Sermon hjr N. Sbupp (Evangeli el cbnreh), Mnnday, Not. 9th. Tueme Tb Dini Memory of man. "And Gtxl remembered NihM0n. 8-1. Trt lad AttcrwtUrtut flood nbf U1d, God mnmtrt Noah, tud in du Uim tie til brought out of Mi Ark, and became the proKaatiT headot tli new world . Doolnna of th Dmue Memory of man (1) God ia not a graat tore, ftbla to do m h pleaww; do not rnieruhr wan to deatrof hlra; tbt Divlnt Being te equally balauoad in nil Hit attribute. (2) God hot only thlukt of nation., rmi u1 eltiea, but thuik of etcb Individual m wll; and m 11a control! national affair, o H ooutroli individual affair! 11 r me m ben ecu iudividual net, well m th individual (8) Qod wmeuiber oattM M rll M art, tb nltnnat eauM of all Ht remember, (4) Oonitolliig tbongbt that God remember man tenderly, etc Tba method of remembering man-God hu no auooeMiT tuonghta. He duea not top thinking of oua tbiug to remember another. Ha w lufluiie in attribute, and almultaneootly look npon tba whole hn nan raoe and each aeparata individual aet. "One day ia with the Lord aa a Ihoaaand year, and a thousand yean u on day." The Object of retnembenng Man. (1) God at the TareutaJ Head tup. pilot man a waota. unoe a dependent ore tar. (2) That He (God) may correct, re ward and pnniah man accordlug to the principle of Eternal troth. Tbia truth ahould affect ut -(l)To be cantkm in all our aotioua; it ahould org na to do good, and rwtrain from doiugevil. (I) To care fully review life, bring our record ia liar mooy with God, andjhit priuoiple of eon trolingman. (3) To eneonrage oar live to th nigheal attainment of Hi will, etc Want of spec oompelled na to aouie- what abridge th above diacouw, En. METHODIST CHVROII. Sortuoo by Rev. E. K. Phlpps, Hun day, November, 8, 1800. Prayer: Text, Lu. xi, 9. Much hiui been epok eu and written on prayer. It philoso phy, Ita nature, ita design and ita quail ty have been much dliwunirwd. I wlxh to direct your attention to Secret Pray r aa the great need of the church to day. There la much nioml llvlug and muoh formal God lit) cm; alu in high place la denounced by both the pulpit and the preea, and the church ia perbaiie far from ooiupllcity in the great uatlonal vlla, but there ia a lack of power In the church. CtarUt teacbea ua, tMith by 111 example of retirement aud precept of eecret prayer. (Mat. vu 5, ,) where the key note of tuoccea la. Thoae who have succeeded in solving the great problems of nature and bring ing ita force Into obedience, have ought long and pentUtently to this end, The highest Aucceee In all lauduble en terprise la attained only by untiring effort, consequently, if we would be toul winner for Christ we niunt stay long and much in the secret place with Win. Let ua aak and seek and knock until we have entered Into the "Holy of Hoi tea," and have been clothed with hi power. Then when we come forth Hi glory will sit upon our counten anoea; Ilia presence will permeate our thought and our lives, and our word for Him will be Indeed sharper than two-edged word. Sermon by Rev. D. V. Poling, Evan gelicaJ (services held In the Presbyter- Ian church), Sunday, November Oth. The sermon was preceded by a song service which cou.lsted of several soul stirring songs. Alice Williams and the pastor, D. V. Poling sang a duett eutl vied, '-Must I go, and empty banded?' which wai well listened to by the con gregatloB present. The text "What Is Truth?" wascommcnted upon as follows The cause of Pilot'! skepticism were (1) indecision of character. His entire life was a pitiful Illustration of this thought. He throws the blame on the priests,and then acknowledges his own responsibility In giving Christ to his accusers. Noble, grand men have been ctippled in their Ufa work by being un set tled in their opinions. (I!) Falseues to hi convictions was another cause of his skepticism. He was convinced of Christ's innocence and yet agreed to his crucifixion. God honors the man who ho convictions by which he stands, no matter how unpopular said convictions may be. There have been men of whom it was simply true, that it waa eanier to turn the sun from its course, than tbem from what they con sldered right. (3) The priestly bigotry of his day was a prolific cause of skep ticism. We never make believers by coerslon. No true man will allow another to bind bis convictions upon himself, regardless of his own senti ments, SXJHOOIl BBPOBT The following is a report of Hazel Dell school for the month ending Oct. 81st. No. of pupils enrolled 18, Average at- endence 11 The following were neither tardy nor absent. Rose and Guy Mo Coy, Winnie Willard. Lulu Robert, Gilbert and Bell Teal. The Star pupils are ' Bell and Albert Teal, Winnie Willard, Lulu Gilbert and Stelln Hall. These have not whispered, Lulu Gilbert, Stella Hall, and Albert Tenl, No. of visitors. 7. Viola Ruble, Teacher. TO THE PUBLIC. Drs. Ketchum and Pruden would respectfully announce to the public that they have entered into a co-partnership for the practice of medlclneand surgery in the town of Independence and surrounding country, and that they will attend and answer all calls duy or night for the treatment of diseases. Dr. Ketchum Is a graduate of the University of Ann Arbor, Mich., one of the finest medical colleges In the United States and has been practicing hi profession In Polk county for the past eight years. His reputation as a physician and a gentleman is too well known in this localillty to require any lengthy explanation at this time. Dr. Pruden is a comparative stranger in this portion of Oregon, but is well known iii Eastern Oregon where he has devoted hla time to the practice of med icine and surgery for the past eighteen years. He 1 a regular graduate of med icine and holds diplomas and certifi cate from different institutions of learning. In his past life, at differ ent times, he has visited several of the most suecessful specialists of theEust for th urptw of ascertaining th heat treatment aud method of managing chmulo disease, having in view, at th time, an office practice in mine popu lous town or city. II has taken a thorough course of tudy in the city of New York, and waa in the oftloe of an an eminent specialist lulVatton, Niuw, for ten month where he had rare op portunities for acquiring useful knowl edge, and gnlulug , prowl toe of exper ience well calculated to lit hint for the tucceaafal practice ol hi profcmlon. The favorable advantage ! has en- Joyed together with a good practice hav given him confidence In hi anility a a pliyslclau aud turgeon. In consideration of these fuels these gentlemen will not hesitate to guaran tee a reasonable degree of satisfaction to their patrou in every ease. AlLntlii ami; rselAc CiMMt Cllmat (' trailed. The other duy a friend handed tut a paper published at New Castle, Pa., call ed the (Jiuinfi'iiH, In which we And a weather reHrt for the month of (Vtoberof this year. It reads as follows; "Warnuwt day Ti deg. on the 10; cold est day 82 deg. on the 31; greatest dully range, 24 deg. on the IH; least dully range, 1 deg. on th 23; prevailing wind, 8. W. There were only three clear dnys. A large amount of ralu fell dur ing the month. Hnow Ml four differ ent day. A severe thunderstorm pass ed over during the night of th Wth. The first snow of the season Ml on the night of the 27th. 8now also fell on the 28 aud iS'tlt. On the morning of the 30th the snow was two lueh deep on the ground etc." Contrast the above climatic condi tion in the old "Keystone state" with the kind of climate we enjoy out her In Oregon. We roll attention to our Oregon weather report, of the same month, in another column. The contrast between the extreme of heat aud the extreme of cold Is not very marked, but the greatest dilnjrcm Is In th sudden change of tcnn'rature that occur at thla season of the year In the Fiwteru states. Now while the ex treme of heat In Oregon for the month of Oetola'r Is only two degree In frxeess of lYnn ,and the maximum of cold two degree greater here than them, yet from the number of snow squall re ported, together with the heavy ruin full, it 1 very apparent that ctimatlt change are of a more radical charac ter along the Atlantic acalsiard Uuin along the Pacific coast. Then, again, Oregon Is at least four degree farther north than lVunsylvnniu, butoureluHe proximity to the Japan trade wlmls, It Is presumable, has much to do In modi lying the climate of Urn country. 1-x treme cold seasons never follow in suc cession In this country. Indeed, what Is called a "wild winter", is an cxeij- lion to the ireneral rule In Oregon. As we write, the weather here Is as genial and Iwlmy aa it Is In Hprtng-tlme, the hills aud prulrlc are grveu, the haul are yet dusty lu places, and there U no indication anywhere that Winter time Is drawing near. People whocom here from the Rust don't think we have any Winter season at ull. ' To 'be sure, the weather is at times quite chilly; "the windows of the heavens" occasionally oHn and pour down the rain, the "beautiful snow" sometime comes along and stay with us for a fortnight or, aud the mud frequently accumu late along the highways and byways until we Oregotilaus come to the con clusion that "Jordan 1 a hard road to travel," but these arc only passing In conveniences, little shadow that lilt aenms the morning's glow of our other wise salubrious climate. The William- ett valley is not an Kden, but it Is as nearly so as anything outside of Para- dine. r.iLi.s cm. le unclaimed an' unsold timber bind In elus' proximity tor Falls City, Jugln' from the numerous buyers an' settlers dut sin flocklu' ill way, will soon k gobbled Up. i : - Montgomery and Sawtolle hah pre pared for do wet season, by gettlu' their new mill shingled. It am a towerln' structcr, an' hub do 'peamnoe of mean In' business. Mr. 8awtello will complete an' move into his new residence de comln' week. Prof. Bryant hab moved Into his new house. De Moses of dis former wilderness, who hab bin for several months wlslt ln' his ole home In Pcmi., Is expected home nex' week. l)e 'lection of a dem- okratic governor In de ole Keystone state perhaps hastened bis lcabin' (ltd section. , 0.las regrots tor say dut do mectln' called tor settle do "elder" controversy, probably to de disgust ob de new preach er In charge, as well as to many others, failed tor bring alsut a rckonellenitlon. It pears as tho' 'twould be an tip hill bisncHs for one individual tcr flight "forty thieves" ebeti 'lowln' him tcr 1 strongly fortlfyed, nn'well wersed In law mutters. Horstllltlet tun HablCto breuk out ngln any minute an whether good or bad blud will den lie shed, depen's greatly 'pon who gets hit. It am soothin' tor head de waterfall, As olxir do roc;k It pour; While little am heeded down" cats call, When Hanipson's behln' his door.' Hut when an elder comes prowl! n'roim Wld a wll' an' wlclous eye; Dls chile skedaddles fo'some udergroun' Or squats till urn pusses by. De mails am regular, and' Incrcusin' In bulk, an de females well bless urn! dey am mostly engrged In gettln' up goodies for Tlianksglvln', Hum ob de saloon keepers, or other dlsnerscrs ob flro water, In Dallas oughtcr tie hauled olier do coals ag'ln for aellln' dut article ob dirt tor Ingiins. Do howlln' an' hoopln' of dose who have been unfortunate 'nuf tor swallow do stun", am a terror not only tor wlm- mem an' children, bule'ender dogs hie to ditr kennel In iilurm, Ozias Bamphon. Misfortnaes never oome singly to tome people, and this prove to lie the oase with Mist Helen Couuoway. Last Thursday evening while going from (be residence of Hnrdy llolman to thegntesbe stepped through a hole in the walk and broke ber right leg square off just below the knee. The member was properly sot by Drs. Stanley and Sites, and the young lady will probably recover from its ef fects. Dut it is regretted by her many friends a she wo already a ertpple and hardly able to get about witbnnt assist asce. Pulk county Obwver lll'UNA VIST ITKM. Mrs. J, 11. Alexander spent Kuiidsy with her mother, Mr. Ismty. at Indcn dance, and Mi Rose MoClnlu spent lit aw day at Moumouth. Mis Clara Jeter has, been siek for a day or to, but it aid to Iw shout nguiu, Mr. Lniigaur I Improving very much, and also Mrs, Geo, Wstla, Visitors are slowly muimig in to see th schools Mrs. , O, MeLNiighbi), Mr. AlexaiHlar so far thl week. Th largtwt dpiush around br was raised by Mr, K. 11. Jeter. It waiubed 1112') pound and aiesaurad 6 It. 9 Inches In circumference. Mr. J. also raised soma ot the Oiiest statne In the country. 115 bushel to !j sere. Two of them Weighed 7. pounds. Mr. lio is Uxuig up hi kiJewnlk aroitud bis property, Huch an luiprov raeut is iieciled all over the village. Tim following are the mimes of the pupils of tii priinitry room that were not absent for Mouth ending Oct. Ill; Hai ti Snyder, Lllh Znchitry, Jisne lleveiis, Nolh lleveus, licit Znclmry, Hoplns MUives, llurvey Nh, JiMae Culver.Lillis Huidsr, Willi Hherniuii, Oolnmlm Mo Claln, Tbomit Joite, Chester McClnin. Nuiuticr eunilled M; svernije attmidsm WKAtllkU KKI'OHT. During (Vt, 1M(, there wero t duy on which ruin fell, nnd ittllnch of wa ter. There were eleur, 7 fair, and IS dowdy days. The highest teuiemture for the mouth wits 74 deg. on the a The lowest leunraturv for the month was 30 deg. on the 11, 17. The mean temperature for the mniith was -lu. 8 deg. Monthly rang of temiM'rtitiire 44 d-g. (Ireale dully range eif tcniiertiturv SJ deg, on the U. Leant dully range of temivrnture 10 deg. on the S, Mean dully range of tenismture H-31 deg. Average mean temMruturc, for (K't. In 21 years, M di g. That for this year la below normal by 2,8 di g. Ik lleleney lncc Jan I, 15 deg. Average precipita tion III same time tiiehea, that for this year I below normal by .75 Inches. Deficiency sintv Jan. 1, .05 tnellioi. rue nmt rnwi or the scsmmi wim on the 10; other occurred on the 12, 14, 15, 17 and 22. Tho on the 15 aud 17, kill lug tender plants. The prevailing winds were from the H. W. ilurlng PI, days, 8, 3 days, N. 15 days, The n:lu and mild toiii'rutmv has given grtim and vegetation gem ally a nice sturt. Wheat Is moHtly In the ground and growing ulivly. Get. m gave 14 rainy days and 5, 10 Inehea of water, 7 clear, 12 fair and 12 elowdy days. Highest tems ratun for the month, 73 deg. on the 5, lowest temperature for the month, 38 deg. on the 15. Mean teuiH-rature for the month, 54. 0 deg. Kiln, Nov. I, istsi. Thomas Phaki k Upfrlihl, I talk it ciirir, nd th Tm tMm with sdrmilt-mmt nt MnwpartllM, Bn mhrr llrrr, hlood u tunf ranuHlws, hut lliar I on oimUoIo, sail miu one, th claim fur whlt-h, u s cure for all Unf-rln diMwse anting from Torpid I,ltfr or lltllmuinpM, or frotti Itnpur b(ot, are hackee1 np lf a pualllt luaranlesl If It dua't dn Jim s n'imwnlnl to rry mat, the mon-r whl fur It I promptly refunded. Tht nm-ullitr uinlli'ln flit Iwmid t other throughout tli rlrlllmd world. Aiui whf thmild not! "IVIk I" hut when It I Irti-ked up br poelltv auarsn. tee, by boiitn of lung ,ablitjed rm.uu tloo, for honniy, Intivrltjr and ound fluan. olal tUnillng, (lion winit mtn fnui itatf And that iit wiMt Ui World1 DltpeutarT Mnt. loal AawM itllon, of tluffalo, N. V., mean In f uarsnteelng tuelr Dr. I'leral l Ooldea Hod. loal UUcomrr. Dr. I'lfirtxi Onl.Vn Medlml TlbuxiTere check to frightful Inroad of Scrtif ula anil. If taken In time, arrmt tlx maruh of (km. sumption of the Lung, which I l.ung. crorula, fiiirlfloa and eniivhm the bloiid, therebx curing all Hkln and Scalp IHtnaft. tMuera, Bone, Bwelllugs, and kindred ail ment. S50G OFFERED for an Inourah! num nf tMU tnrrti In th Ili ad, bj the proprietor of Ur. aign ( atiirrh llomedy, II7 Its mild, aiKithlng nd healing propertiM, it uur tn worn no natter of how lorn uandlng. Onl k' eeuts. Hold bf druggUU vrj(whr. Fabsrs Golden Fsmala Fills., For Fni1s Irrernlar !v lllei; iiuihl'iuliki'llmm t TV "1 H: marker. H'ver 'H -. I X. ..! .1.. , A M I l'" I WI III. ,TSt, J 'IV imminent Ulei Met !ll i.luuUlljf. Oil l' rillem u 'v&hJf lucialniatton. gi SliRtl SArEt C niy. oiiuraiiieuil ippri'tned CERTAIN! Don't bo hitmbiieired. Siivo Time, llttultli. ami mouoy Helen no otu r. Kent tn till aililran, iio'ire lie mall ou 11) colptofprli'DifiOO. Adilreaa, THE APHRO KlEDICiriE COISPAfir. Waatarallruacb, Box J7,l'OUTLAND, OR' , Fur Milu by hunter bcrku. , Tk It Bsfor Breakfast Tho gmil appetlcr, tunlr and liver rejrnldtnr. In uxn for morn tlmn r yi'iir. In KiiKlimit. f'iMlllvo apeulilo for llvnr complaint, find tiwUi In the mouth on arlilnx ly llie iiiornlus, dull puhiM In Iheliuud mid lunik of tho eye, tired fi'i'lliiK, dlr,7.lne.H, Iminour tympuimii of liver miiipliiliit, ltoint'ily Mr, tlenley' Kiik Huh Ilniiitollim Ton lo, ItolloveH constlpiiMon, hurpom the siipollle nnd tone up ihe en Urn a.VHlein. (ietthe Kvnulun from yijui' drugglal for 1, and Uikn (Kuoi iIIiik to direction, . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.' NOTICK I hoiohy Klven Hint thu under. Hluned Klcnnor FcrHnson hiut been duly liiiiliilei by tho Ciiiinly Cnurl of l'olk Oouiily, Mlatii of oroKm, oxecutrlxof ttio hint will Hint I m1 a m . 'i 1 1 ol .ineoh Kei'ituwm, dn ceiuiod. All portion havlnx ehilni n(iilnnt tuld iwliilo prnHent Ilium duly von lied iiinl nil purl li M knowliiK ihoinxelvoH Indehlerl to tho nine nro heroby untitled to aotllu tho miiuo In tlx nionthH rrom tho dole hereof. KliKANHH FKIHIimoM, Pai.v, Hiiu.ry A Kakin, fcjCO.llll.X. Altiirnoyti, DiiU'rt thin slllh duy of Heptoinlier, IBM. ooldd : Miss Ada Judson.. Mr. Willfa wm a Williams, DRCSSMflKERS. (SlUPWINGFlimPIHQ A 8PECIALTY. m 1 mm, 8ucosor t Elkins & Go., rxormTOKS or thi City Track and TVansfer Co. Hauling of all Kinds Done at Reasonable Rates. (Till Fed, 0al(, opirUood For lOrCoUectloni Made Montli!y.- INDEPENDENCE. EROGON 6ITY J-)OTEL, C Strettt Independence, Or, A. W.HOWELL, Prop. Pirtc1u In vry respect Special attention given transient caatosacra, A aatapl room for commwdal trvlr. Mitchell & Bohannon, UQufactarr of SASH & DOORS. SCROLL SjWINQ WD W4Q0N HEpmim. Mela Street, Independeac, Oregon. 0. A. KRAMER, M Mafar d h Waul Your W'lrlii(f. Wnli'h.'rf l ulrln s aiMwIaUy. ' Will l jroa luirKultie In Wali'hee.l'lwk and Jewrlry, WITH Buster & Locke. Wagon Making su Carriage Repairing . W. 4. WENSENHOTH n titoli tit ll tme bull Of Hill hat ewul a bull'lliis eilli K. K K enter. Ilj'kunllh .Hon. He It aa ttivrl eii,-.! work war, h.vliu earne-l hie Irtfe Is auri lie aolli'ii. .tiara ol Hu inNat jJ irul" ull... llou. F. J. MORRIS, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS. MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY. WhiUaht Brick, ' Indeptndtnct. A I'HKNKNT Til OI K M lfl HI III II v It 1 with iloniir that we amuiuticu lu our ninny patrons that we liavo minis sr raiiKPUKiuts with t lint wnlo nwaks, lllu. tnitini farm unijiiizi n, tlie Amerwun Farmer, pulilmlioj at Furl Wiiyuo, I ml., and road by uunrly 'i)0,(X10 farmnrs, by wliioli tliut Rront piibliontion will lie mulled dirfKit, FltEU, to tliu addrrsa of auyofnnr suluioribor wlio Mia in and pay tip all nrronrauai ou uboriptious to Jauuary 1, IN!) I and one year in sdrsno from Jaunary 1, 1801, and to nay new sti I jauntier who will pay one your 111 ad vance. Tins is a grand opportunity to obtain a flrst.ulu farm Jo ti rim I free. The American Farmer is a iiirit 10 print) journal, ot national olrotilulion, wliioh rank araonn tho leading agnciil. turn I papers. It treats the qnetion of eoonomy iu atfrioiillnre and th rights sad pririleons of (bat vast body ot nlll lens Amonoati Fnrnisrs -whose imlii. try is the basis ot all material and na tional prosperity, Its hitfhest purpose is the elevation and ennobling of Aifn culture tlirouuli the hiiflior and broader education mou aud women engnifod in its pursuits. The regular subsorlption prioe of the merfeem Farmer is 81 per yonr. ti COSTS YOU NOTHING, From any one number, ideas oan be ob tained that will be worth tbnoe the sub' soription price to you or members of your household, vict you gut it fiiicr, Call and see sample copy, This offer holds good until January 1, 1891. A nut hi: 11 n IKK 11. We huve deoided to Ut many of our customers who wish to take the weekly Oreronian do so In conjunction with the Whht Siiia, Our offer is as follows: For the sum of 83.B0 ohhIi in advunoe we will mail you the Whht Siub from Jan. 1, '91 to Jim , 1, '02, and also the weekly Ore Qouian. We oiiiiuot make this offer after January 181)1, nor have subscriptions start before thnt time. Have your sub scriptions until the 1st of January. I'ltKMIUM OKI'KH, Our offer to subscriber of the West 8ti)H no year and American Farmer one year, all for 8'2 should not be mis understood, The subscription mnxt date from Jan. 1, '01 to Jan. 1, '92. All arrenrngfs must be paid to that time, and must be cash in advance. This is a very liberal offer, and if yon want it NOW send us 82.50 and got both papers up to January '92. Tnti's Els Th 4rppu, he deblllule. wbhe r from eseeaa of work of saliMl Malarial Regions, will RSI Tail's rill Hi most venial Kaloratlv er UTe4 lb allrlig lid. Try Them Fairly. A vlgvrnn bttilf, pur Mood, airong erTee i,d elieorf Hi mind w III result, HOLD KVICUYWIIICKI- RAII.HOAIiH. YAQUINA HAY ROUTH. Qymm Pacific Railroad C:::' ujvslapmant Co't Stoamsrs. Chort L' .1 to California. i:i'i:h: nr.! the fewest. mkamj rt v t.fx'n v.rr, Ptumm-r Wl! .A"rrrj; ",-r f.pv, Vii.iiliiii: Ort. i, !, n, IavmHsii KrSiHwi! (h t, la, Zi, 91. Tmln No, I Will ran Tilraulaj'S, Tliurarlsjrs, and Hatunlsya, sua on uiterineillnte dsy lirn iKNiwirjf, Trnln No. i will ma Monily, WwlnwHlsy. and Krlitaya, nmt on liilrutr,tlinnya when nr eunry, Yoiiii Iruely, f. r. ihMific, A.n. k.ap.a. Ih1. n rfri-l Hi l,lil Ul fl'ff elllnn i!i kIiIhimI nmlin, 1 rain. iHiniiB, I with Dm S. f. R R. anil rlr tsatw at tuntlili and liu)r, . II. tlOHWKU, Jr., C, C, Mi PR, Oos. n I. Al, O, 0. Co, Ael. l . r, A P. A1 MoiilKuuir. SI.. O, 1'. H. K. ea I'uni'iwo, l un.llu, Or GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. Northern Pacific R. R. TWO rVT TIUI! IHtl.T. HO CIUN0I or CAR SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And til iinuMl, via St. Paul and Minneapolis. THE SOKTHKU PACn'IO B-UUiCAa It Hit on If Un Hiiu'ilu. reti(er Trln, tec'i"t -i'lt l'wr tree of rih!) l,Ulltl"l lit' I'liai'lie, I'UlIm I'l'tie Sleeplltf '''. I'tKi'C 1'loliit I r. iWiait Wet, FROM lttKTUNt) 10 TIIK EAKf. So tbat yonr Ticket re.idi via th Itorta- ' ri Paclllo B. H nl ivoia cms. ol Cii. I eare Portland at I t A M and 5 r M. dally e'Nvotl Mluiuawli ur b t'aul ailwl f. M. htr,rinvtr.ln, lMta VftlHt an 1 U MPeitdtlU ai II Ma m. and 1 1 H . ... . n, .. ... .... 1 -at - arrive ei w iuis, ,- .. ' 7 eoaiwrtiu wll Cunil-aim t "i " U ftullltl ou l'u-t Sueua. A.I) ClUHM'lN, Ami. O..U I I'tM. Aftal, No. 1.1. flit'. Slrest, l erlltnd, OrmuU. Iiepol Cor, rir.l aud O Sire!. ON CfLE TO- Omalia, Kansas City, (Lira: CT PAUL, ST. LCI'2, AND ALL POlMf Hast, North oith. Kr rth'r imrlMilaft lrtiiilr nf say ns"nt ol tlie Ounpwi)' nr T. W. LEE, V. T, A, J'ortlsnrt, Oivsun, R. D. COOPER, Tli'kel Aent lndi'Kmli'Ui, Or EAST AND 80UTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. SHASTA WHE. Expreet Trttnl Lrtrt rortltud Dalle. "South. I SortKr 4Too Tu. - furiltna Ar :M :Jir. . U. Allnr. Ar t:l a. m. 7:4fl A. M. Ar. Pun Kranciwo I.T D M r. M. Above tralut Hop only at followlnf itattnin nnrth of Houilmig: Ktal I'ortlaii'l, liriuu Lilly, WiMHllmrU.rtlpinjAlliauy, Taii(nt, Hliblitu, Hal ley, HarrliUurg, J unci tun CH), Irving suit Ku (Ull. ftoseburg Mail, Daily. Uiive. : I ATrlve. Portlnnrl. , ... H i. a. ( Riwhuiy r, a. ltotoburijf . .. .. .. . A. s. Vortlaiiq. .,..,,. r, a. AUiany Locl Dally (Except Sun'y) I. vu. . '"A ri'l vo. . Portland., .... S;00p a. Alluuiy UilKIP, M. Alhitny ft:00A. a. Hurl In ml 0 IX) a. m. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CAItS. Foraueommnilntlnn ot seonnit-r'r.iw pti);oi, uii,:hi)(l to KzM'tiii Ti'tlui, Wart Bido Division, Between Portliuitl anil Corvallia MAIL TRAIN DAILY (Kxcept Siimlny.J 7 ;80 a. H. 11 :1R A. M U10P. M Lv. Poriliuut Ar. Ar. Inileiwiulmos Ar. Ar. ConsUlt Lv. (fao p. nt. 1:4U p.m. Vi Ki p. m. At Albany nr) Corvallli ounnoot with tralut ol Oregon l'aoltlo tllroaL EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (Except Sund'y) I.oave Portland ,4Mr. m. MjiMluiiyJlleilBAa. Arrive. MoMlnnvtll 7:25 P.M. Portlauil .. ..:! a.m. TER0D0H TICKETS TO ALL P0IHT3 EAST AND SOUTH. ttTot ticket tnit luiormttlon reganllnirrate tntt, le.i call on oouiiaLy'i agont at luueiwn douc. B. KOIDIHR, I. P. ROOSR9, Uiui(ai. Auk U. f. Pat. Agt RAZER AXLE GREASE BEST IJf TUB WORM. Itn w"rlnqulitlirtunturBMirl, aotuaDy CltMnMilla, two bnxrt of nnrothnr brand. Not enuotixl byhttt. If'tilETTIIKOKN UIMU. 1 FOH HATjW BY 1IWAT.1ERS OKNPIIAI.tiY. lyf J. I Irving The GROCER! Never wants for C'liHtonipra iHHUUHe -His Trade is large.- J. D. IRVINE Never wetlx tiioiiev, v tii'ii his cud tonii'ift t'utnii in nnd 'ii,v Ilii'lr liills. In Ills Slnie, you will Hint a large Stoeknf Groceries. Crockery, Tobacco, Etc., Etc. , Wlilih iH Bolil ul Bedrock Prices. 1 5. a o o a , o I 3 I u 0 (ft 0 0 a ft 5- ' 6 3 o a 5 I a o 1 ft D .0 w 00 (A PJ N 13 M "2 9 'I s B 1 3 PS f3 And be Convinced. 72 SliH'l tooth iron Imrror, )?20. 5 mid 7 tootli eultivulors. The best homo sliocitig;. Tlie Iwvst lu Iron Steel or Wood -AT-- . Kiwi's. Best price paid for Old Iron and Castings. Main St,. IuLloptnuloiHio. TIME . TAU1.H, Inilepeiulunee and Mttnintiiill, Moler I.lne EH E tenve I.onvon InclMHnUiu'e. Monimiulli, 0:1X1 7:4(1 8:10 , d:M :llii . )n:ll ' ;: 11:15 U::lo .. 11 2:1ft 4:) 5:. lead Do You Want to Harn A PREMIUM. Then go to work young man or young woman among your friends, and get them to subscribe for the WEST SIDE. You have fiive chances for getting a prize, and from the list below you will see that they are worth striving for, HOW TO DO IT. " For every New Hulitcriber, j.uyitig t'i for the WKST HIDK to Jan. iMt, 18!l'2, the penwiii Mtnditig io the name and money will lm credited with onHulerlitlon. On thfl22itd day ofXov., ll(), the j.enn, or persoim having m-cttred the greatest titunU'r ot Xer fiiiWriben will reeeive the M prize, and the next highest the 2nd prize, etc THE PREMIUMS. A typewriter. Value l."5.00. , 10,00 othb. lUmk on Kttefjnette. Value 12.50. Book, one of Dieken'tt work. Value !.". llook, one of Verne'M works. Value 1.00. ltt prize. 2nd " 3d 4 4th " 44 Tlne prlwuean lie Been at the this office. Tlue priM are given for NKW BUIISCKIBHKS only, and it in Hmihv, that the bigbcut titiiiilrcr of RultrxtrllNtra obtained by uny one person might not be over ten, hence in that iso the ten HubMcribers will earn the Urtst and a lens number each of the olhew. Thin in just the work ft)r the Iwjh ami girla. A full nubrteriiition (flOO) couutu one, Haifa year (1.00) count one half. Three months, or 50 cento, one-fourth. You can tw;nd in the money nnd natm eaeh week until Nov. 22, 1890, aud at that time the winner of the prise will be announced through tho columns of the West Side. The West Hide will be W'tit to New 8ubnerilierri from date until January, l.sf'2, forfJ. ' COMMENCE WORK AT ONCE. Any person whose name appears on our books c.inot lie counted tw a new subscriber. (,'lttliH can be formed in a community, and the iia:uen will count an prize winners. For example, ten persons milsorib& for the paper, nnd if ten is the prize club, the 1st will be paid to them. Heuienilxr there are five prizes. Two or three new names will t'luoMt be Rtire to Keen re a prize of smie kind. Address WEST SIDE, INDEPENDENCE, OR Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS. 8UxkLcftlnourCrwinbewellaUi'!r' ' to. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR CC IERCIAL MEN. MAIS STREET, LNDEP.NDENv U, KEGON. -THE CHURCHILL- Sash, Door and Manufacturing Co. oOt llnvluit In mil iH'nttlnn a KturlevBii Dry Kiln nit eeventl tliiniMnc1 rtollare wnrth ofaew mtu'litnury, we Are now ivrnrad to fill ny and all urtli-rn l..r mill w.irlc. Onler tlli-ttd fniin any part f 111 valley, which will rewtve prompt attcntkm. To nur !! ciiKiunier w wth Ui mi) that we will haveivinMunily ou liaiut all die latest dmlgnx In imr trae, Prompt nttuiitlon well lie given and prlcwi a low a consistent with good work. tMHw, oomer Trade and High triet, Saleini P. O. box No, fb You Want to Buy Fancy- -and Staple--Groceries, OLASM WARE aud CROCKERY Rock Bottom Prices for Cash -or PRODUCE go to tho Wreckers of High Priees in liulependenco. HID Ho: Old Stnnd Mitin St., Independence. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER, Of Independence, having n steam engine, a brick machine and several tierea of finest clay, is now prepared to keep on band a flue quality of Brick, which will be sold at reason able prices, I. A. MILLER, MIAMI IK MARBLEMGRANITE Monuments and Headstones of All Styles. Firtt-Clnag Work and Tricea 20 per cent lower than any other shop in the gtnte. SHOP COR. MONMOUTH AND R. R.STS. Hyde S Data, INBEPKNDKNCI, ., . OllKOOH. This! REAS0NADLK RATES. ' IT. T. . PATTERSON, DRUGGIST -DKALKK IV- VETCHES, CLOCKS WD JEWELRY. INDEPENDENCE, . OREGON. H. M. LINES, FUNERAL DIRECTOR -AND- UNDERTAKER, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. A full and complete line of Funeral good Alwaya on Hand. C, S. McHALLY.. Architect and Dmughtsman, ROOMS ,& WSH-imuVIIIAN ULOCKe COMMEltCIAl, St.. ' , . 8AI.EM, OR. City Restaurant Ha been reopened, by tlio Misses Vemiells, on MftlnHU, opposite tho Opera house, Inde pendence. MuiUa SB cent. Hoard, St 50 per week. Ice Croum and Oysters in season " Table supplied with the best the market ftf ftirds. No Chinese employed, , A. B. GRIGGS, MEAT : MARKET, , 8. f, Irvine, r-""Mtaai-lji nn iu .