INDBPBNDBNCB 1THIS PAPERS Is the best advertising medium In Polk county, aud constantly growing better. . TBT XT. .JOB PRINTING 1NTM VERY LATEST STYLES at Tim LOWEST FOSSISLC RATES, INDEPKNDKNCE, POLK COUNTY, OKl'GON. FRIDAY, MAY 29, 109 1. live Cunts l'er Copy. NO. 29. VOL. VIII. $2.00 Per Year. ' "THE DC 1 THE WEST SIDE IIWIKD nv Polk County Publishing Company cim i orton. mms. Itetltpmt Kl li 1'iMt.iiini' In Imleneii denee, Orvon. awund-elaa matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. v I'AVAIII.a IS AtlVANl K, tin Vwr . . , . fJ,(X fix Mimllia ' - , - . ?. . '. , j,(M Tlitv Xlitlilha . . Jfcl All marriage mid death nut lee not Mnwl' In Hv Hum will lv wnened Ire, AH ivr Ave Itiitw will h eharavd Itv twuta per lino. Korlny obituary monition will b charged aw l lit ml ot Uv in i nr lino, ActilmM all emmmtnlealtona Air pulilltwlliin U 1 in Wmit Bins, mut mnku Hll nmttinmi ybl lu tha l"ul Ouuiitjr Putillahlng Oroi. luiy. TO ADVERTISERS. Independence t lurwted l th head f navi gation (llif moat r III vvari.on Hi Wlllam Ml Hwr, ami on Hi main lln tif III Oretron riiHIurnln KntlMadt runtaliit population o( put pimple; I Hi principal atitmiln point air th count, will.' It la tin of III large.1, mint wmltliv unit tliUSly populated In til WlllMitvtM Valley. EKCKKT SOCIKTIKH. A. O. l. W.-INnKPKNIRNt!R UHHIK NO, Si. meet every Mtmdav uluht in Miuonlr IihIU All atdounilng hp.itiu.ra Invited tuattend. JAMKH (ilHMO.N, M, W, K. V. DAl.TON, Uecorder. VAU.KV, l,ii,(i, K ml In Ma- -W2,md rvriinig, Alli'UU rcuuw r "W2 eonllally InvllMt u v tiiul. . T,U.HtVKK,N.U K.A. WtTY,Srrtry. 1AON No. JR. A. F .t A. .M, MluH'il wiiii m tin Ink- I on mi nr Ix-mr mil in.H.n vli mntn una two wck lirnrii.r, J. W.lliwtfr. W. M. PHYSICIANS DBNTISTIY. LEE & BUTLER, , Physicians & Surgeons. U. S. Examining: Surgeons. Offlc: ul ld Of MftlB St., ISDKMSPINCR, ... 0KQO DK. J. K. LOCKE; Physician - and - Surgeon. Buana VliU, Oragen. J.M.CROWLEY, Physician andSurgeon MONMOUTH, OR. DK. J. B. JOHNSON. Resident Dentist All work wrrnld to lv Hie bwt f mllnhwUim. JSDKI'KNMJXfK, (lltK(K)S ATTOUXEYS. A. M. HUE LEY, Attorney and Counselor at Law. OfflK Next to Indrpfodi-uo N(it'l Uuk. Iudcpntluce,Or. u if nullum. H. N. IliUfdtn. W. HI"'W BONHAM. HOLMES t HATOtH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW OFF1CR IS f8H HI-OCK, Ilntwrrn Sll nd Court, RAI.KM, OK, on lomim'rt'iiu nu "miscellaneous. C. S. McNALLY, iRCHITENySHTSM,lN KOOM8 fl 1 llt'SH-HBEVMAN III-OCH, COMMEHOIAL T, 6A1.EM.OR. S. A. PARKER, Munufucturer ud dlr In Sash! : Doors, : Moulding, ; Etc, Kull nuick of Oliwn, ll nlw. kopt oonntantly on hand. HM'dlnl raum on contract. Factory on R. II. trtt uer dnpot. CITY HOTEL, C St.," Independence. JAMES GIBSON, Prop Firnt clnM in every reitpeot Special attention giveu trBnsient cuntomen. nample room for commercial traveler. BRICK YARD J. R. COOPER Of Independence, having a steam engine, a brick machine and several acres of finest clay, is now prepared to keep on Land a fine quality of Brick, which will be sold at reason able prices. -:TIIE:- Willamette Real Estate Co. Independence, - Oregon. TratiBUCtB a general Keul Kntute IJuhI newt, buy and sellit Property, enecw ItiHurunceand does a general Conveyance Bunlnewi. rartle. having Lands for role will 11 nd It to their advantage to List Their Property .Mil. 11.1.. n a HiAV AMI flllllV Willi MIS MJIUJlllliJi nn wv " sending list of land east, thus piao- ing desirable property before the i erew - dents of the Last. JAMES GIBSON, J. W. KIIIKLAND. . President. Hccretury. HANKS. KuttilllitHl by Nnllonitl Atilhorlly, -TIIK-" IRST NATIONAL BANK. nf Indvptintttiaee, ttrvRttii, Capital Stock, Surplus, $80,000.00 $10,000.00 it .H.COOPKU, W. KOHKHWON," VUm I'nwldcnt. I'rmltlitnt, W. It MAWI.KV, 0lilr. DIRECTORS. . K l!wr, U W. Kotwrtium, lwl Hulmlrk O. W. Wl)ltkr, W. W. Culllmt. A general hanking liiulnnM tronaaeled. Itny Mid ll exi-hunge int nil Important point, Hpoalt received HubJooi t" eheek er- lineal of dapualt. I'oIImm lull mud. Offle lioum; t ft. m. U i p. m. THli inn-i-.sntci: National Bank I Capita) Stixk, $50,000.00. It. IlllWt IIIIKItt), . Prwldont. AHltAM NKIJH)N, Vlt Pnldnt. W. P. CONSAWAY A (rntiral luinkln( ftu'd xi-linito bu.lliM triiuuH'inl; lontw Mmd, bill dlHiunltd,nn niffroiul crvdll nuild; dill riwld on etirmit nuutit auliKt to lieek, Inlvmt lUd on tllll tlfpnall. WUKCTOKH! JtMhu. Mrnll, II. H. Jnnnxin, A. J. (kxidiimn, H. Hlrrfhlwrt. A. Mlm, T. i, I. A. Allen, (KHtttliliMued by atlttt ul Authority.) Til K Capital national Bank OF SALEM OREGON, ffl jmid up, $10,000.00. Surplua, $16,000. H.H.WAM.ACK, W.W.MAItTIN, Pnldtnt, VlilrlilBiiU J, H. Al.llKHT, Ciuhlor. LOANS MADE To 'rninion whwit and other mrchnllil produrv, roimliined or In Mor. elllier In prl vl gronerltM or public wrvhon.i. lirnlUdiikwn direct on New York,fliio, Han Kmnclxii, I'ortlitr.d, lundon, I'urii, Ht lln, Hoiik Kong and t.'uti-uilm THE POLK COUNH BANK, MONMOUTH, OftlOON. frM'nt, (Portland).... ..T. A. MrRHM iiiu iA . P I. PAUIHIKI.L Cwhltt L 0. r0WKL,b 111 Capital Slock, Ptia Up, (50,000 23,000 DIRBOTORSi H:"ritMP ISAAC M SI MI'SON V. B, liUri ER. A. H, OHIOOS. r.L CAMHUKUU a tonkin bn.lneM trttiwinl. t mmiU iwld tnblwil t hei. or on rrtltlri ul detlt. Ii mada. bill! rtlfounted ai i'hanbouihtaudold. Intctaal ald on lima rtrlxMlt riwprnot nltnd burglar prool aala. totir4 y vai Una loca MT-Offloa honra ( a. a.to4p. Good and CHEAP We have tho largest and Ul'Al Stock of Harness ever brought to this Section. All Our Own Manufacture. Our Whips are direct from the Factory and are the best ' out of 150 Stylef. Trimming at reasonable Prices. Beamer & Craven. TAYLOR'S Cash Grocery & Bakery ON 0 STREET. . Freih Broad, Plea and Cakea on hand STr daj axoapt Sunday. rail and frenh atonk of oannsd goodi, lur. Mas, coffua, augar, candles, elgara sud tobaoooa, P. . TAYLOR, Proprietor. H. II, Pattkbsob. . P.PATTItlUIOK, PATTERSON Bros,. DRUGGIST -DIAI.BE in- WA1CEES, CLOCKS MD JEWELTLY, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. W. G. SHARMAN, , , Ft" ' 1 I j m rr, yipf Q 1 A j 1Y1C1V.-11U1I V iunwt i MB C STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOFEICE. Suits in Any Style Made to Order AT HEAHONAIILK BATHS, HENKLE & IIKAt.KIIH IN FfifvllLY QBOCERI TAKEN IN 1CXCHANOK KOK GOODS. iUSTER USTER 'USTER DRUG DKAI.I'.IIH Drugs, Medidse: Spenaaa, Bruahaa, Parfumary. Sohool Beaka and ArtlaU Suppllaa. A Pull stock of Watehai. Clooki and -Phyalelana' Praaerlptlana MAIN STREET, E. C. PENTLAND, Real INSURANCE AMD Main St., bet. B and Tim n.l iMiufo niiirt.,! lai.iili.l tint T in.i ilium v nf iav lOmlm fur itiv frlcniU to ilitiii III mill nut tlieinwlvtn; niul It anyone luis cimmw in iiikxih hi n-iti hiv.Jimi.iita In oHliitn tin not Hi t of land whlfb tltev wmit whlt'li Isttlsmt to Iw IhiukIiI up y some one i liey soiiii'tlnifs t't a liltlf axelu-d. VVe w Uh llttue having nul vstnta for aal to wine In uiul lei u help yon wll It. I'lmt Is our tiiisliuito lirlng buyer niul selltT ttiKolhfr.niitl we ilo not know of itiivone wh wonUI U'lrrudge pnylng us a n.,i.iiluyl,,ii llmv tftit tho tirltvtt tit'liiillitU'tl. ... . -i' " .,1 We lliivo a vory itltrut'live nm tu persons wiiti otiiiieinpiiiie purcntiiting in I iltl A illttfre trnettif land, uulniprovl, but Jint tbe very lt of hup laud. It will pity someone Pki jicr tfiil,. mi Hie liivfslmtnl. WK A 20tiere Init tof fruit or Rralii litiul, wltluli Is beuutlfully loetttetl. The prit-e Is tisi low to rtMimlu long without takers, lino Uwi'lltntr house, four rtsmm (now). JubI the thliitf for an ortllnary-slMHl ftinilly. Two finely lisaietl lots. Terms, one-luilf essli. Oil-I'lve lots on one of the be! bbsks lu Moiiuuiutli. The five for only ftii'i Mtt'h. Juittltlnk of It. Cull niul see tl almtlt It ntonee. ft'iU Two lots on A txiriM-r In Hill's ailillllon, JUally worm ftOO at proseiit iirliva. Terms ptutv. 6000-A fruit farm near town, with new Just tliree-fourtlis of a tulle INDEPENDENCE, HAS NOW, AND PROSPECTIVF, Ma ny Acl va ntages. FIRST. -A RAILROAD CEM TER.- Independence to Corvallisby S. P. R. R. Independence to Portland by " " ' Independence to Falls City by Motor Line. Independence to Salem by Independence to Astoria by A. & S. C. R. R. Independence to Albany by " ; " A HOP CENTER. The present area in Hops, tributary to Indepeudonco, will soon bo trebled. The amount of income will reach in a few years , at least one million dollars. The adaptability of our lands for special fruit-raising, such prunes, pears and apples; will employ hundreds of men; bring into tho country thousands of dollars, and make our farming lands worth from two to three hundred dollars an acre, tfruit raising will bring canneries and fruit dryors. SUGAR BEET RAISING The rich bottom-lands of this section aro peculiarly well adapted to raiscng sugar bcete, the profit, above cost of produc tion, being estimated at from thirty to forty dollars an acre. One sugar factory will call into use over 3,000 acres of land, in creasing it value half a million dorian, and employing labor. WALKER, OCKE, OCKE, iOCKE, IN Jawtlry. Rapalrlna Naatly Dana. Carafully Campauntladr INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. state! LOAM AGENT. C, Independence. Imvi- nil iillnti'livn tin I lie limi.'l fmniu i tun nit- Hrwni, .uimi iinminn lutrrlitllv. nlitl vet. wlii'M lln'V wt n Irnt't ..i. 1 A.i..iA jmiis - rty in mifr inn ww nun esti nuti v us v umv. " iim ' fences and btilldlnirs, for ttM) an acre. rroin me new seiioui uouw. COAST NEWS. Et-Attorney Ueneral J. F. Alexander of Mcvailft tiled very recently at Orange, Ul. Kan Francisco lias nut In her bid for the uatlonal volition! convention next year. Evidence tn the Colusa election fraud case ahows that many men whose names were raoortled aa having voted did not vote at all. Stephen Venard, fainons as a hunter of highwaymen, died in Nevada City, UaL, aged 07 years. He came to uia plj;? in the early fifties. A Chinese laxaretto has been estab lished on Dsxcy Island, about twenty miles from Victoria, B. C, and five pa tients have been taken there. The Petaluma Fruit Packing eompany us commenced work for tba sessou on cherries. The company expecta to pat up during the season 75,000 cases, The court have decided that Ban Dleiro must nay the Coronatlo schottl teachew their salaries from the 84th of tXtolsf, 1889, up to the data of the In oorporstlon of Uoronado City, Representative Herman of Oregon has reeoiumended to the secretary of the interior the appointment of John W. Crawford of Salem as agent for the Umatilla Indians, vice Lea Morebouse, , resigned. ,. . (Itarles Hawley, a laborer from Mo di to, Cal., ha been awarded at Stock ton a verdict of $2,000 damages against the Southern Pacific Railroad company for being ejected from a Pullman car in ! December, 18S0. ' The 1100.000 of Helena, Mont., city bonds, the issue of which was authorised by the legislative assembly to fund tba Hosting debt, were sold recently by City Treasurer Walter at public auction. Wilding was lively, and the bronght i premium. bond The other day near Grass Valley Jsmes Hayes, a young man, was riding a horse when tbe animal reared up and fell on Ita WV emaliliitr Have beneath fell on iu nat K, crnsiung Hjes oeneain it. The pommel of the saddle struck the young man in the stomach and dan gerously injured him. The sixth annual meeting of the Ore gon Hints Hundny-school association was held at Eugene, Or., recently. Re ports from county asociatiois show 40,000 children in th Maitiluy-schools or the state, and the fiimtiees of the associ ation are most satisfactory. Judge Alphonso Taft, ex-secretary of war and ei-miuister to Austria, died at his home in Ban Diego recently. The remains were taken to CHiiciuuatl, and the family ' accompanied them. The three department of the auiwrior court adjourned out of mipect to the deceased statesman.' John Brooks entered John W. Smith's limine at Wheatland, Or., and fired at the latter with a revolver. Uiutth then iuok shot at his assailant, inflicting two scalp wpunds. The .trouble grew out of Brooks' attention to Smith' wife. Brooks was arrested, and there was talk of lynching him. The schooner-yacht Halcyon, during all the time she has been reported dodg ing around the Hawaiian islands and the California coast, has been lying qniutly at the head of the Inlet on Bar clay sound, on the west coast of Van couver island. She reached Vancouver from Japan April U0. Joe Medley, an old-timer, killed three California lions lately within a radius of one and a half miles of the Fresno toll house. The settlers in that locality have suffered considerable lotts from the attacks of these beast on their stock. One of tho lions is being stuffed. He lucwires night feet from tip to tip. The others were nearly as large. The Paciflo Fast Fruit Line company has been incorporated at Chicago. Tbe new organisation has made arrange ments with the Santa Fe to transport their car. The company will compete with the California Fruit Transportation company, which has long had a mort gage on the business. The new line has had 150 new cars built for the shipment of fruit. , At a convention of swamp land own ers of Sacramento the reclamation of 600.000 acres of title lands in the Yolo basin, opposite Sacramento, was consid ered. It is proposed to cut a drainage canal from a few miles above Sacra mento, on tbe west side of the river, to Suisun bay. It is a revival of the project suggested by the state board of engineers under the act of 1878. The two rival presidents and boards of directors of the San Diego Land and Town company have fallen out to such an extent that a receivership has been asked for by the opponents of the Kim ball management. The great Sweet witter dam and irrigation system, to get her with the National City and Otay railway and thousands of acre of the , finest land in the country, are owned ny this company. . i, ' 1 A jury at Spokane, after being out twenty-four hours, could not agree. The judge ordered them'back into the jury room to remain until they reached a verdict. He abo instructed the bailiff not to give them anything to eat until they had found a verdict of guilty or not guilty in a highway robbery case. In ten minutes thereafter tne jury re turned a verdiot finding the prisoner guilty as charged. 1 , . Col. Compton, commandant or the fort at Walla Walla, while giving testi mony before the conrt of inquiry into the recent lynching at Walla Walla, stood cross-examination manfully for geveral hours, when at butt he broke dbwn and his eyes filled with tears. He said it was alt due to his non-commissioned officers. He bad trusted them and found them unfaithful. Had they done their duty the lynching would not have occurred. He thought he had such perfect dis cipline that after his earnest lecture the night before no further violence would take place, . A lilt of a Woman. : Louise Lawson, the sculptor , whose statue of Sunset Cox is occasioning con-, sidorable discussion just now, is a bit of a woman, with golden brown hair, gray eyes, a lisp , and a viva-, oious manner. She wears, when work ing iu clay, a dark blue blouse and trousers, and her studio costume is al ways of white linen skirt and coat the latter fiuislvod with an extraordinary collar of course embroidery, tied with the traditional knot of baby blue ribbon. , With this costume yellow shoe are worn, The wholo effect is rather more blxarre than attractive. Whatever the oritics say, the bitter carriers swear by Louise and her nine-foot image. Exchange. THE JACKS0N-C0RBETT FIQHT. tl Was a Orat Haiti Hut Malthas Mao Wun -DwilSod N Uuntoat." Tha long-looked-for Corbett-Jackson right ended a few dreamed it would both men fought to a standstill in sixty rounds and unable to injure the other in tha least. Tha men were in the fluent possible condition. Jackson's black akin shone like polished ebony. Corbett in tit ring was the picture of a well developed, lithe athlete, his extremely white skin contrasting strangely with that of the Australian. Th cleverness of the two men was shown from the moment they entered tbe ring. Corbett showed up bravely and confidently, and JAMKH COBIIETT. Jackson fought admirably, ne was not aa aklllful as Jim. but Peter weighed twelve pound more (107 to 185), and , that with the exigence ne nau maae things pretty even. There was a good, enthiisisstlii crowd there just enough to fill the ball comfortably and they cm WI,n luBlr ,n"!rv " l"D "" PBnaP(1 ... M immenselv nleaaed and enormously entertained. Bo ror twenty-five rounds the fight was a bril liant success. Had either of the men been knocked ont there, the contest would have gone down to history as the finest ever fought in California. All the San Francisco sportsmen that were able to toddle were t here. Corbett for half a doxeu rounds did not pay a bit of attention to the Australian fighter. His unvarying scheme was to make a play at jumping back, and in stead of doing it to setid his left hand at the narrow line of black skin that showed between Jackson's guarding hand and his belt. He usually suc ceeded. Jackson would try to uppercut In return, and Corbett would beat Uiat bv clinching, Dirbett's brilliant boxing showed from the first round. The two moved about the ring litbely as two snakes and as cautiously as two men fighting for 110,000 in cash and a fortune beyond should. For a while neither took the offensive. They imply moved around, PETER JACKSON. watching for an opportunity to send a fist into any opening that presented, it self, There were not so many of these openings, either. Corliett managed to get in the greater number of blows and to labor the least. Jackson' great work in his previous battles ha beeu a pec liar jerking of his slender body out of harm's way. Peter missed the trick when he tried that in this contest. Cor bett's arms were too long and he was too long. When he reached for the top of Jackson's white tight he usually touched it, an! he tonched .it nsnally with a retmrt like a bursting paper bag, Jackson showed his great generalship in keening Corbett moving backward all the time. This tired Corbett more than anything else. Jackson was stronger than the 8nn Franciscan, but Corbett more than offset this with superior sci. ence and agility. Both fought for the body of his opponent and were severely punished. Jackson's stomach : and shoulder were completely goneaud Cor- bett's hands were practically useless. After the forty-first round no fighting was done. A walking match then tx gan and lasted until the sixty-first round when the reforee deemed tne ngut "no contest. It was evident tha the fight could not be brought to a finish. 1 here was not a knockdown in the fight, i The important rounds of the contest were the sixteenth, twentieth, thirtieth, thirty-first and forty-first. In these rounds some hard fighting was done and it looked at times as if the battle wesjro-, tng to eud, sometimes in favor of Jack son and then in CorVett's. Little blood was shed. Jackson drew first blood in the sixteenth and Corbett brought forth the Australian's claret in the eighteenth. The fight was a test of the Dempsey and Jem Mace schools of ft gating. Cor bett fought Demps style all through and Jackson followed the teachings of Mace. The decision of "no contest" make the two men dependent upon tha generosity of the California club for any part of the purse they may get. ,, Tru to tit Ufa. A painter was commissioned to portray the image of a mint on the refectory wall of a oonvent. The price stipulated was very low, but it was asireetl that the artist .iw.nid Imvn liia meiils nrovltled at the ex pense of the convent, until his work was nuMied. It turned out that the only food mmllH.l to the uoor artist by the reverend fathers consisted of bread, onious and clear water. Tho day for unveiling the fresco at leugt U arrived. The friars stood round the artist, the curtain was remureu. ..,. n,i ilmilit ii verv line picture, but tho saint had his back turned toward the ! spectators. What does this mean f" shouted the in dignant prior. , "Padre, I was compelled to paint the picture as you see it, for the saint could ii Claihio. not bear the smell of onions. -i ! BRIEF MENTION. A terrific tornado is reported from Mex ico, Mo. Many houses were demolished and twelve people wore killed. " Seven storett, two lumber mills and thirty houses were burned at Houston, Tex., recently. The loss was aoo,00(i. Queen Natalie has been forcibly ex pelled from Hervia. Affair in that country are in a critical condition. J. W. Mackey, Jr., is making quite a name for himself in business circle at New York. He 1 called the new NapoV eon of finance. Sybil Sanderson, the young California prima donna, scored a brilliant success in Massenet's opera, "Munon," at Lon don. A company has been organized by Knglisli and American capitalist to build ten steel steamships to run direct from Chicago to Wale. The capital is f.VHW.000. The New England Moral Kcform so ciety is after the modern dancers. The society declare that the old style of dancing was commendable and enjoy able but the modem dances are indecent. An important question - ha been bronght up in the surrogate's court at New York. The court is asked to decide whether or not an American woman irfeits her citizenship in marrying an English nobleman. The fight between Billy Meyer and Andy Bowen at New Orleans ended very unsatisfactorily. Meyer fouled Bowen, it i thought by accident, and the referee decided a draw. All bet were declared off. Enoi mong quantities of gold are still being sin piied from America to Europe, New York banker have been unable to determine where it I going. A panic is feared in financial circles. A special from Montreal says Premier Mercler of Queliec, according to official information, has been unable to induce French capitalist to float his 10,000,000 loan on the ground that his securities are insufficient. Tbe referee in the case of Dr. Fraser . Fuller of New York against his wife, Lizzie Hastings Fuller, formerly of San Francisco, has decided in favor of the defendant. Ex-Judge Leicester Holmes, Mayor Grant's secretary, was made co-respondent by the plaintiff. The thirty-first annual convention of the United Status Brewers' associaticu was held at Chicago a few day ago. The past year, according to the presi dents address, has been a prosperous one. He recommended a continuance of the fight against the Prohibitionists. The association will erect a building at the world' fair which will cost $168,000, The story published of the death in Algiers of M. Herculais, the French naturalist, was a hoax. He went to Al gier to find a remedy, if possible, for the locust pest, and a friend of hi started the story of his skeleton being found under a pile of locust as a joke. M. Herculais has telegraphed the French academy of sciences that he is alive and well. .' ' The United States Consul at Gibraltar in bis report to the state department say that during the last four months thirty-one foreign steamships have touched at that port, carrying more than 20,000 immigrant to the United State and many more are expected soon, The United States Cousul at Naples re ports a vast multitude of immigrants leaving for the United States on every steamer. A work train on the New York Cen trnl railroad was blown to atoms near Tarrytown by the explosion of dynamite which was being transported for con struction purposes. It is thought spark from the engine caused the explo sion. Die roves or tne expusnon was terrific. The walls of buildings in Tar rytown were shaken aud cracked and window glints fell on the sidewalk in showers. The track at the scene of the Wreck was torn np for 000 feet and the rails were twisted in all shapes. There were thirty-three laborers on the train. twenty of whom were killed and all in jured more or less. tianiomig will not be permitted on the exhibition grounds of the world'i fair in any form. That is one of the first of a series of iron clad rules that has been laid down by the way and means committee to govern the men who get- concessions. .Nor wiU any drunkenness be allowed. Goods offered for sale must be exactly as represented, The rules that have been adopted show that no visitors will be imposed on by " fakirs. "t A distinction is made between privileges and concessions. The for mer refers to the sale of such goods as are manufactured in order to illustrate the machine or process exhibited, while concessions apply to the sale Of all goods and the of attractions from which the seeming of revenue is the sole object of the lessees. A new political party has come to life. It wits born at at Cincinnati and the National Union Conference is the author of its birth. The conference con sisted of delegate from the Fanners' Alliance, Knights of Lalwr, Prohibition ists, Greenbackers Rnd other kindred orgauizatious. The People's Farty is the name of the new organization. The committee on resolutions, of which Ig natius Donnelly whs chairman, drew up the platform, which is the same as that adopted at OcahvFla., in 1800 by the Alliance. It reiterates tho demands of that platform for the abolition of na tional banks and the establishment of I eub-tatflsuriesi that the government loan money at 2 per cent, on non-perish able property; that laws be passed pro hibiting alien ownership of land and that the government reclaim and open up for settlement aH lands owned by railroads and corporations not in actual use. An attempt to introduce a prohi bition plank in the platform was voted down unanimously. The wildest en thusiasm prevailed after the reading of the platform. The leaders of the new party say this Is the beginning of a great struggle between capital ana laDor, A Bllg-llt B.IDll. "You admit the profession free, don't youf" asked the grlszled old fellow at the door, ' ' "The profession? What profession? The theatrical profession? Why, of course. Are ou ou the sttiifef" "Yes, sir. 1 have beeu on the stage tor three years or more." "All right, goon In." He went in nud enjoyed the performance. On the road out he was stopped by the doorkeeper again. 1 ' ,, "You say you are an actor?" ."No, I didn't say that." "Why, yes you did. You said you had been on the stage for three years." "Yes, I said 1 have beeu ou the stage, but I didn't say I was an actor. I drive the 1 Leadville stage every morning." Light, ITEMS rOR OUR FARMERS. If the old bone lying around farm, bouse or about the yard, were gathered together and burled at the root of fruit trees, not only would the premise be greatly improved but the growth of the tree also advanced, for tree are very fond of such nutriment a I found in bone. Fragment of bones are Just a valuable a bone dut, although their lenient of fertility will not be found available in so short a time a if tba large pieces were reduced to atom, Bury the bones at least eighteen Inche below the surface so a not to interfere with plowing. - The new firm of Patterson Bro. 1 a large dealer in watche. clock and Jew elry. They have received a dainty line of ladies' watche In allver and gold. ady school teacher should consult lliein, a they offer extra inducements. Now that our fruit orchard are be coming valuable we find that vigilance I required to keep insect from destroy ing all the fruit. June la the time when most of the Insect lay their egg and at that time lionfire should be built at night, In tne orchard, when the Insect will fly Into them and be destroyed, or get some bottle with open mouth and fill half full with a mixture of water, molasses and vinegar, and tie up in the trees; empty in a week and fill again. During June the bark hould be washed with soapsuds, and as far a can be reached on tbe large limbs, also sprinkle a handful of coarse suit about the root of the tree. Ashes placed about the base of the tree is also good. Mr. J. M. Htaats, who raised and is the present owner of Jay M., a thorough-bred horse, a son of the celebrated Altamout, will be in Independence Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week. , . Now that our orchard are about to be n'planted, pruned and renewed, a few words may prove of value about reue wl ng a n orchard. Thoroughly cultivate the ground between the trees. Do not be satisfied with one plowing but cross plow. It is not necessary to plow nearer the trees than three feet. Much damage is done to orchard by careless plowing. Corn I the best hoed crop for an orchard, and beans the next. Potatoes should never be planted lu an apple orchard,, a they exhaust the potash from the soil and that is what the apple needs. The least exhaustive crop should always be grown In an orchard, or else tbe trees will be robbed of needed sustenance. It is a double robbery to make a mead ow in an orchard and nothing will run an orchard down so fast The ground may be plowed In tbe spring, but a bet ter pluu is to turn over tbe sod in the autumn In order that ,the trees may have full benefit of the decayed sod and the more mellow soil. Remember when in Salem to call lu at Strong's restaurant, now Weatacott A Irwin, and get a meal not to be ex-, celled on the Paciflo coast for 25 cents, it 271 Commercial street. ; tf The Fitchburg Sentinel tells how a Leomiuster farmer cured hi horse of a balky freak by gentle means. He drove him, attached to a rack wagon, to the wood lot for a small load ot wood. The auimal would not pull a pound. He did not beat him, but tied him to a tree aud let him stand. He went to the lot at sunset aud asked him to draw, but he would not straight en a tug. "1 made up my mind," said the farmer, "when that horse went to the barn, he would take that load of wood. I went to tbe barn, got blankets and covered the horse warm, and he stood until morning. Then be refused to draw. At noon I went down and be was probably lonesome and hungry. He drew that load ot wood the first time I asked him. I returned and got another load before I fed him. I then rewarded him with a good dinner, which he eagerly devoured. I have drawn sev eral loads since. Once he refused to draw, but soon as lie saw ma start for the house, he started after me with tbe load. A borse become lonesome and discontented when left alone, as much as a person, and I claim that this method, if rightly used, is better for both man and iiorso than to beat the animal with a club." Patterson Bros, keep the Royal Ban ner cigars; they aro the best cigar made. , t Wo have noticed, says a farmer of experience, that our garden plat seems after a few year to get tired seemingly, of growing crops, and we had been ad vised to change to some other spot and rest the soil. We have a better plan than that, since it takes from one to two seasons' cultivation to get garden soil lu good condition. We rotate our crops on the same piece of ground. It is a good plan to make a diagram of tbe pint used for a garden, and have it marked off into divisions of suitable proportions for the vegetables required. Each division should be numbered, or, what Is better, the name of the vege table raised thereon written upon it. These diagrnmsdrawn each year should be carefully preserved, so that, by re ferring to them, one could ascertain just what had been raised on each par ticular division for years back, and by this means keep up a systematic rota tion. A garden to be advantageously cultivated should lie long and narrow, thus enabling a horse cultivator to be used to advantage. SuOh garden veg etables as rhubarb, asparagus, aud others of a like kind, requiring two or more years to reach the proper bearing condition, should of course, be given a permanent place for several seasons; but they, too, need removing about ouce iu four year in order to got the best possible results.