XI THIS PAPERS In the txmt advertising medium in Polk county, and ronttantly growing better. ,)0B PRINTING ' ISTtU VERY LATEST STYLES ATTUK S LOWCST POSSISIE RATES. i vol. vni; $2.00 rcr Year. "INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON,' FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1591. Five Cents Per Copy. NO. 28. THE WEST SIDE' BANKS. I WHO v Polk County Publishing Company CUM I QATOR, MANAQCftS. ' ltiltid at tin, rVwUnmea In Indepen-' dour, Oregon, aa MniRlM matter, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. rwAiu.K m auvaxc. cn Year ... tt.M Mix Month !. Three Month -W Aililrww all poniiminli'atlona Hr riutilteatlon Tan Wbit Hii, ami make nil rmltln'a ,y(.tr hi lli lVlk County I'ubll.liln Cuih. any. TO ADVERTISERS. 1nilpnaene is Im-alrd at th head nf nvt (Hi ton ilh miwt nl Ih ywri.on lite WUIm rlviT, and on !) main Una of Hi Orwron A Callhiriila Hatlroad: ixnialna a iuiilailoo of m iiln I. tha principal ahlppmt point Kir Ilia enmity, whMi l una of Mi Ihuk-.i, ni.wl wmlthv and thickly populated lit III VIIIlll(UVllJf, A. O. V. W.-IStlKPKNPF.Nl K UUHIK NO. nii-t every nionuay main in Maaonli- hall. All nmlnf brothem Invited I,. attend. JAM KH OutHON, M. W. K. V. lUt.TO.N, ItiH-order. U-Ild A. lKU'TY. Rtcretar. VAU.KY LOIHIKNlMJ. 1. o, 0 I1' , limn In Ma. aonle hll ev y Thupnl ewiitn. AlllMd rllow eordtaiTy litvttmt to at- T. u. rill mi. . u. I.YtiS LMKIK, No. 99. A. r A A. M. mated roimuunli-- i ion on or wtorvmil moon h month Mini l wo wwk 'ihominvr. l. w. Hnir, . M rHYSICIANS-DBNTlSTMr. LEE & BUTLER, Physicians & Surgeons, U. S. Examining Surgeons. INDKPKKDRHCI. ORKQO Dlt. J. K. LOC'KB, Physician and Surgeon. Buana Vlata, Orflon. J. M. CROWLEY,- Physician an d Surgeon monmouth, or. DlTj.B. JOHNSON. Resident Dentist All work wurninlwl 10 five lb lwl of MilUbtrllnii. Hilillahd by NM'onnl Aiuliorlly, -THE- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. o( tndfwliiWw, Onigon, Capital Stack, 8urplua, S50.000.00 S10.000.00 ,.m)i'KB. ITiliU'iil, W. It HAWLKY, I'twhlor. U W. HOIIKUTH0N, Vkal'nMldvut. DIRECTORS. , . Oowr, U W. Kobf twin, Il HriniM O, W. Wbluwkpr, W. W. Collin- HENKLE & WALKER. ttKA I.ICttN IN BUM GROCERIES PEODTJCE TAKEN IN HXCHANCiU FOX GOODS. BRIEF MENTION. A wnnral Ixinklm biMlnwi tminuw'lwl. Iluya and anil xihuiw ua all linirlaiil polnu. IVpoli wlvl auhjaKt lo pIih r on tlftmlpofdrio.il. Oillwtlonamadft Omtbouri . m. lo 4 p. in. THE IMltl'UNDESCE National Bank Capital SUKk, $50,000.00. u. mitxciuitcKU, AIUIAM NKIM.)N, . P.ttlNSAWAY . 1'rtialdtnt. Vlra lrildrli. A ttcuml iHiiiklua nd ch bu.liiwn irantavliHl; loaiw nidi, bllla dlwounlwl, n icivlal owdlla granted! dnllk iwelvwt on uiwnl aiwmnl aubjtvl In eliwh. Iiileir.l VM or time di'wll. iUSTER R I OCKE, USTER I 7 OCKE. USTERmilji DRUG DCKE, DK.VI.KII8 IS Drug Medne:, (snicals, Fuc? ud Toilet Articles, Spenata, Bruahaa, Parfumary, Soheol Beoka ana1 Art!:a' Buppllaa. rull Stooa of Watohaa, Ciooka and Jawalry. Rapalrlng Naatly Dona Phyalclana' Praaorlptlona Caraftilly Compoundaa". . . MAIN STREET, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. IN I if'PK VI'KM'I' ATTOKXKVS. A. M. HURLEY, Attorney and Counselor at Law lHJli" Si'xt W lndrpandM Snt'l Hauk. tudrpi'ndi'nis.Or. W.IC. Ilolnif II. F. Rontiam. B. S. Ilaydi n. BONKIM. HOLMES I HMOEH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW orrii-E ix iu:sii a iu.ock, RALKM. OB DiutXTuim lathiuk MolanW, II. II. Jarnn, A. i UtKMlman, It. Ulrwhtar-rg, A. Nalmni, T.J.le. I. A. Allfn. jjlal.tUlHil by Nailoi al Aulliorlly.) THE Capital National Bank I Or SALEM OREGON. Capital put ;, f3OtO0Q.0. Surplua, $15,000. K.R. WAI.I.ACK, W.W.MMtTIS. ITwitdBiil. Vlea I'renldunt, J. H, AI.HKUT, C'ahlr. LOANS MADE To Carniara on whaal and olhor marcbanlabla itrmluce, pnnlgnd or In torn.yllhcr In pri vate granerlm or public warotmuavt. Pranadrawa dliwton Naw York, Chicago, tan Franolnwi, lorUr.d, tendon, I'aru, llnr lln, Unng Kong and faU'iilta. THE POLK COUNTY BANK, MONMOUTH, ORKUON. ,ii I. A. ltritl'M viraPrJdVM ...V..". P. I. .""JXrII Millar HR1 Capital Stock, Paid Dp, $50,000 25,000 II.Mwn-11 HlHte and Toiirt, 011 Com nit'trlal MU MISCELLAXKOUS. C. S, McNALLY, ARCHITECT AHD DRAUGHTSMAN HOOMSaT IHHII-BHr.tMAN Itf.OCH. CMMMEKCIAL T.. HAl.K.M.OIt. "sTa. PARKER, MiimifHi'ttiri'r and donli-r In Sash, Doors, : Moulding. : l:tr. Full Ktwk nl in, U !. '"'P1 w""u on hand. HpiKllal rate on contract". Factory on M. It. alri-ct ar depot. 15Tf7nToTEL, C Hf.. IrHlcppnilfiiro JAMES GIBSON, Prop Fimt-clua In every rrsr' fpccii ' atli-nlmii givwu Irinmient ruatotnera f Bmple rcKim for rommerciiil (riivelera brick Yard. J. R. COOPER Of Indcpeiidmice, liaviiiK n Hti-tin engine, a brick machine und scverii acres of fi newt clay, is now prepurei! to keep on hand a fine quality of ISrick, which will be sold at reawni: able prices. DIRKOTORSi A ontr.ral Utiln bnlnc tranaclfd. iwalrad iiiblatd Da 10 cluck. r " cartlUcan haiiga beugbt and aold, Intamat paid ou lima Klmnrool tanltand burglar proof aala, tumtad y Vaia Uma lock. fay-0ffleabtunt a. m. to a. m. K.C. PENTI.AND REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ANU LOAN AGENT MAIN STJNniiPliXnENCKaOR. V Iinvo nut yt't formally i'ihmI our rt'til tutntn nftUt', lint t'XiHH't to have our ahliiK"' t Ihl w'k.. It litkw imliiU'ra ami 'H'r lianirwa mnw time lo tiiilah ttii lr work. Still, wo oan ofcVr yuu Buiiio clmlcB pUifa id" irity and hIihII add lo our Hat dally. V ollVr iiolhliig for anlii wltlwut actually hiiV' liiK eoiiirtil of the prorty, an Unit any prliti nnimtl hy ua U to I rollwl iion. We have for wile for f lik)--Twrt Iota ami a otimforlahlo ml lU'itoo In IihIowmIoiioo. 1UIV- FIvp lot j$li'i oneli) tinlniprovej In Moimioiitli. I iiokv lira- lion, anil a Imrgnl n for aiiw-u tut Ion or ue. 2.VV-Two Iota, unliiiprovwl, In Hlll'a nilillttoli to imiqH'imeiii-i' TDD A fiirni. of 40 aorw. luat Iwlow liiiliMX'iiili'licf. Part of land la clwirvil ami In rooiI conili lion for lioiw; thti tmliuif la hoavllv tlniU-n-d Homooiie alioulil Ht-cure thla luirifiiln ! for. It la too Into, Two fine lota on a imMiiliiont mriior. wo l worm ri.kki. Call oiirly to atfiirti thla, aa our tlniB laahort. IflDEPEflDEflCE, HAS NOW, AND PROSPECTIVF, Many Advantages HARNESS Good . and CHIiAP. We have the larpt and BEST Stock of IlnniexH ever brought to Ih in Section. Ill Our Own Manufacture. Our Whips are dlreci irom ui Fii( tory and are the best out of 150 Styh'f. Trimming at roaHonable rricw. Beamer & Craven. TAYLORS i ash Grocery & Bakery ON 0 KTKKET. Frch Bread, Ple and Cakei on hand arary da; axOMin Biiuuay .... mil and lrth atook of oannad goad. OoBf. aa. coffoa, tufar, candlaa, clgart and lobaxooa, 0. B. TAYLOR, FtoprlfWli FIRST. A RAILROAD CENTER Independence to Corvallisby S. P. R. K. Independence to Portland by " Independence to Falls City by Motor Line. Independence to Salem by Independence to Astoria by A. & S. C.R.K. Independence to Albany by " A HOP CENTER. U. It, rATTKHHON. U. I'. l,ArHllu. -: THE :- Willamette Real Estate Go. Independence, - Oregon TmnwictH a general Iteul EHtuto HuhI iiPHH, buyaand sella Property, cffectH InHurance and does a general Conveyance BuhIiicsh. Partk-n having Lands for aalo will find It to their advantage to List Their Property with thin Comrianv. oa they are dally umiliiiffllataof land eiml, thus plac ing deal ruble property before the resi- ilcnta of the luiat. JAMES GIBSON, J. W. KIBKLAND, PrcBldcnl. Becretary. PATTERSON Bros, ' DRUGGIST -DEALER IM- WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY. The present urea in IIopH, tribiitury to aoon be trebled. The amount of income years .nt least one million dollars. Independence, will reach in t will few TLe adaptability of our lands for special fruit-raining, such prunes, pears and apples; will employ hundreds of men; bring iuto the country thousands of dollars, aud make our farming lauds worth from two to three hundred dollars an acre. Fruit raising will bring canneries and fruit dryers. INDEPENDENCE,, OREGON. W. G. SHARMAN, Merchant Tailor! C STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOFEICE Suits in Any Style Made to Order AT BKASONABI.E RATKH. SUGAR BEET RAISING The rich bottom lands of this section are peculiarly well laptetl to raiscng sugar beotB, the profit, abo ve cost of produc tion, being estimated at from thirty to forty dollars an acre. One sugar factory will call into use over 3,000 acres of land, in- nronlnrIta value half a million dollars, and employing laiior. a( ' Tha Montana alovalor at Botnnan liaa lou Imriied, Loan, iS,n0U; luaurance, f.W.(KH). Tli" ganaral eoiifrrence of the Mntlio dlt Eplacopal church for 1W will ba lidil at Ouialia. ; lha Cliiiiraa ifovornniHit haa aeeaptml the formal tnvitatlon to artic!at In tha world'a fair. Ex-Congmaman John Yonng Brown haa Irfx-n nonilnated for goveruor of Kontnrlcy hy tha Damocrata. J. N. K. Wilaon of San Frantlaeo waa MtHitnd grand mwbr by the grand Ulga f Old Fellow held at that oity laxt j Week. Profwwor Ooaaiuan well known a a eaclir of language, aud who waa con- aid to Atliwia miiU'r President Lincoln, U(l(ad. John A. Lokiui, Jr., who U aufltrlng from lung diaeaae, baa gone to Hcotland with hla mother and hi wife to remain during thtmimmer. , Honat4r Arthur P. Uonuan waa pre. anitvd with a fl.ooo ailveraervicebythe DcmiH-rata of Maryland at a banquet at IJaltilnora a few day ago. Jaokaud William Mtavin, brother of Frank Slavin, the pugtliat, have arrived at San Fraturiaco from Aiwtralia. They will wain atart EMattoJoln their brother. At Stauford. I1U., J. A. and Batnui'l Klley and Hurry Fowler drank from a bottle which they euppoaed contained whiaky but which waa filled with aco. niui. All three are dead. Tha Philadelphia Academy of Natural ftuiencea will aend an exedition to the Arctic (xvan. The extailitinn will leave Now York aUmt J umi 1. It will be nnaer the coinuuiud of Liont. Peary, United Slitti-a navy. Eleven Anxlrlau eniigranta or held at the &ue ollle at New York. They dolifinKed tlm they wnra broaghttothi country to work for a atreot car com pany and the Una Conantner' company at iht .. The nuthoritle' tx holilliiz tin-in for the proMvnUon of the contractor. Cliarle 8. Bark, the renreaeiitative of an Engliah aymlieate, ha left New York for Loudon wit li option on over 100 or ange farina in California. He ay that a iiniiilier of wealthy men In Lngland have decided to go Into orange growing aud iimke California their rewidenw. One of the greatcel aule of thorough bred ever held waa that at Sheepahuad bay lat week when tha racehorse of the lute Senator Henrit were aold at ano tiou. Tweuty-lx head tinmght a total of tt 28.100, an average of I.U27each. Toiinmment, the great 4-yeaiHild, waa bonlit liv Foxhall Keetie of New York forf&t.aoo. Manager A. L. V llbiir of the Wilbur opera tninipaiiy waahonwwhlpped in the lobby of a theatre at Mlnneapolle ny Lida Darrell. a member of the chorua. Mia Darrell aKked him to put a atop to atoriea of a bad nature which were being circulated aUmt her in the company and Wilbur told her to conduct heraelf in mch a' manner ax to give no foundation to nniileaaiiiit talk. A railroad engineer wh haa juat ar rived at New York from Chile aay that the reports revived from that conntry reiiardlngthe rebellion are all "doc tored. " The inaurgenta have not won a battle of any cunxoqueuoe and h id Iqiu- mil aud one or two tualle' citiea through the fncnttiinex oi tne uinam tanta. The g.tvernment haa 40,000 trained and rfptlpptal aeldiora while the inaurgenta have a uiob of 8,000. The einrineor aay the war will end In lea than ai.tty day. The commute of fifty appointed at Now Orleans to juveatigato the Mafia haa made it roiort to the mayor. It nay iu unit: "The flmt work of the committee waa to obtain from the chief of police a report of ninety-fonr aaaaaat nation by ItiUlaua and Kiciliana when the aci'itiMM oacatied for waut of evidence, Then followed the aaalnation of ChieJ of Police Uenneaay. The rwinlt of th trial di!inont rated to the people that nc one waa aafe from the niyt4rioo band that waa oiicrating regardlea of law. It waa only when thia fear grew iuto an abanlute couviction that the people rose in their might, took the law in their handa and then followed the event of March 14." A London dispatch aaysi R. C Dull' can of Watdilngtou, D. C, arrived thw week ago at Benar View hotel, in Walea. accompanied by a young foreign lady whom he introduced as hi wite. They left the hotel ostensibly to go to Liverpool. That evening a farmer aaw Duncan in a aecltided apot In the fields leaning over the woman who was on the ground. Duncau aaid she had fallen and hit her he:wl on a rock. Doctor were summoned and found that the In juries could not have been o inflicted and that ahe had lieen the victim of vio ledee. Duncan, after being arrested, confessed that he had lettered the wom an' head with aetone. He did not ex plain the motive. She is a native of Finland. Duncan is said to be of good family in Washington. Alice Victoria Murphy, daughter or Capt. Murphy,, once secretary to the Prince of Wales Bnd a favorite of Queen Victoria, has fnllen heir to a quarter of a million of dollar while following the the occupation of governess and seam stress at Buffalo, K. Y. She is a tall, handsome brunetto, about So years old, and has visited almost every country in the world during her romantic life. Born and reared in London, her father was an officer in the English army who achieved fame during the Crimean war. Her mother was a Spanudi woman and a Protestant, while her father was a de vout Catholic. While Miss Murphy was quite young her father quarreled with her mother and thereafter wonld not allow her name to lie mentioned in his presence. The mother then went to Aust ralia with a wealthy brother. Last January she died and Miw Murphy has jnst received word from attorneys in England stating that aha la one of the four heirs to a fortune ot ai.iw.uou. Hie John MnDonald is failingin health His friends are trying to induce him to take a trip to Europe. Michigan has suffered greatly from forest fires. The losses amount to over 14,000,000 and hundred of families are destitute. Rudolph Slgel, son of Gen. Fran Sigel, New York, has lieen sent to an insane asylum. Overwork is the cause of Ms derangement. Austin Mereness, a soldier who naa been in the Kalamaaoo asylum since 1875, has just received a pension amounting to 12,800. His aged parents were destttnte. " By direction -of the president, the military post at Mammoth Hot Springs, In the Yellowstone National park, known as Carno Sheridan, will hereafter V: known a Tort Yeirowitoriff. Over 80.000 people saw Tenny win the Brooklyn handicap. It waa one of the grandest race ever aeen at Oraveaend. Jockey Barnes, who rode Tenny, wa carried from the track In a floral horse hoe. The Freethinker of Pittsburg desired to hear Col. IngeraoU deliver a Bnnday night lectnre, but the management was notified that no lecture could be deliv. ered on Sunday If an admission fee waa charged. At the Virginia BaptUt itate conven tion, Itev. Dr. McVicker of Toronto drew a gloomy picture of the condition of the colored people of the South, and said they were worae off than they were thirty -five year ago. Col. John A. Cockerlll, for several yeara managing editor of the New York World, ha resigned from that paper. John A. Dillon, for eight year manag- ing editor of the St. Ixmls I'oat-dlapatcii, ha taken charge of The World. President Harrison i again in Wah- Ington. On hi trip through the West he travelled 10,000 mile and made 19 apeeoho. The preaideut and hi party aieak iu the highest term of the recep tion tliey received all along tne ronie. Cliarle S. Young of Fort Madiaon, la., went to St. Lonls to work. On hi return hi about four week he found hi wife married to C. S. ulck, a widower of elalit week. Young' wife had got a divorce the week before her marriage to ynkk. Youtig )ia brought uit to act aalde the divorce and for 10,000 damaites amount Quick. Twelve juror at Syracuse, ft. X., have decided that it i good table man- tier for a clergymen to remove eoup from hi mast ache by licking hi chops. Rev. Joaetih 11. Yonng im-d Ul. Will lam Vehrirk, proprietor of St. John's military school at Maiiilu. for aalary a hanla n. The colonel set np aa a tie- fenae that Rev, Mr. Young bail cor rupted the maimer of the atudenta by hi mixta of eating soup. The jury awanled Mr. Young $'(W. Oreen B. lUuin Jr., on of the com mliuiioncr of pension, haa, npon the re a neat of Secretary Noble, tendered hi reHignatiott a assistant chief clerk of the pension bureau, aud the same cas been accepted. Secretary Noble learned, nixin what appeared to be perfectly trustworthy testimony, mat nanm jr. haa been a party to certain Irregular and unlawful proceedings in connection with three appointment to minor posi tion in the pension bureau. Assignee William Nelson Cromwell of New York, who straightened ont the affaire of Decker, Howell & Co., haa received from the firm, In addition to a big fee of f'00,000, a magnificent dinner aervlce of silver. Mr. CromwelPa fee is aaid to tie the largest ever paid in this country for aimilar work. He waa en mured eiirht week on tne matter, me amount received and disbursed by Mr, Cromwell was il ,300,000, and the gain to the firm during his administration wal, 800,000. Mr Arthur Briscoe was driving team of broncho from her home, tlx uiilos east of Aleano. Kan., and in crossing the river, there being no bridge, the team liecame unmanageable, incR' inir and overturning the buggy and throwing the lady into the water, where aha drowned hefore help could reach her. Mm. Briscoe wa 81 year old, and leave twenty-seven children. She had been married six times and had thirtv-one children, four of whom died. All her huslmnu are dead. The heavy exports of American gold into Enrol generally and Uermany in particular have drawn the attention of financiers to tne matter, nerr mown roder. who shares Ihe Rothschild finan cial power, said in an interview at Ber lin: "All gold coming nere rrom Eng land and France is shipped to Russia, which country has been draining heav ily from Berlin and still header from London. In order to protect ine nana of England so as not to drain it re aonrces American gold waa cabled for. Had the Russlau demand been met by the withdrawal of gold from London and Berlin, the rates of discount of the banks of those cities would have risen to 6 or 7 per cent. In the present atate of affairs this would mean ruin to thou sands. We avoided it by buying Amer ican gold. " The police of Landers, Fraoce, have arrested a man named Mennier for mur der and other crimes. Mennier, who is an ex-officer of the custom and a wid ower with two sons, courted a wealthy girl named Jaotel. who rejected him be cause lie waa poor. Mennier then en gaged in a numlwr of robberies, and finally murdered a priest and his serv ant. ' Having got some money he renewed- his suit but the girl s mother ob jected to the man's children. Meunier then set fire to the girl's residence, the oceunants of which had a narrow es- cape, in anv interview with the girl, who aeemod to be willing to marry him, He amotnerea hi eldest boy and finally shot and seri ously injured the girl's brother, who ob jected to the proposed marriage. When arrested Meunier confessed U all but the double murder. . , COAST NEWS. A man eating shark, ten feet long and weighing 800 pound waa killed at Santa Barbrra a few day ago. The emiaer Omaha ha arrived at Mare Wand from China after an absence of six year. She will go out oi com- mission. M. Kaminakv 4 Co,, the leading dry good house of Spokane Fall, have been forced to clone their door, 'inenrm lay the aiwpension will be temporary. Sanvie'i island at the month of the Willamette river ha lieen leased by a Portland portlng club. It la considered the finest hunting ground in the North west. Attorney General Hart haa written an opinion in which be conclude that tlie act passed by the last utiuornia iegii- tuie to oav a bounty or fit wr coyote scalp is constitutional and valid. Attorner General Miller baa appoint ed Henry Gage of Loa Angela special assistant diatriirt attorney lor tne ooniu ern district of California to assist in the nrosecntion of the owner, officer and crew of the schooner Robert and Minnie charged with violation of the neutrality law. ' One of the largest shipment of brandy ever made from Sacramento haa just been sent to Europe. The consignment consist of 812 package containing 18, 176 gallon which haa been on atorage In the bonded warehouse for the Na toma vineyard It will go to Bremen by tea. ... . The circular for April naa jnat been issued by the California board of neaitn. Report from sixty-seven ciUea, town and localities having a population of 647,880, show 1,064 deaths to bare oc curred from all canae during the past month. This t a percentage of 1.57 per 1,000 per month, or 18.84 per 1,000 per year. A Tacoma dispatch aays: A Russian exile, Maurice Lopatecki, a resident of Tacoma, haa received a letter from hi inter, thirties Fedorwit of St. Peters burg, stating that he is heir to 110,000, 000 bv the death of her husband. Lo patecki says be waa exiled seven year ago for political reason. He 1 86 year old and i highly educated, speaking five language. He married Miss Sparrow, daughter of a wealthy manufacturer of Victoria, two year ago. He wui not go back to Russia to get hi fortune if he can get it here. Tne uuke or reuor- wita waa grand chamberlain to the czar, The examination at Hollister, Cal., of George Mankins on a charge of arson resulted In hi betng held. On April 8 the bouse of William Kelly, a neighbor Mankins, waa burned and suspicion for some time rested upon a Spaniard whom Charles Mankins, son of tha defendant. claimed was aeen in the vicinity on the day of the fire. A short ti me ago it waa discovered that the boy Charles, who is about 14 years old, had a pistol which was supposed to have been burned in Kelly' bouse. Young Mankins waa ar rested and he testified that be burned the building because his father ordered him to do to. The elder Mankin denies the charge. . Tmckeels feverish with excitement over the discovery of a portion of the treasure buried by the Conner party in 1846 47. There is not the slightest room for doubting the authenticity of the find or the Identity of the money. Edward Reynold found the money, which is all dated before 1843. It consists of silver dollars and is black and oxidized. One hundred and sixty dollars have been found and they wonld delight the heart of a numismatist. They are antiquated coin of all dates of the most obsolete and forgotten markings. Aa relics the find is very valuable. There is supposed to $10,000 of the buried treasure and thorough search 1 being made for it Joe F. Dye, one of the most noted characters of Southern California, waa shot and instantly killed by Mason Brad- field, a young man, who for years haa beenou terms of intimacy with him. Dye was punning down Commercial street when Bradfield shot him from the second story of the Hotel Arlington with a shotgun. Nine bnckshot passed through his body. Dye waa considered a bad character. He was once con victed of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment but on a second trial was acquitted. He had been the aggressor in many fights and had killed three men, He threatened to kill Bradfield on sight and the latter laid in wait for him. Bradfield gave himself np. In an interview at San Francisco Cen sus Superintendent Porter aaid a great many foolish people jumped at conclu sions and condemned the census before they really knew much about it In re ply to a question about the figures on California farming Mr. Porter said he 1 J .-.ma. 1 41ilii' iitutiuta aswna 4-iin SWAT Hgoinaletter, The figures which some people IUOK U ik tiro vt'iiaiiB aiAicuint, on California farming were merely the statement on trnck farming. When told that many California doctors did not understand why the census figures give their state 80 per cent, of the insane pop ulation of the western division the su perintendent said: "That is another mis understanding and arises, probibly from the fact that the doctors do not know what the western division' iu census re turns means In the western division there are only a few states! besides Cali fornia and they are all ajwrsely settled. The population of the whole division is but 8,000.000 and half the people live in California. Then, too, more insane people are counted in large cities than iu the country, and probably insane per sons are sent from other western states into California because there are better facilities for caring for them. The fig ures do not indicate that more people go insane in California than in all the other states in the division. It would be just as ridiculous to nay that because many people die at winter, resorta they are unhealthy places. " Mr. Porter stated that there has been a gain ot 70 per cent. in population in the Paoifio states and territories. ITEMS rOR OUR FARMERS. Good rne-KllllnThltle Paint Ing Farm Heusea-Saltini Hama- Ralslng Fruit fr Profit- Steek Shad. Kow 1 the time when not farmers alone, but road supervisors and prop erty owner In towns, should eradicate that pest, the Canada thistle, and It can be done very easily If our Informant are correct Take a sharp hoe and cut off the top near the ground, and sprinkle little salt on the bleeding root or else place a piece of vitriol the size of a alnut thereon. In either case the thistle will be killed. It la a cheap and simple remedy. Patterson Bros, keep the Royal Bau- ner cigars; tucy are tue neat cigar made. t Mr. J. Tolhcrow, of Monmouth, says he favors a board fence, aa being the very best, and that hi plan of building the fence is cheap and durable. He place hi posts eight feet apart, and ualla hi boards, alternating, so that they require no trimming and the Joint are not so apt to rot. as in the or dinary fence. We should imagine, however, that the ragged appearance of the fence would od'net tbe cheapness. A farm fence should be neat as well as substantial. - Smoke the la-Hi ou earth, tbe Banner igar, for wile by Pattowon Broa. We ofteu see, even In Polk county, stock standing iu the rain, unprotected. F.aeh year the farmers of this county make a practh of luiniing their straw. Why could not a frame of ouk grubs be built, and a straw stack placed on top, thus affording a nice warm shelter for sheep, cattle, or horses, and at no ex pense to the. farmer? After using tbe stack for a few years it might be fired on some dry day, and a new abed built. It pays richly In health, thrift and saving of food to provide shelter for your stock. Patterson Bros., sole Banner cigars. agents for the The beat reeeirje we know of for cur ing hams n old one, but it will bear repeating: To each twenty pounds of fresh meat make a mixture of one-fourth of a rjound of brown sugar, and a dessert spoonful of salt petre; rub thia by hand well into tne meat; then witti coarse salt cover tbe bottom of a barrel or box, say balfan inch, put In hams and cover with half an inch of salt, and so on until the, box is full; bams should remain in a cool place tour wecaa; when salted, wipe and dry them, and iret some whole black vernier, which you must grind yourself, aud pepper tnorougniy, especially aooui tue dock and bone, and let the bams lie for two days; then smoke for eight weeks. For sale, "850 head of sheep. Inquire at this office. 5t A writer on "Care of Live Stock" says that powdered charcoal is a simple remedy for animals which Is valuable In a great many cases, particularly dis eases arising from poor digestion. When a fine cow was said to be sick he relates how the usual drugs and poisons were suggested, for overeatiug, but a teaspoouful of powdered charcoal was given in water. It was mixed, placed In a junk bottle, the head turned down ward, and given the cow. In five minutes improvement was apparent In auother case a young heifer became badly bloated from eating green apples. The bloat was so severe that the sides were as hard as a barrel. HaUerattis, tbe old remedy, had no effect. Half a tea spoonful of powdered charcoal waa given, and in six hours all appearance of the bloat was gone. Mliaral lUilrand Handa. "I'll warrant you never saw a more liberal set of men than those employed on raiiroaas wnen n comes w uciju out a family in ulstress," remarked a man who knew what he waa talking about "Go where you will in a rail road office, shop or yard, with a sub scription iu aid of an injured fellow em ploye or the family or one aeceaseu, ana. the men who refuse among hundreds to contribute are few and far between, You can gamble that they wonld 'also contribute except for necessities of their own. In comparison with their pay and risk they run railroad men are the most liberal of any class of men in the coun try, not even excepting our millionaires." Buffalo Express. Water Warinar Than tha Air. The reputation for hardihood which haa been gained.' by the small party of bathers who do not allow the thickest ice to prevent them talcing tWr morn ing dip jias been cheaply earned, if we may trust a correspondent of the British Medical Journal, who writes: "It may lie stated that the water itself in the spaces broken In the Ice was found to have a temperature ot ih aegs. r. mat of the air on the banks waa then about 86 dogs. F. During the day it was tried, so that really the bathers were plunging into water wanner than the air." gha Saw It. Alice Have you ever noticed the ring iu Harold' voice? Gwendolin Not particularly. Alice I have. Last night, for in stance. He asked me to be his. There waa a regular engagement ring in his voice. Jeweler's Weekly. A Hitch. "There was an annoying hitch in th great ocean scene iu my play last mgotk tuild a vounff Dlavwright with a sad smile. "When the hero Jumped off the raft to save the heroine he Kot off in the wrong nf the waves kleked him In the atoniach. It seemed to knock all the sense out of him, for bo got p and walKeu ashore." a nwiwil .11,1 tha hnrolne dor" "She sat on a wave and laughed." Tid- Bit. Tha Laat Waipermta Baaonra. M,.thrPainting. music singing; you hn learned everything, and haven't got a bruiband yet We must next try paper flower making and wood carving, and it that is no use. you win nave wj iwwn rooking. Der Ulk. Smoke Banner cigars. James Harris, of Suver, is a very so- ctulilc and intelligent faiiuei', aud has been successful in business, which is the very best proof of superior intelli gence when his success has been as much the result of bis effort as luck. Ho claims that fruit raising will pay more profit than wheat farming at least twenty times over. An ordinary apple tree will produce five bushels of ap ples which when dried and sold at nine cents a pound will net $2 40 profit to the tree, and as there are 100 trees to the acre, It means a profit of $250 per acre. A fruit orchard costs only prun ing, plowing and picklug, and in case a crop fails, no seed la lost, uor need ex pense be incurred iu picking the fruit, for there Is non e. Considered from t he standpoint of profit, it would seem that fruit raising In Polk couuty must eventiinlly be the leading industry. We often wonder why farmers do not beautify their homes by using the paint or whitewash brush more than they do. A rough board house if painted with even cheap paint can be made very at tractive. Barns, outhouses, fences, trees, etc., can be cheaply colored with whitewash and not only becomo more attractive to the eye, but absolutely be. more healthy for your family. The following receipe for a cheap paint of which the materials are at hand on the farm may prove valuable: Skim milk two quarts, fresh slacked lime half a pound, linseed oil one-third of a pint, white burgundy pitch one eighth of a pound, Spanish white three pounds. Slack the lime in water, ex-, pose to the air and then dissolve in about one-fourth of the milk; the oil in which the pitch is dissolved to be added a little at a time, then the rest of the ,i milk, and afterwards the Spanish white. This is sufficient for painting a surface 10x27, two coats, a nice clean white. If colors are desired add dry colors.