THE WEST SIDE.! Sest3bPtl.lisli5?C::; Ml T I H. I. ICLL I $0H, MflMuiTOM. Wl DAY, OCTOBER !, 1801, l.oT.-Oii gold watch, filled caw, open face., Wm lost betwevu I.iioklfr mute and Independence, A liberal re ward will he paid to tlie finder, when brought to th kht 8nK oftlce, SJ Nkw Lakh PieoovKiismlioitori r current that new Ink of the same Ue m Priest lake ha hectt discovered ten mile north of the latter. It t sup posed that a few pKatpeetor have known of tln VXMvmv of th Ink ouw time ms but It lot not irt'iirtly been kuown.-uiurd'Alvne Ttmi Ohmion Against thk Would, No lle! iitf an Item tu th OrtyoititiM that e Minitower nfly-two Incite m etrctnu fereue grew at (Inr field, Wash., this year, correspondent writing firmu CrawftirdsvUle, Iiun county, ty that I. K. Mose. of that place, grew on of these plant till year that measure sixty incite In circumference. MoKK l.AW STl'DKNTe.--Ill the ta prctue court at Salem, the following Jvr student were examined C T. ltupcl, A. W, Johnston, Irving C Hick, and It. JM. Smith, of Portland J. 1 Wagner, of Forest drove; J.J, Charlton, of AUiiy;(lcors M. Brown uf Itoscburg; A, W, reverence, of Till auwok ; J, C. Clack, of The Dalle; C. A. Moor, of lk View; A. K. Wflmio, of Iadla, and A. O. Ctmdlt, of 8tlem. The das received their certificate, Thk II a 1. 1, hamks. Th base Ml game Inst Saturday and rUinday were unusually Interesting, being lh best tlmt have Ueen played atTaluiage park this season. The game Haturtlny with Urn Chemaw Indians rvult'Ul In fuvur of the Indian boy with a score of 12 to 13 talllt. The game Sunday between IheKaleiu Giant mill Independence wm qulto clow, the score standing T to 8 In fitver of SiiU'iii. fttturtlay we do not think our boy did their heat, but Huntley they undoubiledly played guild game an the score wm no Hoar tie with tNik in' AM tenro. "Oi,i Max Kumt KXT." Tim 0f atmiitu ttf Siiturtlny my; "A H'advr of tlinourrwut lievrnotiny tlmt Mr. (ihuUtuno nnvntly wan iIImI th 'old mn I(Mtititt,' but tlmt tb title dw not bvlotift to Mr. (iluiUtoue, but to John Qulncy Adam." Coiiiiiivntinit on thU rviunrk, the tlltiroy the Utk orlKlimtwl with Mlltnu, wlnro In one of hUwmnvt, ht nmdo It In ulluidon to Iwhtuim, a (irvvk orntor of th time of Philip of MncxHlim. A render of the Stuirmntm bcu this to imy about It: u1it thin nipltniiiit was firt paid to tho memory of John Qulnfcy Adant bylU-v. E.H. Clmpln, the nnuterly pulpit orntor, of New ork (Ity, lu hl urt,t aermon dillverd by him on the deuth of John Qulney Adunia the "old4 man elmiuent.'' Acexirtllnir to WeUntw, we And It wan au expnvdn niiule une of by Milton, In hta tenth MHiiiet, In an ttHunlnii to Iwicmteo, and wry Konernlly apilliHl, lu Anierli-a, to John Quluvy Aduiins sixth prexldent of tho Unitcl Ktati IIihtohv or a Casso,()ii the way to Chicago at thli time la an old can non with a hlitory. When Mr. F. A. Otwr, the HjHxlal Commlwloner to the Went Indlw, waa in Han Domingo, hi attention waa called loa largo cannon lying half burled lu the aaud on the banka of the Oxama river. It lay be neath the bluff on which atnnda the great catl, the Honaje, the oldenl eaa tle now atanding In America. The city council calltHl tho commlndoiier'a attentlou to It, ami declared that It huitory waa second only In InU reat to that of the city llaelf. When Don Diego Colon, the aon of Colunibua,-waa aentout with hi titled wire, Mario de Folcdo, to govern tit Wand of Hanto Domingo, ho began the erection of a grand palace, tho view of which may atill be ami on the right bank of the Ojtma, which graduully wwumed the appearance and proKirtloua of a for treaa rutlnr thau a gubernatorial ril dencw. The city authorlta. fearing that Don Diego would neck to Intrench hluiHelf In hla eoatle and defy the king of Hpnln, mounted the eannon In a fortlilcutlon hntitlly erected, and wnrned Don Diego that he waaaulject to their eommanda. The fortreas flniilly full to ruin and tho cannon, one by ono, tum bled over tho bank, and uow, after ly ing iWO yeara beneath the walla of 8an Diego, tliln piece of ruaty ordnance will turn up at Clilcagn, pdrhajia to aend forth a anlute to the memory of the great CoUunbua, who) eon It waa once uaod to threaten. Opbninh Tub Coi-umiiia. The chnmkurof coiuinerce met In I'ortlnnd liiBt Monday night for the purpose ol hearing the report of the committee ap pointed to Inquire Into the different pronations which have been aubmlt ted for ojieiilng the Columbia river above The Dalle. The committee made two reports, a majority and a mi nority report The1 majority reixirt, which was adopted, recommends thai the proposition of the Columbia IUver and Navlgutlou company (Molor's com pany) be accepted. The proposition In brief is that the company agrees- to build a portago road around the rapid above The Dalles on the Woshlngton side, and put on a line of steamer above and below The Dulles, provided the cltens of Portland will take three hundred thousand dollars of the Co.' bond. The minority report favored the formation of a stock company by the citizens of the country tributary to the Columbia river and building tin rood on the Oregon side. The minori ty report claimed that if Mollr's plau If adopted his company would sell out at soon as the Union Pacific company made them a profitable ofl'cr. The mi nority report, on the other hand, as serted that sufficient money could not be rulsed by the cltissens, the amount of each Individuals utock being limited to a small number of shares. It was also asserted thut the small holders would sell their stock to the railroad companj and nothing woult) tie gained.' Tin majority report was adopted. LOCALS. Oyster aoelnl, Halny weather. foggy mornings, lllue Honp at Walker llrot, The liacket !"r for gloves. A new line of Honp t Walker Uro J. I), Irvine, tlie grocer, la M hut. Quit a nuinU-r went to Portland last Monday, Try Skinner A Wilson's upeclat gra- Inuu for geiua, Hock Candy Drip 8yrup at Walker lihw. Try a can. liemcmber theaiwial tomorrow night at the opera house. A girl wanted, apply to the Wiwt lutelllgeni-e ortlee. Call ami mhi thoae new blankets Just mxhvihI at th racket atore. Cliwt awni for. aale by MnwUl M. Bloier, one tulle south of town, Idlea, have you aeeu the Pur to Shelley Vanduyn' windows? IM everylxslv go and bave a gtHsl time at the soidal to-morrow night Kinoke tu Queen of Quwu cigar, Tit beat ttv oeitt cigar In towu at J. art. Just rewivod at Walker Hro. a uew Hue of Decorated Ware. Drop lu and them. Itev. J, It N. IWII will preach at Zo na th ftmrth Hunday In tk'tolr at 11 o'clock a. m. Drop In at J, D. Irvlue'aaud ace that new line of quecuawarejiMt rveelved. Soinethlug new. H(i') around to the llavkvt store on C ttrvvt and price thiaw undreaaed kid gloves Justreclved. , Anyone wanting fruit lands In tracts of from twenty to fifty acre, call ou Moran, Mouiiiouth. tf Skinner Wllaou'a siatlal graham make the fliieot hot cakes of anything lu the market. Try It Dave Oelwlek always bus on hnud fresh caudiea, Key Wt clgara and tropical fruits I u season. 1 Those new blankets at the llacket store are cheapest of any in town. Call and examlue and get prlcea. fjeorgo Welts, Jr. who Uvea near Uueiia VUta, kllleila rattlesnake a few days ago which had eight rut ties. A Knight of Pythias kalge was In tttultil lu llixshurg lust Frhlay aud Suturdey with fifty charier member. (lo to Hkluner 4 Wllaon' flouring mills, In this city and get wan of that iieelul grtiham for gema. It makes th tlnest. ( J. F. O'Dtmncll will occupy Ills new brick by Nov. 1, with tbelargwt stock of hardware ever brought to Indepen dent. AU persouadeairiug assUtance from an experienced hand in tleliorulug cat tle call on Hamilton Mulkey, Mon mouth, 1 Say, now I the beat time to buy your winter groceries, but be sure aud call on J. D. Irvine and get Ills price before making purchase. W. F. Dwlton's team bsik a splu up the street last Tuesday with th Wh" Inggwrsuf hi wagon. No damage to speak of was done. The poiiltenllary recevled another inmate last Sotuntay, one Joint John- sou from Clultstp county who will serve three years for larceny. "Hlie seems a very clever woman." 0, she Is! I had au bour'aconversailon with her yesterday, aud didn't bave a hiiuee to suy a word." Mr. Btuats has handed us twenty ve uew subscriber to the Wnrr 8iik Coiih'oii friends, we will try aud give you entire satisfaction. Little Itrother: "la IkmUin an old eityT" Little HUter (wlto has lieen there); " 'Ikntl, It la. Why, the streeta Is bent tiKstt double with age." If you want something nice go and examine the stock of Haller Leweo slioi's Just rvctdved by Khelley A. Van duyn. They will try and please Hie summer Is ended and the harvest is post, and why not drop In at J. D. Irvine's anil get a receipt for grocery bills. A hlut to tho wise you know Is 4Uttiileiit. 11, F. Andrews, Prop, of the ltackct store on C street received a stock of casslmerc, all wool gloves this week for to 40 cents a pulr. Call and exam ine them. W. II. Murphy, the Phoenix Insur ance man, is muKingsome nuaiuiti ulmbmtlal additions to Ills residence near the Presbyterian church. All go and do likewise. ...... , George White wiw taken to the asy- lum from Washington county last Hot urtday, also Mrs. Margaret T. Milne was tuken from the sauw county to the asylum for treatment. Remember when In Salens to call In at Strong' restaurant, now Westacott Irwin, and get a meal not to l e- oclled on the Puclllo coast for 25, cent. 1 271 Commercial street. " . Well, well, tho Independence Use ! all team got It right in tbe neck by the Salem 11. It. team, and why? De- cause tliey am not uuy mat uoyni Dutch Cocoa of J. D. Irvine's. M. Ed. Casey, who recently died at I'ortlnnd, was for some tlino the publisher of a paper at Dallus.5 He was a man highly respected In Polk county, and his demise will lie sadly lenlored by many of tho old oilman. May hi mcrtnllty succeed to a glorious Immortality. Passing through Monmouth this morning we could but notice the fine residence nearlng completion.' Ira Smith's new building Is being fin ished as fast a good workmen cart ac complish It. Monmouth Is booming, and promises to be a "joy aud beauty forever." We " noticed considerable lumber hauled on the grouud for new tldcwalks. ' !,.': ! A preacher In Iowa lost Ills pulpilt fot telling the truth. He was a forcible: preacher, but deficient lu education, and occnslomtlly committed some grave mlndonicauor lu grammar. On; Hun day evening, while speaking rapidly, he made a gross assault on Llndley Murray. No sootier had the sentence iscaped bis lips than be stnpied uud mid: "I utn awure that my education Is ieflclcnt. I regret that I did not have the advantage of good schools while a boy, If I had boon mora fortunate, I would now be preaching to a more in tclllgent oongregatlon," The minister told the truth, but It waa th hut tint h preached In that cliurch.-liotou The HM'UI to-morrow night will be proveded by a abort programme, oon itttng of vocal and histruiueuUt aolo and music by ihvowueatra, for which ait admission of tuu ouuUwlll be chargetl, , . . Th niornlng and evening discourse In th MelhiMllst church last Sabath, by 111 Hev, Isaac Peart were logins!, foreV ble and loiUeut. The clasa-meitlug waa a time of refreshing from the pre- uoofthLord.,4 g . s; t$ All those knowing thumaelve In debUnl to th Ami of Jleukl A Walker will please come forward and niaketm medial itaynieul a they wish to sonar up all account. A word to the wise la suntaleut. ; .tf W wish to call th public' attentlou to the fins millinery displayed at Ms eaulay A linberteon'a. New York gtsslsat New York price. Call and examine them Is-fore purchasing else where, Fn II lie of ltaby Cap at low prices, -S 'vV That valuable nroiierty oorner of C and ltallrond streets, Independence, Oregon, 00J ftet front, 08 ftt th-em with dwelling born ami store, for .I.Oliu-llxtiiivs of store, safe aud giasls, la a bargain. luqolre ou th prenilw; title perfect WiMf Au octopus or Devil llh waa cap- turctt at the government work ycsier ttay by th em ploy es, It waa some six A'etacroa aud quit a curiosity to many here. It waa sent to Corvallls for the benefttof the student at college. Newport TVmr, 1 Stat Supt McKlroy favor the tat furuUhliigatdnsd books at cost, aud he la right There Is no sense lu allowing the county superintendent to uggle with book manufacturer. Oregon I to-day paying 1.hiI4 what Issiks are worth as a result of this unwise oure, Itev. D. V. Poling will Preach In the Christian chureh at 11 a. in. on Sun- lay, Oct W, 1H0I. In th eveulug the "Johnstown Flood" will be the subject of a half hour talk, instead of a dis course. The sisjaker was an eye wlu nes of this calamity. You aro oor dlally Invited to be present A special program of music will be rendered also Dr. Ine has written a very spright ly and manly letter In reply to the at tack upon the condition In which he b ft th asylum for the insitne. Dr Itowlaiid' ti'sirt bore strong Wdeuo of uiifulrueNS and inju-tlix). It ihshI tint be doubted tlmt he alo will wrestle with bedbug In vain, and pas them ou in his luru to Ids successor - Orjo nltin, ' ltcport of Itureau of StatistltM ou tm nilgmllon shows that aim IHA1 nearly lu.txsi.wio Immigrants have come to this country trom European couu tries, of which over 4,AU0,(xiU were (lenuaiis, J, Munym Irish, and 2..vm,ooo English, Immigration for year ending Jtiu S, isui, was lurgfst since VW. Total ar rivals tM,m, an liiireai or 104.3A over IB . ? IteMirts say that a young man of Mo ro, a few Suudays slut, luduecd a very young lady to take her first buggy ride, and when both-were scaled In tho car riage, the you n u fellow concluded to k't the top down, and, coiiscqueutty, I reached ovi to unjolut the rmi. Titej yoong miss construed this aa an at tempt to enrlrile lier In tisimtildeu an einliriui', and with a Comanche yell she went over th daah-btatrd, and struck for inane, never topj4ng to al low the bewildered gentleman to ex plain his Intention at all. Don't be discouraged, young man she'll outgrow that li's not malignant -Wasco AVics. A Hand of Rut. AlS o'clock Tues day K.d. Donalilaon, who n-sltlcs on hi claim five mile northwest of (lienors, Oregon, was siiirlned by a baud of ah nit seveut-flve elk, which had Iwcome Hlaniedi)d frtjin some cause. They tine daslilng dowu through his camp, wrecking hi cabin, and Mr. IXiiialdson had a close call for his life. As somi as bo could recover from the fright and extricate himself from thedeiirls, be seined Ills rifle and down ed four of the best of them, Tbe shtxit- lug evidently addled th animals, for after running a (imrlor of a mile they turned aud doubted on their trail, when seven more were slaughtered, among whlch-was a monster white una. .Mr. Donaldson cam to town lat last night, and this morning a pack train atarud out to bring In the meat Tvlfffmm, Casks ok tub AKAncittaw. In the supreme court of the United State last .Monday Moses Solomon, of Chicago, attorney for FlClden and Schwab, an archists, who were committed to the hu for life at the time Spies, Ling, et al, were condemned ' to deuth for the murder at Haymurkct in Chicago, filed papers In theWo cases to secure the re tense of the two convict, aud moved that the eases be Advanced. The prin cipal point la the old Uchiifottl oneal ready argued lu Illinois courts, that the nic n were seutenid by Illinois court when they were pot present and the court power to sentence them, (Jcuerid WutloT la associatod evlth Bob nmon. - ' ' Aldakv'i Bro llKinoR. Th work of bridging the Willamette at Alhuny has been actually commenced, the first piles having been driven Monday, The brldga wl.l be all steel, aud will consist of four span of cantilever style, which is the bent that can be built. They are all high spans so a to admit of the passage of boats at any point. Two ii i' W feet long each and two Sfifi feet. They Will rest upon steel piers, with steel cribs surrounding the piling and solid concrete filling at the base, surrounded by rip' rap. The bridge, when completed will be aubstantlul, there being no other captllever bridge in the state., ',:;.', - " : itaAHM'rW AlTOlNTRD. Ooernor Pcnnoyer has appointed the following delegate from Oregon to th Trans- Mississippi Connnorclal congress, which will be couvened at Omaha, Oct. ID to 24th, S. W. Blalsdell, M. D. Wisdom, Frank Ctamo, Portland; F. E, Ilull, Oranlte; J, K. Ilomlg, La Grande This congress met last year, for the first time, at Denver. Its purpose I to dl-. cuss matters of interest to and take action uKin mutters tlmt may add to the prosperity of the western states. MENTION. h, 0. Ollmore spcut metro (tolls tht week. a day In the W are glad to learu that J. C. La Ransieur Is much Improved this week. Mr. J, K. HubUnl and Mm. Will Madison went to Sak'iii Tuctlay for a short visit Mr. Tuck, ait old tlui printer of the Wkbt Btm, called on )it last Tuewlay morning. Mrs, Hosier returned from Spokane wher h Iim been for sometime past, last Wednesday , W. W, Perclval ha been on th sick list for awhile, but I now able to be around agalu, Mr and Mrs. I, Clogged and Mabel Well went to Portland last Wednes day fur a few daya. Mis Itertle Llnvllle, wliose futher la agent at the Sllwts reservation, I visit- lug Mis lie! Ilutler this week, v Our friend, Harley Alexander, a linen Vista merclmiit, was In town Tuesday. He resrt all lovely Id Uiiena. Mrs,D, It. Taykir went to Allainy Tuesday a a delegat from this place to the Haptlst Assiwlatlou to lc held In that city tills week. M. 0. Potter went to Portland Molt day aa delegat to the Urand' Iitslge of tli Knights of Pythias which convumd lu (bat city this week. Judge Collins, of Putin, was In In Iciwinlem Wednesday looking ror a hiaise with a view of moving to our town aud sending hi children to actus)) this whiter. Mr. Sabln, traveling agent for J.C, Ayer A Co. gave us a call ami made an advertising ooutuMt with u lust Friday lie la traveling through th country by team In one of the neatM outfit we have seen. W. B. Cooper son of Harbin Coo r, I a visitor among us. Ill home Idem I on tlie Join Day's river, Sher man county. He hits lived there twelve year, and the present outlook for Independence command hi admi ration. Tho. lUihanua, brother of John Ho hiiinia. Is lu from Yauuln. He take pride in knowing he was an old rest tkut of our lively city. He hold prominent position with the Oregon Pacific company. He I well pleased with tlie proelieel of ludeismdence, and predict a bright future for theclty. J. W. Muster returned from Portland this week whither he had goue to have a pterygium removed from bis right eye which hail been growing nearly fifteen year and had almost entirely covered th pupil aud he had nearly Itat the sight of It Tbe operntlon was very successful aud It la getting along very well. Will, (iootlridge, living near tlie III' tllan school, Salem, was accidentally shut while III luirault of a wounded beorou Itock creek, Kenton county Ingoing down a steep bill one of his companions, who was lu the rear, fell and accidentally dlscbaged his rifle, tbe ball striking tkiottridge In the knee, eompletly ehaterlng tlie km cap. A. J. Whlteaker, sou ol D. F. Wbit- eakcr, and a natlv lsrp Oregoulau, Is In town ou a visit to relative and friends. He I uow nicely situated at South IWml, Wash., and I engaged In tbe real estate bualuess, which prom 1st to prove lucrative In th future, He put hi name on tbe Wasr Hidk list of subscriber, and left the "filthy lucre" for tlicame. Thk Whit Hoihk. The Presi dent' house In Washington City Is built of sundstone, and is painted whit. This latter circumstance I pretty generally given a the origin of Its nam of White House. Hut there may be other reason. Among the many possessions of the Widow Custla, who became famous in history a Martha Washington, the wife of our first presi dent, there was au estate on York river Virginia, known a the White House, from tbe fact that the mansloii on It wits white. It is not altogether unlike ly that the executive mansion was named after this estate. The White Hons estate on York river became tbe proHirly of General Itotairt 10. Is' wife who wo a great gniiid-thiughtcr of Martha Warshlugtou by ber first hus band, and was among the first of the great Virginia houses to fall Into tho hands of tbe Federals after the begin ning of the war between the state. Of course 'President Washington never occupied the White House In Washing ton City. Ho was Inaugurated In New York City lu 17NI), aud Philadelphia was the National capital during the grater part of hi two term. Thomas Jatrersnii was the first president lining umgtcd March 4, 1801, tu Washington ' '4 'JJ-...... ' Not a hi, h Dkath. lllglit. Hon. Win. Henry Smith, first lord of the treasury, and government leader in the house of commons, who bus been 111 for some time, died Oct Q. Mr. Smith, who was one of tlio repre sentative business men of Knglaud, Is popularly reported to have left a for tune of 110,000,000, Biilfour will suc ceed Smith a conservative leader In the commons, If the Influence of the powerful Cohden club and the opinion of the conservative party as a whole rule in the decision to he made by Lord Sal Isl hi ry. On tho other' hand, If the negotiations now pending for tbe reconstruction of the cabinet based on the absorption of lilierul unionists be effected, Goschen will claim tlie leader ship, ' - The Msw Mill. D. M. Klcmsea, formally head miller of MoDanlel A White, at Derry, In tills county, has commenced tlie erection of his rcsldcncelln Tulinnge and as soon as the lumber and material arrives will commence buildlug his large grist mill about half way between Independence and Monmouth. The mill will be run by steam aud will have a capacity of seventy-flve barrels per day. This Is a very commendable enterprise and we are glad to see so much ( ubllc Improve ment going on in and about Indepen dence as We believe the country sur rounding our town would well support a city at this point. Mr. J. M. Stark, proprietor of the Little Paint hotel, has already purchased the flint bivrrel of flour tlmt is made by tho new mill, paying ten dollars cash for thu same lu advance. t'Slillu S. Nul.. Two hundred ami fifty-five name are enrolled lu tho d.fnreiit departments. Supt McKlroy I ex istcled to isiid day visiting the school In th uearfu tur. ' ' Mrs. Nulm' department ha removed from the southwest to the southeast room on second lloor. Tb director have authorlanl tlie purchase of an unabrlged t'lctlouary fur Mr. Nelius department, and a set of chemical aptairatu for the high sehool Th Tescliers leading Circle did not liitv their accustomed meeting lost week on account of extra aehool work, Judge Collins, of Dullas, attended tit niornlng exercise ou Wednesday and favored the nch'-d by a abort tut Instructive talk. Mrs. Tuck and Miss Den man were made happy last week, tli former by tlie return of Mr. Tuck from a ty of two year lu WIcoulu, and th latte by a visit by her mother who remained till Thursday visiting her many friends here',., ;-' , , .' Mis Savage 1 studying elocution un tier MlasTuttleof tbe State Normal The following is a list of tlie name of tbe pupil who attained the . highest averuuc In lust month' work, a shown by report Issikat Second Grade Gertie pruden, Glen Goodman, win! Walter Fori Third Grade: Hattie licit, Claud Hubbard, and Willie Fuieli, Fourth Grade: Luvelle Kay, U4j W ton Kavs. : Nellie Pumeroy, W, and Nettle McductMith, m. Fifth Gratlei Vena (loir, tH; Alto Ksles, wt; Klla Fen nell. U8.aud Willie Ksles. M. Sixth Oratlei Nellie Walstoii, In; Isaac Gtssl ell, OS; Irfslle Van Mwr, ul. Stventh Grade: ltosa ltschartlsou, 07; Aura leverage, tW; Kflle Ittcbartlson, 15. Klglith Grade: Kdilh White, K0.6 Pearl Coor, 87 6; George Whlteaker, 85. First High School Grade: Miss Ida Ksles. 0C.ii Mis Itvrllu Whlteaker, 3 4 -6: Walter Pruden, Ml Maude tVsiis r hu the lst av erage In tbe third grade, High School. Hutu Vl.l Julllhgs, A. J. Hichurdsoii made a trip to Portland this week. Wm. Wells handed your eompnu dent a radish this week that weighed four and one-halt poumirt. Hum. Wilson miute the rounds last week of our burg with Id steam saw, and as cousctiucnce, we all have our wood cut and In tbe dry, Mr. Turner, the foreman of our pot tery work here, will leav f Missouri In about a month, when tbe pottery will close for th winter. Hauiuel Baldwin arrived hero last week from Khuni to make hi home In Oreiitui. Ho 1 a brother to l' tide Dave Baltlw ln, aud we are glad to see ueh men eomo to our stale, a we iietHt gtssl enterprising busluexN men M. N. Prat her arrived home Satur day from a two weeks' visit with his brother Mart, In .Malheur county. He Ismueh Improved In health, aud say he hunted nawt of the time while there, aud killed a wolf, porcupine and a rattltuiiake, and saw eight deer, but did not hurt any of them. Nute y its brother lives at on elevation of oouo feel, and while out hunting there last week It auowed enough to cover the ground. Stock were looking flue, but everything wo very dry, and Nute say that this valley bolt everything else, and Is good enough for anybody. A I.ivk Woman. The Marshfleld iS'un says: MissMollle Uliniiiu Iscn- gsgedas principal of the Haruey school ou a salary of ll'JO per mouth, and has au Oxford graduate for an assistant She w as elected superintendent of pub lic selitwl of Harney county , but under the fool law s of Oregon she could not quullfy aud bad to have a man stand up and become sponsor or a figure-head for her and h "deputy," only, lu name, but iys she dts-sii't care so long as she gets the pay. After her term of office expires site rill visit the bay and then go east for a season. Vtoi.ATUt). The press Is calling at tention to a generally violated Oregon law which provides; "ItshalUie un lawful to sell, barter, trade, give, or In any nmnn-r furnish to any minor, un der the age of eighteen years, any to bacco, cigars, or cigarette In any form, orany compcumt in willed toimcco forms a component part. It Was a Mihtakk. Worldly dim- gcr is a condition beyond which not even a preacher of the gospel can place himself. This is u world of horse-pow er. A horse-power Is 8,i,ikk) pounds rallied one ftsit a minute, but a power ful horse foot has Is-en known to raise sisincr. Sometimes a preacher of the wild West has to curb his horse as well as humans, and while doing this tiling last week, J. 11. N. Bell, editor of the Independence WuhtSidk, broke ils left arm. We arc glad to hear that he Is rapidly recovering. A lumnlh .SVnc ' , , , , THE CRADtE. QUIMHY.-To the wife of O. Qulmby, of Men nimi th, Tuesdcy, Oct. lit, 18H1, a boy. Weight nine pounds. All doing well. imUNlt The wife of Thomas Brunk, living a few miles uortli of town, pre sented him with a nine-pound boy Wednesday -Oct. 10, 1MU. Mother and child doing nicely, but tho fath ers case is hopeless. . THE TOMB. HOWAHl). Suturdny evening, Oct 10, 181)1, Ethel I., Infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Howard, aged 2 mulitim and 13 days. Wom burled Sunday, Out. lltJi, In the Iullas cemetery. , lNMEM01tYOPLl'm.KETJIISI., Tliofnmtly Ullkea bmili, Tim elilltlren nro the loaviw, ' t The parents nre the covar ' ' 1 That pmleellv besiuy give. At flrat the pngoa of tlio biMik . ,! ' Aro hlimk unit purtily flilr, Hut time noon wrltoth momorliw, And puliitcth plot uros thcro, 11 l.ovc la the little golilon rlintp , That hhidi'lli iii the trimti till, break It not, lent till the lenvua Hhall imtter nml bo Inst, ', ' Dui.ll.A llllAVKS. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Ei::r Current tk:t t will EdptftjrtoWl ARE STARVING Russian Pc:;!3 Cr of b pr-ln M:h lt 0 KsrltMiMBka In rdlfurnl. NAI'A, (,'al., (Kit 11. Th heaviest earthtpiake bijk ever felt ber wa ex perleiiced at 10:34 o'clwk to-night Chimneys toppled over and several buildings were shattered and badly shaken up. Drug store fixture suf fared greatly, bottle wen thrown from their shelve to the floor, and other damage don. The Masonic Temple, a flue building, wa shattered. At the state insane asylum great excitement prevails. The patient are almost un controllable. It I reported that the building Is crocked and that other dam age lot been done. SfiwiN, Oct. 11,-At 10:20 tonight heavy shock of earthquake shook up this quiet little city. The shock lasted nearly half a minute. It wa tlie hMavkrt earthquake known here for years. The damage wa Mght, but the fright to tbe people waa extreme . San r HAXi tm), Oct II. A severe earthquake shock occurred here about 10:27 to-night It lasted fully half a minute, and was the most severe ex pcriciiM'd tu this city for a king time. lit iiok anoiT ulaink. II l sow Said II Mm lelttl lo ltl flrr lh Novombor Kleellan, Sa FHAxnato, Oct 13.-A sja-clal to au afternoon paper from Washington says: it is a general rumor in wan I lit; ton that Secretary Blaine lias decid ed not to resume Ida duties as secretary of state, end that John W. Foster, now secretary of tlie treasury, will be ap pointed to that position immediately after the November enactions. State department official decline to discuss the mat ter. food m Orsrc In KumU Thai K? the Urlaof the AlrykruNtarTlRC. Ixjjiisim, Oct 12, Advlwfroin va- rlous Itiiaslau points state the peasants aie iliskliig Into the towns from tbe country district perishing for food. Many are dying In their track. The cold Is luleuse aud tbe w anderers bave uo fuel. Incendiarism and pillaging is spreading. Local authorities every where are paralysed for want of funds. Destitute jews expeiiuti trom tue van ous pro vl net are swelling the ranks of tbe starving thousands. The organ! sat Ion of relief committees fur the dis tribution of cum ha been uspended. CsniilitnlM far Cnugm. Ht noK, 8. 1)., Oct. l.-W. II. Smith of Sioux Falls waa nominated early this morning a an Independent candi date for cougrcsa. MrrniKM, sTiOct l.-The Dem ocrats have nominated J. M. wood, a wealthy cattle man ot Iutpid City, a a eauditlate for congress, ; 4 riultta f Arl oii. VA8itiNOToX,Oet 8. N. O. " Mur- hy, acting governor of Arlioua terri tory, In annual report to tbe secretary of the Interior, expresses the opinion that the population of the territory will reach 70,000 before tlie end of the pres ent fiscal year. There are at leant, be says, 12,000 Mormons lu the territory engaged In agriculture and mining. Lsrtte Reward. San Fhaki'Imco, Oct. 12,-The South- rn Pacific Co. has offered a reward of ve thousand dollar for tho arrest and conviction of each party connected wllli the derailment of tho express at Colfax. Klnrk on tli Range. Washington, Oct. 12. Tlie bulletin Issued by tlie census ofllce on live stock ranges show that in June, 18!K), there were uimn tho ranges 617,128 horse, 'Mi mules, 1 100 osscs or burros, 6,828, 128 eattlo, 0,670,002 sheep, and 17,276 BWlllO. . f' : Ueinoerat Tarry the Hay, lNDlANAPOi.ra.OetlS. The city elec tion to-day resulted In the election of the iitlreDeniocrutlo ticket by majorities t limited at from lQOOtoSOOO. ' Sullivan r mayor, the present Incumbent, runs thousand ahead of bis ticket - Artlulne or lnoiirporallun filed, EntiKNB, Oct. 15 The Crouch-Hous ton Electric aud Manufacturing Com pany of Eugene, has been Inoorpes rated with a capital atock of 81,000,000. The object of the corporation is to mail- fncture and acll the Crouch safety lyimmo, This is an invention of a Sugeno man and promises a revolution In electric lighting. Live wires are bamiiosif by this system. , ' ; New Illalinps Kloeted, iNiiiANAi'OLis, Intl., Oct. 13. The German Evangelical Association to-day re-elected lUahop Esher and Bowman and Itev. C. 8. Bryfogle, of Beading, Pa,, and Boy. William Horn, of Cleve land, editor of jRoUachofer, to the two new blahoprlos created. Itutlwity Aeeideut, Colfax, Col., Oct. 12,-The west bound fast mall train ou the Central Pactllo loft the track three miles west f Colfux, at 3 o'clock this morning. Tho train .consisted of four slceplug oars, one baggage, and two mull cars. One sleeper broke from the train and rolled dowu an umbuiikincnt about fif ty feet. The porter of tho oar was bad ly Injured, The train had between eighty and one hundred passenger many of whom were cratched and I bruised, but no fatalities are thu far; reported. The oiuse of tlie accident 1 wa in Msswiuiig in ran on a curve, which I believed to have been the work of the Dalton gang for tb pur pose of robbery. Mate fruit Orewere' AsMMtatlea Is amnio t Dallas. . Da M, A, Oct li-Tha Rtato Fruit Growers' Association convened in Dhl la last evening. Th exercise took place In th city hall. Tbe building I covered with a handsome display of flower and fruits, which called forth high expression of praise from be holder. A large audience greeted the fruit men on tlie opening of their de liberation. Mayor M. M. Ellis called tbe association to order, and made neat speech of welcome to Delia lu particular and Polk county In general. In eulogistic term he referred to the advantage of our county for fruit cul ture, end hoped that the discussion would stimulate Interest In the business, extending to visitor the freedom of tbe city. Dr. Oardwell, of Portlaud.oo behalf of the society, accepted the wel come, and spoke very flatteringly of Dallas' beauty and of the wonderful productiveness end adaptability to fruit raising of the surrounding region. He prophesied that tbe fruit Industry would urs'rsetle in Importance the growing of wheat and corn and oat. Professor T. F. CampUII, of Mon mouth, delivered an entertaining and Instructive address ou the subject of "Agriculture." Mr. Jennie Coad't olo, "The Lauding of the Pilgrims," waa rendered in splendid volt, and re ceived hearty applause. Mr. Quick, of Polk county, gave eonie of bis experi ence In raising prune, appk, pears, aud peaches, In tbe valley, (Jtneral Varoey, state horticulturist and (JoL Allen, made pleasing remark. The lweer Starter. J. H. Stine, tbe editor of tbe new paper In Yamhill county, the Wblteson Advance, is a peculiar character In Oregon Journalism. He ha brought more newepaper Into the world than any other man In tlie state. . Tbe ex act number It would be bard to re member, but there must have been a doaen of them at k-ast, nearly all In new town in Oregon. Nearly if not quite every paper started by him ha beeu prosperous slue tbe start, and are now making a good living for their owner. Among lueee maybe nieu tlouod the Grant' Pass Courier and tlie Independence Was? Bids, both of which are good paying propcrtlc. Mr. Stine' plan ha beeu In tbe past to publish a typographically neat and newsy naiier In some town not before blessed by Journalistio enterprise, and having secured a good subscription list and advertising patronage, seek a pur chaser and sell out "when the bloom waa on the rye." He Invariably got a good price, and It seemed to him that he was doing bettor in this way than he could If be bad settled down In one plat. But It Is easy to see tbe mistake now. Tbe paper to which he gave an auspicious start lu life are now. do ing better than ever. It is merely an- other Illustration of tbe well-known fact Uiat a man who wishes to succeed In life must thoroughly identify him self with one partlcularcommunlty and work for It interest while working tor bis own. Ex, t ,. - The HubSr Stamp. : Whenever a wholesale house receive letter from a merchant written on scrap of paper without anything to indicate w hat sort of business he Is en gaged in, or the sheet I ornamented Itb one of those hideous daub called rubber stamps, bis name 1 Immediate ly checked with au "S," which Indi cates sucker. ThU mark serve aa a notice to the traveling salesman that the said merchant Is a fit subject on which to palm oh all the old, worni- eateu, shelf-worn shoddy goods that you possibly can. The poor merchant then wonders why Ida customers uever come back tho second time to buy goods. Eugeue Guard, , . Th Oregon I'aelBe Salt. J. W. Whalley, who was appointed iferce to take tosilinouy in the matter of the contention of tbe bondholders of the Oregon Pacific Railroad, and who left for New York August 2tith to at tend to this bualuess, has returned, says the Orcgonian. Some of the bond holder claimed tlmt there were $1,000, 000 worth of tbe bonds illegally Issued, but when It came to testifying before the referee, It wa claimed tbat . tlie Issue of the bonds had been Illegal. Mr. Whalley would not allow this claim to be considered . or dealt , with and adjourned theheariug to October 28, at Corvallls, at which time a flood of light will probably be poured on all matters connected with the Oregon Pacific bonds. .. Recent calculation upon the race of the sun places It at about forty miles per second. 1 3. F. O'Donnell was elected couucll- man vice E. C. Pentlund resigned.' A good choice and uo mistake. The city hits oouoluded a coutmet with Mr. Ollmore for ten fire hydrant. bey are now being placed In dlftbrent parte of tho city. Independence is now reasonably secure from the rava ges of fire. Tbe councel Is to be con gratulate upond this good work. It Is to be hoped there will be no ces sation of the good work opened up by tho grand Jury of San Francisco. ; For years it has been a boss-cursed city. rotligacy and corruption, bribery and thievery have stalked abroad In open daylight Democratic corruptloulBts aud Republican bribers have for years held high Car nival and fattened on the taxes wrung from the people. Lot the whole gang be shown to the doors that open In upon Sau Quontin. i , .... L. 1,1. LIU ' .1111.11.1 II II r , J ' 1 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. , JOTCK 18 HERE1IY GIVEN THAT THE l Board of EdUftllEHtlnn will mtnt nt. 1i,u Ins, In the county court nxnn thumif.on Mon- errors sad eiiuulUlug taxes. JM. OARDNKK, When Daby wa lick, w (ST her Caatorls. When she was a Child, ilie orled tor CMlorut When h became MIm, lhe olung to Castoria. " When she bod Children, she gave Uunn Castoria fie ha, Not of the dude" specie. Not of the kind that aland on street corner. Not of the kind that pride hlmee'f upon being a "rowdier." Not of tbe kind that think Christian mild sort of fool, Not of the "yea, ye" kind. Not of the kind that call mother "old woman" aud father "old man." Not of the 'I can't" tribe. Not of the kind that 1 better ac quainted with pool than tbe fifth chap. torof Dueteroncnny, 1 1 Not of the In filled Ignorant brood, t Not of the iooburg variety. Tli Marfcete. ;',' ; rutuLAKO, October I, tmi. WiiAT-The market quiet with a weak tone. Quotes Valley, fl .62; Walla Walla, 11.42 per ctntal. FJjOUII Quote: Standard, HM; Walla Walla, 11.70 per barrel Oath Quote new, 38 & 42Jc. Ut!TTK-0,uoto: Oregon fancy cream ery, 82ftic.i fancy dairy, 30c; falrto good, ' ) 27jc,; choice C'sL ,22 ($ 24c per lb. ' Emih Oregon, 25 STjc. per down. PouivTBY Quote; Old .chicken. 1.60; young, 12.00 i 3M duck, fj.00 tjf 8.00 geese, 10.00 (?) f 10.00 per dozen; turkeys, 15c per tt). IMtKI'KMDKXC'K RETAIL MARKET. We quote price aa follows: Flour, ttandard, 5.00 jwr barret; pototoe, good quality, 8Ac. per bushel; but ter, 30c. per tb., according to quality; eggs, Sic. per dtwen; cablsige, 8, Q 10c per head; wheat, (Hks. but choice lot would bring shade higher; oat, 32c; bop, 15c. per B; wool, lOJc. Deafness Can't be Cure1. by local applications, a they can not retch the diseased portion of tbe car. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and tbat la by constitutional nmiediee. Deafness is unused by ati Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Wlieu this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbllngsound or Imperfect hcarlug, and when It 1 en tirely closed Deafness 1 the result, and unless tbe inflammation can be taken ouf olid this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroyd for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an in flamed condition of tlie mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollsr for any ease of Deafnes (censed by Ca tarrh) that we can not cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. Nolle to Tax-Payer. Notice la hereby given that the mayor, recorder and' marshal of the city of Independence will sit a a City Hoard of Equalization, at tbe city hall, on Friday, October 23, 1891, at 7 o'clock p.m., and will listen to alt demands for corrections lu assessment or valua tion of property nmdo in tbe recent annual assessment of the city. By order of the city council convened In regular session, October 13, 1801. J. T. Ford, City Recorder. '., - TIME TABUC - . ladepeadeae and Una month Motor Una Imw Leave Indrix-nileuoe, Monmouib. You 7::) , 8:10 ..?... V:AI IU 11:IS mi 1:50 !5 S;rt ' (3U 6:11 1'IS : ..) : STRAYEDI From tbe premise of O. J. Bagley on or about Aug. 28th. One Gelding four years old, color, brown, branded J alsoao About 10 bauds high. Any one giving information leading to the recovery of said horse will be- suitably rewarded. O.J. Bagley, Airlie, Oregon. 4w SHEEP FOR SALE. The undersigned has thirteen head of Swapshlre down bucks for sale, one mile north of Parkers Station. These bucks are the futlblood and of tbe beat grade. Call on V Swsll J. O. and E. Davidson. Worse Than Leprosy Is catitrrn, ana there one Out one pre parniinn that does cure tbat disease, and that is tbe California Positive and Nega tive Electric Liniment. Sold by all druggists. It also cures neuralgia, rheumatism, headaohe, sprains, burns aud all pun. Try it and tell you negihbor where to got it NOTICE. The board of school directors of dis trict No. Si will hold their regular meetings lu the director's room of the Independence National bank at 4 o'clock p. in., Friday, October 2, 1801, and ou Fiiday at the same hour of every four weeks thereafter. ..Signed, tf Board of Directors. NOTICE t Of the Appointment of Executrix of the Estate of Barbara Sloper, de ead. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LU. eras Ktahor htva boon siipolnted execu trix of tlie estate of Barbara (sloper, deoeawd. All pormma knowhm llu'inclves tndobtod to Uie wild estate are rointwted to null If theeaino Willi A. M, Hurley, attorney for Ui eald en liitu; and all jwrsons having claims against stilil esintu are notilletl lo present the suiue to nalil altornoy wllhln sixty days from this date. . LUt'KNA FlHltKK, Executrix. A.M. HtJiu.KV, Atly. for the Rstate, October 15, 18D1. 44 Notice of Final Settlement. TO WHOM IT M A Y (XINCKItN. The ondor. Binned exevatur ot the estate of Dr. J. !. DRridsuu, Uteot tliet'ounty ot Polk, Htateot Orviion, have tiled their husl account aa such exeeatom, and Muadajr the 7th day ot Decem ber, Irtll, has bwu t by Ilun. J, Htoufter, t'ounly jiulKdof said County tor hearua objee tiimsto the same. AU persons interested in eekl aeconnt will tnke due notice ot said pro posed final eettleinent aud be governed aeoord tugly. .... . JAMES O. DAVIDSON ( , JOHN ATHAN DAVIDSON, Kxecutors of said estato. Independence, Or, Dee. U, ldW, n , j. t i ' UedluBs" QUARTER, Ore-pin n goo, near what w T It . Is now Bolter City, a fP M Tl IDV a man who has since VsCll I UlTI become identhied with the resource and RAA development of that country. This man 1V3U Is no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the wealthiest and Influential cltisea in the county. In a recent letter he says i " I bad been uflerliift from pains in my back nnd general kid ney complaint for tume time, and had used many remedies without any but temporary relieC The pains in tuy b.K'i h..d become so severe that I wa prevented from nlt.-uiliit; to my work and could not move about without the use of a cane.' Hear Insr, throuEh a friend, of the wonderful cure ef. ) fected by Orcison Kidney Ten, I was induced to try s box, and from that very Srst dose 1 found iustant relief, and before uJhjt half the conteuts of the . boa the pains tn inyb.icl; entirely disappeared. I have every faith In the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and ee.n conscientiously recommend It to my fricuJi, 1 would not be without it for anything." Oregon Ktdtiev Tea cures backache. Inconti nence of t Hue, brick dust sediment, burning or painful sensation while urinating, and all affec tions of the kidnev or urinary orgunsof either sex.