The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 30, 1891, Image 4

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kn ttTtMej Mlaate Ik aerae Cheated
ft a a. lHrajdlitateaatalluai Wild rtare
mt Aaleaala Before W.ll of Ru.hlef;,
Feaunlaf, WlM
Here, brtwwn th fir eotrrwl nido
to rrJlnl mm of mountain, U
Tailor half a mil wide an I ten mi In
Jane, it nnpor wul bwinntnx fur nn
th trim hill. It wind about bk
rim, and hm Mid Uuw it is croaaed by
erk which a thmad of Ut r
trailing aJoai th iwn kthm.
carpet of gnu and flowr hrr
and thaw a rror bird flyirqr up am
down warm and goptla un ,xuriun
flown from oat of a dear Juno ,
V look down upon thi valley w ar
reminded of para-lla. Nerer a awn on
arth awr peaceful. On wtnxiui in
a hammock nnder on of tho irm
trwn braid th brook wonld find btiu
aalf a near to th rao and qnltnr
of htwveo aa any tnot on frth affonU.
Thai ia a hwd of buffaloo trraiiit(
afar up thTallr. Them ar der
th (totm. Thrw or four wild honw
ar (tasdlog in th brook, wail Umr
ar lying on th grat a few Tarda awav.
Hare cnipr to aud fro iu playful
mood, and than is uothttig to frighten
th moat timid. Th peaceful Influrue
it to powerful that w huth our votc
at w look down.
In aoma awful ronrulston of nature
Um grim mountain wm heaved
from th bowU of the earth grim,
atarilo, deaolata landmark of a mighty
conflict of olemanta. At th tame tiut
aatnre mated tlii valley a aa offset
Oa tb mountain ar dmolation and do-
pair; hera ar beauty and contentment
"Look there r
nn tun cuno Arpncnruixo,
Away np among the dark hill we
a black cloud ruing up into tba clear
akiea. But tut It War kpean on mljcht
believe it a lignal amoka mad by the
Indiana, It U a cloud trying to lift it
elf over th mountain from th nut
aid. It began forming fifty mile away,
and It haa traveled aluwly and followed
th winding of rirert and creeka, and
exacted tribute from pond and lake
drop gill, quart, barrel, tuna of
water hav been absorbed and lifted np
aa th cloud traveled, and th deeoUte
mountain wer magneto which attracted
it from ita ant formation.
Tb cloud lifts itaalf np and up, and in
Its straggles it sway like a balloon. As
it near th mountain the vapor are
eondenmd and become heavier, and a
th watsjhl iaorea the migxt be
comes Inner, There is no byplay of
thunder and lightning; only a blue
menacing cloud lighting itnelf.
Dp! Upl Upl
Ahl Heaven help them! There '
nothing bat animal lit in the valley o
far as wf can ate, bat every on-looker
attars a groan of deepair a he see the
cloud suddenly fall out of sight behin
tb peaks. What due that aignifyf
means that the cloud could not lift itself
high enough to clear the mountain, and
that when it lower edge hit that Ull
peak oa a line with u there came a
cloudburst The ton of water held in
that big cloud fell to earth with a force
you can scarcely conceive. Tree were
mad into matchwood Rocks weighing
a thousand tons were whirled about
Bowlders which a hundred boraes could
Bot pull from their bed were ent flying
down the mountain side like marble.
(very handful of earth, tvery tree, throb,
a flower, every stone, rock, and
der which could have been moved
only by the blast of a hundred pound of
powder is swept in one awful avalanche
into the month of the valley I
W hear the crath. We feel the
mountain quiver under us, W are
warned of what is coming. Every lir-
fatg thing below us ha beard the crash
and felt the quiver. Instinct tells tliem
what haa happened and warns them to
See. la ten seconds every living thing
in sight in th valley is mahing down ita
length. Here end there a deer tnrns to
th right or left and finds a place where
he can ascend, and a big wolf scramble
up Che almost perpendicular bank at our
feet, and there lies crouching and whin
tog in terror.
a wuo acta fob un.
Look up the valley.' No man will
ever see such a tight twice in his life
time. There is a wall across the valley
a wall of roaring, tumbling, seething,
foaming waters. Its height is eight or
tea feet and it speed is that of a rail
road train. The buffaloes ware the fur
iheat np the valley. Watch them com
tag. The herd numbers about fifty, and
every animal runs for his life. Now
buffalo, deer, wolf, horse and hare are
eomiag in a wild mob, and close behind
them that foam crested wave of death
A it reaches th trees they melt away.
Am it tears along the sides of the valley
great rocks are loosened and carried
Th rush is led by a sorrel home his
sew coat shining like velvet hi eyes
full of excitement his ear laid flat
back. He is 300 feet ahead of every
thing, and we wave our hats and cheer
him as he nasses us.
Bolll Tumble! Foam! Crash! The
Waters are littered with trunk and branch
tad bosh. The noue is deafening. The
power is so great that the mountain is
shaken. We dutch the bushes at our
fade and, bold our breath aa the wave
i e
I It is over. Looking up the valley we
tee what? Never a blade of grans or
flower or bush or tree! Simply a track
of desolation which nature cannot re
store in a dosen years.
Down the Valley the same sight
Nothing left behind bnt rock and mud.
'A paradise haa been turned into dewola-
. tion almost in the twinkling or an eye.
Where peace and plenty reigned a qoar
let of an hour ago is now a channel of
ruin a Valley of despair an acreage
over which the wolf may prowl and the
serpent crawl without finding food.
Detroit rree Press.
Catt Knjojr Fun.
The sportiveness of kittens is exuber
ant and makes them the moxt delightful
pet. Lindsay's remark is superfluous,
except that it has to be made fur the
fcj-mal completeness of his treatise that
V and cats take part in the fnn and
frolic sometimes rough and boisterous
cough of their child play fallows. They
give every evidence, in fact, that such
fun and frolic are the most enjoyed
features of that period of their lives. As
the animal matures it becomes more
sedate, and even assumes a meditative
air, but the taste for sport dixs not die
at till infirmity begins to wear upon it.
X cat mentioned in The Animal
Vorld would allow itself to be rolled np
r twang about in a tablecloth, and
teemed to enjoy the fun, and Wood's
dignified Posset would let his friends do
anything they pleased with him lift
Um up by any part of the body, toss
aba in the air from one to another, nse
kiiai as a footstool, boa or pillow, make
ham jump over their hands or leap on
their shoulders, or walk along their ex
tended arms with perfect complacency.
At the tame time he was keenly sensi
tive to ridicule, and if laughed at would
wait off with every manifestation of of
fended dignity.-W. H. Larrabee in
fopalar Science.
The free colnaip bill has paused th
Th natural ga supply at CWveland,
0,, ha given out,
John A. Hart, mayor of Chattanooga,
Tenn., Hied of paralyela.
All th leading oatmeal companie
have formed a combine.
Agne H. Jl-Herndon hat been di
vorced from her husband.
Kyrtud't appeal ha been denied by
th court f carnation at Parts.
Judge Keyser, superior judge of Yuht
and butter counties, Cel., is dead.
Th orange crop in flpain and wmthern
Europe generally i a failure thi year.
Th Cuban sugar crop of ItWO-Sl is
perted U b th largest ever gathered on
the island.
A bill is befors th Oregon legltlatnr
to appropriate gV,000 for the worlds
fair ihlhlt
One hundred and sltteen carload of
material for th Chlno, Cal., sugar fae-
tory hav been received aince Jan, t.
A lottery to to b ttarUl la Paris, the
pMflU of which will be devoted to th
construction ef the Pansma oanaL
Jacob H. Qalliuger ha beea nomlna-:
natel by the Republican raiicu to tno
oeed United States Senator Ulair of New
Et-Qovrnor Richard J. Oglesby of
niinoi has been nominated by the Re
publican tniupceed United Slates Hens-,
tor Farwell. I
The Hootch railway strikers placed a pile
ofttoneson tb track near Ureenock, j
A serlfus dltatter was averted by th
discovery of the obstruction.
M. L, Zanniaer, a banker at Htonotwro,
Pa., ha mad aa aaatguinetit. He held
the depiMlta of many farmer in the vi
cinity. They amouat to itH,000.
Fitisiatmotit, the Australian, knocked
Jai-k Dewiwey out in thirteen nrnmU at
New Orleans. Demptey "waaut In it"
from the start Th pura was 113,000,
Three earthqntk ihnck occurred at
Parrel In Chihuahua, Mrx. A gallery
in the Convent of the Sacred Urart gave
way, killing six pertoni and womiding
The Iadinnt hsv turrenderel to Gen.
Mile and the war I euded without any
bloodahed. A deleg atiuii of Sious ha
gone to Watililiigton to confer with th
The Ushllitlra of Rich A Robinson,
who failed at Bradford, Ps., three weeks
ago, ar ftfO.Otin, whll th awwt are
only $10,000. Both member have dis
appeared. In Ma trial at Pitttburg for heresy
Rev. Mcdurklntaid: "1 deny the au
thority of this court to try me in this
high-handed, unchristian luttnner, and I
appeal the caa to ths jrnod."
Professor Koch's report a to th ingre
dients which compose hi lymph ha
been published. Ths lymph consists of
glycerine and an eitract from th par
cultivation ef tuburcl bacilli.
John W. Root, consulting architect of
th world' fair, died at Chicago of pneu
monia, after a brief lllueat. lit designed
the famous Rookery building at Chicago
and tb Ban Francisco Chroulel build
ing. Experts think the boiler and plate
for the battle tliip Texas, which wr in
the Richmond machine shop fir recently
are not injured, but Uner engineer
Brook will ask for a board of uiic-
An ntrprilng Western intnrsnr
agent has a novel scheme for advertis
ing. He engages a number of pretty
girls and ha them driven through ths
town In aa open wagon, with a sign
sbov them: "Th men whom we marry
must insure in th company.
During forty-eight hour Leo, th 11-
month'-old baby of CVicsr M. Sorrier,
register of th Mount Airy. Md., dUtrict,
with th asiiiatance of Dr. Tedd and sev
eral emetics, was relieved sixty-tix dif
ferent article which lit had twalltwed
whiie left aloo iu th tewing room.
It is announced n th authority of a
Canadian cabinet minister that Mr,
Blain ha mad overture to th Domin
ion governmint with a view to th es
tablishment of closer trade relations be
tween Canada and ths United Htatt.
The contemplated expedition to the
North Pole In IH93 by Dr. Trithjof Nan-
san of Denmark, who, it will b remem
bered, tucceniifully crossed Greenland
lent year, it a feat of daring which ren
among Arctic voyage is without paral
11. The rout to be taken by Dr. Nan-
ten will be that pursued by tbelll-itarred
Jeannette party.
Arnibliourffeknown Mtli" black
death" has reached Tofolsk, th capital
ef Wsst Siberia. The whole of Asiatic
Ruttla from Bamsrcand to th mouth of
th Obi is infffrlng from th disesse.
Thousands are dying at Obdnrsk, near
Obi, owing to th lack of physicians.
It seemt almott a hoplss task to check
the fearful scourge.
What is conceded to be th mott lab-
orate affair of Its kind ever seen in Wash
ington was the dinner given this even
ing by Senator Stanford to the President
and Mrs. Harriton. It was a California
dinner throughout, nnd the states winot,
fruits and flowers received the distin
guished approbation of the guents, in
cluding the president.
A diapatch received from Valparaiso
state that the Chilean men-of-war have
given notice that they will begin a block
ade of the port of Inuiqui Jan. 40. Ad
ditional dlapatchet say the rebels have
declared th ports of Chile blockaded in
order to interrupt the nitrate trade, from
which th government derive a large
A visitor in Oalway, Irelnnd, paints
an appalling picture of the destitution in
torn of th remote districts. In Cnrra-
rae and many other places rnauy Imn
dreds of children ar obliged to remain
away from school because they are abso
lutely without any clothing, even
ingl garment, much lets caps, shoe or
oeats. They remain in the cabins, hun
gry and crouching over a wretched Are.
Clothing is as urgently needed as food.
The committee of the German rotch-
ttug having the matter in charge has ap-
proved of the abolition of the sugar tux,
provided bounties ar maintained until
all countries interested have concurred
in th abolition.
The bonne has pnued a bill granting a
pension of $o0 a month to Gon. Franz
ingel and one granting a pennion of $100
month to Gen. N. P. Bank. The pas-
sag of th latter bill was greeted with
applause on mth tides of the hone.
Edward B. Horner, a New York banker,
has been arretted for sending lottery cir
culars through the mails. Th arrest
was made on an indictineat found againHt
the prisoner atSprlngdnld, lilt. Horner
the agent for indemnity bond schemes
of Europe.
It is stated that plans are ahaoat com
pleted for th formation of a company to
build an air-line railroad, from Kansas
City to Galventon, there to connect with
the Pan-Amerii iin Steamship line. The
proponed lint will be 100 miles shorter
than any road to the gulf.
Col. Albert W, Lea has just died nt
Corsicana, Tex,, at th age of 84 years.
Col. Lea was a graduate of Went Point
and while serving under Gen. Fremont
he supervised the survey of Iowa, Min
nesota, Wisconsin and a large portion of
the United Btatts wett of th Mississippi.
1 A party ef Scandinavian mlttlonariai
has just left Omsha fer China,
Th Mugwumps are to launch a nw
t-ceut papor In New York city,
Nearly all the railroad in Kansas
were operated last year at a loss.
Oeu, Douliam of th South Carolina
tat militia la $.1,000 short iu tb aittttlt
A bill hat been IntrwWd iu th ten
tt to establish a temporary geveruutent
In Alaska.
A new rubber company ha been
formed at Para, Braiil, wlthaeapltal of
The po1l of New York last year ar
rmtvd 70,000 person, ef whoa 19,000
wets women,
Philadelphia merchants hav decided
to erect an exchange building at a eost
Of 13,000,000,
Ueneva, 0,, think tt has the only
hnrs in th world that caa turn a com'
plete somersault.
New ltfo it to b put into th New
York Star, through th nwdimuihlp of
ftank A. Mniiwy.
Powell Clayton has resigned from th
chairmannhlp of th Arkansas tKaU B-
publican ummltte.
Wallaiw Lethera, nephew of Oea,
Lew Wallace, we killed by fall from
hi window at Ht. Paul,
Charles Brsdlangh, th well known
member ef tb British parlinmtnt, aud
Professor Tyndall ar serioualy ill.
rWlullah Paaha, TurkWh aitbaaawlor
t Vienna, attauipteo tuMd with lllu
aiinating gat and will preUbly die,
Oen, ft V, Deuet, chief ef theordiiancw
bureau ef th war department, ha beea
placed on the retired list of th army.
The death of th Right Hon, William
Reginald Courtney, Earl of Devon, it
announced. He was born April 15, MO?.
Edward Bellamy, cemranolng Feb.
14. will ptibtlah in Boston Ntioalttj
weekly paper tnlltlt 111 New Nation
The (juibeo Telegraph warn England
that if there t war with tb United
Mate Urtnt Britain will gut no aaatat-
ance from Canada.
A train on the Covington and Macon
road was thrown down a sixty-four foot
embankment and ten peraen ieron
were injured, bnt none fklally.
The American Society of Civil Eugi
neert tt ndevorliig to tec u re action of
congree to legsllxe a standard time
throughout the United Mate.
Th model of the new air ship of th
Mount Carmel Aeronautic Navigation
company, capable of carrying two pane-
engers, i complete aud It works.
Hecretary Windom hat decided that
alt foreign cattle Imported Into the Unl
ted fltates, whether for ronaaaptton or
trtustt, must undergo a veterinary in
Fruuk P. Demarest, member of ths
New York ambly for Rockland county
haa been srrexted oa ohtrs ef mlaap
propriating money and forgltig Indorse
ment on checks.
Repreaeutative orthodox Hindu at
Calcutta hsv organised formally to pro-
teat against th government' kill amend
ing tb man-Inge code, ratting th agof
conat'iit from 10 years to I.
George C. Raker a vaatom house clerk
who is charged with altering th figure
in invoice of nrxar consigned to Claua
tpm kltw, has been arreated and held la
$3,000 bond at Philadelphia.
A woman at Bella Plaint, Kan., gav
a tramp an old vest, and In a abort time
h returned and handed her a $10 hill
" oMh pooketa. Th
incident It almott unprecedented.
Th Irish registrar general, in hi re
port on th potato crop in Inland, an
nounce that 780,901 acre wer planted
iu 1W0, as sgalnat 797.1l:U ths preceding
year, and the ylId decreased, 1.00T.1W8
Charle Bush of Stroutetown, Ta., who
is separated from his wife, was chloro
formed the other night and a rree tat
toocd in his forehead In ludia ink. He
aavs no on could hav don it but his
AlphotisrHtephsnl, who shot and killed
ex-Judge Reynolds in New Yerk last
May, has been pronounced ne by a
commitsien appointed to inquire into hi
mental condition II will b tried for
Th pope is having a beautiful piece of
mosaic mad in the factory of th Vati
can for Queen Cliristin of Hpaln. The
pricture represent the Mtdunna with
bar child, and is a copy of a Hpauish
aintuit. ,
The Author and III Work.
That the author i easily led to betray
exorwrive interest in himx-lf is a fact due
in a great meaeureto the peculiar condi
tioiis uwn which hi artistic success de
pends. Every piece of his work is the
product of a mind that should Imi, frum
first to last, completely absorbed In its
creation. He cannot, like the painter or
the sculptor, summon and dismiss his
inodti at will, with the certainty of re
covering at a moment s notice the desired
His models nro continually on the
move; each one, to bo convincing, must
not only shine with the lintit of varied
circumstance, but must also show cause
for existence by 'effect lijion the others
sinco the Interest of a story IIhks the in
stant its chanw-ter are at a standstill
As a natural coimcfjuence their creatur
carries them always with him, really
most alert in their behalf when he seems
to be most in.u'tive,
At homo and abroad he (sever playing
his game of chess "whereof tba pawns
are men, with no bonnl to guide him
but that mysterious one traced upon the
table of hit brain. All he too and bear
contributes its ml to to the source of sug
gestion from which he draws, and by hit
skill in the drawing hit power is deter
mined. Intricate problems force them
selves njon him, to he solved with the
nicest discrimination out of his own ex
perience. With him eternal vttfibtnee is
the price of victory. Point of View in
Hentrh Thrift.
An Engli.ilimiin, an Irishman and a
Scotchman, mulling a tour uround the
city a short time since, were observed
looking through a confectioner's win
dow at A beautiful young woman serv
ing in tho shop, "Oh!" exclaimed Mr.
Patrick, "do lot us le after spending
hAlf a crown with tho dear craytur, that
we may look at hor convanlontly, and
have a bit of chut wid her." "You ex
travagant dog," said Mr. Bull. "I'm
sure one half of the money will bo suffi
cient; bnt let us go in, by nil means;
she's a charming girl," "Ah, wait a
wee," interposed Mr. McAndrew; "dinna
ye ken it'll sorve our purpose eqnully
weel Jimt to ask the bonnie lassie to gie
ustwa sixpences for a shilling, and in
quire whore's Mr. Toompson's house,
and sic like. We're no hungry, and may
as weol save the siller." Birmingham
A Afonatrout Tide,
The Bay of Fnndy forms tul-do-sac
at which tho Atlantic ocean seems to
have taken a special spite, and at regu
lar intervals pours into it an enormous
amount of water. Take the harbor of
Bt. Johns as an illustration of what this
mighty tide must be, In most parts of
the world a tide of ten foot is considered
something abnormal, but at St. Johns it
rise twenty to twenty-four feet in good
weather. In stormy woather the mo
notony it varied by the high water
mark being pushed up even ten or fif
teen feet higher. St, Louis Republic,
ON IT Will ! TOO UTt.
kan Imm ttwiMwl may vn k
MM of Ik kldam ka Irlwl
hum Mm About IMtMHtff AIWU
1 autbHM ttmm a Mr vkJtal
' tlitrk tkM slakiat entfintta' m la
tuck t tul I wmi Wl w,
Ml itvwa S in tlmual lmi4W m mt
Rwn up tkMM, m
J rrurtiltM
1, Uil, Uk um
koML I iMkMlklMtf turn
stlif Un M, M kt4 t tlMutt
InckkHtt enMH, 4 b IM Muk
Itkawal eftil Um summ M Um kuol.
am er,l mppt m um.
uw i u at awn. I wii
naHaMa4 Ik in to tu tn
st t at! bera.
o, a. rorrxt,
, rruprlftaf OcrldeaMl IsM,
rHtPAiteo moM
roavMc euMK or
iHW xJT0li4
rot) tAlC BY Alt,
Faber's G0M017 Fort Tills.
ftt KaMtiftt. IrrfifMlr
I tlt; hut h tin Ilka them
Oil ttltf ItttUfcOl, AftVi
fail piifrMi illjf HHt
ttAYt TltiP, HmUii
V .r.
KkiiI I" tnr
tor u lir UiA'l ii
WHtwuDnuuli, huxiJ.foBTtasii, on
ilr lif llu.U'l !. o.
-The Jrnty Mir.
. AMUI.MM ClITHUIt, I- H.. July 1
(IfiillruiPii; Alllio' II It rrr uniniinl ftf
ni lo up any totlmtii r wtn , i ill. In ati
twer l your mitiml, I hate Irttnl W Ulm'.
Vlolel i rmiii and lUilwriiiif. 1 lin lurnii-r
rttiiftl(lr eir.-lully rina.-loni. In rm ol
nuiahneMol ll ok tit. ami I liavo Ikhii uuia
llrvrrv ilay l'-r the I". I nriiiiiii. I it
ShiiuI Ilia HulHiniiis an nrlliil irvr.
allon In w "I ln, niiliiirn, ele
oiim-iI Iiy eiHMUrr te Man-h lii.l and
July un. liuini laniiniiij,
1,11,1.1 1.ANUINV.
Tu MeMM. Wixlum a Ui.
A man hu haa irawtlrr,t miHlh-liifi rir te
yvnrn, imttil lu know awn intin aiiMr, ivau
witai lie k
Trii.aiHi. O.. Jan. In. Ifl
Slnnn. F. J rlirm-v i n. ut-Mli-iiii ii, -I
Itiivci Im-?u In till fi-lniral iullce nrimilh-lnr
litr iimmI III ) i-i. eml wnulil y Hint In all
my iinwilc ami ri-rli-nr liavr nivrr mn a
iimiMrniluii ilial I nmlil nnwrlii alth
inticli niiintlptic nt iiii-i- mm 1 can llM
ratarrh I'um. RtaitiiOu-ttiri-,! by yti, llitvv
ntru rllH-d II a inl man, iIiuim ami lt rili-,-1
U wiimlrriil, ami mailt! aay m i-,nrlitiin
l hul 1 liavv in I,. Mini anuHioK oiarih ihm n
.,Hl.l li. i runt. U Ihoy ouillil Inkn II an-url-
llig In illrwHun. "tir Inily.
I.. I.. ilii0ri ll, M, I'.,
(lin,. Hiniilllll Ml.
r will ilrotldi fr any raw ( alarrli thai
mtuiiit 1m, riirtHi eun 1 1 nil m (niurrii inn
TaH'ii Ininniiillr.
K. J. I Ilr M1 Ui.. I'ni iiiii-mi, ii.
t H..i l.y luui;sl-li, 1 ',
Take it Before Breakfast
The rrral smviltiir. Ixnlc anil llvrr nnulaln
In u-i fur iiMirrf I linn M yier In KiikI'iiiiI
fufttnvc iKH-inc fur llvpr ntinpliilnl. Unit
cnl In llir in,. ull) mi rl.iu ly lln inuriiiiiK,
1 1 ml iiwllnt. cliiliu-.. Iniigiinr yiiiiMni ui
llvrr niuiilMliit. Ili-im-ily -pr. iii-iucya r.iit
liftti iainlillun 11111-. It-lltvr ciinnipaUuti
liarin im Um aiii'llln anil lintea lip llir riuin-
.y.l.'ui. iii'l Hie -niiinr mini yuur iliiimihil
(it II, anil lafcr ni'iiiiiiiiif in iiitvcuunn.
Wore than Loproty
(a catarrh, nnd Ilium it uiie but unc pre
pariilinn thnl due cure that iliHt'iiae, nuii
ihnl in the i'lilifuriiiH 1'iwilive nnd Ncui,
live Khi'lrk) liiniuienl. Hold b nil
Iruuuials. It nlno cure ni'iinilum
rtieiuniitinm, hiunliiclie, sp'aint, liuriir
and nil pun. Try it mid toll tvou
uetililHir where In K''l It.
Hunt ti i a.-1 1 st the druit store in lln
piice over Kystvm Uiii'iIi r nn evitryhud)
i uainfl it fur catarrh, ut hIoiiiiicIi, ih
petmia. Constipation suit iiniiiii blooil.
ami In lillilil tin IIimhihUmii it nHrlfiinli
so well of woudnrfiil ini-ul wlmn all apnak
poancMi t it,
lllouilillliin Not li r.
Notice is hereby given tlint the
partnership licivtofuro cxIhIHiik be
twecii T. J. Fryer uud V. W. l'crclvnl,
eiiiriiKi'd In the live stock IiiihIiichh,
this day iIIhhoIvciI 1V llillltlnl iiiliwlit.
.1. J. Kiivku,
Inilcpcilileliw, Or., Dec, 30, 11K).
Richard Btfff, thi wall known proeriator ol
tb Quaker Dairy, No. 00 Ellla 8t, Baa Fraicloe,
last watt aanl tht fuUuwlni Itltar to th Kdwlt
W, Joy Co.
"My lamny Bar beta tikioi
Joy 'a Vagalatil etratpirllla bow
for montha with aplrndld reaulls
Our upaiienrtbta been tbtttttti
taking II rcfultrljr lor a abort tlmt
and ftl tlnf tba tyaleinaltrted rlflil,
an occulontl doat tlierctfttr ktepf
tha lyiten In partaot condition,
peoullarlty of your vcfttablt oju
pound lutxpllrtblt to me la, that Ii
doet unt loat Ita effect, but aeraia tn
tooompllah Hit atmt raiulta conllntia,,y. Aa t
Urtrtnd bowtl refulttorindeorraotlv it It pee
faction. W would not b without It lo am
bouit. Id ftot I bar Jail bouf bt dotta boi
tie to fat th reduced prlct."
A. M. Row, ot B2S Jouea ttreat. 8. P., alto
writes that II baa beta bit bablt for yaan to
twtkt In the momlurt with s hesdtcb od tn
xhtualed fetllnii but iluce th drat bottl b
bta btd no rtturn of bit old tlmt dabllltailri
So said Ilu
wer, that
erealctt of
Novel iflts, and he
neve' spoke more
truly, and he mivht
have added with equal force, that merit
It the essence of iiicces. Wisdom'
Robertlne is the tvnonvm of merit and
its history is success. The magical ef
fects of this preparation have been attest
ed by thousand! of the leading ladle of
oclety and the atae. It it th only arti
cle ever discovered which give Natur
al and Beautiful tint to the complexion,
at the same time removing til ronghnett
of the face and arm ana leaving the
tkln toft, tmooth and velvet. It hat
long been the study of Che-mints to pro
duce tn article that while it would beau
tify the complexion would also have the
merit of being harmless, but these two
important qmilitir were never brought
together until combined in
506 ftOBE$TlTlH.
111 I
w-1 11
twr jt -r.jt. x
t .-M
I- llll AAAtltltt
MlM Ada Jadtoa. Un. William,
Something New !
h Wli Patent Stamp
(iumiiinl, rraity tu alli'k ftwl In miyililn
I'arita, Im-knla, watclim, plna, lullur,iuivr'liii1
uUirnh alliuua, wvililliis 'nril, nln,
16 for $1.
Hem! phnlimili (i-mIiIiidI alte) nf yoilraelf
ir ltl"liil. All lii,nriiilit arnt In me will
lie nao-nilly haiiillrtl, unit n-luruoil Willi Hit
Aiilim nil nrili-ra In
W. H. Whlteaker.
Indiieiii1rii, . . . (IH-K..H
V full and ci'ini'lrln Hun of Funcrul g'-ile
Alwuya on HhihI.
Lewis Kelso,
ladies and Gents Fur
nishings Goads.
Mmd ("oiiiiU'Io Stock of
Boots and- Shoes
In th City
Arohlttot and Oraughltmn,
ROOMS t T III all lll(K V III.OI K,
1. P. Irvine, ruu-r. Choice meat
ttjtjltattlj haa i. llavtdMia't Hricfc.
liealera III
All kinds of IlnnicN iiikI HiuMlrry
(iiiods. Cun iiij,'!) Triininj; 11111I
Curry Coiulw, tlirw I'iut. 5 o-iiIm.
I I'lllillCX, 10 (TIllM.
C-omiUt set of Ti'imi Haincss,
f 14.00. ,
Monuments ami lle.vMuiies of All St)!is
Flrvt-Olnat Work and Price '.'() pur cent
lowof tlmn any other sliup in I lie hi iu.
shop cob. moitmouTH fino r. r. sts.
ASK Fu;"i ;
n It tr com
bined th fin-
it nechtnio-
v-M fsjrv
tl aklll. tho
mot nieful
tnd practical
lements, and
til known sd-
vtnttget tlmt
mskt f. tew
ing macliln
det.rabl to
11 or use.
faXterr tad Wholeia'.o 001:3, Bclui.H'-, 111,
998 Wnimnh .-li'ii., t'li lrfp,
tt lirvatl Sliviil, AVi(i I'lirfe.
If. H Imm: v i U'
Iliitsditml, Ihm livt nnd Tticfd
Vt 1 0 h ! tvi.l cmiillfl FREt:
In ut! ,i.j i, tVi Pi'l '11 Itist Hf,is ii'ifv'i
l i'il'. mil iivi.,1 l.iitit'.'t;.
U. iw : V'P" C-V. tli
r. 1 u
l,Hr, mi ' ..hiii-..,. 1;. i!ie n n.l ui
1 b nfcr.-.L-u'r
Oregon Pacific Railroad
Crsoa Csvelopmcnt Go's Steamers.
Chort Line to California.
Freight an 1 Tares the Lowest.
Klnmi-r WIl.t.AMKTTE VAf.l.KY,
Irf-uvit Yaiiilnn: Jim, 1.9, IH.77,
f.v..U,.,, K'.U..U.U I..M i li 'Jit 11
Train No. twill run Tiowlaya. Tliuraitayt,
.7..... ..
nnu rnniriiH , iiiii un iiiirriiirniuiviiu wiipp
Train No. 4 will run M.inilya,Wr(lni1ayt,
and r'rlitnya, ami nn lulxrinrillalai ilaya whon
niHi4Hi"y, .
- miif- fc mvi'i Ilia titht La flliAiii
Hi,! . 11 ih-'I...
''r ':.w,Vr.-. IV. B u'1
t 1
1 tn,' ta 1 mi 1 n ' H"t n 1 1
w, 11, wciihi i-11, c, iioiit'R,
Ui'ii. V. A I'. Al, c i.l 1. r, (Jin. K. V. AU
.11 M ifoim ry HI., O. I', It. II.
Hun Krnni'li, Cnrvallla, Or.
Xorthcni Pacific R. I
I'lVil KT Tlt.US DAII Y.
hi) i,:imno or Cl
SikI all inlii'n Kail, la
St. Pa'il anJ Minneapolis.
mz inonTHcn.i paciho railroad
in uuly I inn lliiniilut
'aw,iifnf Train,
b.-v iii'l eta- f I-n-iwu lipi- ol ctiarvr)
l.tif ml-11 I a 1'i-ai it'-a.
I'ml'iiaii I an. ,- i,-r.iii (''.,
l a Uniliu 1 m. Mmi 7f (
Seo th.l Tour Ticket real! vit tb Rurtb
: a Ptcltift R. R. tid avoid chauge
ol Cart.
ii.ara r-rilaml ai a 01 A. M anrt a o P M
rlii'li a rHi-al Mlun, ailli ur til. I'aill t vt
f. M
IM irif IHVI-iKiN Train. Irai fn,MI
ai I i.i .r luili ai It a. in. ami a 10 p. m.
anKi-ai N la'oina ' ' ! H m., a:iJ4)
ro.,nniiii'liii ur 11 it 1 iin-ii'a n-tia lr all
iK,lll. .111 i n,.- I Si. nil, . II t'lUlll.HiN,
Aul. Otn 1 1'""- N i- I"-"'iw.-l,
l urnanil, OirtfKU.
;7t'il 'l ( "r. ri'l ami (I Hill..
m m mil
I no alu r,: .fj
Hast, No nli ,v' i.iorlh
Kf rurilit-r imrllniUii'd hwji.lrr of any mtrnt
t the ('otiiHiiy or
T. W. LEE,
(1 P. A T. A.
IViritiinit, (irt-ynn.
Tli ki l AKt-iit
Imli'iH-iiiti-nn-, Or
Ksprcaa Tralua Uave rurlland Pally.
siiiiiiu r
I North. "
Trt r, m. I .v. rnrtlnnil Ar.
U:'i A. M.
H.-J A.M.
H.HI I'. HI.
.ftsi i'. Hi l.v. AliHiny Ar.
li':iri A. M. I Ar. 1111 1'l'iiiU'lM'ii l.v.
Alxiv traltin 1nn onlv a' lolliiwln ulailnna
n,rl It ill Kii.'iuik; r a.i furiiaii'i, un-nim 1 nv,
Wmntliiirn. salim, Alliauy, 'lauiniit, HIkIi, Hal
av, llairialinrg, Juncllnu l ll, Itviiif ami tu
Rvscburg Mail. Dally.
I.i-iivn. I Arrlvo.
INirllaml .... A. v. lliiwliinv ,. ..':! r, H
ItiHu-lmrc .... :ai A, V, I Purl limit ,..,4.H) A. M.
A I Imn y l.ocnl Dully (Kxcopt 81111 'y
Albany n oor. a.
I' V 10 a. w
Piirllnnil. 8;dO i a.
All. Buy . ,.MH1 a. m.
rullnnn Buffet Slocim.
For arcoiitimi'lattnn ol Scrnnil-rltaa .rh'Iikoi,
auai-iitfii 10 KxproflA iruitia.
West Sido Division.
Between l""rtl'Vii(l nnd Corvnllis
MAIL TRAIN DAILY (Ktrcnt Dunilay.)
IM A. M. I l.v. I'or'liinil Ar.
6:0)1. 111.
11:11) a. M. Ar. inilotn'iiiii'ime Ar.
12:10 1'. M. I Ar. Unrvallla I,v,
1 -in I', m.
Vi ftp p. in.
A I Allinnr ami Cnrva'lla ennnort with tralna ol
Ori'K'on l aclilo Unllmait,
l.uava I ArrlvA.
Portlamt ,4:40f. m, MoMlnnvllle 7:r. M.
Mi'Mnuivllln t Alt A. M. I ronlanil .. 8:20a. a.
For llcaota tnd Information rcirtr(llnrriii
niHiia. tto.. tiall uu ouuinauv'i aimut at 1 nil,,,,.,,,.
H. R,
R. P. ROGER!),
Aatt, U. r. 4 I'au. Ak
Cought, Coldt, Induania, Oronclilllt.
Hoarteneat. WhooDlno Cmtok
(on Throat, Atthmi, and every afletiTon of the
Ihrotl, Liinot ml Chetl, IncluditiR Contumpllon,
blioL-ilaiidperiiiuneiit, Ocnuine aincd "I, Suiti'
Proscott & Veness,
PRorRirroct or
Independence Saat fllill,
aaimrtCTi'tra or ad ntitu in
J At. A. WiiRRi-ta, Manicr,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.
nniTnt V.
vu vuu
I t wn
, rirtt-CUM TumouU for Commercial lWlert. Price. rea,nabl and Batlstao-
uoa luaranwtju.
vnnnt Fwn MAIN BTIiEET.
v avw a m-m - - - - -
GEO. SKINNER, Proprietor.
TliewMfllH, now bulklinff will egin oiKrationi alwut tlm flmt ol
Novciii1kt,'1810, and will then be pimr! to buy wheat or "Ktoi for
uh of furmera through the seanon.
Until thn Klevator i" conipletexl wheat will lie reeeived at wmie
witii lioiwe here, arid flour In ame will be delivered at the Mill door.
Independence. - Oregon
Sash, Door and Manufacturing Co
liming In full oiwraHon aKturtrvan Dry Kiln and wvrl lhnunl dnllara rtb
marlilnrry, w am now prrpar! Hi ftll any and all onlrr fr mill wi.rk. Orili-ra anlliltrd
Inmi any art uTUi allry. wlilrh will wrrlve ircmiil alli'iillnn. To our loral m.tomr we
with Ut aa that w will hav r.,n.llitly oa hand all llir lateat dinlKiia In irtir trailr. 1'rnmpt
mmtlon well be given and orlooa aa low aa Mtaltnt wltb t?l weird.
irdll1n, mrtier Trad and Hlh airU. Halem; P. O. box So. SM.
F. M. GATES, Proprietor.
Mr. F. M. Oat ha one of the latest Impi-wcl Ki'm ina Machine
with which be i prepared, on short not.c, to imtniifat-tnre a
FimK'la picket and wire louce. Thin is the ljat Kui-e to be
For Farms, Residence Property, Chicken Yards and Divison
On C Sired 0pp. the Cily Hotel, Indepcndrncr, Ot
Mitchell & Bohannon,
-V Mtnnftcttirer of
Mala Street, Independence, Orejoa.
brTck yard.
Of Iudejemlene, having a steam
engine, a briek maehine and several
acres of finest elny, is now jirepared
to keen on hand a fine quality of
Rriek, which will be sold at reason
able prices.
m:ht IS THE MOKI.D. .
Ita woarloa qualitlwiRr. unaurpaaivd, actually
oiitliMtliiir (wo boa, or iinr other brand. Wo hut. irtllil't IIFiil.M IS tu
FOHHAt.t; by nKAi.ritsoi'NrnAi.i.Y. tyr
C St., IndeM'iiileui'e.
First clnas in evry resppci Su. a
atlpntmn given trnnsm it rniiinirs. A
anmple room for comm t cml lrnvct(r(
-Wants Your llipnlrlng.
Wuohplrlng a ttoolHlty, Will itivo ynu
burgalna In Watelios, Clwkt nmt Jewelry ,
Buster & Locke
. .
IndciM-rnlrnf, Oregon,
v.... -
J. K. JONE3, Pbopi.
' Roller Mills,
If You Have
W annHe. IwdlrMtloai. Wtflaa
ailrlt Hvadarlte. "all ma ta," aaaa
lug flU, aa will I laid
Toll's fills
the remedy yo need. Thar leat
tu weak atumarlt and bwlld aaltt
flHfH-lna tnrrlaa. hafferera front
aittilKl r nhyalral avrrwaok will r lad
rellel rrvui lUtiti. Mcly aufareaaled.
IVagon Making
Gorriags Repairing
I !) l.t in Utillillnc h itn K. K.
r't -k-mlih iiofi. tit la u pxiefl
oil .t'tirkiiiati Im 'ln lenrnM h '.rV1 ia
" o 'e KitMclto a -h'ra o( th ptrouAg
Suce9rs to
Elkins & Co.,
City Truck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of all Kinds Done at
Reasonable Rates.
Ail! peed, 0al(, psOFirllood
For $a!?.
rCollecUons Made MontUy.-l
Tallf Abreaat with tb Timet.
for Uie Family, School, or Profeseional Library.
Th Anthantio WbaW TJaa-
ltaaea of 1864, 78os'84, oopyriaktad
propertf of th nmdrtignd, 1 now
Thoroughly Rrlad and Enlargad,
and a a dlatlna-nlhinf( title, bear
th Bam of WDtr' Interna
tionai Dlotlonary.
Editorial work upon tnlt revialon
Va been la aotiy prograat for oTr
TalTtan, Not leaa than On Han
dled paid editorial laborer oar
aaa oaeagad npoa it.
Oror 1300,000 axpended la Ita
praparatloa bafor th flnt oopf
wa priatod.
Oritloal oompariaoa with, any other
Dictionary it invited. Oat th Beat,
G. O. MKKKIAM CO., Pobll.hert,
Sprlojfleld, Maaa.. V. S. A.
Bold by all Dookaellen. Illustrated pamphlet (re.