The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 02, 1891, Image 2

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    f f :
nwt'KD BY
Pc!k County Publishing Company
There seems to b no quwtion
bit that Oregon needs more capital
nor that the action of our present
tax laws has a positive tendency to
drive capiuU from the state. mm
however the subject is broached
among our people iw tothendvis
ability of repealing the tax laws
ndpawinj; others better adapted
to tlie wants of the state, au oppo
aitioa Biwintrs from two source.
First from 'the lnuiker because it
will loosen bis bold on tlie local
money market Second from the
farmer, for he believes he is the
debtor class and will therefore have
added burdens to bear in pitying
taxes which he claimsshoultl belong
to another. U seems that with
these two classes favoring a law,
that its repeal is hopeless, and yet
there are tbose w ho look beyond
merely selfish eiuU and for the good
of the whole state, and to assist
those whose start in lite has just
been made they favor a law teur
ing as heavily on the rich as the
poor, aud which brings cheap capi
tal Into the state, for developing iU
resources. Perhaps no radical re
form can be accomplished, and yet
something must be done. In order
to see just what should Ito done let
us take a case, w hich is not of un
usual occurrence. Mr. A. is the
owner of a largo manufacturing cs
tablishment which cost fJO,OO0 to
build, but is assessed at $15,000,
Mr. A. says to the assessor: '"I
know that you have assessed my
property at f 15,000, but I am in
debt. I owe Mr. H. :im)0, on a
mortgage and you must assess that
amouut to him . I owe M r. C. URK)
for groceries aud you uuict assess
that amount to him. I owe each of
the following men (here he names
say twenty men) an aggregate sum
of 3000 aud you must assess the
several sums to them. I have given
a personal note to a frieud Mr. I.
for 11500 aud you must assess that
to him. I owe five persons for ma
chineryin my manufactory the sum
of 12500 (he names the several pin
tles and sums.) and you must assess
each of them." The assessor adds
up the debts and finds that only
14000 remains. He sees that the
only property he ran really hold
for taxes is the $1000 aud so the
rest generally escapes taxation
The consequence is that a higher
tax levy is necessary, throughout
the county, but since public opiuiou
sustains the assessor, and the county
court says it is all right the matter
continues. The fact is that the Ore-
eon assessment law ascsscss the
individual instead of the property.
Why should an assessor pay any
attention to the several debts of Mr.
A. when the only piece of property
sought for taxes is the manufactory,
and since it only is held for the
taxes, and if taxes are not paid
would be sold, by what legal right
can the debts which are claimed re'
duce the authority of the state to
get the full tax from the property
when the other parties fail to payt
The attempt is to tax notes, accounts
etc. and let land go free. The at
tempt is a grand failure and will 1
a greater failure each year.
If individual matters are to lie
brought into state affairs why not
let the law bo operated as follows:
Let the shite hold Mr. A.'s uianti
factory for the whole amount of the
$15,000 but when Mr. A. shall go
to pay his taxes let him give a
sworn list of parties to whom he is
in debt, and then let the proper of
ficer issue a certificate to that effect,
and then the certificate can be made
a lien against the creditor when
payment is made. In this way the
state gets taxes on all the real and
personal property in the state, and
tbe frauds now practiced would be
impossible. As an example let us
suppose the tax levy is ten mills,
then Mr. A. would pay $1500 each
year on his $15,000 factory, and at
the time of paying his taxes could,
by taking oath, receive acertificute
for the several sums upon which he
had paid, against bis creditors. If
property must bo divided for tax
able purposes let the division be
made by tbe individual instead of
being entered on tbe assessment
Multnomah county, probably
more than any other county in Ore
gon, profits by the exemption clause
and the mortgage tax law, and it is
therefore not surprising to hear
that the delegation from there will
present a solid phalanx against the
repeal of the exemption for indebt
edness clause and the mortgage
tax law. It will be noticed that
since the agitation of this question
that even the Oregonian which real
ly believes in equal rights and just
laws has become silent on the sub
ject The reason is not hard to
find. Portland not only is not hart
by the law but actually profits by
it Unless Portland is opposed by
a strong element favoring a law
which will make Portland pay its
, ;-t
Just share of taxes, Portland will
continue to profit by It.. The Or
0(Nii feaia no man, but still when
it finds that its own people see in
the present laws a source of profit
to themselves, uo matter what the
result to the whole state, if it Joins
the procession we may expect
to see it ltcgin arguing that the
present law cannot lm improved
upon. If the present law were re
(MNtled and Portland were assessed
at a just valuation on real estate,
aud personal property, that city
alone would return not less than
fifty millions of dollars of assessable
projierty. Any person who has
impartially investigated the prop
erty value of Portland as compared
with Seal do must decide that it is
preposterous to say that Portland
is less wealthy than Seattle, and
yet it seems to be so from the as
scssmcnt of Multnomah county
which iu the aggregate, including
Kiust Portland, Alhlna, etc,, is two
million dollars less than King coun
ty in Washington, A proper law
would make Muttuomah county
pay on at bust $100,000,000 and it
is because the Portland delegation
is beginning to see that such will
Uithe result that the solid vote
against the repeal will lie made.
The wealth of Oregon is iu the city
of Portland, and a great part of
that wealth is now (and always will
be under our present law) escaping
Not because our position has lieeu
wrong ou this taxation question do
wo admit that probably the mort
gage tax law will not lw repealed
but because men who are now evad
ing their just taxes, can continue
to do so under the present law aud
are selfish enough to wish to con
tinue doing so.
Men will evade taxes uow, who
never evaded Wore, aud those who
have nl ways evaded, will uow evade
the more.
Probubly some measures will I e
passed making it harder for the
poor man, or the fanner, to evade
taxes, but the bankers and the
wealthy men of Portland will escape
as before. Portland will tie all of
Oregon in the coining legislature
and Portland does not want the tax
law repealed. Portland had a
wholesale trade In 1S.SH off UMKM,.
000 and all the book accounts of the
wholesale merchants were deducted
from the country merchant's assess
able proHrty. Where is the re
turn on all those book accounts
amounting to millions of dollars?
KscajMnl taxatiou of course, nud it
will escape right along, aud much
mor besides.
rilK Xr.W VKAK,
According to the Gregorian ealen
darwearenow living in the early
morning of the year 1S!H. Thirty
six hour ago the bells were tolling
a requiem for tho dying year,
From a million brazen throats went
forth the sad wail "the king it.
dead," and then the same iron
tongues rang out the triumphant
shout, "Long live the king!"
The Wkht Side has pastwd from
tho old year to the new without
specially marking thu transition
with the usual display of newspiter
theatricals. It has no new pros
pectus to issue and declines to re
print uu old one made up of broken
promises. Several of its esteemed
elderly contemporaries have mas
queraded before the public in the
gala costumes of youth, and
with all the apparent friskiness of
younger years, but the gaudy cos
meties ill concealed their wist and
venerable age. The Wkht Sidk,
while admiring the enterprise of its
contemporaries, prefers to wear its
own natural everyday ilntis
through Christian and Roman holi
days, and, though still young in
years and experience, it aspires to
that rational kind of dignity and
usefulness of which it is said that
wisdom is the gray hairs unto
The Wkht Hidk wishes all its
contemporaries, whatever be the
color of their respective creeds-
republican, democratic, alliance,
grange or neutral, Christian or
pagan a happy New Year. It has
now on the beginning of tho new
year a word to say with its readers,
not in self laudation or praise, but
in regard to its alms, desires and
aspirations, it hits no new proiui
ses to make, but frankly asks that
expectations of its future bo measu
red by ita present performance; and
it has the assurance to believe that
the popular verdict will be in its
favor. It has its critics, fault
finders, baek-biters, as what paper
luw not! and its editors have by
no means reached their own ideal.
They will improve tho Wkht Hide
just in proportion as its busi
ness increases. The Wkht Side
has always aimed to keep abreast
with the increasing interests and
general progress of Polk county,
and it shall continue to do so in the
future regardless of the clack and
clatter of stupid sycophancy or
malevolent opposition. It wishes
all its patrons and readers a pros
perous and happy New Year.
We hope our readers will study
tho editorial in these columns on
"A compromise tax law." The
subject is well worth consideration.
Our tax laws only too evidently
need revision, and some practicable
; t - 1
method should bo 'agreed upon.
The salient Idea in the editorial is
this: Let the tax payer settle with
his individual creditors as to the
taxes ou his indebtedness and not
with the county, For Instance Mr.
A. owus a farm of :t(K) ucrca which
Is aNscsscd at $0000, and ha is In
debt to the amount of 'J0O0. He
must pay on the full amount
so e 1 aga'nst hlm,nud shall receive,
under his sworn statement, a tax
certificate from the tax collector
against the several ainouuls of his
individual indebtedness. He ran
afterwards settle those indebtedness
taxes with hlspredltom. We think
this method practicable
does full justice to the tax payer
and at the same time shuts out all
possibility of fraudulent indebted
ties. The reason that large cities
escajm their just proportion of tax
ation is because of the fraudulent
methods practiced iu covering up
property with trumped up debts.
A Happy New Year to all.
Hitting Hull might luivo Uvu killed
several year ko without serious Iimm
to the country,
A iH-vv urguiiluitlou with a wry en
plioiien Mini eiitU-Ing inline, In the
"KlliKhU nf Heclproelly."
The days of thti MilltUtd Lmw, what
ever party alllllntloiia, are number
ed In thin country, where every mnll I
cnpnlite of Mug hU uwu political boa.
The uiitliinitl hank appear to bo try
litK to eurry favor with the farmer 1
llaiioe ty having hill, allowing them
to loan money on note mm nil by
umrtKKe nil real estate, Intrmhiced In
emigres. TliU I good sign.
Thl In the umm of tho year Unit tti
ttvme have their ilUinoiol itoleli
Those, that haven't any diamonds be
gin protwllug fur divorce against
their litistiantl. Advertising U the life
of the theatrical profciedoii.
In I'liictmtittl the other tiny, a di
vorce wiw granted Iu three mlmitet
tod thirty aeeotnU from the time the
sute wa culled In court. Such things
arc to he exiectt u lung km marriage
otvur after wily a few minute court
ship, Whew: $4,1X10,000 ciwh In the prli-e
said to have been ld, by a yilillnito
bended by tlcorgv V. Chlliln, fur Ihe
New York ll'iWif. An offer ufllnU
amount would alioimt reconcile u to
leaving the alluring rank of J.ninml
Iniii. The houne of rcpnuenUllvcn certainly
cHiinut he aceUK-t of having waaleil
any time In debute on-vlom to luiwlng
the noMirtionilieut bill. Nor there
any nei-emlty for extended delitkte; the
bill In a fair a any bill that could hav
Ixi-ii frnuieil, and It cannot U-comu a
law too imkui.
The Injudleloua llw of Ir. Kocli't
etiti!iiimitliii remedy ha killed tilte
miniUf of ieope, and Ihe doctor ha
written a iiliarp letter erltlcUlug phynl
claim lit thin and other coumrUa for
their hnnle In uxiug lll illm-overy, with
out being fully aware uf II nature.
The diH'tor Nhould reineiuU-r that
Ainerleaim do everything Iu a hurry,
even to dying.
Jay Gould had made Jit-ai1 between
the great V intern ntllnMula, and formed
them Into a eumhlnv for the iiuriwxe of
makl 'g war upon the ahlpiierahy all
around ralne Iu the fnlght tnrlir. (Ion Id
tuts a great head, and It Is chuck full of
brultm, hut one of tln-ito days he will
go a HteptiKi fur and It may tat found
ornamenting the crona-har of one of his
telegraph poles. HUtory klmuld hsicli
bhn and hl fellow nionoolUI that
there Is a limit beyond which It la ex
tremely dnngiroua to luiHe upon
even the hitmliltDt HHip(u, and Ameri
cana are not humble.
The homut people of the country h
ruNpectlvf of purty, are exKvtlng to
ats' aoiiie net Ion taken by the House of
Iteprcncututivca on thu resolution re
cently nlfered by Hcprcwnlutlve IVa-k-
ery, aud now In the hunda of the com
mittee ou ruli-H, aiithorliug an Inviwtl-
gallon of the charge that tweuty-aeveu
semttnrs and representutlvea Jollied
pool formed to sietuliilu Iu ailver,
while the iiilver bill, w hich ufterwarda
became n law, wns pending at the Inst
kcbhIoii. This Is too serious a charge to
be pigeonholed. I,ct the Investigation
pris'wd. Jf there be Ktillty men In
congress, nIiow tiicm up, regard less of
their political, Moclnl, rellgioim or
lluuni'ial status.
On New Yuar'teve the homu of It.
Shelley of this city was a bla.e of light,
and evergreen clceorutlons were distri
buted through thu house, the occasion
being a New Year's party. The even
ing was most enjnyahly spent with
games unit sim'Iio converse. Am nig
those present the following were noted:
Mr. and Mrs. Prof. McAdums, MIhmch
Putlo Cooair, Ksslo Itohnrtsjii, M mile
Slmpi), Ktla Hlutpp, MliidiiHIiupp, Alia
Itobertson, Kva IloliertHon, Maud
Coojht,. Dora Cooimt, Mabel Adair, of
Balem; Clara Poniilulou, of Tuuonu;
Katie WhtHilur, Uesslo Hut tin', Anna
SUs-kton, Cora Hnell Ktta Whlteaker,
Hertie VVhltonker, Alice Williams;
Messrs. W. H. Hawley, W. J. Demurest,
Wm. Whlteaker, Mr. Hansom, of
Chleago; Al. Whlte.iker, Djuii Tutoni,
Matt Fentim, lllulr Miller, O. A.
Kramer, H. L. Miser, Ed. Clodfellcr,
Will Craven, N. F. Patton.
Takt It Bafor Braakfait
TUe front appollfi-r, tonlo and llvnr ronnlnlnr.
In uh for morn Minn fill yvun In KiikIhiiiI.
PimlllvB npeclfld for liver oomiiluliit, IM
InHle In Hie uioullion arlHlnv ly flio mornliiK,
dull piilim 111 tin' lii'Utl unil liark of tho nym
tl rcil fi)l I mk, '1 IH.IHHHH, luilKoor y in ntonu ur
liver coioiliilill. Heninly Dr. lluuley'a Knu
IInIi Imndiillon Ton In. Ilnlluvm nonnllpallon,
hurpoim lh apputlln and Ion cm up thu entire
HVHlmil, (let thu Reniilnn IVorii your druifgUt
for II, and taka avurdln( Ut dlreollona,
Worst than Laproiy
Is ontarrh, noil there is one but one pre
partition that doe cure that disease, and
that is tlie California Positive nnd Kega
live Elwtrio Liniment. Hold by nil
druggists, It also ourea neuralgia,
rheumatism, uewincne, iprnnis, Duroi
and all pun. Try it and tell your
negihbor where to get it
David Btnpleton Is measuring off
calico In L. Kelso's store. lie takes
quite naturally to the business. J
William O'Orien and (Jill hava ar
rived at Park.
Them art 8,018 abandoned fariiit in
tbe Uta of Malnt,
A nlvct of Napoleon Ikmapartt baa
just tiled at Clinton, N. Y.
Paniell attribute hi defeat in Kil
kenny to the Influence of Ut prieiU.
Heetwtary Rusk believe In President
Harrison aud favor III rtmnml nation iu
Travel ha been (ustwnded in many of
the Kaatera towm owing to a heavy fall
of snow,
Tht French police think that Padltw
ki, the murderer of (Jen, bilvenkoff, t
in America.
(hie thousand railway men at Hull,
England, have (truck for shorter hour
and more wage.
The Kt. Hon. and Moat Rev. William
Thompson, archbishop uf York, I dead.
He was 71 year old,
Tht New York Herald gavs a pea
jacket aud a dinner to nearly 1,000 titw
boys Christina day. ,
A corporation with 139,000,000 capital
has been organlied iu ihaxll. lU object
i to Induce immigration.
Heeretary Wlndom ridicule Stanford's
proposition to lend money to farmer at
er cent upon their laud.
Father Hraidau ha been appointed
the first bishop of Utah, The i'opt be
made the territory a dloceae.
The railway strike In Scotland i
spreading. There are 9,000 tuea. ont,
and rioting I feared. Uiuiuea Is para
lyied. Hugar cane In the island of Cuba eiib
it a splendid appearance except In a few
place where drought ha retarded tht
Mlas Mickel, colored, uf Ht. Paul, fall
ing to effect a reconeiliatlou with hi
wife, killed her, hi stepdaughter aud
The large dry goods house of Henry
EUmsn & Co, at Council Muffs has as
signed. Tbe assignment 1 aald to be
Tlie law providing for cumulative vo
ting In Michigan, adopted in m, ha
been declared unconttitutlonal by tht
supreme court of that atata.
rnifeiwor Koch dents that hi lymph
I In the smallest degree dangerous to
life, provided It I nsed In reasonable
qnantitie by skillful physician.
The coal miner of Central Pennsyl
vania have demanded .Wceut net Instead
90 cent groan ier ton. It it U not
grantml 15,000 men will (nit work.
Imioo Sawtelle ha been found guilt
of umrdeylng his brother, at Dover, N.
H. He was sentenced to be hanged ont
year from the second Tuesday la Janu
ary. The Rnsalan flovernient ha onlered
the eipuUinn of 11,000 (iernian and
Austrian, the latter mainly Oalldan
IVle employed by private firm in
Two hundred men with team and
farm implement and camp equipage
have Invaded the Cherokee strip. Thl
I due to the fact that all the troops have
been withdrawn.
The Masonic temple at Baltimore ha
burned. Nearly all the record of the
Maryland grand lodge were destroyed.
Tbe flue building, which cost 8430,000,
was entirely milled. u
A large eoneourse of MHiple alb lnb d
the funeral of Mrs. J. W, Nesmlth at
lerry un Thursday, tho Int. The funer
al ceremonies was under the auspice
of the F.plsenpul church, 1U-V. W. 1,.
McKwau olltclatliig. Particulars will
be given In next Week's Miper.
The IndeH-inleuiv "write up" In the
Orrytmian will upH-ar In the WfcKr
8uo: next week, Dallas has a one
third Hige "ad'1 culling attention to the
advantage of that city.
"line." Patterson, as he Is familiarly
known, took a half Interest January
1st In the drug, Jewelry and iiiuletd
liiHtruiiicnt hiiKlnctt of 11. R Vmwt
sou, Olllclal notice will npur next
Mr. Frank Duller has lscu employed
by the city council and Is uow engaged
In surveying Monmouth, 1) and K
streets preparatory ti the placing of
proper sewcra on the several sti-cvt-,
1'he move l n gisal one and niiH-tswIth
general npjroval.
Tho fourth arty of the Ivy Leaf
D. inelng flub w.ia well atU-nded Satur
day last, several young MNipp from
Dallas Is-iiig present. Tho party ou
Wednesday night w-i" a pleasant affair,
and the MUs.w Fouucll wrved the mip
pr. Invitations are out for another
party .Saturday evening.
The Polk County Ijiiid Co, elected
oflleer for the ensuing year, Inst Wed
nesday F. A. Putteraon, president, I),
W. Hears, secretary, II. HlrschlsTg,
treasurer unil J. J. Duly, attorney.
Also the Indca'udcuce and Monmoulh
Hallway Co. elected F.A. Patteixm,
prcHldcnt, W. P. Connaway, secretary,
aud 11. F. Hiiilth, trciiMiiivr.
Hiweral young gontletneii of this cliy '
made a number of New Years calls u
Thursday. They rodo on Lines' cov
ered tlriiy. Knell wore a plug hut,
browl-cloth suit and kid gloves. The
New year cards were written on sniid
paiier, and eon twined the following
names: W, If. Hawley, W. J. Demoi-esl,
A. J. and W. II. Whlteaker, O. A.
Kramer, If. L. Miser, li. Miller, C
Irvine nnd A. U. Elliott Thodniy
was appropriately decora ted.
rue new l ear's orrnonum is a
luauimothoiiiiulier of thirty-two pages,
is (II led to overflowing with Informa
tion about Portland, Oregon, mid the
Northwest. A tcrunal of Its columns
must convince any one that Oregon Is
a state of great wealth and resources.
The chances for the profitable Invest
ment of capital are numerous, mid Its
future prosperity Is well foretold In Its
past history, as related through the
columns of the Orrgonkm In IU re ume
of the year. It Is a nisgnlllctuit num
ber and rolled credit upon lis publish
ers and our whole state.
The stillness of the midnight hours
of Deo. 81, ISOfl, were rendered discor
dant Iu Independence by nn unusually
energetic ringing of bells, blowing of
whistles, firing of pIsttdH and shouting
of flre-oraokcr. The old year was rung
out and the new In, and now comes the
usual "new resolves" "swearing off"
and the festive young niiin will weur a
virtuous expression when he tells his
friends that during 1801 he will neither
drink, iwear, smoke, nor indiscrimi
nately endanger the heart of suscepti
bly miildon. Hut iilus! how long will
these resolves last? Ringing of bells
may mark the advent of a new year,
aud wuke people from their sluuiucrr,
but what can wake some nuonle to th
error of their ways?
Mr. Amy Patten, ag"d 108 years, died
Han llernanilno, Cat.
B. Klllner, a merchant at Bait Lake
City, ha failed for 148.000.
Tht advance of the Death Valley ex
plorer 1 at Han Bernardino, Cal.
Dally recitation among the oflleer
hava been inaugurated at Fort Uarka,
R. Anulne, 40 year old, ha been ar
retted at Han Diego for assaulting an 8
y ear-old girl.
The Maverick Isink at Ban Antonio,
Tel., ba felled.
Col. C. C. Miller of Lot Angelra ha
been appointed adjutant general by Gov
ernor Markham.
The HMiinia park will be protected by
trtsip after May I,
Oenrg Tilghman, secretary of tht
board of harbor oommlwioner of Ban
Francisco, i dead.
David F. Fee a young man at Victoria,
O. C, was shot down in the itreet by
an unknown person
David Trtjello kilted Ignacia Reyes at
Preecott, A. T. Trtjello claim Reyes
attempted to assassinate biia,
Tht Ontario, Cal., raisin (hlpment
this season consisted of 4M.8O0 pound,
and dried gra(ie 40,840 pound.
Three men at Port Townsend in a faro
came started In on 10-cent beta and roe
from the table winner of $1,000.
The family of J. H, Wilkinson of Eu
gene, Or., narrowly escaped death from
poisoning. They at head cheeae,
Minhal Kelly of Or-. Valley ha
been acquitted on a charge of participa
tion in tht killing Agoetino Pteut.
The Phienli, A. T., Oaiettt say that
wheat wa riwulng on Deo, 8) in that
ertlou. This I In Halt River valley,
Pedro Antonio Lopes died near Santa
Fe,N.M.,at the age of 118 year surroun
ded by many generation of dweudanta
A Florid authority estimate that the
orange crop of the date will be 1,897.900
bnim, or 81 per cent, of the crop of last
The new kteamer City of Seattle, built
in Philadelphia for tbe Pugt Hound and
Alaska Hteautshtp company, ha reached
Heattle. ,
William Harris, a prominent citUen
of Tulare, Cat,, bt hi left arm by tlie
at-cidimtal discharge of hi gun while
The little 9-year-old ton of Mr. and
Mrs. Kansevaln at Han Ilemardino, Cal,,
wa bnmnd to death while clearing
bnuh near the houae,
The largrnt liear ever killed In Idaho
wa captured last week by an Indian at
the head of PiH-atello creek. The ani
mal weighed over 1,100 pound.
Hert Cubitt, one of the snow constrnc-
fion gang at Emigrant Oap, ha been air
rested for theft. He had about $1,400
worth of stolen jewely In hi possession,
The Marysville Vineyard company of
Colmena, Cal., haaorganUed to cultivat
graiie on a large scale. It ha bought
IU0 acre at Colmena and will begin at
It is lielleved an early resumption of
work on the I'uloti Pacific branch be
tween Heattle and Portland will soon be
gin as a result uf the meeting of con
trnctlon chiefs at Portland.
Mr. Hophie A. Irett, wlnsw bnsliand
wa murdered In Merced county, Cal.,
has Bled bonds as guardian of the estate
to the amount of 71,000, $.V,0U0 above
the required amount.
Mr. Mf Collier ha begun suit against
Mayor Delashmutt of Portland to recover
$10,400. The complaint la of atensa
tlonal ntnre, nd la characterised by
the defendant a an attempt to extort
The- eouUwted election for county
treasurer at Htockton, Cal., reet on the
qneetlon whether mark with ananallne
lead pencil are reoognlied a legal, tbt
law saying "lead pencil or common
writing Ink. "
Capt. William McDonald ha been r-
rtaited at Portland, on a charge of forg
s will in Lancaster, Eng., recently, by
which he secured considerable property.
He make a general and specific denial
of the charge.
Napa river I to be cleared of snags,
several liar and shoals are to be removed,
the river shortened in several place and
the overhanging tree and branches nit
down. Ten thonsand dollar will be ex
pended in thl work.
An organisation to advance the Inter
seta of colored people ha been perfected
at T scorn. The object of the organisa
tion la to enconrag the immigration of
colored people to the ooast. The consti
tution say that the organisation will
have notiiing to do with politic.
All the discharged laborer on the
Union Pacific extension are congregated
at Portland. They went there to get
their wages, and a the oontractor have
no monev, the situation is serious. There
are abont 1,700 of these men there, and
the most of them are withont any money.
Captain T, P. H. Whitelaw, the well-
known wrecker of Han Francisco, has
put the old steamer Alexander under the
British flag, fitted her ont as a floating
whale-oil refinery, and has obtained
permission of the Canadian government
to hunt whale in the Uulf of Georgia.
Baron Paris Hochkofler, an Austrian
nobleman, died, presumably from al
coholism, at National City, Cal. Hi
wife determined to die with him, and
drank carbolic acid and chloroform, and
reetoratlves were unavailing. Both bod
ies will be embalmed and sent to Europe.
The baron had been In receipt of $400
monthly from his rather.
Four years ago Miss Lena Woodward,
living on Thorn creek, Washington,
sowed the seed from one head of barley,
Hhe harvested the crop with a pair of
shears and awed the amouut received
tht. next year, again harvesting with her
hear. The third crop her father cut
with a grass scythe, getting enough bar
ley from this crop to sow forty acres
laat spring, which averaged forty bush
el to the acre when threshed, making a
total yield of 16,000 bnshels from one
head of barley In four years.
Ttali eut I a falthfal
iotar ot tht wsU know
Mttbllthment ol Thorn!
Prlc A Son, at Ml 8cra
mroto Itntt, B. F, At thl
lsadlng (hsmlit et tht
wait, thiy war ikd t
settle tbe qaMtloa u to whst Mnsparlllai wr
la feot purely vsituble. W preitnl their re
port. " W hsv mad earaf ul ohnmlral tnalyiM ol
aavaral wall kuowa bmnda of tarair-ertll, and
kav found Uaia all with lha ilut I aicapllon f
Joy's tooantaln lodldaof rotaulum. Aa ramll
w sra enabled to pronounce Joj'a to ba the ouly
puraly vataUbl aaraaparllla aow on tht mscksti
waloa aa eona vadar our obaarvatlon,"
ktodarn madlolne hi proven that all ordinary
leos tniptlon art not Mosad br dlaauad blood,
but br ludlfaitlon ad alnfflih elraalatlon,
whtsh oU for vacaUble slMraUv, Imtaad ot
mlnaral blood pnrlflan Ukt Iodlda ol rotanima,
Joy'a Vetatabla SaruparlU batni tb latast, U
the tnl to dtsoard the old notloni and prooead
ander the modwa theory. It enra atteet thl
louadnaaa el the thaorjr. It la Uia talk el tht
Settle Dp,
All nersons Indebted to me are re
quested to settle Immediately as my
creditors are needing money and so am
A Happv Mek
We are for your iiiitny fitvom In the piwt, i.1 tnmt by fair ami lionwfalinp lomcrit them
ill the future. Our Block for the Miuiliujyeiir wil1 I',irK""r t,,il" ,ver a"'1 our Pr,w Iwt.
On Saturday, Jan. 31, 1891, We will Give AWay
One Utile CHAttTHlt OAK HTOVK, with a Full M of I'miiiturc, which in on exuiWlit ( our Store.
Be sure and call at our Store arid get a Ticket, wWch
will cost you NOTHING.
Independence, Oregon.
(I 'niniiiMiiwd IiikIiipm Mnrt'li 5, Issu.j
At tiidi'M-nili'iii, III lli Will" of lire zm. at
tin- i'Iikv M litlllllu, Im'. is. InMI,
Kwltllll'WI. .
Jrfieuii Hint iIIhcouiiI . ... I
iivi-rtlriiK. MH-uit-d ami ioi.-.-ur,(l . .
I'.M, ItoittU ut ,H-uri oiri-uliilliio
1hh feiin iinivi'il ri-t-rvi-nici'MU...
iHinfroiii Kino- llmikiol liuuhi in .
Ilankln Iiiium-, fiiriiluirv and mm
Cuirv-ul rM-ii, himI ium imh1....
frtMitltiiim on I'.H. lliuuU. ......
I'lin-k mid ullii-r iwll IH-lnii
fnu'lMml M.-r ,-urri'iu)-, nli-ki-la
and eonl .
MpM-le ... .....
U-aAl-iriidi-r Hot.' ....
Kiilrlllitnn flllld Willi I'. H. Tnu
urnr t M-r n-iii, nf ein'tilnilnni .
4. 'J. e
in jd
i'iltal tii-k )kiI.1 in ....
rlnriilui mini ,
I ii.llvlilvil .rill , ... .
Nmi'uml Itmik nui nuinimidlii .
Imllvliliinl il, ll iiii) i mi-lm k.
Tlni.ivroninlii.iif di-iMli . ......
Iius Iu ullii-r Nulkilittt UhiiU" . . ...
, ii.M.m
TdI.iI . . i .... IIM.W
MUlrof iiroii, l umil) til l',lk, :
I, W. I'. I'.illlluwiiy. i-n.hlrr nf llif nlmv
imiunl bunk, ib i imli-iiiiily inh- Hint Ihe
almv nlntrlnrlil U I run til I. if l-l of ley
kiiuwtrd,' and bt-ltif.
W. f. (' IN S A V A Y. tliler,
HulauTllM-d and um In Ix-i-t- mr tin. ash
day nf tier, isuu, A. l. lll'lll.KV.
,Slnry I'ubllr.
t'lirreel Altrl:
, J. (1'HinaA,
II. II. Jai.i-ks-.iX,
So said Bui
wtr, that
rrtat rat of
Novel uta, and be
evf (pnkt more
tnilr. and be might
kav added with equal force, that merO
t tb retrace "o(, cucceta. Wiadota'i
Robertlne at tht ayaonym of merit, and
lU hiatorri tncce. Tbt magical ef
fect of thl prrparatioa have beta atttaV
ed by thousands of lite leading ladlaw of
toclety ntl the txe. It is tbe only arti
cle tver diacoreml which give a Aferawt
tJ aod Beautiful tint to tbe eompleiloo,
at tht Mmc time removing all roughs eat
of tht fare and arm and lea ring tht
akl toft, amoofh and velvety. It ha
long beta the ttudy of chrmuta to pro.
dace an article that while it would beu
Hfy tht completion would also hava tht
merit of being harmltss, but tbeat two
Important qualities wtr never brought
together until comtiined la
ritRHANICIT tl'lUt.
The most speedy, ooahive and perms,
nent core for Catarrh of the Head. Asthma
and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney A flections,
Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, Ja
its variou (tagee, permanently cured.
Dr. Aborn's original mode of treatment
and hi uiedicateil inhalations give in
stantaneous relief, build un and revital-
Ire tlie whole constitution and system,
thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervou,
debilitated and brolten-down constitu
tions, old and young, invariably gain from
ten to thirty pound In from thirty to
umciy iinya.
Dr. Aborn's phenomenal skill and mar.
velou cure bavt created the greatest
astonishment on the Pacific Coast and
tlirougnout the American continent, dur
ing the past tweuty-five year. Asthma,
CaUirrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron
chial aud Lung trouble 'nstantly relieved,
and Deafnes often cured permanently at
first consultation. Dr. Aborn's esaav on
the "Curability of Consumption," and a
treatise on ''Catarrh of the Head,"
With evidence of ome extraordinary
vu., lumiEu nee. van or auuress
DR. innnki
Fearta aad Morrlno. 8Uj., rortlad,'orre.
VAT1 lTniMl iMalma.l ... l I . . . .
-. , aovurT-iy pacxra, tent
prtti to all parti o( th P.ciiic Cowt, for thoit who
Nnlloe In Ntiitikliulitem.
Notice is hereby given tlmt there will
be a meeting of stockholders of the Tolk
County Land compnny hold nt lndepon
donco, Deu. 81, 1HIH), for Ihe purpose of
electing a bonrd of direntorn fur the en
suing yenr, and for the trammel ion of
inch other business as may come before
tbe meeting. D. W. Smahs, See.
iMniirnNtiRNCR, Or.. Deo. 10, DO.
Nntlee to Ntnokhnlilera.
Notice is hereby given that the nomittl
meeting of the stockholder of the Inde
pendence National bank fur the eleetiou
of seven directors for the ensuing year
will be holil at the Independence
National bank on Tuesday, January 13th,
1891, between tbe hours of 10 a,, in. and
4 p. m, W, P. Connaway,
Indkprnobncb, Or,, Deo. 10, DO,
3 J I "
4 .m .
to It art com
blntd tht fin
at mtchanlo-
al iklll, the
noit usefu
and practlc
Itmenta, and
all known ad
vantage that
make a tew
ing machine
deilrablt to
Mil or ute.
FKUry ui Wbslttals C2L:o, Btlviitri, UL
fM Wanh Are., I'Mra
It hrd HUeml, Snt i orh.
Miin. Van Nortwlik Itr., the
tonwirlal artist, have added a singeing
niai'lilnu to tlu-ir already complete es
taldlsliHient. Cutting the lmlr pro
mutes it gmwtli, tint every cutting In
Diet a fresh wound tocneli lmlr, nil ow
ing to the tw uf the vitalizing fluid.
This Is prevented by using the 'singer,'
whlrh sears the ends, thereby retaining
the fluids and making tin-lmlr healthier
and full of life. Hair singing ni
tor honing, '2:
We would reimeM nil thoee hidiliteil !
to tin to nil! In aud settle their iiii-omile
on or licfiitv Juin.rrv 1st, isill, hh we
wlhh to Uilulnv our IvKiks bv lluit
time. Yours Kte.,
W. O. Cook
pofas, and r.F.i)i,orNcrs,
From SxS up to 1Sx40 in Uernmu
Plalo nnd a lnrj;o assort ment of
American Tint,
Of nil kinds both Jjirife and
From Plain Kitcheu (.'hniiu to
the Finest Tailor t'lmirs. Fancy
Kockei's a NMeinlty, and Carpet
Kockoi's with Woveu Wire Seats.
Of nil kinds nnd finish. Sham
holders, Curtain Poles, Window
Shinies, Hat Hacks, Picture Frames
mil Mouldings, Stands and Conter
tublesof all kinds, in either,
Ash, Oak or Walnut.
Of all the latest Patterns, w ith
Woven Wire Springs. Also the
Hoey patent Sofa Bed-lounge.
rail nnd soo my Goods before
you buy your
Main Street, Independence,
Bat. B and 0 Street.
-Dealers In-
I and S,
AU kinds of llarnoas ami Saddlery
Goods. Carriage Tiiining and
Curry Combs, three Intra, 5 ceuts.
lii'ushes, 10 cents.
Complete set of Team Harness,
Monuments and Headstones of All Stylt s.
First-Class Work and Prices 20 per cent
"" uy oinor snop in the state.
i i i uf r
M A N L' FA CTl' UKI).
Can (raduate Ihe peel of wheri a low a IS
tnikr v t minute Iu .iron wlul. v. um
only iv ilutrn-ni pleiw In tint emir eonatnie.
tlu of Hie Iron work. lur Mill eannol b
equalled fur nlmplli-liy, t'r aud jovoruluf
(irluelplea, Wc iiihiiuIiic-iudi
Tanks, Pumps, Wind Mill Supplies
Of every dnwrlptlon. Krllalile nzmta wanted
Iu unoccupied u-rriiory. Addraas, ,
ItiiHhville, lud., U. S. A.,'
atnd for eaulogu. . i ;
: THE t- r
Willamette Real Estate Coi,
Of Independence, Oregon. '. ''
Transact a general Real Estate Bnilata
boy and e)l Property, affecta ,
Insurance and doe a general -Conveyance
Partie having Land for sale will Sad
It to their advantage to
With thl Company, a they arc dally
' tending listj of land east, tho plao
ing desirable property before the itai
dents of tbe East ; .
J. W. KIRKLAND, Prttldtwl.
SecreUrf, '
HauaaBign & Drnamanfil
Paper Hanging, Graining, Frescoing,
Etc. Paint room opposite Johnson t
Stable, . Independence, Oregon,
And be Convinced.
72 Steel tooth iron bnrroV $20.
5 and 7 tooth eultivatoi'S.
The best horse shoeing.
The best in
or Wood
1 1 Krengel's.
Best price paid fcr
Old Iron and
Mllill St, . IniTeiiendAne