The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 20, 1891, Image 3

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-tWEtl HY
Polk C3 jnty Publishing Compan
Am UsviKNKHtu Uiu TK.-Mr.Kiil.k
erUK'ker, a workman on the electric
lljilil )lnnt, on laat Saturday saw
Utre nil amMUM Hud urlillmt Mniutnit
,HMt the atrveta. Thinking that
the animal needed taking In Imml he
1i)ihI U to the hre, careeaed him
fur few numiout mul then eoiicluded
to take a Huleanln around th block,
The wish wa father to the action lu
thin Instance, and theelectrie UkIU man
wa warn firmly seated, m h thotiKht,
in tho saddle. A sharp Jerk of the
bridle rein and a gentle admoultory
kick In tha tlank, and away wont both
hore and rider down the nlml "Mau
nMiea," but In this Inatauca tb
borws had a very vhpmma nay lu how
fur the ride almnld extend. Mr. Kulck
rrhocker all at one became conscious
of sudden upward movement, a side
splitting jerk and then a quick swerve
oir to one side, and preeto! news piled
un nil In a heap in the mud. A new
ult of clothe completely beapatterd
(Mlmra aadlv ruflUii. lonesome look
on the part of th amateur eiiietrlau,
ud m runaway home with head hi d
tall In the air wa the flnl f Uila
little adventure. Moral: lHm't rlda
when you are not wauled.
A Ucxawav Monday evrnlnn
Mr, W. O. Ck left hi bre and hack
fra few m'.mi'e to tcp lutoO'Dotv
nell Itu U'f' hardware store, hut the
froed lmre didn't prop we to
toll. thiit the lwl uwitlllotf hla
hijwut'h vto-tl pleasure, wlih n wlrk
rdtook of the eye and a dclhnl su itet
otitic tail away the equine "critter"
iI.kvii 0 street e,iHtiiit small
hoyoaiid "t rayed pedestrian to acatter
In all direction. One pedestrian more
bold limn the oilier. tep'd out luto
til.. iriH.t liii'nmt of the runaway horw
waved hla hand and halled "alni"
In a 1'iliit, noreoiu, Jerky way, but
uotbintf eoutd atop that festive equine
until he reached hl stable away down
on 4th utreH. No damage wna done the
v.i.1.1... ttUimujli It iltiued in the
alriillte lively several time,
M a ivic t "V a rum . tl'ilt" a num
ber of the memU'raof l.yon l.le of
thla elty attended J "Alnaworth t hap
teriuw'tlng" oftlwMaa nlc fraternity
at Dallas on ltit Tuesday evening
Among the uieiutr wno went from
here we recall the name of Messrs J.
V. O lVmnell, J. IV V. Hutler, J W.
Klrklalid, It. Illna-hlaTK, lr. O. l.
Butler. Janre Tatoin, 11. It. I'atteraon,
R. l. t'ot r. the uiwtlng waa a very
pleawaut attalr, and the Dulla brethren
treated their fratermd vlaltura with
marked tMrdlality and vurteay aa they
always tlo.
A lt. Kama n r AKKAta. -The Meth
otllst ehuieh ooiuvrt held at the room
of the V. V. T. U. on hint Friday even
hill waa a very pleaauut aud auvceaaful
tfulr. The attfiidain waa ((Uite large,
ouiiHlderliiK the atale of the went her,
and the profit aivruhiK fnan the lunch
crit.'ii miinunted in the ai:reiUte to
twelve dollar. The ladle of the M.
E. chujeh tleaerve great credit for their
untiring effort In making the allalr i
ueeea. The member of the W. C. T
1 were active iu their effort to make
!. miui-ri a kuihvmi and too much
prulte van not be mild In their behalf
M AJHifKBAi'K Ham. Ivy I-euf dan
cing club chte lt i-rie of Uanwa Hnr
unlay night, Feb. 1W, aud it na 1hii
deteriniued to have a mawmerade ball
on that occasion, ami eoiii-Uently In
vltalioiw have la-eu iwiiled for Ihom) to
i..k iu,rt in t ln mmtkliur. The dtaira
will be oHn at 7, aud grand march at
j o'clock. The public la cordially in
vitcd to attend uud wltuea the aport.
If tmlii niaxk they ir free. ' invlta-
tloii rentllred for the ladlee. H)Ha.
.. ii,-U..u Mre .1(1 cvlita for Ixith ladle
and gentlemen.
I'llANdK ok' OWSKIWIIII'. I-aat
..,..L- t. .i. Hhellv i Vanduyu, of
tliiH city, purehuaed the HtiK'k of tho K.
M. A. Htoreat Monmouth, aim .Mr.
Shelly will manage theatore there, an-
Hinted by Mr. 1). H. Tulom, wniie me
store here will continue under the mau-
gemelit of J. M. Validuyn, BKaialcd hy
Meaaw. lh-moreat and Palleraou.
AS KASTKB.V Vihitok. Mr. Will.
Oanlner, of JaaR'r county, Iowa, a
friend of oiirtownaumn J VV . (iiUiauuh,
la vlalting thla city and expreaaea him-
aelf n well pleiiaed with the buainet
of IndeiH;tideni. Heeonaldcra
Oregon a very promialng Held for In
vestment, and predicla a large Immi
gration here within the next two yearn.
Itm.Ki tot's HKItVK'HS. Itev. C. A.
Nutley, of I'ortland, cnlportuer of the
a i. P. A., will nrciich iu the Flint
Uaptlat church In thin city next Hun
dav. Feb. 22, at 11 o'clock a m. alao ad
Ar.m. (lit- vounir men' meeting at 4
o'cliKik p. m. The public are cordially
Invited to attend.
Mir-uifp M'ttiiiK. .vICHwr (roa A
Anderami have oiencd on Monmouth
afreet aoinctliing new In a venture lie-
lng the New York Hacket Htorn. The
la i a Tied in aloek n I t of ladle
and gentHfurnWilngA, hln, ahoe, etc.
which are Hold at iiatonlHhlngly low Hg
urea. -
I Mkan U8iKKHfl. Owing to the
recent change lu my bualneaa I am
comMillet to have money, and all per
aoiia knowing theniaelvea Indibted h
me will pleuao make Immediate pay
ment. I muat have money. Iteapi-ct-fully,
II. It. J'nUeraoii. JanlO
Noticb. "AH lieraona Indebted to
Umper Broa. will call at the Flrat
National bank and settle within teu
daya from the date of thla notice. All
iiiiiotint unauttled at that date will lie
placed in the humls of a collector.
A full line of to moco, W aud pipea
et Heukla Wa'ker'a.
A fine line of hulie' bw cot hoe, at
J. L. Htnckloii'g,
A beautiful anpply of broodhead dreia
goods j'uat received at J. L. Htoekton'i.
Ladie'a "hoen for one do!lrand op
ward, a1 J. h. htoekton'a.
Genuine Plantation acenea at the
Flrcmuna mlnatrela Feb, 20th.
At the Racket atora on Monmouth
W.i you can buy blanket at from I.1A0
to fA a pJr, women ah. from f 1,70 to
pip S cent a m-r, (ety-plu8
eenta a doten, ladle'i chemUw OA aud tH)
emt, naudwMitely niilnhe.1. All gioI
t equally kw price.
Hciikl k Walker, having enlarged
their (tor room, ant now carrying oue of
to Urgl and bet atoekt of family iro.
erie ml glanawant in I'olk oomity, aud
ar telling lb aama a elmap at tl
To U oonvinee,! oall in and
A wry pleaaaut party wa glwn laat
Monday evening at the realdeuoe of
J.N. tVtpar, th oiH'aalou Mng the
aixteeutli birthday of MIm Dora
(Nler. 8h wa pniwiiiwl with
beautiful gold watch.
Ho many of ouraubactihert favortHtu
with a call laat week, on account ot
Hue or two of reminder, that we are en
eouraged to atate that our receipt laai!
M on baud for aa ninny more. Thank
fur the amall favor.
Utile Kddle William, au of W. W
Wllllama, waa taken auddeuly til laat
Tuesday nluht Dr. Lva waa ealliMj
and pronounced the eaaea temporary
attack of brain fever, Kd In gelling on
ail right now.
Are there eeventy-flve meu lu Inde
IK'iidence willing t aulwrllw I'JuO each
to encourage rullmad-rlght away,
don't waut any delay to Fall
CltyT Hold up your Mr aud 1m
KemcmUT w hen In Nalem to call lu
at Wtnuig teatjur.uit, now Weataioit
Irwin, nd gvl a meal uo tola? ex
-llel en the Pai'llleeiNtat fur cent.
tt '.'I t'ouimercial atix-et, tf
roit iAl,. lluy, m-d oat ami
woial fojaale one mile aouth of I tide-
(H'tiileiuv. .Maple, uMi and two uail
K gruit wimkI will ta ilellvvltHl oil
hurt notice. Apply to 1.. M. Sinner.
From a letter received In (hi city we
am that Mr. Murgtroyd, who now
ll e in .ewcrnon, cwjery i-
eently fell fhau a buggy and tiiite
erioualy at ruined the llgHineiita of her
Aiutlher loau of f ItKW waa n.ade by-
he building anuaiu'lnu laat week for
iglity-cliihi ni'iitlia In advance
taut the tlrat of next mouth a new
rlea will U atartcd.
The fun at the mluatfcl tonight
pr..iulik lu excell aiiylhlug ever piveu
by I1 tak'ut -Fred Unity ami Doc
Johtiki!) liave out done thcmactvni a
Mm. J. V. Iluter, liaa tpiite a nmn
her of puplla In painting, without any
iliciiing on her part. Nhe h.i teiim
ii'rlor aamplui of her work on exhi
Rtyi Where did you gel that watch','
Why of courac 1 lauight It of H. It,
I'litteraou aud on the elialnllniviit plan
bat No trouble to own a watch that
The city council will convene In re
gular m-mIou on next Tueaday evening,
and aa the naw charter la Iww Inforce
they will work under auld charter,
('oinmuoltfutloua on the uFalla City
II It.," "IHvrlly of Farming," and
'Ilcv. Hugh' I-H'ture on Ingoraoll,"
were crowded out of t ila lane.
There will tie avrvlcv held In the
C'lirlstlan church of thla city oil Hunday
evenhnt. Feb. D. V. I'ollng will
preach. .Scrvliv la-gin at 7:110,
Ten dollar from each Inliaiiitant of
thla town would be enough encouragt
ment to aeeure the bull. ling of Hint
railroad to Full City.
Mr. John Kurre 1 quite alck with
aome kind of low fever, but Dr.. l'ruden
Inform n that he la getting on well na
could la1 exM'rted.
Thank Senator Hatch, and Repre
sentative Hutler and Mycin for all you
have done for your ounatitueuta In
Polk itiunty.
Mr. J. U. Hcriilfurd, of flila city, lell
fur Falrhavcn, Waah., laat Tueaday.
He cxpecta to engage In the carpenter
Mlaal'lara Irvine, formerly of thl
elty, la now tcinairurily employed na
teacher In the McMlnnvllle public
Preparation are being iniide for ha
ing theeloeutlonlat of Salem MlaaHtelU
Amea ap?ar here In the near future.
The reaerved acta are nearly all aold
for the mlimtrela tonight but you may
by lajlng early, get a comfortable aeal
Mr.' Arthur Spalding, of (,'orvallla,
uunounceaa funny lecture at the opera
liouae March 0th. Itememla-r the date.
Ford Parker, of Oregon City, waa
lulling friend uud relatives In thla
Ity during the fore part of the week.
0io(lbye to the legislature of 1WH).
Such meeting hapiien only once In
two yearn thank the Lord for that!
The 1Mb biennial acaaion of the Ore
gon leglalatu re will adjourn mite dir.,
Feb. 27, at 12 o'chaik at night.
Mra.CottrelHOpul Thorp)l vlalting
her parent In North Indepndciice ue-
companled by her hiiaband.
Prof. J. M. Hurt, of Klckrcull, waa
vialllngourcohoolaand admiring our
new building, thla week.
Mrs. Noltncr, wife of u win of A.
Noltner, la vlalting Mr. W. W. Wil
liam' family In tills city.
Mr. Henry Hill left hcte for Hun
Kninclaco last Monday. He will be ub-
aent about tun day.
Do you want to at our town grow
and prosper? Then pull for that rail
road to Fall City,
Mr. E. F Hutching, of Salem, wtw in
till city the other day looking after hla
busbies Intercut.
' Mr. W. W. Wllllama who hua been
ulto III for aomo time, In now slowly
Elder J H. Hughe will lecture In
thla oily op Iiigorsnli,i'Hy nigni
Feb. 87th.
General W. T. Sherman Ik dead, also
JJdmlral David Porter. I
Mlaa Katie Wheeler la vlaltng Mia
Mabel Adair at Salem.
Ex-Repreaeiitatlve C. G. Flaher waa
In town laat Tueaday.
Mr. Jame Harris, of Suver, waa In
town Tuoaduy.
Hurrah! Hurrah! The Normal bill
ha passed.
A railroad to Fall City.
A VUll ta Tawa.
We aw ilttlng under th roof-tree of
our esteemed friend Lyman Damon,
and our mind la busy In contemplation
of the past, preacut and future of Inde
pendence. We have lived a clone neigh
bur to Lyman ere hla removal front th
country to Itidewudeuce, and on our
visit to towu we know where to go, to
eiyoy a hoapltallty tprlnglug ponUue-
oualy fhau a generou heart.
We have vlalted th lehool today,
being the flrat of It occupancy aiuee lu
erection. Let me congratulate the peo
ple of Independence on their auueea In
the erection and completion of such
aplendid edifice, comiatrlng In an'UI
tetural beauty with that of any of the
cltlcaof the valley. He, who could
give way to any exprelon of regret or
dlaaatlalactlon on account of taxation
for audi an enterprise, certainly can
have no conception of hU duty to the
nubile, nor of the value auch an Insti
tution of learnlmr mut have over th
ptsweetlv welfaro of Indeiamdeno.
On our vlalt Ui the achtHil, Prof. McAd-
ama aud hi estimable wife extended to
u all the eourleay umcaary to give
ua an bought Into the workings of the
acluail, aud we were much gratified at
the Interval manifested hy both teach-
era and scholar in me aovnigr
oin-red for the promotion of the educa
tional Inten-Mt of the city, by their In
troduction Into their convenient and
well proportioned edifice.
A stranger vlalting your elty, and
looking upon that edifice, will surely
come tu tho conclusion, that her cltl
cu are not lost to a aeuae of the Im
portance of educational faelllttea, and
with tluw faeultlea, the la-ianu wbleh
must accrue to the city. All ought to
Ui pMud In the ionclouane, that they
can point to their new completed tnstl
Hit Ion of learning with au aaaurance
that they can etjual If not aurMU any
f like eli ir.ietcr lu the Net.
(ItlM'li of ludeiauideuce, kn-p the
spirit of enterprise brightly burning.
U t the pmitt!on m Mr. Hell engage
your earnest attention, and then, when
lue attention la given, rally to Ina ii-
tairt, close lu with Ida propmitlou, and
accure the erection of a hotel, that will
la the pride of your cl.y aud the adml
ration of stranger sojourner In your
mlilst. Time and apace forbid at thla
time to point out the mnmmse bene III
o accrue iu the completion of auch
an enlernrl'. Sufllce to say now, the
fulpre will prove ll great advantage.
a H.
l.urkUmull Itomt,
Mr, I. Foeter returned from Albany,
Mr Jan. Scrallbrd' family were visit
ing Mr. M. Sen-fiord, Sunday.
Mr. Rolicrt Welch left Saturday, for
his home lu Clackamas county.
Mr Frank Holman la rapidly rcc).
ring from a severe attack of typhoid
Mr, W. F. Dalion, who ha been very
ill for some llmu, Is slowly recovering.
We hope to see him out In a few daya.
Lt week Mr. Scott Laughary paid
$7ii for twenty thoroughbred chicken.
Mr, Laughary will deal extensively In
the poultry bunllieaa.
Horn, to the wife of O. J. Ragley, a
son, reo, 7, ra wear a uroaa iiiiuc.
Mr. Cox Is down with the niuui.
It Is reported that he la very 111 at the
time of writing.
Willie say "I do't care if I do get
ft, I can go down to Suver."
Some of our youngster attended the
a'ial dance at Airlie, Thursday even
ing, and report having a Jolly good
The mouiilulna near here are covered
with snow, which make ll aoetn more
like winter, but we should not growl at
such a small storm.
Mr. Rolierl Steele expect hla eon
lays homo this week. He haa been
biting hi native home lu Canada.
He write hi father that they have
plenty oi snow antl cold weatlier, ana
that he will be Is' tier aatlalled with
Webfiait In the future.
City Council.
At a recent meeting of the city coun-
II, an ordinance was Introduced to
gulate fee or eatery of city officer
Repairs were ordered on foot bridge on
Srd atrcet. W. W. Williams wa ap
plied deputy marshal, aud 11. C.
Inch aeclal pollueinan. Electric
liglita were ordered placed at oud of
ong bridge, foot bridge and Monmouth
bridge. Committee on License Inatruot-
1 to look ufier licenses and lunula.
Proposition for tire hydranta, from
kVaier Co. referred io committee on lire
ml Witter Jaa. tillwoii waa instructed
to draw a map of towu for oouucll
miiiis. Drum uitciie on nionuiouin,
l, and 10 street were dlacuaaed, aud
rdered dug on K atrcet, other streets
Hcv, J, R. N. Hull has been doing
he .11 ate Capitol ttie larger part of the
W. H, Rumley, of Dallas, was cotn-
iiIIUhI to the inauiie Asylum last Mon
Mess in. C. W. Boyle and Tho. Ruroh
of Rlckreall,were In tow n thetlrst of the
If you are in need of anything In the
clothing line from a red bandnnna to a
Hue wedding suit, go to J. L. Ulooktoo's
for he always bus tliera.
Shelley A Validuyn have Just re
ived direct from an eastern factory
ti elegant line of Union League Neg
ligee shirts.
A large invoice of teu, eolTue aud spines
just received lit J. D, I'm. from one of the
awl houses in San Francison J. A. Fol
E. W. Cooper and wife returned to
their home In Nowport laat Monday.
W. W. Williams has been appointed
assistant marshal by the elty council.
Mr 3. P. Irvine Is well pleased with
the business outlook of McMlnnvllle.
The new boxen ut the post office will
be put In place Saturdayeveulng.
Polk county Teacher's Instltuto at
Dallas, Saturday, Feb. 28.
For fine dental work go to Mark
Huyler, Wilson block, Dallas, Or.
Best quality of hoots and shoes and
men's underwear nt Stockton's.
Men's, boys' and children's clothing in
endless variety nt Stockton's,
Full line of rublier goods, boots, shoe
j etc, at tl. D. Waller s.
- rain cn.
Th resident! of this mud-bound city
an becoming powtrfully In earnest for
th buildlnc of a railroad and an reay
to ooutrlbuts to ths extent of their
ability toward th construction of on
from sums quarter. If th people of
Independence and rlolnlly mean bus
iness a forward moveiueut lu that direc
tion would meet with hearty co-opera
tion her.
We'll give you log and lumber,
Perhaps a court house, loo,
If from your thriving city,
You'll pnah the project through;
A weary wbll we've walled,
Till nua) begins to show,
iVio backs quit unaccustomed.
That article to grow.
Bond A Carry's drug store Is In opcra-
tkm, likewise the medicine dispensed
there from.
A medicine man has com to our re
lief; a flue looking young bateheior
M. D. from Kausaa. This la a lively
locality for a doctor Just now, but It
Is not expected all of our ailing cue
will drop their favorite gutters at onca,
Th firm of Or bars A Oilllam era
sUvklngnp collectively and Individu
ally. Th wife of the hjulor member
has a daughter, mother and uaugnwr
getting along nicely, and Gilliam, th
happy father, la attending hlsgsf
very 1 he meet.
John I. Montgomery returned
a trip to Portland, by tha way of Salem
and Dallas a very sick mau. Has had
to employ a doctor Is some better at
this wrltlug.
Four of our boys weut a uuntiug
during the snow storm last week
They had a rough time, but succcedeti
u briglng In a couple of deer.
Ths (Mmrvtr man gave uriggsnl
lUielusou the JC C. baptism affair, he
told me he deeply regretted using o
harsh a term aa untruthful, when mis
leading would have sufficed "Mialera
lion Is best In allclaaacM," la excellent
advice, etc. Hut the hermit would like
to know whether lhe giving such
counsel have heretofore, or will, for the
future, stick to the text. Ut us hope
Mr.U. W. tlrlgg ts now the effluent
Naahv at Falls City aud I'll -le Naur
haaaservaut w ho will carfully look
after Ills lntereta at the city by the
growing tliuU-r.
Oak Unil Hum,
Itev. J. W. Osborne preached at the
Baptist church yesterday at 11 o'clock
a m., also in the evening at 7 o'clock.
He will continue the meetings for sev
eral days,
We have neighborhood prayer meet'
lug at the Mel bod 1st ehurch every Sab
bath evening, to which all are cordially
Invited who take an Interest tu religious
The Oak Grove grauge met last Sat
urday. We bad a very enjoyable lime
and good exercise Conferred two de
gree ou on candidate, and received
aniillcatkm for membership from thir
teen other. The farmer Is being pushed
to the wall on every hand, and his In
tereets demand Uiat be should la) tbor
oughly educated lu everything calcula
ted to lift him up and out of the embar-
noting circumstance with which he ts
now surrouuded. To assist In this work
to the great object of the grange.
J. C. WlllTK.
LawUvtlla IKu.
Cold foggy weather. '
Several people sick with colds.
Farmers are getltug along nicely
with their plowing.
Mlaa Veins Hwann who has been
vlsltlug In Corvallls the past week haa
returned homo.
Miss Ada Burns who has been In
Salem the past month came home.
Our schtail Is progressing nicely under
the able management of Miss Bonnie
A protracted meeting Is being held
here Rev. Craig being the minister
SupU W. I. Reynold will hold oue
of his popular educational meetings at
tills place In the near future
Hank sud Dick Mattlsou, of your
city, have Icy attractions which cause
them to come up this way quite often.
The Hesperian society meets every
Friday evening with a large attendence.
They debated last Friday tho question
"Resolved that Columbus deserves
more praise for the discovery of Amer
ica than Washington for defending It,"
which the Judge decided In favor of
the negative.
Th Oralis,
Tite social benefits arising from well
Conducted Grangers are manifest, lu
the Increased friendliness and unity of
undertakings in a community where
they are In working order, Polk county
has a number of such and It ts the In
teutiou to further Increase their use
fullness hy organizing granges where
none now exist In this county. Man
la preeminently a social being, and on
account of this social nature Is the in
ootlve to flock to cities, even when his
comforts are less than In the country
The greatest good of the Grange arises
from the fact that the social Influences
of the order tend to make farm life
more pleasant as well as elevating and
educating those engaged in farming.
The grange la an educator, of both
young and old. In the conduct of a
grange parllmentary usage Is taught,
In the social intercourse of members
correct habits of department are taught
In the valuable papers read In grange
meetings greater breadth of thought
Is Inculcated, and so all through the
work the farming classes entertained,
Instructed and benefited.. The greatest
danger to the life aud prosperity of the
grange Is In its becoming partisan,
either lu principle or fact. Every
member of the grange should be free
to vote with his political party, aud
when the grange becomes noii-itartiann,
and political Just that moment its
purity of action Is Impaired and cor
ruption enters into the work of Its
leaders. The grange has a noble work
to perforin and In Polk county Its good
effects are already seen.
Dave Oelwle always has on hand
fresh candles, Key , West cigars and
tropical fruits In season.
Just received at J. L. Stockton's
beautiful line of Indie's and men's fine
Gov. rennoyer on Thuratluy ve
toed Hcvon wagon road appropriiit
tiou' bills.
Throughout the County.
Th 0wrreer says tha Christian de
nomination at Dallas am eettlnv Ilia
brlek on th. ft.r ttu.ip n.
ehureh. Tba kmatlou toon Jetferson
street, on block south of th M. E.
ehureh South.
Last week Dalle was Infested with
a band of trami. Marshal Black gave
tha vagabouds a night's lodging lu the
calaboose, and next momlug set them
adrift outside of towu."
The Fanner's Merchant! store at
Moumouth has made an assignment
Portland creditors.
Monmouth haa a cow ordinance and
enforce It, too.
SupU W. I. Reynolds will hold an
educational meeting at Lewlaviile next
Saturday evening, Feb. 2lt.
On account of III health Prof, Bryant
has resigned the prlndpalshlp of the
Dallas public school, lu lake elhot
Feb. 27lh.
Dr. Klrekpalriek aud son, of Dallas,
have purchased M acres of land which
they Intend planting to fruit "apple,
pear, prunes, etc.
Mr. Henry Howe, of Dallas, Is iimk
lug arrangemeuU to erect a line 12,000
residence, aud Dr. Woods contemplate
putting up a 11,000 residence,
In some portions of Polk county, hor-
s are suffering from an epidemic of
wind staggers.
The railroad bridge at Dallas Is being
thoroughly repaired.
Mia llattle Rlggs, of gall creek,
daughter of 8,T. Higg, was marrl.i
laat week lo Mr. O. W. Slarr, of Salem
fiio Po a v .iiniy W.C. T, C. eouvin
lion will meet lu Dallas the Hlh and Itl
of April. Mrs. II. A. A U.i" Uthec.-l
rfa;fctinllug a.Cieli y.
Polk co'inty iimiim II. P, r II., mil'!
at Dallas Friday, Feb.y 27th. Jil ,"
lioim-and nl her promiu.-nt ieukfr in
to be preeiit . O.ik Grove grunge I 1
A proiMrou condition and list KM or
day eleven new inline were added t
the roil of ii.eiiilM iBlilp.
Anyone wauling a Mitchell wag'
a ('anion cllps-r plow, or a Canton tri
cycle plow can be satisfactorily lllti
out by calling on II, S. Smith, 1-eu i
vil ie, Or.
. T.
PrsovMltBg mt lh Uinn'i ChUlllan
TuiMirHr I'nlon li.ld at Monuioulh
Nunbr Wth and I'Jlh
1 leer tier:--1 piesunaiyou won I
at at the delay of publishing (he work
of our county convention at Monmouth
w.iii h was presided over by our be-ov
ed district president, Mr. E. K. Ed
w.inls. The uonappearutice of the pro
ceeding In tho county pupr I not the
fault of the publisher a they have
willingly given us space.; It was our
on re less ocas In lisdng a part of the man
it! t Intended for the press. The
meeting waa called for the purpM of
atlei'tlng au organization ofa l'olk conn
ly W. C T. U whose aim and object
la to assist aud build up the temperance
ntlmcnt throughout our county.
We elected the following officer and
superintendent of depart incuts for
ths fraction of a year preceding our
annual meeting to las held the first of
April, 1801.
ITea. Mrs L. L. Whlteaker ludepeud'c
Cor. see, Mrs. H A. Adklns, Momu'th
Rec sec Mlaa Kale Hughes, Dallas..
Treaa. Mrs F 8 Powell Cochrane.
SuMrlutcudcnt of departments.
Evangelistic Mrs Win Miller Dallas
scientific tcmMrauce Instruction, Mr
Emma lee Indeenileuee;sis.ial purl
ty Miss Maggie Butler Monmouth; Nar-
ootica Mlaa Etla Whlteaker Ciadimue;
suiiday school work Mrs M L Jeter
Buena.Vista; conference with iullucu-
dttl bodle Mrs C E Siulili Dallas; tcui
piTance and labor MrsNSbupp Iude-
pi'iidence; fairs and publlo gathering
Mi R Smith, Moumouth; literature
Mrs Bevena Buena Vista; work among
foreigners, Mrs Howe Dallas; Juvenile
work, Mr F M Gates, Independence;
Sabbath observance, Mrs Laura Atkins
Monmouth; heredity and health, Mr E
Blddle Dallas; lufcrnif nted wine, Mrs.
L Stockton Independence; flower
mission, Mrs Pcrclval Monmouth; tem
perance. In schools, Mrs T C Bell Dallaa;
press work, Mr Mary Shelly Indepen
dence; peace department, Mr tiki well
Monmouth; music, Mis Katie Hughe
Dallas; union signal, Mis Edith Perei-
vllle Monmouth; parlor work, Mrs F M
Morrison Dallas; susululendeut oi
Dcmcrcst medal contest, Mrs Bel r
Parker IndcM'iidcnce; young ludii
work, .Mrs McAlister Dallas.
Some of the superintendents havi
lawn apHiiuted since convention. Tin
plan of work and resolutions will ap-
Har next week, and other items of con
dition work.
Yours for God and home uud native
land, Mrs Inkz L Wiiitkakkk,
County President.
Hay fur Hal.
Any person wishing to buy good tim
othy hay can Uud It at Mrs. WlunuH's-
. 2 13 2t.
City Connnll Ntsndhif Coniuiltloca,
Ways and Means' Jaa, Gibson, M.
Mervln, and I'l E. Krengcl.
Ordinances, E. C. Pentland, J. A.
Wheeler G, W. Shliin. ,
Finances, G. W.Shlnn, J. A. Wheel
er, E. E. Krongel.
Publlo Propejty, E. E. Krcngid, G.
W.Shlnn,. Jaa. Gibson,
License, J. A. Wheeler, E. C. Pent-
Innd, G. W. Sblnn.
Fire and Water, M. Mervln, J. A.
Wheeler, Jas. Gibson.
Health and Police, E. E. Krengcl,
M. Mervln, E. C. Pentland.
i, v i ...
NolUm to illdilcm,
Notlio Is hereby given that the di
rectors of school district No. 21), Polk
county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids
up to twelve o'eloch m., Friday, Feb.
27, 1801, for the purchase of the two old
school buildings on C street, cither
singly or together, including the brick
foundation. The purchaser to remove
the building or buildings purchased
within fifteen days from date of pur
chase. Terms of sale; cash or approved
notes. The directors reserve the right
to reject any or nil bids, t qrdttf of
the hoard,
Independent, Qr Feb, 1 1, 1801 .
1 " ' M. It- WlllTB, Clerk.
-Jt'M LIST rOI Mil.
James Alexander, E P Ground,
Hhe,ard, W P Bevena, P W Haley,
B Bmlth, O C Bolter, M M Porterfleld
0 W BtafTbrd, Ellis Davidson. J
Prather, Wra Fuqua.
I A Allen, John Fawk, L Harris,
Chas Boyle, H C Fox, J B Knowtes,
A Miller, M A Burch, Cbas Gibson,
W Iwls, W E Clark, J A Grlgsby,
II Martlu,
W A Blair, W II Kuykendall,
Cnad, J T Lady, Win Rldgeway,
Hlnshaw, N A Nswhlll. C Hussey, J
Pettyjohn, L Rowell.
Chas Black, Alonso Brown, H
Butt, E V Cavln, O H Cobb, W
Camplll, A S Crider, McMInn Dod
son, N Garwood, T J Hayter, E Kim
ball, A B Mulr, L C Parker, 8 T Rlggs,
AShulU,J DSnilUi.J A Baxter, Jas
Boydsum, A E Campltell, 8 Coad, W
W Coukey, Wra Corley, It C Craven
J D Ellis, J F Grove, Robert Howe,
Che Union, E T Miller, J W Paul,
D J Riley, Jas Simmons.
T 8 Coffey, I) L Keyt, Howe,
spbino valley.
O Alderman, P F Clark, I) G Henry
0 I'atrlck, Chas Savage, E P Caldwell
Thos Jennings, J E Phillips, J
Shepurd, Ira Burk-y, W B Duncan, M
V Maun, W A Pike, Win Bayne, C P
rangle, t? Purvlne, Isaac Rifce.
JJP.MWil, J M Dennis, Wm Gard
ot, H R, It F Mason, J
Parry, Jonathan Courier, W L Frink
ll W Gardner, l M Go G W
cite.-, . It Teu I.
FA Link, 11C Dovd, T W l'.ruuk
II Kulkirs in, 8 IXiii-wiii, A McNsry
i I tituiim, John Usi
Henry Fawk, J K P t avlil. John
Vrg'ison, 11 ,la'y, John O.born
Henry Smlih, E E Siarbuck.
J n Ho'.autioii, N 0 Cl-slielier, G W
llcuUlc.J WKiikiuud, A .etsou,
11 Cliallelter, JeMmo Doruslfe, II II
Jsa'iwiu, 1) W lieouard.
Cyrus Blair, Phillip Bartholomew.
Wm Comegys, N Si Conner, D
Evans, U H Hyde, E T .Morrboii
llcur, Omesled, E F Sergeant, Henry
Byeiley, Johu Campbell, Pt-rry Conner,
A W Dyer, John Flan aery, John Mo
Cutluch, F T Nolaon, J L Rlggs, J H
W R fiirk, E Chamberlain. Henry
Fllckluger, J R Hubbard, W
Cauthoru, W W Collins, C II Hoag.
G C Bell, F E lienuy, J P Emmett,
8 W Fletcher, J H Hawley, J D Kelly,
A C McKlunou, Ucorgu Richardson, P
Sears, K Hal ley, J W tulgar, L B
Fraxer, J 8 Hill, Alex Holmes, V
Mackeu, H Poriwood, J W Richard'
L llciil ly, U J Butler, E 8 Cattroo,
Craven, 8 WDoughty, L Ground, A
W Lucas, J L Murphy. F 8 Powell, J
Russell, G T Boothby, J B V Butler,
Church, L Diuuou, C C Usher, A
A H Holman, J E Miller, M W Mix
Wm Rlddell.
D O Broiison, A Byerley, J M Cra-
lou, B L Hastings, J C Hedgpath, W
II Robinson, J M Staata, J 8 Stump,
ohu Bums, Barney Cade, J Edwards,
D M Hewitt, II C McTlmmouds, F M
Smith, C E Staats.
Oregon Wheat.
Some time ago Mr. J. S. Cooper, of
this city, sent several samples of Wil
lamette valley wheat to the Arm of J.
Walker a Co., of Reidsvtlle, N.C.
flic following letter In reply explains
Rkidbvillb, N. C, Feb. 9, 18111.
Mr. J. 8. Coopkb, Dkah Sir: We
are very anxious to handle your wheat.
ll la the flneet wheat we ever saw.
'lease telegraph u the lowest cent you
will deliver us a car load of wheat at.
vVe are anxious to put aome flour on
our market made out of that wheat.
Vuswer at once. Respectfully,
J. H. Walkkk&Co.
SitoK Sociaui.k. On Thursday even-
ug uexl at the opera house, a novel
outeriaiuuieut will tie given called I
-alloc siajiable, Tlie proceeds are to ben
111 the Molhodtsl tfuuday school. Ad
mission for genileiueu, iucludlug sup-
per, 26 cents; ladle IS cent.
The Preeoott A, Veueas sawmill has
stiapeuded Work a few days for the pur
ine of repalrlug the large cogwheel
wtiivk wo badly damaged the other
ay while drawiug log luto the mill.
The masquerade ball at the opera
uouso Saturday night Feb. 28ih will be
utuuulcd by masker from several of our
oelgliborlug low us. Spectators ticket
which docs not include dauclng)60cts.
euoU. '
The Wkst Si lie oilers a prize of a box
of sialionary prinlud)to the best dress
ed lady character, and a box of vlsitiug
cards lor the most rediculous gentle-
mau diameter.
Mrs. Lydia Mcintosh, of Tacouia, a
sister of Mrs. P. L. Campbell, is visiting
tier mother, .urn. Zelber, at Monmouth.
Mrs. Ellis, of Forest Grove, failed to
organize a Kolief Corps here of the G.
a. it., ouiy imrieeu out oi nny-nve
ladies aiumdlug tne meotlug.
cleah Torn factl
tt has baan heretofore taswa ts
thus columns Ikal ssedsra bm4I
eta hasdsmosatnUed Hut s ls
ftlrtkla Uael a ntU t slos4
41mm, bat li eaoMd brbapslrst
dlfMtion, for wblsh tksy sow ftrs
ventabl eanseUvss laitssd of
ash and mtnsral blood parUtri, Two short tout
moalali art hr itvoa I oonlrasl tho srtlo el
th poUih nntpariUas sad Jojr'i Vstotabl tse
Mr. 0. 0. Ituart f 1MI Ulnlea itntt, I
writes that ih took on el ths losdlsf isn
partllat tor lndlfutloa sad drtpoptla, Its onlj
Sfleot was to otuH rlmplss toapposr ea hrlM,
Cpou taking Joy'l VotoUbls lanaarl! atw
am oirtot wa ih dissppHiuet t tu pts
pita sad ih wu tiibieo.usattr rillSTot of hsi
tadltaitloa an4 drtpsprl, iUibtrt atowart alM
WtltM troa) Ntslama, Cat., thai
hlnptiQubl with halls h louud
that on of Ih hading tampa
lllla aetaanp laoiesssd Ih trap
Moat, which Nsptadtd onos I
Jar TofMabl lanapaiilla and
dsMpptsM slsMst UamtdlaUi.
Has Received
Of Vehicles Ever Brought Direct
From the East Without Being Re-handled.
-H. D;
1 .tfVlSO TTcs
&m mm
SI m
And are Leadcre and intend to always LEAD.
Our quality of Goods both
Boots and Shoes
Are in the Lead. Our LOW PKICES taVe and are
Call and see us and Examine oar Goods.
Main Bt, Independence.
Is well Stocked with Seasonable Goods
and will be replenished to suit the times.
Their facilities for doing business are
equal to any House in the Valley and
their prices are always right.
"Their reputation for keeping good
.Goods together with the courtesy extend
ed to their customers insures them the
Liberal Patronage they are receiving. andt
for which they are thankful.
Shelly &
full and complete line ot Funeral goods
Always on nana.
LYON LnnOR. No. 90. A. F
4 A, M. Htntpd ooninuinU'S-
mn on or eemromu moon
ch month and Iwo wwk
hereafter. J. W. Buiitcr. W. M.
K, L. KeU'bum, 8uu.
Hind Bdi( mtrwd. BnokilMmwl
I M MSitina, Tmihnnnial. fruin .If
par, of Ih. .IcifpA. PriwiMotu. roT
SBSS. ml nn nmllt!Uon to J-rof,
a,.i3itt.w, ii ivtu AvNf uta,
Lewis Kelso.
Ladies and Gents Fur
nishing Goods.
Most Complete Stock of
Boots and Shoes
In the City
f. P. Irvine, cutter. Choice