The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 24, 1891, Image 4

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IvHhwiwdalhst HMHrlhwiWsttsiy
Wlsare letui ( wwrW M Iwar,
WtU a trurapct Mil. twa a4 fall
Uk Um hmck ium U dan aadiaKe,
Una nw Ikal bold llr,
W IU Um Habt launuHal trass a ! 4,
U Uailul a Ijrhi .
Pruts death aarsllerad, Uk nM wla nvturwi
II; lb awlamlns breath -t tear,
With MajUwe saeaaara taav-fa) pWe.
Haa aa andertoa of trl
Ybrwmh all Um rant of Tieaa'a raat shaa
Wli th oid tasl il Unalaa fivt,
KiitereC! toSen ul wurd aaWwhsa,
1km the snat f a Ijtvle llvel
- WUItam It. Ilin la VauU)'lCMwMk
iw I .!.u.t 111.- ih wa U..- uk.ii 1 WUh n ,rf P
Papa. dout Ilk , . aiwtairt MH Iximli in Um. very
huddl tocher forward. They ar tip to , ftnt t( WBllllw(ll
tttM mincbipf. you ra ii.jni4 ojhui it Th.y fuij t,rf,r thin PrriU ftrt,
"Nom, K1U: nutunwr rrld Wuff , ukliiit iilniiit( of ilwlr dinwwu
old Cptln U.v: tun! h iu)ml tMM k (tiaw, rrnuk lip4 lit nil nd
Um bnl brinitiiml irw rwl which pro- rut lli Uwt i.lnrt.
todrd fate faMtl from Ua ttorM Impioit) U-fare Im wmtd miwt lit mam Uh Imt
on. "Tb rw nil rilil, l ly ltt wv tf tlt IfaU wiw ninw Uwm ud
sundown, if IhU brmM blk wTl b t tlwy were bP.'riwI o pwt Ihf TtwW m4
th wouUi nf th t4rda." ' fur ui llw rivr wlib frlhiful wl.wily.
"IVrtMix you know lrt, v." iwid i IVn rutin Um ixhvII Mid tlioy drind
Uie riUinn rUy dmiKlilipri "but I ! Imrk towwd U IVfrbm.
llirv Uicy km (dotUng uiuUiiy or ra friik pulli tuwrd ft little UWl on
oibrr dnxulful thiiitf. Mid Mr. K.1-i tlio rljilil liul mJ vf tlm ib4iiil Mid
vara"- i iKtwlrd in makinif UutllnK.
"Uimiphr irruwUtixljr tuttrra(tv1 th j lLiumJo fiwt Hie Umt imintor to
ciiu. nud h M-owlwt darkly. "U' bmvy nk, Mid tli tlim, tflrting,
fMiu Mik Ibtwardft lUfit tlit yoa gri wrro blgli wMxr wwk when lit
tht fall idi ftliout my cr." ' ond wv wept up thu trriu.
NnUm of tti" kind, nk!" pMbtfKl i ItoMrio, umdd4 ! th bluw b bd
Dlft. fthbuiwh l.luhod nwly. U ' rwivd. tgnorifnl to bk fl th
wa I wbo Bret nutitvd tlis qutrartiona dtnxhy twiit by the rmmi Mid ordered
of llio mru.mid rftllwl bin tUiilio to out lht Irnni bunt. ,
tU matter. H taid be would miKtftvt : Into it h lmtd wi!b fail fi)Uiwn to
t you". : , i pumi , .
Well, I du't want bia oxp'stU.iMir i Tb wwowl waf wit tbvut luward
tUowd U- rapuin. 'l iu cuuuuanibir ! the fugitiwa, and wbn the rmiil fttn
of tiM IWi-at, and bava lailrd Uinw
water 10K wioukU to know my bui
mm. Ttm thinx ar ftll iu yow imaa
iution, and t don't thank rVaiik KJ
ward fur tMonratritttf yoa in bbaUuu
iny tuoal rivll't in-w rm by
lhgbt,H' '
Hariiift thtw dlivird blnwrlf t.V cap
iat tarnad on hia hl aod vntrml tha
rabift. while Ella, with aooUicr direful
took toward tha nitlrn fat-rd crow,
bavd ft dwp aisb and tank iuto a
chair which th tint mate of tha IW
Imw, hauitiiM Frank Gdwanlx, had
plaiwl for br on th poopdvek brnratb
an lmprovinl awninK that hal Urn
atrvtc had to abeltr bcr from tha ray of
tha buruinK ttui.
Her fara brihtentJ prvavnUy, wbn
qoiat ttep aanadad do tha deck, and tha
mala aloud btwida br.
"What did ha aayT be akl in an
ratter whiupvr.
"iWi-pouanl tin whola thing ft ft
illy jtirl'ft foolish faiii-y.aiiJ (talked into
tha cabin, rvd with ftupr, wbrn I niru
Uourd your nanw."
I faarcd aa tnach," aaid tha young
man aadly. "Ua ia blind to tha daily
Mchinatiotu of tbosa eopprr facol raa
cftla, and U U no um giving him adric.
"They were plotting mischief brfura
wa wrro out of sight of Uuftynift.
"That acar facd scoundrel, Manurl
Roaario, lias lcaructl that wa bava a
cargo of arum, ammunition and gnnrral
atorea for tha troops at Kurt Yuma, and
thia knowledgo Has axi-iUsl bis cupidity.
"Wht'U we stopped for waU-r at Sau
Francisco inland ha in-t an i-nt of tho
iusuixeuta, and was pMUilsed liberal
sum if lie would capture tha Tcuscl and
turn it Mid lite cargo over to them.
lie does not know Unit i overheard
bim plotting. j the male into which he had been brought
'If be did be would be cowardly and i by bis folly,
desperate enough to knock me on the A fw weeks Uler, In the month of
bead with a belaying pin torn dark s JMinary, lat 4, before bis departure to
night" j tha army, and when M. do t'anlaiiicourt
-Oh, Frank r cried Ella, and ber beau- 'bad already stwted for the ChatilUon
Uful face paled witb apprehension. -Do . congress, the emperor worked altuivt v
be careful aud watchful-for my sake r i ery evening with M. de la Besnanliere,
"I wiiir was his response, "and fao
your fatber will isvt Uke the precaution j lalncourt aliaence. In the course of
to checkmate ny move these ruffian : these conversations, which were kept up
tuay make 1 will perfect my plans so : far Into tlm ulgbt, he often opened hi
that we ran escape from the bark iu rase ' mind to him in a strange fashion. Thus
Kosario aud hi men mutiny and seise
"And papr faltered Ella.
"I'll force him to go with us. Now
dou't worry, dear heart, for I feel able j
to cope with tliese rascals when the time !
for action come.
They were in the upper Oulf of Cali
fornia, where it narrow to meet the
water of the Colorado river.
ma. L . r, i a l cm, a
Tift bark Peerless, of which Ella s fa-
W HI VaIMIM IHI14 U"Ul'l "
with arm and aiumntiitiuu uud other
snpplies for tlie United State troop at
Fort Yuma.
All bnt two of the original crew ship
ped in New York had died of the yellow
fever, which broke out with terrible vir
ulence shortly after they passed Capo
St Lucas and eutcred the gulf.
The captain had mMnugml to get hi
vessel into Uuayinaa, anil there the two
' remaining member of lit crew had de
serted. "
In consequence he was obliged to ship
a native crew Mid employ Manuel Uo
sario, an ex-pearl diver who, unknown
to him, was implicated in a revolution
then in progress on the peninsula, to en
list the raqnisit lumber of men.
Roaario bad got together ft band of as
bloodthirsty rofBan a it wa pomibl to
find, and had no difficulty in Inducing
them to lend ft Willing acquiuvence to
all bis nefarious selwnne.
He boldly ptauned to make Captain
Myers, the captain's daughter, Ella, and
the mate, Frank Edwards, prisoner,
' seisui Oih vessel and run it luto a seclud
ed harbor between the head of Han Fran
(risro island and the month of the Colo
1 rado river. '-
Here he would be Joined by a party of
the Insurgents, who would loot the ves
sel, after which it would be broken up.
The tide on the Oulf of California
are gigantic, the rise and fall of the
water averaging seventy-five feet
Rosario knew that they would enter
the month of the Colorado river that
night, and as the tide was particularly
swift at that point the bark woold be
securely anchored during the ebb and
flow of the tremendous current
This he rosolved should be the time
ana piace or sium-k, ana ms raiuuat
henchmen only awaited his signal to
make the cuptuin, the mate, and the
beautiful young girl prisoners.
in tow of the bnrk wn a small dinghy.
Drawing this np to the rudder .Ht
Mate Edwards opr-ned one of the cabin
windows and dropped Into it such
articles as would lie of nxe to them In
their flight, as well ns provision for
three or fonr days.
He then informed EUh of these prep
arations, and she held herself in readi
ness to flee at a moment's notice.
At about 4 o'clock In the afternoon the
Peerless entered tha river, and as the
tide wa low and would shortly turn
Captain Myers secured his vessel with a
bow and stern anchor and awaited the
coming rush of water, preceded by Jts
ordinary high advance wave.
It could be discerned in the distance.
The captain and hi daughter were
leaning over the stora rail watching its
approach when Mannel Rosario gave the
signal for revolt.
He and two of hi men stole softly to
ward tho nnsuspecting captain.
He dashed op the companion stairs.
Captain Myers in another monwut
was struggling in the grasp of Rosario'
Before the latter could draw weapon
the mate shot one and badly wounded
Rosario released Ella, whom h had
rtaed, ami alionted for awdslane, ,
Kwmttinii hi heavy ! srionther Mat
Kdwarda brtmiHit tha Imtt down npoft
RtsMuio'a hed wttli fore that wnl
hint moaning Mitt half nI to th
quick ! h cried. seUlnn Ella' im,
0m ! irn nil. Titer la a ld
dor. Drop Into tlto boat I will keep
' the oilier ruffian t ty."
I It btrait flriiitf luto th bord of ad-
( vftnclnjr mutineer.
Hy the tint M revolver m emptied
Captain Myer and K1U Ud reached lh
Ihirinir th aTtenioou h had cleaned
tit captain's: d.i'ilil- barreled sliotcun,
heavily charged ll with situ aud con
cealed II im deek under ft tarpaulin.
U T wra within 300 ynl nf tba WamL
Aflrr tlwwl" abouted Rowrio, laap-
ing upon tha beach as soon as tba boat
Suddenly they began to floumli r and
sink in t)i aaud. , .
"A nuit kiuiiKir tliey cried, Mid otaila
deierate effort to reach Oral ground.
lu vain!
Tha tuora they struggled tba deaper
they SMik, and when tba nett wav
swept tip tha river tliey wer ingnlfetl
In ten feet of water.
Not soul esraped, and wlten, aft
waiting palienlly on the island until tba
big tiile waa full. Mat Edwards rowed
Ilia captain and hia daughter back to the
Peerl, there waa ft look of grateful
pride on tha old skipper's faca as b re
garded bis brav young mate.
Four of tba tnatinerra bad been shot
dead and three other wer desperately
wounded. Tit bud lea of the dead were
thrown overboard aud tb wounded
were iinpriaoneil In tba forecastle.
When Fort Vnn.a wa reached and
tha veaavl bad been unloaded there waa
a grand wedding on tba deck of tb
Peerless, and when ah started on bet
homeward voyage a happier couple could
not b found than Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Edward.-New York World.
NaawletMi aa4 TallernuMl.
What waa strange In Xapoleoo't be
havior toward me was that al the very
lima that ba showed himself mutt sus
picious "of ne be waa-eroleavoritig to
draw me nearer to him, Thus lu the
month of December, 1813, he asked nie
to resume the port folio of ftirvign affairs.
i which I straightway declined, convinced
as I was that w could never aifree cm
1 the ouly pnaaibU way of bis escape from
be several times repeated to him, after
reading the dispatches in which the Duke
: of Viceoia told him of the progress of
the Cliatillion negotiations. "Ah! if Tal-
teyruid were there he would pull m
through." Talleyrand's Memoirs in On-
Uells have been cast of steel, but they
do hot produce the perfect note result-
I.. I.... . I ... .... I .1.. TI
nil m'fil Ida uiw wt i'Itik', w ih ow
u , , ...
emit extremely Una sounds, but th brtt
tlenea of this material renders tliero sure
to crack in using.
An English latwrer ouce said to hi
minuter: -Sir, yon have often told usof
our forefather. Now, I know of Abra
ham and Isaac and Jacob, but who wa
the frmrthT
haritjr la aha Rawkafallae traaail..
John D. Rockefeller's KMthoA of dis
posing of charity is described by The
Cleveland PlaimleaUer. It says that tba
great bulk of hi mail la eiamiaad by
his private secretary, and only the few
appeals which Impress the latter gentle
man favorably are Mated along to Mr
Rockefeller, who tftka stack of tboin
to the breftkrasi table every morning
and dlstribntea them aanong his children.
These member of his family are charged
with the duty of opening the letter and
consulting their content. Then each
child decides what shall be done with
the application, and the decision 1 writ
ten on the envelop and th name signed
for reference if need be.
After breakfast, Mr. Rockefeller
gathers np the mail and personally in
spect each application. Ha than weigh
the case and then ftct a fall conscience
dictate. This dictation I frequentiy
contrary to the decision rendered by bis
child, but that doesn't end the matter;
not at all. The, father gather hi
children about bim and review the
case, announcing hit decisions, and
when they conflict with those given by
the children he explain the reason for
the departure from the recommendation.
A llwabla lluf.
Tom wyiy, or Jonnsonviiie, has
most remarkable freak of nature ; It is a
double female dug pup, about six mouths
old. It has four well developed leg ia
the proper place. Aside from these there
Is another well developed leg protruding
from near the root of the tall and tins
grown about half the distance to the
ground, at which point two well devel
oped feet liegim to form and have grown
in Kirfect shape, and both feet now drug
on tho gronud as she walks. Hbe I in
perfect health and is ft well developed
double female, each part of her organism
performing in unison Its, separate func
tions, Nashville American.
, A llargala la Ulgli Ufa.
Mr. Higbiip Yon said that thing
would not coit over $30.
Mrs, High up I gave exactly V) for
It; liut then I paid the modiste more
for her promise to tell everybody that it
cost a hundred, New York Weekly.
Eva Brhnnock, a faith cnrlst and re
ligious enthusiast, has jnst finished ft
forty days' fast at llttsburg. Bhe was
track by the foot that whenever she
opened the Bible she saw a command to
faat. Iter fast differed from all other
In that the attended to her duties as a
teacher nd keeper of rooms In the Beth
any home. When her fast wa ended
he ate a hearty dinner with no bad ef
fect, : ,
Bhjb UwoHft M ft bl ffftll.
Ilrtvaa laMsM rma Ua am,
tlllkia u -- -- -"' '
Vt taiMMt CarkW, hark
Hatptaw ti taaad wtlii rl raski
Hat. Mini'nan'i ton,
I Jar t" klai taa ma aUII,
Aa kaataa km la Urauk atum aa4 kiajbt
itar ikaial laa iba kt40a tlarfa
Rip baaa ml a4 ainaUi at wa4
faaiaUI. -M. A. Ua Walft Uaa. Jt, ia TaaOii Oav
"It alu't no ua In gvlu' agin your
pa, Jaan--b's bad bia own way 'round
bare eo tin osl, for mora'n Uitrty yaaw,
mi' you'll st la give lu; iiotise
laikln' at him. T only malm bim wita,"
IW tilt! Mrs. Olootl had been ao
cusUonsd during tb whole of ber mar
rlad lift to "jest give in," and ber ouly
chaste of pea wa ta yielding hi bet
rlrbihly d'Utraiuad husband and al
lowing him to carry hi point without
Jeaal wa dlffemitly constituted.
Kb inherited ber falimr's strung will,
and ha had, much to hi Mrprt, sud
denly discovered an opposing force In
hia youngest child.
8h bad been away from bum fot
ftaarly throe, year -tats pretty, brown
haired girl with lb determined far Mid
graceful earrtag. ftftd Um father secretly
aduitmd and altawat feared ber. A
wsaUthy and chiUUw auut in Um city
had bemg!it Jennie to share bar bom,
ftn X II Irani Uloott pretty daughter,
ihufagb cutting to Um farm, with all Its
dear tuetnorii of ctiildhoiid Mid rhild
hood' iy, choa Wisely when alts
yktlded to ber aunt request It wa
better, far Utter for her, fur tvaii afu?t
her going there were plenty of children
to keep to tu overly old farmer In per
petual grumble about money waiters.
It was May and th country wore on
glad amila, and Jeeiola bailed with dV
light lb proupvcl of ft vial I to her koine,
aaumiug vary wrllincly Um responsi
btlity of housekeeping while her two uu
married aiater sllrnded th wedding id
cunaio In disuot town.
Thl morelag aha was cooking, and
With ber sleeves rolled abov bar elbows
stood beside tba kitchen table. In one
IuhmI abft held ftft aavrthen plat whtls
b clip, clip, clip of fork aoamted
noisily as sh whipped -ma egg to ft
' Yer siaters bed to marry to suit bim,"
walled tb nervous little woman, W
jror.11 bev to, too; f yon don't there be
awful fvtea, so you'd Jea better give
That morning lb father had spoken
toJeanivufa young farmer, whtan lu
teruved "likely catch." Kit bait ex
prawn d ber opinion of hint In so dn-lded
ft way as to alarm Mr. Uloott for the
aafety of bis much priaeil anlhorlly.
It wa wont to speait of himself a a
marvelous exampta of Um patriarch.
"Mak 'via mind," he would aay. "Keep
yer boiuehold beneath yer feetj govern
'ul wall, an' they'll git along."
Jennie's buhtnea In opposing his Judg
ment so lBwAeil him that bis auger had
out yet had tlm to bbute forth; but Mm.
Otcuit knew It would Come, and so after
ber husband hatl left Uie kitchen site
pleaded with Die girl to "give In." Jen
bia had been very thoughtful during the
Utile woman's spia-al, bat bow she wa
reaulveil, and It waa tha Ulcott in her
j natore whkh spoke. "I wouldn't aiarry
' Jordan Moggt tluwigh father should
' threaten to tuardnr um."
Tha eggs were aUlf Bow, and as she
I set the plnta down on the table she
turned from her moUier and busied her
elf among th Ingredient for cake bak
ing which were before, her, Jennie waa
blushing aa sh began softly, "There U
olu one in I'oole I llkil very much,
mother, Mid he cooiing out here lo"
"Ha needn't mind cmntn'," said Farmer
Olcott grimly as he stepped quietly Into
the kitchen. His fa. wore a ciinulng
leer, and bis wind reddened cheek were
distorted hy the sneering curves of bis
bard lined mouth. Heating btuianlf on
one of tha painted wuudeti chairs, he
drew th bootjack toward him and twk
off his heavy shoe with ft calmness and
deliberation which warned Mm. Olcott
that ba was thoroughly aroused. The
poor little nervoo", broken spirited
woman hail learned that this particu
larly quiet and inoffensive manner of rt
tnoving his fisiigear always prernded a
bnrst of pawuuii.
llirsin Ulcott set bia cowhide boots
by th stovs to dry, kicked th jack
under Ui tMe, and. turning toward
bia daughter, shonted:
"Iioii't let me ketch none o' yer city
fellers eomiu' -to ee you. Ef they do,
I'll talk to 'em; not word now," he
growled, slisking bis long finger menac
ingly at Jennie, as she essayed to speak.
"I'm master in my owh bouse, an' you'll
not talk till such time as I'm done.
You've Isien away an' kinder forgot how i
things is run here, but you might as wel,'
get broke in now. 1 tell you I won't
bev any city fellers a follerin' you; an
ef I ketch yer antit Kate makiu' matchea
fur you 1 II Jest fetch you boms from
bain' ft fits lady d iwu there an1 set you
IV furs Jennie could speak he hud gone
Into the dining room, slamming the door
behind him,
Tear of uiorliacatlou aud Tag stood
lu her brown eyes and hot words leuixx
to her lips, but as she glMioed down at
the agonised face of the little woman
bealdu her the Here iniod changed.
8h bent to kiss the luiin drawn lips,
murmuring, "Ntrver mind, mother dear;
111 be patient for your sake."
"That's a gisl girl, Jennie.'' replied
Mrs. Ulcott, with a sigh of relief, -try
and git along ptacoablo like, an' Jest give
In for the sake of quiet Yer pn's get
tin' wusssud wu-s."
Jennie wrut a parltnl uccouutuf what
hail occurred to her Aunt Kate, and this
waa the answer of that clever woman;
"My Dear Niece Your father need
mauuging, and 1 will uudertnU to do
It. 1 have written to him to mine down
to tho city Mid advise me shout the sale
of a piece of propwty, ami you i.ecd not
be surprised at anything that hsppei)."
Mrs. Kate Cidiiirit was the only otto lit
the world who ever did understand her
brother Hiram, and she hail plaaned ft
clever little rase to be played on the un
suspecting farmer.
Mr. Bryan, whom Jeunle had con
fessed to ber mother she cared a great
deal for, wss well suited to her. He
had not yet declared hi love, but it wa
not uiiguessed by the shrewd little
maiden. To Mr. Guiding, however, he
hod opened his heart, and she bade him
wait a little, Hho knew how preju
diced ber brother waa against all ar
rangements not conducted by himself,
Mid rightly concluded that he might put
eriotwdifncalty lu the way of the young
people. After satisfying herself that the
name of Jonuie lover was quite un
known to her brother, she resolved to
introduce him as yonng man who
would be a good match for Jennie, if
only the girl could be wise enough to
think lo. Allowing him to believe they
had never met she trusted to his uu
eqoaled obstinacy to do the rest
"I've wanted so much to talk with
yoa about Jonuie," said that lady, as she
nd III ram sat lu ber well appointed
drawing room the night of the arrival.
Yes, aud I'm willin'. Bhe ought to
be aeUled," said the old man decidedly,
"It does not do, Hiram," began Mr.
Cabling, watching the hard lined fare
(sAtiy, "w a spew on grm tmmr,
"Wall, Igueaslt don't," b Interrupted
with ft Mieer.
"Thar I young man In town wbo
I know admire Jennie, and If b aboald
meet her I think aotnethlog would coins
f It" Vary quietly, yt with th at
Biut cauUuti, sh mail thl statement.
Th old man waa interested. "Rirhr
Im inquired, rubbing bt hand gently
"Yea," Wa th answer; then sh
want on,
"Of eonrs It' so very uncertain,
Iliratn. Yoa see, Jsnnls might refuse
to hv ft word to say to him, and"
, "Now, Kal, look here," Interrupted
tha thoroughly exrltml old sumi, as ba
drew bis chair nearer her and etnpha
aiaed hi Words with derisive gealurm,
"ef 1 lik that young man I'll jnst take
blui out borne with mn, an' I'd like to
Jennie tell hi in to go, If I'm llvln',"
Mr, (aiding wa delighted It her
ancreaa thus far. Tba next day Mr,
ttryan wss introduced, and Waina lb
old man' Ideal of sn-tn law,
On the farmer' return to his bout
Mr. Bryan accompanied him, having ac
ceptrd the hearty Invitation of hi new
friend to "ja run out an' take a lock
around our p..M of tli country."
Jennie bail bwn apprbwd of Mr. Bry
an's coming, Slid l,f th little deceptlou
in which sin was l play her part. Kit
met him as If he were it stronger, while
her futhet srcfelly rejoliwd at the thought
of ettbdulug his proud young daughter.
Mr. Olcott too an early opportunity
to enlighten Jennie as to ber duly to
ward hi new friend, and with twinkle
in her eye she promised lo do her lat to!
uIc&mi him lu tlm matter,
A week passed. Jennie and Mr. Bryan
were very bsppy. Th day ware de
lightful one to them, and the old farmer
rubbed bis hands at tha success of his
scheme, and gave his consent to an early
toarrWigo with no Iwwitatlon.
llo often spnnks now of hi match
making, "There's Jennie," be wilt say.
"Hlie'J hev plckml up with ttie empty
ncaldlnl city rhnp ef I hadn't jest took
her In hand. I brttng Uryan out an' told
ber tliat she'd got to Miavs to bim. It's
tho only way to do jest make 'am mind,
an' they'll git olontf."
They would not dwvlva him for any.
thiug-Uia bappy young Couple; but1
when he boasts they tbluk with loving
rratilud. of clever Aunt Kal.-Fraivs 1
Burton flair in Drake Magaslne. j
Kx PtwIawaiar Oenernl James began 111
aa a Mwanapsr aan.
Charles Dickens, sua of lbs grvsl autber,
la a mairuii tundoa priuier.
Rev. Henry lttunlngr nftUilatad at Ihs
second snarnsge of lit aim her recently al
IWtblelwni, Pa
Many lawyer saviea Jiawh ll.dieat
tir fab euul maaiMrr and rl( pasiantow
whea trvlng a eaaa lu curt,
Charles Tslm.of Itarre, Vt, IssUhty-flv
years af Sir, has twenty ulna living chil
dren and works for bl llvieg la a stone
John Jsr Kmx tlieta !! tm of hank
nrraldanl mora lurrailve srel leas esactlng j
than thai of controller of lb currency si
As prr.lil.m of tha Drexvl institute of
phllstlpfala at IID.uoO a year. Prafewor
atacAllteier ia the M pMd teacher In Ih j
Jiawnh I'lilllser, of th N'vw York World,
ha much luiHvd In heal lb, and bass
pert lo eranras hi perantMt management
of lbs paper si Im dlslanl day,
Congnwmsa Miller, of rVuth Carolina,
has lull lu Nisrk hlin as a colored man,
hi skin Msg wl-.ia aud bis hair perfect I v
trslght II t forcible speaker.
Jsaob Sterl, of Nicholson, Ps.. has s re-
niMkabla m-onl aa an American voter,
Mr, Heel Is m years old snd et his Aral I
praaJdcntinl Iwllut In 119 for James Mad I
Henry W. IVataon, who is now legal sd
vlaer to tin mikado of Japan, fortneriy re
sided In Unraatar, N. It. Mr. Deulaon
haa llrnl In Japan about Iwsnty-lbres
Manager Toueey of tb New York Cen
tral t on of lbs moat eonipeleiit railruail
men In th country, Ha bsa served in
very pualtiuti front (1 reman lo bis preaenl
Herrelary Filer is youthlul hsklng
oltlrlal. Ilia form U Ulna and agile, his
hair dark sad bis bright, II ba aaay
nd ngslng manners and Is affable snd
Tbs late Mr. Ilradlaugh hail a must Im
provident way of living. It wss his bahtt
to get Utile money togntber by lecturing
and writing, and then lo live on It until it
was almoal vxhauated.
Prealdriil HarrUiu slgttol tb copyright
hill with lb quill of an American e-lr,
which was furi,ihel hv ltotr 11, John
son, of New York, secretary of tlie Inter
national t'upyrtKhl league, Mr. Johrwon
now has tlie qui 1L
The Hon. II. ft rWord, mlnlstar to llel
glum iiiidrr Lincoln's administration, lives
moat of hia time In that country. !tra)mla
ft portion of each yar In Florida, where he
haa an orang grove. Mr. Ninford has
croaaed tlis Atlantis eighty six limes.
A handsome new dn aa In exchange for
a bookcaaa tbre feel high, with glass
doors, also a hall labia and occasional
I hav top bunting boots, small sIkIiu,
very good; will lake a Ht 1 1 ton cheta or a
dosen bottles of sherry lu exchange, Army
Wanted-New boota for family of seven;
good sxchsng given, or arrangements can
) mads for Inatructlon In bicycling and
"A SKiig Iwlh" for sale cheup; have no
fun her uas for It Will take half a dosen
new or a iIomii second hand silk pocket
Grandfather's clock, oak case, sight-day,
good condition, thirty shillings cash, or
will Inks half a dosen undemhlrU Apply
tha Iter. -, Cleveland, Yorkshire.
I am 111. Will anybody Uk my haudaam
quite new velvet bonnet from mef ll.ciMl me
thirty flv shilling. I will sell It fortwslve
shtllliiKS, or I will take two quart of cod
II ear oil, s packet of mustard planters, ami
100 quinine pills In exchange.
I have a complete set, dosens ut each, of
Indies' uiidsrclothlng, Ixwt make, carefully
flniahed, prettily trimmed, which I will
give to suy lady in exchange for a month's
board and lodging In Uindon; a comfort
able bed ami a meat break fast exiectd.-
London Kxchange and Mart
Anything usoful to tho value of one
pound will bo gmtafully accepted by a re
formed young man who wishes to purl
with bis dreas cost and vest; plain cloth,
new; would suit person of B feet II Inches,
with client of U7 inches; (lo not caro shout
offers of jewelry, billiard halls or cigars,
Robert J. Burdette admits In a very good
poem that he Is forty-five,
James Psyn, the English novelist, has
Joined tlis SUIT of Punch.
li. L Fsiyeon, the Eugllsh author,
writes all his novels on a typewriter. 1 lu
hi a small man, with a Jolly round facs. He
ba two brothers In business in America.
On thousand dollurs per square Inch Is
th estlmato placed on all Meissonler's
pictures now on exhibit ion in Loudon, and
this Is th calculation of a very conservn
tlvs oritla
Henry WatUirsou, th brilliant journal
lat, aspired to ha a pianist when a hoy, and
appeared In a number of concerts, but
a felon rulilmd him of bis thumb am'
changed his career.
Mr, James 11. Gilmore, of Nsw York,
better known under his pen name of "Ed
mund Kirk," ho given a valunbls coIIbo
tlon of over 1,000 letters and autographs of
prominent Americans to the historical
museum of Johns Hopkins university,
tllt,l,, kutt
My rr riwa .
Tkjr aeMr ekak saeavart
Ull thai koial at fll sky,
ftal mv Itiataae ames HI wt
Afaiual Um ew Ull ul tkla T
- Illal, tok. hWl
Eo t UtJf wklaaar aaM,
I'adatantik a swaalkriar sltaaa,
Uaaas Um taatf keaanw'a luart
1'asa Um Akikaiiat,
A atlKvina. gar, Inirlaula f'lww,
lb liat to la Mark aa4 rUW,
II f featl paia ruaa vlulail
llluwm's llaktMlag kllad as
Whaa I lean mt kad's eakraaai
Wkaa I Iraitaeimalr for,
Tkr eaewlaaa kaky gesaa,
TUa verf nail aikt ks luU lbs tab
Tie lillla Ulr ut Um vato.
Ao4 the ft ytmmi vImM 4M af ikiais,
Ob, ft. Ukmi ftuwarr AletMKUatl
1 bus llnliia, sar. InUlaalos fallow, "
Tb'ia U4eM be la Mark aod tallowl
FOLIjOWINQ the ska.
At th" time of "the great earthouak
of D." sal.l Mr. Hwiddler-WlltlMU
bwl.ldler, of CalavrrM-I wa at Arlca,
Peru. I have not a map by uw, and am
not certain that Arlca Is nut In Chill, but
It can't tuak much differences there was
artbqnaka all along titer.
Hum Baxter was with us; I tbiak he
bad gona from Kan Francisco to maks
railway or mithiiig. On tba morning
of tha 'quake. Ham and I havd gun down
to ' l''l We had sued our
boot and began to moult, whan there
wa ft slight tremor of Um earth, a if tb
elephant who tnpporta It was pushing
upward, or lying down and getting np
again. Next, th surge, which were
Battening themselves upon Um sand and
dragging away such trifle a they could
lay hold of, began racing out fteaward, a
if they bad received dispatch that koine
bwly was not epied to liv. This was
needle), for we did not expert to live.
When th e had receded entirely out
of eight we atartvtt after It, fc. It will
be remembered, w had en to bath,
and bathing without sum kind of water
is not rfrehtng in ft hot cbmale.
For the first four or flv mile tlie
walking waa very difficult, although tlie
grsde wa tolerably Steep. Th ground
was suft; there were tangle4 forests of
seaweed, old rotlvtt ship. maty ancbors,
bnman akwb-tona and maltiude of
thing to Impede th pedectrian. Tb
flonndering aliark bit ottr leg a w
MM pael them, and were eonelanUy
s)iiplng down npon th flat fish strewn
al'Ut like nnuiga peel on sidewslk.
Null, too. had stuffed his shirt front with
such ft Weight of doubhajtia from Ut
wreck of an old galleon that 1 bad to
help him arrow all the worat places. It
was very disjiiriting.
i'resently, away on tlie western borf
ton, I saw tha sea coming back. It oc-curre-l
to me tlwn that It did not wtah it
to come back. A tidal wave is nearly
always wet, and I wa now a good way
from home, with no means of making a
Tha same waa true of Sam, but he did
nU appear lo think of it in that way.
He stood quite still a moment with hi
eye Died on th sd valuing lin of
water; then turned to me, aaylng very
"Tell yon what, William, 1 never
wanted a ship so bad from the cradl to
th gravel I would give tn-o-r-e for ft
shipmore than tor all the railways and
turnpike yon could scare up! I'd give
more than ft hundred, thousand, million
dullarst I wouldI'd give all Pm worth
for just htthv-ahlpr a
To show bow lightly be could part
with his wealth, h lifted hi ahlrt out
of bis tnuwrs. miUsximing himself of
his doubloous, which tumbled alaait hi
fet-t, a gvddeu storm.
By this ttiue tha tidal wav was clone
upon tut, Call that a wavel It wa on
olid grm-n wall of water, higher thau
Niagara Falls, stretching as far as w
could see to right and left, without a
break lu its towering front! It wa by
no mean cb-ar what we ought lo do,
The moving wsll showed no projections
by mean of which the most daring
cliuilx-r cutild bopa to reach th top.
There ;a no Ivyi tliere were no window
h-dge. Way! there waa the lightning
rodl No, Shew wasn't any lightning
rod. Of course not I
L)kln:( deiqialringty upward, I made
a tolerably good heglnnliig at thinking of
all the mniii M'tlons I hal wrought In
the lb-all, when I saw projecting beyond
the crest of the wave a ship's bowsprit
with a man sitting on It reading news
paper! T'liunk fortune, we were saved!
Falling our knee with tearful
gratitude, wc got np agaiu and ran ran
as fast as wo could, I upect; for now
the wilole f, report of the sliip budged
through tho water Jut above our heads,
and might l e rs balance any moment
If we had only brought along our mn-
1 shouted to the man on the bowsprit
lo drop toi a line. Ha merely replied
that hia dmoiidenca wa already
very oncMiH, mid he hadn't any pen and
Then ' I told him I wanted to get
aboard. Uu said I would find one on
the beach, utxmt three league to the
south ai d, where the Nancy Tucker went
At theso replies. 1 was disheartened.
It waa not so much that the uiau with
held nrslNtaiice as that he made puna
Presently, however, ho folded his news
pniHr, put it carefully away In hit pock
et, wont aud got a tine and let it dewu
to us Just a we were about to give up
the rai-e. Sum made. a limge at it and
got it.
I laid hold of hi lugs, the end of the
rope was jMuud about the capstan, Mid
as soon aa the men on board had bad
little grog we were hauled np. I can as
sure yon thut it was no fine experience
to go up in thut way. close to the smooth,
vertical front of water, with the whale
tumbling out all round and above us
anil the ,.word IIhIics nosing n pointedly
with vnlgnr curiosity.
Wc had no sooner set foot on deck,
I ud K"t Snni dlsengnged from the hook,
Wore Than Leprosy
Is rntarrn. lino there one rmt one pre
piir iiiou t lint doe cure Unit disease, ant)
that is the California Positive mid Nega
tive Elect rio Liniment Hold by all
druggists. It also cures neuralgia,
rheumatism, headache, sprains, burns
and nil piin. Try it and toll yun
negihbor wliero to get it
"Tho Jersey Mly,"
Anoi.iwka Coitaok, 11 JulyJ.
(lenllenient A II ho' It Is very unusual for
me to line any lotions or wftKhea, mill. In an
iwor to your rcqinwt,l hav tried Wisdom's
lohttt.'i-cBiti and llohcrllne. The former I
rnuslilcr especially cllloaclous In csmis ol
rniUlhinwaoMhe nit In, and I have been iwlnir
It every day for tlis lal forlnlgbt, 1 hav
fiiund the Kobiirliiis an xeeirnnl pi-epiu
atlon In CfiHiia of tan. aunhnrn. eti
ciiiiMod by espoHtiro In March wIiiiIh and.
July sun. Vours rnllbinlly,
1, 11,1, is i.ANiirnv,
To Messrs. Wisdom ft Co,
Tftk) It Bfor Breakfatt
The groat appetiser, tonic and liver rcirlihilnr.
in line lor mors man ou yeara in rainiaun,
PimlMvn specific, Air liver ooinplslnt. Had
tiwle In the inouth on arlHlns ly ibemnrnliiK,
dull pains In the heart and baukofthe eyes,
tired fiiclinK, dlstlnemi, hinirour symptoms of
liver ooniplalnt. Itommty Ir. Henley's Kng
IIkIi Dandelion Tnnlo. Helleves oonaupstlon,
sharpeus the and tone up the entire
system. Clot the genuine from your druggist
fr l, and ink according to ulreotlous,
than the pure-r stepped op with look
nil tnc,il-.'TickU, gentletnes."
W told bim b hadnt ny UckeU,
and h ordered n to tat mi bore ta
boat II wm repreawntssl to bim that
4kU svaisrUlft (mpoayibtft mnlfrjh.clr-ninaUn-i;
bnt b replied thai b bad
nothing to do with drcumstanoea did
not know ftnythlng about circumtaoca.
Nothing would tnovft hint Ull lb ep
Uln, wbo wa really ft kind Issftrted
BiMt, cmo on deck and knocked him
overboard. W were now trippd of
otir clothing, chafed all over with lUS
bruahaa, rolled onourstornachs, wrapped
in flanneU, laid befire ft hoi iter In th
alotsa and strangled with cabling
brandy. W bad not beta wet, nor had
wa iwallowwt any ea watar, but th
turgwm aald this wa th proper treat
uient It I nncertain what b might
navn done to u If th tender baartod
raptAin had not tbraahed bim Into bis
caliln and told us to go on deck.
By thu tlm th ship wm pawing th
town of Arlca, and we were about to
go astern and Ash a little, when ah
gronnded on a bill top. Tba captain
bovftotttolt tba ftucbor h badftbont
bim, nod when tba water went wn-ling
back to its legal level, taking lb town
along for company, there w were, in tlst
mlitst of a charming agricultural coun
try, but at anm dlaUnc front any -port
At sunrisa next morning we wer all
on deck. Hum Muntored aft to th bin
nacle, cast hi ey careUwaly npon th
compaa and uttered an ejaculation of
"Tell you, catin," b raliad out,
"thl haa been ft direr cxjovuhUoU of na
ture than yoa bam any idea. Every
thing been screwed right ronnd. Nee
dle point du amithr
"Why, you lubber!" growled lb skip
per, taking look, "It p'iuta d'rectly to
labbard, an' there' th sun dead ahead T
Ham turned and confronted bim with
t stoady gax of Ineffable contempt .
"Now who said It wasn't dead ahead?
toll in that tmowa bow much yon
know about earthquake. "Course I
didn't mean Jnst this continent nor just
thl earth. I tell you, tba whot thing's
turned r From Col let-tod Baste be.
A ftasad Ma Crtos far His Hal.
"Yea," aald an old Ik captain, "a
drowniug man will catch al Uaw. I
hav aeeo many lllwtrntioM threof.
Most people think Uia old proverb is
merely figure of ch, bnt It is a liv
ing truth."
"Ia It true, captain, wa asked, "that
the first thing reatraed man think of Is
"Yea, air," replied th captain, hi
fac lighUng up, "that i fact, too. I
hav aoeii It mpbasia4 many time In
lb course of my xpsYtatKa. Over and
over again 1 hav been called to the aa
IsUtico of drowning man. I wonld
plunge in and reacua him just, let as say,
at the but in toot Dragged on th
dock, gasping for breath, hi voice
choked with water, tb man, if he fol
low hia instinct, will, as aoou as he re
gal ua the leaat degree of strength, sud
denly rise from bis prostrate posture
and stretch his arm toward hi bead,
Uien, Uiiasing hi hat (usually lost In th
struggle). h will cry ont desperately,
pointing to hi bat floating down the
river, "Oh, save my hatl savs my hatr"
"And be will never think of himself,
-But seldom, sir," wa th reply, "A
retctiedl man is the most ohUnat and
headlong being Imaginable. He want to
do all aorta of foolish thing. He gener
ally want to rush up and b away be
fore be has had lima ttt recover hia
strength. II mentis weir enough, no
doubt, bnt he nearly alwayt forget to
present hi obligation in tangible form."
-Detroit Free Press.
Wfca Orlilaalad Ika laa Trt
Pcrhap the deftest artist In the de
partment of fabrication wa Ueorge
Hteevens, the Sliakespearian commenta
tor. Animated by an Impish spirit of
trickery, to which jealousy of rival an-tlipiari,-
may have lent a silc of mal
ice, ho Industrious! devised canning
snare for their f-l. tie would, for ex
ample, disseminate fictitious illustra
tion of Shake pear ' text in order that
MsJiine, wbo wa hi chief butt, might
be entrapped Into adopting thin,and
giv him the gratification of correcting
Um blunder in hi next edition. Under
tlie pseudonym of Collins and Aniner
be would Insert paragraph in Uie daily
pre purporting to be curtou extract
from rare books, cojiie of which no one
who wUhed to verify the paaags ever
succeeded in discovering.
Among these curiosities was th ro
mantic story (that haa found it way Into
Todd' "Life of Milton") of the port
having been aeen asleep under ft tree by
lady who became enamored of his
beauty and placed in his hand some Im
passioned verse of Ooarlnl, which,
when he awoke, to fired his fancy that
ba made ft journey to Italy in the hop
of tracing her. Another wa the story
of the deadly upa tree of Java, which
long obtained credit a one of the fairy
Uie of science. Nineteenth Century.
Tkr Skells,
There are three human crania lu th
Waslungton museum which were found
iu the gravel at Trenton, or everal feel
below the surface and the otuer near
the surface. The skulls, which are of
remarkable uniformity, are of small size
and of oval shape, differing from all other
skulls in tho museum. In fact they are
of distinct type, and banc of tbegreat
est importance. So far as they go they
Indicate that pitlipolithio man was exter
minated, or ho become lost by admixt
ure with other during th many thou
sand yeant which have passed since he
Inhabited the Delaware valley. -Washington
Letter. ' ,
Tlie Dlil Woman and tba Kartkqu'aks.
At lochia they disinterred an old wom
an, unharmed. "Ood bless you!" she
cried, as they helped her out "But for
pity's sake," she added impetuously, "dig
a little deeper aud aave my" "Whatf
Is there any one else alive here?" they in
quired anxiously. "My hen!" continued
the old darae, Cornhill Mngaiine,
BrATKO';Oilio,riTVovToMcoo,l u
Lucas County, J V
Frank 3. Ciiknky makes ontfr thut lie Is
the nenlor partner of the 11 i m of K. J. Ciiknky
A Co.. rtolng biiHlneaN In the City of Toledo,
County suit Htnto ntnreanld, nml I bat aslii
Uric will nay the auiii of ONK HUNlUtliU
Hi II.I.A IIM for each and every rsae of
('atahhii Unit csiinot be cured by tho us of
Hall's Oatakhii Cckk.
Sworn to before me and auliaerlbed In mv
preacuce, this 61 h day of llccenitier, A. D UmI.
A. W. Ul.KASON, ,
I iT ' ) . A'efnrv PiiWic.
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally nud
Sets directly on the blood nml uiueouaaiir
fuees of the system, Hend nr lestlmnnbils
fl-eo. K. J. CH KN K Y A CO., Toledo, O,
.Hol(tby DruxglHU, 7c, ;
Runs high at the drug stores In this
place over System Builder as everybody
is nsmg it for catarrh, of stomach, dys
pepsia, constipation and impme blood,
and to build up the system it certainly
poHsosse wonderful merit when all apeak
o well of it,
A Itargalti, , j
For thirty days only, we are Riithor
Ixed to oft'er twenty-two feet front on
Mnln street Independence for the sum
of $500 Location valuable. Terms
easy. Apply to Independence National
Bank. 21
Prescott & Veness,
Independent Saul fllill,
Ancrscn a. .-sLii n
I A. Wnrxift, Msngr,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.
llrtVCbw TurnouU (or Commerctal'Trareler. Price rewnbW tad flfttbsW
Uou goavantotO. OivutftCU.
Sash, Door and Ma uu factu ri ng Cc
Having la full operation Ktunevaa fry Klla and several tlond ftultars worth
machinery, ws are now prepara tn fill any snd all order, ft mill work. Orders aoUHud
from any jairt f the valley, wbkh wUI seselv prutiipt etMaMoa. To asir kl eaatuatrrs as
wtab to aa) that wa will hart snasumtly on band all Uw uueat dealgna la oar trade. I'rwnpt
atteatkm well kw given and eflees as low as onsIateft with gnoi mark.
$4 ifflee, eoruer Trad and H Igk streels, llaletn; P. O. box X ,
School Books
Tho Public Is Most Cordially Invited to Cull and Triee Our Lata
Selected Stock of Writing I'lipem, Tablets, Tens, Ink,
Uiilcnt, etc, alw AU Lite ftehool Books in
Use in tlie Pnblic Schools.
Wagon Making
Carriage Repairing
IV. i.
Of Ibis aM
has oeeoad a
Wa.uii limit Ih lea aama kulldlua alia K. K.
K etiiral'a liiarkamuk shoe. Hs Is aa rtparV
nel workawa havtnt kwrnad kw Han la
Kumtx. Ila a,ltria a ahan of Uie sumac
tad luarstita aaUdseUua. '
-: THE :-
Wtllamstte Real Estate Co.
Indcpemlcniv, Oregon
TrniiHucts a gcucnil IlenI rtntc lUisl
tieas, buys and sells Pronerty, cflcct
Insurance uml ihs-s a general
Conveyance Ittislncas.
Pii riles having Laud for side will
tltid It to their advantage to
List Their Property
Willi this Company, as tliey are dally
sending lists of land east, thus plac
ing dcKlraldc pmiierty before the resi
dent of the East.
J. V. KIKKI.AN1), President.
A full and complete line of Funeral'goodi
Always on nana.
Csvsata, anil Trails-Marks oMilnert. and all Psl
eut himlneas cowlarted for Moderate Fess.
Our Office Is Opposite U.S. Patent Offies.
and we run nir aient In lets tine than thoas
ri'lnolo from WnnliiniMiw.
8ml simlel, drawlntt sr photo., with drrlp
tlon. Wo sdvlao, If palentahle or not, free vf
thante. Our fe not due till patent Is necured.
Pimphlst, "llnw to Ohlsin Patenta," with
tames of actual clients In jonrHtate, county, or
town, aont free, AddreM,
Osssstt Pstsot OMc. WsiMseto. D. C.
mod it mm,
Sueosor lo
City Truck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of all Kiuds Done at
K o a s o n a b 1 e a t o s .
Mill Feed, Oak, and Ash Wood
ISiT-Colleotlon Made. ' Monthly-el
lnilrTM-nilcnce, Oregon.
rJ"-t " , a "
V '-v-iii-
Can rnulnate I be ipaed nf wheel as low a ft
atndiea nrr minute In mnnc wind. We oas
only IS dinVmil pleeet Ul I be en lira eiHulrue.
lion of I he trim wtwk. Our Mill cannot be
e,iialled Svallnpllclly. power and goveralnf
principles. We manufai-lure
Tanks, Fumus. Wind Mill Supplies
Of every deatrlptlon. BelNihle arm la warned
la unoccupied territory, Addreaa,
P. B. STEARXS & (X.,
Rushvillts lud., U. S. A.
end for catalogue.
We arc not selling at cost, bnt
we are selling cheaper tliaii tlioso
who are selling at cost.
We quote some of our prices :
ies' Shoes: SX
. $l.TO,22O,2.4O,150,
90 aud 8.75
Hisses' Hose:
, 10, 12, 18, 20 and
25 cents.
Ladies' Hose:
, IS, 2), 2, 30, 40 sud
45 cents.
Everything elso proportionately
A pajophlet ef Information and aD-.J
siraiHer tbe lawa,abuaitie Utm loi
vmain ruTvwi, i aTeaoi, iTaiie.l
aiarta, ixipjrwiita, amil JiWyjt
xSl Uraadnar,
aaw lars.
lewis Kelso,
Ladies and Cents Fur
nishing Goods.
Most Complete Stock of
Boots and Shoes
In the City