.-.. .-..-rp.HJB'-. INDEPEN DBNOE?: ; ; ; : ; . 'R this paper iJ JOB PRINTING I I ' M" ' fVs - . Sliulfc -sJ VfiT VI If 9,0 fift lVr Yinr r n n r pi? N n RN c E. POLK COUNTY. X)KEGON, v avt a 'Mivv ta i - - w- ... MENTION. THE WEST SIDE HANKS, iwl n av Katabllriwd lijr Haemal Authority, -THK- Polk County PuhlisUing Cotnpani FIRST NATIONAL BANK. CUM t ONTON. HJNlGtM, of IintiiwmU'BO, fttifo, OVmv, lire, m wivnti-viaaa iimiirr, On rT ... U Nit Moiilht l Tlireo Month . Mi All ttvuniu tint tiu nolle nut xwl-' ltt liulll tw itiM-ried IYW. All ivr Dvf llnm will ta rlismwt Ov ernl. r lli. H.h. obituary mUtll lll bo rlintftl rur ihe rain "i nv tenia tr tin. A ridrm all Nmiimmtt-itn r iwiulteallnn In Th Wwrr Hun, unit make nil rvnillKtiKWM payable lo u ivw ummy -uiunia vvm. pii. 0 0VCRTI8tB8. mtviitmM l leeattd l the heart of navl. gail,n mi imM "I year., tin iw iiiwb' vita river, ami n u main un m oin'mr A fnlthtrtila hallmail: nmlaliia it nonttlaltv or itu twoelm u Ui tnneiiwl lmeiiit ilit Kir l ho nmnttr. Willi')) I. iu T Hi" lmel. mol wmtliliy ami llilekty aimlnml lu lb Capital Stock, Surplus, $80,000.00 10,000.00 . H. UHIPKII, U W. WOKTH)N. - 1'fwklffltt. VlrtPwuloi'nl. W. II HWI.KY,Chlr. DIHCCTORS. J, R, OtuMr. U W, i"rtuii, Uwto HIinUk O. W. WbllHUor, W. W. Clllw FflLllLV GflOCEfllE FKOIDTJOB TAKEN IN KXCHANUK FOR GOODS. AO. V. W.-ISPKl'KNUKNI'K UHHIK Nil, J, ninli rry Mixulnr ulaht In Ma'nlr lili. All Mrnlitg hntllwrn InvltMl lillrllt, j,iai.Bwiiwis,,. K, V. HAt.TtN. Btw-nltT. I. ,, K Hil In WA xuili. hitll rvrrv Tliunuliu Kvvnln. AUKll Krlluw nirtlially litvllnt lo l 11,4. T, U. r HVr.H, fi.U, r. A. tHU TV..vlr . MPN l.OlxiK, Ha. W. A. F .1 A. -M. wil nuiuiiunli'- tUtn UB or npmivmii luiam m il nmoin nuti i ww. ihf rraftor. J. W. Ilurtrf , . M. K, l Krl hum, PI1YSICIANS DBNTISTEY, A trwna Unkllif tolttM imitiHWiwi Buy nil i'hii on U tiiinin plil. Deuiallt rwolvvJ ul)iiet la fhwk or ou tt- attic hour; . m, U ik m. Till; ISDH'ENDESCE National Bank Capital Stock, $50,000.00. it. liuifKiiHF.mi, AIIHAM NKtJMiN, . prralrtMit . Cwhlmr, it IraiiMM ll; Imutt nid, WH tllawunlcJ. mm mnll crUIUi nuill! (HaIU lwlvl on urrrnt wruunl null)! to h, lnlrt pnW nmt llruall. LEE & BUTLER, Fhrsicians is Surgeons. U, S. Iixamiwtng Surgeon. 0r: ! lid ol Ml It, ivnTltSKISrS, 0R0OII unuwit J.liu Mclnll, II. II. JMtwmnn, A. Uuodmiut, H. Illrwhlwri, A. nion, T. 4. t. I. A. Allen. 1)11, J. K. LOCKE, and Surgeon, rhytcian Buana Vltta, Oren. J. M. CROWLEY, Physician an n Surgeon MONMOUTH, OR. DR. J. B. JOHNSON, Resident Dentist All wort rrntl to glvr ih f llfrlln. lEUtllhwl y NhIUii bI Authority. Capital Katiooal Bank I .... Am4AJ aaa OF SALIM B"ln,i. Oijd7.il jxiiil , $jO,000.00, Surflua, $16,000. HENKLE & WALKER, IIRAI.RUI IN mm FRIDAY, JUNK f,,lt!01. BRiEP" IHDEPEHDEHCE, HAS NOW, AND rBOSMCTIVr, Many Advanta ges. .... .FIRST. 'ft RAILROAD CENTER.' II.S.WA1.UCK, W.W.MAHn. Ittwhtrnk VI.- Prllriil. J. II. AIJIKHT, ( alilr. LOANS MADE To Froron whl mid oilitr mnhnllil pr,luii.ntiwHl or in l"i. m vat irnf m or ptioiMS wiim.. lr.n. drawn dlwl on NW Vor. riilmo. Han rmo(lN IVirtUrd, loudon, I'urit, Hu Uo, Hong Kun Mid lalmll. Independence to Corvallis by S. P. R. R-. " - v .... V- Independence to Portland by " dependence to Falls City by MoUr Line. t , Independence to Salem by Independence to Astoria by A. & S. C.R.R Independence to Albany by M ' " A. M. HUUI KY, y Attorney and Counselor at Law. omn Sfit U) ludrpenJrnw Sai l I !mlrDiadvarf,Or, i THE POLK COUNTY BANK, MONMOUTH, ORIOOII. Prl4nl, rrwtlud) VlrHfM)dul ... . CMbl I. A. Ur Kt'M M-CAMPIIKIL II. K W. II. Uolme flunlnuii. aJMInjaV". ioiihim. mm I HMOH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW OIIICI I!', B "M'1'"' H-tw'nHll'""l',"n"l . AlKM.O' im Cuiniinreutf w OabIIiI Slack, PtUDp, tM.OOO ,00. DIRBOTOHSi VirJV" WACM.1MI'IKI C. S. McNALLY, ARCHITECT iNQORAUGHTSUAH BOOM ? Brjll-IIMMM" MI.OCK, COMMKUCIAL 8T BAI.KM.0H. "sTaarker, Munnfartiirer ant! denier In Sash, : Doors, : Moulding, : L;tc. Kull !wk )( OIK", 11 '. k,'t'1 n"""""11' on hand. HpvdKU rnlwi on cmlmoM. rnvtorr on IU It. t""t uer df U "iWHTotel C Ht., ImU'ix'tnlcnw. JAMES GIBSON, Prop. wir-i-rfa.! in every rowed Bpecinl BIIL'UIU'U ample room for oommercml traveler. RRICK YARD J. R. COOPER , L..bl.. KM1naaa Mlllvm, lW r: .-iJ , ,hi,.i lo obvok. or no ortl"ri r, .;Vir i,. mv: Win dlwnl4.' dwllA rirnronl thII nd KurglM praol taro, iy Y UB MWb ffOOct kooii I a. .. A HOP CENTER. Tbe p'rtwiit urea lo IIois tributary to Indcpeiidfiice, will monlMtifblod. The amount of income will ru4i In a few ywira ,at Iciwt one million dolliun. -; " , . . Good and CHEAP. uva.tivA this hiram ami mwi Stock of Ilarn( ever brought to this Section. All Our Ovrn Manufacture. r... wiiito urn clirw't from the V.f UI J J' " Factory and are the i)C8t out of 150 Stylof. Trimming nt rcaHonauio 1 1 Beamer & Craven. TAYLORS Cash Grocery & Bakery OS 0 STREET. tn,h Brd, PI" tnd, Cjli- o hand awf d The adaptability of our landn for special frult ralHinir, mioh prune, pears and apple; will employ hundreds of men; bring into the country thotwanda of dollnrs, and make our running lands worth from two to three hundred dollars an acre. Frn't raining will bring cannerlm and fruit dryers. SUGAR BELT RAISING hiivinira Btcam citrine, a brick tmMm and several Wa.SM$? acres of Uncut clay, is now prepared to keen on hand a fine quality of Brick, which will bo sold at rcanon- able prices. tub i II. It. rATTBHHON. II. TAYLOB, TnpWt. I). I'.Pattkwwn. PATTERSON Bros, Willamette Real Estate Go. IiHlopendencp. - Oregon. , rr.lt,aifiitt a crone, rul Real I'Xuto BuhI- am, buy and iwlui Properly, olIuoU IiiHuranceana uoen a gruvim Conveyance BuIi'h. rarliH having Land for utile will 11 nd It to their advantage to List Thei r, Property win. n,u rwitmnv. us they are dully Bending IM of hind east, tlm plac ing denlmble property before the rest dents of Uiel'uHt. JAME8 OIUBON, DRJJGGlM The rich botUim lauds of thia section are peculiarly well adapted to raiseng sugar beets, the profit above cost of produc tion, being estimated at from thirty to forty dollars an acre. One sugar factory will call into use over 3,000 acres of land, in creasing its value half a million dollars, and employing labor. -DEALIR W" WdTCHES, V CLOCKS jewelry: INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. rrcsldonl. W. G. SHARMAN, Merchant Tailor! C STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOFEICE. How does n,Mili 1 W dWat In tlia Ohio lt U'j'iiblli an conraittiott. Nurwalk, O., ha a Urbw woo i!.kh up a vhm xhnvolu twmiijr-ntna soeomlj. A young man at Bunsnvtlla, 0., advinr. tltotl anonyimiuiilr fr a wifa aim nm inter ajinwvrwl th advertiwiiwut.. j A dompiuiy hM 1h organnou Ntw York city wliluU propoiw to muM iU piinotpia ImniiMjrt tba 1-rwtervattoa at tit health and comfort ol utliwia. In tha nilnoU wuata bltla providing , folaptriolli l wnigliiug ol grain in wawhuiuK-a and for tut Mnimotwu of building aud loan awwciatluua Uava lw pnw4 Th llrltUU hou of common h wlthnrawu lli Ktmufurd coercion art, Newiouiidlniid liaving promlawl to ni Wirt a muMiira to carry out thatreaiy olillgatlon and award of tlm arbitra Uon mmlwneri. 11. J. IlitMi-Mta of l Angnlwi.wUo dlapr.rrd from Cbteago, ha bo" found al Kalaiuiuoo, Miou. U wa ou glgantio njirw. J. Jnlfrmon. Jr.. la to marry Mi Blanch IWmirtr of Brooklyn on J una la. Tha llamlium Uubbor couipauy of Tn-ntoii. N. J., ha gi' Into lua handit of a rtwWer. Tlia gnicral Bynod of Luthraui ox?u. lv r.iiiun.tiMln Huuiuxt "furtatn Amuri- can danoiuliialioiw, under tha nam of furelgn uiiwuoiii, atUmptlng to awmra tba iwiiiifi'r of tha LutlM-rau vU of Denmark, Norway and Sweden to tlwlr nuiunlir while tlwra ar mlllitmiof hwtUfiu) still uureaubod by Cbrintlau- lly."t In tlw simlli ProKbyturian awwmbly at Ulriiiimiluim. Ala., a reaoluttott wna adopltHt dwliiiing that church fair vnreuut lh limiHT uiraui of raiing nioiiig-i ali. mil" ;allliig on tha Worlf fair to ke ii tins gte cloiwd on Sumliiy. Th ou!brt'k of glandxrs nr Jauea villa. Win., la ri)!Ully vlruleut aud stock rubor are aluruiwL Tha rirt of the navnl board ou tli VbhivIih' -uiu h boeu mada miullu, lo gewral It H eomiiiendntory, but car tain tuiKlinratlous are gMti. Tli . liiKner TIiouiimi Hums la be- llrvl lo Imve tttne down In Lake Mlcb ignu with all on board, In? oWtng a lo of ti'Ven Uvea. Tha Moilian corcrninant ordered tha luturgenl Chilean crulwr Emeralda to ! leave tlia hitrbor ol Acnmuoo anu lowad her to laka ou MO ton of coal. Tha order wtu coiniillel with. Kill II 11111 Tamauda of Tokio. Jupan, 1 one of the tudiU of LafayetU college who low attained tunerlor elnw utanding ami will deliver a suecM oration at commencement. BetretarY Foler ha laid down a new txillc-T. bolding that polygarofoU come nndit the deWrred el of imwigrants and thould not b allowcu to anier me Uultl Htate. - . ; -' The world' fair dlractory ha-on MfkimI ilia mimilntmeill of V. J, V bkiS a chief of th d.nartmeut of n.tM anil iniiiiuii and M. E. Stone u chief of the foreign department. n.. nr. a. If. Hmvth. atir of tlw Beoond follegiale Reformed chtmh of Hurlem. b recelveil 13.1KW in reinrn for bis reeignntlon. Ho wanted .H1,(H)0, but a coimiromlne wa effected. Hn. B. B. Emclealon, aed 73, died it Wichita. Kn., from tbe effect of the arin. He wa a brigadier general during the war, and military governor of Ueoriiia afterward. Frank Wralob. by whose rnoru rott ngal h m ceeded In building pnrt of a railway from Loando, three mile horlU of the Congo, ha been created a Knight of tha Military Order of Christ by the kins of Portugal for hi wori in Arnra, Th. triker on the Midland road at Waveland, Ind., gave th five men who bad been left thera to guard the com pany' properly ten minute in which to lk out of town, and they walked. The striker y not a wheel hall turn until they are paid tor paai service. The New York city Jury, in the case of PMipielena Rolwitello, an Italian wlinnhnt and killed her lover bo- cauee b refused to keep hi promine of miirrtftge. brought In a verdict of not miinv. when men jumped np on their tent, waved their hat and hankerclilef nd yelled and cheerea. The dullminent tax case Baint Gov ernor Jiime A. Ashley of Ohio now ng greRttte fiS.OUO.OOO and exceed any- tiling Wlllctt JUOTKaniiiaior, iutup' tor, lin ever unearthed ln he begn bimim-x several years ago. The taxe amount to nearly t:RHK),oou ami ins m quinitor'a fee about 173,000, The secretary of the treasury has con- ,o,,.la,l tin, consideration of the question of examination by assay nt El Taso of ore containing lend which are destined, for delivery at smelting wonts, ine collector is authorised to forward snch ii,l,.r warehouse ami iransponn- ..n lw.mls. examination, weighing and assay to be waived at that port, and to ,i.n,le nt th nort of destination. In estimating the duties the entire luulort- ation will be regarded a lean ore, Avcliliixhon Corriiran went to Ilnnt's Point, N. Y., where lie blessed the ,.,nrf and cloister of the Dominican Nun of Perpetual Adoration, one of ths nioBt severe sisterhoods in the Catholic church. i v Ti, V,.i.lv of Mary Ana Grier, who disappeared from her father's house at Wanatah, Ind., has been found in au old Iron pit in a perfect state of petri faction. It was thought she ran away with her lover, Her father, who 1 80 years old, uiemmeu nio uuiy. Mrs. R. L. Vauichn of Arbucklo, Cal., is at Jackson, Tenn., to witness the nn- veiling of a monument to conreueraie soldier. She was an enthusiastic Con federate and to her is acnueutuecreuii of having first sngitestad the idea of dec orating the Confederate graves. Blr John Mandonald, premier, U quite nick. Cardinal Gibbon I lit fvr at Bryantown, Mil COAST NEWS. A ron Di ned Armstrong wa kicked a cititen named J. w. vano. phosnlx, A. T.. U now aored of rail a ,.n.. iik laV, Fnrk on thl iii-i ,mriv.n. w i,i.t.,in.M,i p.niKa throuun rraacon. the Canadian with malaria) items ron OUR rAMC. . a AiuuiLm auiu. x auiuu ttsavwaaai I - Calleo. Pern. Nothing b bean n oi . mU)n rrport tfcmt tU mUl to to excellent: ine iuu, Th coin' wlouer UaaiaobuiMitl dtnoum Urin th enilowni'-nt scheme. Himon Hlcl of CIiIcsko Nicely corned beef l an addition to the dinner table at any time and it la an economical article of food especially on the farm, where very often a beef la killed and there la no sale for all of It and It can 1 saved by corning. For .mil nuantltlea tbe following plan la bond insurance Cut the beef in out the Urge Ion crock with west. - - a weight on lop. I'our over Hie new Tb Colusa election fraud caaee are boiling hot brine made as follows: dragging aloug lowly. Tbe generaj Two gallon of water, three pound of . . i plains are alive with grasshopper, and small piece, leaving c .1 muZrS th.' traveling toward the North- bom, pack In a slx-gallo in uuineaiureu , . ..i..i., ,.. at a nopi-; 7"" . .v,.,,. wln be " ,; . .l .,,fT..ri,, from terrible burns on thi "I"-- " n om ou"oe trike you? hul. While walk na- borne recently someone threw a bg of burning oil on hi heaih . MMnea. la., ba been selected a tlvs place of ths next annual meeting of th TempUr' (Jongreas which bai jut adjourned at Edinburgh, Kcotland. During a debate at the praabytary M Detroit on th ca of Dr. Brlgg Judgt iirM kinridKe of W. LouUi roada an an- dren (riut Dr. BrlKg' view. At th conclusion h said: 1 have done my duty" and fell dead, v.n,lalim ha aaaln broken ont at Harvard college. The statue or Jonn Harvard wa painted red ana a piece ol mt.r tiliuwd uihiii the head. Th statue t of flu granite and will take con siderable Urn and rubbing to remor the paint. . Inventor Edison was severely scored In the United State circuit coot ai New York by Uen. a A. Duncan, attor m.v fr the United Mates Electric Llfht company. The attorney aald Eduwn m.thlnff more man a mecnanio wuu Btillsed the Invention of others. 1 It i reported that es-Pretident Ilaye' mind 1 fillnif. He bad a sever attack of the grip last winter and ha never fuiiv r,iBrH,L He 1 able to attend U ordinary busbies hut hi memory ha nriUlW fulled and he i ubject to fit of doioudency. Ul friemU hope the affliction U only temporary. Plenty Hore, the Indian who killed Lieut C'awy during the Sioox nprUing, and who wa on trial at Hlout FalU for murder, wa discharged by th court Tim ind, held that tbeevilencehowed that t'aaey wa killed while actnai war utl and that a charge of murder could not be brought against the Indian. The World's fair directory will sends eoinmlMiion to Europe to boom the ex-n.-ltlon. Carl Schurx, Cbauncey M. IVtwiw. ei ssenaior r.iuu oi uuuwww, extJovernor Walter or uwinecucui, JtaJ. Handy aud other prominent men will constitute the commission. iurj will erv without pay and will be ab- tcnt about six week. Tb- trail-Atlantic steamship coin- banie have notified their turopeao wnta ta kII tickets to onlywch per t,un an are not prohibited from landing In the United State. Tbe agent wui have to pay 91 for the return of each immigrant who I refused entrance to thi rmnntrv if he neglect to investi gate the record of all llcei purcuaaer. J T. Wrntt. a croo expert, na tuo- mittetl a report of the crop prospect on winter wheat lu Kansas, Misaouri, Dli- noi, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. I mi report wa ntad at Chicago to the man iff.m nf acv eral railroad iutereeted. Mr. Werst estimate mar ine naie nme.l will produce, provided favorabl condition continue until narveax, so, 81)1,000 bushel. against Ua,m,000buh els, according to government eetlmate forlH(. Illinois 1 alimawa to pro duce from I.IWJ.OOO acre 11,718,000 bushels. Franci W. Kennedy, preeldent of th dofunct Spring Oanleu tank of mil .l,.ln)il. nil.! his brother. H. H. Ken nedy, the cashier, were arreated and ar- rHiirnml l fire the United State com- mW.mer on a charge of maliciously and fHlxely making- eutries In the book of the bank with tbe lutent to defraud. They were held In I'.Hi.OOO and 15,000 bail, respectively. The charge wa made by Bank Examiner Drew. They ,.,,U not iret the bail. The amount they are charged with embexsling 1100,000. George Vancil and Jeremiah Holmes, two Baptist minister, have jut been sent to priaon in Illinois for counterfeit Their story i a oueer one. Holme was a counterfeiter and general ouicjwi in Dwiuoin and Vancil waa a Baptist minister. Vancil uimeriooa io couren Holme after everyliody else naa given him np and incceeded. Holme eoon became pastor oi ine utmpueiuw vawvu near Dmiuoin. After a time he gave Vancil counterfeit money and Vaacil passed it. Later on the same tuiug was repeated. Aooui mi uiuo uww i emlasarie swooped down upon Holme ,1 rantnred a regular couuterfeitev'i nnin. Vmieil wm arrested later. He t.mk the monev and couunweo tne ac- qnaintance of Holme to learn the te nwta and exmwe the gang. He is heart broken over the arrest but "Rev." Jerry Holme i holding revivals in tne prison. The organisation of the American ua Iversity has ton effected at Washing t.,n. Among the incorporator are: Gov Paulson of Pennsylvania, Senator McMillan of Michigan, Mark Hoyt ol Mw Vnvlf. Col. Wriuhtof Pennaylvaula, representative Springer of Illinois and Mrs. John A. LAgau oi naamugum, Among tho trustees are the following' itiuiu.iiu Nnwinim. Vincent and Wilson, a,l Secretary Proctor. The president 'and vice president of the United States, the chief justice of the supreme court .,,,1 the snenker of the house of repre sentatives are ex officio member. Balti' ley Brother made the first contribution toward the erection of Kpworth hall. A meeting nt Washington of the leading educators of the couutry waa arranged for to oousult alKiut plans, i ne ooare of trustees is broadly catholic in charac ter, being composed or representative! of the Presbyterian. Protestant Episco tial, Baptist and Methodist Episcopal churches. An appeal will shortly b made to the American people for $5,000, 000 for the eaily commencement of thi , work. . - acquitted. sugar and two large apoonfuls of aoite. Th rteamshlo Parthla arrived at io i . . . ak(m ,iie toria, B. C, from Japan with flfty one brin proc whenever cabin Chineae and twenty-eight Jap- ')k neeMB4ry but ww put U anpa-engerj. brine on hot after the first time. If the ZtZtZC we.lhertahotyouc.n add a handful bath at Paso BoUe and It propose to of nail and soda at any time, and like make many Improvements. all pickling tie aure that tbe brine Bernard Petarmann, aged 14, while covert the beef. If packed in a bam! carrying mail to Mount Eden station, mrKe cloth should be tied over it in Cel., lost control or Ms norse anu wa aummer, to aecure It from niea. thrown from tbe wagon ana giuea. Morris Hoefllck, a weU known San Franciaco broker, committed soicide at thebooaeof a friend. lie bad been confined to hi room for several weeks by sickness. A. W. Fisher, a tobsreo dealer at Bant Crux, was threatened with blind ness and be committed suicide. He wa 64 years old and had a wife aud family at New York. Cliarle Green, a stage driver at Fos ter Creek, on the Columbia river, ta re ported to have been killed, but how, la not tated. Green claimed to be cousin of Gen. Ben. Butler. During a light shower at Petalnma, Cal., a few days ago thounands of little frog about an Inch long fell on the street. They were alive and immedi ately began hopping np the oreea. Daniel Gilmore, cashier In Wells, Fargo St Co. ofnoe at Eureka, Cal, while nshlng, fell Into shallow water, striking his head on a rock. lie waa niade unconscious and was drowned. The interstate commerce commission bIl a meeting at hookn last week and heard the case of the merchant of The new firm of Patterson Bros. 1 a large denier in waU hea. clocks and Jew elry, fla y have received a dainty line of ladle' watches In silver and gold. Lady school teacher should consult them, a they offer extra inducement. One of our farmer friend, In speak ing of lalior saving device for tbe farm aid that he onc saw a wood box which struck blra as saver of labor, and In 24 hour he had one. The Idea consisted in having half the box built in the farmhouse kitchen and the other half extending Into the woodahed. Enough wood can be thrown from the shed Into the box to bwt several days, and there l no dirt packed Into tno bouse. A neat cover built over tbe box In the kitchen keep the wood out of sight and can be used as a seat near tbe stove. Another convenience Is a table against the wall of tbe kitchen which can bo folded no when not In A wide board necessary ana a pair u..i..... ...!. th. Northern Pacific use. thus suvluff the room which a OlJUKKim .,.".." I 1 " railroad tn regard exnoroiuurt inB i wwe woum occupy, rate. all that la There i some damage to the hay crop hinge. by the rain, and cherries ana Heme have suffered a nine, unii iu a w Uolated caaee did the rin fall heavy or tbe wind blow atrong enough to lodge the growing grain. Th management of tb thirty-eighth annual California state fair for 1891 has decided upon a new feature, and that is to increase the racing meeting from one of nine days to one of eleven days-ix trotting and fire running. The bridge on the railroad between Clifton and Guthrie, A. T., haa been burned. This 1 th second bridge burned within fourteen days in the same neighborhood. The railroad offers 1 1,000 for the capture of th incendiaries. Gratshoppers have become very num erous and deatrnctive in Sutter and Yuba countie. Fred Beate, who has a nursery near th Sutter County Butte, let a fir to drive them off, when it tnread all over tbe hill, destroying mnch feed. Seven soldiers have been arreated at Walla Walla on a charge of murder ta the first degree. Tbey were implicated In tha mnh that Ivnctlfd Hunt, ine gambler recently. bv thirty deputy is feared, however. Mr. J. M. Btaato, who raised and is ,be present owner of Jay M., thor-jugh-bred horse, a son of the celebrated Altamont, will tie In Independence Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week. There is no garden but could be much improved by a good thorough hoeing, md the time of year that the garden uowlthetlrrlng of the soil is juat when tbe warm dry weather com mences. The man who cultivates ths soil In the garden eoutlnually has al--ays a better crop than the one' who Is satisfied with a hard surface. The ben ellts from a loose soil is often as great as from expensive manuring. Those who will try the experiment of frequent hoeing, and no manure on the toll, nd an abundance of manure and no hoeing, will find of the two that the former plan Is preferable. In the growing all tbe rain that falls Is needed The jail Is guarded d lotMe wil keep tbe oriff Kn troll hip I ' ' rain, which the hard toll allows to ruu oft. l,v thirtv deontv sheriff, No tronble A destructive cyclone I reported from Arlington, Or. Th tor of D. & Sprinkle waa demolished and Sprinkle, his wife and a customs were buried in the debris, Mr. Sprinkle waa quite eriously injured but the two men es caped with a few bruise. Charles F. Wolston, manager of tbe railway, electric and cable lines at Butte, Mont., narrowly escaped the vengeance of a mob. ne is chnrged with throwing down stairs a drunken conductor, whom he bad discharged, and who is believed to be fatally injured. The Temescal tin furnace ha started on a third nm. It is producing sixty bars, or nearly two tons of tin metal s dav from a five-stamp mill and two Frue Tanner. Ten more stamps are being added to the present plaut. 1 he mm on the river, when completed, will rednc 1,000 ton weekly. Captain Scott of the West Indian. who hml some tronuie wun nis laooi while at San Francisco recently, is arm ing his crew. He tells the people ol Victoria, B. C that "he does not pro- Bcmcmbi-r when In Salem to call in at Strong's restaurant, now WesUcott & Irwin, and get a meal not to be ex celled on the Pacific coast for 85 cents, at 271 Commercial street. tf Mr, Hirsehberg says the only success ful method of getting rid of stumps and trees on a farm Is to dig them out roots and all, but It Is said tbat an easy and 'successful way of getting rid of the big stumps is to bore a hole into the stump, two inches in diameter and 18 inches deep. Do this in the fail, and nu wun a concentrated solution of talt-petre, and plug up to keep out water. By spring it will have permeated every part. Then fill the hole with kerosene, set on fire, and the whole stump, It is said, will be consumed, even to the roots. The ashes remain to fcrtlllxo ,u.,:l KM h uarmli nv IslKir pose to allow the lives JZ" Z Sl,7 It I. IO oe enuiuiKeiw" " visitaSan Francisco, A iuror at Tomlwtone, at least, worth trying. A. T., was ,.,. .. ... haoniiiir tha Invv in the I ...., a,,i Khankland. charged We have heard it stated quite often with murder. Shankland killed Dr. lately that Oregon la not a natural Willis, agent for the Old Guard Mining jHjry country, and that farmers are to company, because the latter wonld not ex0U8Cd for allowing butter from tho pnyadebt the company owed Shank- eftst to he ghippod in to compete suo- land. The jury stood eleven for wnvio- fa Qur tlon. The people indorse the juror s ac, mant says the natural grasses of ' . , , . Oregon are deficient In the peculiar 0:Zr. juices nectary to make ht.U-- SSttoT mtiMtandviineeii fore the farmer that attempts butter iw.iff delivered at a loss. The sea- making, as a business, will fail. If the son Is so far advanced that packers des- geutleman is correct the sooner we flint nair of getting enough fish to fill the tout tbebetter. We wish to hear from some of our renders on the subject. oanon hand. The caunerles on an aver age have packed 4U to ou per cent. iw than at this date last year and some 90 . i i...... Tho rlvur hulen risinc ?r ...me time but the expected run ol when moss Is allowed to accumulate fish has not come aim tney are geiuug on tiie roofs or buildings tne aecay oi scarcer. There is a bare possibility that the roof takes place much tooner, aud tn immense rnn offish might enable fta exei.ueut plan is to keep the moss the packers to catch up but many con- ofR When moss has accumu- Sver and 11 latent It may be removed In the follow river ""j r. . I-- . minru,' Hi.rlnkln lima ..... . iquq Ratnrn. rrnm eiirnteen line eiuiun naoking companies how the amount ol freely aloug the comb of the roor ana the ealmon pacxeu iouie jboi,., against 146,000 cww on June 1 last year. OWES Baking Powder: Used la Millions of Hoines-40 Years the Standard. In localities exposed to the north nnrk is lietror than in those exposed to the south, and it is seldom found in cal careous soil, preferring always that of the felspar, this being found principally In the province of Gerona. It grows and develop in ground of very little depth, and sometimes In very stony ground. . " It is stated that in 50 per cent, of the cases which go through the Bankruptcy court In England no dividend is ever paid at all. A grocer and provision dealer failed in Glasgow. His liabilities were 1,470, while his assets amouuted to one-sixth of a penny per pound. let the rain dissolve It, and carry over the shingles. Every particle of moss and dirt can be removed by it. When shingles are kept clean they last much longer. Newly hud roots lr treated in the same way are much benefited. Waxtrti. Farmlands, acre tracts. town lots, anywhere In Polk oouuty. Will take nothing for sale without a oontract, but will gtve close attention to every piece so contracted. No prop erty taken at higher than market prices, and wo can get you better prices than you can yourself. E. C. Pkntland, 5 2fl 4t Be d Estate Agent. Suits in Any Style Made to Order AT REASONABLE BATES. if I J. W. KIRKLAND, Hecrelary.