rilf ': INDUSTRIAL STRVQOLE. The keen scramble fur wealth going on to day to simply con tinuation of .the agelong struggle which evoked the clriliwd man out of the barbarian, ami the JtortarhiB ttan' out of UI1 lover mental and aerial condition. The competition for place and power Is far more refined now than the struggle was when men and ani mals fought for supremacy, but the emential principle is the snuie. It was a surf ival of the fitthwt then in its most grow and literal senw, it is the snrriral of the fittest now modified by the higher qualities of man's enlarged moral nature. The , man who can best adjust his affairs to the conditions surrounding hi is the one who succeeds in life, and per contra, he who Ms to do this roes to the wall invariably. Witln increased mental, moral, social ami material acUvitiea conies increawd complexity pf functions, and more urgent necessity of properly ad justing one's affairs to the enlarged conditions of his environment The duties and obligations of life are greater to-day than ever before because civilization is advancing, and humanity is becoming more elevated sod refined, The modern man Is compelled to think rapidly and to act qoiekly because of the multiplicity of his surroundings. This is emphatically an industrial ao4 money making age, and the tendency of the times Is towards rapid accumulation of individual aud corporative wealth. Competi tion is .going on everywhere, for there can be no progress unlttM the spirit of effort, energy and a dis position to excel exists in society In the modern industrial world, machinery bos appeared as a new ' factor and a revolutionizing agency Great fortunes are accumulated i short time, and wealth Is bocotu insr to be looked upon as the sine I qua nou of success in life, Un der the. prawure of this tendency the poor are becoming restless and discontented, aid as a result of thee aocial conditions we have labor combining against capital, and capital uniting agaiustlabor organ! nations. The working claa must look to thenuelvee and not to any outside influences for the atnelion tion of their condition. Their re liance must be on agitation, educa tion and popular intelligence. But the most importaut factor in the problem is a larger diffusion of moral education among the poorer classses. They must be better in traded in the homely virtue of sobriety, cleanliness, thrift, and a disposition to save their hard earned pennies. This young republic is now confronted, as never before, with the problem of the ages bow to secure the advantages resultiug from competition without the fail ore, poverty and distress which have alwava been a part of the struggle. The fittwtt must survive, bnt out of the competitive strife and struggle and conflicting inter esta of to day we believe there will come a great movemeut which shall secure to the maws of wage earners a fair share of the products of lalior, PROTECT THE BIRDS. Several weeks ago we made men tion' in these columns about the indiscriminate slaughter of iiwec tiverous birds in this country. To the small boy and the average crown up man the destruction ol these birds bos no particular signi ficance, but it really involves a financial loss to the community. Out bird will save from the ravages ot insects three times the amount ol fruit and vegetables that it de troys. This being a fact the bird is, then, a natural protector of fruit and vegetable crops, aud should receive the protection of the law. Other enlightened communities and states protect insect destroying birds against the destructive and brutal propensities of the habitual mall game killer, and it is high time that Oregon should legislate similar laws. A number of yearn ago a bird feather craze raged among the feminine bon ton ele ment of Paris, and in order to sup ply the market demand for the little feathered bipeds a wholesale slaughter of sparrows was begun by the thrifty Frenchman along the shores of the Mediterranean sea. In a few years insects commenced devouring the fruits and vegetable of France, and the most stringent laws had to be enacted against the destruction of these birds as a pro tection to the crops. The peoph of Oregon should learn wisdom from the experience of others, and Governor Pennoyer could not do x better thing for the protection 01 Oregon fruit and vegetable culti ration than to recommend in bit message to the legislature the enactment of stringent laws on the subject nv3o pheasant is much sought after for stocking parks or prwertes, and readily commands a market value from It to ft a pair. The law protecting these birds will wot expire until next $ovenhcr, but in the meantime a person ran trap and soil them for breeding purp without inruringany legal penalty therefor. There is no sense in an indiscriminate slauithter of the phetvtaut for it can be easily rap tured,lidtN its market value is so much greater whio taken alive. Anyone, who has an aptitude for the btulmws, could make money by supplying; livo birds for the market i ' i i. in la popular mtimutlon phrenology rauks as an established and well authenticated science, aud aay glib talker, who has the Folwer-Wells theory well iu baud, can easily ruke in the shekels from persous who have faith iu the skillful manipulator's ability to delineate character from the location of bumps on the individual's thick cranium. But science has long ago given bumpology its coup de grace, and the craniolugiMt has absorbed the modicum of truth in the old phrenology into his larger genera ligations. Possibly a new phre nology based upon au then tic aeien tlflo data w ill eventually be evolved out of the rubbish of the old sys tern, for the brain is the seat of mental power and certain oonvolu tions are evidently centers of ideation. it Some time ago this paer hud a word to say favoring the establish inir of a cannery at this place. We considered the condition) aud op portunities favorable to such an enterprise. There are now strong indications that the project will materialize ere long, for the loard of trade is iu eorrwpotidenee with several parties who have aa eye to establishing a cannery in this citj. We should give the enterprise every encouragement possible, bwauso it would furntnb labor to the unem ployed, supply a home market for our fruit, and would lie the means of eventually building up large and lucrative manufacturing inter ests right here in our midst. In last weeks pafwr we stated that the properties of Pr. Koch'a remedy for consumption wits un known to the profession at large. but our statement was premature for it is now generally known that the curative lymph is obtained from the secretory products ol tulierculusls germs. The prepuiu tion of the lymph from a culoui&t tion of germs is said to lie one extreme delicacy and requires rar scientific skill to produce a healthy germicide. The German govern meat has Justly adopted severe meaMires against spurious and un authorized manufacture of tie lymph. ItltTIO.fAHV MIT. THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH. MY BKCKl ares it now, aeon it wot at too utc. IlimkiimiMinMnia limn tt ike aataava aa eat aaaar aUamal watdm ea4 euM at fcaa thrafceaa I ni eatH hmm ry Mal attack, IkM elaagat pnirt4 M la Mavfc A MMBIMff tttatt m Mt Wi Win I Ml auwa iu mlmo ItapuaatMa a aaa K t m av-aa, ar e Mrt aa "i riutaaa. af kIM rruvttrar erei Iw. HnW, Ik oaauoit aiuwav iu, mt huL I tataMtttaUlgr wim4 atta Aim, ii kt4 aa auaaet Mretalaa teVct, aa te Ik aama Wwmm eteU ik HN at la katel m a mw ar.i ftr w w Out I aa a M au wtib tmmmt Uh M ill aAlrlaal a i km km o. a. Tcrraa, rroprlaMr (VvMaatal Natal, aaaut na. tei NO MORE BACKACHCI Lewis PKAMCH IN Ladies and Cents Fur nishing Goods. ft Kelso, Mtt Complete Block of Boots and Shoes In the City C. S. McNALLY. Architect nS DrkughUmin, KUOW III mail ttNfcVMAN III.OtK, OiMMKIK'IAI. SI, . SAI.KM, OIL OKI ViSSmD VEGETABLE PANACEA ROOTS A HERDS. roMTHc cum o ANO ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISIN9 rSOMA DISORDERED STATE am STOMACH OK AN INACTIVE LIVER. ran salk my ali. DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DEALERS! RAILH0AD8. TAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad! "'." " T. K. NUU&ksrwtW'r Oreaa Otvalopisest Cas ttum. Short Lins to California. Freight and Fares the Lowest. STXAMKR SAIUMQ 6ATCT. aiMimw w ii.i.AMma vai.i.kt. Utvr Y.)Ulni IW. Id, II, , lriNB rrmwlwot pM, lh,H. Trata No. I win run Tu4u(, Thnrwlatt. ka4 Nkiurdart, n on mumMtlkt dnjitbM Train No, 4 will tun Mandar, Wxlnodayi. auq rnatf, ana w lulnn4lu J wbra irnry. Tkl mimT Imtm tha rUkl la aka (Taiix roaim vtik Ik IRE a. ka4 rlv W. H. WHEBLER HEADS THE IWESSIOX WITH SUCH HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS AS YOU HAVF NEVER BEFORE ENJOYED. FALL IN LINE ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO WISH TO SEE A llrighl and Jtraultul Diiplity of Charming Vkrulma SuvrttUt for the Stawn uf JM.W. POPULAK SKLKCTIONB at POP U.U Alt PRICKS An Wik-wi of (hi Magnificent Mock, vhlrh part falortirrnmmrntltttoUulUUtyltuyrn. aMHaiaaaMalJaaataWalaM ' "aJ Wj BOOKS; WlMj FANCY MS, NOTIONS, SB. a f .aaAau ;;;?.,, .?' i",';'f:S'ri Appropriate Sensible Gifts for Old and Young in the Greatest Variety of Frosh LOW PRICED PRESENTSrMEDlUM PRICED and COSTLY PRESENTS Of Knty KM and Iktrripium, to that you raw urcure IMmU Gift of any Grwle ami at any Price ym mny wish to expend. Our Beautiful Holiday Display is worth Your Inspection-Please Call. W. H. WHEELER, Main Street, Independence, Oregon. .raaKorr. t a. viKua w. n. writxmt. l.n. r.4 f, AVO.).Cu, U Uualcimmrjr HU, aaa rraal, v, a iiiKitB, v ar. h. r, (Vtrvallla, Or. Prescott & Veness, raorarrroM or Independence Sacu mill. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE Northern Pacific R. K. TWO rAUT TAIIH PAIL?, aocamoior cau SHORTEST USE TO QIOC0 Aa4 aU Hu Utt. Tla St Piul and Kinneipolls. ns Komtii rAono It Ui Mlf Ua kaanlat raMBfw Tralw, Mum -' awt-it iim a tkaryai ruilmaa I'alv tlplBt C.ia. I'lv Dlulai Can. lMaat.1tta rilOM WBTUNI) TO TUK EA8T. i that rar Tlckit mil ria tat larta- ra fictho 1. 1, ui imU aauaa Tmra rHUa4 al I A M aa4 1 P. M 4tll arrlTaal HmmuM at M. faal ai 4 , M. . i .!.... rtririd DiritlOW-TralM Ua Ptoat audl Mitr MU Hta. av W m. airlta at ! lamaia. at 7 IP ... o4 ISi ai.. nxuwiiBf iik Caattaai i a-u la all aulnit oa fiurrt Ihma4. A. 0. CMHI.TON. .Hi (tea I mm. Af tat, m. riiti nnaM, roniana, utafua. tM Cot. Pint a4 0 auaaia, Mlfl'rm!IIEIIf OP AND PKAI.IIM IK THE CHURCHILL- Sasli, Door and Manufacturing Co -oOo- Havltig In ruil rifratlon a Kturtao I'rr Kilo and MVraJ thooaiid dollan wan marlilufrr, wv an turn pntmred l All toy and all ordm r mill vurk. Ordcn aolleltad ftnta an; part of th ally, wbU b will rarl prompt attention. To oof UtnJ mmUmun wa FIR AND HAUD WOOD, HOUGH AND DRESSED LU M BEU mMam,mipMZw aTei Jam. A. WatKUta, Manjr. PIHU'H Ki:MKUV VVR CATAKIUL - llmi. Coaieat to ua. CluMipaat. Kliof ia inimediatA ' A our la evrteia. For Cold in Uia Hal it baa no aqual. u LaOJ It ui ba UtntoDt, ot luch a amall parttcla ia appliad to tha Dtr11a. Prtca, GOo. K4J bjr ilrtjriaU or aaot by mail Artdraaa, K. T. llAiat.nwa, Warmn. Pa R r i L J U THE NEW Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. 0tpMJHr "y romm, enroar Trd and Illfli ttrwla, Malmn; P. 0. bu So. KD. IIIDEPEIIDEIICE FENCE WORKS. P. M. GATES, Proprietor. Mr. V. M. Gala baa on of the latent improved Fendng Machine with which b i prepared, on abort notic, to manulartar a Firrt-Claai picket and win fence. Tbia U the beat feooa to b obtained YOUNG HOUSES. DOUBLE A WD- 6 INGLE TEAMS. For Farms, Residence Property, Chicken Yards and Divba Fences. NEW BUGGIES GOOD RIDING HORSES. Tlh 1 : fUt-CUa Toraoata lor Comraerrlal Trawler. Price reaaonabl aad 8Ui(ao Uoa UarantMd. Ulre ua a Call. VOBTH END MAIN 8T.1EET, J. X. JONES, Psora. rr..aa Mar raiat aaTaiuaTfiran erat4 Waal aia , . rallaa Laet Call - If You Have OIV CLL' A rJCSB!IT TO Ol IIBM-KIHEM W learn that Ibe Mmara. Mcrnim bare brcinubt luit auainat number of Brm wbo, it ia kllpunl, reaurt to qm tiona'ile meniii iu piubmg (be tab of tbe reprint of Welwter't Diotiouart. It ppeura that many wbo were induced b tbe advertiaemeuta of tbe purtiea ai(NUt whom mit ia brought, rjvlieved tbey would obtain nlwlantial copy of Web- tier' Uiotiunary, anob aa ) curronllj publiabed by the M(rriama. Leltora abowD ni from aume of thoae wbo bavr arailwl tbeniHelvoa of the iuduoementa offered tbem do out encourage n aa in thiuking that tbey were antiafled with their bargain. W take latiafaotion In Doting tbe fact that tbe larger part ot tbe book trade wea aelf-reapeoting enough not to handle the book at nil it talo i having been reatncled lo bazunra, greeo- grocera, anl to the premium data of oonnlry ocwapapera. If the num of " Webator'a Unabriditen Oipjionury " hna in the liwt few year be- noma anch a botiiwboM word tlmt tin pnblio are eiwilji deceived liy the n-r; nume lUelf, and tliut only on oire fill et ;tminiilion-iiob aa ptircbimra rarely ive ao large a Ixiok -enn Hie dooeptiob be diitcovered, ama one ia oortainly jna- tifletl in ateppiug in and nfTording nnllti- try protection to the publio.AVu1 Yurk ublinherj Wei'kly. -.a Circuit Court; hTbest. niaMnttd, Uwcitpun al Pitoal SEED ANNUAL I r 1S91 cll at awttt FRCC J lW ftll tlllCaftU, B4 M ItHHtHt'll iiwumi. it at kafttr tnaa avar. I Iwj taa tMiDf oWm, tWJ mb4 br a. Aadna 0. M. PCRRV A CO, ocraoiT Mieu. UCNVEI- Mpis Tity. "Cfcicai ST. LCI "G. : CT PAUt, II. t 'U' ' it M-.. ill CU ' POINT It to wilb ptoaaur tha" we annouuo ki our many patron that we have made ar rangement with that wide awitke, lllua iralrd farm Wagaain. lb Amtriean farmer, pabiiaiied at Fort Wayne, lod., and read by nearly U'W.(lOi) farmera, by hioh tliat great publication will be mailed direot, FREE, to tb aJdreat of any of our atibaonher wbo onme in end pay op all arrearage on lubacnption Iu January 1, 1HQ1 and on year in advauo fmm Jnilarv L 1X111. atul lit anv mm for ft.rik.rr tUmlmn to.julr. of My Mt ,uUorlber wbo , p on, , vane. Thta ia grand opportunity to Hast, North & South lot lb Company or T. W. LEE, H..M. LINES, FUNERAL DIRECTOR UNDERTAKER, IM'El'ENPENTK, OREGON. R. D. COOPER, TU k Af ant O t. m T. A. Portland, Orrfua. iBdopaadanea, Or A lull aud complete line of Funeral good Aiwuye on mind. EAST ANO SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. SHASTA LilHE. BipraM Tralni Lrart Puitlaod Dally, euutlT T T.iii r. m. litis a.m. I'ort Inntl r. Alliimv Ar. Ar. Han tTauulaoo Lv, I A, M. t-a a. m. p. m. obtain flrw'-olewi farm Juurual free. Tit American Fttrmer ia large 16 page journal, of national circulation, which rank among the leading agricul tural paper. It treat tb qneetion of oouomy in agriculture and the right and privilege of Ibat vaat body of eiti sane Amnoac Farmer wboae indna try ia tb bai of all material and na tional prosperity. Ita higheat purpoae la lb levlion and etmubliug of Agn eultur through lb higher aud broader dueetiqa of men aud women engaged in it purauil. The regular aubacription price ot Ibe itmeWcan Farmer ia II per year. IV UUSTo VOU MOTHINO, From any one number, idea can be ob taiued Ibat will be worth Ibnce tbe anb acription price to yon or member ot yonr bonaebold, Tirr tod oat it rim Call and aee aample cupy. Tln nlTei bold good nutil January I, 1891, V aBMllta, Iwaiaetlm llalwlaie Mirk Ma4aalM. 'all rata ," teat tag riaaa, wUI Had Ms Pills DMHantrtM aaed ha k atom ark and Tfcar lMwa Mtffararw ft riacalae aaora-Ma. aarrararw r raaa aaanlal ar aliyalral ararwash will ris4 avtlaf r raw tkeia. k Iraly awajar eaalaa. BOLD EVKKVW1ILKE. Wagon Making AND Carriage Repairing wruuryanr,! . w fr ii kiiukn ;iw I it ni Uf I n. a. nLnuLn.iu n i,.. ..,-..i jun iuui, Iu Ii. bullillix am. C It Kiir lila-itmllh thi Ha U an raiwri tmwl orkiuii htrlut iMOitil l.l tnH la Kun. Ha aillrllt a ahara ol tb pauwacv aad (uaianiaM wiUlai'tliia. FAC1X11Y: On C Street, Opp. the City Hotel, Independence, Or, Independence Roller Mills, GEO. SKINNER, Proprietor. Tbfn MillK, now liuildinp; will bogin operations alxnit th first of XoremlHT, 1SU0, and will then be prt-jiared to buy wln-at or Ftore for one of farmer through the season. Until the Elevator is complWvd will lie rocdved at soma warchotwe here, and flour iu same will be delivered at the Mill door. Independence. - - Orecon School Books and Stationery -FOR SALE BY- BUSTER & LOCKE. The Public is Most Cordiiilly Invited to Call and Price Our Late l Selected 8tock of Writing Papers, Tablets, Pens, Ink, ', Kulers, etc., also All the School Books iu Use in the Public Schools.-.. Above trains tuw aiilr al (ollowliii ttailoat lorin 01 noMiniim; aati rnniau i. umaiiu i;hv. ViMxn.tirn, Miicin, Alinnv, Taufvlil, Rhwiiit. Hal' av, itai rimura, jnuiiiuu cuj, irv; and ku Rvseburg Mail, Dally. t.rava. I Arrlrn. niriland .... v( A.M. I ""(wliiire .,r.rin , H, uiwiiiir ....o.aiA.K, I'.irtianu ....iba. Albany Local Dally (Except Bun'y) PIIRPC pevghi, Csldi, InRutnx, OreRcalllt, VUrlLO Hotrtnt, Whooping Cough.Creu, -w.w Mil..., wnmi, in, mvrrw BntClHHI Q ) oti, Lunjt ana mm, mciuninf coniumpllaa, itily ami ptruuinenu Uaauiua tijiml ' , lain, 'I Tatva. rnrtland 1:00 M. Alliauy t.ODi. a. Arriva. A loan .... i oo r. . Portland g go . a Ihroil The Mongolian pheasant, owing to Its gregarlan propensity, hats become a great pest to the farmers in many sections of the Willamette valley. The bird has a beautiful plumage, is game and full of vital ' ity, and owing to these qualities it lias a commercial value which it othorwise ill deserves. We learn from the Oregonian that the Chi- Htale vh Clark Acquitted. Blate va John Montgomery Die- HlHle va Biickoosto Fined S'iO and coU, and forfeitu licenie. Stote va Iiackenato Acquitted. Htnte va Bunoe Continued, Stiite va E. Keller and H. Hill-Con- 'inucd. Htute vj. IIhIIowbII and Peck -Con tinued, Ben Wiudnor vn H Himpkina, eject- laent- Continued. Kobcrt Ford et al va O W Whiteaker, ctiriri nt liiw Jury disagreed. L 0 Kinney v Jacob Flunaen, ejoct- nent- Continued, H Simpkina va Ben Windsor, oroa hill Dontidued. A L Shreve va Ellie Slireve, divorce Nun suit. Jacob and C M Brown va F 8 depot, foreoloaure -Continued, Fenton & Toner vu 0 MoDcvitt, ap pealContinued. Wm Edward va W M and P V Mol win, action at law-Judgment on verdict. 32000 and ooata, Mary E Jlnllock va J D Cblt wood to foreoloae mortgage- Decree, J. H. ALEXANDER, ;Dealer in: Drugs and Medicines, BEUNA VISTA, OR. Having purchased the atock of Drue formerly owned by L. W. Robertaon. I am prepared to meet all the old cuato mere, and many more new one. Fair and courteou treatment ia all, , Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Fotieeomraoditloo of (vnd fUm puteOrti. West SideDivision. Between Portland and Corvalli MAIL TRAIN DAILT(BiMtivaday.; 11:13 A. M, U 10F, M. Portland ." Indepcudaue Oiirtralllt TioiT l J p. m. p. At Albanv and Corvallli oonnaiil with tiklna al unifun raoino Haiiroao, . . EXPRESS THUS DAILY (Eicept Sund'y) "P January '92. ANOTnr.H OrrKK. W bav decided to let man) of om OMtomer who wiah to tuke the weckU Ortjpmiun do o In ooitjunction with th- WT Sin. Our nlfrr ia n follow"; Fm Ui mm of S3.S0 Oimli In advinice we will mail you the Wbht Sina from Jim. 1, '91 to Jan. 1, 92, and alao the weekly (r- ooimm. We onnuot miike turn o(T,t iifiei January 1801, nor have nulwrri.tion tart .before tbat time. Have yolir aub aorlptiona until the 1st of Jnuuuiy . 1'iiKxiiM orrKK, Our offer to ubaoriber of the Win Sidi ne year and American Farmer one year, all for $2 ah'iuld not be mia- Dnderatood, The aubacription must date from Jan. 1, '91 to Jan. 1, '92. All arrearage mint be paid to that time, and mnt be cnh ia advance. Thiaiaa very liberal offer, aud if you want it NOW lend in 83.60 aud get both paper labor's (jo!d3fj tele fins. $ Laava Portland ...,:4 P.M. McMlunvllla 6 46 A. a. " " Arriva. "" MeMlanvIll IMKn. roniana ,i..i:iw a. m FRAZEll AXLE GREASE RENT l! TIIK WOULD. Tta waarlaa quallilaaara aaaurpaaaad. aotuallp outiaailaa two boaaa of anynthar brand. Nut aSaclad bf kaat. lail ET 111 K U . S (IXC rOW BAIJt BT I'KAIjmafly.NKRAIJ.Y. lyr I nu Suooossort to Elkins & Co., 0rBIXT0XS OF TB UtyTrflckandTransferCo Hauling of all Kinds Done at Reasonable Rates. mi" Feed, Oal(,)E?&Fii'lIood For SaI Collections Made Monthly.-! INDEPENDENCE . ER0G0N Attention I CITY HOTEL, C St., Independence. JJ.F.BSl.fiqrak First olana in every rei)it Specin' attention given traiidiont enaiomera. A aample room for oomniei-ctal imw'i" rrClT . r'''rrmnlo liwti J.'if IJr'N. llluMlliulhlm-Ilkolli iW, i "'v t'oimiti'tii Ui Mr. L, W, Waller and bia bride piianed through town hiat Suturday en ronte for Tncomii. Mr, W. ii oue of our old time friend and we wiab tbe bappy couple a long and useful life in their beautiful home in tbe famoua"Oity of Deatioy." For fine dental work go to Mark Iluyter, Wllaoo block, Dalian, Or. " rirnlar limit flrvei ai iiIIp niottllily, Uitaratileei lo ri'llrvn nmriiiuu. uieiiBiniaiKiu, tUREI 8AFEI CERTAINI Pnn'l tin hnmbninrail. Hiivb Time, llimlth and inouu) ;take uo otb ar, Hunt to anr addrwi. , auivir hjr mall ,i ooiiitoririit,iZW. Adilrarn, THE IIPHRO MEDICINE COMPANY. Wenternllmuch, BoiZ, l"OHiXANl, or ror ni uy nimwr a mhikr. You can buy tickula East to any point direct from Independence to dentinntlon at lowent rntci of E, 0. Fkntlanti. THH0C0H TI0UTS TO AU FOOTS EAST AID SOUTH. flaVPor tlokata and Inlnrmatlon ncaidlnf rata taapa, ate., call oa aaapaB'i agaut at ladapa- HUM a.KoiniJta, t p.aoatM, ' mt. tML a. w.mrmm. At TIME TAII1.K, ' Indrpcndaana and Monmouth Motor l.ln I,rvc Indnpomlpnce, Mlai Ada Jndaoa. Mr. WtlUam, JUDSON 4 WILLIAMS, DRGSSMHKERS. dumim Fitting A PI0IALTY. i Mitchell & Bohannon, h Mnufacturer of ! SASH & DOORS. H:I0 Dial 11:IA l:(k) 4:W 4:16 tanvmi i Hiiniiioutli, . . 7:4(1 8: liwo , 13:.10 !l:,6 . M tl-M fl Wri A wm farina (''I. nkHlMmm! 'ffiilftw" V'1" n,'"'m ' '"'"J1"' "'fri'tit fill .'Xinr'i oi I Jit i ""Pi't'iat vrnx inn In Wo, it livvt Yurk. 1 A. B. GRIGGS, MEAT : MARKET, S. 1. Irvin. cutter. Choic aieaai ewtaatl4N ' PaviLlaM'aBjiejk. MM OsthIi, and Trdt-Uftrki bti1na, ind all Pat HI. vuaionjii nnaqcifla lor KOftrftta Pit I, and a ran temra bttaat la Ian tlm than thou ramota rrom Waahlniftn. ., aad nodal, drawing ar pkoto., -trltk df tcrlp tion, Wa 4rl,a, If uatantaWa or not, rrea of ehtrn, Onr far not due till patent It Mcorad. A iMt, "How to Obtala Pataau," wlta aame, of mt a al diaiiu InrourBtat, eoanty.or town, h fra. Addrata, . (, , , c.A.orjovv&co. 4aarMPalia0H.WaialilM.0.e. ' SCROLL SfWINQ AND ; WQ0N PAIRING. Main Street, Independence, Oregoa. BRICK YARD. J.R.COOPER, Of Indopondonco, having a stara engine, a brick machine and several acres of finest clay, is now prepared to keep on hand a fine quality of Brick, which will be sold at reason able prices. :-: Attention! For the next 30 days we will sell you Stable and Fancy Groceries, Glassware and Qucensware at such Low Prices as to Defy Competition. Call and get our prices before buying. Yours Respectfully, HYDE & CO. Eggs and Poultry Wanted. O. A.KRAMER, A NEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. Folly Abrvaat with tha Tlmca. rf I 7 WEBSTER'S UNTERIWIONAi: ITiONARyy W Maker ui keler, e Want! Your Repalrlng.J . : WnUjhJwpalrlni a siwilalty.SWIll give yi a burgalns In Watohtw, dook and Jewelry. WITH Buster & Locke A GRAND INVESTMENT lor Ui Faiallyfi. hnol, or l'rofemlonal Library. . Tka AntuenUo WitTtar'a TJaa bridged Dtc1ioft7 y, eomprlalnK tka laaoa. of 18S4. '19 h '84. oo?yritt4 property of the aa0riKMS, U v "orooRhly Rxied and EnUrtad, .."iug iua, aau tional Dio-.ienary. . Editorial vroi k njion thU rariaiea aa been in noMve vrocroaa for ever ?,"?' Not lose than On Hm. drd paid editorial laborer fcar fcoan neaeatl npon it. Orar laOO.000 expanded ia It preparation befora tb Brat eopr wai printed. " Orftioml compariaon wit any tltwr Dictionary t In vl tad. Oat tb Baajt, O. O. MKKRIAM A CO., FabllUara, I , . . apHnjflald, Maaa., U. 8. A. , wUdbyaUaooknUara llluitraledparophlatfra,