THE INDEPENDENCE 'HlidYeflgiD' Now chirow the "West SIdt" local Ml, ' And newsy echoes rise and swell. LEND US YOUR EARS TILL YV TUX TOW THAT INPRI'KNDKNl'K in 'rAlttl.T IN IT rOH UKAtTV, Ul'HTLR AND Ill'MlNKHH, Com Htr etnd r r tmi v. aW"- VOL. VIII. $2.00, IVr Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, U300 Jive Cents Per Copy. NO. 4. oil. ar , THE WEST SIDE. 1 C. fSXTbAXD, . . fllil.lSHRIL tttwt4 tt the r-wt m la tudvpvudta, Ortvu.u seemid !.; mtlr. , UMSCKIFTION MAVBS." FAVAILK IN ADVANCK. On YM . ,M Sis Month . i.oo Three Month ja Wht not paid in advaact ' tjo TO ADVERTISERS. MmMtmlilMiM at lk M wt. iMImTU BOM f Ik (ML M lk WUiaMN Mm, b4 aa lit Mil Hm et Ik Orua tad P-bronas lUlltoMli MWtalu paterlua ad vadfrvaad Ikrakly paaUMia Ik STIlUss- MrVSCin iMNMlaf tMlllMI th WM tjwa to ealeila ihWii M la tw.oua ol tk kt 1 AavnJa4 If 4, , , JOB PRINTING I it vi Latest and Best Styles, LOWEST h LIVING t RATES. BU VCI IM & MA.1M(MYTfiT V LEB & BUTLER, Phjsioi&ns & Surgeons. U. S. Examining Surgeons. : tkt el Mala It, tUDirlNDUiCB, OREOO Phyidni nd Surgeon. OOm. Oypodl rinl Htllontt Ruk, OMrlMDKMCI, 0RI00H DR. J. K. LOCKB, Physician and Surgeon. Buena Vista, Oregon. J. E. DAVIDSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. o. 8. luimmia sueqiok, Independence, Oregon. ' DR. J. B. JOHNSON, Resident Dentist, All work warranted to giv tbe beat of Satkfactiofl. OaXMH. W. L. WILKIN, Attorney and Counselor l Law. A13 Legal lluslneaa entrusted to ma will receive Prompt Attention. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY Office In Open House. Independence, 0 A. M. HURLEY, Attorney and Counselor at Law. OAik: Cor. Maltt and Monmouth Sta., IM'IrT.NtJKbCE, 0RK00K MRS. A. M. HURLEY, MillmerjiFaaey Goods Next to Independence National Bank. Isosrssoasca, Okeoow. I. FARMER, TONSORIAL ARTIST Mln 8l Independence. having, 14 lMt 'tlri Hhm Durham Bros. CITY MEAT MARKET. Choice Ieef, Mutton, Pork nd Vcnl lway ton hand. t . Bmwage In eam. RMiitorvd lalloW Muln t.. Independence Dressmaking Parlors I MISS GKOKUIA KlHOU, Lately from Portland, linn opened Irc making Parlora In the Nelwm building, on Main HU, and la now prepared to do all worn In her Vine. Jasperson & Parker, INDEPENDENCE, OR. Architects, Builders and Cont'rs. Alwayn in tlielr Hindi and Door Fnctory. and will try to plea) all. (five them a trlnl and he 'convinced that they are worthy ut your pat r onage. DR. JORDAN'S eV CO'S. MUSEUM OF ANATOMY. 751 Market Ht., Ban Krunclaoo. Admlwilon 25centK. Go and learn how to avoid dlNeawe. CoriHUltaMon and treatment perwinally or by let ter on upermatorhea or gonlhtl wnakneuan(lalldlKeaHen(irmen. Hend for book. Private nDlee 211 Geary Ht. ConiiulUtlon free. n. R. TATTERSON, DRUGGIST DEALEB IN WATCHES, ' CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. ft ' "' BANKS. pirjtjlatioijalBaijH INDETKNDBNCB, OREUON. Praaldant ... ...J. 8. COOPER, Vloa Praaldant, U. W. ROIKRtSON. Caahlar W. H. HAWL1Y. DIRKOTOH9I O. r, IkewjMea, J. $, Cmpmf, . W, Tran aeu a tenant tanking bnatneea. Bar aad aelU iaubaufe ea all ImvotteM potato. rulu miuImJ tmUaM a atiack ae MHiKomie ot detMMtt. CuUevtteva atade aa all Mto va teranVle torwa, , Hall'i burglar arael lafe teeared kt Tale rieMUok. THE INDEPLNDENCE National Bank 1 CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000. H. HIRSCHBBRQ, - Praeldent A SRAM NILSON, Vloa Praaldant W. P. CON NA WAV, - Caahlar. A general basking and etebange Uutnaw IranM.Mvd liiaua nU; bllU dUeountvd, euia Merelai eradlu gnaiedi denulu real4 a earrtoi aveovui tukjeet to etievki latertd said ea lime depoall. DIRECTORS! Joahua MoDantal. H. H. Jaanoraon, A, J. Goodman, H. Hlreohberg. A Oram Naleon, T. i. Let U A. Alio. (Eatablitlied bjr National authority.) THE - Capital : National : Bank ! Or SAtBM, ORBOOK, CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oo. SURPLUS, SI 8,000. ft. a WAIXACI, W. W. MARTtR, Praaideal. Vlea rtealdeak J. S. ALBERT, CuMer. LOANS MADE. Te fmnw ea wheal aad other nerekanlaMe awidaee. eoaalgaad at la etnr. eltner la prkvftte f nuMTta oe publle warektHieee. Orato dnwa dlieat aa Hew York, Ckteago, Baa FWaalana, PeitleM. iMdoa, Parto, aertla, Vwat K1 aad OHoeJaa. THE POLK COUNTY BANK, UONUUUTH, OKIMOM. PfMen. (I'nrllaiid) ,. Vlt-e PnnlCenl 1,'n.iiiur ,, ,. t. A. MAPRI'M P. L. CAMPItCl.t. ... L C. POWItU Cflpttl S!ock, Till Up, 150,000 25,000 UlRtCOTOHS! 1. a. Mtrni'jt, r. a pnwpu. J. h, Pl'I'M P. IHAAC M HIMPflOM i, V. 11. IjUI'I R, A. B. OKtUus, P. U CAMV1IK1J. A rwwil hanklngnndneM Iramaeted. ! m ? r.'cvlin'l autijm l lurliei'k, or "H rertlllraie .if ,t,iilt. lam male, bllla dlwoniited. e rha g bought and eold, Intercut paid on time iltHiiu. Kln-nmnf vanll and burglar proof , teeared by Yale lime Iwk. fflromre h"iir I a. m. to p. m, The Celebrated French Cure, VSSH? "APHRODITINE" U HI1I.P ON A POSITIVK OUARANTgg lo cure any form of iiflrrnm dlieahe, or any dlnonlor ol the Ktmerntlve or gans of either III! Iroill t in Mr I EH eirranWe me of Hltmiilauta, Tobacco or Opium, or through ynmlilul lucllacrellou, over In. lull eucc, Ac, tiii'k an ol Hraln Power, Walteful new. Hearing down i'alna III the llni k, Hemlnal Weauueu, ll)lerla,Nervou Prmtrallon NiK luru al KmlMloua, lui'orrhii'a, DIuliieH, Weak Mem ory, Uma of Power am! Impntency, whleh If lie fleeted oflen 1 'ail to premature old aw and luaan ir. Prleell.uO a box,boea lor ti.uo Hunt uy mall ou receipt ol erica, A W It I TT K N (i 1) A It A N T E E for every WK order, to refund the money If a I'ermniieii. cure la not effeeted. Thnuaauda of teallinouliila Ixilli win, peruiatiently cured by Ai'HHotiiTiKR. Circular free. A'Mreaa THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WMtTKKN gaANCll, DOX 27, PORTLAND, OR. For hhId by Hustnr Locke, TAYLOR'S Cash Grocery & Bakery ON 0 STREKT. Freali Ttrcud, Pie. and Cnkua on hand every day exeeit Hiimlay. .. hill and (rcali atock of canned goodn, flour, lean, coll'-iu, auar, cuiiillea, clKan and tobacooi, D. B. TAYLOR, Proprietor. mil VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARfD FROM ROOTS & HERBS, II Ml inn AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATEqftheSTOMACH OR AN inactive: liver. FOR BALE y ALL DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DEALERS mm BEFORE ONLY TEN YEARS, 0ty ten yean of Joyieadl XI aaanw not Taary kwif Ouly fan jnaare ol bopua and feaia TbaA W my luaHwirf tbm( And aa rea are alaadlag agaut at my atda, Re fair aad aa yuatuy, my buany arkia, New breaka frua toy heart IhU eoagi , Only tea yean el Jnya and lean. lit amrry aad ohiody weaiker, nave ukaaded our llraa tetraUier, nay laea, Have wekM our beana tugeMaar. a we'll draauu owe agata of the happy day wbaa ,. , We timidly etood la tke aanrautg With kearuruUaf leva, auk tke khw aklaa above. And rueea our garden adoralag, Aad eow you an alaadlag again al aiy akta, Me fair aad aa young, my bunny bride, With roe our pathway adorahtg. Only tea yean of Jnya and taan, Aad tbe lean I Mo pnaria an turanag) Oaly lea yean of hopaa and faan, And eow a eweet Inceeee a burning On the altar of Love, wheae dladew Mow aktwawn and gllatoee wltk auwy a gwe lif aanctMed aorruw aad yearaiag. Only taa yean of ion and lean, Of Bierry aad caoudy waaikw, Bare bleadad our Uvea tageUMr, aiy lava, ' llaea wetdad our Iraem ketker. v , Only laai yean of bataaa aad faan I '! Their paaatag waa Oeae, ' lail Uwir ttvtaa waa aweet Xa rjKvry aad cloudy weather, my love, Aa we've Journeyed along kayether. Huaaua Otaka THE CLERK'S STORY. In Uia fall ot? INM I wag ruiloyoJ a a eJerk In a fnrtoral gtora gt a oruat ruaUa lnaoathrn luiHan. Tbe attire, a olinroh ami a blat kamlth ahop, with two Teal dmoca, mad up tHa baUtlintri, and tha fainlllea of the merchant and Uta blav k gmlth wora tha only mldrmta. The country about waa thickly getllnl, how evttr, iuhI tmln waa alwaya (ood. lie ftira tha merchant rmgajred ma ha an nounivil that I would have to slerp in tha atora o' niKbta, and that unlrea I had plack MiotiKh to Jofcnd tha ilao gjulnat maraaditra ha did not want m at any prioa. He allowed we a aluiltiii, a povolror and a apring gun, whk-h were ueed, or ou hand to ba uaed, to tlcffud tha pbv, and tho windowa were prutnrted with tout blluda and tha diwra by double lock. Tha tUm ot tli war had drifUtd a bad population Into Imliana. Tha liluliwnya wore full of tramp, ant) thorw were hundred of men who had deter mined to mnka a llvlitjr by goina other inc tie than Intior. rveiiU attrtnpta bad been nittilo to nib the .tore, aaJ It had coma to that ptt that no elevk waulvd to abfip thorn alona. Tha nii-rrbaiit aewnird Httiafird with nworg 1 tcava hlio, and on a certain Monday morning I went to work. Tba Ainu night a atore about four mllca away wna broken Into and rubbed and tha cltrk aorioiudy wounded. Two Blhl lator three) horww were atolra in our neitihlxirhood. At tlia and of a wea-k a furtnor who waa on hla way home from onr atora waa Mbbed on Uie biKhway. If I had not ben a light alerpnr from habit tbceo oectirrencea wonld ' have temued to preTent too lenirthy dnauna aa I lay in my httla bedroom at tha front of tba apoond atory. The revolver waa alwayg placvd under my pillow, and tha ghotffnn (4od within reach. The apring Kun waa act about midway of tha lower floor. It waa donbla barreled ahottfun, each barrel containing a biff charge of buckithot, and tha man who kicked tha gtriiig and (linchivored Uie weapon wonld never know what hurt him. It did not aeein ponttible that any one oould break into the atora without aroua ingmo. Thoro waa no door to nay room, and after tha people in the neighborhood had Km to bed F oonld hear Die gllght eat Molae in tbe atore. I had looked tbe place over for a weak gpot and had failed to lind it, but tuy own conOdence came near proving my destruction. 1 ghoultl have told you in describing Die gtora that jnat over the apot where we aut tbe gpring gun waa an opening through which we hofeted and lowered mich giaidg aa wore atored for a time on the gecoud floor. When not in nee tliii opening wna civnred by a trap door. Toward evening on the tnith day of my clerluliip I hointcd npa lot of pailg and tul, and had Juet flniahed when trade became ao briak that I waa called to wait upon cuHtomera. Lator on I aaw that I had left the trap door open, and 1 gitid to myaelf that I would lot it go un til I went to bod. The atore had the only burglar proof gafe for milea around, and it waa ouxtomary for the former who had a hundred dollar or no to leave it with n. He received an en velope in which to endoee it, and be could take out or put in a he liked. On tliia evening four or Ave farmer came in to deposit, and aa I afterward figured op we had about $1,500 in the rnfe. There wore two atrange faces in Uie crowd that evening. One belonged to a roughly drmwod, evil eyed man, who an nounced himanlf aa a drover, and the other as a pnifitwionul tramp. 1 gave the bitter a piece of tobacco and aome crackorg and cbeeae, and he goon went away, aud wo were go bogy up to 9 o'clock that I did not give the drover much Attention. Whon we catne to ghut up the atore he had gone from my mind altogether. We oountad up the caeh. made gome chitrgca iu Uie day book, and it wiui about 10 o'clock whea tbe mer chant loft I wfia tired, and I took a candle and mode tlie circuit of the gtnre, But the Hinlng gun aud went to bed. 1 had to pntw within six foet of the trap door n I went to my room, but I did not soelt It waa a rather chilly night in October, and we had no Arcs yot, and oa got uml or the blankets the warmth waa no grateful that I noon foil asleep. It was the first night I had gone to bed without thinking of robbers and won dering how I should act in case they came In. I did not know when I fell asleep. I suddenly found myself half upright in kid, and there was an echo m the atore, aa if the fall of something bad aroused me. It was 1 o'clock, and I had been asleep almost three hours. Leaning on my elbow I strained my ears to catch the slightest aonnd, and after a mlnnt I heard a movement down stair. While I could not say what it was, a tort of in stinct told me that it was made by tome human beiug. Everything on the street was as silent as the grave. My window curtain wan up, and I could see that the sky had thickoned and was very black, I did not wait for the noise to be repeated. I was jnat as euro that some one was In the store as if I had already seen him, and 1 crept softly out of bed, drew on my trousers and moved out into the big room, having tbe revolver in my hand. There was no door at the head of the ttalr. I intended to go there and listen down the stairway. - As I was moving across the room, which was then pretty clear of good at for as the trap door, I suddenly rtwoV course to reach It It waa terribly dark In tbe room, and ono unfamiliar with tha plae wonld not have dared to wove 6 foot. Half way to Uie trap I got down on hand and knoea, and a I reached the opening I settled down on my stomach. Thar waa a dim light down stulrt. That aettlod tba fact that aome one wag In tha store, After a tuinuto I hoard whispers, than Um movement of foot, then certain sound which located tha intruders to a foot They were at Ut aafe In Ui front of the store. I drew myaslf forward and looked down tha opening. I oould aoe a lighted oandl and two or turn dark figures at the safe, and I oould bear the combina tion being worked, My first thought was to drop my hand down and open lire tn their direction, but I remembered that we bad ao many article hanging up Uiat no bullet had a ohanoa of bitting tha man. I was wondering what to do, when 1 beard one of the men whiwpert "1ft all d d nonsense, W might work here a wank and not hit It" "Dot I told you to bring the tools aud yon wouldn't," probwtal another. "Oh, dry apl" put In A third voice. "Wbat wa want to do Is to go up and bring that counter hopper down, and make hint open tb box." "I'll give the cosaed thing a few more trials," said tha first man, and I beard bint working away again. My eyes oould not have told ma tba number of Mlilwra, but my ear had. There were three of them, and they war no doubt desperate and determined men. They sjKiks of bringing me down to open Uie safn, as if no resistant waa antlrltwted or taken Into aoconnt Indeed, they might well reason that they had me at their mercy. The rain waa now falling, the night was very dark, and a pistol aliot in tba store could not hart boon board In either of the dwellings. If they had reflected that I might be armed they would have offset it with Uie fact that I was a boy of 18, with a f rl's face and probably a girl's nerve, don't deny Utat I wa bit rattled, and that my Up would quiver in spite of me, but I wa at tb same time fully de termined to protect Ut store If it cost me aiy life. How to got at tha fellows waa what bothered me, but that trouble waa aoon solved. "There," whiaired tbe man at the combination a ha let go of it, "I won't fool here another minute. That kid knows Uie combination, and w can make him work iL Com on." , They were coming up stairs. The bent plane for me would be at tba hoad of the stAirway. Tha stair bad a half turn in tnera, and I would fire um the tret man who cam within range. I heard Uie men coming back to the stairway and my nerve gave way, It wasn't from cowardice, but the knowledge that I was to kill a human being upaot me. 1 Av oided to retreat to my room, and If they persisted In coming that far I would shout. Tb trio bad rubbers on tbvir feet, but they cares up stairs without trying very hard to prevent making a nolae. The one who came first had the candle, and aa be got to tbe bead of the aUtr 1 saw a knife in hla other hand. Tbey tuatle no delay in approaching my room, and with a great effort I braced myself for what I saw most happen. They oould not aee me until within three or fonr feet of tbe door, and their first inti mation that I was out of bed was when tbey beard me call out: "Stop, or I'll thootr I had them covered with the weapon, and for fifteen seconds there waa a dead llenoe. Then they got plan. The man with tbe candle dashed It on the Boor, and I suppose tbey meant to rush in on me in Uie dark, but I checkmated it by opening fire. Tbey then either meant to retreat down stairs or toward the rear of tbe floor, for I saw the three together moving off, and fired at their dim figures. Three seconds later there wa a great shout of horror, followed by tb tremendous report of Uie dotibje bar reled spring gun, and then there was ab solute silence. I think I stood in Uie door shaking like a leaf for fully three minutes before Uie aUeno waa broken by a groan. Then it came to me that the robber bad fallen through Uie open door npon Uie cord loading to tbe gun. I struck a match, lighted my own candle, and going to Uie opening aaw three bodies lying be low. Running back to Uie bedroom to recharge my revolver, I then went down stairs to investigate. It was as I luspected. The three bad pitched down together. Tha top of one' head had been blown off by the shot, a second had a bole in bis chest aa big as your flat, while the third, who was re sponsible for the groans, was severely wounded In both legs. It was three months before he oould be put on trial, and he then got four years in prison, Tbe whole thing was a put np job. The "drover" wa a Chicago burglar called "Clawhammer Dick," aud he bad hiddeu himself in the ttore that night, aud then let his pals in by the bsok door. They had a horse and wagon in the rear of Uie bnilding, and tbe plan was to rob Uie store of goods as well as to get at the money in the safe. A bit of carelessness on my part not only saved the store and probably my life, bnt wiped out a very dosperate gang. lloston Commercial Bulletin. Tie Ball flayee. Bobby Do yon like your new house? Little Johnnie Ye. It has a vacant lot nAxt door. Epoch. i The Blggaat Apple Tree. The largest sppls tree In New England, and probably In the. world, is In the north western part of Cheshire, Conn., standing in Mr. Delos Hotchkias' door yard. Its age osn b trsoed by a family tradition to U0 years at least, and it may lie 80 or 85 years older. It Is at tha present time of symmetrical shape; the trunk It nearly round, without a tear or blemish on It; there are 8 largs branohes; 6 of them have been in the habit of bearing fruit one year and the remaining 8 the next. Mr. Hotcbklts hat gathered lu one year from the 5 branohes 85 bushels of fruit, and his prededessor had harveated a orop of 110 bushels from the same 6 brauohes. By oareful measurement theclroumferenoe of the .trunk 1 foot above the ground, above all enlargements of tb root, I 18 feet 8 Inches. The girth of the largest si n gle limb is 6 feet 8 inches The height ot the tree hss been carefully measured and found to be 00 feet, and the spread of the branohes at the applet fall is 100 feet, or 8 rods. The fruit is. rather small,, sweet, and of moderate excellence, lloston Jour naJ. - - Making Brick Waterproof, ' Bricks impregnated with tar are said to be hard, durable and perfectly waterproof. The process of. Impregnation Is extremely simple, ordinary brioka, or, still better, machine brick, being boiled In coal tar (or twenty-four- hours. Drleks thus treated are claimed to b especially well adapted (or paving workrooms, depots, etc. They are alto recommended for the construction of sewers, oeaspoolt, tht Insulation of foun dation walls and similar purposes. Build ers' Oagett.v ; i i i . w , FOUND DESERTED ON A STONE. A Touehlaf Story wf ike Child of tke Ae ther of "John Melius, tieatlatnea," Every woman In the land hss bowed down before "John Halifax, Gentle man," but how many know much of the life of the woman whose brain child he waa? There is in it a Utile romance that I am sore many will Ilk to bear. Mar ried to a gentleman who was a cripple, Mr., Moloch Oralk lived an idyllic lifo at a beautiful country home a few miles front a county town. Hh heard one day, nulls Incidentally, that n baby had been found on a stone at the cross roads, that It had been taken to Uie town hail, and that all Uie gentry about were going to look at It becansa it was such a sweet llttl child. Ho, foUowing the example of bar ueighlior, she went too. Looking up into the sweet, sympathetic face of the famed authored, the little baby milled and pnt out it wee hand. Dinah Mulocti Craik could not resist this, and ao aba determined to take the child for her very own. Quickly it wa wrapped op, and it became her baby. Devoted to It, she was yet determined a It grsw older it should never havelta heart) hnrt by being Wild the story of Its birth and adoption; so a soon a Uie lit tle girl was able to understand, It whs lovitcly whispered to her that she had been, found on tha large atone which ttood in the oentor of the hall, and which always wa decorated with flow ers, and that Ood had put bar there that her mother might find her. As aoon as tit rrw old enough It became Iter daily duty to cut the flowers aud ar rant theut to make beautiful this great rock that had I won dug np from the crosi roads and brought there. To her it represented the place whore the nands of the angola had rcstod when tbey laid her down. Curiously enough, the IWld became very proud of tbe way In Which she bad reached the dear mother who cared for her as lovingly and as tenderly a If she were really tier own flush and blood. Her birthday was Uie day on which she was found, and when the tenth one came around aud a child't party wa given her she was heard ask ing one little girl, "How old are your The other one answered, "I wss born nine years ago." "Oh!" answered the baby, "you were born Uke other chil dren, but I am bettor than that; I wtw found just where Ood had placed me," Tbe ehlldith pride was as amusing aa it ws pathetic. Tht year have gone by, the eye of the good unit lmr are closed forever to the sights of this world, but tbe child she cared for live in the great town of Lon don and remembers, and when the mother of "John Halifax, Gentleman," and of this girl stands before Almighty (M, don't yon think that he will say, "At ye have done it unto the least of the, so I will unto yon." Ladica Home Journal ttnai.a on Another Star. Ill Catnille Flaiumorion't lost romance of th start some quaint aud interesting fancies are given regarding the planet Mart. The poet-astronomer imagines that in our next starry neighbor tbe density 1 so slight that malt-rial sub stances are very light, and that thin tha living beings correeomling to our selves are vaaUy more ethereal, delicate and sensitive than the inhabitants o' earth. Dwelling farther from the sun than we, their optic nerve is more pow erful, and that fact, together with su perior maguctio and electric Influences, creates senses unknown to us and un imaginable by us. Everything is so much less ponderable, so much more tin sulittantial than with as, he goes on to fancy, that the people there might be called tiiiukiug and living wiuged flow ers, for in the tenuous atmosphere wings had tbe first chance at development, rather than a more terrestrial method of getting about, evolution having taken place in a series of winged species, aud the people living aa much on the air and on aerial plants as on tbe ground. Here also Uie donsity ot the body and its weight beiug so slight, all organisms are very light and delicate, no other food being taken than that drawn from Uie atmosphere; thus the female sex Is the predominating one, living on the alntof spring aud the perfuuie of flowers, the absence of gross food preventing gross Ideas and clarifying the intellect to an immense power, while an unspeak able, charm is exercised by these women in the fluttering ot their wings and in the kiss of a mouth that never has eaten. Harper' Bazar. Special Delivery Stamps, He was a stamp fiend, young and pre cocious, The plain American stamp had no interest for him. He was making a collection of foreign ones, and so when Uiey tent him down to Uie poatofllce for a packago bo did not pay much atten tion, but brought it home and handed it over, and skipied out to play tag, Next day they showed him A new sister who had arrived. He looked at her with some curiosity. "Say, whore did she come frouif" "Oh, from heaven." "From heaven! I know. That was the package I brought from the poatofllce yesterday, and I never knowed anything about it." "Yes." "Oollyl why didn't you savo me the gUnips?" San Francisco Chronicle. A Sacrilegious llobber. A stranger entered the Church of the Assumption, Brooklyn, ono Saturday morning, and, borrowing a rosary from the sexton, knelt in apparent prayer. When the sexton, who bud been out, re turned a few minutes later the stranger had vanished. 8o had two silvur chal ices, two silken stoles and two prayer books, Chose was given and the follow was caught Upou bis person was found the booty taken from the church, as well as three silver coffin plates bear ing the inscription, "Rest in Peace." Philadelphia Ledger, Merely Beeentrle. Visitor Who is that crazy fool? Host Ho is not a crazy fool, He is morely eccontrio. Visitor Rich, eh? Good News, Wanted Soma Store Teeth, The other day a waman not over 80, but minus her teeth, called on a promi nent dentist, and asked him if he oould not rent hor a let of teeth to wear to a party that evening. She told the dentist that the tupposed that false teeth were kept in stock and that people fitted themselves. Watorbury American. ' Digestion would be greatly promoted if rest could be taken for half an hour after a meal. A gonUe walk with Uio chest thrown out is excellent even in door. When a walk is taken in the house the hands should be tlusped at the BWKP MENTION. Peter Jackson has sailed for America. New York state Is enjoying cold imp. Hovere front anil heavy taow prevail throughout Euroe. ' The -yigr-old stallion Alls Wllke wa recently sold for i!,(KH). Bubear defeated Mutterson In a scull ing race at Sydney, Australia, The population of the United State is O'J.flva.S.'M by the correct count II, K. Iirot kiiiifton, merchant at Hills borough, Tex., has oiutlgned withtH,000 liabilities. The C'sndlan Pacific rullrosd la project ing to Imild a line from Montreal to New York. Balfour has lntroduo4 his Irish land bill in Parliament. The government's policy Is the same ain 1MM0. Lena Hollander, a domtwtlo at Phoe nix, A, T, attempted to kindle a fir with coal oil and was bunted to death. The British ship Falcon, New York to Glasgow, was hmt at sea. The crew wa brought to Philadelphia by the steam ship Pennsylvania. The Canadian government intowl to establish commercial agencies lu Central and South America for tbe purpose of cultivating reciprocal trade. The body of a priest was disinterred at Newark, N. J., and found to be petrified from the nirk to the knee. The body bad been Interred nine years. Henry George has returned to New York from a tour throngh the South. He says that Cleveland is the popular choice for the next president, F. J. Kyle, who claims to be the head of Kyle & 11)., fruit jobliere of Chicago, has been arrested at Han Diego charged with negotiating a bogus draft. A man who claims to Its Henry Eld ers, tbe eldest son of Lord Elders of the Strand, London, is in jail at Trenton, N. J., for passing bogus checks. France has the largest public debt in the world. It is estimated at 80.800,. ftm.fifM frunos nominal capital and 22, fc!4,0M,Bo frunt-s actual capital. Henry Spiker, cashier of the Ht. Louis Tribune, elojied with Mrs. Odell, a wid ow, and look f.10,000 belonging to the paper. lie recently sent hla wife to Eu ro on a visit. Dr. KfM-h ho refused to supply two physicians, Drs. Levy and Deugal, with any more lymph, because they charged a ;patietit Ml marks for a single in jection of the fluid. Th reKrt of Attorney General John Son of California has le?n submitted to the governor. Among other things, the at tiirney general euggents a revision of the school and election laws. ' Father llyaclnthe of Paris advocated that priests should lie allowed to wed, in a sermon on the church and state. He stated that his miuriage had been most hitppy in its results to himself. Lady Coiinemura was granted a di vorce from her husband in London on the ground of adultery. There was no defense, and the scandal mongers were cbootcd out of a dainty mowed. A betrothel is being arranged betweon 10-year-old CJttecn Wilhelmina of Hol land end the hereditary Prince of Nas sau. William, heir to the duchy of Lux enilionrg, who is now 81 yesrs old. The steamboat T. P. Leathers wss burned on the Mississippi near Fort Adams, The cliauilx-rinaid and four roustalMiuts, all colored, were lost. The lioat and cargo of cotton are a total loss. The French customs authorities re fused to admit the vial of lymph sent by Dr. Koch to Piistetir, on the ground that imiKirtntion of medicines the con tent of which are not known Is against the law. At Eastern Park, Brooklyn, 80,000 peo ple witnessed the football game between Yale and Prince colleges. During the game one of the grand stands collapsed with 8,000 people. Between fifty and sixty people were seriously injured. In bis letter of resignation President Adams of the Union Pacific railroad made some very caustic statements re garding t he late railroad deal. Oould has taken Adnmg to tusk, calling htm a the orist and saying the his responsible for the lack of dividends on Union Pacific stock, . George Weston and his wife of Atchi son, Kits., fought over domestic affairs. Weston used a hammer and his wife need a hatchet, with which they rained blows upon each other's heads aud shoul ders. The wife is dead and Woston can not recover. A ukase has beeu issued from St. Pet ersburg ordering that henceforth no He brew shall lie permitted to enter the Greek church unless his wife, children, brothers and parents do the same. This is to stop the Jews from sacrificing one member of their family to the Russian church, thus securing a right to earn a livlibood for all. John R. Cox, aged 73, an eccentric character of Baltimore, is dead. He was very wealthy and his object in life was to supply everybody who was sick with medicine. He suggested to Gen. Garfield's physicians that they put an onion poultice on the soles of the dying president's feet to draw the poison out of his system. Tho German government has invited Surgeon General Hamilton of the United States army to send over one of his stall to learn Dr. Koch's treatment for con sumption. Dr. Hamilton sent a man this week. He thinks that no lymph will be sent to this country, as it will lose its efhVieucy in transportation, but the formula will soon lie given out and it can 1h made hero. James R. Robb, one the older pioneers of Oregon, is dead. He was tbe business partner of Governor Abernethy, fisst provisional governor of Oregon, and ac quired great wealth but lost it through the failure of tlie firm. He built the first Methodist church in the state at Oregon City, His death leaves Civpt. Crawford and F, X, Mattbieu the only remaining ones of the vast immigration of 1842, Mr. Robb was aged 74. Rochester, N. Y., boot nnd shosmskert are on a strike. All the cattle have beeu driven from the Cherokee strip. The New York World is now In it new and magnificent buildlug, Genoral Booth's social Balvation fund mounted to $300,000 at last accounts. George Francis Train wants to star with,Succi, the faster, at the world's fair. A profitable business in New York is that of shipping horse meat to Europe. The salaries of the Brazilian govern ment employes have been reduced 10 per cent. 1 A pamphlet has boon issued in Russia upholding the Czar's persecution of the Over 300,000' was saved to tb govern ment on postal card contract during the past year. Eight person were killed and 121 in jured by th street railroads of New York city last year. The postmaster general In hit annual report favor the postal telegraph and the postal savings bank scheme, Another yarn About the finding of tht lost Charlie Rom in jail at Boston ha been exploded by Inspector Byrne. Th English Cotton Employers' Asso ciation ha decided to raise wage 10 per cent. This will affect 150,000 persons. At Rylacsuga, Ala., W. L B. Hunter, editor of weekly paper, shot and killed Chariot Nifkeraon, the town constable. Tbe preliminary examination of Au gust Olsen for the murder of John Ivitt, tht Merced, CaL, rancher, it on at Mer ced. Fourteen thousand and teveuty-two postmasters have been removed during the past two year and 20,030 appointed in the asm time. Tbe executive departments, the senate and th bouse and the postofflce at Washington are to be connected by pneumatic tube. Yuen Kee, Chinese grocer in New York city, has disappeared with 110,000 which wa deposited with him by hi fellow countrymen, A New York physician hat tnocessfuly transplanted the brain of a cat into dog. He think that the operation can be applied to human beings. One hundred and fifty employes in the Uuion Pacific machine ahop at Omaha have been discharged. Similar reduc tion will be made in the ahop aU along the Una. Ecuador now hat 1177 schools for pri mary instruction, of which 618 belong to the municipalities, 31 to benevolent so cieties, and the remainder to private in dividual. Work ha been tagunonthe biggest hotel in the World in New York. It is beiug buUt by William Waldorf Aster. It will be seventeen stories high, and will cost l,0O0,0O0. A J. Warner, chairman, and Lee Crandal, secretary of the National Ex ecutive Silver committe, give notice that a meet of tbe committee will be hell at Washington on Dec 10. A Washington correspondent assert that Census Superintendent was short 123,000 in his unofficial circular giving the population of New. York city, which the final calculation will show, . , Almost 5.000 new postoffloes, more than any one year before, have been es tablished the past year. The star route mileage has increased over 8,000,000 'and the railroad mileage over 11,000,000 miles. The elegant stone residence patterned after feudal castles of the Old World, situated on the high hill at Newton, Conn, and owned by P. Lorillard Rey nolds, was burned with all IU contents. Tbe loss is 100,000. Rev. Mr. Brown of Middletown, N. a, assaulted G. H. King, a divinity stu dent, on the train because King sat on his hat King's nose was broken and both of bis eye blackened. - The -ear floor wss covered with blood. William M, Donahue, Boston post- oflice clerk, was arrested In Uie Spring field postofflce when he presented three money orders for f 100 each, payable to "George R Swett" He hod sent the orders out from Boston and raised Uie face value of $1 to fU 00. Capt Taylor of the ordnance depart ment, in charge of supplies to the militia, In his annual report strongly urges the pending bill to promote tbe efficiency of the militia. He says steps should be taken to encourage the formation of cavalry organisations in the militia. The surface and elevated roads of New York city carried 408,008,266 passengers who paid 5 cent fares during the year ending last June, Of these nearly 190, 000,000 were carried by Uie elevated roads. The gross earnings of th roads were 20,448,104 and the expenses tl 3, 718,678. The new constitution of Wyoming abolishes the office of probate judge. Judge Bergman was ordered to turn over the records of his office to the cir cuit court He refused to obey the or der and was sent to jail for contempt of court This so worried him that he at tempted to take his life. Whon the Italians now under indict ment for the murder of Chief Hennesy of New Orleans were called before Uie bar tluiir counsel moved to quash the in dictment on the ground that an outsider, not eneitled to be present was in the grand jury room during the investiga tion. The case was postponed. The expert accountant who is investi gating the affairs of Gardner Chase & Co., brokers of Boston, found of the scheduled bad accounts $657,000 repre sents motley lost in speculation by Chase. He also reports that the firm was insol vent iu 1885, and since that time Chase and his partner have drawn out upward of 2GO,000. ' Parnell issued a manifesto in which he arraigned Gladstone aud the Liberals, and has been denounced therefor by all his associates. It is now believed that Parnell will be forced to resign. The delegates now in America have also de denounced him. Gladstone issued a counter - manifesto denying ParneU's charges. "The Jeresy Lily." Anui.ksea Cottage, I B,, July 2. nentlemen: Altho1 It la very unusual for tne hi use any lotions or washes, sttH, In an swer to your mutest, I have tried Wisdom's Violet rresin and Hobertlne. Tho former I consider especially efficacious in catea of rouithnessof the skin, nnd I have been using It every day for the last fortnight. I have found the Ihibertine an excellent prepar. at Ion In cases of ton, sunburn, etc, caused by exposure to March winds and a J uly sun. Yours fait hfully, 1.IU.1KLANUTHY, To Messrs. Wisdom a Co. in? Kew! hi Falsi PHOTOGRAPHS dummcd, ready to atlck fust to anything. Cards, lockets, watches, pins, letters, euvelops, autograph albnus, wedding cards, oto, 16 for $1. Send A photograph (cabinet alio) of yourself or frlcuds. All photographs sent to m will be carefully handled, aud ret urned with the order. Address all orders to . W. He Whiteaker. Independence, Oregon. COAST NEWS. Buool will remain In California this winter. Seattle tnl Portland are now clear anoe ports, J. P. Hardy, a widely known Sacra mento sioneer, is dead. William Canfleld, who waa (hot by Dnt Cons table Lant of Sanger, CaL, Tne new court house at Whatcom, Wash., width cost ftO.OOO is now ready for occupancy. ; Frank D. Ltwls, Government agent, waa held np and robbed by highway man near Redding, Cal. Thar wa a jail delivery at Whatcom, Wash., recently. Tbe prisoner bored a hole in th jail floor and ascaped. Tht city couacil of Lo Angeles ha rtfttaod to aoced to the mayor' propo sition to reduct tbe saloon license. By reason of tbe census Sacramento county, Cat., it now rated In th third elae. Her civil list will be increased by ,000. No com missions whatever will b paid oa tht sale of railroad ticket from Cali fornia, Arizona and Nevada to Missouri river point. A Portland woman is charged with poisoning her mother and titter in order to obtain possession of all the property in the family. Governor-elect Markham has ap pointed M. R. Higgint of Lot Abgelea, hi Private Secretary. Mr. Higgins is native of Ohio. Tbe Grand Jury of Phoenix, A. T., ha indicted E. V, Sill, editor ot Tht Republican, for criminnaliy libeling ex Chief Justice J. H. Wright John C Kemble, an editor on the Se attle Journal, died in that city. Hi father E. C. Kemble, was the founder of tht San Francisco Alt. Millions of fish are landlocked in Washoe lake and art rapidly being de stroyed by cranes and pelicans. They ore mostly perch and whitefish. Bottt CHy, Mont, it to have water works capable of supplying 10,000,000 gallons daily. Eastern capitalist have put 12,000,000 In the undertaldng. Eugene Hugenia, well-known citixen of East Portland, suddenly disappeared from his' home and" riothing hat been heard of him. Fool play is suspected. li Paul Shuezer. the right-hand man of Hairy Vlllsrd in Washington;-BAys Uie OrVgJin Improvement Co)tIpany - was rukied by the awbitionvbf its president. AleitimW Xew'Trork NtYp'-A SSI It is said tt f 'company has secured the use ofVaterr)OWer'"inthe San Ga-" briel:;curr; to, furnigh ' cheap elecf do light to Los Angeles, Pas adena jd''tflat.V-.,1,T' v Never before in the' history'of jWash-"' ington was there" such a .'wheat crop as there wselrs rtarwtjr- ti CWSiafte V luuuuuuiin. i eeuuiawu toot tne pro duct is over 15,000,000 bushels. Seattle is working hard for sugar re finery. The capital stock of the pro- posed corporation is $500,000, of which Seattle is to raise $200,000 and the peo ple of Honolulu the remainder. The directors of the Keweah Common wealth Co-operative Colony were arres ted at Visilia, Cal., by United States Deputy Marshal tor tresspassing on the government park lately reserved. The Portland grand jury has been in vestigating the Women's Refuge Home in that city and its reiort charges Uie management with gross and in tome cases inhuman treatment of its inmates. A. D. Barling of Fresno, CaL, who packed 85,000 boxes of raisins with the assistance ot white labor, has decided never to employ Chinese labor again. He aays that white labor is cheaper in the long run. Great extitement prevails in theCoeur d'Alene mining district over a recent gold discovery. A tramp walked into the gulch, mode the discovery and sold out for $20,000. Samples of ore assay $35,000 ton. The Supreme Court at Sacramento last week affirmed the judgment of th court below in the case of Hurling, de fendant, vs. Abbott et al.. appellants. The action was to quit tiUe to timber lands in Plumas county valued $200, 000. The total area of Nevada'is generally given as 100,318,560 but Uie last report of the General Land Office stated that the state contained 73,037,613 acres of surveyed and 28,965,027 cree of unsur veyed land, making in all 100,992,640 acres. R. McKittrick, at one time priest of Burlington, la., committed suicide near Seattle. Seven years ago he gave up his holy calling without offering any reason, and became a recluse, never leaving his place and ovoiding his neighbors. He took morphine. Senator-elect Charles L. Pond of Butte county, Cal., died at his home in Nord of pneumonia. His sudden demise has proved great shock to the entire com munity. He was a native of Jefferson county, N. Y., aged 59 years, and a brother of Mayor Pond of San Francisco. Ht was a Republican. . The workmen who took the places of the strikers on the exposition building at Seattle in September, and who have not received their pay, went to the big building, tore up the floors and carried way the lumber. The city ' officials have received notice from the men that they will burn the building if they are not paid at once. The operations of Stone and Hyde to timber laud swindlers now in jail at Portland, iu locating settlers on timber lands by means of fraudulent oaths, are believed to have been very extensive throughout the Pacific coast. Both men have masqueraded under different names and various disguises of person and art as cold-blooded a brace of speculators aa ever were brought to Portland. City Taxes The tax roll of tbe city of Indepen dence is now completed, and taxes be come delinquent on tbe eleventh day of December, 1890. Taxes are payable to me, and I will receipt for the same. Geo. Macaulay, City Marshal. . Exolttment Runs high at the drag stores in this place over System Builder as everybody . is using it for ontarrh, of Btomaob, dys pepsia. Constinatinn anil imnnrn blood. and to buildup the system it certainly possesses wonderful merit when all opank so well Ot it, repejstjvfjfbf j tht dr goods Arm of ntislynSn .- Mayer ,& Co.'' in Portland, CrJdMhlWyrfrt)ia heart faUur iu