Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1891)
fry : y- THE VV2GT CI D E.I roitruxt xxrosmox. mvko a . ku i ton, rmxm 9 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1H01 TO AOVKRTItKRt, tudeMUAoBM ! ItMalaa at (ha LuJ t .L aU tla ai.lal of Um Mar. Mi Wlllam. ,"f."W "t" " " Of lb immi V51!wt OonWkllM a KVHllk A KGCK.NT wk my jy uouw la uunuug aud fishing. That U his. usual oecupaUuu, but tho game h get differs somewhat from that obtain! by other men who huntamlflsh. Tub late Janus Russell Lowell paid taxes ou U;,000 ( property. Had ho tuauiuukted nilmd stocks instead of devoting ou uiue to literature he might hare added six more figures to the the amount. Evert editor and publisher is Oregon that did not attend the Itae association this year at Asto ria loot something. There was more real business done by and for the craft at this, than t ail the previous meetings. The Kotbmy Renew is now a semi-weekly, eight column, fresh and newsy as you please. The IfmWrtirr of the same city is now a daily, and gives its readers the news red hot from the oven. This is indeed euterpriaing but, will it A Gkokou editor has this unique advertise.meut: "For sale One Washington press that never told a lie; one subscription book, containing a hoe of the hereafter, and the good will of an improver ished man. Call early and avoid the rush." The able liar at the European end of the cable is beius: overworked, lie tells na one day that the famine in Russia and portions of Germany has removed all danger of war this year, and the next that France is deliberately trying to insult Ger many, and that a declaration of war may be expected at any hour. If the Farmer's Alliance had col lapsed half as often as its newspa per opponents have given out news to that effect it would long ago have been forgotten, but instead of being forgotten it is being remembered in a very lively way, and the remem brance promises to become even livelier as the Presidential contest approaches. War is it that no building in. Bpoctor ever discovers the manv weak points in the big building in our cities until the building falls down and kills a lot of people! Then, when it is everhutiugly too late, they can tell you all about the bad places in the walls, but that doesn't bring anybody to life, nor does it help to keep people out of other weak buildings, which they, in their ignorance, suppose to I strong. , According to a recent state ment made by Commissioner Itauui there are 900,000 claims pending be fore the pension bureau, and it would take more than three years to dispose of them all if no new ones were put in. These claims are mostly made by soldiers who are not receiving pensions or any kind, and as there are over 1.000,000 al ready on the pension rolls it is fair to presume that 2,000,000 men are represented on the books of the pen sion bureau. According to a late census bul letin the actual per capita wealth of thta tvttintrv is about, 11 (Wt have neither the time nor the inclination to dispute this statement but we know that many will agree with us when we say that there are a good many inhabitants in this neighborhood who are wofullv short of their (per capita) share of this wealth, notwithstanding their constant straggles to get it. Now if Superintendent Porter cau get np a bulletin explaining turn, ana giv ing explicit directions for the cor rection of the present unfortunate state of affairs he will prove him self to be a truly great man as well as a philanthropist Tue WfHT Side pcrsistentlv in sists upon two things relative to advertising a town, county or state, Bo sure to advertise just enongh and not too much. Oregon has been advertising her resources through the holiday editions of its newspapers, and consequently, Oreiron has a healthy growth Washington on the north, and Cal ifornia on the south, indulged in wildcat advertising schemes, and the result is to day, the business silence of a graveyard pervades them both. Ashland, in southern Oregon, "sowed to the wind," and now she is reaping the whirlwind. $50,000 is the extreme amount which Oregon necds'to expend at the World's Fair. The AiW (hYffiwin stand on Its hind legs and criticises the Press Association for passing resolutions condemnatory or Mr. Mitchell, the i-urtiiinu Exposition manager, ow as a matter of met tho l'rws Association only meant to denounce iiiegtunutte advertising, and re fused to sell their space for a free until On tho other htmd Mr. Mitchell showed us beyond ques tion that the intention attributed to him by representatives from foruami was uufounded. He had arrangements made whereby he aavaneMl twenty five per wuit more for advertising in the whole ssw iTesa than ever before. This was doue before the Association met. Evidently this ought to set tie the question. The evidence lm fore the committee was wholly from rwuanu, aud oue prominent wit ness is one of the Portland Expo, sitioo's directors. It now mum plain to us that it is a fight of a lu. oal nature between the 'ins" and the ,4out.' We are pleased to see that Mr. Mitchell has not made "fish of oue newspaper and "fowl" of another, but has distributed the advertising to all newspapers based on circulation, ana uear enough to I uo me Exposition good. Our view is that this little flurry will do good an aronoo, and esjiecially the Kx position will receive benefit, as only one or two newspapers in the ware nave attempted to belittle the undertaking. The truth is, we saw wim our own eyes, and we simnlv state that the effort of this year will, u our opinion, eclipse anything ot the past In every particular. W e talked with Mr. liiehardson, the president, aud with the mauager, ud we find that the Portlaud Ex position is something that the wnoie state of Oregon should be prouaor. We sum up as follows; Tho Ijttt (hv&mM ought to gel down off its hind legs, and not boast 0 much of its independence concerning advertising. The Pot t laud Exposition has not been op. poswl by anyone in this scrimage. Mr. Mitchell's intent was uurt-lv complimentary when he sent tick ets to the editors, expecting Both ing more than complimentary no ticea in return. Mr. Mitt hell meant to do the advertising in a business way aud to iKty money therefor. The Pre Association was hasty iu not hearing the other siue before passing any resolutions. The lVess Association Is made up ol men ready to listen to evidence, aud correct mistakes wheu they make them. The ouly mean, cou teniptihle thing which we observed in the whole matter was the con duct of a little whiffet of an editor in Portland who said more ugly things concerning Mitchell aud the managemest of the Exposition than any other two men, and when lie was brought face to face with the president, Mr. Itichardsou, and Mr. Mitchell, he cowered like a cur, and tried to eat his words, to get favor with Uiomo whom lie had uuwontonly traduced. Tills snake iu the-gross nondescript apology for an Oregon editor of a little ftcIO advertising sheet in Port hind, ,li more to stir up strife than all elsi beside. The Exposition will I 11 grand success, aud certaiuly the whole management is doing every thing in their power to nmke a name for Oregon which she so richly deserves. This is about tlie status of the case as we now under stand it CONU R Mil A N 111 Mi KU llUMUV our old Mend mid neighbor cam .. .. ...... . to mticpelulenco last ur-dncsdiiv to examine the Willamette river at tills point In fact, Mr. Hermann will makenn effort to have the river opened as fiir us practicable so that boats can run all the year, Such an achievement itnoa his iart woulil mviro tho eveiittstlnif thank of tho whom Willamette valley. frhteh au improvement Is a crying iicvtalt y. The honorable gentleman was taken ou our motor Hue to Monmouth where the tau Normal school is located, mid he was not only surprised ut tho great country that surrounded this but was Jubilant in hts praise of Its great possibilities, Mr. Ilernmuu incidentally remarked to the editor lu chief r the Vknt8uik, "I never knew before, why you left Itosebiirg and came down here, but now, i se it all." Our (Vmgre. man left ludetiemleneu earlv Thursday morning for liallas. We diil not have time to Interview the gentleman eoueernli.g the ro Hrt that he had dwlimnl to make the eotigrwwionul nice next Juue. bile wo are 'forueust'' Mr. Her mmiu tHditioilIy, we would ssv that it will ttHiiire the Ut MimmI in the 1 Vinociutle iftim Eugime tiMrd talks son . nr.. .i ... . . ... gsi wuso aooui mo luie great ill at, The l iatlc In these words! "Tt. IMHiph ut The lalhqmtiTelwl over a water works system for over a year, during which time fno.OOO which the city hud borrowed lay Idle. Now a fire comes ftkinuf and cause a loss of hundreds of thou- sands of dollars which might have Ihh'Ii preveuUt by a good system oruuwt water pressure." NEW TO-DAY. KlUHtKN is quoted as saying that ultimately one's house, will bo both lighted and heated at a cost which will not exceed sixty cents tier an num. If this be true "ultimately" cannot make it's appearance upou the horKoti of life too soon, OPEN! tCPT. It, 1S91, HI ,IIMi ftilM HM.I. ..f lit. lb.M.(..u k...l .... ...n....-. (I, ,111. lilMHt, lrs, p.miiinll..!i, mid ll VMlllUlH Iwil.liitftt Thomiil,,. . In w,in. Vl .tlilHil(tkriali.H ........ J t - MILITARY TSAINIHO, KsiNssts ntS et eseeeS ft .80 far the entire ssssls. Twntirmiini fmNi.liuiiiiu i.. . U AhNut.l,rrwHlnlll)or. The sickness of Hou. R l Ear- hart is not so uerious as ut first sup posed. We are glad tt be able to stale this fact. J. J. Unructt is uow solq propri etor of tho iS's.iv it Hiw. Mr. iltuuett is a llrst'-cliwa newspajMr man, WWW,, WW, MW m HWN, HuilniMM. NhnrlkanH in am iiw. immiiw Sum iUm lu, tn . S Monitor Steel-frame Drills and L.-js : Olivers Steel and Chilled Plows Steel-frame Spring-tooth lurrows, etc. . at " :,. :: : 1 opdman & ".Douty's AGENTS FOR POLK COUNTY. UV 01I BUT THE OEHUIUE. TliK jmlllical fight lii Ohio is waving warm. A II eyes are turned party io ihh ,.. . ....... him. A ...1 v , 1 " " 'r ,ww' remaia a doubt as to the sum of the lemorutifl nominee. ('ONSiiutUTKn IVitlaud boasts of twenty five school ami H pupils, ami gives employment to l"l teach ers. J, 1'. Hull itf ( umii KiutMi lm tu ' In onriiilttM ulius- I'i litiiBiy, will l(ti m it.)kt wvek t'Ut ws am k'".! to miy tiwl lie no tlHilt will mmiu rt'luru to our wii.ui. Mr, Unit U a r. imwii- tiillvt umii nn, ,, k a pn.l wont for t'Ut nils wherever he ts. Lorgest Stock ssS Boat Quality of ?eam Baking Usc4 ia Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stawlird, n EA on DO WT IRead This Ad, Because it will tell you J. I Can bo found at J. F. O'DON NELL'S. HOW CAN WE DO IT? We e been asked tht question a hundred times totcly by people who bought goods st our counter; goods they were used to paying double the money lor. But do n't waste your wonder: we rot the enods hon estly-paid good money lor them -and they sre ours to throw away, give away, or sell awsy under regular Dt ices. We choose to do the hut. You owe it to yourselves' to como around up at these unheard-of fur f.muufc BOOtUtfJtG. MM PfMAKltf. otitm BEST, THE GROCER, h stlliiirt m re gr a r'. . ,! irl. , v.. . any other house this .side of Portland. Good Goods and Low Prices is always his motto. W. K. GOODKLJ SUCCESSOR TO H. O. WALLER, I'KA I.Kit IV nnd "stock prices. OliEUON STA m FA III, We meutioued two criticisms lust week concernlne the tnte fair. One was iu reference to tho par tiality shown by the Board of di rectors or secretary in srlvinir out thir advertising patronage. For instance, one patter io a count v cets from eight to filloeu dollnm worth of advertising, while the other pa pers get nothing. To give five or six dollars to each paper would uc complish more goKl for the fuir. and would be the projter thing to do; as it is, there is an unfuirtiCKs shown that Is not very commend able to say the least Tho other criticism related to tho fact that our Oregon state fuir has so degen erated that the only drawing curd it has to ofler is the horse nicinir. Now is it tho correct thing for the state to expend money for this feature alone! The character of speed developed ut those races Is of no practical benefit to the , farmer or horse raiser whatever. We have more need for good draft horses or roadsters in ono week, than we have for those racing steeds in a whole year. It Is hard to get up a gambling excitement on horses of real service, hence this pretense of giving prizes for speed etc., etc. If individuals wish to put up their money for horse rac ing, why that is none of our busi ness, like the "trotting association" at Portland, but to expend state money in this direction wo think wrong. These matters can be remedied, and tho next legislature will no doubt look uftcr this mutter. 1 I THE RACKET STORE D B.F. ANDREWS, IMiOP. I ITT? V2L ssZa-'X n I I y?r5Vi -,. . i i m l. u mo in 1 mm mm . ( i5j W M M i U .. CST4y 7 L .IXKlM.SOr - . ti-lAi Pari Dm tka Rtnnn hH.'OTm.,.n! '!!'- trtlA FacnmtU S,fnalurt of KM It, F RE tit', Mruiuivnn Ml rv . MDINOTOM A do. a.u. ''. . MRS. GRAHAM'S III and fl NEW TO IUV, II Mb. Ciuruch A. Dana has gone to Europe, but ho evidently Jell enough anti-Cleveland editorials to Jast the dun until he gels back. lm not A In III, t 1. . l.fin In iiinlrly urt.hui riiiun,'iiUv lwu. Illltw. II itmlN u M.fl t.i.w.ll. Hw rklM.nml ly dally ttw irailiwlly mAkra Hi,, nnniil.'tliin anvurnl lin,l, kIiiiit, ll ianill, NIMUI. ntltmHll IMMII UHM'fTIIM ill tii Hflfl wlnil,itiiJ irvvnnl niiiilnirii nnd rni hlra' ,u,, lilurklnwlo will ni-vrr inu whllu fnti it ll plmniuni I lt ftutf fur Ml, limn mui hm, wulr,iiiiiirliliiMinnil lMill,liilh,kln ll-,in-, mill tliim ir.,vi-ni llii? ririiiuiini ol wriiiltlin ll wIV.M III., fl-fwj.lih.vj iiiiiii,,,.. tuwM f "Ulii Una mi li.i.i whi n n lliiiii mil. b'b.'.V luilv. V.. ..111. UT 1,1.1 .tliirt.t I.. ..... .1 .... ,. . ,T,, . ' m, n 11 Kir. w iin'iv .....I ... i.i,r,iutiiM.. in hut MV, inl llnil nTiiiiininll)f, It i.minliK mi ,-l, ptiwilnf. nor ntkit.ll. aiift U tin Imrriili. n (i, ...... . '. 'irw I. HI 1 Mmwit. I'rire, rl. nl nil ilrii(ul.i. , i,,,,,.. ilrpmnTii, nr nt Mr. iIitvhUi' liinimiii'i. r.u II. I. ...AMI UU I'tUll .I..U.I u,... 1......., nIiii tri'Bln luilMv for nil Mt'iniNhi n iliiffi.v irr lliiuri'. l-uillf ni illlaiiii liniii'il l.y ,.. tnr, Ml liiii fur In Hull. Uimk, "lUm (u ln ll.-uul" Sample bottl miill'il fnw In miv IikIv cm r. ii iiii ol I" liiiniw In puy (nr iiii.' mill Mi. klnii, l.inly imitiila wimti ,1, MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach fiiirnn tho wnrl rMn t,f frin'kli, minlmrn nl Idwnran, ninth pnU'lii-n, ihniili,. iinil nil nktii l.rli.M. ll Kit t I I . . .. ........ ,n. ....... v.,,..., mimiiih nun i. ffwllvn or.iitiiilnitii In' umii. J,aiy iiinuilr. r'.)l..'.l. Tha Oi-uoalat In Ml Ih tnwn hn firm, nr AVra n Mil of my tiriimnitl,nii will linvnliln muni, uilil.'fl liillil h,Iub.h .. .. ... arnUniM urn fur n.tlii l,y wlmli'milit liniifliliiU In ni;w to-hay. Hq,, for the Fair Wo would inform tho public that tho undersigned will run A BUS AND HACK, m in n smi RETVI11T EVERY DAY During t ho Htulo l''air next week ill leave postofllco every moniliui at 7 Htid 8:.'J0o'ch).:k, mill will leave Hahmi ut 5:.l() mid (!;.')) p. m. Fare n.M round trip; i,0) for single tnp. , J. N. JONRS, Prop. New Firm :New Goods We have enlarged our store room, and filled it Jam full of new goods, and feel safe In saying that we have the best selected and largest stock of Dry Goods. Including and Staple fc; Ms, fci Ter cf fch .j Ni:V li(Hl)S AKUIYINU KVKKY WKKK. M v nliH'k l sit lli euolmerr. , ..f , Mow oiU,.iue irwlii.u. h,1 h.,,H. to l..,tr innny i,. ... ...iiiiii nun w n ii mjt atur-. in ) Where U sud Ikhk nm tw rt-ilr,M r nmnufm iul under Hie mnH,f,-iheut ! u. .-i. Iteniiiiilu r the twine wild iilmt', . t . GOO'JFLL, - Main ,treet, Independence helley& Faacy Vanduy n Meat Market. Pork. Beef, and Muttnn aiwavs on hand. ' Gamp and Poultry in season. 94 a t nignest casn price paid for fat stock. Meats delivered in rirv and countrv FREE OF CHARGE. L. LENNOX, Prop J. A. BOWMAN. BLAGKSMITHING OF ALL KINOS Naatly Don. MACHINERY REPAIRING AND HORSESHOEING A Specially. Wood Working and Cat- riage Painting Done in First-class order. C STREET, . INDEPENDENCE. Wraps and cloaks, gloves, hosier)', ladies' and children's underwear, bootsshoes, men's, boys', and chil dren's clothing, rubber goods, hats, trunks and valises, etc., etc., and we cordially invite you all to come and OUR STOCK and GET OUR PRICES) We are sure that we will use you as white as the old firm has been doing, and are prepared to show you a great many more goods. Truly yours, Are th, and their Fall Stw-k is mtdv for inspwlion. Tht-y tin still i tho front rank with tho most eonijilcte stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE In l' wmniy. This house luw the l,ht twonl of any house in tho city, and their fu- cililit for iiolnjr Imslness ait? tiueiiimled by any liini in the valley. Their hup facilities for doing business, together with the fact that their jinrelmses niv inusJly 'made tlireet from the factories, taklnji uilvanta of all tho dis- ' ' . counts there a id in sight, (Miitl.livs them to speak with confidence as to their place being ft safe ono to place an account or to DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY, Foeling sure that you are getting valuo n. wived. In the ruturo, as in tho past, kind ' and courteous attention will be given to their miston.eiu Their stock is so large and varied hat to ment iot,va. t ides would bo an inipossi bio task. And M,y respectfully illviu, tmj lu Win Jo tako look before purcluusing their ' iall slock. i Uoo (1 hHp 3 1 llUillilUi ' f helley & Vanduyn, SUCCESSORS TO J. L. STOCKTON. f