The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 30, 1891, Image 3

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West Sida PailisMajC&sfaiij'
j. .. acuuofi.p;.'run.-. l
viillAY,tK.TOftkU to, Uil.
A I lSV.NIMil .' IUt H MM lti l'f
ClliV U'l'NVt ItlltfU1 tilulltl Hilda '
newspaper hIUt Ativr, One
.11 a iwrnoi tt iiimt-wmt noun, ami
.1... ..lK.. ll;l,' ItlMUlll ItlVl. llfll llutll. i
luvv.m.i r"v- i ' i ' -
(Mild toltjsne. Till l plllvly iM'l;;ltlid,
tttul a patent Im btn applied fr
Tin? Mmm tile lwtl;vm
have kasett J. F. O'lVmi.U's in hm k
aoeon I atery, ft perhl of ten. jvjir.
Mr tVlMiuudl hits cotiiitrvtcl i lmvc
tlu ImH tliWul lit hitcd WylvsM-f
hall furnUhmtiits, nittt thl wtllthi-ii
he a gi"l pbtee f"r 'I'" noctumul ren
dcxvausof the night-bluls, iitMil r
Call be found on the vtett eldo.
SltlSAt. SKKVlt K.- lll't.'ptllditnv!
now uuhirN tnw H ijr of the lulled
State slgtml cottier r tee.
at ut re
ceive progiuwtlcutloii f the weather
by telegraph ul twelve o'clock imii cv-
pry day. IIW,vwt iioiii ttittiui
what kind of weather w' httll have.
Now tf we full to have khh1 wetttter
HiU xtitiUr, w klmU know ixoUy
hew t lay the tltimt, I'rvvliMiJily,
nil litut vttmlu-r l!w Ut-n M nt U
tUrf Jujlur riuvltt.
No''Vtt. A Yari VutR."-TlM
rstlt in NfufViwtww wK "ll trljfVlljf
fcty: Tlw'W rv wtjf wimvImiu lit
Uiwlxirtf ihat ow httuwM tits fltt
wml irrttvrn hi Hw worltl. Will ml
th lttfvfcw toll U rwtWrtt of wlutt tlwy
nrv Uwliig y ih4 taking. Hon. Juhn
Mlnlo' mlvkt' to rul nmre nhwp.
The bU-Ht f i'vi-ry lu"w tw'l t"
t I'mixvw ItllUt I a ritriMUU to the
jvoWliltv llowl II two or
to enrich uiltwr nw-tUmt.
lnivvt ftr it Moani.tauwlry tobehirt
wl lu liuKHMMJum KveryeutHMtnuie
iiivituhuulti he 6 veil much an enter
tt ie. We are not muklng mm h fnw
al.u it ll, hut ItuleptwWuee i moviua
to lite Until jntilieimte. Wt want
no wlltUtit btw.. We want Jut
whit we have, a t'e.iily, mWanlial
kMwtli. lnUcien(h'ni'e ntH.ilu have
m rw, nl a nihl.le"lle irliikUinf ul
nt.imy, yel ui iiiillimuilri, and they
are exiwn'lliiK every iktlUtr jutUi lously,
Macu(Ma)nliilUrhaa auo erring
lamlw untie flock that wamler off on
Htimhiy excurltua otwIoiuUly. Thta
kfmmhtenrayer In rea-nt wrl:
"O, Lord, we ytray ttiat tht excursion
train Kohigcaatoo the Hannlhal 8t
j,.h rallrvind thkt morning may not
. run off the track and kill" any church
iiiembeivthat may boou Uartt. Church
membere on Sunday excurtJou are not
Incundltloutodle; audio addition to
this, It la emtwrraiwlng to a mln litter to
offli lateat Ue funeral of a nieiuber of
the church who baa been killed on
Huu.Uiy cxeuralona. Keep the train ou
the track and preserve It from any ca
lamity that all church member among
the eneurHlunlata may have an oppor
tunity for repentance, that their eliu
imty be forgiven fur Chrlat't aak.
At RANV'a Dm ltaiixi.-Tk work
of brl.ttjlng the Willamette at Altny
h i I wit actually conuuetifed, the flrat
pIM having been driven laat week.
The tritlge will be all ateel, but It will
be more than a yard wide, mi wW
coiwiitt of lour upane, of cautllevretyle,
which la .tbn beat that can ba bul.
Tliee K(ttiu wilt be bib enough, to ad
mit the peonage of boete at any point.
Two an. nvj feet long each, and two
otht-ntiBS bet. They will real upon
ateel plera, with ateel ertba eurroondlog
the plllugaud aoiweoncrew diubi
tin. lm. itixrouuded by riprap. Tbla,
when completed, wlU be the ouly can.
tiiwr bridmi In the etat. ow wag
,nn. , tin nnrvallla ban ateal
bridge? TUIamakeewMUke putting
a aecond to any notion that By be
made in favor of uch echeme.
Let tbe agitatoca agiUU.
Auist Jk Finifc-Monday evening
.iw... an'oinok.tha fire hell eovnded
amt l.rouirht outourdtUene In force.
The Chlneae laundry, altuated upon
ti. t Bid of Main etreet, In the
outhern part of tlie dty, caught lire
fmni a tamo baoriog on the wall,
which, from auwe jar fell to the floor
and broke. The nil eaoght nre, ana
! "J.wh" mtir hanging! Mtnited ai- instantly, ami for a few minute!
!.b c wiuli. tltotiiilit their worldly
gxKl were gont). -The Are wo cxtlu.
iruUhcd by whipping It with blanket
etc. The hcxk uml Mdcr company
w,u on li tn.l in two mluutcH, hut uo
he coinp.iny lH.-i(Tg orrfunlAtd for the
now hydrant, wo relt n-iv
willmut' water. Thl matler mIiouM le
al tended tout once, the liydranta
amulltln pliK't', ft'"' H pn-ure
ridy fr mi, hut no hnwi to convey the
name to the burning building. Lulcr,
we lcani that 1 he boe Im befit ordered,
and all Willi hi working order In a
few day. , Till I a N k'"'"" J
Ziom Ilein.
J. K. Ht arB, McCoy' chief JumIIcc,
wn In tlicHC part lut Tuowiuy.
Painter Hhinn, of youwity, nllended
Church here lat 8uTnhiy. Come mjalti.
Fred. Klyvcr, mi old Mwlcr of the
WkhtHidb lia moved with fil family
tf Hulem. where lie ha taken tt pl-
tlou with McCrow 4 Willard.
J. It. Hheppard U ahlpplng '"t of
fruit to the Hound country till full.
He to handling aome of the flneit I"
pie that we have ecn In Oregon.',.
A lady took the Bey, J. It. N. Bell
for a Balem anlooii kcep( n he Ci'e
into our church hiHtHunday. Imagine
the lady' urprie when he aw blm
go forward to preach.
The much tulkcd of Iron mine near
thl place h.t U.t It holtci;;, ami U e
man who rcfued $8S,0W doltew f iff h I
place feel like he had 1 wmethltig
Blip through hi hand.
Frank Iletll, who linn been llv ng
onthe'i'.H. Wultc plane, I "''"""K
near Hlierldan. Tbo f'"11V.,wl,'n
muchmlHed. The young fol j gave
them a farewell party iart 'lueaday
evening. . '
Itcv. J, It. In'. Hell pre.uthed an excel
lent aermon ut the clmrcl) here lat
Hunduv. All were highly pliwiwl, and
i i... tt'iuiivooraci'ii to funic
again noon, and that hi time will not
lively tlllf,
More mwndx th' wivlt,
s.itu i' kraut ut WiilKcr IIihw,
Next .saur-lny U hiiUowwn,
No n'wiiHwiirvitt J, l. Irvine'.
.The bonis have enmiitetiod itiiiiiliti,
l.igl'tdilim.iil,s .riti ui Walker
. Lev.
A I'.x.l
J. I. I.
at forty In tt fool Indeed.-
J, 1). L, J. 1). Irvine lltt
A b'g of utigitr fr r'1,00 at J. t,
A IllIC lillentllltllglltghtmpSnt J. 1 1,
Try SkluiierA Wilson'! special gru
limit Cm' genu.
Bushum U quite lively iinwitdnye In
rrtllvtiy Ktu-o HU( lUiliee pit. ut
J. l. ll'Vine.
liock tVitdy Drip Hvmp Ht WalUvr
tiro. Try H rillt.
Tlk of a new lum-l t Corvtilll ly
the Wilkin Itr.w.
t'Ci'ttl'.rt !' :vel
a we.v l ihI pi"s i u.
IM and cold water ballm at any hmir
nt ltenktc'aliuih Itouxe. tf
Try a can of pine applo drip nyrup
for wile at Walker ltnia.
Take time to rend the Wkmt riuK ami
yu will lo nothing.
tin to Stockton A llcukle, and try a
pidrufthe lienk Ulttvea.
H W Wau' the turtle U alow that
he !! often In Die eaup.
ltdlea, have you aren the Fure In
Shelley A Vauduyn'a wludowa? :
Rev. tt. V. ruling will preach at
Dixie IhiaeoutilugKuuday night.
The croaa, the triumph of grace, la
akat tlie triumph of ktw.YIUet.
Thonitw Heevea UaightiMit the candy
and cigar Ktore of Wm. Marx thl week,
Mandt Merwtu hh.pcd forty tuna of
oata lo Huu Fraimiiwo yeaterday by the
Jiwt received at Walker Itro. a new
line of Decorated Ware. Dnijiln and
e them.
TIh) new power Iumihj fr the eleo
trio tight ciaupuny, la Mug punheil nu
to otHiipletlou . the Maaone a
big topper at the little lalace Iit4el
morrow evening.
The Little lalaee Inrtil la eukl"'g a
very aatiafactory alruiiagf, ami II b lu-
ervaaing every day.
Auyoue wanting fruit laud In tract
of from twenty to nfty acre, call on
Moran, Monmouth, U
Hkiuner A Wllaoit'a aclal graham
make the llneat hot oakea of anything
In lite market. Try It
Stockton ilettkle have lew ladlea
and wUmm wrape that they will eel)
very cheap, to duM out.
Dave Gvlwlck alway baa on hand
freah ewndlea, Key Wort cigar and
tropical fruit in evaaoa.
Bowman 4 Webber ahtal a hone that
will beat "Huno!" next pring. Hrlng
an your Uuefcoted liureea. .
Qen. Dice'! preliminary examination
will be beard Uxtay at 1 o'clock p. m.
before Jtwtlca II. M. Line.
Bead our "great eflVr" thl week.
Sow let everybody aubeeribe ft the
Wnrf 8tuaud A'"f -Vr(Aaef.
J. New I. Joow wa awarded tlie con-
t -act for cat ry lug the rail twice a day
etweeu Independence and Uanutouln.
B.F. Aoditwi will tuote ht racket
tore U Main atreet, oppoalu Btorkton
lleukle' dry good lUore, ucxt week.
The evlto of the world wiU contlnoe
uutll phlkwopber become king, nrun
Ul klnge ben) phlliwfjpucr.- naw.
Jut received atJ.D. Irvine"! twen
ty oaare of Yoaemlte pencnee, me very
flneaU Call In and gem cane.
Go to Skinner A Wllou' flouring
mllla. In thia city and get eome of that
apodal graham for gem " make the
When In queat of a (have or hair cut,
Mn i t ffenkle'a barber ahop. Bank
building, Main atreet, Independence,
Oregon. "
Bay John, were la the beat place to
boy grocerlaT Why, at J. D. Irvine'!,
the old pioneer grocer,
I the boat,
I tell you be
Our great proportion for the Whit
BlDI and Aura Northumt will con
iimiKuntU January flrat. 1893. Sub
icribeat once. v
The lumber la being placed on the
mound for the erection or v. a. ivra
nri new residence. Cnmplwll and
Flncb, cooliBClora,
Our vat u tidcveloped reaource hould
be thoroughly ndvertlhcd to all whom
it may concern, but no wildcat boom
should he created.
We now have a pew atnlrway leading
up to our office. II m m trouble now
to aceud the "golden Htalr" and sub
icrlbe for the Wks Hidk. -
When writing toa newapapcr, wrilo
only on one Hide of tho pawr, u tlie
editor can use tlie other fide upon
which to write hi editorial.
Whoauld J. D. Irvine wanted money.
Nonacnacl ho hn more money than
brain. Hut if you want to pay your
1.111 he will give you a recent.
If youwunt on;ietblng nice go and
examine the stock of HalO-r Lcwon
hoc Jut received by Hhelliy 4 Vnn-
duyn. They will wy ana pieae
if un ml. vou want, wc reafly tnnd
To ct It op at your command.
If you have got fome good ror aie
Why, let the Wkhi 8idh tell tho tale.
Polk county could support a million
ni oroide and not half try. Lot u get
at lciett naif that number here, and of
the right kind. No other need apply.
The uuuriorly conferfenco of the M.
K. Church Bouiu' I no.ied vn""
Nt,,-. the 7 nnd 8, by c j t C the p o
g-d :ijc elder. J. M. J'AfK .:, .".'' or,
Stockton 4 ileiikle are agon t for tho
tkule Woolen Mill, of llrownnvi le,
and they keep a full line of their cele
brated Clothing, l'launelaui Jiiana
et. - '
X ft-imer in Jackanu'eoJ'y plan
a Dies of ground three rot vvm In
oiioo. He hi., tested r.-oinihl Hip e
,o of tlie Hvoy IhiUm, wldch lie u'.
op fc))0. Now that I'ltrmcr ha an elllu
: vhii luih.lou that the onion high
! wity Ih t ht ilnn l route to mllllonHlrt"
iIihii,-Stiiiiliiti HWt'imtfi
Sioekion A. lleukle have a very
j largo WueU' of Men', llitya', mid t'hll
j diem tioniN tiiid Mil, which yU wilt
lelwaj ll'id to he M llley reptvocnt
! thorn, . .'..- ' .
! , fliiii'idtii hUiory "fa family of elitt
thfii long wpurtileil, hut now all
i , . . i , i, ..i i..
nii.UriUt "uetiicr ami living tieppiiyt
will U ir.viitt',! to our reader in n
ahull iiinc,
Lyon Lodge, A. F. & A. M will
hold nu Important meeting lu their
hall to morrow night, A uiimt'r of
prominent iiiiim.u hum lhtllMnml .Si
lent tlll l ircMt?nt,
our trip l.tHt Sunday to im wa
dt'llghtriil, Wtv Initl the pleiwure of
dlx'omvlng to a happy ami contented
Mope, lu a rich aud Iv.iutlful country,
We want lo ,. ngulu,
Lndlet, go to stmliton & HcnUle'
w hen you w Uh to wn a nice atnnk of
Iinw gimili, Wrajw, Uuderwear,
Ihnlery, ShoiK, silk, Velvet, Umld,
or anything of the kind.
liemeinU r w hen In ftiteut to call In
nt Strong' rcltiuraitt, time Wtoolt'
4 I rw In, and getamnil not to be ex
celled on the l'uclth! coiwt for S1 cent,
it !iTI t'outiiierelal atreet. tf
There U going to t a wh'IiiI tlaneo at
the opera limn, Haturtlay night, tM.
.HI, for the purpmcof urgitnhtlng a danc
ing club In Independence, 1'rof. Cref
cy will fumlh the muxic
Intcreatlitg hUtorlwl aketotira will
appi'itr In the Wat Hunt front time to
time, of proinlnent cltlneu of Folk
county.' Nelweika brief keteh of
IWthuel Dove, will la found In our
coluiuue. v,
Bev.Dr. Buekleyaa) "the ?ular
pre cannot tietriiatwl lumattera re
Hglou." Tlien It lJut aU.ut a 'tantt
off, doctor. The rvllglou prt cannot
be treated In matter aceiilar.-Drfcoh
reyVc. ,."'".
All tin knowing thetiitelvv In
dcUcd to the fln of Ileiikle Walker
will pIeao come forward aud makelm
naHllate payment a they wl.h to
quart) up all actxiuul. A wonl to the
wlael auffideut, w
Meara. Hubtianl 4 VattMwer having
bought out the eullre InlercM In the
dray tawlne of II. M. Line, are now
fully prepared to aeeonitufMinie uie
public at all time at nwaumble rale.
No mtmtily prhi-a will I imcti
on the imtdlc
J, U. Morau, the ivtl e..UJ age it of
Mnumotuh, haahUad. kit the ttCT
King thl week. Mr. Moian I an old
time it ddeut of IHitk, I an active buh
tat uiau, aud will try to give aatUfac-
t'ou loa'l who uiv cull upon him In
hi line olbtwlueM.
W. O. Cook ba lut received a car
kaulof furniture dlred from the Eat,
andhadtoaccurt) awither warthou
to hold It (live him a call, a you will
have an opportunity of aekwUng from
the largeat atock and namt varlol vari
ety outh of Portland.
The Salem ateatu laundry take lb l
method of Meting to Ha many patron
In Indi'iHtndouor., that all order ran be
left at tlie tore of the I "otter lima., and
to IU patron In Monmouth, leave all
ordereattliepoatomee. Their Salem
office i i tUanmereial treot. tf.
There will ben union pwH tPr-
ance meoimg at rio run pii
eaurchnext Sunday eve'ng at7o,clock
harp. All the puator of the dty will
toDnwontaudattUt In tM
Them I a nplcndUl rogranime prrpwl.
KveryUidy cordially Invlletl UtautM.
The Three Plater, of the 0. P. com
pany, made the firt trip of the aeaaon
ud the river lent Tueeday, going aa far
a Albanv and returning Wedueaday.
That la tlie flrat time la the hlatory of
Independence that ft boot nan made
tlie trip a early a October. The Mo
doc, of the U. P. company, eUo cam
up Wedueaday.
We wcrcamucl to ace Bill Pcrclval
on a trade for href lat week. BUI
rood taking the rain coolly, while the
man who hail the beef for eale had an
umbrella over him. Bill got the beef
aud remarked that no man could get
the better of tilm In the rain, and that
tlicv would never catch hhu without
good beef, rain or "no rain.
The enendc of Hermann will have
to leam better politic than abuao, and
call off their dog, If they don.t want
to eo Blnger ttock go up hundred
poluta, AWrtman. That mean that
If the Salem Journal doe not "let up"
on Hermann the Stattmtm will bull
Hermann itock with all It might, and
Ita might li mightier than that of the
Journal. Albany Democrat,
The e w'll be in s, t?3 io-c vH at iie
Cu an chu.c'i for Die pu ,v eoro.iH piued to ee Mr, t)alton in robut
s., i , 13 a L'le'.iy and Miiut rrsl-
v. J te ouo who m n 1 ciki iu
ill fcOCU WIU.wlll pim- , ii'.vji
ilieime' 1 'uvi 'd 'o bo at
. I ..U ...til ...A.. t
7:.:u o'clock '!.' 'n. Kve ,v 'y come.
Tiie oo'ec of ihsnn t.'.ixwill U. e.'
( '.leliuUyat l ie time by J. 1'. N.
IV I. ' ' .' ;,'. ,'
Tiik HiKi.WAi.KH. The nmrelml
sliotild aue that our ldewolki are kept
In better tvj.ulrby the property owner.
Tho city council nhould ee that the
crowwalk are kept lu lietler condition
by ItHolf. Kvery Hldcwnlk ami cro
walk In 'the Incorporation uliould be ex
amined carefully by the manhal, and
all defect liould be remedied at once,
There are half a down broken plank
around the premise of J. It. N. Hell
that ought to Iw fixed, and the editor
oftheVKH'r Rwk hereby complain,
and demand that the aforesaid gentle
man fix hi sidewalk. But he I not
the only man, and the editor of the
Wkht HiriR would call attention to
Home of the councilmen'i aldewallu.
And they arc not the ouly gentlemen
either that need looklhg after lu refer
ence to poor and dangeroua aldcwalk.
Wo would remark Incidentally, that
our aldcwalk lumber hould be mucks
thicker than II I, for tho especial ao.
com mndatlon of the cow. In every
well regulated city, the people alway
look with CBpeclul cure to, have good
and MulMtniitlal eldewnlk for the town
cow. Wo have 0110 that dtudalui to
wulk ou the ground, but proudly occu
pies the ldflwalk, where hn of outline,
tieli mr. Aiiviini! who will travel over
ouroiheraK'r j-.tilllul clly, will real
i u the oi'ie'' 11' 1 of tlicte remark.
llll rcinnluH very low,
T. IV Parker, ot Oregon CTty, will
lK'iid a few day hi mir nildat, "-
Jotiu Vatighim and wife of Dixie
were In town vtolllng litat Tueadny.
Mb Ik-rtlia ltavl, of (Jorvalll, I
vUllliig at Dr, 0. D. llntler (hi wi-ek.
Mf. Ceo. Cuaett and child are via
lung I. C'oett and ftnully thl week.
W, W, lVrelval made a bualnea trip
to Tinnwater, Wanhliigton, thl week.
Mr, lieu. Whlteaker will move hi
family to town fur tli winter In a few
Ml Kiiiiua t'tiillletle returned
from Portland Monday where khehad
been vloltlug Meml for aevcral week
at, 1 , : 's"
Mr. Snillh of Portland waaln town
Saturday ling the lateet uia of
K -c ir.'iu, of Portland, the well
known o j.o , iliidumi ? aud p ola
lo ', wo U town W 'I'le :dy,
a 8 Whitman, of Monmouth, vll
ted lu town Ibl week. He report
growlhg crop looking flue at out Iwto
vllle. .
W. J, DcmorvNt came up from Porl
land lat Wedmwlay In ind few
day with hi many friend In Indepen
dence. ( -
T.JIleiuly.uf Portland, la on hi
nrt vlaltto ludeiieudence thl week.
lltwaklilirhty of till eeellou of
, We are aorry to chronicle the lllne
of our worthy pnnt-inaler, Mr. A. C
Hobertwiu. He I kmu lailter we are
glad toaay,
The lady drummer waa In Indepen
dence laat Saturday, and Uk a num
ber of order from our grocery men and
Mr. A. M. Handera, and Mr. J. L.
It.Hlgcr, of MeMlnnvllle, are vtolllng
their parent, Mr, and Mm. A. J. Hun
nker, thl week. ,
William Lewi, of Lewtovllle, wa
in town lat Satunlay and report all
healthy In that kteallty, W heat nearly
all itown and looking line.
Mr. 8, F- Bohluin returned from
(Virvalll Monday, where alie had been
Air aeveral day cauvaadng for the Ju
veulle Work he ha for aalc.
J.M. Vamluyn and wife have re
turned from an extended trip of fifteen
day to (Vlierg. Marlon look like an
Alliance famwr, good ami healthy.
Mr. t'hrklirowii, uf our dty, k'fl
fr Um Angvle, CVIIfortila, lat Mon-
day, toapend lite winter, iM.piug to
find relief from a pulmluary trouiil
with which h I amicted.
A. J. Whlteaker, aon of 11. . Whltea
ker, returned to hi home at South
Ilend, Wellington, till week. We
wlb him a aafe kmruey and a vlalt
fnan hltn In the near future.
Frank Smith, ami of John Smith,
and brother to Oliver nd Layton,
came Into town Saturday from near
Pendleton, Eastern (hvgon. A grand-
on of Mr. Smith came with him.
I). 0. Quick, of Suvcr, brought In hi
twelve year old aon Saturday who I
orely afflicted wltheryalprlaato reoriv
(lie advice of Dr. Lee. Tlie boy la In
poor health, but we hope be may aoon
recover. : ; .
Wm. Well, of BucM Vtota, calk-d
on n thl week. He ha piirchaed (o
(kr) ono bale of hop, which are for the
Eugllah market. Price paid, aUait IS
cent. Well m aomewhat of a bo rai-
r blwaelf.
Mr, Iaaao MatlUon and wife, will
leave for Santa Bariatra, California,
next week, for a vlaltto relatlee who
live tliere, and alo hoping that tlie cli
mate of that place win benefit Mr.
Matllaon'i health.
David Whlteaker, the old pioneer,
waa In town Saturday. He aayl"lhe
world la whig him well." He greet
all with muling countenance which
I an Indication that hi word are In
harmony with hi acta.
Mr. Fullwater, who left here a hort
time ago In company with Milton De
mon, died at Portland on hi way home
to Eastern Oregon. He had been here
on vlalt but the felt deatroycr attacked
him ere he reached hi home.
Peter Cook wa lu Independence lat
Tuesday chaklng hand with old friend
We hear It whispered that Mr. Cook
will return to our city to remain per
manently If he can arrange certalu bul-
mm matter to which he I looking.
We hope be will come buck and go
lutobuinet here.
Dr. T. J. f3 went to Porl laud liutt
week, and with Dm. McKnnxlo and
Jwtephl, performed a vurglcal operation
upon our once towiwmau, Will. Dal ton.
Dr. Lee report the chance for Mr,
Dalton' recovery doubtful. We would
health on oe more among ua,
wiuhua Davldnon. faon of 0. T,
Uvaldbon, who came to Oregon In 1S62,
aud nettled on the Lucklamute,) wa In
town Tuenthiy. He live on (ho place
wblth hi lather nettled upon , J to re
port the bridge on tho Litcklamiite,
(the Davldnoit bridge,) about half com
pleted, and it will bo f)nlhed as fiwt a
eight or ten men can (liimh It.
J, B. Nnunlth, of Dixie, waaln town
Tueadny aud aport all ilourlHliIng In
htoaeotlon, The "Cook" fruit drier at
Dixie, i doiug a rt)hlng bimlneB.
They sell lxty bunhel of apple a day,
What' the matter with Independence?
Hundred of bUHhel of fruit going to
wiute, that might lio made ue of, had
we a cannery and drier hero In opera
tion. .
llttrel llrll Itm,
Mr, Carl PetorHon who reldcs near
Weat Point, I working for Frank But
ler, of Oakhumt,
Joe Gluw, who lives ut Prlnevllle, te
down homo, vlnltlng parent and rein-
Uvcb, after an absence of ten year.
SI nee the rain, water being plenty,
John Teal Is running ht eaw mill, and
a large amount of lumber I now being
turned out dally.
Wick Grant, of Salt Lnke, I now
working on the now hotel building at
Full City. Wiok I a good workman,
and we wish htm an ahuudunce of uc-
neBg, .
S. Beveii, of Alrlle, and of the firm
of Hevena Urn,, will anon build a shop
at Full City. Mr. Devon 1 an ener
getic bunlnoH num. and he will noon
build up a good trade for himself,
Miw nu I'mukhtraiiikii IV Hifl.Ka,
unw ft IUPKVI1 UV lifti'Wfetlr A M Ik
PoHTUKv, Oct. HiHTo tn Euitoa
-Your charp aud etitlmg editorial re
airk thl woruing, the iitth mil., in r
grd to the puiiukaieut of ouildreu lo
MibmiL aui to overlook the mam point
In 1 be oe, The rlou0eion la thai,
"How much freedom (ball lb taebr
have lu the exwci ul bt authority, in
him jMirenfi, during the aebool hourr
A a rule, tb parettl who govern wl t
bou give to tb teMober ul their dill
drn lu wihool to fullmt exereaai of their
freedom lu the luatruntkia tad dawiplio
of lhair ehildreu. It to to be hoped (bat
lb mum ot children la oar public tchiwl
r reMinbly wsll aovernd at nooi.
Mauy ot them com Irom Cbnlin Urn
ihiv, wber love reigut, wnere neh
Ihlag a diwtbadieuee m hvr leen, and
beriuoleneordefluo ol autbority
i u linpoNtblhty. Hut it yon were to
take your seat in uy grade of onr
ehool for a dy or two, or even for aft
hour or two, yon woold obaervt that
aioety-uinebuadredtbiotall the dleur
del aud trouble la wkool eome from
mill fraetiou ot the pnpll. Mote thee
pupil. The number w my analk But
(ttolboureuleudleMlroubleto the
teacher, and tbt imail number oa
thwart all the whwat and m'M abdlfal
effarU oKa good teaokar to luatraot the
oilier pupil. Are the cultured, well
behaved and lanoaeot ebildren that eonv
pose the main body of the aebool to have
aa proteeUon from the peniMOM esanv
pie of the liwiteao ana dlobdiioe et
the few! Who are the lew T They do
Dot eome from Ibe famiHe of laborere M
aieohaaiea, or from any elaea ot the m
pi who depend apnn iudattrton hanti
ol lit fwrtbetr daily brmal. The ebtt
dreo of neh familie are almoel aoltormli
riettul to tebr.aad obedieul aad
tieutiv n eoUoot But II h ft wett
known fact Ibat tbn am families hold
log om ruk la eowely tbl bar no fam
ily government. Tb parent may be well
meaning. Toe children may deolar that
ib do not "mean" to do wrong. Neve
tblea pandemonium retrain the hot
il all boar when the dilldran are not
taleep. If ft friend drop lu to take a
meal with aaeb famdy, the we al the
table beggar deesnption. The verj
effort made to "BMage" the ehildreu
make that family ft eobool of dcptiue,
of tiMohmc. ot impnda,and of all
maanet of mtotwMvn. io eaiairve
from eneh famlli beeome pnpila in onr
pablm eebool. Tbey propuee to treat
lueir taebr Jitat tby have treated
their parento, and they expect the earn
tmouottv. Tbey wUI treat their felloe
pupil a Ikey have been aroMtaftMnl to
treat tbelr own brother and aietereiftad
tbey will permit no eoatrol.
llow i a cbol to be protected from
tb portilriou InHoeuee and the diaor
(uilttg example of oeb imp lit hnmaa
formf . . ..
A wl cbotl-buanl may Help. wu
prcnared and eOkrieully eieoated rale
may do eouielbiug. A iuprrtutudui,
wlawe duty II M ma 10 "e aner auou
eUapa," m eethnnly a vary wis provnwa.
pmvaled be i not lvcd In bw dntu
by toru imprelicbl regnlalioM of tb
board. Bnt tb only boon of brlogiog
neb ehlldrea nador good dtaeipline i lu
oruteet a wmm. fnillitiil, and loving lcb
r, in bi imlepwidf-ndeio tb propw gov-
orntuxnl of aoti euikiren, loe leaeuer
meat be fea. Yon nnwt mIcoI lb right
man, or the right woman, lor lb Uobr;
but the toacber meat b abMilutely free
to net ob mean a be may think beat
adapted to tb end, In Iba government
and iMNmotMMi of the children ptaevd
a oder bi ear. II taunt be proteeled
Irom all nnreatonable in mom ot bat
freedom from any Mare.
A free toaaber H a maaly leftober. II
be be Halloed ror bi lioo, corporal
pnamiimeni very apeeiiiiy oeoomva no
eiiMry and abiurd. Such ft teaobar
rarely tbiok of bow be overna bw
ahotd, or wbtbr b govern It al ell
Ua) papua are not aware tuat ne exer
cam any reatralet npon them; and yd
tbre I not one of Uittn Ibat would not
rather tbrual bi band in lb Are than to
bow any ant of daxtbedieooeor ineolenee
toward ibal leacner,
Tb aeoeauty for eurporai pnmumeni
can never be banUbed
(oboola by
lb action ot the ebool-board or by
ralo for tb gnvemment ot teaeber and
mIhmiU. Tb aaotauty for rporal an
lliment eo b bmbd by fiwd teach
ing, aud in no other wy. Tbere mal
be mm abort. bn. efTeotual way of
iibdumg dHaibeiiieot and Ineoleal ebil
dren la eeliooU. Tb way to dolbia mod
iM left to tbe intelligeao and lb dtaere
lloa of the teacher nd lb apnoUad-
ut la obarire. Children IB aobool ean
never be properly governed by one who
feel bimair to oe a tive 10 any nigaer
A far a ean tie lenrnea oy aa oniwer,
lb Portland etiool are nodef thw
regime, aad it to tbe duty ot every fair-
miMled eitisea to appn in
huanl. Ilia aiiuir ateniKat. lb Drwei-
Ml, aud the teaoher. in their noble
work. T.
Tb emenoe of Hit Rrgument eem la
be that leoben ttioulj bv tb rlgbl to
uitlict bodily punUliiaent, but ahonld
uevor exercw it; tbt It I never needfd
tor a competent teobr to lutlwt bodily
pnmahment; tbtt lb vry fact tbal II at
oeadful tor faim to iarllct it, prove him
incompetent, sot becao tbe act Itaelf to
ao ontraae aod ao olfeoM, bnl beeanee
tb ootid iliou calling tor it could
artoe under Arm, tactful, aud dignlflod
govcroment. Tbere to a deal ot eenae in
tttto: more tbaa In the notion tbal the
teaeber atand i locoiKireafia That at
a musty notion of tow, repugnant to com
mon tense, probably ft inrvival of the
time wbnn tbe teacher, being an coded-
aatlo or a peraon to whom eueledaaliaa)
power wa delegated, wa clotbed wltb
Deonhar ncreduem nd autbority. The
teaeber 1 no more in loco parent tbaa
a nnraory moid. H w a person em
ployed to reuder certein crvice, and ex
pected to poMci qnulitie ot character
which will mainUm order while be M do
ing it, without bin mtngllug Ibe function
of policeman with tbal of initruolor.
For him to annum the loco partntit w
Ilk a 000k wesring her' clothe
No rational teacher indulge in tht ab
iurd aBRiimplion. Undoubtedly there
aro children who bume-training make
them nn element ot dtoorder in a
oliool-room, Tbey (bould be ellml
nitted meroileaaly. They have no more
place in the tobool-rooin than a drunken
tramp in a workkop, or a rollicking idler
la a ocuntiug-room. The (cboolroom
an intellectual wofkahop, not an over
grown-baby farm. There i a vioiona dc
Iniiou afloat that it w part of tbe Uaoh-
er' duty to inonlante deoarum. Tbla to
part ot tbe loco jiamifii nbsurdity, Tbe
plaoe to learn behavior 11 ut home. Tbe
obild who come to toliool denolont in
conduct aliould he lent book for failure
to pnai bi eutmuca exiimmntion.-Oif
BlIRNA Vihta, Or., Oct, 25, 1801,
The underBlgued ha tiilien up one
Htray two-ycawild lielfer,, rod aud white
potted, that has been running In the
lane between the Lucklamute and
Parker for several mouth peat. Also
a lurge red cow, at least ten or twelve
year old and quite poor, ha been run
ulug with her which the owner may
have by calling, proving property- and
paying oot. M. E.TyjMsb,
Let u coiMecriite and then let ui oon-
I centritto. Moody, 1
thk ggrmlpuMwriiBiVR rnoai
uch AH avawnun.
A Ullr Wtum Mr. Orwim, al lh Rta
Caaaarr, la Ike MoMburg Havfaiw, wha
Theraaghly IMwaaH tb
Jt--t'u riMl.
Xmv RtviBW! Pleae permit me,
through your columii, to give you
omc Idea of ill benefit a fruit can
nery and drier would be to your aeotlon
of country. Having been in the bud
oe of fruit canning and dry lug lx teen
yean and during that time I have fitted
up thirteen oannerlee and number of
drier In at many different place In
Califoroto and one her at Eugene, and
In each and every Inetoneelt baa given
nw a to the people of the town and
country for mike around. It Induce
people to ut eat more and bettor varl
tle of fruit, to cultivate and take bet
ter oar of what they have already put
out, It give employment to ft da of
pMpWwho,outotdof eannery.earn
but very little money; namely, the
women, girl and boy. The women
can go to the cannery and earn from
one dollar to 00 dollar and fifty cent
pwe1y,ftdft good worker after be
eomlag an expert at the bttdneat ean
earn tweddlar par day, and at the
time keepthdrhouae work gdng
thftftM. The dod girl and boy
durlag vaeatioo ean earn from wventy
etaia to 00 dollar per day and II give
employment to a great many men.
Thl eompany employed during tbe
hundred nnd thirty
and girl aud forty-flve men
and boya, and a tbe supply of fruit In
ewa the more labor will be wauted
In the ean nary nnd the drier, People,
Both men and women, have eome from
adiaianeeto work In Eugene, urn a
far m flfty and dxty mile. The cao
nery hen waa built In part of town
where mod of the houeet were vtcant;
but a toon aa tb work commenced
laet pring tb vacant boo were 00
ouptod and are yet. Eastern people
leara of the cannery here and atopon,
and quite ft number have told tbe
writer thai wen tho main Inducement
to eome her a they whdi to go Into
the Ua net of raking fruit, and did Dot
Ilk IheebftnoM of putting out an or
chard where there waa no cannery and
no way of dlapoalog of the fruit, A
good cannery and drier well managed
lo a community add vdue to every
acre of land and every town kit. It In
duce people to eome Into tbe town
aud county to attUe and make perma
nent home, fur during tlie canning
eftjMW their famlllea can all get em
ployment It I on of tlie bed medlutneinnHigb
which to advertise place that can be,
A every can of fruit and vegetable
aad package of dried fruit should have
the name of the place where it wa
canned or dried upon them with a neat
attractive label and trade mark repre
ruling tb place and urrouudlng.
These canned and dried trull am and
would be mostly shipped to Eaatem
dtk aud much of It would reach for
eign market, ao you ee every package
I a standing advertisement and you
have no Idea tbe nuuber-of p.plo It
will attract to your plaoe, who, I nave
00 doubt, noy of them will say (aa I
bare heard It said many times) I flrd
knew of y onr place by aedng the name
on ean of fruit I purchased In Chi
cago, Phtladdphla, Boston or New
York, or ob faraway plaoe, a the
case might be. I know how all those
thing work to benefit a town and
country Hke your, where you hv so
many natural advantage you poo-
It not on Iv ftdda value to
very fbot of load In tb community
bnt to every pound of milt and vegeta
ble grown. To Illustrate, thl com
pany pdd from five to dx dollar per
ton more for fruit grown In the Imme
diate vldntty of th cannery than they
did for fruit that wa shipped In from
a distance by railroad. Tbere are many
mora advantage I could tet forth, but
Ume will not permit. I will say thl,
however, that tIM merchants of the
town, nnd trull grower, ibould toke
bold end subscribe liberally to tlie en-
terprlee. Aa t diouht add at lead
twenty-flve per cent, vdue to every
pound of fruit grown In the neighbor
hood. Tbe merchant would derive a
great benefit from the money earned
by the employe of th cannery, for a
a rule tbey go directly to tbe store
and either paoir their old debts or
make new purchase. In fact It make
business aud money for all concerned.
kbtimatkd ccsjt cannkkv and dries.
Main building fiOtlQO feet, Satorie with
atldlUon MxiaO 1 dory .... $2,850
Bdkw and Engine...... 1,700
Pip and Fitting. .... .. 1,000
Tluabop.Tool . MO
Bath Tank, Capping Machine 4o S00
Iron Fan Wheel and Pulley 500
Freight, Constructing Ac-: 2,000
Total-L..... - 18,850
11m above estimate on building
counting dliuendon lumber at 110 per
of course there will be some other
little exoeiutc to add to tlie above, such
a traveling expoiiaca and salary of
If properly managed the expeiie
will not exceed $10,000. Of course a
Mmuller plant can be put In, but tlie
above would be moat desirable and the
capacity would be enough for two or
three year at least.
Thl "team drier ho many or tlie
mod Important point about It that
make It the most desirable steam drier
yet known,
Id. It baa tho largest capacity.
2d, It can be eularged with but lit
tle expense to almost any desired ca
pacity. 8, it is bo easily controlled, ny
turning off or on a act of valve any de
tlred heat ean be obtained.
4th. There b no danger of, burning
the fruit
6th. Then la no danger of burning
the drier Itself.
6th, It works so nicely In connec
tion with fruit cannery, a the same
boiler and engine will do the work of
7th. It needs but little attention
after the fruit la put Into It. In fact
It Is tbe drier and has come to tay.
J, 4, UHOOM.
I lend you by mdl samnte of dried
peaches and diver prune. The prune
wen anoi man one 1 expeninemeu
on and think they turned out pretty
CT3i Cry fpr Pitcher's Cwtorla.
well, hut I leave you to Judge. The'
puachea were lot of late on, came the
lad of tb aeaaou. waanaeiunginem
to tbe home trade ft! 8S eenla per
pound. J.J. omu
Hie Irult referred to may be aeen at
th HUw office. ud la of exoalleot
oolor and quality. Call and ae It.
Itaassar Maaly r MIm iMt4
I rrM4-MrHm'Oiiljr MaawlAM
la the MIrTlMt Blatoe star He rbl
Mil lIUU4 farBervl.
rum Rmraue BoaaAC.t
Co, lira t, Aa pMasvtvAaiA Ava,,V
w Asmaimw, v v., m
Then to no longer any doubt la tbe
mind of tho men who have mad a
thorough Investigation, of tho matter
and tbo wboar Intimftto with Mr.
BlaliM that Bbdn upsets to b th
next rtoputtoan nominee for preddent
Within two weeks be ban repeated to
promlnetitswutlemaa what he add to
tbo who waited on Mm Inst spring,
that, while be will not be put In the
attitttdeof aeaadldaUfortbe nomine
Utm, he wUI refnin from wriUngaay
letter of declination, and that if th
nomlnatton to towdsnd him In will
accept It In order to avoid bdng put
In the attitude of candidate seeking
tb nomluation, h hu Inetructed Mr.
Manly, who Is bto manager in Mdn
pollUcs, to ne to It that tb aVIegatlon
from that date does not present hi
nam to th convention. He will prob
ably go a far a to have the Maine
detegaihm oast tbdr own vote for Mr.
Harrison a a eomptlment to relieve
him of the upldou of dhdoydty to hi
ehkf In tbto administration. TbtotodI
mnged, however, with the dtoUnd
understanding that his mom wlUb
presented to tbe convention by tbe
de leg linos from other atat, nnd If Ibe
nomination come to him In this way
be will accept Mr. Harrtaoo, while
he has been unabl to get anything
from Mr. Btalns hlmaeif, or directly
from those who ean apeak for him with
autbority, has become convinced that
the dtuation to a above deecrtbed, and
his only hope for i-nooituUoo Un In
the heller that Mr. Btoiue la pbyekally
and mentally IneapadUted for further
public service and will, therefor, be
unable to run a a candidate for the
presidency even If be should so dedre.
UTTER Born to the wife of George
Utter, In thl dty, Monday, Oct 28,
lH91,ftsott. Wdght 12 pound. All
doing well, and George tcp higher
than anybody In town.
Mia Len Blder were married at the
bride' reddence last Sunday, Oct 25,
1KU1, Itov. J. It N. Bell offlcUUng.
Mr. Jonn I well and favorably
known in Polk county, and la proprie
tor of the Uvery stables of thia dty.
Ml Rider la the accompltohed daugh
ter of Mr. O. D. Rider. Tbe bride'
trousseau waa beautiful and of the latest
dyle, while the groom won th eon-
ventlonai black. Tbe wedding dinner
wa jxv e-rrrllmcfi. Altogether, the 00
oadon waa on of pleasure and congrat
ulation. The Wkst Bins, extepd tbe
happy regard of the entln force, and
wishes the bride aod groom a happy
voyage of unalloyed bliss o'er life' sec
dene of A. M. Bryant at Falls City,
Sunday, Oct 25, 1861, William Mix-
on nnd Mia Julia Selberg wen
united In marriage by A. M. Bryant,
both of Polk county.
Tb W err Bids wishes Un happy
couple much happlneea and prosperity
through life.
Idenoeof tbe bride' pc-eaU In this
dy, WcJoc d-y, Oct , MM, Mr.
Sherman Baker lo Miss lubel
Christian H. M. Uuec J. P., offlcl-
A Great Offer
Road VetyCarofully
To all subecrlbers who may be In ar-
reara, and will pay to date, and one year
In advance for tbe West Bide, or to all
new subscriber who pay in advance one
year, we will send the Rural Northwttt
on year free of charge, Tbe Wbst
Htrtu la known to all, and we propose to
place It among the very foremost paper
of the state, aud theJ?uro Jforthwett
I seiul-moutlily, sixteen page journal
for the Farmer, Fruit Grower and
Stockman. It to published at Porttaud,
Oregon, by one of our well kuown oltl
ena, H. M. Williamson, who i giving
hi best endeavor for the promotion ot
farmer', fruit growers' and stockman'
Intcreats. Of those he make ft special
ty, heuce you will have good reading
and much Information. The price of
the Sural Northumt is iLOO per year.
The price of the Wkst Sinis i $2 00 per
year. Now for $2.00 In advance you
can have both paper for ono year. Te.
member the term.
Lewlsvllle, Oct. 19, lt-91.
Editor West Bidej Please an
nounce that the new M. l Church
South, at Lewlsvllle, will be dedicated
on the flrat Sunday In November.
Rev's. Atkins, MoFarlaud, M alloy and
perhaps other of our minister and the
local pastor of other churches in tlie
neighborhood will probably be present
You are Invited also.
Yours Truly,
When Baby ws atok, w gave bar Oastorls.
When the beoame Miaa, h eruac o Caatoria,
lt UM
Rain, raJn, and M of mud.
The flret bosi of th ssbjbM kJ by
Kt. nnd Mrs. &src!v 7 dty,
wen calling ben (Sunday.
The Infant child of Andy Torbott
nssheeo edouly Ut tht past week,
but Is bettor now,
Tb tjoy n havlBj ns tTort now
huntluK wild fst. nnd with raod me-
eem, s quit ft lot hftw hM ksd.
Ws had th plasstuw of Dr. T.J.
Les's eamiwiiw for Lzn Cundy.
Tbe Doctor Is alway ft ptossnnt nnd
weloooM oaUer,
Supt W. I.CeynoU wm with as
Tuesday svenlng with kto "DMglo
how." It was wdl viewed by our
people. Tbe tVofeetor ibould be high
ly honored gar UMtccessful fChrts In
bsbftlf of our shools.
Wawtkd. Ten thousand bopsUke.
Leavs bids wiA f, M. nodfelter, In-
depMpenoe, Oregon,
saw aeway wnwA aut to lm.
sm Um r Um kcu pi4 by O. D. b
. Anye beallgr Itctimmuh 011 tlx
mewUlbegwiimMtotto rlllai
eflBelaw. B. Uiaacmwae,
Cm'I b Cored.
byloenl appIlcaUoos,M tbey cannot
reach Use dlaeaaed portion of the tar.
Than to only one way to cure Deafne,
and thai to by constitutional remedies.
Deafnns la caused by an Inflamed con
ditio) of tbe mucou lining of tbe
Eusttthiu Tube. When thia tube gets
laflsmH yon have rumbUngaound or
Impsrtoet ttearins, and when It to en
tirely eioaed Dsarnem is th remit, and
ddImm thm Inflammation ean be token
out sad this tube restored to lUnormd
eoadllioa, bearing will be destrayd for
ever; nip case out of ten are caused by
catarrh, whkh I nothing but en In
flamed oooditkon of tlie nHaoone enrface.
W will give One Hundred Dollar
for any cae of Deafne (onueed by Ca
tarrh) that w can not cure by taking
Hall's CaUrrh Cure. Send for circu
Is Ibe Ctraalt OwH of lbs Male of Orajoa
mr is snaaiy si nu.
r. a. rtuutoo, pulsus;
tt. K. saliiai, SsSiassBL
To H. KvBstaa,UMslnirSBM dXwdaal.
! TUB r mm ran
Yew an bxvfer rsanlrv la ssvear aa sa-
tw lbs Mnullnt Bl4 saainat voa la Uis
bov-MlllUJ auert ui milt wllfcla tmm imj
Dim lb data of ta Mnus or WMnimaiuiu
upiMi ym If ar4 IUiln Ibis eoualjr; org
Mnwrwltbla aar oUmt aiNinly of ibat Mau,
Uivu within iwoatjr dy from lbs data of Uw
crvkw M Uil Mnimons spaa fxt; or u
wttmI upon yoa by publlaltM, Ihn voa are
rvaairvd loannwarnadenmplaiatoa the Bnrt
Amy Hi nst term ot aald onort, alter Mi
wuk" nublli-atkMi of ummuu, to wit.
on Momlay. lbs 71b ear of iMeenifaer, IMI.
Ana II mil uiaaiwer.iDr wm, imnu u,
plalntllT will appljr mUManirt lur Wi relief
unyrd Sm- In uild euinpltlnt, to wit, for a dl
autb of the boa da of matrimony bow ex.
toting twtwaen jra ana piatnun.ana aw w
anil 3lbunwuioU of Ibis suit,
Thl, .omnium In Ulla tail U MTVM UDOtl
Crai br nobtlmtlon, by order of Hon It P.
Im, Inda or aald ouurt, dated the ad day
Of Oetiber, lirt. H T. JErKUKVH.
AMaJXiAV ui '
Dated October H, Ml.
ladeMadeaea aa Maaaawalli
7 Mt
From tb premtoe of O. J. Bsgley
on or about Aug. S8th. On Geldlug
tour yean old, odor, brown, branded 1
also . About H band high. Any
one giving Information leading to. the
recovery of add horse will be suitably
rewarded. O. J. Baoi.ev,
AlrUe, Oregon. , 4w
The nnderdgned ha thirteen head
of 8waphire down buck for sale, on
mil north of Parker Station. These
bucks are th full blood and of the best
grade. Call on
Swsll J. a and E. Davidson.
Wo' Than LBrosy
I eatarrn. ana there Bone but one pre
paruoa that doet enre that disease, and
Ibat is th California Prutive and Nega-
tit Kieetrio Liuunent Bold by all
drnggtsas. It iao core neuralgia,
mi mat Ban, fieedaoae, praina, nuro
d nil pain. Try II and toll yon
Begihbor where to gel it
The board of school director of dis
trict No. 2 will hdd tbdr regular
meeting la the director's room of Ibe
Indepeodenee NaUond bank at 4
o'clock p. m., Friday, October S, 1881.
and on Friday at the am hour of
every four week thereafter. Blgned,
u uoara 01 jjtreciora.
Alt persoas art hereby soUftsd to keep off
of lb pramlae of the aadsralgnsd fur all
kinds of bunting purposes. Any parson found
bunting altar tola data, upon oar pramlaaa,
will ba pruaeeuted to the full extent 01 the law.
We mean iuat what wa wty. Uova fcaos.
Independence, Or., OcuAer IM, Mil. M
Of tho Appointment et Eautrlx of
(be Estate of Barbara SI', ds
eena Klaher haa been appointed exec
trlx of the eatale of Barbara Huiper, defeated.
All peraoua knowlnitheniaelvea Indebted to
Uie aald eaUtte are reqtteated to tet lie the tame
with A. M. Hurley, attorney for the aald ae
tata; and all peraoni having olalina analnit
aald oHtHte are untitled lo present tbe aaine lo
aula attnmoy- within ttity day fhua thk
data. LUOKNA FlHHKlt, Kxw-uirii.
A. M, rt t auir, Alty. lor the fcntata,
OoUiber l., ISH1. Mw
Notice of Final Settlement.
i. aiauwd exutn ot the attateof Dr. J. K.
Da?i)laoB. latent thetiotiati of Polk. State of
Oregon, bat Bled their saal aceouataa tnek
exauutora, and atundar tea II day ot Decern-
Der, uaii, naa eeea en ay nun. . atouner,
County jmlaeot laid Cuuity for heartm nhjec.
tliinato theaame. All prrtolla intenated in
aid aooount will take due notioe ot aald pro-
pnaed Boat aetuemantand os soTaraea saoord.
lly. " v . ..nn ...nnm.
Exeouton of said estate,
Independence, Or. Deo. Ul.
8 A
knco.ty,Ofe- fJ H
nearernatvi II
b now Baker Clly, a PCNTMDV
a man wba haa
becomaUeaUaed with the resources and ft TO
nlnnaaeatofthaleoautrv. Thia man AV3U
It no other than Mr. Joha Stewart, out of the
wealthiest aad Bust bnuenUal cititens in the
couutf. la a recent letter he tart: "I had been
lunerinr from paint In ny back aud general kid-
Bey complaint ror Kmc ume, aim nau "-"T
lemedlea without sny but teniiorary relief. Th
palas ta ssy back had become to eevere thatlwas
pmeated from allendlug to my work tad could
ot move anout wttnoui mc ve
Inr, through a friend, of the wonderful cures er
fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I Induced to try
t bom, and from thai eery frrat duee I found inttant
rtUef. and before utln half the contenta of the
boa the palaa In my back entirely disappeared.
I kava e-rery forth In the virtues of the Oregon
Udacv Tea, aadca contdentkmtly recommend
It to say friends, t would not be without 11 tor
MOrwoa Kidney Te euret trackn-.lie, Incontl
atace of t tne, brick dutt aedimetit, burning or
palnfal seatattoit while urtnstlug, nnd all tllec
Uonstarth kidney or urinary organa of either tcx.
oejHo iimiu.'ti in ""v "