i THE WEST SIDE. IWU'Ktl HV Cut KiKSsStitejaf lit IfLl I IN, MOMII TOM. riUDAV.fiKiTKMUKttaa, tsai. IT.Ougnld watch, filled caw, opeu hi. Wm hat between I.ttckla uiuteand Independence. A UUrHl re ward will be paid to the finder, when brought to the Wsst Sipr oftlee. A Goon "Hit Mr. J . J. Daly said at the openlug exercise at Monmouth but Tuesday that Mr. Nollticrs Mlv. tlou wim bceauae h married a lMlk ' eouttty lnty. We believe It, and k young men If t hoy see lh point, for nil we can say In, go end do likewise, ' K1.RCTIOX. The Mate Agricultural Society held ll regular auuual meeting at Saletu bwt Tuesday evening. T. J Appcrton wm re elected president The society authorising the preeldfiit and secretary to deed nil land, build ings, ect., of the society to (be state board of agriculture. Another reao- tutktn dme away with the old board of managers, and hereafter only preat dent, vloeprealdeut, secretary mid tree- urer will be elected. Hotsl 801.U-J. M. Ktark, of Illl now hM bouitht the City hotel aud will take charge uext week. Mr, Stark will build additions at onw aud meet the demand ol the lrk. Mr. and Mr. Mark will attend strictly to business, and we bespeak for them a gratifying iuwwi We mut say Mr, aud Mr. Cltbeon, the retiring host ami hoatces, had built up the beat trade that hat ever beeu at the City hotel In our knowledge. They have uuuli tuore out of It than auy other we know of. We welcome Mr. and Mr tftark. We bid Mr. and Mm. liibson a kindly goodbye. A OUTtoi8M.-The edltorof tlie New port Time My: "It la atrauge that ucb ao Inetltutlon m the State Fair can not be made attractive enough to In good tU day. Kxlilblt were nearly all put In place Mouthy. Why cauiioi exhibit be placed In position In time t make a decent show Monday aa wella any other day of the week. No won der mauy aay It I but a time of yeai when the (porta aud tinhorn are given a chance to ateal enough to last them a year. 81 x day of ftdr I none too much for ao grand a atnte a Oregon, thru let the fair be alx days, not advertise six and have a decent fair only two, A Jokk. -Through an Informant we learn that oue of our sutwtantlat far mer, who la quite uceomful at rallug Watermehm, had sacked up some tw or three on a certain occasloti to take'to one of our residence on the comer, where he enjoy nmkiug a call no and then, and after putting them in the buggy went to diuuer, clurtiij which time hi bny took out the top me lou and put In a large pumpkin. Upon arriving at the above tueiitloueo Comer aud a he proceeded Jo take the melon out for a protent, you may linsg Ine hi chagrin ou fludlg they were puoipklua, and the Joke that hud been played upon liiin. If eveyone knew the particular a we do, thta would I considered a first clam Joke. TheOuimt H0K8K. According to the Mempbi thmmmlal, the oldest hone In the United Slates ht owned by Major Kobert Maas, of Louiivllle, Ky. Ivaiiboe, a be la callcil, ha done duty tu thl hard world for furty-eeveii year. During the Civil war Ivsnhw wm stolen several time. lie succeeded In escaping from hi captors, however, and made hi way ba'k to the field m bis owner. The old bone, which I the pet of the children of the neighbor bood, bears on the right flank the ear of a gunshot wound received In the Mexican war at the battle of ltucna V1U while ridden by Mnjor Maw grandfather. The bone live un boiled corn aud other soft food, a be baa lost all of hi teeth. I van hoe was the chief attractlou at the cattle fair held In Lexington latt fall. JofiepiiiNE County 8i.tk. A great and useful discovery has been made recently In Josephine county, about three mile from the Southern Pacific railroad. A large bed of sluie of superior quality, and the supply In exhaustible. Tbis I the first slate dis covered, having a commercial value, In Oregon or Washington, or on the Pacific coast, except In Colorado, where two quarries are In successful opcrutlou, and paying large profit. The slate supply has beeu, previous to 1800, con fined to the Atlautic coast The proprietor of these slate bed arc Itlggs & Titman. John L. Kltrgs Is an old resident of Polk county, grandson of J. U. Itlggs, the pioneer merchant of Dallas. H. Titman Is a resident of Newport, Kenton county. Oregon need not look beyond her own boundaries in the future for her own supply ol late for roofing or school slute. This makes fire-proof covering for buildings, and can be furnished at very season able rates. Oregon beats the world for everything, her resources are absolutely beyond computation. Daintv Lady Drummers. The sphere of woman's usefulness has been ao enlarged ivlth the advancement ol civilization that it looks as if the ladies might after awhile hold the men a mighty close rub In almost any busi ness vocation. One of the most dull est callings, seemingly, would bo for ladle to become successful drunihiers, but there Is at least one Oregon lady, who Is doing Just this, lie name Is Mrs. F B. Kobblns, and she travels for the Portland Cracker Company and Candy Work. 8he has been in this city for a day or two, and captured bei order as gracefully m any of the whis kered commercial travelers, and she did It In a modest refreshing manner, t the same time with all the business eclat of her male compeers. There would be something dangerous to tin- average country dealer In sending out a emissaries of trade these dainty hi of feminine cleveruess, aud some string -check -for instance the dealer's wife- would be needed in the business to prevent possible bankruptcy from ovel goneroslty in placing orders, Albany Jferald. LOCALS. ftibHcrthe. The suu ahlnea. The weather cool and pleasant. Iiook out for some big ad, soon. The Normal school la now In fuU trim, Htudents arriving every day at Mon mouth, Venlaon Is now plentiful In the meat market. The geutle rain brlugeth forth lh green gra. Considerable real estate changed haud thl week. Ho and ee M. D. Scott and make a contract for your painting. gw When you want to buy a Wkht Hints call at Wheeler's bookstore, The fouudatlon of J. F. O'Oonnell uew brick la about completed. Cheat aeed for aale by Mrs, L, M 81oHr. one mile south of town. Our advertising smc la nearly all taken.. "Uwt cornea, first aerved." ludependeuce and Monmouth will aoou be one, as the motor line I one. Tell the people what you have for aale, and they will know where to buy. The Wkrt Kidk, the great advertis ing medium for Pulk and Marion couth tie. The Kulght of PythlM are growing rapidly In Iudewndnce, That la, the bulge k A large uumtier of atudeuta arrived thl week Ar tlie openlug of the Mon ni'Hith Normal school. Hakim' Uiant base ball team will be over Sunday aud show our tadl team how to play base ball. Dave Oclwlck always ha on hand fresh caudlee, Key Weat cigar and tropleal fruits lu season. Kit. Johnson sent Into our market till week seven flu deer. He la a Nlmrod wbk-h you read about. Time are getting so much easier, except for the man that dm to pay security debta, and hut own, aa well. We have mail arrangemenla to keep the Wkht Bins on tale at W. 11. Wheejer bookstore, Five cent per copy. It everyoue knowing tltemwlve Indebted to the late Arm of Jone Ut ter come forward and settle all account lueaald firm. Independence la the only place where ladle have been admitted free to ball name. Itemember Huuday they pay twenty-five cent. Mr CC. Huff aud tier daughter Grace, woo kt eleven year old, made $.16.50 plcklug hop during the hop picking aeaaon thl year. If you want something nice go and examine the stock of Kallcr Leweu stirs' Just received by Bhelley A Van luyn. Ttiey will try and please Krvle lo the Christian church at II a. m. and 7 p. m. on Huntlay, Rept. Zlt To these servk the public ao Invited. IX V. Poling, pastor. . ltcllglou service In the Evangelical hurch 011 Batibath morning and even iir by Itev. A. 8. Copley, the pastor. Come to the sanctuary of the Iord. ' Wm. Marks, ktcated on C street, opened up thl week with a full lino of ,-lgam, toliaceo, caudle and confection ry. Watch for hi new ad. next week. Macaulay A ItolierlsiHi will have ihelr final winter millinery opening Friday aud Saturday, Hept. 25th and SUh. All are cordially Invited to at tend. The sawmill here I worklugup to it full capacity. Prescolt A Veness are ready to fill all order at lowest prices on shortest notice and have the beet of lumber. "rtnlrit Mother Hear My Prayer," a touching solo, whose author are Mr. aud Mm. Laltaualcur, of thl city, will be sung at the Evangelical service Bunday evening. Itemember ladle and gentlemen will be charged twenty.flve cent ad mission to ball game Sunday lo order to pay the large expense of securing Salem' first nine. Quire practice at Mm. J D. Irvine' Friday night. The members of tlie Evangelical quire are urged to attend. IcHsm. K-bring and Hill will assist In the music hereafter. In making up ordlanoe No. 79, which we print on our first page thl week, he foreman got section s inserted In section 9, which you will please observe In reading the same. The City hotel wm advertised for sale three weeks ago In ouly three pa pers, and there were six application to purchase In that time. It la sold. It pay to advertise. T. J. Fryer sold alx hundred bead of mutton sheep to Portlaud parties. He will deliver the same this week. Jeff Is the boss sheep man. No good bar gain escapes his notice. Itemember when in Salem to call lu at Htroug's rcstauraut, now Westaoott k Irwin, and get a meal not to be ex celled on the Pacific coast for 28 cents, it 271 Commercial street. tf Itev. Isaac Peart will preach Sunday night In the Methodist church. Bub led: "A problem to solve, or a ques tion this world must answer," Hing ing conducted by Mr. White. Through the kindness of Jas. Harris, of Suver, we were the recipients of a box of delicious prune, plums and pears which were raised on his place, tfor'whlch he has our hearty thanks. M. C. Russoll's Jump Seat Surrey, tbe two daisies can't be beat In Oregon, look at them and be convinced tbat they are beauties and are A, No, 1 In every respect. Next door to O'Donell'a In looking over our School Journal list tbe other day we noticed that Her mann Hlrscbberg, of Independence, was the very first cash eubscrli er for theournaJ. Thl wm In December, 1889. Dr, Butler picked some ripe straw berries from hi garden tbis week. They were good, for we tasted them There are on the vine blooms, green, half-ripe and ripe strawberries, A va riety indeed. " ' ' Dr. J. K. Locke Is hereby constituted agent for the West Bidk at Buena Vista, and wheresoever dispersed. He will receipt for all money, take sub scriptions, advertisements, etc., etc. 4t J. II. X. Bell k Son. TxWrfcrica ornffm"aV OfVK.'JStrr V H WMrAlMtNTiOr church Habbatu morning insjki or theevenlngM prevlsouly ennouuoed. The evening service will be given to II,. UWiil. Il..nu Ululnn I vnlk. the Woman' Home Mission work. Address by Mia Alice Vase, late of Chicago, Our city marshal ) the street With slow and steady l JL In search of violator of the law, but lilt arerch la In vain, Owing to the civilising In fluencee of tbe Wwr Hum, he hM few opportuultle to call luto exercise the operation of the law to vindicate the people rlghta, The editor enjoyed the sight of the Capitol ally this week aud took In sev eral day of the Mr, but the fair I but a poor exhibition except say two day of the week, Even the county fair la Minnesota and Dakota and Iowa com pare well with Oregon' slate fair, A'eufHirt Jtnies, After much exertion, ltev. F. H. Noel, of Roaeburg, hM finally succeeded In securing tb pmmlse of the I'rsulln rziiu zzzr. Lit.. f ll.l.. M tfU.lMl.IUIt which will be eondueted by most com- rf.,,t i....hr. .in u inl ra.it .11 tat'tNhuskmih HvIh. at Dal la. the Evangelical asmnlatlon will onu veneat Indianapolis, Ind., on Oct 1, 1N01. In view of thl fact, this day hM been set apart to be observel by special prayer and fasting throughout the church. Conformably to such an arraugement, their will be preactiiug by the paator lu tbe Evangelical church at 7 JO to-ulgbt. You am heartily wel- come. Tti Portland Industrial Exposition give special excursion rate from all sUtlous on the Southern Pacific com- nanv'. line In Oregon, to Portland aud return. TlckeU entitling holder lo ad - mission to ex nail Ion will be aokl mr train of Mouday. Wednesday, and Friday, commend ui Friday. Sent. 1& Ittttl, and ending Friday, October Ift, 1881, good ft return within ten days from date of sale. Kates made known upon application to deHt agnt. E. linger, Asst. Gen. Paa. Agent; T. If. Goodman, Gen, Passenger Agent; Itlchard Gray, Geu. Traffic Manager. How many Intending visitor to the great Portland Industrial expcndtlon.to be held at Portland from September 17 Damon, and bis wife, aud Mr. Full to October 17,haveever seen the ludiao ter aud wife left Independent In hi native ceremonies and wlld.welrd danceaT How many have ever seen war dance or a ghost deuce, such m eaute o near plunging tlte country In to a bloody Indian war but winter? Those who have uot will have an op portunity to witness these peculiar cere- moulals of the savage at tbe coming expoaltion, m Superintendent Mitchell I hM succeeded In procuring from the Umatilla reservation a number of noble red men for this purpose. There will be a baby day at the Port- Uud Industrial Kxtasiltlon. which onen at Porllsnd Sentamber 17. Tbla - I day will be October 12: and every f..j f. .IL- win aia hiuimvi m w hhiiw uw Her i iu """" bulkUng, baby and all with the ptwul consckiusnea tbat with her nursling no other can compare. What an array of cherubic darling will be presented lo the bewildered Judge, who, m some time happens, may be bachelor and know nothing about tbe little "God's blessings!" Woe betide them If their decision awards not the prise to the sweetest, prettiest and beat. Better for their peace of mind that they were umpire of a base ball game. A flRKAT ACrRKSH. A numler of our cltlxeus went to Portland lsst Friday and Saturday to see Sara Bernhardt In the rendition of some ol her irreat olsva On Krldsv nls-hL Gm first nerrornismw. liw hoa nwwlnt wm iiwoi.AO. Th i.(ol nutiiM fr tha thrm huiorin ni..rtMin. menta given by Sara Bernhardt and ber company of forty-three person amounted to Just about $15,000. This Is a large amount to gratify the dra-1 matlc side of our human nature. Vet a Statamtw reporter yesterday, of mak we caunot take exception to this fact, lug a fill serosa take tablsh, made me- m million are expended dally for much less good to the human family, and much more might he spent lo better causes. We quote what this lady mid to au Ortgonhtn reporter re- latlve to "making money" aud "Amerlcau men." Mr. D. P. Tliomp- son, of Portland, after her return from around the world, told us that the women In Hweden were "the sweetest, oleanest, and most lovely" she bad ever seen, but the "American men were the most magnificent seelmeus of a cultured and polite people she bad met with In all,her travels." Bo Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Bern hardt wltb an experience of obser vation that few have enjoyed, speak In terms so unlike some others we have heard and read of, that we breathe a sigh of relief, and are truly thankful that the American "Lords of creatkm," are not as bad hs some we wot of, won Id have us believe. How true, that American sous are kings and American daughters are queens. Here I what Hara Bernhardt says; "BASV COME, KAHY Oo." "My earnings during my career? Nothing." (Here she waved her arms In tbe air and let them fall.) "Nothing, I auy. It comes, It goes. I keep no account Could I not spend money I would not earn It. Money I to spend. I detest accounts. I don't bother. I have enough. I never calculate I can't culculute. Ob, bother the money, AMBHtOAN MKN. "I like the American men and the American audience as well as the French almost, when the audience is Intelligent, and not there from mere curiosity. American men are perfect, because tlie aim of the American man is to work for tbe American woman. He live to lighten the burdens of woman. No other countryman works so gallantly and toll so bravely for tbe woman be loves m the American." NOTICE. The stockholder of the Indepen dence Land, Loan and Building As sociation are hereby notified to meet at the office of the, secretary Monday evening Sept. 28th at 7:80 p m. for the purpose of extending the limit of said Association, Jambs Oibsok J, 8. Cooper, Secretary, President. 1 Mm, J. W, Kirkland and lira, John I Kirkland isvs tb Wnrr Hi UK office a Very pleasant call yesterday. . .. .... .. .. Clarence Heukle returned from Port land Monday where be had been at tending tbe exposition a few day. Ml Delia Uyem, returned from Port land last Friday on account of III health We acknowledge a pleasant call uwt Wednesday. H. M. Line, of Indewnce, and W W, Iilnea, of !ebenon, are In attend nee thl week In Portland at the undertaker' meeting, Mis Nora Miser, who Iim been visit- lug In Southern Oregon for aouietliue, returned yeaterday to take charge of her school near Monmouth. J. H. Alexander and wife of Buena Vlata, are eomblulng oualnea with pleasure at Portland thl week, buying good and seeing the big show. Messr. J a person, Goodman, Oak wick aud Irvine went to Portland last Wednesday to epeud a ftiw day and - Mr. H, K. FMrgeaou, of ludepsu deuce, k-ft on uwt Tuesday 'a train ftr three nwinth' visit In Michigan. She wilt visit lb sosue of her earlier year. Tsisi ttrvswi lilutM aABinAavlMtldMfea ikLasasa. Mr. Miles, of the ltelorm cbool, Hon J. J. Daly, of Dallaa, and A. Noltuer, of Portland. J. A. Morris of thl city hut Tuesday returned from an extended visit to the sntlre sound country and Portland In- eluded. Mr. Morris says, "iiulepetwne beau them alL" Prof. McElroy, Mile and J. J. Daly visited our public aoliool last Tuesday, ind expreaaed themselves m quite pleased with the school work being """ ioa.n-iiw. I J l W...1 i ... 1 Mrs. Wliinull and her daughter, Mlsa Aggie, went ou a visit to Ohio tub week. We regret their absence, out supivase lliov will Help Jame Campbell out for governor, evu f tbey cannot vote. - Mr, and Mr. Johnny Kirkland n turned to their home at Newport to-day. Their visit here hM been a very enjoy. able one, and their many friends In Indeiieudence only wish they would . Wilton Damon, brother to Lyman Wed ueaday for their homes in Sher man county. They expect to rehialn a few days In Portland. Milt expressed surprise at the Improvement made In Independence since be left here a lew yearn ago Messra, J. J. Daly, C. (I. Cuad, J. F- Sibley aud A.V. H, Suyder, took lo the mouutalna lat Saturday fur a few days outing. Tliey went preiwired to gvt (mr, and on their return, no doubt, will tell of sum wonderful adventure ' ,he "J lh w""t wm uv. w snow up I . t . I III I . k l" ""' w" w,u wr-vTW7-, U"t Kla Tnuufvr Thl Wk, If lll1.,l.r In A H Alkl... l.l imqnleucejeond..ratloni300 A. II. Atkln to N. P. Cooiwr, land near Independence; oonsideratkiu f'ttSO A. 11. Atkln aud J. E. Kirkland to II. D. and E. W, Cooper, land near In dependence; consideration 14,000, It I) Cooper to J. E. Kirklatid, lot In Portland; consideration 1SOO. L. C. Gllmore to Nellie Damon, laud near Independence; consideration I3KW.70. Nellie Damon to M. V. Gllmore, k.U In Independence; oouslderatlon, 13,000. J. G. Van Ormleli to Mr. Scrogga, IS acre, near Indeiieudence; considera tion 1744. J. N. Jones bought the J. I). Irvine Property from J. R N. Bell this week vuimnuuu fiw. J- M. Stark bought tlie city hotel pmpemr imm j. . st. Men uii wsea Consideration $4000, r Amvt to Broin thb Fit.t. The Southern Pacific U about ready to oom- menoe work, so a mau fnm UbUh told morable by the fatal train wreck of last November. Thl peat bog, m will b readily remembered, I spanned by a wooden trestle on an averaae of about eighteen Umt In height, and 2550 feet ,,ng. It wm 600 feet of this trestle, be- Ing the north end! that fell with tlie overland passenger train on that No- vember night, and this fill Is now be ing made to avoid a repetition of the scenes of horror and suffering. Owing to the pceullar formation of the soil the marsh, which Is of quicksand, the en gineers thought a fill m high m the trestle would sink, aud on this acoouut decided Upon making the fill about six fectblgh. To overcome thl and still afford an esy gradient, deep outs will have to be made at either end of the fill, the one at Cbemawa being ten feet deep. The company is understood to have It laborer now making ready to proceed to the lake to work on the fill, llcladcnts of that vicinity who say they have contract to board the workmen were In Halem yesterday making pur chases of dishes, provisions, ect., In pre paration. The Poorman Mine. BnowN8vii.tR, Or., Bept. 24. News from the Poorman mine Is very en couraging. New silvered plates aud fine screen arrived here for the com pany Inst night, and to-day Messr. Ellwlck and Blanclmrd will start for the mine. A good report Is looked for when they get the mill In shape again, although it I now saving some gold. , A Woman's Alliance. Topeka, Kan., Bept 24-The charter of tho woman's alliance wm filed with the secretary of state this morning. Tbe Incorporators are: Mrs. Senator Feffer, Mrs. Congress man Otis, Mrs. Oatham French, wife ofscoretary French, of the state farmer's alliance; Mrs. Emma D. Peck, editress the Topeks farmer's Wtfe, and Mrs. Fannie MoCormlck. The object of tbe association Is to es tablish a bureau for the better educa tion of women upon economical, social and political questions, aud to make and develop a better state, mentally, m 1 ally and financially, with full and unconditional use of the ballot I OrBMlMO BXKHCUK 0 the Mat Maratal IhmI at ManiMlb Last Taesdeyllaesaal latere Maalte4. t For several day previous to the opening exercise Iho Normal student from all parts of the date came flock Ing to Monmouth prejwratory to taking np their studies and to be present the opening. A large crowd of oltlxen from Independence and DallM wen present. Tb chapel wm nearly full There were eome feature of a com menoemeut day, The attendance this year I greatly In excess of any previous year, aud the young ladle and gentle men are of the brightest sort. The itatetiM come nearer entiling up the true American Idee of fostering schools, In taklug full charge of thl Normal school than any act site Iim ever passed outside of the public school legislation. How cau w have efficient public school without efficient, well trained normal teaohemf It cannot be done. Therefore every effort of sup port given to normal training 1 a dl reel benefit to every Child In the state, rich or poor, far or near. Thl trained teacher go to the fastnease of our uiountalu school house, and carries to every child the direct benefits ecorulug to thorough education. The kind ol work done at tbe State Normal school I J tut tbe kind of qualification which tb teacher needs. The present, and aud ulterior result of normal training are far reaching, and are adapted to lh many, not to the few. . Tlie openlug exercise consisted uf a song by the quire. Beading the Scrip ture and prayer by IWv. Lott, of lie dependence. Au autheut by the quire, wm then given In excellent style. Hon. J. J. Daly, chairman of the ex ecutive committee, hit roduced Hon. K, H. McElroy, who gave a very succinct outline of what wm to he done by this school. Mr. McElroy I still lu rather feeble health, but I gaining slowly, Next earn ltev, T. F. Campbell, tbe educational war horse, aud made poluted aud well-timed remarks to the student and faculty. A piano solo wm then rendered by alls Hruoe, the musk? teacher, with a delicacy of touch, aud smoothness of expresakin tbat one seldom beam, Hon. J. C While, one of the regeuta, pc4e In hi happiest strain, although be apologlacd air not being a speaker. In other words, he fuokd"u. The editor of the Orfgtm HnKuat Jouriuil and WierrSibK, then made some remark. Hon. N. L. Butler, repmieutailve from Polk comi ty, tbe ludefatlgable worker In tbe In terest of tiie Stale Normal school, wm thoroughly at himself In bla address. Hon. J. J. Daly made some telling point In reference to tlie management and make up of the school, and prove, beyoud a doubt that the governor made no mistake In tlie apolnttueut of this gentleman on tbe Board of He- geuta, ltev. D. V. Pollug, of Indepen deuce, then Mng a solo to the edifice tiou of the entire audience. While rvaldeut P. I. Campbell wm making the closing remarks, Hon. A. Noltuer, of the Portland X?irA, and an tfl) elent member of tbe Board, entered tbe chapel aud wm caned upon for re marks, to which be resMnded m only an old pioneer newspaper man ran. The organisation of clauses, occupied the afternoon, aud In the evening a reunion wm held, wltti Improvised literary exercises, which were voted a ;dendtd sucoessu Thus another school year begins, and our sincere wish is, that It termination may be as bene ficial with happy results, m the open- lag day wm propitious. Maamaalh Rata. Monmouth Is still on tbe move. Ou passing along the road aee more Im provement going on In M mi mouth than In any other town in the county. Many new residences are 'going up, aud that too of good substantial work and architectural beauty. Indepen dence must look out for her laurels, or Mouuiouth will leave ber In the rear of progress. The Qulmby Broe., of Inde pendence, hnve beeu at work here, and between building lu Monmputh and Independence they expect to find steady employment all winter. Bluce tbe state hM taken control of the Nor mal school a new Impetus Iim been given the town, and all feel enthusias tic at the bright prospect before them, ludependeuce may be the business mart of the county, but Monmouth now Is, and must continue to be tlie educational center. The time may not be far distant In the future, when tbe two towns become consolidated, and should that event occur, a volume of business will accrue to Polk county that many now living have no concep tion of. Polk county Is near the center of tbe Willamette valley, and occupies an extent of territory uueurpaseod lu fertility and varied sources. We My to tlie stranger come aud visit Polk coun ty and test the truthfulness of these asserted fact. - Our county Polk must take the lead, With all who now tbe Wm Bidk read. Your reporter on passing through Monmouth last Bunday evening caught a glimpse of Jay Butler and J. F. O'Doimel, the Independence bard ware merchants, In close consultation near one of the windows of tho Polk county bunk. Vc did not know what wm up, so we merely notified the police authorities of Mouuiouth to look out for what might huppeu, Mr. Cleveland, who Is uot running on a platform, ha said more about tbe silver question than some Democratic candidates who are stuudlng before the people with a free-coinage declaration under their feet. Mr. Cleveland would rather be right, as he sees It, than president. Hkpohtkh. THE CRADLE. MCALLISTER. Born to the wife of O.' McAllister, Independence, Ore gon, lust Saturday morning, a girl. Weight eleven pounds. Mo, will re cover, and 1 happy. THE ALTAR. BROWN MEYER. At the resi dence of Thomas Puarce near Kola, Oregon, on the 21st of Sept. 1801, by W. ,T. Pcarce, justice of the peace, Miss Helen Meyer and Mr, L, H. Brown, all of Marlon county. it! imn ton Its Governm&nt Tak q St:;s b Suppress FREIGHT RATES. Th3 S. P. Ignores the Ccmmis- ort' Rulings Great Forest Fires.- TMK SOl'THKHN PAt'lMC, Tha CmiiMf IlanllHM (a Suhuill Ui lb Oria Hallraad i'aiamllnn. Ban Fua nvmv, Bept, lH.-Thc Bou th em Pacific Coniiway Iim given notice that It will not otwy the Oregon rail. way ouinnilsslon in the matter of re ducing Irclght rate on the Oregon A California. The matter will be taken to the state courts and there decided. For disobeying tbe recent order of tbe oommlastouers lbs company gives two reason. In the first place, the rates uow lu eflW-t were fixed by the so- oafled Houltactlii.lHM, and this act, the company claims, Is, In effect, a maximum rale law. Heeondly, the Hue Iim never paid a fair rate of inter est on the Investment. Trafilfl Muna gerOray Mid, In speaking of this mat ter yesterday, that the oierallon of last year would not even pay intenwt 011 tbe Isitids. Hold he: If we obey the order of the commis sion, thelosaforlftul will approximate fiftfl.QOO, and we consequently shall demur and make this a test com-. Tb rvraal Aala. Hvrnln la WIubon- la aa North llsSol. Ashland, Wis., Bept. The eather tbe past few day lnu been Intensely hot and dry, Knrly last evening It wm noticed that fori! tin were under way sptin. They seemed to sweep along almost with the ve locity of prairie flrva, Hcveral home steader iowrd the reservation lost their shanties and barely eeacd with their live. During the day the atmo- iliere Iim been heavy with smoke troiu the surrouudlug fires, Iteimrts from down the St, Paul and Omaha road elate the damage will lie the heaviest ever k uow n, unless the Hume are soon checked. Over a hundred acre am snld to tw a hiom of flames about three mile from Cslile. The telegraph win are down to a con t.derabte extent. It I feared the de vMtatlou will be more serious than It wm last spring. A Datanulnwl Kffrt la sump Oul lh tUvululiun. Bas Antonio, Tex., Kept 21 Dr. I'luUroho Ornenls, the Mexican consul In this city, Iim tvtvlvinl Instructions flom Presldctit Diss to kHp himself fully lnfunned lu regard to the pro grvm of the revolution In uortheru Mexico. Acting tinder these Instruc tions, he has established courier ail along the Itio (Irundc birder, at Mon terey aud other tow us further in the Interior. Dr. OrnelM lute this evening received a dhqiatch from Monte More los, lu the state of Nueva Umiii, stat ing that but very little could be k-arucd of the movements of the revolutionists. They are known to be marauding be tween Mler sod Malamoras. They have eommttttHl many depredations, aud the excitement among tbe eo)le Is intense. All of the towns are laying in quantities of arms and ammunition, and are patrolled day and night. The Fifth Mexlcau infantry aud the Tenth cavalry were ordered early this morn ing from Nucvo Iaredo and will make a forced march until they reach the locality of the revolutionary army. Mexican troops were also ordered to the soeue of the trouble lost night from Carrlso, Ban Miguel, Rey-nose, Kbauo Idtmem, Kosenada, Cuhote and La Roslta. The rcvolutlonlNts are fully 1.10 miles from the railroad, and news concerning their movement travels slowly. Hundreds of n-fugee on this side of the border have crossed the Bio Grande during the past few days are making their way in detachments to the main body of tho malcontents. Blaine Will Announoethat Hs Can net Aeeept The Nomination. New Youk, Bept. 22. -The Mail and Erpreit prints this s;icelul: "Wash ington, Bept. 22. James O. Blaine wkio after tlie first of the now year will notify bis friends and admirers who are now urging his Domination for the presidency, that under no cir cumstances could lie accept such an honor, aud that he In for the ru-noml natlou of Harrison. This Information is given to the Mail and ;)( ou the authority of a man whose name Is national. He is tho mini who has charge of tho Northwest for the presi dent, and has the fullest confidence of both interested parties, litis situation has been known to tho president some time. Blaliie postpones notifications for good and sufllccnt reasons, best known to himself. Ho expects to re turn to Washington In October. His health Is go much Improved he will go to work at once. DR. BRIGQS RETURNS. Will Take Charge ef Hhe Case Himself and Cenduot his Own Defense. New Yokk, Sept. 22.-Dr. Charles Augustus Briggs returned to-day on the steamship Bervla from his summer vscatlon in England. Dr. Briggs went abroad lost May with his diuightct, Immediately after his trial for heresy was ordered In the presbytery. He said to-day: "I have been greatly benefited by rest aud the change of air. I went to Oxford expecting to do some work on a Hebrew lexicon In which I am Interested, but for two months I could Children Cry for Pitcher's ,Ci do nothing but rest. I am not In formml of the event In America In connection with my case, nor do I know what my friend have done In Drenaratlon for the trial I shall take! charge of the case myself, and shall conduct my defense on my own behalf. 1 sin glad of tbe opportunity offered to me by thl trial to explain my views to tho presbytery. I never bad thl opportunity, and when the committee have their construction of what I have written 1 shall give mine. Of course, this will give my views wider publicity than they have had heretofore. They are at present known to the scholars, but the general pulillo lis not had my side yet" Tlie trial of Dr. Brigg will begin Monday, October 5tb. Br. l)vm, Mo, Bept. 24. Oregon lend. The tovcrlgn grand lodge of Odd Fellows (Mde to hold ltd session next year In Portland. Tbe compete lor were Milwaukee and AUanllenty. Laadlna DamaaMta Cialu tm W..4. lane. Tho Democrats of natloal reputation who are now attending the convention of Demoeratlc clubs are coming to Portland. George C. Htout, chairman of tlie local committee of arrangement, ure In extending to you an invitation received a telegram front Bpokaue yes- to attend Its third annual fair, which terday, stating that tbey would arrive oommeuoes on the 22d day of Septetn here next Thursday, The party con- ber. , slst of Bctiator Faulkner, of West Vlr- Enclosed you will find a oompUmen ilnla; Congressman William Byrum, I tary ticket Tbe management hopes It ol Indiana; Congressman McAdoo, of jvew Jersey; ex-4iovernor Cuaunoey F. Black, of Pcnsytvsnla, president of tlie National Association of Democratic Clubs; Iawrcuc Gardner, of Wanking- ton, D. C, secretary of the dubs, and Mr. Ik k, of Pennsylvania. Please observe that the Washington (D. O.) remarks that "the Demo crat next year, lu making up their books, will make a great mistake if they overlook Governor Peunoyer," Just what the Vnyrmktn Iim beeu My. ing all the time. We shall get him mere, jte can aim oepeua on our tow-line. ftkrtrh at Job Waraalr. Our old and valued friend, John Way- mire, bus (Missed lu his check. After havlna lived hi natre than three score year and ten, during a great portion of which lime he wm sorely afflicted be hM succumbed to the fell destroyer -1.. 1 t . s untiii, mm nuvv rmu irora in utuon t lktw u.rl aIUHirii nr.. 1 a ...11 ! V: " "' pr.. taA uutita ftasisttuiil eall til ns !. I .I , ... . V . """" - -- " ii - v Jo-eph. Me left tlie Missouri river On n, and after a five-mouths tedious I,,r..u , .1.. 1r111 ... ' "v I ..11..,. ...,l ....1 I. ... luwn , Mill ATluauvil I abiding platv. .At tbe start John wm made lieutenant of the company, aud neu ever active ana vigilant In The board of school directors of dis tending to lu cswnforte and security, trict No. 29 will bold their regular He bestrode a mettlesome animal, aod meetings in the director's room of tbe roue oacs sua ronu along tbe line or travel, urging uie artvew, In stentorian ou.-,wp iu ciism ana oompaci siiape, ready for ail emergencies. He auia;uuiuuiiin,aua nisuearcana nana were ever open to relieve the dl tress of sutrcrlug humanity. He set Ued In Polk county in the fall of 1M5, aud for a time wm engaged in agricul tural pursuits. Iu 1817 he removed to Portland, aud erected one among the first houses In tbat then little village. He moved hack lo Polk county In 1WS, bought the Jones ranch a couple of mile south of Dallas, and engaged In merchandising. He, a abort time afterwards, moved to Dallas, erected a flouring mill there, aud also continued In the mercantile buslneas. He was, aud is still well known all over Polk county, aud after ao Intimate acquain tance with kim and his neighbors, we have never heard an expression uttered tending to Impeach bis per fect honesty of character. He has sev eral children lu Oregon, aud though they may sorrow over hi demise, yet they may take the cheering consolation that he Is free from tlie tolls and aftlo- Hons of this life, and having been dur-1 log the lost quarter of a century a consistent and warm hearted Christian, he is now enjoying the rewards prom ised by a loving Bavlor to all who are faithful until death. Johu was a broth er to Frederick Waymiro, who wm several times elected to the Oreeon legislature, and was always a true Kuarilltui of the people's interest, so much so, that he was appropriately treasury. The writer of these Hues Is well aware that he too soon must Join the number of pioneer who have passed before, and had we the same faith In the promises of the Gospel tbat our friend John had, wo would look forward with Joy to a speedy reunion lu the relms of tlie blest. Farewell dear aud valued friend, No man would question the manhood of him who might shed a tear to his memory. 8. & THE TOMB. HOWELL-IIenderson .Howell, of Lebanon, died Sept. 17, 1301, of cancer of the stomach. Aged 67 years and 3 days. Mr. Howell wm formerly of Polk comity. Ho came to Oregou In 1861, How's Thl I WenfTerOne Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. K J. CHENEY k CO.. Proos.. Tole- do,0. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years. and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligation mime uy incir nrm. WkotATmux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Waldino, Rinnan & Marvin. Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O null's Catarrh Lure is taken luter nully, acting directly, unon the blood uud mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75a per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists, When Bsbjr wu siok, w gave her Cattorls. When slw wis Child, she eried tor Outori. When ahe bocsm Ulas, she clung to Cutorla. tn she had Children, she gave them Osstoria t ,i ..-.tut 0 1 1 $t mgjH.'" Wse dsaib to ll hlfWr e toalgkt, An s 1' "i'i 1 r -- r-nflslii. Uj frtoaos waeM ssUisr renad wMfe ir-rtnw USUI. Aod m Uwy ka4 weald ferosli soaseleai .. aw. Tbey would recall Uw kladly a4s I'd dose, Tb syaipUlsiag weed ay lis bad said; Utisa rlndlr ones lo ssMekea eae Taay Would rseaasibsrall tf I wars dsad. wby not dltpsa km imU spaa ai aowt Wby not imt (Mtlr wltb lb basely asartr (llv lander word, a smile, a kiss a so ssr brow, Or softemd kwkf whleb ease Hat1 eruel . smart, Wba draanlsssthwe is ssiae.I stall sol Cera, smltr, sad loviac mil rortlvMMss lev Md IruH, lot whleft I plead, hotild txrt M lfl oa sstortuUaa al. tstrsoc no tbw year basrl, bet obm le saj Tarn aot away wllb mid averted yK The iMa hU, m ssrtb aaads srnaalbyi Not wbM m aal brkbL bsroad the skis. MoaoweiMrf. .bw. M.K.L. Wl COVLU MOW OO. we Kindly act now ledge tbe follow- Ing invitation: Jacksomvim-b, Or., July 16, 1861. Dear Bir: Tbe Southern Oreejon State Board of Agriculture takes plaas- will be convenient tor you to attend, and will iim their best sndeavors to I make It pleasant for you during the event. Very Truly Yours. W. J. Plymale, Q. W. Riddle. Secretary. President. The Markets. PUBfLAD, ABfOSt It, ISM. WnsAT-The market quiet with a weak tone. Quote: Valley, f 1JS0; Walla Walla, f 1.45 per cental. Flop Quote: Standard, H85; Walla Walla, H60 per barrel OATS-Quoteold, 45 60c.; new, 42c. tier busbeL Bi'rr kb Quote: Oregon fancy cream- ery,V,32jo.; fancy dairy, 27c,; fair to good, 29 27Jc; choice Cel. ,22 24c. per lb. Ehi Oregon, 20 22c per dosen. Poultry Quote: Old W OO eB); young, 120 i.00; old I duck H00 fj 6.00; geeee, 18.00 per dosen; turkeys, 15c, per lb. I INDKFENORNCI BKTAIL MARKBT We quot prioe m follows: Flour, V " ' standard, 15.00 per barrel; potatoes, ter, 25c. per ft., according to quality; J r a,.u1 .hj .' Ll.M .u.L m-i. " ' hnn. t.w. rorlh-.no! tOI . 1-. -, NOTICE. independence National bank at 4 o'clock p. m. Friday, October 2, 1891, ,0d on Friday at the same hour of every four weeks thereafter. Signed, tf Board of Directors. T1XIE TABU. ladepa4ao sad Meaasaalli Metoe LU Imtn Indrpradcoee. lfonmeath. 7:00 7:90 S:W fc.1 luao 11:14 190 1 l S6 6 , W t:l STRAYEDI From the premises of O. J. Bsgley on or about Aug. 28th. One Gelding four years old, color, brown, branded also mm About 16 bands high. Any one giving information leading to the recovery of said hone will be suitably rewarded. O. J. Bagley. Airlie, Oregon. 4w SHEEP FOR SALE. The undersigned has thirteen head ot Bwapshlre down bucks for sale, one mile north of Parkers Station. These bucks are the fullblood end of the best grade. Call on 8wsll J. O, and E. Davidson. AN EXCHANGE. W. II. Wbiteaker will exchange pho tographs for wood. For further par ticulars call at his art mllnrv mi n ,lrMt n.. Annr in . ... A GREAT BAKOAIN. $3000. For sale a 21 room hotel fur nished, in Independence, Oregon. One of the beet corner lota in town 54x132 feet on railroad and C streets. Terms easy. Three per cent off for all cash. Apply to James Gibson, Indepen dence, Oregon. Worse Than Leereey I catorro, aoo there s one but one pre paration that doei sure tbat disease, sad that is tbe California Positive and Nega tive Eleotrio Liniment. Sold by all druggists. It slso onras neuralgia, rheumatism, beadaobe, sprain, burn and all pio. Try it and tell yon negihbor where to get it Wentetl. To trade improved business property paying In rent ten per cent. Interest on 20,000 in the heart of the thrivmsr cltv of South Bend, Wash., for Improved farm land in Willamette valley. For particulars address ' Anthony Bower, . South Bend, Wath. There art-nitflDTCD ! tied in B uuniiiut Kercom .dre-riP H - too, 1 ncu.'Wlmt VI it U now Baker Ciiy, PC MTl tDV omit who hns since VtU I I UII I becomeideiuiliedwithUiertaourcnaad BfA developtneut that country, Tbtt bub ftVlW li no other tlmu Mr. Jnliu Stewsrt, aa of the welthiebt cnl m.wt furlitenU! dUten la Uw eaunty. In a recent letter he yt "Iksdtwe ulirriuK from ivtiu In my tuck and geatnl kid ney complaint fur omc time, and bad need away remedied without uny but temporary relteC Tae paina in mv luclt hail become o erere thttliras prevented tmn ctt.-nillnt: to my work Md could not move atm.it without the use of a enc Hear ing;, thraiurh a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fected by Oregon Kidney Ter,, I w induced to try s box, aitd from that very first dose I found initaat relief, and before n-i.itr half tbe conteut of the box tltt paina in rivbnels entirely dlnppeared. I have every fiilth itt the vh-tuea of the Oregou Uduey Ten, and ra cownjetttlonaly recommend It to my rrieuOH, 1 wuntt uot be without it for anything," Oregon Kijntv Tint cures backa-.he, roeootl. aenc of t 1u. biick dust aediinent, burniagor painful aenwtlun while urinating, and all unc tion of the kidney or urinuryorganaof either .