The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 29, 1891, Image 3

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:Ik County Publishing Ccpany
KIUIUY, MAY 2fl, lsui.
Wk Toi.n You 8o.rr. Clarke pule
ly H to the audience at tu niwra
.vu on I not Monday utiht at ih por
In-tnane jtlveu by liinuittit Hwil
hmuHly Co,, "They wkwl mo at lu
Llll whether it would y me to top
It that little town of ImWiwudviH. 1
h Hiit to wty Unit we r better putrou
litnl here than there, and your peonta
kliow ft better irvUtiou of our en
lmtlnnnut." We alwny wy tlmt
.linti'lH'iidetiee t the bent town of It
VHrtty provt It, Llbenttl did II
worth of minim at (Vrvalll, rlKI at
Indojieudeiiee liint year, and $114 at
MoMlunvUU Koyot& Lawtlng did
SliW Ht MeMlnnvllle lnt year Mid IMS
at Iudonndt'UWj we do not kuow the
tliuro at IVrvalll. (loud truiii al
way get ihxI houea lu till town.
YAM'AHI.R Phkmivms. The colt
hIiow lu Independence oh the 12th tiny
of Juno proud to be a mine for th
fanner who have tine culta to exhibit.
y.wry home owner ha agreed to frlve
JhoaervUistif hl horo to the penin
brliiKluK ou exhibition the bent Mil
Jrom hln horw, and xlnce there are
Wie i horse lu thl vicinity, and
,he price raUK from $A to $) It will
W een tlmt the ooU ahow menu a
nIU to the exhibitor. In addition to
ie separate breed priae, all the prlae
ill will be buuehed and a committee
Wide on the bent colt of the lot and a
Jrst and aoeoiid prlw will be given. If
proper Interest In takou, It would eetu
that a fine display of colt should he on
baud that day, aluee Polk county ha
wiiii' really Aue hortam
Tun Exeriwiox, Lwt Saturday
morning the large and eommodluua
Mteamer X. 8. llenUey, with ting fly-
lug, ateauietl nudwtloally away from
this city, carrj'l'-'i? on board several
hundred pleasure seeker The object-
Ive point of the excursion wh Hiiilth'
(trove, about two mile alxive Corvallls,
where preparation had been made for
a pleasant day' enjoyment. The Mun
mouth band fumUhed ntulu for the
oceaslua. The exeuixlou was given
uinlerjthe aUMploea of the ladle' Aid
.Sn-lety of the C'hrlntlaii church, and
after a mwt enjoyable time they re
turmil alKiut 8 o'clock p. ni. The
pnfitofth excurMlon to the hulk
wa about fli". Thiwo who had the
affair In hand feel quite gratified at its
OiiEtwx. I wlth to help every gixnl
wiw, and la compliance with the
wiheof Mr. K. II. Hit and other
couevrued I can moet cheerfully nt
omiiieud Mr. Hlce'e feucln a a per
fi ct and durable fencw ami alito will ay
he low proveil relluble no far a hi
dcnlluR with me in concerned, and I
aliiisfrt ly believe bin fencing la the com
ing fence for the Willamette valley ami
will glvcaatiafacllon wherever placed.
It l simple and cany to build and eiwy
to put up. Try aoine of It a I did and
m-c for youwelvea. '
Your Yery Truly.
5 i John Ykuxox.
Oi-iiwitiox Invitkh. Mr. K. C.
I'eutlond lufonua u that he l In the
only llneof buidiiiiw where an nppueitlon
a U'liellt. The more rcaleatate agent
there are lu a town tho more biwlnem
wh one linen, provided they work for
the common good. When Mr. Pent
ium! went luto tho real extate buiilnett
In Taeoma lu 1HHI, there were only
three n mi and very little wn U-lug
done. IIIh Arm net the example of ex-ten-tlve
advertblng. Within a year
there were 21 Anna and buluci had
Iticreaiwd Individually In projiortion.
Two or three more live real eiitnte
agento would be a benollt to Indepen
dence, and no harm to present men
ill btiHinetw.
O. 8. N. H. Cai'CT Excubhios, The
member of Company A, O. 8. N. S.
cadeta give an excuralou on Baturday,
June 0, to Oregon City and return.
ThcHtenmerWm.M. Hoag will lwive
Independence at 0:30 a. in., and at
about 10:.M) a. m. will arrive at Oregon
City, when 'two hour time will lie
given the excuntlonlHtH before leaving
on the return trip. The committee
ha secured the service of the Big
Four bund, and a good time may be
expected. Partle fond of nalmon Hub
lug will Hud at "the fall" an excellent
opportunity to gratify their ilcntorlal
dcHire. r
Thokb Whihtlen. Every morning
at seven o'clock, and at noon and at
nlgbt the Bound of whistle both large
and small makes Independence seem
to be a very busy town. The saw mill
whistle is a heavy, rough soundlngone,
and then comes tho more musical flour
ing mill whistle, and the musical, deep
throated water works come next, and
then tho piping whistle of the sush aud
door factory of H. A. Purkcr. When
thev all blow together, which often
occurs, it sounds like a welcome to the
president, or some other Ulstlngulsiieu
The Comkdy Co. Clcorgla Iteed's
Comedy Co. played to packed houses
here on Monday and Tuesday nights
and the performance throughout was
exceedingly entertaining. In fact to
1nt the chance to have so hearty a
iaURh is better than a dose of medicine,
The trained dogs were the leading at
traction with the children who were
itiirtitrl. The company Intend re
turning within a few months, and will
receive a hearty welcome.
Wantkd. Farm lands, acre tracts,
town lots, anywhere In Polk county
win tkn nothlnir for sale without a
contract, but will give close attention
to every piece so contracted. No prop
erty taken at higher than market prices,
and we can get you better prices than
you can yourself.
E. C. Penti-and,
5 20 4t Estate Agent.
Makkiachs Licknhks. May 20, II
8. Ferguson to Rebecca A. Ilarned,
"Health, Uraee, lleauty" (Illustrated
wlth83eugrvlngs) I the title of n
Intensely Interesting article lu the June
numiier of Drmomf ' timtfy .Vojn
w. The article I from the pen of
Professor E. B. Wartuaii, the leading
exponent of IH'Isarloau Phllosoiihy In
thl country, who I at present lecturing
lu the eltle on the Pacific, Coast. Tills
superb magaslue contain somethlug to
lutent ewry memtHr of the family,
aud I profusely lllust rated with over
As) tine engraving, jungle eopteaare
Sueents, aud may be had of newsdeal
er every where, or the publisher, VV
Jennings Demurest, 13 E. Mth Bu,
rew ork.
Tlieelty council, at It last mooting,
ordered all the sidewalk repaired, re-
naiiwi, hiveled and rebuilt, in accord-
am with the remirt of Marshal Feunell.
Die council I determined 10 have It no
longer said that we haw the isHirest
sidewalk of any town In Polk county.
Marslial Feunell la luduty bound to
ace that all work Is done according to
ordlnauce, aud If not o done, the work
will not be accepted, but rebuilt at end
of thirty 'day aud charged up to the
owner of property. "
' Bupt, Ileyiioltla Informs u that the
school In Dlst, SI, near Kulem, Mrs. J.
C. Taiigurt, teacher, lis graduated
MIn Mtuule Loose, average 78; Jennie
Smith, average at; aud Emma Clark,
average 8$. Dlst. 113, at Uui'iia Vlsla,
with Prof Iiongacre in charge, gradu
ated JanM Shevls, a vers ire 02; tleo.
Freese, averag tMI; Mattta IngiM're,
average OS, Clara Jeter, average tw.
Dr. JoIiiimiu own quite an orchard
aud farm aliove town, aud aiuoug
otlier thing had several acre of ola-
toe a tw day since tome of his
neighbor's hogs came ami rooted up
three long row, and he ha euncluded
that the law must assist him In secur
ing pay for the loss.
Messrs. Present t ft Yeiten have a saw
mill at Wlutoek, Washington, aud
have fine water power w hich can be
used ulne mouths out of the twelve,
but because It required a steam engine
for the oilier three months, they use
sU'am the whole twelve mouths.
Messrs. I'hwcott ft Venes succeeded'
in getting out aUmt 2,ooo,iioo Uvl of
logs this year, from the Hantiam, below
Jetrersou. They have about seven mil
lion up the I.ueklamutte, which they
will get out whenever the river rise or
a railroad is built up there.
The sqs'rs ou the FjimI side mllroad
speak of the heavy trafllu over the
Southern Pacltle railroad, both freight
and paeuger. Our xopie can easily
si what vast dlU'erencc throiigli
tralus would make had we them ou
the West side.
We print bill heads, letter heads, en
vtloM,uote heads, stateiiH'tits, buslnewi
canls, wedding stationery, visiting
cards, posters, dodgers, horse bills, and
anything and everything lu the line of!
lob work, (live us scull aud be con
vinced, : ' .. '
A recruiting officer of the Uulted
States army IsatPalla trying to get
recruits. It Is pmbablu that he will
find considerable trouble In getting the
men he wants, as they must be able
bodied and mcuof good moral character.
Having added a lot of new material
to our already well equlpcd Job oftlee,
we are bettor than ever prepared to do
all kludsofjob aud book work at low
est price, qua'lty conslderetl. Your pat
ronage is must ressctfully solicited.
Call on E. C. Pent land and see that
ts-nutlful tnu't of fruit and hop land
ueartown. Just what you want for
either a home or a good scuIutlon.
Only f Vt an acn; ?10 down, balanw on
County Clerk Coad has Just received
for reconl patcuts to laud of the Oregon
ft California It. It Co. covering 2it8,0r.a
acres, and containing over 1(1,000 words.
The land U not all In Polk county how
ever. .
Itev. Poling lea on Thursday for
Philomath, where be will unite in mar
riage John Walker to Miss Ella Der
ringer. No services will Ixi held In the
Christian church next Sunday.
W. E. Pulton, who was so near
death's door only a few weeks ago was
In town last Friday. He says that he
hope to enjoy better health now than
ever, aud Is mending nicely.
Offer will be received at the City
Hawuir, on C and Itiillroad streets, for
the ensuing two weeks, for tho entire
probity. The owner reserves the right
to reject any and all offer.
Ira Smith was happy while lu Polk
county when he became the father of a
girl, but is exuberaut now that ho has
a boy, born about two weeKs ago, in
Olympla, Washington.
,We noticed two boys, living in Polk
county, stealing a rido on the brakes of
the a P. trulu lust Erkluy. it iook
like a dangerous business, but lioy
often risk their lives.
II. It. Patterson has bought L. W,
Itoliertxon's residence and ono lot, pay
lug 12(K) therefor, and will rent his
present house and move luto the one
just purchased.
The poHtofflce will soon undergo some
extensive Improvements, An atiuiiioo
of eight feet will be built in the rear,
and the interior will be repainted and
James Oibsou has hud a high board
fence built on tho south of the City
hotel, which Is an Improvement, and
also a splendid place for posting circus
There are 24 bicycle In Independence,
Fiwl Merrill, of Portland, sold three
Several young ladles
contemplate puchnsing wheels.
O. W. Hhlnn has done soiiio fine pa
pering on the building occupied by
Wlldrlck't restaurant and E. C. Pent
land's real-estate office. ,
There will be services In the Evan-
gellcol'church next Sabbath morning
nd evening, anil eacn succceumg
Sabbath evening.
Mrs. J. L. Stockton and Miss Etta
Whiteakor went to Portland thl week
as delegates to the state convention of
tho W. C. T. U. -
Those dainty suits of Jersey cloth at
Shelley ft Vanduyn's store, and tennis
cloth for summer wear attracts mines
by the score.
It. U. Guild, of' Salem,, formerly qf
ineniivenou ,iymf, was in town in
tho Interest of the Salem Statmimm
this Week.
There will lie an athletic entertain
meut at Dixie after the picnic on May
30, under the direction of the O. H. N. 8.
Athlete. 8 20
Oscar Itennlc, a former typo of thl
onlce, has a armanuut position at
good wage lu the statu printing office
at Salem,
isl Kumluy a large cougar whs
killed about one mile above Fall City,
which measured over seven feet In
Whim N. J. June get hi livery
table completed It will cover all of
Whlteaker' lot and half tho street be
Mr. Siieneer, of MeMlnnvllle, who
ho been visiting her father, Itev. lluu
saker, returned to her homo this week
Orders for slab wood can be left at
Damon ft Hubbard's. All order
must be aecomimnled with cash. S 8 tf
M, Y. Itork, the organiser of Farm
era' Alliances, addressed the public at
the osra house here last Thursday,
Mrs. Judge Dawson and Mrs. J. M.
Powell, of Monmouth, sis'iit last Sun
day with relative In MeMlnnvllle,
Willi Hill bus been engaged to
tench the Flls City baud, and will
lead them at the Itlekreall picnic,
The band boy at Monmouth have
Just received new uniform direct from
Ronton, which are very nobby.
Mr. It, M, Much, who returned from
near Pee Ik thl week, say that late
sown grulu Is In need of rain.
Dave Clelwlek always ha ou baud
fresh candies, Key West cigar and
tropical fruit lu teaaon.
ltert Luoas and Eugene Cat t run left
on Tuesday for a bicycle trip to Eugene
to return ou Friday.
Mrs. Mathews la contemplating the
erwtlouof a residence on the motof
Hue near this city.
The picnic committee I at work mi a
wry attractive program for tho picnic
on Juue 12 and 1.1.
One of Edison' phonographs was on
exhibition lu this city during the fore
part of the week.
The motor company ho a large force
of men at work putting the rood In
better condition.
Mrs, J. E; 'Hosier left on Thursday
for Ssikan Falls, w hercshe will ssnd
the summer.
Mrs. John Brooks, of Salem, Is visit
ing her cousins, the Misses ltoberteon,
of this city.
Trespass m t lees can be had at this
office at 5 routs each or 80 cent sr
The ludeis ndunce-Moiimouth It, It.
Co. held a directors' meeting last WihI
uesday. Sanqsion Jones, of Salem, was visit
ing relatives at Moiimuuth thl week.
Mrs. A. It. Atkins Is visiting her
daughter, Mr. Klrklund, ut Newport.
Itead the advertisement of E C,
Pentium!, the dealer lu real-estate.
E. T. Hatch and family, of McCoy,
are on their way to Sltkn, Alaska.
Smoke the Ust ou earth, the Haulier
cigar, for sale by Patterson Bm.
Mrs. Ell Young, of Alblna, Is visit-
lug her mother, Mrs Hogget t.
Mis Stewart, of Albany, Is a guest
at tho home of J. S. ( Vsqa-r.
Mrs. Butler, of Lfnu county, Is visit
ing her sou, Dr. 0. 1). Butler.
Miss Jennie McDanlel, of Wells, Is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Belt.
Tho Independence roller mills con
tinues to ship flour by rail.
Mrs. J. Itoblnmin I visiting her sou
and duughtcr lu Albluu.
A new awning graces the front of
Wlldrlck' restaurant.
O. W. Hhlnn is building quite an ad
dition to his residence.
Miss Nettle 0 ruves, of McCoy, Is visit-
ing relatives here.
a O. Irwin, of Newport, was In town
last Wednesday.
Patterson Brim., sole agents for the
Banner cigars.
L. W. Ilobertson came up Hatur-day
from Portland.
For sale, 850 head of sheep. Inquire
at this office. 6t
The school plcnlo seems to have
brought ruin.
Miss Lily DcBord, of Parkers, Is dan
gerously III. '
Win. Nesmlth was In town Wednes
Win. Jones is reeling quite feeble.
Smoke Banner cigars.
Burglars Caught.
Mr. McNlght, of Albany, who was
In this city yesterday, states Mat on
Tuesday lust, Cliarle Bpnght, while
out hunting near Albany, discovered a
gang of burglars camped In the woods.
Ho Immediately notified the police,
who, upon their arrival ut the place,
arrested one of the robbers and tired
several shots at another, who escaped,
although It is believed, and we earnest
ly hope, that some of thorn tooR effect.
An outfit of burglars tools, and consid
erable stolen property were found,
among the latter, a watch containing
the numo of M. Whitney, of the Ann of
Whitney, Elder ft Co., of Htayton
whom snfo was robbed recently;, also
four Smith ft Wesson revolvers,
Three of them are undoubtedly the
Identical ones taken from Goodman ft
Douty's store, of this city, a short time
uirn. The orlsoncr will be taken to
Salem for examination.
Farmers Alliance.
Prof. M. V. Kork, national organizer
will lecture as follows:
Lcwisvlllc, Saturday, May 30, at 2
p.m. Sunday. May 81, 2 p. m. on
Mental Philosophy. .
Falls City, Monday, Juno 1, 2 p. m.
Buena Vista, Tuesday, Juno 2, 2 p. m.
Oak Grove, Tuesday, June 2, 7:30 p.m.
Bullston. Wednosday, Juue 8, 2 p. m.
Salt Creek, Wednesday, June 8, 7:80
p. in.
Zena. Thursday, June 4, 7:30 p, m,
Let all hear the fanners' cause and
tlied judge If the alliance be only a tull
to somebody's kite, or If It be a whole
kltei Ladles especially Invited. Let
no producer be fooled by the mud-
slinging of the monopolistic sneots.
A Gala Day Promlos-Som Promt
nant Sptaktrs-Tha Raesa
Qamss. The committee having lu charge the
plcnlo at Independence Juno 12 and 13
have done some lmsrtunt preliminary
work. Hon. N. L. Butler will be n
quested to deliver an oration on Thurs
day aud Gov. Sylvester Ponuoyer will
be asked to deliver a speech ou Saturday.
Marshal of the day have been ap
pointed as follows)
L. Damon, Iudeeiilouco.
W. E William, Alrlle.
J. J. Brown, Dallas,
J. W. Nesmlth, Itlekreall.
J. M, Prather, Buena Vista.
Asa Strain, Kola.
J. J. Itussel, Monmouth.
The Monmouth, Dixie und Iiulepen
deuce bauds will furnish music for the
Ituuulng and trotting roues will bike
place on both days, sir which liberal
purse will lie offered, beside the en
trenee fis'. The race truck I U'lng
placet! In splendid condition by L.
Damon, and some flue nice should re
The game throughout both day
will lake pla where everybmly muy
see them, and the prise will Isj worth
competing for, and will be duly an
nounced In the poster soon to be
Ou Friday evening a grand bull will
be given at the opera house.
The plcnlo ground at the west end of
C street, will be under the direct con
trol of the committee, and jeron de
siring to erect stands, swings, etc.,
must apply to the committee for per
mission. Mayor W. P. Conuawiiy will act as
president of the day. '
The Mouuiouth cadets huve been In
vited to arttclpiite In the programme.
Other features of the plcnlo will be
announced a arranged.
Sever Item.
Mr. W. F. Cuuthorn entertained
friend till week,
Mrs. Sawyer, of Amity, has Is-eu
tidied here by sickness.
W. A. Wash has been in this place
the past few day on business.
Prof, iteynoldsgave the schist! at thl
place a pleasant visit Friday.
Mr. W. W, Collin was excused from
the grand Jury on account of 111 health.
Ho Is now back home
Mr. J. I). Watson has gone to the
Soda springs for hi health; Mr. S. W.
Jackson accompanied him,
Mira, Infant daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. F. J. Bowers, died Saturday, May
2.1, at 7 o'chs k. Bev. E. E. PhlpMi
held the services, after "which tiie re
main were placed oil the train and
bikcu to Amity for burial In the family
burying ground at that place, The de
ceased was 1 year aud 2 month old.
Mr. aud Mr. Bowers have theyiiiia
thy of thlscouiinuulty In their b. reave-
me"'' , ' -
Fsll City.
Fall City stiln iIhi null llvi-ly Bif4h,
An' ! hum ut dr kw-iii 111 wo sluirlly will
hiwlil . ,
HutuV eupolo 111 brliihlly milium d y
Blii.o id- wiling uli our lllul III" nnul bliu k
Mnnlaiunery,' Hollowi'll, su" ftmnilry-insa
lliilii-iw-h hnil ilr lilt Sid niiniiiouwrnllli
An' ilwuiilt hi-svy nwwirln' d pootiln lotli lixt
i'lili-M 'Us dwiimd wliiiiln'UirlnUiurilKOuaU
Oli!'nHtiotlt(ir Dnlliu, whnt muni wo list)
Thiit vnu nhnulil planl lu our inltlut your
tmsiini'lftuii miii?
Jiw' iwmII IiIiii'h, s tlivor wi mrnrally kl
ln-ii niiiiM' Iroiii lila viMiiin im hiiKx-nir
DM iriii'fii'ii like s mi'ri'r' t-M,
' lie g'U III nmi-, wiicii im miiuiy win
An' nilMi de di'bll SJiH'rally,
Jas. Sevtro cum down from his moun
tain hum las' Sunday In search oh vol
unteers ter aid him lu klllln' a bar did
had made off with one ob his pig. A
party was soon formed, conslstln' ob
Wm. Ellis, J.S. Mitchell, E. Httinmltt,
N. Chupln aud John Moyer, w ho pro
ceeded a' once ter luteview do bar.
After a few hours' absence Mlchcll aud
Hiunmltt drove up In front ob Griggs
A Gilliam' store an' commenced un-
loadlu', not a bar, but n huge panther,
weighing alsiiit l"i0 pounds. It took
throe shots to bring hint down out eb
de tree. Do beast measured cither 6
feet, 11 Inches, or 11 feet, 0 Inches,
Sampson was so 'cited he dlsreckoleets
which, but am snub 'twas one or (other.
0.IA8 Sampson.
Parker Sluicing.
Marshall Huver was seen on our
street Monday.
Mrs. W. Bradley is In u critical con
dition with huurt trouble, -
The roar of Lewis Holnilck's new
tile fuotory will be heard lu the Luukia
mute valley the coming week.
" AplciiHHtit little hop was enjoyed
Saturday nlirht under the auspices of
the "Hoyul Squeak" violin society.
The young men of this place are en
deavorlng to get a baseball nlno organ
ized. "May they be rewarded with
Mrs. Jacob Johnson and Miss Jonnie
Johnson, of Lents, Multnomah county,
returucd to their home Monday after a
pleusunt visit In our burg,
Daniel Atkinson, a staunch young
citizen of tills place, went to Portland
Wednesday, Intending to work near
the metropolis this Hiiniincr.
Tho automatic potato planter that
has been working on Wm. Fuqua's
farm, gave good satisfaction by plant
ing, with the aid of one man as driver,
five and six acres a day; and the nice
part Is, It covers the potatoes and
leaves a neat little rldgo to show where
the potatoes are before emerging from
the ground.
It Is quite distressing U know that
John Martin has completely lost the
sight of hi eye which received injuries
from a twenty penny spike flying lrom
under a hammer in the hands of Alex.
Kerr. lie is compelled to quit work.
His remaining opiio having to perform
the duties of both threatens to make
its exit also.
Call and Ssa Ms.
All persons lndubtud to mo, on no
count, or otherwise, are requested to
call and settle at once ns I noed the
money and must have It. It will save
mutH . 8 14t n. V. WAM.isit.
If Wt Kntw.
ft wo Iiikiw lliu oara and smwni
(Jniwilwl round our imlgliUir' wsyt
If w taw lb llitli Iiiiwm
Merely rlpvuu dsy by dy,
Would we thru ona clild bliu
For Um Im-kiirtbrllt nd giilu, .
busvlti ou hi bimrt s nlmdow,
IrtiBVlim on our bert nisln.
Ifmikni-w ihe i-luiut iilmvo in,
llnld by iriitl bli'Hliiipi tliom,
Wmild turn swsy sll inuutjlliiu,
la our blind nd wsk danpslrt
Would w brink fr.nn liltlv nbudowii,
Lying mi tlx dswy (ism,
Willis "tl only bird of Kthm,
Jimt lo iunruy flyliig uuulf
If w kiinw llio illunt itory
qnlviln tbrougli Ui htmrtofpnla
Would our maiihtKid then dure doom tlicui
llwk to haunts of vtii ud hnineT
Mix lis many tnngli'd eroMlng,
Joy low nisiiy bresk of woe,
And thri'liwk n-nrwiuliwl iw wlillenl,
Till th bliwuied angelii know.
lit im rwb wllbln our hoMiiim
I'or llii- kiy to ulliur livan,
And with bivit ui orrln nsturs,
C liorlatl Hjit Unit mill Ulirvlvcwj
Ho tl,t whim our dlnmbod sptrlt
HiMir U) n-Hliiu of lliibt ssln,
Ws insy ny, dunr Fsibtir, Jiidk in
A wsJudgKoiirft-llowtiiun.
I Honor of the Beys In Blue.
TheAHwuiy, N. Y JHetmtn for
Mnv 80. will lie minted ou red, while
and blue paper and consist of 10 pages.
It will be the most original, uuliie nd
popular ptt'r ever presented to the
American public. Nothing fixe It uvcr
attempted by a newspaper In the nine
teenth century. A a mechanical won
der and a military literary library them
will be nothing to even compare- with
It Issued hi this country. If there Is no
agent lu your town you can have tho
plr mulled to you at 5 cent a copy.
To th Publlo and Esptolally My
Friends of Polk County, Oregen,
I will say I contracted with Mr. E.
H. Bice, proprietor of the Comblnatlou
Fence, for ninety-five (IW) rods, and he
agreed with me to complete the same
lu ten (10) hours, and he, with the as
sistance of two other men, completed
the ninety-live nl In eight hours
time, and I must say the feiico in my
udgment Is tlio lt wire fence I have
cvi-r seen, and shall uc more of It as
fast as my rail and other fences reiiilre
replacing: and I am happy to rccom-
nend the feuoe aud Mr. r.. It. lib to
all my neighbors, as a man worthy of
your patronage, he Is no humbug.
Yours llcspectfully
J, F. O'Donnell, Agent, IuiU-ismi-deuce.
The city council of Independence Iihs
uuthorixed me to give notice to the
public that all horses found running at
large duriug tho day or night and all
cows found running at large during the
ulght, after this date, will lie Im
pounded. Tom Fknmrix,
City Marshal.
Indo'Uiletieo, Muy 4, 1K01. 5 8 4t
V 1 1 ITEA KElt M I LI.EU.Ou Hun
day, May 24, 1H1, at the home of the
bride, Lulu M. Miller to Wm. II.
Whlteaker, both of this city, Bev.
Huusukcr officiating.
Both the bride and groom am well
known In this city, Mr. Whlteaker be
ing proprietor of (ho photograph gal
lery here, and the bride being tho
daughter of Ira Miller, of this cliy.
We extend our congratulation, and
acknowledge the usual remembrances
to the olllce.
afternoon, May 24, 1801, nt the real
deuce of the bride, Mrs. Haiuh A.
Douty to J. W. Klrklund, all of this
city, Bev. ltunsaker officiating.
Only the Immediate relatives were
pii-seiit at tho ceremony. They have
gone to housekeeping In J. W. Kirk
land's residence on Second street.
Zl.'MWALT-At Alrlle, Thursday,
May 21, 1801, Mrs. Isuae Zumwolt,
aged 08 years.
ClUTl'lILOW.-Monday, May Z
1801, at homo uear Lewisvllle, Infant
son of Mr. aud Mix. David C. C'rltch
low, aged seven month and 15 days.
Funeral service by Itov. Poling.
How's This?
Wu offer One Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for any case of t.'otorrh that can
not be cured by taking Hull's Catarrh
F. J. CIIRKNKY & CO., Props., To
ledo, O.
Wp, tho iiiiili'ruliinixl, Imvn known K. J.
Ohi'iiKy fur Ihn liwt llftwn y'in, suit MIovm
htm HTliK-ly Itmumihld In all btmlixwii tran
smit Ion, sua flimiii-liilly Wt u curry out any
olilluiilliiiiH Hindi- hy llixlr rtrm.
WiiKt Tmiix.WhnloHiilo liriiujiliitK.Toliv'n.O.
Wnlillns, Klmmii Murvlu, Wliolmilu lnii-
KlstH, Tuli'ilii, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 7io per bottle, Sold by all drug
gists Mitchell & Bohannon
MiinufSttturers of
Mnln utri'iit - liifleiwiiannee,
The Highest Market Price
I'nld In ciwli for wool by
NUTE & EVANS. Props.
4 17 m
J. F. O'Donnell
Hum Jimt recnived tlio ONLY
CAR-LOAD of IliiKRica diiH:t
from tlio Miintilii(!tiii(i', without
Igilng bought through Portland
Houses. Then-lore, I can wll
money than my coinnolitoin.
Tho Only C!oinplte-
- - ul
In I 'oik ( "oiinly.
l'utr IltttiKiitff, KrowTdua, Kir, J'ntnt room t
opilitt JonoK'Hintihn, liitIiiM'n(lotHW. j
i i in. 1 1. i ...
Wagon Making . I
Carriage Repairing
Wa. iiu tiiiin lii iiiu mux bullilliif with S. K.
K oMKt'l'a hlai-kstnlth ibop. lit It so oiiwrt-in-uj
workmsn hsvlnv iMruwl hi tnl I
turiil. II kIi-h Hilar ui th patron
ud (uaranisH utlihwiluu.
The Racket Store
We ere not w-IIIiik st iit, hut wo nn mIIIii(
cliiHr Hum iIkwii wlionin'llliiK nt owl.
we iiioti- soiiit' ui our prui:
Ladies' Shoes:
, HI 70, 2.20, 2.4(1, 2..T0,
Misses' Hose:
Ladies' Hose:
Id, 12, IS, 20 and
2ii cents.
1H, 20, 2', 30, 40 ntvl
41 wuits.
KviiryllilnK fxr inHirlliinully cln"iii.
B. F. ANDREWS, Fr0p.No rubbing. Fourth No time (comparatively). Fifth-No fuel (compara-
i i
leo Cream ami Oysters ill sciuson.
Counter Lunches, live rents and
Hoard by tho day or week.
Private Rooms for Liulit.
Open until 11 p. m.
Fanners, come with your family
and see what a nice monl you ean
get for 2!" conts.
N. P. WILDR1CK, - Proprietor.
W. O. Cook
From 5x8 up to 18x10 in German
Plato ami a large assortment oi
Ainei'iean Plates.
-RUGS- .
Of all kinds both Larpe and
From Plain Kitchen Chairs to
the Finest 1'arlor Chairs. Fancy
Uockors a Specialty, and Carpet
Bockere with Woven W ire wears.
Of all kinds and finish, Sham
hnlilRrs. Oiirtain -Poles. Window
Shades, Hut Backs, Picture Frames
and Mouldings, Stands anil Center
tables of all kinds, in either Maple,
Ash, Oak or Walnut. . -
nf nil the latest Patterns, with
Wnvim Wire Snrines. Also the
Hoey patent Sofa Bed-lounge.
Main Street, Independence,
Bat. 8 and 0 Streets.
cm ilso Fitnisi
PACIFIC 11 111
1 ' BEB .
Kattce lifhat I7e Claim for tke Puific
First A family's washing done perfectly white as snow, in 20 minutes, or
..n..-111-th tlio tlma nt unit mu..lilna nil lio murltlit &vini1'Vn lAhnr. Thinl
livwijrj. niAlil i-iu viiuiiiivain w i vji. tlio gaiujcuia. k.woMwn ..w nwiug.
jKlghth No pumping or pounding. Ninth No boiling. Tenth No wearing,
j Kleventh No tearing.
The machine wlJl save the average fumily 25 per cent per year by not rub
hlnff or wearinir the clothinir in the washlmr Drooess. to sav notliine of Its (treat
, S saviiiK of labor, fuel aud time, "Seeing
! operate oeiore you oojeci, or ouy soiuo
Read What the Prominent People of Eugene Say about the Pacific
F.UflENB, Orkook. April 1, 18SI.
We, the undemlpusl, olllnpnn of F.ugone, Orenon, lisvliift tlioroughly tented the Paciflo
WiwhlnK Hiuihlno, do iihmI rhiH-rriilly reoommend the mune to all whs need 11 rat claim
iniwhliii!. It dnm It work ikkvkcti.y in a remarkably short time, and without any labor, o
hi iipi-iik. It Is all that It 1 olnliued tu be. It t the best maoliln we have seen used, and
deen 1U work better.
A O Hovi'v, I'mident
lnel!o. Bank
T 0 Hi'ndrlc-kH, HivrI
licnt lnl National
F M Wilkin
Mm 0 PUrirltn
Mm J M Abrema
Mm KU Smith
Mm W It Abram
Mm V 1 Omiieh
Mm J J WiUton
Mr and Mm M 8 Rid
dle, I'antor of Prtm.
byuriftn Churvh.
Hum Nelwin
Mm B H Friendly
Mm I' K HnodKraM
Mm (1 M Whitney
Mr Qeo B Hall
Mm C Huff
lliuRB lien demon
Mm DrHhelton
Mm Ada Mul'heroon
Mm W B Miimmey
Mm OH Uavi
MnJ Miller
Mm DOherry
It 0 Dunn
Mm Mr D A Fuino -Mm
J K Komi
Mm Pr llHrrlit
Mm C M Horn
.Mmtli-oO lornn
MmJ 1, Kluhi-r
II Hvarverud
M1A ItEWAKl) We will pay fcYKIAir a washing wa can not wiirIi, as clean as can be
wnshmi, In one-fourth the time that is required in the old wash board plan,
AUKNTH WANTKU CVEKVWHEKK Stale and ooniity rlihw for sale, F.very family
will buv a machine when they see whnt it will do. You will not Imve to he a talker In order
to be a salesman. Hhow the ladles whnt It will do and It is sold.
Novelties in Stationery, Latest in Fancy Writing Paper, Ink-stands, Tablets,
Inks of all Colors, Pcneils, Fashion Plates and Periodicals.
Candies, Nuts and Cigars, - " Subscriptions Beccivedfor all Papers.
W. H. WHEELER, Independence, Or.
ckeafer eigycles.
is believing," so please see our machine
interior niacuiue.
X B Alley and wire,
PaMur ot Christian
Q J TravtH, Pastor 1st
Baptist Chun-b
Mm Minnie Wash
burn, PM
HA Haskell
K B Handsaker
Mm T W Jenkins
Fannie Look wood
Mm Wm Stevens
M m Sherwood Burr
Mm 8 MoConnel
Mm G Soverns
Mm John Whltakor
Hiirah F Ostium
MikT J Knmi
H V lxiwell
O A Blair nd wife,
l'nstor CP Church
Mn C Hodes
Mm Nancy Bnrvh
Mm P Oomegy
Mm 8 E Churchill
Mm J E Belsbaw
Mm Geo Belshaw
Mm KE Cleaver
Hr H T MoOornack
A E Gallagher
J W Cherry
F E Jones, Christian
A K Wheeler
A H Flsk
both of Monmouth.