The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 21, 1890, Image 3

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TUrv' ll lovoly ilri uf ttstlM,
Who wwul.1 gnw rlnily pala.,
AnU ttt lnwi'ly lrl of Malum, wlius ftu
ull stop el:
Tlww's lh Hill flirt ol putt,
Who will nvr Ml JNHI nl ,,
Anil tlx wti lrt is? Moniumtth, m
In Uf talk.
Turn's in im'iy mm h mm.
Who will I Ml lkw KHMl7,
And lh ilm of Kit), m jMhawl
. and shjr
In MvtVy jru will dMrovtt
A (harming lllll. kwr,
Aiul vr, Kan, rarliwr, nil tuv. girls to
cwloh lb ays,
TIkhto's Ui maid ol Hu.i.a Vlata.
WUi I 4Hurf Mian sister,
And W bunch of iwwiiim with a
nannar frank and fri
,wlrtll and King Valtajr
I'm ntak prny rally,
Hnl tht IndriwiKh'nc ntaUtn U lh darling
irl a mot
.Sm U, KWc-m,
"The Chilian," under tlw bk man-
kgpiurut of Dr. V. M. IMohor, have
bwu gtvlng tlwlr pleasing tuturtalii
tuutt at tli uew Opera house alue
Wedmwday night. They glvt a (Treat
how. Katurday night tht universal
rsinsrk waa, "I havt uot laughed ao
much In year." The beauty of It la
tbvyglvea good clean show. Lota of
Aw, but It It fr from tveryUtlng ob
jectionable. Next Ww'ucailay night
they product "Tb trip around th
world," lu addition to th roarlug
fare and laughable musical moU.
Admistlyu la wltbiu rnu'li of all. Thin
It not a high priced thow, but It It
worth mr thon any TV. chow that
hat com tola way.
Mr. Vm R. feck will Mill at public nuo.
lion to tht highest bidder a But lot of
blooded how a, at Indt-pendance, Satur
day, Nowwtwr 'A 1HUU Tbt borMt
offertd for aula will Include tht f unions
Hambtabjftlan and Clydetdalt breeds
eta, and will eoustst ot geldiuue. Bin ran,
and eolla. Term : Hit moutht credit
wiib approved aeotuity j flvt per cant,
discount for oaah.
Prof W. I McAdanu, principal of
All IUll.ll., M.lll,.,l lllflrtM IM lh.M It tM
already t puplb now lb regular at
tendance aud that by January 1st, or
the time tht nw butlitlug la rvady for
oeeupfney ; there will I at Irani 300 pu
plU enrolled upon the mIioo lint. We
twlievrthlala thelargt public m'hool In
the county.
There waa a plctuiaiit nodal gntherlng
at Mr. and Mm. V. K, t'rvwy'n on but
Wedueaday evening. A few friend and
neighbor came In and whlletl away
several pleaaaut hour In nodal talk, the
enjoyment of aotne rare munio and
number of lively garnet at card.
Wllbud Ilvvena, of Fluent VUta, pla.
ced upon our edltorul ta we wean our
writing deak the other day a handful
of the Urgent native haiel nuta we have
ever teen. Tbey were little beautle
aud only rctvntly plucked from the
Hervlcc will l held by the Evangcll
call lu the rrealiyterinn church on
Hunday evening, Nov. 23rd. Mlw.
the tvnuon. All Invited.
To women whe cut atove wood for
their over worked (?) bunband: I have
a cord of wood Junt suitable for you, vlt
email dry ntlck that ran be broken by
hand Wm. Jonea
Tilt index board at tbe Independence
depot read: To Portland 75 mile. Han
Frnnoiaon,-. Why uot give tbe dw
taoce lo tbe latter place? We now bare
through tram.
A. P. Ikinicy, E., of Han Frunelnco,
came lu on Wedneady aftemoou't train
Mr. It. baa financial Interval in thitj
aectlon of country which he la looking
We notice in tbe Urrmmian that Mlt
Eatella Ltka, an tttendent laat year at
tht Normal Uobool. m married to Mr
W. J. Hillgard, tome time laat month
Thin company (The Chilian) go to
Dallas for two night. Dallaa people
will do well to take In this show. Tbey
are the king laugh maker.
Call on Dr. Belcher at the Opera
house, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. He
will tell you your diaeaae without ank
ing any quetliont.
Charier Imae is at bis post again. lie
and bit family bave been (pending a few
day with relative over at Turner.
Grandma Mactulay returned from
Portland latttTburnday much Improved
In health, we are pleaned to aay.
Minn KatlelFenncll, tbiter of The,
Fenuell, Eeq., of this city, arrived licre
from Denver, Col., on Monday.
Mr. A. B. Alexander of thla city but
told 60 toil of wheat chop to K. Barne
koffof McMlnnvllle.
Hon. 8. G. Finber, an ex-repreMenta-tlve
of Polk county, wa In thl city on
last Wedneeduy.
Rev. N. BhUDD commenced a aerie of
revival meeting Thumdiiy evening on
tbe Pee Dee.
Henry Brown got bis foot severly crush
ed nuder a ear wneel at Dnllatone day
lut week.
Don't forget tbe "Joptnese Ten" at
Cochrane, Friday Evening. Nov, 21st-
Sunday School at the Evangelical
Church next Sunday, at 10 A. M.
Mr. Peter Cook I at home agnln on
a short rtuplte from btinlneH.
Edward Maateraon I going to Port
land to tbe BunineiiH College.
H. 0. Fof, Esq., of Derry, wat in this
eity on Monday of tbw week.
Mis Nettle Emmelt, of
torntd borne on Monday.
John Jobnon, of Corvalli, paid our
eity a fly ing visit on Monday.
Mist Carrie Muuker left for Corvallis
on Monday morning.
B. F. Mulkey, of Bethel, wa in town
on Saturday. ,
"Sorn to tbe wife of E. Hosner. of Mod
Hooib, a son, on tbt lGtu.
Tbakagiving day 27tb November-Don't
forget tht big turkey.
Jay Deming left for Portland on Mon
day' train.
Mr. 8. A. Tarter it vwitlng bcr tiste
at McCoy,
How about the prlmarle on next
Monday? j
lh'V.J. H.N. 1W11. tallhir and ..,.1,11.
hr, exlerk of rallnmd commlLnloi..
nilulater of the goniwl, etc.. wa dolim
our city Wednenday ami Thunalay of
thl week. Itev. Mr. Ikll 1 a very
geulal and Intelligent (reutleuian, and
baa a hot of frienda In thlnooiiiinunlty.
(Since the alaiv waa put lu tyni we
learn that Mr. Bell hna mirvlmwH) the
City Hulol proHrty of A. W. Howell,)
A young lady broke her leg by fall.
ing Uirougu a delapl.btled sidewalk at
Italia the other day. Half a d.iaeu
people are liable to cripple thomselve
y miiing through the "rocky" tide
walk or thin city any day. Why I It
thunly? And round and round the
)tiCMtlon goea, and ever ooinw upper-
nioai again-Why It It thunly?
A Southern Pacifio freight trniii. eon
tinting of tweuly box and three Hut cars.
passed through tbi city on lust Friday,
en route for Portlaud. Tbt UU Uh
diaanter over on tbt Kat Si.lo division
compete tht H. P, lo switch It through
rreight at Albany via Corvullls for Port
The (loveruor of the Hlate of Dreipui
ha nppoluicl Thumday, S.'7lli limt., a
a day of public Thaiikaglvlng, to be
observed on the part of the people by
acta of devotion and charity. What
will you do to brighten the pathway of
tome leaa fortuuete fellow-creature?
Tbeit will be Evangelical service lu
tbt Prenbyteriau Church next Sunday at
follows: Sunday Snnoo) it 8 r,
preaching at 7:15 r. M. Soul' seivtue te
begin at 7 o'clock. Tbt pulilio gennrally
trt invited to Ibene terviee. Hpecial
mutio will be renJered.
Mark Holmta.ot Crowley Htntioo, came
op ta Independence on last HnlurJny
uorniug' tram. What it it that attract
Mark bare to often? Tbi Is a kuotty in
termgatain point and a live eonniindruin
jnst mw among the young Indie of this
Mr. Uruudy Invidiam, the popular
Portland photographer, was visiting
among relative In Monmouth the fore
part of thl week. Mr. D. cnt hi
early life lu thl community, but of late
year ban been Identified with Port
If tbe young gctillcmau who adver
tise for a wife In another column, doe
not obtain an Indulgent partner It will
certainly not be through any lack of
originality and candor, (lo lu and
win, girl.
Mr. L. P. Kramer baa moved on to
John Stu nin's farm, and i uow an buel
granger onoe more. Mr. K. bus lieeil re
siding tu thin city since hmt March, and
is well known lu Polk oounty.
The story ia goiug the rounds tlmt
cerlaiu young "mrl A lick of this vi
cinity, tried lo steal a ride oo tbe Motor
hue, but Conductor iv.rnsifa wn too
mauy for him.
Next week we "will have something
of Importance to any to our reader of
more than ordinary iiitortaitce to the
bualuca pnstpcrity of IudcMudcuco.
Mrs a L. Mack, who has Urn vlnit
Ing her daughter, Mr. I. B. Whltooinb,
of Coowr Hollow, left for HHkaiie
Fall laat Tuemlay.
"Cblllann" give Eagle Engine Com
imuy a benefit Saturday ulght the lent
and beet. Fu.I mluntrel opening piece.
It la great.
Beat qnnlity otmeaU at A. B. 0,'iggs'.
Mr. Oillifin and wife, of 8nn Joae.C'al.,
are viaitiug Mr. and Mr. A. Nelson of
tbi eity. Mr. (1. is a ciuon of Mr.
Mr. D. J. Wliueaker and T. B. Hunt
ley gave tbi a plensnnt call one
dsy last wtM-k. Call agnln gentlemen.
Yon can buy ticket East lo ny point
direct from Independence to deotimillon
at loweat rale of E. C. PlTlAn.
Mr. M. B. Hendricks, a wheat mer
chant of Wheatland, was doing our
town on bunlncn hint Tuesday,
The Chilian medicine are wild on
trial. They are already doing good
work In Independence.
Cleveland Paiker, ot Parker Station, u
down with an attaok of material fever
probably typhoid.
Mr. Wllllard Beveii estimate the
potato crop of Beiiua Vista at about
28,000 bunhcbi.
Mis Uigley, a State Normal Htudeut,
at Monmouth, i qnite ill, so we are m
II. B. Davidson and brother returned
to Pomeroy, Wasbiugton, on Monday'
Misae Mary and Carrie Bnrali, of Dix
ie, were visiting in our city on last Satur
day. Mia Pansy Wright, of Dallas, vlnltcd
MIhn Waller at Monmouth, hutt week
Misa Etta Purrisb, of 8idaville, is visit
ing Mr. W. H. Wheeler, of this city
Mr. I. B. Whltcomh, of Coojier Hoi
low, waa In town Tuenday last.
The nxif of the new public school
building has been painted.
The infant child of Mr. and Mm.
E. T. Henkle I auriously ill.
Mr. J. P. Irvine I thinking of locat
ing at McMlnnvllle.
Wm. MeFadden'a child, of Monmouth
is seriously ill.
Mr U.S. Mlddlehutii Is quite 111.
A lUtllli.g Onoil Kknw.
For genuine, unadulterated fun and
double barrelled, 42-calllicr bllurlty
commend u to "The Chilian," who
are now holding forth at the new 0orn
houae here. They are, pur excellence,
tbe beet aggregation of inimical and
variety artist ou the road. Talk about
side-splitting laughter ! the reporter
laughed so hard be split bU lend (Hindi
and shook two small boys oft' the scat
To ay that The Chilians are really
good don't hulf express It. They are
simply Immense, and each one in his
particular qieolalty Is a bright and
shining star. Aside from bis Justly re
cognized claims as au expert and suc
cessful physician, Dr. Belcher Is a
whole host by himself on the utage.
Hi stump speech aud old-time alpha
betical sermon are extremely well deli
vered and excessively laughable,
81mon and Mitchell Frlcdlander are a
whole brass baud, o to speak, and their
performance on the many queer musi
cal Instruments are a source of mingled
surprise and pleasure. Simon Fried-
lander Is a born musician, ana we nave
unplclon that he could play "Little
Annie Itooule" with a pile driver, The
rest of the compauy-weJI, they are all
good, real good, exceedingly good, with
a big O, See them this week ure.
...' " i
In charge of
The Vierliiiet reudered a very abort
program Friday tvviilng. Tht first
toeiety paper wn read and much appre
ciated. A niemlwr from tht Knrek ao.
deltas preset. 1. ami acordlul Invitation
lo vlnd their society meeting wn eotpl.
ed by many of the Vespertine, who wer
regaled with a good program, Tbt dt
bate on prolulntlott versus high llnenst
wm well bundled by both side. The
wit mid beauty of the timnmillue debater
charmed the Vespertine eonsidemuly.
The iiftlrmiittve wmi,
The Senior appointed t; the duly of
Pukiug In ehnHil on Inst Friday wer
a follows; Minn Anna Powell, who rend
an ex wllenl essay ou Oeoffcry Chs'toer;
Mr. A. I. Ilrlggs, who gave us a Icoture
on proleetiv ln(Tiiid Mr, 0. A.HImoii
ton, who iu bin spee'dt advocated free
Mr. K. J. lUdley wnt eleeUd to the
office of director by tht Athletio nsnoein.
llou, and will aoou mtriHliice some regu
lar system of exercise. All th )onii
men should flu,) time to take etnrriia iu
the gymnasium.
Several iungntuie and jmiinuls are
coming to the reading room, aud the tu, espeeinlly I in wo intending to teach,
should read Ibem Iu order that tbey may
be informed on all the mil rent topic of
the day,
Mr. aid Mr. Ilibhard, ot Clnoksnias
county, wer her the latter part of last
Wiwk visiting their ton and daughter,
Bert and Belle, students in the Normal.
Tb Moumoiith people are to bave a
depot at the Motor station. Carpenter
art uow at work, Mini the building will lie
completed soon.
If you want to laugh onme out to tbe
farce, "A Sleeping Car," to be given by
Mia Barrett on Wednesday evening,
Nor 20th.
W would ugniu rMcfltfullv remind
the public of Hi Friday morning tier
ctaea. All are Invito lo altciitl.-riittioa
Mr. Crow, of Doiiglns county, visited
tbe Nornml on Friday. His aon entered
cboul here Mondny,
A nuiiiher of the citixen ot Mutimoiltb
aad vicinity visited our sehool Tuesday,
Tlie eornwpoudeeoe aU fwls very
grateful to their kind Ofwerivr critic
0 ir 'I'hsiiksgiving sennon will beilehv
tred by Iter. Johusoll, ot Snlem,
An lu.iirlai.l l,titrirlMi.
1'he Bmird of Trade ol Ibis city held
a sjHvlal meeting ou last Monday even
ing. The meeting was of more than
usual lutcrcxt, Ikhhiinu of the presence
before the board of Messrs. llltilil aud
Taylor, representative of au eastern
real estate syudicnte. Mr. Blum ex
plained that he and his colleague were
here for the purKmc of Introducing Inv
migration Into ttiu htate; titcy were
here iu the Interest of cidoultutiuti.
Said he had two hundred fnmllir ready
to conic to Oregon. A committee waa
appointed to furnish escort for the gen
tleman through the county. This Is an
lmHrtaut move lu the direction of de
veloping the rcMoiircc of this county,
and the Independence Board of Trade
is wide awake to the neccsxlty of aiding
and aliening all such enterprise by
every means within It Hwer. Iudc-
Mndence in nlway ready to ttcp to the
front In puhlng any movement calcu
lated to hcnctlt the community at large. AreltlriO,
Mr. Irvine Clnggett, a prominent oil i-
xen of Indccudrtnce, r,Heivl a bad cut
from a circular saw on thliioailny morn
ing. Mr. 0. has oeon oHiratiug a small
porlnhlo sawmill sums four miles below
Ibis city for the last Hv munthn, and on
the morning the accident twourred was
trimming up some hoard ou the editing
aw wheu heslipfwd sad his coat becom
ing eutangleil lu 111 running gear o( the
mKchinery he win drngginl on to the saw.
which cut a deep perpendicular gash
sloiig his left thigh some six inches in
Ion Kill slid perhaps t-vo inches iu depth.
Surgical aid was called in soun as possi
ble, bihI Mr. U. is resting comparatively
easy. The linrt is tint necetsnrily
serious, but will confine the unfortunate
man to hi room for ten days or more.
TltaitkMivlnt Nrvles,
The union TbniikHglvliig service will
be held this year lu the Presbyterian
Church, at It a. m., ou Thanksgiving
day. llcv, A. J. Hunsaker will preach
the sermon, Tbe music will be under
the direct Ion f M, L. White. All the
choir of tliu dill, Tout churches are re
quested to meet at the Presbyterian
Church on Wednesday evening Is'foro,
ut 7 I'. M for rehearsal.
ru, Mnelli.:.
The memlMirs of Ouk View (iriingc
will please take notice that a sieclal
meeting uf said grunge will take place
on Hatiirdiiv, !"lh Inst, Matters of
great Importance will come before the
meeting. By order of the master.
TliHiikxulvlnif Coiiexrl,
Thcro will lie a concert at the McCoy
church on Thanksgiving evening.
Kxtru cure lias been taken in the selec
tion of music. Evcryhod y Invited
Admission, cents.
A. B. Atkins has sold the remaining
two lots of the Wing property to J. N.
Jones for $H0O. Mr. A. has ma 1c with
in a year a net gain of $him) ou the orig
inal purchusc price. Who says it
doesn't pay to In vcHt In real CHtutcIn
The sermon ubstrao were hnnded in t
lo late on Monday that it was impossible
to put them in this paper. Thny will
probably appear id the Wbht Hum.
P. W. Haley ban sold his Seattle pro
perty for nearly double Ita orlgluul cost.
J. P. Irvine went down to McMlun-
vlllo Tuesday, on a biiHliicss trip.
MissKlsor returned last Tuesday from
a visit to Coi'viiUIh.
Try Puolfio Gi'iumkw for all liver
trouble every bottle guaranteed.
Buster & Lock
Finest Block of groceries In town at
.D.I.'t ,
drum seeds at Irvine's,
You can spend a pleiiHiintevciiiiignt
Duvo Golwlck's, us he lias a first
pool table.
Bluo Vitriol
for wile by
Henkle &
Work ou Hit new MW-mill I progress
ing nicely, Mint ot the machinery bss
beeu placed in position and Ibt brick
work ia uow being dont about the boiler.
The boom bss been put serosa the pond
and everything it in readiness to begin
dumping log Into the water. Mr, llohait
it pushlug work ou hi trsmwny and ha
the track sIkiiiI completed from the mil
lo a very moe lot of timber ou the laud
ot Uoberl Howe, about ont milt wast
of tht mill. Quite a little villngt but
sprung up here. Several small bouses
and a tent or two art inhabited by log-
gain, who already have severul thousand
feet of logs at the dump ready for trans
port utiun to the mill Should the favor
tile wealher hold out, It is ooufldantinlly
expected that within ten day or two
weeks Mr, Jlolmrt will b running log
over the Mad, and Mr. Martin will lie
cutting them into lumber si bis uttw
sawmill. Speed tb day.Obmrtw,
A late arrival m Dallas from Kansas
is llev. C. R Lamar, an old friend of Iter,
iluwker. He arrived ou Tuesday, when
th sun was shilling so brightly, aud to
an tiWreep man be expressed himself
surprised, as be bad alwsy understood
that heavy rain net iu alsuit the first of
November, and for six mouth thestiu
was not visible. Mr. Lamar ha oome lo
Oregon to remain. Ofawreer,
A tram load ot Imiw wn shipped tbe
othnr day direct lo London, Englaud,
tu 1 consisted of 70 bale from Mt. Atlgal,
M from Dayton, 4Jfl from Independence,
aud MO from UiitU,villo. .'iifcer,.
This i a pretty good showing for lude
peudence. The tiuth w we bsve as fine
kop laud a dan be found anywhere in
Elder II. W. Lnye has gone to Cali
fornia lo till an appointment lu tb min
isterial field.
A oar load ot hog wn shipped from
Monmouth one day lst week by Chluese
dealer. .
City election week from Monday.
J. P, Irvine, Esq., relumed from a bus-
lut trip lo Portland, ou lent Ssturdsy.
Ktv I Where did you gel that watch?
Why of euuixe I Isiugbt it of II. It.
pHltersoii and on the eiistallmelit plan
too .No (rouble to own a watch that
J, I., Nlocktoti ha found It iitHiessnry
to still further enlarge bis stock or
clothing and furnishing goods. He
now has two attentive clerks. "
(Jet your raisins, splcea, etc., for
mince meat, at Henkle A Walkers;
also prejwntl mincemeat at H. A W. it
W. H. Wheeler Is always oil deck
and lo bow you late!
attraction lu holiday good. 1
Now Is the time to buv rilhlr wnkIs,
and J. U. blis kton lias a run ami com
pletc stock.
t lruid display of holiday attractions
at W. II. Wheeler' uii next Saturday
lleiiklu A Walker take a Isiek eat
for no one lu selling line gnavrlca, lit
iKm't forget to see the latent Chrlxt
urns novelties at W. H. Wbwler . It
Come and ace my flue stis k of new
gna'rlea, J, I). I. It
Car l,d of new griKXries Just arrived
at J D. I 'a. It
Thuiiksgivliig in right on hand, and
don't you forget to rail on J. D. I. for
your iiiluce meats, spices, etc It
Dnve (Id wick always has on band
freeh .-a miles, Key Weet cigars and
tropical fruits lu season,
For pasting on walls, placing under
carpets, etc., get the old jiajn'r for sale
ny v neeier.
Have money by buying your groceries
of J. I). Irvine.
Mewtra. Wlielly aniluyu are
getting In a large fall slock of good.
Latest novelties in feather toquo at Mrs.
E, WinuiiU',
The very latest iu the Hue of millinery
good at Mm. E. Wiiinuir.
Mrs, Wiuuull is doing a rushing bus
ines iu the millinery lino,
Full line ot rubber goods, boots, shoes,
etc, at II. V. Waller's.
Best tolNictHst lii town J. I). Irvine's.
Head the premium announcements
omievvKMT mi Help your rrleiulf
ny giving tiicm yoiirsuiwcriptlons.
Uneasy rest the toe Unit wear a euro
MORRIS-HEDGES.-At the real
deuce of tbe bride's imrenta In Indep
endence, Or.. Wednesday, Nnveuilicr
llith, 1M1KI, Miss K ma (I, JlmxiKH to
Mr, J. A, Moiikih, Rev, N, .Hliupp
The fulr young bride Is au Indcpcn
deuce, and bus a host of friends in this
community who wish her a happy vny
age iiihiii tbe nmfrimoiilal sea. The
marriage ceremony was witnessed by
the relatives of both parties only. The
wedding dinner was hii enjoyable
alliilr. after which the happy couple
took the afternoon train for Portland.
L MIAN HOLM AN At the residence
of the bride' parents, In Dallas, ou
Wednesday, November IHth, 1WKI,
niiserscine iioiman to Air Winn
Logan, of McMluvlllc, Rev, C. A
Bowker, otllclutiiig.
The bride Is the accomplished daugh
ter of Nut llolman, Esq., who Is well
mid favorably known throughout Polk
county. A number of friends wltniwd
the wedding ceremony, which was a
very pleasant.uiid enjoyable all'tilr. Th
happy couple were the recipients of a
number of very uleo present a,
Wanle,l-A Wir.
HANDSOME young man who
hntca work would like to make
the ncdiinlutaiiceof a voiimr ladv
with mean sulllcleiit to support a hus
band In eiiso and Indolence : beauty no
object; the almighty dollar Is the only
matrinionlul motive. Address, Box
HO, Independence, Ore.
Tbe tax roll of the cll v of Iudcncu-
den co is now completed, and taxes be
come delinquent on the eleventh day of
December, lHilO. Taxes are payable to
mo, mid 1 will receipt for the same,
Gko. Maoaui-av,
- City Marshal.
XTOTICE is hereby u
that an
i,,H,. ..Ill l,o hi, ,1 .... m.i....
I l WIVW.,t, ... .iV ..I. i.l ..II.IIVJ',
' Dccemlair 1st, 1H90, lu the city of
Indcpcndeuue, for the election of one
councilman from eucli ward, a mayor,
recorder, treasurer and olty nmrshal
Polling places! First Wnnl, city (all
Second Ward, 'office of Klikland A'tllb
son: Third Ward, T. L. Hart man'
residence. Polls open ut 8 a.m., and
close at 0 p.m., without Intermission.
II. M. Links,
R'HitHM.BY, Recorder.
Mayor, Hi ,
A rl.VIM.'l THIC IO UAtl.A".
(iruwlli uf Hi Clly-IU Itiialn ,s-li
, nral 'rurllt elu,
By mutual eouseut of their respective
inhabitant a well in by the county sur
veyor' measuring rod, the two leading
town of Polk comity are separated by t
geographical pnne of niu eleven miles,
and a tueso ambitious little cities In
ereane in luiporiimce the more lively l e
C.ilii4 their ran for commercial preced
ence and popular applause. Albeit,
this rivalry ban not ulwav been uf a gen
erous or noble character, but ot late
year the old spirit of unrenioiiiug bostih
iiy I fast dying out, mid a better feeling
m happily taking Its pluce. Early ou Fri
day m truing (7th instant), ae hoarded
tlie Nrr..w Gauge tniluat Monmouth eu
Mill for the County Heat ot Polk comi
ty. Among Hie passenger on board we
were pleased to note iloii. N. L. Butler,
of Monmouth. Of course, it goo with
out snylng, the sffiihle Judge wn
brim full of talk, nd the much vexed
mortgage tux law und county nMensmeut
law quite naturally name np for discu-
aioti. The Judge bin very piwitive, but
broad view iima these pietions, and
tbe people id Oregon will ho sure to Imsr
from bun iu the next legislature. Judge ,
llutler is a man of more than average
mental cullbie, lis invu ot ability go, and
be t Hire o command both legislative
aud public attention.
A shrill whistle -duwu binke and we
hi at Dnllus, We had not visited the
eity tefore for mm three year, and were
pleased to uole the marked change that
bad Uknn place- Au air uf thrift aud en
terprise wa evident no every baud. A
number of neat, suhidiintinl cottages were
is active progress of completion in va
rious part of th city, while we also
round a splendid brick building going up
on tbe comer where Tom Rich inond's old
livery liable use lo itaud. Tbi line
structure I the property of th I, O, O
F. Lodge, an I Mexrs. Miller and M rrl
tou - Uncle Llge Miller aud C.ig Mord
on, a they are familiarly known. Tlie
O, F building is IM x Ml foundation mid
two etnrica high; the lower Mont will be
occupied for mercliiititilo purpiMCs, iiiel
lip stair tor 0 Id Fellows' ball and resil
ing room. The Milter M,trimi h nl.l
ing is) x 7d foil i.tiili ii, and tw
high. Mr, M irrUnj will iw the lo-r
sUoy for hi ajriciilluMl busuit-., while
the upjwr story aid he snUiivid into
office Mom. ThfPulk Cmuty vUm rr,r
will soon move lis plant into this build
ing. Mr-MorriMin hkik snecial pride ii
bowing us around ami shout Ins luill.t-
lug, and in tHiiiilitig out to otir verdant
eye the many uew improvement that
had rcplnced the old Inlld marks,
The J. M. Campbell brick is another
notable budding of Dallas. Mr. C. is an
old timer who tuts gradually accumulated
a oompetcnow hv ui,hiiry and oloxe at
trillion to bunncwi. II came to Dulhx
a ixnir man a wnv lung in the sixties, we
think, I ut is to-dny independent of the
world, and well satisfied tlmt Oregou
a goihl ctiuntry for Ihs p'sir man. Mr.
0. building is two stories hi.-h. at x 70
foundation, stid w ,s erected hi
The A. K. Wilson building is a plen
did brick structure, two stories high, ami
'chuck" full of business from basement
to garret. Eugene llnyter a young aud
iiiivcufii! dry gishls merchant, and Mark
Hurler a rising young Ueutiat, und hist
but not least of the Ituyter brother,
J. Carey Hnyler the irrepressible gr.x'rr,
carry on their business in this block,
which bn tht legend "14S'J" carved out
in bits relief iikii its front. .
But tbe Drnwa-Cridcr block is one of
tb largest and moot substantial hiick
buildings in the City Everybody in
Polk oouuty knows W. C. Brown, whose
life and forluiies have been identified
with this country every since the early
pioneer day. We can remember when
Mr. Brown was comparatively a poor
man, but be Is today one of Polk coun
ty' raost wealthy mid ulwtantiat citi
xen. He I pre-eminently a aelf-mnde
man. aud by bird physical and still hard
er mental toil has made bis way from
poverty to comparative opulence. Mr,
I), has upon one or two occasion re pre
sauted Polk oounty iu the balls of the
State legislature, mid he invariably dis
charged hia official duties with honor to
himself aud to the satisfaction of his cm
stituent. The La Creole Academy is
ue-d and tubslnutial structure, or will be
when completed. The work on this build
ing has progressed very slowly, because
of the diftlculty in procuring building
material. Among other buildings we
ouly have lima tu mention, in passing, is
tbe large hotel, the City Hall, district
school bmldiiig.aiid the uew
These buildings present a very creditable
Appearance, and bespeak energy and
thrift ou the part ot t he people of Dnllus.
We also nolioed, a number ot large , and
neatly finished residences, nnd n general
air of thrift about the city, not at all ob
servable iu many t twin of more preten
tion, but really tuns active growth,
We lire glad to see oiir sister city mov
ing along so smoothly, for what is a 'a-ne
lit to one part of the oounty is of mutual
help to all. Polk omiuty is geographi
cally nnd onmuHreialy so situated that
It oannot grow in segments, one locality
prosper nud an other stand Htill.or deter
ioruto. The tendency is a movement of
the whole along 'he line ot advancement;
tbo development is upon I uncons and gen
eral, not sporndic nnd isolated. And it i
only men of narrow views and nclf inter
ested nnd prejudiced motivea who will
seek to sow the needs of discord where
tlie spirit of nmily und reciprocal inter
terests should exist. Narrowness de
stroys, catholicity brondetm n community.
Tbe mutual inlurcMls of both Dallas and
Independence a.e m the direction of u
bcttcnindnrstiiiidiug, and a more concil
iatory fnollu toward each other. And
we believe that the heart of the great
majority of tbo people of both place is
in sympathy with the iihovo sentiment,
Personally, we enjoyed a pleasant visit,
nnd alioak hand with old friend whom
we bud not mot before for many a year.
Notice of Final Settlement.
n the imilleror Hie Ami I seiileincntorilia
SMtitle ol'( J, ('iio,)i' iiueciiNf,!.
NUTH'K la licifliy given tlmt A. M. Hurley
lias llleil Ills II n ii I, In K-ild eslnle
anil tlio time fur liem iim tliu sainv has been
set for
Deoembtr 1st, 1890,
nt wlik-li tlmo the holrn next of kin, nnd nil
pvrsoiin litteresteil In milil estule, urn nnllllort
tonpiKUr nud lllu iieeiniiN in Hit, miine f
any lliey have, or tlinmnlnllmtoi- will nuplv
lolheco.lil fur Uio Ilinil Meillement uf wild
tKlaUt. A.M. IU) 111. KV,
H-pl. Hist, 18 HI, Attniliilxtriilor,
(h) to J, I). I,' nnd got a good cup of
Tlie most siiecdy, ccve tnd pernio
ne ut cure for Catarrh of the Hqf, Asthma,
and all Throat, bronchial, Lung, Heart,
Ktomach, Liver and Kidney Alfrctioii,
Nervoti Iicbility, etc. Consumption, iu
it variou stage, iK-rmuiii-nlly cured.
Da. A nosN's original iihmW of trentmeut
aud hi medicated inhalations give in
stiintancou relief, build up and revital
ire the whole constitution and system,
thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous,
.Militated ami nroken-down constitu
tious, old and young, invariably gain from
tin to thirty pound iu from thirty to
ninety day.
Da. A no kn's phenomenal skill and mar
vrlcius cure bave created the greatest
astonishment on the Pacific Coast and
throughout the American continent, dur
ing the past twenty-five year. Asthma,
CaUn b of the Head, and all Throat, bron
chia! and I, ung trouble 'nstantly relieved,
and Deafness often cured permanently at
iinnconsiiiiHiion. i. AHORN t essay on
Die "Curability of Consumption," ud t
treatise on ''Catarrh of the Head,"
with evidence of some extraordinary
cure, mailed free. Call or addres
rf tk Hanrtio Mtt I'srUss, OnfM.
KfT. - H(m tf!mM, MNitrrly purtnt, Mnt by
pre lo -II Mli 4 lh l'UMt to.!, (in Hum hc
CMU"( mmihly Cftll in person,
Toe IT NOW, '
I hswbfn
I of II.S Xidnryt tn4 btvv tried
ny dulrrrnt lm0let too ktv
ttxiilit Shi Aunt diltcttnt pletlrUM
wlilwul rtl IK A haul tbt I Mb o Ami!
I wit tunVtln from t my Ttcltol
tlltrk thai slmurt prtssrtlta att I
tovn a rotanrr oiti i wtt on, over.
Wlira I nt down tt wtt ilmuM Impowlblt far rot
lo s .in tlimt, at ia put on piy doUrt, wbta
klna ltoilrm trnl lr. Iltnlty, wilt
botrL I Immnlltlrtr Cuainewrd
nun Hit Ir. It Iwd to tlnioa; eflrct, nnd la Iht tstua
Uhmrnl of til tht fxtettt si Hit hotel,
la trw d.t.l am banut to suit.
Hint I wnt nrw man. I will
fo.mmd th tt lu tU tfllutn
t I asvt beta,
0. A. Tl'fPER,
Proprietor Orridealal Hotel,
self as a candidate for the office
of CITY MARSHAL in Indepen
dence, subject to tlie choice of
the people.
hereby announces him
self as a candidate fo
in Independence sub-
icct to the choice ot the
Suits Made to Order and fit Guaran
teed. t'tisii on (IwhIs tin- Men-linnts mill others lie.
cut -ii ml rrevseil, 1 will oH'ii nioiiilily ao-
culs w ith Mercln.iitji t InilepenileiH-u and
M'iniiKiiilb fur lti-eutttiiK,
C. SI reel - . 0.swlte 1', O-
lllllt.T 1111,1 ogjjtt Wlllltt'tl Ut J. I). I.
lteiiil tlie tulvortisint'iit of the Wkst
.Sum irciuluni list.
Hmii b'iili nt the dinu stores In this
I'lm-o over System Builder ns everylnnly
is usiiiK it for entnrrli, of stiiuiiioh, tlys-lioi'i-iii.
eiiiiHtiimtioii mill impiiie bloiHl,
iimi to tmiltl up thoejstem it oerluiiily
pobsoiwa wondeifiil merit wlien nil apiiiik
so well of it,
Yts wlmt ?
niM tlio leading Grows iu Tolk Co.
iimi don't you forgot it.
Shelf, Builder aud Heavy
Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Cutlery, Wagons,
Buggies, Carts, Plows, Pumps, Pipe
and Fittings.
to call on
(BiHNvwior to (XX)I'Elt BK08.)
and get Prices. Just received a New Stock
of Shot Guns and Rifles including best
makes known. All kinds of Metal
ware made to order. Repair
ing done on short notice.
Oliver nnd Garden City Plows, Monitor Drills, Sted King Spring tooth
IfiirrowH. t
School Book
The Public is Most Cordially Invito! to Call and Prite Our Iatl
Selecu-d Stock of Writing Papers, Tablets, Pens, Ink,
Rulers, etc., iiIko All the School Books in
Ue in the Public Schools.
shelly n-.mmwm
Is well Stocked with Seasonable Goods
and will be replenished to suit the times.
Their facilities for doing business are
equal to any House in the Valley and
their prices arc always right.
Their reputation for keeping good
Goods together with the courtesy extend
ed to their customers insures them the
Liberal Patronage they are receiving, and
for which they are thankful.
Shelly & Vandayn,
Is a reasonable, proposition to Sensible People, You know it is possible
for us to do this. We promise it in
The best at Lowest Prices in
For Ladies, Gents and Children's wear, our Stock abounds in
Necessities and Latest Novelties.
offer this Season. The lowest prices and the best, hurrahis offered in
Polk county..
-H. D. Waller,-
Main St., Independence.
G. T. Waller has a nent store on the
comer near his residence iu Moumoiith
and lie Intends kooplnir on hand all the
school books and school supplies re-
nuired lu hiiv school In Polk ootintv.
either public, private or normal. Hit
prices are tne lowest,
:Detler In:
Drugs and Medicines,
tlavlng purchased the stocV of Drugs
formerly owned by L. W. Robertson, I
am prepared to meet all tht old custo
mers, and many more new ones. Fair
ud courteous treatment tt tlU
cood faith. It means for von
Quality the best in everything we
A full and complete lint of Funeral good
Always on Hand.