iwrro ic TUC AIFQT QIDC school to a tttt Institution ami inc. COl should lw munnKtMl by residents of hU the Mute. At Noltncr, ot rort- hunt, a member of tho board, Un editor, ami you ivir yet Mt a uew(jmK!r muii w ho did not favor eduetdloii. Ah editor can not up peitl to Ignorance Pc!k County Publishing Ccrr.pany fkiday, may m. . TO CORRESPONDENTS, II WlfttN wly tot" ilr Me pti ii W rVr to Ptf thetr f iVlWs. mill. .trviit jrTsoHit ifiw $ " hKMlliV. ,Yf Me , the Mr rm tMthinq M the new. If Hit Hero aw a few lUcta which a re cent oeiwus bulletin furulshctt mi The debt per capita of the United Stttteei In ISSrt wiw W.W, and In l.stMi, fc.1Ud. Tha er capita debt of (it-cut Itriluin ami Ireland to s:.T. Tim nor capita del it of Franco to Ut,a and of the tier man I'.uiplre only t.57. The lr capita debt of the atate of Oregon in ISSO was tlSiy and In 18(H) it to one eent. and the smallest of 'any imrt of the Union except Montana ;,!.,. write itm thai' ritt f! and Utah. (I.! forOreg! The JiiYt tnml'tH your ''''' wiWty or jiaMiVoiim. f ' ftivttriUm the jimW. ltetituister(leuend Wauainnker is lamming the West. per capita debt of Polk county in tfvso wiw nothing, and in 1W it watt UU. I'olk county had a imputation, necordi ng t the censu, of 7.S.VS, and a floating del of lV.Hi. There are seven oonnth1 in Oregon out of del entirely. though the mpltal nuwt m furulalitHt ly l who th-alre a diminution of lIuMiiliikliiii wiiiii. Applying the rule to local mat ter, It would seem that our tctit twraneti peoplo idiould eitoourage rather than dliwounujo place of amusement, when the temptation j of drluklng liquor to removed. There to too much of a tendency to say to the drinking man, "We want yon to quit tWnklng, thou (piititmoklng, and playing billiard, mid we want you to go to church every Sunday.'1 The perhup re pentant tinner hih ho much of hi pleasure In life taken uway that In stead of reforming ho got ttttll far ther lu hto downward coup. Io not attempt too much In attempt ing to reform mankind. Would it not I better to win a young man from the the habit of drinking liquor even If he ithould play bil liard or smoke a cigar, than in attempting to reform hiui iu all hi had habit, fail In reforming him inanyt Real Estate TranttaM. The last coiuh on the regular lVwt master (ionenil Wttnamaker West Side trttin to an Oivgoniau ; has aeon the Wear, ami peals In eoaeU from the Kind side, ami shows) o uneorUtin tone about our need, conclusively that the a 1'. to in full j President Harrison has In Mr. j Wunnmaker a memiHr 01 um cao- I iuet who to entirely absorbed In of the State ! doing hto duty iw an omcer. He ts reiHiittHt as ayingt onlrol tif that met ' WM 814 " Can. W in l(ulil mill wiMbiTJ ltrUiiff, Until nmr KiXai inui, Jmhm Unrrli n4 wlto luC II Hrvwu, ha la lndpmlMiilMk J C HmIIhi hi J A tliuiinim, Uud iur Uwtllln;U. J t' llnlmwtli and wife U tf A Mud, laud nwr liiilrwinlmiiw; Ihim. i 11 tMiiii w I. M tivai, land amr IUIUIihii M M Kllla t at lii D M Uly, In talliwt lint, (' K tliTrrii hi C Uwlittradfir, M In Uuana KHAdklnaaadwIia lu Jwm A Adklna, land in Mimmntolt: ". J I AUkluitaud wlfti Ut Mm II A Adklna lam! In MiMiiiiiiiiili; n, A K riwklHif' and wlf in U M Im Jean, low in lmllj ri.V K A INHIortiiii anil win- lu K Slivllvy, laud III MiHtinmitliitlW I lvlii. and wlft! In I, f tilllnn, land In Italian; IW, l.m(viliumilaj K,ni.il, lm III Hon mottiii: rM I. J Klkliw and wife Ki J tvmMlft, ! In 1 tliU'lK-ltrtrlli-t-: J llnllrr and Willi la J Mrrla, land bmi KidamntX W ft Whiiiimn and wira l c W and T W Itarr.iml M al Mimminilhi IUX Jmlnirtin and wiri' lull Hlivllry, land In Mimntiiulli) tan, r faiivniHt and win- In II Harrla, bin In inlimikniiliW Win Jihim and tv ut J'llian llulm, laud BMW VMtSl iMlk Und lit K hi 1Ufn, dil In Tal iiinav MMtr I ndoiimtint KMI, f oi K llrer M ItotxHwa llarrla, lnw In WlilU'tadillll w lndwiidimtw: tfi. VEGETABLE PANACEA ROOTOCk HCROS ronTNtcuncof 1 llnn Hill mnl lf l W M !, kit in In- Man who aliilli'rs, ut Itin-im Vlla j dindwi( M m my ddi-ar, 1 M-lov you. V. , ii-rMliii..di(i.:i?nUan.i.M.in ... iii lllilr,lrtld,,.'UI, W-wlll you b-b-lie K I Hunilwiii mitl KUi I Hill, laud b- lilrl from tiulipiiiiknv( hi a nuttier i ii mi, of feel wav-Ttiat will ttii t il" not HAOnwiaiid winm J aiiliird, land l ,.M i,ii lh Inaliilliitttlit'iow Hlifldatl. The indebtedness Normal achool, thanks to the lib vnd citiMi of Monmouth, Iudtv I iroxj to Improve the nutll m-rvlisf .....i.,. .l ..rh.,1- i.inls. has at lit "a WW Uy uiilcKvuinif me nine i . i i" . ,ii Th., i.,oii.it achHlult,lmTv.lim the wiH-kliigfir last all Uhm, pan. tiMami4m4Utoiutb eoiitributeii to that school b las)-, mA t,M,,,(n( ,,, (tVit ,u.wry pie in this county iu the last two, j ,uve iHW, B.iivert to yeai-s has btu over 12,wm. j u, rimulrwiieiita and dHiiamU of the jrvat Wiwt, JliTvtufiim wla-n a em- r - 1... ... ...jk I.. IINMIII It has Ihh'u reliably aseerli lucn hi the fume of lila kmd jhwI- plan. You tmeht to niaki' lve to a tlonf iitule. i Uhi, lulu In Tat that out of ls. cases ot anceesNui . a k amm irttwr Imiirovouwut swindling throughout the state by j n tie m .rvix, I haw ant tit-re wid dl tnivclins shariMrs, in various ways, i. tuw.i.t.i nf tho rural tlis-! t niyw'lf that he wa Irk-U were robUsl. some to the et- j ' ''"""rt f b5,,M!:' I " , , , ' . ,lU. lown; imw I am the wariiKt advianie ti-nt of thousands of dollars. oiil . t .nVM-ir th IiulltiN atuti'Mtinn (eoumli'iitlally, t a op IHMctl frltMul front IiideHmleiire) We pan Jnal lnt litem Mk-ra at my- thtnif. Why I (eiiihulatlwilly I worked on a ferm w hen 1 was only one year old. Iutk'Hiitl(niy man iumklnt! Ida Ulen tliy koowiD-What did ywi do on a farm at that early aw? JHtllaa man (honeatly) Mllkiu. Tin uleM-iiiltiitw mini has been wdug dlallllisl anule worm grwte on hia furehiwt aJtuw, and aaya when au- ' . . ,. .t . . . a I ... t la eotuiUst htm all the time. 1 haw aal.l ! inner imuaa mint p ia nun k. ...... . liilUilst with the ; will ! finny weaim-r. v i it t , i . o:nt - AND AIL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO mOMA DISORDERED STATE T STOMACH OH AN INACTIVE LIVE R. rON ajALK Wt AUL DRUCSISTS ft tXNCRAL OCALERSJ - Have Just Iteoelvwl Direct From the Factory a Car loud of the CELEBRATED - BAIN WAGONS. Also a Irge Aasortmeiit of HACKS, CARTS and CARRIAGES. -And iii Few Hays Will Ifcseeive a Carload of Plil : I- All Ji if mm BUGGIES Direct From tha KAHT. BUGGIES Built to ORDER. Soaaid Ru wer, thai vnratrat of Novell!, and aeve apoke mare truly, and he wight nit tea kait added with equal force, that aural " ...I m ta in teacne oi auceeet, wiaooia I rilk (' Und I n lu M ' nimi-s MO, i It Slwllry Iii A INowrwiii, laud In Mint. lllmllli; $ti. H U Irniip and win lu II HinK-lilwm, hil In liitwiiilra; tun. tVilk Ui Und 5o hi T J kaa In Tal- mnv. .m. . .. ! W C llrn In I. ( I'arknr, land tirar IMIa; MuryK 1 1 writ to XI IUylr, laud 8ar tHUIas (lull; ' W I. Il1,inaiid aih-Ki NiMI)1 Hill, Ma In Indvimidiiunr, IM I. Julia Mim-7 l'i K Hldwall, krt In JI.hiuioiiIIi; . U T Stanley til II K Ut, lull In Muttniitatbl !, J X W Mi-IMH hi f'mry Bma, land In Kino Vallry; (.IU. IjuirallarrUttaltn A A CaUnm, Ma lu Mmituimih: tl. oCH Id'uloJ H irimm.iiU, a.i niwr KIikh ValWy; iuu, I MrNKIVkht II K Imw, land In rallt Miiiiiimuili Uwla r (l Utile boy) i fur, no. nine or ten were aubscritters "' 1 mcmu.r fwm I'allforula. rentiers of the home county laijH'ra. Clint, rIvo me a aenteuw where "tuil" Is timtl at a cmijuiictUnt. flint the eiatt but the boy. . . Monmouth li-wher-llow l but I Many good peoplo waste their w B w),jUnt., there? iUliu.k iiitil Mil(Ullll1tka)l 11(1 ftttHi fori Ml.-i I a .v-,- I .,, I-.l ullli llm MUIV W."a-a" V Illli Vlin IW V aa-'J There is no safeguard like newspaper. Nothing can tl ,uore humanity leeause, although their yunt, to keep np a town and help "'j Mentions are good, they art tH nes. ineiowii imw supihhib ; m.UiHh and inut datl In Ineir tie good ltK-.il itiH:r is the town that to j umiiK They believe that the sa Mic.vssful and growing, and thej)HI) js tie lMirs of humanity, and newswijwr that keeps up with and J wju,u something is proiaeaHl in a little in advance of the town's ; j,U4 0r tj,e k,,,, while it will growth is the ouo that will live j eul,,,.taju umi amiLsewill l a grade long and prosper. letter, they raise their hands in - 1 holy horror, and say "No! No! not The UuitedSUUojW.irsliip('hart-j that!" We believe that the great in il C U It ( Vi t H A tJnw, S ai'rm nr Hall. urn; IW.,W. i Mann hi A J Ktll'Ht. land tnr Italian; V Murdarare Aaerahanded. Robrnlna it the eynonytn of aterit end Ita blatorr ta nccca. The Baikal e- fret of this preparatloa have beta attaav ed by thonaanda of the leading ladle of oclate and the Mage. It kt the oale arti cle ever diaeovered which gtvee a ffttmf tl and Btattliml tint to the eonpltiioai, at the aaaie time renoviat ail rounhnaaa of the fare and arma and letving the kin toft, amooth and eeleete. if baa lone been the atudy of chemlate to pro duve an article that while it would toa tff the completkm would elao have the eierit of being karmbu, but tbaae two Itupurtant qualittre were acver brought njvtlier until eoniMned la WISDOM'S ROBERTlfiD. Tlieao Ulgn were ordered early last Fall and built especially for tbla trade, they are oneqnaled for Finish Durability and Frioe, ' We also have a few of the Cinclnatta buggies, which we can sell to anyone wanting cheap Rig. We also carry a full and complete line of First class iiHARNESS, ROBES, WHIPS. A Full and Complete Stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tin ware, Pumps, Pipes, Fittings, Shingles Etc. Plumbing and Tinning Neatly Sorie. COME AND SEE US. THE PIONEER STORE! or- SHELLEY & VANDUYN stoii which hits Ihh'ii chasing aroumt atler the Chilian insurgent war .ship Ituta lots not yet captured that vessel, and the Impression is that for some reason she does not want to do so. It behooves our govern ment to Iw tstrefal altout uggressive warfare. We are a slay at home nation, and should keep within the three-mile limit if we would avoid complications. Should any of our sulwcrilxsrs fail to get their paper regularly they will please notify us by postal card, and as far as lies in ourjiower we will cheerfully supply all "liss ing numbers. Occasionally papers get lost in the mails, and without investigating the matter the sub scriber jumps to the conclusion that his paper was withheld by the publisher. Make your complaints direct to us and wo will see that yon get the paper regularly. mistake of reformers consists their having an idea Unit unlets the world comes to their standard at one jump, that InternitHliate sta t ions are of no use. These thoughts are suggested from a rcUct made to an official of this city stating that the saloons and b'lliard halls should be suppressed. Many ier sons who admit that iiitcmeraur is an evil would take Issue alxmt a game of billiards lieing harmful. la Ixindou. Knuland, and other great cities, one of the most sue cessful plans of lessening Intemper ance has been iu supplying social plans of meeting, conducted on the an me plan us a saloon, but having coffee Instead of liquor. We quote from an editorial on the "Coffee House rian," published in the Chi eago 1 itvr th-ran: A drt ll alienee follow a In which there t pic ul v of loud tirvulhliitf. Young littlv (to dia.-tr) -Un'tah, do' you evalt damn the lanixirH'? JKa'tnr No, mwlnm; but t have lanced the ilitnvr oil ninny in-lon. (htlaa (of Kalla ftlyl Did you lieah de itaemn any tlut whtwla-rhml "tole hla ptimpklun would g to tie Nul plaoe? I'niutioetl colored pemon lleah! h.-ali! ittll't I gttiil IJilliln'l -leiil ittifllii' hut titlitatifi's. KI.KtTHKAI.. Ttn-ni wa a IIUI dudo Inmi Olurr, Wlio luld bin band un lwtrl wlrr. Tliy burlwt a boot and aiaallnw-lnlliMl tin I Hut Oiv nut waa niiiuiiimt In lhi lire. Has just received an Flegaiit Mne of The man, W. M. lbtrtiour, of Iln utt, who waa niurli nvl In Portland, mid who muiderera were unknown, ' lu al IumI Laat1tewaa n ii v iw eHon'Mi w ' ----- - have lieea apprehendisl, Oa Wtsluea day tiny were arreted at llutle Ulty, Molilalia, ud were treixil there from I'orllund, Oregon. lUrboiir, who waa a Halng inerehanl j of llxtiimi, and married but a abort Hum, eiune to l'orlbtitd on a matter of buidiica on the llneenlh of April. In wan to return to his home on the all- j lecitth, but all triwTof him waa !( . after he lull the I (niton hoirna on the evenliiKof the Hftefiilli, The young ! wife did mil know what hi initke of t the myalerliHta dlwiiieamiiee of her ; IiiuUhhI. Hhe knew that lie could not have diverted her and aha feared the worst. The matter woe finally placed 1, H. Thla poem waa found etched j In the hand of the Portland police, In a pune of window gliiKa aiipxwl to t and ulthoUKh they madeevery effort to have twit cut there by llie ilude'a llml the miimitiK man iney outaiueo no du tuuhJlsl (pi i In all the New Styles and Tattcrns, and are now ready for the spring trade. These gtHUi are direct from -NEW .-. YORK- . fcaatia mm 1 1 4V rr WT Kliiwtly dliintood pin. Solomon A. Craven. Among the uiciNt practical ahemea for the promotion of teniiertiiiee la thai which Is known a the coffee-hoiwe plan. It hu been In oa'ratlon for aonieyeant in Great Ilrituln, and, as we understand, la hi its tentative stuKt! I.. V V....I; II Id nniluMiul til irlvn It investigation regarding the reading ( a UM n VMmiK Tlie uriitkhig Imblt tastes of the public has found that! ll(tt)m(,Ht w,oIly wwlul; it hua lawn in circulation libraries, where all j Ulj,ted by many as a relief from care ,.i.,Liu,a ,fW,L-M aw rr.u. that those lor aniialor. "Give HtroiiK tlrllik unto An eminent writer who made an who at first read only trashy litera ture gradually, of their own accord, him thut la ready to perish, ami wine unto Uiohb that lie of heavy hearts," Ilia are those who read kind of iKsiks. ' " -7"' ! miA Momon, the great and wine. rean more soim uu-rwio tbulthe drinking habit Is not no tiiste for residing having been suf- nU(, on uUt(Jom 0f inherent vice iu of liciently cultivated, they are satis- j lulwd wearlnwa. Men Imta wruleh fied with standard authors only. cdnwaand love pleasure, Cponknowl Those who read trashy literature edge of thla why not proceed todevlne scarcely any pleasure tnai is not neeuug mm un- j IOWCCI liy HtJVITnTUiii" vi iimhi; uh'iumrh I wenrliiinH and wrettdietlniaei than that - whii'h It briefly aupplanta? The coffee- Independence has always dealt j ", the plan la to be as brUllanta. 1 . , . j , , ny w ue shop or beer-hall. It Is to lie liberally with Monmouth in help- j, m llfiwj an(, of t)e ing pay and build up the ormal . llrMliU pUbllc-houMc, u well adorned school, two years ago raising I.IOO ( wjtn the giitusrlng ware iw the aaliKin ami this year nearly 1000, and it'f the t'nlted Htales. It U to be a place does seem as though those who ' where men can smoke und crack Joke have the expending of money at ! or , politics or alt and m,.llh,te. . . - ii . ,..i ii. The coffee-house was the restlug place VI l ill II 11 ,11 II 1 ill nut ienn;nu;i ui who have always stood by them aiid been their staunch friends. Speaking of ourselves would not be in good taste, but we understand that a great ileal of work both for the business men and the school lias been sent to Portland and else where when it might have been done in Independence us well and at as small or even less expense uud talking place of Addison, Johnson, Steele and till the wits and politicians of Oiiceti Anne's reign. There In no reason, other thiin thai of custom, why the coffee-house of the plan should not serve us a nursery for the lubor poll Helmut of this era. us the coffee-house of (juecn Anne's time served In Its day. The project certainly is worthy oftrlul. Of course It must not be offered to the wuge-earuer, for whom, niuinly, It Is Intended, as a charily, uor openly us a '.. 1.,.... u fi.innllv Wlilicr IllilV ho refurmatory ugent. 1 1 must lie ollered . .,., i... f w ; us u business experiment. . the man itnuw n oci.. of ft of twenty.flve pllU1 i cofl'ce-liouscs, started iu un English rr,. , i r .t f Ho. Shite, i town by the temperance icople, reisirts v , ,k1 , fin,,ifiui I, whiln dividend of 12 per cent, upon the cup Urinal school at Monmouth, w bile mk vm the appointments are somewhat ol 1 altm.llvii lttUage,i with the a surprise to many, are all men of intelligence and ability, and while ll 18 prouawio no e.i.nvv,i;.nii; nuii- agement of the school will be in augurated for local interests, they are men who will take a great pride in seeing the school prosper. Only one is a resident of Monmouth, and on that account the selection is par ticularly a good one, since the shrewdness displayed by saloon kct'iicrs, und proved profitable from the first, Meals were served cheaply and elegant ly, as I hey arc In those saloons where they have lunch or restaurant attach ments. Customers were made to icei ut home. The result has been a nota iiin reform In the Uvea of many who hud been frcouentera of sulooim Equally, of course, the experiment, to be successful, must not Is; under the Solomon A. Craven died April 2i, ISOl, nged 30 yearn, fi months and ? days. He wit born In Mimoiirt, and at the age of live years Ida parents with their little family came to Oregon slid located In I'olk county, but hi a few years the parents both died, leaving two anus und a daughter, thcclderof whom la the aubject of this sketch. Solomon made a profession of religion lu 1S77, and nulled with the ltuptU church and rcuiitliifd In thai relutloa to hla death. Aa fur as hla menus and heullh would penult, he sought to obtain nn education, smdlng two yearn In Me Mlnnvllle college and one term In Port land business college, from whence he came to Independence, and for three years was In the employ of Mr. L. W. llols-rtaon as druggist; at the end of this time Mr. llobertwin took him to as a partner, and began business lu lluetia Vista, when he formed the acquaint ance of Miss Helen Hpunhllng, with whom hu was united In marring!' lu the autumn of 1W. Throe years before his death his health la-gun to decline, but until a few mouths since he was able to attend to uuslueas, and always bore the name of being fallhful ami true. He waa an honored member of Bueiia Vista Lodge of I. O. O. V. for some years, and the bereft widow do- sires hereto express her thankfulness to the lodge for their untiring Interest In the welfare of herself und husband during his protracted Illness, also to say she will ever hold hi great fid re meuibrunce the kindness shown by t he members of Valley IiOdge No. 4, lu I ndependence, during the last days of her departed one, and b thank the many friends for the tribute of respcel paid to the deeetweit ou the funcrul oc casion. The brother, thu sister, llie widow, all sorrow, but not us those who have no hos. II. r.. .,.. Grange Plonlo. The grunge pienlo ut Jllckrcall June 5 and 8 Is going to lie largely attended. The program Includes HieecheH, music, and plenty to eut. J. C. White, the president of the grange, will deliver the address of welcome, commencing ut 10 o'clock Friday, June 8, followed by the Declaration of Purposes by 11. C. Mc Tlmmonds. After dinner there are to be. speeches by nteitilierH ol Stiver grange, by lecturer Win. Holder, and H.K. Hays of state grange, by mem bers of Mono grange, by Mill creek grange, and by llullstoii grange. The second day's program include speeches or. essay by Pleasant Valley grange, by Salt Creek grunge, by Oak View grunge, also a speech by Hon. It, P. llols; and after dinner speeches by visiting grangers, by members of Dalbis grange, by Oak Grove grange, followed by volunteer speeches. truce of him. This was a mystery for the pollie t clear up, and although they had but a alngle thread to work on, they Anally succeeded In dolug it. Detective Hurry took up the clue fur nished by the watch in the pawnshop. Ho learned thai the watch had been traded for a cheap silver watch. He got a divurlptloti of the men, and also of the diamond ring worn by Ibtrbour when be was lust aeen alive by hi friends. This ring the murderers did not nawu, and by It they were traced to the Sound, ami lluiilly to llutle, Montuim, where two of them were under iirrest for vagrancy. The tell tale ring wus fouud In the poawaaion of one of the men. On the third of May the body of au unknown man waa found floating in the river bctwmi the logs at Pennoyer' mill. ApN-arances indicated that the body lind been In the water at least ten days or two weeks, The forehead waa crushed In and through a bullet-hole lu the back of the head the brain were (sizing out, A ficarf-plu found on the body led to lis Ideiitillcittlon. It was the body of Wm. M. Bnrbour, the mis sing U'btiuou merchant. A YlOOROCi KICK. A ManhaaCa Wlf tha Boater Caatoatlaw A DannnolaUoB. A well known merchant who bat batn fnatl) bcaoQUad b; Joft Vatatabla Sanaparllla, datlM to lr It to bli wllo, who wai vary dalle!, but outofoautloo lint eoorallad bli pbyilctan, Dr. W. II. Ortawold o( HO Markal itmt Thodoctof who a oa ol oar lead log practUloaan objattad aylof babad uerer attnaianapartlla tbat did not aentalo potaih, wblca Iblooad tha elood that hit patient did sot havt air TlUHtjr to lot and Ibat what dtlloat paopl ntad li not d ctaanad Tlttlltjr. but mot blood. Ba eooNnt wbtnanuradlbal Joy't Vafttabl aanaparllll waa directly oppoatdto tb old mlitakto blood thtnalDf Idea ot other Hnaparini I, and that oa tb contrary br apeolDo regetabl Itaratlre II MlDUlated tb excretory org, pr aoted dlgea Uod, aod repaired nutrition, beace created aa blood and wai tb Tery thing lor leebl paopl Tb tw ipllo lb bundredi ol cue Id Which ged, enfeebled, delicate ad rua down people, bar beta built p by Joy Vegetable Samparlll alter tba potaib urieperlllu tailed It tteoU ere creating a leuittloa. & . Jb aettner, il -AND- i e j. t - eJElT3ET jae3ijS!333 SAN FRANCISCO . ewe)'-ei!Hi-w---wt " f rr wnr ej.wwrw www it Our Clothing is Immense. Our Hats are Complete. Our Shoes are First-class. Our Facilitit for doing Business are Uncqqnlod in the County. Good Quality mid Fair Price is our Motto. We welcome One and All. SHELLEY & VANDUYN; Independence, Oregon. If you want T11K ItKMT, buy Iliril'O NORTHERN HLtFlO oku ir.v If llie Mrchiit you di'iil with diwanot kwp tlicm eiuid Ui Al.l.EN dlrH. Ho pay the posUiKA. Ikailtmil Cillnlngno will free. Addrvu: C.W.ALLEN, Second St., rORTLANI), Or. j. d. mm I am always busy, have just time to nay Tbat in these dull times I have no dull day; Of course one day may be hotter than another, For trade is good or bad, somewhat like the weather. You will find in my store an elegant stock Of Groceries, Canned Goods, sold at bed rock; Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery and Glass; At the prices I Bell them you surely can't pass. I buy lots of produce or take it in trade, And give the fame price as though all cash were paid. My goods are best quality, my prices are low, My goods speak for ine wherever they go. TME GROCER. W. E. GoorJell Successor to H. D. Waller, -DCAlCR IN I AND ALL KINDS Of- lUlfjjl iP 171 July t. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH, MY BKCKi TOP IT NOW, OON IT Wilt " TOO UTi. I have beta troubled nun? were with duwaee of the kidney, and be tried way different remcdlee and hem eougM aid fro diffrreot phyetci.ni without relleC Aboul the 15th of April 1 wa. eu Bering from a eery eioleal eltack that alnoal proetnted me la eucna manner m 1 iw. Wh I eat down K wm .lmoal ImpoMjhle for m, to get ap .lone, or to pot oa r "kea kind Prorldfnca tnl Dr. Henley, wli the OKKGON KIUIIBV OUI, i mj hotel. I Immediately aommenctd mlDf the tea. It h.d aa almoat mlruulouc crTect, and to the eetoa bhuent ofaU the ga-u at tha hotel, la a few daye,I am heppy to euie, that I u sew man. I wn recommend tb lea to all .rBldi ae 1 bete beea. . . O. A. Turrita, Froprtetor OcddeaUl Hotel, NO MORE BACKACHE! 7 nil 1 I 11 MRS. A. M. HURLEY, Millinery; Fancy Goods Kelt to Independent National Bank. Indihndinci, Oanooif. Lewis Kelso, -0K.VI.Klt IN DRY AND FANCY GOODS Ladies and Gents Fur nishin; Goods. Most Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes In the City HEAD And be Convinced. 72 Steel tooth iron harrow, 20. 5 nnd 7 tooth cultivators. The best horse shoeing. The Is'st lu Iron Steel or Wood --AT- E. E. Kmgd's. Best price paid ft t Old Iron and ! Castings, j Main St,. Independenue. Foot Wear of Extra Quality. Ngw Roods Arriving Every Vsk My stock la now more complete than ever before. Shall be pleased to have all the customers of the store continue trading, and hope t iuduee many to trade who never did before. In connection with my store is A REPAIR SHOP Where boots and shoe can be repaired or manufactured nnder the management of M. A. BAKER. Rememlier the name: W. E. GOODELL, Main Street, - - Independence MlM Ada Judeon. Mm. Wllliaiue. JUDSON & WILLIAMS, DRESS MAKERS CUTTING UNO FITTING A SPECIALTY. New Bank Building, Independence. DRESS MAKING! MISS GEORGIA KISOR, Monmouth Ht, Independence llmeece made to order, and cutting don on the beat and inoet nwMlern Kyuteni. A trial Will convince that Imy ayatein la baaed on eclentlflo prlnclplee and I ur to pleaee mypatrone. Price reaaonable and work lurnUhed aa promlacd. DAMON & HUBBARD Sueeessort to ELKINS & CO., PROPRIETORS OF , CityTruck aod Transfer Co. Hauling of all Kinds Done at Keasonable Bates. Mill Feed, Oak, and Ash Wood FOR SALE. far-Collection Made Monthly INDEPENDENCE, OREGON