The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 23, 1891, Image 3

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l . I. UU t Mi M:tT5S. .
f 1U DAY, OCTOBKU v .H81.
TnKftcUut. T1 sockUe given
by the Evangelical society last Satur
day evening, In ths opera house wa a
fine affair. The orchestra, the choruses,
tin. auto, both ItMtruntcutal aud rocal,
were ell ebovs par. The oyster imp,
the lee cream and lemonade, all went
like hot cakes, and a very enjoyable
time was had. Ths net receipts won?
ltlt satisfactory, ;
Shot A One lVrvhcrou mare, be
longing to George alaoaubvy, wa abut
a (Vw da since, by sot eareloas
hunter, on the Dov Hroa prriittsea.
A fln steer and hog have been shot In
Hita twlghlsirhood, by these IVmUvs
lurchers of game. They are not only
iwvls but they do hot care. Here
after tb Dove tiro, will make It tropt
cal.for tht trssapajwers, '
ix!tvr oo to 8(K;f TUa mall are
not a accurate on the trains a they
should Iw. IStmtctlmc the luatl I car
ried by a pwtoflU. Twice our sub
scribers have failed to got th Wbt
8uEon flaturday, at Huw, when It
should by all wean pet there at 11:80
s a. on said day. Ws print on Fri
day, In order togt't Utevory latest news,
supporting that everyone wilt get their
paper on Saturday.
Uvxawav. taut Monday a Mr.
liyers, of Monmouth, was bttchlug lo
a new wagon just purchased or J.
I. O'Donuell, bl team became, fright
ettedatastcam wood-saw which waa
sawing wood In th street near by, and
gv th wagon a little atart which
mi smoothly tbey could not stop It
until It ran them clear Into the river.
No damage was, done, thua showing
the durability of wagona bought of
Nor TO lti.AMK.-Tho ralir-vtd cum
nblon haa formulated the following:
n the matter of killing of an unknown
man at llnrrUburg. August 19, the
commission flud that hit death "Was
caused by hlii own ran-Usui's and Unit
the Southern IVIflo company or Its
employr were . itut Uiuno, In the
matter cf kitllng James W. HauiUton,
fn'pt ember S, at I'eotnil rolntt'om
miswbner C'olvljf waa. an yo wltnea,
the coinmltwlonera And that llamllton
dtfUberatly placed hlmaelf tit frout l
theeuifiiie with auloldul Intent, and
th company nor cmployea were to
blame. "
ItCTt'KSu.-Prof. W. E. freaay and
family who have apent the summer at
Kewwirt returned home Stoiutay. wr.
Crewy and family have been wijourn-
Intr In tWIforula tot a few weeaa pa
He aatd to our reporter, fGlve me t)re
eon with Ha cool air, and ween grant,
Inatoad of dry creek bed, dry graw an J
a, country without wwl or water."
California doea not please the pmfer
like ourown I eautlful land. Some pt-
pie who are alwaya objeetlng to the
Oreoon mint, ouirht to live la Kouinwrn
CaiiforbU awhile. Mr. Crewy auid
timt laxt week the thermometer waa 85
degrees In the shade. , ;
Tnnii'iw Studiks. The imwet of
Portland haa, of late, editorially and
through the medium of correRponiumta,
been anltatina the school-booK quwlion,
The HVwexpreaiitnooplnlouato
whether or not the atute should supply
books free to pupils. That Isacmeatloii
this paper Waves to the wisdom of the
oroner authorities; but there la scarcely
a parent In Portlaild who will not agree
with us that, for small children espec
ially, the studie are entirely U nu
meroua. Jin thi rrapert the purrlculura
of the school la wroug. Any morn
ing of tlio school year the little oni
may I seen trutlglog to the aehool
room loaded down with the multitude
of studies the rules of the schoola re
quire. The hour of atudy In the school
mint at night be supplemented with
hifi much more time devoted to
their books, so that there la actually no
rent for the Utile brain. - 'ims w an
wrong.- It la more than the small
ohlld should be culled upon to endure.
Their retentive capabilities are not
such that they can remember the mul
titude of studies ImpoHCd npon tnem
aud It to labor lost. If the studies were
s.w it .irlkes the Timet that there
would be lew complaint about the cost
of the books, and the child would grow
iuto maturity a far better scholar than
hv the methods pursued at present.
Trnt whnare nlirhtly annoyed by
their children being compelled to study
when they should be 'sleeping, and the
child whose memory to Impaired by his
or her school time, will look upon those
Hv as a curse rather than a blessing
to them. Jacksonville Times.
--T- -
The deepest hole In the world Is at
Wheeling, W. Va., where an eiguuncn
well haa been sunk nearly a mile.
When It has reached that depth, the
government will take up the wora un
dor the direction of two export officers
of the geological survey and drill Into
ha Mu-t.1i as far as human skiii eau
ncnotrate. The Idea Ih to take the tem
perature and magnetic conditions as far
..nual iln and hv means oi an jimu "
,.nt,.ontructed for the purpose,
iMtm.Ue ronord of the nrojircM and all
diHeoveries made will I kept atid
nUiHut in the Oeolodcal Survey exhib
it at the World's Fair.
Accordlnir to the Census olllee bul.
letin, the increase of horses , from 1880
to 1890 was 44.59 per cent, as against
44.59 per cent, between 1870 and 1880
and 14.84 per cent, between 1800 and
1870. The Increase of mules from 1880
' t iaon whs 28.08 percent., between
1870 and 1880 the increase was 01.08
per cent., while from 1800 to 1870 there
was a decrease of 2.24 per cent. Of the
aggregate number of horn and mules
In the whole country on June l,,18t)0,
80.05 per cent, were horses, 13.05 per
cent, were mules. .
E.T. Henkle bought VnuNortwIck
Bros.' barber shop this week and will
continue the business at the old stand.
He also purchased the shop belonging
to Ross Evans and sold It to Lou. Van
Nortwick who Will run a shop on the
east side of Main street Just opposite
the opera house. First class tonsorlul
....... LOCALS.
ikwuUful sunshine title.
The gram la growing nlwly.
Wild strawberries are In bloom.
Read our Falls-City notee this week,
illue &p at Walker Ilroa.
A new line of 8ap t Walker Bros,
J. IJ. Irvine, the gnnvr, to rod hot.
More new coinvn to IudepemK'nt.
More new sulwrllwra this week.
The Uautirul rains are falllua, "uvutlo
Annle.w "
Those cigar at the Little Palace ait
Aral eta.
We Invite oormmitideuce fur the
Wtr riiHK,
Try Bktuuer A Wltsou'a siwlal gra
ham for fins.
Head our new aito, this week. There
are kit of them.
Rook Candy Drib Syrup at Walker
Bros. Try a can."
Hot am) cold water baths at any hour
at HenkWa bath house, tf
A girl wanted, apply to the Wm
St Inlelllgenee online. . : , . t
Oo to (Mock ton A HcqkK and try a
paJrof the Leak Ukvc.
Maine Waa admitted aa a state to the
Union on March 14, 1IM4.
Xadtea, have you seen the Kurt In
Shelley A Vanduyn'a windows?
Consult rattenon broa, big ad, this
week. It will my you well to do to.
Read the large kw elry Ad. ot fatter-
son Hroa, lu this Imiie and give them a
call. .
meke tint Queen of Qm-eu cigar.
The best five wot cigar lu town at J.
D.l'a. . ' ,
The Wiirt Bipk to attraetlng Uie at
tention of advertisers, Tlie reason to
obvious. , , ,
Just received at Walker Rroa. a ew
line of IVcoratod Ware. Drop In aud
see them, f "i r
llio Llltle ralace hotel la the pki
to get a good suare mod, aud a neat
clean Je4 r''i'; : ' ' ' ,
The dHlleatlott of the new Presbytia
Ian church lu Dallas la postponed for
the present. . -' 1 '-,"' : ' ,.""
Every section of Polk county ooght
to be rMrew ntod lu the Wkht 8ub
corresiondeuet. , '
Wehaverently teeu turning out
some of the finest job work ever done
in Polk county, .
U any tiling of Importance oceuri In
your biwn or nelghUrlud, write It to
the Wrst Kips.
Head the columns of the Wwr Hipk
this week, and you will get ' ,rth
of your money.
Drop In at J. D. Irvlue'aand see that
new Hue of uuvensware Just received.
Homethlug new. .
Mr. Duval la erecting liliu a small
building on the east side of Main street
for a fish market,
Anyone wanting fruit lands lu tracts
rfnm twenty to 11 ft . acres,. Call On
Morun, Monmouth "
A. Wine ha routed hi fine form
near Lewlsville to Mr. Hudley, re-
ceutly from Dakota.
Bklnner A Wilson special gmliam
uutkes the fintwt hot cakes of any tiling
In the umrkct. ry It.
Block tou A Henkle have a lew ladle'
and mlsse wrap that they will sell
very cheap, to close ouL
Dave Golwlck alwaya has od hand
fresh candies. Key Went cigar and
tropical fruits luaiiison.
Cliarlle Unmanl, of Imlepehilenee
talks of bulldlug on bis plate adjoining
Monmouth nextsprlug.
Those six fine lots for aale by Kirk-
Unit k Gibson are cheap, and will
be sold soon. Call at once.
Hewitt A rVm, of Monmouth, drug
gists' have their ad. lu the Wkot Hipk
tills week. Give them a ,
Binlth A Jordon, of Monmouth, are
pretty well satisfied with, the outlook
for businesa. Dou't tiirgettnem,
uthcr Grounds, hardware merchant
of Monmouth, says stove go oir like
hot cakes on the approach or waiter.
Go to Skinner A Wilson's flouring
mllto. in this city and get some of that
special graham for gems. It makes Die
finest. - .
When In quest of a shave or hair cut,
b11 In at Henkle's barber shop. Dank
building, Main street, Independence,
A t'hlcairo newspaper makes the
statement that a railroad train arrives
or depart from that city every minute
of the day. ; . . ' '
Klrkland A Gibson have ruado .aotne
good ssles this week, and ; they have
some fine lots In tnuepenuence lor ue
quite cheap.
We call special attention to the mam-
moth ad. of J. F. O'Donueii m tins
i..iu, Uf understands the value or
printers luk.
The neuslon rolls now contain the
r ...
of 070.100 pensioners, which
138,000 more names tlmn were on
rolls a year ago. .;
More improvemenU and more new
hnll.llnirs irolnit up in Inacbendence
this fall than we expected. A-ot
good work go on.
Hay, no w Is the best time to buy your
winter erocerles, but be sure and call
on J. D. Irvine and get his prices before
making purchases.
The presbytery of the Willamette
.in mtavena in ' Independence next
spring. The ynod of Oregon will con
vene In Albany next fall. '
J, W. Hockley, of Monmouth, has
bis livery and sale stable ad. In the
Wkht 8idb this week. He Is always
ready to furnish good rigs.
Wm. Jones Is havlug hlra a brick
titmire house built this week which is
Just the thing for Keeping truu aim veg
etables during tue wiuier.
I,ou. VanNortwIck has moved to
himself, and can be found opposite Patr
tcrsoti Bros.' drug store on main sireci,
Lou. is a knight with a rawir.
If you want somothlng nice go and
Mumine the slock of Bauer jweu
shoes 'just received by Shelley A Van-
duyn. . They will try ana please
Btockton A Heuldo are agents for the
iW Woolen Mills, of Drownsvllie
and they keep a full line of their
brnted Clothing, Minimis aim
ebv , - .
Ntovktou A lluiikto have a very
largo stoek of MoU's, Boys', and Chil
dren lUmt and shoos, which you will
always nd to be a they repreaent
1 he summer Is ended and tit harvest
Is past, and why uot drop In at J- I
Irvine' and gel a receipt fur grocery
bill. A hint to the wise you know I
sufficient. ; v
"Why do you not eat your apple,
Tommyr 'rnKwaltln' till Johnny
BrUigs connw along. Applea taste low
better when there' noma 'other kid to
watch you eat 'em,
Ladle, im to Htooklon A Henkle's
when vou lh towe a ulctt sbstk of
Dree goHls, W'rai, . Underwear,
Hosiery, Mhuea, cllk, Velvet, Braid,
or any thing of the kmd.
The tout OiroomH to going to tosue
a great holiday umtir. This to com
mendable, a nothing build up a coun
try o substantially a a giawt holiday
number of a local paper.
Remember when In Balem to call lu
at Strong' restaurant, now Weatacott
A Irwlu, and get meal not to be ex
celled on the Pacific coast for 85 centa,
t 871 tommercW street. "' s tf
A literary and nnwleal iwclety will
be onranltetl In ludctieudenca just as
soon a w can secure a place lu which
to meet.' Everybody will le Invited to
take part In the exercise
Well, well, the Independent le
ball twuuttot It right In the necany
the (talem It. B. team, and why? Be
cause they did not buy that Royal
Dutch Cocoa of J, D. I rvine'a. ;
S!el Rosendorf ha Just received
large Invoice of the latest tyle of la
dle hat. Ml and mlsaea' hats a spec
ialty, aud will please the most fastidi
ous. Vail anil sec ror youmeivw.
' Hervke In" tlie Christian church Bun
lay morning andeveulng, Cot. 8-1, l'l.
Song aervh to precede the evening's
discourse. You are Invited to liH-se
wrvi. IX V. r)tiii, l'astor,
I feel as frh a a daisy," he re
marked exulwruutly. Aul tha slang
elrl simply remarked: "That' a nrst
rate almile. It would take a 'daisy to
be anything like as freh a you are."
There are twenty-three acre of land
to every luhaiatani or tne giooe.
When man own more than he can
im and cultivate he to to that extent a
mauler and oppressor of hi fellow men.
Rev. D. V, Poling description of the
Johnstown flood, at the t lirlstiau
church last Buiulay evening, was ex
ceedingly interesting. The music di
lug the service was also particularly
good. . .
Dr. A. B. Robluson ha in ppara-
tkin a Uaik on "llown, and their W
easva." rue lime i -uoi ir wm
when bl bsk being completed, a great
revolution will take place In the treat
ment of homes.
All those knowing themselves In
debted to the Bnn of Henkle A Walker
will phwe come forward and nwkeun
mediate paymeut aa they wish to
sttuare on all aecouut. A word to the
wise Is miftlclenU tf
Dev. Isaac Pearl will preach at the
M. K church; ffluday mtirnlng ana
evenlnir. riu'.Ji'ct lu the morning.
"David's Full of Honey:" evening,
lecture oo the "Miracle of Egypt His
torically Treated." , '
A Teia farmer who ha 400 acres
olauted with H.OtW pecan tree, calcu
late that In six or seven years, oo the
basis of an average yield of a basket for
enuh tree, he will Bet a uet return of
f.10,000 from them.
H. M. Line baa 'told hi truck to
Hubbard A VauMcer, but be naerved
two teams with which he will do out
side work on the most reasonable term.
diva him a call when you have haul
Ing of this kind to bo done.
The electric light company have
commeuced the crectlou of power
bouse for their plant near the depot tn
this city, which will bo In operation lu
the near future. And still the Improve
ments goon lu Independence,
Jo. Meeker, a dealer lollops, la In
town. He la a son of the "old man" a
"chip of the old block" and hop'
around lively. Ed. Dove welcomed him
wilh a hearty shake of the hand. Now
give us good price for our hops.
D. B. Taylor Is enlarging hi grocery
store building by hiking out the peti
tion between his store and the room oo-
nunled bv W. O. Hliormnn for a tailor
shon. He will carry one of the largest
lock ofirroeorle to lie found In the
city. ' "
Wo cull especial attention to tho dedi
catory services to tie held at Lewlsville,
on the first Sunday of November. Read
the notice In another column by Rev.
W. Craig. Some of the West Bidb
force will be present If nothing pre
We wish to call the public' attention !
to the fine millinery displayed at Ma
caulny . A Robertson's. New York
goods at New York prices. Call and
examine them before purchasing else
where. Fne line of Baby Caps at kw
prices. ;-..' '" . ..;'' ' !' : '' "?
A subscrllier asks us the origin of the
phrase, "he Isn't In it." It was first
used by an editor who died and went
to heaven and looked around .for the
man who took his paper three -years
and left It lu the post-office marked
refused." ' "
That valuable property corner of C
and Railroad streets, independence,
Oregon, 00J feet front, 00 feet deep,
with dwelling house and storo, tor
$ 3,000-flxtures of store, sufe and goods,
Is a bargain. Inquire on the promises;
title perfect. , 10-tf
We see considerable lumber hauled
out nowadays. Somebody must be go
ing to Improve their surroundings, It
is an old saving, "Money manes . the
Judge Daly, o?Dallaa, waa In tow,n r-,m weather.
Monday. , 1 1). Bard ha moved in hi now real-
It. 0. of Dixie) wa In our town denoe.
Wednesday. ' A. Courts ba moved back to the
We are glad to stale that Oliver mouutalu for th winter.
Smith I considerably better Uil week. 1H)f lryHI j, uhig ctmsidtmble
Major White' father and mother are
visiting him this week, lit Indepen
dence, .
X K. Tblctomt of Portland, brother of
- - . . . . .A ... ft.l- 1
mam go." Good prices afid good crojw
makes the farmer go ahead with im
It Is estimated that the number of
eggs annually consumed by the people
of the United Stale 1 1,820,000,000
doeii. Estimating these at the low
vulue of 12 cents per dnssen, this article
of food ousts our citizens not less' than
$218,400,000 annually. ; .
That flue residence of Ira Hmlthr In
Monmouth, Is going right nong. Mr.
llutohlns, of Bulem, lb the contractor.
This gentleman has done a great deal
of work In this community, and seems
to give such perfect satisfaction, ; that
he Is sought after all round.
our H. B. Thlelsou. I on it visit to lit
bMther. ,
E. W. Cooper and wlf returned from
the Portland XMdtlon and sloped
over a few day with us.
Wareaorry to say that Mr IaIUh-
sleur I very low. How of hi recov
ery ar almost dialredof.
Mtose Ola Robertson aud Nellie 11111
weut to Pwrtlaud Mouday, to aee the
famous actress, Pantile Davenport.
W acknowledge a pleasant call from
It, F. Bell, a rising young lawyer of
Dallas, Monday, W ask hi in to com
W. M. Jtaker aud family, of Port
land, cams up Wednesday to visit rela
tive and frleud Ibr time In Indepen-
dence, ..-','
Warren Cresaey now ba a position
with Will A Fink In Ban Kranalseo.
All hands Join In wishing Warren
Alex. Davl got hi foot hurt milt
badly at the base ball game last Huu-
day, and consequently haa to walk with
a crutch thto week.
Mr. Cat Cooper, (the Petroleum V.
NasbyJofMcMlnnvllIe, wa In Inde
pendence last Friday night, visiting
friend and relatives.
Mlsa Ella Smith, whose former home
was loderndenee, but nof living lo
Waltatiurg, Waslilngton, la visiting ner
numerous friend her thto week.
Mis Annie WlnnulL of Indiiwu-
denee, I having an aujoyabk. visit to
her friend and relative lu Ohio. M ra,
K. Wlnnull toepjoylng lbs vwll a well.
L. II. Duval waa quits badly hurl
hut Mondsv mornlna- by a piece of
oa titling flying tiack aud striking hlni
Just below tiieeye, He I better now.
William P. Ireland last Batunlay
bought one-half acre of land of Lincoln
Murphy In Monmouth. Mr. Ireland
will build at Monmouth In the uear fu
J, II. Alexander and lfe are In
town Unlay. Harlcymadeu happy
(his iiMiruIng by doing what every olll
-n of Polk uuty ought lo do. You
can guess what that to.
Ijm rrle.1. of Portland, formerly of
the Ann of Halm A Frktd, Prlnevllle,
Oregon, waa In town Wednesday look
ing fresh aud hearty. He think in-
lependence to the town.
P. W. Haley wa In town Wednesday
and laform us that Damon A Haley
havejuat sold to ftvedlfforent parthw ten
kit In Monmouth. Tbey ar hereto
make deeds to the property.
Mr. Calbreath, of Parker, th ncb
master and depot agent, etc., and Mr.
Coulu. of Bueua Vtota, gave u a very
pUwMUtt call thto morning; aud Mr.
Coutu left a fine onler for Jon worit.
F. C. Wood, of Dallas, was In the
city Wednesday, looking out for future
prospects. We know nothing or nu in
tentions, but we do kuow he thluka
Independence to a great business center,
, Grandpa Johnson slipped aud fell
one dav lost week aud nearly broke
three or four of bis right rlba, Thto
oulte bad a It will take sued an acci
dent some time to heal, escclally of
man of hi age,
Rev A. F. Lolt apeak highly of hi
visit to Southern Oregon, while In at
tendance upon the synod at Grant'
Pas. He never saw 40 acre ot watch
melon at one time before, a h saw
near Grant' Pas on Rogue river.
Mr. and Mrs. Wliltuiore. father and
mother of Mrs. T. O. Milklu of thtoclty
Mrs.Troneand son, Fred, of South
Dakota, arrived till week to Visit
friends and relative a fbw weeks, when
they will go to California to spcud the
No notice of tlie marriage of Busau
Belle, daughter of II. C. Merwln, to
Cluster Van Meer, having been pub
lished In the Wkot Hunt, we hereby
say that such marriage took place on
October 8, 1801. We congratulate the
oarlle. and wish thorn a long and
happy life, '
Mr. MoTravto, from Monroe, Or., wa
In town. He says so far it bn been Im
passible to supply the (tone for the city
halt at Corvallto, but he think with
money and men enough they will Anal
ly succeed. They looked to the Mon
we quarry to supply the required quan
tity of atone. ;
H. B. Johnson, cousin of Mrs, Wayne
William, and family, of Walla Wulla,
are visiting relatives In Independence.
He is quite favorably Impressed with
our little city and surrounding country
and to thjuklng of luterlng business
and remalug with us. We welcome
Idii Into our midst t
F, M. Hlmpson, of Porttand, waa In
towu WeducKday in the Interest of the
Vrcgonkm, He Is a genial gentleman
whom we were glad to meet. We ac
knowledge the fact that the Orrgmlan
Is a great newspaper, but do not sub-
scrllie to all It political views. May
success attend Mr. Blmpson'a efforts In
behalf of the OregotUun,
L. ' W, Robertson wa In town
Wcdneslay, on a visit from Portland-
He looks a Jovial and hearty a ever.
There 1 a probability that he and
hi family " will again 'return
and make Independence their hoqi.
Their return would be most welcome to
the oclul and business circle of , Inde
pendence. Come on "Lou "and receive
tht hearty congratulation of your old
time friends. 1
Col. Shields, of Salem, was over this
week visiting Independence and Mon
mouth. The Colonel visited the chapel
exercises at the Btate Normal school
Wednesday morning and wa delighted
with the work and prospect of
thto grand Institution, , The Hon,
George R, Bhlelds Is well known
hr the county. Ho was a mem
ber of congress from Oregon from 18(11
to 1805; was also prosecuting attoruey
of the third Judicial dlstrlctln 1805 after
returning from congress. He lean un
swerving Democrat In principle and
practice, and I ready at all Alines to
mulutain those principles when called
upon to do so. We wish him health
and happiness In the decline of life.
In the roil estate business. ,
John Teal' mill to doing good work
now aluce th recent rain.
The mill I runulng at It full oapacl ly
aud turning out a flu grade of lumber.
George HtllUaou ha the roof on the
new cage. Now forme mro, ueorge.
Mat. Glow Is ou deck scheming
something, Well, Mat. understands
the way of the world, ,
Mike Fllnn to logging for the mil)
company, and V, A. Kehhtpp Is logging
tor th tramway company,
Duffy Lues ha purchased fine
tract of laud ou mile northwest of
town, for a fruit ranch. We wish hint
sueces in hi enterprise.-
i MrJ Itoblnson'l line resldsnse on
corner of Prospect and Fifth street, to
Bearing compk-tlon, and will 1st ready
for occupancy In few day.
Tom Hallamcll. our long landlord, I
putting up a line large aud commodi
ous, hotel on Main street, having sow
the old property toy. n. aimneii.
Fred. Raymond Is quite l k, Dr.
Wood, of Dallas, Is tha attending phy
sician. Mr. Muhrleu also ha lawu
quite sick, but I Improving at present.
George lllaiichard has gone back to
Missouri. W expect him back tn the
ipring with his future Impplues with
hint, to make Full City hi permanent
Grlgg A Gilliam ar erecting fine
large stors bulldlug ou Main street;
Oslaa rtompson I the architect, aud
Lues aud Kim are the men that o
the labor. !'
J. T. Montgomery ha reltred from
city life, and ha moved to lit farm
one mile east of town. Keep an eye
open for new style of farm machinery
C. A. Hawtelle to agnlit able to be
about town after Mug IhiIisiih imwtly
for six month. His Improvement In
health I undoubtedly due the treat
ment given by Dr. Parrtoh, of Monmouth.
west teio::j to.
vrssms witMiKtn and uvm lost.
Irnwsn Itam7"" HHtsia's IMwkr
Finikin, Oct. lo.-Tbe (tortus, which
wcm everywhere renewed balay, hatfe
cnustd luimcnsedamage. Tbeountluu
oos rains have Hlktl all the river to the
l.rlm, aud tmlay the additional deluge
caused freshets and Inundation lu all
directions, The Trent buret IU bank
In many place and sluice were carried
away, causing crop and cattle to be
destroyed. The damage, however, to
greater in Irelaud than In England.
The Hhannon Is on a rampage, thous
and of acre of land akmg 11 batik
being submerged with disastrous eflect
to the former. Tlie flood partly da
stroyea the Fergus reclamation work at
Enul, which were built by the govern
ment at oust or 120,000. The coasts
are strewn with wreck", chiefly of coast
lug craft, and many live have been
lot There were pitiful scene during
the mile nfl 8U Catherine's point, Into
of Wight... - - .
VMOL 1 OYt gt'KKN.
Ing lite peedlst and luost curtain wsy
of snforalttg th payment of employes,
and of the other llaiillltie of th re
ceivership. 1
arruvTftu WITH LIcirBOMf, j
Aa VafeHsasM VUUai tt lb Tssrlkl
MalaSr Bwtala is Uum C
. Itr Vpta ltmt
J. W. flhaw had a"vaTuble horse hurt
about two week ago by being kicked.'
Mr. E. H.Jeter to at McMlnnville
Uil week, visiting her daughter Clara,
who to attending school there.
The potato cros about here areyelld-
lug from fW lo Ifto bushel per acre,
Wm. Well to making the rounds
this week of the hop men buying hop.
Tin) I. 0. O. F. building here to being
ralsvd and a new foundation being put
lo aud generally refitted up.
Tlie Wkht Sipb I giving entire satis
faction now among our peopus Every
body speak of Its great Improvement,
and In fact everybody waul the Wkot
!. ' .... .... - ..
Baldwin bro. have the contract for
digging sixty acre of polatoi on the
farm of II. W. Murphy, lor a company
of Chtuamau,
t Mr. Turner and family left Thursday
for Bt. Ji. Mo. where they will make
they future home. They lenv many
warm friend behind tliein.
B. B. f mlth of Portland to up this
week paying off aud sellllug the affair
of tlie pottery preparitory to closelug
down the work for the winter,
Mumuotil Miitai.
Billy Mulkcy to doing a fair business.
Trade Incrcaslug. In fact time have
been livelier In Monmouth this full
than ever before. The state In taking
oontroll of the Normal school did the
work, and Monmouth's future will ls
onward and upward.
The Gwlii Brim seem pretty will sat
isfied with their outlook. They are
vounir business men, and their future
will depend upon their business actlvl
ty. May Ihey prosper, y
The "Public Square" at Monmouth
will be stiUllvlilod Into lots, and the
lots put UMin the market for sale,
The wife and family of Junie F,
Wheeler, (uephow of James Wheolc
an emigrant of 1HMJ started Motidawj
for Colorado, aevomiunled by W. ah
Grllltn, brother-in-law r to Wheeler,
They will remain' East uull' spring,
Grlllln will go to Marshal, Illinois,
Thousands of bushels of apple are
going to waste all around which would
be preserved at a good profit if we hud
a cannery. . .
Don't mention cannery, for omo
body might take a hint and bulla one
if you do. No don't mention It.
Our new mill lu Talumge Purk li
progressing flue.
Inpvpxn.Umis l'ulills Sulioul Nol.
The ohcmUuil apparatus has arrived
aud lu consequouce the third high
school grade Is Jubilant.
On lust Friday about one hundred
pupil of the third, fourth, fifth, mid
sixth grades were dismissed at 8:45, as
reward for refraining from communi
cating during the entire dtiy.
On Thursday the school was given a
fire-drill which was satisfactory In
every particular, the children having
deported themselves well, and cleared
tho building In less tlmn two minutes.
' Mrs. Nclips's dopartuieut having tlie
lowest per cent, of tardlues for last
week was presented the punctuality
banner on Monday. At the same time
the department under Mrs. Tuck's elll
cletit thuiiugcniunt, was awarded the
attendance banner. These banners
will belong to the respective depart
ments for one week.
; -., .
Kate Field, In her Wwhlnyton, ex
presses the opinion thut It Is time to
stop culling tho West "wild and wooly,"
Bhosays: Ask Now York art dealers
where thoy send tholr best pal nil ugs,
and they answer! "To tho West!"
but mentioned the national art congress
to be held hi Washington next winter.
when a gentleman from the fur : West
offered his host 'American picture for
our loan exhibit, nnd another art lover
promlsod f KMX) to the expense fund. If
shs tOdui Maud S. ItMortl s Halt t
Hiwktoii,!!., Oct 20.-Marvin did
not like the wind that was blowing up
to noon to-day, aud said he would not
start Buun! unless the wind died out
He wa urged to make the attempt, a
the day was warm and the' track fast,
and at 4 o'clock he concluded to bring
her out, as (lis wind bad gone down.
He Jogged her three mile and ane
seemed to feel Just right. The track
as rubbed duwn for tlie attempt, and
Huitolwa driven out for a start Just
before 6 o'clock. A double set of
timer had been kept busy during the
other racing, and six Walchewerbcjd
on Hunot, to there could be no ques
tion alsiut the record. Tha mare had
bceu drlvett four mlkts, one rather fast,
hen she was found ready for the
event of her life. Tim O'Brien, of the
Palo Alto stable, wa stationed at the
half-mile pole with a ruuner to accom
pany Kmiol to the finish, but she went
alone the first half mile. Marvin nod-
ed for the word the first attempt.
President Hblpi shouted "Go," and
Huuol went out to win the record that
Marvin had been working for okmg.
Sunol was guided along Just inside the
center of the track, which had been
prepared Turner, and Marvin cautioned
her with hi long drawn-out "Whoa"
to keep her from becoming too excited.
She weut to Die quarter pule lo 811
seconds, aud kept on at her wonderful
trlde to the half-mile poet In 14 flat
Here Tim O'Brien came into the race
with the ruuuer. The mare came
around the turn faster than any nian
ou thegniuudseversaw a trotter go,
aud reached the three-quarter post In
17, It was a great race against time
as she came down the stretch to the
finish, aud the excited timer shouted:
Mln' m. iif "frihe'll tieat It" Bunol
came home In a magnificent finish,
Marvin had the race and he encour
aged tlie mare all the while by calling
ou her, but- did not use the whip.
Everybcsly shouted a she went under
the wire In 2:tt. It wa the gannwt
finish ever seen on a racetrack. Six
timer comred their watchc aud
they , were exactly the same 2:tj.
There was tin watch on the grounds to
dlomit the correct nee of the record
except lo make It faster by a quarter of
a second. The crowd yelled like craxy
men, and cheer after cheer went up for
8unol and Marvin. Marvin -a greatr
ly plensed with the result, but he was
oulet and had little to say. He sold to
rotsirteri "They will hammer at
that figure a long time."
Th Vas m IatnSlrmt, Uoatniylnf
tlUdlntnS Stack,
Dt'tihiN, Oct 19. A gale ha been
ratting today with unusual fierceness
about Oueeustowu and vicinity. About
thirty craft, largo and small, were
driven! ashore. At Youghul the ea
was so high that many pin t of the
town were flooded by the wave which
swept Into the street. Many ehec
and cattle were drowned along the
course of tho Blackwater river. Dis
patches front Holyhead state that 200
vesseles, much damaged, sought reftige
at Marysport. t umherland, on the
Irish sea, athrlvlngshlpbulldlugplace,
the water la causing enormous damage,
The river Shannon ho buret It banks
In the county Limerick, Inundating
large tract of lands. Many village In
Trent valley aresubtuerged. The rivers
Usk, Elibew, Riiuney aud Otway havi
overflown ' their banks. Many thou
sands of acres of laud are covered with
water and tlie roads are Impassable,
A large number of buildings, weakened
by the floods, collapsed. - PurroU river
overflowed Its banks, and between
Brtdgewater and the Angport country,
Is, for many miles, like a sea.
, wm its ia to ry Its Debts.
Etrasm Or., Oct. Dr. D, A.
sloe arrived last evening from the Mo-
Kenxls precinct, about flfty-fivt wiles
east of Kugene, where be had been for
tli purposs of examining Into th con
dition of J. If. Babcock, who wa
charged by his neighbor with being
afflicted with ths Ineursble dftssus,
leprosy. H wa assisted by Dr. J. H.
Barr, of Foley spring. After thor
ough examination It was determined
beyond doubt that ths man wa afflict
ed with tit disease. -The sore have
broken out and era now ruouing. Dr,
Pstn made arrangements for hi com
plete Isolation, Bahoock agreeing here
after to stay on hi premise and per
mitting no on to enter bl house,
which to located about one half mile
north of ths McKenil bridge, Ar
rangements wero made with A. 8.
Powers to procure food and leave it at
eeesaabls plac for ths amicted
man. DattoocR says ma nut tauter
and mother were both citlxens of the
United rJtates, although hs ws born In
Honolulu and that his mother cam to
th Island when a ehtld with United
Htatc Minister Gregg and family and
wts raised by tnem. Ill fsther Is a
pilot el the harbor of Honolulu, He
said Utat the disease mads Its appear
ance on blm about four year ago lo
Honolulu, and hs was examined by
the government board of physician,
who pronounced him a suspect He
then left that place and came to As
toria, staying there for a time aud
coming to thto country about two yean
ago. Babooek to 24 year old.
A candidate wa being examined by
four professor. Feeling extremely
nervous hi memory failed him several
Unit. At last on of the professors,
growing Impatient, thundered out
Why, you cannot quote a alugle pas
sage of Scripture correctly?" "Ye, 1
caul" exclaimed the candidate. "I
ust happen to remember a passage in
the Revelation, 'And I lifted up my
eye and beheld four great beast! "
Modern Light and Heat estimate
the capital Invested In electric lighting
plant In tbe United Bute ba reached
the enormous aggregate of II 18,758,000,
aud there are at the present time hi
use 1 ,500 0S7 1 neandesecut lights, 127,441
arc light, aud 1,370 stations. -
The water company of Monmouth, to
fully organized. Hatch A Mufflt will
ratoe the reservoir tbl week, and all
will be happy, with no dirty face lu
town, '..
Tbe Royal Geographical Society esti
mate the population of the world at
,437,000,000. . an average of 81 to a
square mile, and an Increase of 8 per
cent tn a decade. awl
KapUasIlM M WmUmi tlfasl.
The following Is so exf'-anetsi of
the wentbst flag displayed w Cut
Independence National bank; No. 1,
whit flag: No. 2, bios tegi Eo. ,
whit sod bluelUg; No. 4, black uv
angolarnagiNo. 5, wWto wi'
black centre,
No. 1, alone, ludloato fair wsal,
stationary tomperstur. ' ,
No, 2, alone, Indicate rain or mow,
stationary temperature.
No. 8, alone, Indlcsts local rain,
Oouary temperature. .
Na 1, with No, 4bov it, IndksAsi
fair weather, warmer.
No, 1, with No. 4 below It, Indents
fair weather, colder.
No, 2, with No. 4 abov it, Indlcstos
warmer weather, rain or snow.
No. 2, with No. 4 below It, indicates
colder weather, rain or tnow. . .
No, 8, with No. 4 above It, Indicate
warmer weather with local rain.
No. S, with No, 4 below it, IndioaUn
colder weatherjslth local rain.
No. 1, with No. h above tt, Indloatst
(air weather, cold wav. -
No. 2, with No. 8 abov It, Indleatou
wst weather, cold wave.
Ossfnsss Csn'l CersS,
by local applications, a they cannot
reach tbe diseased portion of ths ear.
There I only one way to cur Deafness,
and that to by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining or tn
Eustachian Tube, When tbtotubs geU
Inflamed yoo have a rumbllngsound or
Imperfect bearing, and when it to en
tirely closed Deafness to ths result and
nnUi tha inflammation can be taken
out and thto tut restored to Its normal
condition, bearing will be destroyd for
ever; nine oases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which la nothing but an In
flamed condition or tne mucous sunsms.
Ws will give One Hundrea uoiiars
for sny case of Deafness (cfiusett by ca
tarrh) that we can not cure by taking
Hall's Uilarrn cure, oenu tor oww
lars, free. 0
la the Oiiwilt aiH of tb oT Onsjos
air iw cwuuij m
P, A.runnton.plsintlfl'. )
vs. . . s.
H. E. Fuostoo, defteodant. )
XoH.K. Paatoo,tlwslvs4isin(id ddtondsat.
IS TUB aw xn ...
hi sm IwreM rwiulrsd tn sppr sn an-
rrUMcninpllBl Hied a-Uil ou in
uciiU1im1 murtsna uiiwiiuip ito
. .. nf (lUkflttrvtMOf 111 IK MllllnHMlB
uixm rou If irvlIUilotbliyuiilr;B'
M-rvaa wiiiiib any mnrr
Uin wltlila twur tar m ths dwofj Ui
mrvh ot tills nurowuni epos or tf
wrvrd uikid fu by publlMlton. Ilwe yoo vt
n.mnul if. unauuld a.inplillllon tn US
dy f lti ! Uirin of mid sourt, slier )
M-kt' mibllartlon ot tills ommoni.towlt.
un Monday, th Tlh dy of tHweniiwr, imii.
Ana u you run w auiwrr, vn ...
plaintiff will apply to U court r Ui. relt.f
pmyi-d tor In mid eomplslnt, to wit. tnt a dl
mlulKm of Ui bonds of nwlrtmimy no s-
UIIuk brtwnm you MM pmuiuu,nu
and dlbunwiniu of Uil -uil.
a --! in ini. tii. .
li iHibllmlhHi. by ordw of Hon R. V,
of Octoow, lldll.
u M 1 1.' L-1.' II L' V M
Attorosy airlalnutr.
Daud October n. llttt.
DICK-On Oct. 17. IH01. born to the
wife of Ben Dice a nine-pound boy
and Ben now Imagines be to tlie father
of all creation. He to proud and happy,
tlO -
MATTI80N-LEWI8.-At tbe real
denes of th bride parent in Lew
lsville, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1801. Mr.
1), A. Matttoon and Mis Nevada
Lewis were . united lu marriage,
Rev. A. F. Lotijttfflclalug.
The Wxst Bidk folu their nutny
friend In exteudlng oongratulatlou.
Iwlavllle, OcL 10, 1891.
KniTOR West 8ttK:-riease an
nounce that the new M. E. Church
South, at Lewtovlllo, will be dedicated
on the first Sunday In November,
Rcv'a. Atklus, MoFarland, Malloy and
perhaps other of our minister and the
local pastors of other churches In tlie
neighborhood will probably be present,
You are luvltod also.
Yours Truly,
J. W.Cbaio,
Hoys' and Girl." Aid Society afOrefoa.
. Boy may bo had (and sometime
girls) for ordiuary service at wages, or
upon Indenture, to work, attend
school, and be brought up somewhat as
your own:! and children may be had
for legal adoption. Address,
E.T. Doousy,
Supt. Oregon Boy' aud Girl' Aid So
ciety, Portland, Oregon.
It A Great aarvlea.
this Is being wild and, wooly, I wish
the disease were catching. "
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla,
Cokvam.18, Oct. 20, The petition of
the employes of the Oregon TacHlc
Railroad Company, was heard by Judge
Pipes to-day, The men were represent
ed by Attorney-General Chamberlain
and Hon. J. K. Weatherford; the re
ceiver by Mr. W. W. MoFarluud, of
New York j the Farmer's Loan and
Trust Company by Mr, H. B. Turner,
of New York, and tho Oregon Faclfio
ttud the Wlllamctto Valley und Coast
Railroad Conipaulos by Judge Flynn
riio answer of tho rooolver to the
petition was read and his account filed.
After long argument of counsel, Judge
l'ljies dollvcredjudgmont to tho effect
that the admitted facts were that the
receiver had made au effort to sell bis
peril flcates and had fulled to do so, his
efforts having been hampered and
obstructed as he alleged, by the opposi
tion of a certain faction of tho bond
holders; that the claims of men wereun-
deniable and their conduct'Cxcellent,
aud that the unpaid debts to the em
ploye ought not to be allowed to re
main on account of the quarrels among
tlicweulthy bondholders for the ulti
mate ownership of tho protierty; that,
therefore, tho receiver's account would
beYoferred for Investigation to the re
feree, J. W. Whalley, already appointed
aud the hearing would be coutlnued
on then uutll Friday, Oolober 23, at
l;,'t0, but that the court would now order
tho decree for the sale of the road, made
In April, lust to be carried out so soon
be Inserted, which the court understood
to m in six weeks at the latest, that be-
Astoria Talk-. Bchwatka' exploring
party In Alaska succeeded In discover
ing a tribe of I mini us that had never
ecu a white man before. . Experienced
traders and Indian agent will look up
on this find a a godsend. The guile
less aborigines and the average cltlien
will hardly find occasion for felicitation
In the tact. To flud a new tribe of
Indians Is not a great service to Uncle
Bom, .
lolea.iudM of aald iX ta iBaaany
and SToBmoath Motor Ua
KB ."
. kao
From the premises of O. J. Bagley
on or about Aug. 28th. One Gelding
four year old, color, brown, branded
also About 10 baud high. Any
one giving Information leading to the
recovery of said horse will be suitably
rewarded. O.J. Baolst,
Alrlle, Oregon. 4w
The undersigned has thirteen head
of Swapshire down bucks for sale, one
mile north of Parkers Station. These
bucks are the fUllblood and of the beat
grade. Callon
Swell J. O. and E. Davidson.
Worse Than Leprosy
la eatarro. ana there one but one pre
paration that doe ears that disease, aud
that is th California Positive and Nega
tive Eleotrio Liniment Hold by sii
druggists. It stoo carts neuralgia.
rheumatism, neaoaone, sprain, Darns
and all pun. Try it and tell yon
negihbor where to get it'
The board of school directors of dis
trict No. 29 will hold their regular
meetings in tho director's room of tbe
Independence National bank at 4
o'clock p. m., Friday, October 2, 1801,
and on Friday at the same hour of
every four weeks thereafter, Signed,
tf Board of Directors.
All ponona are hereby notified to koep off
of the promtaea or tha understcned tat all
kliidaof hnnttQCimrposoa, Any person Stand
huiiuna snr ill In ante, inxin oar premises.
will be pnwoeuUid to tbe fuilexUint or the law.
We mean Jiut what are ear. Dovs Bnos,
lndependeuoe. Or., October XKl,
Ths Markets.
1-uan.ASD, October 21, law,
WuBAf-The market quiet with a
weak tone. Quote: Valley, fl.501.62;
Walla Wnlla, fl.40 1.42J per ctntal.
Fi-oub Quote: Standard, H80,
Walla Walla, $4.00 per barrel.
Oats Quote new, 40 43a;
Bim'Kit Qnote: Oregon faucy oream-
ory,82J35o.; fancy dulry, 800. j fair to
good, 25 27Jo. j choice Cal. ac.
per lb. ' ; '; ,;' ; ,
Eoos Oregon, 27 J 30c. per aozen.
Poultry Quote: Old ohlcken8,$4.50
5.00; young, $2.60 4.00 ducks, $5.00
$ 8.00 geeso, $0.00 $10.00 per
doxenj turkeys, 15 loo. per" ft.
We quote price as follows: Flour,
standard, $5.00 per barrel; potatoes,
good quality, 20o. per bushel; but
ter, 25c, per lb., according to quality;
eggs, 25c. per doxen; cabbage, no
market; wheat, 80a but choice lot
would bring shade higher; oats, 82c;
hops, 15c. per lb; wool, 19Jo.
Of ths Appointment of Exseutrls of
ths Estate of Barbara Slepsr, as
esaasd. .
wn Ktoher baa been ix)lntd exeru
trlx of tbe eUU of Unrbura sloper, detieaaed.
All pvraona knowing tltuelve Indebted to
Uie uitd mMU are reuuexted to nettle the sains
with A. M. Hurley, attorney for tlie anld ea
rn lo; and all pemina having olslins attaliut
Mild enlate are noticed to present Uiesaiue to
itald attorney wtihta sixty days from this
date. Ll'CENA KIHHKK, Kxenitrlx,
A. M. HUKtKV, Ally, luruie rjiiaie,
Octobor 16, 1801. Mm
Notice of Final Settlement.
eisnvd execatore ot the eetateof Dr. J. E.
UKTiilaon, late of the Count; of Polk, Btate ot
Oregon, have filed their tlnal account aa aueh
exeoutora, and Honday the 7th day of Deoera
ber, 1MI1, haa been eet by Hon. J, HlouHsr,
tlennty judge ot aaid Consty tor heartna objeo
turns to Uu earns. All persons intoreatetl la
aid account will take due notice ot aaid pra
powd liual eettleuient sad ba governed sooord-
r , Kxecutora of aald eatatc
gIndopeudeace,Or. Deo. i, W)l,
tied la Ba- QUARTER
eon, near wnat '
la n
When Baby was alck, we g h Caatorla.
When she waa a Child, she oried tor Caatoria.
When ahe booams Was, she olunj to Caatoria,
Whoa she bad Children, ahe gar thorn Caatoria.
ker county, Ore-rtrj fj
vt t
y. a fCMTtTDv
a man who haa alncs ULHIUni
I now Baker City
become identified with the reaourcea and flPO
developmeat of that country. Thla man A3Vi
la no other than Mr. John Stewart, oat ot ta
wealthiest and moat I
I influential citUena ta tha
county, in a recent letter ne aaya t i naa oera
aufieriu from pains la my back and I
eneral kid-
oalns in inv back ana sen
ey complaint for tome time, aud had used many
remedies without auy but temporary rellet Ths
palna In my back had become to sere re thatlwa
prevented from attending to my work and could
not move about without the use of s can. Hear
ing, through a friend, of the wonderful cures eft
fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I waa Induced to lr
a box, and from that very first dose I found instant
relief, and before ualng half the contents of ths
box the palna In my back entirely disappeared.
I hav every frith In the vlrtuea of the Oregon
Kidney Tea, and can consclentloualy recommend
It to my frlenda. I would not be without it tot
anything." .... .
Oregon Klilnev Tea cures backache, tncouo
tence of t..-ine, brick dust aedlment, bumlsgor
Eilnfut sensation while urinating, and aU sffcc
Dtia of the kidney or urinary otgnns of eltheraaa.
work will now bn In order.