The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 23, 1891, Image 2

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MftUKD r
j. ft. i tai t sea, mohmtob.
laepenee. la ImI4 el Ue he, of
felloe (Ui auBt t tee M on tb Wtllem
re river, r e M stein mie m ineorwo
Ottawa's KeUmedl Nitln iituleUin
of 1M imw
it to t (MlK
Wff. dMt la
iul)Mkl hlmuut lnt
tor he (nml
bmwI weeHsjr e4 tairkly lMPUlSled III Uie
M1W llkqrwh
Salem will gravel her street.
What boufc
the motor Unet
the extension of
Oust oorresmmdeuUs are ou the
tenia for their respective principle.
Let na hew what the Alliance has
Wrrnoxnr eoy political bias in
the matter, all must agree, that
Benjamin Harrison bm made
good, conservative president.
The United States navy IsuH
much, to be sure. But when we
consider that of 7,948 enlisted men
only 3.66S are Americans either by
birth or naturalization, one begins
to think our navy amounts to
even than we thought it did.
It takes a soap bubble 1.300 part
of a second to bunt. But as now
practical, the sciouee of photogra
phy is so nearly perfect as to catch
even this extremely short period of
time, and photographs showing
soap bobble in the act of bursting
are announced.
Thkrb is hope for us yet, for on
March 7, 1S93, the Bell telephone
DatentwiUexDire, aud then tele
phone connections will be common
to every hamlet in tho land,
aooouut of their cheapness.
would pay Independence, however,
to ba connected with the Salem
circuit, even at the present high
rate of service.
The Salem StulemiM is too good
paper to iudulge in its foolish re
flections on the Portland exposition
. and its management. It is a gen
era! verdict that tho exposition this
yeaf is a greater success than ever
before, and it illy becomes the
Stottman to indulge ina splenetic
tirade against it, savoring Btrongly
of being actuated by personal mo
tives. Warn Sun. V
Tub subject of the civil war war
Inadvextly introduced in a mixed
company of Northern and Southern
gentlemen the other day and
nntentiomUly thediscnsslon became
Warm. "Well, we licked you rebs,
anyhow," said one of the Northen
era. "Yes," replied the Southern
er. blandly, "you did; but from
the number of applicants for pen
sions, I should jndge that we crip
pled every blamed one of you."
JVeiff York Sim.
While the West Side is dis
tinctively independent, yet it has
positive convictions upon subjects
of pnblio policy. Our readers are
not dummies, but intelligent and
progressive. We shall, no donbt
express "views not entertained by
all who may read our writings, but
we shall always "divide time and
space" with those who may differ
from us. We certainly shall not
run a paper only fit for the morgue,
nor one over whose every issue,
will be necessary to hold a coroner'
inquest We intend to be fair but
shall not wear graveclothes.
As a matter of fact, the people of
Oregon, especially those in the first
congressional district, need the ser
vices of Hon. Binger Hermann,
the congress of the United States.
It was an error upon his part, to
make any pledges as to his retire
ment from the services of the poo
pie, so long as they, desired those
services. It is not certain that he
made those pledges, and whether
he did or not, he is in the hands of
the people. Hr. Harry Miller, of
Josephine connty, declares himself
a candidate against Mr. Hermann,
on the Republican ticket. His
strikers, a little farther north, in
Douglas, will avail but little.
When the day comes for nomina
tion, the cobwebs will all dissapcar
and Mr. Hermann will be nom
inated by acclamation, as Usual.
Referring to a recent strike on
the part of men in New York City
recently, . the Oregonian remarks
that "it is charged, with much ac
companying proof, that pure sel-
flshness on the part of the men in
stituted the strike. They believe,
and with some reason, that if em
ployers are compelled to pay full
wages to women, they will prefer
to hire men instead of women."
That this is not true at least so far
as one industry that of printing
is concerned, the Oregonian need
go no further than its own com
posing room to demonstrate, for
there it will find both men and
women working side by side and
receiving exactly the same pay.
Really it is hard to believe, with
the Oregonian, that Amorican
workingmen ,are such depraved
and selfish wretches; indeed, to
most people the example furnished
"""he Oregonian1 composing room
V i disprove such an assertion.!
Perhaps no coutM of a political
nature has occurred since the mem
orable eouteet between Lincoln and
Dougliwa " that has attracted so
much attention as Uie one going ou
now in Ohio between McKiuley
and Campbell. Such battles of
woids, wpwiully when conducted
by such representative meu, are a
source of much information, and
are great educators of the nutmes.
Tariff and fluanee, while not new
questions, yet because of the clou
relation they bear to every Amer
ican cititcn, and are so, closely al
lied to so many of the avocations of
lifts we subjects Uiat we all do, or
should manifest more or less inter
est in.
It is hardly possible to select two
more able champions to represent
the issues upon which Uie two po
litical parties differ, titan the geiu
Uemcn referred to; and the out
come will be watched with much
solicitude, uot only by every A uior-
icau citisen, but by foreign natious
as well.
Ohio being a rather doubtful
state politically, and at present
presided over by a ' lKmocratie
governor, it would seem that after
a most thorough canvass of some
months, that should McKiuley be
elected governor, it would presage
a national Republican victory in
m Certain it is that each sue
eeediug month ouly proves the lie.
publican doctriue, or theory of
protection to be the correct one,
and the McKiuley-bill, instead of
being an "incubus" as some Rem
ocralio papers wore wont to call it
when first passed, is growing In
favor with the people, and by the
time of our next uatioual content it
will have won its way among the
masse to such an extent, that
ocueve many or its - bitterest ene
mies will admit its Justice and ben
euuial effect.
But, Mr. Editor, as important as
these questions art, I desire to add
that iu my opinion neither of thorn
are of as much importance just at
this time to us of Oregon asthequea
tion of who shall represent Oregon
from this district next year. Quite
a number of papers throughout the
district I see are discussing the
possibilities and probabilities of
various candidates, but so far,
have uot observed a single eiyee
tion urged against our present able
and iudefutigable member lion
Binger Hermann, consequently
am led to believe that whatever of
words (they have uo argument)
that have been urged in favor of
tho nomination of a new man by
the Republican papers, is either
born in the mind of some would be
candidate, or instigated by some
mercuiral editor who In gifted only
as a place hunter.
I believe a close scrutiny of the
records would bear out the asser
tion that Air. Hermann una accom
plished more for his state, time of
service considered, than any other
congressman has for his district,
let alone a whole state. It Is to be
hoped that the Republicans will
bear in mind that this, the first
district is not so overwhelmingly
Republican as the state is when the
convention is culled together, and
that it is not possible to name
new mnn that will command ti e
respect and attention that Mr.
Hermann does, aud so sure as sonic
new aud untried man is nominated
the Democrats will name some one
of their bont and ablest men and
the result is to say the least, doubt
ful. Should Mr. Hermann decline
the nomination it would most cer
tainly appear cheeky for a South-
em Oregon man to claim the honor.
liter all, I have full faith in the
wisdom aud intelligence of tho
next Republican convention of this
district, and believe that the dele
g ttes to that convention will make
the proper nomination, unaided by
any self sacrificing and self-con
stituted candidates. Such being
the use, i.nd the ikuiio of Hon.
Dinger Herman flying at the mast
head ho will be rr fleeted by such
an overwhelming inujonty that
even his opponent will feci like of
fering a motion to make his . elec
tion unanimous.
. Republican.
The West Side formerly pub
lislied independent, politically,
bears now the complexion of J". Ji,
N. Iiett Democratic Farmer Al-
Hanoi, and reminds one of aJ)akola
blizzard, or some other tired feel
ing. Voile County Observer. .
, lndcc(l,tobe a Democrat, is sore
ly not a crime, if so, our congress at
present is intensely criminal, and to
have the complexion of a Farmers'
Alliance, is not an uncomely sight;
yet we have no doubt but what
Messrs. Doughty and Snyder, in
their loneliness, have a "tired feei
ng," as they look over the wreck
that terrible "Dakota blizzard"
made last fall, when it swept over
the country, aud filled the halls of
congress to overflowing with Dem
ocrats and Alliance men. Yes, we
do not wonder at your "tired feel
ing," gentlemen, as you peruse the
columns of the Wkbt Side, and see
the cloud, about "the size , of a
man's hand," which contains anoth
er "bllzzara," tuar win cnango
your present "complexion," to one
of a more "crimson hue."
Tliudeeiskui of Judge Uolse,tluit
the railroad eoniMMileH cannot re
move Uie ram brought agalnrt
them by Uie railroad commission,
era, is one that will meet wit h tho
hearty approval of the people? as
it uwwrves uk me state courts are
quite competent to decide these
Our governor is making headway.
He held in his message substantial.
iy wuaijuugo mm ileitis in reier
eneeio the competency of our state
courts, or rather the Incompetency
and obtrusion of Uift federal courts
to interfere with our little state af
fairs. The supreme court of the
United States has decided this
point in harmony with the govern
or's views, the supreme court of
Oregon decided Uie wagon road
appropriations as unconstitutional,
and that was the view the governor
held; aud so, it begins to look as
if Governor Penuoyer understands
himself, in some things at least.
Onk eaunot help admiriug, even
if he cannot at all times give intel
lectual ameut, to the breadth and
versatility of the Ortgunia editor
ial staff. But Oregon's big daily
has one particular editor whose
flue llallttti hand and clean-cut
classical English always ' attract
attention whatsoever the subject
discussed. The Elysian fields of
science, the intricate labyrinth of
historical and religious criticism,
the enticing but evereseent value
of polities, the charming domain of
classical literature are all spread
out in panoramic view before this
brilliant writer's mental vinlon.
Ho wields a pen of rare force and
brilliancy, and his editorial ebbul
litlona add strength, dignity and
beauty to Portlands great daily.
. II.. , ... .. .1, n '
Os the first page of this Issue
will be seen an article oa, "Don't
plow too much" by Walo F. Brown
which to our mind is Umoly aud
true. Every farmer ought to read
and heed it.
Opposite Patterson's Drug Stars, sn
Main atrsst.
J. r,1. BECKLEY,
Livery and Sale Stables,
hoii, Oregon.
Ilttvlnir purchased the Interest of
George llootliby In Ui Monmouth
Livery ami Bute Bubles, I unltuit a fair
harv of the pittrotiago of the public
I Mil prcnml to furaWh ((nod Uaum
and vdtieli st short notlv, day or
ulght, and nil trttiutUmt cutom will re
ceive duo ttUuitUm. Ht'iul In your or
nn r nW
vryun H(
S K) U K R. The
fill! m wt will mMl Initithol'l u-H'k wit, f 10
dy can Iw mml H-Utny Ui.mii, A II run Iik v
U do I. li allow II.- It . Il llir. Hoiul Ife Air
mil pi mm term! I" ilimcral Ai-ii,-y tint
auvetiy tu nium m, i mt. i.irK nu l uitii.
Suooeisors to Vsnduyn 4 Shelley,
Have juHt received a fine and varied
stock of goods, to which we call the
attention of the public. We have
come to stay, and uy ruir dealing
and lowest prices expect to share
with other the patronugo of Uie
Due attention will bo given to
tho wants of all, and everything in
our line will be furniHhed to hand
or according to order of cuntouieni,
Monmouth Is the place to buy
goodiS and "don't you forgot it."
wish to inform tho public that I
am now prepared te furnish
in all dimeimiotm, at sacrifice prices
wun promptness, uiu
for priocs.
Cbrvallte, Or.
Deelcn In
rare drugs, modicinos, and chemi
cals of all kinds.
A fine line of perfumery an3 tollot
anu fancy articles always
' kept on hand.
Physicians' prescriptions carefully
compounded any or nignc by a
competent pharmacist ,
Hewitt & Son MsWouUi, Oregon.,
Smith & Jordan
U OiimMn-iUnn, Proportion mid lrwM ef
pttirmion, HikMl'a tr.iuirlll kmuhI
Ui lull fiirll a1hb nt tint bent kimwd
remi'illi't tit Ui i iti'lW SlHRiltim.
IVmilUr in mrimittll mid KDimuluy-lloml'l
SmmimtUU In Urn mily inodli'lue tit lii(U
mi Itulj Imi unlit, "M duvet me dollitt,"
(Hliiif mvdli'luii ri"iiirti Umit itincn, wid
da w wiidtiMi m "id rtilU
lltMMt'i HiirmtpnrllU
tVcullar In IU notllrltnil tiiorll, llnod't
SaiNNiHtrill coi.iti.tlliMi urt hliliMW un
known, Md lies wun Urn tiu at - TImi ts
Sit Wood purUlxr ( dlM'mf rwl."
rtll Is lu "ytwd Mine si homH
Uire to more el IIimhI'i SerMpsrill mid In
Liiwi-II, wiinre II U tuftde. tim tit ell utiwi
fwrnliu lu IU (iltMiomuil rrd 4 sates
khruuil, so oilier lirllw bu stUuiud
lUi b tt'tliully In la tliurt s Uine, II
It t'eetdlsr to lUeir.
rwullur In tho originality tnd cHwlnn
sum of iu kIwiliiiu, u iiwiliwU tf eon
Unnstly Mus eKiMed by eumeeuien.
ruculuu In Uie wey II wins the oWt
tont4m, sue bvUle slweyt Mils suvtlier.
Hood's Sar8aparllla
ililkydnilM. Ill (. mewMlaelr
SyOL SuOl UO., AttlMuM. Uwll Mm.
100 Ootor On Dollar
U nnl S plwlHrlll' III lllVMlla In Wllh'll tlmt
tvriil hi iiulurlj'liMd,liill iwriiioiiriilly
tllW. II vronliw K Milt, until"!!!, rlrur. sulvi ty
km, km) t'r diiiij1 iim Kmitiiitlly iiuiktw th
wimi-li ii'ii wtiiral liuOi' wliliwr, Hl nm
luiil triiw!lim f n mi llio i-llwl of .mi unit
luil.aiiil nvi!ita uiiliiirn ml irtwdUw; and
bletiklii-oit. will ii-rr iiiiip wlulo ynu uw It,
II elveiiM llio nil's Inr Ih-uot lln hwii end
wm.'r.ii.nirl.lii-" mhI build up the nil In llmo,
mid Hivi tnm-nt tins Hiriimlkiu uf wrinulu,
llelvtu tlin fnslin, i in.rnw. ut hiiiixiOi
iKwattf .kin UihI ynu iiml wlwu Hill nirl.
.ry iNity.ymintnrtMH.miitni ii.m ii
glvme !iiurtiyuiiiiiul eiilM-mwum ineny Uuly,
Mid ihm wriiinuiiily, U niutnln. mi m ill,
Bnwdr. nur elknll. end l linrinlran mu dw,
mid m hi.iirl.liliiii In III nil lu m ili-w In In His
fwr, I'riM, l ll druin! end
dnwMrn.ur t Mr, iwviilw lualmm
Il.liiiiunl, itl wl ua, Hun r mni'li-i-o, lwr
ln- irwiU Iwllm Hir ell blvmUliwut I Iw
i Maun). Lnilln el e .li.tnnm Irvnioil liv lei.
Ivr, (bud imnp !"i h.r llltip bnuk, "ttnw Ut
bf luwiiunii,"
Semple bottle melli'd tree ti euy lady
ou ii-H ij.i ,, ui in maiuiM l'y tir (mkmiv
eilU M-!llff. Mly MHIIIWH,
Face Bleach
Ciiitx lli wont rnt of frwliloi, uiibuni Ml-
Iowmi-m, tuittii Miirhii, iiiniiiUHi. euii nil we in frla. el, Oil. Ilariulio mid nl
rm(iv. No iiiiiii toii ini'iit. ldyiruu
tho britoglst I" lh, who Arl nr
dim e bill id wy prtninllni will liitvvlilc
Itlltnn mitll v nil Mtivciniwvifiriii, Biy 'rrp-
erniiuns err t"t mIo !' bi."Ali ilruei.u lu
Hii.-miu una vwt) ity iu in ii.
WermnlMl m Ihn-u
llip lialr lu purl Iroui
tlire dtiy In three
wke iu wiifm mid
ilMitu wrailmr, In
ilxrwd and uwd by
Mm. T. r. iiii-M end
wH,,i,i,i( t.f ltidtwit'
ui iipo, nr. wirii
trntt, Mr. ImI
Nun, llnWI IMillMid
1'liwriiiM.r.r. IHirilmtd.
Creuii. Jdntiuiiu1.
Iiitl only liy Mr.
A. M. IVIrl. il N.
mlli-it MH.-iititv Mm.
niniadla, MlitnMtrin.
A.k your tlrai.l
Hi? ri tri wrurllno end tube no ulimiuw ur
Cuttiug and fitting, and all unr
DitintM nmde for l)ili and children.
And altio a Hue etoek of
Hutu, orimmeutft, etc. I.iitlics' and
children's furnishing good, hone,
hoodH, corset, nkirti, glove.1, lmv,
Clc, etc.
Work tlouo and gooils Kohl at the
lowest cusli prices.
Mrs. Mary Phillips,
Cor. Railroad and Monmouth sts.
New fincur!
W. J.
SiitittlUdiou cimi:tntTil in prices
and goods, Klock Inli and omiKiit
forciwh. Fair dcnlini and coimI
harRivlnH. .-
PKHK DKLIVEItVntlliohoun,
ot 9 to 11 a. in. n ml .'i to 5 p. ni.
Ml GIYE LIE 1 cm.
Marshall & Brown.
Cutting, and Fitting
Sstlsfsotlon Cuarantssd.
Ijocated njistnirs in Nm. Dr. David
son's residence, corner Fourths
and JJionmoiitu strocw.
0 St., Independence.
MRS. G. A., STARK, Proprietor.
FirBt-clHM In . ever; roxpoot. Hpeolii!
attention givon trangient custnmors, A
sample room fur ooramoroiat trnvelors,
Luthsr firuund:
Dsalsr In
Hardware, nnooiiHware, tinware.
stoves, end other miscellaneous ar
ticles, calls tho attention of the
public to his line stock of tho above
articles now on hand. ,
His prices will compare favorably
with prices in any other locality.
Come and soo ns and you will be
satisfied with price, quantity, and
oat i w Ml
For the best business reason, we do not in
tend to move our immense stock to our new
brick block, opposite the Independence Na
tional Bank, as it means great expense and
trouble; so we have decided to make sweep
ing reductions on every article during this
sale. As the stock must be sold, it will en
able all to purchase goods for less than they
have had the opportunity of doing hereto
fore. Come early and secure bargains while
the stock is complete.
Choicest brands of Tobacco
and Cigars.
Confectionery and Fruit
Kept constantly in stock
Main street, opposite the livery stable
Independence, Oregon.
Elgin, Waltham, Scth Thomas, Swiss,
or any movement desired, in gold
silver case, hunter or open face.
Our line includes every kind of 30-
hour and 8-day
Christmas gifts will soon be in order.
, Our stock is complete, and it will pay
you to select your j.cwclry trom it.
Another appropriate holiday gift is
pice ot siivcrwcar,
what you, want.
r m
Of Spctaclcs .
and can fit all
, We carry a line of Banjos, Guitars,
Violins, etc., oi the finest quality,
and our prices the lowest. Call
and examine our stock whether
you buy or not.
. , ." ' V
We have just
we' have
kinds of
a large stock,
goods are the best
:: Firr Tliortmtih
Practical 'lUning in
My Uwk in now inure complete than ever before. Khali h plinMHl tn haw
nil tho cukKhihth of the stoiv wtutluiw tmilliR, mid ttoM U lutluw many to
trntlu who m-vor did U'foro. In connection with uiy Uirv Is a
Whom bo uiul Ihh can lw n-Mn(l or Manufactured undmr the maunRiwoiit
if M. A. UAKKIt -
RuiuviuUr Uie uniiiu aud jiluve,
Aro tho loailcra, ami their Fall Stock is muly
for liuipcctiun. Thoy are still in the front '
rauk with tho most complete stock of
In Polk county. This house has tho oldest
record of any houso In the city, and tholr fu
cilitiw for doing bu8ine8S aro uneqimlcd bv
any firm iu the valley. Thoir large facilities
for doing business, together vlth the fact that
their purchases aro mostly made direct from
tho factories, taking advantage of all tho dis
counts there aro In sight, enables them to
speak with confidence as to their place being
a safe ono to place an account or to '
Fcehng uN that you aro getting value re-
cciyod. Iu the futnro, as iu the past, kul
and courteous attention will bo given to their '
Mblta tt f 7 """y vito tie
public to tako a look WnM t..,..v:.. .
fall stock.
m- t
w Hire
Main Street, Independence
jjM vjuhuii iiieir