The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 27, 1891, Image 4

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The dancing among the Umatilla tn-
OlMM ha been stopped,
Th Washington legislature haeim
peached Judge Seen of Teconta.
Freeuo U auiiif an irrigation company
on tb ground tout it I nuisance.
Annl Abbott, th "Georgia Wonder,"
It dangerously Ul t 8m Jose, Cel.
Vancouver, B. C, is alarmed over the
arrival there of a gang of burglar
Th Sacramento Board of Trade haa in
tareod Senator Campbell's anti-boycott
Th new Methodist church at (Stock
ton, which not $80,000, ha been dedl
Theodora Gebhardt, a barber at Reno,
Ne., while going to a Ore waa tnn over
by a hoa cart and killed.
OustBreman, who waa on trial at
Santa Oral charged with murdering hia
brother, hut beeu acquitted.
Tha San Joaa, Cal., Board of Trad
threaten! to organite an insurance win
pany if rate ara not reduced.
Tha bill appropriating $1,350,000 tor a
Doatoffica ait in clan Franciaco passed
tha aanata without oppoaition.
Col John H. Dicksinon haa ben ap
pointed bristlier-general of th Second
brigade by Uovrnor Markhatn.
Francisco Caatro haa been arrested at
Tncaon for running an lltliit whisky
till. Ha haa bran a uwouthluar for
An uplotioa la tha drugstore of Will
iam Colton ft Co., at Seattle aet ftra to
and caused tha destruction of tha antira
lira. Mary Poeteker waa ahot and
killed by her brother-iu-law, Henry 1
ateker, at Smithton, Or. The munlrrer
ahot htmtelf.
Tha akeleton of Electioneer, tha fam
out Palo Alto trotting aUllion, la to ba
aat np in the nineeuui of tha Leland
Stanford university. Tha bone ara
atrunf on silver wires.
Tha miners of WenverviUe, Cal,, had
general jubilation over tha paaeaga by
tha legislature of tha bill repealing tha
act declaring tha Klamath rim nan
Tha frienda of irrigation in Waehtng
ton ara finding much fault with tha
manner in which tha money Intended
for irrigation work ia to b diverted into
Other channel.
Walter Tnrnbull of San Franciaco haa
been Indicted at Viaalia, Cal., on a
charge of attempted bribery of the di
rector of the Alta Irrigation district at
tha time tha trade waa on for the 74
Tha Boulder Creek, Cal., apecial ran
orer and killed a hone that waa ridden
by the celebrated outlaw, Vatque. Th
animal waa very old and nearly blind,
and ran m front of tha train on a bridge
saar Felton.
Owing to tha high price brought at
tha recent tale of school land at Colfax,
Wash., tha Union Pacific baa withdrawn
all of it land in Whitman county from
tha market in order to rellat thitn and
advance the price.
Tha Australian ateamer Monowai,
which tailed from San Franciaco, had
to put back because of a broken thaft.
Among tha passenger waa Richard
Mandlebaum, who had tquandttred over
100,000 of hi firm money, and then
atarted for Australia.
William Bheerin and Tony Levan, two
gambler, mortally wounded each other
at Butte, Mont., in a gambling saloon.
There were seventy-flv people in the
room at tn time and but one waa
wounded, although eleven thota were
Judge Han ford of tha United Btate
district court at T acorn ha rendered a
decision that the Puyallup Indian are
citizen of the United State and that
no one haa the right to question their
right to buy and drink whisky in their
own home.
Two large British ship, Scottish Glen
ana uartan uaiientyne, lert Astoria a
few dayt ago bound for Antwerp. Every
preparation waa made by tha respective
captain for a race to that distant port,
17,000 mile, and considerable money
was bet on tha result.
The bill to establish and incorporate
the port of Portland and to provide for
tha improvement of the Willamette and
Columbia rivers, in the city and between
the city and tha aea, haa passed both
house. Portland ia authorized to issue
bonds not exceeding $300,000 to aid in
carrying this act into effect.
A Tucson, Aria., Star special from San
Marcia, Sonora, Mexico, aaya that at a
depth of 400 feet there has been discov
tred twenty-two feet of solid anthracite
coal of the best quality. A diamond
drill ia still in the coal. Thit it the sev
enth vein struck from the surface. Tha
mine ara tlxty mile from Ouaymaa,
This ia the only coal in the state.
Engene Kay, sheriff of Tulare county
and grandnepnew or the late W. B.
Johnson, was recently appointed admin
iatrator of the Johnson estate, with
bond fixed at $200,000. The contest for
tha control of tnis estate waa carried
into the legislature by the introduction
of a bill amending the code to permit
tha appointment of a married woman aa
Edward Crosthwaite, a cattle raiser
below San Diego, ia now in a Mexican
prison. A letter from him claims ha
waa taken by Mexican officer while on
American soil, and he it cruelly treated.
JSome time ago a Mexican shot at Cros
thwaite, when the latter used a gun aa
clnb and gave the Mexican a terrible
beating. For this he waa arrested by
Mexican authorities.
It turned out that the three deaf
mutes Charles Lovell, Cyril Vincent
land Eliza Critzer recently arrested in
!Lof Angelea, ia probably the breaking
,up of a gang of thieves, all deaf mutes,
who have been carrying on a perfect
'system of thieving in several of the
coast cities. Their method waa to go
around to booses peddling needle and
In the absence of tha family stealing
'articles, or spotting th house for a later
Worae than Leproty
Ia catarrh, and there is one but one pre
paration that dnai oure that disease, and
that is the California Positive and Nega
tive Electric Liniment. Hold by all
druggists. It also onres neuralgia,
rheumatism, headache, sprains, burnt
and all pun. Try it and tell yon
negihbor where to get it.
"Th Jcresy IJly."
Amoliska Cottaoe, L. B., July 8.
Gentlemen: Altho' It la very tmuminl for
me to use any lotions or washes, still, In an
swer to your request, i nave tried wisdom's
Violet (rem arid Koberllne, The former I
oonslder especially emacloua In cae of
rougtinessor the sain, and 1 have been uin
it vwry any ior ina iHt lormiKnl, l nav
found the Robertlne an excellent prepni
allon In cases of tun, sunburn, ou
caused by exposure to March winds and
July tun. Yours faithfully,
Lillix Lanutkt.
To Messrs, Wisdom a Co.
Tako it Baforo Breakfast
Th great appetiser, tonic and liver regulator.
In use for more than 60 years In Knglund.
Fosltlv specific for liver complaint. Had
twits In th mouth on arising, ly (he morning,
dull pains In the head and back of the eyes,
tired feeling, dlulness, langour symptoms of
liver complaint. Remedy Dr. Henley's Kng
' llsb Dandelion Tonic. Relieves constipation,
sharpens the appetite and tones up the entire
system. Oct the genuine from your druggist
or 11, and tak according to directions,
. It haa been finally settled that Port
Orchard, Wash., I to have th dry dock
O'Brien and DtlUm have surrendered
to th British authortti and ara now
in jail.
Ex- President Cleveland haa written
letter ttrongly opiosliig free coinage
01 silver.
Tha gold excitement at Florissant,
Colo., I dead. Or taken from th" find
assayed considerable copper and a gold,
Tha preaident ha approved tha act
granting to tha vmattlla Irrigation com
pany th right of way through th Utna
tilla reservation.
Th Arm of Noah Walker Co., of
Baltimore, on of tha oldeat clothing es
tablishment in tha United State, haa
mad an assignment,
Col, Llewellyn Horton, who at tha
clot of th rebellion waa chief or artil
lery In tha Confederate service, ha juat
uieu at Alexandria, Va.
Oeorg Qtbson, er rotary of th wlile
ky trust at Chicago, has been arrested
for conspiracy to blow up aa autl trust
autuitry with dynamite.
Th committee on foreign affair ha
reported favorably th Pauiflo cable bill
It I estimated that the total coat of con
traction to b $4, 170,000.
Tli marriage of Mile, Hugo, arand.
daughter of Victor Hugo, to M. Leon
Daudet, ton of Alphonse Dandet. tha
novelist, was celebrated at Parts.
At the tint day's sal at Phlladelohl
of a collection of book owned by George
Washington and other raro historical
relict about $17,000 was realised.
Congressman McKenna'a amendment
to til appropriation bill raising the sal
ary of theaurveyor general of California
o 13.500 waa defeated by a large vote.
Th grand jury at Viaalia ha indicted
C C Haswell, express messenger, for
murder in shooting Fireman Radcllfft
at tli time of the Alila train robbery,
William H. Rtstare of tha banklna
firm of Slstra Bro. of New York, has
been arrested, charged with swludlluc
August Heckther of Philadelphia out of
A company with a capital of 1150.000
haa been incorporated for the purpose of
uonsniiig a gtgautlc system of winter
amusement novelties for visitors at At
lantio City, N. J.
The striking operatives at Clark'
thread mill at Newark, N. J are riot
iag. iney uava oro.en nearly every
winnow in tue establishment. The mil
itia has been called out
It is announced that President Herri
eon and several member of hia cabinet
Intend to visit tha Pacific coat next
spring aa soon as possible after th ad
journment of congress.
M. Gay Jewett, son of Renresentativ
Jewett of Worth county, Ia., who for a
number or year had been a museum
wonder, it dead He waa 17 year old
ana weighed no pounds.
The body of a yonng woman was found
in Chamber ttreet, London, horribly
mutilated with aa instrument, It Is un
doubtedly another "Jack the Ripper
case, a large rorca or police are work
A meeting of Republicans took nlac
In a theatre at Madrid. Tha building
was crowded with people, who applauded
the orator, who enthusiastically advoce
ted the establishment of a Spanish re
Ben All Baggin, tha well known bom-
man, who hat been very ill at New York
since the first of tha year and who waa
recently reported out of danger. I trow
ing worse. The doctor have eeriou
doubt of hi recevery.
The boiler of the Quebec Worsted
company's ractory at Hair Point ex
ploded, completely demolishing the en
gine bouse and about half the factory.
a large number or hands were killed.
Thirty bodies have been recovered.
The item of $11000 contained in the
fortification bill for the construction of
of a wharf and keepers' dwelling and for
a water supply for a torpedo station at
Yerba Buena island, Cal., haa been al
lowed to remain on tha bill which haa
been reported favorably.
The New York Herald correspondents
in twenty-seven statea asked members
of th legislative bodies their preference
between Cleveland and Hill aa th stan
dard bearer of tha Democracy in '03,
The summary is: Cleveland, 1,513; Hill,
109; doubtful or scatting, 878,
Th acting secretary of the treasury
haa tent a letter to the house containing
an amendment which he wants tacked
on the senate bill, which provide that
proceeds of th sale of all unsurveyed
portions of Port Angeles towuslte, Or.,
go the public building fund.
A Buenos Ayre dispatch: News of a
terrible disaster haa just reached here
from Cordova, Half the city was under
water and the houses were waahed away
by scores. In the west end of the city
thre blocks have been reduced to ruin
and tha number of victim 1 already es
timated to be over 100.
Col. Forsythe, who was removed from
command by Gen. Milea for alleged
carelessness and disobedience at the bat
tie of Wounded Nnee, has been vindica
ted and honorably restored to command
by the secretary of war. The colonel
and hit troop ara highly commended for
their humanity and bravery.
Benjamin Selling has been arrested at
Pendleton, Or,, on two charges af par-
jury and bribery. The complaint waa
made by M. J. Greene, whom Selling
bad arrested on a charge of embezzle
ment. Selling ia tha president and
Greene the manager of th Pendleton
Hardware and Implement company,
which made an assignment recently.
Governor Hill and Henry Watterton
are at outs. Watterson wrote to Hill
advancing argument why tha latter
should forego the idea of being the Dem
ocratic nomine for preaident in 1893. It
it said that the letter decided Hill to
change his plans and take the stnatorship.
The letter has got into print. Hill de
nies that he received the letter. Wat
terson sayt be wrote tha letter and that
HU' got it.
Holm Builnet Colleoa
Of Portland, Oregon will open Kept. 1st. J, A.
w,!H(!o, me imning penman of the nousi, hSM
become a partner In thissehonl mid will make
It the hwlliui lluslnesa Collene. Houd for
Runs high at the drug attires In Ibis
place over System Builder as everybody
I using it for oatnrrh, of stomach, dys
pepsia, ootistipHtion and impute blood.
and tn build up the system it certainly
so well of wonderful merit when all spank
poHHCHSt'S It,
Choice Lots for Hals.
Four selected lota In Tulmnge, two
corners, are offered for tale, for thirty
day- Price 150. Term to suit pur
chaser Apply at West Side olllco
for location.
Fir Sal.
House and lot In Independence, good
location, aeven room iu hoiine, plus-
tared. Can rent out part of bouse to
pay Interest on purcbaae price. Price
reasonable. Apply for further particu
lar to First National fiauk.
"Tho republic of Urnguay ha ass) the
simply of disarmament.
Molly Magulriera haa appeared slightly
In tha Pennsylvania coal Mgloa.
Eighty per cent of tha people at Ln
Umvllle, Mo., ara church member.
a aistory or Bitting uuu and tha r
cent Indian war la already on tale.
Oen. von Brann of tha German army
committed suicide at Devlin by shooting
Tb outgoing treasurer of Ttaa ha
bandied $00,000,000 of public money
without a mistake,
Charlea Rittar, taller of th First Na
tional bank of Kvanivtlla, Iud., la chart
tn hi account $.19,000.
Charlea E. Edgerton, preaident of tha
Iowa ttat bank at Cfeatoa, committed
uMd by cutting hi throat.
Admiral Porter died at Washington
enddenly of fatty degeneration of th
heart He waa bora tn Delaware county,
Pa,, in 18 IS.
A London firm haa sent aa order to
Albion, Mich., fur 4,000 aacka of floor
weighing 700,000 pound, to ba shipped
to Londonderry.
It ia reported that th CounUae Wal
deraea recently stated that her husband
would anon leava tha Uertnaa army and
go to Italy to live.
To win for precloua ore in Alaska
th Silver Queen Mining company haa
been orgauittd at Hartford, Wla., with
fl.WO.UO0 capital atock.
Hon. AlexamUr II. IL Stuart died at
Btauuton, Va. Ha waa M year old and
waa the sol surviving member of Pres
ident manure s cabinet.
King Humbert of Italy assure Ger
many and Austria that th change in hia
nnuiatry will bar no effect on th ste
blltty of the triple alliance.
Acting Secretary of tha treasury haa
directed that tha ensign on all revenue
marina vessels be at half mast ou tha
day of admiral Porter f untral.
A dispatch received at London an
nounce that th native of th Hhan
Btate recently ran amuck and killed two
English officers and two Sepoy.
Newfoundland' governor tars that
negotiation for reciprocal relation with
tb United Slate bava been concluded
and only await tha indorsement f the
British government.
Th lower branch of the Kansas letria-
tur consist of ISO member, 108 of
whom ar farmer, not on of whom
aver aat In a legislature before, except
the speaker, P. P. Eider.
Tha Alliance legislators of Kansas will
paa their bill to tag bond and mort
gage, iiy which all mortgage must ba
aaaed at their actual value, and so
stamped when aateaaed.
The Alaska Commercial company haa
gone out of the sealing business and baa
turned over it Russian leaaea to a Ureen
land firm and possibly it other interest
to th North American company.
Stephen R. Harding, aged II, on of
th beat known pioneer of oathtm
Indiana, died at Milan. Ha wu governor
of Utah and judge of the United Stat
court of Colorado during the administra
tion of Lincoln.
The Hamburg-American Steam Packet
company announce that It will not
carry any (Jerman to Hi axil. Th com
pany action 1 due to tha complaints of
harsh treatment made by Oenoan emi
grant who hav gou to Bratll
Dr. Weyl, an associate of Professor
Koch, ha discovered a method of de
tecting in th Koch lymph th pabwaoua
lementa described by Profeasor Vlr
chow, and of eliminating them mult
produce lymph free from bad qualities
New has been received of the death
at Naahau, N. !!., of Samuel Murvy,
ho came into prominence during the
GarHold Hancock presidential campaign
of 1W. Ha was arrested tn connection
with the famous "Morey Chines Utter.
The government propose to buy that
portion of tk Navajo reservation which
the miner claim contains valuable min
erals. Miner in Art ion a and New Mex
ico claim that wonderful mineral de
posit exist within th reservation and
hav long tried to gain a foothold there.
Tbomaa Ryan, son of Hon. Tbuuiat
Ryan of Topeka, Kan., United State
minister to Mexico, was secretly married
by a Justice of th peace to Miss Jeasie
Miner, a daughter of the wealthiest and
most Influential lumber dealer of Brad
ford county, Pa. Btepa hav been taken
to annul th marriage.
At th fourth annual banquet of the
Ohio League of Republican clubs at To
ledo on Lincoln's birthday William Mc-
Klnley responded to the toast "An Amor-1
lean Tariff for an American people. " !
The addreas was eaaentinlly a reply to
Cleveland's speech at the Tliurman ban
The sub-judiciary committee has fonnd
Judge Ale Doorman of the western dis
trict of Louisiana guilty of one of the
chargea preferred against him by Con
gressman Boatncr, relating to hia per
sonal nee of money paid Into the registry
office of hia court. Boorman will prob
ably ba impeached.
A move is being made for congress to
purchase the Townsend library of na
tional records. These records are gath
erings from newspapers, magazinea and
other periodicals, and from official doc
ument of all torts, all the obtainable
facta or statements bearing, directly or
indirectly, on the variou phaaee of tha
trnggl for th Union.
A report adopted by the Dominion
Orange at London, Out., sets forth that
wheat baa been raised at a disadvantage
during the past few year and farmer
are advised to turn their attention to
stock raising, The hope la expressed
that the high tariff barrier between the
United States and Canada will be broken
Tho roccnt breaking np of the harvest
ing maclii'ie trust is said to bo due
largely to Mrs. McCnrinluk, Her linn
band's firm, that of Cyrus II. McCor
mica, was the lurgt-st of the firms that
nnited to 'orm the trust. Klio was one
of the heaviest stockholders and was op
posed from the first to the formation o
gigantic combine. At last her influi'tio
was exert nd no decidedly aa to coinpc
its dissolution.
For Rale.
Two lota In Hill's Addition to Indu
pendence. A corner anil the ono iid
Jolnlng, for three hundred dollars for
the two, or one hundred and acvciity
Ave dollars for the comer and one hun
dred and fifty for the Inside. Terms to
suit purchaser. Apply at Wkmt Hipi
office for further particulars.
A llnrgnln.
For thirty days only, we are author
ized to offer twenty-two feet front on
Main street Inlciciidcnce for the sum
of 85(10 Locution valuable. Terms
eimy. Apply to Independence Nutloiml
Bauk. 2 1
Its wf tag QualltlMara wnsurpassad, aetaalty
nntlastlne two bozas of anyothvr brand. Not
sflaoud by baas. tartlET TH K JE! 1IIHK.
9w Ottaala ! tk hat slssftwiM A.
tea a fettle a few Ttt !!.
fcws Tk4f Was rtat Of,, 01 OasM
a La Waa tk Cs.
An asnbUtnatie button of tho Loyal
Lagtoa adorned tha la pal of a ohrrtot
aval won by Maj. Oaoar Ball a tn
"A story, taT laughed th airmy
otBoar, at a detached hUayetlaaaa frota
the bridge of hi no and looked la a
good aatnrad way at tha acpacUot re
porter aeatod bM hi.
"Wall, letruu ar. Vbe ataok of
Bhlloh I a chestnut now, and the battle
of tha Wilderness probably haa been
mothered from further interest by a pro-
raa growu or weed. By Jovot I ran
giv yoo a little lnoideal that haa never
bean la type, It happened In IMS, wheat
our regiment waa in oatap at a little
Missouri town called Lexington. I wore
a captain' (trap al that lima and did
the hooting for Company B.
'The captain of Company D was naaaod
Henry Poor, Unknown to ma ho dstsatsd
toe, and all baoaiu I ono mad a pan
on hi nam while at West Point. Being
a young man ofcstringont means ha waa
mortally offended, bnl lataar axsmtd to
bava ovariookad an nniotaotiuoal aally
of wit that I got off at biaaspatw
group of fvUow cadet.
"Vi U, when wo got our mwamtsssons
th loaded die af fat throw v both ia
th aaaae regiment, and whan tho war
broke out w went to th front under th
am colonel. Aa I said baforo. our retrt
man! camped at LMlagton, Mo., near
aaa City, or Waatport, aa it waa
known in thoae day. Among Uas rrssits
that transpired daring tho two weak of
ow ujorn waa a grand ball, givoai at
in rest done of a loyai norther woman,
for Lexington, although a Mtaatmri town,
gnat respect fur tha Coofadara
color, and a great many of I la eitiaM
heartily sympathised with th aoothera
can. At th ball several of Um otnetr
of our regiment war lavitod Poor and
yaalf Included.
rut ciuujtNaa,
"During th evening I placed my name
on th programme of one of tha Lexing
ton belle, but when I called for th
danc I wt horrified at th discovery
that my name had been delrbwrately
waved and that of Poor substituted, evi
dently by htmaelf. When l'oor and that
young lady atarted off amid theaadnctiv
train of tb orchestra my blood fairly
boiled with Indignation. Ltr tn tb
evening I caught Capt. Poor In the gen
tlemen's draslng room alone, I flapped
him roughly in the faco, and told him
Juat what I thought of him. II did not
rsaent it there, but the next day 1 re
ceived challenge from him to fight a
I had never fought a due, and I heal-
taled some lime, but rather than be ac-
cuaed of coward k I contented. The
matter was placed in th hand of
frienda, and one bright moonlight night
live dark Bgurva sneaked out of the camp
and into a neighboring wood. Tba fifth
fbrur waa that of a doctor uf Lexington,
who had two let into the secret and con
tented to act, in consideration of a big
fee for hit eerviora. To every appear
ance the duel was to be a tragic ooe, al
though I thought at one time I detect)
a alight smirk in the feature of tha sec
ond, who were mutual friend of the
determined principal.
" 'Mnaaure off len pacea,' cotnuiaudod
the doctor a he wiped a tiny (treain of
Miaaouri nicotine from hi chin whisker.
Tb doctor waa to art aa master of or
monif. The pac waa measured.
" 'Bring on tha weapon,' waa the
aaxt command. The aeoond brought
forth an omlnooa looking bundle oaro- i
fully wrapped np in oilcloth. Capt Poor
aboddered. I wa equally nervous. Ugh!
the weapon were evidently wicked sa
bers, and it would be a duel from which
neither principal would emerg alive.
Wa took our place ten pace apart ami
atood glaring at each other, patiently
waiting for th tuppoaed iword to be
placed tn our hand ready to pierce aaob
other' heart.
M "Gentlemen, here ar the weapon,'
exclaimed the doctor aa two large base
ball bat rolled out of th oilcloth. He
advanced and placed cue in the handa of
each principal. 'Mind, gentlemen, you
ar not to violate the rule to keep tun
pace apart Are you readyr
"Capt Poor and 1 gated at each other.
The seconds were doubled np on the
ground In convulsions of laughter. Even
the doctor milled, and to rap th climax
a silvery laugh from a woman' Hps
broke the stillness of t'.w air a th fair
canae of the duel strode, on to tha duel
ing ground with eye sparkling with
" 'Do be sensible, gentlemen, and
shake hands,' said she. There is going
to be another party next Tuaeday even
ing, and I will divide my programme of
waltaea with yon both If yon do.'
"I looked at Poor, and wa met half
way and shook hands. The ludicrous
contemplation of a duel with baseball
bat at a distance of ten paoea waa too
much for ua, Wa laughed heartily after
casting a reproachful glance at the mis
chievous second who pat the job np on
At this juncture ther wa a rattle of
aatin near tha hotel elevator, and the
major trot in response to a signal from
a well preserved lady. At he left the
reporter he said, with a sly wink of bis
loft eye, "I got that young lady for life,
though, aud Poor ia up in the Sioux
country now, and still a bachelor." With
those parting word he disappeared Into
the dining room with the wife of hi ro
mance. Denver Republican.
Bpldor poison appear to hav special
enect on certain lnancta, aud the largest
flics are not always tho least affected by
It Insecta over which iptder poison has
bnt little innueuc are usually left mesh
ad in th web to struggle until exhausted
before tha ipider attempt to devour
It i a mistake to suppose that tha
knots or wart which ara very common
on eotne specie of forest tree are doe to
Inaecta, fungus, or accident, or ar in
any way unnatural growth. They de
velop as remit neither of th health nor
diaeaaa of th tree, nor of inch oondl
tiont aa apecial kind of aoil or situa
The first crematorium In tha United
Btatea waa erected at Washington, Pa.,
by Dr. F. J. Le Moine at a cost of $1,900.
Tha first body to be cremated waa that
of Baron de Palm, Deo. 6, 1876. The
time occupied in reducing tha body to
aaliea was two hour and ten minutes,
Hacanlay waa 48 when ba issued the
first and aeoond volume of hi "History
of England," and tha third and fourth
did not appear until he waa 55. Good aa
are th etaay of hi early manhood they
Bala when compared with the work of
hi maturer year.
W. dark Rnstell. whose tea toriea
haveauch remarkable dash, breecineaa
and ont of door freedom, haa long bean
a hopelee and well nigh halplea invalid,
hained to aa Indoor existence in an ia-
1 y--m.-:... .T -
least Akal Ik Cigarette,
A tobacoo dealer sayt I Ther baa been
great deal laid about tit hannrulneat
of cigarette, and certainly they ar In
Jnrvma to young boy or to ran if
amoked la exceoai bat moat of tho who
Mack tha cigarette haUt have very lit
tle idea of what they ara talking about
It akoold be mnembered that tha great
aal em ok en In the world the Spaniard,
th Cnbaaa, Bpardah Atnwirans and tha
Ruaaiana uao clgarettea far more freely
than cigar, and none of thee nation
cam ba called unhealthy. People talk
about the Injurionauosa of th paper, but
any physician will tall you that it ha no
affect worth mentioning.
If you take a piece of rice pater and
light it acaroely any reaiduum will re
main, and a man might atnoka that ta
per lndaflnllely without experiencing the
smallest bad result. What make cigar
ette amoklug injurioua 1 th fact that
tha amoka it not retained In th month
and throat, bat I taken Into the lung.
It ia bees the cigar smoker doe not
uderetaad tbia that be denounoe cig
arette smoking aa insipid. Bo It la if tha
cigarette la amoked like a cigar, but
when the amoka I swallowed tha effect
la far more dlicato tlian can be obtained
from any cigar, and you will find that a ,
confirmed cigarette smoker aeldom en
joy either etgar or a pipe. St Louie
Why reael Rile Their Ua.
If you aurpria th father uf a family
etreiohed out at full length and trying
till he I red In the fao to rata hi leg
without lifting hi body, yon may know
he la endeavoring to work off hit tnpar
abundaac of avoirdupois, which inter
fere terioualy with hi catting a grace
ful figure in the walla, which hi better
half Instate on daoulng every chance ah
get. If yon consult Mr. Rutssll on
what change will make yoo better look
ing, yoo will find him vary blunt H
may tell you you do not wash your face
clean, and when you ask bow he know
will tell yoo if yoo did your skin
would not be disfigured with thoae black
pimple, or he may tell yoo, aa be told a
woman who recently appealed to him
fur advice, that aha did not aat enough,
which fart ha had reached beeana he
had observed how much she chewed bar
Mo yoo see you need not be on your
good behavior when you pasa onder his
eagle eya. but did you ever ait in the
ferry boat or car and watch tha women,
who make the must hideous, wry faree
in their attempts to get some nourish.
went or crumb of comfort from their
lipaf Not only th women but th men
alto have thi fter.diah habit -Brooklyn
A alar New Selaa4 BUr4.
Dr. Priatedt has brought a most inter-
eating and valuable collection of birds.
eta., from Australia, where he had many
an adventurous outing, and from where
be proceeded to New Zealand. There h
succeeded in obtaiulng a specimen of the
quaint and almost extinct klbl bird.
Thi bird It somewhat Ilka an ostrich,
but only the ait of a crow. It haa no
wing at all, and Is covered with fur
Ilk short striped foathers. Another pe
culiarity about the kibi la th fact that
it egg 1 larger than one-third of It
He also succeeded In bringing home
tome Maori skulls, which are difficult to
obtain on account of tho manner la
which the native bury their dead.
When th bodies hare been so long io
the ground that all tha flash ha fallen
from th skeleton they unearth them
and Carry them Into the interior of the
fonwta, where they are deposited in nat
ural caree, which are very difficult to
find. The attempt to obtain these skulls
Is attended with the greatest danger, aa
any ooe discovered with one ia certain of
being instantly killed. Oalignnui' Met
eagor. !
Allairala f Hera.
Almost any liveryman ia, in hi way,
ahorse doctor. U practice on hi own
lock, and will preacrib simple remedies
fur a sick borne that is brought to him, j
but In any case be deem serious will al-1
ways ad viae railing in a regular veteri
nary surgeon rather than to undertake
th treatment himself. All aorta of aur-
fical operation are undertaken for toe!
relief of horses, aud there are one or two!
men In the city who are iprcially skilled j
tn tb treatment of diseased teeth,
Horace hav the toothache juat like men !
do and from the eame cans, and pull
ing a tooth ia now a common thing iu '
veterinary surgery. Of course th horse j
kirks, for hi teeth hav long and strong
root, but th operatiou frequently saves
the life of a valuable animal. Interview
In Ht Louis (1 lobe-Democrat
ChM? rL
Among th latest attempted solution'
of th cheap fuel problem la the method
of a German inventor, who propose to
manufacture gat by dropping a stream
of erode petroleum through a blast of
cold air from a force pump. The gat
thus obtained will be confined in a regu
lar cylinder open at one end, where it
will be lighted. Thi produce an in
tensely hot flame of aeveral feet In
length. By means of this flame the In
ventor proposes to heat lx iers, and he
maintain that tha heating of large i
block can thna be reduced very consid
erably. New York Telegram.
Bevolnrs la tlfbi.
The policemen of Savannah carry re
volver (trapped to their belt iu plain ,
tight They are armed with thort clubs
aa well. They cannot unllmtxir their
hooting Iron any quicker than a Mew
York policeman, who usually carries hit
in hia hip pocket, can do it; but with
moat of the offenders the sight of a
weapon in itself haa a salutary effect on
many of them. New York Sun.
There it no department of British mer
cantile industry which has developed
with such marvelous rapidity as the pe
troleum trade. Since ita beginning in
1859, when the total importations were
about 2.000,000 gallons, It has Increased
by leaps and bound until, in 1880, the
amount brought into tha United King
dom reached the total of 103,8 ;7,478
Basbrellu In En land.
How many umbrella are manufact
ured in tbia country annually? There
are no official return giving the number
In thi country, though in the United
State It is calculated that one umbrella
is made annually for every aiz person.
If we apply tbia proportion to the popu
lation of the United Kingdom now cal
culated, in rouud numbers, at 88,000,000
over-8,000,000 umbrellas are made an
nually. Upward of 8,500.000 umbrellas
were imported by aea into Calcutta in
tha year 1888-88, and the yearly exports
of umbrellas from this country are valued
at 581,000. In France, In 1830, um
brella were manufactured by 100 maker
to tha value of 280,000: in 1847. 405.000
worth by 803 makers; in 1884 their value
waa 1.180,000, and 600 manufacturer.
Price averaged four franca each. There
were thus made in France in 1883 7,500,-
000 umbrellas, or nearly one for each In
habited house. London Tit-Bit.
Rvarythlng ablpshap.
Small Boy-Say, dad. why does th
loaves fall off the trees every fallf
uaa an old salt) Bless vou. bov.
don't yon know? The winds is high In
winter, an' tha tree haa to lower anil.
Now York Weekly, , .
iirtfiirf trT
CeaslnMtlua af a TepMPeeelaklags (
lb TeatHaw Tktlr Hm4 I Ma4.
Pre at Msatlag aad Cerlag tb
Leather for tenia " Maeala.
It it not Strang that Indiana ara ahort
lived nor that there should be so high a
rate of mortality among tbuir children.
Tba tribes north of an east and weat line
coinciding with th northern limit of
New Mexico ns for dwelling what la
known aa th tape. An Indian of
wealth In tb Die country sometime
haa an opportunity to purchase an A
tent, and ven a wall tent, at aom cal
of condemned qoartermaaUir'a supplies,
but th very beat and nuwmt canvas af
fords poor protection against tha snow
ttoruii aud frxexlng wiuda of the plain.
Tb tent Ui usually staked down, with
a shallow gutter dug round It to carry
off th rain water, which would other
wise flood Its interior, aud. beginning in
the early autumn, a Are ia built In the
center of the earth floor, which la ael
dom allowed to go out Overhead and
hanging in linn suapeuded from the
canvas ar the rifliw and other weap
on of the family, and the floor I cov
ered with about six iuche of dead grass
or hay, which in time i trodden down 1
and pressed Into a fair aud tolerably
(oft maltreat. Wrapped up in hia blaukut,
with hia bead resting on bis saddle for
a pillow, the Indian slps through th
night, depending somewhat on tba fire
to keep hlra from f reeling in extremely
Cold weather
ura in a wrx
In dry weather the ventilator at th
apex of the tent may be kept otien, bnt
during storms, when It I closed, the at
mosphere of tho tent is stifling and reek
ing with the odor of the unwashed fam
ily and of the many damp and badly
cured fur which every buck aocumu
latea Far from the ageucie th In
dian lay in a small stock of flour, coffee
and sugar sufficient to be need saringly
through tb winter, which, with hi
fren beef or antelope meat, constitute
bi bill or fare.
In a trnt ten f-t in diameter, a buck,
two squaws and flv or lix email children
pasa the winter mouth, aud considering
their uncleanly habits, it ia not difficult
to Imagine the condition of the habita
tion In the spring, They thninat-lve
probably atmrvciate thit. because rather
than clean np they simply move their
tent to aom clean (pot
With a little flour, water and salt tha
squaw make a thick paste, which la
first cooked on hot atom's until it be
ooinne stiff, nod then each cake is further
cooked by standing II on it edge with
Its flat surface exposed to the damns
nnlil it Is thoroughly baked Into quite
palatable bread Their meat la fried tn
Ita own fat or roasted on a spit stuck In
the ground, while a small child keeps It
turning to equalise the roasting. The
bread cake serves a plate, while their
finger ara both kuive and fork, so th
Indian baa no dish washing procra to
go through with, for when the meal is
nulahiHl he rule his plate and ticks off hia
knivea and forks with bis tongue.
MAKlNtt UtlMtlNB.
The hunting of deer in the Rocky
mountain baa driven them north into
British America, and in a few more
year our Indian will have no more
bockakina for Icggtna and inoccaxin
Only the skin of the heavy hided dear
can be nsed, that of the antelope and
white tailed varieties being too tender
for long arrvlce His Apaches make
their uinccaains and leggius iu one piece,
in the style of hunting boot, while most
of the Indians to the north wear slippers
and li-gihna. Whenever a dwr la killed
and cut np the bladder la carefully cut
away, cleaned, and filled with the braiu
of the animal, and the little bag is moat
carefully guarded until a stream is
reached, where the hide may be cured. I
The r-titire skin is then put into run
ning water, and weighted down with
tonea. In four or fire hours the anak-
Ing baa swelled it and loosened the hair
the root, when it is Ukon out and
ttretohed on a frame, while the owuer, j
wlt0 tb M cleaned rib of the ani
mal, acrape it down until all the hair is:
rubbed off, very much tn the tame man- j
ner an overheated horses are tcrapod to j
remove the foam and sweat The akin I
la then pulled and ttretchvd for three or
hour, and, at the same time, oiled
with tho brain until It is porfoctly dry,
oft and pliable, when It it ready for
use. When a tan color la draired it is
naked tn an infusion of rod bark. The
aoleof the muccasiu is always made of the
raw hid of beet cattle and sewed to the
opper with thesinews of the deer's toudon
achiUaa. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Th Attorney's Dog,
A Boston lawyer who reside in the
suburb i th owner of a dog that cer
tainly pcesesae th instinct of an attor
ney The other day be save another dog
carrying off a tempting looking bone,
A aeooud dog followed at a short dis
tance. Tha lawyer' dog quickly con
ceived a plan of action worthy of an em
Inent logal mind. He immediately
brought action against the dog with the
bone. The third dog at once quickened
hit pace, and lost no time in instituting
supplementary proceedings In hi own
behalf. Thi assistance proved equivu-
lent to a decree for the plaintiff, for the
lawyer's dog left the third dog to bear
the brunt of the litigation, and soiling
the bona fled to hit own kennel, where
possession waa truly nine points of tba
law. Boston Traveller.
Thompson Wat Stron.
On March 28, 1841, Thomas Thompson
lifted three barrels of water, weighing
together 1,830 pounds, lie also put an
iron bar on his neck, seized hold of it
two ends, and bent it until tho latter
met On another occasiou be raised
with his teeth a table six feet long sup
porting at it fartheet eud a weight of 100
pounds. He also tor without serious
effort a rope of a diameter of two inches,
and liftod a horse over a bar. Cham
bers' Journal
He Was Unduly Anxlons.
One of the most amusing distortions
of English that I ever heard was perpe
trated by a waiter on a Grand Trunk
dining car, eager for hia fee.
I had ordered a simple supper of lake
trout and buttered toast. It meager ap
pearance seemed to disturb my friend in
the white jacket,
"Ain't you goin' to have no other meat
besides that fish, sir?" bo asked. Lewi i
ton Journal.
Test for Milk.
The following tost for watered milk it
simplicity itself. A woll poliahed knit
ting needle ia dipped into a deep ve&tel
of milk and immediately withdrawn iu
an upright position. If the sample is
pure some of the fluid will banc; to the
needle, but if water has been added to
the milk even in small proportions the
Quid will not adhere to the needle.
American Market and Critical Buyer.
A public school in Mexico sounds like
a large beehive, During one half the
day tho children all study aloud, each
one trying to make as much noise as pos
sible. The rivalry thus stirred up is re
lied upon to make each one look at bis
book and learn something, whether he
rant to or not
a, ruaxorr.
Prescott & Veness,
raortiirrou or
Independent Saai mill.
, U'liitm.aa, Mangr,
lisps IrZr
""a o ' o e
Flral-Claa Turnout lor Commercial Traveler. Price roaaonabla and Batltlao
tion guaranteed dive ua a Call.
Sash, Door and Manufacturing Co
llvlni( In full tperlloD t Ulurteviin Dry Kiln and several ttmuaand dollars worth
uihliirry, wean- ir-Mtrjl lo fill any and all orders f-ir mill work. Orders sollrlud
Irotu any part of the vslli-y, whh-h will twelve prniii)l l'-mlon. To our ls-8l customers we
wloh to us that w will hsve entutautly on hand sll the Intent di-algm In our trade. Prompt
atlenilon writ be given and orlocnas low aa eonslment with good work.
4-urnc, eriir Trade and lllich strwls, Malem; P. O. box No. flsll.
DISCS REMEDY FOR C.VTAKHH. -lieot iCaaiost f j
-I to use. Cheapest Itotief ia immediate. A cure ia S I
certain. For Cold in the Head it has no UuL I 1
It is an Ointment, of whioh
to the nostrils. I'rico, Mia
bymaiL Address
School Books
The Public is Mt Cordially Invited toC.ill .nut k Our Utos
Selected Stock of Writing
Hulent etc., also All
Uw in the
Mitchell & Bohannon,
V Manufacturer of
Mslu Street, Independeace, Oregon.
Of Independence, having a Htcam
engine, a brick machine and several
acres of finest clay, is uow prepared j
to keep on hand a fine quality of
Brick, which will be sold at reason
able prices.
Iteat Alalaina, skimming the tray
As runs the hurr yinf tsar bird, airy Hi,
With radUot eyas and floaUitf locks, d hands
Oututrbsd, and ftuUriag (arnuuita snowy
May nfrar eoldoa apple roll between
TlMaadtayeMoryl Keep et-ulraat on.
neb tby f-troal, and so be erownsd a iwen.
J " - w.....,w,.ra buw VUJ v. IUUINI WUU-
Bvfm thy lent the world lsura to east
Its sllded fniU: he faithful re th Ian,
And run thy raeo with Tinw, outstrip thy rrlids
Not (or ambition, empty, fenrlah, vain.
But shape thou thy life's coura to nobler ends:
BtriTa lo be foremost a pure hrart to fain ;
To wla forbnuiuxe and sweot charity.
Truth, paUaouo, faith, a conscience crystal
For thuae pmsi on, nor pause, and thou shalt ba
lifted into a preoe that knows no fear.
And thy sweat childhood a bliss be Unas alway.
As on tb brway sands this summer day
-OU Tliaxbsr la Youth's Companion.
rTorlt Initiation at Harvard.
The favorite mode of torment seem to
be to make a man go out and sell some
thing, or perform some manual labor in
the streets, Not long ago a student who
was very much in love with a pretty
Cambridge girl was compelled to go to
the home of her parent with a Jew ped
dler' pack and sell all the members of
the family the cheap handkerchief and
atrocious brass jewelry with which he
was loaded down. The match waa not
broken off, but there was a frigid cool
ness in that house until the real object
of the visit was afterward explaiued.
Another rich and Immaculate young
well waa ordered Into a ditch where
aome Italians were digging in the main
street of Cambridge, and into it he went
with pick and shovel, clad in a drees
auit, which was made part of tha com
mand. Rubber boots, an ulster and a fur cap
are frequently ordered on a victim ta the
hottest days of term time, and they must
do seen on mm whenever he appears out
side hia room. Cambridge, like other
college towns, haa become partly accus
tomed to these college vagariee, and
whenever any one la teen upon the
streets acting particularly like a lunatic
people class him at once as a candidate
for a colloge society. New York Star.
A Mllllonlr'a Small Wages.
"How much do you make a day, my
ladr asked ex-Commissioner O. B. Pot
ter of the newsboy from whom he waa
waiting to receive change.
"About fifty cents," the boy answered.
"That's Juat twice a much as I could
am when I was 18 years old," said tho
millionaire. "I might have been a rich
man now if I had only had the start that
you are getting."-Nw York Times.
I a. Tfntm
M xai.xss in
Independence, Oregou,
1 s
Feed and Sale Stables.
i a small particle is applied I I
Sold by druggist or sent I I
IUzeltikk, Warren, Pa. I
T. IUzkltikx,
SALE cv-
Pa, .-r TuMi-i. IVim, Ink,
the School I looks
Pnl.lic School.
Tun's Pills
The rpele, the debilitated, w rht
r rrwm ear or work f sul 4
body, drink er expotar In
Malarial Regions.
rill And lull' Pills lb moat fen 11
restorative ever olt'ered Ute aauartu
Try Tliem Fairly.
A vigorous body, pore bloed, strong
Be e and a eheerlul mlud w ill reai
t ' 1
I 'jl .V 1
Can :ags Repairing
i'J" 'VTOT'I O' ttils fty
W.U;.1.IJI 1 lis, I
, I., l a ,n- liulMliif wlu, g, K,
a kmli) !,,... e u sn eiirl
"Sii lis e- in,, ta
sol',-!.. liars ol tb i'jias
HHti S li itl-
it s ,
ii-r i
.-l vnrl
! I MIS,
Succtttcra to
Elk ins & Co.,
Hauling of all Kinds Done at
Reasonable Rates.
(Till peed, OaH, M 0 fir Uood
For 5al?.
ISrCollections Made Monthly,-.
Fully Abrra.t with th Tluwa.
Ibr the family, School, or Professions! Library.
-5e Authentio WabTter ' Una
Bridged Dictionary, comprising: th
latne of 1864, '1 8 & '84. eopyriehUd
property of the ndepi?ned, is now
Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged,
andatadisUnnulin, title, bear,
th name of Wtkui', I-.-
tlonal Dictionary.
Editorial work upon thi revision
Ita been In active progress for over
Ten Year. Not less than One Han.
dred paid editorial laborers have
been enrage;! upon it.
Over 4300,000 expended in It
preparation before the ilrt copy
wa printed.
Cr itical comparison with any ether
Dictionary i invited. Pet the Beit,
0- MEKKIAM A CO., rubCshers,
. , 8iirlnKfteld, M V, 8. A.
( BoldoysllBookssJIor. IllustraMdpsmphMfr,