BEST QtT At-CE X-jk.33CKE3T. QTOIZ 03?2etr2T CInS .T Q-QODM jjOTOTg. THE WEST SIDE. West Siis PiiSlisij Ocjinj - J, It. I. KU MM, MOHUtTOM. nunxY, At um si, wu IMI.......UI II 1 I TO ADVERTISERS. ImtiHaMNMiea li lomliHl l th lwat of aavK Hthl t IH.Wt f Ilia jwMmw III WlllMH rirvr, Mill on lit maltl Hit i4 Ih hw A im.iila Ktlrt: wMam a ("eolation ot IM eet l th irmolxl lUiiu point a in Hiiii,v, atiwii i w uf Hi Iftnput, moat wwdiliv ! UiK'a.lj pupuUhnt lu III Wlllamai. VUiv, Tnts grass widow luw uo wewla ou her. - Itost reeip for eatehlng a ' htuw band Don't try. So maxy people wheu they find they are fit tot nothing els?, try to b good. ' ExrERlMKXT prove that deep planting up to eight Inchw lucreases the yield of potatoes. The American hog is still ex cluded from France, nolest he goes orer disguised as a tourist. A iKisxrr covered with birds does not atug, but it make a mail whistle wheu the bill come iu. A clock is always an appropriate weddiuit gift. It means on tta ace that there is uo time like the ptv ent I.rrua have the best injsaible water facilities for extinguishing fire in our city. Ami let us have it UOW. ;' A(tx)RDixo to the returns of the enumerators engaged oo the wort gage census, there are now ,41, 930 homestead mortgaged. i i . 1 The "makiMip" of the CnAi' Journal, especially the second page. is bud enough to eive its renders the cholera in its wont form. Tiikkk are those who tliiuli it a proof of independence to stand aloof and disparage partisan aetiv ity, but such conduct 1.1 iu fact a proof of doubtful patriotism. Foi'K new comers, with their families, this week looking fur set tlement near our town. Hotter timea are beginning to dimmer. Let them simmer, yen, let them boil. ' Tut llUlsboro Drmotral made it advent iuto this muudane eilsteuoe last Friday, Aug. 1 I, 1891. It is a spicy six-column folio. Its politic al persuasion is of the Democratic I " .--.--- Let us read a lesson out of the great book of nature, a lessou that teaches us that sane persons of ma tare age are able to take letter care of themselves thau their neigh bora can do it for them. Some men would be millionaires if they expended the same amount of energy aud cash iu a legitimate business that they sjieud trying to guess which horse will win a race or which numbers will prove the lucky oues in a lottery draw iug. Hkuuket SrK.vci'.R, writing to Dr. Janes, of the Brooklyn Kthica society, observes: "In my earlier days I constantly marie I lie foolish supposition that conclusive proof, would change beliefs. Itut ex peri ence has long since dissipated my faith in men's rationality." The Portland Tvlrgram, the even ing Democratic edition of the Ore gonian, is improving every day. The Democrats would take a little interest iu the paper if they knew that the Democratic half of Mr. Scott wai not overawed by the He publican half. Some things are necessary sometimes as well as ex pedient. ! It m always an item to make as much as possible out of the prod nets of the farm, and one w ay of doing this is to feed thrifty growing stock under such conditions as will secure the best gains at the lowest cost. While a good deal depends on the material supplied and the manner of feeding, the grade or quality of the stock must also be considered. Ax editor is a man. He can bear'more ridicule than any man alive or dead, and ho never dies in a lunatic asylum. They often die in poverty as wen as in. an. 1 riere are many kinds of editors rich, poor, handsome, homely, long, short, knock-kneed, pigeon toed, good, bad and indifferent. We be long to the class that is poor and handsome. The spec acie of Carter H. liar, rison, a two times millionaire, auo a seeker for the third party nomi inatfon, inveighing against pluto crats as the author of the poor man's woes, is about as refreshing as was that of lien TSutlcr making a canvas of the country in a luxuriantly equipped private car as the special champion of the , workingman against his rich oppressors. It can ot be possible that such alwurd dern'igogy can be taken seriously in the people of any nation upon earth. A OR RAT SCHOOL: One of (he greatest nnihil Ion of many wealthy men of lids ago seems to be to perpetuate their names by the forming of great In stitutions of learning. It is under stood that W. a LmM and 11, W. Coibott, of lVu tland, have each ex pressed their intention of contribu ting one million dollars for the founding of a great university at Portland, to bo conducted under the auspice of the Presbyterian church, and they hope to secure pledget of au additional million from the church at large- for the same otyect, thus starting out their proposed university with an equip ' mentofthii luillion dollars. It was with a inowlwlgo of this fact aud a Arm desire to start out this Institution under the most favor able auspice that the Fresh) teriau churches of Oregon, and of Fort-' land iu particular, made such earn eudwivora to secure for Fort luud the meet ing of the geueral as sembly of the Frtwbytertau church for the year l Wi This a.wimbly, which is to gather together the Ul brains aud lHst bliHula of the Fres byterlan church in the I'nited ytnti'H, will lie of more thau 01 di nary iutemt, for the reason that it will mark the ineeptiou of what is to be the greatest institution ol learning on the Northwest Iaeltlc coast. Siim Mifrmmt. TUR FA NMRRJi AU. RIOIIT. The farmers are all right. There are some broken down politician from both, the old jmrtlwi lu their organUmtlous, trading ou them, and disgracing them by prouiulga tiug radical theories, but the farm era movemeut has already been a blussiug to the country, and it promise to lie a greater blessing iu the future. It has its base in equal Justice and sound Ameriimuism. Its instincts are IVmocratie, and it will uou develop DeuuK'ratio con nerval tm. Uhasatreudy arrayed itstlf against two of the worst evils of our polities, civil war taxation and civil war sectionalism. The people simply ask for Justice -thai alone, and that, by the eternal, as JacVsou used to say, they will have. Wheu the agricultural states tram pledowuthe barriers of civil war Ki'tioualism, and unite, they will restore the old untou of frugal and free government, responsive to the will of a jKHiple whose labor will then accrue to benefit themselves and families, instead of making millionaires, as now. The farmers are dl right, Uit them keep right and kwp 011. " S. R Til K SCHOOL TRAVIIRHS. I'rof. Visler aud his force arc wading through the wilderness of examination pajKr left iH-hind by the fifty old departed applicants for certificate to teach. Here are sample answers to history question: "The Tories were those people who are now Democrats." "The Uessiaua were a Here band of pwiple." The writer has a beautiful lmud, hut only a limited stork of acenrate historical iufurmatioti to teach from. Her opinion of the Hessians is only a little less fierce than of the Democrats. Salem Capital Journal. CLASSICAL SLA. 0. The authority for the slang phrase, "to fire out,'' has Is cn hap pily found to be the great Hhuke sMflre himsi'lf, who wrote in one of his sonnets, "Till my gml an gel fire my bad one out." Another bit of modern slang is now found to be, If not as old s the alove, at least old enough to command respect aud silence criti cism. When Alexander Suwaroff, one of the best generals of Cath erine III of Russia, stormed Ismail, in 17!H), he annouced his success to the empress as follows: "Praise be todod, and praise he to you: (he! fortress is taken, and I am In it." 1 Fohtv years ago the millionaires could be counted on the fingers of a hand. ' Now there are 10,000 mil lionaires, and half the wealth of 04.000,000 people is in the hands of 25,000 men. Acting on the belief that vast wealth in the hands of the" few would produce traitors, Thomas Jefferson swept from the statutes of Virginia the laws of primogeniture. What are the peo ple of this day and age going to do to stay the hand of corporate power from grasping the entire wealth of the country, and thus enslave the people! TiiK greatest boom failure in the history of the world is probably that of Pasco. Keep your eye on Pasco for only three seconds and you can see the whole town, an al most depopulated place, with a 15, 1)00 school house the midst aud about a half rio.en children to enter it. It makes one's eyeballs ache to watch tho spectacle. The bubble is burst, aud it Is tim: Ui quit mak ing bubbles. Albany Jhmonmt. Jt'DfiH M. L. Pii'KH returned from Rt. Louis yeslerdny aler a short visit with the old folks at home, J in enjoyed his trip very much, but comes back contented to remain iu Oretrou tlie rest of his Yfi-('orvfilliH Tim?; Jest as the taste of blood nmkes the wild animal more vicious, no the taste of succesa stir the ambi tion of man. , Washington having succeeded In capturing the U. A. It, encampment for next year uo want to corral all the national nominating conventions next year, aud itscltlfou have already taken the preliminary stcji towards pre seutlng It claims to the rcsocllve Kalioiialcommittci, Washington will start with one certain vote lu both the Deiitueratlo and Uepub llcau National committee, the uicmlH'r for the District of Coin 111 bla, but if it business meu work with as much vim as they did for O. A, U eiit'ttutpent it will lie a rival uot to In despised before the matter ii settled. Can a newspaper please every bodyf It can not. Ought every Isnly Ih pleawnlf No. Why not t Well, if a newspaper pleased every body, and evwylasly was plmiscd, the time ient here ou earth would be so fearfully muiiotouwus that the people would not care howsoou the glotsi went to piece' A newspa per must rattle the dry bom, make everybody ttmd, be Isiycottwl, kick up Jack, tell the truth, cxjhwc (UtseluHwl, lay bare hypocrisy.fhtud aud the like, aud then trust to the iberecoiul thought of all fair minded people, -fbrtw 7Vwe. Ah Albany pHr claim that it was an embryo city before (Vrvalli was known. We think it Is mis taken J. ( Avery started Cor. vallis In 1SI.V It was flrt nunusl Maryaviik J. 1 Avery, (Ico, Joel 1 'aimer, aud Adam Went pie, camped there In November, H and J. C, Avery liHtteil a claim there, Mr. Avery was a very prominent man iu his day, and one of the lender of the iHmio emtio jwrt.v In Oregon. KiNMtut, Ilvuiis was otic of the foutiders of the licpiihlicttn pvrty, At a lainqiiet given in New York ou an anuiversarv of Lincoln's blrthdtiy, lu reoum to the toast, "The surviving standard hearers of lV.0," Mr. Hamliu siid, ''I am grievml at the action f some of our cungrtwuirit. They ctist a shadow over my later days. 1 am itrleved al the dishonesty of some of our senator." t'lut'xcF.v U Dk1";w, briin is assoclatil with other prac tiral brains in robbing the pro dueers, said lately: "Acns do not govern the country, but brains." There sen of brain In the hay fields of this nation that will even, tually govern the country. Tin acre are rapidly brightening up with "boss" ideas, and they are too many for the Wall street gardeti patch. h'lamnlh ( 'utility Star. Vtt'K Pl!KWtiKT MutlTliX Sei ks a reuouiiinition. There has Ken but one president where a vice president was elected for a second term, lsiiig that of John C. Cub hotin. Uichunl M. Johnson, who was vice president under Van Horen's administration, suffered defeat in nn attempt to be re -elected. Used in Millions of Homes DBPRICES HOW CAN WE DO IT? We 've been asked lately by people who goods they were used But do n't waste your estly- paid good money forthem-and they are ours to throw away, give away, or sell away under regular . Drices. We choose to do the last. You owe it to yourselves to come around and " stock prices. up" THE RACKET STORE II. F. ANDREWS, PROP. - - rnrlflt! tho BLOOD. Cnnn OOJISTIPATION. INinJf:sTin. BILIOUSJIBSS, LIVKB CONfl.AIMTS.NIf'K IIEADAniE, COLDS, F1MPLE3, all HKIH IF KCTIOSS, and DISEASES AltlSINOfrom DISORDERED MT0MACU. The Otmine II AM B VUG TEA h put up in YELLOW WRAPPERS with FaetinUe Signature of EM I Lt'RESK. RRDINQTON A OO. AotNTI, Ban PnANOiaea worn nv am. iHiimiwTi ad hockiim. Til R people of the Willamette valley should make themselves hen id In demand for the Improve ment of tho uper Willamette, hitienee ha wnisih! to lw a virtue. 1 Saletil NtaUwmw. ! IihUhsI, we agree with tho Utatm- man aud would add, how much better it would be If our congress- i man and senator would lilt their voice In favor of Improving the tinner amette river, than to lt ou the rock ut The DulUw and talk wearisomly iiIkuiI the Iiiiimi- sible "Imk" on the Columbia. Let the state of Oregou build the portage railway on the Columbia river, and let eougrens Improve the Willamette, These Improvements are fiHisllile and possliile, the "locks" are a political Igiiuit fat u us, Puiit'l.Ktrtlk of "pleasure" at the iieashoie. It Is chiefly a fashion, a lad, aerate. The water Is nearly lee colli, aud nitte tenths of thoe who go Into It would dwlare, If they had an accidental plunge iuto water of such temperature, that their health had beeu ruined and death wit to be expected, and they would sn for exemplary damage if they could lay the blame 011 anybody that was reepouslble; at the numerous drown lugs tliereare xpreslou of surprise and honor, but whathve people rightly to exMHt who plunge in the raging wt -a wit of almost Icy cold in,? Nobody would take such Hr lions clminiur submit todiscoiufort so extreme, if it were uot a popular ere, Orr$uHutn, nuts vin itkn. llrvi U pnniwlittf fluely, J, W, Hits sud ! V. Hlngtey o ft.rty buliet -r wore from HW cfe. K. It, Hnvili-r la snaiml sgslti, sfler tisvtng Uvii Isld Up I lr month with l.rnU l hwiul. He uA'vrtl ihe r uw.val of nn (tHKr, J, 11. Ali'uilr (is turned jriigf, It I fmllutf J, M. Prultier' maetiltiv. .Mik- !- aud llstll Ux-ka, of your city, rv vUiltng frtviid here this Kli-ek, A. AinU'Cmm ti the banner wheal t'pi au fsr. One ttrtil of Ofty ern yielded fifty-thmr 0t hlf bulHU j r ew, stul one piee of fmir er ) Uty-t wo iulu-U ier ere, We 1U1 nt U'tieve It tun I U-Hleii lu Ihe futility, Your n-uitier bd tlio iiUnur of i iiltiii! su eu-iiliiu with Mr, ml Mm. II O. Htliiiiley, ud while Itre ).! the pirsMtre of neelliit vreaut-plU'lier Ui irs of.t, 11 la tf the I'fewleii eltlna make, soil wa bnsij(lit fhim Ssillalid lual 112 jer ). Thla mnki the tilth (tenerwiliui It has jt llirooh, by the way, f hoaoitalily Mr. and Mm. HttiiKtey esn lua Iw aur- IlauSllag III llMl;, 'The city Ilt'r of Ihe S.nitl hilithtiriuir elsiilM lo liav-fi esuiflii l.'aai trout lu one werk. Tim mind lun.U Hutll"l at wtiat lite atory W1.11I.I have l-eo, lisd it t'll the male aiiliiff islllor." Tnei4u Inl-irr, No the tit MHr f llie (Seattle W.nft tvirmtr. Will H IVrry, lri known III Hnleni mid trii(in. He iikn! to work oil the .V.i'. kim. Thla otTlee will vmieh for hi imtltfulneMMtnl rni-lt. H be anv tie ruiiKht t Vmtouit ofroiirae lie eaiiulit them. I (rat leant ; If tie reVnrteiili- now he llil leaniisl I the lialll over III VlilHKton, where , Ihe linhit i iii to U- Mirl of Inft-Ctiolia, j falelii ,VurriHnrt, j Mr. I'srry waaonre proprleitir of Ihe j Wkwt fiil'K, and we eutifeM tlmt w sre wary ntaiiit ttnt( aumiwor to ; man who eaiiulit ao many fluli In o aliort a time. .MaV't tie Uld thmiiih Baking Powder 40 Years the Standard. that question a hundred timet bought goods at our counter; to paying double the money lor, wonder; we got the goods Hon- at these unheard-of fiir Thorough IHnriknt 'Mrtdltitf (ti PENMANSHIP, 9vm pest. NKW TO DAY. xita opttNt tirr.1t, tttt. fllt'itSK or STIIOV ammawl erl to niwt Ilia nwli i'f tli forming ami uia. rlianNvl liilntmU n Ilia aim, jrr, vnminiitiiiHia, and ii,istiiiaii bMllillnta, Tlinll la luealwt In a vulll. tralntaintt'Srlaiian ninimnnllji, anil lu una at tu limlllilMl am'llena o( Ilia alala, MILITARV TRAIN1NO, Caant sl ' (t.BO for th astir Its. Tanr iiinr rnwl'.nlantilia Iroin every VOUHI. , w rna er 1 aiaiiaiut m H, I, AHNill.H, rr,,t'orvalll.,Or. r0M4, iwi A f aramrnim, f"a a.iwM. 1 .rx.t s, i u , iu,Im ofa. mmi mnivm wf aa4 , aawa miaa 4 uetlua, llnslne, Nhorthind, irMraTa. aM.ia. m4 AaVfa thf.muU ! i-na UMWafcwM la tt- analgia Bla.ll, W a HI Uaah tateaar Irwa MUm KM, Hat, n Largest Stock Best Quality of Fl Can be J. F. O'DONN ELL'S. NEW TO J. A. BOWMAN. BUGKSMIIHING OF 111 KINDS Ntatly Dan. MACHINERY REPAIRING HORSE SHOEING A Sfwclntty. Wood Working and Car riage Pa'nting Done in First-class order. THE NEW Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. a a 1 .fl"-i? a ' Y0UNQ HORSES. DOUBLE AWD 8IN0LB TEAMS. Flrat-ClaM TuraouU fur Commorelal Tm valor. I'rlwa raMonabl nd SatUfno tion guaranU'tMj, UlvouaaCall, VOBTH END MAIN STREET, J. N. JONES, Psopb. DRESS MAKING! KIsop & Darrell, MONMOUTH 8TREKT, INDEPENDENCE, In Now ltimN llnllilliiK, riHima rcwmlly m. i-iilniMl iijf ,i iaa u iKiaun, lirmaaa inaito li nrdar. and oiitllng dona nn th boat and moat mniWn ayaii'in. A Irlnl will ninvlnw II111I my yatnni ia hiiacd on mil. anlltln prlnnlpli'a, and la uru lo nlvuaeuiy tmlnina, 1'rloM roaaonuMn, and work ftirnlahed an pnuiiUrd, Monitor Steel-frame Drills and Seeders Oliver's Steel and Chilled Plows , Steel-frame Spring-tooth harrows, etc. oodman & Doyty's AGENTS FOR POLK COUNTY. IJV lOtlE k found at DAY. NEW BUGQIE3 t 2 k$ uuuu -IDINa HORSES. 0 0 0 00 39 H. M. LINES, FUNERAL DIRECTOR -ANU- UNDERTAKER, INDEPENDENCE, OREQON. A full nd complete lln of Funwul jixti Aiwayi on imvx. AT- BUT THE 3. L S Never tells A lie; But Next week will Tell you Somthing Wonderful ! T K. GOODELL, SUCCESSOR TO H. D. WALLER, -it, r J - XKW (i(MHW AKKIYIXO EVERY WEEK. My ito.'k la now mum tnik'U than v-r brfum. Shall Im pleaMtl to bam all tin' iMiMuiiHTa of tli aloro lyiutluuo trudliiir, and hope to luduw niauv to mule liu tiKver itUI Mum, I n (tnumtlua with tuy alum 1 I1EPAIH SHOP Wliriv biaat ami alua ran 1ns rviwliwt nr mimfitur,l under the uianasvmttit of M. A. HA K Kit. Itoiiu'intxT Ur' tiiinie tul j)Iiv, vV. E. GOODELL, - Main Street, Independence YOU ARE WANTED. I want everybody CARPETS, RUGS AND MATTINGS t call and examine my new atook. I kuow that you will Btui niv iinwirtnifiit the htrmut mid my iwtterna the ttmwt ever ahowu ynti in thi city. Jew kkI arrlviug cauataiiUy. COME Ami e Uie new atyk of FTT3T-rr5E: lust received Ulreet ftimi rt 1 i'IjL'' ,Vi7 , 1,V,'0W uad.AturtHin IVlw, nham Hoi ' lil tr ,rtl',l!W ?mu "! Mcttldlniw and eWrvthln 1 W O COOK H.U, WUIA, CORNER LOTS FOR SALE. K. ( IViitlmul, in view of removing from Iiulepemleuce to aeeept a position elwwbero, now offers Hint promiucnt coi ner lot on 15 ami Main t reels FOR SALE. The prop wty is paying good interest on ;i,000, ftml 1ms ouly tlwelling house and a building witu two oflltH) rooms occti pying the lot. There are 10-1 feet on Main street and 148 on It street;, itiid all tbe rwt of the block, to the south, is built solidly iu brick. The dwelling might I sold sepa rately, with 48x104 feet of land, and the ofllcM separately, wilh 25x100 foot of land, but he prefers tosell all together, ronsidcring that land a few doors south is selling at 150 a front foot, tho price Mr. Pentium! asks makes it a very de sirable bargain. Call ,u.d see the owner for prim ami tonus of purchase. The present low prion at whio the. property is offered will hold until September 13, 1891, only. Call at the oftUw of K. 0, renthuid, and ask to bt shown tho property. If not sold by September 15, the property will be leased to some responsible party for term of tears. . ' WMl HITS AND all or U to i I:':: Ijti.; that U lutvKwUxI In the (Uetorv. Kloinint ClmmU.r Sulla. moiv. vnii aim secure HAHUAIN8. MAIN STREET, INDEPENDENCE, OR.