The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 06, 1891, Image 2

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,, P-a
J. I. ULl I $01, HOraltTOM.
-A.-.-i- -
IndauaMdaaa to toU4 at Hi head of t
ntltn 1U1 wt of Mw lllau
Uv rtvnr, I erf 01 U (uam Hue l tli Or
Cwlttorn KiUnmO) mMm a nulll
of W ni)k t U wtmlal alitiim Mul
r niMPVr. wfeten l W
iiuMt wallt "A Utlkly iullwl tu tit
YpVXQ ladlea should not forgot
that Goliath died from the eftoots
of & bang on his forehand.
I1 ... 1..- .J " "f"
The aggregate graia crop of this
country b eatiuiatod at 3,123,00)),.
000 bushels, of which 3,000,000,.
000 bushels la corn. This Ut 28.8
per cent, higher than for elowu
proceeding yetns.
Loud Poktumoutu fa known in
F.uglnd as a peer who refuse the
Garter, Over how wa point out
with pride to the Hon. "Jerry"
Simpson as the nuw who has no use
for Umt sort of thing. Jt(wrf Td
eyrtmu -.
lit. ,.1 '
Wfihave no objection to Mr.
Gtx?r as a man personally, but' we
do thiuk that Mr. llcrmauu is pre
eminently better fitted for congress-
wan for the fiat congressional dis
trict of Oregon, than he. The Sa-
lem Journal wants Geer. Its wants
aregreft, however, aud ltd "receipts
come In slow."
It is really funny, to no Demo
crat in Independence favoring pro
tection, and see the Kepnbllcaiw
favoring free trails General Han
cock uttered a truism when he said,
'the tariff quetion will always be
local, and not geueral." We hope
all local questions of this sort will
be amicably adjusted.
L .. .. -
ITxi.iKK Itenrv llay, Governor
IHU would rather be president than
be right If he contiunea bin pres
ent course in political life, there it
not much likelihood of his eve
beinir either. Hill is a dirty nol
iticiau. aud a shyster of the iirst
magnitude. Corvallia ttuzetie.
What choice language and abnn
dant proof. Governor Hill, of New
York, should not awl re for the
presidency. His case is settled
The editor of the Corvallia Gasdk
settled it last week.
-1 , 1 ..
"Bona" Bt'CKlJSV, the bliud San
Francisco politician, who in owning
to Montreal, created such an ado
among the American papers, ha
decided to locate io Moutreal, for
the present at least. He has taken
a house on Sherbrook street. The
doctor says Montreal agree with
Mrs. Buckle v.
The "Boss" will do well to stay
away as the grand jury of Sau Fran
Cisco is looking into his corrupt
practices while in that city.
Mb. IlABitfcsox Kincaii) of the
"Eusreno", State Journal writhes
nndor the criticism of the Portland
Telegram about that ride with lion
I. P. Thompson. The object of
" Mr. Kincaid's article telling about
favors shown him by Mr. Thomp
son. was to let people know who
read his Journal, that he did act
ually have a ride with Mr. Thomp
son in Portland and also his abuse
of Governor Pennoyer in the same
connection, was for the eye of Mr.
Thompson in partlculor.
The agent for the Chamlieilain
Medicine company seemed quite
indignant at us the other day, be
cause we'wonld not reduce our ad
vertising rates for his benefit. II
we make any reduction of rates it
will be to our home patronage, not
to New York or Eastern firms. We
have one price for all, and our
prices arcquite as low as any news
papersoftue same circulation in
the country. We are not giving
our whole time and best energies
for glory and health, for glory fades
as does the autumn leaf, aud our
health at present is quite good.
A FEW days since several Amer
leans were killed outright at Val
paraiso by the Chilians,: and the
Junta seems rather pleased at the
occurrence. Now UucleSain comes
to the front through his viceroy
plenipotentiary, s President Harri
son is in dead lament, as his mes
sage to the American Minister
Eagon there, plainly shows. , Sixty
five millions of Americans are at
the back of the president, and Chili
will have a very cold chill, if she
does not make reparation for 01 r
slaughtered countrymen." England
had as well keep her hands off.
Whenever that brave f corres
pondent from Monmouth,, to the
Dallas Observer last week, signing
himself "Kesidont," will sign his
real name to his article, that we
may judge of his responsibility,
then we will proceed to show that
his misstatements aro the products
of his own fancy, and only shows
what a man will do in the dark.
Gentlemen may write upon gener
alsubjects with the subscription ofa
nom deplume, but to make an open
.itinnnn 11 nniihborhood of cit-
ttlbuvn - o
izens, accusing them of all sorts of
ngly things, then his real name
must appear to ih article, or else
we can only consider that ho
K p-han-d of hisown untruths. Jhis
I to be the case in this in
Ono, Miller, of Southern Oregon,
is seemingly disposed to down Bin-
ger Hermann In the next republi
can conveutrou for a re aond nation
as a cau lidato for congressional
honors. Ha pioduces a letter, (has
1 tpubllshed in tho (hmtnii) of
Mr. Ilermauu's, wherein Mr. Her
matin slated ho would not bo a
eaudidata before tho next slate
couventloti. Milter is ambit lous,
ho wants the portion, and pre
pares to make a fight for the de
feat of Hcrtunuu. Mr. Hermann is
In the hands of his friends, and he
has no right to refuse a nomination
when the mcmbcra of his party are
in favor f his re-election, and con
tinue to ank his services. The Iie
publleau party of Oregon is satis
fied with Hermann's past record,
and no Itepubliean, uninfluenced
by aelfhdt or ambitious motives, de
lrea his retirement from a position
which ho has filled with honor to
himself, and with beiieflelal cUccts
to bis coustUuenls. Mr. Miller
may bo qualiAetl lit every resjHMSt,
he may be politically honest, and
irreproachable in his public aud
private character, but this Is no
time to sacrifice a trne and tried
man, as Mr. Herman u is, to gratify
the ambition or personal tvptra
tlons of any man. No mau has
wrvwl the people of Oregon as con
gressman with 1ea taint on his
oftlelal rmml than Sir. Hermann.
Prom now on, until the two parties
meet in state convention for the
nomination of candidates, the air
will be rife with the laudation of
this or that man, and with their
claims upon the party for distin
guished honors, Mr. Hermann can
go before the Itepublirao conven
tion with no stain npon his name,
wttttout one cuareo or ouk-m cor
ruption, and with the certainty
that he is the choice of the party
ho has so long aud so faithfully
serve!, Mr. Miller, curb your
ambition, lot not cl(l-hucss cause
yon to mar the unity of the party,
but, liken man true to IiepniiicHu
principles, give In your adhenalon
to the almost unanimous choice of
the parly, Binger Hermann,
To thk EiMTOK! Apropos of
the tariff discussion now going on
iu your uiper, I clip the following
from the New York Tribm of Aug
ust ltl, 1890. As you know, the
Trilmite is an advocate of a high
tariff, and insists that a tariff docs
not lucrcase prices. But hi referr-
lug editorially to the movemeut
for granting a service pension to
veternnaof the late war, (a move
ment considerably agitntcl sonic,
thing more than a year ago,) the
rw&unfftaid; ,
"Theinjuml, the dejxMident, the
holelestt, nd the children of wid
ows of those ho have fallen have
been placed Ix-yond the reach of
want. To take sixty millions a
year or more for the others ho are
not In need is not tolexxen the ao
cumulation ofa few rich men, bulU
i h cut (toieH iht tennis mirninat f
Ms poor. Tlttititgitr duly, for in
(rfiiHW, tuket Heurly a$ wimcA from Ihe
poorest dtttj labttrvr a) from any mil
Hotwire ieho hutta family of Ihfi mw
number. Xutonhj mmt mwh dntiet be
eonlinui l, bid ollun muxt be difiW,
if a service pension is to be added
toother oxpenditures of Govern
ment. The attempt to cany such
a measure will not meet with favor,
and the danger is that it may risk
all that a grateful country has al
ready beeu willing to do for Union
veterans and their living represent
atives who are in need."
The italics are mine. It seems
chair front this that when not argu
ing for monopoly, even tho Tribune
is occasionally willing to" admit
that a high tariffis not nimnmixed
A. E. D.
best argument that could Ik'
advanced in favor of electing ti e
president of the United States . by
popular vote that thereby a Demo.
crat would have an cqtml 'chance
to bo cliOHcn at every election.
The way the vote has been going
since the Grecly foolishness of 1872
is unfair. In 1S88, though Harri
son was elected, Cleveland had a
plurality of 97,883. In tho whole
United States in 1888 Harrison re
ceived 8,440,551 votes and Cleve
land 8,538,4:14: in 1884 Cleveland
received 4,1)11,017 voles, and
Blaine 4,818,334; in 1680 Garfield
had a small plurality, tho vote be
ing, Garfield 4,4 It), and. Hancock
4,442,045 in 187 Tilden had a big
plurality, the vote ' being only
4,033,050 for Hayes, against 4,284,
885 for Tilden.' Yes let us elect
the president by a popular vote,
and then the people themselves
will have tholrchoico for president.
and will not bo defeated by the
corrupt machinations of monopol
istic politicians. ' ' '
Pobtmastkk-Genekal Wanna-
makeu nas recently auuou new
luster and dignity to the ofiicial
position of all counfy-soafc town
postmasters.' These favored Indi
viduals are authorized to act as
postofilce inspectors for their re
spective counties, This new ofU
cial dignity is without emolument
or compensation all for the love
and glory of country, the glitter
and pomp of temporarily clothed
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
authority, Among thentultlplielty
of Jaw-breaking nd hc&d aching
questioM asked, the following is
an abbitsv Inled satnploi ."Dut1 the
)HtmaHter study and understand
the pOMtnl laws and gulntloua, and
realUa tho rtponslbtllty and dig
nity of being an officer of the
United 8lntor, Only think ofthe
immaeutate folly of ao unreason
able a quest Ion. Tho majority of
fourth class pcmtofHeca throughout
the rural district pay the Incum
bent about "six bits' a montli, and
if you Imagine the official heads of
these feileral ero-roads dou t un
detittaud the pwtul laws and regu
lations aud appreciate the dignity
of lielng an olucer of the United
States, Just yon try a hand at pas
log an old wornout stamp or a mu
tilated penny upon tliein and you
will learn something about postal
laws and rcgulutloiia,' Aa to oftl
elal dignity, wliy these oliihlekory
shit ted fellows are the double bot
tled quint essence of importunate
and exacting dignity. We pre.
aame the Postniaster-General I
not familiar with his rural suitor
dluates. He should take an "out
lug" among them, and make their
acquaintance at once,
List Tuesday elections fur state
officers were held in five important
state. Ohio was tl e battle ground
upou the tariff queatiou. McKlu
ley was elected by about 10,000 ma
jority. hilo this vote makes
Ohio sure for the Jtepubliean pre
IdenUal nominee, next year, there
still remains unsettled the question
at ixsue, protection or free trade.
The great question between the two
great political parties is a merited
ous one, and will be the subject for
the political canvasser for several
years to come. . Flower, of New
York, Boise, of Iowa, Ilussell, 1 of
Massachusetts, wore clocbnl gov
ernors of their respective sUdes.
lVnn.Hjlvuniu went Itepubllcau by
5o,(XH majority. Neither party
seems to have gained any great ad
vantage in them elect ions In indi
cate certaiuly the line of movement
for next year, except that the tariff
issue will : denominate all other
questions in the next presidential
campaign. . While our smile fa not
as broad as It might be, yet one
ought to be satisfied with three
governors out of four. ,
T K est! mated population ofthe
world In 1890 is as follows: Asln
850,000,000; Europe, 380,000,000
Africa, 123,000,000 North America,
80,250,000; South America, 3(1,
120.000; Australia, 4,7:10,000. To-
tal 1,47,600.000.
Jcpue M." L. Pipes received
telegram announcing the death of
his father in Su Louis, Mtasonrl
last week."''.'" ' "')': -'
IuiiMndcnv Cnbll irhtml Mvlf.
Two Immltvd nudavtuty-flvepuill
sre la attemlnnto,
MU Nellla Hill litui been elinM to
nil ttw moflney cnuiwd by the renlgniitl
ou of Mrs. NotuM, ' '
All InttmilltiK to idtendsdiool thl
Urmlmuld enter at ouee tho term
Is nwro Umnhulf gone. : ,
Th flftlt and itlxth gnidtn bave bi-IU
the punetuulily 1hmt lor two week.
while tho fourth grade low kept the at
tciidunee luiiiner for the name time.
LaHt Friday the nfulr monthly ex
umlnulloii WMlndd and all parent can
liy cloiH-ly examining n curd book that
will oeid-iit tlirui oh Monday, know
the character of work buing done by
their children.
Truth l the mother of history, the
rival of time, the witue of the mwt
the exatiiplo of the inwut, And the
orlcle of the future. Cervantes.
A man ahoutd never bo (whaim-d to
own tliut he hna Ikh-ii In the wrong,
which I but allying that he la wlaer to
day than ho wn yeatorday. Pope.
To ba cantltmt In tlia ehotca of tnedl
olnm. Mnajr ara lnjiira by trying x
prlmont with comiwund purporting
to bo bldoil-piirltlorii, tho principal
rm-omnii'mliitlcin of which would aconi
to bo tholr "choapnem.'f Being mails
up of wortlilmn, though not alwaya
hiiriulcM, ingrodlcntii, they may well
bo "cheap but, In tho mil, tlioy ara
doar. Tho moat rcllublu inaillctnoi ara
comly, bihI can ba retallad at mod
orato pricn, only when the nmnufiuitur
Ing chemist linnille the raw material
In largo quantities. It 1 economy,
To Use O
Ayi-r'n Rarinpnrllla, tlie valuablo eomponent
of wliicili are Imiwlcd, wliulninle, by Uia
J. C. Ayer Co. from Ui region where these
aitldm ivre rlehost In meillclnal propertlui..
"It Is a wondor to nie that any other
than Ayerl Barsiinarllla has a shew In Uie
nmrltot. If poopla consulted their own In.
toront, they would never use any other j for
It Is nut only the best, but, on account of It
concentrated strength and purity, it Is the
most economical," James y, Duffy, Drug
gist, Washington St., Providence, H. I.
Pr. A. L. Almond, Druggist, llborly, Va.',
wrltost "Leading physician In thl city
Bawiparllla, I have sold It for eighteen
J roars, and have the highest regard fur It
leallng qualities."
"Although the formula Is known io the
trade, there cm be no successful Imitation
of Ayer's BarsnparillA. Without having Uie
enormous facilities of the J. O. Ayer Co., It 1
Impossible for other parties to put together
such valuable Ingredient, at tin low cost
of Ayer'i , ,
It stand at tho bond of all similar prepara
tions," Mark A. Jonas, M years a druggist,
00 Cambridge St., E. Cambridge, Mass.
pnapAnan nr "
Dr. J. C. AYER &.C0., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Pruggltls. Price tl lis bottles,! I.
r.lcko No Mlctako
It yna ilwIJit, fniM wlint fm havo Nmnl t
luaminr hwl u( Hi merit. Uiul Jku will
Uk itiMNl'iSiinitiMiiila.Uit I IfihM'.nl
lo buy xwwlMiie ! lirh mor rlkliin4
la b "ahuul Uw !" or "MI M kI,
Krnn-inliM Out Ui (ul rvaoun l" 1l n lit
t rU to nirchniMl viiii ulUlut U tlial
tmtt prutU m I "wJ". fltwly wlt nil
liHtuwwfHta IHt iMtlKt M)w kll' Jua
lit urn elli tl (r, Itwxl'i S.imni .ioiik.
Thoa ym ili ant bo o pi tii.iwiOi. wlili
BW ftlf 1, tut HtHMl'i II M'Ulll l
t la m nnw Ui ltk tti"i tu iiulura m
UibuUwttotii lttn4 of llwiU'l Surmirm
Itlla, IM M iM twt prevail Si
cbaiiK. I twld him I kimw wlul Itoutt'i
anwiMMllla WM, I Im4 Ukmt It, ftf
farttr MUM It, iuil tid wnat tuy
Mkor. Vim,, Ki.u A, Oorr, 11 Twmo
StKwl, biMiun, MM.'
Art All Taking It.
' Wt ctntkt aiil b ttli"iil IIckmI'h Rirna.
jMtrllla. 11 M lb twtl ukiIiIii e tir
kit la Uw b". My family all tnkiHf
It Maa, J. XI. lUanxa, Sua Juujula uut
VrMwi stmw, siuektw, CaU
Hood's Sarsaparllla
M ky SraHttU. l rpwlily
ky U. I BOOH DO., Ay4rtlMfliM,Limll, Mm,
100 Doeet Ono Dollar
I not a taiiillo la tli arniaw In wblrh Uil
Infm I iiiuuriy Hwa.uui MirntMity if
lin. II vrrnK a mli, mil4i. rlrar, vlv"lj
kln, J by rinily um milunUy mnkm ilio
fNMliU4lhill MVvriU MUt
laid ,milCT0"H Ihrtii Iha tlU nf win an
hihiI and uravmib avuhuiil ami tn'klr: an
fttla.kl,Matta will naVtfr M.iliH whlltt ytiu umi It
HolMMiMa Ilia ! Sir lwll OiaJl anin ami
wlrr.aaiHliniailbaliaaupllialiUi idmiiM,
nal itttlnanuuicilnattiliia i niiKiM.
nwiil akl Uia4 yun bail wlin a llllla lrl.
Illlm Ilia ltnlinMa,in,r,ina. hiiii ain.a.iui'
k.vorjr ldy. ymnt w uii. tiin u um h.
.h a ituira tiMilOOll atuHirann In ally tail:
and thai urriiiannllv, ll ililln nn aiilil
aad aa nMirl.lil"i lo ilt "kill aa itaw ! bi Ilia
u.ilni. nut alkali, alxl la aa haruilnal aa ili-w.
Anwar, !', !. al all druaiilaM and Imlr-
dMMn. nr at Ura. (larval
taliam'a iwiab-
mbo iiwu ladiM a all
llalimatik, 11" nnai in'i,nn r mwwii, wiif
I dial illu l, Hon
adlM tt all I'l.'n
ivnitabaa uf Aia (
if nkuro. Idia at a UI.Ihim lri.l l,y lab
1 iy iu
lluw hi
lor. HAiid aiauip li bf mil book.
ftaatala attttla malld m Ui any laxly
11a rtwiH ui ji in ittmia vi air panatc
aaa w,n(. Mny waumi.
Face Bleach
Cum lit woral Numi or ftwrklM, unburn aab
.ilir.nHlli taiU-baa, tiluii'I'a. anil all kin
hlvuiialiM. frlaa. l.(il. llnruilnw ami l-
ka-Ova. No aalupia aa M amt. Idyaala
Th Oruagltt la thto town who Hrt or
dara a bill nl my iiwtwralbiiMi will hawhla
Hi a.l.lMl in una ailvrum.-ni. firm
aruii' ii ara r au uy imiwaia arumtl.t
1 lilnwju and awry miy aa uf IU
A Great Offer
Read Very Carefully
To all Biilmerltier who mny he In nr-
reura, and will pay to duto, and ouo yrnr
In advnuee fir the Wkbt Hide, or Until
new auhaerlher who pay In advance one
year, we wlllacnd the Enrol Northwest
one year froo of charge. Tho Wkwr
Hiiik la known to all, and we nroixMo to
place It among the very foretuaatpiincf-H
of the lUtto, nd the Rural Jfwtlumt
Im a aetnl-inonthly, alxtoeu page Journal
for the l'armvr, fruit Grower and
Btoekmun. It la publlahcd nt Tortlaud,
Oregon, by one of our well known cltl-
zena, II. M. Wllllamaon, who la giving
lua Ut endeavor for tho proniotlou of
fiirmorn', fruit growera' and stoekman'e
Interecta. ' Of thee he make a apci'lnl
ty, heneo you will have good reading
and much Information. . The price of
the Rural Northwest In f 1.00 por yunr,
Th prloe of the Wkht Sfdk Ih f 2 IN) per
year. - JNow for f.ou in advance you
can have both natiera for one year, lio-
mombur the terma.
Luther Ground:
Oaalor In
Hnrdware, ; quoensware, tinware,
stovea, end Other niiKcelliineous nr
tides, ciills tho attention of the
public to his fine stock of tho uhove
articles now on hand.
His prices will compnro favorably
with prices In any other locality.
Come and see us and you will be
satisfied with price, quantity, and
g o p a)
rr x
HAT Ml!fl
For the best business reason, we do not in
tend to move bur immense stock to our new
brick block, opposite the Independence Na
tional Bank, as it means great expense and
trouble; so we have decided to make sweep
ing reductions on every article during this
sale. As the stock must be sold, it will en
able all to purchase goods for less than they
have had the opportunity of doing hereto
fore. Come early and secure bargains while
the stock is complete.
Choicest brands of Tobacco
and Cigars.
Confectionery and Fruit
Kept constantly in stock
Main street, opposite the livery stable,
Independence, Oregon.
Elgin, Waltham, Scth Thomas, Swiss,
or any movement desired, in gold or
silver case, hunter or open face.
Our line includes every kind of 30
hour and 8-day clocks.
Christmas gifts will soon be in order.
Our stock is complete, and it will pay
you to select your jewelry from it.
inotner appropriate Holiday em is a
pice oi suvcrwear.
what you want. '
Of Spetacles
and can ht all
We carry a line of Banjos, Guitars,
Violins, etc., ot
and our prices the lowest.
buy or not.
Monmouth, -
Good grain and stock farms and choke fruit lands;
town property
Those having property
We have just
we have, a large stock,
kinds oi eyes.
the finest quality.
goods are the
our stock whether
s - Oregon. '
of all kinds.
for sale, please call.
a r
W. E. .G -
.: i
7 n'lp." '.VMi'' TJL' AND
41. : U - , -t
f aW4h lMi ... .flM-aWaY
My liM-k In now moro conilvte tlian ?wr before. Shall be pU-aM-d lo have
nil tho etit(niiern uf the U eoiitlimw tnullntr, atnl hoie to ludupo nmnj to
Irmlu wbu nrwr dhl lfnr. In connection with my Ure bt a
Where bonw tiJ sIkhx can be r)AlriHl or tnnuufiuuml uudcr tho niunagimcnt
' of M. A. JiAKKK
Itt-memU-r tho imaic and place,
W. E, GOODELL, - Main Street, Independence
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.
Flnt-Chui TuraouU for Commercial Travelors. prices reasonable ftnd Stllio
tion guaranteed Uiv, u fall.
Sill Jordan
Suooort to Vanduyn & Shelloy,
Have justxptvi ved a fine and varied
stock of goods, to which we call the
attention of the public We have
come to stay, and by fair dealing
and lowest prices oxneet to shsu
with others tho patronage of tJio
Duo attcution will bo civon to
tho wants of all, and everything iu
our Hue will bo furnished to hand,
or according to ordor of customers.
Monmouth ia the place , to buy
goods, and "don't ye forgot it."
Wo wmit agents
JUiinlaat nnd m,t !iiuKhull trlek out, ,li
day can be niuilo bi.UIhk tliom, All you Imv2
to do la to show Ih it .,ViB -.. u'S"!.m"
.inii)le and terms to Oimwni A.' , -i' knd
Novelty Co.. room , m So. Clark st "'IUC?.
TT.T1. fitTiITIDfl
rr o o o 1
Dealer la
Pure drugs, medicines, and chemi
cals of all kinds.
A fino lino of iet'fumery and toilet
and fancy artic,Us always
kept on hand.
Physicians' prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night by a
competent pharmacist.
Oppotitt Porion, Ortig Storo.on
main stroot.
Wit I k
Tor TTiiiroHyH