cid.Si) Pdstej E:sj i. ft. I. KU I SM, PMPIttTOM. MUDAY KOVKMUBR 8, iKwt. Noosi w LOT. Well furnished room at, rewwwbte rate, For farther particular Inquire at thltoltta or at the dressmaking t,op or Mrs, Marshall. (,ljvhltmrldirtie) ..':" tf Oim lUt4.-I order that there may I no misunderstanding, hsntin tor that forallKwolutionsofciindoleno and fur obituaries th Wwr Binit charge half price, or five cent, per Hue AU notice or thla kind which we inn; write R oar columns locally or editorially are, of course, at our own expense, and not charged for. A llAtttwoMB llwwi-B. elbeltey ha Just received t large, crayon picture of hi deceased companion, by E. M Moore, of Portland. Thl fc a Hfo sited plciur, aud It beautifully executed. Tht It au ipreaston of rvmmbrm that again bring to mlud the float, retv (ignition of marital affection that ex tated between Mr, Bhelley aud his do narted wife. Any fricudt wbdiliig to see thl memento, wUl call at the reel' dene or air. rmciiey, wncw me aaiue out be teen, s, ; t ))f ( Hfcuji, ; & Jjam TVm. How many of the read ere of the wr BmK know the origin of the uauie "Long Tutu given to that lit ream emptying Into the WHInm etle south of Curvatlln? It originated thua: A party coming from California to Oregon n had in eomiauy a kmg slim Irishman, nick-named Lottg Turn. One tuorulng, performing hit ablution In that stream, he full In and gut a good ducking. Afterwards, any of the party referring to that stream, called It the Long Tom. Thla la the orltflu of the name. Kp Creek de rived Iu name from the old bachelor living In that section In IW3, from t clrU4ug destitute of snap fur the washing of their elothing. Among these baclielors were Kit Zuinaet, Da vid tftump, aud "Picayune" (Vhorn, A rwt'UAH A'nKiT,-It Bun day night MU Iu, daughter of Thus, ('handier, living to the river, wa burned alunwi to dttli. It seems that young geutkiitati hy l!ie unt tf Mr. lu,i; r, was n lug tit (vl lu title yvsmg lady, and un.ll Ms lu the even lug thoy remaliasl up UlUltg, and lit Ditto unaccountable way the yiaiug Utdy'e drts caught lire, aud every effort wa uwd to extinguish the flames, when fulling lu title, the girl dashed Into th yard, the wind kin dling anew the flame, when at last btr lather with a bucket of water managed to put the fire out. The girl la badly burned nearly all over her entire body. Mr. Chandler and the young gentle man, Mr. Dogger, are' also badly burned. Thb l a peculiar, and yet a aad accident Dr, Ketehum reporta that the girl b getting akmg fairly well - A PtSAJUXT Evkst. Iutt Friday evening, Iov. wu.nit vigjuie event transpired at the new C atret't reataurant, It U-Ing the twenty fifth marriage auul verenry of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Oltewn, abw the first mar riage aunlvrwuy of Dr. and Mre. J' K. Locke. , The host and bueteae Invited a few friend to take to with them In their new edible department, which waa partliinated In by the gueia In a becoming manner. The apread ran perh, and the fine silver prtwent to Mr. Jumea Oil n by her children, woe a beautiful token of filial regard to keep lu memory the ullver welllug oeeawlon, and the paper wedding prraeut of Dr. and Mre, Locke wa even a greater tok en of remembranw, by the editor pro aentlng the W Kwk free" for one year to the doctor and hU good wife. Head and puuder, Live aud wonder, How anyone feela, without the Wbt HiliB. , ' HKNATOR MlTCIULL'9 DAt'OHTKIt.- v ll.t Uba Mattlo Mitchell, of Portlaud, Oregon, to to become a duch m sometime In January, 18Ui Miiej Mitchell l eccomplWted aliovc the av erage American glr) may be true, but wtwn she fuarrit a French duke, alm- ply lieciuwe he la a duke, ahe due no credit to tbe liigner ioc " F"'" Amerlcanlam. That thto gentleman whom Mia Mlttbellia to marry I an honerable man, we have no reawm tfl doubt, but tbe luiprmlon I given out Hint the main points In question are, that he la a gentleman of fine pedigree, aud that Ml Mitchell will be a duch em. We believe that M le M Itchcll will make a gwid wife, but her becoming a ducheM, la a traveaty Uxm American womanhood. Auto thb geutlcmau pwligree we have only to ay, that ' would not give five cent aard fiwoed Igree, unlewthe lioree can trot. Hie American Idea l, what are you? It In not nceeeaary to trace your anntry to Adam, nor to owu ft coaUif-arm aa an ... .... ... ..ui.t,.l.lllt V lieirlx)m, W neip you w of the finest sort There la no respecta bility worth notice, only a finely devel oped Individuality. - T.,R Tim M nag FAMILY.-Wo hereby acknowledge with grateful thaiika the receipt of a collection or wv IW. J.. M.DeMo(i,2.32N.6thHt., tit.ii...i,.i., Hjimn veara ao, we tttr tn,wl .riea of concert given by thla remarkable family of weet alngere In Roaeburg, Oregon, and to any that their ainglng and Inatrumentatlon were entrancing,. . would innaequuiei m .rtiu. fnctn eoncemliig their enter imh, Thm family have been giving concert for nineteen year. We hoiie they will won turn their facea westward, aud return to their old home at the DeMoas Spring", 1" Oregon. The DeMoa Family gave tite r Aral concerto In Oregon, U. 8. A., In tJie v,.0.iH79 .miaiHt liiflr of father, motuer, ' two Hon. 'and three daughter, (Minnie tl. n venrg of ttKO. 1B B,1U i .tt ti, tiarent made muHlc , a life time profession. children were reared in the concert burincH. In -their fourteenth year concerting. (1880) the mother and daughter, May, died In IUwburg, ,non after the concision of the wrl of con Will UlVUIJf u - - - titfi- altered melody of their ong Hfl the i,.i,h nf humanity to ft big er contemplation of the Divine iatber atxtvo, ! t I f A t I? Umbrella at the ltacket atoro,. New queeinwftre at J, I), Irvlue'a. Anuallnaofglove at ilia ltacket tore.'-" J. o. L, J. D. U J. D. Irvlna the urwcr. AblgplleofaiiKttrmr l,0u at, D. A tin Una of hanging lamp at J. IX irvme'a. Try Skinner A Wlliam'anpeelid gr. ham Air gema. . (.ranbeiry aaued aud mlnoo plea at J. h irvlne'a. . , tie mre and han't at the Christian ehureh to-ulght ' Hot and eold water hatha at any hour aiiteukle'abathhouae. if Cio to Stmktott A llenkle, aud try palroftha LeahOlove. Arrangemeuta are being made to hold a thankaglvlng aervtve. A red hot barrel of pickled pig feel luet received at Walker Urea. Watoh the Jewelry dlaplay lu llua- tar Locke how window. The C atreet ivataumut i the beat place In tlto city to get a good meal. IHire California alralned honey at Walker Una., alao honey. In emnb, Whenlnludependeueegoto the C atreet nwtaurant aud get your dinner. Itov.J. UN, Ilell will preach at McCoy next Humtay at the uaual hour. Tit Mimical and Idterary Boelety Will meet to-night at TuW o'clock iharji. Call at the C atreet restaurant ami gut the beat meal lu lit elty for itt eeitta. Walker llro. have a new lot of prlae lUklng I'uwder, with flu decorated wareaeaprUe. v The Wkht Sipk loboftlce la now complete In all Ita appointment for ftret-claa work. The Musical and IJterary Society will meet to-night Do aure and be there, all handa. Anyone wanting fruit land In trovU of from twenty to fifty acre, cult uu Moran, Muituioutlk tf Hkliuter A Wllaou'a apevlul graham make the fluent hot cake of anything In the market. Try IL Notwltlwtandlng the early rain, a number of uew bulldlnga are lu eourw of ereetlou In our town. Dav tk-iwlfk alwnya haa on hand UvU eaudk, Key Weat cigar and tropical ftuitalu avuaon. Htm-ktou A tletikle have a few Indlea' And ntlMt M Rtpa tltitt they will mll very obettp, to vhawout . The lireachlug butt Babbath la our city, aud during the week, haa been of an uuunually high order. IUy. N. Shupp, of Portlaud, haa been In the Uiwn and vicinity during the week vlnttlug hla many frleudu. The ferry boat got le-iee aud floated to Itoeky IHilulThureday lant, but waa tirougltt back by tho Moiloo Friday. Jut received at J. IX Irvlue' twen ty ctuw of Yonemlt peuchea, the very flneat Call lu and get a cane. Very cheap. ; Oo to Hklnner A Wllaou'a fl-Hirlng mllla. In thl elty aud get aimtaof thai ipechd graltam for gema. It make the flneat. The Monmouth ' Cornet Hand will give a graud mualcal concert at Mon mouth Saturday ewitlng, Novemtier 2J, wi. , When In uueat of a ahave or hair cut, Cell in at llenkle' barber ahop Hank building, Main atreet, Independent, Oregon. " Iflu need of a good unttireiia cati ou It F. Andrew at the Racket atore, on Main atrett opjawtte Htoeklou 4 llenkle'. Kuv John, where la the beet pine to buy groceries? Why, at J. D. Irvine', the old pioneer grocer. I tell you he I tho boa. A. E. Davi now ha full charge of the Job department of the WwtHiuk offlce, and he la turning out oniu ex oelleiit work. Our gnat proxltlou fur the Wkht HiliK aud Bund A'urthwcM will con tinue uutllJauuary flret, 1802. Sub ecribe at once. Revival meeting in the M. next week, conducted by Rev. Bum- mervllle, Wllaon, and rean. mho- meue Monday night. Whoaald J. D. Irvine wanted nKiney. Sonaeueet he haa more money man bralna. Hut if you waut to pay your Ulla he will give you ft rocelpt lt.iv. Hunnelt chiaeil the meeting at the ChrlHtlttn church Wednesday night. AlihouKh thcro were but. few conver- alona, yet much gooti waa done. Thl I a iK-itMon of building lu Mon mouth and Independence, Never In the punt haa o much Improvemenv gone on dwplte tho rainy weather. Htockton A llenkle are agenut tr uto Havle Woolen Mllla, of Hrownvllle, and tioy keep a full mio oi ineir eete- brated Clothing, Flan new aim, ii.i.iit- et. . ... . ... ... tw. A. B. Coriley win prcucu in nie Culvary Evungellcul church aouth of Monmouth, on next Sabbath morning, in rtuloncndonce at 7 p. m. Come RUM 1M 1 .11. ' H..,ktnn A Heukle have ft very t,,ik of Men', Hoy', aud Chll dren Hoola and ahoea, which you will I find to be a they represent thum. Ti.n vmina men' club irnit Tuesday nd ndnntotl ft oonalltutlon and net of by-law for the aawwlatlon which will be In good running enter u Hhort time, T.,n,.iro to Htockton A Honkle' wiuh in me a nice tock of Drew goods, Wrapa, Underwear, Hosiery, Shoe, Bllka, Velvet, Braid, or an) thing of the Kinu. Remember VlPn 1d 8ttU,m to 0011 lu .t Hirntur'a restaurant, now WeHtucotl A Irwin, and get ft meal not to be ex celled on the I'actno coani ior nt. 271 Commorclttl atreet. The -Independence MuhIcbI and lilt- erory Hocloty will meet in me'- Linn iiMuw, w " exacted to be present, and a many nthera a wlah to become member. , rrv-niinit. xvcu m"w" All those knowing themselves to oe Indebted to the undersigned will plcane call and settle by the flret of December. A word to the wise I ufflclent. W. W. Pkwoivau Mis AlhHi William and Rev, l'ollng will alng ft duett to precede the even lug's dlftcouraa, at the Christian church on Mundav evenlmr. Oct. IS. imd, The eouixiair of both word and munlo Mr. John Rogers, of Portland. Harry Christian bought twenty feet fronting ou C atreet Uilulng the Little i'alacw hotel, thl week Iron) J. It. Pi. Lkdl. anu will erect a building thereon In a short time, A Chrlsttau li al- waja auppoaed to do gaHl worli. I), II. Tavior sold It II. Wilcox half lutereat lu hla irrmwry atore thl week, They have enlargiHl their atore, and It I their Intention ' to at least dotrtde the already large stock carried by Mr. Tylor. Call and see them, lloth air and water abouud lu ml crobea, or germ of disease, reHdy to In- feet the debilitated system. To Impart that strength and vigor neeeasury to re alst lit elfini of these pernloloiis alouia, nutoule lilood purlfltfr eUil Ajera Sarsaparllla. "A ehaiuioal suueea and mtHlleal trl- uiuiilt," apeak au emlneut ph;sl clan lu reference h Ayer' Cherry IVo total ; and .the eulogy wtw uotteUio ttntmr. No other medkttne I so ante andetlhiaelouslu all disease of the throat and lung. On Friday' train came the life- leaa body of Mr, Kerry Pndth'a child, t belntcm'dlu the burying ground ou the Mart. Nealy place near the Luekla mute. Thl U tho fifth child they have oonalttued to mother ettrlh iua short space of time. The 8aleiu steam laundry tuke this mettHslofstatlugtolla many -tron In lndcndeuoc, that all orders out be left at the store of the rotter Mrs., aud to Ita patron lu Monmouth, h-ove all orders at the post oftlee. Their Halem oMUv is Commercial stretd. tf, frVrvleoseouilueted by Rev. IX V. l'ol lng of the Evangelical ehuroh, Sunday morning and evening, Nov. IS, 11, lu the Christian church. Iu theeveumg a talk to young men will be glveii by the pastor. Special music will lie ar ranged for. Tho public I ciirdlnlly In vlted. Htrangeri "What are your rate?' Hotel clerk: "Heven dullats a day, sir." Strangers "If I come, I ahull want a room ou the parlor fluor." t lerk: "That will be a dollar extra." Stran ger: "t shall atao want a tire In my room." Clerk: "One d illr more," Stronger: "And abaih." ' CVrbi A lollnr B.Ultloiml. air." htntng'r thoughtfully): "How much will you elmrie to let mo h-iive the Imtvl J'Wl h lam?" Dm, Ketehum A Prudeii annouund last week In this pitar that they w ould make change In their bunluesa, and In coumiueuce of lite contemplated change, must cullwt their account. Again we would remind all einurned that tbe firm txsika must be chsiixl. Tlterefore, all knowing themselves ln-j dubted to Ketehum A Irudeu will do u a great favor by calling aa swrn as pomible and sealing their accounts. It has tieeu clreulated to a limited ex tent that Dr. Irudin wlllaoou httvelu- leiiendence. The doctor inftinu us that the report Is wholly without fnun- latlou; inflict, he will remain in In- dependeuc for aught he know at present. TIIK t,ITT fU-eCTION. At the city elet tlou to l held the Aral Monday In IhHsmler, there w ill be ehcted one councilman from each of the three wards; also a mayor, recorder, nmrsltal, and treasurer. ICueh coun cilman elected will hold office for two years. We are of the opinion that the election will have to lie conducted ac cording to the new law, or the Aus tralian system. In chapter three, suc tion twcuty-lhree, of our eorHirnt btwa, we have the fnllowlng: "All laws of this state governing and regulating lection and proceeding and mutters Incidental thereto shall apply thereto and govern elections under this ant, ex cept a herein otherwise piovlded." We can find no special provMoiia made for city election that will apply to In di'iiendenec; heuce, the general state luw. it aecnts to us, must govern our elections. . (OMSOI.1HATION. , nmwsiltlon tocoiisolhlate with In- dciH'udctioe. which Is U's than two miles awav, nils ts-on pinivu oemrg hid . . . . .. ..!.., .-i ... ocon c of Motiiiiouiii, imt me sentiment afjiilust onnaolklatlnn Is very stroiift. The alsive Is an extract from a Mon mouth otrreapondont to yesterday' Orrannum. No such a proposition ha ever lieen "placed lsfore the people of Monmouth." Certainly Independence haa now about as much territory as sbc can "say gntco" over. Neither the good cillwm of cither Monmouth or Inde pendence should allow thumaulve to Us worked up by "fake" oorreindonl. But since wo oomo to think, how would It do to consolidate the two towns, and then purchase or confiscate tho motor lino, ami thus bridge the mighty chasm between the two plum s? Portland now has a free bridge, why should we not have a free motor line? It would be well while we are about it, to tako. ln Falls City on the west, and Salem (or Eolalon the 'northeast, .'How do you like our plan? '.'..". In Transitu. The Monmouth Dew- ortrat will leave for Dufur, Oregon, the tlrst of next week. Mr. Hnxiks has made arrangements with the Wkht SidR to carry up the tawraCi unex pired suljscrlptlons, and all dlllmpicnt subscription are payable to the Wkht Sidb. wbonovcr there la a now paper started In Monmouth, we will turn over the ubscrlptlou list to ald paper, thus saving ft canvass for now subscriber. We hope, so far a we are concerned, that thl arrangmeut will be satis factory.' We behove that If the citizens of Monmouth desire a newspaper, the best way would be to print one In thler own town, rather than to undertake to publish one elsewhere. We say to editor Hrooks, hall and falrwoll. ; He will make ft good paper wherever he goes, and he 1 a bedrock Democrat Remkmhkb. All person writing communications ror turn paper are wholly responsible for their own view. We have MUftlvlontuclitorlul space and grit to speak our. inlnd frouly upon all subjocts which concern us. Views expressed sometimes by our correspon dent ore not always our views, and sometimes they are; therefore, "every tub must stand on It own bottom." PCRSONAh MCNTION. ... ... tii....l..'u'..t..vXrA luL WudtuiB. ,i..r.,i-,iili.nmi.onavlsltUihtrlnilher, jiiiiw iniiimv - - Wuriinliiv fur ni r. i . n 'tiu i-w j t.o.i.iiM. tr u to remlleton ror a icw ... M .. ... day. ' . '.""'' iivn... Kiutn's la lmiiruvlng, we are glad to say, from hi late attack of erysipelas. 1 Mrs. Dr." T. J. Lea, who ha been uulle lck for everid day, la eome bet tor, wo are glad to ay. ' We are sorry to stale that our fellow townsman, Win, Jonc. I yet but ...,..... . 1 . little improvea m uiniui. k II. D. (Jisltey, ft former rehhnt of ludenendeiK. but now or Aii'in, look hi nither's remain to Albany for burlul liuttweek. . We are pk-ased to chronicle thtnew that Johnnv Howuan, who naa wain .,i.ii,iiiu III with tvnhold fttver for some time past, Iscouvaleaiilng alowly. Itev. J, A. TownsemU of Turner, preached twu exiHdtcnt aerniou lu th Prcabyteiian chureh last nuuuuy, Hav ing exchanged pulpit with Rev. A, F. iitt.-. .. ":; s Fraud Hitter wa in our elty lew days during the week,. In tit Interest of the Salem C lillal Journal We av knowkalg ft pleasant call tm Wedittw day morning. a N. Wllklua, apwilal gtnt fbr the North Wtt In. Co.. nave tho WlT Suits a pleasant ealj last Friday, llro. Wtlklus I a rustler, and mike every- thine move which he put" hi hands ltv, Mr. Richardson, former pastor of the Christian chureh In thla elty, filled the In Rev. it. L. Shelley'a stead last Sunday. Mr. Shelley was filled to his home at Drain, on account of slekm In his family. Jnntca. Hllterbrand was In town Monday. He reports that the null lam of J.ihu Rums' mill on tlto Luck lamute washed away Sunday. This Is (pilte a loss to Mr. Hums, he having hut recently cxis-udwl -V0 thertsin. While W. P. Hradlcy, of Parker, wa coming to Independent; one day last w wk, his wagou scat Jumptsl oil. the cttuslng hint to full and tear the flesh of his little finger f hi right haiul to the tsiite which guv him great pjtln for a while. M. T. Usher, of Helena, Montana, arrived Here laH Friday, and sjsutks hhthly of our luan. Mr. Flsbcr will rttii do wp.h us at least six ntontlta, md we lii'fie, permanently.': Thl re thouin jnturHd a tlatighter iff Mr, ttotr, about six year ago, and It w a ittr pleasure totw present upon, that oc casion ad make "two heart beat one." ',.'. - 4 ttvns ttoiut. E. S. Cheney has gone to Mill City to run the Mill City !-. Judge J, K. Wall, of Portland, 1 visiting his eoulii, O. T. Walt. Little Rubble Duncan came near get ting killed one day hud week, by aome carlcM hit 'iter. The ball came o uer to hi head that he Hit the wind from the bullet IX (I. Henry has been troubled very much with coyote, so he put out aome IKilwin and thus killed ouo or two. A man living near Hrnsh College found one of them and took Its scalp to Dallas and got the eight dollars bounty. This will bear investigation, ash did not kill it, yet If we understand the law, he had toswear that he did ere he could get the bounty. Tbe people of Spring valley are aroused at last to the enforcement of our (tamo aud trespass law. There was a public mwttiignt the tt hisil house last Tttmduy evening. A rtimmUte was npslnted to draw up a pledge to u fore ttwpns and game law In Spring valley, everybody signing the sHine, iimi wish tie it to auyona caugtit without a written permit lo bunt on the premise. We want no more Sa lem hunters out here, I-et all take due wurulng, orsuDVr tbe conse(iucnct. Win. Lauusman, a Dative of (ler- uiiiny, hiiI alHiut 10 or ill years, while out hunting In Stun. Phllllpi' lit Id, amldenUtlly shot hlniMcIf through the side of the neck anil tuuw of the brain, while standing by the fence walling for some geese to lly over. Ho had the gun full cocked, and In aome way, while leaning over, the trigger caught on a briar bunlt which caused a dis charge. Everyone who sow the onl tlou of the body, and tho Impression of the soli, wore satisfied that It happened lu that way. P. F. Clark, Justice' of the peace, wa requested hy those pres ent to hold mi hupicst over the said body, as It was not deemed necessary to send for the coroner, I lie verdict of the jury being lu accordance with the alaive Mtiitcniont The deccuxod bad been nn employe of Murphy & IteSarf, ofSulcm, mid came out oh a hunt with Mr, Muniliy and some of the boy working In the brick yurd. Motiinmitli Items, . The final ex.iml.a'l n will begin the 2'.Hh of this month. The atore belonging to Mr. Morehend, near the pimtoMcu, Is nearly completed. Mr. Haley Is erecting a two-story reside uce on h Is property noar tho motor depot. . , ' -.Last 'Friday Messrs. Long and Lodgcrwood and Mlus DuGrufl'HKiko In chniK-1. , The Athletic Assoclutiou are Intend ing soon to udd a now part to tho gym naslum. ' , ' s y : 1 We anticipate some very fine ntuslo when the orchestra begin pluylng for ohaHil oxerelse. , During the last week carpenters haw been busy at work preparing the nppa ratus rcMim of the O. 8. N. 8. Th6 aclonoc this year are vory Inter esting studies owing to the new nppft' ratus, and also tho profosor whoi is. In love with his work.' - One thing vory notlooable among such a large body of students I the ex oclleut order, it Is a thing of whloh the faculty are Justly proud. . Mis Mummie Hydo has recovered from her severe lllnuwt, and In com pany with MIhh HU'dlo Anslyn, will leave Friday for hor homo In Albany. In theohapol thoro are twelve chnli-B In a row, every six havo been spiked together, during the luat week. We don't know whether It is au improve ment or not, . ' Rtcpknt. tOHIIINAllCfel HO. S PAftft OVKH A NAT? uonnAc. ' EtiiTtm Www Hidk: Pleaao Insert thtfolWwInit: , I , i w . At a regular meeting of ilia city eouu oil of the elty of Independence, held on the 7U day of October, 1HBI, an ortii nnnco waa Introduced by lb Judepefr dene Water nd Kleetriet Light Co., asking ft an exclusive franchise for a period . of 48 years; t td ordinance wa read . twle aud plaotti in (be bands of a oommltt, consisting J. A. Wheeler. 0. W.Uhlnn and J. F. O'lamiiell, fyr report. In tbe mean Unt the following remonstrate wa circulated and signed by 190 k'gal voter of Independence and M th next regular meeting of th council wa tiled against th passage or aald oralnano. i . . iwimftiMj.-'rt?"-i , Ittniti'KNiikMciL Or.. No. 2. 1881. To th Honorable, the City Couucll, of indeiieudeuc. Oentlemvo: We, the undersigned eJUieui of Independence, Oregon, do ituaat reotMsMfully Mmonstrat amliiat thefiiiaaage by you lionorabl body of onlluauc No, 6l now beior you Air consideration, referring to an axolualv franchise In favor of the Independence water ana I'.ieotrto J-igni i., ana run ning for a period of 4. yesre, mid we further enter our nruteat most earnestly against th passage f aald ordinance uittkr any amenametit wneregy aam ixmipany would hav tfnolftl .or x- olusfv fmnchlae for any period of time, And we further dwrtr to express our- el vi la forcible terra aealust the pas sage of any ordinance granting to any eorsiratiou or mmvwuai an exclusive frmishtse fbr auy purwe whatsoever Filed Nov. 10, ltwl, T. Fohd, f City Iteeonler. At a rerular nteetlui of the dt oouuell held Nov, 10. th committee on ordinance, eoitslailng of J. F, O' t Sin null chairman, and J. A. Wheeler and O. W. Sblnn, submitted their reiHirt on said ordinance No. at. witb tho following aitiendiiR'nts; v tThftt tbe said ludipesjitrno Water aiai Ltectrla I JtrUt company begranual an exclusive frnncblse h a period of Id year, reserving the right only air the city to put In a plant lu caa tbe City council so desired. The role on lite Dual paatage or said amended ordinance stood as follows: Tltisw voting In favor of Its passage were J. A. Wheeler, l. W. Sblnn, E. K.Krengel, J. F. O'Dounell. Tins votlug aualiist It were M. Merwln, J as. Oltwoit. The above la simply recital of tbe facta aa they Appear of record. And we herewith submit the aam without comment, leaving the public to draw thdr own conclusion with regard to the methods employed In securing the pssaagv of th 5bov franchise. Ma xy Citisns. Independence, Nov. 11, Wl. . - i : THAT KXri.PIVgritANOIllK. Mk. F.niTon: The ritvnt decision of the ludepcudunee city council to grant au exclusive right of franchise for the tnu of ten fear to th Efeeirio Light itviiy, en not bt regarded lu any other light than a gross violation of the right, ftnd thxpree4 withe of. large majority of th property holder and tax payer of Independence. In th face of a largo remonstrance, beadisl by our principal busineaa men, who declared imphalloally to the coun- oil their refusal to sanction tho liberty of any corporation to exareia au ex clusive right either for mrty-elght years, or for mrty-elght hour even, to perwe any business vocation -within 'our uililatv YeUQ -debase f the ex presaed wish, thl oonuoll by vol of four In, tit affirmative, and two lo the negative, did grant jUi xolul right of franchise to thl corporation far the terra often year from tb' dat of passage ,,', , s In republican form of government, where th people are tuppoaed to have soma baud In tbe administration of it alfulra, this a4 of the city . council am not be regarded In any other light than a great disregard of the expressed will of th people. .. -- - - It ha lawn stated that soma of the member of lb council expressed the belief "That the property bidders who Igued that renionslraucc, did not kuow what lhy were remonstrating against." On the contrary we will here solemnly affirm, that bad the member of tho olty council a fully real Imt w hat they ware aanetlonlng and voting for as did the clUaen of In- leiHmdenc. when they signed mm re- monstmnee, they never would have al lowed their names to bo placed upon record as favoring anything like mon- os)ly measure. Anyone wbo 1 ao- pialutcd with the history of the Spring Valley Water Co. nd the Oa Com. pany of San Francisco, whose exolu slvo fruiicblse ha worked so great i hardship um that city, could never have voted lu tho affirmative upon a like ordluanoe In Independence, ; pro vided be, bad the well being of the city ftif his Inspiring Idea.. - - We are told that thl ordinance docs not bur the city from the right of conv petition. Hut what of that? doe the elty waut thla or any other Electric Light plant! t W fully realiae that this Electric Light haa beeu au ex neuslve plant, which up to the present time ha not paid large dividends to the stock-holder but whether or not thl last move will tend to increase these dividends, time alone can determine; but Judging by the present rapid flow of tho popular pulse, we do not believe It will havo the desired effect. The Electric Light business, like any other legitimate business docs not need, nor should It have any special legislation for It protection; but on the contrary, tike any legitimate business, should be allowed to rls of fid .upon It nioritt alone.- V ' In the face of tho present condition of aiTUlrs lu our city, we think it would be well enough to souud a note of alarm to tho property-holders and the tax-payers of Independence, ( The question now is, If a corporation has tho power to pass on ordinance through the city council, as they have done, In defiance of .tho expressed will of the people, have they not the pow er to pass auother ordinuuoo, saddling tho whole Eleotrlo Light plant upon the city with It long attendant train ofboud. Indebtedness, etc? "Coming events" sometime "cast their shadows before." Under tho circumstance It would bo well for our people to be awake to their present and future In terest. A Tax-Paykb, ! Who Remonstrated. NOTICE. All persons Indebted to. the under signed will please call and settle, as we wish to Bottle up all account duo the old firm. J. L. Stockton. ttu ita Vlste ltsa L. M. Hall wa around shaking hand thl week. Win, Well I horn again ftfter three week' trip of buying hops. . The pottery veiled up the last win dow' Thursday, ftnd closed lla dar for the winter, P. W. Haley, of Oakvlow, and MrJ pool, of Portland, were doing business iu our town over Friday. . J5ochary left Wednesday for Oak laud,' Southern Oregon, to be gone soma two weeks, looking after ft stock ranch and fruit farm. 0, W. MoIaHighlln returned Wednes day from three week' visit and busi ness trip In Southern Oregon una re ports ft good time. Hut like everybody else, always glad to get back to old Polk., v.:;'' Oraudui Hlveua, of Yaqulua, wa over laet week visiting her children aud many friends here. Mr. Hlveni, who Is one of our old pioneer, I now 70 year old and I a spry as many of our young ladle. . Everybody I alt mlleat W. P, lliv- enr. TM nappy smiie are me nr ior fifteen years in th family, The hap piness Is caused by th advent of a bright ' ten-pound boy. Mother and son doing well. Hut Mr, Htveu ha md been abl to be up town yet. Tbe happy veut wal on Nov, flth, 1801. On of the moat pleasant social iu th history of our town, wa given at tbe retldouc of J. S. Hlven Wednes day eveulug, it beings farewell sociable to Mr. Jsmea Ilaiico, who goes lo Al bany, aud Mr. Blair Hitilth, who goes to Portland. About twenty young people were tltere, who autuseil them selves In playing game and diaratlvs until uulle lute, when Mr. HI vena pro duced one of her elegant lunches which all preaent did ample Justice to. The young geiithnien who Wave u leave many friend behind who would I glad to eo them return at auy time, feltlie Melon! Mote. MlssIIiir department wa swartl- edthe punctuality banner again on Mouday, while that for attendance was won by Mis Savage' room. The follow lug 1 a list of those attain ing tho highest average for tho past month, ft determined by dally tana log and ittouthly examination: First Grade: Hlrdle Pruden, 95. Ooldlo Ir vine, WS. Julian Hurley, t4 Second Orude: (lertle J'ruden, W; Walter Ford, 08; Nil Hulnian, W. Third Crude, Mm. Mc.dams'dep't: Fay leverage, Tj Johu VanOndtd, 01; Llxxle Murphy, U3. Mis Deuman' dep't : 1 v Unrton, 80; Maria Sharer, 07; Claude Hubbard, 07. Fourth tirade: IjivcII Kays, 95; Loreuau Knowh. 03; Elton Kays. 03. Fifth grade: Alls Estea, 05; W illle Estea, 01.1 ; Ell Fetinell, L Sixth gratle: Lelaod voung, 87; laanc Ooodell, 00; Nellie Walstott, 00.5. Seventli grade: Willie Patton, 08; Etna Hacou, t; Pearl Hinlgea, 07, Eighth grade: Pearl Cwpor, 80; Asa Robinson, KIlth White, 03.5. High school, first grade: Mlas Hertle Whlteaker, OOJ; Mis Ida Estea, 9t-&; WlU.r Pruden, 83.14-15. Third Grade: Miss Maude Cooper, 08. 4 ; KtS Valley llama, . Lots of rain and mud. . . Edgar taytorand Miss Rosa Shcyehe were married Sunday, Kov. 1st, by Rev. C N. Plowman. Larklu Price, the blacksmith, bus sold out and I soon going to leave us We hate to give him up for ho I a good man nd bos an excellent faintly. Mr. Plowman, our pastor, commences a protracted meeting theeveniug of the twelfth, at the Alexander school house. Wo wish him ueces. The road are getting so bad that when the young men take the ladles oat buggy riding they walk while the lady rides,. The W. C T. U. wa organized by Mm. Rlgg lu thl valley. We hope It will be ft succtoM, but fear that Hen u It's Hitter for the stomach is taken most to freely. The Frautx Hro. huvo boon doing a good busineaa this summer; sold lots of lumber, aud have started a large store Joke Chandlers has lot of Irous In the fire. Look out Juk or some will get burnt, I skk A CANARD, Ill New York Vrvu eiic that "Ira. - , porlairt lllll" Iiu.Iumi. The arth-le credited to the New York Prm going the rounds of the papers, in which It la alleged that unfavorable aotlnu ha laicn taken lu the New York Legislature against tho Royal Raking Powder, proves to have been a canard, gotten up and circulated by opposition baking powder maker for purposes quite appareut to every one. The New York Promt, in exposing the fraud, Bays: ''No such legislation as that stated In this article has , ever been had lu thlsstato or In any legis lature, to our knowledge," . The He Is made from whole cloth. Tho Prm disclaims auy resposllilllty for the pub lication, aud objects to being made party to auou methods adopted by some baking powder manufacturers In their efforts to substitute their goods for 0th en now in use. "WE ARE IN IT." Iu order to make room for other goods, we are Bolllug our stock of giw corlcs without regard to cost. Rice, 6 cents per pound. Soap, 5 cent per pound. Boda, 6 ceuta per pouud. Schillings' s Ices, 10 cents a can. Tobacco, 40 ceuta por pound. Aud everything else In proportion. Come quick, If you waut abitrguln. BHKMiBY A vanduyn. TIMK TABLE. tndepanilenoe and Monmouth Motor Line Lesvss ludiawnilenoe. 7:00 8:10 :) 11:1ft 1:W , 8;5 , R.iO v :l(l liOnveia Monmouth. ' WO 8:25 1(19 0 U:Stl 1:1ft ' t:iO K:15 fl:W TRESPASS NOTICE. All portions are hereby warnml not. to tres n,,.. tlm nr.unlMis omniiiU'it bvO. II. HI Sup. Anyone liuiiMiwor trotniiHnlniion tlimc Dmmlx'ii Will be iir.mociUrit to I ho full ml cut 01 MM iLiiiniumiHi, i O. 1), lllllMB. - II II, it n.y. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. t'renpsrua trgn. Phil. Metauhan, treasurer; of Oregon, waa In San Francisco recently, aud said to a reporter of the Ktamitvrr "Oregon I exceedingly prosperous. There I for oua thing ft coluwsal crop of wheat, It was perhaps never before as heavy in Eastern Oregou where I formerly lived A slight Indication of the size of the crop I may toll you that there are now 80,000 ton of Eastern Oregon wheat stored in Portlaud that cannot Hud lrauporUtlon. It will havo to wait till It can be handled. Oregou doe not ow a dollar. There are ft few warrant to bo paid, but there I more than enough money in the treasury to settle with. The country is on ft very suc cessful basl. Several new state build logs are completed and under way, One I ft reform school in the Waldo hill, 'near Turner, costing t&5,om Other are a houso and two large barns ou the stole asylum farm at Salem. Reside thl a great dome wld be era Um on the Salem State capltol buildings at a cost of $H5,om Quito a number of people from the Eastern slate are set tling In th Willamette valley and elsewhere. Proetsuity la the rule." lu J ifne next nine district Judges, a supreme Judge, two congressmen sud a new legislature are to be elected. Mr. Mctschan say there will probably la the llvllest campaign In Oregon seen In many yearn. MY Kiln HACK IBOM OHIO. Ha Talln Wtif Its Mil But further Kwt, but Nulblne Mors. ' "No, I haven't tlm to talk for pub lication; I am not looking for resrter and I am not seeking notoriety," said Hon. Jeff Myers, the Democratic war horse of Linn county, who promi nently spoken of as Uie Democratic candidate for the first congressional district, a be boarded tbe train for homo last evening. He haa Justire turncd from atrip East and had stood in the heat of the political battle In Ohio, o the rcHrter thought the least he could do wa to shed a few toars for the i-feated candidate, Campbell. "I tell you I know nothing" con tinued tbe diplomatic senator, a be was further pressed for new. "I did not go East to see Cleveland' baby nor did I go to Ohio to stump the state for Governor Campbell. I had no ax to grind and did not go to boom Governor Peunoycr for vloe-presldent. I kuew all about the election lu New York, and have nothing to any. Yes, the duck season 1 pretty well advanced In the (Cast and baseball la booming. 1-ur the rest I will refer you to my friend, Col Rob Miller. Good-day." This Is the second time Jeff has re fused to bo interviewed within few weeks, and bis friends do not know what to make of It. Orrgonian. j THE CRADLE. RYE HS. To the wife of Ed. Byers In this city, Thursday, Nov. 6, 1801, a iilue-pouud boy. Mother and child dot ng well and Ed . la happy a a lark. BIRCIL-To the wife of J. It. Bureh, of Derry, a ten-pouud boy,. Wednes day, Nov. 4, 181. All doing well. , WILLIAMS. To the wife of Hugh Williams, of Klugs Valley, Mouday, Nov. 9, Mil, a boy. Mother aud child getting along uiecly. MATNEY. In Independence,' Sun day, Nov. 9, ISO!, to the wife of John Mutney, daughter. Mother and child doing well. John somewhat serious. illtlllK II T AMMONIA. rh Turrlble Agonjt Dosa Ita Vm. Nut l'reTnt No poison bring death with more madoulng agony than ammonia, but that fact doe not seem to discourage the sulelde. The niau HarrowUs, who deliberately swallowed a fatal dose of the drug In New York recently, I only one of the many who have gone the ammonia route to death In spite of the excruciating pain. Dr. Itlyth has re corded thirty caws of ammonia poisou- lug In the small Loudon district of which he Is health oftleer; ' Profeswr Mitchell mentions twenty-two cases, and four have occured during the short time Dr. Jeiikln haa been connected with the coroner' office in New York. Case of alow polaouiug from ammo nia aro of constaut occurrence among men who work lu Ita manufacture, or even lu decomposing substances ,whivh give It off in considerable quantities. Ammoulu, slowly and from day today tnkou into the system causes the com- plcxlou to loose Its freshness, aud tbe sklu of men who get heavily Impreg nated with it haa a disagreeable blotched aud discolored appearance. Taltcu Into the stomach from day to day lu eeu the snutll quantities used to adulterate food, such a baking pow der, It not only Injures tho complexion but attacks the lining ot the stomach, aud I tho souroti of much general ill health. JTho recent rapid Increase lu the use of ammonia for various purposes, aud the consequent Increase In It manu facture, have made it ouo of the most easily obtained poisons, and, although everybody Is familiar with it In some farm, there is a surprising aiuouut of Ignorance of, Its dangerous qualities, It use as an adulterant lu auy food preparation I simply a crime, and as a crime, should be puuished. i ., . a. FOB SALE. Sixty acres ot good river bottomland; twenty sores In potatoes. Located on tho river between Independence and Buena Vista. AIho four head of horses, two farm wagons, and one cart and harness, for $2,300. Inquire at the Wkst Side Intelligence office for fur ther particulars. , City Taxes Due. The City Tax-roll has been completed and placed In the handa of the City MuMml for oollucllon. All persons not paying sstd oity taxes by Nov. 30, 18til ten per eent. will be added to their taxes. Tuns. Fknnki.l, tllty Marshal. When Baby was sick, we cave hor Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castor!, When she became Miss, ahe clung to Castoria, When alio bad Children, tho gave thorn Csstorhv WhM fa Tit JrraUl ssyss "Annllar ful American girt Is about to duchess, and it is saf to avjr tUt ft woman In Europe will wssu-ft aofWK with mow grace distinction tin C'j laimt etmUibuttoB of Amerla to tl foreign nobility. Tb new praccv duclies 1 Mls MfttU E. lUtA daughter ofHenstor MltoheM, ofOr Kon. young lady who for srnJ son wa cknowledgd to booof ti most beautiful of tb many bMCl women wbo adorned tb flrsst c!km ol Washington society. Tb ftnoosroos- merit is made on tb authority of Eeflsv tor Mitchell that bis daugbtor, wbo Is in Paris, I engaged to b marrtod to Duke Francois D RocheJUCfcOld, ft French nobleman ofdUUnguisbed Uno age aud large possession." Aihhmm4 la fart. Paris, Nov. 8.-MU Mattto Mltobell danglUer of Henator Mitchell, of Ors- goti, Is engaged to be married to Fran cois De ItochefoucaukL Tb jrouof lady Is witb ber mother at tb Hotel de Holland. Tb marrtag will tau place In January, : ' ,f .a " ' Kiplanulioa at Waataar Btgaala. The following Is an esplanatioa of (he weather flags displayed over th Independence National bank: No. 1, white flag; No. 2, blue Das;; No. t, white and blue Aug; No. 4, black trl angular flag; No. 6, whit flag, witb black centre. 1NTSUPKKTATIOS OF DISPLAYS. No, 1, alone, ludluatc fair weather, stationary temperature. No. 2, alone, Indicate rain or snow, stationary temperature. No, 3, alone, Indicates local rain, sta tionary temperature. No. I, with No. 4 above It, lodlcate fair weather, warmer. No. 1, with No. 4 below It, Indicates fitir weather, colder. J No. 2, witb No. 4 above it, Indicates warmer weather, rain or snow. No. 2, with No. 4 below It, Indicate colder weather, rain or snow. No. 8, with No. 4 above it, Indicates warmer weather with local rain. No. 8, with No. 4 bekiw it, Indicates colder weather, with local rains. No. 1, w ith No. 6 above it, indicates fair weather, cold wave. No. 2, with Xa 6 above It, indicate wet weather, cold wave. The city council would do well to keep their weather eye on oar streets. Very little work now would give usex- cellcut streets. What ssy you. dty fathers? The Market. roKTUAUD, October 2Z, 181. WHKAT-The market quiet with a weak tone. Quote: Valley, 1.601.624j Walla Walla, $1.40 1.42 per etntal. Flock Quote: Standard, 14.80, Walla Walla, fi.OO per barrel Oath Quote new, 40 43a; Bctteb Quota Oregon fancy oream- ery,32S35c.; fancy dairy, 80X5.; fair to gooti, 25 027JC.; choice CaL ,32 24c. per lb. Eaua Oit'gon, 27) 80c per dosen. PocItby Quote: Old chlckens.HM 5.00; young, 12.60 4.00 ducks, $5.00 Ut 8.00 geeae,M9.00 $ia00 per dozen; turkeys, IS 16c. per tb. 1 MEl'ENllBNC'B RETAIL MARKET. We quote price as follows: Flour, standard, $5.00 per barrel; potatoes. good quality, 25c. per bushel; bub tor, 30c. per lb., according to quality; eggs, 25c. per doien; cabbage, Wo. per dot.; wheat, 80c but choice lot would bring shade higher; oats, 40c; hops, 15c, per R; wool, 19Jc. .. .. O. P. R. R. Steamer Wm. M. H. Tave Raton) torOnroUlli. sooth tannd. at n.m., ou tti following datea: Mavtnbar 7, IS, II, VI, Uvn Crvallt for Balcm, north bound, at 12: t).m.. on Uie ftillowuia dawai MovaiulMr V.13, lH.a.37. ATTENTION, TAXPAYERS. Nolle hi horehr alvn to the taxDarara oT tinti'w.iKli'iut' thnt tlia citf eounell did. on the .to iloy nf Nov mlwr. A.D. ISM, levy a 8 re turn lax for muitielual purpowa Sir tbe ansa Iiik ycHr. and that the aiwtuinuent roll haa Iwu i.lmvd in the bandit of Uie olty marahal fur llt',.ilim; furl her notice U alaogtvan that Bld t'lty tasm will txwnnte delinquent on the IHh of the pruwnt moath. ' oy oroer oi ine eiiy-rouneii. J. T. Foku, City Recorder. Duted NorembeT 1, 18el. HUNTERS, BEWARE. All prwiin are hereby notified to keep oft e tuvmlMMi or (lie undersigned for all ail kind! iiiiiiiinic pnrpoKea, Any pemoa found huntlnit after thl date upon Uie p rem lee. 11. It. iXMiper will be ermentted to the fuU tent of the law. Coopbb. laea oi ea- Mbii. Viola 8LorKa. tnnVnendrnce,Polk county, Oregon, Novem ber a, WH. M NO HUNTING TAKE NOTICE. All perming are hereby notified to keep off of t he reinlw of the undernbrned for all Kiiiaaoi iiuniiiifrpniiKiees, Any peraon rouna hiinitiiK slier ililn aulo, upon our premleea, will be proaerntvd to the f tun extent or the taw. We menu Just wlmt we bhv. Dova JBaos. Ilidoiieiidi'nre, Or., October Xid, 181. STRAY NOTICE. BrESA Vista, Or., Oct 25, 1891, The undersigned haa taken up one -stray two-year-old heifer, red and white spotted, that ha been running in the lane between the Lucklamute and Parker for several months past. Also a large red cow, at least ten or twelve years old and quite poor, has been run ning with. her whtph the owners may have by oaKjug, proving property and paying costs. . . N. E. Tyler. SHEEP FORJSALE. The undersigned has thirteen head of Swapshire down buck for sale, on mile north of Parkers Station. These bucks are the fullblood and of th best grade. CV1 on v. Swsll J. O. and E. Davidson. 5cd7n:QUlRTER kercoin t)-. Oca-rtO n ,.v -. ton, near whut Ur ft Is now Bsker Cily, a PCMTtlOV a nun who tins since. Vdl I I Uit I become ideutiuM with the resources aad AGO Sivf.ltM,meiitr.f that couutrv. This, Is no other ttmu Mr,' John Stewart, oat of the wealthiest and most fiiflueutiid citlaeas ta the count. In rtcent letter he says i " I haa seen sufferiujr from naliis la my back and aeneral kloV ney complaint fur some time, and had used msaj remedies without uy but temporary rellet The pains in my b lck Utrt become so aiTere that I was prevented from nUmdlnjr to my work and could not move about without the use of a eane, Bear, insr, through a friend, of the wonderful cores f fected by Oregon Kiilney Tea, 1 was induced to try box, and from that very first dose I found instant relief, and before nins half the contents of the box the pntns in mvMck entirely disappeared. I have every f.,illi i the virtues of the Orefrou Kidney Tea, end i;:m consd,;ntiously recommend tt to my frietiU I wo:0d not be without it for anything" , ' . ' Oregon rid'tf Tea cures backache, hvmbu. nenee of t Ine, briek dust aedimeut, burniii or painful aenantkra while iirlnatinir, and all affec . tons of the kldneyoruriiiaryoi-gaosofclthersn.