The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 15, 1891, Image 1

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J the best advertising medium
In Polk county and constantly
growing belter.
vol. vnr.
$2.00 Tcr Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 27.
WM .
IMU'tttl HV
Polk County Publishing Company
Iti-LI!1H at the PoaLotUce n Imlepen-
, ttW(p. a tndMa matter.
' r . ....,.. 2Ju
HI MlWth . . . . i . , ,U)
Three Months . . jo
Addnwa all c,ininiutilealkua.r imhlteatlon
liv Tmk Wut Kiu, hikI make nil remlttaim
tnMll Ui Hi folk Count)-I'ubllaliliigOin,
tiirirpMiriimee It bleated at the head of navl
gallon (the moot of Dtp jfwiri, mi the W II lam
'liv river, ami mi the main line of the Oregon
A I'nllltiriiln Itnltroad; eoiilaliia a population
t Imu people; la tin. iirlm!m uhlpplng point
tir til euuutjr, hli-h la our of lt. hii-gmt.
mm tuieaiy HipituiMH in uiv
IllftlUV.tO NIIVT,
Katahllahed by National Authority,
of llliteHniUnei, Oregon.
Capital Stock,
I'nwtuVlit, VtctlfMldont.
W. It lUWI.KV, Cashier,
J.fUmlw, U W, iUiberton,t,wlii IMmlik
0. W. Whlleaker, W. W. Collins.
MV S3, mnrta awry Monday night In
MimoiiIc hall. All nOminilng hroii,.r Invited
loKlli'iiii, JAM M UIUHON, M, W.
K. V. II.U.TON, llmmler. .".
'. A, TaUTY, teeretary,
1 , I, O O. K luwla In Ma.
wining. All u.i.i ruuwa
ronllallv luvlied hi l-
T. U. r KY KIt, N, U,
t.YOS UHHIK. No. . A
A A. M. HialiM 1111 m tin Inv
I ona oh or Iwlnn. roll mtioii
aril mouth an. I two wreka
liorrafli'r. J. W. Hoator. VV . 41
fc. L. Keli'linni, ,
Phvsicians & Surgeons.
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
0IR: Mat lid of Mala ft.,
Physician'- and Surgeon.
Buana Villa, Oragen.
Resident Dentist
All work warnintiHl to glvi the bmt
nf aalUftHihin.
A. M. Hl'KLKV,
Attorney and Counselor at LaC
timrw Next to IndpnutfriKr Xnll Huk.
liiilpprniliitm. Or,
It. V, lloiihm. II. S. Itnyit. il. V. H. Holmaa
ornt k ix i su a iiLo k.
A gviiTuI Imaklng bualuaaa IrtuiMottx,
nnyt amt ailla rhiuigt on all ImportMit
kilnta. ,
lloniMlta rvoelvod atihjwt to pIik or on wr.
tlltmlcof amal. tXillivllunaniRitp.
Offlw timim; (i ii, in. to I u, in.
National Bank"!
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
II. lllltm llllKIUl, . . IrvaldnnU
A1IIIAM NKIMN, . VlfilValrtKnl.
W. r. CONNAWAt Cahtf.
A grni'ral banklug and kvhang bualnrw
ImiiMictril; loana niatta, bllla iIIxjuiiIhI, eonv
inrrt'lalcmtltagnintRli avpoalta rwlvad on
ruiwnl anwunt anl.Jwt In I'htvk, Inlanwt paid
on (lint tp,lt.
J(hu MrlHinlv), II. 11, Jaaiwrann, A. J.
iltHKliiiaii, II. Hlrarhtwi-g, A. Nalann,
T. J. t.m, I. A. Allan.
(Ilnlilllii?il liy Nttlloiml AiUlmrlty,)
Capital National Bank I
OVuVtt jHiid ji, f.W,0()0.0().
Surplua, $15,000.
"' '' f
r T
imiiutry. Mouxa rdorntly duarutea a
i Ik worm, attnlylntt the gtomacb, eon
tulnliijf the fitxjm of lravw and twiita of
the mulberry tree. The reaulta of ht
' Pnn CornitriUno bna build '! liim to belttr tha illk could
f no.UOU court hotte. ) I l t,roluol independetit of the Ilk-
: l'.ml(WWe oi.iKa.nion' to tha a'p. y"IAm- d. after many failnrea, it ia
IX'intmwt of Waltw JIU of Call- h avolvwl a j.roce for manu-
funila tut ohlHf of H Wtlcnlttirat 'Hnir n lk from tha learn and twiita
Jqwrtiumt of thawflfWMHirlinnuii. of 1,9 W "nd "nt,h
hatad in tha Enat A Wnmittw. of Vh . ' country to atart a fiw-
thrw haa Wn appoint' to InreaUKAta ?ry',w,hl,'h hMf to ,Urtod ln
Aharimt whlvh hv bent mada acalnat tale 01 a",al-
vnarim u, uixon, a crank rrom uart
ford, Conn., wnt to New York to kin
Jay Gould. Ha wanfod Oonld to diride
bla jiropprty with biut. : Ua haa been
aeut to an aaylnm.
The OiTtimn (fovemment baa appro
priattHl a5,000 to ba nwl in making an
axhihlt at tha worlda fair.
The will of Miriam A. Oxborn, mother
-. Drugs, Median M&Jugj ui M h!::,
, Spanata, Sraahaa, Parfumary, Sohool Baaka and Artleta' Suppllea.
ran aeoa ar waionea, ciaeka ana? Jewelry. Rt pairing Neatly Dona.
rPhyalelana' Praaerlptlena Carafully Compounded.-
' 'a '
Many Advantages,
It. 8, VAIJCr.. W. W. UAIITI
I'milili'iit. Vkv I'realdant.
J. II. Al.llF.llT, "aahlrr.
To Farniir on wliunt and ninnr iiiari'hniitalila I
pRHluiw.nnialgiint or In alora, ellhi-r In rl-
vati, gmnarlaa or puttiKi wuraliouam.
L If alto UtniTit atf rn fit "t I'Hevaun.f "
Han Frannlant, Portland, lindon, t'arta, Hav
lln, Hong Kong and I'nli'Uliit,
lU'twwn Slnta anil Court,
on t'ominwlal Hi.
- C. S. McNALLY,
PraaMant, ffortlaoJ).
rahla( ,
t . lllBlfU
. l o. rowau.
Capital Slock,
PaM Dp,
ltOOMtT lUHII IluetMAN lll.OCK
Mitchell & Bohannon
Manurat'lnnni ut
Sash and Doors
I nili'H-tidiii.
Main itmt
7.l Milrkil St., Hun,
AdmlMlon 29 ecnta.
Oo and learn how to avoid
dlNi'tiKK. CoiiHtiltntlon and trcat-
niiinl ppmiiniilly or by Ictlnron
Hpermuiorriien or kouiihi wimik
TifmM and all dlNf.HN of mn.
R'nd for iMMik. Vrlvnto oltlra,
'UI (ii'iiry HI. (.'oiiil!tiili)li friHi,
Mln Ada JtnlMin.
tin. Wlllliima.
New llmik Hiillding, Indcpcndi'iice,
Monmouth Ht., Independence.
lireaaM mndn to order, nnd enltliiu done on
Hie het nnu mot moiiiTn Kyniem. a irmi
will rainvlnee tlml my ayalimi Im IihwU
on arlnntriln irlnellea mid Ih miiih '
ti, oli'iuiii in v natron.
I'rleea reimoniililo and work furnlKhod u
Miinitmewrcr nna aenior in
,'Sash, : Doors, : Mouldings, : lite.
Full HtiK'k of Oltom, all len, kapt cormtiintly
l on hand. Hpedlul mien on conlrnota.
. Fivclory on R. H. utreut uenr depot.
0 St., Independence.
FirHt-clna in every rettpeot Bpeclnl
attorition given tranaient ciistomora. A
ample room for commercial trn Vetera.
Of Independence, having a Btoam
engine, a brick machine and several
acres of finest clay, is now prepared
to keep on hand a lino quality of
Brick, which will be Bold at reason
. able prices. i
i a. mrnoji, p. a powm
J. V. B. uun KR. A. a. OKIOOS,
f. L CAMt'llKLL.
A ganmral banking bnalnaw tranaaewd. fie
ntnlta nrclted inhjaoi In cheek, or no cartlllfate
I dapoalk Ixiana inada, bill! dlaeonnlw).
ehauga bought and aold, lularaat paid oo Una
ftrenmol anlt and burglar proof aala, Meared
y Yale time look.
atayOfflea houn t a. m. to i p, m.
We have tho lureest and BEST
Stock of IlarntssH ever brought
to thlH Section.
All Our Own Manufacture.
Our Whins are direct from the
Factory and are the best
out of 150 Stylef. ,
Trimming at reiwonable Prices.
Beamer &, Craven.
Independence to Corvallisby S. P. R.R.
Independence to Portland by " "
Independence to Falls City by Motor Line.
Independence to Salem by ".' "
Independence to Astoria by A. Sz S. C. R. R.
Independence to Albany by " M
him. i
, Hun Franciaro la fid with conntar
ft'it nilver dollara. Tw of the counter
feltont' nifi-nt lmv lm paptured, but
tlie plunt baa not kn found.
Wautfle FinifMKf, Wlored, died at Log
Angi'le tinder aartar ctreamitancaa.
ha wag an importnit witwaa In an
Mtaon oaae, and buabatid aayt aha
Sra poUonwd. i i
Luther Hurt."Hvr. an attorney at
uliland, (r.( enrUd a l,W0 life in
aitranoe policy for an aifod widow, Ha
Kava her :kh) i aaid lwdid not collect
MmrfiiinliidiT. "o then took a train
jfor the North, laHl waa arrettod at ltoao-
Imrif. '
I O. W. niiifi'-y of th Bkyhlgh fruit
farm at Winw, Cal baa ghlpped a too
pound bog of Itoyal apriwu to Chicago,
llf mailn a iWl'tnent a year tffo on tha
wine iwy " n aout mr au oenta a
iiwuiid. TW waa the flntt ablpment thia
year, ,: i
The Pgaflena Paoklair fomnaiiv. with
ja, capiflim k of 7S,00Q, ban been or-
Kinigm w mi m rmit canning and amp
ping ouayiraa HI mat plgoe.
1 A I'aai'lena man baa natented an In
Tt'titionnr propelling treet cam by tha
igrtwMwie axpinaion or naphtha car
ni in i ue caoooea of the car.
DaoM Roerana. a nephew of Gen,
jioatirana, the rwrlatrar of the tTnltil
fjtel treaanry, U held nnder 1,000
at Studmne, Cal.. for itealing a
iwaecran baa worked aa a
'rw irninw at San Joae and had an
tiMuvlahla rennUtion. Tha t.fvm tSlia Vi aa
In Ui now la Mid to 1 the rarult of
dapnte over a land claim, whl.-h lnu mt
awnoie neighborhood by theaara.
; f Attorney General Hart of California
turn rendered an opinion to tha effert
that a tax collector baa tha power to
U'vy upon the property of bnnka for the
payment of jx-raoual property tg where
the bun k have no real estate. He baa
ai0 tlecitled tliat. While a board of an,
perviaow iiua the right and power to or-
uer au actum lnntltuttHl, the district at
torney haa theriftht to commence an ac
tion without tha aanction or direttion
01 tne board.
Juilge McKinW of Loa Ancelee baa
ruled that the btmde recently lamed by
the board of director of the Palmdale
Irrigation diatrlct were illeinil. the iie-
titionera for the organtiatiou of the dia-
wiut not yet having atwured title to their
property at the time of aliminir the t-
Hinou aim inererora were not frerhiddera,
A pnper wna read at the Teachera' tut
jociatton lMafwrtk In Wlikhttwaaanid
oe iiuinn iiiiirucreu tne ninyor of New
urlcanaand fleven of Die niurderera
were ming.
About LOnOfet-t of tha work or one
half the dlatimce of the canal from tide
water to the broad gauire depot at San
Rafael have Uwm coniulcted. When the
levee are finuthed ajiout 1,SflO acrea of
mild will be reclaimed.
i.ynuee ami W hatcom, Wimh., are to
be connected by a motor line.
The town oYon Bet, Kev., hoaacow
which ilid not taete ftnid or drink for
ihirty-ctghtdaya. Hlieirot iuiprinuniHl in
a narrow paHnate In an old building and
euuiu not even no tiown.
It now looks aa if the proponed road
to untie, v. l., tha grcnt mining seo
won wont of Fnyaon bii.1 directly en
route to the Deep Creek country, ia to
ue uniii una auiiiiiier.
The Salt Lake,
TJnder the new trf ty with Spain,
coal, petroleum, machinery and fata
will tie admitted free of duty into Coba
and Porto Rica, nud tha preaent duty
on flour will be reduced one-half ln n
chancre for the free adiniaaion into the
United State of coffee, gngar and cocoa.
Gaorga Boyd, who waa onated from
the gorernorahip of Nebraaka, U going greatly dlveraifiod iiulttetry and m micli
Tha Dlvaralty of Farming-Staring
Petataaa-A Root Caller- Farm
i Fanoaa-Waahing Harnaaa
Tha Praaperoua Farmer.
hUl It ever occur to our renilcra that
a farmer aliottld he one of the numt in
telllgcntof all men, not olucatcd nlono
to UNO Ilia iiientat fuvultlca, but to umi
lila linntla and akill. Fiinnliiu la a
Gash Grocery & Bakery
froth Bread, FIm and Cakiw an baud avary day
aioeut Mundajr.
A ivi. miiu iiviii. murvm ui uaunm jfmmmt nnr.
taw, ootfua, augar, caudlaa, olara aud tobaoooa,
P. 1. TAYLOR, Proprietor.
II. H, Pattkrhon.
V, P. Pattkbhon.
. -
- ,
The present area in Hops, tributary to Independence, will
soon bo trebled. The amount of inconio will reach in a few
, f f
yearn ,nt Uwt on million dollm '
The adaptability of our lands for special fruit-raising, such
' prunes, pears and apples; will employ hundreds of men; bring
into the country thousands of dollars, and make our farming
lands worth from two to three hundred dollara an aero. Fruit
raising will bring canneries and fruit dryers.
Merchant Tailor !
Suits in Any Style Made to Order
-Sugar Beet Raising-
: The rich bottom lands of this section are peculiarly well
adapted to raiscng' sugar beets, the profit, above cost of produc
tion, being estimated at from thirty to forty dollara an acre.
One sugar factory will call into use over 3,000 acres of land, in-
creasing its value half a million dollniVand employing lalmr.
Hiiilev and IWnt
Sound railroad hna been incorporated at
nun, uoh, i no rupiiai alock In kI -750,000.
The road will run along the
Mium niiore, via urnutville, (Skull Val
ley, tadar moniitain to Lucen, thence
w the iiitilio atute bonndnry, 1.10 miles.
i,iuie ritmion. a colored woman of
Pine Bluff. Ark., hiut for aotne time been
niakiiig derogatory reiimrka concerning
the character of fumli reeiding in her
neighborhood. They nimlly banded to
gether ami actncKeii the Simpson woman
on th atreot with rutora, knives and
dirka. 'Wio ia thought to lie falally
The iniierintendeiit of the censua lma
issued a bulletin on the subject of
asylums for the insane in the United
Slate. The total 'number of insane
person treated in both public and pri-
viiteuisuinuonH uiinug lwsu wag 97,fl:w,
wime tiuring issi there were S6,S0,1
treated, ahowiu.g an increase in nine
years of al.HUO, or 78.511 per cent,
J. M. Wesson, a young lawyer from
Niivasota, took hi wife and babe to an
lce-cieuiu saloon, at San Antonio, Tex.,
and took a seat on the gallery which
projects over tha river. Soon gft.r a
splash was heard and all three were
seen in the water. The woman was res
cued, but the man refused assistance
and was drowned, also the baby. We,
son had lieen in ill health some time,
and It is thought he threw his wife uiul
child over while demented.
A dispatch snysi SIme. Blavaaky, the
famous theosophist, is dead. She was
born at Eknterinoslnw, in the south of
Russia, in 18M. From her earliest
childhood she waa nnlike any other per.
son. Lively mid highly gifted, full of
humor and of remarkably daring, she
struck every one with astonishment by
her self-willed udd determined actions.
John flannagan, aged (14, an old time
miner, committed suicide at Uliijicey,
Mont., under peculiar circumstances, He
dug a grave on the sido of the hill ulwve
his cabin and near his mining claim ivnd
built a rude pine coffin, which he placed
near the grave. Ooiug to his cabin be
got a rifle, placed the muzzle over bis
heart and touched tho trigger with the
stove poker. He left a note saying: "I
don't want to trouble anybody. Bury
me in the grave I dig. "
Benalor ingniis reoenlly entered into
commnnioation with Major Pond of
New York, who managed Stanley'a
American tonr, in regard to lecturing
next season. Pond made him a big
offer of fiOO n night for fifty nights,
and the result was that Ingall took the
first train that pulled out ef Atchison
for New York. 'The gentlemen have
agreed upon the term of contract.
Under the contract Mr; Ingall will ap
pear in nil the leading cities of the
country and will deliver from one to
three lectures in each place.
Elins Khousl. a Svrian. has arrived at
New York. He is a native of Dauiaa-
cua, aud comes in the Interest of Mousa
Khousl, the famous Syrian inventor,
whose nephew he is. to establish a new
of Howard Osborn, baa been filed for
probata at New York. Everything ia
practically in trust. She 'place all of
Howard share out of the reach of any
wife who haa been a professional actresa,
or any children of such a marriage.
ih recorder aaya yonng Osborn waa
secretly married to Fay Templeton two
year ago,
The dock laborer at Cleveland, O.,
have struck against reduction of
A sensation waa created in Boyd'
theater, Omaha, by Charle Hoyt of tha
"Texa Steer" company appearing on
stage in the first act, and in ft fiery
Ieech denouncing a leading divine of
the city a a liar and a scotmlrel. The
affair waa provoked by the remarks of
the minister during a recent sermon
calling upon tha member of hi church
to hiin the Hoyt company, aa be had
seen all tta member drunk in a palace
car while en route from Chicago, where
they were acting In an ortrageoua and
lascivion manner,
The Preacott National bank of Lowell,
Mass., has placed an attachment on the
protierty of Oen. Butler for 12,000.
The money consideration waa given
about four year ago on a personal note,
which the bank discounted. When the
not fell due it waa not paid for tome
reason not at present explainable.
Six block of building were burned
at Alliston, Out. They contained six
hotel, nve torea, twenty-nve real
deuce, the poatoflice, market buildings
and tire ball. The haw will run into
hundreds of thousanns.
The directors refused to grant the de
mand of organized labor tor the incor
poration of a minimum scale of wagea
in all eontracta of putting up the big
buildings of the world fair at Chicago.
Prof. Julius E. Hilgnrd, late superin
tendent of the United State Coast Sur
vey, died at hie home at Washington a
few day ago,
Mrs. Clara Koehler, the midwife who
died in Bellevne hospital, New York,
after Inhaling ether and chloroform.
once occupied the whole house at 84 Eaet
highty-fonrth street, where she had ao
cominodHtlona for. ibictjfcsi, patient.
There were thirty-four in the house
whei she waa arrested, and the night
she was locked up four twines were
bom there. Mrs. Koehler said at that
time that more than 2,000 babies had
been born in that house since she had
been there, and t hat one had died. None
of the mother had died. The mothers,
she said, were mostly servants and the
fathers mostly policemen. It waa at
one time reported that Mrs. Koehler
provided one or more of the babies with
which Mrs. Evangeline Steel-Mann ex
perimented on Robert Ray Hamilton.
The queen regent of Spain was an-
pointed umpire in the dispute between
Colombia and Venegneln over the bound
ary lines between those two republic.
She establishes the boundary line along
the rivers Orinoco, Atabajio and Negro,
which gives tYilombia the whole of
Conjiro, San Fanstino and Aranco territories.
Ex-Hnrgeon-Oeneral Hammond has be
gun suit against the New York World'
Washington correspondent for libel, the
said correspondent having stated that
I)r. Hammond had charged Mrs. Stan
ford f.1,000 for removing a wen from
her head.
Much excitement has been caused at
Valparaiso by an attempt to assassinate
the leading members of the cabinet.
The persons . engaged in the nlot at
tempted to take the lives of the minis
ter by means of a bomb thrown at the
intended victims in the street.
Great Britain is likely to have another
war with the Boer in South Africa, and
troops are being gent to Becbnanaland.
The melting snows have put manv of
the streams that flow into the Rio
Grande bank full, and the bordering
lowlands are covered with water.
The secretary of the interior will
shortly appoint an agent to superintend
experimental irrigation in Arigona, Mon
tana and Nevada.
In Door county, Wis., is an Indian
woman named Angelica Bear, wlm
claims to hava reached the advanced
age of 124 years.
Walter H. Graves of Denver has been
appointed superintendent of irrigation
on the Crow reservation in Montana, at
a salary of 3,700 per annum, '
to carry the case to the federal court.
The grand jury at New Orlean did
not indict any one connected with the
lynching of the Italians, but returned
ix indictment againet men charged
with tampering with the jury.
, The Chilean iteamer Itata, which waa
in San Diego harbor ostensibly for a
cargo of provisions, waa ordered to be
eiged and held by the war department
at Washington. A deputy United
State marshal went on board to carry
ont his orlers, when the steamer
weighed anchor and steamed away with
the omYUil on board. A tng started
after her, but she reached Mexican
water before aha could be overtaken.
The marshal was put ashore eight mile
from San Diego. . The boat turned ont
to be a privateer fully armed and
equipped. '
A woman at Chicago is suing her hus
band foradivorce on the ground that he
waa a convict and that be did not tell
her no,
The remain of Minister Swift who
died in Japan arrived at San Francisco
and were interred with military honors.
There Is a vast accumulation of matter
requiring attention from tha state de
partment nt now aud Secretary Blaine
will probably be a busy man during the
summer. Recent eventa in the Chilean
situation have added to the complexity
of affairs, and there is now a long docket
of unsolved diplomatic problem a fol
low: The Italian and Bering sea con
troversice, Canadian reciprocity and tha
Newfoundland nsheriea negotiations, the
Cbilean trouble, the Spanish agreement,
the Venezuelan treaty, the Haytian
coaling station, tha refusal of China to
receive onr minister, the trouble over
require the beet skill In all Its de
partments. Men have made fort u tic
by farming In just one department, and
if a man fulls In one department he can
by care retrieve bla fortune in another.
Wre can only briefly mention a few of
the departments. The farmer must be
a carpenter for he has houses, barns,
fences and gate to build, and poor
houses, fence and gate betoken a poor
farmer, either financially or in skill.
He must know that crop to plant and
how to prepare the ground. He must
know when fertilizers are needed and
the best kinds. He must know some
thing about gardening. He must have
au orchard and a viueyanUud small
fruits, and take care of them. He must
have live stock anil understand their
best feed, and their deseaees. He must
have a dairy and furnish llrst-cIasH
products. He mimt keep a few bees,
aud understand the apiary. He must
know how to It-seen the coat of bis fann
Implement. He must read the paper
In order to keep ismted, and not
descend to a, mere drudge and clown
among men. la be a successful farmer
requites talents of a high order, and
successful farmers have those talenta.
Hmoke Banner cigars.
A cellar iu which to store root and
fruit is very convenient, but many
farmers imagine it cuala too much (o
build one. The plan we give is nut a
new one, but It ia good aud cheap.
the failure of the consul at Victoria to This is Intended to be built at any con
venient place above ground. A root
house twelve feet wide and twenty
feet long la a convenient size. First
dig down tbrve feet in the ground, aud
smooth oft'level all around two or three
feet buck. Get on hand a lot of small
logs or poles, from six to ten inches In
diameter, lay your first two polea
toast the queen and qnite a number of
minor matter, including the claim of
the Barrundia family.
Phil Boyle was ent ont from Pay-
son, u. T. by Bon. Thomas Wim
mer, Dr. Shore and Letter Tay
lor to prospect the Deep Creek
country, has just returned, having
struck- it rich at Dugway. Within an
hour of Boyle's arrival in tha district he lengthwise and back from edge of the
bad found a claim, the ore from which
assay fJO.OOO to. the ton horn ilver.
The find is considered one of the richest
yet made in that fast-becoming Eldora
do. Lota of Paysonite have canght the
Deep Creek fever aud will go there to
seek their fortune. Deep Creek is
about WO miles directly weat of Payson.
Honduras now ha a revolt on hand,
hole about one foot. Lay on two crosn
poles. The next pole drop in one foot.
and soon until a roof 1 finished. Cover
this frame with rough boards, and the
board with clean, new straw, to the
deptd of one foot. Over tbis place one
foot of earth and pat and smooth it
nicely. Mako ... yotic door of double
cut straw, make a cliuto In one end.
Such a root house is cliean and will
last from eight to ten years,
For anle, Sort head of sheep. Inquire
at this office. , 5t
amt trt--Rt(nr! saw dust or
Ex-Senator Warner Miller, president
or tne Nicaragua Canal company, ha
returned from his investigation trin.
He report that good progress has been
made and that the work will be rapidly
Capt. Geo. W. Brown of tha steam-
ship Haytian Repubho waa arrested at
Seattle on a warrant sworn ont in the
United States court by George J. Ren-
nicks, a passenger whom he had hand
cuffed and imprisoned while at sea.
While en route from San Francisco
to Seattle Rennick waa ordered below
for nsing profane language in the ladiea'
cabin, and waa handcuffed for an hour.
On arriving at Seattle he procured
Brown's arrest for assault, and brought
suit against Brown and the Haytian Re
public rnr 1 10,000 damages. Capt.
urown was released on f 10,000 bail.
The American Medical association at
Washington has elected Dr. H. O. Marv
of Boston president. Among the vice
presidents is Dr. W. E. Taylor of Cali
fornia. The committee appointed to
petition congress to create a cabinet
officer to lie called the secretary of pub
lio health made a report setting forth
reason why such au officer should be
When you see the following points
in a farmer you may know he will
meet with success:
When you see him drive his work
instead of his work driving him. It
shows that he intends working- bis
way to prosperity.
W hen you see his wngous and farm
ing implement covered both winter
and summer, It plainly shows that he
will have a good house over his head,
In the summer of early life and the
winter of old age.
When his cattle and horses are prop
erly fed and sheltered it evinces that
he is acting according to scripture
which says, "a merciful man Is merci
ful to his bciwt."
Last, though not least, when he is
seen subscribing for his paper, and
paying for It in advance, it shows that
he Is speaking like a book respecting
J. J. Dukes, a wealthy planter living the latest movements, and that he will
X Seltluli (Jlrl.
Daughter Mother, can't I go over to my
friend Clara s ami Btay to-nlglitf
Mother Indeed you slia'n't, I heard
that young Fred Falsetto tell you the Col
lege (lice dub was to come here anil seren
ade you to ulglit, and you fieedu't think
I'm going to slay hero and suiter alone,
Anil So It (Joe On.
Kaiser Wllhulm II (nt, St, Petersburg, to
Cuar Alexander III) My beloved brother!
peace is forever assured!
Kaiser WllhWm 11 (on n,s return to ller-
II n, to his minister of war) Buy another
hundred thousand nf those improved rides
ami llfty tons of smokeless powder. Epoch.
A Treasure.
"How Is yonr Mr. McWattyf" asked one
boardlug house keeper of another, speak
ing of a boarder who had been ailing.
'Oil, he's quite lust his appetite," replied
Mrs. Small,
"Dear me, how fortunate you always are
with your young men!" Kpoch.
And Worked Up.
"You know the wealthy and cultured
Mr. Shiner, dou't your"
"Yes; he commenced life as a bootblack,"
"Ahl I see; began at the foot." Puck.
A llopelena Caae, '
"Is the Sphinx blind?" asked Mrs. Wa
bash, looking up from her paper.
"Yes," replied her husband; "stone
blind." New York Recorder.
near Atnerieus, Ga., is on trial, charged
with resisting the will of God. He
placed a lightning rod on his residence,
and his Hardshell Baptist brethren did
not think that he should resist the will
of God by a vain device to keep of such
electric bolts as he might Bend that way,
Jerome Burnett, chief of the national
bank division of the treasury depart
ment, died at Washington of paralysis,
aged o years.
Pickpockets made something of a haul
at the reception to President Harrison
at Sacramento. One man lost a $1,500
diamond pm,
Train will shortly lie run on the Ca
nadian Pacific to give a continuous trip
rrom Vancouver to Seattle, Taconia and
other Sound cities.
The body of W. M. Barber, a mer
chant of Lebanon, Or., has been found
in the W illnmette river, at Portland,
Barber Had been killed, robbed and
thrown into the water.
H. Wessel, after two week' boring
for artesian water on bis place at Tem
pleton, has been successful at a depth of
.no im, with a now of thirty inches
aoove tne snrtace and still increasing.
Boring continues, and a very strong cur
rent is promised at 400 feet. This is the
first experiment in the Templeton
Judge Perkins, in hie charge to the
grand jury at Keuton county, Ky., in
the case of tho Covington poolsellers,
aaid, under the recent decision of the
court of appeals, the selling of pools on
races was not gambling. He also said
that poolrooms were indictable for a
nuisance, but that the'nuisance under
the law must be continuous, and he
therefore said the arresting of pool
eeller for each pool sold was not ac
cording to law.
j..Vata, ..
never get his walking
land of poverty.
papers to the
Patterson Bros., sole agents for the
Banner cigars. -
The matter of fencing on a farm is
an important one, and we should be
pleased to hear from our farmers on the
subject, What are the advantages or
disadvantages of the following fences:
(1 ) Rail worm feuce, eight rails high
' (2) Straight rail fence, two posts.
(3) learning fence, without posts.
(4) Hoard fence, four boards, etc.
(5) Board fence, three boards and
(0) Wire fence, one board.
(7) All wire fence.
(8) Woven picket fence, machine
(0) Picket fence, woven on posts.
In commenting on above variety of
fences will our rcadnra please state cost
of each kind discussed per yard.
Smoke tho Ust on earth, the Banner
cigar, for sule by Patterson Bros.
Cheap fur Children.
A sign in a Westerly barber shop readst
"Hair cut and whiskers trimmed, twenty
live cents; children, fifteen oenta." Provii
deuce) Journal.
A New Pliaxe of the Qneatlon.
Mr. Bingo I dou't see why you dis
charged the girl, for she was the best serv
ant we ever iiad,
Mrs. Mingo That may be, but I was
over to Mrs, Kingley' next door yester
day, and ghe has discharged eight girls in
two weeks nnd I had only discharged
seven. It wouldnever do to let her get
ahead of me Munsey's Weekly.
Logical. .
"What do I owe you, doctor?"
"Ten marks." 1
"But, doctor, yourcolleague charges only
Bve marks for the ame treatment."
"That is quite possible, but ha has a
much la.ger practice than V' Kllegende
Mr. I. Mattison, ot this city, and Mr.
J. H. Murphy have both managed to.
safely keep their potatoes over winter
aud their plans are almost the same.
Mr. Mattison digs a trench and pluccs
clean straw on the ground and then
piles his potatoes thereon, and theu
makes a lean-to of boards, oyer a ridge
pole, and over this thickly piles stable
manure. He leaves the ends open, but
covered with straw. His potatoes are
clean and souud. Mr. Murphy says he
bins his potatoes and covers with straw,
and they keep nil right. 1
Patterson Bros, keep the Royal Ban
ner cigars; they are the best cigar
nuiile. .... t
It Is said to be a poor practice to , use
soup in washing harness, as the potash
Injures the leather. Hub off the dirt as
well as possible with a soft brush, and
apply a dressing of grain black, fol
lowed with oil or tallow, which will
fasten the color aud make the leather
soft nnd pliable.