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About The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1891)
, 4 7 THE WEGT OIDE. C"l fS f' f 4 Vvwl I Uimnj WmA ktt Km. i ta, nsnxnx FRIDAY, &OTKMBKR4, Ml.' TO ADVERTISERS. taMea totmka M tfca aa4. Of aart aauaaa (tit Mat a Um raik watt WUIaaa M rlTar, Mi a Um aula! llaa o( la OraM A tHafiala IUUwiJ' aaatalaa a anauiaOoa f bo aaaatai li tkt artactaatl ahlMttu Mu IM aoaavr, al ta mi of lk iartat, Mat waaJiajr aa4 ibtotl pueutau la Uw uiatMMVallar. Daily 2rom j-ou bv not com tottOM on the xohangeprop otitic. Do to quickly, from Aug. 87, MM. TBI fittest fltolewMi does not km m mooh to My of the late ed itoritl tMwiaUoi M it M)(hl to, w it mm to w. Km its lor grown Tu many death by drowning U Oregoa this year u phenomenal. Is it aa epidemic, a coincidence or ftfrtaltot Wbowtll answer the question! - " MMms ' Thero tu never a more satlifac lory tad ntooatful mettiag nod porting than that betwwn the citi mm of Astoria and the Oregon Thi Chili atmosphere has been of lata not at ail enjoyable to Hal Motda. It strange that the air Im been ao Chill ao ar sooth thU Um of the year. Kezt weak we aball give the par ttooian ooaeerning the Portland Exposition mnddle ia referent to the Pre Association. In the wean tiaN let everybody get ready for a riait to the great Exposition to be held in Portland from Sept. 17, to Oct 17, 1891. Osi thing the Deiuomtie press cannot deny that Harrison fend a treat rrtnmtomr. Salem jimmti A a member of the deiuocrailt mm the Rtvitw claim the priv liege af inquiring what a "gran nuner" la. Koaeburg Kenew. The Wm 8ide would refer thu to the Vxtm Association and have the Salem Journal managers repri manded severely if they are unable to answer the abore question of the Jfovttt. UilLOL-JLiJ ,.J Bbo. Johxsox, of the Cwnilli Timet, says that Bulouweda hi been badly defeated, aftir a fit rn eootast with the congi wiouaiiMt of Ire hours dun.tion, the re vol a tioniata hare taken tHMwasion of Valparaiwx Th CliiliMim an great people. Thej wttlr tlieii diatarbanoea by a general riot kid revolution, and they wad iutt each other to the death. The in struction of life and poverty iu tl recent upheaval ia overwbelmiug. It leaves a tad spectacle for thom- to look upon who are used to oar amicable political relations. Skxator Dolt u gave the W'nn Sidk a very pleoaant call itutt Wednesday a he was on his way from Tillamook bay. TbeSenatoi has been examining the coaitt powl bilitiea from the month of the Col umbia aoutbward, ana will nu 4onU report as to the feasibility ol several points which lay along our coaatway. If we are allowed U judge of the Hon. Senator's view, we should My, that he would uoi recommend appropriations when they would be a useless expendi ture of money, and on the othei band, Mr. Dolph would not batl tate to insist opon proper appro priations wherever the investment would pay. Oovxb.vok Pkynoybu is certain ly not working for the governor snip of Oregon next Uirm. II ir coarse on the road bills last legis lature shows that he thooeht he could snap his fingers at the voteis of the mountain countries. QrwW Pom Courier. We would kindly inform the ed itor of the Courier that the "Gov ernor's course on the road bills of the last legislature," was a correct, constitutional "course," and the supreme court of Oregon baa since so decided. The governor vetoed 08 wagon road bills and the su preme court holds as did the gov eraor. The Courier will please make the correction for the sake of truth, not necessarily for the sake of the governor, for he does not care a cent anyway. BIBLICAL. And Jacob said uato Esan, sell me this day thy birthright; and Esan sold his birthright for a mess of pottage and lentiles, B. C. 1830 Holy Bible. And Portland said unto East Portland, sell me thy birthright; Kid East Portland sold her birth, right for a picture of a free bridge, A. D. 1891; and thus they crossed the river. East Portland. And PorUand Mid unto Albino, Mil me thy birthright; and Albina old to Portland her birthright for picture of a free bridge and a cow pound limit, A. D. 1891; and the weeping from the streets and housetops lasted for many days. Albion, AJbfan Courier, KXtOSITiOX AXD SDITOR& THE The Knaoburg ItaiW think 'there are some thiitgs tu the tuau agement of the PortUud EmwI Uon that are wilt cuiptlbK" Tin trouble is that the manager of the exposition desires free advertiHlngi In the country papers. The AVrtftr objeeta to a "chromo'1 as pay ft r advertlaing; and erittoisea the jntr simony and seldxh jwlloy of the rortland pttaltat. Thn sanu oomplaint bM come (Vow other pa pers, and was plaiuly exprwwn. even in the late pites astHH'latlon at Astoria. There are two sldoa to this mat. ter. Ouo Is m reptvtwuttM by tin Swim and othw pajwrs, that tin management of the exponltlou ought not to ask tlttnnto give u valuble advertising tym for noth ingto "run its chetk,M in othei words, for what ia worth soiuethln with uo expectation of ever paying a cent, except iu a 'Vhrouio,1' or free ticket. There is a Uu-jte ele weut of insultiug indignity iu Uil way of treatiug the country prcem They are not beggars or pauers, and they don't prise a "chromo" or a free ticket to the exposition a the ' highest and most precious earthly boon as the manager seem to suppose, Mjttt of them are self- supporting, self reliant, asking no mrors from anybody, and giving s thousand where they receive oue. W recognise this met, and deem it worthy of mention; because the too popular idea seeuut to be thut a country editor can always U bought with a free pass, a ticket o a "chromo." The other aide is that this is no so mochacitysflairaa it iaan expo sition for Portland aud of the stat and North wmt; aud every countrj iisptv ought, without money ai d without price, to help it alottg. It was doubtlcHS with thh truly cor revt idea that the imuiugcr of the exposition addreied the coutttrj voiium in a uumorotis vein, unt. tendered no money for their vatu able services. The trouble is simple aud ought to be eatty of solution and Him . lion. The manager did not quit unuemu(i ue inner neari aim spirit of the country pre. ll editors are men ol metal, of imie pendenct), of nobility, as a rule, Tltry did not like to be apprtuehe s though they were a lot of gib tiering monkeys. We don't lielie . lUey cure alwut the Ht!eitl.-n.r Mice; as we have said, the rx tion is an affair in which they ar til hiterented u nint h hd I'oril.n il k They, do tltire, Ikiwvwi t fK- iret-d nit nu n, m lln-y ivrtau.t are. V Intve no iltiii 14 lluit tlieexjn lilltm U to be u greut iwiiw; w Hive uo doubt tliitt it is iu ex re. luul lututU, aud thut the uwiuiyr uieut isdoiug more than it wilt cv er be paid for to inske It soj yet w can understand the secret and sell convincing mwn for the con .tt-at a S a m . mm iii uiiti nos oeen iiiuuo. It m simply a slight mintuke, and ou, Oiethrcn of the country pr ought to take it, and help alum; most enthUHiutttically, chtt-rfully itou tr iieeti be, rrrely, this great northwestern enterprise. We believe they will do it, am that when they come here this fal bey will realize that their wruil was hasty. VERY US PA I II. The State Fair mauugeincnt giver out its patronage in a very one sided way. The management has h few pet papers to which it gives at its patronage in advertising, Instead of giving lews to the few aud a littl o the many. The reason th .(iW hlDE ci it icim the action l lie directors or the secretary, Mr J. r. Uregg, w, because we wroU to the gontloman lost uittned and offered him space in the W'tm Side aud Obeoos School Joukn a t at very reasonable rat cm, and all i he reply we received wits an en tlosed clrculur letter and a frw ticket to the big horse ruce whtel would lust a week. Now since out wife was not even included in the "fiee ticket," we cannot go, as we believe a married man should not attend a horse race without his ln-t ier half attending also. And since we have learned that the only im portant feature of the State Fair (t) is to be horse races, we are rather glad thut "we are not in it." The late Oregon Press Association did a good thing when it cctmurcd tht State Fair management for making flsh of one newspaper and fowl of another, especially when the man agement uses as much state money as tbey do, and all section are en titled to their share of information. Tub hot wave did strike this part of Oregon, but only lasted a few days and is cool and nice now, The lutent fad In Indies' stationery In the Isdy's name and city printed In mall, plain types on the upper left bsnd corner of a sheet of white note paper. It Is a very neat and tanty way of decorating oue's onrreiiponileijco pa per. The Wkht 8idh furnUbes It, Great sluughter sule on Pants at 8helley A Vanduyn's. 2t. Frenhont groceries always on hand at D. B, Taylor's. TUB ttrwllllttia at (-aarittlraaa. ItmJwik That all nienilien of tlis Wlill llittUiu Army seeunl Hietr lovs sud i-uilliy to Mrs. limine balmier slid Mm. T. J. Lee, members of the' NY. C T. U., who havs Mil culled to Lttit with lUelr kivvd ouwt Ui xteclttly taken (huu thiu. Msy the the dear tv lor who shIiI 'Viilivr lHUv hlltlren to come unto Mu" nlmmlsnily btvMi theni Iu Uielr Md sltlltitUiu, HIHS.M. M. UtmOMAN Mhs, L.I. 'UvutH Man. 11 J. Finch. A Fink ItoiKUThe llolteu llouav UUtli-r the stile iitHtuutHtiehl of J . 0, Y. Uitty la one of tlw flmt luottl tUwtm UtuoMu It ljut tint pliM tor the wtMt-nlden, sth K I'. tntlu top ri(ilit st the Holtou ltiiu, yolus iu sud conilug out ol I'ortliimi . Tlu wllnwil tivket oltiee U Iu th tUir ui ,m buiitllugand Iu lliu n-ptUMi nnn. ir. Atiiru'ii, iiivvnni twia i iu, tu h iuiiU vmo ox'i ami v ui wo wursuy ttHuMia Miutvrmng sll mn loatU Slltl alewuilMMU (Out IiIm eoiulit or Ivmvihk the cliy. 'ivrtiM vvr VriMUIatiki vuoatvivtluy the HXW'llvu rtvUiHlmlrtlluiii', WSTKH lUTaH. V t'-ll miwlui at 1'iiUi.n to the ailvertiaviiitiiit of 1.. v. oiiiutim, Hiving iU vvr voimuiMuit tw uewvllt u inv fult .wvviun.a oi ui ium iiiy w ir. Mr, UtliiHirv Iw Jon umih tor our town Iu ailvauut., ns attr i'tj lutertl, suit Iu, ukuvs bl i(rviu wnter at tli luwv (MwlUM rales. n vitjr ouout to a, .wetfol t h'aal teu iiydiMint lur ttiv uteiuti t otiee, tiui uwih aivu. I MaU'f-WuTaa la Olif Ol UM Mat 10 hi KgtiM. Kul NO A until wi ltitKf itKiUllil. ..011.7 alHHIt tbtt 1 tU ft AUatwt, . nvr iu liv tlw numv b) npilj U. W, lUeliartUtu, proving au ittl M,tii) tor llii utiiKw, " PPKES 11 irsv Used ia MilUoas of Homci-40 Years tlie Suadard. HOW CAN WE DO IT? We 've been asked lately by people who goods they were used But do n't waste your ettly-psid good money lor themand they are oun to throw away, give away, or sell-awsy under regul. prices. We choose to do the last. You owe it to yourselves to come nrounc and " stock prices. up THE RACKET STORI B. F. ANDREWS, PROP. Psrlflos tks BLOOD, Cares COMTIPATIO, IMDIOEHTIOJt, ILI0L81ISS, LITER COMPUlftTS.MrK RESDifRE, COLDS, PiHt'LES, all MUX AEr tCTiy.18,Ss4 PISE18ES ABISlStl fresi a DISORDERED STOMACH. TU Otnii HAMBVM TEA iidlii YELLOW WRAPPXM with ractimik Siooaturt ef EMIL rHKSh. kt otNOTON a 00. Aotim, a r-MMMm BMitD dv six iriia-r and uaorra. THE NEW Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. YOUNG HORSES. DOUBLE ASO , SINGLE TEAMS. yinrt-Clsss Turnouts lot Commercial Travelers. Prices reasonable sad Batista Hon guaranteed. Ciive ui a NORTH END MAIN STREET, . J. If. JONES, Psori. KW Td-UAY. MRS. GRAHAM'S and ELDER FLOWER CI In not a cnniiii'tlr In Um wniw In which that Uirm w nipiiiHriy uwi.out iiormiimuiU' Imiiiu- inm. 11 nriiHiim a win, mniKilh, i li'ur, vnlvnly kin, and by ilmly nun Kruiliiully niiikim 1 1 1 ininnitiiin kiivuhi anaiiioi winior. u m a im luul imitoiillnn fmin Dm n'irla of aim mill wlnd.Hinl prnvntiu amiliurn ami tm'kli'a; nnl Wai'Kllunim will nisvi-r minn wnno ymi ll II. Ilalmnaw IliK fiun fur liolUir lliitn aoun Hint wnMir.nimrlaliiwiinillHillila up thiol! In, linil lima iirvvunla thn luniiiillnn nf wrlnklna, I l ul viw ilia frwilinoaa, iilniirnnaa, mill iii.kiiii. niiaanf aktn thut yon luul when a llltln Rlrl. Kvry lady, yoimtt r nld.niiKhl Ui u It, tui It Klvaa a miirn ynnthriil apiNwrniini In any Imly, and lliHtlwrmanrntly. It niiiinlna no iiold, IKiwdrr.nornlkall, Hint la na Imrinli. na uw, and aa iiimi'lahlnK Ui l.tin akin na dim I. u lliu Itower, I'rl.'K, SI, lit (all ilriiKKlala and hiilr drnaaara, or at Mra. lnrvln (Irnham'a calalj. Ilahiiicnl, 111 1'nat atrw-l., Hun KrHnflam, wIhto ahe trmla Iridlna fur nil blnmlahm of lliu tiu-.r or llauru. Udlna at a illalniKW tri'HIod hy Inu tar, Hind aininp fur Imr 1 1 1 lie Ixaik, "How U Sample bottle mi'llcil frw U any duly nn niiilni of 0i In alumna t" pnv for pnatnKe and poking. I'dy ai'Ula wbiiIbiI, ' MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Clin the worat mam ,,f frw-HlMi, annliiirn an. Iiiwntma, mntli tmlHie" pininla. nnn nil aain lilmnlaliiw, VrUr, Sl.AO. Ilnrinli'a nn ' '. rnnllvii, Nnaiiniploiriin bxaeiil. l.nd g'-IHa Willi Mid. The Druaolat In thia mwn wh'i n'at or- dura a bill nf my pmpnratlnna will havuhla arutlnna arn for iuIo hy wholnaula drug-Klata In , iihiii. .mint i.i nil. nn.riii'.n'ni'iii, ... ..i.t.i lyiiiraau nuu n.uiji city wwv"i ivi NEW TO-DAY. DEAFNESS, IT8 CAU3E8 AND CURE. M mllt ll, traatnl l' aa aatlal uf wwlitaul ntxiUlloa. IWafaaa arattltiil aad atiliiwl vnral, ul Imw M hi ft) Mali Mandiaa, ntlpf b, wtlwr ihiIm hat fallM. Hu lh4ISl.ii!l wi'lmlaiul lit hum maaml, (HI), atiilaia) a oiii'hUi uk aiKlt anil twiitKHilalt b Or. A, (rtmi hiiimiihi I Iwi'K wail liaa ronisni, iittmi, wean, Taylor's Bak-j Whsn In want of a e .us a vm, niio to this mtablishment for It t can always be relied on fbr AV limllty, Aud the usual variety of fnwt akeeaiid pit A fttll Hue of fresh groceries am aimed meats and fruits of ever; variety. All the leading brands of tobacct old cigars. lit Baking AYLIJH iiPowder: that question 1 hundred timei bought goods at our counter to paying double the money lot wonder; we got the goods hon M at these unheard-r NEW BUGGIES GOOD RIDING HORSES. DRESS MAKING! Kisor &, Darrell, MONMOUTH STREET, INOEPENDKNCE. In Nw Tlank Hullrltnar, rmima rooontly oo. miplitd by Mlaa Judaon. Dnwaca Hindu tn orilr. mid ciiltlng done nn tin- luul. nnd iiitMt iniidorn ayaitmi, A Irlni will mnvlniw thai my ayalmn la Ima.'d (in ai'l mil Itlci prlnulplM, and la aura ui iilciuoinj putniiia, I'rli'iia mitminnblo, aud work rumlahed a prninlaod, I A J. He DUWII BUGKSMITHING OF ALL KINDS Neatly Dene. MACHINERY REPAIRING AND HORSE SHOEING A Specialty, Wood Working and Car riage Painting Done it First-class order, C STREET, . INDEPENDENCE. KKW TO-DAY. TICJB oini err, ia, isst. CtlUltHK Utr MTl'ltV arniiirH iiwlr 1 lh iipfita ni Mm inruiliif an4 timilral lalmla nl lb alal. ijtrr; UMiiiiii.iliiMi., ami rl.vniHUI-il UlldlHlM. Tliill U livalml III K i-nlll alnlaiioClirMlan winimiiiilijr, ami In uim I tlw liilllilr.i mwIIiiiii ul I Iip aMIe, MILITA8V TMAININQ. '.smdsss nS fiat S 1, BO fa. " tS antlra sassles. twttor mi.p fit . IiiUmIiIimi rm rF wuu 17. 11 air 1 aiii'.ut 111 t'rw., i'nrlll, Or, SO 0UG. MMIM SMtlMt tt fllMsljr, IVm fsUM t4 Ut(l, llnslofss, Nhorthsnd, r U ia..H -i lit. mi n.i-i,i i...ii, . al mt torn, vaMluaw tnm titlwi atlwttl, Itaa, I f S7 A Th. Largest Stock ) Best Quality of Can be J. F. O'DONNELL'S. igKitxLgva-'M.s' Sf Bill i IIHI 1 I ALL KI.HD1 OF New Firm Mew Goods We have enlarged our store room, and filled it jam full of new goods, and feel safe In saying that we have the best selected and largest stock of Dry Goods, including Fancy and Staple lm M, Wraps and cloaks, gloves, hosier', ladies' and children's underwear, boots, shoes, men's, boys', and chil dren's clothing, rubber goods, hats, trunks and valises, etc., etc., and we cordially invite you all to come and SEE OUR STOCK and GET OUR PRICES We are sure that we will use yoil as white as the old firm has been doing, and are prepared to show you a great many more goods. Truly yours, 1r SUCCESSORS TO Monitor Steel-frame Drills and Seeders Oliver's Steel and Chilled Flows Sleelrframe Spring-tooth harrows, etc. AT oo elm AGENTS BUY Mil uvl found at WCIM1P;II5. tl It toll BEST. 111 Q Ui u J. L. STOCKTON. - 1 Al an FOR POLK BUT THE GEHUIQE. DOW'T Read Thii M Because it will tell you THE GROCER, Is selling more grccerics and queensware than any other house this side of Portland. Good Goods and 'Low Prices is always his motto. W. E. GOOD ELL, SUCCESSOR TO H. 0. WAlltR, l)EAI.KIt IX M 1 . Mlw UOOL AltUlVISG EVEKY WEEK. My fttm-k In iiuw more cotnkt than ever U-fure. Hhall be plaiHd U hav ill Hits fiiRumicra df ihi aion xnitiuu tnulintf, and hae to luiluw many to .rmly w Uo iicwr ilid U'(in. Ill wuuivlluu allb my atom U a IIJSPA.IJR SHOP iVIu-re tKxaai and aluKU cnu be iviwIrtHl or nmiiufacturcd uudor the niaoairaient of M. A. UAKKlt Itciiii'inU'r the name aud fsluce, V. E. GOODFLL, - Main Street, Independence YOU ARE WANTED. I want everybody that la luUsreated tu CARPETS, RUGS AND MATTINGS to call aud oxmlu tuy new atock. I kuow that you will And my awoirinif nt the Uiput and my imttems the flues! ever ihowu you In thin city. New guoda arrivlug wuntiiinly. coriE And Jiiot mviveit direct from (he factory. KK-RHiit Chamber Sulta, Tiirlur Furniture, 8fa lMs ( aioey'a I'atetit), ltnok Can, Deaka; nlxo a lnrte iumily of Window Hhadea. furliilu llce, Hlmm Hot. dent. Hut Jtucka, Picture Frames and Mi ulilliifrs and evervthlug uhumIj kept Iu a flrat-elaiw store. Call aud secure UAHUAfNti W. O. COOK, CORNER LOTS FOR SALE. K. C. rentland, in view of removing from Independence to ftcwpt a position elsewhere, now offers that prominent corner lot on IJ and Main streets FOR SALE. The prop, erty is paying good iuterest on 3,000, and has only a dwelling house nnd a building with two office rooms occu pying Iho lot. There are 104 feet on Main street and 148J on B street, mid all the rest of the block, to the south, is built solidly in britjk. The dwelling might be sold sepa ralely, with 48x104 fet of land, and the offices separately, with 20x100 feet of land, but he prefers to soli all together. Considering that land a few doors south is selling at 150 a front foot, the price Mr. Pentland asks makes it a very de nimble' bargain. Call and see the owner for prices aud terms of purchase, The present low price at which the property is offered will hold until September 15, 1891, only, Call at the office of E. C. rentlaud, and ask to be shown the property.: If not sold by Sa'ptemberl" property will be leased to some responsible pail 3 COUNTY. ji i mi a a i in w the uew stylus of ' MAIN STREET, INDEPENDENCE, OR. leruiot years.. V tlW--Vi,'jOjK-,. ., r