The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 30, 1891, Image 3

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tWKlt UY
Polk County Publishing Company
ThkThaukk' Carnivau-Ou Turn-1
i . . ......
uay evciiuiir, February M. the brllllaut
I rude Carnival will be given at the
nHra lioomi for the lienotU of (lie Indo-
Ik-ikicuoo puinio wtiool. The. iinv
grain will oniilt In recitation, road
lug and tlnKluK. AIo forty beautiful
youug ladlo (IivwhhI In enfant, union
and brllllaut oiMtuiiiM will nirtwut
ID dimwit buMliiKw firm of tho i-lty
Tiik PAt.Ai Koif Il.t.tHioNN, Onenf 1 ul daalilnjt Urla-ade of boauty, wit
Hut liiont brilliant and altnu'tlv cuter- yu" "I 1 under the command
tulunumt that ever dotlglitat an "f Mm, N. t MoAdauia. MIm NoIII
audlt'iio will wtMnr lu Iudmwndoiit Hill IU deliver a rwltatiou tmtltlvd
on Monday evening, February mh, and "Tli .kh1 DMrlot Father," aud Mm,
will continue AvriiiiMHUv evnlupi. 'i' lutur will road a oarulval xmiu
Prof. (.Mm. I'atullo, the French 'hw will alo t a ttpnwntatloti of
llltiiiloiilat, In the moat nminrkabto "JTJ' mp, muiHMd of twenty
arlUt In the world, and hla marvelou Mmraotcr lu owttimo, Muln ftirnlNliud
porfornmnoo have elicited the ait- y l'w'. .'re"y' orohwttm. AdinMon
nliiumsof the inool faalldloiw Parlalan, Nwiita, children IB cent.
lliirlln nml London atidiiiuoc. Ill
iHTforiimuciw will be I nra and tU A Lahiik lMMKiwiON.-i.utTiiiday
llghtful treat to the iwoile of Indenen- fu,rUH,m the good ClirMloii xolo of
donee. The llhwloiia aud liiiiH'raoii.. Nouiiiouth gathered hi the river Bide
tlon will ooiwlat lu part of the wonder- ,,own ' Independence, ferry to ad
ful tlhi.loti called the "Ansel of Uie ""'' in ortiinanoe or imptlmti
Air" in which teen beautiful young nfUH,, J'1""' candidate who
lady float hnrlontally lu the air " Vnomm religion under the nihil
without any apparent mean of tip- wHlonaof hlder J. II. Hughe, who li
Tl... remarkable feat low excited "u revival orvico III that
the woudoi nlitg comment of thiiuiutnda.
I Hi not full to ace till wonderful show,
for It In unique, weird and attractive
Other noetic twelve altogether) will
follow In rapid auiiHwIon. Among
thorn we are now enabled to announce
city. The candidate were Mime
Leila ParrWi, IMra and HukIc Howell
Ada lloaley, OihU Hull. Muttic Doug
las, Hudlo Brlgga, Martha Ik-Vllt and
MIm Hull, Mowm. Frniik ltoothhy
Marllu Itexford, Lionel Finher, Frank
II i .. in it t . ..
the Mlraculoua Mower, the rVvret 0f aiey, vooiy nce ana Miner, itox
I'vimmllon. Hie Houiatl Mvierv. the
Tliroe Mlnilcd Iuly, Itoiimu Hiatory,
theSiKi'ttva, and Living IWnpllutlon,
In thin hud mimic a Hum's head U
appiireutl.v wrvetl from hla Imdy, etc.
'r'(. t'utiille In not milllolcutly angllc-
Ucd to W fiuulliitr with the Kugllith
liiiiiriU'-c. i Ic Ik ltril;iti rroni head to
heel and the uitwt rtniarkuhle iiiuk'I
elan that waa ever educated at the
French cuiillol. Ki not full to hoc bin
palace of IIIuhIoim.
To Hoi' (iuowKiw. l'rf. F. L.
. .
IMTKIimn.Ntl DIMCHtl'KHKN, A Ulllll
twr or our town folk weut over to
Monmouth litat Humlny to hear Hev
J. 11. Hughe' dlMvouiiMi on duuclng
Iheacruioii iu iiulte forcible, ami the
tcukcr nmdo u uuintwr of nu-oug argu
uieiit from a theological muuiliMilul,
I lie erli of lecture dcllvervd tiy Uev
IKibU lu thU elty IumI Friday ami
S(urluy evening are highly apokeo of
by 111. who attended ttieui. Hi m-r
molt delivered In the Methodlal
Waahhurii, of the t'orvalll exK'rluicii cbuwh ou the Hunday following are
station, wlnho the hop grower of aid to nave ticeu iutte luterwiilng.
Orcmm to unitwcr the followliiK ouea-
tl..i In r..L..nsl to lh.t hon loose eto. " Al.AMM -Otl TlllKtluV after
-Have your horn bceu atfet'ted theiMut 0M,U ' ' 'l f"K "l" "
. ...... . . I II,,.. ..I fl. I
year bv hop luv, I r no, to wlial ex- """"""' u"l"Tlr
tln.oi.-U v. have vou auin-riN ? wgau w ruan oui ou uie aireeia nun
2d -Are there cultivated prune ueur everybody waa aaklug the u,uetlou
i,i,, vurluiliv? s.1 where iunrv7" it waiKu ha-at
your umw."
Are there any wild plum, or pruue
needling neir your hop Held? What
Is their correct name? 4th. What i
the exact dlxtunce of thene Htilliuga
(iiii'iitlomtl In No, 3) from your hop?
t'litllnu are dealrtsl from cultivated
ed at Mr. H. Hhelley' rvaldeuee, ami
uhu repairing to the Hit our reporter
aacertaiiUHj that the alarm waaoivaalou-
ed by a burning Hue whlcti hud (gutt
ed xiiiic of the ttihiglc of the roof near
tli Hue. i'roiupt work by the Are
plum and prune near hop. ami from ly vxiiiigulalied the lire.
tin (Hiriicuiur oaioagri wn uniie uie
i'(llhii; mentioned lu No. 3 and 4
(send the new wood). Ill every caae,
give accurately, name of fruit and lu
dlntatice from hop yard; whether a few
yurila, nxln, a mile, two mile or more.
Ao early reply 1 desired, and all re
plies should ie in by Feb. li'illi, 1801
Address, F. I- Washburn, Entomolo
gist, Experiment Elation, C'orvallis,
From the uuiuber of electric wire
stretched along our street this city Is
beginning to uwumu somethlug like a
metropolian! appearance. The arc. ami
lucundesceut llghta both retjulre acp
sruti! wires. It K-ipiire nine wires
from the dyniiuio to supply the towu
with elcctrtu light, and more will have
to lie put lu as the demand Increase.
A grout numlier of private resldeuifs
will be supplied with the U-uutlful
vlectriu huht, and thcu all will be
as merry us murrmgu bells. Just think
of It! Only a few year ago we did
nur rending by the light of a tallow
dip, and then came the sktiii caudle
and after while kcnss'iie look tli
Held, and now the liicamlesctiut light
omik'S to chase away the dark shadow
of the ulght.
TiiKt'lTV t'or.Niii, At the council
meeting !at 'luewluy eveulug, Mayor
I'ouiiuway apsilnted the following
alaudlug coiumlttcc: Ou way ami
mcsns-tiHsM.o, Mcrwlu, Kreugel; ou
ordlnanoe i'eutlainl, Wheeler, IShluu;
ou tliiiince Uhlun, Wheeler, Kreugel;
ou strvvta and publlu prnH-rty Kri'ti-
gel, Hhinu, Uibsoti; ou lice use Whee
ler, I'vntland, Hhluu; ou tire and water
Merwiu, Wheeler, Uilwiu; ou health
and polico Kreugel, Merwiu, l'eut
3 K SLutra mi. uUlllxo lli.lluil
I..I... M 11...... i .. fit-
W.M1II 1,1, fUMKMI Oim Ml VOVM'U I HM. fc.-l.l ,,
Juillluru III 1 UOI It., tun- m iif I Ink I
im'.rlV,.loi.,r.amlwa.tK.tmat- . (,rln ', lookl" owing to the
er at Oreirou fltv. for the taut -JO year. am ww,thw'
He was grand aeeretary of the grand Kverbody nnjoyeil the dance at John
lialge of I. O. O. F., of Oregon for the ,'dy "'k'
same length of time. Mr. llaoon'i ton, 1'rof. F. K EmuieU ha returned
Urant 0. Ilucou and wire, (tie Mia home from a trip to the college at Cur-
Muble Hiark,) art graduate of the vail Inat week.
Wtate Normal aehoul. Mia Mar l'lka. of bus bceu
I d.olra to b..ritdlh ..,-, mv visiting the McKe family lu this
Ulcere thank to the member of the nwuldatrhouil. , .
hook and Wider eoiiiiny for their Last Friday evening the Websterlati
prompt action In exllnguslilng what I society elwUnl ofllccrs, after which
might have been a serious fire at my there followed some good aiieaklug
residence ou January 27. 1M1U. R
Ileukle l Walker, Living anlargml
their (tore room, are now carrying ou of
lb largest and boat stocks of family ro-
oerie snd glaasware lu Folk oouuty, aud
are stillitig the ssiu as oliaiip a the
cbeaiet. To b oouviooej oall la and
Mr. J, Ilurtou purchuscd from J. 0.
anOrsdcl last week twenty acre of
laud north of towu. nay lmr therefor
i5 per acre. Mr. YauOrmM mld $40 '"' ' farmer are busily engaged
per acre for the lund about one year plowing ror spring gram.
go. Dr. rarrlsh, of Monmouth, bus been
8y. Haw! Where .. Il best tils to ' tllt vlullty I,"U f"l"y
buy grooerler Well, John, w buy at J
0. Irvniu's. IU keep tlie best liM)k ot Mw I'-muia Mulvaliey, who him been
irrocerie ju towu and sell abeauer Ibsu stopping with the family of W. K
sny umu tin side of i'urtlsud. Cum- Mlon, will leave for her home In Hut
Mesare. J. K. Hear and Z. Denny
Mindcd to a cull for a aeub. Mr.
Hear atldreuslng hi remark to the
young people, and Mr. Denny diluting
on the Importance of J tot I id as an edu
cational neuter.
m '
Henry WwmI will get through
logging at the Helmluk bridge this
The weather imrfectly beautiful aud
A uonu atcT or kiwohtions.
I'suhmI Jiy ths HI sin I'lismtisr
mm at Hsloin, Jimrj til,
if C'iiih-
Mrs. J, W. Itlcliardaou returned home
from Hprlng Valley last Saturday. Hhe
ma been attending the bed-side of her
hither, Mr. John riillilps, who I ser
iously III, but Is fooling some better
Itememls'r when lu Sulem to eall In
at Wrongs rvslaiiraut, now Weatuootl
4 Irwin, and get a meal uol to be ex-1
oellinl on the raclllo coast for i cents,
it 21 Commercial street. tf
Hymkmai, Norix Ity reference t
tlie nmrriuge notice in this paHr it
will be K.fii tlni Ii.iv. J. K. N. 1UI1
had the plcusure of ofllciutiug at the
recent marriage ceremony of .Mis flow,
of Junction (ity ,Ve also leurn thut
our enterprising ministerial friend tied
tlie hyiiienliil knot for two other couple
during Ills recent visit to Ibwehurg,
uumely: Mr. Itufus Hkipton, of Hen-
ton county, to Mis HimmouH, of Itow-
burg, and Mr. Murphy, of linker City,
to Miss Jones, of the former city Our
city recorder thinks thut Uro. liell 1
dccidcly too previous lu getting lu hi
work so early In the season. The yuuug
people around here must conic to ttie
recorder's rescue, or he will huve to
haul In his shingle which hours the
proud chullcnge, "opposition to Ilro.
liell in Judiciously tying inutrliiioiilul
A I'i.kahant Da.nck. The WHial
('mice given at Dixie lust Friday even
ing was a plcasunt and successful n flair.
A numlier of young jicople from Indc-
icniloiice and Dallas were In attend
iiiicc. The dunce wuh one of the largest
in numbers (do tlckcU sold), aud the
most polite utid courteous in manage
ment thut litis been held lu this part of
the country for years. Everybody
present seemed to enjoy themselves
finely, and too much prulsecan not be
said for the Dixie boys in their manage
ment of the dance. An elegant nipjier
wuh served consisting of turkey, chick
en, hum, cuke, pie, etc., and the music
furnished by W. E. Cressy' orchestra
wus, of course, tlrst-clas. The dunce
continued until a lute hour.
Tub Nkw County Ckazk, Peti
tions are uflout among the people of
this stute for the orgunlzution of several
now counties. The peoplo of Wasco
want u new county and petition are
In circulation for carving a new
county out of old Linn; also
a report is going the rounds of the
press thut Lane county is unxlous to be
chopped up Into several pieces Into
another county at leust. Well, the
peoplo of Polk county are very well
satisfied with Its present geogruphicul
limits, but if there is any sllclug to tie
done old Polk wouldn't mind lidding
to her territorial domain.
Tub WkhtHidb Job Omen- Pub
lic attention is culled to the splendid
facilities offered in the job printing
line by tills oillce. We are prcpured to
do us cheap work and of as fine a quali
ty us uny Job ofllce In the vulley outalde
of Portland. Anyone wanting first
eliiHM work will please give us a cull
before going elsewhere, We do not
destitute to say we are prepared to do
bettor work tlmn any Job ofllce hi the
County, and ut the lowest living prlcw.
Kt'itoot. Taxk.--The school tax ou
the first anstwHiueot levy for the uew
public sclnsd building 1 now due, and
iu the hand of tlie school clerk for col
lection. It Is liojwd (hat our citizen
will promptly pay the same without
cmiilng unnecessary trouble to tl
school Uiitrd. The new building is a
credit to the community, aud It should
be the pride of our citlu-ns to amlst In
lifting tlie debt whenever legally culled
upon to so.
ltl.At KlioAliliH,-Uood, solid black
boards are oswiitliil to aullsfuctory work
in the school room, hut It Is ijulte (lilll
cult to secure flrst-clus Ixjurds. Tlie
uew college ut Mourn, mill ha Hue
hard boards, but the old college has
poor boards. The hlucklxuird In our
new public school ure quite soft too
soft for satisfactory work. The director
hojHi to remedy tlie defect without
miii'h extra cost.
EnTllAY N'otick. Estruyed or stolon
from the furin of the undernlgned two
mile touth of Monmouth, one straw
berry roau home, about 14 baud high
aud eud of tall clipped. Hald horse has
beeu missing about ten days, and any
one giving Information lu regard to
the whervubout of said uulmul will lie
lllxTally rewarded. L. Leintnou.
Jau.'iU 4t
On Wiikkij and Movino. The
Farmer' Alliance Is following tlie
route of IJerkley's "star of empire,"
and hus ulready established Itself at
Itock Hill, Llun wiunty, Oregon, with
a nicmberHhlp of twenty. This "little
cloud no larger than a man's hand"
will within a few year burst forth Into
a political storm all along the Puclflc
Comh AND Bku There is on exhi
bition at tills ofllce several flue photo
graphs of the timber region ubovu Fulls
Lily. If anyone has any doubts us to
the existence of the timber belt along
the Little Luckhttnute, or if they with
to get an Idea as to Its extent, etc.,
come mid see these photographs and
be convinced.
AlJJUIiuici) I shank. 8. 0. lluble, of
this county, was examined last Tues
day morning before Judge Waldo, and
Drs. Cuslck and Ilowluml, of Hiilcm,
forinsuulty. Young Ruble Is 2(1 years
of age and a son of Win. Huhlc, Esq.
Hi Insunity 1 sal 1 to have been caus
ed by exposure.
Tim Firm Minhtrki. Don't forget
the tire minstrels entertainment on the
20th of February. The en tiro troupe
will be conioscd of local talent, and us
the entertainment is gotten up for the
benefit of the city fire company It
should be well putronl,od by our citizens.
Lmxa Folks Houiami.b. Little
Miss Muble Weils gave u birthday par
ty at Mr. Irvine Cluggott's lust Hutur-
duy evening. The occuslon was the
celebration of her tenth blrthduy, and
a number of little folks were present
Uiid enjoyed themselves finely.
SraiAo Trips Ou Tuesday night,
Februury 8d, the I. fc M. motor line
passenger couch will make spocial trips
to Monmouth for tlio uccoininodiiiion
of people who wish to attend the
Trades' Carnival at the oiiera house In
tbli olty,
ton oouuty thl week.
Marshall Huver aud W, E. Daltuu
have each built them a large ken house
Itapiamr that they are running op
position lu the poultry business.
W. K. Oulton, who has been con
fined to hi bed for the at ten day
with an auoca ou hi hip, 1 slowly re
covering under the care of Dm, Ia A
Qullfl numlier of the farmer are
talking of putting lu large gardens to
furnish the Indoiieiideuoo cannery
the funeral aud burial ervloc of with vegetable next fall, provided the
Mr. Iliiinnu llurch' little child at I cannery Is a sure thing.
.... IW nunusjr were largi-iy auemi- ym Hlwle ha succeeileil III pur
Itev. D. , Poling of this city con chaslmr a bodv of limber from Mr,
i .. ... . I ww
ueiwi me rvtigioti exercise, Telherow ou the Luckiamute. aud will
Many person lu thl vicinity are I ooiiiuiouoc logging It off this week. It
sullerliig from the prevailing culliiemu. la reported that Mensre. Foster aud
that Is going over the country. IWI Martiu are to get the log.
corns, neuralgia, sucoillig eto, .em to T,ep,,vote have bceu dolnir a ksh1
m uie common complaint. Jwl of damaga to aheep near Wolli
Mr. and Mr. It F. Wells' dwelling statlou lately, and lively crowd of
ouse lu Tacoma wa burglarlud while men went after them with about fifteen
. . ....
tnoy were ou their recent holiday visit or twenty houud. They exixvl to
among friend lu thl city. We have continue the chime for at least three
uot learned the 'mrlleulare of (he theft day
Workineu have been busy for the Mr. Jannsi Whwlerou exauilnlug hi
Inst two weeks puttimr un the ihiIc and fruit tree a few dav airo. found that a
retching the electric wire for tne in- great mnnlsT of the tree were badly
umlenoeut light. It will be several damaged by what he call borer.
lay before their work 1 eoinnlete. Some of the tree were killed outrlirliL
i .
Mr Itelle lUwm, of Portland, who Mr- Wheeler at once examined omeol
ha Uen vlsllimr reiMtlve In Mill cltv hi uelghUir tree aud found them
for tlie last ten day, returned home t'1" ume,ouly not so bad. He manured
Tuesday afternoon' train of this hi tree heavily with burn manure aud
week. thinks this is the cause of hi orchard
ttivt W!i.,r. .lid em. . n,.i l'''8 I" uvh delaplduU d Condition
Why of course I bought It of H. It,
Mis Nellie Harris returuml home
Satunlay from a mouths visit lu ltono-
rAeverul of our young people attended
line wedding tail, go to J. L. Htocklou' ,m dancing club at Independence last
for be alwnys lis tlirm. Saturday,
Mr- o tu.,i.v ,.rn,i. ii .i,.k .nr. ire .Miller, or indeiiendence, wa
lafii quite III, we are glad to sny Is now
oouvulcscciit, and will be up and around
Pattorxou and ou the enstallmiit plan
too No trouble to own a watch that
If you ure In ueedof sii) thing in llis
clothing iiiia from a red bandanna to a
visiting among his friends a few days
last week.
again In a few days.
Mr. It. M. Atkins aud hi bride re
turned from their Portland trip last
Saturday, Mrs. A. 11. Atkins, also re
turned with them.
ItemeiutKir yon don't have to buy any'
thing to g 't a number on Ilia little Hove
ut OikhIiiuiii !l Douty', lliey will give it
to you free.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cooht, of New
port, are visiting relative lu thl city.
They arrived last Wednesday after-
Messrs. Hhluu llro. are doing some
Mr. Columbus Tetherow 1 currying
hi hand in a sling ou the account of a
Iwdly mashed linger.
Mr. I. M. Hhiisioii I Improving the
looks of his farm by reiwlrlng his fence
ami having a slashing done.
Mr. John HIItlhrMiid contemplate
trip to Tacoma In a few weeks. He ex
pect to remain there for some time
Mr. Muscot ha rented J. F. tlrovo
farm and la now plowing prcpurltory
to setting out a large hop yard next
Tlie railroad bridge across the Lucklu-
flue painting on the new school house, mute I being rapidly repaired, and In
The black-board palutlug 1 about flu- u"w de. It I surprising thut It stood
Ishcd. o long a It did,
A large invoice of tea, ooffoe and spieos The farmers are very busy plowing,
just received al J. D, I s. from one of the "d sowing grain. If the weather per-
best hornet, in Sn Frauoisoo J. A.Fol- mil them one month more good
ger. weather they will have very little
Mr. E. C. Pentium! came lu frolu P'ow'" todo In the spring,
Salem lust Friday evening, where he The mump have been raging in our
had been attending the legislature.
You run buy ticket East to any point
direct from Independence to destination
at lowest rates of E, C. PiNTt,AHn.
The Monmouth Drmocrut says there
are several cuscs of the liiumii and
measles In thut town.
n a short time the h'mt Shore will
coiitjilii a out of the uew public school
building In this city.
vicinity for some time. Mr. II W.
Harris was the first victim, but he has
recovered and out of danger. It is re
ported that Mr. W. E. Dalton' fumlly
are down with the dreaded disease.
Last Thursday Mr. Ia llurnard mot
with a very painful accident. He was
riding on a hand-car and his fool
sllpjied and was caught in a cog wheef
which nearly cut off his big toe, We
are irhul to note bo Uitnlmr u. wnU u.
ii ri,.i..,i,.ir ..i - i .... i i n -..-'
J.....O uumn. nivrji lliui OH llllliu m)1.l.l k pIOT,i1Ml
li.... ir.... nr.... i ... '
uumi uiiiinun, rvcy tcsi cigars and
- 1....I ....1... I M
uoiHeaiHuiiamaeasou. " if. Roioi.wr tr9A l.illll,...t
Messrs. Claggett A Chumness ship- Musuuerade ball Is to be ulvcu at the
Wiikkkan, The unoM rooted navi
gation of the Wllluinelto river, from
Portland to Corvullls, wilt not only
prove a great eoniiuerclul oouvetileuce
to the iMsipIo of the Willamette v.illey,
but will result In the muterlul reilue-
tlou during the month of July, August
and Heptemlsir; aud
Whkhkas, The bur lu the wild Wil
lamette rIVer, towlt: one Just Wlow
Nttlem, the cnpltol of the slate; one
near Wheatland, one near Imlcn-
deuce, the so-called Hulf-mism Is'inl,
between Albany and (!orvallis, and tlie
(iackamu ruplils are the only obstruc
tion now preventing the free naviga
tion of the Willamette river from Port'
land to Corvallls; aud '
Wiikmka, These bars and obstruc
tion! being sustvptahle of ioriiiuticiil
Improvement and the free ami uiiolwtr
tlelud iiuvlualloli or tlio Wlllanielle
river Wing tlio key which regulates all
freight charge lu the middle aud up
per Willamette irullcy during the sum
mer season; therefore be It
h'riuili'ril, That our Hcnutor and
ItcproNctitalivc iu congress are hereby
urged to line their earnest endeavors to
secure the Immediate examination of
thcaeWraby a government engineer,
to the end thut au lutelllg lit and cor
rect estimate of the cost of their Im
provement may W made.
Jtinhud, Thut believing as we do,
that the anHlstauee asked for in this
regard will result In iiiiitcrlul and H-r-niaueiit
advantage to the proihiiors uiid
hlpr of the Willamette valley, w e
therefore urge upon our Hoiuitors and
It, .re Illative In Congress to d.'liialld
Immediate attention to tills uuiltcr uml
that thev ask for wucli unsistuiieu us
will sirure I he result desired,
Houtvrtt, That the Keorotury of this
Hourd W Instructed to forward, li li
mit delay, a copy of these Preambles
and llesotutlous to each of the Senator
aud tlie llopreselitutlve in Cougrcs
from thl State,
ttttlrrtt, That ill tills souse of this
Hoard thut a National Bankruptcy Law
hould be enacted, uud we reKctftilly
repust the Senator and lb-pniwntu
live In Congn from tlie Stale of Ore
gon to give their supHirt to the bill
pending In Congress known as the
"Torry Hankruptey Illll."
mtU4 m if J I I an mLm -TL
-Bo you tklnk nf Incatlnr hunt
m -I'm. 1 ibouflii souu of pra.
lli'lnif inimt roil.
iiriwn-Hm k r. young aisn. tsw'l
tMHl iixinlti( bmrm tnr nuin s unrtriii1l
hu tils, but w ilon'l w.nt no vraeUHrm. or
sir"-riinrniiti-4Krini, vhal v unnll
muif inn'- wiimn uall on llwlr funllr
ibyiUilnss. uirrliiff. as thrr Imairitiit. .rtia
from ilv.K,i. kuothmr from brt dltnuo,
snot Hit fron llrw or klitiiry dlanun, smrthnr
from .man rihsustloa or ptiMnUun,
mmlhrr villi (win hrn or trior, nd In thl
wmj inr in n, jwnt un. to IbrnwlrM snd
thi Ir wuijr-infnf ma 111 Jifforout or ovrrbiur
doiitor, sioivu. and dlahnot dimwit, for
Willi h b pmsirlhsj hla iilli and ntioiu, u-
umnif tni-m in w iii h. In rMllir, thr
or iiiffuriiif , iionurft bi
r all only ymplm vauaMl br nina womb
i ai
b iibralclan, Irni.rtnt of ths cut
r. aiionunuriM Lia "ruOr" t.nfll
larr tillln am Th auirmiir nallrnt
rm no .M'.if-r, oui prnnaniy worm ut rnaana
of Ilia diilay, wrona; tmatmont and cnnaa-
tiiicnl mtnplliDtlons. A nrnpw mwllelna, Ilk
nr. i mriwa ravririta I'n-aortritlon AwwUA lo
Iht rniM would h mtlrxlt romnrnl I ha
tlinri'hy dlaiH-ltliiar all tbnan dittr
In ruil.tonia, and Inal llulluaf comfort lav
"mi in iniin.ipfi miafiry,
il l tho only mnllrina for tha wraknrasM,
lrrrulartl.ii and painful di-rana ninla pwaj.
liar in mm, sold ! ilmritn.a. iniiiir a
noalllra guarantee that It will alva aatla-
rait imi (n cwrv rnut, or prliyi ($l.uu; paid for
.. win urn ji..i(.iuy r-ltlliaa.
BLelf, Btiildew and Heavy
Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Cutlery, Wagons,
buggies, Carts, Plows, Pumps, Pipe
and Fittings.
to call on
(Saccwor to tlKJI'EK BROS.)
and get Prices. Just received a New Stock
of Shot Guns and Rifles including best
makes known. All kinds of Metal '
ware made to order. Repair
ing done on short notice.
Oliver and Garden City I'lows, Monitor Drills, 8til King Spring tooth
Dr. Piorrc'i Follota ra.ui.t.
m nrrr. urnnnifh and hnwfli fin
uig oj onigktii. Kit Oi-ntl viUa
A MiHiu:riu-.NT.trioN ioitUKoni.
ped tivo car-lnail of hard-wood lumber oHira hoimeon Friday
to I -ort land nwt Monday. tli. Ticket fl each
tihulliiy & Viindiiyu are oUeriiiB bar- cenla,
riiiiih in a job lut of sIiooh Look in thuir
window aud we pride. 2t
J. D. Irvine wuute raonoy a it take
ouhIi to buy iirooerloa. "Mika ouratux,
uIoho wa wa?'' 2t
Mr. Ocorgo Hinlth, of Crowley, wa
lu town on btisincHH Friday of lust
week. ,
evening Feb,
apectutor 50
Foit Halr. Hay, seed oat and
wood for Hale one 111II6 south of Inde
pendence. Maple, iwh aud two foot
oak grub wood will be delivered on
short notice. Apply to L. M, 8loper.
NirTiOK. All iicihoii Indebted to
n.Muimnn A Dmitv nr ,,(T..r... itfr Cooper Broo. will cull at the First
indiiueniunts ihnii ever on heatinc
Now Orlcnti mnlnssnss fresh from the
factory, at J, D. I's. Come In and
Riimnle it. 2t
Ilend Qoodiniin k Douty' new add and
nee wbut tdcy nay about Riving uwny that
Mrs. J. W. OiUmiigh Is visiting rela
tives and friends at Halem this week.
A bountiful supply of broodbuud dress
goods just received at J, L. Hlockton's.
Ladle's shoes for one dollar and up
wards, at J. L. Btookton's.
Our streets were full of people again
hint Haturday as usual.
There are 127 scholars lu the Mon
mouth publlcschool.
I. Claggett returned from Portland
hint Hutlirday.
Itev. J. It. N. Bell returned from
ItoMuburg last Friday.
A full line ot tobiiooo, oignrs and pipes
ut Uouklu & Walker's.
A flue line ot ladle's Ijw out shoes, at
J. L. Btouktou's.
National bank and settle within ten
days from the ditto of this notice. All
amounts unsettled at that ditto will he
placed lu the hands of a collector.
Jan.10-2t Coopkb Buos.
A Nkw Tbachhii. The Halem State
man Is our authority for the sUitciiicnt
that Prof. J. W. Kleff, of Oregon Mo.,
will arrive lu Dallas this week to take,
it position In the public schools of that
city. The professor 1 83 years of ago,
a graduuto of Wabash college, In
diana, and comes highly recommended
a a teacher.
Bkmgious Bkhvmjkh.-Bov N. Hhupp
will preach In the Ev mgellcal church
In thlsclty, Sunday, Feb. 1, at 11 o'clock
a. in. and 7, p. in. Hulibutn school at
10 o'clock a. in. He will also preach
at Grace church same date ut S o'clock
p. 111. Bev. N.Kelley will preach at Cal
vary church ou tho same date ut 11
Mr. F. A. Douty uccldeutly received
a bad out over the left eye while prac
ticing with the fire minstrels last
Wednesday evening.
In view of the fact tlmt at the pre
ent time In alniont every civilized
country In the world there are political
agitations, 1 Kit It lictweeil countries and
iudivlduiil of tlie same country, where
subject complain of their rulers and
ruler complain .of their subject,
throne scent to be (ottering, ami
government seem to be preparing for
bloody war with each other, not so
much to destroy one another, as to
call attention away from home uml
thereby prevent Insiirreclloiis, dli-nip-
tlou and the downfall of llieir own
government; and, lu view of tlie
further fact that hundred und thou
ami of mal-coutciil are leaving coun
tries whero they have jeoparded their
safety, are pouring Into till country,
bringing with llieui the jHilitical doc
trine for the promulgation of which
they hint to leave their owu countryit
uuiv bo well to call attention lo our
country here and remind ourwlvesui
tlie true character and purpose of the
government under which we live.
Hie principles and condition ou
which this government wa organised
as a ctvtl society, aw set ion 11 in out
federal uud stale constitution. These
must be rewarded as I'limlamcntul. All
statutory law uiut conform lo them li
wo have the lights of man well pro
tected, according to tlie constitutional
provisions, lor these eotiHiitulloii ure
solemn compacts or covenants made by
the people, one witli another, Ihruugu
representatives or agents uppoinled.tiy
UieuiMclvca to do their work. liie
jieople being tlio principals ami the
repivsentatlves tlielr agents. In order
to determine whether this or that par
ticular enactment by legislative bodies,
be in accordance with the constitution
of any particular slate, or the federal
government, the peoplo directly or in
directly select men siimxwed to lie
learned in the law, to form supreme
courts to determine the (piestion; aud
all executive olllecrs are directly or in
directly under tlio control of the ma
jority of the tieoiile. Hence tho neces
sity for tho iieoplc, all the people, lieing
Intelligent ami virtuous. Intelligence
without virtue Is a power for evil,
while virtue without Intelligence Is
sure to le misled. This government of
ours cumiot bo curried ou, uccordiug lo
the original Intent, without. Intelli
gence, no more can 11 no none wiiuoui
Virtue, honesty, honor and a high sense
of justice uml fairness. No 0110 will
deny but tit this time the spirit of com
miiulsin and anarchy is abroad to tlie
land. It exists both openly and
hlddcnly, and Is founded in, and rcully
forms the foundation of many of the
societies, unlonsonlederatlous and I lie
like, now so numerous, with 11
tendency to multiply. Tlie members
of these organizations repudiate the
doctrine of communism In theory, und
yet every Intelligent and close observer
acquainted with human nature und
able to draw legitimate conclusions
from given premises may plainly sec
that while they repudiate tho theory,
they nro actually cherishing, un
consciously It may bo, the doctrine In
practlco. Let this ho continued and
sooner or later tho practlco will over
come tho theory, and we will have tho
thing In all Its hideous deformity.
' What then is tho remedy, or rather
tho preventive? Wo need to huve a
sound state of morula, conjoined .with
the spread of true Intelligence, that
tho two blended together may In
spire our public servants with a devo
tion to the peoples interests, and to tlie
perpetuation of our form of govern
ment In all Its grandeur and purity.
It Is said, und we suppose, truly said,
our country is now prosperous, but we
should remember that material pros
perity, If tending to moral degeneracy,
Is u curse, aud unless our moral Im
provement keep puce with our com
tnerchil prosperity, degeneracy will be
sure to ensue. It therefore becomes
necessary thut extra attention lie given
to tlie culture of sound morals, uud a
more faithful adherence to tlie princi
ples of constitutional liberty. H. H.
KliiTuKH WirSii.r;: Hie following
Item tlmt apieiircd lu the IHmri'i r the I
liilh I tint Is untruthful ami iiilsleitdliic.
"Mr. and Mrs. (frlggs had a child hair
Used into tlie Unman Catliolic fallh tit
Halem, riundny, lir. and .Mrs. Htauliy
acting us sponsor. '
I hero was no .Mr. (.'rlj-gs In alien-
dance at the ceremony, nor would there
have liivu weremy brother now living.
A short lime prior to my brother' III-
nens, during a protracted meeting held
under the ministration of our former
curliest and beloved pastor, T. U. Itoyal, I
he, and some supHscd his wife, ex-
H'iieiieeil religion and unit. d, with the
Al. I., church, lu that luilli, which
siiHtiilneil 1 1 i til through a long season of
(Htin und suffering, he hopefully and
trustingly passed away. Altlio1 110I
uiieXK'eted, it alfords mo little pleasure
to leuru thut uny of my mime or klti
have lieeu baptised into the Itoitiitu
Cut holic faith This is the first instance
lo my knowledge mid I BUpMe I levl
concerning it 110,1111 as regreltui as
would a life long Cuthollc to leuru a
relative had become a heretic.
Uko. W. Ukimoh.
Sl'VKU. On Thursday, January 22,
X!il, to the w ife of Marshal Huver,
near Silver station, a Oj pound daugh
And are Ijeadera and intend to always LEAD.
Our quality of Goods both
Boots and Shoes
Are in the Lead. Our LOW PRICES taVe and are
Gill and see ns and Examine our Goods.
Main St, Independence.
KIIUvCI.OYV.-At the residence of
the bride's parents iu Junction City,
Oregon, Junuuryi'2, 18D1, .Mis Annie
M. Clow to Mr. John W. Kirk, of
Huker City, Oregon, Bev. J. B. N.
Hell, ollleiiiiing.
Miss Clow is tho very estimable and
ucvoiiii hulled daughter of Hon. Uobert !
t. low, w ho wus fur 11 number of year
one of i'olk county' most energetic
and rcprcscutntivo citizen. Mr. Kirk
Is one uf Jlulier City a most energetic
niiHiiieHs men. Tlie WrUT tSiim wislie
the young couple a prosK'rous und
nappy life.
1 .ukas HisixivHsi. Owing lo tlie
recent change iu my business I am
compelled to have money, aud all per
sons knowing themselves indibted t')
1 ne will please make immediate pay
ment. 1 must have money. Uospcct-
lully, II. It. Patterson. Jiinlt)'
ItL ltd I. On tlie morning of January
4lli, 1V.U, of croupus-pneumouia,
erenii, tlie infant daughter of Mr.
und Mrs. Thos. 8. Hureh, nged two
years und one month.
J he revised charter for the city of
Iudeiendelioo has pussid both houses
of tlio legislature and awaits the gover
nor s signature. Tho Dallas charter up
to date of our latest Information was
still iicndliiir before the house.
Mrs. YV. W. Williams has been quite
IU for tlio lust week or ten day, hut
improving and will probably be about
again In a few days.
Messrs. J. F. O'Donnell and David
Oclwlck went to Port hind on a busluess
trip last Monday.
Uev. J. U. N. Bell's family arrived
In tills city Wednesday afternoon from
A tine gravel bed has been put ou
Monmouth street at Its intersection with
I' rout street.
The brat butler in town at J. D.
Irvine's, from Crescent oresmery, Minn,
try 11 roll,
T .. ....... t . r r
o list reaciveu ill J. U aiocntou a
hcanliful lino of Indie's and roou's flue
fine line of table and hanging
lamps ut Jt. & W 's. Sold ut bed rock
prices. 2t
He sure to cull uu Ooodmnu A Douty
and get a numlier on the little iove
Mrs., J. II. Alexander, of Buenii Vis-
tu, wusvl-itlug iu this city lust Satur
For flue dental work go to Mark
Hiiytcr, Wilson block, Dallas, Or.
Best quality of boots und shoes and
men's iiuderwour ut Stockton'.
Wildwood silver steel nxos are the best
Goodman & Douty Bole ngeuts.
Men's, hoys' mi, I children's olothing in
endless variety ut Stockton's,
Full line of rubber good.4, boots, shoes
eto., ut tl. D. Wiiller's.
Win. Mcll. Turner, of Lewlsville,
was in towu Saturday,
Mark and Nat Buicli, of Blokreull,
wore lu towu Saturday.
Mr. J. 8. Cooper ret timed from Port
land 011 Monday,
Oregou hams aud bacon, at J. D.
Is well Stocked with Seasonable Goods
and will be replenished to suit the times.
Their facilities for doing business are
equal to any House in the Valley and
their prices are always right.
Their reputation for keeping good
Goods together with the courtesy extend
ed to their customers insures them the
Liberal Patronage they are receiving, and
for which they are thankful.
Shelly & Vandayn,
A to use. Cheapest. Belief is immediate, A cure is
certain. For Cold in the Head it has no eoual.
B is an Ointment, of which a email particle is applied
1 tha nruifiila 1wa KjL K. .1... . .
w viiv iiudviiid. a tv-v. wv. win u vii UJJIMVH Ut WU
by mail. Address, E. T. Hazkltijh!, Warren, Pa.
T 1
l r
School Books
The Tublio ia Most Cordially Invited to Call and Price Our Latest
Selected Stock of Writing Tapers, Tablets, Tens, Ink,
Hitlers, etc., also All the School Books in .
Use In tho Public Schools.