The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 30, 1891, Image 1

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I Outspoken lu favor of tlm
Kxwlloiioe of the
m a Family ami (Umrrnl Now.
I the beat KlvrtUlng medium
In Polk county, and constantly
growing better.
Tie-sr -it.
$2.00 Per Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 12.
P. L t
Polk County Pulishing Company,
tblrirl Hi C'ol -nine lu ludipchiltaaa,
Orguu, m wouud oik. aiaitr.
On Year I'M
Six Month l.oo
Tante Month JO
When uut paid lu advance I JO
tailua tth m.Mi u( ih yal, wtllaawMr '
rim, aud Mt iii nuu. Itu o4 tea Otc4 -California
Kallroad; mutata a.p alalia at
UUI opW . I. ih aUilpal eala-tlag "-
th Muuif, which la wi til la laigaal, Ml
alia ud thickly aopuland la la WtUaa InmwtM lmll t M
IN I aahiylngai
I iuNh It w ba.ena el la Mat
I Adfartiaia Madlaa-a.
Latest and Best Styles,
Physicians & Surgeons.
U. S. Examining Surgeons.
Offlo: Mat ltd of Mala ., .
Physician and Surgeon.
Bum YUta, Orvgoa.
Resident Dentist
All work warrantrd to fir the beat
of Satiafactiou.
N(l. avfrv Mntiriav nt.hl In
MsA.mli' Imll. . ,i..nni'lin l,tMiii..r imlliii
Vllllll.n.l. J A.Mh.M HillNOM
K. V. lAI.Ttl.N, Kni.r.l.T.
. M. W,
S J,r-Hf
V !-.iS4Ji,vBHlim. All 1 i.l.l K..II..W
T7- -T,''llilv lnvH.fl tn ,r
in1. T. (I. KKVKK, N.H.
V. A. IxifTV, SiTntai-y. ,
. .'..!;MVS.
Atliirm y and Coiinrlur nl l aw.
All l.vil !ti!.lni'iii'iilnili'il In 1110 w III rrrrln
I 'r. .111 1 .1 A Urn I Inn,
ecu in ions a siiiiAmi
( (1 t tlH TTI1 IlllliM. IlHl-J ir "
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
OHt: Cir Mala apd Monmoalb SU.,
Mhery; Fancy Goods
Hext to Indpendne National Bank.
Chiili'c ttfi'f, Mutliin
Pork mid Veal alwuya
on liunil.
-HiiuutK" In apamin.
Kvnilrrml I1UI11W
W11I11 HI.,
7.l MiirkctHt., Hun Kranclani,
Ailinlaalim hernia.
On mid loiirn Imw tn avoid
dimiiiw. (iiiiHiiliiiiliin und
1 1 . ul tin 11 1 iHTruniully nr liy 11.
Iiiron ii'rniiiliirlirii or Itial
hi-nil for lunik. I'rivnii! oillrM
211 (iciiry HI. I oni.iilliiU'111 In.
We wotiM riii'H( nil thone liulvbted
t uh to oiU In und ht'ttlu tlielr ut'couiiiH
on or lieloru Juimrry lni, 1HU1, uh wu
wIhIi to Iniliiiicf our bookH liy Unit
time. VuiiiH Km.,
lil'HTKIt & lilll KK.
inn: TAiti.K.
luili'pi'iiili'ii uml Moiimoiilli Moliir
M "li n i ui Hi.
I, Mil
1:5 i
rtwa-ll Hny your tlckela Haa' of
W$Mlfe I. ,""V '-"7"1
rtiua mm nui. i liivora ifrunltul. Dull at the
Wt Mlil mill
MM inn1Hnf enrmf . Bonks lfras1
In onsrwmtirif, Ttwlimfmisls from sll
itr4s of ths fflolm. Prnspawtusroif
tntt, nfc on p.tn4HU.n to Proi'.
4. laiiisstM. ttl7 titlh aiva. fork.
L'svesta, and Trwle-Mark- obtained, nd sll Pat
ent litiaincHR comliicti'il for Modoral Feel.
Our Oflce It OppotHa U. . P-ltnt Office,
and we can secure patent In leas time than thoi
remote from Washington.
Bund model, drawing or photo., with daarrlp
tlnn. We nil vine, If patentable or not, frea nf
charire. Our fee not due till patent la aecured,
A P-mphlet, "How tn Obtain Patents," with
name, of actual client. InyotirHtate, county, or
town, sent free. Address,
Oapoiltt Patent OSo, Waislnit, 0. C.
j 0.
.-Tldnt j. a. COOPER.
. t . i-in A.
Trwaaets t pMiri tnHi1,tim Bn
IwUmihunMiUli iiiiiiia-ta-.
ta-ob- ntmt hum t
wilt at -aai. OitfiMhM
--) at)
urn aw -,
jWtVkarilai a! ,
Iff TtU
National .Bank I
CAHTAL STOCK, $50,000.
H. HIRSCHIIRQ, . Praatdant.
W. P. CONNAWAY. - Caahlar.
Mat 1
7aaaaiil : luaaa
Mlla dlMmnU4;
BMrvlAlafMM it Mad : 4aanHa
4 a)
arraal anwaot aa)M kt ahaoA, lauraat atM
Joahua MoDanlal. H. H. Jaaraaraon.
a. j. uoooman, rl. Hlraahbar.
a Oram Nalaon. T. J. La.
L A. Allaaj.
(SiUUUkod V7 KtUoatl inthoriry.)
THE s-
Capital : National : Bank !
CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oo.
fTalliaL Via fraalaaai
1. . A Lit XT, Oaakaar.
LMIIMf M arlaai
IvaMi aaava akwat aa Haw Tart, Cktau,
aa rwal N, K Uaaaa, rat, Mil,
frai1fiL (Tort land).,
Vk Fraaldaui
.. I. A. WArr
... L 0. row xu.
OattUl Itook,
HAcmm, r. & rowxtr.
A rmtraral fcaaktnf bwlnaa, tnnaartail.
anal 1. raolTd aublart la all ark, ar oa Mrtltcaia
ol dpolk Uxnl mail a, bllla dlaroaatad.
chaufa bDM and auld, latanat paid oa Urn
rtratiimt raoll and trartlar proof aafa, aaearad
k Yala Ua kick.
ATaY-omoahoanla. .tola. a.
The Celebrated French Cure,
to our any
lonn of urrnua
diaaaw, or any
(ltanrtJ.r nt th
nuratirfl or
taua of ulllmr
I.Iik fmui th Ar I cn
nrrailv own! ailinnlaiita, Tuhaoro or (iplum,
or tliriiugh yoiilliltil ImllHTnitoit, ovr luiliilff
anrc, Ac, ui k an Una ol Dram I'nw.r, Wakaful
nana, It'-arlnr down I'.lni In th Hark, Hninlnal
Waaknnaa, llyiterla, Nrvoai Prniitratliiii Nurtiirti'
al Kmlnaliiiit, laiurorrlnua, IHIiim, Wak Mem'
ory, lawnf Power and linpotaiiry, whlrh If n-
f:lartd ofU'it l,ad to prematura iiMaa and Iniaii'
ty. Prli'el.00aboi,6aoiMforA.00 Hunt b
mall on rai'alpt of prlc.
A WltlTTKN OI'AKANTER fornvary I5.IK
ordar. to refund Ilia money If a rrnianu,
cure 1, dot effected. Ttion.aml, ol te.tlmonlali
fMm old and young, of both leiea, pornianeiitly
turtd by ArHanntTtwi. Circular free. Adilrae
WMTIkX kitini M,
For unle by Boater & Looki.
Cash Grocery & Bakery
Fmh Bread, Plat and Cake, on band arary day
axoapt aauday.
A fait and fraah atork of aannad food,, Boar.
Itaa, oufua, lug , oaodlaa, algara and iubaooot,
P. B, TAYLOR, rroprlrtM
I), 1'. 1'ATTKIlKON.
Suits Made to Order and fit
'iHom f) 'nda lor Merchant "nil oilier, ft
tH nnd l'ri" . eit I will in il Mii.iillily nr-
wllll Men' nt !nicii ii'li'ii"i' mm
MiiiiiiiouUi lur Uevutllnpr.
Oppoit f. a
m C4mpi(e
rba Joint Work of I. T. B ANNUM,
JOHN U BVI.MVAN, 1111,1, Nf H.
fiui-THM l-lly W. II. Itniry lion
-hull, a )uuug ai'll.l, while trawling In a par
l .r car, nnniully tlt pruiiul nl
hi. lilal wile. Til hi. a.liinllinint hr
nl lili itl rr)t4 hi Hi uilrmr, all twlng
in- 'I u party in nuir, enii.uung ui mi ui
n, preaiimaniy nr utinr, givrna n
Willi M VtllulltlllU 1MMI
kin 1.'
urn., a .ki'U Inn UiaiKtriy. I'lirlna ilivnlalit
llii' iilrl ilya oi.lruu. Inly 1111 Ii.t v I. lli. lie
iIi'Ii'iiiiIiiih. 10 iimta lii'r Niiutiiilttiiiw, but iik
at on. iii In Hi in. Minna li Hint. Him Hi
irnlli lia Ihtii in ui iiiuml i vutriii m i
nn liwiira. mill ilmt Hi puriy ul luurli
UlMiiHanii. '
I'llAITKM l-lly Klla WliMur Wllm.- M
1. mnril. Ill UHiialiti'r Kilirn, .Mia Kmwu
tfiiiciittHMi, ami tir. W Niaun mi'iipy a llt
i iliirH'ialiiii air.H'1, i'liPir iihiiim rv
.ill hw.iiiiii'iI to liiUn Mima MN'ri'l, Ktlna Ivlli
in., Miiivr Dial li hair ir, waiami ami ui
ji'. U Ml til. OWM'tll. III III tl'HIav, but M
i ruwltiril Ilial llm ilia'liir a iirmwiuw
lliHWaaHiy In llllll. MtMill uaumaa... Ityiilllil
iiilliii ii.Tiiwr l..ln, ami I. Iranurd with MUa
Ur.iwu lu Mi-rvi miuiMU-t. Aa irvtiii'ir4 to
mm, r.Uua Hta uu lur vi.uin ai niiu.
1110111U minr Urn. Imll rtHiulni Mauain al
111 1111. 'in valiiimmn. liy iiii' Hi .km.
.111.11' III ill I'Mr a ili'twliv Imatv lliaU.ailiif
11 Hui 1 inn wuliili .irul nl. mil uiam wil
till tlnila Hi oariy luuuiovvil. Tliaamday
Min'ia wuiimu at in nat MHikiua
lr. Hru.liaw, and ltva iiiuuriug luraau
.uili.i lr. alMI ur llrll.naw,
I'liAiTKHl Ily MaJ. Allrrd I', Calhoun.
lorn anil), a iii'Ui in., ill. al lli'ii.liail
.IU1II11 aim My. Ilial li aaw lr. Aalann talk
Ilia lu a wimmu oil rolull aiiuar. Iia.liailim
u th win mu Ui a tHwriiinn ihiumiuu iwoml
airuu. Ili n.lmll lalllrr talla auU 111 III
youii4 artl.t Ilmt li la lu III Hir ul ltunar
llariniuii, wuu in ruiu mm. , n
HI. ni Ui umrry Ilia Iwnaar daiulilur auil
lUu. aav lilui. 11 . ii ry iriulH n-iiu lanily
in uo an. uranwiiii mi irawmru. ua
iiuivvd (urtlu'i' uu low u. r.dna a liaitwil ol lir,
il liu rrMM.. wml lluallj uui killa up li
tlollll ami Mima Uttl. .Ii leain. llii' Iiuumi,
m title wrltiua all aavvriM'iiirui lu I u iirlu
uili.vauiun wak. Iirr Ui rwd Itu aUrrilM?-
.ii.-iii (, it la bk llnl iiirrwtly. 1 lit an
viruwini ul la lor a Inual vlulliilal.
i it rl ait lly Alan liuli'.-itriiAliiiU in
tint iKnimiu i'uau;i'il In liia UurtiiiHti,
inaaltm a iurl r ul litiumll, aa lio tnrma Ik
.uim ituriu.wit HW4 n Air., niiittn lur a imi.
imtllutl. Id wr.1.1 1 all. nun nay wltll liua
i .nit. ami iittii. ut.iti in w onnH-n i.itt'
until a ',ir,rH ul ir. Mlalxui. II Wa
i ,,,'U tiy Air., niiiltli, win, rlurua lu avr
.r lii'r uiiNrty anu tiiiU. it lu lltni.liaii
uattU, Kniiiiuiulli'ii. Ml"", ami litunlwll
. urn. tuat nr. 1ata.ui i. an. run in r titt
tiaiiil, Ilial hi. naiur la Unjiaiill and Hint Ur
i iiv iiiiiiti.t, ur ua. nuitii'mua aitaH
llin.lmw Im'Iiii aiuniia in numtirr, II
uimnU'iiiit In. all., two tiitinlli. aitrr ttiairl
aa. ami .Ii lufim Uivu Mtkiuii him mr
linrliar. aira. Htiillll ami lli'll.llall
II urnr lu
uln furv. and . ! Ilia villain.
I ilil-rrtt tf liy lluw A lluuiinl.-ir.
S ii I. uiMUiilrd "ii llnimlway Uy llrrr
nii inmoii. i.HHi rl luniiaarr aim ul'l iriau.l
wliu tnvttra lilui Ui nuinwiiy Inul l.iln arhi.
in M.illn arll.l. wliu maam liar uoui ilial
vruliia. I'll il'iiur lraa Hluluiupia ami
rtilna lu t'liluu inurr, wlirra Ii unrxina lailly
i'tioiuuira Kuua i rwwluril, H av. luili
linn Iht, wliru ili'ti.imil j,i ui anu iiiru.i.
Iiiliuliir wiliI. nun limy am iimmnii
...uu. tiluimM.ur.. tun artl.t iiiih'U iwua.-i
lurtliiall. wliu lll.l... Ilial llu.liail auan
luuiuiaui, lilui and lna u III .ilauiy ul
In Ilial lllalil. alrwiiwini ir. awmn
t.iiii lu III rimiiii.lua litwl nllniiirli
viutiul.t in u.l M Mm. i i.y a umu
hit In' ViTlilm HI. .tl.lili Hilla,
ii iiMta Iilimu'li to lUriniaii, ami li-ai ma llir
a Ui.iuy ul aniiir. Qlrliiwai liall, Ur
t. wan tinl liy lir. Maiaun.
CiMi-rKa H-lly I'liulino llnll. I'lulnr th
am of "l.uliwi Ni vllln" r.iln i
i in. i'. hrr ili liiil. Ili'ii'lmll and lir. nainauu
4r rtuii-r .ii iai..r. Aiu r tnal luir i
' a Ii W llllllull. .Ill' iM'iflli. HI 111 inn wuwrr
nr, VV MiMiti . hhiv ami almiMla Unatai.
an, iii'ii.liall .ti.iHHU lit riiMMiu, hiiU
ii 'piling lu Hi iliH'lnr a alili-llirvuiru. liir.-
iM. nt. ii a. nr. lAniwrtu u u uiwa nui ivimh-
i iwran-ulluii ul III arll.l'a Mral. I ll dia-
rnnv.tlir Imll iniiiu riiig tlinala ul m ii
i iilli'. A Hrr ill iHillK'rt iii'ii.liall walla tu
Hit Mlaa i mwliirtl III. nrrv li. aa iwiurt
Wlii'ti .n aiMM-ur. Ii iiIIit. liar III umi ul a
tin wiiirii Ii una iilrail. nil aiiiHHa, ami til
uu nrrKliiic hi IiiT iliailualluii llrii.liall llnd.
In lit. ill.iuiiy iliul hv lia iwii.rii'il nun of llir
n. iri .uiui'm, wliu ww.t-iii-ri) film ami
ro inlilril ll I'niwfuril III llgtirn.
I iui-ikh 7 Ily In.prrinr llyrura.-ll
Hull ..ill. uimu Hi .in. it, Ml.a Iniillay, nrtl
lur, anil nllrr runvluiliig liar Ilmt h Hi a
frli'iiil M law I riiwluril, liarna Ilial all dun
li Ml., t THwrmil cliiuk and veil tlm iilglit
turi' ul In iirri-iiU'U alrl rwiii.! in orUri'
i-.rui Iruiu lir. M aiMiti, Ml, limllry att-
.au'il Hint llnu.liiill wa. Ill aiauur, ami
uiiynl Iiit nrt wi. nil dura not know
l. .M'viui'a tor l rawiuriu auiii-i'.a. iii'ii-
liall cull, on .ira. ram II It, l.t'iiu llurlmuu .
uuiiaiiiiin, who almw. him an Hiiuiiyiiioii.
linr m-jii in !,iih, w-lili-u .u i.vir., Huilllii
tit ri-i'pii'il. It I. In Ur. nulMiiia writing,
uu ivurn. irf'tia ui oi'wurwiu iii'ii.nait. in
,irtl.l llii'ii vl.lta All., rrawlurd'a niHiiitgiT,
ml llutl. Unit ti litul lefl tluil imiriilng (u
ml tin viigiigi'iui'iit lu Han ryani'lacu, II U
ritiimi. Ui lolluw ucr.
By NELL NELSON. Illastraud by Mr.
"Oh I how good tlio Are feel," Raid
Mian Drown, tut the rolled over on the
oft Perninn nij- und prm-nted her luft
ihouldur to the optm Rrnte.
She lay with her ellmw on the floor,
her chin in her hands mid har ft
rriwiwl, (inrriiiK like eome rnfinnorated
cat a Kim tonxtcd horaolf a bright onr
let. "Oh I how good it fixils," she ropwated,
Kiizii ig into the glowing coaU through
the iron Intra of the grntti mid reoriMRing
hr tiiiiitly xlipikired fwt. "The bont fire
thitt ever liluzcl, If I evr gut a home
of my own I'll huvo a grate in every
room and a roaring fire in evory grate
nine month in the yew. If there waa
nothing elm in lifu but hot cotTiie, hot
watoranda hot fire It would ritlll be
worth living.
"Coffuo in the boHt thing that aver
wont down a hiimiin throat. I know of j
no "Munition to conipBre with a hot bath,
vhich in a purification, a snliwe and a
mniiiliction, wliilo a grate firo, with a I
ift rug to lie on, in company, comfort I
and connolittlon. Thnru'g hiHtory in the '
burning cohIh, and there tnUHt be in
pirntioii, only I hnvon't brains enough
topurceive it,
"Tlie prowMit lius In the white heat.
Thrn' tlmt Doctor of Devils grinning
at mo: thnro's poor little Edna; there's
the crazy painter, and leaning against dence sufficient to convict you of mnr
the brick is Mr. Crawford, scarcely able dert"
to support himself. I "Who ever heard of an accomplice
"The etnWs of remembrance .in their hanging and an adept aooundrel who has
dying glow picture the piwt, and there's won success as thief, bigamist, forgerer
one fact tlutt never fitdfls. I see it in the and blackmailer escaping judgment?
ashes after the lait spark goes out, and There wax profit in Mm. Crawford's
I shall see it in the cofiln lid at my fa- death, and you know who got her fort
noral, and In my grave when I'm buried, nne and what became of her property."
Qod holp hnr to forgive me!" and roll-! "Hold your tongue, you jade. Your
ing over on her buck she cloHod hor wages will depend upon the sucoess of
hands and r.ii.ieil thorn in supplicating your dream to-morrow morning. Wo
appil al)iiv.i her burning fuco. I give np these quarters this, week without
JUHt tlum the door of hnr room opened
noiselessly and Dr, W ilson, in slipper,
and limits" coat, entered, and taking a purse or companion, or secretary to Mr. I WM unl01M,in8- He Wed t0 d0,lth
cigarette fro n hi llpi stood for a mo- Crawford. Albl,i --i y""8 fc"i-'l playfully
meiit wutehlnT lier. '.To gave you the trouble of planning wcepttA the invitation of her brother to
Notasoiiii l w n inude nor a syllable ' au escape 1 might as well tell you that I t" a shot at his foot. Hor aim was
uttered, but Miss Brown felt the pres- i have uaid a nrivate dnt.nntiv t watch better than he thought, and the young
ence of th hypnotist in an instant,
A shudder ran thron;li hor body, an
exces.dvo quivering agitated her eyelids.
Her nnvel ruuvulalvoly, and
quickly ttircin; Vr f.w ih vIomo to th
firo its t i'i lii' i.s fc:idor would permit
the said by way of recognition, "It'i
you. is it?"
"You have aalil it, my dear Mrth,
and If you don't mind I'll fluiih my el(
kratta hare. Damnation can have Uttl
twror for you, by the way."
"How 0u you kuowr
Tim fait tii(J II, tay tteur JVdrfhn,"
"BocauM you can stand tuu'i an iufur
na lot of brat, I've anen mmtitliliig of
ur and people, but I navar met creat
ure without feather or fur wbo could
Und as much roasting aa yon can and
not got soorehed. Do you know, I some
times think that you lived in Hades b
fora you came to earth, for you are cer
tainly I'm moat fireproof young woman
in my time,
Hun Drown ruas to sitting posture,
Straightened out her skirts, threw one
corner of the ttjie rug over her feet and
kneea, ud lying down agaiu turned hnr
ye to th fir and covered hnr fac
with bar arm to shut out the demon fax
that made her soul writhe.
Without heedlug her alienee Watson
blew out some dolteaU ring of smoke.
"I wiait you war not so prudish, he
aid. "I like the lrwe rum of you. akirt
better than that rug. Thy renilud m
of th girl I married In Chicago. "
Hal wasyour tiiim wire, wmsn't itr
she said reuomotwly.
Well, really, Malttn, to toll you th
truth, I don't renteuiber her number, bu
now that you betray aoiite evidence
ratioualtsin. I have a little mat tor to talk
about that will Interval you.
"Your truant uuatnsa ha gone went
Bud tomorrow, if poaaiblo, we will Ink
the same Mute. I have given old Mor
tality a powder to make him sleep for
th next fifteen buura, and if you have
any packing to do you needu t be afrm
of disturbing him. You have Unn
very umFu! aaaialant. Martha, and you
oan make youraelf ImUapenaable to m
now if you want to,
Mum lb-own slowly raised herself,
rubbed her ye with both hautla, aim
without looking at him aaked, "In what
In the am old way,
No. fv done all I Intend to do 'In
the same old way I' When 1 lear this
bouse 1 loav your aerric for good.
have enough on ray conscience now to
Beep me a wide awake aa the Macbuths,
and I tell you I'm sick of tt, and 1 In
tend to quit,"
"Your never to good looking, Mar
th. aa whoa you redact tlie fire you ab
sorb. If you were my wife I'd keep you
angry all the time. Conaoluuce? Uah
th thing went out of style before you
wer out of bib. It's indigestion that
bothering you. I'll mix you a powder
when i go to my room.
Now, Miss Crawford la expected In
Ban Francisco Mouday evening. Hue
will stay at private house, th name
udnuiulwr or whioh I will give you
and I want you to go to her with a lot
Ur her father has writUut and look after
her. I am determined to marry her and
you can help me.
"And what if I refuser
"I'm determined that you will not re
fute, and th sooner you understand that
to better. IX) you hear what I am v.v
lug? Look at mo I"
"Let me got" ,
"Answer me first."
Unable to move a muscle under his
grip Miss Brown felt her rw-nscs rm'ling
beneath bis hideous gate and for an in
ttant was overpowered.
Ihe doctor gavt her arm a tuddun
twist that brought the girl to hnr feet.
Then fixing hit black, bnady eyes on her,
and looking ttoadily at her trembling
lids till tlie raised her eye to his face,
he said clearly and decidedly i
"Yon will do as I tell yonf Say you
A shail e passed aoross th pale face of
the governess. It was there an instant
and gone in an Instant, but Mist Brown
wa conscious of it, for the raised her
left hand to brush it away, and as she
aid so gasped, "Yes," and tore away the
laoe from her throat.
"Now you are reasonable. Sit down
and listen to me. Tell Mr. Crawford In
th morning that you had a dream, that
you saw Kdna on a tick bed, neglected
and alone. Tell him you saw hor
mother What the devil ails your
"Dou't say any uioro, for heaven's
takel I know what to tell him," and
the buried her face in hor hands as if to
shut out a vision too horrible to contem
plate. "I am willing and nil that, Dr. Wat
ton, but I know I can't help you and it's
no use sending me. Mist Edna does not
trust me. Hhe dreads me and 1 fear her.
I can't look into her face, and have not
been able to meet her eyet since the
night I made her mother use your vin
aigrette, "Asleep or awake it's all tlie same, and
the older the daughter grows the stronger
becomes the resemblance to her mother.
It It wasted time; I can't stay with her
or near her, and I won't try. I will go
to California with the letter, if that will
do you any good, but thore isn't money
nough in America to keep me in her
"And that is final, it it?"
"Does it occur to you that I have evi
fail, and on second thnnirlit it will ho
better to have vou tmvl with na ua
you, and that I am determined to have
your assistance, So good night, dear.
Get as much rest as you oan, for it's a
long, weary run irom now to wboq,"
Banker Hartuian'ii house in Stuyvesunt
square waa a gay a a palace for a coro
nation. Incandescent lanterns bung in
Uia brxiu'li of the trot, fliHltxi tnol
wii lulow with mrt IlKht. ami wove '
: ilollraln tn'iry of ki-liUm Ituviw mid
M-ntnuful bruiit'ho uvr imvr-iimiit. atrinit I
and wall, From curbstone to dtxiraten
tretohd. carpet and canopy, one hung
with little cIihiiiImt lantern, from the
Jewels of which th light st-jhinud In
toft tpliindor, and the other hedged Willi
data and fun palms.
White liveried grooms stood at the
carriage step to assist the wedding
guests, and lu the voetibul ami along
the staircase were servant of inarm ta
ble face and faultless dm, each with a
tingle phraae to deliver by wuy of direc
tion to the bewildered company, j
' Thi) ir was redolent with the breath
of roan, and up from au arbor of palm
aim oit'uuiii'r iioattni the light strum or
mandolins, flute and harp, rapturous us
love Itwir,
Newel post and bultuttrado we
twined wilh nam and riajftiuryi wi
dow teats nd mituUd shelve wore cuah
Hiueu wun violet ami Uituixiu; gr-
ireoli ball or hydrangea and clirysan
tlK'Bium 11 1 led the urcplocea, and Iiivuti
uiy nuiig against screens or tuillax was
wuln;cotiiig of orchids extending
through the drawing room and library
mo aicove on the music room h.'p
brain turned Into a nuptial bower. A
umbrella of white buds roofed the In
cloture, the walls were tupintrii'd with
pink ruse, mid just within the floral
gate sUhhI a prie-dleu of curved Ivory
and goltlen antiii, where Henry Heiuthu
would kuiHil wilh his britlu to rmeive
the nuptial benediction,
Up in one of the sumptuously appoint
ed guest chamber sat the painter in the
attitude of a penitent, deaolitta
light house, for he boil locked the door
and given orders not to be disturbed,
Th marriage was set for 7 o'clock, iuu
the neighborhood abounded in l.'Kry
cluck. He had hi glove on and the
rlug in hi pocket mid be wot listening
for the kuell.
"Confound it, any wuy. Why sliou)
I carer he muttered, rising aliruptly and
beginning to pace the floor. "It's the
woman in me. Men marry nurses and
bUM'keeKT and influence every day in
tlie week, and I can name at least five
fellows lu the club who have married for
mere social position. This thing of lore
it an involuntary sort of a sensation,
any way, and as for swearing to keep it
op, it's all balderdash; for a fellow can
no more liutn all hi life than he can
love. I'm In love with that small, brown
eyed musician, yet I wouldn't marry her
if I could; but 1 mean to llnd Iht and
know her and use her aa an ideal, if 1
have to sell my immortal tool.
"Lena Is a good, wholesome girl, am'
pin in everything but imagination, unit
Llile and lenient, mid she love me, poor
child, with her whole soul. Ah, well,
tlie b-ast 1 can do is to treat her decently!
And I wish tOL-iaciout tin on leal was
over with.
"My idea in burrviuff the thing was to
Mca)a) the gaping mob, and the servant
at the door told mo be bail counted one
hundred and twenty. I uever could tin
derstand the whims of woman and her
aversion to quiet weddings.
Ami then the nonsense of paying
tribute to her intuition) 1 11 twear that
I haven't mode love to her, and 1 know
for a certainty that I haven't kissed her
three time. Hhe thinks she loves, and
site thinks alio has a heart, and she
think she think, which is equivalent
to the dKiuonstration of an absurdity.
I.'na Hartmnn, buxom, bloudo and
warm blooded, lsdonged to that vast
artuy of women that thrives best on
neglect, She loved Henry Henshall lie-
cause she feared him
He had called her silly when she at
tempted to be playful, made fun of her
theories, and referred to her as dull, In
artistic and shallow pated.
Ho teased her unmercifully, but what
hurt her was the Indifference be showed
when sho pouted, expecting to be
Coaxing was not in tho painter's tac
tic. He could have soothed bur with a
hand cbisp if ho cared to do so, but he
didn't, and by ignoring her moods he
deified himself to a "whistlo-mul-ril-
omo-to-you" state of importance.
inadvertently Henry waa training hi
wife for future success. Women are as
easily spoiled as children, and once In
dulged they twine a man about their
fingers or play doormat with him, as the
humor suits.
It's tho stinting of grain and grass
that glvet the thoroughbred beauty and
go; and just in proportion to the check
iiig and stinting of his affection will a
man hold and enslave the woman who is
In love with him. The velvet glove is
very soothing to the touch, but a woman
want to know that tliero's au iron grip
under it.
Henry Henshall counted the belfry
strokes and waited for the resounding
met to die away before unlocking the
In the hall, on his way to the bridal
chamber, ho mot Bunker Hnrtman go
Ing to signal the leader of the orchestra
for the march.
"Ah, old man; glad to see you I How
are your knees? Shall I got you a drink
of something?"
"No, tlmnkyoiii Tin all right. Whore's
"Dear Henry, how do I look? Is my
veil on straight? I'm awfully nervous.
Are you?"
Tho pale faced bridegroom was spared
tho effort of response by a burst of mel
ody that anno from the fifty strings
hidden away in some place overhead,
and offering his arm to thn goddess in
satin and pearled tulle be led her down
the broad stalrcaso, along the rose trel
lisod hall, through the orchid scented
drawing room and into tho floral bower.
In the gateway stood the venerable
clergyman, book In hand, straight as a
sentinel and bright as a January rose.
1 he tweet strains of "Oiwron came
from the pleading, sobbing violins.
In six minutes by the watch of Broker
Henshall his son was a husband, and at
6 o'clock the following evening Mr. ond
Mrs. Honry Henshall, Mrs. Smith, Mr.
Crawford, Dr. Watson and Miss Brown
were in the Union depot of Chicago,
waiting for the San Fraucisco limited.
Cmilliimd next wif It,)
OctavtuH Drake, a pn-ndnent Mason
and Grand Army man living near Port,
land, wa thot in the thigh by the acci.
dental discharge of a rifle which his son
man it now laid up with a disabled mem
Th San Joaquin Valley Warehouse
company has been incorporated at Stock
ton with a capital stock of $100,000, It
purpuse is to erect a grain warehouse ut
that city with a capacity of at least 100,
000 ton.
Tb Seattle
crK?kery company hat
The Montana legislative muddle I ttil)
ThifUiiltarian church at Portland has
been burned,
A bill ha lieen tut roducod in the Texas
legislature to prevent prixe-flghtiiig.
Bantu (Vox has formed a society for
the prevention of cruelty to children and
Work on the plm line to bring water
into Prrrls, ('al., from the Beaver valley
nam win begin In a week or two,
A movement 1 on foot at Eugene, Or.,
to organize a stock company for the
manufacture of wooden-ware,
John A Domer's general merchandise
store at tleorgctown, N. M., was burned.
Loss 1.1,000; insurance, 110,000.
All Chinese laundrymen and lalmrers
bare been driven from the town of
Weston, Athena, and Adams, Or., by a
More acre will lie planted in fruit.
chiefly applet, till year In the Pajaro
valley, Cal., than lu auy five prevlout
Tlie Britiah bark Formosa, 173 days
from London, bus arrived at Victoria,
B.C. Her cargo Include lot of gun
for the navy yard.
Jne D. Burton, a Chicago detective
employed by the Mormon church at Salt
Luke, has mod The Tribune for 105,000
for defutnatinn of churaeter.
A new contrivance for cuttingroalhas
been introduced in the mine of Britiih
Columbia. It is operated by Chinese and
is said to make a g-at saving.
A project Is on foot to establish an
academy tt Hani Rosa, Cal, for both
sexes. The school will 1 nmler the
management of the Methodist church,
lu Watsonville, Cal.. and vicinity, the
piiyaiciuns reiort nearly WW ca-e of la
Kripin'. It is exnoiully virulent among
old people, but there arc as yet no fatal
The speaker of the Nevada assembly
has instructed the sergeant-at-arms to
refrain from sidling spirituous or malt
liquors in the capitol during the session
or the legislature.
Tlie bill allowing the citv of Portland
to Imiuo Isiitds for the purtKisu of bring
ing water into the city from the Bull
Run river has paased both house of the
Oregon leio'slatnre.
Two clergymen and four of their sup.
porters who participated in the Kvam-el
leal church riot at Sweet Home, Or., a
few days ago have lami bound over to
await the actum or the grand jury.
Oeueral Consul McNauirht of the
.Northern Pacific railroad claims a large
part of the I'uyallup reservation for his
road, thereby giving It vast iKWMuiions
Adjacent to large cities in W ashington.
The school trustees of thn Bukersfield
district have decided to submit to the
people a proposition to bond the district
for $;U,0no, to lw used for the purchase
or grounds, the erection of a school
building and the furnishing of the same,
Tho estern Beet Sugar company at
Wutsotiville, Cal., has dismissed nearly
all of its help, It is rejKirted in that
own that there is no harmony anionir
the stockholders, nnd very few farmers
in the valley will grow beet for the
While W. n. Wagner and Mary J.
Ferrer were lieing married at Suit Lake
recently a deputy United States mar
shal arrested the groom. Wumier is
barged with ttealing f.'.HOO from on old
an that was buried by a miser in an
r.vHiiston, Wyo., cellar and coming with
the plunder to Salt Lake. Some of the
plunder was found on him,
The Portland jury in the case of Searl
Dean, Sun Francisco contractors, who
did a large amount of work for the Ore
gon TociHc Railroad Company, on which
they received 1 0,000, and who sued for
a balance of auout $7,000, found a ver
dict for the plaintiff in the sum of 110,
til, aliout fiOO more than the company
nan repeateuiy oirereu to pay,
Joseph Morrow, who was a few dsvs
ago mysteriously snot near Elk Grove,
Sacramento county, by one calling him
self Sullivan, believes his would-be mnr
erer to be the brother of a man named
Danlienspack' whom be (Morrow) killed
alxmt ten years ago in Chico. and for
hich he had served a term in the state
prison, being pardoned by the governor.
The Southern Pacific, railroad has be
gun work on the Cliino, Cal.. extension.
building from Ontario. The now road
ill l an independent tiarrow-irauire
line, ami will lie completed to Chino im
mediately. It Is believed that the road
ill soon be extended to South River
do, Riverside, Tomescul, Elsinore and
8n Diego and Ontario will be 'made a
junction town.
Word comes from "the Visalia, Cal.,
land office that Carr and Haggiu have
filed abandonments to 14,000 acres of
land in Kern comity and at once entered
tho Biime with Valentine script. Their
lauds were entered as desert lands in
1W. In September of tlmt year the en
tries were suspended and so remained
until few days ago, when the suspen
sion wns removed by Secretary Noble.
A coal vein is being explored in Round
valley, Mendocino county, Cal., which
is known to extend uninterruptedly to
Rainbow ridge near the coast, in Hum
boldt county, and baa boon traced sev
eral miles by the county surveyor and
others. Many croppings and loose de
posit have been found, and there is now
considerable excitement over the deqel
opment of coarse minerals In a section
hitherto little known.
Writs of prohibition were sworn out
at Seattle to prevent the harbor line
commission from locating certain lines
I along tho water front, and the superior
court has refused a motion on the part
of the state to quash the writs, so the
cose goes to the supreme court. The
property involved is worth about $H,
000,000, and consists of wharves, mills,
factories, railways and other property
built on trestles and pile along the
Th garbage of Tuconia is disposed of
by Auuipimr It into scows, which are
towed to deep water and there emptied.
Farmers in the country back of Taooma
have proposed to take the garbage and
olTul of the city, bring it by rail to thoir
lands and use it as a fertilizer.
Tacoina dispatch: Lntost advices re
ceived state that til situation is becom
ing serious in th,e Okanogan country.
The Indians in the Colvillo reservation
demand the delivery to them of the white
men who recently killed an Indian mur.
dorer, and they threuton to come and
take the men if they are not given over
to them, The state militia has been
called out and there is great excitement
in military circlet.
Minister Constant of Brazil it dead.
Cardinal Simor of Orau, Hungary, it
Governor Hill has been elected totuc
oeed Senator Evarta of New York.
The National Trotting Association of
Ureut Hritum hot adopted the American
Kteinltr won the world't chess cham
pionship in the tournament just ended
at New York.
General Longstreet It quit ill At Ran
Antonio, Tex. He it suffering from a
wound received In the rebellion
Postmaster A, M. Brooks of Seattle hat
resigned to accept the position of cashier
of the Boston National bank of that city,
The Duke of Bedford, th most cor
dially baU-d of all English landlord,
committed suicide while temporarily In
William C. Duncan, city salesman for
B xsew Xork diamond house, ha disap
peared with 10,000 worth of diamond
and pearls.
C. E. Pratt, a New York broker, tbot
and killed himself at Rah way, N, J. The
tragedy created a sensation. No reason
for tbe act i known.
Lord Halisbnry it the authority for the
statement that a portion of the British
Pacific squadron ha left Panama to trro-
tct untish interest tn Chile.
nine uk, Morton' yacht wa re-
portod Dec. 18 aa tafe off Gibraltar.
nothing bat been heard of him, and hit
mends are alarmed for bis safety.
The amount of land which will be off'
ered for sale in surplus landt of the
Umatilla Indiad reservation in Oregon
will aggrgate about 135,000 acre,
The strike of 2,000 miners at Sosnowice.
Russia, makes the first strike in the em
pire. Tlie men at the Imperial dock
yards, St. Petersburg, have alto ttruck.
Newt from South America confirm
the revolution in Chile and that the porta
of that country are blockaded. Tele
graphic communication hat been tup-
Julius Llndell, a young Swede, em
ployed aa tervant by Coliis P. Hunting
ton, committed suicide by shooting in
the cellar of hi employer's residence At
New York.
Parnell has declared hit Intaition to
assert hit authority at leader of the Na
tional party and to engage actively In
the work during the present session of
Over to per cent of the voters of Port
land, Albins and East Portland hav
signed a petition asking the legislature
the post a bill authorixing the three cit
ies to consolidate.
D. O. Mills in a long Interview at New
York on the teal question, asserts that If
the slaughter of female seals is kept tip
by poachers Alaska's main industry will
toon be a reminescence.
The Dublin Express announce That
Parnell, O'Brien, Dillon and McKJtrthy
have simply com to an Agreement In
regard to maintaining th status quo un
til after the next general election.
Dr. William D. Borne of Decatur.
Ills., ha successfully
nerformerl tha
operation of transplanting a cat's bone so
as to build ud the bridge of Mr. Harris'
nose, which had been lost in infancy.
A suit has beeh commenced at Taooma
by the Northern Paclflo railroad com
pany against G. W. Hunt, the railroad
man, for the recovery of 1135.000 with
interest duo on three promissory notes.
Mrs. Ludwlg of Brockton. Mass.. gave
ner three children, aged 0, 4 and 2 years,
morphine and took a dose herself. She
is dead and the children cannot live.
Jealousy of her husband was the cause.
During an opium smuggler's trial at
At Seattle the collector of that port tAid
thBt not a single can of prepared opium
had entered the custom house for duty
during his term. This astounding state
ment show the extent to which opium
smuggling is carried.
A leading German capitalist, to a cer
tain extent representing the Deutsche
bank of Berlin in New York, says if th
silver bill is passed in its present form
the people of Germany will be advised
by the government to sell all American
The Italian government has deter
mined to expel from Italy Maret, the
editor of the Paris newspaper Le Radi
cal. Maret has been devoting his time
to writing special articles for Le Radi
cal of Firis, in which violeut attacks
are made upon Signor Crispi and his
A number of young unmarried women
employed in the various shoe factories
of Brockton, Mass., have formed a syn
dicate for the purchase of real estate for
on investment. Already they have
bought niue lots, and are negotiating for
another block. It is their intention to
build on all tbe blocks and rent.
A report comes from Milton, Or., that
the Chinese were driven out of that town 8. C The groom killed the bride's father
by a mob of 100 men. They went to the" some time ago, but was tried And ao
Chinese quarter and led the Celestials out quitted. It is said that the affray re-
with ropes around their necks. The mob :
consisted of discharged railroad hands i
and they handled the Chinese pretty
At Kansas city Bill Lewis had a sa-
loon on the state line. He was arrested
for sellinar whisky in Kansas, but got out
of it by claiming that he was doing bus-
iness in Missouri. Tbe state line having :
been definitely located, that Dart of the I
saloon which was in Kansas was sawed
off and torn down by the Kansas author- i
In the German reicbstag it was moved
to remove the prohibition on American
pork and ba?on. Secretary Boetticher ,
opposed it, saying that there was no j
guarantee that Germany would be suf
ficiently protected from the danger of
trichinosis, He asserted that 7 per cent,
ef the American hogs were affected with
the disease as against 6 per cent, of
American hogs. j
A Fittsbrg dispatch says: The miners I
of tbe United States have just completed ,
plans for the greatest industrial battle .
ever inaugurated in America. The con
flict between the miners and the mine
owners will begin May 1. The entire
national organixation of miners, com
prising 150,000 men, will be directly in
volved in a demand for eight hours a
Chicago dispatch: B. P. Hutchinson,
a veteran Board of Trade man, the bold
est speculator Chicago has ever known,
better known as "Old Hutch, " has with
drawn from speculation. It is estimated
that he has lost $19,000 in the last twelve
years. His fortune has dwindled down
to $1,000,000. It was to save this from
following the rest that his family com.
pilled him to retire.
Sir Charlet Dllk Myt Europe will net
Virginia owe ttat debt of about
Great Britain pay $178,000,000 anna
ally to her toldiers.
Kossuth at the age of 88 it writing1 bit
memoir at Turin, Italy.
Hannah Hayes, the oldest Indian oa
the I'uyallup reservation, la dead.
London Chronicle urge thettrengtB
ing of the British fleet In the Pacific,
Horseshoe of compressed paper hav
been introduced into the German army.
The Zetland-Balfour fund for relieving
distress in Ireland amount to $140,000.
Tb New Hampshire legislativa com
mitte favor th Australian ballot ty.
Mary Ann Mom of Natick, Ma., be
queathed fl W.OOO to the town for a hos
pital. A temperance tocietyof Finland, or
ganized five years ago, has a member
ship of 8,000.
Th cotton yield of 1890 It now placed
at 8,100,000 bale, a Against 7,800,000
bale for 1889.
A railway which it to connect the Ar
gentine Republic with Chile will requlr
eight tunnel through the Andes.
King Alexander of Servia is now a
strong healthy boy of 14, and has devel
oped mental powers of great promise.
A trail it it to be built from Ventura,
Cal, into Cuyama Valley, giving th
people of tbe valley an exit to th coast
Rider Haggard hat just been black- '
balled from tb Society of Antiquaries.
of which learned body he was solicitous
of becoming a member.
Arkansas joins Tennessee and Ala-
bam in refuting to appropriate money
for a world't fair exhibit until the rot
on the elections bill is taken.
Th 3-year-old baby of Mrs. McCarthy
of New York city fell whi'. holding a
tlate pencil in his hand. Th pencil
pierced the child's eye and death fol
lowed. Mrt. Jefferson Davit' book About the
personal and political life of her husband
it About ready for issue in two large vol
umes, and is dedicated to tbe soldiers of
the Confederacy.
Emperor William has forbidden th
celebration of the Anniversary of th
reigning emperor's birthday by th city
of Berlin, thus saving t,'5,000 to th
state annually.
The second trial of Provenzanoe. tt
New Orleans, resulted in an acouittaL
This case formed the basis upon which
rests the theory of the murder of Chief
of Police Hennessy.
The receipt of 34.036 cattle at the
Chicago stock yards in one day repre
sented a continuous line of cattle cart
About thirteen and one-half miles long
or fourteen miles.
Eastern advices show that slavery and
slave-hunting in the countries bordering
on tbe Red Sea are increasing despit
the efforts of civilized nations to cause
the extinction of the traffic
IBob Ford, the slayer of Joss James.
had a shooting scrape with J. D. Har
den, a saloon keeper At Walsenborg,
Col., recently. Both were slightly
wounded and powder-burned.
William Lidderdale, governor of th
Banlt - England, has been presented th
freedom of the city and a gold box by
toe common council for Averting a
commercial crisis by aiding the Baring.
The cost of criminal prosecutions in
Alaska and tbe difficulty of securing
witnesses are to great that many male
factors find exemption from prosecution.
Congress is being urged to remedy th
Secretary Rusk, in his report on th
crops of the year, devotes special atten
tion to California. He presents strong
arguments favoring the abandonment of
wheat-growing and greater Attention to
William B. Rbett, wbo was arrested
at New York for the wholesale Abduc
tion of little girls, was identified recent
ly by five children about twelve yean
old. He still protest his innocence, and
was released on bail.
In two weeks the people of Ventura
county will be called upon to vot $70,-
000 in bonds, of which $30,000 are to b
used in the construction of a bridge
across tbe Santa Clara river and th
other $30,000 for various other improve
ments. Assistant Adjutant-General Corbin
sayt the official report on the investiga
tion of the Wounded Knee battle finds
that Colonel Forsythe was unmindful of
instructions issued by General Miles
against the very thing that happened
that day.
Dr. Charles F. Heuser, a prominent
physician of Baltimore, stipulated in his
will that after he was thought to be
dead his heart should be cut out, re
stored and the body cremated. This was
done to preclude the cbaiafes of being
buried alvie.
William Bozard has just been married
to Miss Emma Boyet at Orangeburg,
suited from Bozard paying attentions to
the daughter.
After ten years of construction, an
elaborate telephone system, connecting
All the forts and military establishments
of Belgium with the city of Antwerp,.
has just been completed. Th system
was specially devised to prevent fh tap.
ping of the lines by an enemy .in time of
war. ,
As the steamer SeBome was on ner
way down Puget sund in a dens fog
the crashed into an unknown craft,
which hastily backed and disappeared
in the gloom. Tbe Sehome's port wheel
was disabled.
While out fishing in Eel river at Roh
nerville, Cal, two boys of F. M. Fried
nbacb, aged 4 and 17, wer drowned.
Th younger fell out of the boat and his
brother tried to say him. The bodies
have not been reconered.
The joiut committees of the Grand
Army of th Republio at Santa Crux,
Cal., are malting elaborate preparations
fbr the state encampment which is to be
held there in April. They propose to
give the veterans a grand reception.
There will be a meeting this week of
Pacific Coast senators for the purpose of
demanding recognition of Speaker Reed
for a bill to pay California, Nevada, and
Oregon war claims introduced by Stew
art in the senate and by Clunie in the
Eugene Davit of East Saginaw, Mich.,
hat arrived at Butt, Mont. He claim
to be the only legitimate son of th lat
A. J. Davis, who died at Butt nearly a
yar ago, leaving an estate of $10,000,000.
Eugene's mother runs a saloon at East
Saginaw. She claims sh married th
Montana millionaire half acnturyago
In Maine.