The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 09, 1891, Image 3

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-iwtrn v-
Polk County Publishing Company
Thkv Wohk Ot.n Clotiikk.- Noth
ing better Illustrate human nature than
practical lllustratlona such a we are
atsnd to give our readers. A xtvnt
many Indtvlduula lake great pleasure In
atatlng that with them "fine feathers
douot make fine bird," but tlmt the
getter! public I mislead" In ll Judge
ment t wk It m announced
tlmt a company of people with Mbwea
taulav Howard, Hwaln and Thomaa a
leading ladlea, would entortalu an In
dependence audieuee n Friday even
ing, In "Lost lu lioudon." When the
company arrived It was found tn have
the required uuntU of actor and their
physical appearance wua In their favor,
but alas, they woro shabby clothing
and wlieti the time own Friday even
lug for ringing up tbe curtain, the
opera house, which on such an occasion
usiully eontalua from one to three hun
dred people, wan empty. The aetow
were loud lit their d uunelutlons of the
town, etc., but It wan discovered tlmt at
MeMlunvtlle they paid neither hull
rent or board bill, having fared the
name way there. On Saturday after
noon they were given the oiero Ikhiso
free and raked lu a few dollars, a also
on Mouday night when they give
another eulcrtalniuent. The porfor
mince they ulve wan iptltu meritorious,
and had (he company came among us
welldrewwd and looking prosperous no
doubt the house would have l.en full.
HueU In human nature, and you will
find It o the world around We Judv
the people by the clothe they
but aeloiwr aoiiuuiiibtuee discover the
merit or defect.
NoTiHSttrttaa I.ikkSi ivix,
Home very K"d javple really U'lieve
that all "physicians who advertise In
the newspaper are ijuaeka. Nothing
could l farther from the truth. The
physician who Urnst on the street or
who enlarge upon hi skill and ability
to cope with disease III private eouv.r
mthm, 1 as Justly entitled to tlu- nj.jx I
latlon of quack as the charlatan who
tills every newniwpcr In the land with
his flagrant pretensions. It Is the ex
..geratcd and dishonest claims of
the empiric that constitute the tpiaek
ery and not the mean used lu adver
tising. Dr Pruden has highly perfect'
ed and carefully ayatematlaed method
of treatment that embraiv electrical
thenieuttc combined with speelllo
medication which Is attended with
satisfactory reault whenever thorough
.-i.-i ! 1 1,1 . . 1 1
A PoiH'UH Lk(TiiKKit,-rri)t' N.N.
Hlddell.of the Anthropological Hta'loty,
f New York, win lectures arc attract
Ing audi large crowds -the largest
oera luaise being tusuntotent to ac
commodate the peoplewill lsglu a
short course of popular acleutlflo and
amusing lecture In the opera house on
Monday evening, January I'Jth. Ill
opening lecture on "Uluuder of Life
and the Mistake of the Age," la a rare
collection of fact, phlUwophy and fun
bearing directly upon the living Issue
of today. No one can afford to miss
Inuring this lecture, which will be
given free of charge. All are cordially
,.,.., -
A Nkw Ft m m.-Wo call public at
tention to the new co-partnership tlrm
ofH. It. and H. P. Patterson, whose
"ad" will lie lie found In another
column. Mr. li. It. Puttcrsou ha been
engaged lu the drug buslncaa lu this
city fujr a numlHr of years, and I well
and favorably known a an eftlcleut
and honorable business uuiu, Mr. 0.
I'. 1'atterson Is a young man who has
large esqierlence in the same line of
business, aud who enjoys thccHteem
and eoufldence f the cnntmuulty.
Don't forget the new ding Hint of
1'atterson llroa.
CaM.K St'tiUKNt.Y AwAV.-Mr.
Davlil t'iHis-r mvlvisl a telegram lust
Winlnesdiiy from ltttliltr Neb., stat
ing that hl daughter whs lying at the
point of death, t'pon ncelpt of the
sad new Mr. ('ooier at one departed
for Hastings, Neb., and will necessarily
U absent for tome time. Ill family
an alt In Nebraska, but he Intends re
nw.liig them iMTiuaneutly to this
country lu the near future. Mr. CooHr
ha already l.s'iitixl a tlmls'r elaliu In
the western party of this county, anil
(,r..Mws adding stlil further to his
ImwmsmIou Usiu ntunilng here,
Tiik Thauk t'AKNivt,-l'nr. M
Adams is drilling III trade carnival
claw nightly, and will siu have theni
In flue ilrill fWrm. The class ts eoiii- of about tlfly beautiful youu
Udlcs divascd In unique and elegant
coBtumcs. 1'ju'h one will cany a
ilciidld banner representing aome
bust mw hou of the city, etc. t)n the
(svuslmi of the entertainment there
will le furulshiHl both vocal and lustru
mental music. The entertainment will
be given at the os-ra hous., Due an
noumvmenl will bo made lu the
A SlM.KNWiSiT.'KK,liii last Fri
day evculug, January 2d, a party of
convivial gentlemen consisting of
Mtn Marsh Merwln, U W. Itols rt
soli, A. J. ti'swbiiati. It. 1, t'siH r, 'Ah
Howndorf, J. H. t''n-r, 11.
tierir. H. I Waller, J. M. Vandiiyn
and II. H. Patterson tmiiqiu tted tltcni
1 " ' Xtt "iNTKUKSTINO il'KKt'll.
lytCHtcd. The iba tor Is permitted to j nt lh j uy )U,t , Hplendtd
n-fer imrtlea wishing treatment io pa
tlcnts at present under his professional
care. He d.s-s so with pardonable pride,
Ming euntl.lent that a favorable Im
pression will is- made In every instance.
Ir. Pruden can U' vn at Dr. K. (..
Ketehum'a oflbv, with whom he Is as
.K'laUit. I'r. K. has practiced his pro
ftwslon In Polk county for the last seven
year and has won the esteem and con
fidence of U w lu know him. He can
and will vouch for Dr. Pruden' vera
city and the almost phenomenal sue-J ,la,a aa. i,t yet quite completed
upier was prepared fr them, and "the
boys" enjoyed the many goml things
in regal style. 8ieceh making, toasts
and witty repartee were the order of
the evening. The occasion was a very
pleasant and enjoyable one.
IU;,WY KH Hi:aiNKSH.-Tho Inde
pendence roller mills are about ready
to begin grinding out Hour The ma
chinery Is all aIJusted and ready for
work, but few Incidental arrange-
Mr. Jiuuea 0. Davidson, of Parker,
was devoted and faithful attondetit ftt
the hed-ld of hi brother, the labt Dr.
Davidson, The brother were, very
much attached to each other, nd Mr.
Jamc Davidson was unremitting
In hlsetUirUto rellevttho vuRbriugof
hi mulcted brother. They Imd been
Inseparable companion all through
life, until at last death came to evr
the bond uf their earthly union.
The Forcat Drove Jktiwmtt lnaak'
Ing of Vntt. N. Itlddell'i lecture ay.
"Of the many able scientific lecturer
that have visited Forest Urove the
lecture now being given by Profcamir
lllddcll, are among the best If not the
best. 111 dellnlatlon of character are
the 1111111 ever given here. Everyone
should attend the lecture.'
Heiikla A Walker, Imvlug enlarged
their tom room, are now carrying oue of
th Isrxost tid best stocks of family gro
ceries siul gtasawar iu Polk comity, ud
are nelluig the m a eliv a the
clieaiet. To be eonriiioed call to and
Mr. Abrum Nelson, of this city, re-
lurued home lust Wednesday from a
ten iluvs vlnlt to Denver. Colorado. He
report the "Queen t'lty of the Plain"
as one of the finest and most proier
ouscltlc of the great Inland empire.
ltev. D. T. Htanlcy I ftu editor of
the A'orMirrsr VhrMiun, new paper
Just Issued at Portland, whose Initial j
number I before us and preaeula In It
make up and quality of content,
pleasing aud "biking" appearance.
Finest assortnieuluf Aurora engraved
glassware, at J, D. Pa. ever Imported
to !udcndcuce, Itrlug your wife and
sweetheart' around and purchase them
aprtweut that wilt umko them fwd
hippy. -I
MIssTulhlll Is doing exivllctit work
lu the Htute Normal H IiihiI Uith In
teaching elocution and In the physical
exercise In which she leads the ninety
or a hundred young ladle
Hay! Where did you get that watch?
Why of courts' 1 bought It uf H. U.
Patterson and on the eustalliutmt plan
too-No trouble to own a watch that
An educational meeting will be held
at Oak drove, Maturday, Jan. HHh.,
commencing at lOo'el.s k, Public cor
dlally invited to attend. Also publhi
tnatallatlou in tliu Orontie.
The city council holds It regular
meeting next Tur-day night. The
mciiiisTs will nlease be promptly on
baud as there will he Important bul
ucss to transact.
We publish this week ail Interesting
communication from Cornell diver
sity, N. Y. It is written by Mr. lUlph
hotinlwav. and I well worth perusal.
Tlie rent hevy rain have been of
Inestimable value to the farmer of the
Willamette valley, but have put the
roild" III a dreadful Condition.
liev. D. V. Poling will preach In the
Pnwbyterlan church on Hunday even
ing, Jan. 11, iwl, rVrvloe will com
mence at 7:l' p. m.
Mr. A. J. Whlteaker, who has isn-u
lutinif the liolUbiV WtV, H'ft for
Th Ornisth f iBitnawaileae'" aill
Vlliscs tlaly Tsa rt AiOno"
l'raiireiit Ultjr A tsty !
llnif nt (Inwsiil "t
Ou nt
Ih I!'. I'laecs
"W..I Nlils."
nil I he
m it... ..... .in itr
Cil Ot III pecmiiw
chronic patient. For a full definition
of "quack" consult Webster, and for
ii. anvwifol treatment of chronic
case consult Dr. Pruden. H
Tiik Saw Mii.u Ou Tuesday was
again heard the welcome sound of the
Preaeott & Vein's saw mills in oS'r
atlon. This mill when built last sum
mer gave employment to ipilte a law
.fori of men, and its pay n.ll very
materially assisted in making money
frwly circulate through the town, but
since lastOctota-rlt has en shut down,
and tin then employed have sought
other Ileitis. Wheu the agitation or n
rnilroad to Fall City was tint is-guii
aisnit one year agowjmc3oiieaiproa. liHl
one of the proprietor of the saw mill
and wanted hi opinion about It aud he
answered: "I do not want ft railroad
to Fall City, as it will be a direct dis
advantage to me." Argument had no
effect on him. He thought that the
competition of the water power at Falls
niu umnlil cut lumber losucn a low
nrlee that no profit would remuln
Hlnce, however, his mill ha been idle
so manv months, and the demand for
lumlier ha been so active, he has do
elded that he too favor a railroad to
Falls City. If the loa of profit during
h, i.llo iwumn amounts to tliuoi), it
would be ft good Investment to donutt
half that sum towards a ruilroud.
A HUMPTt'Ot'B JUNql'CT. After the
dlournment of the informal council
meeting last Monday evening the
Diembera thereof were very courteously
InvlU'd by the retiring liiemliers,
Messrs. Hlieliey, liustcr and Lines to
partake of a sumptuous aupper prcparl
for them ut the City rcstiiurant. The
courteous Invitation whh cheerfully ac
cepted, and about the hour of 9 o'clock
all the member were seuted nt the
table which was loaded with the best
the market ullords. The guests pres
ent were: It. Hhelley, W. I'.Conna
way, A. J. Goodman, J. W. Hunter, O,
W. Bhinn, K. C. Pentlund, JaM.aibMon,
H. M. Lines, Tho. Fennell, J. A.
Wheeler, K. K. Krengel and J. T. Ford.
Tiik Vvtvhk m JtHtoiiT. The hull-
iv muu,n Is now over, and IiuhIiicsh
Ih Bottling down to Its normal status.
The vounur people have enjoyed them-
Mlve splendidly during the carnival
season, and the people of riper years
managed to get a glimpse of the bright
er side of life. Webfoot's "dread wiiv
ter of discontent" I right hero Uxm
us. but it wont last only two months
at the furthcrest and then glad spring
will be here with all Its genial sunshine
and bright flowers. Wc will bear with
the mud and slush, the beating rain
and howling winds for u little while
longer patiently If we can, but bear
with It wc must.
Tiik Oak View Kkvivau Rev. A.
J. Hunsuker, pastor of the Baptist
church of this city, is conducting quite
a successful revival meeting In the Oak
View neighborhood. On lust Hunday
Mrs. G. P. Lock, Mrs. It. Hurnett and
Miss Itena Connett made a profession
of religion and united with the Jiuptist
church. Several other persons are ex
pected to unite with tho church before
the close of the meetl ng,
Thursday after-
it will be a few days la-fore permanent
business ls'lu. mills are com
plete In mechanical arrangements, and
will turn nui as imc nmue
ny mills In the state. Mr. Hklnner is
practical mill man ami thoroughly
understands the business.
Tiik Nkw Ykau'm Kuition. On the
"ith of January there arrived by express
the hundred of copies or me .e
Year edition of the Orrttmian, which
almost made a dray load, and they are
now ready to be unfolded ami marked
as suggested by the Board of Trade of
this city. As n as this work is done,
It Is to he hoped that Individuals own
ing the piqsT will mall them to purtlc
likely to come to Oregon.
Nkw City okkkkiw. At called;
meellnir of the city council last Mon
day evening the following newly elect
otlicer were awuru In, lo-wlt: W. P.
Connaway, mayor; J. T. Ford, recorder;
Tho. Fennell, murshal; E. T. Henkle,
treaaurer; li. E. Krengel and Jas. lllb
hoii, councilnieu. The retiring olllccrs:
It. Shelley, mayor; H. M. Lines, recor
der; Geo, Macaulay, marshal; aud J,
W. Buster, councilman.
master lloliertson Informs us that the
past two quarters in the postotllce of
i,iy eliv ur several dollars ahead of
tlie requirements for a presidential olllce
...I.UiWIllllll tlv next Julv It will be a
presidential oflkse with a salary at
.....i..i Nothlnir bctU-r Indicates a
lilt 1 1 ' ' -- - o
healthy growth of a town than Increas
ing postotllce business.
GoiNU to Nkwi'okt. Mr. J. E.
Klikland, who lives list below town,
has traded ft part of his farm to K. W.
. .. n p..m ., htti.rf.Mt. in
and It. I J. v.isqK." -
their Imrdware sbro over at Mewpon.
Mr. Klikland Is making arriingeiuenis
to remove to Newport for the purpose
of engaging In the merchaiitlle busi
A Man Hurt. E VV. Barnhain, an
... til
emnlove nt Prcscott & Veness' saw mm
In this cltv, irot his left mice pruiiy
badly bruised by the carrluge-wuy
coming In contact with It. If the man
hud been tow Inches nearer the carriage!
than he was tho accident would have
resulted 111 his getting ft broken leg.
A LoouiNO Huow. Messrs. Camp
bell, Finch and Kelly arc engaged In
constructing ft logging scow for Messrs.
Prcscott & Veness to be used on the
T.neUlamute. The late heuvy rains
i,u caused increased activity In the
i i., ,mM all aloniitlie waters of
1"KK'"H v.....,--
A Nkw'livkhy HtaiiiiK Mr. L.
Damon has rented II. H. Jasperson's
machine shop on Railroad street, and
will proceed at once to arrango the
building Into a livery and feed stable.
Mr. Damon Is a live, wide-awake man
and will Iirobably develop a good busi
ness. A,ul,r,t,.!r7v IluitT. Mrs. Roll Bur-
South Bend, Wash
norm of this week.
lUmietiibcr you don't lme to buy auj -lliiiitf
to if t a iiumlNr oo tlia little store
l GiMKlnmn 1 Doiity', they will ive it
to you frie.
Mrs T. W. lte, wno has been quite
111 for several days, Is eoiislderaide
U'ttcr at the present wilting, we re
glad to say,
Mcwr. D, W. Sear and Mark Hoi-
t,f McCov. and J. B. Rureh, of
Dei ry were In town on Tuesday of tbl
Mr. A. W. Howell and wife left here
lost Thursday for au extended visit to
their old home near Hartford, Conn.
Mr, N. A. Einmett of Monmouth,
who has liceu teaching In Linn county
returned to his home last Monday.
New dress itoods, beautiful prints, warm
Haanel and ludiea' Uudurweur, just
opened lit 8U;ktou'.
You can purchase ft magnificent
hanging-lump at J. D. Iivlne'sall the
way from $.1 to $U. Call and examine.
Kx-Mayur Shelley lu hi apm-h at
the t'lty Cuuiicll meeting on last Mon
day evening made many telling point
lu regard to the growth of our city
which are worthy of reproduction.
We herewith give a brief resume of hi
remark. Mr. Hhelley aald In substance:
Retiring from the ofllee of mayor
of this young aud flourishing city, I
think It not Inappropriate to say ft word
lu regard to lift early history -dm pat,
present and future. The early pioneer
of tbl elly are rapidly passing away.
The uther day we consigned to Ula dual i
resting place one of our oldest pioneer,
a man whose moral worth and useful;
life Is ackuowleged by everyone who la
conversant with hi history. It l
needles to say thai I refer to our lute
esteemed fellow eltlren Dr. J. E. David
son. In thedls'iiatlon of Providence
the surviving pioneer and old time
ooinpaiitonsnf the doctor will ere many
yeambcealled Uhiii tu answer the same
great summon to widely our laiuent
d friend lmiw recent ly responded.
If I mistake net Mr. Henry Hill,
Irvln t'laggelt and myself arc among
those uuw living who first located lu
business lu tbl city. With your er
mlsslou, geutleiiien, I will now briefly
review the history of this city from the
time ot my li'Btln here In 1W. I
can remlliy recall .the time wheu a a
eariitr and contractor I did my ilrst
work hi assisting to lay the foundation
of this t'lty of IndcjHiiidciice, new ludo
oeiidelie It wa then willed In contra-
dintliietluu U the original towu-bc
l.s-ated by Mr. F.lvln Thorp. About
my first work wa lu assisting to build
a general merchandise store for Messrs.
Vandiiyn A Co. The old building now
stands on C street. Without churches,
town hall or aldewalka, only few
dwellings scattered promiscuously here
ami there, and vtry primitive one
rmiuiachuol house which answered for
publle liall, church etc., the hideis-n.
deuce of that day was lu no way indic
ative uf the rtourlsiilug city of tmluy.
Jt wa thru a severe tax upon the m
pie to construct a two plank walk
from Front street to the whisd house.
The town at that lime prided ltdf on
having two merchandb. and one drug
store, a postnfllce and a sclusit house.
A fair bcglulng to be sure, a nucleus
from which Western enterprise and
pluck ha built up one of thenuwt pros
perous mid-valley towns of Western
Oregon During the decade just pamed
the growth of tbl city has Usui excep
tionally pniieru. We now have
popululloii of perbap l"i"C Inlmt liaiits,
and our city ha kept pace with uun-t
all of the beat modem Improvement
te. Four large merchandise store,
two National banks, two drug store,
three gr.s'ery store, four confectionery
and notion store, two hardware stores,
two machine ho etc., two livery;
tuhti, a large and commodious hotel,
a thirty thousand fool caiclty steam
Haw-mill, a one hundred barrel sleuiu
grist itillUn etllclent city water jHiwcr,
an electric light plant etc., are some of
the commercial and Industrial enter
prise of the city, while oil the educat
ional and religious side we can point
with pride to our splendid public school
building, probably as tine a any In
the state, and to our Ave churches
which represent ft ninny religious de
nomination of the country.
The people of Independence should
he proud of their city-proud of It en
ergy, push and enterprise; and In con
clusion I will say that I esteem it au
honor to have bceu personally Identified
as a member of It munioiMil gover
meiit. The work done by this council
during the past year has been of an
onerous and jierplexlng character, but
I congratulate Iw niemliers upon the
verv Intelllitent and efficient murmur
In which they have discharged their re
neetlve duties. I have every confi
dence hi the character and ability of
our successors, and I lieswuk for them
tlie courtesy and confidence which I
well know they so abundantly deserve
Iiideieiidiuce Is a live, prosHroii
Uiwnof alxHit 1W1 Jicople, located III j
Polk county on Hie west bank of the
vtlllametle river, about seventy mile
south of Portland. A th river Is navi
gable lip tnand beyond this point, anil
a the town also has communication to
Portluud by rail, through the medium
of the west ide division of the Mouth
em Paclgo railroad, It la the chief ship
ping point uf tint county. Polk county
may appropriately be termed one of tlie
luiiiuer counties or the famous v minu
et I o Vldlcy, lind liidelldelieo, Is-cullsc
of lis Importance a a chief shipping
point for the abundant and varied pro
ducts of this county, t one of the miwl
nromlainu pleee, commercially ami
otherwise, to lie found In the entlreviil-
A visitor to t e tow n Ms-come Imme
diately Impressed with It apis'iirniice.
There are a gissl nmny brick building
occupied by store of various kinds, ami
the exUuit and variety of the stocks of
merchandise carried I such as to eon-
vl nee the observer that the volume of
buslues transacted here Is of much
greater proportions than the sire of the
town would Indicate.
A brief Journey, however, through
the county, and more eHclally that
portion thereof contiguous to liideismd
euce, would niford an explanation for
the great pro-rlty uf the town, Polk
county Is teeming with a wealth of re
sources, prm llciilly inexlmiistauto, and
r a valuable and varied character.
Wheat I the staple pro.
duel of the entire county, yet other
grains, such a its. barley, etc , are
grown lu ftbuuduiiee. A great many
hops are grown lu the county on the
river bottom lands, while vegeluhlc of
every variety and of the tliiest quality
are grown In profusion. Tlmt which
promises, however, to become great
Industry uf the count j I fruit culture.
Tlie soil herealsiuts Is particularly
ibip(et to the growing of various kinds
of fruits, such a prun, pcr, apple,
cherries, e'e also sunll fruits of all
kind. The nroflla of u well-conducted
fruit farm are so much lu excess of the
pro!lts of grain growing, that already a
great many farms are Ueing rupuuy j
planted with fruit tree, and ere long j
w s cLyaS.
fto nonMi-nt sr His nisniiNrtumr of Ir.
on t rurrli Hrmnlf III Unlr aUillly lo eurf
t'liiemla fRlsrrb In tlw WnA, no inilr bow
Imu or nt ln.w Icmif iiiJihk. that Uiuf offM
In inuid rsllli, tlis alxiv ranuO, tut a ou
wbiub tlioy tauinot eura.
Tlesilsi'lis, oMriietlnn nt Tin, dtwbsrr
fWlllnir linn tlirl,isimH tins iirofuiw, wu.rjr,
in) scrld, t oUiws, hl. k, lns.-li. muiwii.
Mirulmit, tiliHly niiu put run eye wuu, nn.
ti In
th rout,
rtiHtttrsilon of ITrii!v
bmilh oir-iiiviM snifll im ti imjira.
Siul ..rl deUllty. Onlf lew of tbm
miiliMi llkelr tn fsi pretenl l one. Tbou
Mtubor im riuU la ouiuuDipllvu, iod aud
tn lh irrsvi.. ......
iy lu mild, tnnllilni', ntlarptla, rlstnirinf
nd besllu irns.itli-. Dr. Nrno-'i homwljr
pnrwl the wort osik "t:l In IB
llrsd n Is eured with tew iipllusUon.
I siHrrbsl llrailarb I rellrfed sad ound
if tr nila. It rinot offulv brts,
tiuw or liniuiirmnnt or th 'lis 01 us,
(, or bMirln. wslwUif or wo f(, did
Imixlrwl iiiwniiry, wlinn osuM br tb Tlo
'.li of ('(tsrrb, tif f (It rriinilr rs
wild by druifKHi, st fifty oenu. Muufsct.
unit by Woiii.n'( limptssisr Kiwoull.
(oeuriOS, Ml Msln Hlr-it, llulTlo, H. I.
ritlv, or (.liUiirtli), fiiirdln m tuw el
turn, tit drtissMK. M uuu f UO.
I11M1S V Al l I V ll'KM.
Mr. Win, Lynch Is Improving hi
We Inula Christmas tree at this place
uud had a very nice lime.
Mi Ullie Ward, of this place, ha
gone to Curvulll to spend th'j w inter.
lliiu says when people think J. F
Hamilton don't keep line slipper they
Fclliinui lit vi ns has returned home
from Buciia Vlstu where he has btvn
to Nell bis hup...
Lyman Muxlleld uf this place is
unite sick. He bus been iu feeble
health for the ltl four year.
(i. J. flcveiis has unit work oil bl
(he orchards of Polk county, through j lmM, H,H,Hluvof id weather,
.. ... ., ii i .. I.. ....
I"".i , W(,j l m, in spring.
or their crop, win .vV ........ ... . , w ( K. w)I)
will make It famous il.rMigl.oui the ; , liKtivuUurai
Itti.a. Acui.ery.s,.,..vei. .... ,,u , tWvHWi returned home to
licsUileiu,e tins spring, boo hi
erven a great stimulus to the
nett, who lives near Parker, uccidoutly
fell from ft table the other day and sus
h.tned a severe blow ou the back part
of her head. No serious damage was
done, but It was a lucky escape from
getting badly hurt
Mr. J, A. Wlthr w, of Silver, was lu
town Thursday, Ho report all pros
pering hi his nelghliorhood.
Dave Olwlck always has on hand
fresh candles, Key West cigars nnd
tropical fruits In season.
The Willamette river Is at n good
navigable stage. Hteainer will soou
begin to make regular trips.
We publish ft list of representative
and senators of tho present Oregon leg
Bend Goodiunii & Douty's new ndd nnd
sec wlwit they say about giving away tlmt
New Orleans molasses fresh from the
funiorv. at J. D. I's. Come In aud
Hiimplo it. 2t
A line line of table and hanging
lumna ut II. & W's.-Hold at bedrock
prices. -
Goodiunii & Duuty nre offering Imtter
inducements than, ever on heating
Be sure to cull on Goodman A Douty
ami uet a number on the htllo siove
VV wuicomo tlie noway Item this
week from our Rickreall correspondent.
Go lo Htookton'a and get a pair of
those bliiBkets for these cold night,
Our esteemed Zona correspondent
failed to reach us this week.
Men's, boys' and children' olothing in
endloBB variety at Stockton a,
The Merchants of Independence arc
taking an invoice of stock.
Wild wood silver steol axes are the best
Goodman & Douty sole agents.
Ttiwt (Uinlitv of boots and shoes and
mou's underwear nt Stockton's,
A full line of tobacco, cigars aud pipes
at Henkle A Walker's.
J.D.I, takes pleasure lu showing
goods to his customers.
Full line of rubber goods, boots, shoes
etc, at II. D. Waller's.
The bottom 1ms dropped out of crock
ery-ware at J. D. I's.
Try that now smoking tobacco ut J,
D. Irvine's.
.r. n. Irvine wants money, "Cum
T.nmns bv the wholesale at J. D. I'a,
In, Ionium ..
urn ........
milium ......
Inn ...
M i.l luii.r
t s.kiI.jji
, i,m,Mv
., l,i(M,iai
iiidllllu 7.IW7.WH
I'nion ft,ni,:w,
Wallows l,.6,HtW
Wmnii tU7K,fl
VViwIilimUiu J,M7,ll
I 3.01
1, ins, mi
Koohillnni on
I hi, IXmlh ot
llr. J. K.
Hall of Lyon Lodge No. 21), A. F. nnd
A. M.
INPKI'KNPKNCK, Or., Jllll. Ilrd, 1HII1
Again we arc called upon to mourn
the death of one of our oldest and most
esteemed brot hers. Dr. J. K. Davidson
one of the charter members of Lyon
Lodge has been culled from labors on
earth to that everlasting refreshment
above. Therefore be It
Jlcmlvrd. That In the death of
Brother Davidson thU lodge 1ms lost tt
faithful memberone over ready with
open hand and generous heart to fultlll
the duties of ft man and Mason.
Brother Davidson being ft charter
mombor of thin lodgo, his familiar fig.
ure will bo greatly missed ftt our stated
coinniunlcatlons. His timely art vice
and council will not bo easily supplied
RcHulvrd that the community has
lost a good muii and tin honest oltlucn,
one always faithful to the duties devolv
ing upon' him; who occupied ft position
which called Into requsltfon those noble
qualities of mind ftnd heart bo charac
teristic of a true mason.
To his sorrowing wife, brothers and
sisters we assure them of our slnoere
sympathy lu this their great trial lu
their separation from ono whowusso
faithful as ft nusnttiiu ami mouiei.
growing Industry. It will nlbird
grower an outlet or market for their
crops, and It success Is well ansured,
lu addition to these resources of the
county, there are vast quantities of
spruce, heuilis k, fir and cedar tluits'r
lolw found on the mountain border
ing the county on the west, while
along the streams and tints Is found tin.
U-st maple, ash and alder, hilicnull
In all It must be acknowledged that
Polk count v bus lavu most bountifully
supplied by Ihime Nature with adJvcr
ally of resource that enable bet lo -cupy
the enviable position she enjoys
among the wealth-producing counties
of Oregon.
liidcH-iideuco, lu the capacity aft he
hief shipping and marketing slim for
, large share of the county 'a pr.
ducts, odVr rure inducements to the
hoinesecker. An li as these advant
ages iH-eouie more gciiviany,
the result will become ijt once appar
ent by a rapid Increase In population
and a corresponding increase in the
city's prosiK-rity.
Iu addition to the large incrcaiiUU'
Interests before mentioned there are
to be found a number of maiiufacturltg
enterprises of considerable Importance.
Chief among them Is a large sawmill,
a llourlng mill, several sash and door
factories, carriage factories, etc.
Au other advantage which Indepen
dence enjoy Is Its close proximity to
Monmouth a town of nlsmt 500 people,
situated about two miles distant, and
at which place Is located the State
Normal scIuh.I. This Is tin Institution
of great Importance. It Is under the
control of this state, and in lis faculty
are Included sonic of the best Instruct
or to lie found In the Nnlhwest. The
two places are connected by a standard
gunge motor line which, in addition to
Its passenger trnlile, transports con
siderable produce hi Independence, to
he marketed there.
The scIksiI facilities of Independence
. . ....... i ii
arc unsurpassed, a iiiagiiniec.ii uc
school building has Just been completed
at a cost of about 8ir,b(!i), uud will lie-
commodate about .600 pupils. The town
Is lighted by electricity, lias u Hrst-cliiss
system of water-works, and Is supplied
with many other modern Improve
ments of like character. There tire two
national banks in the town, end) doing
aline business. Thlslsa good evidence
of tho volume of business transacted
here, and will give some Idea or the
commercial Import unco of tho town.
The people of Independence are live
nnd progressive. They feel just pride
lu their town nnd Its achievements,
and stand ready to accord a cordial and
hearty welcome to all who may desire to
come and tiiildc wilh them. It Is their
aim nnd Intention to make the year of
18111 a notable one lu the city's history
in point of progress, and, although their
luKmneeiiient during the past year Is
one that any towu might feel proud of,
vet at the close of the prsciit year, It
will bo found that, Independence has
imi roved more, nnd Increased her pop
ulation to a greater extent tium any
other town In the Willamette valley.
1 1. 1. u l!l !
., i ..,. I 1 1... I,li,lu,.
fruit- -
" ' T I ...
1 here has lawn - spelling selHX'l
urgatiiA'd at tho Ward school house,
It meets every Thursday night. Every,
hody Invited.
11, II, and It, C. attended a dance at
Soap Creek liwt Friday night, and eon
luded the nearest way home was
around by llliclitt Vistu.
Hhclf, Builder aud Heavy
Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Cutlery, Wagons,
Buggies, Carts, Plows, Pumps, Pipe
and Fittings.
to call on
(gucomor to (XJOPER BBOS.)
and get Prices. Just received a New Stock
of Shot Guns and Rifles including best
makes known. All kinds of Metal
ware made to order. Repair
ing done on short notice.
Oliver uud Garden City Plows, Monitor Drills, Steel King Spring tooth
Independence, - - Oregon.
Gro to EL JD. Waller's
4' jg'i VS
Prices the Lowest.
till K Ilk. VI t I t'l.MS,
J. II. Ncsmith will move into his
lle iioilne soon.
Our scluKil ularted Monday after two
week's ucalion.
S. 11. Walker has been under the
wcuthcr fur several day's.
(ico. llery came up from Shcrlduu
ruesday oud returned Saturday.
I will aHilugize to the Ivy Leaf danc
ing dull but .Uul'K was to blame. F. I'.
William Townseud uud wife, of
I'liiyiliile.wercKUiflsof liobert I'attou,
The sudden rise In the ereek washed
a hole lu the mill dam and u force of
men were put lo work Sunday to pre
vent further damage.
The new tlrui imve taken charge of
ihe store uud all of the fixtures, with
the exception of tlie doctor who moved
to Decks shop.
Owluif to tho I uul weather and de
lay of lumber the hull bus bceu going
up very slowly, but u few day's more
.ind It will be reudy for dedication.
Jtemrtved, that a cony of these reaoltv
Mi.n.iiri uiion rue oi tuu
lodae and also furntsneu tue larniiy oi
l..uiui.a.1 hmttier.
Fraternally submitted, '
Oko. W. Bhinn,
W. P. Connaway,
J. H. Coopbr,
ir Vmi Imd a Friend
About, to vIkII soiiio soot Ion of ountry where
malarial dlseoso, either lu tlie nnu of elillls
nnd fever or btltuus remittent was iiartloiilarly
rife, what would b about the best, tittvloe you
nmiltl Klvc him? We will tell yim-to carry
along, or prouure on arriving, that potent me
dicinal saleguard, Hostotter's Htomiwh II It
tors, known ibrmiKboiil. malaria plivguod re
uIohm, burn and In oilier eouiHrlen, as the
iuriwt inenna of diBariiihnr the inliwirallu
HllllUWe, llllU I'OUlUllK " h.iu,. ..r
lullueiioe. Not only disw It tnrUly the H.VBlimi
bv limnwlnii ltsslamlim, but nveri'onies li
ri'itnliirltv ol dlijeHllou, the tlvur unit the bow
els and liouiilomelK Ihe unfavorable effects of
over-eseitlon, bodily and mental exposure In
rounh weather, or neeupHllon b"i sedentary
or laborious, loss of appellle nnd excessive
nervousness, The functions il idlinenUilloii,
bilious seendallon aud sleep have 111 It a most
powerful and reliable auxiliary.
linlti! ruin! mud! mud! aa soineouc
icmitrkcd this would be a good pluce to
raise ducks. Well there are plenty of
ducks hew.
A man who is a little near sighted
went Into a meat shop the other day,
anil esnvlmr a wheel burrow full of
sawdust, with which the floor was toon
lo lie sprinkled, exclaimed "What
line lot of sausage meat, you have here."
Oh where, oh where, is my little cadet,
Oil where, oh where, is he
Willi his pretty grey suit, nnd jaunty
Oh! will he conic back to me.
tic sing the Monmouth girls,
"Many of the young people of Mon
mouth met at various places on ?ev
Year's eve to spend the lust hours of
the living year In social enjoyment ana
to welcome the New Year. Being un
able to secure a room of sulllcicnt size
to accommodate u large comp iny, they
were obliged to divide up into small
parties, and even then the invitations
were limited. As the clocks struck
twelve and the companies were about
to disperse, it was found to the surprise
all, tint umbrellas and overshoea had
dlsimneared. nor could some of them be
found after the most diligent search.
No doubt it. would have been highly
amusing to the perpetrators of the Joke
could they see the nmlo portion of tlie
companies on hands and knees, search
ing in the grass for the missing articles.
The gales were securely fastened, and
only after most vigorious tugging and
milling did they become loosened.
Sidewalks were nko obstructed in such
a munner, that some were obliged to
retrace their steps, ana even then the
diftlctilty did not end, for Mr. G. had
to Wade and I d.m't believe he's
got through yet.
Is well Stocked with Seasonable Goods
and will be replenished to suit the times.
Their facilities for doing business are
equal to any House in the .Valley and
their prices are always right.
Their reputation for keeping good
Goods together with the courtesy extend
ed to their customers insures them the
Liberal Patronage they are receiving, and
for which they are thankful.
Shelly & Vandayn,
Hals nt Cost.
For the next thirty daya only, A.
Macaulay & Co., will sell lints at actual
coBt to make room fur their lurge spring
stock. Come earJy and get fl rM choice ,
M.V1M .
Kecommended by Physicians,
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
Best Cough Medicine.
taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists.
School Books
DlKKtitiitlon Kotlee.
The uarfnerahip heretofore existing
between H. H. Jtwpewon b. A. I a;,
ker under tho tlrm name of Jus.pthion
& Parker, sash nnd door fit'iiory lu In
dependence, Oregon, i'ni8 this day been
dissolved liy nullum1 consent. All ac
counts duo ud Arm arc placed in the
bauds tif II, lllrschbcrg for collodion
Who will receipt for sumo nnd all claims
Rgatnstsald firm must also lie present
ed to him for scltlcuiout.
H. II. Jasi'kkson,
S. A.
Independence, Or.kJttO. 8il891,
The Public ia Most Cordially Invited to Call and Trice Our Latest
Selected Stock of Writing Tapers, Tablets, Tens, Ink,
. Bulers etc., also All the School Books in
Use in the Public Schools.