The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 05, 1891, Image 3

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Polk County Publishing Company
FHIUAY, Jl'NK 4, 1I.
June a and UransroiV . icut at
June 0 tK H, S, S1. exclusion to Or
p.nClty. June l-KxeuntUm frtm iVwaUla to
J n no 12 ami j3Urnd picnic at lu-
June 21, H, and SUlVmmeue.
incut at Normal rVlwtd at MomiMulh.
June ami 2T- I'loneer' reunion at
4tvulnil t t-alein, Dalla
Hnmil City.
On Friday and (Saturday th lmU
pttndcttce molt will make regular
trlpa from Indepemlcnea tu Perry, per-nil-lim
having been obtained from h
H. P. IV. It Ihowa ' lt'Ku
lar trlM will al I um W to Monmouth,
I. Ur A w go to prvna we learn that
through some U'tral technicality the
motor will not make trip, to lllekivtili.
We hope that next Friday ami rtotur--day
the right may Us obtained or run
ning to Klekreall ami return ft the
picnic at Independence. What a grand
advertbanueut of the motor hue It
would haw been, aud will be If 'eur'd
next week.
MoMlunvtlle wa vWted by a tcrrlrte
thunder atorm tort rAaturday evening,
which btrtetl about aa hour, lu the
wcrtern art of the city a large fir tree
wax Ignited by a ftort of llglitnlug.
The electric light wlrea were rtruck
autl the hoek waa twuniiutleiitd to
the ulatam, mile dMant,, exploding
at the generttter, Hk the rep- f a
.,.. Th.. nUiil wx dummied that
the city waa In ttorkue. all night, j
The stonit mut have r'l near tlil
place, a the peak of thunder could be
UiMlm'tly heard here.
Ijwt Tuwday afternoon tlw whool
director of thla tIMrlct held a hurt item
meeting and from what we can learn
a very aulmated diaeiuxion emmed over
the aehvtloii of teachere. Tlve tlual
result km a follow: I'rofc- Mo
Adam, prluelpal; aMiit, Mr. Mo
Adam. Mm, Tuck, Mm, M. Nelina.
Mlt Aggie lVnmiui and Ml Nellie
Mr. 11. I. Fouler brought to the nfflce
Tonulav aome mtniplea of the Mam-
i ri,.iu nr ktmuberrltn. one of
whk'h welched one ounce and nieaa
v and one ouarter Inuhr
lu drcumfervnee. They were uearty
.11 theimie ami It l needle to
aav they were as delicious a tliey were
Urge. Next.
M. 11. lleudriett, who operated the
Knlem ndlb. wanhou laM year, will
...,i,i..t ih Name thl year. He l
having U newly rer..fel awlotherwU'
lt Friday a twoHuukuie-half ton
monument a eixwled In the Odd
IVIIowi wiih'tary hy Mr. I. A. Miller,
to mark the renting nlace of the lato K.
tHIVra will he received at the City
llaMnr, on C and llallroad ttrevta, fur
the enaulng two weekt, tor the entire
lrlerty. The owner reervc the right
to reject any and all oU'eni.
J. ( lNiMr and wIHh f MoMlnn
vllle, altemied the funeral ol (Iraudma
(Mn'r lat Monday; mImi K.V.t'uoM'r
and wife, of Newjiort, and M, Cooper,
of hllvertou, Marlon county.
Hon. T. T. tleer, of Mrlo . county,
hat algnlhVd lila wllllngueaa to lie uva
ent at the )ilenle here on FrUlwy and
Haturday and deliver an adtlixnia on the
latter day,
J. F. (VDonuell lout ut m'elved a
car kad of new goiNU direct from the
eaat. Itend hi "ail," and e what
they eoiwW of ami go and get hl rlov.
L, V, lloU'rlmm will move hit fiunlly
to Portland net wwk. Mr, Hobertaon
ha been an euterirUlngltleu and
we an aorry to loe htm from our mllt,
A ldr of new haby ahoea and ua-
Hndor were aliovt a mile below
Independence laxl Friday. Owner tin
And aaiue by Intuirtng at thla olllee.
lion. T. T. (leer, nixniker of the lat
Uouaeof nreeiitatlvi of Oregon, will
addrv the aoeletlea at the Normal
chtad Ttteaility evening, June S3,
The wild all It luaelout
beauty hldeth anmng the grttHww, and
oulv the expert wuall lay can And
enough to get hi alomach full.
Joint lAunnion la bulldlug an addl.
tlou to hi realdcnce lu tllll, atldl
tkn. and a I.lnuuou la having hi
rvatdeuoe r xtlrwl,
Itev. W. N. O'Kelley will urwh In
'he tlraee Kvaugellral churvh (weal of
Independence) on Xablmth at SulO u,m
and lu town t S P- I I
Iau Katurday lloodmau A IXmty
received the Hrt team hay pre ever
brought to thU county. It wa old to
a man In Dixie.
A pereou who aun-ly know '
there are over t'VM InveaU'd In bicycle
lit Independence.' No wonder that
money w aearee,
Hev. T. U Klllott, of Portland, a
very ehxtuenl divine, will preach the
lkecalatirle wrmon at Monuatulh,
Monday, June St.
Thinmbllc clol ckw,l lat weik
after a wry pMAiable year' work, un
der the rluelwlhlp of Prf- W.
The aon of F. llutler, of F..II (ily.
who ha la-en attending the bualuo
eollege at Portland, eanie up on Satur
day' train.
The Normul Athk-te wilt give an
out door tumbling, et. eutertalnnteut
ou the afternoon ofTutwIay, June'it.
tinier for blab wood can lie left at
nuiunu A HubbanPa. All order
ii.t l aeeuiiinauled with ctwh. 6 8 tf
A uew sidewalk ha been bulJt In
rn...i r l 1'' Miller' nroncrty ou V
atrtH-t, between Main and lUllroad.
Mm. K. J. Hosier left on Tbumday'
ri.rHivikune Fall til "l"'ud the
umtiier with her children there.
ltove tleUitk alwaya ha onhtd
Larf Attena-anee-An Intorwatlng
Pef rtim-KieUIni CenUat Ur
Ptdk County Teacher' Aoclittlon
held their nununl plcnlu at tho picnic
ground at Dixie on IM Haturday. It
wa attended by teople from all larta
of ttie aurrouudlug vulley, lmb'x U
deuce, Monmouth, Aliile, Dttllu,Huver
atltl lkhl U'lng well repreaentcd.
At ItlUIOa. in the Dttlla baud lruek
up a lively air, and after acvernl gtxnl
pliHH-a hud liecit played, Hon. W. H.
Ilolmea, prealdent of the day, re"iHindml
to the ueople antl lutruduet Prof, II.
F. Mulkey, of lk-thel, who opeitea tne
exerelwaof the tiny by a abort addrv
on the inertia of education; and hy hi
nleannnt wonlii and altnnblo luutiuer
fully Ututmled the lucale of action of
tho auooeaaful educator, Aniongal Hie
nianv fuel In retard to education he
aald: "We hava ..freed W miutltfrti
negro, yet he hold a balance of account
agalnat u which may never 1 Ud
exiH'pt by eductttlon."- "
Prof. H. Mhedd, Mr. Ctia. Miller and
Ml Helen lllblmrd were appohded a
eomntlllee to award the prUea for the
aehoot reuderlng the lat program. '
Theexewleoi!Uel by a Japan
fan drill by the pupil of the Mon
mouth public at-htKil, In charge of
MtaaHinlth.and Ml little Oround
prealdlugat the organ.'...
Your wirreudeut being Uliac
tjualnled with everylMnly had great
trouble In getting the name or tin
taking part, yet we give a few. About
half an hour wa devoted to recital km
by tho dim-rent public achoola of the
Mr. Cha. Hlmoutou, a armor tu me
Mtate, Normal aebiKtl, deaervr great
pralMu for the reuderlng of a recitation,
' Oulv KlxUi-ti."
Mis little girl fwm liola ai-luxd de
llver.1 and lllimtrated the "Cradle
Mottg," followed by a. "Sermon" by
Frank Lynn, of Kola.
Maater Frank lleitlly I to 1 niniem-
hered for hi talent lu reciting
Prof. M. J, Jacknon, f Oakdule, had
bl at-bool well reprexentcd, but we
couhl not team the munea of hi pupil.
The IWtltcl nchool wa well repre-
Oalaa va. Harmlt. '
Ito"ltenutt" hah a cranky w ay ol;
palmiilain' ill darkey very dlmpilctln'
Ur reclpnalty, and tor git witwre wld
him r!amiiou'ijeg"lo' ' tot do cat
outobdebag.wlilt-ham dl, dnt hi
atitercetlcnt, In a moral aenno, am not
'iiutrter warrant Id lordl"' br lih
peer. 1 le am an old ruin-aellerl Dal'a
what's tie inattert tlw dtixn't alne
ale he eltcr kep a low giunhlln' anham,
but he wua 'gaged In de runt trallld all
de anma while 'gH In kcepln' a big
hotel on de llneobdeole Krto K. K.
0la, when not by whltewaahln'
umh! tcr huln 'Iioiit de hotel, till he got
1,1. Iliml rilnehal-iro which 'cunnl dli
When iHtu H. Umont wa milter ob
de Cortland Co, (N. Y.) Ikwtorat he
had a wag nb n-mrter uatnetl l-e
'rouit' de country gathcrln' Itema ft
hlaNr, an' one day when de hotel
wa crowded wld gehs lee an' a nmu-
lm m' ahowy liullvlilual named l"Oin
Howurdtop'tintriiniiau. n nun,
wld all all hi aim, couldn't read nor
rite, inor'u a plantation nlggah, an
Ia waa'wareobde faC, who, ancr
Icokln' olajr de bill o' fare panted It h-r
rom. When tie latter gomiium'a
knowingly (?) kn'd It be whUpered
ler "Whafi yer gwlne ter ortietT"
-liar niettt," any !', polntln ter a
Hue on de bill, "Ie waiter, It heln' a
gfi-at rarity, limy wy they have none,
but whit tcr did Hue on tie bin o- mre.
aiidlu.l.tonluU'lu brought on, an'
ye'Hr'tlt." Jc ln' dat way wld
a han'ful b itUhea All'd wld auum Tom
called out, "Watahldl way!" "Whali
yeronler.lnai?" ae I, "Bar meat!"
exTitin, "liar meat, wa'a nun, hr
"What dux yer call dat?" thundered
Tom, pnlnllu' ter a lino on tho fare
bill... "Alluoe pie" IremUluly anaweRd
I. an' de kuk he gib me, an' tireeaiy
arler 'atowwl on l-e rnuaiNl mo ' ter
drtip de watp tlllie on de , an de
Uentitt unkomllttmially an Ignomln-
lotuly orth red me ter vacate dtt prem
Tom wa In de employ of Wily P.
Kandall, who kep' a livery atable In
Cortlaud at de time ob de above occur
ance, hut onu arlcr lo' hi altoatlon a
tollowa: One day drummer litreti
'" -: ' i.-. . , I. l.,...,l,ul T..H, .
uite.l, and amungal their program , utnu an ,..,. -... , ,..-
' . . .. L iiiil. i.wt..ilUIL dut bo ii' de aiuouulof
urn n aviiitfri niiwiitrii . v - t
A Ramkler'a Netaa.
We Lava been taking an "uutlmf"
and In our round taken an observation
of the Aelda of grain pnnented to our
view, Crop, a a general thing, look
all and tha urtMIMH-tl fuf plentiful
harviat are very flattering, and wfth a
fair rice for wheat till coming fall,
farmer will be In abetter oondltkm
flnaiiclally-than they have been for
nine yearn part. The Anwt looking
Acid of wheat that I Imve ai-en III my
ride, I that of Lyman Jtauiim Jnt
until of Monmouth. Ills uniform In
hulirht. thickly act. a beautiful dark
grceu In color, and promlt- an abund
ant yield.' W vllUd Will Dallou,
(bundhlm ingiMaKpiruanoieouMio-.
ly and carefully watching III "Inciilav
tor." I iuggcated In Mr, DalUm that
IMlhly tlu-o egg might be talked,
whereupon alio pronnava u wcu aouuiu
be Lite cane, alt would extend to uie an
Invitation to mmta over and partuke of
a feat of tmked chicken, I am waiting
anxlotwly for that Invitation, for I am
Itiellued to think "Will" haa toonim n
oil aUiard that Incubalor to prmluce fl ne
!!, i nidiben. Much a are llublu to
take wiuu and Ay away.
1 aim found "Juule" rutllng arouuu
the chicken coop, tendlug to I lie pro-
twnv of "Old Mnec." Bha had alwut
two liiindrtHl and Afty already hatched
out. and "Junle" thlnki tluit If the net
ting tUIIUe of the old lien no noi mil
her. he will have about a thoiteund.
Htlcktotheold hen "Junle" and I'll
guarantee that he beat IkuWa lm-u-
blor, even If heaUllcouimue w wnivn
It with hi midnight lamp
Mr. Jamea Wheeler InwaganU-n that
dueaoneirmat to kikah It lln a high
o.i.of Liiltlvatiou. the growth of it
varloti tdatit well advauced, and with
the care Mr. Wheeler glvea It, there
will I a' bountiful up'ly of fruit,
vegetable aud berrlc, mfllcient to aat-
bfv tho want of three or mur famine.
WhceU-r never lack for garden ao.
1 vUltod the ancient city of Undo-
antl. In thcee mutkrn Itlme called
riila. It la not growing a rapidly a
ome other town In thlley, but ahe
b a procl that prmnlaea better
time. Whenever the new crnirt lnm
t. hi.iu itu.n. and Uiev have a line Hit-t
rig lo go a few mlh ntiULie on ion- uthige acroa tne river, tint ... ,
up anu ner cnien i w "
Pure Manilla Binding Twine 1
Will aoon arrive at
1 ii im rxi l I www X "f 1 J
(ho Mont Complclo J.ino i
- -V.'e .JS
i.laoed In ilnd-vla opler. Tulay he
...... ... . .fill
rtH-ei vetl by Ixwt au.iwo mh', "
continue to receive them In auflMeiit
quantity to aupply all tlemoodaof the
FalU City I u to have auotln-r
.tore. M.wr. II. O llarrl and F. A.
Timby having dcidwl to locate on the
aouth Ule of the Lucklamute river,
will open a atore, aud carry a atock of
nuicral merehandlaft The geutk-meu
are now In Portland rrfectlng arrange-
Mr. T. It. Mcudder, while dlk-glug the
ditch for the water main In mucpen
Uoit Thurhiy dug up a two-foot
grind toi,c, lu front of Wheeler' trc;
It I mtppn11 mv ureu '
mud of the street wine ten year ago,
wheu A. Wolf waa keeping "tore there.
a..,,, rw-rulilnir oAhwra from Him
Fraucbteo have been in town for the
pat few day. They are atekl ug lo get
btHter cla- of aoldlen by dmwlng
f., the country. Men who Join the
army In time of pou are either Igno
rant or lazy.
Thoee colored ptcm of the I tide
.M.a..t,cfl td.mlc were printed at thh
in.ttv oh1 work for a country
UIIILV a '"af " tl
nkv, you any? Yea, am. we i.e
kimlH of work better than any ffl
thlaaldonr Portland, (live u a trial.
The laying of new ahlewalka lu town
will U-gln very noon and it 1 to las
hoped that the council will ae that
they ar tluUhcd a Uy hultl l
Bnd notre.UlretoU-retaldfor a year
or two ut hunt.
i ii -,.i,..r U turning out l-,""
. 1 .i .,i tliu ut-rlor method
of working the clay, maKca
I........ i.ri,.u Hum hint year
million, and perhupaone mlllioti brick
u lll Ix- htii'iii'd.
...i v v I'enllaiid and tlll
1 ill.. I )..(. if fruit, and hop land
near town. Juatwhal you want U
cither a home or a good icculutlon
Only $4.1 an acre; $10 down,
Mr. M. is. Hendrlck, managiir of the
Kalcm mill warehouse, wlahca to an.
nounce that h- will l prepared ha ore
ull grain rwjtlved by him, and buy
B . .. I, ill I'll.
and pay for tne nauie u.i ..
A hcnegg aonttothlaolIloelor Mf-.
ir Van Arm 1. living norinm i
nieaaurea alx Inoliw around one way
and a (ittartcr the
n,.. anyone know of an egg to beat It?
'.. ,,n,li, riiind that I. Vandttyn
. ,.. ,.rti,i eltv. will bo benefited
by onnaolWtttloo In Portland to the
tune of alKiut $20,000, conacuent upon
rlneln value of hU prora-rty them
Monday nightie John Kurre, who
baa boon IU ft wn.e paat, dlrf at Wa
homo near the Elklna aohool houae,
aged 0 year. Ho leave a wife and
throe children to mourn hl 1-
At the colt abow, Baturday, June 13,
apurae will be eflhred for yea'Unij
eolta: firat and econd puna for Ura t
boraBB, first and reoond puna-a for rnad
ater, not over one year old.
Mr. T. Tcthcrow I building ft resi
dence very much like thut of J.
Irvlne'a, ou the norm ame oi
mouth alrcet, oppc)lte 0,
frth caudle, Key Wert clgam
a niucu
Half a
balance on
M. Brown'
tropical fruit In aeaaon.
J. It Wllnon. of the Ann of Mklnuer
A Wllu, with hi family vlitlted Mo-
Mlnuvllle thl week.
The very general repairing of lde-
wnlk how that our people taae
pridu In thi town V t. ;....
Mr. W. W. Collin, of Muver, waa lu
..... Tiuuiv. lie aav enir
Linking fine,
iir ttvi.nt. a nructical ellihalllier, Of
Han Frauclco, wa In the city
Judge Hurley ha completed a new
.i.i..u,iu In front of III Malll "irvi
A daughter of Jame Kay, of Marlon
county, I vlaltln? W. H. Jiurpny,
. w ir Wheeler relumed 1-iat
Haturday fnmi a week' vlult at
Why U J. It Cooper etllng a million
. . . ll'tiul'a 1 1, til,
brick retutv to ourii.
A P. Itonxev. of Hau Franclato, I I
u. R J. IjtFraiioe, of Port
t .r. Felxcrl now In Portlad; Mli
Net tic Cook will realde In M.-Mlnnvlllc
HrwMinaker, l-ut
illiW, VI. - -
Sunday with ber piircuini
W. W. LlnchliM'dft car load of
wdurt to McMlunvlllo lat week. ,
ti.a tiloneer reunion at Monmouth
should be an intorctlng gathering. Ilrook. of Hulciii, wiuilu town
hirt Hundiiy vWtlng friend hew.
Thiimluof tho wattfr work are
biflng laid a rapidly a powlble.
K. C. Pentland bn ome bargaina in
real eatuto. Call anu c nun.
An excuntlon fnmi Corvuili w
Hnlem iwHHt here Hunday.
i i ii i
f. w m Kt.tviiHOH mm cum inn.
I "i IT w - - -rt-
r riiHtlctilliiK at Newport.
Portland Ih tmvlngexclllng time wtm
her two vote till niolllll.
. . ....u ...v ho w 1 keen too
mill running all aummcr. .
Frank Ilurch, of Oregon City, W v.-
Itlng hi relative here.
Newport ha engaged the Iudcpcn
iti'iicc bund for J uly 4.
a M. Hivunt. of Fall" City
,oin town ThurHthiy
N. P. Wiklrlck wu In Albany and
f,.i.Viilllii Wcdncaduy,
n. and K. W. Ctoopvr went to,
ml ThurHdny.
lh,ureand ee the ahow of colt
ULtnrMiiv. June 13.
1 7MV P " ... I . A
Fall City Intend celebrating ju.y ,
In grand tyle. - .,' ,
Mm. Dr. Lee I vUltlng Mentla In
Junction City.
The picnic next week I going to be a
tvrtitli-1 Hfl'tlll.
6 i a
Full City l about w va
Indeptiudonce hue her gala daye next
J. It, V. Bell Im returned from Roao-
rtean ud the rtroet before the picnic,
Granger' picnic at Rlckieall toduy
Itemcmber tho colt show June to,
At halfnajtt one o'eka-k the Ualauecot
the literary program wa reudcred, and
Pn.f. P. I Campbell, pwldeut or tne
Normal achiad, wmchIIihIou for a tctu't
o which be reaponded tu a pU-alu
Next came the awarding of rlw-,
amont whk'h were given the follow
lug: , ...
Prrtttcrt lady on the groimu. ana
tattle William, a llk tra.l. (e
(tribute thi choice tti Prof. Fjuiuett,
halrman of ctnnndtte.)
Man with Inrgwt iue, Mr. tlia
Mlllr. lutrror. j j-
Man with larg.t family or gin,
Jame IVmpney, one wtek or graiiaui
flour. " .
Lady with theprcttlcat nattcett lire,
Miaa Ih-tta Campbell, a nalteen dre-t.
Mot recently married ctMiple, Mr.i
. t ... i.-i-i, i.....t ,k i,r'
graham Aotir.
K. the ke of the ruturiry oi ja-oa-
g..gUiu we h-fralu from telling what
rUi-a Hunt. W. U itcynot.i won,
lot It uni) for me to ay he won the
An cxcllliig game or t-nnii wa
plnytsl lu the aAcrniam U-twccn tne
nine of Italia and llile. lu tile
evening an entertainment wa given
the Normal Athletic Anooctaiiou
which wa well attended. AnV tuu
ckwtetl one of the mwt anceeHfUI plcuic
Polk county people have ever wltnewati.
w. a. tt.
Proaram of Sooletl' Reunion.
Th following program will be Mt
mil at the Hoeletle lU-uulon Juno
23 IHU1.-M o'clock p. ni., at Moniiioulli.
.. .... ,i,ir. Mim Mary tJnllwr
H..HI. MItMJ.H"t'i-'. Bunwtt and
IVtMll, MorpUV, Uwlw, HeiuUr. ot
VV t-v hI ' J
Adiln-imhy Hoa.T.T. ltor.
IMaoo IJaetv, Mr.J. l'"ll
IW.rth ClirB,
ttocltallou, C. M. Hhilil.
Iimtruiaeaial MUle, Mw.w. Frank ot
Kreit l.m.
8iini, Mim MtKire, Mnri'l')'.
U'llalln. Ml Mytle.
Medley, MIm llimwii.
Hong, Hum Jiwnlm.
R-ltalln, Ml Kiivaue.
deeliarire. Tn gib him l.-k nine
dollar In change an' tie drummer k ft
ou de alK train. When Hilly P. (a
brother ob Itandalt, de hlatorlan) wane
rotiii tt-r do offli-e, Tom a,-, "Itandall,
I t(k lu 'Icvetl dollah bill ter day, de
fut one t ever w." "Hhow It ter
me!" aed ItaiidulL It proved ter be a
i...wiiil.r hill wld two Aagt-r out
tamped ou It. ,'Whar,de drummer?"
alaiutH Mandall." "Tot.k de noon train
f. Hvracu.." cd Turn. "You ken
pack up an' git!" angrily thundered de
bra; aa' tie la' Kuiou heard ob Tom
he wu rtuilln' aid de alfyhet an' nu
iia rata. (HltA H.MHtiN.
i Mr. W. llradley I rceota-rallng very
Many of mir clllneii will attend the
..iin.l,.n nn the Willamette river to
Oregon City. .
The Hiiverwtiite I lielng aottlod.
"Wc." a lot, can buart of a treat
treat which niml lieopie oncn nan
about -a latly itage driver now drive
the mall between thla place aud uucita
Many eye and car are now turned
ou tho Utile mm of tl. C. Holler.
aunarendy. to tt bU dlgeatlve appara.
tu, awallowed a nieuium-aiwa wim
nallr which may not atmwer ine pur
immw of a bran nih: but a yet he
ahnwa no itlgli of dlatreaa.
Chlttnm bark gatberera are again lu
tlie Lucklamute bottom, a of yore.
Thi chlttum tree bark la peeled aud
khlpped to Han Franclaco, where It 1
until for medical purpose. It princr
tml leatiire I phylc.
Our baai-ball tiluc la raiddly Improv
inir. and wa ex licet t do aome tall
playing with local nlnea thi aumiiK-r,
Practice at one o'clock p. iik nuntiay
Thi I rfheep licarlng aeaaon and
Ihcy are being liearcd ly mo nunarra
tkm to neitpete wllh other townt for
the Mipremacy of Polk,
1 our ramble awuntl we nui witn
cvcral old pioneer who are expecllug
t.lntMiit lime at the pioneer reunion
at Monmouth on the 5 and 2? t.f Juuc.
Thla will lai comparatively a k-Uure
Ume with farmer ami it l bol uuu
they will cee fmm lalr f the time,
turn out. and mk the reunion a aee-
on of n-jolcl ng. The reun Ion la to take
olace a a picnic, everyiwdy innreu to
i.. iii t ha nliHuure of the day. Our
reunion lart year wa apuken or oy an
a a acaon of high enjoyment. Let
Die muting one equal, If not aurjieji it
In Joy and oclal ik-aiire.
it, r.
W'ouit and
Sohool Report.
FalmCitv, May M, imil.
i.-..!i.i-itv whool. DlHt.No.67, month
" .. . i
,,inmi.iwlni? may i, aim
li'in'i v, w
eloHlng May 20, 1W)1.
Nuiiilicr of pupil enrolled j, aver-
ago Httcndance 20; tlmae neltlteraneeiu
t,,r, v Me VI 0 V miner.
...i. .... "... . - .
Travbt, Ida and Jcaaki JJryant, wtuic
' a ..1 I. m til.
Mojer. Patron and menu mv ...
ited to cull'i
. i w - i -1 1 Mu
r- il. pk o ana ,
Friend or Foi towmj,
i will hv I conlriicU-d with Mr. K
ir m,. ,,nmrletor of tho Combination
- , , ,.
Fence, for nlncty-llvo (w) mu, am.
agreed with me to complcto the Maine
..? iu lw.ura. and he. with the ItH-
-i-tutiflooftwo other men, complete..
tun .,i,.t.v.lve rodn In eight hour
tin in niwl
f muat aay tho fence In my
judgment I the beat wire font I have
n . . .11 ...... nt It. fia
over iK-en, nnu amm "
f,.t, n mv mil and other tenecs rciulrc
ircpl.iclng;a..dla.ul.uppy to rcco.n
t. ',i ih Aiiiod and Mr. K. H. Itlce to
l liivnn ,
,.ii neltrhbom, a a niiin woiiuy oi
your patronage, he I " humbug.
, Yoinn Itcapcctfully
"' ',; Vf 'f B. K. Ckowi.ey.
t V. O'Douucll, Agent, Iudcpcn-
donee. j k-r- -;
Clean up Your Property. -
v..ti, i hereby given that all alloy,
backyard, antfatrtoU of Indopcndo.ico
muitt bo cleaned up aim a..
i itu.nrrom. on or before
,i.. ,,r June.. 1801, or aald
UtieeiiHi v '
woj-k will bo done ut tho expense
..L.i. wnor. ft per ordinance
he city of Iudcpoudouce, relating there.
I , T. Fknnkm., Marshal.
ii'jdependonce, June 6,
Okwmim.-I wUh to la-lp every gid
oniiae. and In compliance with the
wlnlM-a of Mr. K. H. U ana oilier
A,.nA..rn.Hi 1 ran moat cheerfully rec-
onunend Mr. Itlce' fencing a a
It-et and durable fence and alo will ay
behapnn-ed Hlable so far a III
dealing with me l concerned, and I
slucendy believe hi feuclug U tho com
ing fence for the Willamette valley anu
Wilt give aatlafactlon wherever putoeu.
It 1 simple and eay to build and eay
to put up. Try some or it a i mu anu
see for youraelvc.
Your very Truly.
5 29 John Vkknon.
' ''" ; 'j teJ.t,,.. ''''''' ' '
Before buying olsswhere and you
will save
COOPKIt-Hatanlay, May 3, l'l,
Mr. Nancy Cooper, of Indepontlenoe,
airetl 78 year. 4 inontli ami 4 aay.
Funeral took place from tho home
farm adjoining town, and funeral excr-
elae wore conducted by Itev. A.J. nun
.knr Tho anniee were held In the
o-n air, beneath the tree, on account
of tho large attendance. Itemnlu were
taken to Ben for burial, by the able of
her husband.
Vrom 5x8 tin to 18x10 Ittlrennan
Plate ami a law assort ment of
American Piatt's.
- V v- jrrlis jnst moolvwl an Viegiint Line of , .
. S-t:
Saver Bitting.
Mr. lYTharp, of Kana. I vhutlng
hi bmtliem, II. . and O. N. Tharp, or
Fritnl Urn, luittlicr dooloi-, have
moved their lumber yard to thi
The folks with the whooping cotigo
are getting along first rate now.
PmfNmr finrk, of the P'armer' Alli
ance, addressed the people of this plat
rlday nlglit.
Jlr. Atroin and wife, of Amity, have
bceu vlHlting Mr. and Mm. t. liowers,
of Muver. t
The Stiver school hail several visitors
butt week.
Mr. l-.d. McLanc, of this place, was
milted to her falhei's at Iwlsvllle on
acctiiintof hlsslcku as.
Mr. J. F.VVhocler has been visiting
his uncle at Itosuhurg.
Mr. R. E. Phlpps wan obliged to close
his school at this pluoe j nunmay w
hold the funeral services of Mls Sadie
Hmlth, of Dcrry. '
.1. 1). VValHou and H. W. Juckson are
back from HodaHpiing.
A man who m practiced medicine
ft,r 40 vears, ought to know salt from
sugar; read what he says:,O..Jn. 10. 1W7.
Mr.M, F, J. Choni-y (o.-tienilinrn:-
,.!.; i.i ih. iimri. iirM'tliol mrilh
etiir .r iii.-l Jf"r,nd woulU y Uil III
all my rell- Pr'Vr hBV."J"'Trhr
i uh-imrellon 11 1 eauld prwwrlbe w Ih
m inm'ta catBilwio of ni.- a 1 ean Hall
piwerllMKl It ' r"t '"' "d ",n,'l
r.w.m.lrn.l,I.iJ would y .ih-lu.too
that t hava yet to Ami tm of pl' l"1
IV wmild net cur, If llicy would take It
onrdliif to ai"1":"
i.V. .nnmtiTrti.M.D.
om.,'Jli summit HI.
Wo will give S100 for nny case of
alaiih that can noi oo t-umi
MaU'a Catarrh Cure. Takeu intvruaiiy.
F. J. CHKMti t.i i row, iu-
ledo, t). , ,
ittf-Hold by Druggists, ioc.
Bw.MNfi ItAfi lit. v. Messrs. Hunch
& Williams have been making some
,u,d nulc of rlirhu for their washing
.... .a At f
nm..linA Tipv HO HI iiiq mnw w
llllilillllivi,i,,rinn. and Multnomah anu
f 'liii'knmiiH counties for 80000 to L. B,
Wnrncr. a Nebraska man. wetines-
.law Linn county for $H0O, and Eastern
. ' . . . . .. i ll.M i
Oregon mid Idaho ror ?iow, tooiiitn uv
Nmv 1 tho tlmo to pluoo your pmi
ortv lu our hands for salo, We have
Just received tho oontract to sell 100
acres of land near Falls City, that for
ii,., v,,.,u.iU,lti.r k unsurnasHca, wo
also have two very choice, vacant low,
,,n enrner of a sightly blocK in Uiu i
a, titii in. The price is reasonnuie,
Cull st our olllee and learn full partlcu-
Inr. ----'-" O. PHNTIiANl),
Sunday sohool nt 10 a. in.; preaching
every second and fourth Sunday of the
month at 11 a. m. and every Sunday at
8 p, ra, Prayer meeting on Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
all kinds both Ini'RQ and
From Plain Kitchen Chairs to
tho Finest rutior t liaim. j-ihicj
Rockers a Hmwiiilly, ami larptii
Rockers with NVovcn Wire Ht'ate.
Of U kinds and finish, Sham.
holders. Curiam Poles, winnow
Shntlca, lint, Kucks, Picture Frames
and Mouldings, Stands and Center-
hibltw of all kinds, incitlicr Maple.
Ash, Oak or walnut.
nf nil the latest Patterns, with
Woven Wire Burincs. Also tno
Hocy patent Sora Itetl lounge.
Main Street, Independence,
Baa. B and 0 8 trust.
In nil the New Styles and Patterns, and are uow ready for the
, , " spring trade. These goods are direct from
aW4a' tMMi.lMWM.t(.MM
ii t vtt iw.w'twrriswrrwstTrn r
Lewis Kelso, in
Ladies anil tats Fur- .
Our Clothing is Immense.
Our Hats are Complete.
Our Shoes are First-class.
Our Facilities for doing Business are Unequtiled in
County. Good Quality and Fair Price is' our Motto.
' welcome One antl All. ' ,
Independence, Oregon.
JUNE 12 and 1 3.
Most Complete Stock of
Boots and Shoes
In tho City
The Highest
' Pnldlnwhrnnlby
Real Estate!
Main St., bet. a and u, independence.
...i .,..,,.!... iu ni.iut hut t lmvB an al tract! vo ollloo on the main
4ri?rt&to&W Mem! to drop in and Nat themaelvea; and
iU a ehanoa to dhpoaa of real estate I air. , the penon. Mm tmaUnj
Investments n real estate ao not aci niirniniv, m )w w .. -of
land which they want which is about to 1 bought up by some one else, they
ao. ictlines M a little edited. We wlah those having real estate for sale U
auiiieiiiuta ritL.i u ... m nsu tr hrl nn hnvnr anil
noma in aud let U8 Uti l) you sen n. i.o...v- ..0 .y
S toother, ami we do not know of anyone who would begrudge paying us a
commlHston provided they art the prices maiuled.
We havu a very aimicuvu hsi. ui uwu,t . " 7 ii .
, who eontcnn.late nurehaatng to oAl and see us at onco. We note the
persons who contemplate purchasing
Following: . k . . . , . ...... ,u,,nw
$ "20-A 20 acre tract of Kind, unimproveti, out, jusi, uio mj -i
300-A 20 acre tract'of fruit ot-gniin land, which is beautifully located. The
v nrloe iB too low to remain long without takers.
Dwelling house, four rooms (new). Just the thing tor an oraiuitryw,
faniilv. Two tluoiy located lots. Terms, one-half cash.
Five lots on one of the best blocks in Monmouth. The five for only f 12.
i.. . it f 'ii on.) wo in nlwuit. It at ouce.
oKftTwn lot on a corner in sun s uauiiiou. iwmi) nv r
0000-A friK' farm , Towufwltli new fences and buildings, for foo an acre.
uiKPu ' jjsj three-fourths of n mile IVom the new school house.