THE WEST SIDE, -laai'Ml BY West 8ft PtilisijCqaiij I . ICU I SON. MOMttTriH Say IhweUurg A'-f'if: Vim frittt tfH llhtlkitikilu mii.1 lu ...... 1. . 1 lavnti the tnwi price iv nothing "u'r'' N"ryn.e,i aretMntmet Ibr y,4ir ,!, frail km1 f U wunirv! l being retardi Herded When U. win were ..!, ni vll kind r tree were , m ,, Ut yvnr, tlomtii.l were .( W(l thto valley Tlii year many who would plant orchard ittnitui f. ford It, and many who kMiUI afford it r uiiIMk tMrit.toUmt. H. The remit U a tgiuttioitin Milt growing ImMue, Joe (lough, who to quite tt extensive frti grower of Cauyennllc, tttw speuklog uf tlti atate of tliir tit Kf vkm nn,rtiT k ft w (K t Hi iiutoii k Una lHtr hImhiUI jtrrt iwt irH. It I WHIK'lliU'K t M,VI( ui i wltti iriiiv,'iiii4 Ui irw ttmUi ltit l itU- iu Uiy mm tViHUri! mr ri, tul 1 lie chH tnti I ' ,M b! wfy u til ilf, Iturftu, ( Viiy.invillv, ttfuftuit ;'.ik irum Inv CiU Kjiriug tu weii r(,,( nu. thy f bilUiy, btivlii)f r.vv 11 (Vmu t i ws-vu fvt tbU full. I'lii 5,tHm jirmw tfw ont III m ciity $.sa, A I numorjr jriii UiUt ywr tlt' ub bvtst blm IKH Mr. fbus(U blm .'tf will liit ttvp litotwU of n"i b ll. mnl hvili!iitli tbnt imnj will Iw ru(t' bj II rvlit.rHi m x! jriwir, I'lii ffint Ihw iumi,',.y uiiloi i Tiu Vmx is I'.isriitir -riwo imvrt ( ,,,u wwk? N",t" our 1WIy t win. ftltboUKti j w m ttml f,mr,b I1"" lH wvU'T bymUI baowni mu,h itiv.. 'We Iihvp umd,. nrrninn-iut'iili. to 1hI mi eiijvt', by .fviit. Tb ! kj (be t Kiik on wilo Ht W. II. tmbin, n4Uuij f Micni. INiwell W Wlete ' booketore. Hve ewnlii kt mid l.Uf. tif.M, miiiuiill). Mrr. Hill '""I'V. mi nvnmnt, n iuiU'Ihwipiii, hii .U Kh at Kit iUii, ud.'ivil (bp first wUvibm whhh, 'toother wltb .ruT.iI o;lnr, were ellt iil. A. A iivbr imiIwih umi tb isp m. t wltb lMrty rbnr fhnu 0h dk-in-e, unit the wrveret wkxptbm Mi- itrrt y mm aunaineeveniiiK '. outr.i(.-l lii Ullty a H'rft.rm r mi hn vMiu, lrlii)jlii)f ont fh-M, ftill Uhm utitie but mit h mt nrtloi tun da Kwh w,w vbitently euered, Ai4liKwiC VV he Jut h-eelvetl lhemmiliti4iitM of the lM"nxd' Hfmli'iny. Itumtcd t lll, hvxw. The furriruluiii l'i'al(p tbtiMtiubiit, uti.l thit fiiimlts- n lUnt ability. Fit- Htli ii ia.-ti.ij f. ... f ..II II. tk. nt.r...... II. III wit tM'i 1 tf in f..n,i ... ItiU'xi in M txlofaikitml uuulfr. Fm-) Kmln U tbe faulty: J. V. KlrfT, It A, rrtnlMl of A.-Bdi iuy nI Ho- jM'rinteudfnt if Kcboo!; lie IVrrte Fowl, A-t-'nnt -ltt. l.vr f Ittiettirk', LHmtoreeod llll'ry; nl ln Nh. Art dfrtniiil; Mm I Ftiul-I rinl(l Hi-hoid No. S-S,iiml Iutr Mitte; Ml KeMrte Hiueiimiin, rinw l..l..r,,,,.l.-- , NHWW I" Mr. W. A. Wndi, Firt lrb imry. . .' . WuoCa HkT Ir.-vl.-wr. Mg .y mt I Htede, who llnlnhed thrti-bltiK lat Tour liy w.vk wfc.h to know who In folk cwniy, '' ',,,,r r,r"f'1 w hb h f'll; With ft wwt Iron rpart thy thr.Mh,a buehf U In ill tbiyt, n nvewgeof iilx-ot tl'"' tiiHlK-Ut dny until tbe bt eb-vt u dv whl'-h, mi on wvuiil f Jmviug to move o fr ewh thw. th.y 'tily vi ngt-tl miMii V bti-bfl. Isinxis. H. - JVokih, ll know.'ii Uue county wllroMtl , who Wft at the fteylum thle wk, bn Ing IhtII uljMtlj;d Iwane t I'.iwne. Jle l 70 ' uf "If" 1,,u"ly bu n.,uii'ndt,'riii bl mmi nl nb-wly. JI mltn! l wrtidlntC '" bull.llnit Viiori:iry MllntnUrnid other Klruilo ,heim.M.' Hl itiwuie ou rt ll tiuubjet. ? ACoSvitT fo TUB I'KM-Hheriir Geo. Xuble, of Morrow eouuty, f rlved In th city Tuwduy with W. H. Htull,of!!.piier, who w convicted there riwnUy of umimlmiKhlir unci nenU'iufd to the 'nltentlry for .term ufU'O yearn. .y'''rm, A iioilit.-Ib'V. K. K Mil mid l now ulU'iidlng tbe Port lund rlvwlty.. Mro. l'blP, to .leU-r-mined to nuke llMt-tbo- K-hutar of ,lmlf. WeglorUl bin d- lermlim-loii,Midl'Ue.-e bin a-.lrtlon eom jiiciulabbt one. Um.Om ffM wtt:h, filled " wn fiu. Wm Ul b..twwti Lueklrt-Sm.dlud-.K.ndeue, A UUn. I nj. J.rdwlllHd ',,' l!l"l,,r' fcroughtt)theWiwHiPBm-e. 10. HtbiMtl. The nioth aimuiil m.-io of tbe Mtatt- Normal P" K,..,t,lek.iii. A large Lu for the m-li.-J.yw' w n- . mm' - the iirogrniiimi!. MuhIo, band, Hiiiiur. choir. pqvolloiod exereiwi. H nigi eliolr, ' AddrUlIon.W.II.iM''' ria..oi-.io1Mi'i";'i'- SlMr!"Sa,.dMMWIIII,oM. d tileLeniogtowhieh tfW Vltcd. , .' " An KJwi-b"'"" TrlTfc. r,,h, wiU. hi trunk, cutl , ' rulu n two, H...I the ui.gluo I i..,..a.lVl.llll.g Wir.'llld.l I nr. ' t k. ib 1,11 una 1110 ' LOCALS It win imy ju , M M k , l"! lu (hit tw. IHir street pwatrnt quite bunlne. PIcraue imw.Ui- IM I In. dlam.Uitlon notice ,r J, N, 'M llorlulorf lia,l ,1... .., I I . Ml. IV. t...... I., . 1.41 "Txumeu linn vrtk, The rtrt drove r wild gere weut outh ltKiuurly nlghl. noai.deM.D, Htin make a iilftua.. .kM. Li 1 r(,r MW.I-M ! uU of twn. Mtiuv wi n! fhuit 1.. Li,.i..... to "llt'iKl tbe rlr ilinlii)j ilm ww.t, llllll.tM k. ..I u lull) hi ittHimiloii Huitlu butt MiiiiiIlv. IUlrMllkr l hkuIh ruirriiiu UMhw Uiw (Huuity fiirnUlnKl the wylum with h iiatU'iii J.w1y, Murln Jitbitmm by twiui', hhI V,, It'U my rthUtt t wh tb biny miillt'ii ujhhi tb fu f wur buliHMi iwu, lttve (MwU k lwy biM oa Iwntl fhib mll., Ky Wwt int trvn4ol ftiilu In mw.ui. A ymiii miiiv for miW ir trrnl. tmta in tlio Wwt Hi hk tiillw, uml we lllutyiiuimtbt Irmlu, WIk'h U tlrni uiinif of Imw Ull Ikv. Uk'H tlir fill mnl bun iiu'ii til Imlv- lU'V. J M, IVkiT w 111 mvb 111 tbe M t'luiMi Hoiitb. lu 1I1U t'liv noxt --v MtiMily nmnilna mul ev'iilti)j. Tlw ml, f 1 lu u'w butcbrr lup lt wk btwt Uw Hume nf I.. Lenox, wbfii II ii.ioltl imveUi'ii U Imiimi. !.... .1.. ...... I I . . t. I . . TtHii llnnnmid brouitbt weel imln- ti to town ft h 'rbfy lire ihe Brut we have known Mug wM in Idk eunty. ,, cummnUm i.rvbHe nM-ji,,.!,! hurt Humbiy t tbe IWiytvrlno j itlUrvh, two pwniw 11 n I led with the U burrb, The Wivr (hk Inhdllmiire offlfe bnn dixie iimrv liilm-n In tbnt Hue tbf M two vlt tbnuever brfure In Ue bltttttry, . Mr. lbxlK'itii U nmkliiK muiie lin nruv. ini iiU In ltir w of bullillutl eHiiof wtiuiile rtHiiu ft nimnrivUI iniMdrnt. I.H ewryom knowlua tbt'inwdvHsi " iiiili4iitl to (In- liilu limi of Join A I t- h wtue ft.rwunl nod t-tlle nUntwunU dunudd Ann. The Wtt Hum thought tlit mi II- uimtlon rnou Mill Nye now mid then iv.tuld I ri lWotl by the wlmut men, j mid women too. T(u, m,Vl, jirtlM, jlttve ,, (.t anm LmV( f j,,, (wt hImhiI HHW from m,H(,l. Tbf' Heiu'mlly evernge from ten toelevvu immiiU to the box 1 If yoU WHlil .metbhig llltwgo mid examine the tk of Keller Iwen nhoeit Jimt hwlvel by Shelley A 'mi duyn. They will try mid plemm Thrilling I over for lhl yenr ex et t In our public nehnol Thin ginid work will " on througlKiut the country during the winter nnmth. Mr IUn Wblteaker brought iw it flue Hnlh Iwiuina lt Mombiy tlmt w rle tly di lb lo for wblbt h he biut the tbmik of the entire Wkht Hum force, , (tur rcllllle for printing wedding lot liittlon nr uoemmled; no we aI vloeyou to get married, If for no other rntii limn to mi-urn monie of tliene eh giuit citril. Mr 8. HtttHtu brotighl tw banket of clingstone ucbi bmt WiMlmmthty for ler'rve which were tine, Udng tlrm nud willd nod of n good flavor. Mr. H., umny thuiika. There wan a much liirgur ainouut of hoi diinioged thl year by the hop IntiMt thuu hint jer, however, it great miiiiy g'Hxl hop were picked. Ihe yli ld wiwulto large. llcinemlier when In Bulem to call In at Htrong'a reUiumnt, now Weatrnxitt A Irwin, and get a meal tint to be ex celled on the I'uelflo ctmitt for 25 cetita, at 271 Commercial etreet. tf . M. C. UiiHrndra .lump H'ut Hurrey, the two dalnlee can't bo twit 111 Oregon, look at them and lie convinced that they am beatiUe ami are A, No. I In every retpeet. N'ext (lo,,r l) O'lkinoll'a. u. n tiilk bHlav wan iwvm Jewat, an Indian from the Hlletx Agen- (!-. lie In of the Ilogue river inue nun gave ua omo l'o'"s- not lieceaaary to mention, oomx-r g "1 ,ava lied" fame. Choir' praetlw) at Mm. William' to nttrht. The mcmberH of the choir are .,,1 1.1 lie nrenent, A aacrefl i,ii linen arranged for Hun- ovei i' - ., day evening, and the puniK) are proio- liti'd a uuiHlciil U'cui. t. .....nitbnr dull 111 town on Wed 1..., 1,1.1 wbcii all return from the "Fair" Indeijcndence will Imkiiii rlgbt ..i...... Villi ubo wiliug(Hd county imi,er'ome right along and have your muno down for tlieWtwrSiDK. ht J. K. liocke in hereby cotihtltuted age... for the WtT Hn. at Muena " . A urutrufwl. I ID VlatlL anil Wliereaoev" u.n.. -i-illrUelptforall moneyn, take sub f,crlptloii",Hdvrtton.ei.U, 4t J. It. N. IlKr.u A Hon. MrH. Thoa.Tetherow,h'UH nh tcd and the family have, moved Into ft Tt1cyl.veal.eutirulcttago rca- Id'ciK'O. J- B l'latwanone of the ar ... . 1... 1. uiwava m hand to employer. (,di Irvine reeely6(HIlr!Hx 1,llB ketn ofllne peaebwj WedoH """ W um -Mr- W'f Wbc.laud. They are of tbe Chatv Utu ya.lMy, mid were M 11,o. ofltoJyJfofthe i,ro.otor of H i iieach. There are 40.') million mtr. lllr Wing in the trcaniiry of the UiMed HtatcH. The money weighs about W 0ii0,on0 pound. If we call a car-load 30,01X1 imumU It would require TO ear to move thl allver, or If two cant per day were loaded, It would take year to move II. IUiV. 1). V. Pollm prwteh lit the in rim inn church r iiiia eity ihhii morning and evening on Himdny Kept Hh, iHwi. (IinhI niinle ban I wen o- vlilitl tor and In addlllon to the reg ular choir elugltig, Meaera Hill and Kehilng will help out by the uae of the violin and cornet. Kverybtaly wel come, ('reaching to eomtuence at II a. 111. ami ?,!to p in, I'nnmml attraction will iKUilt'crcd to the bnaitera of tine atoek and the owner of thtwoughbM entile In Ihe domealie and fat attM'k abow that will bo one of the ureal feature of the Portland Industrial KxhmIi1oii, A! nmdy a large iiumlar of the KueNt ami beat bred entile from varioiweetlouof the atate have been entered for the prliea, and a tbe amount of the prlne aggregate KaHM), a larger amount than Ima ever been ottered la'fore, the prt p et of a lively competition I awmrvd. It laaliuoat luiMimlble to entlimite the advanlage to the atate and to any lu dtiatrlal ami agricultural liitercat In the atate, of aurli eoniplctedli'pliiy a villi tie made of the rxwouroca of Oregon at the l-ortland Indiintrbd Fxpoaliloii t tie held nl IVrlland, eomuteiiclng Kept. 17th, and continuing until October 17. New departure have Uh-ii ninth) from theexptmltlonaof preceding year ami mieh aMHlal ftatun will be Introduced oxide fnau the regular exhibit, a will Mirprbw) Urn vat erowtl that will at tend. The Portland Industrial F.xpoUIn which eommeneea at Porllaiul, Oregon, on Hepteuiber 17, ami continue until (htober 17, will w ithout doubt l (lie mtiMt elaborate exhibition of tbe rt oureeo Oregon ami tla Nortbweat that ha ever ln-eu. In adtlltlon to the agricultural, manufncturlng anil other exhibit, tbe Hflal feature of ihuhIc, lntlng elwtrlclty aa well a nuiin-r- tMi other will combine to make Hit Ihe Unner extdtloti ol the eot. The lght of the many varletbwof machin ery lu motion, alone I worth Mining niik to are. The dcMguatloii of awclal'dalllea dt voted to airtlcular liilereata, In the eotiliwt of Imhmirbd fair I not the leu.t attractive feature of Ihtw val-! uable enlerprliH". The niauagemeut ofthe Portland Indu-italal eXKlllou which open at Portlaud tSepiemU 17th. ha hown fine illferiiuient In thearraugeuientof llieae teclal day. pnimlneut among which 1 the win ding dny, oil which prvaeltt valnetl at over tiono will be given to the two In die who will I married lu the F.X- ultlon building 011 that day. 'I ho 7lh of October ha lieeil fixed for tbl featnl necteou. Invent of fl ue miwle w 111 have a grand opportunity to gratify their taxte at tbe coming Portlaud Iuilu(rlai i-.smi Hon comnieuclng Hc))temlHr 17. The evlebmlel Zapatlorva ltnml fioiu the city of Mexico ha Un un'l at gnat cxpciine through the kliulnewi of Proildent Olax ami It will dlncourm- imwleauebaalina never lawn beard her hetnr. The cottilHeallloimof tbe great innatrr well aa the popular immle ot the day will ! given, and novel feat ure will be the national mo-tic of Mex ico, A lunula. of prima iloiiuiw of Mexico have hIm U-eu prouili-ed alitl from a muHlcal point of view tbe i xh- nil loo will ho an uuunnil fcrnd. Hum I Ma Hum, Jake Nah and hi ami Ira, are down with the chill. Mr. Ibithborn ami daughter, of Port land, are vMtlng Mr. J. A. McClulii thl wHk. Mr Kttle King l up fntiu Portland v lulling her parent, Mr ami Mr. J. C. K relit. Itov. J R. N. IWII, the ' rtoapCr,k" newpar mitu, I at tbe lioltou. Orryunliin, Grandma Hcutt la the bo bop pick er, be lailug In her "Otli year, and averaging ahmwt two boxe per day. Win. Havldaon and family, Mra. tlalillugand family and it U. HUngby and family are aojournlug at the fair thl week. At the residence of Juttlu Longaere, lu thl city, Hepu I2ih, Mr Jack Ho, of Hlleti, wit murrlctl to Mra. Anna Job 11011, of (I rand Itound, boili native American of the duky hue. The wedding wa celebrated In true Amer ican slyloln the evening, dancing la lug kept up until ft bile hour. At the roddem' of Oeo, Heott, near thl city, Sept. If.lh, Ml Lllllu Powell, of Philomath, waa mamctl to Mr. Charlca Culver, of thl city. Ml Powell come to u highly recommend ed and to a favorite In aociely at her home, while. Charley 1 one of oiirl" innai 1 highly eateemml young men. They will make their home In tf t Im t city, and we welcome them to our midst, aud every one Join lu wishing them hou voyage through life. ' Our hop grower have nearly all lln tohod picking ami tho sound of 4iKlx full" will warn be over for this year. The out put of the crop ha been dis appointing to a greater. extent;, than wa first Hiippimed before picking, Large block of the best growth wu left unpicked, owing to 'mould" caused by tho rapid lucrcwwinf vermin since picking commenced. The qual ity of cni an veil la wild by those com petent to Judge, equal to former year. Humpies of tho crops will be Hccurcd a aotn a baled uud sent to Loudon Large lot of Polk county hop were sent to Loudon last yutir, uud was eagerly wmght after by the consuinem, owing to their superior quallly, and we see no reuaoti why our hop crop should not be wonted again, as soon as the quality I known In tlmt market. XliNA. Clt la tlt)Til, i Irvine, that I our Cepii, npproaitlivd us defiantly this morning uud des poiled u of our old plpesteiii, but im mediately prcHcntea us wltn n new one Jfyouwautto buy 'anything cheap, don't go toL'eph'a, lielsklnd of cranky and I apt to give you two dollars : w.Qrb frr one, ilum Igimrjug all ;la; cllect of the protective luiiU'. May I Ccpll live Until lie Inclines mayor of a 'cliyol' iweoiy ii)'.uiiml lnlmlilliinU ' mid that city, lndcpt'iMlciiw, ( JtHI'OIITHIt 11 ! 1 II. llllxrllljrl'g iuadet Portlaud Moiitlay,' JUliM Lottie olilnotl re favd her borne hi Portlaud Tuiwlay. Fu I'opplebui, if Taeonin, waa In our eity during the week. He v turned home bNlay, J. F. O'Hom ll took Ihe after-mam train for Porllaiul TucKthiy Liaik out for new hardware. , Th Ml-e laieke, Ml Hcolt Mlaa Fnlcaaud Mlt'uirlc Hliangte, looketl lit upon the NVkht Hi ok oillee hott Haiurtlay, Come again. Orvllle Ituller vInIIimI town Ihl week. Me la a Mill of J. M. V. lhltlerdcccaacd, and lite father of 1 ir, O. I). Ituller. He 1 now n rcaldeut of I, Inn county. Frank Hkltiner hurt hluiMdf (pilte bully at aclnad tbe fore part of the wivk by running a ruty null Into hi foot, but la Improving we are glad to any. It, II, Wllaon traveling freight agenl for Ihe Nort hern tVllle It, U. Hegbt. leretlul the City Hotel Monday, look lug after the Interval of- the N. P, It, H. In the matter of freight. Jell Fryer left on Mombiy' train for Portland on a hulne trip, Jen" I al ways full of Imalnc, and he Ida no opportunity pa that may potwlbly relllt llllliereaalllg hi blltlucm. Mr. Hnrnti Cniithorn widow of the InteKemitorCatilhorii wa vNtlng at Mr M. P, Locke' laat Hiilurdny and Monday, Mr. Catillmrti baa many friend mnl relative lu Polk county, t' A. W'olvcrton, Hon-ln-lnw of L, V, Laughnry, wa lu town Wed uetby. He and family were ou their way to the fair. He like b take in the fair, but l not particularly anx luiht loeujov tbeagrtcultund horaetrot, Mr. A, II Atlklimba Jut returnetj from a aojmirti of itiuonlh at ho) aprlug. lie had a gtl time. Killed three dwr. While tbcw tbe Foley apiing were tadd to liiMern enpltallHl forHK.ouo, The (adler matle a good tie - " : Jefl. Davl Mcltnulcl and family an' lubiwii from Yakliui), Waxh., on a vllt lo trlentl. Jctf 1 a noil of KlUha MeDaiilel, an emigrant to Oregon of 1HI4. Llali, a he wa Milled, I well known here, nnd be a a a man of a genemiw heart. Owllt'll tt"V Milton Damon, a brother of l..vmn i wm)U (t 4.1,tl,m( ,,Hrnlei Damon, I In town on a vlflt. He I a t yWt,.mliy Mm M. dww revolwr ami resident of Hhenuan county, and now j (l( )r,,pr m.Vl.r ,lm,, jtlft;t wllh hi family I reviewing the aeene ,ttr m wmimU ju.lli wi-re arreattal. of hUearty day lu and alaml lntic- , , , . , Imleitce. Hi father a few ycatw htiek owuetl a part of Htaat tloimtlon tniitl claim. Henry Durnlfe ami wife, fnlln r ami Hleiiuother of our towukltiau J. IkiUi- ft arrived on a vWt hert bit Hntur day. Theidd gentlciutin la a Jovial and active aa one many yeni hl Junior. He wa herw aUnit live year ago. We how that lheo fiwpicnt vlxlt will h-inl Mr, Dorualfe to ee the iwwlty of ndlng hi lemalulug year with 11. Mr. Wm. P. Ireland and fund y alartrd to the IM .aprlug on the Mo KenxleluHl Monday, They tiaik with tht iii plenty of gnu, fUhlng ril, etc. They ext to have a glorious time fcattlogoti vciilou and mountain trout They will I gone a month, having all care behind, anil enjoy a healthful rmt from theliilMir of the pat year. We ext t lo have a noddle of venlxoii laid ukiii our table ou their return. Hue niw go 11ml remain with them. WHIItim Dtiraii, from Morrow coun ty wa in town Monday. Mr. Dumu 1 the man who nettled tbe Kola jdaiv. mid laid off the town In the aprlug f I WO, Tbe alto on which F.olu I aituo tcd wn IHtran'a orlgluut tlomitlou claim. He moved to eaolcru tin-goli In- li!.. The town wa at llrnt named tiilclnnattl. Duinn' mother an mar ried In Cint iiiuiittl, Ohio. HI mother wo bom In Ikoh, now living ami doing well In lllluoi. Mie ha mimerou relative living In Polk. He aaya Polk uwtl to U all hi connection, ..-..-f. .. I'lllttlrarlliMil ittr. The Independence public chtito opened for the full term on Monday, Hept. 7, under autpice uuumuilly fav- oral'to, Willi I W. MOAiliim principal, Incharge of high ehool department; Mr. Mo.tbimllrMiiKltaul, In charge ofthe higher public school griulca; Mr. .Vim with Ihe (1 11 1 1 ami aixtli gnult-a; Mi Hnvngi) with the fourth grade; Ml Deumnii with Hie aecontl and third grade, ami Mr. Tuck with the first primary grade. ; ; . . Notwithstanding the fact tlmt the term la-gnu earlier thl year Jhan for merly, and some of the pupil are Mt 1 1 1 In Iho hop llcbl or attending the State fair, yet the pulille Interest lu our 1 , II... I....,.,... snowil oy toe llioooei lliieimj- "'""" '"' ' """ "-" "wit la which pupil of every grade have begun the year' work Our corps of teacher take hold of the work In their resH'ctlvo tlepurt- liieuls III a niiinui which clearly In dicate that acquaintance with pro gressive methods, and the willingness uml energy to execute (hem, so essen tial to aucueaaful teaching. Parent a Hhoiild visit the school, be come acquainted with the teachers and method employed, and by so doing U'comu txiltcr qualified to give those In charge tho co-opcrotiuu necessary to the children's1 best Interest.. lo ven lloo or I lie T,v it.-w The typewriter was Invented as long ago its 1714 t y one Henry Mills, who in that year obtained a patent lu this country for u dovloo tlmt "would write printed cluiractciN one at a time, or one after the other." Theru Is no do sclptlou of this device to bo hud now, but there Is no doubt that Mill' Inven tion wuh tin) parent, of the present typewriter. In TO a French patent was gnm led to Monsieur Progrin, (Na vler,) of MarnclUc, for a typewriter, which be nulled a typographical ma chine, The neeotint- of tho machine 1 Homuvvliut obscure, but enough I given to show that It was an operative one, $ which typewriting could be fnhiy well executed, M. Foucalt sent to the Pniia exposition In ISM a writing ma chine for the blind, and several .type .writer were InvOnled by Wheal stone, Ai'ier aueeesaive Jhiprovenienta a man ufacturer In AiaCia In 1H71) contracted to enlist met lUiMSiy-Orritmlitn. , ksrican Wheat May Sell $1.50 a bushel Before , Christmas. - A NEW RAILWAY Tracklaying on tbe C. B. 1 1 L 1 1 to Commence at Once! Items ol Interest. KM, I. CI IIV A III I I.. An Old and lto..pi lnl ( llUtrn uf I urnl lua Ml Willi 11 fl lltalh. . (' , Or., Heit. JllWllllam I'lialmew, ar., who live live mile iitii lh of here, w a klilctl by hi hull iiIhiuI 4 o'eloek thl aflerntNtu, Heath took place iuatnnlty, Mr, Cbaliucr arrived lu Ihl atate twenty year ngo from Alierdoon, Hcotliiiul, and took up the bunlnow of farming llewaan ardent admirer of IiimIi-( otiit'k, and ttMik eKcliil iiritlc In ruUIng abort horned cattle. The bull that cauacit hi tlcalh wa a lrtenlort-horn, having Ijecti nwnnlvd the find nitMul nl the atulu fair at Hiilcltl. Tbetleera-iedgeutli'inim leave a widow and ciuht cbllilren.bla daugh ter, Mm, William Kerroti and Mm W. J. Ilolbwell, la'lng hbleiit of I'ortiiiutl. He wa year of age, anil Intcirtted retiring from )teluena In a ft'W mouth. tUK IIOM1H ,11.1. HOI D, : A limn W ill Now lla a Sw ib-Olae mnl aewrrMa tm. j Ai.n!sv,hcpt, lt-Tberemalng!f:, j otxl of Ihe W1 city bond, for a wagon bridge aero tbfi Willamette from thl city and aewerage puriM)e, j w ere ld hly to I, Hteinhart, of Han j Frnntitco, at jutr and 0 h wmt Inter-, et. The launl are due twenty yearn! hence. Iteiilauiln llro.. oronrictor of a t iiN.!1. i rnllarv My aeml Our l.rioil I i llliih. N: Y0I1K, Aug. l. Colom I J. It. Montgomery ha Jut returmtl from (lermnuy, and I now at the Fifth Avenue Hotd. He wa aked about the crop failure In Furr am' mild: "The crop failure In Kui' to general, ami dWii la aitre to follow. I wi all tner tiermany, and aaw (hat the rain had tletnved the wheat and rye In Ocrinauy there will la- a shortage in the grain crop of .13 percent,, or Jllnt 1000,0110,000 litlnltcl. "Ihe F.m pi re generally 'lmt- i;.0,t,)oo,uoo iniKhel of rye and su.ooli.oou buhel of whciit aunuiilly. With the great fulling oil' mentioned, the people will have to ItK.k to thl country for re lief Ituwla I abort ami cannot u ply Ocrinany. anil France I not much U-ltcrotr. The 'tato crop In Coutl nenbj ICurojte hu heen more or lea a failure, hiiiI the uil look with longing eye to America.' am not a aaeulit tor In grain, but I predict that by Chrtotuiit wheat In thl country will ell at . fl.SO t buliti, owing to the great deiimud In Kuroa, A awrtle1 tiit-l,le. McMiKKvt I.I.K, HepL lLr-lVter To liiith, a Swisle, atonit 10 year of age, liangiil limiia-lf at Amity Huutbiy morning, He hmt Uvn drinking heav- 11 V of late nml lie I aupptwed to have committed the deed while in atnteof temporary lnauity. Nvti-r Heoni" Aeenniillhrl, Hr. Johns, N. It., Sept. 1 1. I'.ugene Cnderlilll iindMurry llocm k, of New York, have performed a feat never Is1 fore accomplished, Irnveliuglu a canoe from MiMMohead lake to the mouth of tlie Hi, John river, Sot mile. The actual traveling time was fourteen day. ' . mow too HAV. Arrltnl uf llnllrtiatl Iron, and Trrk-t.jr-lK W III six.ii lli'liln, MAliKiiriKt.P, Or., Hcpt. 1-1 A car go uf'raila arrived lor tlio Ctsw Day, j Uoseburg, ami Kastern rnllrond. The j grade laing leveled oil' for the tlrst twenty mile. A coal bunker and wa ter tanks are la'lng constructed. The j first loooinotlvo will arrive , on tlie schooner "Merchant" In u few days, when track laying will commence, A party from Kngluiid representing a syndicate, wfiieh has I aim "exporting" a coal Held the last few days, bus Just returned to Loudon well pleased with tlie Investigation. Heavy I'lre la New Viitk. NiiW YottK, Sept., l,"i.-Fhv broke out In the old Commvrciiil Ailvrrliit v building at I):ia this morning. In llfleen minute thetlnmes werclayond control. Many people were In the building uud some of tlieiu had to slble down the lire escape through the dense smoke. It I believed all -escaped. The total Ins on stock uud building Is estimated at flinyKHi, most, of which was insured, Other esti mates place tlie loss between foOO.OUO and f7o0,00l. A lot of loose diamonds which were on the tables of diamond workers lu the building were lost. They were vulued at several- thousand dollars. -., A Mile it Million rue Seven Union. IhiKFAM), N. Y., Kept. 14. -Tle New York Central to-day broke all records of fust time for long run of passenger trains ou railways on either able of tho Atlantic. A special train composed of .one of the oompany'a standard passenger engines, weighing a0iKK) pounds, and three private cam weighing 200,000! conveying Vice-Pres ident Webb and a party made a run of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ijuh .. VAi In 1.. I LI """en, iroiu ,r . , -v I I j:l'ifflik'ln lln oilfiutea. lnHldli ni. iiito iei( one of wuieu i-w-i'- - n HiM nne-hnlf lulnuU1. pte ecnii fprevliamefforienf tlila Jtlml I mi- if' tM, uotliiiitr ttonnaicWug u h a feat eerb. or(t having I " twieompllalied Aiiierli'itorF.urlx,aaifiingiilon fnoteeiillve hour at; X (llllMitiiljr War.-' 'Ottawa, Out.' mmi, H.-A Mrltlah army olllu r, on hi tftu' to ini'ct Ihe defviiiHn 'uf Jliittoii Colofcilila, ay hi government Intend toalWngthcu the defeuae of Canada ou both Aenua aud a outr the front or on the Ht. MiHtfence ami the Omit bike, ami that the h! and armament of I lie Atlantic and Po ol lie iUadrou will be greatly atrength cued. Atllalirax the IhilWt govern iiu'til lbulliling ImmniiaefortitleKtlmi He av the general la-llef lu luglaud I that trouble wit lithe Cnltcd Hmtc I Inevitable, ; Ti-ri-IHn PlmMlt la mlii, MAtntin.Hept. H.()Mbial telegram reiort that l,o(Ki h ihi iM-rlahed In the destruction of Conugra by the overflow of the AmnrgulII. Hundred of ntlH-r were Injured by falling build ing and euormou number of cattle itcrtohed. At other place many pcr oi were drowned and much proja'rly tbiuiagetl. . lllatrvM In HiiuIms Prnvliii'.'-,, Ht. PuTKitaiifwi, Hcpt. 15. The til- tn-M In Volga provlnwl lntcne. In I'eiim women and children wander alaiul uirritig for bald In tint market place, All theextotlng charltle aud the IM Cr mt m ely are dulng Ibelr ttt tt In-lp (ho illtre d people. Ti.wntiMN.-i Lral'laluri). Namiivim.k, H-pt. 15. The Tenue m legUlnturc lo-day piuwetl a bill pro hibiting oororntioii from paying em ploye in aurlp. The bill loallih the convict lea ytem after the expira tion of the pretent lea wo killed. M,ii-innl. f Kul Trp. IxiSiMi, Hept. I1.-The StnifhiMr Odeaeornpondeuttty that during the coining live w eek iai,aa tM" will be convey etl by I lie Itinwiun vol- llui fiuiu I;iiuot lu Hi but to k,I ami Odetwil. '- turn Vrr arb, 1 Piiii.AtKl,l'tiiA, Hcpt. 1".-Kx-Pre-Idcut I'rancl W. Kennedy aud ex Oliler Henry II. Kenueily, of the wrecked Hpiing Oardou bank, were to day aeiiteuoed to ten year' Imprison ment each for Crimea committed with Ibti tiMliig of the bank. Mm. WlolHll.r. Will. Has FitASt iwo, Hcpt. IS. -The will of Hophlo Wielnod, widow of John Wietaml, the deceecd brewer, who dletl August 3, leaving an cmU worth atonit f l,2iK),tH, wa tiled for imitate to-day. With the exception of a few minor betuet the etate l tUully dlvbled among her chlltlreu. afATIS AUKICIXTI IIAI.0IKTV. lilt- A il il "it I Mttn and OHirvr. Ili-illim of HALKVI.Hipt. M.-The Htnto Agri cultural Hoclety held It regular annual aemloii thtoeveutng Thl t tlie orig inal ntsiety thai cttliducted the fair, In latter year In tinJuiiction with the Htate Itonnl of Agriculture. T. T, Ap lron wa aMtlti-ttvl iresblent. Tbe sta-lety adopted a resolution authoris ing tlie president and secretary to deed to the Htate Hoard of Agriculture all lutitl, building, etc., of tlio aoclcty. Another ruaoliitiou tbx "away witll tlie old Ismid of manager and here after will elect only the presid cut, vice president, secn-tary ami treasurer. At tbe meeting of the Hiilem city council this evening, J. J. Murphy uiotelt'ctett couiieiliuan from tlie sec ond ward, vice Jay C. Hiulth, resigned. At the election two week ago, the latl- lottltil four time, C. 1). Oalirjelson uml O. K. Krausse toing the candi date. The only candidate thla evis nlng ngalnst Murphy wa (iabrlelson, who ivtH'ived two votes, Murphy tak ing six. n M ill ( K IIV I.II.IITMNII. l)lii.roii r.n-rlriiee of sil Klrelrte Car In a Muriii, Km k, Pa., Hcpt. 1.1. During a hea vy rain storm thl morning, 'lightning struck a trolley ear on the Klghth street line, hujnlng out the armature. Tl.t! niuwni'cra. IriLlilcneu y l tic Iij-h mid mnokc, rushed from tbe swiftly moving car. All eeued without In- Jury except Mis llortlin Markley, aged twenty-live, a tlressniuker, who wna thrown violently to tho pavement, wtiiklng on her head and crushing her skull. Hhc died two boms later. Five other car had a similar experience, mid the dynamos at the station were damaged. A barn and storehouse.wcre also st ruck nml burned. ' UTATK W It ATM KK MtrOIIT. OKWION WKATll Kit. The temperature has been lower, yet atone the average. The atmosphere has been clearer of smoke, the weather has been partly cloudy and local ahovv- cr prevailed during tho bitter part of the week. t'ltol1. The showers have done no material damage; they have delayed some late threshing, and somewhat retarded hop picking In n few sections. Tho thresh lug of grain is practically over, only a few small lots yet remain to be threshed, The wheat Is being delivered to warn houses and elevators. The wheat prod uct vya never better. The berry to of first grade. The yield has been heavy, generally more than was anticipated. Largo yield, are reported from every count v. In .Washington county for example, one farm yielded forty-six bushels per new, another fifty-four bushels (cr limit. Smut 1 more gen erally reported than usually, though it Is not this year so very extensive; spring wheat I more aflocted than hill wheat. Thecal crop low been good, but not it proportionally good aa the wheat crop. Hop picking will he about tin tolled next week, unless the present rains should delay the picker more than to now expected, 'Ihe hops of Douglas county were mippu-ted to la? ..rfmln a)-,t.-)r 1 1 ins ..11 llwhfid MoUl'l Imt OD M Rlllg yanl are'fowml to Iki iMy dam- aged. No lice tvfh olwrvabfe IB Jose phine eouiity. It la etlniaMl that lb aiifl'mouI'Lliave datiwir'! tlw Imp croo totheexkut of :i0,0Ui, - In Jiak-I ami and Jo?Jibliii'emntlehrnlrlw, of giad ((uauly ami jienif wuiuner allowing p In progn- In nvmy of the Wlllnmetr valley eountlc. KAHtfux oiifios watiii;ii, A fevsliowcr have ocimrri'd. The temiwrltiire ha been cook r ami iilxiul tho nierage. There Iif laxn lew ani(k In tlio fltinoapherer. In tlie In torb eoontlea, on OA higher elevti tloyt, fr(toccnrnl, e.'Soi'Htt' , ffie hower did n.iilnnuigc, Tlireah- Ingto in t-vrea Injpua eetlou and lu aome coiiuIN1l1h nearly done. In Waacnsnd In tiart of Hhertnan eoun tlc the wheat la more ahrunken than in i ne onier coumic, J innia oi mny buHheUaud upward aru frinuent In Morrow, I'mutlUa and Cnlon eountlc; lu th lutti county, In linker, Wallo wa ami Interior oountle, Inn vesting and thraahlug la well along. Ilcjiorto Imllcute yield atoive the average, and utoive tin-expectation of the farnM-r lu every nounty. The wheat ha be gun to move to aealoard. Fcult rson lliine plentiful. Jrti are ripe In many locnlitle. It. H. I'AOt'K. Olim-rver I'. K Weather Bureau. riRe DAMAGES THC UNIVER SITY BUILDING. ' At Ih'iO yesterday morning flifuii were diswvered Iwuilng from the rtaif ofthe Willamette university building aud in a very few momenta tbe entire top of that atmcturc waa crackling un der the heat of the era-plug Arc. A noon ft the fire wu discovered a mes senger waa dtopatched to the atate house ami tlie alarm telephoned down, Thl wa done In fcueh abort order a to end the engine to Ihe acetic wit boot delay, Arriving nt the fire, Tiger en glne act at the race ami wa very noon sending a good stream Into the flame where they were thickest. Capital engine also et at tbe race, but It w more than ft half hour la-fore a stream emild be forced through her line of ho'. The tire had origin In the rooniowu- rdrd by J. K Han-ver, Htunfed In the east end of the attic, The tire must certainly have atarted from a defective line and attained it must excellent start by having la-en fed by a nvet gallon can of mul oil In Hawyer'a mom. Tbe fifth story waa occupied by stu dent a alec plug appart menu, and the furniture and l?dtling w aa mostly lost. On the fourth !!, wa the museum, whose exhibit are aome of them dam aged; the wiety rooma of the societies, and the library, the book in which are hut slightly damaged. The damage will figure H-rlinjis alx to eight tltounaud dollar, but thta Is fully covered by insurance fsmo In the Htate and the Mine in tbe North western on the building and f HW0 In the Home of New York and Phicnlx of Hartford, and f loot) lu the same ou furniture. The insurance will fully cover all Iowa aud the damages will la- repaired without delay. Tbe fire delayed recitations lor ouly two hours, a recitations were resumed at the Woman' college after dinner. My Monday all will be running aa usual, with Classen heard nt the college aud the church. Salem S'lolmnmi. Tho fact that butter isshipped to In- ilopemteiira from Mlnnesotat2iKXJmile away, ought to la- aufltcient to secure the erection of a creamery nt this point. Minnesota, with her six month of anovv aud lee cannot begin to .compete witli Polk county, where the grasa la green tlie year ttirotign, in miner making. - To Kiilwrluera, Oldand New. In order to put the Weekly (hnjoni an Into the home of those now with out it, the publisher make the liliTid after of fifteen mouths for $2 to all who ubacrit prior to January 1, lNltt, This offer applies not only to new sub scriber but to reucvvel a well. In addition to this each new subscriber, or old subscriber renewing, I given hi choice of either "Tlie American Live stock Manual," or tlie "Standard American Poultry Hook," which will Is? sent free, postage pn-pnld. These are valuable work of reference, for the farmer. Tlie Wwkly Onymmn is tlie great weekly of the Nort hwest. There, i no weekly published on the Pacific coast, or anywhere else, that furnlshe read ers a fuller coiniHMidium of all t he news of the whole world than docs tho Weekly Qtryoninn. No other paper givesuch close atteution to Pacific const news, espeeiolly to what Is trun plring lu the great, Northwest, Aside from it unexcelled news fea tures, it large nutnlierof special articles, prepared for Its columns oy Wellknowu writer, arc published during tlie year. It furnishes descriptive letter from vnrlon portions of our own country and from foreign climes, as well tis stories, pot-try and well selected mis cellany, There is department main tained for the farmer, also for the women ami children. All tbe advant ages of a newspaper of the 11 rst, class are offered by tho Weekly Oicuonian No family in the, entire Northwest can afford to be without, It. Address, , OllBtlONIAS Pt'llt.lStlINd Co,, Portland, Oregon, llww'K ThlHl We offer One Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh F. J. CHENEY' A CO., Props,, Tole do, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligation inadu by their tlrm, Wkst tfc I'm' AX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O, W AMU NO, K I S N AN & M arvin, Whole sum tiruggtsts, Teietto, u. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upou tbe blood ami mucous surliiecs of the system. Price 7")0. per bottle. Hold by all Drug gists, . ' , When Bi!y was niok, wo gate hor Caslorta. When altt waa a Child, site cried tor Castor!. When aha became Miss, slut clung to Castoria. Whoa she had Children, slie gave Uient Castoria. AITtHS, Mglilty UlU4,ut Uwljr iljrd, I liitU-rlng dnwaward. ld by mil. .The atiima Irarn I , Omwlemlr fulllix. dny nd nliiltl, Mitkltig a rndmlua, toa'ljr mdil. lit mt II w-ni Ui mel Msflilljr lliil. il, mid ty-tljr tljrcd, Klulli-rttix rtoatiwiird, Ii1r y lilc, Kwt Ihrjr rulllng now; MftUortxif K-Avmi tlntlmtn; mrr hrliilit. tjlotriii 'n"Ui mifiiincr' rndlanl lliii, Jl;i.p' nn piin nl lrtili! Hit let llti r, will, prlnit" mitt lifwttli Froii U in.- will litid to nll ir di-ulli; Ht mttrt. we pitxrlin all, Thi: iie mm, utiiinn1 Ipkv I ndl, 1 wau-b and trut-4o lt llilnin wll, , W'nUlli lh rlhrr aill. A Ll CKI HllfiT. Two llee) killing dog aurrendercd to Jimmy Collin utt ering aim Iwit week, " He killed two at one abot, A few more ahotallke that " jbw p may reat In aornc aecurily J'Mlilie l. 1 will offer at public ale at my farm, two mill ftotitb of Monmouth, Polk county, ou 'lhiirsdny, w-pl. Si, at a o'eba-k p. m. the following deacrlbcd personal pr"rty, to-wit: One brnoa, 'i year old, with aucklng colt by Hir Htafford by her able; one mure, 4 year old, by HirHuiftbrd, out of a "Path finder" mare; one two-yeur-old marc colt, by Hir Htafford, out of a "Hnow. ittorm" mare; two mare colt, one year ling and one two yeara old, full atolor, by Hir Stafford, otitof n good mure; one yearling mare colt, by Hir Htafford, out of a "Hnow storm" mare; one mare 4 year obi, by "Rock wood" No, 147, out of a "Hnowstorm" marc. Thl latt- mcutioncd mare 1 ft balf-atoter to KIrkland' "Nettle K," ami U ft step- per Herself, Abto, one marc year old, by "Magiitt-Cbartn," out of a- "Pathllnder" mare, ami ha ft mare ooltby "itockwood" No,147 by her able. Thl colt I entitled to register, . and ia en extra good colt Also, one aprlng w agon, or hack, lu good order, Termaofsalc: A credit of 12 month will la? given, on approved notes, with Intereat at H per cent,, or 5 per cent, off foreb. T. B. Hnrn.Kv. The Markets. roKTI.ASI), Annual It. 11. WHEAT-The market quiet with a weak tone. Quote: alley, fl.fio; Walla Walla, l.45per cental. Vioi'H fjoote: H(moIrl, l.H,j Walla Walla, $4.00 per bara-l. OAT-iuote old, 4.1 (ii one.; new, 42Jc. per bushel. - Bittkb inot Oregon fancy cream ery, 30fai3Sc; fancy dairy, 27 Jc; falrlo good, Si - 27Je.; choice Cal. ,22 ft 24c. per tb. ;, FkHiR Oregon, 20 ( 22Sc. jh dozen. Pot'MHV tfuotc: . Old chickens, fu.00 ti 00; young, $2..10 ($ 4.00; old ducks, $4.00 6.00; geeae, f.OO per dozen; turkey, Mc. per lb. l.VDKi'ENDKNTK Bin Alt, MA11KCT. We quote prices aa follow: Flour, staudard, $.1.00 ir barrel; potatoes. good quality, 30c. ik bushel; but ter, 2.1c. I'asr It)., according to quality; eggs, 'M. per; caotjage, t mc. per bead; wheat, 80c. but choice kit would bring shade higher; oats, 32c; hops, lie. per lb; wool, 0c. STRAYED1 From t he premises of O. J. Bagley on or about Aug. 2tth. One Heidi ng finiryetun old, color, brown, branded f also so About It) band high. Any one giving informatiou leading to tbe recovery of said horse will 13 jniitably rewardetl. O. J. Bacii.kv, Airlic, Oregon. 4w SHEEP FOR SALE. The undersigned ha thirteen head of Hwapshiro down bucks for sale, one mile north of Parkers .Station. These bucks are the fuilblood and of the best grade. Call on 8wsll JO. and E. Davidson. . AN EXCHANGE. W. H. Whiteaker will exchange pho tograph for wood. For further par ticular call at his art gallery ou C street next door to pastotlice.' 4t ell A ;KKAT 11AKOAIX, , $3!i00. For sale a 21 room hotel fur nishctl, in Independence, Oregon,' One of tlio best corner lota lu town 04x132 feet on railroad and C streets. Terms easy. Throe per cent off for all cash. Apply to James Gibson, Indepen dence, Oregon. LOOK 1IKRE FOH BALK. Oue pair of well broken young horses, gentle, work single or double, el li ItU en ridu them; also one set of new double harness, and one almost bran ucw wagon, two good uew spring seats. Call at the West StDK Intelligence oftice and get all the above for f2.10.0O iu cash or good note. Wort Than Leprosy Is calami, sua there s oue tut one pre parole, that doe) euro tlmt disease, and that is the California Positive and Nega tive Kleotrio Liniment. Hold by all druggists. It also onrea neuralgia, rheumatism, headache, sprains, burn and all piin. Try H and tell yon negihbor where to get it. Wanted. To trade Improved business property paying in rent ten per cent, interest on $20,000 iu the heart of the thriving city of South Bend, Wash., for improved farm land In Willamette valley. For particulars address ASTHOXV BoWKH, South Bend, Wash. a- n i i ult QUARTER keriimi . -, ore-1 OFJi sun, net ' what 1 is now Baker City, a PCMTf JRV a ninu who halt since liLll i U fl I hecotne iitentirktl with the resonreua mid n f f dewlopmcnt ol'that country. This man AVlU I no .other thnii Mr. John Stewnrt, one of the wealthiest, nml most iiitluenUal citiieua in the c,'nnty. In a recent letter he soya : "lhadbeeu sufterinK from piins tn tuy back and general kid ney complaint tor some time, and had used many remedied without any hut temporary relict The pnins in my buck had become so severe that I waa prevented from nttendtnK to my work and could not move about without the use of a cane. Hear, inff. thrmnih a friend, of the wonderful cttrea ef- fected hy Oregon Kidney Ten, I wastndncedtotry not, find imm mm wry iiih ue i .uun.i tiiniuui relief, and before tistnjf half the contcuta of the box the puitiK in mytvtck entirely diappeared. t have every faith in I tie virtues ofthe Oregon Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend I to my friends. I would not be without ll fur anything." ' . , Oregon Kidney Ten cures backache) incontU nenre of I ine, brick dust sediment, buruiog or painful sensation while urinating, and all affec tions of Ihe kidnevor ui inaryoritans of either sea. -lidV.-AViwf . SI A :