The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 05, 1891, Image 2

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Fclk Putlishir.j Ccr.;iny
CUM 1 0RT8M. iCtM,
FRIDAY, Jl'SK , istt.
HViV'm fluty tme tfe Me jxtwr.
Jk i rerWo jxnhsV bjt their Js-
V hru f: not WntH esy
lltM'd limtlSlIf ii- far a
Writ ityWe, MtHvuiUy W jwvjier
f ? Jke f. Me riV i
making bnt the sees.
7j s.s trWto mm w n'W bf
jiVW ey ey a rr wrwlrt.
Atteoif tif your swsse, not neers
mi ur jmMNW, M A
roferfKMi 0 the public.
We want our readers to fully nn
rierstaud the position of this paper
from thistiuiei'orwnrd. The Wiarr;
Sidk la a eaudidate for the county
printingof llk county, not Invalid
the sum paid is any itrvut induce
mcnt, but lieeaus. we Mieve
are entitle to the Rivor. I wo pa
iu roiR wmiiij to i im- Unu of ,lrp pn)ltH.(i0ni nm Mr. till- by lnmliug up ml .l. mi.mlhi the sb
work, and if our reader allow aome 1 mn oV 0 IMVVt t jiat j, j9 t,n,ir t0 ,tlir dviu4liitn of 1I1U Hum n fluii'
other two paper in tue count
oWainthe prie, theu they will
indeett robbing themm'lve. We
are not going to stand back and
try and get the county printing by
-!.... I..- I.v bornt nnriirht
" ' j -
method. tur Hubwriptiou lint
must be a prepaid one. The law
demand.- it. The autMcritar mimt
tie yearly suls'riUrs. tbir read
ers will y& pi-ejaired for an an
uouueemcut from ua thut all who
are not prepaid subecrilterH, mut
pay in advance, strictly so, or their
paper will be discontinued. Oursub
scriptiou hm largely iucrea'd, tut
the returns are slow iu coming iu.
Under the new law we must have
the cash. Friends consider this
and help us. Rend the date with
your address.
Last Monday the warring forces
met in the cities of Portland, Al
bina and rjist Portlaud, aud lo and
behold, the great auti cousolidation
vote dwindled down to le-s than
2000. Consolidation carried in
Portland by over 8000 majority.
Oregon can now boast of having
a city of 75,000 population. How
soon will it be that it will increase
to 100,00Ot Oregon will now have
her chief city untramnteled by
the local bickerings of faction with
in. Tortland is a great city, not
only in the present, but iu the fu
ture. All Oregon hould rejoice
at the signal victory, for it is a ben
efit t the whole state. Hurrah for
i'crsous who patronize imijm-is
should pay promptly, for the pe
cuniary prospects of the pre have
peculiar power in pushing for
ward public prosjierity. If the
printer is paid promptly, and his
lockctlKKik kept plethoric by
prompt paying patrons, he puis
his jn to his paier in peace, his
paragraphs are more ioiiiled; he
paints his pictures of passing events
111 more pleasing colors, and the
peruial of hie paper is a pleasure
to the lieople. Please paste thia
piece of proverbial philosophy in
some place where all persons
perceive it. Kxchange.
"""""""""" !
A political party succeeds only
, , , , ., ,1 . t .. f
when under the leadership ot a ,
national leader. To lie a nsUiinil I
leader is a quality w hich all men
do not possess. fcu may have
money, brains, and energy, but
lackinz the executive ability to
lead others their field of labor is
limited. A premium is always ofl
ered lor such men, and they arc
scarce. To day our town is starv
ing for the guiding baud of a Ka
poleon. What has been accom
plished in the past, has been done
through united effort, and the future
mustshow the same kind of united
The petty spirit manifested
atrainst Independence by Dallas
crops up in many unexpected ways.
Last week at the teachers' picnio il
was manifest that Dallas had full
control, as not a sign of Indepen
dence was seen in any of the pro
gram. The brass band was Dallas,
the music was Dallas, and the liter
ary exercises were Dallas. We are
surprised that Supt. Peynolds
should condescend to allow himself
to be so partisan, when it was not
called for at all. Such things do
not accomplish as much as the in
stigators imagine.
Why should a few papers at the
county seat get all the perquisilies
of the county printing, while just as
loyal and widely circulated papers
at other places got nothing. Such
corruption should cease. We in
tend making a plain fight on that
issue. The Wkst Sidk has a large
circulation of bona fide subscribers,
and as such is entitled to the coun
ty printing. It depends upon our
friends in Polk county whether we,
f't this whfch l of advantAga to
all our reader. The lw is plain,
and wo are iUiu also.
"Let un wait nnd see what will
turn up" says the discontented
growl. Well, he wait, nnd his In
Activity cause other to wait, mid
the eoneo,ueur is that uothlng
happens, If, however, a careful
examination is made the effect U
seen to be disaster, Let the farmer
dill to now a crop, and wha lithe
rraultt anything "turu upf '
Oh yes; a great crop of weeds, and
It takes the years that follow to
eradicate, the pent. Ooutiuuul
vlgiliUHH eoutluual activity, Is the
price of success.
Many a luuu has died because he
hud uo iuceutire for lltlng. Many
a man has goue Into obscurity, who
might have made a good eitlxen,
because his talents were mlsdl
reeled. The high mettled roc
horse Is a failure on the plow) ami
the heavy IVrvhcron horse la not
adapted for the Hpced required In a
place, but
Koch are good iu their
iHMirly nulled nut of
J their pror position,
Vll itor investment could h
m,t,. ! ihwcllv of ludciieudciict
jv,,,,, the t-ily,wilh a ys !
! impendences a ltlral one, The
jctycoueUahoitld accept the offer
w,j,,h j,,,
P" In Iolk cmnty
tv nofAH ntMt ftAii-tatildh iliistt tat
the pivsciit time, Oood prices and
abuudant yild insure to bring good
times. We we the signs already
apparent in the renewed confidence
of our business men who are reach
ing out for trade as never before.
A certain individual in Indepen
deoit says "i'll lie if 1 bui d
a new sidewalk in front of my
property." I'lty fathers, get in
and enforce the law, and the people
will stand by you. Such men de
serve uo cousidcratiyjor leniency
shown them.
True Anlmua "ClUaait ar Maa
mavth" in Palk CMf "0
MosMot'TH, Oa.
In the (Jl-rrvor of Itwt week there ap
peared an article algned",'itiaeo of Mou
uioutb" that ibva great llJuatlee to our
people. A far aa the old realdeuta of
theatate are concerned, they kuow
that we are not ooiiatltutioual klckera,
aa "Citizen" would have It appear by hit
article, but hnmlgranta coming from
the I-jist where they have good normal
I100U, will not uoderataud, uuleaa thla
cane U expbiliH'd to them. "Cltln-u"
dut-bires that all titc n-gi-ula appointed
an-di-mocmts, when, In fact, threa of
them are republicans, aud two of the
tule iKmnl are of our party, i w have
Ave republlcaim and aeven (hiuoi'rnt
In the tswnl of regents, Instead of all
dt-mis-raU us "C'ltleu" aaya. Accord
ing to the wtH-rs our governor ha
cnmigh iolitiiiil sins to atiawer f-r
without ttccutlng him of Nomelhliig
that he la not guilty of. We have nerl-
mimiouht niietiier lue article men-
II01111I was written fnsii Moiimoulh, '
but IT It w u we know the limn; he l
nidi a strung republlcnu that If be
votes at nil, be w-rutchea bis ticket until
It cannot be recognized by either Mirty,
ao It U not political honesty that
pnsupis "( ItUi-n." And In exprenNiug
utrong avmxitliy for the t'lirinlimi
i ,1 1. , ...1-1.. 1 i.fif 11
1,11,11 " a-oi uiimoijr, ior , nm-u
In a religious man lie is not working
much at tiia trmle and he very well
know that the cuurch had no control
"yer xhe '"""H P1rly leedel to tlie
state since so It Is not religion (lint
' "
... 4iim(Uimi1ki -,i.h ti, .;.fin
of the governor, for he has given us as
many republicans on the board a we
could reasonably expect, knowing his
political mcthisl, and he has given
Polk county four of the nine regeult
spNilnted, which w-enm lair, when we
eaiiuot suy amlit against either of
them; they sa- all well known citizens
of the state If they are democrats, and
they ure honorable men; inciw is uo
danger of them trying to run a "Pen
noyer demonruiio normul school" a
"t'itlwn" suys. Ho now, uftor review
lug his article and auHwcrlng hi atute-
meuts, we come to the true animus
which Is well known to the resldeuts
of our town, hut which be tried to con
ceal from the reader of his article,
"Citizen" has been an open sympa
thizer with the "old grey-headed fath
ers," as their attorney cull them In
their defense against W. II. Merchant,
in what Is commonly known as the
"Hlanley seaiidul case." The Jury iu
that cose brought In a verdict of dam
ages and costs against these "old fath
ers," from the fact .that In their zeal to
save the school and prevent a scandal,
they forgot that after all the "boys,
might have told the truth, and there
by failed to give them a fair snd Im
partial Investigation. This verdict
seems to have so worked upon "Citi
zen" that he pitched Into the governor
and made statements against our citi
zens hero that are very easily misap
prehended by reader not jiosU'd In
regard to these things. We contended
long and earnestly for the state to take
this normal school, nnd have finally
been successful, so we have no JiiHt
reason so far to feci dissatisfied. We
know this school has done great good
In supplying our public schools with
trained teachers, and we also know
thut an the school Is now under state
management, its usefulness In the
future Is awnircd, uud the state will be
greatly benefited, notwithstanding the
howls of klckera at home or abroad.
Itudlul la certainly an 'smnoaln llttls
oiini." Having been left without s leg
to aland on In hl rldliHdiHM demauda
sgalnat lid country, ti now telta the
Italian people that there wa iwtblng
of International huportaues In the New
Orleana altWIr, and that It la only s
legal queatlou.
It aeema dlffleult to make the public
men of thin country umlerataiid that
the pk do not wUh them to appoint
tbelrwma, daughter sud wlvva to po
tltton under Uiein. Tbla government
la not s family sffklri more than atv
ow),oiio teoik ste Intereated to th bote
wt snd oftlelal sdmlulatratlon of It
sftklra, snd aoomr or later the uumm
will demaud the euactmeiit of s law
forbidding two mwuberaof on family
holding appoluttv Federal efllcea.
There 1 oni aurb law, or rule In es
Meutw regmrdtng the ileiartmeuts st
Waahlugtoti, but It la s th-a.l letter, snd
there sre hundnsla of eaae lu the oV
partmenta where at many sa three or
four member of on family, In aom
liwlancea, fattier, mother snd eon or
daughter, sre hanging 011 to the tktv
rumeut teat The aaute la true of the
Army sud Navy, theoflloera of which
have eume to regard apaliitmeuta for
their aoua la Went Poist or Ainn'IU
aiune of their iernnal eriulltlin.
Theae thlnga are rxunltlng In building
up an ulllctal elaa that la a olinonlmi
to the average eltlnenanatlilediHibillty
would be. Here l an optNirtuully for
nue during member of the Klfty-wH-uud
.u- ud uwke s ltUK lepuuthm
ly strui'tiirc. Who III embrace Iff
Tlin-ul'le rH-wsvuiitutiirtl aiuer mr
agrapli the Hher day. Here It !!
"(1arb-a tmltey Warner ha returm-d
from hl lsir of the Kant snd I mw lu
Koine. lt ha compMctl a novel ile
plrtlng American oilety.H 1 Hl the
dlatlogllUhed llterateur go abroad to
study American ais-h-ly?
Cjueen Victoria ha had new and
nobler title, than all she had Is-fore, be
atiiwed Upou her. rbe t now a great
t a
Wilt the next great national cam
paign b American tin v ItrttUb gold?
The democratic caucu of the Florida
legbdatur aliould either go Into perpet
ual executive 4uu or curb lis slug
gliig propensities
The JaueiHi Milic-mu who clubbed
the future Ciar of all the Itula'a with
the Hat of hi aword, Is now eligible for
a pualtioii 011 the New York City force.
ItU of editor and other sort of wo
il have mak) explaiiatlona, In order
to try ami shift Uie resinlblllty from
Kuswll Harrlaon'a abouldera for the
auti-lltalu eilttortala that have recently
appeared in the paper of which Itumell
Harrison la part owner. Why dissm'l
Russell aay something?
Kven actentlst can 1 foolish aoipe-tliiM-a.
M. KuiicM Hereulala, pn-t-dent
of the Freiich Klhnologlcal ws-lety
waa aent by hi goverumeut to luvcutl
gate t tie loeumt plague which Is doing
great barm in Algiers. While exam
ining a depoalt of ksnist egg he Uvnme
very much futiguetl and went to Us-p
on the ground. That was the lnt of
him. An enormous awsrui of lixnistt
went Into the iuveatigstlug '..ikIiicmoii
ttu'lrown hook, and all they h-ftoflbe
Insect expert wan bis skeleton, wh ta
ken and Ueektle-the ret they tile.
Moral: Never go to sh-cp on the
gmuud when swarm of leul (ire
Journalism Is rapidly becoming the
tint of all the pnfctloi, both lu this
country aud abroad, and there Is a
scramble among the prominent men ol
the world tow rite signed articles for the
ticwsnpcrs. lird liundolph Churchill,
the brilliant though somew hat ernillo
Kngllsh nobleman, lift Juh( been en
gaged by the London Unifhit to go lo
Mashonnlaiid a It ssh'IiiI cirresKind-
enL If this thing kecin up w c shall
have to add u lord or two to our stuff,
although a we have an Idea thut our
"devil" will kick.
The lisavlrnt blow tlie pn-si-nt civil
swrvlce reform systi-m hns rrcvlvnl I
the prisif, as shown in (he esse which
i-ntiwtil tht r-igiiiiliiiii of tin' win of
f 'oininltu-ioiii-r uf i'ciinJoii, (nut f xs-rta
ran suisvssfully wrsonat Ignorant
nii-n iu the civil surviue cxaiulnstioiis.
If tlutt sort of thing is to Is- contluuod
It puts the offlces under control of the
civil service couiinislon In tho nmrki-t
s iiK-nrliHHllm.- to he solit to the high
est hiiiilt-rs.
Latter List.
I.lst of lutters remaining lu tho ofllcc
uncalled for June 1, 1HK1. If not cnllisl
for in 30 duys, tlu-y will lie sent tn th
Dead Letter nffli-c. Parties cnlllnir for
these letters will plosse say advertised
W II lirown, Adum lirown, F 11
Ilrowu, Wm Hayes, II J Illnklc, B 1)
Wright, Mr J It Fisher, Mrs Miilllsa
Powell, Mrs Alice Turnldge, Val K
Ixivc, Mrs Isiuvlnla Utiforil, Miss Kssla
Muckey, Mist J-lllu Itose, Mint Ilernlce
Omlmm. M A C Boiiriithon, PM.
A call has been made for those- Inter
ested In the success of the Pioneer lie
union to be held ut Monmouth on June
28 and 27, to meet nt Monmouth on
Huturday June 1.1, nt 1 o'clock, to ar
range a program of exercises, whereby
all may beiiureeably rutcrtiiluml. Turn
nut, aud let us prepare to muke this
reunion n joyous one, and one memor
able In the unnuls of Polk. Itear in
tulud the Reunion is to tuko pluco ut
Monmouth on June 20 nnd 27, Pion
eers, tukc a glanue at the pnst, mid
then come to the Reunion, renew old
ncquiilutnnceslilp, and pnss with one
another a review of old time occur
rences. H. H, '
Mrs. Nassy Cespee.w .
Mrs. N'sucy Coop, daughter of Mr.
W. M. NVsun, wm born In Wsyns
county, Keitlueky, Jsn. SS, 1HIS; died
In Inili'prnlrtice1()tipm)My 80, 1WII,
tginl TS yenrt, 4 mouth Mini 4 days.
When h ws e'u yeara of sgs hrt
iwreiita mnved with thvlr fxuilly to
Kant TenueMee, where wm united
in nmrriHtft to Mr. K. K. (Hmjier, Aug.
4, In m Mr. lwt movtd
with hit little family to MUoiirl wbers
they eiintlniied to realds until im,
when they emmed the pUInt to Oregon,
snd niile s home In Hiring Valley In
Pnlk euuuty Inr 12 yer, frmn ttisne
they iuiwkI to Httlein In WO, snd In
I two the hulsnd dUst, lesylng the wlfS
who hml Jiiurueyetl with blm for 4H
yetirt, iharlng with him Iu hl ruper
Ity sud sdvefvlty, hi joy snd his r
ruws, slwayi U-nrlug mr than the
portion of rvajNMinlbllitU that irnuaUy
fall to the wife. Iter huUml being s
milliliter stid ltHi In hU work, snd
setlvv lu the dlm-bargtt of liln dutlea In
hi iimfiKnion, he wm much from home,
levug the earea snd the rviomublb
Itlra of s growing and large futility to
the wife and mother, snd her faithful
new In the dim-barge tit tltow dutb
mme would queatbiu. In Hl.ler
taiper moved to I inlqiemli'lioe, where
be tMintlnuatly reUUI until a few
Uinuthiliice. idie deal red rural home,
and with her sou and daughter sud
grnml daughter moved to tbla farm,
whl'li lio found a mm of great
il-i(ure and cianfort In ln-r ilm-linlng
fcUlor l-iiiiiit.r iiiM,t.i k iirttftwJ.iit iif
religion In k or 'K ami milled with
what ki known a lrlmitlv ur Predea
tltmrlaii lbiitlt, never M-vrrlug Inr
jeunueetkin fftm that relatluii, sud at
the lime of her death her metulierhlp
waswlih (be t'hun-h at (Ntk View,
' lu tlita eimnuty, known a l.tiektaniule
; rhun-h, and It aeemed that her pn$
living a a dully eniuim-nt on her
iMfealou, Mie hm the mother of U
; children, twouf wIumii dl lu their
lufuney, and a daughter, Mix KUalMb
Unit died shoot l.'yenr luc, having
a lmbniid and alx children. The nine
children who survive the mother are
W. 11, Cooper, of Htay lou In Marlon
comity; l. i. t'o.-r, The IsiIm-.; J. H.
Coo-r, I Oik s-udciu-c; C. Cooper,
McMlnnvllle; Mr. Harsh (illdoii, Hit
verton; Itlley I. Csier, J. F. tooer,
K. VV. Ciss-r and Ml Pat is Co-rol
iidendcuce. Iu addition to the
ulna children she leavni 4;' graud child
ren sud 10 great grand children, all tail
nsir of whom itvlde lu Oregon.
Hlie often prayed thai her lU-ath
inlgbt ba (If It was (lotl'a will issnvful
and quiet, not preceded by king, palm
M tuficrtug. Hhe had been living lu
expectation of death fr many yean.
In 11 she had aaevere stroke of wral
yai fhsu which she never fully reeov
ered, aud often during the lat SO yean
symptom of that dleae, which an
often dor Its work tpilekly, made their
aurnoe, and during tlie hut month,
were quite threatening. The morning
previous to her death she wa quite
cheerful, snd fi ll unuually well for
her, and walked about the premises
picking straw U-rrii. "urn afteruoon
be s ut largely lu reading until time
to retire In the evening, about which
lime he felt some unplcaoautnea In
her client and arm, but prlnctlty ar
ranged hens-lf for Issl, but so fwr aa wa
known the rented until he railed her
dsiighter at II to, when tlie was fmmd
to Is- tum-rlng very much, hut It wa of
very short duration, for at 12:44 Satur
day morning the soul look It final
h-ave of the mortal remain of the one
lio had Ix-en a loving aud devoted
iff, an albs'llonnte mother, and grand
mother, eounistent ChrUtlan, a good
nelghlior, and one of whom the ax.ile
Paul would ny, " widow Indissl."
PraaaU Csurt.
J. Htouffi r, judge,
I'etlilon for mile it-id pm riy In es
tnte of U F. Krlcksun.
I'liu-U' Mi-tirew npilnli-( luluiluls
tralrlx of ivliits of J. V. Mctlmw with
Ismds at ooii; H. tlyerly, C. P urn-
wall, .. Horn, apprslKcrt.
M. I.. Itohhlu npiNilntitl a s.liiiln-
latnttorof pBtate of rt, K, Tstom, wltti
Isiml lit Issun; Henry MrKer, 8.
Walker, and Jns. Hwlnlon, nppral-s-rs.
risk orden-d of real pnS'rty of P, T.
Johnaon decea-sil.
Final necutint of Mute of II. H.
Yming, approval and mMlltil
l-'lmit m-coiuit of r-itsle of Murgnret
Il ( hliy rcts-ived, ndsto eliwsi nud ad
mliiiHtnttordisehiirgiil, Order for sale of n-noiiiil proiM-rly nf
i-stute of Harsh K. Tutimi.
l-'liml necouut of estate of F. M. Ful
kerson Hint, nud administrator dis
charged. Cathorltic I'nlkerson, same as above.
KiiIhyi-h Hlmon, iiiinuiil account
jz& J:';2:rr-:j:'8ii( tickets fob one dollar
pointed were I). P. HtoultVr, R Coad
bii.IJ.H Mlehell.
Raal Catata Tranafart.
(' I.nnktree aud wife to A A Cnttron
lot lu Monmoutli; t-l.
Ira Jones and wife to J W Mcllurney
land near Kallslou; $.1,000.
Geo William and Win KiikIiuhI and
wife to Ira Jones and 1) W Hoellilnir,
land near liallston; 11500.
0 & C R It to J M Ply and T 0 Kluh
mond, N V 1 of see 4, tn 7. 8 It 6 W
J D Lee and wife to C Dnniiisehofsky,
land near Dallas; $1.
Wm Fufiuu and John Jiini'cs to 0 I)
and M Hnow, land near Muver; $12,000,
M N Kuvcr and wife to Q II Buver,
laud near Huver; $1,
U it Huver to M n mtver, land near
Huvor; $1,
0 11 Huver and wife to C Fuiitia and
C James, land near Huver; $6000,
Mary lihoda and 0 0 Jieck to A I.
Foretuau, land near lllckreall; 0127S.
P Hlubee and wife to Aiiiella Hub-
buid, hind near Dullot; $H0o. - '
C (Jlhbnnito C Gibbons, lot in Dallas,
V J Coad and wife to E A McParluna.
land near Dallas; $r00.
Drown & Ellis to W nnd F Loslu, lot
In Dallas; $50.
Ellis & McDauk-l to J It Robhlim,
laud In Dallas; $175. '
W II Punish nnd wife to C V Itugs
diile, laud lu Monmouth; $150.
0 & (J It It Co to Ndlle Hiiggard, 8 E
i of N E tif see , tp 10, 8 It 7 W;
$100. .. ...
1 iiaiii -ir ym'n im
Th Naw VVatar Warat.
Mr, L. 0. titlmure, who la the pro
prietor of the water work In Indepen
dence, has don so Httls crowing or
blowing that the permanent work that
tM la doing la hardly appreciated by the
public, hm than a year ago Mr. Oil
more cams heea from Hherman, Texas,
and, after looking over Oregon, finally
decided on settling In ludependcnr,
He Hist purchased th old water work
hen, and, by putting In a good pump,
gave batter service, lis has built him
n elegant little horn Just adjoining
town, and he now wsumences, this
week, the erection of a permanent tya
tem ur water work. That h has faith
lu the future of the town I vldeucd
from the fact that he la expending large
turns of money In rmAent Impror
ments. This week a force of 10 men com
menced laying th main of a system
Of water works that will be the fliisl
of any on th west aide. The holler I
of steel, of loo hone power, and the
two puui hav n aggregate dally
capacity of m.WO gallons. The main
n six, four aud three Inch steel, and
extend a distance of two and one-half
miles. This steel pipe which Mr. till
more k using la a late patent. Th
steel la lu thin sheets and rlvlted lu
tplral form, and ersdssl with asplial
turn. Th joint are east Iron, bolted
together, having rublr cushion to
prevent leaking. Th tup for aorvle
pipe an made In the Joint, which an
i!0 feet apart. Mr. Olhuore exisrl to
have all the maiu laid and the new
system In oprratloii within 10 day at
k-iMt. The new pump, which came this
week, w ith the pipe, from New York,
Is a WVrthlngtou comKund duplex,
aud when you go aud see It yuu will
belter appreciate the huSrtanc of the
work being done. Three hydraut will
Is- placed on Mrtlu street for the prcaetit.
A Ttuonop KICK.
A Mral Will Ute Ha 4 CmmU
4 veil I nova nun-bant -k4 tM twa psatl)
aMwStWd br loft VafrtaU ftf tot, SMlnrf
la fit II hit wtl. tary WMUa, BSD
utttstaaila list eoawtts m srllaa, Df.
, l.ansftMelMuktMtwt Tntdaetar
tbaUwMoloar Itwllsf knfitileifabtt
rial h b4 arn to a at re parti I Uitt dM
hS an (tin SuS, Walt IWa4 la Maud
bI SU ulil dl4 aot U aar vntlltr la lu.
a4 thai dallraw 0l a4 I am
envoi t ittlur, but man btoo. Ht wsarat
basanird Itwl Juy't Vf-iaM nMitlli
iu eirartlf eeaoMt M IbtoM ailtitkta Moot
thlaala M ol csbft Mraatwritl t. aa Uial a
UMeatffT f tctl tMtil aiMttil II
tuatttaa la aitraiurf ta. r avsJ 4im
Uo. 4 tind aatrtuoa, kx tit s
Stood 4 M lb tT 11 lshl
Tss those aipla'.n tat bsarat at raw la
trakh M4. tMt44, sVllcai t4 if
stop I, hart bw frvill t hf Jen Vetwatih
titnntl ttta lb voowh aanapstlUu IsiM
U ttmU r ttil a awitttlM - 9, f
uI'iiiu" QUARTER
ai cuuBlir, Ot. tC n
bt Awttly, Ot.
atm. scar rbal
I iww a.btr c. pCMTHDV
a au tw baaaiitr LLil I Ult I
lmmsicilf4UkllMmiiurma4 Bff
Stntupwral uflbal cotwliy. Thla wa ftVJU
la tun Mkcf llu Mr. J-a . w al IS
.rati hint ad Muat btarllal t(U I IS
miy, I nallrtirr ) '-saba
auftViiaf Itam wlu I my hm-k t jfttwral bst
ar mntuUlnl In ix Oi. 4 ba4 nl My
frmarftn arukoHl ur but Irnwrary rallrt TS
Bl 1 ba h b.4 Sni m atwr lhal I M
r ... . b 1 . 1 j
m mart alms IOl I l.iul emit, llnf
In. Ihnauk rNta-aut. ol IHf oakrtl rtrra f-
fc-lwt by th"" SStiwy Tm. I wn.lmlm-nttolry
hot and Sum lhal ty " doar I (bawl Inataal
ilkf. i4 tU ! bU lb elrl el lb
b lb la la my at i iriy wpriw.
I b mq bllb l Ih ltlwp of lha OrrfiMi
Khtwy Tn, ! cob cMiMrkniliMtly racoMnuB
a b t fclaiMla. I tmtH m. b vilbuiS II tut
(Hrras Kldtvy Tr run bebb. luounU.
ai niina bffcrk dtwt ardliawnl. buala( S
painful aniMlkMi vhll urimllnf. iwl all aiW
rosiTHC cuttc or
ARiatNo mom A
es AN
ro a Alt MY ALL
NUTE & EVANS. Props.
17 Im
rii-r Ilcingliin, FmHwiluK, Kin. 1'tlnt roomt
iiianlt Jonea' Hluhloa, Indrindenoc,
Mint A.ds Jiiilmm. - Mr. Wllllsras
New nnnk lliillilliit, Initi-poiirtcnee.
Mitchell & Bohannon
Mimutnutnrer nt
Sasii and Doors
Miiln (pent . a Tndenentnec-,
M t. A.'
gOOOPflf & DOITV, :.
Have Just RecHred Direct From the Factory
And in Few Day Will JU'cdve a
Direct From the EAST.
Theae ItlgH were ordered early lut Full sud built esiMM-ially for this trade, they are nneqiuled
for Flnlsli Dumbilily nnd Ji lee. t
We filso huvc a few of the Cincinutta buggic, which we can sell to anyone wanting a cheap
Hlg. We also carry a full ami complete line of First chwn
A Full and Complete Stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tin
ware, Pumps, Pipes,
,t - -
II auilTIIK HMST, bay
luiri ;
If Hi Moirhtut jroa 4ml tlb iloaa sol kw
llwiti trad lu At.l.KN dinrl. II r Ui
l. Hrantlrul CnUUuc anil rw.
sddrHMi C. W. ALLEN,
171 Second St, I'ORTI.AND, Or.
July M.
tsaaaaaars U
ELK INS & Co.,
CitjTrcck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of nil Kinds Done
Keaionable Kates.
Mill Feed, Oak, and Ash Wood
ojr Collection Made Moulhly
)ec Cream ami Oyslers in noasoii.
Counter Ltinehes, five hmU unci
Hoard by the day or week.
IVivate itiMiius far Lidies,
0Kn until 11 p. m.
Karmeiw, wmo with your family
nnd see what a nlee meul you ran
get for 2.1 rent.
N.r.WILDRICK, rrtirictor.
And be Convinced.
72 Steel tooth Iron harrow, J20.
5 and 7 tooth cultivators.
The beet horse shoeing.
The best in
or Wood
11 Krengel's.
Best price paid fci
Old Iron and
Main St,
-Also a Iiirge Assoilment of-
Fittings, Shingles Etc.
and Tinning Neatly Sone.
J. D. ME
I urn always busy, have just time to nay
That iu these dull times I have uo dull day;
Of course one day miiy b letter than another.
For twle hi good or bad, oiaew liat like the weather.
You will find in my store an elegant stock
Of (Sroeerien, Cauned Goods, sold at bed rock;
TuInicco, Cigars, Crockery and Chwri;
At the jirieea I sell them you surely can't pass.
I buy lota of produce or take it in trade,
And gire (heraine prie as though all cash went paid.
My gocds are beat quality, my price are low,
My goods speak for me wherever they go.
I My 'tw ' now more complete thsn beftire. Blmll 1 pWI to have
Whore hooss nnd hoes can be tcMn.H or nmnufiu-tunsl under the management
of Mi A HAKKlt
KememUr (ho immo and place,
Spenasi, Brushes, Psrfumsry, Soheel Books and Artists' Supslios.
A Full Stook of Watehos, Cleoks and Jowolry. Ropalrin; Noatly Don.
sPhyslolani' Proaerlptlons Carefully Compounded .1
Novelties in StaUonory, hitet m Eanci, Writing. Taper, Ink-ttandt, Tablets.
Ms qf all ihlars, Pencils, Fashion Plates and Periodicals.
Outdid, Nuts and Ciifars. . .
Car losjd of the
(r - loal f - ,
liuilt to OBDEIf.
Main Street, Independence
Subscriptions JiWtwZ t,w nil rv,.
- If. II. WHEELER, Independence, Or.