The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 02, 1891, Image 2

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issvkh ir '
West Sida Publishing Company
j. r. . im t son, marnitTORj.
FimuY, oerom:u 2, m
Imtapotitatnw w Vinnteit M tlm lnl ornitvl
yniiiui tiliv "vt of Mm nn llw V Ilium-
tn, rlwr, t 4 is-nln Hiiti uf tli (tivimn
A Ollllmil "--.,.1; iMlilHtllWi k))tulnUon
f IN' M,itH; ' l1 lMmtt! l.llll'1'IHU ,llll
R,r III ,h,'Vi-'. wl-h I ,) in' U li.iv.,1,
W tiltuimlt V, J.:t
build a enutuuy.
bitKiuco men,
Take steps at otiee tooi'snUe
a company to erect ft cannery In
Independence. "Do nut Jill Hpcak
nt once'
V 11 v not send Jerry Simpson to
tho court of St. Jaiiics. The order
of tho garter would lie stujjulluous
iu his c:u'.
Trk highly Inhabited place in
the world., is me tuuhlhist monas
tery, 1 initio, iu Thibet, Asia, 10,.
feet attove tho sea. Next to this
comes Calera, a railway station in
lVr, l.6;!", LeadviUe, Colorado,
las an elevation of 10, "20 foot
- . - . ! ., 1. 11
TtK next session of the sovereign
gnuuHml,' of Odd Fellows will I
held St -Portland. It will lie a grand
' advertisement for tho Northwest
n not less than 10,000 people, re
present inir tho best character of
citixeus, will be attracted to it.
Tin: Viust Sipk is thoroughly
ni favor of a grand and successful
slate fair. A real fair is what I
need: Tho uianniietnent of the
last stuto fair allowed tho blind
children of Oregon to bo put on
"exhibition.'. What a shame. What
a morbid curiosity. Road the
T.lmd Exhibit" in thin week's
A Geokoia jndgo performed the
most wholesome fining job on re
cord tho other day. Au audience
in a court room cheered during a
murder trial, and wero silenced
onlv after considerable effort, when
the judge had the doors locked and
fined the whole lot of them, about
i.'0'i) in number, and ordered a new
trial. They vrou't tritlo with that
court after this. ,
We are informed that there is
considerable "talk on tho inict'
that a portion of the Democrat
party may ask Hon. J. P. Gal
biaith, of Lino, county, to accept
tho nomination for congress. . Of
poiirsn Linn Is the banner Demo.
erotic count v of the State; and
centrally located with a bright
political career as Mr. (ialbraith
has had, lie would make a strong
Says a married lady of experi
ence: (,So I have laid it. down as
one of the cardinal rules of do
mestie bliss, first that a woman
niiisf, alwavs believe implieity iu
what her husband tells her; second,
that, if she cannot believe it, the
must so gjbool herself as to assume
that faith, and thus Khali bhose
cure her own comfort and that of
hrr husband by the subtle llattery
thus implied."
Hw. Jeit Myeks, of Linn
county, who is talked of for Demo
cratie nominee for congress, ia at
tending the Southern Oregon fair
att'enrial Point. Ho is a geniul,
clever young man, of fine ability
and would make a good congress
iiifii, but tliri Democrats are not
electing congressmen in Oregon nt
present. Eugme Journal
This is true, but they may in the
Immediate future, then what! Last
fall, if our memory serves us cor
rectly, there was a great shaking
of the "dry bones."
Tho Coos Bay-Roseburg railroad
Co. is pushing its work a fast as
the weather wiH permit. Fov a ween
or past,' showers have fallen
and' greatly intefcrod. Yet the
bridges liave b(!cnadvanced beyond
expectation, and tho work is pro
nounced rarely good and mib'ttiin-
tial. The first bridge west of this
place, a short distance west ot the
corporation line something over 100
ft. in length, is completed as are also
most of the bridges and culverts on
tho line." TrackJaying is now 'the
order of the day, while the construe,
lion e imps will move today or to
moriov,, weather, permitting, cast
of this city and prosecute the work
eiwt ward toward Myrtle Point.
Now, ye croakers, look something
on:, and don't get in the way of the
engine. -Coqu-Ula IV y JftraW.
ivtwrr i tmu ways.
Wo clip fiom tho Forrest (ii-ove
IVmic a very Bensitdo arUelo upon
tho building and niaintnining uf
public highway We commend
tho following to tho unlloritiot
Folk county, and earnestly trust
that this beautiful ' Kdou of ouin,
may have gtxnl rendu to travel.
Tim only objections we have to our
Folk county F.den, are its mud
The county of Washington
is abundantly able to have much
better roads than those now in use.
During tlit dry .season any road
wlli do, but, w hen the fall rains
giu it soon becomes muddy. Along
thesl reams thew i plenty ofgrave)
which, if properly put on," will
make a good road the year round.
In some states it takes ten times us
much work to keep the highway
as it would here. Iu Northern
Ohio tho mud gets very deep, but
t he county roads are ho well made
that they are like the paved streets
lu Urn large cities. The road tax
man works out or pa v s is not lost
for it virtually returns to him iu
theroadhoiseoiutHilled to travel
over. Nothing so reeouiends
country to a stranger passing
through it us good road lie will
always remember them and apeak
of them in sued a way us to ndver
use me country wtiero Miey are,
Tho iood paved roads north of t'in
cinnatti can never im forgotten by
anyone who goes over them, and
the corduroy mid through the
Black Swamp south of Toledo can
never, no never, lose its place iti
t tie memory or one who lias spent
tne nest part ot a nay liLMiiiug mos
quitoos who have tnen educated to
do their work whilo u mini must
hold to his seat or go over into stag
mint waters of the swamp. Slake
good roads and enjoy them.
The read should Ik? sloiwd to the
enter and a coating of gravel put
on the liigluvt point at least tx in
eh thick and six feet wide. This
will naturally spread out some and
can be repaired easily when a hole
is worked through. A mid of this
kind should m made in all direc
tions out of the city tor a number
of miles. It would pity our bust
uesa men to see to it that such roads
are made.
During state fair wwk some one
in authority had the very bad tast
to crowd our unfortunate blind into
tho pavilliou as a free exhibit or
advertisement or something utterly
incompatible wit h either judgment
or average sense. It is a well
known fact that our blind of all
our unfortunate, fellow beings arc
the, most sensitive, ' ami to be
crowded forw ard m a five exhibit
or show like so many prize hogs at
a state fair, is the severest puuMi
meat that could Iki inflicted upon
them. Nothing short of a spirit of
diabolism could have over planned
or matured such an exhibit of in
firmlties. To have innocent blind
children subjected to inspection
and interrogated by a thousand and
one questions by ignorant people
is "How did that- little girl loose
lier eyes!'' "Is that little girl over
there the ono whose papa shot her
eyes outl". "That big boy seems to
have holes in his face did ho get
blind from smallpox!" "That girl
looks iu) though she' ought tose
.first rate! I wonder if that little
girl's parents were blind!'! "Why
lliey are nearly an smart, m olhi
people," etc. etc. This was the
trying ordeal our poor blind were
subjected to for six long weary
d ivs la-t week. Our next legisla
tnre should make tho repetition ol
such an exhibit a crime. To make
i free slmw of the infirmities of our
fellow citizens in an outrage, noth
iiiir else. God only knows the
sufferings and heart aches these
poor blind wero forced to induie.
Our state boaid of clsu ities should
give this matter attention and stop
such fiendish work. AV.
The height or (linlnnoe of, Uiu atmos
phere from (he earth, to which It ex
tertrtH Is not definitely known. It in
variously tstiitiut-wl nt 100 to COO miles.
It pi'iiiliu'M a pressure upon every spot
erpml to the weight, of tho whole col
umn ilfimv. This prefHtiro umouuts to
ithiiiH lii'tec fi pounds upon every wjuurc
inch. ' Hnee- tlnv pivHHiii'e of air is
evenly Imliiaetd upon all sides wc arc
not eoncimm of it. L'jwjii tho out.
stretelied baud there rests ncolumn of
ulr-l lint will weigh WO or ,'100 JotuikIh.
Ve are not eoneioim of this, heeuiise
there Is uti equivalent pressure under
lieni h tho hand to support it. .
Til the ' first .- c'ngie.lonal dis-
iriet, especially the southern part
of it, the Republican oniee seekei-s
ti e trying to raise tho wind against
Don. Linger Hermann to get him
out of tho way. wo take occasion
to say that if a Republican is to be
elected from the first district to the
next congress. Linger Hermann is
the man. When wo were in
Washington City in August J.S'.IO,
we found that Mr. Hermann wield-
ed afi jnlltictico in behalf of this
state second to no man that ever
represented us since Gen. Joe Lane
and Col. Nesmith represented Ore
goii., To set Hermann aside for
men who are aspiring tohiri place
is simply political mennnehS. We
have not seen a name yet suggested,
who is iiis equal in any particular,
or who can do for the stale of Ore
gon ho much good work, as he.
Hermann could not give everyone
an office, hence the howl. Verily
"the offices are inadequate , to the
wants of the people." The Ore-
ionmn last Tuesday, neuuingiy
said: ' .
In the, first district Micro is a
good deal of discussion about mem
bers of congress. Urn main ques
lion is whether Hon. Linger Her
mann shall be nominated again or
not. Mr, Herinann has been sent,
to congress for three terms. Ho has
learned to be efficient, mid we
think if the people of the first dis
trict want good service uiey woiuu
do well to send him ugaiu.
a nnir vASXwtY.
.The Foi rest Grove cannery will
close on or ubout Oct. 1st No
more apples, prunes or plums will
bo received, as they have all they
can handle tliU season. Bring iu
your lomatoes nml Bartlett pears.
hut is that you just read!
'Think of it. "No more apples,
prunes or plums will bo received,
us they luivo till they can handle
th Is season." Independence busl
ines men did you read that! What
arc you going to do about It! Build
A cannery of course, and build it
now. Have it ready iu timtt for
spring vegetables. It will pay, and
it will pay well. Tho Balem can.
aery pays big. This Forrest Grove
cannery cannot meet the demand.
Tho VTkut Si hk would be glad to
chronicle tho fact next week, that
aetlvo steps are being taken to
erect and operate a cannery t In.
iVvnubmoo, i
:ks to kvadSk
tjtlfot JoHimil k making
war on Hormanu, who, it nays, is a
candidate for fe election, It osten
sibly makes war against him for
tho public wcul, but itu real pwr-
peso is to defeat him in order to
secure the nomination of one T, T.
Geor, of Marion county, one of
those eccentric cranks endowed
with a plethora of word entirely
devoid of sense ami reason.
In order to detract from its own
sinister purposes in antagonizing
Hermann that paper Hays:
"The Jom-mil does not Join in
tho .democratic attack on .Her
mann." Well, Indeed, please tell by
whom nuy iH-moerutie attack lias
tx-en made on Hermann, None
has been made. No, tiie Journal
must make its owu fight. The
democrats will cheerfully bear their
part of the responsibility wheu Mr.
Hermann shall be a candidate
i'tj'du. '"
The ngricultunil and stock in
dustry of Klamath land will he well
rewarded this year. The hurry and
worry and wotk on the farms and
on the range may lie followed by a
good winter's rest, and the sweeteat
of that rest will Ik the retilUntiou
that the priced of Isnf and grain
are pretty well up and everybody
has considerable of one or the other,
or loih.
Now is tho time to turn a good
year to the best account. Pay every
lebt you are able to pay! Kick off
the curse of the mortgage, and
never forget these words of the
Uible: "The borrower is servant to
tho lender."
Let this be a strong inspiration,
pervading the soul of every man
who scorns tho slavery of debt.
Owe no man a cent. Horace Greely
was right when ho said: Hunger,
cold, hard work, rags and con
tempt nro disagreeable, but debt is
infinitely worse than them nil."
Klitmnlh County Slur, '
Cel. W. N. Laduo has resigned
the presidency of tho First National
liauk, of Salem, and Hon. Napoleon
Davis, late clerk of tho stute school
hoard, succeeds him.
A' 7X7) r
We have frequently pointed out
the importance of using the diction,
ary, in studying and writing Lug
llsh. Keep the dictionary at hand, and
look up carefully the exact meaning
of every new word you meet, This
Is of great Importance. It Id good
to look up Uie meaning oven of com
mon every day words in this way.
Never think of getting along with
out a dictionary.
lk'slde the nso of tho dictionary
in writing our own language, trans
lations should lie nuule from and In
to other languages, by means of the
dictionary. This exercise cannot
tie commended too early. Where
German is spoken, this will prove
au easy and a most excellent excr
cite. There is no bettor opportuni
ty for language lesooiw than In Ger
man apeak lug districts. The
teachers of eastern Pennsylvania
have opportunities at command,
which, are scarcely found In any
other section of count ry. By all
mean embrace them.
Carl Schurs, although a native of
Germany and educated there, , Is
noted for his remarkable command
of pure, classical English, He ex
plains that when ho first came to
America, lie determined to master
our language. He went to a book
store and asked for an F.nglish
classic, They gave lilm a copy of
the Vicar of Wakenfleld. This lie
translated into German. Then he
laid it awny for some months. Then
he translated It back into Kuglish,
compared the result with the origi
nal, and, to use ills own words,
"knew the English hingunge."
i .
Jim Hill, president of the Great
Northern, ha a pretty good head.
At Falrhaveu, Wash., lie said:
"The country is what builds your
city; without a producing communi
ty in the cout ry, you have no use for
a city. You might build houses
and blocks of houses, and put in
electric light and gas and modem
plumbing, but if the people were
not prosperous were not occupied
profitably, they would have no use
for your housed. We might build
our nil I road here; we might build
stations, and we might build shops
to repair our cure and even build
cars, but unless there was some
thing for the earn to do we have uo
use for them. The thing would
come to an end. AH this country
and all Its natural wealth hits been
here since Adam was a little boy, j
and it might remain here for all
time without any change it will
remain here without any change ex
eopt such change as isbrougt about
bv well directed, enterprising, in
v -
telligeut efforts. It takes work ill
ways to bring the results that build
up new countries." :
Sunday morning, while one of tlm
noble sex was engaged in the
national game of poker, at Forrest
Grove, his wife appeared on . the
scene iimt as he made a bet. She
called hi in, and he thought It good
policy to see her home.
Take the Wkht Siok for news.
jftflHl Baking
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
f m not a wmtetie In lh wiimi tn which that
H-fiii t lMtpulurly pcrtimniMilly Iwnu-
Hitlti.itnd bv ilitllv UNO urttituithv rm'tkwi tlm
iMiif-li'xlon Miivi'i'it! Mhwirtf M -litter. It Ittiimm-
otMiit Driitecllrtn trohi the-i'iteeU or mm nitd
wlnit nml iirvventM Kiinlmrit nml fi'Hittlen: inul
iiiiM'KiH'iKiH win ttt'Vnr tMitiiij wiiiin you 11 e n.
l eleitMKt'ft Mi" fiwo fur better t hull mih ntttt
w 11I er, nourlHheH mid lull lilui the til t lMtNK,
und thiiH prevent the romuittoii of wrinkles,
M uvh the ln"hiH)MMf eleuineMH, mid h
iii'-huI' mMIii Mm!, vmi liud when H llllle trirl,
Kverv Imlv. vnuny; or nld.tMutht U uutt It. an It
uiveiiit more vniniiiiii nnm'Hi unee ui iiny limy.
nut! thut ierinniiently, tt coiif-ahm no Held,
inwd-r, nor ul U nil, itttd In dm ItnrtitleHH m dew,
itiitl nn iioiirtsithiK to the Mkln ft dew U to thf?
towtr, l'riei'ti( mi mi iiriiKflwU nnd tiiilr
IreMftei'M, or ut. Mrn, (iervnUe (Itithimt'N fwtnb-
lUhitienl. IiiJI I'imt street, Hitti Pfftnelweo, where
he treutK liidleti for fill niem imitu of t he dwk!
or lliitm?, ,iillnr (tt n dtwliineo (rented by leU
. Heiid Mtumn lor tier lltllo hoolc, "iiow t"
leiUI it
Sitmplo bottl tTinile.l free Ui imy Irvdy
tl l.rrinl o MIC III HUllllpM Ut DilV for DONtHUe
anil pueKnig. UMiy iveius witnuMi.
ace Bleach
iirrM tlm wurnl innnnt frrwlcli. minhurn mil-
Ifiwiir'HH, 1111H.I1 mt,'lic!H,lmhim, mid nil Hkln
IiIi'IiiIhIim. I'll""', $I.AI, 1 1 iirm nml ,-
ri'riiv,'. NoMiiiiiliion bemutt, J.nd UKunia
Tho Druggist In till town who nrxt or
ili'm a Mil of my pi-i'imriillmm will hivvo IiIh
niiiiid muled ui mm iiiiviiriiwmiiim, my prii
iinilliiim urn fur ,il liy wlinlimnla (IrnniiiiiUi In
( lilfiwo mid ovary clly wnt f IU
Nntlro In hcreliy (ilvcn to all whom It muy
nitiraini Unit U10 co-nnrtnunililp hnrotdfnro
kxIMIiiK bolween J. N. June and Ucnrga II.
tJttfir In thollvory, rnod mill nlo ntnlilfl bunl
nvit In Indi'piinilnni'O, I'olk anility, Oregon,
In Ik flay (IchiiIvcmI liy mil lutil aonmint, J,
N. Jnniw will pay nil duliU cnntrncl4 by the
Iirm, und nil iK'i-oiiiitii dim wild firm tnuiit bn
pnlil to ,1, N, JiincK. BlKiiod
Hi'iil.HlliJHIll, . , J. N. JoNM,
fiw MB 1 .,' i
OPENS SCPT. 18, 1891.
COCIIHK OP HTI'I'Y urmniiMt expromtly
to ini'nt Urn ni'i'dn uf tlm running nnd mo.
(.mnniriii iitMrnx!ii invHiiiio,
I .iiriff , i-iininiiillnii. and wi,-vintlllitcl
liilllilllnrK. Tlw rn Ikvi) In IihwImI In n mi II
viiti'd nnd Olirlntliin mimiiiilty, nml In out
or me uniuiiat wiinu nr uie iuio,
Cxpanitt nad net txottd $1.60 for
th ntlr ttsilon.
TwoormowFriwHcholnmlilni Irom every
uuuniy. v rim inr i Hiinoiriiii to
11. ii. Aimuiiii, 1'riw,, cnrvniiia, vr,
f.ll....l ....... L I A.n..t.H. II. I
Urnmli Hctuml i Oaimtai. m, Vm.hv.uu, Mutern. ()n-rnn,
UuhIucnh, Hliorthnnd,
TyfawritiHg, Pfnmamhit, ami Englitk Ihfwrtmtntt
Air m wwiori UH'iiiiKti'iut m yitiir, Bitionim mi mu
ted ut any tlmu, CuLnlojiuti from uttliur miUwi. ttuit,
From M toJIO nor rinv nwnltH tlm (inorirotlo
pi'rwin who will imikiiku now. No (ixpoi lnnnci
niiiwwniry 10 niHiire yon mii'iwn in ri'prmi'iit
Inir our ni'W and iiiohI ooinlilutu work on Utl-
linitUi, ontlllud:
llunilriilnraw'iiltliiit ftirlt.nnd thnhnrvmt
will bn uriiiit. TIiIb hook ihiihuIiib MH mvhI
iiiiiin.opiiKiiH.coniiironiiiiiiiiiffiii,iny 7lniio pu,i,.
r, iu I..... 1. , 1 is. 1 1 I. I 1.. ..I.., 1. ...1,1. 111.....1
mitfld i'iivi'1-ii. koIiI, nllvor, mid hhwk lnin
Ing. mid Ki'lla foronly K. NimuiiiIIiiI raiulmd.
MimlllliKml turiim iiuidn known on npiilU'n
lliiii. Adilri'Hn, I,. ', M II. I, Kit A ('(),,
Wl Mulii trullHUKikloiilt!l.
-K 4olli"t worth lor dllr" li tha motto
61 llaad'l inmiMirnia. Till. Bwllrlin I.
bllhtjr oiliilrlwl Mtrttul l imirlll
M4 otlwr wll kuown vgtll rtmitdluii,
uil li (rnimrn inl by rui tlio MrunH
n4 Ixxl prpitlod ol tin kind yul pi
duotd. It Iu h)u!Iw ilniimh mil
mdli'lnl merit la tin (m-t llml II li pre
prwl by Cniiililintlnn, fr,iimliiu, u4
I'ut'Bllar to lulf,
lMtvrt tr the proprietor, of llond'l
lrMMrlll, nd known to nn oilier mmti.
lui, lit prompt triuh on tha blond ro
Manx nit Itnpurttls, ind ninn nrrntuli,
Mil rhmim. toFM, IiiIU, plin,ln,.ll (junior,
u4 nil dlwawt or s;r.-tlim rlilni Irom
Impure titAnd ur low tttii t tint nynlem.
"I hurt taken llnod't Prprlll tin!
And 11 la b lb bl blood pnrldvr I Intvt
vruwj." Uu. K. nl.r, A'tSjmn,
Tlio Itont Mrilli'lno,
"I hv 4 ll x buitlmiil tlil' Kr
' lrlll (of Indltwitlon. It hw bIH m t
iMt dmil, t think II t tin kwt nu-lli-lin
lor Imllfiwlluii mid dyapp.HVH Dim H. A.
, UtfUii.i. 101 KnU rilib Itrwl, Kan
, itm, t'l N. n. lie inn la tot only
Hood's Sarccporilla
It lr tl. Pn-t'itrnd
Ihdd bv druMlfc It! ! I t
only It ti. IliWU A fc'O,, A
Mll, MM.
100 Doit9 Ono Oallnr
Honrdnl K,tmUull,ii will Nind Nt 1 'Ki
ln., In tin, , only o,,irl run tln.rwif.irtl Moil
ilny,llt.t. IU, littl, fiir tin purHMiitifHirmt,tiiig
rr,ir and iiallaiii( Ian,
; S1 11 Awwr,
Monitor Steel-frame Drills and Seeders
Oliver's Steel and Chilled Plows
Steel-frame Snring-tooth harrows, etc
th. Largest Stock
Quality of
FlnlilT mil
Can be found at
lPM ffff ctTtuesut.
IVoWiml TWiininii In
n k mi
Choicest brands of Tobacco
and Cigars. '
Confectionery and Fruit
Kept constantly In stock
C street, Just east of tho Pootofflco,
Independence, Oregon;
(Mew Firm
Hew Goods
We have enlarged onr store
room, and' filled it jam full of
new goods, and feel safe in
saying tharwe have the best
selected and largest stock of
Dry Goods. Including
Fancy and Staple Dress Goods
Wraps and cloaks, gloves, hosiery,
ladles' and children's underwear,
; ; boots, shoes, men's, boys', and chil
dren's clothing, rubber goods, hats,
trunks and valises, etc., etc., and we
cordially invite you all to come and
We are sure that we will use you as
white as the old firm has been doing,
and are prepared to show you a great
many more goods. Truly yours,
T 1 7f nT.TTTr frfi m Q
-mm m&U
' ti Sr1"' ""'.'' -Li and
5S-f 1 1UKIND1 or
M if Erin filj
My ulix-k In uow iiuiro oomplotn than ever before. Bb.ll be pkttned to b.vo
nil Hut cuKtiiiiiont uf the Blore continue tmlltiK, .ud h'e to Induce irmny to
trmlo who novcr dlil U'fun,, In wiinwUon with my .tore la .
Where Imxmi ami kIuku can lie ixnmln.'d or nianuniotured under the nmnagonicnt
of M. A. 11AKKIL
IVincinlx r the nuiiie ami jilaoe,
W. E, GOODELL, - Main fitreet, Independence
helley &
Aro tlio leaden, and their Fall Steele is ready
for inspection. They are still In the front
muk with the most complete sfayjk of
In Tolk county. This Lonso has the oldest
record of any house in the city, and their fa.
cilitics for doing busimss are ttneqnaled by
any firm in the valley. Their large facilities
for doing business, together with the &ot that
thoir purchases are mostly made direct from
tho factories, taking advantage of all the dis
counts there are in sight, enables them to
spenk with conAdence as to their place being
a snfe one to place au account or to
Fooling sure that yon aro getting value w
coived. In the future, as in the past, kind
- ' d courteous atteution will be given to their
customers. Their stock is so large and varied
that to mention articles would be an impossi.
Die task. And they respectfully invite the
pubi c to take a look before purchasing their
HI . 61( 6,
helley &