Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1891)
'.V IUU Cltt. . itlm', A a hutad Mthu ttimniteM! HM In ,T kit' knmrtoiu du btita', dark)" Inollnlir tr Sank lld ' www. W'hllruur cnnm-ttt'tvnvrt am nlerly thavtB', All ewow km rln' wtd ulnilloa I, I lMlf il pMrlanrmeiwia'a' ravla' MimI1 ht, v and 1M dl rum daraew, IV mill bow d hy Mlttort m krt.kljf ruaata', . A. Aruuuunf 'i ,ult Kfntn-IJ mil to J ' imt' nt Mr dnjr avail t xvn out m ' win A awn to nti am bt Wlarttrt lime. lrvlj fttuoitrjNntkn Rune M hi trrojr tun mtrktu. I eMitm, kiwi, tto aut trkta' Fr "Mow 'tinl ol hmlu lively mrmtn. "Rot.1 Mai, til oof hi lyton m wta" Aathr mtnmpun a4, U attend; O. mnjr h tviura via hwurt owrtowhi Wld MavHiilMiKvn dal ulMir wilt end! w, edtKvr whj nut ttt ourellyt IXai't wait for railroad, w" tlil ft ui White it wktIIiUuu atay hb rrudrred turn rllly, We'll ll Uvl Jim kindly I lx' no ivd w two, Tfc ltnrrvtlHi nun TUmiiRtKHit the tonl.llo age it w a believed (but there exlat hi uian Wie luipouderabte, liRwrupiible, ! combustible, the tiewwatry nucleus f the rwmmvtlon Uty, iU-Uvf hi the reaurm tien of the r-h,vkal cody, tie apiteSt. Paul's Kplsttc to Ui IVrintU links hatl been I incorporated Into the formula nuuW nmuy centuries after hi Uuw nail cnIUhI th Artle' Creed, arid w held throughout cbrlMtMitUxii, "always, everywhere, ud by nil." Tbl hypothetical ton wa, Uwn f', ImMIu gnt vfiuTutUm, ml mwiy MimtomUl!) M(i)(bt to dUwwf It; but ViMaiiiH, revealing o much ili4 nut flnil U, Mud wtu UKWfbrvnuiiwi'hsl vt wut of prtnr faith. JI run tvutwt hlnnwlf wiih thnt b left tht nuenllmi rx-Kimliiij; tbv i-xiU'ii.v ol such bwie to the tbtHtlngUii. iU ctHiid uut lio, lu aid uui wbb tu flt;Ut the lunulsiiioii, nml tlum lie uiul.'!1 utlvkm. The trvngtb of thin OmilotfUiil juiul imty U'Jiull fnui tbv fact ttmt no lw euiineut survtvn Ihuu lUukui rtHiMilwJ ibo vsvuiitioitnr lu tlmt uut wbodu'r, htui ! ln.riK'tl i-rhitioal, ail (ho rt trt' aii;uiutt; ami only tlu-n watli ani'Wtr tvcviviHi wbiob Auaily uihI.tiiiIihhI thU mtiwrHiitiuu. Hdli In ltkst) we Aud it ftlll Uugvriug in mv, ortotl'ijf u viiorKi'tlii tjwl tiou In Ui I'hurch to iluwctiou. Kvvn MkteMdwvlKbtM'tith rvntury, IUr iiouitll hnvlnif uliown that tho living tiumiiu Uxly iMiisimiily utulirKiht a iwln of chauif1. o tll Alt lu mtli ch are rviirweil In a given uumber of yvara, no muvb ill f.vllux drawn ujHiu him, wlally fruni tti tlwilt KaMi who saw In tbia atatvtuvut tlail jvr to Uw ilootritie of Ui nmurivctUHj if the body, that for the iat of n mv he ittnu k out hi argument on tbit ulij-t from biaooltrctt'd work, From "MlracK and M1ioiii," by Audww D. White, It) Ut Popular K'k-nc Monthly ftr June. tat Wrh KtMtH ft tho Wk tt- tt istuntajr, Ai(ttt Wl, wmciss otmioN vrTHKtt. The tciiiwratilne baa twit from 10 to 15 tb'grvwi a day alww tho awrnms tb nmxliiiuiu rmtliit thm MO to lt ui- Itrtn ou Ut Stub, arth and SSih, hwtny baa bwti wanu but coli'r Tb aott f exlrvnio hint In or abould le now about ow. No mill Ml durum tin' w, the weathw baa Uvn cbiudUna, with fuj on the count lu uioruluga and mmko lu t be interior v1Uti, s t'lmr. Wheat iaall out aud uiuoli of ii U thrlnHl. In ewry aivttou the yield, has been alove th exjntatlon of even the nwt aaiiituln. 1 b wheal i tilutuis hiavy aud of estwllent iimb tty. Oat aro heavy and a a rule r law In yield; late oata have Uin ! Jurel slightly by mt In artof Marion eonnty. The threader will I Iwy ft,r alxnil two reeka yet. lion ileklnit Ulu next Monday; In am avtlou eonalk'rnbl ilaniRKe ba been done by llw Uw, lu other aeetintta a irl ver age p will l nloked. In Jowphlne eiuinty hop lli aw not olervable and no diuiMtf baa Uvn done. Ktult la rljienlnn rapidly and I very plentiful. Tkwmtoea and cnntekiuv are uuw tn'io erully ripening The hot dry wither ha twn llbtly hduriaitoMt erop, elover, evm aud tnyounitorelmrd. In furry wniuty the oeond ert.p of hut elover la heading aud Iba fourth cwp of alfalfa baa been cut, eaeh ewp uw atsvti, tu atalk, twenty-two Inehe In length. RAPTKBN OKKilOM W KATHKB. Contluued hot weather, w ith mas hmun teni)Hrature of from w to bU dejtre, have nrvallett. No rain Ml, the aky baa been vkaidleaa, with anioke atnarinit In the atmopbeix. fHOPH. The weather baa been allitbtly Itxju rUma to the ern ero)s but favorahle to fruit, melon and to harveatintf. Volt aud melon are rlpentug rapidly and ar vry pleutiful. The wheat t wmr ty all eut went of the Uw mountain, and eiultierahle baa lawn thiwhetUall rtHirta Ihw that It I turning tail luueb tartter than waa expeetinl. In Waaeoaud part ofHhernmn wuntlm lrlnu aud (all wheat la aouMwbat ohrutikeu In tillllniii, Mrruw and rumtilla eouutiealhe wheateropa a whole wa never better. Harvevtiny la In pM$n!M int and iotU of the Hlue luiHiutalu; rulun county epee tally baa tine rrop of sit'm1, but all eountkm have erop aUive the avenge. Smut Wfwiml lu tlie wbenl In ant ion f t iraiit eounty. I'rtit are about twen ty ir emt. higher thati lt yi?ar a ith an upward leudenry. Fanner are happy, and prui(x-rou time r'vall IhrtmhiMit tln-goti. UK I'AOt B. iWner, 1". Weather Hun-an. it. I am Ready for Buoincca. The latest and best styles of Dress Patterns, with trimming, just received. In Clothing and Overcoats, big Inducements, for I overstocked myself, and therefore offer the same very near at cost Never so cheap in the history or independence. In shoes, hats, and ladies' jackets, a large assortment. DIa to afimina mtr fetjjtr Ymtfrm nnrrk nmlrttr IV.t T know you WltLSAVE 25 PER cfih.T if "you buy of me. Remember my place of bus iness, next door to Buster & Locke. Yours, - Zed Rosendopf I fc i a mm a .i. , , .i . . I i ai iiaa,,,. HE a tUCCNC. Next anwlon begin on Monday, the tl.t day of rVpteinber, IWI. Tuition, rW. Four fuuraea: t'lajwleal, fkleiitlde, t Jterory, and a abort Kuglialt t'oun, lu whleii thera la no latin, (Ireelt, Freuvh or (lernian. The Rngllah U preoili'iilly a !!ulueat ('0010. For wtaloKiie or other luftirmatloti, Addrea, J. W. JoiiMat'iN, rrealdellt. IT HAS BEEN TRIED! THE GREAT tpen pt, IT. l'lwa (H, IT. Tb Xajiadorea lland from tlie Ctly of Mexleo I'romaineiiHl tlw flnet on the Anieriean Continent, Comvrta i Afteranm and FreuliiK. A magnltleent eo)lietbm of I'aluilni:: frHu the great tnatt riof Fumj aud Auartea, valued at aquartef ntllllun dollar. F.very lVartmfni nlliHllooverrtuwIug with the uovl and wouderful In Art, rVletie, tuduatry, Agrliultuwi and Mwhanle. The I'opular Hpinlal ly Iteneweil. The Stm'k Ik'partmrut made aalrmig atlrni'tiiMi. Ki,it lu premium. Admimion a u.iml. (ireaily lueetl j ratev on all traniorlat!ou Univ. Thtitvtrt Fkilitou InthellMory I of tbolVKIe NurthweHt. - Taylor's Bakery Whan In want of GC3D lG!f OF BRE1D, Vmm to thla ealulilihlitneiit for It, It inn nlwuya lie reliwl on for line (Utility. Atul tho tiHttal variety of fmth cnVesnml jiien. A full lino f ftili grcHS'rie ami eaum d meitta 11 ml fniit. f pvery variety. All the tattling bruml of tolmcro atul fiKttw. -iTHHi- (linstte Real Estate h tudepeiutttiioa, Oregon Tramiaela $ general Ileal I'latato llual iieaa, buy and aelt Property, emnita luauraiiee and drnm a general t'miveyatie luliiea. Irthw having IaikU for a will tlnd It k. their advantage to List Tholr Proporty With till Company, aa they are dally aeudlug livtaofland eaat, thu plao- lug dlrable property befut j the real' tWnta of the VjwU JAMKHOIWOX, J. W. KlltlCLAND, rrllent. Heerelary, Van Nortwlck Bros. SHAVING : PARLORS. Vitlul'IM Nituat Honk, iHitftwadi-op, Shaving 15Ctt m nn IN' THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY 10 'and 2 C:j E:i!rti Ptr Cent.' 11 ttt Isvzstnent. 0 Acce Farms all In cultivation mJ rrwly to act to fruit, within aeven () of Oi(on'i wjiital, for 75.00 PER A.CUK One fotirtb owh and tho Ulanr in three itil, annual iymel or l out to fruit il fuliimtvd tl.r.. ywun for 1175.00 I'KK ACKH For further Information mid fur pamphlet to THE OREGON LAND COMPANY, SALKM. OltKGOX. vou ARE WANTED. S. 1 1 AYLOR I want f eerjUxly that la tntereated In CARPETS, RUGS AND MATTINGS to eall aud eiamlna my new Ue. I know that you will And my amirtiueut tlie targe! and niv pattern the flnwU ever ahowu you in till elty ew giaai arriving eMixauuy. A tr)luniiiul ut fcchnol Puna. Tlie apportionment of alate aeboi umney fur 1'ulk eiuinty anil, to UfCi-AS and Mtond apixirthmment of euniy etn4 Iminey anil, to f WH Jit"J r M'hotur. A MlM,Hotilun. "What la the uowt eomnioii mbiquit. tatimi In the English Inuttuage?" aked I he luuWtlve iiieniU-r uf the Cotiurn club, this monilug aa tlie purint en teretl. The aiwwer came prtnuptly. "When Ornk meet Greek then inr; the tug of war." "That U the nt eotnmon mlatUotaUon In the F.uxHidi lanuuae," reapoiuk'd the puriirt, "1 heard the late liiwtw Coukllnx My onoe that he woo a basket of wine from Clemetit Vallandlgbnin on that quota tion. He WBKerel that Mr. Vallaiiditf hain could nut tell what the correct worda were, nor who wrote them, nor when they were written. And he won on every point Now put yourn-lf In Mr. Vallauilltcham'a place; what would you have done? "I nhould have de clined to make the bet." "And I and I," wune from all parta of the room. "Uut I nhould nit,"iiald the purist. "When Greek Joined (Jn-ek then wa the tug of war," la the eorreel quota - j tinn. It wa written by Nathaukdj jie, au r.niMnninn, aimui ttie year j 1TI." "Did you evereeit quoted correctly?" aaked the Inquisitive member. "Never In the newspaper," auid the purlnt. UL-k 1 H 4 h 0 T 0 ill II 12 1.1 14 15 It! 17 IS Ift 20 21 mi i 24 On or th Fnnnjr THlnga. tie of the funuleat of the many fn li ny tiling connuintiy going on 1 the e(fVrt now being made by a man named Uenderhott to iret "vindication," re- mat im Aitrin. M ? ha a peach 'drummer In the army of the "Lord It! '61-63, and got the name of "the drum mer boy of the Jtappahanntxk." This jiame the laat meeting of the G. A. Ft., at Detroit, impugned, and a Michiguii man named ripillaue, woa K'ven thul title with all the cumulative honor. Ifendemhott demur and in getting "vindication" from aBoldier' FU iirilni) In Illinoi. 'Twa a long time fttrn, nil thin drumming. How would it do to have two drummer of the Ibippiihan nofk? Meanwhile the Aahltttid leach crop need ptrraonal attention. .S'oA. man. Wiadom'a Violet Craam fa the nioatexquiHite preparation in the world fiirofte.iiiiiK and wliiteniiig the hand and face. Nothing eiittr tlie wniH)Hltlon of tlila delightful toilet article which could prove Injurious to the moat delicate akin, it in not. only ttHubatiiute for, but In every rcHpeoi HUi;rior to glycerine, cold cream, vhm? line arid like prcpitrHtloim, 1'jImk neither Hticky nor Krean', kid glove inay be worn Immediately after apply ing it. For tO'iiUi'iMf-ii'it iiKeiilier hIiuv ing it Ktiuid without nn equal. It acta by improving the aoflnciw, dcnriiCH and Ifealthy tone of tJieaklu, und ita dully application tcml to pre serve It from the action of drying wind vivid HUtinhiiie and extreme tempera ture, Try It. 11 Wiadom'a Robartina la miHiting with great niicccnh every where, and i raplilly aiippluntinif every other jireparation of a like nature. Si SI 32 3.1 ; 37 30 40 41 42 4! ;t 4.'. 4d 47 4H 51 fi2 ft ri as M 57 Children Annaint :v l uu mi 1i2 Ifi 41 0 ns 117 HI W ? , l!t iil ;it' mj el 4d 114 at 47 1WJ m ' im hi : 173 VH III 77 W 27 (17 m 2'.9 .V.U H S III W l w Ml f2 I2M 22 U2 22H 2 41 ' imi si ft I I2ti 7:t 17 42 21 l l4 01 24 50 11 1 81 14 73 41 lol HH U0 lll 01 Hfl l'4 HI : 74 .v. 4M 1 III 2.i 4 HI um 7 M till ,W 68 111 13, 44 lll! 34 ; 11.1 2W140; 4f 0!l 40 j IH 44 73 lit 47 21 :U HI INI 3!l IKI til 44 UK' :;t 411 121 in 2fl 72 W S H4 4.1 22 .VI ..7 10 2-1 Ho 37 III HI 211 4 (II 40 121 7N HI 711 34 HI 40 40 till 40 33 HI I Hi 33 HI Ml HI 231 10 32 71) f2 W. I. KUYNOI'K, County HchiMil Huptj A.l,lr Ik W Mtrt'iiKt 1, 8uwrtn(rndet, THE NEW Liyery, Feed and Sale Stables. Y0UN0 HORSES. DOUBLE Jk taB,, SINGLE TEAMS. Jtigsiirfrt kft; NEW BUGGIES GOOD RIDIN0 II0RSE3. Flrtt-fJbuw Tarnuata lor Commercial Travalera. Price raatoaakl and 8aUtfa Uoa guaranteed. Uva at a faU, K0BTH END MAIN STREET, J. N. J0NE3, P0Pi. 1 m IS THE LEADING PAPER OF oik County. COME And am the new atyfe of Jut reerUtnl direct from the factory. Klcftant Cliamlief ftulla, Varktr Furniture, Kof lied ( tliwyaVateotl, lkk iVuam, lek; aim Urge auppty of WIii.I.iw Hhadm, Curtalu rolca, Hham Hoi ilera. Hat Itack, 1'leture Frame and M- uldlur and vervthlii uulj kept In a flrat-ehua lir. Call aud avcurv 11 A KG A I. VH. MAIN TKKCT, INOCPMCNDCNCC.OR W.O. COOK, CORNER LOTS FOR SALE. Ii reutktitl, in view of removing from InJejH'iitlenre to ncci'pt a position eliw'wliore, now offera that proiultieut fbrner lot 011 II and Maiu atrwta YOU BALIi Tlie prop erty in pitying good Intercut ou 1.1,000, and has only a dwelling liouao and a building with two oflli rooiua otxtt pyiug the lot. There are 104 feet on Main atftt and 14S on II titwl, and all tho rent of the block, to tho aouUi, la bnill Holltlly iu brick. The dwelling might lie aold M'w rntely, with 48x104 fwt of land, aud the offt(f aopanitely, with 25x100 fwt of land, lint ho pilfers to sell all tokUir. CottMiiloring that land a few doom aouth ia wiling at $50 a front foot, tho price Mr. rontlund aaka make it a very do tilntlilo bmpin. (Vll and w the owner for priest and terms of purohaae. Tho preaeut low prion at which the prtHTty Is offered will hold until September 15, 1891, only, ("all at the oQlce of Ii C, I'entland, and ask to be shown the property. If not aold by September 15, the property will be lensed to aome rwpomtible party for a term of years. MW"1 1 1 IWII illlnti "111 Exoitamant Jtutin high (it the dnict atorc in tlua pliico over SyHtera flailder n everybody i umng it for catarrh, of atomacb, dy tpain, ootmtipution and impure blood, und to build op the ayatem it oertainly IKiaaeaae wonJorfnl merit when ail speak ao well of it, . ... VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED f ROM ROOTS Be HERBS. roBTHc cuwr or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISIN0 FROM A DISORDERED STATE of the STOMACH OR AM inactive: liver. roa; sal by au. DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DEALERS. This paper gives all the current news, fresh anil crisp: also, it cives from TWO to THREE COLUMNS of the latest- TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES W hich is a popular feature of the paper, giv ing all matters of importance up to the hour of issue. It Independent in Polities, And outspoken on all the important questions of the day. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 PER YEAR. DR niua 1 ck. nUSTER t!JuSTER UG OCKE, OCKE, .OCKE, DKM.KI1H IN Mm, d M Wi:, Spenaaa, Bruah, Parfumary, Soheel eeka anal Artists' Suapllaa. A Full Stock of Watch, Clooka ana Jewelry. Raaalrlng Neatly Dona. Phyalolan' Praacrlptlona Carafully Compouaa!:." MAIN STREET, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, J. A. ROTAN, 286 COMMERCIAL 8T..8ALIM OR., -OKFEtlH- SPECIAL vIlflCEHEH IS! to all persons dealring to purohaao E1 TJ 13 3ST I T XT IS B inrrlea the lineal lino of giHala In the valley. Alao koei n full I'lno of , (!ahkKTH and ItolllM. i'rlee lower Hum nt anv ullter Ihiiimv IMrder left with the Indepeniluiice atugu for any gtaala iu my' line w ill be proqiiiHy He en; UIKKINM, FOR SALE 129,000 WUNT"8 50,000 " 80,000 AmK " 24,000 12 000 5,000 PEACH TRCCS CHERRY " PLUM A a J a tmi AuaHwoal mt mil albvr .Mdln H.l4 nl tfoll fr. aoa.aoo small rat ii rLA!T,atAirTL 40 nrtmrt.. msuk mm n. Stock guaranteed to he ahaululelv flrat riaaa, free fniu lom-t nt diwue, and warranted true to name. It w 111 pay tree j.laiiter to none and lk over our nurwrv and et nnee t'fare I.'1hk trd r et. here. Karly onk-ra and nee aollelted. l'atl.jjue and jinoe llt free. Addrea or eall on THE OREGON NURSERY COMPANY WIRT BROS., PROPRIETORS. Offlss.Oit Comer of Commercial and Chomokota 6u.,Ug Stair. Salom W. H. WHEELER ... KBEIH TUR imi musical instruments,- -PIANOS and ORGANS - -SEWING MACHINES. Sorrltir fa .Sfnioaery, IaM in Wy Writing ltjr, Ink tim!, fWW, IhIm 0 all (Vwrs, iV7, Fnhion I'htr and lYrMiMtx. THE LATEST .V" ALL HTYL&H 6F MUSIC, OiNffiVf, .V ami (Vnra. StAnriptfant liecriiid for all jxnL W. II. WHEELER, Indrprmlrntf, 'o. Pioneer Meat Market ! W. W. PERCIVAL, Prop. DEALER IN G hoice ivi eats Ilighwt market priw paitl lor fat Stwk. IUef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Ktc All billmmiHt be settled monthly. MAIN 8TKKET, ISDEPEXDEXCE. ItMLIWAlxS. TI.HK TABLK. ln4pnnBe and Monmouth Molar Lie lrfer litdt'iM'iiikMtee, ft:.) :lll :.! 11:15 IM i: :W tare Monmouth. 7:l HJU Kmo llilft .i YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad T. K. lltam. Itaexivaa. Oregon Development Go's Steamers. Short Line to California. Freight and .Fares the Lowest. rrtCAMRR BAIUNO PATrlS, Summer WIt.l.AMKTTK VAJJ.EY Liivm Ban Fmnclwxi! All. 8, IH, 3tl. , lv YaqulnaH. ID, B,m. . Train N. n wi. ....... ....... ...i, ,, ,,mu,T", I lllllKIIHVK, nilHitiir(liv',iidMn liiloniipilllii(l.v wlien Train N. 4 will run Monday, WnluMdae, and r rldaj', and on lnlrnitllat day wlien ent -nmi nr rt'srvm ih right to ehanm BlI'tlK i.IM wlthom H(H lD. rutin wimm i with tha P. R. R. aud rtn Mt a I'm valllt ud alliaajr. W. B. WKHSTKIL fl HIKHTIC 0n. F P. Aai.o.n.Ca, )en, K. A P. A11L M iiiiiieini'ry nt o. r. It. It. Man Kraairtmio. , enrvalUx.llr W. G. SHARMAN, . Merchant Tailor! C STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOFEICE uitsin Any Style Made to Order AT REASONABLE RATES, EAST AND SOUTH TU SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. SHASTA MtfE. IipreTTlni Lt Tortland PllT. ?ie, a. 111:3 r, v. !U5 A. a. lSirllsmt Ar. l.v. Allwiiy Ar. Ar. Sua r'riu'leb l.v. :M A. a. n.-ij a. a. Mie. a. Ahmr train Hop rmly l Mlowtiid iMnnt Biirlh ut aowburg: Kl 1'ottlnn i, (rou t Ity, WihMIiiiih.SkIi.ui. Alliiy, Tnviil. SlwHts, lUh hi, lUrriitmrf, Junotluu Ctl, lrvtiic aud Kie u. Roseburg MaiK Daily. Iavn. j IVirtlnmt .... HAS A.M. KoKcl.uv., A. a, I Arrive. HiMrhuiy ,,,.ll-ne. . tvnlnnd ,.isWa. a, Albany Local Dally (Except Sun'y) Portland. 5:0(1 1 a. Alhmiy ..t:C0A. a. Arrlv, Alhn t oot. a. 1'ortlaud w. a. Pullman Buffet Sleejiers. TOURIST SLEEPING , CARS. rwaooommiKinrion ut menndlan piHn(ia ltehd to Kiirv Tiului. West Side Division. Between Tortlnnd and Corvallts MAIL TRAIN DAILT (xwpt 8undy.J rwnr 11:18. Li lOf. a. Ar. Ar. twliim! taiiuaiMio CorvalU Ar. 1 tWTok At. I l ift iv m. l.v. I ta w . in. At Altuui; nd CorvUli ouauevt with tralm ol Okkb I'hoUIo l(llna. EXPRESS TRAIN DART (Except Sund'y) Uav Portland ,4:40 r. a. HcUiuiiTlll 46 a. a. Arrive MoMlnnvUla ?:e. a. Purtlaud ,,:2U t. a. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS CAST AHO 80DTH. For tlrtou and tntnrmarlnn inllnf .( Bmin, (to., uaUoaoumiMuiy 'i aaiuit at ladoiwa 1uoa B. KOSHlJtR, I T BtXIKRH. Mi'tiaWft At 0. f. A fw. At ( l