The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 14, 1890, Image 1

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tti Improvement will be mad
u Independent and vicinity
during the year.
In ;::i:: ftp
Devoted U tbe best Interests of
Polk County.
men ;
r V' .
$2.00 Per Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 1.
Is f
.ttLtcri-d at V P.Wt ,,' Itt ladvpvadaa.
3rtvtl, aa wound f U milrr.
rvu in advanci.
On Year
Six Month I. oe
Three Monlh JO
When uot paid in advance
!u4crn4f! Mwatad M tht kaad af a-
tatUUI (ID mnH 4 irv mil, IM WWItlll
rim, aud mi th mailt n t Uat Caaaua aad
Calil.wnia Matln4; anatataa a pnfbaaeTal
li Mu,,l, la ih prlaataal ',pm tm
tha eoaaiy, wku-h to en of Uw Ivtart, M
iHll.T d tatakij uimm w laa wamav
k a.
Tatadt1 iBMaaalat aliealaMaS Ma, KM
Rial U alnyUtf aaataAaa It W tn.ooa at aa
at Adfsrtfaia MMua. -
Litest and Best Styles,
I.i I.J, .4JLl!JI.JliLJJJ If
Physiciaii3 & Surgeons.
U. S. Examining Surgeons.
onto: m4 Ma at Mala It.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office: Oppoali Ftfl National Bank,
Physician and Surgeon.
Buena Vista, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
v. s. ixiMimxa sdsqioh,
Independence, Oregon.
Resident Dentist,
AU work warranted to give the bt
of Satisfaction.
Aitutuey mt Oiuiiaelor l lw.
All LfSftl Hualno" eiilrtnlrd to me will rm-lv
Prompt Atlooilon.
I n: r In lper 1Iihi. Indrpt-ndenr, (it
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Offlea: Cor. Main and Monmoulh StA.,
:Deler In:
Drugs and Medicines,
nvine purrhRMd the Hock of Drugt
ferierly o-neJ by L. W . RobtU
tm prepared to meet nil the oM cuato
merii. and many more new one.. Fair
nd courteoua trealiuenl to all.
Cash Grocery & Bakery
Fr, ii Hi-, f.l. IMr and fake" on hand ererr dajr
etpnl Hnnilar.
.u, a nt at.iek f aaiiaed nan. fl"iir.
ci.lf rf, ,i,ar, wuillM, clKara and hibaitooa,
D. B. TAYLfJK, ProiirlWr.
MilKasryiPwcj Goods
Hext to Indopeniliiiica National Bank.
Ikdkfkndienci, Okioow.
Olllco with Hyde 4 imltn, Independmiee,
Will py CAHH for nil kliidHoMIoiinlry
j'rodu.. Wheat and ).ita HilHliy.
Main HI., Independence.
UtiuvInK, 16 cwnta. llnlr mitltii. Hham-
Durham Bros.
(ll.olce Kwif, Mulliin. fork and Veal alwaya
in hnnd.
Jlndrod tallow
Main Ht.. . -
Dressmaking Parlors I
Lately from Portland, ha opened Droaa
making Parlor. In the Nel-on b"""
Main Ht., and l now prepared to do all worn
In her line.
Jasperson & Parker,
Architects, Builders and Cont'rs.
Alwav In their Haiih and Door KaMflry, nd
WUI try V, pliaw all. Olve them a trial and be
iinvliieed that they are worthy of your pair
Proaldont .... . COOPER.
Vto Praald.rrt, L. W. ROlIRTtON.
Cnahlar M....W. H. HAWLIY.
O. J, faaaijuaa, . f , Caaaar,
Tnaaaeto ttaatal Waklaf Vadaaaa, Bt
ad aUt eialnafa oa ail lainaaial aaaaaaj
Ikaaoaltt taalT4 filial a, aaak at aj
WrUanata ai dwoalL flallaWlaM Bad aa all
folaa an taaataala am
Haifa aurfUr pratl aWa Mamtat af Tala
National .Bank I
H. HIRSCHBIRO, Pfaaldont
W. P. CONNAWAY, - Cathlar.
A iraaral naaklnt and ateKani taataaat
araaaaniaii. waaa auaa: aula aiaanaawii aoai-
aMrelalaradlla maud: daanalla raoalvM aa
la aa
carnal aeenaat eaejaat a) haoki Inlarat, mm
aa iiaM aepoana,
Joahua MoDanlal, H. H. Jaapvraon,
A. J. Ooodman, H. Hlraohbar.
Abram Nation, T. J. Lm.
k A. All).
p-rtVat, femllaml) ....
Vll I'Mi.lfttl.,
I .-"!
., t. A. MACRt'M
r. U CAM I'llKI.I.
... I & ruwix
Capital Stock,
Paid Up,
I A. M"Rt'J(, T. . ffWtJ.f
) v. 11. nt 11 rn, a. h. uKiuxa.
r, L CAMI'BlsI.U
A smwal UnVIni hnatniiM lranmited. Pa
hm 1. ii..-vvd ..I'lja.! to check, or on rarttflcai
.( .tr',.it. U ana mad, bllla dla-oaiited. at
ei, lii,hi aud mid, InMmrt paid oa liuie
Firetnwf ranliand burflar proof aat. tarared
by i lima Iwk.
JaOfiebnaral a. ax tota. m,
(Etabtllied by National authority.)
: THE !
: NaU : IM !
CAPITAL, PAID UP, $5o,ooo.oo.
SURPLUS, $16,000.
maMral. VteaPiaaldail.
I. H. ALSIET, Cubaar.
Ta raraaar aa waaal and other marehanlabl
paodaai. aoaaacaa or la aaHa,llbar la prlTal
Dnaadam dlraal ealtaw Tort . C Mf o,
fatrlaal. Uoadaa, rarta,
The Celebrated French" Cure,
I roi.b oa A
10 ear any
form ot nervoiia
dlneaae, or any
dUordnr nt Ilia
(iieratlra or
nana ol eltlmr
BtFOBt l'li l""n the AFTER
ateeMlv IIM Ot BtllllMiailH, innancn nr lipnnn.
or tbnmirh youtltful Indlwretlon, oter liulitlr
ence, An., ni'k U of Mraln Power, Wakxlul, Hearing down Palm In the Hark, Hamlnal
Weak neat, llyaterla.Nnrroaa ProatratlnnNoclurn
al KmlMlutu, Uiu nrrlwra, lilaalneaa, Weak Mem
ory. k of Power and liiipotfliiry, whleh II n-
f leeted ollen Irad lo prematura nfd ear and lnan
ty. 1'rli-o 11.00 a txu.tboiM lor 16,00 Mcut ?
mall on reeelpt of prlre. .
A WKITTK (Ml WAR ANTE It for ovary IMP
ord.r, to refund the money If a l'ermaiien.
pure l not effected. Thoinanda of teallmonlalt
(mm old and yean, of both Mitee, pannaneutly
cured by AriiaoniTiaa. (!lrenlar free. AddreM
waaratiH banch,
For aula by Bnator A Locko.
11: Wllllll
FOR THE cunt ur
raft flALC TV ALL
Mtadaandarhif earwl. Bnolct luaraed
in etim.ii.'iitJrf. 'I -Hll"t"ii .In tP'tm .11
pnr1. 0 ihan'tA, I' ""I'-ttLPOBT
ntRa, Milt t-l , '(n'l .'tlli'H t'i Prof,
A. lubatui, li I :'! " " Vrlc
IT aaatM Buy your tleket Baaf of
kHQllSl K- v' Pentland. Ixiwaat
rataa and roat favori (ranted. Call at the
Weat Wd oMca.
Hotttl Malalibara la Afrtoa Waa Haea
Kalabllahad N Haa'a Laad.
A UtUe Dritiah expedition rarootly
bnHd ftvr np the Donna braurh of th
Hlgnr river in a imall iteam Uanch, and
final ty nUre4 a tdbntary of th Banna
and niplorml a reirlon whloh no wbiu
nian ha ever vlalted U fora, TIM moat :
tnttttmaUnK thin ahout their jonrnoy1
m tlia cunoua eiperienca they bad
with the native.
They ha4 ban tat(n(t fur A gooA
while thnmKh a r((Um thai waa tnhab
ited by Moaluia blank, frnlU of U
rather aerera mothoda of eonvaraion
employed by tha Arab lnvadnr of tha
Bondan. Tha eoontry waa very fartll,
and tha people war numaTooai bnl
all of a udden, thongh tha eovntry (till
wore it nmial aapeut, and tha oll waa
apparently rich, population tntirnly
eeaaexl. For a (tretch of over twenty
mile not a hut waa to ba aaaa, nor waa
a atntila aipra of human lifaanywhara oh
axrved. Tha eipadltion woadar4 at
Uil rcnwfcabla itaU of affair, fur tha
eoontry waa certainly InrlOna;. and they
eoold not Imagine why It had no tnhab
lUnta. '
AO at onra, however, at they roondod
a bend In tha river they aaw big crowd
of nativa ruoninff down th alopa of
the hill to tha bank. They brandlahad
their pear at tha white men on th lit
tle boat, and told them to go back, for
they wanted no Moalem In thlr coun
try. There) waa an interpreter on tha
veaatd, who auwwded in convincing tha
native that tha visitor were not Moa
lema, and thereupon tha people became
quite) friendly.
Then tha rooaon for tbia curaona laok
of ixipnlaUon waa aacerUlnaiL When
tha tribe who had lawn converted to
Uhuu fonnd the native near them were
juat a (truiig a they were, tha pred
of their mliirionin tlvat direction ab
ruptly ceaeed. but theae hoatlien peopl
and tha Miatlem convert near them
could nut live at peaca with on another.
It waa finally decided that aa they coold
not ba Rood neighbor, a atrett-h of
ftinntry atiuuld I placed between tbew
where no on haiUd live, and in that
way they exported to get along with
lea blood abed.
80 all tha people who Inhabited Oil
fertile region, about twenty wile wide,
packed up their littla belougUiga and
moved away, and the atrvtrh of eonntry
thn caiue to ba without a alngla inhab
itant. Today it i a No If an' Land,
aud tha only reaaon ia that tha people
who ara neighbor there cannot live on
friendly teruu. and, having tired of
fighting, have put thia barrier between
them.- Boaton Herald.
fraah af a aeaaaaaaaallet.
A young man who I well known In
tlii city had an niipleaaant experience a
aliort time ago, llota a aomnamboJlat
and often doea peculiar thing in hit
tloep. He went to visit anme friend in
Watertmry, and a he waa not in th
habit of retiring a early aa tha member
of the family be waa vial ting, ba re
mained np and took hi ehoe off before
aacendlng the ataira.
A few nighu after hi return to hi
home lie lay down on a lonuge and fell
aeleep. After deeping annndly a half
hour ho aroae, walked to the foot of th
ttaiM, took off hln ahow, and not bring
ctmtmt wllh doing that, he drew off hi
itockiiig nlao. He then clamhereil np
talra to hi room. Taking a maUh from
hi XH'J;et he brought one of hi feet up
o that be could reach tha bottom of It,
and then dcliberutely (cratched the
match on the flat urface.
The match did not light immediately,
but he kept on n-rntchlug. Finally tha
match did ltghL Tb bolder waa uucon
clou of the fact aud kept on (cratch
lug. SiuMonly he awoke in great pain
from the burn. He limped about for
teverul day, and alnce that time qnw
tiun alxiut the proper mode of lighting
a match have been dUtaatoful to him.
New Haven Palladium.
Ilnaora to a Dead Dag.
I aaw a ineer corpae In the undertak
ing eatabliahment of Lewi Jonea, on
LnOrange atreet, a few day ago, queer
even in tlmt grim receptacle. On the
embalming board lay tha body of a
irt'tty brown apanlel and nar by a
landaninely conatrnctod hardwood box,
elegantly lined, which waa to be doggie'
chain lx when planted in tha cold, old
gronnd. The animal waa tlie pet of a
rich laly, who, when ha one day became
ill, aunt him to the dog hoapltal, and
when he died had hi body cared fur
with aa much tendornea a though be
were a human being. Doggia waa
hipped from here to the lady' former
home in Maine, where the animal waa
interred with full honor. Doaton Rec
ord. A Poor Sportamaa.
We have all encountered him in the
field, the man who howl like a maniac
at hi dog. It U not becanae the dog is
deaf, for even if he were there would be
no noed of the howling and ahrieking,
bnt it i that the howler know not bit
better. He ha the notion that a hunt
ing dog mtwt lie worked like a (ledge
dog amid Arctic ice field, and so he
moke an Esquimau of himself every
time he goes shooting. And vono of n
ver yet aiiw a dog that worked any bet
ter for the racket than be might work,
or might at leant have been trained to
work, without ItForest and Stream
Wall Prwaarved Blaaketa.
Hon. Hose Tenney, of Georgetown,
tate treasurer, and receiver general from
1B00 to 1861, sleeps between blankets
woven by hi wife' mother 100 year
ago. Trie blankets have been In nae the
greater part of the time since thoy were
Ibado, and are in a remarkable state of
preservation. Mr. Tenney is nearing
fourscore years, and is remarkably active
for one so old. Haverhill Bulletin.
Old Kooagh.
Mrs. Qrnbbs And so vonr daimhter'
wedding U set? Don't you think she i
too young to marry!
Mrs. Dnbba No, indeed. She has
ruled the whole family for three year.
Good News.
" A Fair Chteken Fancier.
A society lister of the quill ia Miss
Bessie Marbury, who when In town live
with her father at No. 70 Irving place,
and when out of town either at their
country bouse at Oyster Bay or at Lenox.
At Oyster Bay Miss Marbury raiae
her auill by means or an incubator ana
a fowl run. In New York the wield
them, pocket th resulting cash and
spends it in Lenox. On any question of
chicken raising when Miss Marbury ia
about the farmer of Oyster Bay and
neighborhood are not "in it" This
charming young woman baa written
some of the cleverest skit on tooiety
that have been produced in recent year.
New York Journal.
Tha return from th election ar
nearly complete, and th few dlrirlnta
yet to hear from will hava no cOVct on
tha result. Th exact figure will not
ba known until the ofllclid iuv 1
completed. ,
Markhaiu't plurality U about 10,000.
Tb Republican elect the entire ccm
greaalonal delegation and (majority of
tb legislator f t
Tha entire Wniclpal ticket of Han
Francisco was also elected f tit Repub
lican, ";.' t " ,
WAMUmtTOtt. v'
Waahington remain In th Republi
can rank. Wilson U re-elected to con
grea. and th tha next United (Hat
senator will b a Republican.
ThaDemorata carried everything In
Alabama, including a solid congrvaalonal
delegation. '
In Colorado th Reiublloni carried
th day, and Senator Teller will be re
elected. Th Connecticut law provide that th
governor must have a popular majority,
and return giv Morria, tiain, a majority
of 97, but this doe not int itule 11 Re
publican and BO Prohibition votes which
war thrown ont in two district. Tha
legislature b Republican. '
Delaware, Florida and GoorgU went
olldly Democratic by tucreaad majori
tie. ,
Th Democrats gajued six cougreaa
man In Illinois.' Th Democrat and
Fanners' Alliance have the legUlatnra.
Indian girv an overwhelming Demo
cratic majority, Th Riiiblican elect
ed only two congreaamen. The legisla
ture ta Duuocratlo by 01) majority.
Th Republicans carried Iowa on the
tat ticket, bnt lost on the congrea
ionL i :'
For th first time KanaM aends
broken congrnMlonal delegation. It
atand 5 Farmer' Alliance and 8 RepBb
llcan. Th state tirkek Is Republic.
Kentucky aud Louisiana send solid
Democratic cougreaaioiial dtilegation.
and MtmlMippI aud Texas do th tatna.
Maryland dai likewiaa.
Th Republicans elect all or the state
ticket in MaaaachuaetU, except governor.
The Democrat gained five oongreaaiuen
and the delegation now itantbi? Dein, to
0 Rep. Legialature i Republican.
Oovemor Merruuu, Ri-p, re-ekn-ira
in Minnesota by a decreased majority.
Tha Demm-ruU capture the lveingrea-
The DetnocraU send a full delegation
to congTcae from Missouri, with one ex
ception. Thoy also elect their state ticket
and th leg-Mature, Vest will be re
turned to tb senate.
Nebraska alected Boyd, Dem, governor
and the Republican carry everything
Ian. The vote was heavier than in the
presidential election.
The Republican (wept everything in
Nevada, and carried New IIamhire by
narrow margin.
New Jersey gave everthing to the
In New York the Australian ballot
system was iiiceeae fully put iu o)wration.
The Democrats gained sn overwhelming
victory. The congrmamnal delegation,
which stood 30 Republican and 14 Dem
ocrats, is reversed. The Democrats aim)
have a majority in the legislature, which
insure a Democratic auoceaaor to Sena
tor Evarta. In the city Tammany car
ried the day against the fusion of the
Comity Democracy, Republicans and
North Carolina went Democratic, and
North Dakota Republican.
The Democrat made large gains !n
Ohio, and defeated Maj. MchMniey and
Foster. The congressional delegation
will not lie known until oRlclal canvass
is completed.
In Pennsylvania the Democrat elected
rattlson governor and gained four con
greaamen. The Republicans elected the
latlanc of the state ticket
Rhode Island went Democratic.
South Carolina went solid for the Dem
ocrat, and Vermont for the Republi
cans. South Dakota I Republican. Pierre
was selected as the permanent capital.
Both congrcaamen are Republican,
In Virginia and West Virginia wild
Democratic delegation to congress.
Three of thn sueowwful candidates in
West Virginia were unseated at the last
session of congress.
Oklahoma, Arixona, Idaho and Wyo
ming went Republican, and Montana
and New Mexico went Democratic.
The present congress consist of 829
members, of which 171 are Ropnblicuna
and 15S Democrats,
According to the latest reports the
next honse will stand 242 Democrats to
94 Republicans. The number of Repub
licans is smaller than In 1874, when they
mnstered only 9ei. The Democrat of
Fifty-second congress will have the two
thirds majority, which rarely falls to
the lot of any party.
From the latest returns it appours
that the Semite after March 4, IB" I, will
stand 42 Democrat to 45 Republicnns,
with one sent from Now Humpshire in
Coast Defense.
The New York Sun in commenting on
Gen. Nelson A. Miles' appeal for harbor
fortifications on the Pacific Const, says:
There is nothing unreasonable in the de
mands, although practically the Pacific
Coast can expect to share in the general
provisions for coast defense like the Atlantic.-
For securing and perfecting
landtfffes it is believed that S35a,0(K
would cover all emplacement from
Vancouver south to the Mexican border.
Tills is because the points there needing
fortification are few in number and are
all perfectly known, while the sites, to
a large extent, are owned by the govern
ment. With a gun factory at Benucki,
and a navy yard at Puget Sound, the
Pacific Coast could begin to supply its
own defenses just as It is now supplying
new war ship of th best sort for the
Pacific and Asiatic squadron.
A ColleeUoa ef Martyr.
A recent canvaas was made of the
conviots of Joliet prison, and out of over
000 men, sent for almost every crime in
the calendar, not a tingle one would ac
knowledge that he was guilty of the
crime charged. The great majority
looked upon themselves as martyrs to
the law, ai d felt that they had been
grievously wronged. DotroitFrce Press.
Iteel Tanka for Staring drain.
A new method of storing grain is be
ing introduced. Steel tanks are filled
with grain and by a suction pump the
air is partly exhausted and a quantity
of carbonic acid gai admlttijd, Lewis
ton Journal. ,
rakraaaalt Dissevered, a II Tnouabt,
Ih Kiti-MS af Cald aad Ma4 It.
"Zero"! th part of every thormom
tor that is mot watched and dreaded
in thia changeable clltnata of ours. The
word it from the Spanish, and mean
topty, heoo nothing. It was first used
on a thermometer in 1700 by a Prusnum
merchant named FahrenhaiL
From a boy be waa cloas observer of
nature, and when only 10 yean old, In
th remarkably cold winter of 1709, he
experimented by putting tnow tad salt
together and noticed that it produced a
degree of cold equal to tha coldest dny
of the year.
And that dap a the coldest day that
tit oldest inhabitant could reuicinbttr.
Gabriel waa tha mora struck with th
cotneideur of-lilt little eclentUlo discov
ery, and hastily concluded that ha had
fonnd tli lowant degree of temperature
known in the world, either natural or
He called tha degree aero, and con
structed a thermometer, or rode weather
glasa, with a aval graduating np from
aero to boiling point, which he nmn
bared SO, and the freezing point 82, be
cause, a ha thought, mercury contract!
th tliirty-aeoond of It volum on being
cooled down trow the temperature of
freosiug water to aero, and expanded
one hundred and eightieth on being
heated from th f reeling to th boiling
Time allowed that tha arrangement
instead of being truly aciontillo waa a
arbitrary as the division of tb Bible
Into verse and chapters; and these two
point no more represented th real ex
treme of temperature than from "Don
to Benrahvba" expressed th exact ex
treroee of Paleatln.
But Fahrenheit' tltermometer bid
been widely adopted, with it incon
venient scale, and none thought of any
better until his name became an au
thority, fur Fahrenheit finally aban
doned trade and gave himself np to sci
ence. Then habit mad poople time to
th established scale, a habit made the
English cling to the old aysUtm of cum
brous fractional money.
The three countries which use Fahren
heit are England, Holland and America.
Russia and Germany nae Bauinar' ther
mometer, In which tha boiling point U
counted 80 degs. above the freexing
point France uses the centigrade ther
niometor, so called because It make
the boiling point 100 dega. from freexing
On many accounts the centigrade sys
tem is the best and the triumph of con
venience will be attained when tero ia
made the freexing point, and when the
boiling point is put 100 or 1,000 dega
from It. and all the sub-divisions are
fixed decimally.
If Fahrenheit bail done this at first or
even if be had mode it on of his many
improvement after the public adopted
his error, the luck of opportunity, which
waa really hi, would have secured to
bis Invention the patronage of the world.
-Nw York World.
Calllaf Ik llaaaa Ball.
It Is the custom for the clerk calling
the roll to prefix the word "Mister" to
each name, but before be has gone far
he begins to retrench his eiponae of
vocal powers, This leads to some strange
combinations of sound. In the beginning
he calls "Mr. Abbott." "Mr. Adams."
"Mr. Aldotnon," and a few more dis
tinctly enough, but by the time, he
reaches the Cs he begins to telescope the
title, and calls "M'ster Cannon," "M'stcr
Carter," and so on. When be has gone
a little further he drop off some more,
and it tweomoa "'ster Fitch," "'ster
Flower," " 'ster Gear," etc This holds
holds out pretty well Into the IVt, but
at butt the two words become one, and
"Mr. nopktns" and "Mr. Honk" sound
like "Btropkins" and "Strouk." Down
in the M'a it undergoes, another ohangn.
The sonnd of the "r" i lost, and "Mr.
Mason," "Mr. McAdoo" and "Mr. Mor
row" become "Stumaaon," "Btumaoa
doo" and "Stnmorrow." This goes on
through the O's and the Ps. "Mr. Oatoa"
being "Stoates" and "Mr. Peel" coming
ont "Stnpheel." In the R's it shift a lit
tle, and "Mr. Ray" become "Stray,"
while "Mr. Rlfo" I "Strifes-Washington
II am a of Adam aad Kva.
The Chicago Tribnne ho a letter from
the quill of a traveler whose rare good
luck it is to loaf a little in the Garden
of Eden otherwise on the Seychelles
islands, in tlie Indian ocean, 1,400 miles
east of Aden and 1,000 from Zanzibar.
It was "Chinese" Gordon who tried to
prove these islands to be identical with
Eden. The islands number IH. They
were bnilt by coral insects and have the
richest soil in the world. Palms grow
100 feet high. The white beaches are
the moat bcantifnl on the ronnd earth.
No one need work, for the trees are con
stantly in fruit, and tlie many tinted
fishes that flmth through the clear
water are as toothsome a they can be.
Turtles abonnd. The people live to a
great age. No hurricanes ever strike the
islands. They constitute, indeed, an
earthly paradise
Mr. t'owdsrly Ia Fond of Flowara.
, T. V. Powdorly spends nearly as much
time iu his garden as he does t.t his desk.
When ho is not studying labor problemr
he is studying the growth of his flowera
The only question that has an equal' in
terest to Powdorly is 'the question of
food, no is exceedingly abstemious,
and doubtless could give the fasting
men who are coming to the front now
valuable point. Towderly never cats
more than two light meals ft day, and
thinks that lie can do with less. Cor.
Chicago Humid.
The new Croton aqueduct surpasses
every other structure of the kind, It is
estimated that the new Croton aqueduct
alono will be able to anpply a population
of 3,120,000 with an allowance of 1B0
gallons a day per head. With the addi
tion of the old aqueduct and the Bronx
river pipe line the total capacity of tbf
city's water works will be IM gallons a
dar per head for a population of 0,873,-
The lute Samuel J. Randall was in
pnblio life for ft long period of years.
With large opportunitie for amassing a
fortune, it appears that the total value
of his estate amounted to abont $5,000,
oonsititing entirely of personal effect.
The curator of the Brooklyn institute
told a reporter that one beautiful butter
fly in the collection of the institute i
valued at (1,000, that sum having re
cently been paid for a duplicate,
Bouclnmlt was mfted which he cou
lidWed his beet play. "The one I am
going to write next," he said after mo
ment of profound thovght ,
Mexico hat negotiated a 0,000,000
HutM'l i already showing the effect of
hi fast
Gen. McKlbben, U. 8. A., died a
Hhreveport, La., suffered a lost of
$.150,0110 by fire.
The government of Pern lias iinixaod
tax on ttujMirted lord.
Ex Governor Gen. E. A. O'Neal of
Alabama died at Montgomery.
Han Francisco used 5,211,04H doxens of
egg during the past ten month.
Over $l,ooo have already been col
lected in Philadelphia for the Irish Na
tionalist. Don Frederico Vollo, charge d'affaires
of the Coat Rica legation at Washing
ton, is dead.
The flermtui chancellor, Von Caprivl,
baa returned from a visit to Premier
Crispl of Italy.
The strikes at Ht. Etienne, France, are
over, the employers having conceded the
demands of the men.
J udgmeuts amounting to $700,000 have
been filed agaist the Duchess of Marl
borough in New York.
Tbe town of Witmlow, Pike county,
Ind., ba been wiped out by fire and 400
people rendered bomclen.
During the butt year the desertions
from the army were 4H9 leas in numbers
than in th previous year.
A large number of tailor havede-
Hrtod from the British navy at Halifax
to avoid going to Bermuda. j
Dr. Burtsell, who was silenced at New
York some time ago, for sympathizing
with Dr. McUlynn, has Ixeu reinstated,
Harvey Flxk, one of the beat known
bankers nd broker of this country,
died of benrt disease at Wtlbarth, N. J.,
aged 87.
Two Japanese students of the Michi
gan unlverity at Ann Arbor have cre
ated a sensation by eloping with two
American girls,
Tbe Canadian government will grant
a subsidy of $700,000 to an English coin
pauy to establiith a weekly service of
transatlantic steamers.
Dauiel IL Biirnham, a well known
Chicago architect, ha been appointed
chief of conntrnction of tbe world's fair,
with a salary of $12,000 per year.
Two small white boys working in a
cotton gin In Anderson county, S. C,
were burned to death by a negro boy,
who In revenge threw a lighted match
in the cotton.
Milton B. Golf, chancellor of the
Western university at Pittsburg, Pa., Is
dead. He was aged 60. and widely
known as one of the unwt popular educa
tor of the day.
The Russian ministery of the interior
ba shipped a magnificent jasper vase
and marble pedestal as a present to Pro
feasor Simon Newcomb of Washington
from the Poulkovo university. "
Hiram Basset post grand master of
the Masons, and considered tlie Mason
of the highest degree in the world, has
just died at Millersburg, Ky., of paraly
sis, at the age of 70. He had taken every
degree known to the order.
The Swiss buudersnth has refused to
reply to the luqniry addrctg to it by the
Uuiveraity of Wisconsin asking how
Eurtqie would accept the complete pro
hibition of immigration similar to that
enforced against the Chinese. -
The Chattanooga, Teun., Times state
thnt H. Clay Evans, who was defeated
for congress In that district, will suc
ceed Secretary Tracy iu Preeident Har
rison's cabinet Mr. Tracy will be ten
dered a sent on the supreme bench.
Axchdean Farrar, who has been ap
pointed chaplain of parliament, preached
a sermon in Westmiuster Abley indors
ing Gen. Booth' scheme for the relief of
London's "submerged tenth." The
Prince of Wale has also approved the
The total liability of the Union Paciflo
road to tlie government is $M, 717,562;
thnt of the Central Pacific, $5a,836,705;
that of the Sionx City and Pacific Rail
road company, $.'1,611,404, and that of
the Central Branch of the Union Pacific,
Col. Thomas B. Price, one of the beet
known men in Missouri, ' was shot and
mortally wounded at Sednlia, Mo;,- by
Judge Jolin Higgina of Pitt comity.
Price is a grandson of Oen. Sterling
Price of Confederate fame and a brother
of Congressman Price of Louisiana.
The sensational career of William W.
Cotrell, who acquired much notoriety
a few months ago by bis course while
mayor of Cedar Keys; Fla., was ended
at Montgomery, Ala., with a load of
hot from gun in the hands of Chief of
police Gerald, whose lifo Cottrell had
The treasury department has ruled
tjiat the provisions of the new tariff law
for books and pamphlets specially im
ported for educational institutions is
substantially the same as tbe old law,
and provides that books are only exempt
from unty when they are specially im
ported for use in "colleges, ,
The disappearance of James H. Edgar,
who was reported to have been found
dead in ft Youkers.N. Y. ,botel,i shrouded
in mystery. Broker Sumner, who iden
tified the body as that of Edgar, has re
ceived two letters from the missing man
saying thilt he "(Edgar) was 'olive and
would call at his ofllce ih a fw days,
"i 'The last of the inlaid furniture from
A. T, Stewart' mansion was sold at
auction In New York.- It included bed
steads, bureaus and screens.' The high
est price received was $J50 for the Gen,
Grant bedroom furniture. None of the
other pieces, which originally cost from
$2,000 to $!1,000 each, brought more than
,$200, ' .
There has just been completed at the
I Pullman Car works, at Pullman, 111., a
novel "creationi "ie 0,1'v church on
i wheels iu the world. It is constructed
. socordiug to the ideas of Right Reverend
William D. Walker, bishon of the dio
cese of North Dakota, and is intended
for use in the small villages along the
railroads in that section of the country,
". Panama Hats. ,!"
The beat known palm leaf hats are th
Panama one, made from the finely plaited
fiber of th leaves of a South American
screw pine, Th treo ocours only on th
slope of the Andes. About 800,000 dosens
of these hats are made in Ecuador and
different state of South Amerioa, aud
they ar distinguished from all others by
consisting only of a single pise and by
their lightness and flexibility. They may
ba rolled up and put in th pooket without
Injury. Tha plaiting of th hat i very
tedious and troublesome. Th ooars
one may b finished in two or three days,
but th fin one take as many months to
Slait They vary in prioe, aeoordlng to
neness and quality, from $5 to f 100.
aw to Obtala a Clear aad Flaaly Fla
vorad Beverag tnm Oaad Apple.
First see that the apparatu to be used
It clean and sweet The applet may b
prepared for expressing the juice, either
by squeezing or crushing, a in th old
way of cider making, or by some of tb
modern processes that reduce tbe fruit
tot finer pulp. Whatever may be gained
In speed, a slow process of crashing,
where the fruit only come in contact
with wood, will excel in quality. There
are various forms of screw presses, from
which on can be selected to suit the cir
cumstances of the case.
Tbe pomace should remain irvernight,
or at least several hours, in the receiving
trough before being pressed. The cheese,
a it Is called, consist of the pomace con
fined in press dots, or, more commonly
among farmers, a succession of layers.
held in place under tbe screw, by clean
straight straw turned over tbe edge of
each layer in a manner familiar to all
rural cider makers. The Juice being ex
pressed, it at once becomes Important to
free it as completely t possible from the
particle held in solution. The, by
their decomposition, hasten and Increase
tb vinous fermentation, which if not
properly treated will, be soon followed
by the vinegar stage. Tbi proce should
begin by (training or filtering the juice
before fermentation sets in.
A convenient filter msy be mads from
a chain tight barrel, with a faucet
through a stav near the bottom. Take
out the other head and fit in s false bot
tom with holes thickly bored through it
just shove the faucet Lay some nar
row wooden strip crosswise over the
false bottom to bold np tbe coarse cloth
first laid over It On tbi place a layer
of cotton wool, then another coarse
cloth, to be followed by three or four
inche of very clean straw, then cloths
and straw alternately until the barrel ia
three-fourth full when well pressed
down. Straining through a layer of
cleanly washed, finely broken charcoal
or pure sand Is another method.
If the filtered juice can be put into
large cask holding three or four barrel
and standing upright, with open heads,
for a short time until ferment ation be
gins it will be much better than to bar
rel It at once. Thee cask should be
provided with faucets a few inche from
the bottom, through which tbe clear ci
der can be drawn off, leaving another
quite large deposit' of fine sediment un
disturbed. The scum on th top should
be skimmed off aa occasion requires.
Tbe cider should then be barreled and
kept in a cool place, aa tightly bunged
as the fermentation, which will still
continue for a time, will admit Under
Tit beat system of cleansing it from Im
purities, early made cider, unless It can
be kept in an uncommonly low tempera
ture, or is treated with chemicals or
scalded to kill fermentation, will grow
too acid to be agreeable. The later ci
der making can be deferred the better
the cider will be at a beverage and the
longer it will keep, says The New York
World, authority for the foregoing. .
Coming Baef.
First cover the meat for the space of
twenty-four hour with brine strong
enongh to barely float an egg: then take
it out and wash it in cold water, preening
It with the hands so as to squeeze out
all the blood. Tbe brine that has been
used should then be thrown away, as It
is the blood that is so often retained in
the pickle that causes it to sour snd
spoil Moke a second pickle a trifle
weaker than the first, in which you have
dissolved three pounds of brown rifpr
and two ounces of saltpeter to a hundred
pounds of beef, or in these, proportions
for smaller quantities. Should aacura
appear on the surface before the meat is
used np, the brine must be scalded snd
skimmed and poured back when quite
cold. The package containing it should
be kept in a cool place, and the meat
hould always be kept under the brine.
When, from neglect a portion of the beef
remains out of the brine for a day or two
it will affect it unfavorably; for this
reason it shonld be frequently examined
and shonld never be left in that con
dition. Proper Temperature la Batting Milk.
On the question of proper temperature
in setting milk Professor Henry reports:
Milk set at 40 degs. for eleven hours
threw up all but 44.1 of 1 per cent,
while milk at 45 degs. left 2.7 per cent
of butter in the skim milk. Setting
at 50 degs. ss compared with 45 degs.
showed a loss from 8.8 to 10 per cent.,
and 55 degs. shows that the range of loss
Is from 15.6 to 80 per cent over that set
at 45 degs.
Thlnfa That Are Told.
The American Cultivator says that it
is a mistaken notion that deep seeding is
somehow a protection against winter
killing by the gronnd heaving and thaw
ing. Experience and observation are
largely curing farmers of this delusion.
A correspondent in The New York Ex
aminer says that his way of protecting
sheep from dogs is to house them at night
and let them run in pasture with a herd
of horned cattle in the day time. He
keeps no dog, and his cattle look on all
dogs as enemies and make short work of
them when they come near.
All stone fruits are claimed to be bene
fited by potash fertilizers more than by
the application of manure.
A new roof may be experjive, but it is
cheaper than damp stables or barns and
sick animals. The animals hve no worm
stoves in winter, and dryness is therefore
Dr. Hcekins, of Vermont says that he
regards the Switzer apple as nearest per
fection, in quality almost equal to the
Fomeuse, larger, free from spots, the
tree very hardy, and a free and elegant
grower. The prolific sweeting, like some
other fruits termed "proliflo, is remark
ably unproductive.
Roup may generally be traced to want
of cleanliness, improper ventilation or
undue exposure, and the poultryman who
I has provided against these causes is rea
sonably safe against toe roup.
Runs high nt the drug stores In this
place over System Builder as everybody
is using it for oatarrb, of stomach, dys
pepsia, constipation and impute blood,
and to build np tbe system it certainly
possesses wonderful merit when all spank
so well of it,
Wanted. A neat healthy girl about
14 years of age for light house-work
with a family of two iu Corvallls. Ap
ply at this ottloe. . oct24-5t
A. I Griggs keeps tbe best surloin
steaks in ths market
San Bernardino, CaL, officer have de
cided to stop gambling. .
Anna M. Arnot has been chosen super
intendent of school In Alpine county, '
Jams Leonard, agent for aa Eastern
railroad at Ballard, Wash., ha suddenly t
Pbms for water works for Dayton, '.
Wash., have been completed. The works
will cost $75,000.
Several whalers have arrived from
the north during the past week and re
port a successful season.
Tbe largest fig crop ever known in Tie
Juano Valley, San Diego county, CaL, is
still being shipped to market
The Burlington hotel at San Francisco,
which wss burned but week, was sacked
and $15,000 In valuable stolen. '
Fresno county, CaL, marketed 161 car-,
load of win but year and tbia year the
product will exceed over 200 cars. '
Santa Cms harbor is filled with mack
erel and parties ar salting and packing
mackerel for tb first time in history.
All tbe Chinese, about twenty, left
Aberdeen, Wash., by request of accm'
"tnittee of citizen. There was no trouble.
. The line of steamer between Portland
and Japsn, to connect with the Union
Paciflo, will be inaugurated next May. '
The fine residence of Frank Burkett,
near Los Angeles, wss burned by incen
darie during the absence of the family.
The fruit crop of the Umpqua valley,
Or., this year was a paying one, and
more fruit trees have been planted than
ever before in one year. . , . j
Joseph Smith, indicted at Eugene, Or.,
for manslaughter in accidentally killing
Ambrose Ott while bunting a short time
ago, has been acquitted. . t
Kititas county, Wssh., wss awarded
the gold medal and silk banner for the
best combined mineral and agricultural
display at the Spokane exposition.
Tbe Union Iron Works of San Fran
cisco ha secured the contract for finish
ing and assembling the 12-inch rifled
mortars for the Pacific Coast defense.
The government is engaged in making
a topographical survey of the Columbia
river from the mouth of the Willamette
np to about five miles above Vancouver.
Salt River Valley, A. T., is coming to
the front as a grain and fruit producing
country. Thousands of acres in orchards
and vineyards will be planted this win-'
ter. ' '
Col James D. Smith, a well known
Taooma real estate dealer committed,
suicide by blowing the top of hi head
off with a revolver. No cause for the
act is known.
Karl Selig, a German saloon keeper at
Oswego, Or., shot and killed himself.
Hs was formerly a wholesale liquor
dealer in Portland, and leaves an -estate
valued at $150,000.
The steamer Berth, whose mission to
the Behring sea caused considerable
comment, has returned. She carried
orders to the Bear to seize all poachers
found within proscribed limits.
- The controller of currency has author
ized tbe First National bank of Anacos
ta, Wash., to begin business on $50,000
capital stock, with Fred Ward as presi-
dent and Howard E. Perrin as cashier.
The people of Tillamook, Or., have
been running somewhat short of supplies
owing to ths inability of coasting steam
ers to cross over the baron account of
rough weather. The principal scarcity
is of coal oil
Tacoma has now an incorporated se
cret bureau whose object is to aid and
assist, in an honorable manner, persons
desiring to marry in securing desirable
husbands or wives, for which a reason
able compensation will be charged.
The Experiment Station record foiv
October has J?st been issued by the ag
ricultural department at Washington.
It contains an extract from an article on
"Preservative Fluids for Freeh Fruits"
by E. W. Hilgard, Ph.D., of California.
Inquiry instituted by the society for
ths importation of German song birlls
shows that the imported song bird
turned loose in Oregon in 1889 have pros
pered. A subscription has been started
and a large number of insectivorous
song birds will be imported.
There was a largely attended auction
sale of California wines in New York
the other day. It being the first auction
of California wines there, nearly every
grower in the country was interested. '
Red wines sold at 16 to 88 cents a gallon;
white at 84 to 48; port at 52 to 63, and
white sweet at 47 to 72.
A strange cattle disease is prevalent in
the eastern part of Nevada, which is
proving very fatal to the stock. A steer
not seemingly affected will die of the
disease in an hour after being taken with
it It Is locally called black tongue.
After death the eyes bulge out and the
tongue turns black.
Exactly 936,923 seres of public land
have been taken up in the state of Wash
ington during the lost fiscal year, as just
made pnblio in the report of Land Com
missioner Groff. The survey of the year
amounts to 180,222 acres. The commis
sioners favor the special rate, for addi
tional surveys, and the taking of timber .
from the pnblio domain by settlers for
certain purposes.
A Washington dispatch says; An ex
pedition into the celebrated Death Val
ley of Southern California is to be made
and three months spent in exploring that
region, under the auspices of the biolog
ical survey connected with the agricul
tural department Ten celebrated scien
tists will compose the expedition, and a
thorough survey will be made of this
hitherto unknown country.
J.. H. Aiken, a Son Jose, CaL, saloon
keeper, has been arrested for incendiar
ism. He formed a plot to defraud the
insurance companies, and offered Charles
Branson $200 to fire bis place. Branson
accepted and then informed the author
ities. The distriot attorney told him to
carry out the plot, promising immunity.
Branson got drunk and started a larger
fire than was Intended, and before it
could be subdued $1,900 damage was
for Sale.
Two lots In block 6 Henry Hill's ad
dition to Independence for $125 each,
one-fifth down, balance uext May with
out Interest. This Is a bargain. Eu-
quire at West Sidk office.
Only one In the United State
Out of 1357 oough syrups manufactured
m the United States, bat one has been
found ta be entirely free from opiates
and that is the California Positive and
Negative Eleotrio Cough cure, wbioh is
the best on earth for coughs, cold, croup,
etc. Hold by all druggists, -
1. 1 1
" Sii' ' f
I, i
1 1 ,
r '31: ft
I, i
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