The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 09, 1891, Image 1

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    ' ft I
Ay -
1 Outspoken In favor of tli
Kxeellone of the
w a Family ami General Now.
In the beat adverting medium
In Polk county, and conitantly
growing bettor, ., -
I C3 J
$2.00 lVr Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 9.
'oik County Pulishing Coup
Pa Year . . . . . i.oo
Bit Moath I oo
Tare Moath jo
iWatn aot paid lu advance I jo
radtvaataa I tomttd l Um aa4 ( aavt-
fallaa (la BMMl rf Ihe feat). Ml Ut WUlMMtt
How, aa ta lha Mi Um tt itm Orrfua eat
OaHfanla Md. enatalaa a anyalallaa a
mi 1IM (lail dl,lM MMtBI
vwkav aad lawalj aoautalaa ta Um w'lllaav
n raiatf .
faaataaMv laeraaelaa euealatlaa IIm W
kH m atriaa aaaalaa II la b.OM al la aaal
at mtmh .
! T
Latest and Best Styles,
at r
Physicians & Surgeons.
.ito. J
U. S. Examining Surgeons.
OB: aut aid al Mala U,
Physician and Surgeon.
Buena VUta, Oregon,
Resident Dentist,
All work warranted to siv (lie beat
f $tttfCliltt.
Allnrurjr and roiin.ilor nl lw.
AM,! llutlneumtrtutrd bimr will rwlv.
I'nMnpt Atlrullim.
ORtt-a la Opera H'II. InrfrfeeCn-t.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
0Ae: Cor. Mala tad M.amovlh lu.,
liilliaory i Pansy Goal:
Not la todipandcnr Ntiioual Ptnk,
Idnirswnniici, Ommim
Durham Bros.
Cliolre Reef, Million. I'urli and Veal ulwaj-t
on hand.
Haua In mimiu.
B.nlrred lllw
Mulli 8U, inimpenaenr
Uasperson t Parker,
Architects. Builders and Cont'rs
n... in ihnlr Huti and I mkt Km tiiry. Rnrt
VIII iry in pleaw all. llv llinna Irlal and lie
.nvinred tlinl limy are wurlliy '"r I'-
751 Market HI., Huti KraiirlMfi.
i and It-am tmw In avoid
rittuwu. (in.iilliill(in and
tnitliiiMit inrinall)' r hy lt
ltrim aperinaliirhea nr K''iil'l
weak nina ami alldUeaaeiiiifiiifn.
Hend fur biHik. I'rivale nrtlie
211 Unary Ml. chnmillatlfin fn.
, A i i
1 1
,VE VO'l'M YKS ! '
Ych what f
e the leading Grocers in I'olk C-o.
and don't yon forget it.
.i . . . , .. v..ln. .nrf.llPat, una i raaB-marw ui.,u,
Wat hntlnniii condnrtod fur Modtrili Ftai.
Our Office It OMDtlte U, I. Petant Olllca,
knil . n in time tliD tboi
ftmote from WMhliKtn. j....,-.
oena modri. drawliiir nr nnmo., wnn ur.. ..i-
liuwn. lanl ra. IiUhm.
OiniHi Patent OHot. WnMntn, B. e.
Mlodwandarlnranrtttl, Bonbi IwrnM
In ") nttt'iinii, T.tlTi'tn'riU from til
rarie. wit i 'j"tiit Idii lt Hnf.
A. ., .i)tv.t, 2.. Kiftb Avo, N.w York,
Yon chij buy tickel EhhI to any oiut
direct from Iu.l.'pemknoo to derttuuiilou
lowest riuei uf E, 0. Pintlamo,
Fit Rational BaijH
Praaldant J. . OOOPKR.
Vloa Praaldant, V. W. ROBtPTtON.
Chlar W. H. HAWLIY.
0 P. timpfm.
. r.
IT. ITk4eaeJer.
TnatteU.teaeeel kuttat mm
a4 eelle eieaam ea til lataeetaat e4ae
Deveatta reeelv4 taalaet la
eSeT-OeJoe kaan: I A. kt 4 F. M.
National . Bank !
H. HlRSCHBtRQ. . PraaleJexit,
ABRAM NKLBON, Vt Praatdani
W. P.CONNAWAV, - Cmahtor.
A feaerei btailse and aaahaaea Itii'iiii
axreiaieteaiia fruledi deaeatle raeeiee4 aa
eamai amaai eoajwi M eaaaai tale teat aaM
" e eraiiii
Joahua MoDanlal. H. H. Jaaavaeaon,
. uooaman, m. Hlrahtr.
oram naieon, T. J.
I. A. Allan.
(EetablUheJ by National authority.)
THE s-
CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oo.
riaaMeat viae rreeldeal.
J. B. A LB 1ST, Cathlat.
Ta fatal eee ea waaal aad ataee BMfraaalaMa
aaaaaaa, eoaaKaat ae la am. ettaar ta art rata
ananlai ar aaMIe aiteauaaaa
raMa a dtraat ea Haw Tort. Ckleaea.
aa mi a 11, rraaaa. Inadna, rarle, Rartla,
aMaaaJ SaaaBaf SaaSal OtMaaBBsW
M11N Jill Til, DltKilOM.
I. A V Wit''"
r. 1 , t win
1. c. i'uam.i
' 1 s:-f.
m c ri'vi. r. . powri.t..
;v if IHt AC M tilMrSON
,.. 1,1' II KH, A. M. OKIUl.S,
r. L cuii iiKM. ,
t ! itiVlne bu.lnfM'ted. Pe
- r','iiil iMiijrrt rhei'k. or no rertlAra'e
li'- .inli. I.iii m'ie, bllle dlniinuird e
t laniehl ami rulil, Interrtt ald on Uuie
iHnita. va'illancl burlr proof tafe, teeurad
, ale lime Im'i.
i aOfflrt hnun 11 m. to 4 p. m.
The Celebrated French Cure,
Ii floi.n (iN a
to on rtt unj
form of itprvntis
d !(, or tuy
di-onl.T of tits
(fi'iicrntlvo or
rhus ( rllln-r
BEFOlC UiiikT (rom thft AFTER
eirrwivp unf ol HdmtilmitM, bnvvo or Opium,
or ihrmiKh youiliful iinllwrwlii 11, over Imlnlg
enrc, Ac. sil'ti I"'" "( It ruin Fuwit, Wskrfiil
tiesa, Hrlnic down I'iins In tliS Hhi k , HlmhIiih
W.-rikii.-M, HystprlN.NcrvoiiH I'roitrntloii Ktirliirp
Kmlpsltitm, UMH-nrrhd'A, DUiintfM, Weak Mem
orv, lAnt ,'ower mnl ImiMitrnrr, whirl) If li
f liM-tPi. often to prrinMliirnoMairpiiiiit lnni
ty. I'rknll.OO b.tx.6 boxes furf'tWO Hunt u
nail on r.' ftij)to i-nc.
A W HITTKN (UJAflANTER forovcry5.o
riir, to Mund Ue immpy If rriiimiii
ur Is not prircUKl. ThoimnntU ( tuntlntontHl
iwim nltl llfi VOMIIl. O' DOtll hVXfi. lMTmH('lltl
'iiretl hv APHHoniTiNB, C'rnnlsr fn-t. AiMrot
The aphro medicine co.
Fur iilw by hnUr k Lock1.
ih rircad, and Cake on hand ererj At
eioept Hunitar.
. hill and Irenh ttm'k ol nanned oodt. "nor.
a. eoffiie, tuiar, camllee, clean and lobacooe,
0. B. TAYLOR, Proprietor.
H. It. rATTKawm.
Salts 10 Order and fit Quaran
teeo. Montnouthforucuttln.
0. Street "
nr mi'in
me Croat Composile KoreL
rhe Joint Wm k of T. llll.Vt'M
JttllN U Mf I.I IV AN, 1111,1, NVK.
ki.i,a viii:ki,i:ii VII,( OX. MaJ
AI,Hli:i t Al.llOl'N, HiiWK
m mmi;is iNsria ion iiyiinkh,
I'iMn rtt 1 ty w. II. Itulhiu, lli-my linn.
I ihII, h tiiutir tTllait, While titiXflltltf lit A P4t
1 ir mr tin. iHoiiy st.itt-iiiw tin iHriiitt)i
111 t.h'nt Wtlr, fn htt ttltiitlhlllitlt lin Nft'i
hi iitrtti i'rittitnt hi (tin mlrnir, he twing
mp -I iwriv ir mr. rMuui u, ir tin
milt, tinMtitetlt hrf miliar, . (t'irittHui Httd
m 'mil with h llhitM --si iimntiiitiiitn. H
iihik 1 -.Uph'lt t.f ihc imrty. htirlhs: Hip mUm
th' girl i,iiv p. tt-iin liiitlv tin hi'r tut 111. It
ilfe'etiMlitt- lit nmiif hi-r tt(HuitiiilHiMH, Inil u .
u Hi-itltiK Hi (In iimii nihil lift Itnd" Htm Mit
imin hiu hoeii lu lht tlrwtt.1 ivitlml itfixif
naiiitit imiint. Mint tliul ttip Hrly or MUr ti
( ra turtt, hi umiglittT K.lmt. MIm Hriiwu.w
i i rriirtaiH, mi, 1 ir, hi hi mi ihh-miv h nui till
WiM riiirv-aunluti, Thi'ir Mitmt tii
-.It HMitiniPil (a hitltf Mtint ttHn(, KiIiin tttll
hoi tmiifr ihm -lit lm(M lr, mhImiii mul !
jtH'tUti hi (W-t,ii in 1I1 hniun, tmi Mr.
nwrMetury in hlni, Wntwin tHMia In mmtlr
HltliltitoViir pill.u, uiht U truuiltMl Willi Mi
nrowii ui a wcrel iiiiitMA't. , 1 1 m net pit ut
him, Ktl' A pttys mi iivt vlutiu m itlitht, A
ttiiiiith lnlr MruhtUI roKiitst Waiwiii hi
hvpuout1 MlMoUioii iv inruiiR nr Hip ukrti lt
HSkl' III the Hir N itfn'ttt Im iilr (hi iliH'tm
it Hip rritrlv -ciuhi U tiwt (Ul, lull full
in t1iiUilti iwriY ha a oinvnl. "Hip m tluv
I ll'ltlltll WlllttMtt 4 .Hat Hi I III fll MthttlJt ft
Or. Itrtialmw, Hint ttaHN MiMtfKrliig thrvHis
4iiit nr w hi mit. ur t.nsiistf ,
I'lUrTKBl. Hy MnJ, Alltn i rttlhonn.-
I'.hu Ui'sly. a tM-tlv omII Ml lltmahn.r
iiiiiittitttii ny in mi ut iw r, Wt-n uik
lug to a wtmmn un l.'uhiu BuuMr. Hr limit m
iU th wtuuMU tit UMtrtllMsi hauMHin hhimhI
Mvpiioi HeitafiMll lihr tttHs Mini Irll thr
vimiijt nrtM llmi h 1m to (tit wir of IImiist
lUrttiiMii, wht mu ruin tilm, Ho hiiplurrM
tiuttonio itiMrry tit UMiiMtrs iuiiiiirr mnl
tli tie) MMvtt hint. Ilniry urtitniM mo untly
Ui Uu mi, Mtwnwtillr tin ITttwItinU hntr
movihI turUivr uitutwtt. Miin tiMlrril uf lir iiu'ffetM'M, itnU Ilimlh pttt KMut up 'r
tlullll HOdMMItfl DTIrMlM Hilt! If'M.Wi T tut tHIR
Whit writing mii ivrrlluiiiPiil In t'tif World
ortht a niMii tukp Iter id rml hu ntlvfru
nii'hl t -iH ti It 1 Rtled iirmily, Theakt
viTtipinrni tfir a l m Id vlollnUt.
riiirKM 4 - Mr AImii lMlt.-llrnihHt In
( 1116 iMMtlllitW fllgHte-d I'l IrTHM llMtlHIMIl,
oiMMliiii A niMrlyr u( hlMmi'lf, m ht tertns II,
MIm tinri Mil Mm A Mr-. Hinilh fur a rm
imnlim Tap MMUI ntHa I'nrt tiny whni I.miu
U inil. ntul tlniU tiann Ih rt it.r a hrtHM'ti ttm
iMlmti; it portrait nf I'l. Waiai.u, U wa-
tr hr prpir(y itint llud It lu IIi'IinIimII
iirtini i.xiM(uitiiui fallow, mimI llcnliuil
h'AriiltiAl lt' VVdtatii iiMn Mntiih r hua.
hMiid; thttl his tinniv H t'nrll and llml hr
h topiti'iut. lift hu itmiirrtn alittw.
IriiRhMW lrliit rvtioMg thr uuiuhfr, Up
ttlMauil"tu'd huwiftttw" iiioiiih Miirr niArrt
Mtt, Mini bIii Iimm aint-fi (mvii anklHt hlni ftr
i llK. Ora, Mlllllll Milt! llMlhhtlll MttlPtf lo
loin forif: ami Pttneaw thr vltlHiti,
By WILLIAM T. HOWE, AuittaJ kj
ABE HUMMEL Illuitrated hj
(fprrlut All Mhu rawrwt
Vy dl la Dt. Henthaw, aiu'd ItT ax.
claimeil llerr Hlcinuii'll a he laid bia
great hand on thn hotililer of a man
walking rtipldly pant him on lower
Droadway. "Vera Imf you pin all dil
timer Hiif vott your old frenti forgotr
The doctor wa in anything but au
antlabhi frniue of mind when hli meili
tatioua with tuldcnly rut ilmrt by tnii
tuupimrttiiie rm-ognltiun by an old ac
qiiaintaiii'e. With a ilixp frown on hii
brow he lilti-d hi plim-lng eye toHtoin
nietx'a face and curtly n-tunl Lha
The Ciurmnu pulliil him nut of th
way of the crowd to the edge of the
onrlwtone and plied him with iuetiona.
Wa he atill lecturliig? What wai he
doing in New York? Where hiul he been
bnrieil out of eight for o long!1
Hn replied that he had lettled down
to practice hi (rrofeaaion in New Or-
lean, and had had no opportunity to
meet hla former acunalntancua. He waa
ipendlng a few ilay In the city to trana-
aot hiiHituiM of the utmoat Importance,
and he waa then on hi way to keep an
appointment that he could not delay, a
It wa already getting late.
Bo," wild Hnrr Htolumeta, "bud you
lutiat g'me und aee me. My gouxin
llninrich Nnulwrgnr, your olt manager,
here and he will vant to talk vtd you
vile yon tay hi New York. Oin't yon
gome to-nldii?"
I think I can, returned the doctor,
who wm shifting aronud auxlotiily, and
evidently diwired to make the luturvlew
a ihort ai poaaible. Ue wai perfectly
willing to promlae to tee hli former
mangtr, but if there waa any one man
ho hail particular rcnaon to avoid, that
mau wa Holnrich Neutxirgnr.
"You mtiHt gome to my goncert," con
tinued Hcrr HteiumeU. "Id vlll ba
grunt. I baf dbigofonid a new Camilla
Umo, a greader blayer dan Mntom Uno
evur. Hhe vill make her deput to-nide
at 8telnway hall. You are a mtuiclan: j
you muHt hear her."
Putting tho prolTorcd compllmontary
ticket Into hi pockot the dootor, to end
n, !..., ...1,1 ..i.i v... ..i v ..
ried through the Bret door he noticed.!
171 1
through the Schormerborn bnilding to,
Wall street and then down paat the lub-
treasury and tho custom bouse to the
Hanover square station of the elevated
Henry HonHhull, who had boen down
town to see hii father, happened to be
riding on tho mime train a the doctor,
but ho was so deeply engrossed in hi
thoughU that he did not notice the for
mer hiiHbund of hi fiuncoe'l companion
ua he passed through the car looking for
a sent.
Tilt) young artist wa downhearted,
and at the train sped up town he won
dered what to do with himself to while
away the evening.
tie UfM hU pivrotna tye to Stulnmeir'i
He did not cure to go to his club, he
hod no reason to go home and he bad
told Mia Hartman not to expect him
until Saturday. Whon the iruard veiled
j "Fourteenth street" he suddenly deter
mined to leave the train and take a table
(lTiula dlnnar atonaoT the itaHaii raa.
tauranta In that Durttou of the city.
Aftnr hit maal he enjoyod a jimkI clar,
and then itartad to walk Inlauraly ovnr
tttwanl Union thiuara, aluntf the north
atiiln of Pourtneoth ttrwnt. IJefora ha
hail taken many itapt hie artiatlo ya
waa attrai'tatl by Uie wall ruumlvd tgutn
of a gtrl jiint ahead of him, who oarrtrd
a leather nittaio Mil In her band. Thera
waa umiKtliliiK familiar In hnrapiwar
atioe, and ha quickened hli piu'e to (f"t a
ItetUir liaik at her, ;
Thn nait mnuient ha knew that aha
waa Die Ideal with whom bit bralu had
Innid filled liner ba Brat t aught a Klimw
of her In the Wagner car.
Uli Bret tuijmlae waa to lift hla hat and
addrea her, but ha restrained htmaelf,
knowtnic that alia would andnulitmlly ra
annt hi ltnirtlneuiw.
Ha reaolved to Bud out whnra alie
went, however, and permitted her to p't
eeveral feet In advaniM, but not very far,
aa ha feared to te light uf Imr In the
crowd that wai httrryiuv aluntf the
thoroughfare toward the plai-ea of ainuno-
Aa the girl reached the corner of
Irving placa aha caine tudiUitdy faua to
raoa with a man lu whom Uvuehall urn
ognlaed the younger of the two men who
bad imm traveling with her on the New
York Centra! railroad. Hhe looked down
and trli'd to paaa him.
"I am very glad to meet you tlma un
riei:tilly, Muat Crawford," aairaatically
reutarkeil the dortor, detaining her with
bia band.
"Let me got I have nothing to aay to
you," ahe exclaimed, looking up at him
apiieahtigly and ahiinkiiig from bit
For a moment ilmuhall itoixl irrvao
Into. He law that the girl wiahed to ea-
raa from the man, who anemed di'tw-
mined nut to li't her go: but h ooutd
not tell what their rvktiimn had bean or
how hil inliirforeiire would ba taken.
Again be heard her plead to ba let
alone, and alia turned her eym toward
him aa If to appeal for help, fie law
that great, dewy team were iteallng out
opon her long eyelaaliei, and he hnaitatixi
no lunger,
"What do you mean, lir, by Intuiting
an unpnitiH.'ted laity!" he cried, jumping
forward and giviug the doctor a above
with iuch violence aa to nearly throw
blut over the Iron finre around the
Academy of Muaic. He puthed forward
tn front of the girl, who Immediately
left, and he ihuok till But in the face of
her Aaloulnued ariitalntatice,
You diwrve to be thraahml within
an Inch of your life, ha continued
"attd I fool very much inclined tu give
you a aevere chaatiaement to teach you
better manner."
"Come, gel away from here, I will
Dot itajul any mora of thl uonaeiue,"rn-
turnetl the phyaician. "I thai I call i
policeman If you tntorfcro with me."
"I ahall not allow any one to tnault i
lady tu my preaemw," Raid thn artiet,
who felt that he bad to offer aoma juali
Bcation for hi conduct to Ui throng
that hail already colli-td aMuud them
"Thin I ridlruluuit 1 apuke to an old
friend of mine, wa the final reply
vouchaafed to the girt'i champion, who
allowed blmaelf to ba put aalde aa the
furiim doctor moved away.
Henhall followed, thinking that he
might again have the nnmirtunity of
itepping between hit ideal and one from
whom the wai evidently anxiotti to a'
He waa crowing Irving plara when a
carnage drove paat Ha recognlied It
luituediataly aa Edward Hiirtiuan'i. lie
hoped that the occupant would not no
tice bltn, but he wa diiwmmlnUil. He
waa walking ahead when he heard a fa
miliar voire railing hi name. He turned
and aaw Mr. Hartman beckonmgtohim.
The carriage had itopped In front of the
academy and the bauker and hi tlaugh
tar were alighting.
"Lena thought aha would like to goto
the theatre thi evening," wild Mr.
Dartman, after thaktng hand with him,
"no, aa ahe never aaw 'The Old Home
tead,' I have brought her here. I have
a box, and I want you to come In with
n, unle you hava aoma apodal en
gagement." "I want to friend," laid Hen
hall. "You can go out between the acta
and o him. I may want to mo a man
mvaelf, and I know that Lena will ex
cttao ui, ' tain tne oitnaer wttn a facettou
wink to the young man.
The artist came to the concluiion that
tho young lndy, in whom he full a much
mora lively tiitcrtnit than he did in Limit
Hiirtmnn, had probably gone too fur for
t bim to overtake her, and o he allowed
hi fkncoo to pernade him to enter the
acudimiy. "I reully have aomobuainoHi
on hand, though, he remarked, "and I
ahall be obliged to leave before the end
of thn performance."
lie had men LVmnan Thompton'i piny
ouroro, anil he wai far too much en
groHMeil In hii own thonghti to take any
tutertmt In the quiot initio icene on the
In the meantime Dr. Wataon, a the
evil eyed oue choae to ityle himielf for
h ,t'mf i' ' Rone long Four-
laanl h aituui Hal iiiliilrlu aa I - . . ) I
" --- -t'j ..m
when be reached Union niuare he
looked around in the vain hope that he
might catch light of Minn Crawford.
Hhe had diutppoarad, and he did not
know which way to turn, People mrged
aronnd In every direction, and he knew
that if the girl had tried to eicnpe mho
might have taken a horse car, ai long n
the had reached the corner ahead of
"Curie the luck," he muttered; "if It
hadn't been for that young idiot on the
block above I should have had her in
aafe keeping before now."
He went over to the Morton House
oafe, eat down at one of the tables and
ordered a gloss of abalnthe.
"I thought I hod time to catch bur
again before the reached Union iqunrfl,"
he muted. "I wonder if she really walked
that whole block. She couldn't have
taken one of the green croai own can,
ai I did not notice any pas tnere. Let'i
tea, where could the have gotitf Not to
any of the plocei on the south aide of
the street, that's very lure, She might
have entered Steinway hall. By jove
he must have done it."
Thii idea impressed him a being very
good, and he told the waiter to bring
him tome more absinthe.' Aa he tipped
the liqueur hit mind waa active.
"Of course that old fool Btoinmeti I
bringing out a new fiddler, and the
would naturally want to attend the con
cert. Supposing no, it it not possible
yet, it la, though she might have1
ought work there herself. 1 do not
(now but that ahe is the new Camilla i
UrtQhewlf. I'll flfui out,"
Ha did not dream of going to the hal)
himself and leeing hii old friend Stein-
metal and Neuberger. He left the cafe,
ind m Hint linnht .n U,m,n
ana as a nrst move nought an fcvoning
World from a newsboy and turned Im. It
irom newsuoy and turned lm- 'l
mediately to the amuaoment column, '
whore he mw the announcement that
Mlaa Lunik Neville, a talented young
artiste, wotiiu make imr nret public p-
pearance In the United Kuu-a.
"Loul. Neville may ba Edna Lewi.."
ha thought. "It I. not probable that
.lie would appear under her own nam
or undi-r the aliua adopted by her father."
ToK'ltle UiiHUeatiou to hi own mil-
faction he around to 11 nearest
fioriet and bought a large bououet.
Then tt,.u a blank card be wrote, '
" With ihe .incere regard, of an odl
St. Lout, friend who ha. often eujoyeil
In private the aceompluhmuitu the
public are now given an opportunity to
applaud. Euwm HT. LxoNaIUi "
, i , . , . , ,,
llainatructed. young man to deliver
the flower. m Mi Nev lie off the ..age.
.ml to lay w : ha had beam aant by Mr.
Mt. Ijaonard. Fifteen mlnutea later tb
WbL. I h.mia.1 h. tb. it i..
-...I ... ..:T7....T ...
J" J' ' " w uuu ,or
"I am glad to have that much wttled.
Now t ran lay my haml on Edna,"
thought Dr. Wataoti. "Tboae lufernul
nmimger have hold uf her: that'i tin
only trouble. I can't very well take her
by force, and I'm afraid It i too late to
got the old gentleman down here before
thn concert clone. I'll try, though."
- -
Returning to the Morton bonne h
wrota thl lelter:
"Mr Drill Mil CitAwrtmp: My effurta
have at last been crowned with nice,
I hava tlittfovenid your daughter. Hhe is
now at bteiuwny hull, and if you will
come down here without a moment de
lay you may lie able to aee her to-night.
Inhaato, O. L. Wathon.
Ho procured a nnwenger boy, and by
aid of a lllienil tip ancuretl the promlne
that the note would ha delivered In uw
ehorteet txiaxitile time at Kowenhaveu
plm e, near Hixly-ai-veiith atreet.
He then iliiliimed hiinavlf near the
door of Sleiuway hull to await develop
Not long after thii he aaw hi whilom
aaaaiiant pan hi in and speak to a friend
Hetialiall hail aut through two acta ol
"The Old Hoinealuait" by the side of Mis.
Hartman, and, believing that be bin
done hit full duty to her, be pleaded the
engagement he hnd mentioned when be
met her and lindi. her good night. In
front of Htrinwny hall he met a brother
artiat whom he had known for yean.
"Outna in here with me," aoid hi
friend. "A musician who heard the
new violinist ti!y in private yesterday
nay ihe i limply a marvel, and that the
I bound to create n immense acn-utiou.
I bought tickets i intended to come
her in time, but w an delayed. 1 boie
we have not inlsaed her entirely."
Dr. Watson did not low sight of Hen
hall until the swinging doors rliwed be
hind him,
(.Vinllnuiil in" l week.)
Thruilnmt the County.
tVrrjditle it alamt !o orgaiiiae n lit r-
oy ai-ciely.
Mr, Fred riiliuliiu'h while crossing li e
riilge near Wiu. Comegv on Chrimaa
light was violently thrown from his
iimp, but not seriously hurt.
Severn! fnrtnem in Sprint valley n t
pbiiiting nit young orcbarils.
The Mellnulists are buldiug a revjv
m I'ling lit link drove, mid lh l'resm-
t riiiiia nt Zi'iin.
S. W. Ualslnn, of Mill Creek, bus re-
ocntly ililpprd forly-lliree U ef cattle tuni
VK) mollou to the I'ortliiml maikel.
II. M. .lP.ary, ot Un llrove, wns
null v hurl by fulling throiiiih Ins burn
oft the o her diiv,
. M. Outline, who live near Dulliu,
hi "old to Hill sn.l Yuciim sixty five
acre of I'm. I near the home ot li. t
Mnmui for SlL'iHI.
The piislofllee biisines it t Monmouth
l rapidly inorimiiiig, Twt'iily-eiglit new
eller lions will he milled lo the oflloo in
tlif neiir f ! t in ft .
The Maoon io IhiIki. at 1 lliis reeenll.
elected the fullowiiig ollioers: A. 11.
M.iir, W. M ; .Ins. Mugrii.ler, H. W.j 8
W. Criiler, J, W.j IV. P. Wright. Secre-
t.ry; Wm. l null, Trcasiirer; Dnvid Mo-
IX.tial.l. Tyler.
The good people of liiienn Vista recent
planted forty-four mnplo lind bnlni
tree in Ihe school yard.
The HueuH Vista pottery, which is tin
der the utile miitiiigein. tit of ItliiineSniitli.
employe llfteen Mien 'le-ddc the teamster",
Tho Methodist church lit Dallas wits
eritwih'il nl the llihle iimiiverwiry uieel.
lug Kil iday, Deo, SHth. The following
ollloeri were eleok'd: J E. Smith, Pres .
W. I. lleyunhls, Sec; W. W. Miller.
Trea.;M. M. Ellis .1. M. Oimipbell. Wm.
Kenny, M. Motrison und F.oliert Howe,
executive eominillee.
The Dallas O. A. It, buys helil it linu
quel in tlmt city, nu Friday evening.
Jan. '2n. I.
School will open in the Now Academy
building nt Dullas, Monday, Jan, 5lh,
Tb" following oflioerH were installed nl
the Dallas Orange Ins' FriiU i Mnsier,
Jiiuio Simoiiton; ov rteer, J. A, Denip
sey; lecturnr, Jnntes Clow; steward, M.F
Peroival; i hiipliiin, W. W. Mil'erjtrens
urer, W. 0. Iiriiwn; Heoretury, V. S
Ffink; gate keeper, O. VV, Mcliee; iisKit
am steward M. Mornsuii; Potuou i, Mrs,
Alice Diuiips"); Flnni, Mrs, ,1ns. Sininii
ion; Cores, itlis, Mury Rriiltiwidi; lady no
islnnt Hlewiiiil, Aiis, M l) itii-lieit.
Clin. Neb II, ot Oniuile Hoiide, re
oenlly slew a huge cougiir.
Hmi. MoMinn Dodson, of Suit Creek..
i.t'liihrateil Clirisltiin.1 by giving a social
festival ill his remileucn vvilh n few in
vllml guests present, This ih nn old fiish
loneil wav of celebrating Christum lion
day. nml very good wny it is, too.
Dul Int. bus expended 91"3,7(ll in ilu
provemeuts during the year jiiHl clnaed
Exoltotnent high at Hie drug stores In fhii
pliice over System lluililcr us everybody
in using it for oaliirrli, ot hIuiuiicIi, dys-
pepHiii, oiinsiipiitioii unit iuipuie blood,
mid to build up the system it oertwnn
ho well uf wimdnrful merit when nil npank i
V" 1
Holmaa Builneia College
""'" ,hl IcaillilK pen man of the coast, ha "
become a partner in tiiismtiuHii and win niH .e
imn UiMlueHt College. Hend for ,
Jttt'"'" -
, . . ... , , . ,
' .'J , W.?,"T M.?JB'ln,, to
7, w k "V .iVT ,0"
U' 'kBh irrivedt xh?hMr
d A,n,y "r trWtuUr lnin the
.If 1 t . i i. - ,,w
..T ?hh W"i
J.'1 ' .UM k u
";"il f tlw IWUth wWUty."
. !"w ''" u? k,,ow'1 '"'f "f ,
1 'l'!'cn..d U, it. theptart-
f'T '"' . -nd with my
77. "'.' ' T l'" 7
r' H ,'U", f0
Ho I went right over t- the hotel and
fmmd tlmt , WM Ue J
plnU,l out the young man to me. Oh,
i,llUJn, iauch an elegant young
i .n,,.,. , , , , J ,r
"! ..' '.!" "M'M yn only llnd In the
I -Hut I've got mora to Ull you, Ma-
..1.1m I'.... ...... 1 . . i :.
I .ikio. . to iui.iji.Kvii v vei an invita'
tlon from tho landlady to come over and
take tea, o tlmt we uhull be introduced
to him. Only think of that! And if
only think - he should take a fancy to
you. ami, .Mntililu, toougli I ought not
to aay it, yon are very pretty just the
very picture of what I wa at stmr age
aa 1 .wa laying, I don't think It at al)
improbable, at eot,t impossible, that you
ahoold attract hi attention, and think
what a fine thing it would lie if you
inoiiui liirnme a connica.
Mrs. Jt-nkin paused to take breath
after this long and rather loosely jointed
H.ech to leu what effect It wonld have
liK)U her ilimghler. The bitter hevumi
ijuilc as much aff.irtfd an she could wish,
fche wns like her mother, not only in
ronn, out tu mind, and ber mother'
words bad stirred her ambition.
"La. how line that would be!" the ex
claimed. "1 guiiw Lllen llawkin would
not show her air any more. The mean
crenl urc, I wouldn't take any notice of
her, except jwt to tiivite her to the wed
ding, so that Min might have a chance to
envy my good luck,"
"Very true." said ber mother npprov
tngiy, out you know a good deal mui'
! done U-fore this can bo a.-comulislii'd.
Yon must endeavor to look your pret
tiest lo-nijjht. o a to produce au uu
pn-seion upiu tho voung man, if poasi
ble. 1 think you had bettor wear your
grii'ii tie lame.
"o, muiumn; that doesn't become
me. 1 shall wear my plum colored silk
and you must lend mo your gold chain
"Uul," suid Mrs. Jenkim reluctantly
"1 was goiti;,' to wnir that myself.
1 don't see." said ber daughter, tose
lug her head, "that it is of much conse
quence now you look, l prtMiimo you
don t expect the young lord will marry
you. Hut it 1 very important how 1
look. If 1 can't go looking decent I
won't go at all. Of course all the Indira
In Lngluinl have gold and jewel to
w .ar, ami I know he won't aay a word
to me unless 1 have aomething of the
"Perhnp you ought. Matilda," aid
ber mother. "1 am sure it i mr sole
aim in life to promoto your bticcees, and
if I could only live to aee you the wife
of nn carl I should die in eace."
Notwithstanding the apparent disi
terwteilm-h of this remark it is proba
ble that unles Mrs. Jenkini expected to
hare in the prosperity of her daughter
she wonld have wired considerably less
lor her alliance with the nobility.
1 hat was a busy day for Mr. Jeukins
and her daughter. It took them nn to
the very moment of their departure to
arraugo their toilet. At length, resplend
ent with the beet their wardrobe could
furnish, they went over to the hotel. It
may lw rvumrked, by the way, that Mrs.
ukins, with the cunning natural to
uch an admirable manager, had not
whiKard n word of ber ulterior designs
to tho landlady, hhe even cautioned
her daughter not to address the noble
man by his title in the hearing of any
one else.
Six o'clock found them seated ut the
hob l tablo. It so clinncHl thut Earl
Spencer waa tho only guost (tho reador
must remember that it wan a smull coun
try inn), and accordingly Mrs. Jenkini
and her duughter hud the distinguished
atroiigcr quite to themwlvee. It suited
Mrs. Jenkins to appear quite ignorant of
tho earl station even of his national
ity, miles he should himself reveal It.
It would have boon somewhat difficult
to derido wherein bay tho mark of high
birth which lire. Jcukina professed to
nml tn the stranger. Ho looked much
more into a mini rate ciors. tio wore a
Cash waistcoat, nn extensive cravat and
gorgi' iis watch chain which might
have boon gold, but looked more like the
showy articles which remind one of the
old proverb that "all Is not gold that
Hut Mrs. Jenkins waa not a woman of
great discernment. She snw uothing but
what might bo expected of an earl, and
murmured In the ear of Matilda that his
appearance wns very distingue by the
way, she pronounced the word in a wav
of her own.
Mutildu nodded assent to her mother'
remark, Hiul begun to play off her airs
and graces upon tho distinguished gon
tloiuun. ller delight was great to find
that sho was creating un impression.
The earl listened to her very a'-tontivoly,
und even condescended to exchange a
littlo playful badinage,
I should judge, said Mrs. Jenkins at
length, "that you were not an Ameri
can, lucre is something about you
which makes me think you an English
man?" "You are right, nir'am," anid the eorl,
I nm from England,"
"May I iuk if you have been long in
our country?"
Mrs. Jenkins hardly knew whether to
say sir or not, but filially decided not to
do so.
"Only a few months," was the reply.
"A fow months," thought she. "Then
he muBt certainly be traveling Incog,,
or wo should have hoard of hi being
bore by tho papers."
Whon they were ready to depart the
managing lady turned to the English
man and said:
'I should be very happy Indeed to tee
you ax our nouse to tea to-morrow even
ing, if yon have no other engagement. I
have always had a very high idea of the
English, and am glad to have an oppor
tunity to show it."
"Thank ion, ma'am, the earl replied
with alacrity. "I will certainly call,
At what time do yon sup?"
"At whatever hour will prove most
convenient to, you,"
' ninjtea wft'ftm
Etappoee w'e name it
was wio gracious re-
you are very kind.
Q then,"
"Thank vou. my I mean sir. Wa
ahall look forward with great pleasure
w r lou""S;
"Those people are extraordinary no-
lu. thought the voung man after their
. ,
departure, at be tat in bit room imoRcg
a cigar. "I really think they have taken
quite a fancy to me. My good look, I
think it rouat be, for I haven't a tingle
recommendation Mde on earth. Well,
If I find the girl haa money 1 may im
prove my advantage and offer myaelf in
matrimony. Money wonld be very ac
ceptable just at preterit,"
Had Mm. Jenkini beard thi lolfloqoy
he would probably hava come to the
conclusion that there waa aomething
wrong about her adculaUona, bat fort
unately for onr hero thl wa not Um
It will bo roadllv Imagined that Mr.
Jenkini exerted hor culinary tlrill to the !
ntmoit In preparing for ber lUnitiion
gu.-st At be aw the numeroo d&intie
pread oot before bim he felt a glow of
joy pervade hi frame, and determined
on the apot to lay siege to the heart of
The reader will easily Imagine that hit
ail vane were readily met by the young
lady, who waa quite enraptured by tha
conquest which the had achieved over
the heart of an earL Nor wai her mo
ther leu gratified. The good lady held
her bead higher than ever, and ipeedily
anticipated tbe time when, at mother-in-law
of an earl, the would take pre
cedence of all who had hitherto ventured
to look down upon her.
"You know, Matilda," aba taid, "that
when you are a count I ahall of course
be dowager conntmt or connteat dowa
ger, I really don't know which. I wish
I could find somewhere a book of the
Dritiah peerage; then I could find oat
without any trouble." She thought of
going to the bookseller and asking him
to tend for the book, bnt on tecond
thought decided that it would be moat
prudent not to run any inch riak of re
vealing ber aspiration, even if aht were
obliged to remain in ignorance a little
while longer.
One point, however, puzzled her a
little. Notwithstanding tbe very in
timate term of the earl with ber family
he never ventured any allusion to hi
rank or hi English estate or the amount
of hi income,' which Mr. Jenkini
would have been very glad to learn.
"But I suppose, Matilda," abe re
marked to ber daughter, "that he it de
termined to remain inoog. to at to make
sure that you marry him for himself
alone. I have read of inch case in sto
rk, but I never expected to have any
thing bke it in my own family. Really
think it I quite romantic On the
whole I guest it would be best to say
nothing about it until yon are fairly
M.i ti Ida acted upon ber mother's orn-
dent advice, and although her curioaity
was as itrong a her parent'! the care
fully guarded against betraying it to the
At I t one memorable day ahe bunt
Into her mother'! room with a triumph
ant glow on her face.
Has he proposed?" exclaimed Mrs.
Jenkini in great agitation.
"Yea, mother," waa the reply of the
overjoyed Matilda. "He told me that
he loved me to distraction. "
"I congratulate you, connteat that b
to be," said her mother. "By the way.
did he lay anything about his rank?"
"Not a word, mother.
"I am not at all tnrpriaed. Be sure
then that you don't give him a hint that
you know anything about it How much
we shall enjoy going to England!"
"We!" repeated Matilda, "Surely you
don't propose going acroe the Atlantic
at your time of life?'
"At my time of life!" said Mrs. Jen
kins sharply. "Indeed I da I don't
mean that you shall have all the enjoy
ment. But did the earl fix the day for
the marriagel
"He left that to me."
"Then fix it as toon as possible. Yon
must not let him ilip through your fin
gers." That day three week the important
ceremony took place in Mrs. Jenkins
cottage. Scarcely waa it over than that
worthy lady, no longer able to restrain
herself, addressed her son-in-law:
"I trust, my lord, that you will never
regret this day."
My lord!" repeated her ton-in-law.
exhibiting unequivocal surprise.
"Certainly yon cannot expect to re
main incog any longer?"
But I have no claim to the title.
"Noclaim!" exclaimed the mother and
daughter, turning pale, "Are you not an
"That is only my Chriatian name."
"And what is your employment?'
asked Mrs. Jenkins on the point of faint
I am a house painter, madam, bnt
being a little nnwoll was ordered by the
doctor to spend a couple of months in the
country." I
We draw a veil over the scene that en
sued. The lofty fabric of pride which
Mrs. Jenkins had built up fell to the
ground, and her chance of being allied
the British nobility seems more re
mote than ever. Caroline F. Preston in
Boston Globe.
The people of western KanVas are aban
doning that section of tbe state on account
of the drouth. More than 4,000 have left
Rooks county alone. For miles over
the prairies one can see nothing but ten
aiitloss houses and abandoned farm ma
chinery A mule which a negro at Memphis
was driving touched an iron post to
which was tied a telephone wire that
had been crossed hy an electrio light
wire. The mule fell stunned, and the
negro got out to investigate and was in
stantly killed.
Dr. Shirley of Detroit has a consump
tion cure which, although administered
by inoculation, like Dr. Koch a does not
produce the same effects. It is milder
and does not destroy the deceased tissue.
Its effect is to change the nutrition of
tissue. It is a blood cure.
The Interior deportment says: Here
after any settler who' ha cleared five
acres of timber land to that it it fit for
agricultural purpose can claim all that
the law allows as agrioultnral land, and
instead of requiring a thick population
the presence of three settler who have
complied with the law in each town
ship will give the state the right to select
its land.
In the village of Waterheim, Germany,
a peculiar case of religions freniy has
been devoloped. Barbara Pfister, 33
years of age, horribly mutilated herself
and appeared before a large number of
people who had assembled at her home
for a religious ceremony. She wa
ghastly in appearance. The police with
drawn swords had to cut their way
through a crowd of peasants to reach
the woman to arrest her. She claimed
that 8li6 with her wound was a wonder
ful example of the crucifixion of Christ
fi: ava aaa pa Buy your tlekeM East of
Oill k. c. iwii.n.i. i..i
r"1B nu" favori gruuted. Cull at the
v est aiua omee,
W. U. tiimpaon, chief justice of tht
upreme court of South Carolina, 1 dead.
The Chickaaaw have tent to Wash
ington a list of 00,000 intruder upon
their land.
The lupreme conrt of Michigan hat
eatabliihed tbe validity of the graded
railway fare act.
A farmer in Mahaska, la., found a
olid gold nugget on hi farm that
weighed seventy ounce.
Christ Knieltng, a Dayton, 0.. tailor.
put 3,000 in a cigar box and buried it
for safety, and tomeone stole it
A fight in a negro church at Oxmoor,
Ala., resulted in one death, two fatally
wounded and several slightly injured.
A Venezuela man at New York said
that grain wa rotting in that country
for the want of laborer to harvest it.
A fruit grower at Brocton, N. Y., ha
picked nearly 1,800 pounds of grape
from half an acre of ground thii year.
Lorin Fletcher of Minneapolit haa just
told for 1134,000 a corner lot in that city
which cost him $3,500 twenty yean ago.
Although Cuba haa offered f 10,000 for
the bandit, Manuel Garcia, dead or alive,
he continue to hold undisputed iway of
hii territory.
The Lexington Transcript wantt Ken
tucky to appropriate $1,500,000 for a dis
play of tbe resources and product of the
date tt the world' fair.
George R. Sim, the Chicago attorney,
who advertised in Western papento get
a decree of divorce for $50, has been sen
tenced to the penitentiary. .
A movement hat been begun in New
York to have the municipal election in
that city on a separate day from the
tato election about a month thereafter.
Mist Patrice Whitbeck, an actress,
has begun a rait at Chicago against A.
F, Blakeslee, a young board of trade
man, for $'JO,000 for breach of prornise.
At Scranton. Pa, a jury was kept out
for a week by the obstinacy of one man,
and at tbe end of that time the counsel
agreed to accept the verdict of eleven
At Pittsburg an electrio car and a
cable car collided with terrific force.
Both car were filled with pastenger
and a panic ensued. One man was
A test of steel at the Carpenter Work
at Reading, Pa,, was made. A 1-inch
bar broke on a strain of 233,833 pounds,
20,000 pounds in excess of any record
An Indianapolis paper assert that the
new reaper and binder trust will soon
discharge several thousand men from
tbe factories and offices throughout the
The decennial census of Anstro-Hun-gary
is taken in one day on the last of
the year and in two days following the
schedule must be in the hands of the
Very Rev. Benedict Murname, C P.,
(provincial) of St Michael' Passionist
monastery at Hoboken, N. J., and head
of that order in the United States, died
at Dunkirk, N. Y.
Laguerre, one of Boulonger't leaders,
said in the chamber of deputies that
Boulanger was dead politically, and the
i sooner that fact was recognized the bet
ter it would be for France.
An Albany letter to the New York
Tribune says that Governor Hill has ap
parently decided to transfer the office of
senator to Smith M. Weed and run for
governor again next fall.
The muster rolls show that 21.000
Union veterans died last year. In few
years death will relieve the burden of
pension. From year to rear the ex
toldien. will go wore rapidly.
No less then a dozen state, says the
Detroit Free Press, are making ready
to follow in the footsteps of Minnesota
and enact a law to close the tipper berths
of sleeping cars when not occupied.
There were 408 Italians landed in New
York by the HindoosUn, and they will
all be returned. They are, simply- the
lazzaroni of Italy. There not one
box of clothing in the whole party.
The steamer Liscard of London, from
New York for Lisbon, with 80,000 bush
els of wheat, put in at Boston in distress
with her engines broken down, lifeboat
gone, decks swept and twenty-one inches
of water in her hold.
Hannibal, Mo., has a married men's
club, the object of which is to induce
married men to spend their evenings at
home. A druggest is president, a doctor
is secretary, and they meet about every
night in the drug store of the president.
Senator Paddock of .Nebraska was in
earnest when he warned the senate that
he would move to lay the elections bill
aside. He has again warred his party
to pass the bill or lay it aside.
The hundreds of patient and attend
ants at the Cook County hospital, Chi
cago, were given a decided scare by a
fire tliat started in the drying room and
threatened the entire building.
The house of Samuel Malone at Hoi
den, Mo., was burned. Malone and his
brother-in-law, John Hicks, perished.
Foul play is suspected, as Malone kept
considerable money in the house.
The Vienna mother of pearl workers,
who were thrown out of work by the
McKinley bill, are desperate. They held
a meeting and demanded work or bread
from the authorities. Thirty of them
were arrested.
Two medical students at Ann Arbor,
Frank E. Dickenson of Dubuque, la.,
and Minne Brundage of Long Island,
left for the mill pond to skate. They
did not return and a searching party
found their bodies under the ice.
Three Kane brothers went into Hinck
lay, and after getting drunk proceeded
to make trouble. Marshal'Booth arrest
ed them but two of them escaped and
set upon him. He shot and killed both
of them. The men were tough char
acters. A St. Petersburg dispatch says that a
Jewish woman whose house was about
to be sold hy the authorities to meet fines
imposed hy reason of her son's avoidance
of conscription, in her despair lay down
in the kitchen fire and allowed herself to
be burned to death.
A peculiar and fatal accident occurred,
at New York. An unknown elderly
woman slipped and fell to the sidewalk.
When picked up she was dead. An ex
amination disclosed the fact that a long
hat pin had beon driven into her brain
when her head Btruck the sidewalk.
Mrs. Francis-Bnrke-Roche, daughter
of Frank Work, the well known broker
and turfman of New York, has been
granted an absolute divorce from her
husband, the Hon. James Burke-Roche,
at Baltimore, Mrs Roche sued on the
ground of non-support. She tired of
unpporting him for the privilege of liv.
tag with him.