THE WEST SIDE. E. C, PENTLAND, Publisher. ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER U,inKK ALIEN LAND OWSKRSUIP. V wish to say only a few words in regard to alien land ownership in this country, not that wo can throw any new light on the mtbject, but for the purpose of calling attention to a very serious infringe meut upon the legal rights of every American oitisetu Tho iuipraloi was once abroad everywhere that our vast public domain was more than amide for the needs of the people, but tho rapid influx of ini migration iuto the unsettled regions of the great west within the ltwt two decades, has made patent the fact that the public domain is au nnallv "irrowlnir beautifully leas and smaller by degrees." And upon inquiry and investigation it has been found that foreign capitalists have iuvested largely in lands in this country. The exact amount of land owned by alien capital in the United States is perhaps not definitely known, but that it is en ortnous is easily established by data ready at hand. An English Ryndi rate owns in Texas 3,000,000 acres, another in Florida owns 2,000,000 acres, and a third in Mississippi owns 1,000,000 acres, A Holland ' Land .Company owua 4,500,000 acres, while individuals owu tracts varying from 1,750,000 to 100,000 acres. We are told that one Eng lishman, who residua in Ins own country, earns 12,000,000 per year from lands in Illinois. It is also a well known fact that foreign cap italists own liirsre land interests throughout the entire Northwest, and in Nevada, New Mexico, Ar izona etc, We do not believe it just that alien capital should 1h permitted to invest in lauds in this country, to the detriment of the interests of bona fide American citizens. The public domain be longs by right and justice to people who make this country their home, and alien ownership should not be permitted to get possession of it These alien ions ami Individuals owe no allegiance to the United States, they are nowise amenable to our laws, and are an independent, extraneous force, with out a body to kick or a soul to damn, so far as the General Government is concerned. Alien land owner ship, is an evil'of giguntio projior- tions, and public sentiment is only of late becoming a ware of its steal t hy encroachments in this country. It is to be hoped that the bill pending before Congress will become a law. Our annual election of city officers is now near at hand, and the people ought to bestir them selves in the matter. Independence has heretofore had the very good fortune of having first-class official representation in her city council chamber, and we should take pride in upholding the same high stand ard in the future. Let the people see to it, then, that only represcnta tive men ore put in nomination. COVNTY COl'RT. Htouffttr, J., Jud( I'KOBATE. In the cane of the Price heirs Petition for sale of real property granted -Llna Torgeson wan appointed guar dian of Annie Qobst. Inventory of I'll 65 in M. Fltzmorrit estate was filed and approved, and jx-tl tlon for Hale of personal property wan allowed. In the matter of Jonhua Brown estate Receipts In full from all the heirs fllsd and executor discharged. In the case of Margaret lloothby's state an order to sell real property wan made. The Inventory of the estate of Jacob Ferguson was filed and approved. Joanna , Frakes estate was clewed, the final account having been presented and approved. commissioners' coukt. Present Judge Htouffer, Commis sioners Simpson, Clerk Coad and Sheriff Wells. The Pettyjohn rood petition was dis missed at the cost of petitioner, The J. B. Knowle's road petition was dismissed because of a more largely signed remonstrance. J. W. Inmun is to care for Perry Gilliam at f50 per month. Buford Stone was appointed Super visor of Road District No. 80. BILLS ALLOWED. W. Reynolds, salary $02 5o E. Jones, caie Brown's children., 20 00 J E Smith, bolts, etc 1 00 Fenton A Toner, merchandise 13 00 MrsT BTetherow, keeping paup 40 00 Sheriff Well, services 9 90 John Becber, gravel 1 00 A M Vassal, lumber 4 10 Goodman A Douty, nails, etc 27 20 W A Wash, blanks 6 00 Doughty A Snyder, printing 8 00 G K Barnard Co.. blank books.. 64 76 T L Hartman, bridge work 9 50 Wtate vs It L Skinner, costs 80 70 J F O'Donnell, nails 5 25 W P Wright, county llneexp 208 40 J F Groves, tent 6 00 C R Farley, keeping pauper 20 00 M I Capps, night watch 8 00 J C Wagner, repairlngsidewulk.. 2 00 J B Teal, work on bridges 681 50 W O Cook, merchandise 11 50 Martin A Sears, lumber 17 1)0 J G Brown & Co., road scraper 11 00 Dennis, road survey fees 28 00 Jt M Gilbert, building bridge 80 00 W B Davis, hack, fifteen days 18 75 A autmury PravWIoa, P ulitia attsutioo w oallad to the foll owing provisions of our (State code: Art. 1064. No person shall exhibit, any public itnce within tbii state, any deformed, ponton, eillior for htsrard or gratuity, ' Art, 1155. Any person violating the first tectum of tbts aot sliall.npon Movie tion Iborsof, bs puuuriisd for snob off. wise by Bit not loss' than twonly-firs or mors than fifty dollars, or by imprls ounint in tb county Jail not less than one nor nitr Ihsu three months, or by both, in the disoretiun of ths court Aot WOT. Justine' shall has juris diction ot ofTuso against bis aot; tin! it Is hereby mada tin duty ot tu dislrwl attorney, to pruseoute all persons violat. lug the provisions of this law. OHiri'AKV, It ha been the wish of Divine Prov ideiioe to gather Iuto his heavenly gar. nor a hilly ripened slun k, the late Mrs, Steele, who decried this 1Kb October 8d, aged 60 years. Iter llfi was one we ou'd not come in contact with without betug struck with wonder at the patleuee of one so afflicted. Never a murmur against I lie On who had seen fit to try her,ewHHl her mouth; never a wish It was other wise, but a constant desire to help tlnssj in mvd or sympathise with the afflicted and distrusted. Though her years were not to great, yet Iter life was one com plete whole faithful helpmeet to a worthy husband, a w ise mother, a true friend, ouuseleiitlous Christian, whose few year In a strange laud had won her warm friends,: who untiringly reu dervd the assistance ueedtul In the Inst wevks of her helplstsawittwa. The large cortege that followed the reumlns to their last resting place, showed the re spect she was held In by the public. It may be of Interest to some to know that Mrs. Steele was a dnugbter of John Irvtou, Esq., a much navted cltUen of Ontario, Canada. ffl DP ras m HK II KOCITY ' IN 1II SINKXS... I Kl IT IILTIMK, Kl To Til KniTOMi-TlMira seems tu U a striklug eontmst in s great many rewts between (lis growth and development of towns m the state ot Wssliingbtn and of those in Oregon. The truly progresslv mind enu only admire tbs hlersl spirit Biamfestsd by tbsoilisensot nearly svery growing town in Hi former stst. Nut Only do they expend Inrgo sums uf money in aitvertising the adsutsites ot their towns and the surrounding onnutry, but lliey throw asida all selfish an! rneroeu ary motives, disposition too frequently manifested by many of our Oregon towns, and welcome with genuine hospitality th members of every trsdn, hnsiueos or profession thst may seek a livelihood within their midst. Their common motto Is "Yes, ornue and east your lot with us, we will throw no oMncIa In your path and your ehsnees shsll U as good as ours." They evidently Iwhers in the prmoijils that it requires pipl and buaiuess to make a town, sn j thst every Inns au individual is driven away from a plao th population of that towu will of necessity bvevme on le. Tins Is lb eorreot principle upon which to reason. We are loath to oouftss it, but trtilb omils ns to say, that hsd.w (Iregon lans long ago tbrowu alds this spirit of apathy and that sens of proprietorship which bss so fully possessed n, and and hsv emulsted mors of lbs progress ive spirit of o-ir neighboring state, we should hsvs no sause tu-Uiiy to be howl ing over the siuslliieii ot the Oregon eeusna. ACORN, STOVES AND RANGES! The Latest Improvod in A CAHU. To the cltlsens of Monmouth and Independence, and vsrst'tally to the stu deuts of the Statu Normal school; In thlspublle maimer we wish to express our sincere thanks to you for the many proffers of aid aud for services rendered In the time of our sore uced, occasioned by the recent fire, by which w were deprived of limits) mid home. And we wish, and deem It a duty as well as pleasure, to say that to your noble and disinterested efforts, core am! good judgment, we are Indebted lor the amouut of elfecta saved and the good condition of the same. In our experi ence, and observation of fire we have never seen so little dumage and break- age for the amount saved. Pleaseexcuse seeming tardiness; press of other business has caused the delay. Aguin thanking you, we remalu Sincerely )ours, I ltKMTLY, P. M. Bk.sti.kv. Monmouth Nov. 6, l.HUO. Thnnksglvlng Is right ou liund, and don't you forget to call on J. I). I. for your mince meats, spices, etc. It Dave Gelwick always has on hand fresh candles, Key West cigars and tropical fruits In season. littler Thsas Hold Mlu. Ten acre set to fruit wheu lu a bear ing condition will yield au Income of from tioiiO t HVK) ier year, and re quire no expensive, machinery to oper ate It. A fruit-raiser In the Willamette Valley requires but a small outlay, hss the advantages of a civilUed and cul tured society, has good and convenient market and receives a better Income from the same Investment than cau be had from any other bintlncsn. You con get this land from $55 to f 75 per acre of the Oregon Land Company of Salem, Oregou. A flue Hue of table and hanging lamps at II. A WV-Sold at bed rock price. 21 We offer vuluable premiuiiui for those who will work for the Wkht Siuk. Ijisom Bros., are now prepared to clean feathers with a renovator. All pvrsous who have such work, would do well to give them a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Place of business near the old town school house. 2t Say! the roads will le very bad In the near future, and It will be a gisxl Ideu to call in at J. I). I.'s at once, and luy in your winters supply of gnsierlcs. He is selling way down. S.iy! Where did you get thnt watch? Why of counte I bought It of II. It, Patterson and ou the eustullmuiit iiImii too No trouble to own a watch that way. J, Ii. Stockton has found it necessary to still further enlarge his stock of clothing and furnishing goods, He now has two attentive clerks. Your attention Is called to the fine line of parasols and umbrellas, for sale by J. L, Stockton. The Hue In silk is particularly mentioned. The Wkht Sihk olllco has turned the "old nnm-r" business over to W. It Wheeler, who will sell at the priaw. Get your raisins, spices, etc., for mince meat, at Hcnkle & Walker's; also prepared mince ment at II. & W. 2t W. II. Wheeler Is always on deck, and ready to show you latest attractions In holiday goods. 1 Now Is the time to buy rubber iroods and J. L. Stis-kton bus a full and plute stuck, Grind display of holiday attractions at W. II. Wheeler's on next Saturday, Hcnkle A Walker tuke a back sent for no one In selling fine groceries. 2t Don't forget to sec the latest Christ mas novelties ut W. II. Wheeler's. H Come and sec my fine stock of new grocerlos, J. D. I. It Car loud of new groceries Just arrived atJ.D. I's. it The West Side Is eight yeurs old to day. Have money by buying your grocerlos of J. D. Irvine. As tims giHM ou aud as prorfiiw is so slow, I lie qucsliltt naturally srisrs, Why do not more ot our ellirens engaus in the developnif nt of the fruit industry f Our people, must bear lu mind lint "old times hav wtcJ swttv", never to return Siisiu to the ople ot Oitim. The cry of "no uisrkela" is ouly a wall front the pint, and esu hav no rmpoime or ro tation to I'' Oregon,' of to dy. All you have to do, is to raiw your fruit and the markets will come to you. The stale of California with bur two tranoobliueutsl line ut railroads Duds no trouble iu market inn her tons Uk.ii bins of tniit, nor will the slute uf Orgou rsslise any greater ubtseltw if w can only take the trouble of raising I lie fruit. Wheu look around over this besutiful valley, and realise the mighty pimihllliiu of Oregou iu this hue, and see how limited is th development of brr fruit rmomees, we Dud ourselves asking the quention: How much longer are we goiug to procrastiustef 1'nhfornis hss tUmuiuds of ten and twenty acre fruit farms where the owners are realising a princely living, and a handsome iunome; Isoldes, Oregou poiild realm all this if her olu would go and do likewise, Willi the develop ment oi ttie trull imiustry will ooiur eaunerio and markets, but withont tho snpt'ty how can we even eiect to in ereiuis the deuisiid. Vinrrra, a cask i!f rocrr. Is ear lor(ibM ityt, pltaptM wr sitriho- ltd to dlMwt blood. Bui moJtrn mwUclas tasi dtaoostrsMil tbst rich (ood das not erni tlou k (oullni tta blood, but ntardi dlfotUoa, which Bakes Ih tonimch torpid, ssd Ui etrcu laltoa tlutfUh. ssd lu lure hum sn afbld seUas el Ihs pons which eonfttt or bMoms ptm ily. Th modern theory Uisrafora li not lo Irrsl Ih blood, 1ml tb itomseh sad II w, sad It It ssdsr this asw Ut. thst Jor'i V(tabl Bans partus wss eonetlrsd. It bu wlpd out Ih blood dlxsw" theory ot plmsloi, of ths old tu uparlllss. A rM in point " I hsvs bsd lor yMrs psUj el ladlfMUoa sad djriiwtttls sad triad aiarly (rsnrihlaf. Flnslly 1 took oos ol th Itadluf ssrupsrlllat, II did sol help ms, but rsntsd plmplM to break out i my lu, which I wsi told wu rsuMd br tb potsih It eonulo4 P artaf that Joy's Vettabl8anarrUla did not contain atlnsral sud nlsbl sl dlffirantlr, I stut lorIL TbplmplMdlupriend lianudlsMysad I hsr bow stior moatha bsd uo r(am ol ths old ip11l J)isonrslorludt(MUoaaddrpspls sad lktludsut titn nipttoo." Ma. 0, D. SrVAST, lzn liluloa itnwi, L F. Uneasy rents the toe that wears s oorn. Remove the corn by nmug Kiwtcr k Locke's corn en re, Wor than Leproiy Is o itnr rli, and tliere is one hut one pre paration Hint d'iei cure Unit iIiim-hhs, snd that is the On 1 1 Torn in Pimitivn and Nrjfs live Kli-otrlo Liniment, Hold bv nil drngg its. It nl cures neuralgia, rbeurnut Imui, hemlHChe, sprnltla ,nrnt stnl all pun. Try It sill tell ymir negi'ibir wh ere to get it. The ACORN Heating Stoves are the best and Finest Finish of any. Everyone Fully Warranted and First-class. Come and see our Car loml Aftortiueiit of tho A.('OKN Htovoa. 0OODMAK & IKJUTY. COOK AND HEATING STOVES. The Improved ACORN Ventilated Oven Is the Latest and Best on tho Market. Have no Equal for Finish vm ii "r '-l. j tiwHBr"- m and Durability. RinjjM nut Cook tritovoK, iiImi IIcilinf mid Ilox lNl)l-:i'KNIi:XCK, OliKGON' -: THE I com jwessrs. nnouy a vanuuyn are Kcttimr In o larire fall stotjk ofumxW For pasting on walls, placing under by Wheeler. carpets, etc., get the old papers for sale If v - - Ths Iluccttuenr. nt Old flaunted the nkiill and unmn hmiion, thulr enHlftn, dnHantly at ths niHatliend. Vour ninuurn pirate, not on ine nisn mm, but upon till! tllKll rxRIItHtlon Of nlHlldurd rrnii(ll NkuIkH unilnr vnrlnuii dlUKUlmw. HIh holoaiid eorner tralllo ban never In any deirree on.-ti d Himlnttr'a HUmnu'h llltln. onlilioiiirh Ihui tiinclurd Invliroriuit and oorre.-Uve him limn been 1 lie uhlnlng mark at which hi. uluifl have ln (llri-Unl. Clump local hltUir. nam. poneil of Hery unnntlllnd ntlmulmiOi, wltti an Inruiilon, or extract piwxllily, of oni lonlo bark, arc still soiufituniw rvcomniendod sn Idxntlcul Willi, or Hliullur lo, or poancwiliir vlrtun kindred lo tlumo uf America'. cIkmiiii family inoillnlns, 'ihens perlKh .petHllly, while the itruat snbduer ana Drnventlvs ni I dlxeiwe ptirmies ll .urmwaful career, over coming; malaria, dyprwla, nervnunnnHn. kid ney troubles, oon.tlpaUon and rlieuuiaUu ail ment, not only on this, but on many continents. J Of Indepflndenoe, Oregon. Trsnssct general Real Estate Buln bny and sail Property, aflecta Insurance and doe a genral Conveyance Buslnts. Parties having Lands for sal will Had it to their advantage to LIST THEIR PROPERTY! With this Company, as they arc dally sending lifts of land east, thn plac ing desirable property bfor th real dent of the East JAMUS CIBS0N, J. W. KIRKLAND, Secretary. Something New I h hi hd hm f I'lIOTCKlRArjId Oumiued, rdy to tl,-k but hi snyiiiliig. Card., kirkHa, l,-h, plu., lvttvrs.euveh.tM. anliHirspb atliunt, ddin esrda,l, 16 for $1. Mend S pli.ittigrftph (rblnf I .I.) of yMrwlf or ftl.iuK All phiilosranti i um iti b eanfutly haudlrd, and rUiniid IUi lb urdr, Addmwitll iinlrrt to W. H. Whlteaker. Illilrwn(ti-lliv, . THE NEW Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Y0UNQ HORSES. DOUBLE AND . SINGLE TEAMS. . o e Ul NEW NEW BUGGIES GOOD 1 C5 24$ RIDING HORSES. I- -I Viiyff o o o o e " Flrat-Class Turnout, (or Coinmerrtal Travelers. Trice reasonabl. and Batlafao lion guaranteed, tilvo us a Call. KOKTU END MAIN 8T1UJET, J. N. JONE3, Tbopb. SEASONABLE STYLES ! AND FAIR FIGURES I i .. N U rciuoiiiillo tiroinmition to Henaihlo Peoplw. Von know it is oilil for iim to do Milt. We promise It in gowl liillh. Jt iih-hiw for you The 11 at Luwet Vrlan In -BOOTS and SHOES- Ftr Iiitdltw, fieiiU anil Cblltlrtdi'lt wr, our Htwk bIkhiihIs in Ncciwltn mid Littet Novell li (itwlity the xt In everything we offer tlila 8tW4iit. TIip lowwt rh-m ntiil thfl lwt barjfttliw ofTorwl hi I'olk foil nty. -Hi.D. Waller,- Main St., Independence. UVJ R I -O F- ii shelly &mmm Oriou Lewis Kelso, I'KAl.KIl IN Ladies and Gents Fur nishing Goods. M(St (uuilet( Stock of Boots and Shoes In the City BEAMER & CRAVEN, -I'tuli-M In- HARNESS and SADDLES AH klmU of Jlnriiesw nml HniWlery (iooils, ('(HTiiifjn Ti iiiiiiix and lvivuriti-j. SI'Kt'iAL HAIJOALNtt. Curry Coiulss, IhrtT bm-s, Scent. I!rti.slu-M, 10 cents. (Jompleto , net of Tenin IfurucHtt, 11.00. W. O. Cook (Succour to A. J. Whllssksr.) -DKALKH IN FURNITURB I'ARI,0R AND BEDROOM BET9, SOFAS, AND BED TtUNOKa, II nt Racks, Rocking ami Easy Chairs, in I'ino, Maple, Ash or Walnut. Also, Woven Wire Mattressos, Coil Spring Wool and Hair Mattresses. G. W. SHINN, Houbb, Bign & DrnamenfBl Psper Hanging, Graining, Frescoing, Etc. Paint room opposite Johnson' Stables, Independence, Oregon, CARPETS CONSISTING OF Two and Throe Tly Wool, Tapeiitry Brnssell and Axminlster. Also, - Oil Cloth and China Matting. Hoiiii Sossld Bul- wer, that greatest of Novelists, and he neve' spoke more truly, and he might have added with enual (t (,. if vtlle, e9ftenc of success. Wisdom Robertine u the innnvn r m.i. i . , , J J, Kin Its history is success. Th magical ef fects of this Drenarntinn hav U. edbythonssndsofthe leading ladle of ociety and the stam. Tt la ha ni. .-.i cle ever discovered which gives Natur al srtd Beautiul tint to the complexion, at the same time removlnir M mil fill MAM of the face and arms and lesving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. It has lone been the atudv of rtipmft. n dnce an article that while It would beau, tiy the complexion would also have the merit of bflncr harmUtt t, " O - - - -, VH ..4.i,v 1 TV u important qualities wem never brought together until combined in Wall Paper FROM PUIH KITCHEH WaLL PAPER IIP Alio the Heaviest and Richest Gold Fin ished Parlor Faier. Well selected assortment of Fresco Paper for Ceilings and Walls. 60e. WISDOJVT'S Picture Frames MADE TO OUDElt From Natural Wood or Rich and Heavy Pressed Gold. Framed Engravings and Paintings tor Sale. Main Street, Independence, Bat. B and 0 Street. W. T. SHERMAN, MERCHANT : TAIL0R. Suits Made to Order, and I it CuarantctJ. Custom Qtssls tut Mnrclisnts and otlu-rs Kt-ut sn I Vvr-f 1. I will ajm nnmtlily accounts ith Mnn-hsnts at luiK'jsinduui and M.iinntli ( -r Um lilting. JP. o. OQTTn f. V L. It 1 I o X JuO, r j rj x , OPP. INDEPENDENCE FENCE WORKS. K. M. GATES, Proprietor. Mr. K. M. OalM hss ons of the latrnt tmprtwod l'eiu-iim Mat-liinos with wliii-h he ispmpariHl, on short nni;m, to manufacture a FlrKt'tMass pirkut and wiro lonce. Tills la the tt fence to be olitalnnd For Farms, Residence Property, Chicken Yards and Divison Fences. Is well Stocked with Seasonable Goods and will be replenished to'suit the times. Their facilities for doing business are equal to any House in the Valley and their prices are always right. Their reputation for keeping good Goods together with the courtesy extend ed to their customers insures them the Liberal Patronage they are receiving, and for which they are thankful. Shelly & Vandiiyn, iAcrxxirv: On C Street, 0pp. the City Hold, Independence, Or. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON PMWMajMSdS MM School Books and DR. MILLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Discare, Stimulus, nutrition, r-iirlflrt tho PR HIlttR'S HYPRASTINr" RESTORATIVE wj. l.u. I ij tu.U(i.Uuu u.l (i.nurl A (WrlK-HoBto Ml.l ltraiirll bitthlur. DR. HlttPR'S AWTI-BltlOUS STOMACH AND tlVf-R CURE. un.Btik mm wtl 1 Uv.r Trouble, I'biU Wi4 Ii7"iiriil l.i.i, uiJ nlpT jllioiil nuiillUona DR. HILLER'8 CATARRH CURE. Cii,M At i-.trrh, Chn.tilaC.lwrh, and Curtlul ISSium. UuumnUNHl lu mra Uw urM cum wh.n .ilrnllotu ut IMm-h, or m,c,v DR.HIUER'SCnUnHCIIRF. CMr CM. Umm. CVavhs. Brttnchltl,, Ftoarhr 4 I'tMHimoiil., .mi r.tio.M UNMuaiiSnm. ConUlm noOpliUw. Cure. Croup In 10 utlnulw. Tr) it DR. HIILER'S DIPHTKf RIA AND S(13E T'-tROAT CUPP. -...t. .ml , li.liU).rl. Mill Kluv.lj- out. i) wrv .miui i (n ui ii CfiTuMtiTTun yiilix)- In drt DR. HILIER'3 FEVER CURE. Ind!.,t,,Ua In ll wat. aiwavs ttttsndwl with tner. I'nvun uid curtM Stmrlot Wv, SowUllns. n,l Ui-uIm. Mother. .iiouM b.r thU In niliul. DR. HILIER'S NERVOUS DEEIlJTVCIjnE. c. N.rm,. Wltnc, .ltd Um ,t 1W. N.vor .'.Ilk Stud g hk Cinalw U Illllur Drug Co.. 8.ta, C.I. DR. HILLER'S RHFUMATIC AND . WURICUBC c.,r Rhun,.tl.m, Nounltfia, Uoul, Lumhuno, wid ati,iiw, Uy iioatr,diiigh7u3d.'uI. whioh cause tlwuu DR. HILLER'S TEETHINR CURE. Aid. ti,c gro.u, d dtv.iopnwi.1 l children nnrlnii Uw imi. l,l, .iLur.. ..l,.l trthli ud mumI tMth, nd r.vrnt. und cttrw Spuuu, l(lok.U, UriUn IVtmlilMuid B.iw.1 Coiiipl,liiu. A blwii.g to Iwtb aiutlmr ud ohlid. DR. HILLER'S WHOOPING COUGH CURE. rt. .,t cr Whocpt,,, a,uei, NnT.-Wllh th -T lw ot llr. I liter'. llvJruUna Hntamtl. lr. llillor1. Itlwtm.tlo N.uimlnlo ( um , iul l.r lldwrlCoiiitk (.'ure. thub ..v rtmig.ll... i.ui u,, , Tubl. t lorm. I, II nul obiuiutlil Irmn jour UruirKUt, will bo m tn bf aiuli, on rwulpt ol uruo. $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.C0. Thfrt-millM r lh mmll of ttv.nly.flc, ymn of pmoKonl profwknwl (ntarlrnn. .ml m irairaiitood to ottro wlwi . t-iiro I. p nll.lo ir. Iililer b,.k t ,r..,.t,o, i ,1 homo trMtiutuil, ootitliilii siuulil. lumi-uctiou. u to ly tln .ud dlot, ..ut ru.. ou uppuction HILLER DRUG COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. ml Stationery i BUSTER FOR SALE BY- LOCKE. Tho Public in Most Cordially In vi toil to Call mid Price Our LatcH Scl. cfcd Stock of . Writing Papers, Tablets, Pens, Ink, Killers, etc,, also All the .School Rooks in Use In the Public Schools. Independence Roller Mills, GEO. SKINNER, Proprietor. These Mills, now building will begin operations nlwut the first of November, ISilO, und will then be prepared to buy wheat or store for use of farmers through the season. Until tho Elevator is completed wheat will bo received at some warehouse hero, and flour in winie will be delivered at the Mill door. Independence. Oregon. I'll Ul m ! jui- mmm. i i',; Vi72 .i T T i-ominenupti by I'hysie une. SSH turoa where nil pise fnils. 1'li.nsnnt and agreeable to the f"' t.wl. Children take it thout. nl..tinn i......-. . " 13 ailrgm bads tiii; : FALL W. H. WHEELER CIS:i)N.W,J11 SUCI1 lPUm ATTRACTIONS S YOU HAVE NEVER BEFORE ENJ0YFD IN LINE ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO WIT6SEE" U:1." Chmlma Sotrlii:, for the Season of lmf: UCV PC) VU L All SELECTIONS at POPULAB PHim Are hhtturen of thi Magnificent whirl, jmrthnhoi recommend it to Holiday liuyera VJ - - - - -L. y -. t v - v w n pmif'-an OTS, BOODL 1 mm, nm Co t rt S U I a P I J?A. JT.-. I . - - '' '---' m, mm, etc. I'lIHMC SALK. I will ilia follnwIHK prttpni l,y to tlio lili(lift liltltlor at my pliK'n nt, IiiiUMn.iiduuiio, On.tni, Nov. 'ii. IHih). iiMUo'ttlucki One niarv evitii yivrn tiltl, 1 hurne tnn .vcurn old, two lllllvs tliruti yearn old, 1 bi-otitt nmro, 1 .nt hnr utmH, 1 putt, tiUt. Tnrms of mile, All mini, over III) twelve iminlh. with appnivad eniirlty with Intoic-it, J, W. Hkhiaiiiisiin, OBtliHt Appropriate benslble Gifts for Old and Youna in the Grwc v w S - J mB M.JU 8.l,t.., ,n E..y .nd PtM7t, w LOW PRICED PRESENTS, MEDIUM PRICED and COSTLY PRESENTS - Of.Mm;, Kind ml Jipthm IM m Wm vm DamtMe QIJU of any Giwh and at any IVice Vou may wish to eZml Our Beautiful Holiday Display Is worth Your Insction-Please Call: W. H. WHEELER, Independence, Oregon. Main Street, flOBEfTIfiH.