Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1891)
wnK oca miT ctr Ahwv ow ad attaint old aytn( n natd by yw and m. And on tbat It (Mil of mvautnir" "VUi out ahtpMina IB ftn tea." V hat a tbtra of ftuol-d Uwwnrv Wt amtrlnh a firtUi o , And a ttiutiaamt radiant puwtlin lu Umt "tilt ihH over U awC' Waea our ahtp ahull um w'tl ' Tl uttAa omUm wv reared, So munch Uwjr can new be aliakno By thtonn our poverty ftnwd. WuH luvtt In tl wtu iuiwmbk Hying fciilwlur and finnt, ' Whoa praywrful, IUV wlehv Crava oiuctblng fruui llfti tlit' d. WlmtmYhlpttoittovrUiM . aiwltur at hme at laal, Ttto Jv of tta promt will l Tli Ailllllllttg of promise pant, Tb hot of It coaxlnt to hawn I not what It bring u mi Hut tut dear one, hvUy hutn, I kw lor niy alttp frtwn at, -Stimtfty Call. TIHHliltTS or TMK ' VAST AND A tVvr ycra ago we nuulo a trip to the Eastcra slatca, to visit relative, ami to vry the tuonotouy ofUw years of our past life. V took imM on the AJjis at Portland for 8au Fran cisco. The price of passage at the time wan tvio, and a tlwrw wn no connec tion, by rutl then with that taport, w wvro under the necessity of making tho trip by water. The AJax waa a staunch built vowel, but bad the wpu trttion of being the roughest sailor on the IVifle mt, Yt stowed lu fitlr shar of edlblea before omwing tti "bar" at the mouth of tho Columbia, but before U'lux safely over the bar, tho edibles of which we had w freely partaken, wwaurrcudered up to the uYmauifej of greedy .Neptune. After three days pleoatiut sailing, we lauded at San ftanclsco about ld night, and ou tow-king the wharf, wo were saluted with uch a diu of lusty voiow from hotel runners, and all kimU of "laekoy," wprtwenting ry nation on tho -.irih that wo were not mve but what the "Tower of Mabel" wa In closw proximity. We katcuel to make our meu) frutu the bedlun crowd, to a but for the Hum Houso, and were soon safely eueonol withiuthe walla of that niot ooaino pollttn hostelry. We had m fellow -pawnKn to tho city, Mayor Berry who had formvdy uion aupeiiuten dent of ihe Ongon ponltoutiary, and also a Mr. Bronaou, of Corvallls, m ho was on hi way to New York City on bualuei wnuoctod with aouie material iutertst of CorvallU'a enterprising citi tuna. Ou our arrival at tho Hu House we fouud it Itupoextblu to necure rooms lu wbiub we could enjoy a few hours of pleasant slumber; we tberv foro naUil oum-lvui lu cutthkmed chain, tried to coinpotte our wearied brain, and urrendured ourwive to the anna of Morpheus. About 4 o'clock In the morning we were aroused by a light tapou the ahoulder, and informed that we could retire, us a room had be eomo vacant by tlie departure of some KucaU ou an early train for Bacrameato. We readily accepted the pruflen-d room, and were wxjii resting ou what then appeared to be a "bed of rows" butou awakening from our troubled sleep, we found that we bad htld our bodies down where other mortal bad made their mark, aud therefore, couid not boat tbut our couch wan of mi sullied purity. We ahook the drowy god from our eyelids alnut 8 o'eloek in the morning, performed our uuid ablutiomt, and leisurely tracing our ateps to the dat ing hall, we floated ourselvw, and our eyes were greeted with such an arraj of luxuries aa aeldom greeta the eyi of man. Every clime under the nun wan there represented by fruits, vege tables, vineyards aud everything cal culatud to tempt the appetite. Wheu we arose from the breakfast tabic, the wealth of the Indies could not have tempted us to swallow another morsel, After partaking of our morning meal, we sauntered around the city, and while so doing, we could not but caul our thoughts back to tho time of our Unit visit to Sun Francisco in IW7, when there were not exceeding ou hundred of white population, ami wheu we worked on the bench slack ing lumber supplied the city from Portland. We visited the city niarke aud were astonished at the profusloi of meats and vegetables there dls played, a market which now require one thousand head of mutton sheep week, to supply the demauds of the Inhabitants. Now, Imagine the wu sumption of meats in that metropolis, when there are about a dozen othei markets supplying anlmul food to Un people, and then reflect that Oreirnu after supplying hur own market, will never full to have good dctiiuud for all her surplus mutton. V But let us proceed with our narra tive. After passing the day In visiting the sights, towards evening we began to make preparations for our departure eastward In the morning. We re paired to the olllce of the railroad company, procured tickets, for which we paid f 150 to Chicago. We then went to a restaurant, which was noted for its careful preparation of edibles for travelers by train, left our basket with orders to fill it with certain articles of ,fxjd which we thought ' would gratify and satiato the appetite. Among the delicacies we ordered, was a nice boiled ham, and when we re ceived our basket late In the evening that hum looked most lusciously tempt ing to the palate, We were to start early in the morning for Chicago, and therefore hastened to our castleated room where we had spent the early ' morning hours, aud again surrendered ourselves to the fairy god "Bulmy Bleep." Bright and early in the morn ing we were aroused and informed that "time is up' We hastily donned our apparel, entered the buss, and were soon landed at the depot. And there '' was confusion worse confounded; we did not know whether our trunk be longed to us or some one else from the way it was handled. It was cast aboard heller skelter and we never saw it again until we reached Oinahn. Boon the Whistle Hounded, the wheels is'gnn to revolve, the cars sped onward, Ban Francisco was soon lost to view, and it was but a few hours until we wore at the top of the Bierra Nevada mountains, and when we reached that elevulcd point, u panorama was present ed to the sight that eclipsed all we had ever seen before, Ou pausing "Dutch Flat," the up- keavaU nf the earth, the dcertd flumes, and decayed cabin gav tvl lent- thtittho oueo busy miner hud departed for other and mow proml- tug ,,dlggluB,,ttttd we wet uupresalvety wutluded Of the time, when the prwlou metal lu thoso mii'lforou re- islon wtw first discovered, and pro duced au excitement, that mother be fore or since ha ever brought ntauo near the verge of Insanity. Atot descending front the heights of dm Xovadatu the trmplls of uaturv ,H-uicd to call luto miuytlon the sight of that piwloua ham kcr- tofttfe referred to. Bjt,v Mr. bwuson t'tftvla thoturhahlttt of that bam would not be bail to take, let's try H In fond autlclnattott of a delicious feast, we brought forth tho laM, plai-ed It twtwwn us, and proo-eded to solve tho mystery, whether or m we were to be regaled to satbty by means of the provender which had so sacredly lieeu Kunnknl sliicei w left the bay. The ham was carefully hdd uiou the top of th basket, the very sight or It would have caused tt Missourian to dance a highland r1,ui expectancy of the Jtilcy, aud delicious appearance of tho cured swine coming In conttict tth his palate, When the knife pierced It, aud reachwl to the bono, a change uught hav come over tne spirit of the dream of tht same Missourlan, for (he atuuwphcro manual Impregnated with the futm of a chandler shop, or the stench of a di- eaylug hovlue, our wlfnetorlc, or our sens pcrtatnlug tu smell, gave u due wamiug that there was no Ham Mr us that day. We wow on the wild aud wiling deaert, where no human being waslu quest of such a sample of tstu Fran clsw hams, so to the w lid Ixwl of the mouutain, to the coyote of the valley, or to the locust eating red limn e consigned It. Wecan ful y, and with teudor 4ouch wiil it from Its resting placo, aud with thanks such us do not generally receive expression from lips divine, we east It from the train, aud have ever sluoe rvgroted that the spot was not utarked by some tnonu- meiuai erwiwu to u e .m-.m... soiled and dertcl, but ih chcrW.ed nam. not presuming mat ww are very interesting delineator of events, we propose to continue this narrative until It again brings us back to WVb- A Ihiublfjl Market, "Now, my dear," be said as he pn parel to leave home aftor upsr, tin market has been feverish all day." 'I see.' "If wheat should go up a cent or two this eveulng I might nut Is? home uutlllalo," "Exactly." "And lu case wheat d nvu don't expect me before midnight," "I sec, Well, dear, you run along and keep your eye on wheat and stay as long a you care to, for I've osUed Colonel Ilasklns over to play whlM this evening, and he'll be sure to stay until midnight." The lover sulwlded and wheat stisal still and the husband was back ts-fore 9o"cliK-k. Tin) MiU'.t luulvuuliin Urmf. Jacob Steel, the oldest man lu feiin sylvaulu, died at t'liiontowu, aginl hw. Mr. 8teeJ waaliora October t!,t"Ki, lu Bprlughill towushlp, Fayette i-ounty, aud has lived near M:ontown nearly all his life. Helms always Urn a dem ocrat lleeast his first ballot for Jelli r son and his last for Governor PuttUm He never used tobacco, but ued his. ky in a moderate degree, He was an early riser, aud was noted for the even ut ss of lib temper. Oa the day or Washington's second election Bteel could remeuilr he was gathering hick ory nuts. When Jctlerson reslgmd from Washington's cabinet to lead the new democratic party, Mr. Bled tiar a boy of ten. TyMjrrlilel l".rrr, "Hy on unfortunate typographical error," says a Dakota ncHspapet, "c were made to say last week that our distinguished townsman, J'rufcssor Kennedy, wasaisiut to tit up a nobby babbon for the comfort and enjoyment of his daughter on her wedding trip over tho prairie, What, we meant to tay was a nobby oalloon. We write this with our left hand, while lying no our spare bed, with one eye cutlrcly closed and the other haiKlpaiutcd, with on Inverted chair across our stomach for a writing table. The extent of our rcgretrthe blunder may lie measured by the difficulties we have surmounted In penning this explanation. '-" There ih n immense fftrden lni China thut cmbracca uu ario ol'.lo,. 000 stiuaro miles. It wall mciulow land, and is filled with lakes, ponds, mil canals. Allogcthcr it is as large as tho Htatca of 2"ew York and Pcnnylvania combined. Land has reached an ononiioiiH valuein IjOiulon. A piece ol'Oown land on Pall Mall has just liccn leased at aratebtwed on a selling price of 2, 500, 000 per acre. A German expedition bus Im'OU organi.otl to explore the African lakes. " Lake Victoria will IjcsoiiikI ed and its bunks thoroughly ex plored. Wisdom'a Robertin Is mectinir with treat hucccss every where, and Is rapidly supplanting every other preparation of a like nature Exoltement Runs high at the drug stores lu (Ins place over System Builder ns ovary body is using it for catarrh, of stomach, dys pepsia, eoiiHtipution and impure blood, and to buildup the system it nerluinly possesses woiiduifui merit when all sipeuk so well of it, Wisdom's Violet Cream Is tho most exquisite preparation in Ihe world for softening and whitening the hands and face. Nothing enters the composition of this delightful toilet article which could prove Injurious to tho most delicate skin. His not only a substitute for, hut in every respect superior to glycerine, cold cream, vase line ami like preparations. lining neither sticky nor greasy, kid gloves may bo worn Immediately alter upiily lng' it. For gunt lemon's iisc al'lcr shav ing it stands without an final. - It acts by Improving the aoflnpss, clcameHS and healthy tone of the skin, and its daily application tends to pre serve It from the action of drying winds vivid Hiinshlne anil extreme tempera ture. Try it, LOO If" I am Ready for Business. The latest and best styles of Dress Patterns, with trimming, just received. . In Clothing and Overcoats, big Inducements, for I overstocked myself, and therefore offer the same very near at cost Never so cheap in tne History ot independence. In shoes, hats, and ladies' jackets, a large assert ment. Please examine mv stock before nurehaslnc for I know you WILL you buy ot me. Kemember my place of bus tness, next door to Buster & Locke. Yours, Zed Rosendorf THLC OU15AT IHUl Opens Sept, 1", li'l. Climes Oi:t. 1 The Zapadorm Hand from the City of I Mexico I'rmiounccd the finest ou the I American Confluent. Couivrt AllerinHiu and F.venlug. A masnltlivut collection of rioliii. from Ihegmit manttrsof Finoj nod Aua riea, vulued at a quarter million dollars. , Kwv . ,., fll,., lrto,Mrt.,M ; (-h w ((mJ w,iml,rflt , in k-i io.iu.trc. Aariculiun and M whan k. The Popular Bpeebd lnj ItcUeWtMl. The Bts-k Is-(ml'tnteut made nttruetloii, a sipoig ; K,iio In premhuns. Admlwloit usual, tircatly ri ilili-ed rati-s on all lrHniir(alloii lines. ! Theft real et KHMltltin in the History j of the I'oclilu North csl. Addrem It. W. Much I 1 1., j Bupcrlnfciidti. I r.J IS i- 111 ft 1 1 N! 1 8S W f-4 Weir I reridr tft 3 l,O0D. C-rn CiiViTll'UlOV, IXUffiEsTIOfl, irti,iK.-,r,, i.n rtt rnspnois.Mf k iiriniritr. row, FIXCLl'M, all ski " jtFrrt.TlilS.S.sudlHsJ-AhtS AltlMNUfrom a Di;oi:t.!:ir.i kT')hm'U. n ovi.i.. ir.t v ; n;i rr.A t, ui up in yellow wrappers Vlth filiS.'miiV iS'ijiMJ.'MM ut mill. t'lil.SL. WOINQTON a CO. AotNTt. e. rnCtPOk ii;m b; koit nv Ai ti ihi uiwrt n mtorrttw. ' THE Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. YOUNG HORSES DOUBLE . AKO BINGLE TEAMS. n Flrat-ChuiS Turnouts (or Commercial Traveler. Priitsi raasonabla and Satltta tion guaranteed. Uiv ui a fall. K0KTII END MAIN 8TKEKT, J. H. J0NE3, Pbopi. TIE WEST IS THE LEADING PAPER OF Polk This paper all it gives and crisp; also, THREE COLUMNS of the latest Independent in Politics, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 PER YEAR. c1 o) SAVE 25 PER CENT if When in want of a Of (Vniio to this CNlulilishmont for It. It can uUuYit U tvlicd on fur tine qualify. Ami tho usual variety f fith ink es iiiul pics. A full lino of fYenli giHHH'riea mid icttuiictl meats itml fmitii of every i variety. All the livuling luuuds of tobacco ;itml elfin's. D. B.I NEW NEW BUGGIES RIDING HORSES. Taylor's Bakery County. the current gives from news, fresh TWO to ATCHES EUaCNC. Nt Nlon beghw on Monday, the Jlt day of rVpteuiber, IW1. i Tuition, free. Four Course! (Wloal, BclcntlOc, UUtrary, and a ihort English (kwrw, lu which that li no Utlu, mk, Preuuti or German. The English U prMNiilueully a Buslunw Course. For ealaloguea or other Information, Address, J. W. JoiiNHON, I'maldeiit. -i THE i- Citetb Rul Estill Ct IndejHindeuce, Oregon, ' Transact a general Ileal Estate llunl nctM, buy and tell Property, eflecu Insurance aud duet general Conveyanca lluslnrsa, 1'artlea having lnda for m) will find It k. their advantage In List Their Proporty With thl tVimiMUiy, a they are dally sending lists of land east, thus plac ing desirable procrty before tbs real dent of the Kaat, JAMKfUUlWON, J. W. K1RKLANI). llvaldeul Hecretary. Van Nortwick Bros. SHAVING -: PARLORS. Nml to rint Nsttoaul 8ak, lndtndoni(, Shaving 15 Ctf- HOW CAN WE DO IT? We 've been asked that question a hundred times lately by people who bought goods at our counter; goods they were used to paying double the money for, But do n't waste your wonder; we got the Roods hon. estly-pald good money for them and they are ours to throw away, give away, or sell -away undt?r regular orlces. We choose to do the last. You owe it to yourselves to come around and "stock prices. up" THE RACKET STOltE B. F. ANDREWS, PROP.. DO NT Read This Ad Because it will tell you J. 1 THE GROCER, Is selling more groceries and qucenswarc than any other house this side of Portland. Good Goods and Low Prices is always his motto. rJlUSTER nUSTER UJUSTER DRU DKAJJiltH IN Mediones. UcaJs, Fancy d Ui Articles, Spona, Bruihit, Prfumry, Softool Book and Artlats' Supplloi. Full Stock of Watohot, Clooka and Jowolry. Ropalrlng Naatly Don. rPhyalolant' Praoorlptlona Carafully Compounded.- MAIN STREET, J. A. ROTAN, 266 COMMERCIAL 0FFKRH- SPECIAL vINDEEMEFK! to ttll pcrHono dwlrlng to pnrchiiMo F TJ IS nsr I T "CT IS B lie carried the tlncat line of kiknI Uokfinh, iASKKTS ana ttoniiM. jTices left with the Imlopcudoiico atage for filled. IT HAS mm m THE WILLAMETTE 10 and 20 Acre Farms all In enliivniloi. mill midy to wt tu fruit, wllbln wven mih of Oitl'ott'K cnpilitl, for 7:5.00 PER ACRE One fourth cah and the hutau. in thro e,U.l,anu.nil pvineufa; or out to fruit and caltivuted ' jenrs for 175,l)0 l'KH A fit 13. For further Informal ion eml for jmniililt't to THE OREGON LAND COMPANY, SAI.KM. OH-KG ON. at these unhenrd-oi OCKE, OCKE, OCKE, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. ST., SALEM OR. In the vullcy. Also kwpH it t till lino of lower tnun at tiny oiner ikuisi . Ol'll (I8 uny giNitht in my lino will hu jinmni tly nv ill, BEEN TRIED! I Ilk IN I V-' One Hundred Per Cent, cn the FOR SALE 129,000 50,000 80,000 PRUNE TREES PEAft apple jtu.l .ot Awirliuml f all .lOO.iHNt XMAI LIKI ir l'LATN.OItttt"TL AJilt MTTIIKM. 1 1! ... KUHt-, Kt, lit. :. MtiK'ta cnnrnniwi) tu ! nInmiImIcIv flwt clnx, free fnim Inncct t or 1 Iwb', nml iimiiit.-.l true to muur. It l!l fwt.v iriv pUul.-r t ccinc w hji-h over imr nnri rv nnil yvl priiv U-furc j)laclnt orth-r clM-whcrc, larly onfer ul winvnjmii'h'iice miliclutt. l'atuliKUv ml price IW fn. AilJnuti or cull on THE OREGON NURSERY COMPANY WIRT BROS., Offic, On Corntp of Cammrcll w. H. WHEELER KKKl'S THE MXT - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,- -PIANOS and ORGANS - -SEWING MACHINES. Sovrliirx in .sVxfiWry. Ltlrnt in Fancy Writing Paper, Ink tfiun.i, Tithfrt, Ink vf all (lo, 1'em'ih, Fashion Pm( and PcriiHlicul. im: LATEST IS ML STYLES OF MUSIC. Oi't'iV, Sitt uiul Vhntrs. ' Sulmip!iun Received fur all Ripen. VT. 11. WHEELER, Mqmnhnce, Or. Pioneer W. W. Choice Highest niiiikct price paid lor fat All billsmitst MATS' STKKKT, MRS. A. M. HURLEY, Mfcrys Fancy Coods Kxt (o turtpnil(no National Bank. UrncFSNDKitca, Okkooh. K.Ml.ItOAns. VAGINA HAY ROUTE ")rcron Pacific Railroad .raa C; ;n:nt Ca's Steamers. Lino to California. 1 ' ht an I l:ans the Lowest. STF.VM Fit PAIUNQ D.TK,S. SlMiiuof VH,1,.M10TTK VAI.LKV IjCiivtwHuii KrmuilRiso! A n sr. (1, 1H, 3(l4 lv Yaiintna: 4, is, SI. SI. t Tniln No, Swill mn Tiltwdiivn. 'Thnrmtuv. unit Snt iiiilnj , mul on Inttiriiii'illiuo rtity when Trtvln Nu. i will rim Miinilnvn. Wivlneaitnj-ii, and PrlilHjm, nml on tnicruunllntn iluyii wh'tin I'.ia rliilit to chdiiKu , - ii: , it w i lilnnii no'li j-, niiunv't ivlih the a P. v nk'I itnj. R R, aud rlrk W. . WKIWJ'HU, ('.(,'. UtHU'E, (Imi. P. A V. Ak' O.H. Co. Cum, K.A P. Airt. M Mimla'iiniti'y Hl t. P. It. It. Mm .FrmuMKOO. txii'vaiiu. Or " W, G. S11AKMAN, . Merchant Tailor! C STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOfEICE 1111: in Any Style Mdetn'Ttirr AX KF.ASONAHLK KATKH. VALLEY! 24 000 12000 c nnn PEACH TREES CHERRY " PLUM othr lHlK mo ot " r"'- H.hllllVItt, PROPRIETORS. n ChmHW wp aiir, omimm Meat Market! PERCIVAL, Prop. DEALER IN treats Stock. Roof, Mutton, Pork, Voal, Etc. Im Mtlotl monthly. IXUEl'KXDKXCE. EAST AND SOUTH SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. SHASTA liltfE. Sxprau Tntui Leave Fottla4 Dally, ' South. I I North. 7x)c. M. l.v. hirtlmirt Ar. ;:A. t. ltkaap. M. J,v. -Albany Ar. B:S1A. M. Ht. M. Ar. Han Kranelwo l.v. SWXit'. N. Atwvo trlnn (top duly at following nUHmu mUhof Kiwobtifg: Knit Portlaiin. Oniou t H, WiwdhnTO.iiilein, Albany, TaKnl Sheihtu, Hal kv. Hurrinburg, Juuillou City, lrviujc Hurt tu gwire . Rcsebur Mail. Daily. Umya. I Arrlvit. Portland .... HiffiA.M. IDoaclinnt .c.-J'tn p. M. Koubmis.,..t;20 a.m, I IVirtliintt ,,,.4:00 A. H, Albany Local Dally (Except Sun'y) tev, PortlaniJ. l;00r H, Albany ... .6:00 a. a. Arrive. Albany ; :00r. a. hinlaud 9 UO i. a. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For aooommiuiatinn ui twonntt-rlana pasaounoia altanheti to Kxpniaa Trulus. West Side Division. Between Portland anil Corvallis MAll. TRAIN DAILY (Kxcept Uunflay.i fso a. Ponlmiit ArT lndttputtnot Ar. Oorval tin iv. IM p. m. 1'4. 10. 12 5ft j,. m, 1118 K, M U:10 P. M Ar, Ar, At Allmny and Cnrvallli oonnact wtta ttalun ot Otokou I'aolilo liallroail, EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (Except Sund'y) toava Arrlva. Portland ,4:4ft r, a. MoMlunvllle 64AA.a. McMlnnvlllt 7:SBr. a. i Purtiaiid ..8:20 a. a. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST AMD SOUTH. IWFor ticket! and information rtjrardlnt rti Ivnca10" 011 '"""l"?'' Iut ' 'adwo a.I0SHl.SR, I. P, BOOIR8 AIM. (.!. faaa. At