The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 27, 1891, Image 3

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Polk County Publishing Compan
KRUUV. Ft-'ltliUARY J7. Illul.
(U K Tim' W D.M.I. ah, l,iwt Wtxl
iiMtliiy our rt'p rior iiiiulo a llyliiit html
nom trip to tho county soiit. I'jttly In
the monilnir, (a llttlo earllor limit hr
usually llko to liestlr himself) h whs
alxiunt tho I, A M. motor Hint giiliitf
brwtk utrk iM'tHt for Monmouth
Aftp' alsmt twotity uilmitos (U'liiy Ht
the Narrow Umirv uVot lu fouiul him
self whirling northwtint toward Dallas.
Arrived at tltwtttialloit hIhuI 1 o'clock
ft. tu, Found lu!iu (Mttipttrutlvt'l
iiulet and vryUnly tin x Inns for tin
oiKxmihiK of sorbin tlmw. uIIum linn
made eonsidoralik' lnirovtmtnt during
tho past your, and onntldoutly vx hom
brink ivvival of IniMiitw tho I'timilny
aoaaou, Tho tHHiplo nwr thoro think
t bolr railroad sohonio to tho took quarry
as-trw thlhK, mul ntlly iui rxtottstoii
of tho Hue on to Full City lit tho noar
future Tho now Iik tramway Into tho
UlOlllltltlUN In Willi tO If A SIHWSH, lliul
tho sawmill nt Dallas is holnir. put In
Khk1 condition for tho coiiilnit soason'i
work. It Ik undor the iiutiui'iiu'iit of
Mr. I-. It. Martin, with Mr. T. J. 1 tuy
tor a aulosmitn, ahlppliiH olork, oto. A
visit tu tho oftlotw of tho ootiuty oIHoImIh
ojork, shorM", trvasutvr iul vhoo
smaTiiiU'tidoiit found tliosn otthvra
busily ongtiKotl hi tholr oftMal dutUs,
Troasuror Mo Tumor said tluit IiunIiioh
iu bin lino was ooiiipurittivoly milot, us
it uiiuully In nt ibis sonson of tho yoar.
tShorifT Wolls mild lio hinl only stuvotM'ed
ill eolloothiK t'.HHkl of tho taM duo.
Tho tax roll this your fisits up f.V"t,tiuo,
o "Hilly" hiom lariju inn ahoad of
him yot to collect. Il was oxiimliiiitloii
day with Xtipt. Hoynolds, and ho hid
iu baud it largo clan of toiicliora thliv
tooil ladloa mid thtrtooii ifoiitlomi'ti.
Ttie I'rofvtwor said It would ttiko hint
fourdaya to got tlirmijrn 'with tln ox
amlnntlons, Tho iiuprovotuoiitM of thin
city prevent a solid uppi'iiramr, and tho
tKHipIo mt-incil oonlldi'iit that Dallas
wiu jroliitt to iuot right uUmg In tho
uiaroh of progress.
Ul'N.UVAV llovs. Week h-sforo last
Musters l'rart dsipor, Harry Christian,
Jr. and Willio YVI.Ilo, of thin city, came
to tho condition that "lioiuo" was (ihi
tiresome a place for youiiK blood of
tholr imiliitious uspiiulioiot, soearly one
morning they Hturtod out to make tholr
ninaintanir of the cold uncharltnMe
world. In other word they tnik their
foot, n well tholr fortunes, iu hand
and skipped out. Their parents soon
got wind of tho affair, and Instructed
Mr. Wayne William to overhaul tho
roll ('My and Lumbar.
laiaairtaat to rartaart.
We uuule from ft letter received by ua
Henatnr Leland (Stanford wye. "I the other day from ft loading oltlfeu of
nave noarti umi amitnpiDiicu aim eto- (.'all Ky, The writer tayt: After
quont apoukor, Mr. Ilrlok, on 'Fun reading your article Iu the Wiwt Hum
that DcHla Fllck, and will uy that it uM,t rallnmiMo Falla City the) poo
wlll Ih wotl for the proxldout to cull out i,o heiv liavo boon talking the matter
iiicanuyto aupptxna in nmnouvcm, llVt.r think It le time emetlitDg
Ho ha laid waate many whoul Hold I aattultt to bo done. If It la ever going to
during Ida ravage up the valley, and h. Wo aro ready to do our part Iu any
hit ealen several thoumiud IiuhIioI of WIIV (m( w cau tlo. You apoke about
corn." lloarhlmat the opera liou, luiiilwr and atone belli ir I he nrloolual
Frlduy ovonltitf, Maivh till).
Minn Stella Allien, profowor of oliN'll-
otitlon In tho Wllliimetto university of I
Suloin, hwUIihI by local talent, will glvo
an ontortnliimoiit in thcoicra Iioiiim) .ii i
I'lnihtday owning, Feb. flili. You
fivlitlit, We will add ft little more,
audi a cord-wood and tan-bark, There
are aoiuo oaaloru oailtallata here fur the
purpomt of nutting In aaw mill, gnat
mill and other muufactorloa, if there
wu onlvau outlet to market. Hi
ahould not for fall to hour Mia Anio thought hero that I udoHndouco would
for ahc I wild to bo tlwt olaaa reader probably want to aaw her own lumber,
ISee piVM notice In
ket for aalo at I'attcr-
and diH'lalmer.
luilid bill. Tl
mm a.
Our iooplo wore an well pleaiaui wltV
the Carolluo (lagi1 draumlli! oomMiuy
at the opera Iioiimo liwt year In "lnociia
that thoy aro outnMikeu In welotnulng
tho return of till excellent onuipuiiy
for tho ulghta of March 0, lu, and II,
and e row ded houno ahould grwl them.
The coHtiimo are uioro vlegHiil Ihun
lat year.
llfiiklu Ik Walker, liaving oiilarmxl
tlioir utoro room, are now carrying one ot
Hie liirmwl umi boat atik k ot tnmil) jirn
oorie and lilacawaro iu l'olk Ooiiuty, and
are roIIiiiii tho nine a clieap a tlir
ela ani'Ht. To bo ooiiviiiccd call iu ami
ei llioiii.
Tho iiiomU'ra of Monmouth malltlu
cNUmiiy aro dirked utit hi a flue, new
uniform milt. Tho boy look real olo
mint In their uray uniform, and, of
eourxo, tlio (airncx mink uiem "jum
too nice for any uo."
Mr, J. W. Hoaler returned from
I'lilco. I'at.. luat week. Win In well
pleawd with her visit, and lnut a pleiw
ant word to any for ('atiforuiu'ailimuto,
but think (rtgoti I a gtxnl oiiougli
wuntry for anybody.
Mr. F. linger, living north of town
ha Ihh'H cnimtiliwlniicd to organlro Na
tioual Alliance and ludunlrlal I'lilon
tliroiiKhout l'olk county. Any nelnh-
ImrliKMi winning an orgiiuiiuition can
apply to him.
A brief vixlt tu the Normal kcIiooI
tho other day convinced us that It la a
irreat odticational auxiliary, and the
IcirUlnture did a wlm and hciiithvul
thing In putting thlnKchool under atate
imii Irnl.
Our roxirter vixlted Monuioiith tho
other day mid found vt r. It. Sho ley
ipiito busy Indiind the counter. Mr.
Shelley ia plca'd with tho hotdncxN
pnwioet of our nrlghbor city, and I
witiatlod that tho town hm a futun.
Iiomemlior when In Ha lorn to call In
at Strong' rontuuruut, now WcxtucoM
A Irw in, and get a meal lint to ho ex
I am wife Iu any lug that wecaii furnish
you all the log that you want, and
one-hundred tlimixuud foot of sawed
lumU'r r day for the next thirty
vetire. A winy or aix men went iuio
i he mouiitaln since you were here.
1'hoy went a far aa the head waters of
tho l.lttloand ltlg Lucklamutte and
Silvia river, Mr Flyun, who was one
of tho party, a Canadian, Michigan and
Wisconsin lumberman, and ha been lu
tho tiuilar ever since he was alxteeu
t ear old, say that he never aaw tlm
Uroitial to tills In quality, or aoaflcvea-
llilo for logging purposes, He says that
the estimates made heretofore aa to the
amount of luiuU'r are altogether too
low. li say there I any amount of
level laud back III the mountains that
will make goial farming land when
once ciearou or limner, e iniua
there Is every Inducoiiiout for a railroad
to be built to this place. We would
llko for you to come up and look the
matter over with ua. I writ this letter
at tho renutwl ot the people of Fall
A buut Hops,
boy and iiso moral xuaxlon to have;
thorn return home. Ho overtook the celled on the I'ticlUe ooat for cent,
runaways near McCoy mid prevailed
upon 1'cnrl Cmcr to return with him
but the other boy declined ueturiiing to
tLo paternal roof. After, a few day
Maxtor Pearl Cixijat nttemptiHi a simi
lar move but wax linrkmalcd la'foro
ninkinu fairly a start toward the wide
world and llliorty A vigorou applica
tion of the romody approved of ly Sol
omen, and other wie men, hax probably
taken all tramp Idea out of Pearl's
head. The other boy lire still adrift
eomuwhere, but their parent expect to
glveft 'Tmdignl'a feast" almimt auyday.
They tulnk that contact with tho world
iathelicHt iiiedicitio (heir truant Ixiyx
cau pnaxibly receive.
Mkmiikim ok Commlssions. The re
publican ciiiicax tunned the follow lug
nominee fool thu com ii'xlon; W. W.
Baker, of Portland, for iucclor; (ioo.
W. Colvlg, of itcaoburg, and A. '.
Hamilton, of I nlon, for rallroatt com-
nitxxionern. Tin-; democrat named
Itolicrt Clow, of Junction, for railroad
commlxxioner. The li.ih eoinmlxxionerx
arotk'o. F. Mycrx, of Axlorla ami It. V,
Campbell, ( 'olun.bia county. The pilot
commixaioncm are .1. V. linlloran, 11. F.
Packard, of Axturia, and ('apt. J. A.
Brown, of Portland. J. It. Putnam, of
Kulem, wax appi xlato l.brariai).
The legislature In Joint amnion con
firmed all of the above nomination.
The people of Polk county, no doubt,
feci HH-cial pride In the apinliuoiit of
Hon. Robert Clow u ruilmad comuiix
sloner. Mr. Clow was formerly u citi
zen of thin county and represented our
people iu the legislature ono or two
A Paixki'i, 1 Ii iiT. Mr A. IfiHton,
who llvei some three iuIIoh south of
town, met with a painful accident last
Saturday morning. TliecircunmlaiiccH
were a follow: Mr. If. wnHiittoinptliig
to doctor a sick horse, when the aril
niul in t frantic struggle, kicked
again! mi upright l am which fell and
struck Mr. Huston across the top of I he
head, knocking him senseless and in
flictlng a deep scalp wound. A gash
almut three inches long was cut acres
tbe seal)) but the brain and skull were
in no wise injured The Injured man
will lie tin and around again in u few
The trustees of the Presbyterian
church have ordered sldewulks built
alone the oust and north sidoof the
church and In front of the parsonage.
The church Is to be illuminated by
Incandescent lights. The Presbyter
ian congregation of Ihi city are a
modern, progressive people, and believe
in having the best convenience that
our civilization alt'onls Independence
1 fortunrtc in having widen wake, pro
gressive church peoplu. All of the
denominations are keeping step with
the spirit of tho uge.
it 171 Commercial street. tf
From Mr. lati Calbreuth.of Parker,
we learn that hi brother T. W. Cal
breuth.of California, will make hi
homo at Parker and I erecting a
idetieo there.
Marshal Fennel! Is tho happiest man
in town, and why houldn't ho I'?
HI wife and little daughter arrived
here from the Fast on Thursday morn
lug' train.
Commissioner I. Simtmi wa doing
the town last Monday, and C C. I)., of
the Utwrvrr, wa hero getting niv
qualntcd with the late arrival In tho
President CampUil, of tho Mtate Nor
mal school, I ipille naturally feeling
very much elated over the recent action
of the legislature lu regrd to the
Farmer hould send to Corvalll and
get the pamphlet of tho Agricultural
college experiment station, which are
interesting and Instructive reading
Anyone wanting a Mitchell wagon
a ('anion clipper plow, or a Canton tri
cycle plow call I' satisfactorily fitted
out by calling on H. S. Smith, Lewis
ville, Or.
itev .V. Hhupp will preach on next
Sunday at Calvary church, 11 a. lit.,
(irace church, 3 p. in. and In
dependence, 7 J . m ; Sabbath school at
ID a. m.
From a circular Isauod by K. Meeker
A Co. we learn that over one and a
half million dollar wa reivlved for
tho Oregon hop crop, and that nearly
a million more tiouar woutu u m cir
culation had no Iioim been contracted.
Hops aro quoted at U0 to .12ccnta per
Notice ha lieen formally served
upon tills firm that hereafter lio bales
will 1m plowed tho stales that weigh
over J10 II.
There 1 a good valid reason for this
rigid "Iron-chid rule," in that hard
pressed bales never make good lUinmer
use hop, and thl desirable quality of
tho Northern Pacific growths of Oregon
and Washington 1 that which has
given u such prestige on the Loudon
market a to enable u to sell freely on
that market An average of KOIt per
halo I I Iter than 1W; lu fact the
lighter proHsed hop are the better aa
they retain their "ago" and use fill ties
to tho consumer longer.
Meiwr. ltothharth A Hon, Now
York, under date of Feb. ml), ll, esti
mate the xtix'k of how on hand lu the
Culled Slat.ii at ttD.hOtl bale, all of
which will practically lie needed to
r,. j supply tin1 want of brewer not al
ready provided for, annulling there
will I' no farther linrt or export
I'hl leave tho problem of the
"world's supply" with the (lennun
and Fngllsh Factor, the ways of
which are "pant finding out," hence
tho future of the market Is as Usual
Hhrnudcd in myxtery and beyond the
knowledge of tho unwt wise.
Tikik tiik OniiAN. Somotiine ago
Mr. (leo Skinner, of this city loaned an
agent twentydlvo ilollarx, ami took au
organ for security, but on last Saturday
Wiley It. Allen, of Portland, came up
ami elaliueil the organ a Ins property,
saving that the ageut had no authority
to disiMiso of the same. Mr. Allen waa
armed with legal authority and took
possession of tho organ, but Mr. Skin
nor Intends to hold Mr. Allen for the
twenty-live dollar. A flue legal point
Is probably Involved In the transaction .
Ckment o.n Wooij. Ir, Parrish, of
Monmouth, ha completed a wooden
building on Indciicudcnce Ht. which in
some resM'ct 1 a novelty. It la built
of board on end and the Interior w as
finished and occupied before the exte
rior, and now the reason I known
The iloator had tho outside lathed and
then a coat of cement put on conse-
Wherodid vou irel that watcli? (inently ho now has a tire pnsif and
Fire Pkothction. Tho oily coun
cil before adapting Mr: Oilmore's pro
position for ten llrst-clas hydrant,
distributed over Tndoiendoiice. will
ask the Insurance Union to make a
rating of the town based on having
hydrant they thus knowing what
percent of saving it will be to the
town to have better lire service.
Fbkb ViMiHTAiinK Hhhoh. We have
received several packages of choice veg
etable need- from the reliable seedsmen,
D. M, Ferry & Co. Deloil,, Mich, which
we Intend giving away, package cahc
to those applying at, this olllce until all
are gone. Cull In friend farmer and
get one of the puckages. Hist come,
first served.
J. W. Fetzerand family are going to
. . . i i
return to town, u wo unucimiiuu. j
Whv of course I bought It of H. It,
Patterson and on the cnstallmont plan
tuo-Xo trouble to own a watch that
There will lie a Carnival of Nation
at Monmouth, Friday a n d Mntiird.iy
evening, March (1th and 7th. for the
U-nellt of the and W. C. T. II.
If )on are in need of nnlhing in the
cloiliinu bne from a red bi'iidimna to a
line wedding suit, go to J. L. rllockton s
for he always has them.
It. L. Shelley, of Drain, brother of
It. Shelley of thl cty, will preach In
the Christian church next 8 ll n d ft y
morning and evening.
J. It N. Bell returned from Rmeburg
on Friday, Jubilant over the discovery
of a mineral, supposed to lie tin ore, and
located upon hi land.
Shelley & Vaiiduyn have Jtmt re
ceived direct from an ealern factory
au elegant line of Union League Neg
ligee shirt.
Itev. M. lit'tt has lieon permanently
engaged a pastor for the PreHhytcrlaii
denomination of this city, for the ensu
ing year.
A large invoice of ten, ooffee and spices
just received at J. 1), I's, from one of the
best houses in Sun Francisco J. A. Fol
ger. Don't fail to hear Brlck'a lecture on
"Fun thut Ileal Flslck," at the opera
house, Friday evening, March 0th.
At a fire drill iu the publlcHchool this
week, the building wax emptied In Just.
one und a quarter minute.
Charle Foster, of Ohio, Huoceods sec
retary of the treusttry Wludoin, in the
cabinet of the president.
Itemeiuber the masque ball Saturday
night. A large turnout of masker I
Itev. J. B. Hughe lecture lit the
ChriHtlun church this Friday evening
MIhh Lizzie Jester, of Albany, Is visit
ing here this week.
Our artistic Job work continues to
give satisfaction.
Mr. Scott Luughury is quite lck.
Bcliool m-'ttlug next Monday.
water proof building, which look like
a brick building and yet cost very little
more than wooif. He Is very well
pleased with the experiment.
All persons attending the mask hall
on Friday evening, will he required to
give their name and character assumed
j to the donrkoou'r.
The opera house I engaged for Fri
day, March UOtli, for a Japanese wed
ding. A fine line of Indie's low out shoes, al
J. L. aiocktou's.
A beautiful supply of broodliead dress
goods just received at J, L. Hlooktou's.
Lndte's shoes for one dollar and up
wards, nt J, L. Stockton's.
"Fun that Heals Flslck." at the opera
house, Friday evening, March (1th,
Mis Anna Adams, of McMinnvllle is
visiting at the home of H. Shelley.
Mark llurch, of Hlckreull, has sold
his farm to Mr. Fred Koser.
For lino dou tal work go to Mark
Hayler, WIIhoii block, Dallas, Or.
Best quality of boots and shoes and
men' underwear nt Stockton's.
Men's, boys' and children's olothing in
emllcHs variety at Htocktoti's,
Mrs MaVaughiyif Portland, Is a guest
of J.8. Cooper's family here.
Call at thl olllce when you want a
ticket north, oouth or east.
Full line of rubber goods, boots, shoes
etc., tit II. D. Waller's.
Dave (lei wick always ha on hand
fresh candles, Key West cigars and
tropical fruit In season.
Just received nt J. L. Htooktou'l a
beautiful hue of ladle's and nien's fine
Mr, John Vernon and daughter Allle
wuie In town Motiduy.
California and Nevada are having
floods. Oregon next!
We learn that W. E. Dulton is lying
at the point of death.
POOLK.-At McCoy, Or., Feb. 10, 1801,
to tho wife of Dr. W. E. Poole, a son,
weight 8 pounds,
Mr. t H. Schmidt laotured In tha
opart houat last Monday on the Impor
Unt tubjaet of "Farming for Pleasure
and for Profit," Mr. Hob mid t waa for
merly a cltlieu of New York atate, Is
scientific and practical farmer, agraU
uataofContuhat-en University, and Is
a gentleman of law lutclllgenoa, and
large experience, lit contemplate looa-
ting In this stata. We call tu especial
attention of our farmer reader to tha
following abstract of tlx lecture.
The speaker said lit cam to this en
terprlslug funning community with a
few suggestions which be would like
discussed among tha farmer. He re
form! to wheat growing as about played
out a a profitable Industry,
HtlKNTIKIO Fakmino.
Farming for profit nowaday means
farming carried on as a business, and
on business principle' The most Im
portant factors for profitable farming
are production, soil, favorable climate,
good markets and skillful farmer,
coupled with easy ace to market.
The Willamette valley farmer have
made money of wheat growing when
price were high, but now It la work
with small or no pay, therefore some
thing els should b done.
Mixrd Fahmino.
What should It bo? It should be
diversified farming. Keollly should
the eliauu be, ret your Income from
the sale of live slock and flue butter.
As many In this locality are Interested
In seeing this county developed Into a
dairy county, th ajs-aker eieclally
dwelt upou thalawue. W hat a grand
field there Is here, said lie, for butter
produellou, and Just think of It you do
not make enough butter In tbe whiter
to aupply the country's wants, to say
nothing about supplying tbe oltlctl
Just think of It for a moment. You
buy your butter from Wlsoonslu, Iowa
and Illinois and pay over a bushel of
of flue wheat for two pounds of butter.
Tiik Daihv Bi kinkhm.
Young man have a Ulk with your
father, get him Interested In this great
field of Industry. There I plenty cf
money lu It; there I a great deal more
lu It for the bright young man tlinn
going Into oine city huslue. But, of
oounw, If you go Into the dairy bulues
you have first to learn that bushier.
few suggestions in ft geueral way
may lead to furthur discussion more
letall. The common practice of
caring for cattle and no dairying will
not keen (lie boys on th farm. We I
mut t AHK fur the cow, we cannot
afford to krep a cow a whole year and
got only 50 or 76 jsiunds of butter of
her. We want JIM pounds of butter a
year of each cow. You aay, but It will
coat Ilk every thing to get 2D0 pounds
if butter to each cow. Ah, No! It
coat more to keep a cow when well
fed ouly six mouths of the year and
starve her the balance. Cows should
not calve In the spring, but lu Septem
ber. Butter I worth twice aa much in
the winter a lu tbe summer, therefore
there Is much more profit In a winter
dairy. We must have a small piece of
ground planted to txtU every year to
help along the cows. Bee's are grass
for tbe cows In winter. We cau grow
splendid oats, aud when harvested be
fore quite ripe It make line fed togeth
er with gixxl tame bay aud roots.
What a wonderful benefit could b
derived from a model dairy established
somewhere handy. It would show the
fanner how to take hold of this now
Industry where all questions could
be answered etc.
Aa latsrsallu IllMuuna. Tha Ureal I'a-
f ua Under tha Logical tallir Ilia Ktu
quanl Dlvlns. ftarvaim, Wit anil Klo.
Elder J. II. Hughes, of Corvalll, ad
dressed the citizen of Monmouth Fri
day evening, Fob. l.'llli, nnCol. Inger
sol and hi criticism of the Dlblo, Th
speaker Is a well built, fine looking gen
tleman, about forty years of age, dark
hair and eye, shave clean excepting a
mustache, and suks In nu easy fluent
style, Th Normal ehuixi wn crowd
ed with a lurgo and appreciative audi
ence, although an admission fee was
charged at the disir.
The speaker said that he would ti ke
his text from the authorized edition of
Col, logorsoir lecture on "What Must
Wo do to I Saved?" My text leads
follow: "There I but one blasphemy
aud that I Injustice", Now my major
premise is, Ingersoll 1 unjust, therefore
he Is a blasphemer. I shall convict him
out of his own mouth, I wish to ho
perfectly Just.
Ingersoll haaalajgedcgroenf human
ity. He I an eloquent suker, and
perhaps ha no equal iu America. Ills
oratory at time swells and roar like
the old Pacific out here, und then ll Is
as gentle and pathelTi! us a summer
brooxe; again It swooisalniig like a storm
currying everything before It, Inger
soll I not a reader he know nothing
about booka, Anyone acquainted with
hi writing knows that he Is not lie
formed. I wu also told by a nthoiuiI
friend of Ingersoll that he knew nothing
about books ho hud no tustu for read
ing. Ho I also a weak logician, lis 1
will show you further on.
Ministers and church member often
k me why I discus Ingersoll and his
ilUeks on the Bible and Christianity.
Why, hi utterances are spread nil over
the laud; Invade hundreds of Christian
homes, and Inculcate the virus of lull-
hilly Into the minds uf thousauds of
young men. Quite sullleletit reasons
hould think, why such a man should
be answered and refuted.
not delivering It now, bocaiiM) I deliv
ered a iiumlir of discourse here sum
ten days or two week's ago aud did not
deliver tills one, That's Ingcrsolllun
logic for you, The speaker quoted pas
sage, Oohx'I of John showing that be
lief in the divinity of Ji-siis was Incul
cated, but Ingersoll ay nothing of the
kind ix'cur.
i.viii;i(Wil.l,'s HiNTonv.
Now what Is "Boh" Ingersoll aiming
at anyhow',' What are hi motives?
Do you know his history? Why, bis
father wus a Culvlnlstlc preacher-
mean preacher, for "Bob" says thut lie
used to whip li I in when a boy for the
love of ((imI. Ingersoll take hi Ideas
of OihI and Christianity from , hi
father conception of the same. I
would rather Is- an Infidel than to be
lieve In the kind of a (iod Ingersoll
paints for tho Christian. I do not
blame Ingersoll for being an liilhlol,
but I do arraign him for claiming that
the Itellglou of hi father I Christian
ity. I arraign him for not learning
what Christianity I Is'foru lie awmult
It, "Boh" Ingersoll championed ob
scenity by defending the convicted fel
on D. M. Bennett, He wanted the U.
H. law a gainst sending oliMcene litera
ture through tho mnll risaled. Hald
It wu a trampling tiHin the liberties of
American citizenship. If you still uy
that you Ingersoll as a teacher
and Instructor you are too low down in
the moral scale for me to reach you.
Ingersoll say there is no fiisl. Why,
government can not exist without be
lief In (Jod. France once tried It, but
oon fell Into ruin. The oaker then
puld nil elo.iicnl tribute to the Bible
ami Christianity, and closed by nppcnl
lug to the eoplc to stand by
their faith In Christ.
M ill A I kiiiii,) v,,t
Th Twlllflit Mlaalrsla.
The member of the fire department
gave quite an Interestlngentertalnmcut
at the opera house, laat Friday evening.
A large audience filled th ball at an
early hour, The Monmouth cornet
band furnished some excellent music
for tho occasion. The audience av
poured quite well pleased with tho ex
erclHcs, frequently applauding the per
former. Home of the jokes were quite
original and witty, but a few of them
wore rather too personal to be heartily
enjoyed. Considering that the troupe
wa composed of home talent, and
many of it members appeuring for the
first time upon the stage, the entertain
mout wus a very creditable aud pleas
ant affair. Horn of the actor showed
considerable dramatic talent. Messrs,
Warren Crsssy, Fred Douty. Oscar
Itcnnle and W. H. Patterson rendered
their parts quite well, Indeed, the per
formance generally wa awive the aver
ago, and tho fire company deacrue con-
slderuule credit for thu happy manner
in which they manipulated the whole
all air. The gros receipts of tho cveu
ing amounted to $157. 2.1, and the net
proceeds will be used for the purpose of
purchasing Improved fire apparatus.
I-Koor OK I.NJl'fiTICK.
Now for my proof that Ingersoll Is un
just. Ho says that Cbrlstalil men and
women are Intellectually hound, hum!
and f'sit. Ingersoll, while not himself
thinker, will no doubt admit that
Jesus Christ wa thegrcnlcst thinker of
his thud; Indeed, ho wn the greati t
thinker of all time. Thou again, who
re the greatest statesmen, thinkers,
poets scholars? They are Christians,
The mlghllcat men, the most original
thinker, the greatest scholars of all
time have been Christians. No great
astronomer wa ever an Agnostic or tin
1-niKir of i.NAirt'HAcv. j
Ingersoll says there are only fifty!
uiauuscrlplM of the new taxtumtuit, and i
that these coattiln two thousand error, j
No one ever aaw the originals and
do not know who wrote them.. N w ! to bo distributed yearly among the
we i A
Tho cannery bunlucm Is thu principal
topic of dlscusloll lit present lit Kllgeuc,
says the Register, an. I many ask If such
au enterprise will pay. Tbe opinion of
reliable ittle w ho have been engaged
lu tho husines may he of some Interest.
A gentleman who lust year acted a
boss of the Inside work of the Oregon
City cannery wax here u few days ago.
He says that cannery Is oia-ruting upon
I a capital of? 1 7,000. Last year the can
! nery put up ,'H,isi cuse of 24 cans each
of canned fruits ami vegetable, 200
tons of dried fruit and 1000 barrel of
elder. About .'I(K) person were employ
oil from four to five months, 'ihere
was paid out for fruit, lalor, etc., tot)
ono. I he profit last year were alsmt
ii I r cent of the capital stock. An
other experienced dinner lu Portland
write that he know there is big
money iu u cannery, lie iys the pro
fit in vegetables Is not so great ua on
fruit. He cites the profits on berries.
cherries, plum and peurs and show
there Is a big profit.. You can cut down
the estimate of either of these parties
one-half and yet a cannery would lie
the best paying business in this city
reasonable estimate of the amount
Has Received
Of Vehicles Ever Brought Direct
From the East Without Being Re-handled.
14 I
Notice te Taipayer.
Notice I hereby given to the tax
payer of school district No. 20 that the
tax levied on tho 13th day of January,
1801, will become delinquent March 1.1,
181)1. W. L. WiiitK,
It District Clerk.
Dr. Aborn, Fourth and Morrison Hts,
Portland, Oregon, tbe most successfu.
physician on the American continent
for tbe speedy, positive, absolute anil
perruniiout cur for Catarrh ot tbe Hend,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Fnenmonia, and
Consumption, will be at Portland until
July 5tb, Twenty-five years' successful
practice. ' '
Instnntsneous relief and permanent
cures often effected npon first consulta
Dr. Aborn, by bis original, modern,
soentiflo method, effects speedy and rsduv
al cure of the most obstinate 'and long
standing eases of Nasal Oatnrrb, Ozena,
Deafness, Disobnrges from the Ears
Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption!
Also Htomnob Disorders, Bilious Coho,
Oall Stones and Jaundice, Heart, Liver,
Kidney, Bladder and Nervous Affeotious;
Diseases of Men. Also all ailments pe
culiar to womtn.
Dr. Aborn oau be consulted from now
until July Btli, when he leave for
Notb. Home . treatment, seonrely
paoked, sent by express to any part of
the Paoiflo Coast and Territory for those
who cannot possibly call in person.
We are pleased to learn that W. E.
Dalton was some better yesterday,
what are the fuels? The best biblical
scholar aay there are more than nine
huudred and fifty manuscripts. Th
candor and honesty of Christian schol
arship gave u this wonderful Issik the
lilble. Ingersoll misquote the Bible,
aud inlstate fuel. Then. are ouly
thirty manuscript which contain n
parent contradictions, aud then? are
only two real so-called contradiction
Our Biiti-biblicul critic ay the tiospels
were originally written in Creek, but
I say, aud the conclusions of scholar
ship are on my side, that they wore
written In the Hebrew dialect. The
Gospel of Matthew was the gospel of the
church for tho first two hundred year.
Ingersoll nay the Kplstle were writ! an
by, we know not whom, and addressed
to no one. Lot us examine thl state
ment. Paul addressed his Fplstle to
the Hebrew, tho Thesselonluns, etc,
I presume la-cauau he did not sign hi
name 'Your truly, Paul', at tho end of
each Kplstle I the n'usou why Mr, 1 n
gersoll say thut bo did not wrltetheiu.
The Fpistlo are both addressed and
signed according to the literary custi in
of tne age lu which they were written.
Ingersoll says that Christ never told
anyone to remember or write down his
saying. Why, Jesus said to hi disciples
"Why liave ye not reinemlarcd the
thing I said uuto you?" The speaker
quoted several similar utterance. Je
sus upbraided hi disciple for not re
membering hi words, ond yet In the
face of these facts, Mr. Ingersoll says
that he,saldjuothlng of the sort. Agnin
John, the rovolalor wn told to write
down what ho saw, etc. I think I
have refuted Ingersoll by a few plain
evidences which you can easily vciify
for yourselves.
Then, again, our crlllo nay these
Gospels wore not written unlll hundreds
of year after tho Apostle wore dust.
Why Celsu quoted from those goepol.
Ho wrote twenty-four volumes against
Christianity. The (lospols wore In ex-
istance tbe first year of the Cniistlan
era, a fnr buck as the year A. D. fifty.
Ingersoll any there Is not a word In
Matthew about "faith by salvation," it
Is all about act, deeds, etc. Wnut are
the fact? Matthew used the word
faith a number of times coupling belief
with salvation, and so do Murk, Luke
and John. The speaker quoted several
pnsngcg from the Gospels contradicting
Ingersoll' statement. With all his
humanity and generosity Ingersoll Is
either an Ignoramus or a liar upon this
subject I prefer to hellve that ho Is
ignorant, Franklin once asked n lot of
publishers why a fish weighing sixly
flvo mhi nils when put Into a tub full of
water would not cause the water to
spill out. They cuddled their brains
for somo time over the problem.
Franklin then asked them why they
had not inquired into the truth of the
statement. Ho with Ingersoll, ho hud
better Inquire Into tho truth of his as
sertions. There I not a hint in Mat
thew, says Ingersoll, that Josti was a
God, or was born of a virgin. The
speaker road several passages from
Matthew refuting Ingersoll's stute
menta. ' iNannsoi.LiA.v home. ;
I will now give nsamplcof Ingersoll's
logic, and "I dont want you little boy
ou the buck scats to luugli." Me say
that a certain passage in Matthew 1 an
interpolation because Murk says noth
ing about It. Wonderful logic! Ntw,
I never delivered this lecture here, am
fanner and paid out for labor would
be Ki0,0nO. Kvery resident In Eugene
would get somo U-nellt directly or lu
directly, from this $."ii,(Kn. With i
few of these enterprise the cry of dull
time would he cast to the winds and
with this one vou would not hear it
once where you do now ten times,
Oil nom In canner say prollt range
from 60 to liO ts-r cent, FlKTY I'Kit
ck.xt. nut rnoi iT. U there a man
In Fugeue who Is now making tills
much profit on an Investment? If he
makes one-half as much does the town
and country receive one-half tho
U'tiellt It would from a cannery? The
business of the cannery would Increase
ouch year and eueh year more money
would U circulated, Thousands of
kegs of pickles ore shipped Into this
state ever. year. If pickles can be put
up at a prollt elsewhere they can hero.
Anything iu the way of fruit and
vegetables can be preserved with
prollt, here if they can anywhere.
( XtrvnHi Time.
Thti cut li a faithful
picture of the well known
ntsbltahment of Thomsi
Prtre & Son, at 634 Sacra
mento Xroet, 8. F, As the
trading chemlit of the
weit, thejr were aikod te
Mttls th queetlon aa to what nanaparttlu were
iu tact purely rogntable. W proteut their ta-
"We have mule careful chemical analyses of
several weli known hrstele of aarnaparl!la, and
have lounil llieia all with ttieilnine exception ot
Jof'a tocontaln Imtlileof Potamtam. Aiareiiitt
we are onabltsl to pronounce Joy'a to be theonlr
purely veiieiaiae .artapariiia now on tne market,
which ha. oouio under our obuirvatlon,"
Modern medicine has proven that sit ordinary
lac eruptions are not canted by diseased blood,
but by Indigestion and tl tarnish circulation,
which call tor Tcgetabl alterative, Instead of
mtueral blood purlflera like Iodide ot Potassium.
Joy's V OKI-table Barnapsrllls being th latest, ll
tha first to discard the old notions and proceed
tinder the modern theory. Its cures attest th
soundness of tha theory. , It It th talk of th
Miss Ada Jvidson. Mrs. Wllliaina.
oWing Pitting
"Pun That Beats Fisii"
Friday llmi'm;,
March 6th 91.
Admission, 50, and 25 Cents.
Doors Open al 7:30.
Seals on title at Oallersoim,
'Ad aro Leaders and intend to always LEAD.
Our quality of Goods both
Boots and Shoes
Arc in the Lead. Our LOW PRICES taVe and are
Call and see us and Examine onr Goods.
Main St., Independence.
shelly & mimm
Is well Stocked with Seasonable Goods
and will be replenished "to suit the times.
. Their facilities for doing business are
equal to any House in the Valley and
their prices are always right.
Their reputation for keeping good
Goods together with the courtesy extend
ed to their customers insures them the
Liberal Patronage they are receiving, and
for which they are thankful.
Shelly & Vandayn,
A full and complete line of Funeral good
Always on Hand.
C. . S. McHALLY,
Architect and Draughtsman,
Mi'skih. Frank Huliburtl ami A; M,
Bryant of Fulls City were In town
Tlitnwlnyi tilso Wright Smith of Low-l-vllli.
Messrs. E. Q. lioariisloy, of Portland
and J. White, of Oakvlllo, Linn Co.,
are in town on bus! new.
Mind mmlarfof orm-xl. BookittMitwd
in ciim rudmir. TuatlmmiiiiiH fanm All
pfi ot thafrlotw. HnwiHtotus roiv
VREK. emit on HppUnatlou to JPrqf,
new York.
Lewis Kelso.
4 TV
s m-v-1'?
Ladies and Gents Fur
nishing Goods.
Most Complete Stock of -
Boots and Shoes
. Iu the City
I A. Lofcntu, tu; fifth A.V. t
t. T. Irvine, cutter. Choice meats