The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 21, 1891, Image 3

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Vest Sills Publishing Company
1 1 1. itu i ion, MorttTo,
lSKrt'H!mi. President It, t,, Arnold
returned lat (Sunday week fhiin visit
to Callforulaand thermln leh lletids.
Tin follow lug complimentary Item tip.
hUi thktsl number of Uie Sicfe
iiVctt Vriw "We (into enjoyed tltt
wwk a vWi from ftvsldcut' Arnold,
of the 8lal Agricultural tvilege Bi(
IVrvatlto. President Arnold ha felt
the fatigue of huig and devoted vnVirt
a u Imuruetor ami executive of the
luoUtutlou lit hi ehr,,e, hihI W
ued his vacation fur a rest, having v to
tted the Hattdv. Ion Islstul for thi pur
le. He return much refreshed aud
Invigorated, and ha returned to Id
home after having visited the fclate
rulwrstty and rtiiftitd Univer
sity. He expivaw-d lilmwlf utuih
pleased with tit oWrvstlou in thi
aisle. l"tvf. Arnold lmpne u as a
iikwI devoted huI Intelligent educator,
MrjHt ou by high motive, aud nhle to
attain result. We are sorry hi ty
tit tht stale wa iut longer. Many of
our jteoplc would Meein aualtitatH
with him"
Klistnic latin rs. - I're.' It. I Ar
nold, of the Agricultural college, re
turued home last isuudsy.havtug spent
hi summer vacnttou among the trop
ical Jmit of the Kami toll Ivbtutla.
Il wanted t bring something Iwik tu
theexrimcut station, toshow hlsde.
vlku mitt Interval In the wurk, mul
tttsde an t'tltot to ptuvhe some wed to
rain an eleetrle-llght plant for the
school tVrvattls JKoir. Wo ehoukl
like In say to Itro, JiUuu (tint we m
rfitw iliiKi Unit lMiliiit Aruitlil
winikl Imv- ttmto t iUI If h Imu
lrHiRlit mjiii 'Vlwtrlc mviV' frmu
uiim tif the Vithntu uf ll SuiulU li
UUihUkiiiI iloiiitti ttttiimme fur tht
lwtnnt f tti lty f Curvnttl. Hut It
limy I tttnt tli dwtrle Hh'i' l 0r
Vlllrvoiil.v vJllinpttf few liHMittu
gruwth, mul if well ttirwt,th i-,.
ttity nmy gruw mt iiwk? unniwtilu
J.RT t' I'mikmsTAS". AH ttxtn
itUv uf mmitlliiK ttiitt-, i"il
4'tiMrgi It.uo vr tiiwntT fur. ur 1
nt jMr tiiututi. All nhlliwry iinttit
ml fflutloii of wimkiU'iit t
rlurx uity ft rtit Uw fr nil tiwi
five llitfi, Alt imwlilng nMtf frt
mnt i-hiirt h mul kty fiitertnlimwif
ulh kt r.HttiiJ jrlii. All mini
t r uf tlw Ki't n tmv ThK
HitKfirltalftrl. or ItoO -r y?ar
I'hvm aritU nxluwHl prt w, m mIi
trmwk'tit work mui t paid fr t thi
raieirf W nu por lino. "J f"' r
tkhift at our rtt?ulr illllnd nttw.
All jtili work iltnii' Hi I'lirtlmul mill
jmi Kmrnbra rtoi. We will t-um
wtvwtrk with any uf tliem xwi
we do u lithograph work, full mill
Btt.v NkkiiMi. Mr. K. IM'tioq.
nlUnr iiutt inirii iorortln' IhmIii f. A,
putillliKl iu lUKlao wtiittty, ihIIih! on
u lat Mtuitlnv, mul he b wecklng u
nom! fruit mul rtrawlwrry fiirm; !,
he will rol wtultry. .No uwult
w.iultl pay titti-r tljiut tin Mr. Ttnr
hi In hi mlmr , Bint m I'lai
htttur iMlaptwl to the vry purjuw.
than till wtinit of Tolk inunty. Wr
lm hope the (jruih'iimu will V
tie among u, iw he hn hl nnn. Ii ex-jH-riim
mi theae Uiiwt, ami then tuaj
be we rail Ki t pl 'f etrawtwrriw
nee in a wlH P"IWjr a chicken
ortwo. I.ATKB-Wearcglatl to uy
Mr. Thoriw haa boilKlit twenty at'rea
tlittuttwo aiiJ one-half mll aouth
wvt of Iwhia-nilence, ami to another
nterprii l ahll to our vicinity.
pimTi.Asn Hraixw Coi.i.wm. In
ovemlrof the prrwut year, thlalu
atltution wilt have rmiiiha out a full
4arter of a eeutury of It exlaleiicei
better aehool now titan ever Ufore,
with U uratluatw eiiuKil In ""v'"'
life In all mi-tloua of the Northwest.
l'n,f. A. I'. AmiatronK, the rrlndpul,
in one of tregou'a """l HUinwftil elu-i-fttor.
and a man prominent In lul
Hwdreiwor I'ortlnnd, who undrr
BtaiuUftilly the k ,u hlU"1-
tk apparent to ever)ne are the many
i1vntaut of tuorouKu, i-i..v.
..-.!.. Hint It la not neawanfy
i. ......,. thni here. ItenU
nouneemeiitoftliewlU-Ke In our ad
vertblnn column, amlaend for a cata
. iv.v -Who any corn will not
m.r valley? If thew la uoh a
" . tilm come to
man in our j i . , .
thk wkhi mu ni R,,d ,M' w;n
-vlmel that corn dm fc-row to jn-rfee
!..... Mr. V. P. Bitvena, win
live ulH-ut alx "'IN HoutlH.'.u.t of thl
plow, In Urn Aiwrlcan t-o'. m j 't
! l tuiitilit eltiht fe"l hKl'.
...u.,i,.,,li'd ear. The blade
"Willi " . II ...
.i-tki woultl nmke K'hhI enllae,
ml a more profitable crop oould m.t he
wised upon certain KUKiho. in....
have her in iilmndau'. Iruly
thl I a land of "Iwb nd wwny
M well ft a land fthi,,K etae-
Thk Vohkwh Mabkkt.-AI m-
ifur nillcaie iuh i""
i tlmu Hie average
Ikautind lnrvet weather.
J. A. Itowman' ad. ttHtay.
The wheat il l'iUuiliiK to etune in
Very rapidly.
Ureal Mauiilitor ale on Pant at
XlielWy VHiiiluyny "t.
"iane runnhiK now. hut don't fall.
and autwerli for theWwr Pi tin.
Martm eimiity ir't 11.45 per eapita
Rirallehlltlwi of..,mlane.
Many wHHitWm are now eoutlng
litHiietutiikealltile ret mid rwre.
to il
the an
Aiirita ao(
rt,n wlllbeletlnm the
P""' ' w .,l,ln.i famine, war,
h viur.
Z Jl Lee, that hr.,.d-tull may rlw
? S, l whm.tlH.eHmi,alouand
...i.or wctluna uf inw
world mcuHur
nl n at ea " "'" ' .,
S wlilcUwecanputupon. mar-
keta of tlic worW' .
gelbtofthefhriHtlanchu cl, or I
and more eapeelally ho a wr
i1ddWl)ul',H,,l0"'un' ,
" ' fl w t tQ
find the auud-eplt, upon wl-lcue
their hrlKl.U.HxptrUHon taJ
ktotwl, and gather up aome anelU
i he wit aliore,
R Hendrlek la now imivIiib
ellity win, m-i, per huhel for
l"ail on William Kerr, Paiker, for
ymir jjeueml ftirm ami Held photo
Miulteruf every demMtilimlkiit win
have the Wm Kihr for one vear for
one dollar.
Mrect all ismuiiunlimtUni for th
WH rtuTHKVttrKuisortoJ. 11. N.
Call mi It. F, Andrew at the Backet
tore, on C tret, for tatntalua In hlrt
ami overall. ,
Itead our pleudltl "pMadhrlm" let
er oil the tlmt pn It la well worth
your perunal
The typo' tlmuk tn Mr. Will Mad
lin for a Due lot of luelou apple will
In ttimluy.
The tnwtlnir atill eoiitluiie at the
'eMtlon UU-riiRt'le," and ar uf einlil
.'hthle Intereal.
The Wkmt 8ihk lntelll(;eiiie oftlee 1
a great luilimlii, and It term are
eery iiittlile.
lUwl K, (', Pvullaitd'a dvertlemelit
In another eoiuiuuuf tin a'r, "tVr
iter lot for le."
Inv tlfhvltk alway Itaa on hand
fn-ah midle, Key NVet vigor and
tnnilttvl fruit lu eaoii.
The luuraiii uu grain at the Halfiii
mill warvhotii U aa cheap a at an)
warehouMiln thetatv.
A young mare for aale or trade,
Com. to the Vat Hiiik orttw, aud wi
lll put you uu the trade.
tJlttaoii A Kirklaud old twenty acr
of fruit land thl week to Mr. h. P.
fftorpe, uf Itougla uuty.
A giHul freh milk eow waiiteil. Any
jue having ueh ail animal call at tin
vVtaT Sunt Intelligence olllw.
Hear Itev. Mr. Cuwdeii at the Chrll
Ian ehureh next Suuday vveulug. He
la aald to he ttnl exei lleut aitker.
Oue "almighty dollar" at the Wn
ftiiK lutellfgenee uftUw may aei ureyou
dfty dollar, or ptrhapn llfty thouwind
The nrt wheal aold lu Oregon foi
eali waaauhl for twenty-live evnt a
Uuh t(hy U. li. Hmith, of Polk county,
lr. 1 honipoiu teeUirml tn the Itap
i!t ehuuh lt Mouduy eveulug. u
a krge audieiu. J le 1 quite a forelhh
Hereafter liedead of "Pulk Connlj
PuhlUhlua Cmipany," diaii all Una
n.w to "Thf Wl Mde PultlUhlng
That Unutifol proa rty of Wlllluin
.tl. lleathllt'ld' Corner V aud ltallniail
etw. f.r le. A Imrgalu. Eiuulre ol
J. C. Ulhiiitleur. !Iw
V. II. Wheekr a dray team to
.mo IilkI Tmwluy, hntaklng the ha
eonJileraffly, hut doing no other
particular damagD.
Do our prow-rty owner know that It
would he a good thing for the la-ih-
Irian If thev (the owiii-r) would fix
up tliMrMileWalk?
IVnniiiirtiiu' Air Willi machine I
taking rent, hut the Air Hhlp Walt,
by Dole, will travel to every city and
town lu the I'nlted Htati .
If you want aomettilng nice go and
examine the lmk of Haller j-weu
hue Jut by Hhelley A all
duvn. They will try anil plew-e
We call ath'iitlon to the reault of the
teachum' examination fr certlflctil.,
klmilv furiillu'l by our energetic
county urinti'inlent,W. U.
Ail pemon have farm to a-nt, or
jH-ooii wanting a farm, or any oiner
bulnealnfnrniatlun, come to the Wwt
HiDK Intelligence ofllce and give u the
The ha Imlt contct at Talmage
ru.rU tiutt Bunday lietween Halem and
.... . r
InileMnileni. reeuiuil iu lavor o. in-
,i...mll,l..n(. the acore neiug aixieeu
" - "--i
t three.
Tt I iwltl there were le than two
hundred people at Hll' circud Int
Mnndavnlirlitln McMluuviue. rteur
cin u ought to glva the people of Ore-
gon a nt anyway. .
ItemcnilMir when In Hulcm to call in
. ir.u.....u.i
at Wrong' reHiauriini, now nn..
4 Irwin, and get a meal not tone ex
celled on the Pacific court for 23 will,
it 271 Commercial etreet. tf
If you have iinytlilng to ell or to
rent or if yen wuiit to buy anything,
come to tlic WkhtHiiib Intelligence
olllce and tell u all alxuit it, and when
the transaction I complete, It coHtayoii
one diilliir.
Jtev. J B. Flaher, prealdlng elder of
the Alimny dlHtrlct, (Jregon ounferem
of the KvBiiMulloal Aaaoelutlmi, will
preach lu the Evangelical church on
Hunday niornlng next. Hervloe In tlio
evening aio.
A large amount of paper, well pro
nerved, have accumulated In TtiK
Wkmt Hiuk olllce which may he had
... iui.miv.lve cent per nunomi.
Ilegulur price fifty cent t'r hundred.
Cull at once ueioro nu an- ivU,
Mr M. H. Hendrlek, leee of the
... . I.I ..!! II...
Halem mill warenoiiwj, n
emclal atteutlou of fitrmer and all
I ... ... ...!..... .1..., I i.i lu tint.
ulhcmtlmt nave wn.. " r
nared to receive and atore wheel on
. .-I nmyoiiulilu term, and will
,mv the hll'Ht mar ket price for v, heat j
null Hum. Will pay ceeh Immcdl
Htl.jyu)on the rewlpt of the grain.
Mr. Mu)l'y w"' )llt0 t,HJ C0UMt
mnuntain a f jcui ago, and took
Ui him fltark ot ehecp to tend ou
ali,inn. Thin wua .lil b' pmepeut of
uiukliig raine. r...... ..-. . -
.. owu between M"W 4""1 four h""-
.Ammmot laud and Ulc fl,f! ("
I.. . 1'iJil 111
Iuh'D. r-re ",T
' . Ml 1 1
vaj-lou luduHtrlea,
nd adding to her wealth. Now to the
Hunt for young men to take advantage
of opportuultle.
The Klngalaml A Hougliu threaher,
"LaMexteaim," wa IrliHl by Damon to
teat It threehlng qualllle. It wurked
well hut there being imaaeker attaehed
tt waaaUandoiMHl for tlm pnaa-nt. It
i Intended to make It lh threaher next
Mr. Kuima Ward, daughter of John
Hum, of thi county, haa the contract
for carr.vlug the mall from Farewell
llend Ut Prltievlile, Crook county Hhe
haa i dltauee uf thirty mllvt to travel,
aero a dcacrt, with only aaud, aage.
and unlr In light, and tml a drop of
water uu the route.
A very Interval lug letter from J.C.
Coor, U) hi folk iu Oregou, will Iw
found upon the kaal g of THK
WKat Hum thla week. Mr. Cooper,
I!rs. President Polk aftd James
Russell Lowell Laid to
who li well known In Polk county, I
vl.ltlngol.l friend mid rcMive In
Kentucky at preaent, and will I home
lu a few day. Thi la really a historic
letter, aud la well worth crulng.
A good many wheat flekli In Oehueo
and the McKay valley have tweu
ruined by rut. Tlie ground being wet
and the grain very rank, the crop wa
in no eondltiuu to withstand the eltVci.
of broiling aun, and many farmer
whtwe pna.pi'et were no brilliant t few
dy ago, are ipitle naturally aure over
the unavoidable nUfortune that haa
uefalleu their wheat eM.--VMeer
AV'. M
A lilWr truiu i. C. "H"
la HI talk.
Hkavkr CiiniK, V a,vue Co., Ky.,
Augui tt, taul.
mr Folk at llmue:
I arrived here lat
evening at I'uele Mielhy'a, after a ritie
uf fourteen mile on lieraeUck, carry
mg my valUe lu front of me,) ipilte
tired. Cui W Shelby I a widower. He
I.Mikivitrv tout' h like father; I eaimot
look at him without thinking of utther.
Ill daughter, I.lte, an old maid of
fiirty-aeveu yar, kH- houe him
aud tlwy live alone. The hotwe la a
vwo-Mi.ry frame, bard tlnUhiHt, with
. hut adJo.iilng the -ar. I alepl lu
one of the tog hula lat night; It la a
room aLtul IHxIH, built of buckeye log
uy Oeorge Freilirtck Cooi-r ataait the
eke of the lt century, nearly or
pilte oue hundred year ago. At the
time II wa built, cair ami pig pen
ere buhl adjoining, to protect ttewv
4iiliual from tlic wolvwand bir thai
.heiioverran thUeouotry lu great nuiii-
oer. The atul for the laud wa la
ued to liim lu IhoI, In the county oi
Kentucky and the Territory of lr
,,1 ii In. It 1 one of the Uvellel epoia I
have ever aeeii. At the lunclloll ui
ilve ravlu., Il I an Irn-gular but torn
,,1 about forty hi lxty ai n. aud oi
vtmwe five bill luU-rveolng. Tlie bol-
umi I rolliitg, with gravelly ia.ll cov
ehnl Ith torn, me of the mt abov
uiy reach, and I'ncle Shelby ) aotiw-
tlmt' the ear are eleeeu ii-el rtom tne
rfn4ii.ltni the etatk. The hill art
rtUout lv.ha lilah altdateep a iwr
uy'ahlll, aud are eoVemtwith wigai
maple, brti'h, elMntnul, and walnut,
...1 llm r.illumi 1 nlt and IliriloW lu
,.k U Tlie iioiie la acrupuloiwl)
uuu from the rafu-r down; and oh,
the pimchi and hoiieyland ehlckcu!
mid milk!!! ew, etc. An apple in
Hint wm nlatill at the time the olu
UoiiMt wa built, to about twu feet In dt
miteler aud ha a bunlml or eo of apple
mm It I .( one or two; they tieuil
aud I aupr) like the apple
of ancient time, email aud tlavurlea.
I'hetwlg waa brought Uy my gnat
gmmliitother, I roll! North Carolina
when thi republlu wa young. 1 ucy j
have cvideuite livre autllcleul to la-lleve
thnt (liHirge Fnnlerlo Oaiar, or Frtt
erlc Cooper, a we know him, (ho wa
named for King tleorge III, but an oil
tlmt purl of hi name when he Joined
the Continental Army,) wa an uncle
of Peter Cooper, the philanthropist of
New York. I have to talk, and talk,
and talk. Ilia now about dm., ami
Cm le Shelby hiiJul come and ut
down In front of me not four feel die-
Unt kaiklngatralght at me, aud I know
he want me to talk. Thi I Hunday,
aud I took a atroll of two mile alone
down the creek thi p. iu, and I met
many old aiiiuulutiinec In the foreat,
among tlieiu the pawpaw. I have not
een any of the folaabut I'ncle eJhelby'a
I will etart down the creek to-morrow.
He want metourprle each In uc-
cvNtlon. There are aeveral famlllm of
them and they are h people that It I a
credit to any American to bo related to.
I u Mi.t to bulieve that all I well at
home and tay here aUiut a week; that
will bring melutoHt, little about Aug.
18. Cncle Mhelhy ay, "1 love to hear
you tulk," att I miiHt niilt and talk.
Monday, Aug. 10, 4 p. m., at Uncle
Jacob Cooier', (father' l.lrlli.uluce,)
three mill- below Uncle Nhelby'i. I'll-
Jacksonville, Fla., Loses One
Million Blaze at Dayton
Other Newsy Kotes.
Nahiivii.IiH, Aug. 14.-Hurrouudoil
by a few loving frlemU and relullona,
Mr. Jamea K. Polk, relletof the tenth
prealdeutof the United fftate. died at
IsSO thi morning. Hlie had full w.
ltiu of her menial fauultiea. Hlie had
ueeu lu perfect health until Ut Wed
uoMluy, when he wa taken with a fo
ul nine.. One of the phyilclau, w ho
waacoiiKtaiitly at Mr. Polk' Uutoldi
from the time ahe became III, whei.
called ukiii thi morning by a rcMrtcr,
aike lu an alTectlng matiner of tin
dcalhlMHl aceue. He ald he had nevei
Known of a grander character than tha
Mm. Polk. A large number of tele
gram of condole nee were received from
prominent aople In all rl of tht
country, ami the flag on the tale cap
Itol wa placed at hair-maet. The fu
neral will if-cur Hunday imirulng.ktlH
reiiiulu being plaml alongltle that oi
herdlMliigurliel liuvlamd,
iHrim Rei'm rlH.
UiNoon, Ag. H. Mr. Hpurgeou I
able to lt up for a brief prlml dally,
The beat opinion at prewnt I that It
will lie many mouth U fore he will he
able to preach. ,
Allxiilrd Kii.
W'Al.t.A "WAbl.A, Aug. !.-A lie
peralo attempt toecoie wa tiiuile by
tlie emivlct of the ieiillenlliiry to-duy,
and two prlonera were killed, The
break wu front rnlcd only by the
bravery of Warden MeClee uud the
eoolnen of the guard. The warden
and hi whole force are the heroe of
the hour.
Wllltum Clleaon niel John Morrl,
both aent up frohi Healtle, were the
two killed.
Portland l-t
raarl f Jtmr MmwII Vmn la raw- lflnly,
JkieTu., Aug. H.lmple hut liu
iiretlveftiiieral aervh over the re
main of the late Jumc Ittwll Unveil
were held In Appk-ton chatl, Cam
uridge, at mam to-day. There were u.
vrvlceaal Klwoial, the t' late home
."Iihiu after 12 o'ekrk the funeral prw
eiMilon iiioviil Into church. Iilhp
l'ltllll llitaik and Itev. William
Uwrenee, ilealiof the Fplcol theo
logical echool of Camhrhlge, met tb.
remain, In the veatlbute, Itev, A. It.
Ijiwreuee n-adliigi "I am the rvur
a-etmu and the life," a they preeedc.
ihe mukct down the church. The lmu
orury tll-l-arer weie; tr. tmvti
tVendell lltliin, ChrUtopher l ranch
John Holme. Prof. Chrk F.lllol Nor
urn, I'Mf. John IWtlctl, and PrtNthleu
0. W. Klllott of Harvanl univemity
l'be wail aclwtiil for Ihe hwI' grave,
It U undcral.MMl, waa of hi owu choos
ing, dlrtH-lly lu theahadow oftlH lailig
fellow lot. Illkhop Ikaeh proiiouiicv.
ihe lat prater at the grave, which com
I tic led the Fplwxipal burial mrvkv, fie
although lr. Itwelt wa Uuitarluii
It wa bl w toll that the funeral wrvtc
thould I from the Kpicoial aervlet
Trrllil riiitM,
jArKno.NVii.i.t:, Fla., Aug. 1S.A
terrible tire ha Iwii raging here. Hlx
tv-Uve houeaani bunted aud Ihe (In
at late hour wa not under control
Die path of moiildering ruin I twi
tiloek wide and lx bkak long, a t
result of the lire w hleh tartil at mid
night. It caught lu Knight A. IV
grocery, adjoining the large Hublain.
building, aud lu a very hrt lluie tin
block wa a ma of ftiuue. Theiiet
tlu-y were carrlel diagonally aen U
the Tremoiil hotel, thence to Colotte
Ilurbrklgit' blix k. The tire spread on
all aide, being funned by a stilt' hreece
Nothing could tay the flume until ex
haiisted for want of material. 1 m'i
were lopietl at lUutver street on ihe
north, at Itunt street on the west, and
Oivuii atrei't oil the cant. At 7 o'clock
thi morning over twenty-live buslne
hoiiNca were burned and over forty
dwelling. The lorn Is about l,0oi,00
liikuruuce, $.VKi,ono.
Will tll Tlivlr l'r
Al.iiANV. Auir. 13. The hearing ol
the ittloii of tlie employe of the Ore
gon Pacific railroad for an order of the
circuit court ill red lug the receiver, T.
K. Hogg, to pay them tlie amount dut
for service since July 1, wai had at
Corvnlll to day, lofore Judge Pipit
The einploym were rcprewuicd by
Attorncy-Oeneral (hnirge K. ChainU
latu and J. K. Weatherford. Au onler
wa Insueil by the court directing tlie
receiver to settle with the employe on
or before August 81, and enioworliig
him to negotiate his certlllciite to raise
the necessary fund. It i thought the
money can be rulscd In this manner hy
. . - . . it.
i1h shelbv came dowu with me till i tno time named ami initi uie men win
" . . II ml II M. u I .. 1 1 A
. in In. nub, boreback and 1 came oil l0 p.llll. nnouni mo reeeivt-r mi. mi w
fwt. He wuuts to be with me all the do, ho will be required to show ouiiae to
. . .. . ..'I.I. tuii.
n.-iunta U Will w i"v n,. M-,. r-r
.1 unfilirPli 111
time. There is a protracted mooting
going oil nlKiut three hundred yard
from here. I went In wagon with
Uncle Jacob' folk to-day, and had to
lt on a front scat at "incctln'," There
wem alKiut thirty present, eUiilly di
vided lietween the aexe. When I at
dowu on the bench, the preiuihcr said
thut "the guiitlcnien who to preaent to
day la a relation of nmny prinout, mid
we Dliouhl try to make him feel at
home among tm." I wu a little iur
prlseiliit bulng the subject of the re
murk, but he wild many plain uud sim
ple truth before the close of the ser
mon; aomo of his metaphor were hitrd
y appllc-uble, and his language wu
primitive. One was, "A I Citinedowu
the mud this morning I saw three mud
turtles tajttlu'ou a rook." When they
need mo, two of 'em scooted oil' Into the
witter. That 'a the wuy with some
Christianas when you git lu sight of 'em
they'll hide their heads," He tulkod
so long that I had lo pinch my leg
ami pud my huir und whisker to stay
awake. Uncle Shelby bus Just gouo
home. 1 will sluy Here lo-uigui ami
go further down to morrow, aud Wed
nesday 1 will go on a mule to see un
ele Jack, who live twenty miles further
on. Thursday I will siurt bank up the
Keep all of my letters, they will imiki
Journal of my trip Knukwed 1 a
piece of a weather-worn buckeye log
two fuel lu diameter from over),ho doo'
of the undent cabin where I slept and
when our hit hem slept before us for
genej'utlou pual. JUiviugiy,
I ' J. Calvin Co'iii:it
4Trlilu4 rriitiiMl iHallliillun, Aliljf
ami KrnnuMili'Mllr Mnil.
It to simply wonderful how the above
named company, located at Haleiii,f)re
goti, t growing In the confidence of
the eopk. Mko all new enterprise,
At first It hail to overcome the deep, In
grained prejudice that the people had
In favor of foreign eompante. A great
many ieopkt believed thutaii Insurance
uomtny could not live organised out
of Oregon capital, hut now the (sople
do not only believe, but oUolulely
know, that The State lmturaitoo Com
pany I now one of the newt reliable,
and il conducted luaumneewuniwulea
In the Uullisl Slate. Now the ipMe
lion arises, Why hould we hiure our
house and other property? The an
wr to, there I no ot her possible w ay
a make youmelf afe against tlierav-
ige of destructive fire. S.-0 tlie phv
Hire of that blanched face of an liiiprov-
delitownerof property when he I
fining Into the smouldering of a
nee beautiful home, tint result orywir
tf hthor. the pride of hi family! the
rare oolk-etlou of year all swept away
and gone, ahsolutoly gone. If you l.w
proja-rty lu a frtx-het, ymi may go down
the river and find ome of It; but the
k-lrucHoiiofph)H ily by tiro to the
iioet complete und Miiiltk'ii uf all.
Therefore II Is a duly you owe to
yourself and family to separate your
home fnuu all banal-.!, ami place In
urance uui II where no weeping
Ire can dtotuib It. No one who value
ho hard earning of the Is tier jKirthKi
,f hi life, Wilt lUeMtloll the wlwlolll of
tiaiirlug hi pro rty against ! or
lamage by Uie. AH prudent men .
be vulueof Insurance All wide-awnke
tunimiM men Insurtt their pr rty.
Vliv? lkjcause they always say that
hev can not well atlVird to carry the
tok themselve. We presume that all
ire fully persuaded a ut the propriety
fluMirlng their proH'rty, but wuy
houkl you Insure iu tlie Suite Iimur-
uteet'umstny? The answer lu re IshIiii-
le, Ymi should keep all your umiiey
it home when you can ie served lis
s ell a to go away from Home, i ne
rice for all Insurance puUck I
xactly Ihe same. And because It I a
rleilaiid armaiteut Institution which
sably mid economically muiiiiKcd It
hns Imuct over twenty-nine th.uwaml
(Millcl.- b the tieople of Oregon. Wasil-
mtton. and Idalto. mid pain over one
iitltilrcd ami eighty thousand dolliir
in low- to them. It has the lurgi-st
tmounl of re lusurumv reserve (held for
irtgeetlon of (mlley hohler) to the
. . . . i.. i....
amount at na, oi any eimipnuy uuiii
iUKliicsUsn thi csit. When the
tame of such men as W. W. Thcyer,
K. It. McF.lroy, Win. F.nglmid, Hylve.
ter Pennoyer, Om. W. Mellrlde, 1. W.
Webb, T. McF. Puttou, It. S. Strulin,
A'. P. lArd, It J. Jleiuliicks, I M.
tValle, W. H. Holme, and a Imrt of itinH'iir to such a iltK'umcnt as
...... , ,
thi, "We, the uiuierxlncil eltlwnsor
ilcm, Oregon, ami elsewhere, having
known tlie Stale lnuram ('oiuiiiy
aud Itsolllrt-r for a iiuinlr of years,
(most of them for mure than twenty
years,) take pleasure lu crmiUlng tlie
useofour name In recoinnioiKlatloii of
It rosixmslblllty and Integrity," tlien
all we have to say to, your prierty to
altogether nfo In tlie State Insiiruuee
Company. Wesliould always pat mnle
"homelndustrk's," when thogisals are
lUid In value, and prices the wtine.
Harry Hosier left for
Mr. J. M. Vandiiyn returned from
NcwM.rt last Tuesilay.
Mr, Sam Hurch, of IMxIe, wa lit In
dejaiiideiieR Wednesday.
M. V. Lyons, of Han Frattclco, was
lu our elty a fow day this week,'
J. V. O'Donnell ami wife went to
Portland last Monday fur a few dsy.
W. W. Pi rclvsl, our energetic butch
er, went to rVal tie mi tumlm-M 11
Jlon. iimt David WhlU-aUer were lu
town Hulurday, prejHirliig for threshing
oH-ralloii. ,
Wm. Hunt, of MiswHiri, I vtollliig
relative and friend In Independence
this week,
John While, master of Oak drove
grange, wa In town Hulurday, Imiking
as clurfiil as ever.
M. Wlpurt, of Naiut, Otl.,penU few
days this week visiting his cousin, It.
Hlrwhlrrg, of this city.
Mm. J, II. V. ISutler, of Monmouth,
went to McMlnnvllle bwt Monday to
spend a few dsys vtoitlng friends.
Frank Vandiiyn, son of Isaac Van
duyn, of Salem, oaitio up on hi bicycle
last fiiursilsy. lteKrt all well at
home. .. ;. '
Iao Peterson, of the (hmmffrlul .'
rlrn'.of Portland, wa In our sanctum
Tutwlay last. He Is a rurtlcr, l U'll
you so." ,
lten. Hay den was In town 14 Sat
urday. He has Just finished threshing
125 acre which yielded thirty bushels
per acre.
Mrs T.J. and daughters, Eta
ami Myrtle arrived lionie from the Iwy
last Tuesilay, somewhat tanned by the
Oft-all hreese.
Mrs.J. A. Wheeler and daughter,
Katie, went over to Newport last Sat
urday to iend a couple of week by tlie
sounding sin.
Henry Waller left for Portland lust
Hulurday, where he will engage hi a
business which for sumo time he has
had in contemplation.
Curtis Coo(r took a trip lo Halem,
Portland, Alltany and Kugcne, and re
ports Independence the liveliest burg
he liit seen hi all his travel.
The IVrrydiile nine will play the In
teppudeiioe nine next Hunday after
noon, at S o'clock . ut., at the Tal
liinge park hase-tstll groumto.
W. W. Williams came down from
Sods spring otia day this wts-k mul rt
turned yestenluy. He says he will
kill a doer If he haa to stay all winter.
J. R Csper and family, J.H. and
Ml t'siM-r rvttiriivd frtan Ya
qiiina bay tost Tuemlay, where they
have been reeowrllng for several
week past.
J. K. Iliililsird and wife weiit to Al
Iwiuv last Snlurilay lo visit Willie II.
Stout nut family, who are camped
there iireimrhiK fruits for use In their
F.sstern Oregon home.
Willie II. Slaat and family have re
turned to IVistern Oregon after I three
weeks' soliHirn In the valley. He ha
some Intention uf reluming and mak
ing "Wehfool" hi permanent lioha'.
Mr. E. A. Mellon and daughter, of
Salem re in tlie elty on a vWt to J. K.
Hulilsird' family. Miss Allle wa for
merly a stmleut of the State Normal
KehtMil. She I now a teacher In the
East Halem school.
T. P. lliiker, of Iow a, who ha been
mi a visit to friend In Independence,
was a schoolmate of A. Nelson and
Jerome Doruslte and they highly en
Joyed the visit. Our reporter, twenty
years ago, participated In a cehlratl..u
lu St. btuls, Mo. in which T. P. linker
took a part. Mr. linker is largely en
gaged lu the dairy business and has se
cured a fair eoni)eloiic therefrom. He
to well pleased with Oregon but having
been bom mul lived lu Inwa all his
years, he thinks Iowa to he a good
plnec to 1st horn ami to die in.
rimifrr S.IHH ml ItmiultlcM.
. Monmouth to on tht rnovt. rasslng
through the town this week.wt noticed
eight new building In course of eon
struef Ion, some of them nearly ,jim
pleted; new sidewalk and fonces are
ts'gluuing to adorn the town and ere
long Monmouth will present to tlie eye
of the passer by tha moat beautiful vil
lage In the state, Wt hop to live to
see the dsy whet, a row of fine resi
dences will adorn both aide of the
motor line between Iink-pendeuee and
It I to 1st hoped that the Wmt Hi nr.
will never fall (0 bring newe and glad
tiding to all.
It Is to be hoped that the naxt fwe.
idential campaign will nJ be ont of
personal abuse.
It to hoped that Ihe coming man will
be taught that hie Unt duty In lift to to
kxk after woman, the world over.
It to hoped that , the people f bet
write novels, or translate or steal them,
Win. P. In land 11. ar Monmouth had W hve R,l one pro publico.
one field of thirty acms win. It yk lded
twenty-five bushels to the acre, and
on field of seventy acres that yielded
forty-out bushel to the acre, machine
measure. It wa clean wheat and It to
stipiT"ed It will make forty-five by
Charley Ieonard to the Issst iis-riu-
tendent of eook wagons. Thi I the
sixth year that Charlie has boused Da-
nton'a eook wagon during the threeii
lug season, aud In moving from place
tt) pirn and leading "old Ioan" lie has
become quite an expert.
Our ex-herlfr,Ira 8. Hmith.ha taken
charge of bis reeenfly-purcliased skire
at Monmouth, mid with sternly nerve
to ready to wait on customers. We ex
pect to talk for hliu sisin.
Thist. Wann's wheat yielib-d thirty
three bushels to the acre, machine
measure. It will make thirty-five by
weight. It wa raised on the Jo. Crav
en farm.
Twlwn' Kiamlaallaa.
The following are the Dailies of the
uewsful applicant for certificate,
furnished by W. J. Ib-ynolds, county
First grade; Miss Carrie M. I-owle,
Mtos Nell M. Hill, Mtoa E. V. Cmssett,
Miss Vein Swaun, V. K. Knimett,1
J. E. nunsell, H. H. (jldney.
Heooud graito: J. 1.1. Mohrwels.
Third grade: Mla Dora Huhlsird,
Miss May Magee.
Hlnte diploma: Mr.J.(:.Taggiirt.
A Ullr fljr S.rim.
I hail often heard that there wa a
place In the (Wade range of moun
tains where hot water came out of tlie
g rou ml. And It to so, for I found It
And It to hot, don't you forget IU e
found tills hot-water sprlngabout sixty
five mlk southeast from Eugene, at
what are known as the Foley springs,
owned and conducted by Mr. and Mrs.
Peter itooney.
Tlie water to good to cure rheu
matism, scalding chickens, etc. Health.-,
It work quick and powerful on
troublesome stock that wanders about
camp. We made the trip with a team,
In a little less than ten day. We had
no trouble In finding the way from
Eugene to tlie springs, as there to but
the one way to go. There were mile
and mile of the way that we could not
find nor see the mad; but eople said It
was a mad, and I think it was, for we
oould see blsses on the trees along, and
might have seen the road if. there had
not been so much mud and water. We
found settlers along the way, who gen
entity had milk to sell; and we found
plenty of Hue spring water. The chil
dren could easily tell the milk from the
w ater, for the milk tasted very strongly
of some mountain weed and of money,
while the water was pure aud free.
We had our musical Instruments
with lis, and the settlers along the way
seemed to enjoy the racket we made In
our practice st night. But anything
for a change in a desolate place like
that, I can not find language to ex
press my gratitude to Mr. and Mrs.
Itooney for their many kindnesses to
myself and the children.
, M. L. White.
It to to be bojd that the sunshine
and the flowers and all the lovely long
summer davs are going to bring pleas
ure to lot of people.
Will BaTTiw.-Prof. J. Y. Htamlly
and wife, of Missouri, returned to their
home Thursday. They have been on a
visit to thto seetleo of Oregon. Prof.
Btaudly taught the Independence pub
lic school with acceptability aonw year
since. Mr. Htandly will return to thla
section soon and remain permanently.
60 It Is; when one gets a taste of our
country, he to in for It, for life. Mr.
Blandly to perfectly delighted with
Oregon, : ": '
K. Catron lost two fine bones Thurs
day by feeding them tame parsnip tops.
The conference of the M. E. cburcb
to now In session at Halem, Blsbop
Fltz-Oerald presiding. . Much interest
is manifested In the transaction or the
business of tlie conference.
Mr. It. Shelley, of this city, ia very
low. However, as we go to pre she
seems a very utile oeiter. auis oeiug
done for her that can be done in med
ical skill and In careful nursing.
Mr. I. M. Vanduyn returned yester
day overland from Han Francisco, and
when at Corvallto proceeded to the bay,
uppoli!g his wife wa there, but she
was In Independeuoe, and Marlon
came In to-day all O. K.
BHINN-TotnewifeofE. P. Bhlnn.ln
Independence, August 18, a gill The
mother and child are doing well and
the father to happy.
WOttK. To the wife of Samuel Work,
Aug. aun, a glrL Weight lbs.
All doing welL
The following n-solutlons were adopt'
eil at the regular meeting of the Sal)-
hatli schisil of the First lliiptlsl i luin h
if tills city, Aug. 1, IHiU:
Wiikhkak, Time 111 his relentless
course has taken one of our numlicr,
Mtos Nettle E. Ctsk: therefore, he it
Jirmlml, Tlmt we tender our sym
pathy to the bereaved family, praying
that the dear Savior w ho called her
hence may comfort thorn abundantly
In their sad bereavement.
In behalf of the Siibtmth school.
MmU. .,
MihsJi'UA Eoi'KK,
Mhh. ,
Justify disobedient of the order of II
An Killlnr lirownstl.
Tims. A Sutherland, editor and pro
prietor of the Sunday HWcowe, Port
laud. Oregon, was drowned at the foot
of Mark street, at 0:30 o'oloek .vesti
dav evening. He utlempicd to catch
the ferry boat as It was leaving, but
he stumbled under the boat w heel,
which drew him under the Ik mt, mid
It was at least, ten or fifteen minutes Im
fore the Istdy -was recovered. Help
was at hand for his rcciiHHltutlnn hut of
no avail, lie was the first white child
ever horn In the state of California,.
Mr Hutherliind wiisa man of undis
puted ability.
llHimnn Piiiad tlUO,
Iu the case of tha Utiltcd Stutes vs.
Henry Hansen, of Gardner, charged
with cutting Umber on government
hind, Uie United States marshal re
turned the bench warrant to the United
Stales district court yesterday with the
body of defendant. He was itrralgiiod,
entered a plea of guilty and was sen
tenced to pay a fine of $100.
Wuliir HttpiilltK lnil..t.
Dayton, Wash., Aug. 1H. Last night
at 11 o'clock fire broke out In tho rear
of the farmers' ulllauce agricultural Im
nlomeiit store. A .heavy wind was
blowing und the llamcg spread rapidly
Four wooden buildings and one brick
building wcru completely destroyed;
three bricks were guttei. Total loss,
1 25,000
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
That FlKkV-At tlrst we
were of the opinion Unit the Hulcm
Stiiktmtm hud very for transcended
tlie hounds of legitimate Journalism In
mibllrihltiir Unit "lire" article when
there was no lire. The excitement and
dlxciissltin brought uUiiit. by said article,
has, however, brought the city council
to llsreallzallon of danger, and the
water facilities have Urn ordered
much Increased by the council. Inde
pendence council, what Is the condition
of alliilrs in regard to putting out 11 tire
here, should one start thlsdry weather?
The NtHtemium did not nmke n great
mistake after nil.
Who is Uiiiiit. Lust week H. Slants
had a dispute with a neighbor about
the origin of the name Collin Hill ap
plied to a bulte on Soup creek. He,
Stasia, claimed that it. was so named
by General Palmer In lH-KS front' lis re-
aenililiincctottOoflln,esH!chtllyso when
a mile or so from It. Home claim that
It was named by George Guy, formerly
of Yidithlll county. Who Is right?
Skinner1 & Wilson arc now prepared
to Btore grain, and can also supply ft
limited number of sucks. Will Issue
regular warehouse receipts, which will
be good for flour, forty pounds per
bushel. Will deliver wheat sin ked on
board cars or boat, at the option of the
holder. ' : w
A nitnils'r of our gtssl citixcii could
follow thoexunnile set by. Dr. Butler
In building und fixing their slilewnlks,
to a good advantage.
Geo. Bteel averaged forty-one bushels
of wheat 011 his tttrm.
liugtey 4 Hleel thrashed iMOO bushels
of fchrnt In thirteen hum'!'.
lu the tlcat li of Mrs. Dud Hall,
youngest daughter of William 11.
Prattler, deceased, ft pioneer of 1844,
weareagnln reiiiliidwl of the passing
from our midst, one by one of tlie pio
neers of elvlhitatloii to tills const. Their
memory should be kept green iu the
ml uds of relatives, friends and assist
ales, for they acted a part in our life's
drama that should be remembered with
pride by isisterity. It us again then,
sliest to the native sons and duugh'
ter of pioneers, that they form an as
sociation, whereby they can enjoy
pleasant sts-iitl intercourse one with
another, and take steps to transmit to
future generations somewhat of the
history of themselves and their ances
tors who led Ihe wuy to settlement and
progressive art on this once distant
coast, but now the itbode of a happy
ami contented people. Time and tide
wait for no mail. In their resistless
current, pioneers are ling Isirne to
1111 endless eternity, nnd whilst we
continue survivors of the floods Unit
ad to niortiil dissolution, let such
measures Imj taken as will prove that
the acts of the herolo pioneers are held
11 grateful remembrance. Sometime
this (joining full, we propose to mitko a
cull to the native sons and daughters
of pioneers to assemble together and
form such an association as Is referred
to above.
A 'hlltl Horn W illi No Lf and Only One
When Baby wo sick, wo gars hr Ciwtorls.
When nhe m s Child, she orlod (or Cailorl.
When 8h became MIm, she olung to CMtorl.
When ihe had Children, she gsvo tlmm Cantoris.
Bwr of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Msroury
as mercury will surely destroy too
sense r sine mul conn) cteiv derange
the whole system when entering It
through tlie mucous surfaces. Such
ulw.nlit itKi'.ii' lie used exivnt, on
nnwrliillons from rcnutliolc DllvslCIBUS
11s the damage they will do Is ten fold
to the gtsid you cau possiiuy uenve
from them. 1 lull's ( 'atiirrh Cure, nntn
ulaelured by V. J. Cheney & Co., Tole
do, Ohio, contains no mercury, and Is
taken internally, nnd acts directly upou
Uie blood and niuoous surfaces of the
svsletll. lu huvliiir Hull's Catarrh cure
lie sure you get the genuine. ( It Is
taken Internally and made lu Toledo,
Olilnhv F.J. Cheney ft Co.
Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per but- i
To. "
The lust Sunday Ortgoiuan says
Yesterday afternoon a man aud wife
both German, the latter having a child
In her arms, called at the olllce of Mrs.
Dr. Charlton for the purpose of obtain
lug some advice as to the Infant. Tt
was a bright beautiful girl baby, 9
weeks old, that the mother carried care
fully wrapped up. Looking at Its pret
ty ami cheerful, face no one would sus
pect that anything was the matter with
it. And tills was true, so far as the
general health was eoucerued, for there
never was a more healthy Infant. But
tluschild was sadly deformed, and the
parents wanted to know 11, when she
grew up, there could not be supplied
some uieehauieal appliances which
would enable her to w alk. Unfolding
the clothing of the infant, the mother
exposed Its form to Dr. Charlton, and
showed that the child had been boru
without legs aud with only one arm,
there being no leA arm. The child Is, ;
I11 nil All.d Niaiuutlu f.rf.uitli. forma.!
... ... V.I..V. . -.--j . V.n, . I UVI1J iw.ui..
There Is no sign whatever of any lcgs,L
Where the bone would naturally ex
tend from the hip to the knee, there is
simply a small projection on each side
resembling the navel. The left, shoul
der, where the arm Is missing, to finely
formed, being round and plump. It to
certainly a remarkable freak of nature,
and one that will surely attract the at
teutlou of the n-etllcal world sooner or
luter. Dr. Charlton, after carefully ex
itiiilnlug tho Infant, Informed the pa
rents Chat there wits no possible way
for It to he supplied with mechanical
locomotion, except by means of an iu
valid's buggy. If It should live any
great length of time, and there seemed
to lie no good reason why It should uot,
that woul bo tho only moans of loco
motion. Dr. Gelger, who has an olTtee
In the same building, was called In by
Dr. "Charlton to see tho remarkable
child. He was of the same opinion as
Dr. Charlton,
The new railroad brldgo is Hearing
Quito a uunibor of our citizens went
to Salem yesterday to see the circus.
The editor In chief of the West Sihk
moved Into his new homo this week
Klley Cooper came In from Yitqulna
bay yesterday quite Improved lu
health. ,
Mr. uud Mrs. Isuuo Ilutler, and their
8MITH.-Cora Smith, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rufus Smith, of Mon
mouth, died about midnight of the
13th. She wa about eighteen years
of age, and wa highly eeteenaed by
the community.
DOVE. At bis borne a few mi lea north
of town on Saturday, Aug. 15, 1801,
Audrew J. Dove, aged S5 year, 7
tuontlia and 10 days. The dread dis
ease, consumption, caused bto death.
The funeral service were conducted
by Rev. A. F. Lett, at the Odd Fellows
cemetery of thto city, Monday, Aug. 17,
where his remains were interred Id
their final resting place. He leaves a
father, mother, four brothers, and one
sister, to mourn his loss. He makes the
second sou mid one daughter that his
parent have laid to rest. The de
ceased was born and raised in Polk
county, and commanded the love and
respect of all who best knew him.
The Market.
Wheat The market quiet with a
weak tone. Quote: Valley, l.fi0;
Walla Walla, f 1.45 per cental.
Floi'R Quote: Standard, HJ;
Walla Walla, $4.60 per barrel
OATS-Quote old, 45 60c.; new,
42lo. per bushel
Bt'TTEa Quote: Oregon fancy cream-
cry, 30(,S2Jc; fancy dairy, S7Jc; fair to
good, 25 27Jc; choice Cal. ,22 24c.
per lb.
Eooa-Oregon, 20 22c. perdoaen.
Poultry Quote: Old chickens,
$8.00 6.50; young, $2.50 4.80; old
ducks, $4.00 6.00; geese, $8.00 per
dozen; turkeys, 15c per hV
Wo quote prices as follows: Flour,
standurd, $5.00 per barrel; potatoes,
good quality, 35c per bushel; but
ter, 2,"c. per H., according to quality;
eggs, 18c. per doren; cabbage, S 6 10c.
per head; wheat, 80c but choice lot
would bring shade higher; oats, 32c;
hops, 15g20c. per tta; wool, 19Jc.
Worst Than Laaraey
Is caturrn, ana there a one Out one pre
paration tbal does cure that disease, sod
that ts the California Positive and Nega
tive Eleotrio Liuiment. Bold by all
druggists. It also oures neuralgia,
rheumatism, headache, sprains, barns
aud all pun. Try it and tell yon
negihbor where to get it
Call and Settle.
All persons ludebted to me on ac
count arc requested to call and settle
immediately and save costs. Books
are at II. M. Lines' office.
Eu Johnson,
Independence, July 31, 181. 4t
Oue house containing five rooms and
three lots, a good barn, a good well and
some orchard. Good location. For
further particulars inquire of the proper
owner, M. A. Die. 4t
To trade Improved business property
paying in rent ten per cent, interest on
$20,000 in the heart of the thriving city
of South Bend, Wash., for Improved
form land In Willamette valley. For
particulars address
Anthony Bower,
; ' - South Bend, Wash.
a """"t
ker county, Ore- fQ II '
Hy, rPUTllBV
man who has uuc jLtl 1 I U l I
von. near wnai t
to now linker City, i
become Identified with the resource 1 Jfft
development of that country. This man AVlU
is no other than Mr. John Stewart, ea of the
wealthiest and moat influential citistn ia too
county. In a recent letter he ny: ul had heem
nflering from palni in my back and general kid
ney complaint for some time, and had Med many
remedlu without any but temporary teticC The
palna in my back had become ao Kettthatlwaa
prevented bom attending: to my work sad could
not move about without the uae or a can. Hear
tag. through a friend, of the wonderful care ef.
r. , i i c . In. tnroiiK n a menu, oi me w
OailBlltcr, All nessie, roiu.ueu in.ii. fceted hv oretron KUlnev Tea, X wea induced to try
the seaside yesterday where they have a bo, and from that very first dose I found iaataat
, ., , ' relief, and belbre usln half the contents of the
Spain tho summer , the paint in im-hricfc entirely diaappested.
7..rl Diisenilorf rnlnrilisl Thursi'ay I have every faith I'l the vlrtuea of the Orefon
Zed. Uosomiort reiurntst tuursisy mDWminnKctMoaayncomnnA
flurn Sim Francisco,, where he had gone ta w (rieUds. i would uot be without it-r
to purchase 1.1s M of fall and wlnier wg"" .r CTrM ine8Btl.
giHids. Helsanoltt hlllld at buying ,Mce of urine, brick t!ust sediment, burning r
and has no doul wfo stmie tine pur- jea- o,, win.e
hasra : . ' 1 '