The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 27, 1891, Image 1

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It Outpokn lu favor of th.
Kxocllcno of the
at ft Family and Onrntl New
I the beat ail v-rtilnif medium
In Polk county, and constantly
trowing ltlr.
tey nr.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. iG.
$2.00 lVr Year.
(-1SMVK1) 11V
Polk County Pulishin; Company
WVf'H i .V.I 1 ,
OueYear ..... ,.M
Six Months . qc
Tlmv Months ...
When m l paid In advance . t tu
tudpp.'inVne. l )tl4 a th toed at ae4
latum iihv ni'ui ill iii tr), ua Ik Wlllaail
river, tu t nn ihe mtln llu. ol Hm um. aaw)
t' hi.lir.U ; tsiat.tiM a aneulMt at
l;iv -i-...!i. i Ui itln,-i.i.l hl',lui pnial aa
lli r.iu.ilr, aliirh I. on nl th lariest, avaal
:u.) .a ib ck r f iiii in ia. wuieaa
.it. vell.r.
Tl tIIW liuirvulnf elreql.tlow, Ml Wast
Sinn U i) .iu ! ll lu b out ul th Ml
I Ailrlllu Mediuau.
Latest and Best Styles,
HD t m -
Physicians & Surgeon.
U. S. Examining Surgeon.
n l ild.ef Main .,
k. . . oRiao
Resident Dentist,
AU work warranted to giv th bt
of SatUtactkM.
Physician end Surgeon.
Batna Vista, Oregoft.
NO. Jl. meet, rrrry Mnnrtav nl(ht In
Mnuinlr hull. All olmimln hmihem Invited
toa'trnd. J AMKM lilltHDN, M, W.
K. V. UAI.TON, Kmwrder.
I. O.O. K nwla In Me
winlp hall every Thtmdai
Hvmiln. II I Will h'nll.iwr.
cordially Invited in at
f. A. POl'TY, Rwrttnry'
T. tl. FRY Kit, . .
I.YON I.OIH1E. Nik J, A. r
, A. M. Hiainl rninmanlra
Inn on or In-furr full mnim
.'h mnnlh and I wo mki
horranrr. J. W. Hunter, W. M.
K. 1.. Kelt-hum, H.
Attorney and Cnunr.lor at lw.
All tKl llmlnea entrusted tome will receive
prompt Attention.
Omcc In 0 cm Horn. Inrtrimdrpr. O
Attorney and Counselor at law.
Ofllre:Cir Mlu and Moaiaoalh .,
Maiiaery i Fancy Goods
Hut to Indtpandane National nana.
Durham Bros.
Fish of all Kinds in Season.
Main St., lndmiondenod.
MUSEUM 01 IIMlumi.
751 Market t., Han Franclaco,
ArimlUHlon Kcrnl.
(in and lenrn hnw to avoid
HiuKitiu.. f iinKUMiiiimi a ii u nri.iitiullv or bV let
li-ron irinnl"rln'H or cnllal
vpaUniwn and alldlwannmlinr'n.
mmiiI for biMik. Private nltlit
ailOCBryMt. ConHiiltallonfrp.
"4 '' ''if-'.
mxmi w "
o It are com
bined the fln.
nt iiifcliiyilcv
al ikiii
moil onefiil
and praciicttl
elemenu, nl
all knnwn ad
Taniag tl"t
diialratilH I
jell or uso.
fMtor7ndWhooiU ?t.
30 "' '
C SI,, Iiideiwiiulence.
J.1S.BELLI4 SOU, Propton
First-elaiw in every rPHpwt, Hpfioil
attention g'mn tranaient ctnttomert. A
ample room for commercial traveler.
DiriNOIMa, 0EM01
PrMttfwit J. . COOPIR.
0thlr ....W. N. NAWLIV.
. t. Oiayar,
. IT. W. W. CMMaa.
. W. WUfrnktr.
Traaaadtoataaani Waktaf lailma, tan
m atlU anHaaia all lig imai , Hiaa
PiauKt taailtai aaafaat aaaat at aa
lartilraw at liawii. CiIIimIim aaaaaaal
I in 11 h until fa.
irotn kMMi I A. M. at r. n
Ralt't aartlar araaf aaaaaat) to fata
National .".Bank 1
H. H1R8CHSBHQ, . Praaldant
ABRAM NILION, Vto Praaldanl
W. P. CONNAWaV, - Caihlar.
A (aawal kaaklat and aioh.nta batta.n
araaml . Inaui awd. hill. 4laaiil4:
aralal rIIU r.awdi deaMll. Mralrad aa
aarraat aramial atM a aol ; lataraM aald
aa UaM .alH.
ioahua MoOanlal, H. H. Jaenoraon.
A. J. Ooodman, H. Hlraohbarf
Abram Nation. T. . Law
I. A. Allan.
(BaUbllthtd by National aathartto.)
-1 THE -
Capital : National : Bank !
UBPLUi, 1 0.OOO.
Iv (. WitUCt, W. W. MAITW.
rrwiant VtearraaMaai
I. I. ALBERT, Caaklar.
T VaraMfi aa vhaat aa4 ataar awkanlanla
yradaaa, aa.iimd at la tara,alUti la yrlraM
iraaMiaa or imWIH warvAoaMa.
Imna draaa dlraal a N. Tnrt. Catoata,
Baa fruaHMa, rnrtlaad. toa4u, rarta, Rartla.
Boat lua aad Nuat.
MOMNOirra, orioos.
rferUaail) I. A. MACRP
l a romtu.
Oaaittl Meek,
A. MurRTrn, r. a. mwt,t,
iT.V. RUl'l.nt, A. . ORIOue,
A ftnarwal liaaMiif aarfiw lr.rwt1. Da nci ibji to aback, or no rartlAroia
oTuoeZ Uauiaada. kill, dlwoant. ai
kaTtVoMfhlaadMid. Intarut aald oa Uaa
nraeronl mil and Burglar proo' Ml., Mcarad
to Yal. Uata look,
C4TTO0H Roan I a. B. la 4 a. a,
-Daalara In-
All kimlH ofHarnww and Snddlprt
GoixIh. Carringi! Triuiing ml
Cnrry Comlw, tlnre bars, 5 rcntH.
JIi iihIii'-s, 10 cr-nlH.
Coinilct Het of Team IlarnMw.
Cash Grocery & Baker)
rrMh Brrad. Pl and fake, oo hand arary da,
ioh. Huuilar
, call and traub Itork ol xanaad (oodi. Rimr
laaa. , wu. aaadlaa, otir.ri and toba.-oo.
. B. TAYLOR, rroiriror
H. K. I'ATriciiwii.
I), IM'Ari'KuauM,
Suits Made to Order and fit Guaran
. teed.
Cn.tnm Onodn lor MerohanU and otherii Ho
,iutandrriii.d. I will optin monthly ao
coutuwlth Morohanta at Indeptindonco and
Monmouth for Remitting.
C. Htmet - - ' Opponlta P. O.
Buy yonr tlokH Km' of
rraatad. t'.llatth.
There is a
Affairs of
taken at
leads to
It is needed.
We must have it.
We can build it.
Who will make a start?
The lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.
Get in and Swim! The
Water is not very cold,
nor deep.
Don't stand on the bank
and shiver. You will
never learn to swim
in that way.
Let us have the survey within four weeks.
The grading done within tour months
and trains running by December
1st, 1891,
A Long Pull!
A Strong Pull!
Tide in the
Mien which
the Flood
A Pull AIL Together!
The Great Composite Novel,
The Joint Work of l. T. IIAIINUM,
1 BILL HTE. IllmtraUd by W. E
(Ouprrlalit. AD rlibia ruaarrad.l
Acroaa the pvacnf ul boaou of the ffrt
platne noaonnd dtaturbed the niglit lave
row aad than when at long tiiUrral. tlie
ahadoiry tgnto of a eoyoU croaaed an
alala In the aaire bruali, and opening hit
enappluf . drooling jawi gave forth that
Juatly celebrated diatonic ecale of hll
which la eo well calculated to call out
the gone plmplee even on the death
aaaak of Methuaelah.
Xreti t)M wind trod aoftly over tlie
acorohad and wtthvrod graaa, and the
wall lubricated moon atole In and out
amoag the tlouda wilhout a creak, with
th eiception of Ditter crwk, of courae,
wbish lavnd iU alkali ahormi In the eter
nal eelittldM, and bleached .till whiter,
a the yean went by, the anowjr bonea
of thoae who onoa had aonght to Invade
thla graat nndertaklng eatabliahnumt of
aatarathia ptriud htiah of oeiitnriaa.
Bat what aonnd la thla that gently
baata npoo the U'iie drum tf the liatcn.
Th dint an t juraud geutlo palpitatioua
of a oonilug train from tha weatt
Bcaroaly do wt hear thia and catch the
yallow twinkle of a headlight when am
othar muffled roar from the eiuit and a
little crawling light growing rapidly out
of th duak and diautitce awallow the
Intervening mile, and lu a flaah tlie two
creaming, inortlng, naming raoniU'rt
have met like mull clad giauta In a
Blighty tournament.
Cutm InJIi. briilal rhinlr, rath I
Onow lu'ii amUiar abaa alw ImU
For Um (In Um. k Br bora'. bnwUi;
Oma. bm th. hiit awl.
I Wauti cM Ui iwmiImww r hn
Aad crowttnd cilia, wall IU atnik..
Con. la CoMutiipUoa'a uliMily lorml
Rm Mutluitulm'. tlwk, Hi. mvn mnn;
CMna vhre th. hnirt lieau high and warn
WIU haofliiiK. mf aad daiwe and wlaa,
And Ihou art turnbl.. Th tear,
Ta. (roao, tk. ku.ll, th. pall, Ui. Mm,
Aad all as know or dmara or fir,
CX arwj art tbloa
! But H Ik. bean, whw kn U dead,
I Aad hop. I. karlluf o'er It. biw,
Thy tae. with )or B) nMWiail,
AadaoUnhuo itwIib boumttai Imul
Tua wwl thai ualy aumiwad bera.
When Iyna awoke with thia dull Hu
In her head aim full certaiu that ahe waa
dead, aud waa aluuwt tickled to duath Ui
think tliat her aad heart would aorrow
no mora and that Harry waa free; but
abnoat at once came tha amell of hot
vaniah and the alight auapicion of an
overdone porUv who ought to lie turned
"(Jreat Oawd," ahe aaid, aa her breath
cam In brief junta, "tha car la on fir.
1 muat go away,"
To a anectator who might have aeen
Ui oolllaion it would have aecuied im
potaible that a bring thing amid come
oat of thia terrible wreck and holocaust;
but ere long a venerable apple worm
crawled out of the cool aide of a nice
eating apple, and aeeiug that ho could
b of no further use on board the train,
came out of the car and alnuk away In
tha darkneaa.
Soon th oheerful car stove begin to
get In its work, and the chaos of broken
woodwork begins to burn, at flint slow
ly, then, as tho swift winds of the
plains catch It, the ml blase lnai out
and greets the frightened night with a
cackling laugh.
To go back to Mr. Crawford, at Chi
cago, with the author is but the work of
an Instant.
When Dr, Watson returned after Bend
ing his lying telegram to Edna he found
th houao empty and the door locked,
tha abutters drawn and everything de
earted. The reader will ask how he
knew that every one waa gone when the
door wh locked and he could not get in,
but we must remember that he woe in
the hypnotism business, and could do
tilings that other people might, consider
difficult Mirny a time as a boy he had
hypnotized a watermelon dog Bnd then
helped himself to the luscious fruit.
He aoon learned that Mr. Crawford
had taken his whole household, and with
light baggage had fled to tho depot, Ho
followed rapidly, and fortunately caught
up with the carriage containing the
party, for they were "bridged," and had
Veen for nearly nu hour. He tried to
hypnotise Mr. Crawford, but the old man
had shrewdly had himself vaccinated,
and so he was safe.
Ther was nothing for the doctor to do
but to 'follow the prooession, for Crow
ford had' evidently heard that his
daughter wan in California, and had re
aphredtogotoheiv For tome time the doctor argued with
the old man,' but without avail. He then
Mad tn hmnntiin the ticket office into
BtTtag Wm a bertii, but the, agent
ruut linen exposed when lie was young,
and to wann't afraid of gntting It now.
Therefore Dr. Wataon hnd to jump
hurriedly on the rar platform at the
train pulled out and sleep in tbeiinolrJug
car with his front tenth mating heavily
on hi knees nil the livelong night
In th drawing room of a pleasant and
airy sleeping car supplied with electric
liella and a thnmiouietar was a buffet,
the sandwiches In which stnelled like
lower eight, while lower eight got even
by smelling like a conied beef sandwich,
and here ant Mr. Crawford and Mist
Browu. Below is given a ii-tura of Miss
Brown. Hi name was Cetia Brown, but
her friends called her Ceil and Brown
with au air of badinage which brought
rosy fliiah and sweet bright smile to her
fair face.
The artist has happily caught this
unite with hi little calch-M-catch-can
The picture was originally a full length
figure, but owing to the prmuiure on our
advertising space and a not just re
ceived from the chief of police we have
uVcided to condense the portrait a much
as poaaibUt.
Mitta rhowm.
Briefly but truthfully and tearfully
Miss Drown made a clean breast of her
sorrowful slavery to Dr. Watson, the
hypnotist, and on her knee she prom
ised the old man that never again would
ahe give him an opportunity to wteli hit
Shouliah aud disagreeable influence over
As the fair head of the beautiful girl
rested on his knoe, and with trembling
fingers he screwed up her foych knot a
little tighter, so that it could not get
muddy aa the spirited roadster sped
along th track, he thought h bad never
saw to fair a being, taken all around, at
sho was. J Mr. Crawford always need th
cboiceat English In his conversation, bnt
occaaionally his thoughts were ungram
inatical. "I also have a confuatiun to make, dear
one," he said. "Prepare for a piece of
information which you can hardly cred
it, save that 1, who am, or is, or are, as
the ce may be, tlie criminal, tell it to
yon myself.
"Would you believe that I, who am
your comrade on this journey, whose
face is so refined, so spiritneUe, could
have taken the life of Dr. Cronin?
"Could you believe that I, a professor
of rvli rion and a worthy inside guard for
two Uinus lu the Little Bethel Iude
ptndunt Order of Uood Templars, No.
US, 702, could have goue under the cover
of darkness and with a bright new clasp
knife cut into the nice warm vitals of a
neighbor, and then, with his hot blood
spurting tip my sleeve, hackod the dying
man to pieces, put him in a shawl strap
and carried him away to a sewer trap
and concealed his dishevelled remains no
that the police could not get on to my
"And yet for months this terrible se
cret has been preying npon my soul.
Yeeterilay while Dr. Wataon waa up
town it occurred to me that possibly I
did not kill Cronin, and to, picking up a
paer, I read that another man did it
Following up this germ of thonght, I
toon also discovered that I was abroad
all the year of the Cronin murder. I am
now wondering if Dr. Wataon has not
been wielding an unholy iufluenoe over
me which the delightful climate of Cali
fornia and some light stimulant like rye
whisky and opium may overcome."
A quick sob came from the bowed
fonn before him. "Oh, Ephraim, thank
trod. You may
be able to prove
yourself Innocent
after all," she
laid. She had
never called him
Ephraim before.
He stooped and
whisjietwl a few
low, paturiouata
words in her ear. "knry hrnrhaix.
Her head bent lower and a quick flush
of shrimp pink bathed face, neck am
It waa but the work of a moment for
Ephraim to call np a sleepy but clerical
looking man lu upper five, also in paja
mas, who quietly slid down Into the
drawing room and in the presence of the
sleeping car conductor aud porter made
tho two man and wife.
And what of Henry Henshall, the
hero and artistic ass of this story?
Leaving his art to shirk for itself, and
forgetting that he bad promised on that
very day to paint two large barns for a
party iu Oakland, he fought madly for a
place on the train in order to follow an
unknown flaxen haired fiddlor, who
did not care a cent for him or his art.
Henry HoushiUl was not a bad mau, but
he needed some great calamity or severe
concussion to jolt a little sense into him.
That was nil, Life had been too srnooti
with him. He had painted several
portraits of Beatrice Cenci, which had
boon accepted by the family and paid
for, yet after all ho needed something
that would almost kill him, but not
quite. This would, the doctor thought,
knock tho talents out of him, and give
him an ambition to do as he agreed and
pay his debts.
Such an episode was in store for him.
For, by a strange fatality, thia train he
rode npon a few uights later (although
Mr. Barnnm, by a Blight oversight,
which is perfectly pardonable in a man
who has a large amount of stock to
feed and water and bed down ana take
care of nights, placet the accident on the
first night out) erasjied Into thejraln
which brought Mr. Crawford west 'In
tcarch of his child.
On that fatal night Edna placed her
violin la Iter berth, whr It could not
get overheated by th steam pipes, and
then, letting down her angelio hair till
it fell about her slight fignr like a halo
of molawie candy, ah looked to tweet
that th porter thoughtlessly swallowed
a pillow which he waa holding in hit
taeth at he watched her akin up the
teep ladder and plunge into her conch
with a glad cry.
Hue toon stuck her head down into
Mm. Heushall't berth, however, and said
"My dear friend, I do not know why,
but I think I am going to die," and she
thoughtlessly quotad aom lines from th
deathbed aeen in which Little Eva gen
tly glides np th flume at $2 a week In an
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" company,
"I have saved quit a little fortuue
from my popular appearances More th
public, and I wish yon would give it to
my father if I die."
. A quick sob cam from the lower
berth occupied by Mrs. Henshall,
It was her. Bhe mad it herself.
"Nay, nay, my dear," the said, "If
yether dia, let it b I or me, If that
sounds bettor. Oh, let me die!"
With that the moaned piteonsly, like
person who does not feel welL
"Yet, dear lady," said Edna, handing
ber a crocheted purse containing H.
Tint will lift th
mortgage on the
old farm and
wipe out the per
sonal indebted
nest of my fa
ther. I am a poor,
nersecuted mrk
followed at all
v.timea by either a
of', wild eyed hyp
notizerwhoitout rdra Crawford, of a job, or else a
spit! whiskered artist who barely earns
enough by kaltomining to fellow me
about like a mutton headed Nemesis all
the while. I thall die content, dear
lady. Uood night."
I cannot go on to any great length to
describ that horrible night It was a
wonder that one human being came forth
alive from the terrible wreck and awful
hell, I was going to say.
Henry Henshall was struck on the head
by a fresh train fig, and for a time lay
unconscious, but the amell of his burning
trousers aroused him, and he got up and
went ont of tlie car.
Strangest of all, the blow had cleared
his intellect and knocked the laudable
pus out of hit mind, aa it were, and
"Lena" waa the first word on his lip.
The awful picture seemed to bewilder
him a moment, and then he set to work.
From the window of a burning car a
white and beautiful arm extended
through the broken window. On the
fcand. thontrh snatted with brieht scarlet
splotches, he recognited hit wife's wed
ding ring.
a a t
With a cry of aony he dashed into
th crushed and burning wreck, and
just as the flames were beginning to
creep upon her he jumped from the hun
gry flames with hit fainting bnt happy
wife In hit arms. Again and again he
blessed the happy blow on bit head
which had cleared hi vision and made
him see how near he came to losing a
good, true and desirable wife.
Lena's hair turned snowy white, and
is bo yet, bnt ahe makes a beautiful
matron, a kind mother and a good wife
to the cashier of her father's bank, Mr.
Henry Henshall, who has a signature
now worth WO,000 in his own indi
vidual right
Edna was never fully recovered. Asidr
from the hinge of her violin case, hei
remains were never found. I hated to
write this, but I am not here to be senti
mental. I must be truthful. Her money
was used, or a portion of it at least, to
relieve her father's indebtedness, and
with the balance was founded a conserv
atory of music in Boston.
Dr. Wataon was pinned to the wreck
by the ear and slowly scalded to death.
Before he died he said he was sorry foi
what he had done, bnt yet with his lasl
breath he tried to bite a preacher whe
was praying for him. He was a lo
creature. He was a disagreeable per
ton, and his death utterly failed to ciis
a gloom over the community.
Mr. Crawford and his bride returnee
to Chicago and remained there quite
They were very, very happy indeed.
Mrs. Dr. Watson went on the stag
and did well. She receives good wages
and also got 133,000 insurance on hei
husband, whose life she had insured the
year before. With this money she
bought two beautiful dresses, which she
now wears on tjie stage and which make
great hit
Mr, and Mrs. Henshall are real happy
all the time. Henry is a good provide!
and Lena can construct a cake which
will make one's hair curl. They have a
good deal of company come to Bee them,
and almost without exception each ont
says on going away, "We have had t
real good time."
Croats, sad Trada-Mnrka obttlnad, and all Pat
au! bu.lnsM conducted for Madmta Fms.
Our Office Is Oepcsltc U.S.Ptttnt Office,
tnd wc cad racnre patent In 1cm time than those
remote from Washington.
. Rend model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion, We adrl.a, It patentable or not, free of
charge. Our tee not due till patent li eecured.
A mhlet, "liow to Obtain Patent.," with
Dame, of actual client. In your State, county, or
town, sent free. Addreis,
OtwssHe Patent OB. WtthMsa, D. 0.
Yon can buy tickets East to any point
direct from Independence to destination
at Inweai rnrna n R. fl PlNTtiANn. .
ill li
Something for Old Halda.
Undoubtedly marriage is the natural
and appropriate condition of woman.
She wants and needs a husband to love,
and children to love, and a home to be
attached to, as a female bird require a
neat full of eggt or of young, and a
proud and faithful mate on a contig
uous branch of a tree to render her com
pletely happy.
Nor can it be denied that many old
maids are sour aour is their disposition,
at pickle fresh from tlie strongest vin
egar. .
Prdbably it U because they have to
little to do rather, we should say,
owing to the want of sufficient duties on
which to expend all their vigor and
force. They do seem, and it may a
well be admitted, to take to scandal
somewhat at ducks take to water, yet
we look upon that as a minor point in
considering their character and utility.
W do doubt very mnch whether the
world would be as well off if there were
not old maids in it. In their bosoms
dwell tome of the most benevolent hearts
in the world.
Was not Florence Nightingale an old
maid? What married woman ever did
at much, not only for the good of th
soldiers of England, Hjut for the im
provement of the world, at she?
And yet, if she had had a stalwart
husband, a luxurious home and a house
full of babies, who would ever have
heard of her outside of the walla of her
own home, or, at most, the limits of her
own visiting circle? New York Ledger
Water aa Aid to Hard Wood..
"I notice one thing," says an observ
ant manufacturer, "and that is that hard
wood logs, especially oak, that have been
Dlaced in the water immediately after
cutting and allowed to thoroughly soak,
make brighter lumber, with less tend--ncy
to sap stain, than that from logs
that are left on the ground for several
months. I find, also, that in green logs.
If tawed immediately after cutting, and
the lumber is thoroughly steamed pre
paratory to placing it in the dry kiln,
the same result will be obtained, great
ly enhancing the value of the lumber
for fine finishing purposes. New Or
leans Picayune.
TTaat tha F reach Hoetelriee Wan IAka
During; tha Middle At;..
The houses of the farmers and the
country people differed then at now, ac
cording to their rank and prosperity,
and also according to the district they
Inhabited. The yeoman farmer, and
rven th well to do husbandman, dwelt
in a solid house of brick or stone, tiled
or slated, with a paved yard separating
it from the barn and outhouses, the dai
ry and cattle pens. The farm house
which in England was always construct
ed with a southern aspect as invariably
faced the east in Aquitame, while to the
rear well open to the west was a long
tiled veranda, where in winter after
noons th hemp picking, tlie wool card
ing, etc, were done.
Within the vast kitchen glowed in the
light of the fire almost aa nnextinguish
able at the vestal virgin's peat, coal and
wood were each abundantly employed,
and for a trifling rent, generally paid in ,
kind, the lord of the manor would per- ,
mit the farmers on his land to cut their
torft from his bog or their boughs from
hit forest Fuel was not only actually
but relatively cheaper in the middle .
ages than today, for the bogs were not
drained m those days, the forest covered
great expanses, and the cost of carnage
made it almost impossible to transport
their produce. In almost every shire of
France and .England the supply of fuel
was in excess of the demand.
This hospitable fire flared up a chim
ney proportioned to its size, lighting the
huge brick oven, the iron firedogs, the
bellows, shovel, gridiron, ladles, cal
drons, saucepans, mortar, tin pails aud
other utensils that stood on the brackets
of the hearth, and irradiating the brass
and copper pots, the metal candlesticks,
the lamp, the lantern, the not unfrequent
silver beaker, and the glass drinking
cups that were ranged on the chests and
cupboards round the walls. Near this
fire stood a high backed settle, the mas
ter's corner, and under the great mantle
of the chimney narrower benches were
set in the brick.
Within easy reach of the hearth a deep
oak chest held the logs for burning. It
was generally matched by a handsome
wedding chest with carved or painted
front, long enough to contain a grown
person full length, but more usually filled,
it must be admitted, with the best clothes,
the trinkets and the savings of the house
hold. The registers of tlie chatelet record
no crime so common as the breaking open
of such wedding cheats,- aud it is surpris
ing how many clasps of jewels, girdles
of pearls, golden headdresses and riugs,
and purses full of gold were stolen from
quite hunible households. Our fore
fathers invested their capital in cups
or trinkets of precious metal, pretty to
look at, easy to hide, and readily con
verted into cash when necessity demand
ed a sacrifice. Fortnightly Beview.
The near Girls.
Maud Col. Soanso is n very polite
Ethel What makes you say so? f
Maud When he saw yon and your
sister Clara at the ball last night he said
"Which is the younger?" instead of
"Which is the elder?" as other men do,
Epoch. ,
He Was Cruel.
She (thinking of ante-matrimonial
days) What does this coffee remind
youef? ' .
He (tasting it critically) It reminds
me' of coffee, but that is all.--Went