The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 16, 1891, Image 2

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    'THt'" WEST
Pc!k County Publishing Company
The present session of the lojjis
Utnr in probably one of tho moat
important of recent year. While
the election of an Uulted States
tenator dda plqunucy Ami political
interest to the piwtxHlings, " R
only an incident which occur every
few years. However, there I some
probability that the political lames
will overnlnwlow all other consider
at ions, ami very little beuctlvial
legislation will be transacted. Mont
certainly it -is of paramount imwor
tance that an able ami worthy man
should be chosen to represent this
state iu the halls of congress, but
there are other questions of equal
importance to the general welfare
of the people. The question of
taxation, the mortgage tax law, the
Indebtedness clause, the beat
method of assessment, etc, are live
issues knocking at the doors of
legislation, asking admission and
consideration. And while it
true that the people are divided
upon these questions, yet the legis
lative assembly Is presumed to be a
deliberative body which fairly re
presents the intelliirouco of the
country; and as a law making
power their opinions are truly the
'consensus of the competent."
legislator should possess sufudeut
force of character and individuality
of opinion to rote according to bis
intellectual convictions, and not
be influenced by the non opinions
of a prejudiced minority of his con
tituency. We beiieve that the
brainy members of the legislature
willpnsh reform measures as rapid
ly as it Is consistent with judicious
legislation, ami that while advo
cating reformatory laws, they will
at the same time sit down Uhui
all crauk notions and nostrums.
Our Polk county delegation are at
work like Trojaus. Thus early iu
the session Senutont Hatch aud
Butler have stepped to the front,
and let the legislative assembly
know that Polk county proposes to
be heard. The bill introduced by
Mr. Hatch is of primary im ins
tance because it appertains to edu
cation. The Hatch bill is "for the
appoiutineut of regents for the
Monmouth ftormal school, and to
prescribe their duties." The people
of this county should be, and we
believe they are deeply interested
in the success of the Normal school
at Monmouth. Naturally we all
feel a pride in having so important
an educational institution within
our county; out, aside from our
local or provenclal pride, we should
support the measure on the intrin
sic merits aud goneral usefulness of
such institutions. The Normal
course is in many particulars dis
similar from the ordinary educa
tional methods of colleges generally.
The salient point of dissimilarity is
in this: The Normal course is
specific, and has for its object the
education and training of the
young man or woman for the
practical affaire of life. The In
struct ion received at these schools
is not of a dilettantish or super
ficial character, but is solid, useful
and stable. The people of Polk
county should present a solid
phalanx on this question. The bill
introduced by Senator Butler is not
of so important a character as the
one just discussed, but it is quite
meritorious nevertheless. It is an
amendment to the rond law, and
possesses some good featnrea. We
will probably discuss the merits
of this bill iu a subsequent issue.
ii- ii .
A writer in the current number
of the North American Review gives
the following immigration statistics
for the years 1873 to 1880 inclusive:
Pmfwloi)Bl. iiftfl
Skilled r7;Ml
Orcupatloni nol nuitw VM.mi
Mlarallannnu . JjWJW
Without Occupation m.m
Total MM,!
The above figures indicate that
881 percent of the entire foreign
immigration into this country is
destitute of either skilled or educa
tional fittness to successfully battle
with the conditions of life as they
exist in society today. Is it at all
strange there should be labor strik
es, turbulence and unrest among
the laboring classt It may be true
that the poor will always be among
us, but it is the plain duty ol
American statesmanship to restrict
as much as possible the immigration
of European pauper labor into this
country. Why should America be
made the dumping ground of Eng
lish or Italian pauperism! Helfre
spectingand self-supporting immi
grants should be encouraged, but
the lazzaroni and criminal element
should be restricted from coming
to the United States..
A part of the great agony is over
with the legislature has elected
its presiding officers. The eloquent
Tongue had to succumb to the as
tute Simon in the caucus contest
for the presidency of tho senate, so
these political gladiators did not
cross swords in the open fight before
the Senate. Hon. Joseph Simon's
'nomination unci election was soon
ascertained to bo a foregone conclu
slon when tho republ'can caucus
convened for tho purpose of mim
ing Its candidate. The caucus vote
stood, Mr. Simon 14 votes, Mr.
Moore 7 and Mr, Tongue i. The
vote in oihmi Senate was merely
perfunctory, a matter offormalit)
only, as the democrats did not have
the gho t of a chance. Hon. T. T.
fleer, of Marlon county, was elected
Speaker of the House, Tho legis
lative assembly is now duly
equipped for business, and it is to
be hoped that the senatorial light
will not clog the wheels of legisla
tion as it has heretofore.
Kba-whore we publish a statement
from tha dully Stuii miiiut In regard to
the big atoel brlda-o t Hatom, w hich
unite Polk sud Marlon counties Iu fra
ternal and commercial wedlock. The
britbj lout only rccj-ully been comple
ted, and formally accepted by I he
courts of the respective couutlca Iu
Joint eesalon. lit construction waa a
big Job, sud coat the Ux payer of Polk
county a pile of money; but, the really
etructuit la there, 'It stands up In
cold, regal pride and ludWVrentiy In
vltca both pauper, peasant or prince,
the I'olk county farmer and the Nalem
millionaire a free walk or drive over lla
atoel suspended frame. It la a splendid
monumeut. a nnutiiltU-uut work of
architectural art and ennliioorliiK aklll
It la there to stay, and the Hle are
here to ay there la uo qovalloa altoul
that. No maddened iMipuluce cn cot
It down, aud there la no need of a II or
atlua to defend Ita frstea. There It stands
"a thing of beauty and ajoyforev r"
tothoeewho live bsluy, and for those
who eouio after them generations hence.
The people of Polk county could uol
have handed down a more splendid
legacy to their pnterlty-a legacy of
pride, push aud enterprise, rcgardlists of
Till bridge la In ninny wayt useful
aud U-tirftclit!. It haa a commercial
value and algnlflcance of great import
untv; U meant the building up of com
mutiltice; t'ie centraliitutlou of wealth,
aud the developineut of maiiufacturlca
Now that we have It, let u pay for It
like men, and avoid txpvusivt lltlga-
tlou If possible. Thlrty-ouu thousand
dollars la a largo aom for Polk county
to pay, It la true; but her hardy yeo
manry cau live a little more economic
ally and till the Ml a little more care
fully fur few yearn, and then all w
be well. We now have the big bridge
and much glory. Ix-t us go to work
and pay the debt.
Au cnlerprUlug Oreyoninn reporter
haa lawn interviewing a number of
prominent Portland democrat ax to
tiovemor IVnnoyer'a chain Air the
democratic nomination for the prvl
dency. While speaking In the highest
pmlse of the governor, these jri utU'inen
say that he haa no chance w hatever
for the nomination geographical
position, If nothing else, la against him.
However, Mr. Hcnlt, of the Orrjjtmhin,
In an Ironical editorial emmieratea
many reason why Oovcrnor Peuuoycr
la deserving of the nomination at the
hands of the democracy, The tidented
editor of Portlaud'a hi( daily la more
than Intellectually bright, and hl
cutting irony haa the keen edge of a
stiletto. Hut, ncvrrthetrsM, Oregon'
governor possesses With Intellectuality
aud Individuality of charaeter quite
sulllclciit to very creditably till the
presidential chair. Of course, Ikiver
nor IVnnoycr, In common with all
Oregon, known that die hue no chance
of nomination. F.vcu the second place
nn the ticket will hardly lie given to a
Pacific coaxt man, although audi
contingency la possible.
The preaeut legislative awembly evi
dently mean biwlnctw they are there
for work and not piny. The umiiil-
moua vote of the republican party for
J. II. Mitchell a Tnited Htatca aciiator
Is a Hploudld (vimplluicnt to that gcntli-
imiu'a ability and aervlco to the atate,
Hliould the IcKlalature continue ax it
Iihs xtarted In, It will atHtunpllHh a gn-nt
deal of work la-fore the end of the
acmlon. Pniliubly the luwcmhly under-
atanda that a Herculean timk la tiefore
it, aud Intend to clean the Angcan
HUibl while- the battle in on. The
people of Oregon wlah their rvpltnent
utlvea Hiieceiw In the good work.
Senator Mitchell had a wulk-iv(ir,
and quite naturally he and IiIh frlcntU
feci Jubilant.
On last fut unlay, January 10th,
there was held lit Oak drove one of the
moat plcatwiit meetltiga I ever iittemli-d
The day was bright and crlxp, and by
lO:) o'clock there waa quite a crowd
gathered at the church. The people of
this community take a great dual of
pride In their neighborhood aa evinced
by a neat church, school house and
grange hall. They bIho exhibit their
kludncH for their stock by having a
lure roomy shed for aheltering the
animals uaed when attending any of
thine. Prof. F.mmett, the teacher In
charge of the Oak Orove kcIkmiI, waa
pn-aldent of the doy. The morning
hour was filled by an nddrem of wet
conic, by Mr. woven; song uy uiticr
ent Dingerx; recitation and declama
tion by the children; an addrcsHby
Hev. Hcott, and alo by Mr. White
Itcforo UiIh, however, the granger,
who were in whmIoii. came over in a
body. At noon Mr. J, C. White in a
few pleiiHiint rem irks said that they
had Homethlng to cat over ut the grange
hall aud ended by giving ull a hearty
Invitation to go over and sample It
We went, and huoIi an abundance.
Three large table were covered with
good thing to eat, and though there
were nearly ono hundred and fifty peo
ple protcnt, there were more than
twelve bukct of f ragmen Is taken up.
The only regret of thin scribe whh that
he was too alck to fully enjoy It, The
sociability and kindness of the people
wti pleasant to see. Promptly ut one
o'clock the program was taken up.
Prof. Mulkey, of llothol, In hi pleasant
way gave us somo good thought.
There were song, recitations aud dia
logues. A shortaddrea by your scribe I
who waa forced to atop on account of
severe cold. At the cle of the educa
tional meeting there was a public Iu
atallatlon of tho otneera ofthegrsnK.
Mr. J. I". White was Installed at Mat-
tor. The name of (lit other I did not
learn aa I waa compelled to leave before
theexerelect were over. The whole
program waa well carried out aud t
very pleaaant day waa the reault' 1
hofie to have more of thcan metluK
all over the county.
W. I. Kkynomw.
New coal dlMverUa art Inilng con-
atantly made In Umatilla county.
That wrt of Oregoil la likely to develop
Into a fine coal region.
U Cox nsH-ntly had hla left fiait
amaatuHl while working on the narrow
gatiKC bridge near I-ufuyoltc,
Mm. NV. 11. I,aamr, of Mltchel, while
ou the road to aatK-lal irathcring, waa
t how ii out of the watron accident ly, and
one of her arum broken,
The new public achool at Hllverton,
coating (UI0t), waa dedicated with Im-
(Kwlng eereuioulea laxt week.
Oind mluee have beeu diwxverel on
Hay creek In Crook county, Htoitee of
the beat quality art auppoeed to be quit
There la no enow yet In the valley
about I Jikevlew, Htook la miming In
from the dew-rt, a there la not allow to
turuiah water for them.
The Unkvllle market are full of
wild game, and fat mallard duck a, all
dh-aacd aud r-aily for cooking, are acll
lug at front IS to 'iO ceula a piece.
Heventv-ulne bllla were lutrtaluced
In the Icglalature ou Tuesday, 1.1th lu
twiil. A pretty good days arint- tbe
wluvla are Ix glnnliiK to turn.
Addle Parrlah, of JctVciaon, waa ex
amlni-dhy Dra. Howlaud aud ltlchard
in, of Hnleui, aa to her aaulty, and waa
coninilttetl to the nylnmon the lath
A Salem iaH-r anya Uiat the friend
of Col. Geo. K. Shield are anxious to
learn of his wherealHitita, not having
nee n or heard ofhlm for the jnt two
The proponed iniml for the lieuellt of
Lebanon lai-atlmated to coat about li'i,.
ono. It la thought that Ibla umouiit of
I.H'k wltl be eulMcrlbcd without aavlal
An lOaatcrn caiatallal i trying to In
duce the ieople of Pendleton to aaalat
I.I... I I. .1.11. 1. In.. .,i.., I r..l.,rlnir
, ., , ,
lulcreal Iu that city to the amount of
TKAMarra or iikkim.
W C llmwii to JiM-ph (larron, lot In
(ennantown; f Jit.
M M Kill aud wire, N M McOnntel
aud wife to Hal pit William, lot in
Dallas; H40.
FVanit-a llnw. to W A Pike, :UH acn i
In tpfla, M w;fW0u.
KJ Wright and w ife to J W Tow it
end, I II acre In tp 0 a, r 4 w; f lum.
M I, Itobblna to II M It.-, ly, bio a n
In Ip" a, r w;otHi.
1) T Stanley and wife to I K M Hol
ler and KHCattron, lotaln Monnionth;
W II tiraut to (ieo H Skinner, lot In
IndeH'ndiiuv; llono.
1,1) Daiilela toT A Farley, lot In
Dnlhw; tlVM.
M C llniwn and wife to J V, aud J
Q Klrckiiatrick, lot In Ihilhu.;
Juine HiirrU and wife to Violet
AhUugh, lot In Dalliw; IJH).
Abraham Ilolyac to JP U-ach, 3IH
M.isi acre In tpSa, rUw;)IHM.
Henry Hill and wife to Preacott A
VetieN, lot In IndeHiidence; f toil.
Wm Herrlu aud wife to Preacott A
Veiu-a, KO acre In tp 9 a, r 7 w; o00,
John Iliizletur to Ann lln.letor, Ho
a-re In tp R a, r 5 w; f-Vi.
W P Wright and wife to Martha
Crowley, 3i acre In tp 7 and 8 a, r 4 w;
J It Crow ley and wife to W P Wright,
10 acre near Italia; tT.'iT.V
Chllt ha if Mllon to attend to.
Europe I sulTcriiig with the cold.
Caiwd is bidding for the Hawaiian
Aansas farinera are pleased Witt tut
outlook for wheat.
ihe tettlera of Wevtern Kauaa art
itarTlng. They have only corn to tat.
Senator Hearst, It It renorted from
Washington, may expire at any hour.
T'-iited Htate Senator Vest hat been
renomlnatiil by the Democrats f Mlt-
The international congreiw of labor at
(Tlitcago In 1H1I8 will pay the expenses of
fcuropoan delegates.
Four thousand people were present at
thecharity ball at the Andltorium. The
proceeds reached $18,0(10.
Berks county, Pa., farmrn are killing
their hogs rather than feed them, be-
canse of the high price of corn.
The snpply of wool in the United States
it figured at 93,H19,SM3 pounds against
W,Z84,659 pounds on Jan. 1, 1H0O.
Mrs. Peters and her daughter were
murdered, robbed and their bodies
burned in Cordele, Ua., by persons,
Three thousand coal miners along the
Monongahela river in Pennsylvania are
now idle, having struk for higher wage.
A company proposes to lay pneumatio
packsge tubes in Chicago, dividing ita
gross receipts with the city for the priv
ilege. William Davis, colored, of Pueblo,
Colo., shot and killed his stepfather and
foster brother. Family trouble waa tha
The Lawrence homoitead at Morgan
City, Ala., was burned and ex-Collector
of the Port Carrington perished in the
Minnesota luinliennen are alarmed at
the mild weather, and will lose consider
able money unless snow and cold weather
sets in soon.
The first palace buffet car constructed
entiroly of steel has left Albany, N. Y.,
for San Francisco. The shaiie of the car
it cylindrical.
The United States senate hat tiaased
the house bill to provide for an addi
tional associate justice of the supreme
court of Arizona.
The London gaslight comtian v hot been
fined 100 In consequence of its gas be
ing found deflcient by 1-candle light
below the standard.
By the breaking of a scaffold at the
npw St, Jon's Lutheran church in Lan
caster, Pa., one man was killed and
three fatally injured.
In a nnarrel between John Morris and
Frank Chstton over some land near Car
bondale, Colo, lwth men were to badly
injured that they will die. j
01.11 A Nil NBW FAB XI NO.
Waal I ItM'ilrml at U
A rc cut laaue of the Ntw York llu
bitinlimm ooiitalna the following very
timely rumarka to lb American farmer
of today;
"There I a currant Impreaalon, or
opinion, now holding high tway that
agriculture at the present day la not
and mil not be made profitable. While
profound mqax-t It due to current opin
ions, It la safe to aay there are many
such that art inert saws of tha day,
tnd worth atxuit at much at the new
tawt that prevail each aiicceaatvt year
Iu regard to medicine even Including
that of the latest 'fad,' Koch's cure or
remedy. There may t one safe asser
tion, however, that may he met with
tvery where Iu very truth, and aa direct
result It rvveala regretful hsise. There
can be no powdhle queatlon but our
American farmer attempt to cultivate
three time the amount of laud that
they can eucceaafiilly acoompllah with
any pomlhle degree of profit. Why, we
tee It everywhere. Constant wearlog
ilowu of laud, team, bullet and pa
tience to get a bar uhtiteuc, No
wonder they deolai with a sigh that
fanning I unprofitable and taxation
"(that beeu clearly txplallled aud
fully deuionatraled within recent period,
that two blade of grass can b made to
grow wbert only on grew before.
Tint half the number of tint pur bred.
or graded cow will yield far greater re
turn than terui hy, Ill-kept animate;
that strong, well-built, well-fed horea
aud mule will do thret time the
amount of work that a light weight,
worn out team can acumulUli that
modrru make of machinery and farm
ing toola aud Implements, although
costly, will emphatically y the farm
er In the main, tnd that to aurmauut
each and every dlfllculty agricultural
science d I recta practice, and the aloe
lute free knowledge regarding the fer
tility of various aoila, whether aaudy or
I gbt, porous, heavy, or dry, together
with constant thoughtful study, paint
taklugeare and s well-halaucvd, brainy
brain are Imperative requirement.
"Taking all thle Into pnqwr ooimld
erallon did It never occur to the dis
couraged farmer that hla mod of living
at the prwot day It vastly dllferent
from the past. His father thoughts
lumber wagon, or a lumber alelfh with
olialr aeatt and the Inevitable blue aud
while home tpuu blauket-aprrad com-
fortab y over the lap
. , 1
icldedly gaal when
i pMretlon-de-driving
to the
neighboring village with bis family.
Iu fact, he knew uotblng belter. He
was fully abrvast with the time aud
supplied hla family's needs and com
forts In placid aallafactloa. Ills family
were all attired In euarae, hinunpuu
garmenta. What knew they of warm
pluah, even at-al cloaka, heavy beaver
uverooata. fine
fur rubra, light spring
wagoiut aud onverrd upbolatered earrl
sgea? And yet there 1 scarcely aa
average farmer of the present (.ay, hut
Maesra part, If not all and even more,
of thee luxuries.
"Our modern farmer'a house contains
more tbsu the kitchen aud famlly
llvlng room coinbliied, with lis wide,
opeu-uiouthed flreplace,supilylng nwatt
imager fkcllltiea for cookery. Warm
cariet, comfortable chairs and furnish
ings, not to forgH the almost Imper
ative piano or organ, together with
picture und various sdoriinieula, hap
pily constitute the farmer' home of
the preaeut day.
"The true and and at once auccenaful
farmer can be neither a nitre theorist,
nor a dull-minded drudge. The period
has long since pswd when hewn
safely follow ou Iu Ihe rut made by hit
father's wheel. What though he be
living ou exactly Ihe same farm that
his father successfully tilled. Times
and mode and form aud change now
bring many dearly-bought experiences
that hi father never knew, aud, in
turn, shield bliu from many atubl orn,
hard-fought obstacles that were then at
sharply borne. And to, while In on
sense he may be tailoring Iu exactly lb
same field as hla father, In aooth.r
tense the newly-approved methods and
direct aelentlllo principles combine to
make the old w ay conll It t w It h the new
"The farmer of the present day may
have to dig dltcbct eeu now, Just a
his fathers did before him. hut he hat
also got to make fL-nn-H. When he
takes olf Iris bat to dry tin- perspiration
from his brow, be most sIko have hit
wife at work too. He may eveu have to
throw out rocks and what I quite a
hard, loosen the doll Ideas that force of
habit has imliedded deep Into hit bralu.
In a word, he mtmt be alive all over In
body, mind aud soul, Because hit
business it complex. It requires acufe-
nes of Judgment, and fine discernment
to successfully strike the straight and
true line lietween theory and practice,
Teu thousand chances are round about
him and he must lie constantly and
diligently ou the alert to wan! against
the shoals. He wilt have frost to oon
teud.rlth and again, In turn, droughts.
The fountaina'of heaven may furnish
an excess of water, bad seeds may In
fest hi field, Insect may destroy hla
crops, while oor market returns may
give discouraging yield. All these and
a thousand other distinct matters, the
furmer of tho present day must keep
constantly Iu view, and It will require
a mind full of strong Intelligence, care
ful study and clone observation to strike
the Just medium between right and
"The time Is rapidly passing away
when farming at haphazard, raising
iiiythlng, anyhow and anywhere can
lie conducted with any degree of profit.
The farmer of the present age must be
very dllferent style of man or he will
come to naught. The future owner of
the United States, and that at no dis
tant day, are likely to be a class of men
who understand agriculture as an art,
for just as the wealth of the mauufact-
uresis passing Into the hands of the
irrcut practical ojicrators, to the lands
will pass ere long by the same law, In
to the hands of a class of farmers who
have skill to manage them acceptably,
profitably and wisely."
The peoplo of Grant's Pass recently
held a meeting to discus several ques
tions. The taxation system and school
house proposition were discussed In all
their phases. Hhort addresses were also
made In favor of and agulust the repeal
if the usury law, also the mortgage tax
law etc.,
Lent Kimmimrri Voh. 1 1 . this Tear.
Santa Barbara it having a fruit plant
tag booio.
Than art m couvicU is Ongon'i
BUtt prUwa at UaUiu.
A fang of counterMleia is opsrstins
la Albuquniu, N. M.
W. W. Reld, a prominent merchtnt ol
Ban Iandre, Cal, I dead.
The strawberry crop of Southard Call
forala hat beta ruined by froat.
A commandery of Knlghtt Temple)
hat been organised at Ashland, Or,
St, Mary' Cathedral at Han Francis.
was dedicated with imposing oertntonle
Judge Hloan of Tncaon, A. T., has d
elded that conaty treasurer can tuo
ceed hliustlf.
' Oeorg Carlow, a ooastaUs, wat fa
tally tUbbed by Judge Uudssy'l ton at
Angela' Camp. .
Threw Indiana rttarnlng boint in t
canoe, near Seattle, got Into s Bght, r
tnltlng In all being drowned.
A $11,000 diamond robbery has just
coin to light In Loa Augelea, L. H
Watrntr, jeweler, la tha victim.
Five thlnglt mllU at ChefcalU, Wash.,
aavt bttu kept running lor montni,
turning out 4O0,U00 shingle a day.
Oeorg Newman, while hunting quail
t Ban Kafael, wat fatally wonadtd by
tut accidental discharge of bis ran.
During tht bit ninety dart tat tblp
nienta of flour and grata from tot port
of Astoria wm Invoiced at Il.tW.uou
Tht talim keepers of Lot Angtltt will
fight tht Sunday doting wdlnanot oa
tha gronnd that It it unconstitutional.
Customs officers at Baa Francisco
raided Chinatown aad seised fM.OOO
worth of opium which bad been smug
Mils Uoodwaa. a vioneer rttldtnt of
tht Ooinstock. died at Vlrgtula, Ntv,
IU wat a Dtmocratlc poUUdas sad tx-
pottroMtar. .
Engineer Oeorg Hauatr wat killed
near Flagstaff, A. I., a few dart ago by
tht derailing of hit train. Hit mother
rttidet at Michlgaa City, Ind,
Lla Bho. a Chios) cook, wat fatally
tlabbad it Bteoaloa raUrday by Lo
Qnan, s hard ohaiwctw, whom Urn Shn
bad ehargd with tttaUlag flMoSta.
Willi Wtbb af Hmtdertnti Bay wat
tandbagged at tha Northern PaolBe rail
ntad depot at Taoonus almost in tha
midst of a crowd and robbed of 7(.
Howard M. Twotnbly of Bait Lakt
City and Harriana hhorey of Portland,
Or., will each m-elvw f 10,000 by the will
of the late Mrs. Elisabeth Fogg of Ntw
Capt U. B. Scott la W btttta a
tteaiuer to ply between Heattl and Ti
coma Uiat will have machinery costing
09.000. The veasel will bt finished In
ninety days.
Five out of seven oolt that were on
tha railroad track near Tracy racantly
war alUtd by a train. Tht tngtnt tnd
five cart wort derailed, but tht train
men acap4 injury.
Bruce BMn, a foorWn-yaar-old
by of aat Portland, wat accidentally
ahot br a young tarothtr rteeatiy.
Tht bullet antartd th tyt, probably pro
ducing a fatal wound.
afaj. John J. Barnett, an ax-guard at
Baa tieutln priaon, klllad hit ailatrrat
at Haa Franctaoo and ttnra tnot tumteir.
fit tayt ht ahot th wvntaa btcauat tht
asked htm to kill her.
Ramnel Brink, a wtU knows taan of
Tarotna, attempted suicide last night on
tht ttept of tht rtaldeno of Postmaster
Hague. Brlnker't wife ha left him on
acconnt of hla dlaalpattoo.
In the Superior CkMirt at MaryarlD
Friday. W. P. Barker wat declared
lactad Sheriff of Suitor county over W.
H. Phillips by nln vote. It It th
eighth time ht hat been elected to that
Four educated Apache Indians have
been arrested at Solomon vills, A. T., for
connection with th forcing of Capt
Bullia' name to a government check for
The quartet la addicted to poker
Tht San Francisco Republican delega
tion waited ou Governor Harkbam
and urged the retention In office
of Registrar Smiley. They were cour
teously received, but met with no en-
John McKenxle, aa employ of the
navy yard, died in th street In Vallejo
Friday from heart disease. A Japanese
catenr on board th Ban Francisco fell
through an open hatchway, and It
thought he cannot live.
The property in New York State
owned by Oeorg V?. Hnnt of Walla
Walla, Wash., haa been attached by th
Supreme Court in a tuit brought by L.
M. Potter 4 Co. to reoovw tH.000 for
Hunt't alleged failur to carry out
railroad teenrity deal.
On of tht moat Imposing funeral cere
monies ever witnessed In Engent, Or,
wat that held over th remains of th
1st Oeorg C. Swift, who died at Oer-
tIs a few dart ago. For a number of
yean years Mr. Swift waa a resident of
that city, where he was always a promt
nent man in public affairs and a geueral
A Utile over a year ago B. Cohn, on
of the oldest and wealthiest citlsent of
Los Angeles, died, leaving an estate vol
ned at 1300,000. He alto left a will di
viding hit propurty among his wife and
four minor childrta. Is addition to
them heirs, Cohn, it U alleged, alto left
illegitimate offspring, to whom ht be
au rat lied none of hi wealth. These
Utter are endeavoring to break the will
Jack Conley, August Mill and two
brother named Van Cleve are under ar
rest on tht charge of ttealing cattle
slaughtering thera and telling the meat
in Seattle. For tlx months past hundreds
of cattlt havt mysteriously disappeared
from tht ranches and ranges within'
radlut of fifty milet of that city. Of
lata the lot havt become so numerous
that th cattlemen organised for tht
purpot af capturing th thieve.
Tht Rothschilds of Parit, Blelchroder
and Diaconto Qenellschaft of Berlin and
th International Commercial Bank of
St. Petersburg will take the whole
amount of $1(5,000,000 for the conversion
of a Rnssian H per cent railway loan of
1870 to 4 per cents.
Tht latest Improvement it a " vtttibult
itock train "between the West and tht
East. In addition to the humane fea
ture, it Is said it will carry liv stock to
much mort speedily and comfortablv
to tave 10 pur cent, of farmers' losses
from transportation.
The tecond day of March tint year
promise to niarg an important epoch In
the history of Australia. On that day
the representative of all the colonies
will meet at Sydney to consider the pro
jected union of those portions of the
British Empire under one confederate
government. )
Whitaker'a Churchman's Almanac for
1H91 gives the statistics of the Protest
ant Episcopal church for last year. Tht
02 dioceses and 17 missionary nrisdlo
tions in the United State have 75 bis
hops aud 3,991 priests, and deacons,
8,090 parishes ond 51,848 mission. Thert
were 01,787 Baptisms and 41,284 confim-
ations during the year, aud the total
number of communicants reported is
A Happy Mew Year
We are thankful for your many
iu the future. Our Block for the coming yir will Ira larger than ever,
On Saturday, Jan. 31, 1891, We will Give Away
Free Free Free,
One little CHARTRK OAK HTOVR, with a f'ull rM of Fuputiir-, which in on cvnil.ilion nt our Store.
Be sure and call at our Stora and get a Ticket, which
will cost you NOTHING.
Independence, Oregon.
Clint Montaland, a noted actrss, died
at Pari.
Italy it well satisfied with the work
ing of tha McKluley bill.
Emln Pasha hat lawn made governor
of th Uerman East African possession.
It t believed the prldnt would veto
a free oolnagt nixasur should one In
panned. Henry Owsluow, an alleged horns and
rattle thief, haa been armated at Llnk
Ville, Or.
Thomas F. Wilson hat bwi apMiin!"d
assistant United State attorney for the
district of Arttona.
Charles Dalton Clifford Lloyd, the
English diplomat, is dead at Krteroum.
II waa 43 years old.
Th two fontptds who rourdep-d Jacob
ton, a San Francisco merchant, hut Ang
ntt, havt been captured.
ChrisUipher Buckley, tlos San Fran
cisco politician, lias left New York for a
six mouth' trip in Kumpe,
Mr. Sears of MelnaKi, Ma., haa bought
th famoru St. Bernard dog Sir Brdlviw.
Tb price paid waa $10,000.
Emll van Marcke, the famous cattle
painter la dead at a Mediterranean town
Vfcer h had gon for his health.
New postofflcet hav beeu established
at Lookout, Whatcom county and at
Woudlaud, Cowlitt county. Wash.
John Jacob Astor, the only son of Mr.
and Mr. William Aator. Is tugagvd to
marry Miss Ada Willing of Philadelphia,.
O'Brien denie that Parnell ha sirrned
to retire and that be (O'Brien) will r
plac McCarthy at leader of th Irish
Jackson's birthday was celebrated by
th Democrats at Philadelphia. F.i
Prealdent Cleveland was the princiuvl
Orange shipment are being in vie
from Riverside, CaL , daily. The cn ip la
Urg. amvunting U carloads, all of
Am quality. '
Th Oerman government has derided j
to establish a port of entry at Jaluit ltd-
and, on of the Marshall group in thei
Pacific ocean.
Rev. J. M. Clark, a colored minister,
and his wife are under arrest at Yellow
Springs, O., on the charge of poisoning
Clark's first wife.
It la believed that Well and Prh-e,
who were sent out by Frank Leslies
Magatine to explor the Copper river iu
AUaka, have perished.
Asanciat Justice Charles Devens of
the Massachusetts supreme court died at
Boston aged 71 year. He served with
distinction during the war, and succeeded
Uen, llnrnslde s national commander
of the O. A. R.
Herbert Wsdsworth, a young English,
man who had considerable money, mys
teriously disappeared a few weeks ago
from Wallacebnrg, Out. Two of the
male member of the house where he
boarded are now missing.
(lovernor Thayer of Nebraska refuses
to turn over hit office to Boyd on the
ground thai the latter is not a citizen of
the United States. Thayer haa barricared
himaelf in th executive chamber with
a guard. Trouble it feared.
John W. Young, who i in New York
in the interest of the Utah Central rail
road, claims that he has succeeded in
getting IW.000,000 in Mexican capital
pledged fur th construction of a rail
road from Salt Laka City to Chihuahna,
The California actress, Zoe Clayton,
who hat undertaken to walk from San
Francttoo to New York on a wager of
98,000, arrived at Rock Island, Ills.,
ahead of time and in good condition to
complete her task. Sh started In Aug.
net and will probably reach her destina
tion in March. She is accompanied by
two friends.
O, O, Trantnm, one of th best known
lawyers of the Pacific Coast, died at Lot
Angelea from an overdose of morphine
He wat suffering from neuralgia.
H. J. Palmer, manager of James (1,
Falr't ranch st Yolo, Cal., hat been In
dieted for forgery. Fair savt he hot
been robbed extensively by Palmer.
A sleigh containing thirty-nix young
people of Scrsnton, Pa,, was overturned
on a hill and thirty-two of the pui ty
were hurt, eleven of them seriously.
A nephew of Governor Tillman of
South Carolina It tndeavoring to revive
th cod of honor. He has challenged a
a Charleston newspaper man to a duel.
Newt comet from Logan conutv, W.
Va.,that the Hatfleld-McCoy vendetta
hat been renewed and that in a fight on
Hart's creek a few days ago tix men were
Th king of Sweden will present each
of th officers and crew of the Baltimore
with a medal in recognition of their
aerrlce in conveying the remains of John
Erioason to hit native land.
' Bismarck wat tendered the presidency
of th ministry of the Grand Duchy of
Mecklenberg Bchwerin, but declined
Emperor William abandoned hit trip to
Cannes on hearing of the offer.
Two masked men entered the saloon of
Jamet Murphy, in the stockyards dis
trict at Chicago, and tortured Murphy
until he divulged the safe combination,
when they secured $1,500 and escaped.
Advice from Mozambique ttate that
the Portnguet authorities have arrested
an American named Moore on suspicion
of being a British spy. The United
States consul hat demanded an inquiry.
Tha number of persons who commited
tuioide In the United State during the
latt year as reported by telegraph is
,640, aa compared with 8,834 in 1809.
Of thit number 1,997 were males and 648
Professor Kirchow of Berlin denounced
Koch's lymph In a lecture. He said the
the injection increased th bacilli in the
body and caused them to migrate to pre
viously unaffected parts, thus generating
a ntw affection.
favor. In the piwt, and tnmt by fair
i mow at eowrmajD, ottooa.
soiiLLi, noax rauTBurr runt with
u ma aa-aca or all tmst win. wva
immmmi'i tw.irr ie
The moat speedy, oositive and perma
nent cure forCatarrb of the Head, Asthma
snd all Throat, Bronchial, I.ung, Heart
Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affection.
N'crvoo Deltility, eU Consumption, '
lis various ulac, ptnuancBlly cued.
I. Abosn' origins! Biodeof treatment
toil his medicated inhalations gives in
stsntsnrotts relief, builds up and re vital
ten th whole constitution and system,
tlicrrhy prolonging life. Weak, nervous,
debilitated aud ', broken-down constitu
lions, old snd young, invariably gain frotr
n ta thirty pounds iu frou'i thirty tc
aiactydaya-' . ' - 'i ' :
I)a. ABoaWt phenomenal skill and mar
velous cure hav crested the greatest
astonishment on the Pacific Coast and
throughout the American continent, dur
ing tu past twenty-five yoara. Asthma,
Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron
chial and Lung trouble 'ustantly relieved,
snd Deafnesa often cured permanently at
first consultation. Da. Abokn's essay on
the "Curability of Consumption," nd t
treatise on "Cstarrh of the Head,"
with evidences of some extraordinary
cures, mailed free. Cll or address
rwrlh sat BerrlMa ParUsa. Oreo.
Mots. - Mam mljuttt, Kecurrlj' pjickcd(pt tn
in.iall vtx$ 'ti Ow raaf'tlAMtilDf iao wbo
tU WViia TO Wit fl'S fHT! C;SKWi2.: j
t 1 1'. . 'I ; r
All iieiiailnt-bndebted it nie' sfcrc
qucNted to sit tie inimcdiiitcly iu iny
crilitors are needing money mid so am
I. . J. It. Johnson',
. - , . laiiitiat.
Mr. Van Xurtwick Hivw , the
tunsoriul artists, have added a singeing
iuchlneato their ulrcjidy coiuplcte c
taiiliahnient. ('lilting the ' hair pro-
iiiote lis growth, lull every cutting In
tlicts a fiwh wound tncuch hair, all ow
lug tu the crcaH' of the vitalising fluid.
This it prv von ted by using the "singer,'
which sear the ends, thereby retaining
the fluids snd making the hair healthier
and full of life. Hair sinking V.; rn
ror honing, , ; , J
A1 1IAV.
' We would request all those lndcbteI
to us to call In and settle their account
on or la-fore Janurrv 1st, 1SD1, as we
wlsli to twluiict- our Usika bv that
time. . . Yours Ktc,
tnilprnili.iirf anil Miiniuoiith Molar Mac
liuli'v.-nili uif .
II lj
ll0 '
:b .
W. O. Cook
From 5x8 up to 18x40 in German
Plate nml a largo assortment ol
American Plates.
Of all kinds both . Lnw und
From Plain Kitchen Clmics to
tho Fiin at Parlor Chairs. Fancy
lUickcra a Specially, and Carpet
Rockers with Woven Wire Scats.
Of all kinds and finish.
holders, Curtain Polos, Window
Shades, Hat Racks, Picture Frames
nnd Mouldings, Stands and Center
tables of all kinds, in either Maple,
iioii, vmn lltlllllll.
Of all the latest Pnttoena u ill.
Woven Wire Springs. Also the
Hoey patent Sofa Ued-lonnge.
Main Street, Independence,
Bat. B and 0 Streett.
taw r
nml linm-nt dmling to nmril thorn
and our pi-M the I-owcM.
Wy m fel fal 1
M A N t FA (T 1" H K D.
fan Knutiisi Ihe til of whwl a low a- 1 w-r iiilnuie In ir.nn( wunln. W uiw
only IK clinen-ni ln fi in Mu- Miiln: pontnw-.
tlim of Itii- Iron work, "mr Mill eiimiol I
lUHlled l.r uliiiplfetly, fKiwer mul K"M-nilns
rl tx-lfUn, W uiunulm lure
Tanks, Tumjis. Wind Mill Supplies
Of evenr dirlillon. IU-tlnlii- ni wiinlwl
lii'un.Tnpl.-il territory. Allure-,
F. It. STKAIINS X. ( (., '
Ittishvillo, ln.l., T. S. A.
m nrt fur eninlnsui-.
Of Indepandence, Oregon.
Transacts a general Real Estate Business
buys and sella Property, sfTecU
Insurance and does a geueral
Conveyance Business.
Parties having Lands for sale will find
It to their advantage to
ffTnm mfTniri nnnnrnTiTTi
With this Company, as they are daily
sending lists of land east, thus plac
ing desirable property before the resi-
j dents of the East
j J. W. KIRKLAND, President
Hdubb, Sign Si DrnamBnfal
Paper Hanging, Gr.iiniii", Frescoing,
Etc. Paint rooms opjK-site Johusou't
Stables, Independence, Orejjou.
And be Convinced.
"2 Steel tootli iron liariMV, If 20.
5 and 7 tooth enltivufiirs.
The Ix-st horse si oeing.
The lest in
or Wood
-- AT
1 1 lumh.
Best price paid fci
Old Iron and
Main ft,.'