The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 12, 1891, Image 2

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Polk County Publishing Company
CUM I OSTON, MMCtM. (0 ns to exactly tiit the imil on the
1 - 1 ! head. We nit kttw that money Is
KttltUY, i t N K 12, M1. I tight, mill eolIMlons slow, but pe-r
i u'-t . ... 1111 i haps tin reason has not been np
IVii Au Prince is the enpitnl of! pimnit to all. It shows conclusive
llavti, and contains ii population ily ' tlii' M"d, thut hard
f .ViO.ihhi. H inn are prevailing In Knrops
' (und they blame the, Mtdvltiley bill
, , , i m .Jfor Hi) second, 'Unit the I'liited
In round nullity holit o cw(w filf
I,ihw,ow miliars in wmmura
....!.. i.. 1 4 I,,.ln-.l vlhvlciill.
T" . ?,. t. ...few-ymw
-.,( Uiis;mi.m.i.;ii;v imh.-i v
tons; minor
100 ons.
Aiviit nickel.
, :
Chili, whew the war is now rug ,
ing, of tht seaports against Hie gov-
I lm mi mvn iniml hlulwtlt .
thwstau of Oregon, mul in
hat isolation of SMM, j
which l about eight times Unit of
That Iward or tnuto ritould hold "
wine tiiHti!i!?. hat i tlie mm-
tcrt lk you want a camtery!
Theu commence working forituow.
Are jott ging to advertise the
towtit Then ttie sooner you
menee the Mter.
An wlitor is In high favor with
his readers when each ouo find
something to pleasv him, but let
one of tliOKO readers find an Item
that Is contrary to bis preconcelveil
notiou and that tnlitor doesn't know
what he U talking About. Itttt
then this is biinmu nature.
They complain of dullness of
trade iu Portland but we notice
that htiudrtMls of buildingHare tw
ing built, aud tho laboring man
has no cause of wmphtint; thetvfotv
the dullness of trade arises front the
lack of ortleiT from the country.
One of th best signs in a town Is
to see the tiiwlianic right busy. A
few merchants can supply a great
many people, nui oiiinuug ut , no .0ilt eu0U,n thi, r1g,lt we
tious help the masa.'s. Portland Jaj h.e , ,Vm(.ri wf A fiw mA jm.
piwjH-riug. jwtial trial. In IVrt Ait Priiieo
" ;HH are said to have lseu kllltsi for
A iiiestion at ist in the mind tf ftupjxwed offenses, without trial,
the inquirer, whether the property
owner has any right to go contrary;
to nnlttiaucebv buiklinir asidewalk
two ht wider "than the" o,,
v ' '" " ' , ' , ,
any more than he has a right to
build one two, or less feet, too imr
row. The council should decide
this matter at once.' Already
Maiu street are walks six,
nine and ten feet wide.
inentsare IsH-oming too jsr.n,tnciit
to W left longer to chance.
Very many times people lc the
true idea iu building up a town,
which is to make it the center of
trade. We arc a social people by Southei 11 States 800,000 Negro pit
nature, aud a farmer, if imssiblc, m iH.ijj traimsl by l.lO.iKK)
would much prefer to live iu town
and work on his farm during the
day. A man in Nebraska is mak-
ing a specialty of forming what be
calls rural towns, mid claims that
they have 1mu great siu'ccsses in
(iermany, Fnmcc aiidSwitwrland.
There is subject for thought in the
idea. In that case the town is for
the convenience of the fanner, not
the farmer for the town.
The great progress made in beet
culture in Nebraska is shown by
the statement that a few years ago
three or fotir tiotitids of to
each one hundred pounds of Ix-ets
was considered a fair yield, but
careful culture and selection ol
seed and seed beets in Herman
brought the average last year up
to nearly fourteen pounds to the
hundredweight. The augnr-ls-ds
raised iu Nc.bra.ska were even rich
cr in sugar than that. Kvpori
ments already tried show that beet
culture can produce a net profit o
from $.) to ft" to
each acre ol
capital of the
Honolulu, tin
Sandwich Islands,
is usually h
most delightful place in which
live, but at present great suiicring
prevails there. The water system
of the city conn's from the moun
tains and is usually very plentiful,
but this year owing to lack of rain
u water famine is imminent, and
already sickness M caused by Un
iiisitflicient water supply, lo add
io tho horror, fire hits broken out
in Honolulu and the water supply
cannot be used for quenching it, i upon the public pin chasing an in
Imagine yourself surrounded by i f,.j-ioi- article at a higher price, sim
salt water and scarcely a drop of, ply to encourage home production;
fresh water, and you have Ibesitn-;
alion at Honolulu.
Tho National Editorial Associa
tion which meets in St. Paul July
I t to 17, will be composed of from
,'JOO to 400 delegates Irom all over
the United Slates, but it seems
probable that from present appear
ances, Oregon will not be repre
sented ns the atis wers . so far re
colved by 8ocrctu,y l'etitlaud are
to the effect that those appointed
cannot attend. It shows how poor
the editorial fraternity really is,
when out of seven appointed, not
one has yet agreed to represent the
state. Members of the Oregon
press, do not let it be said Unit you
1 - - ,.IMMrtMwM -' "
ace so negligent that you fall to
dignify I lie profession to which you
We publish nit article this wwk
on the money question Unit appears
Kui-ojm Instead of Its being, as ft
ngU dependent upon
H,,,,,,,,!,,! u.,.Hii..
' " ,
So much for the experiment of a
government "of the people, by the
people, (Hilt (Or tllO people.
The Oregon Kioto grange, at the
; t Wrt".
innate Hutu U 1 lloiae, J. W
hw mid II. A. Irvine, a committee
to draft a bill on a swwmeut and
tiiKtitiou which Is to be submitted
to the wxt stte gmnjie at Albany
"' ,"nw ,u ,u" l'V"
We hojw to see the nest slon of
the Oregon legWatiir to pans at
least a better law than thaprnwnt
one. When the farmers formulate
a bill to suit tlienmclvcs It will suit
the rwt of us for land already pay
too much taxes, and personal prop
erty, not enough, and the tendency
of farmer legislation will be towards
rectifying tho evil. Uls an ejcel
lent move of the grange,
It those prsotw who advwate
mob violeuce, or summary punish-
1 ment without adequate trial, read
! the account In all Its details of the
frightful mttrdera committed at
I IVrt Au IVIui where the pni-
dent orders persons tuspeetcd of
plotting sgtiinst the government to
W shot down In cold blood. No
doubt but that wo as a people
i sotu tines err ou the stile of mercy.
: but it is Is-tter this than such
seen of horror, as are there said
j to have been w itnessed. We can-
tu ii ti-w! iiwl iiumI liv tin A Hiee-
, . , , ... . .. i
J (0" UimT?
,,Ul1 lf "'bating inrotuu 10.1
given iu comjuict hum. "hi our
country," It Is stated, "three furtlwuf intenwt g" up. In fitt,ivirjlnt,v
of the Nation's Illiteracy Is in the 'who ha any mom-y ioNire wants lo
South. Forty jmt cct.
of the
' hle ,Ho,ul:itin of the Snuth can
' , . ,., .lltorweutiilhempaid.tiecftieiels hnowa
! "
., MM, uui , nteeufe vnfeiK til nnr
trolult.Vt hrm,(um in the South,
Tw ,M,,,ulation, now S.msl,.
iss, hM di'iiikHeth pa' twenty
years. In sixty years, at the sauie
rate of increase, there will ls K,-
lioisi.isa). In eight representative
tvachem of the same ntw. Nine
tenths of these came from the mis
sionary schouls, aud it is cstiiuattsl
tj,at ,, tl!U, 0ne half of th-s
came from American Missionary
Assis-iation institutions, Hy the
side of our schools are our chin ches.
Educated teachers mid ministers
are needed in great numbers hr
these ignorant millions. Among
more than llHH,0OU mountain
whiles in the Booth, iu the heart of
our country, one half can not read.
The Bible is to them a waled book.
Of the 10,000 Indian children in
our laud, less than 10,000 are in
schools. The rest are diHiuied to
barbaric ignorant as yet."
it should lie a great fundamental
principle of all Americans to pat
ronize home enterprises ami pur
chase home products iu preference
to foreign articles; and this idea
-dioiild he confined not to its national
K'lise, hut lw applied locally in nil
1 he allairs of lite. It should be so
" thoroughly localized that every cit-
j would discriminate in favor of
j bis own state as against any other,
j ,i,4i own eoliiity when in .'onipcli
i tion with another, and his own citv.
j town or village in preference to all
others. Above all things those lo
cal industries which are struggling
to secure a fool hold and whose
presence and successful operation
menu added businessniul prosperity
to the com 111 11 ni lies In which they
am located, should be encouraged,
not only by well wishes but by act
! mil .tangible patronage,. It is, of
! course, asking too much to insist
i,t when both the qiialilyand price
compare favorably with those of
work performed or goods sh'ppcd
from a distance, it is tho duly of
every citizen to aid the home man
ufacturer by giving him the prefer
ence. Ifheboa merchant or pro
fessional man depending ttpon the
prosperity of the community, nn
owner of property whose value is
regulated by t he same standard, a
capitalist whose money is secured
by that property, a manufacturer
of other goods in the samo commu
nity, or even a mechanic whose
family is dependent upon his oppoi
tunity for constant employment, in
fact if he be actively engaged in al
most any of the avocations of life,
be will be, helping himself by aid-1
tug to uphold tho Itidtwtrtwof lm
own city, county or-ntulo. TIro
hint Mil wudi wild on thi Miitywt
by Ihii pmw mid privato ImtlvMu
Ih, ftiat It would twin HtntiiKfthiil
an Utile oRit'fc linn Ikh'U niiMlttcml
by mo uiiH'li prwk'liing, wotti It not
wt'll known fact Unit ptwpt hiw
Imhii mlrotigiHl fmm smiiplo, Unit
Home of the iiiot fwiitfitt mid ir-
ftintoitt (mhiUIoih nit ulloii LMillly of
tho offt'tiim Uii'y iw finribly hty fil
tho diHir of othon. I4t tw nil do
what proper public jirit ttmt n
tj-ito regitrd for our wolfnro dltonUI
dit'tiito, mul tho oonipliiliitstif mini
ufttdtiivr tun) diHilcn will ws,
mid with thotii willdiHiipiM'tiiMiiiti'h
of tho hard titno and wmt'ily of
fin ploy mr nt whiob In'ftr ho hinvlly
njvin mnny of our jeopli
tu tlie ttrxt Ihc let uhtiH'nitn'rnml
Unr In mlud tltat we cnuiiot m money
of ny wirt, nor w esr it, nor uw It In
suy other wy exoept to buy Msitvlhltty
we want. We cannot twy snythlni
with mouey exvt umler two wiiilt
lion; there murt t wmieUKty who
wsnts t 11 oimHliliiK to u, snd UiHt
t)iuebiHly mut tw wilting to w It for
ttw smomit of money we sre willing to
oitir him, Nuw, the mow muuey you
nut Into elteuUt ton the niur moiMy
everybody wilt wwtl for his (oul"i
you hv to pay ttre to gt wlmt you
want, aud Hum, au far w nsw wiylng
hteoiiwruett, you are no belter efftlmii
Ufor. Hut you may nqily, Rmntisl
that tlila Is the ease, 1 do not see why
It sIhhiUI make naiuey Hut you
ma why If you will coiwIiUt s little
further. Whtm nrlem are lelliitf lit)
i ., I
mere are a uuhmhuu ciiaixva nw jh-ujiw j
u-l.., M 111 tuiktl,,,ii Irt lliilkll tllnHKV ftir I
sjss'ulatsui. Hujs, for example, It j
Is quite ertalii that the prli of wheat ;
b KliiK to rise Ave ccuU a huhel.
Thi n U man who can toy a mtltlob
buahela on crtsllt and hol,l It s moult)
wilt make W' by the oeeroUuii,
and mwl not iuwni any mow money
than lie hat to y In a eurlly for
his wr( of the barjptln- iwrloq tn
js-r cent, on Ihe auiouut of hl ur
t luue. The Ojwrallon will U mm
thltiK like llil; lie buy ,im,im
bunhi'ls of when', jwy tloo,iM In nh
ami give hi not ir i In- n-iiuiliilnii
wx),ixai, ty iu a no-iitli. At the end
of the mouth he 1U the licit ut un
advaueeof $4,iXW, oil" hU note
ami haafhV,Oooeali toluw for the
iio,i) HU w hU h he started, Now,
a hat I iwy alsmt Iwal may he said
alssil everything that ran be UhikIiI
and suld In the whuliml murkt't.
Wlu-n thmianmUof alwrnmeii of bui
T T '
In a ft-w mouths tbi-y want to b-urow
u u namcy they u; thus ttw rule
I "Peculate with It and uoiHidy amilato
I ,t'm, lt W aw,ue t"rcm.-
1 tuai ne uoe inn gei nw money now
he wilt haw aoioe chance of apeculnlloii
or uf loaning at a high rate of Iulcnwi,
aud when his money ibasi come It will
m- lie worth ' much to hint If he
Walts. When this fever of Kpmilntloii
ouce gets started there is no letllug
wlu-re It will atop. When everybmly
who ban money get to buying, price
will kern going up, apeculnllon will lie
Rum-iwfnl, and the very fact (hut ll la
Muccewfut will limke moa ieok aunl
to speculate and send price atllt higher.
Ami 0 wllh all this plenty, money
will be mm and hard hi borrow.
Hut what la the reaull of this rtM of
price, on people who don't iqieculate,
on the laborer and the salaried men,
the physicians aud everybody who
worka forwagea They are the niiftVr
er. Kve;ytlme they go (0 market
they find butter a cent or twu a pound
higher, and every new suit of clothes
they have In buy coats them more.
Thus society la divided Into two great
chimes, tha great Hmiliitr niuklng
fortunes and the (xiorvr rlamea getting
pinched. It la true that there la more
mouey thau ever In circulation, but
more money Is wanted, so that really
a large amount of money U of no more
use than a small amount would bo.
Now, In all this I am only titling you
facta that havo hnpamud. They hap
pened In our country during and after
the revolution, and they happened iu
Frauoe at the time of the French revo
lution, and again In this country In
lS.'i7, and again during tlie civil war.
In all caws the authoritlc and the
public got very ungry and made all
aorta of complaints ngii'innl (lie hm,h'u
lulohi, the foreslullers and the brokers,
and threatened to do nil aorts of things
with them. I believe Unit Napoleon
actuully hanged some of (hem, and
Washington was very sorry thut he
(sin Id not hang I hem. lint all lluw
complaints ore iwrfeetly ullly, V011
may Just us well let a Ibssl ngalust a
dam and then complniu becnuM the
diiiil hreitka anil the Hood deatroya the
country below. The wago-cnnicr are
tho peoile,below, mid the liillaled cur
eeiiey la the Ibsid which they let Into
tho dntii aliftve them Ihtihino I hey
think II Is very nlco to have plenty of
water. Hut where ihs's thin specula
tion atop? You tire building on a very
narrow foundation. Tho luitu who can
build the highest make the moat money,
provided he cull get down before hla
edlllce topples over. Ho they go on,
brick hy bilek, liutis often as a prudent
man steps down another cllinhH up.
Hut the Inevitable time coiuea when
things topple over. Prhvs atop rising
because tho poor peoplo cannot pay
them and have to go without, Then
cue spemiliiloi' falls, aud then another
fulls, until at last the whole thing top
ples over, anil the last slate of every
body la worse than the first except In
the case of those cautious mid lucky
speculators who retired before the
crash enme. Pruftnor Ninwn AVic
coitib In the ISattliiwrc A'wi. ',
At 11 ministerial conference at Dullns,
tho presiding officer announced that
Its v. would, at the afternoon ses
sion, read a paper on "The Devil," and
added, "Please bo prompt in attend
ance, for Hrothor - bus a can-fully
prepared paper and I full of hla subject."
ITKMt FOR OUft PAfiMcitt.
Mttauftnfl Fltlt, Farm Hmi
Kverv farmer ahould know the eon
twits, In acres, of csrh of his Mils,
uuattow aud Iota, hi aeertslu w hich
he ahiuild have a rod meaatire, a llitlit,
atltt iilo,Ju.t W fwt louii with divis
ion marks oil It of a yard each making
.1) yard. Provided with this lueaatire
ami proeoitlttig attHmlliiR l the follow
lug rules he etm asilaln the anst, Iu
urn, of each of hU (b ids, lota, luwid-
ows, etc., wlwther sulor or lrrtuulnr
In shape. Farmnra will llnd It a uwxl
Idea to meiuuire their fl lik
Ifytiiirneld lm pitmlliO sides and la
witmre. r lonuer one way man tne
w her, take ytmrrod iiiwuaire ami tlnd
Ha length mid hrt'ftilth, then uw the
JU'u: -Multiply the length In rods
by the bnadth In rud, and divide the
product by biO and the quotient will la
the number of acres,
KxAMi't.K.-Whallalhaarra,tn acres,
of s Held .10 rods long and l rsl wide,
Hhi.i'tion.-.ho mulllpttiHl by i!H
fqunUsm, dlvUh'd by lis) iHptaU A
acres aud m xU, or fil acres,
If the Held, or plat of ground la Iu
the sliae of a triangle having three
lda, apply the rod measure to the
longest tide, then nienauie s'M from
tlmt aide to where the two tatier aides
Join, then ue the followhm:
IU'I.k. Multiply the base, or hmnwt
side, In rods, by tlie prrpeudleular
hrliiht In rials, and divide half tlie
product by lDO, and the quotient will
be the number of aenw.
KXAMli.K.-What Is the area, iu
aen-a, of s trtanlar field, the bae of
which isW) rods kmg, and Us rpn.
dleutar h.-lnht 3s nsU?
Hhutioj. eomultlplled ityi9ieua!a
tfini, dlvldtsl by 3 equals Sto, dlvldd
by (Ml atptals ft arrea and 10 fists, or ft)
Wheii the Held hastwosldes srsllct,
but the other two not, start al any cor
ner and uteaMire line diagonally
thrtsigh to lite other, theu apply as
ItiKK. ltvlde It diagonally by a
tine running frntu one extreme eturucr
tu the other, which will rut the ileUI
Into two triangle; then pnseel to
measure eaeii trtaiigte ami apply the
foregoing rule, and aId the areas of
the trlnligU-a togetla-r. Tiie pnahn-t
will ls the numlsr of acres.
KAl'I.K.VVh!it is tlie ana, In
Ut n-( 111 a lieui, oih ni a llow ii ia mi
. Ml, ...I i
rHl km a and the ut her 21 nut louir.
1 1,- .li,,.,l u !
,..,.., ,...,.
No.t riox.- I let triaugle; U,
Mla. mullliillil I)V iHrisntieiiar;iaMtiiiUtMt,
Itehrhl t tuU. eoimU llW n.k dtvldwt
l..,l.i'i.,i. l,..,i. .H.I.1..I .(
y ,. - y
i m ettuiii z amn. iswtw irialigie;t
tue, M roils mulliplled by lheier)ieu-
du-ulur height .10 nala rtpialt I'M), di
vided ly 2 etUl ik, a hieh divided j
by tu) eipials 3 acres and tin raK or 8j
sen, making a IoIaI of Sj mw. the
'area of the field,
j The above rule may be applied to
field of any alee and ahnpr by dividing
the field Into triangle.
The following tubk give the number
of days mpiln d for . iiton and lin n
billon of the autiual meulioueil;
nre, 8A! lollll days; nw, SW to 8'it
d i) a; aln-eji, 1 Hi to till dayt; hog, tOB to
1 kl days; goat, t "SJ to 13 days; dog IS
t 5fl days; eat, 20 to K day; chicken,
l) to SI days; turkey, !!t lo 30 day;
duck, SS lo JCJ day; ga', S7 to 33 day.
The itgurm given aw for extreme aliort
and long periods.
Vou can tell the age of your horse by
tha following rulca; The colt la bom
with twelve grimier. When fourfrutit
teeth have made their appearance, the
oolt I twelve day old, and when the
next four appear, It I four week old.
When theeorner teeth appear, It la
eight moiitliaold, aud w hen the Utter
" - ,
nave auuiuni uui m-igni oi mo ironi
teeth, il la a year old. The two year
old Molt has the kernel (the dark tib
itauee Iu tha middle of the tooth'
crow n) ground or worn out of all the
front teeth. I u the third ycartli mid
dle front teeth are all being shifted, and
when three years old these are uImU
luted for the horse teeth. In the fourth
year the next four are shifted, aud in
tho llfth year tho comer teeth are
shifted. In thealxth year the kernel
la worn out of the middle of the front
teeth, mid the bridle teeth have now
attained their full growth. At seven,
a lusik has tstm formed on the corner
teeth of the upper Jaw; the kernel of
the teeth next at the middle Is worn
out, and the bridle teeth begin to wear
mil. At eight years of age the kernel
la worn out of all the lower front teeth
and begins to decrease In tho npsr
fronts. In the ninth year the kernel
baa wholly dlupaarod fnan the npier
middle front teeth, the hook ou the
corner bielh has increased iu sue, and
the bridle teeth lose their points, Iu
thu tenth year the kernel has worn out
of the teeth next to the middle, fronts of
Ihoupper jaw, nml lutlie eleventh year
the kernel lias entirely disappeared
from the comer teeth of the same Jaw.
At 12 year the crown of all tho front
teeth iu the lower Jaw have la'come
trlutigulnr, iitul the bridle teeth arc
much worn away. As tlie horse ad-
vain-en, in age tlie gum shrink awav
from tho'leeth, which apis'ar long and
narrow, and the kernels become
changed Into darkish points. Orny
hairs Increase iu the forehead and the
chin lK'conie lingular,
A writer coiniiiuiitiiig on tliu influ
ence of the inollior over hor unborn
i h lid may, ftmt bl word arc of value
to tho farnu-r ns wall aa tho wife:
"I think there la nowcupatlonao fav
orable uixl ao ilealrahlo for the growth
and wolfurB, prosperity and happliuns
of the Individual, a I funning. Farm
era. under right condltlona and habits
of life, are, or ahould lie, the bleaaedof
mankind. From their homes should
aprlng the bright, the beautiful, the
successful, the gotilusea of the world.
And yet thi I lamentably not the case,
and why? lteeause they live undor
such wrong conditions of life, when it
Is within their reach to live a nearly
within the line of nature' law a It 1
possible for mortals, Why Is It that
ions and daughters born on the farm
puweaa umli an ini r, dolvriuliust de
sire to bavn It? localise tlireugh (hee
satiMi wroiiB conditions of life, the
mother Is worried, tired and alek of the
drudtftiry of farm life, aud loons to he
ndt asfd front It, This desire by the
mother I I Hum lord In the orgituhutUon
of the tinhorn, w hh'h Is the reastm so
many yoiitiK men leave tho bright,
lieatilimt country and crowd Into the
duly oltlm, Now tln-rw uuisthe aouas
thing nullcnlly wmiik tu the life of the
farmer, else this could not be, and tlie
cuiiHMif this iwirdi'iilur evil, huqsns
to I the riMt of all evil"
The writer at Wngth tsiliits out the
gmsl of the farmer for lare farms half
lllli-d, while the pisr wlfu works hrnadf
to death In order to hdp iy taxes aud
! keep up the repairs, and he g" on to
ahow that mor" money could ls laid
sway, and more hupplm nult If
only s few aorwt, say 20 tow, were well
cultivated. After xmitlnK out various
plan for making the work of the wife
more attractive aud leas laborious, he
cuiii'liuk i by saying: "Iu iioUiIuk
are his (the farmer a) mUtakes so
demoiwtrabte as Iu the daily life of the
women ot his houat'ltold; Air If there he
one sitimi iu life more than another
tu which tlie b rni 'lsv' la applicable,
It la the isMttlim of wlni aud women
assislaitta U a farmer. A woman iu
her health, youth and beauty, marries
s farhier, aud in a few, very lew years
ahe Is woefully altered, The everiaab
lug houat'ltold drudgery of the farm-llie
dulU and hiwera her flue organlsalkio,
sink all the spiritual Into the animal
of hr nature, and unfits her to be
mother In Irod "
And yet the writer truthfully tays:
Thectilea would be no cities, were it
not fbr the eouatry. Tha ttrength, lh
twauty, the ability, the bone and alnew
uf nation's hopea and stu'ceMea, Ik
dormant Iu the men and women of the
country; and for this reason have I said
ao much lo farmers-beeaue of its very
gnat Importance,"
"Ho she rejected yon, did ils?" said
a Jtuena Vlla maiden to a genlWinan
frkuid who had proposed to an Inde
pendence belle, Your proioal did n' t
iileaae Iter?"
"Well, 1 can hardly say it dldu'
nniM! her", W plhw her gi'Ulieman
frieiid. "I thought the hearilea thing
would never slop laughing."
a raw cms
Un. ttlitm, aa ft a4 MM Mr al SH
Muna oa msclow, mm pdH a m4
t-.5W' ' '
1 . ai tut fcMlikr.
1. B. "a. Imw NulaaM. Ca4
luUwIr at kU w4tatlaa tad aaawnswlae.
., ,.,. ,a a
iemntif'' ttoa aa
I t rwrnui. Chi.1 WhMBmtt t4 at CU
'!. I. r. Cars el Hla la t kert, Meat
UouMt ni lira Sraaaraa.
ir4.J.u,t, .fcS
bwa utukf butriaM nut tar lo ia;n Its
uw Mj.imt, wua dm taiie suivit ma
talal t o!l tvulnM4 bMllk.
riwl A. !, StUtnta Howl, 1. 1., lulfrrwl
tarr mUh drtrea. rU IS tM
) Ii o atL
Outttir SuloaiHi ol Kl Valtarl Mratl, t.
ui4l(lrk brJrbMlil UratlMiuU.
K4t4 Kra.Tt Inna , t,.
tl stint la I bark and thronlo MlliHti
- O
r n
utTia ' Q U A RT ER
let nllll). u f p IJ
r-a. acr vk Ul II
1. .. Bitktf chv. a rCMTIlRV
a Bian l,a but ,.- VtLiI 1 I UU I
bcwmMU"lr,lhOiiiitaanl BP A
,trwkimmt iiat nainlrr. Thl ma rlV3U
u lwi lhia Mr li-ha Wrwart, on ol it
mlihSH a anal Itiflorniial la IS
euiv Iu a irctiit Mlrr St aty : " I
wgr-rlai lm tttl'1 In mr Wtk il ff ral aU-
arvmniukinl iut ( tiaw. aad haJ aard nun
rrmr,lir wiihiua an t,Ml Iraomtarv wllct Th
pln I a, t.k Swl haroaaf m am 1 Sal I
onrwalra own ,,nrnim in my wwa ana
BtS M'1! ltnmn in a ran, ocai
m Ointuith a Mwiit. ft 111 woti.tcrful tarr el
(ninl tr l)rrrn Kaliitif Tia. I ladarrdlolnr
t lw. . fin lhal nry Sr4 iWlfiwl IntUat
n-lkf. B.I Iwfc, B-lMf half Ih eooltal of h
h., th tala In tnvtwu S ailrlyil!pprtl.
I Hart nty lallB IB i imw torn wnt
KliUwt TV. n.t caa ronrtcnlkail mwamend
II Iu mt Mt.t, I iwil'l n.S Iw r(thou 11 Sw
j nrnt at mtm- lUk ttul rlimrii. numnit or
. . voHHH T- mm Wkifli Imtill.
P"'"?!. " . Ti -JZLZZi
1 llooaof(hkliirf arlrraaillrtaa.
rosTMi euac or
ran a Ate ay all
NUTE & EVANS. Props.
4 17 lm
Mitchell & Bohannon
Miinufactunsm of
Sash and Doors
Malaitrt ladepeadeueo.
iiv jHt Itcm
And In ft Few Days Will Hcoelve a Car load of
Direct From tha EAST.
Thie Klgs were ordered early last Fall aud built especially for this trade, they aw one,uaIed
for FinWi Durability and Price,
We also have a few of the CincinatU bugglca, which we can sell to anyonn wanting a cheap
Itlg. slso carry a full and complete line of First class
A Full and Complete Stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tin
ware, Pumps, Pipes,
Ia-r ttaniittf, pnanvlng, rinl waanii
ri.!i- Juiira' Nlalilra, n.l-jhlflK.
M Mat A d J udana, lira. Will laiii.
Sr Hutk lluilitui, li,itr-nli i,..
Suer I
ntoi'itieTtdu of
City Truck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of all Kind Done
JCeasonable Hates.
, Oak,, and Ash
MTt'ollMitou Mario Mtmtlily"tot
I'oe Crwim and Oysters in season
(kiunUr Lunelies, five conts and
Hoard by the day or wind.
Private Rooms for Ijidbn.
OiHn until It p. iu.
Farmers, come witb your family
and bjo what a nice meal you can
get for 25 omits.
N.P.WILDRICK, - Proprietor.
And be Convinced.
72 Stwd tooth iron barrow, $20.
5 and 7 toolb cultivators.
The boat liorso sbuoiii;.
Tbc lnst In
or Wood
' . - AT -
E. I. anagd's.
Best price paid fci
Old Iron and .?
Maiu St,. Iudepoudeuce,
lvisl Direct From th Factory a
Also a Itrg Assortment of-
Fittings, Shingles Etc.
and Tinning Neatly Sone.
j. d.
I nin Always busy, bave jual time to say
That in these dull times I have no dull day;
Of course one day may bo ImHUt than anotln'r,
I'or trade is paal or ld, w nicwbat like tho weather.
You will find iu my store an elegant Muck
Of (iroeries, Oinued Goods, sold ut bed rock;
Tobarco, Cigars, Crockery and Ghisa;
At tbe prices I ai'H theu you suroly cau't pass.
1 buy lots of produce or take it in trade,
And give tliCKime prie as though all rash were paid.
Sly goods arc 11 quality, my pricon are low,
My giioda speak for me wherever they go.
i t 1
l "'" ND
My attx ia now more eompleto than ever befam Shall be pleawHl to have
all II io cuatonicra of the eton ootitluui- trading, and hope to induce many to
tnidtt who never did before. In connection with my store is a
Where Ixxwi and ahrwa can be nrlred or manufactured under the nianairmneiit
of M. A. BAKKR
Remember the name and place,
W. E. GOODELL, - , Main Street, Independence
Drugs, Moms, Uols, and Toiki Ariicls -
Sponaaa, Bruahaa, Parfumary, School Book mn4 Artists' Suaplia.
Fall Stook of Watehst, Cleeks and Jtwslry. Rapairing Naatly Dsn.
Phyalolani' Praaerlptlona Carefully Cmpound1.W
Kotvltici in Stationery, Latest in Fancy Writing JVtper, Ink-stands, TaUets,
Into of all Colon, Penc'th, Ihshion Flates and Periodicals.
Candies, Nuts and Cigars. , SubsciiptionsEcceivedforallPapct't.
F. H, WHEELER, Indqmdence, Or.
Cur load of the-;
liuilt to OKDKU.
M Issr i Un ij
ntALEtta in