The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 07, 1890, Image 1

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hi lniMwmiut will b mittltt
in lmlcpt'iitUme ami vtolutty
(luring tlu year.
nt Pt;:r
Devoted to the best Intercut of
Polk County.
J! I
1 " jii ii"
,3a. ai-
$2.00 Tit Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 5'J.
1 c, rmu:;:,
rt.l'f.xl l ! I VI mile lu lliJ,HudU.
OCVSOU, M WMNUlU ,, KLllli't,
On Year
Sta Mouth i. oo
Tbrve Mouths . . . 90
When uot paid in advance a 90
lB4tadae I tattle at lk4 tf tavst-
timi (the iut m iim
ru)i o Ik WUUaatw
iim at Mm Quh mm
MUala a
tirvr, nil on th uU
California Railroad: 0
tH)).laib prUM) kit tjt:
Mm evwaly, which, la m r4 italimiaM
Mllt UUI MHU poptUMM B It) WU
will lartat .weaUtto la Vat , -1
krUM aM H to tMyaiM "
4 Ad
1 ma
Latest and Best Styles,
At M
Physicians & Surgeons,
t -:-
U. S. Examining Surgeons.
0i (lit of Mala K,
tsriPRNui.Nci, omaoR
Physician and Surgeon.
oa: orpo.u rtitt mhomi bo,
Physician and Surgeon.
Bueo Viata, Orrjon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Indrpcudcnc, Oteon.
Resident Dentist,
All work wrrDtH to the Jt
of Saturation.
Al'i.rn. j mill Cimnn'liir nt l-nw.
All J llit'ilncwarnlnMlrd bmitwlll rw-lv
rmint Atunilon.
( ll'ii: in I ('("' I'1"1"'. Imlrn(lfnr, Or
.Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Ofllc: Cr. M.ln and Hon moil tb IK.
:Daler In:
Drugs and Medicines,
lUrinfc pnrchAnea the rtork of Drug
formerly owned by L. W. Robertwn I
m prepared to meet all the old custo
mer, and many more new one.
ud courtcou treatuient to all.
Cash Grocery & Bakery
frr.h, l'li' unit '"!! nn hsnd .very dj
e.'iit Huii(lt.
. .!,; mill !rii t'K k nl run(Kl iKMt, fliHtr.
u-. e;.d , ,iiir. cawltMi etxar. ! toboo,
b, fl. TAYLOR, Proprietor.
!2illiuory s Paasy (hods
Noxt to InrtcpenrtiMii' National Bank.
Oflteewitli Ilyrto A r)ilt"n,Imti'penilm,
Will rmy CAHIt fr all kind" of (V.iinlTy
ITi 'luiic Wheat and tu Hwellty.
Main HI,, lnili'nilcni.
iHliavlnit, lii cmln. lliilr (Hitting, Hlrnin
poolngaftM'iilH. Durham Bros.
Choice Ileijf, Mutton, t'nrk and Vel olwtty
on hand. 1
HuiiMuro lu wAion,
Bendi-ntd tullotf
Jluln Ht
Dressmaking Parlors I
lydely from Portland, Inw oponed Pr
inukliiif I'nrlorn In tli Nullum bulldlnK, on
MjiIii Ht.and l now prepared to do a" work
In hi:r Unit.
Jasperson 5c Parker,
Architects, Builders and Cont'rs.
Always In Midr Hnxli and Door Kai tory. and
will try U iili'iiMi all. (live tliiun a trial and be
miiivlncpd tlmlllivyjirf worthy o your pat-
Firjt flatioijal Bai)H
raldnt J. t. OOOPIR.
Vlo PrlJnt, L. W. ROMRTSON.
Chlr ...... W. H. HAWLIY.
0. fAiv"
if, . Ota.
1. w.
r. r.
Traattet t tenl taakt tlaa, Ban
a will U l.itjititl sit,
PefAtltl tih' aMl I
MrUlitMaf 4aatt.
MM mi lanitaa Mtbm,
o i
Rail! kamtat mri mm wmI W Tim
iim mm.
National .'.Bank!
ABRAM NIUON, Vie Rrltfn.
W. P. CONNAWAY, - Chlr.
mnmiKl : low mi
lilt HlMoiitlM;
will wwIlM tnmi d.lxMtU rwwIfM M
tamal Mmim Mhl Mkj iBMnat pM
M Um ikuii.
DIRECTORS! MoDanlal, H. H. J.pron,
A. J. Goodman, H. Htrohlra.
Attm Nlon, T. X L.
L A. AUn.
P-4lVnt. (PnHtmit).,
Vi.ol'nwt.lfm .......
Cililo ,
., I. A. VACRftW
... L t. KIVIKU.
Capltxl Stock,
Pa14 Dp,
I. A. NCRI'M, r. a PflWKt.t.
J. H. irri'MI', IMA 40 M MIMI'ON
i V, H. bUII KR, A. R. ORIUua,
A ntrtl tmnklnir bu.lni IranMrlxt. !
fu.,,u mm rtvvA uli)fl to r hark, or an ovrtlflrM
if tWwili. Un u'l. bill, itltronttlffd. i
e buiiglil mil auM, InKrMl ld oo Urn
I'lrrpriml nteni burirlw proof Ml, wr4
If Ul(lw. kiA.
lf-omc hour I . . to p.
(StUblkaad by Ntlosl tntliorUj.)
Capital : National : Bank !
CAPITAL, PAID Uf, $5o,ooo.oo.
SURPLUS, SI 5,000.
tmUM. Via rntldOBl
;. B. ALBERT, CMklor.
tmt tkr kMrnhaiitebl
il.wd iarl ikir
(iHMMi r hMK ii
antefcvwa tt m Hw Tart. CMeat.
, fin. L.ano, nn, awrua,
The Celebrated French Cure,
Wtrrtultd it ADUDnniTlkir" nrflnimni
to cur nt niiuwi I ii.fc.
! ftoi.n on t
to cur any
form of ixirvoiM
iIIhm, or any
dlMnlffr nf the
Ki'iiurailr or
am of elllmr
BEFORE l.lm from Hi AFTEH
irculv.UMOf Hllmulauti, Tobacco or Opliira
or thrmiKh ynullilul Imllwrcllixi, ovor Imlule
ni', ir., tilth li of Hralu Power, Wkrlul
iii-m, Hi'trliia down Faint lu th. Hark, Htnnlnal
Ilyilrrla, nrim Hrmtmtlon Nocinrn
al KmMoiK. Iii''urrliflp, DlMlNew.Wrak Mem
ory, m at Paworaud linmlii'y, whlrh If up-
rlM'tnl often bad to rtnituranllaKr'iid hiian
ir. I'rli'A f 1.00 a bo, 6 boiet for 16.00 Hent hi
null on rwi-lpt of tirli .
A WItlTTflcNiiDAnANTKKforeyerylVO'
jml.r. tn mfitnil th moriiir If a 1'nrm.iion.
cur In not effected. Thouuil of teatlmonlala
tn.m nli ml viiHiir. of both mouh. t.ruiiiiMUlr
cured lir AKHaoniTiNa. Circular (n-. Adilrau
waaTi aaAKcii,
For Bale by Boater A Locke
rOBTni buna, wr
ma aaxr aTV ALL
Mtndwndrtnffimnid, BonkilMmMl
In cut reftiluif, Tiwtlmiinl.l. from all
pe of th lob". l'niiotu row
raaa. noil on HitnllKfttlun lo VntL
At L-'ImU. HI VHtb An, Htw Vurt,
pj- mm M Buy your ticket Ka'
rat and moat favor grontd
1V(t tide offlee.
IJall at th
Polk ootiuty bM on farm.r who It Jiial
now bitulltitf in ula liny, thai waa out od
alua kinl In tbn Bold laat Jul)', The buy
iMtihif In giMid oihhIiIhiu iik wall for
our eliiuala, tint a to lb farmer w.
liar nothing lo any. (XarrtHfr'. 1 Why,
th farmer ha. beeu in "Webfinit" o
Imitf that h know, by th .uudog p
in th ruinii ky whether Ootolwr i to
be a dry or wet nviiith; beaidek, be uelod
lilll rwit after ending and aliockiug
In. two and a half aore patuh of wild ul
bay. Houiii pwipl bar no oniioeiliou
of th trual II I lie, of '.lilu.
In otir arlmla of In.t week on "Our
tliwuie. Men," w lnadvrutly omitted
meutioo of our atiud fellow tnwo.mau
Mr. I), ft, Tii. lor, tirooet tud baker.
Wte,(ret 1 11 overlijht all lb wor,
becuit we lulnrrlewed Mr, T. with u
y to repuriinu hi ?ry oomplimeuUry
opinion of our city, bat mtnebow our
meiuoranduiu got nitplod d oo
cqucntly never found it way in to lb
Our uvitfhbof, th Monmouib Dtmo-
rnif, lamau of turnip 84', looh. lo
oimuiuforeno and 11 pound la wMgnt
A pietty fair anted tuber to b .itr, but
Mr. Henry Hill of thi. oily ralxkl lur
ulp Una year that weiifhed 80 pound,
tod waa the largo.1 vegetnbltof ItotpM
on nbibitiou at lb Mechanic' fir.
Th mnuth of NoeemUer wa ualiered
tu witb many bright, auiiny amilta, and it
doeeaeem that WilUmell Valley weather
it redly out doiug iUetf Uil year. Wi
flud it try pleaaant lo hrebeONitbtfenlal
kl tu th mmith of November
Th Iudpndtue Wr work new
building i about oompleted. but the d
ohloeryi. not put upy.l, Hlieoluliy
rtomnlcted w aliall have further word
to y about thi valuabl plant.
Mia Hupbia OotT rotumed bona on
laat Friday from Helen. Mom., wnere
h. ha teen triaiting tor Mrl wootb
with iior avator, Mm, Oeoy FUber.
Mm Powell aod Mm. Dooney, of
Owhrno. ud Mm. J. U Hlockkw Md
Mr, i'. M. Gab, of Independence, are
delegate to the W. V. I , V, l aion
mouth on the i'ith and 11th inat.
Mia Emma CVxiuilett, who k attend
lug wImmI al lb Academy of lb Sacred
Heart at Halem, I Mtlmg frremla and
relative in tbi oily and vioiuity.
Mr. Uarritun Iiruuk. of Eolk precinct.
waa in tnwu on laat Hutnrauy. l n oiu
geuUeman it thinking of apendiug lb
winter In Southern Oregon.
Saturday M alway. btwy day for th
boaiuaaamenotouroity, but lat rjalor
Jav wa nnuanally mi. A great crowd
a In from tbe eonutry.
J. W, Walker and Mw. Maggi Elliott,
both of Dallaf, wer united in lb Ironda
of wedlock u th Sid nil,. JlV. U. I.
Sutnmervill, o!B.'iuliiig.
The W. 0. T. C. t Mon
muiith h i beeu poalpoued from th 8ib
and "lu of tbit mouth to tbe lUtli and
13lb inat
Tin otflo aeknuwledge k plewanl
call fiom Mm. E. J. Andemou ml Mm
H E. Prnther. both Dtrtie of Dnrat
Mrs L. M. Hall, of Monmouth, left
oue day hwt week for Pomeroy. Waab.,
wlmr aho Hue to V leil rlntl Who la
M. M. Hhillixik, one of the reportorial
form uf the OreifOBfoii. will iil tin
oity ttud vicinity next Hundny and Moo
Mum Lilliuu Cooper retnrned bom on
laat Saturday . Mla Lilly, w nodentaud,
w now attending acuool in Portland.
We uguin cull tlteulion to tbe dilnpl
duted oouditon of the oity iidewnlk. A
little repairing would do a great d 'l ol
Tbia oflloe acknowledge n aooial
call from Dr. W. F. Prudeu. The dooloi
it quite plMiaant tud ulTuble geollman,
Mr. Holman aud wif, front nar
Lewiaville, attended the Uapttat olmroh
meettua in lit tea oity on Inat Hnturday.
Mm Newton Carr returned from Port
land on laat 8iitnrdfiy,wbere aba bad betn
Tititiug among relative.
Mr, B. M. Eatoa I able to be out ou
tbe atreet ngniu, The mnaalet guve Darria
quite a hard tinwle of it.
TJnofiay reatt the toe tbnt wear a ooru
Itemove tbe corn by lining IJtwter A
Locke', corn oure.
Mitt Delia Byem, daughter of Iter, Mr.
Byert, left here ou Inat Monday for
Waco, Nobmsk.
Frank Hiibbnrd mid 0. A. Hnwtelle, of
Fall City, were in this oity ou Inat Hntur
h. W. Itnlwrtaon dime up from Port
Innil on Hiturduy'ri triuu.
Miaa O. Kiaor baa been viailmg frioudt
in lb mvlrnpoli. thi week.
Mr. Mutt Fenton ia the gentlemniil)
clerk ut J. F, O'Dimiiell't hnrdwnre.tore.
Mr, llobt. Steele, of Huver, mmlu thin
offloe a very agreeable visit on Momlny.
Tak It B.for Brakf
The great, apuctlicr, tonic, and liver regulator.
In iimi for iiioro than W yeara In KiikIhiiiI.
Poult I vu im'lflii for llvur ooiniilnlut. Hud
Umlv In tho tiioulli on arlitlng ly the morning,
.... .. ...... l .1... I A l.UAb ..III.. uvlu.
Illlll imill. Ill iiniin-i.M .... ..w.i. ... ...
tlri'd riii'lliig. ill..lni'HK, laiiKour Hyiiiitoina of
liver compliilnt, Itemetiy nr. iienivy-a kii
nh liiindollon Tonic. Itcllcvva oniMllimllun,
hni'iHiim Ih aiii)llltt and toiiim up the mil Ire
NyNUMn. IIIIII.IIO BCIMIUIP iroili your uiuhhi.i
ior9i,nna laic awormua w Mimumni.,
NOTICK la hereby given that the undea
Igiied I'lli'unor Vcrguwni hii tuiun tluiy
County, Hlate of (Iregon. oxenutrlx f the liwt
nnnti ntjtil liv 1.1111 iiuiiiy (;ouri oi J-OIIC
will ana iflMiuiueiiL oi aiunm rerifUMou, in
eeajicd. All purtlcn hiivlng claim agalimt
aid iwtute preiiont them duly verified aud all
purlin knowing Iheinaelvo Indebted Ui the
mini" are hereby notlUed to nettle the name
II NIX lliontlia rrom ino onie nereoi.
Dai.v, Hiiu kv AKakim, Kxeeutrlx,
Ddled thin utuli day of Heptouiber, IflUO,
Indepndne and Moninoiith Mn
1,0 rive
pl.ntiq Amy wfTaUut Ma.lral fr
vat Alt ty BwilUu.A C'rowa.d,
liM.ttMt or th .
Th opera bona oo laat Tburadny
xrmitug waa erowdad almoat to owtlnw
mg witb ' th beauly anil einvalry," Hie
wealth aud ecnf of Iudpudeue tooiety
lo hr Llberali aud iiia mugnitleietit
band of Ilaliaa mtiaioiant. Hignor
Llberati It out ol the uiwt oelobrated
wiaTHoao jtTitm
of moderti Uw, a4 lu. fame at a ma.
tr of lb Irflvet 1tirpwbjl Oornel la oo-
eltentlfwwlth Nat la of rtialO lliioiigh
oul llm rrvrtawd worM. At an early hour
tMfcVHt Snok iuto Jtuliertaou a
boani, and by Ml n m., th
paoioii room wi well tilled with au
eager aud ipolaii audience, Th
orowd aoot, beeam itupntlent, and fr
ijiiet'tly mautfeated their real leaanea by
tht pal t lug of feet and clapping of baud,
but, preetn! a Cbaag oiimoa over the
pint of tbkt audnwee; the .Inge curlnlu
mil up tb roll uf drum lb bugle.
.bull nut -and, Iheo.nll th ai mphouiea
of th Mleatial apbenw vibrato upon th
air and roll along tb oorndum of that
tpaeioua hall. Lltieratl wa piny lug
Wtgner't gr.nd
ovaMTtma 'MiKNai,"
Hitly uiuaiojiuia witb fife and drum,
olariunet, born and bugle; witb bnaaoon
aud vioiiuj taiapbon, .ilpliouiuiu and
nantbok weroulliug th air witb lite rteb
uiehaly of rhylhmle ami ml, aud the
quiaiUi otmrm of niauy note blending
lilt" ou barmonioilt whole.
wa pleased, delighted, entranced. No
null miuio bed ever beeu heard iu lude
peadaoM before, but tb riobeat gem of
lb evening wa )t tu omnn. Ou rare
mn.knd overt ur after anotbof fnlloweil
in rapid .ueoeaalon nnlil
Tiia uiul ia th roHwr
Burnt forth la attorn ottaaakal note
aud a medley of UnUllAing anund the
roar of falling wttera, Ih ratll of m
ohiuery, tb eliok and clatter of barn
yard fowl, th call of kro aod the weel
oug uf fort bird wr all blooded to
gether in a mat of pmi-malum that wa
aa eaagulfiotot krtwtw rendition a it
ewbltniely Iteauliftil m ooneepllon
Tbaaadleno went wild with rntbuaiam
and applaua followed after applaiiae.
Kuaaim't wagniOoenl overture,
Wa alao bMulifully rendered, nd
highly appreolaled by tb aiidionc. But
Slgnor Llberali wa the eyamiim of all
eyea a be gracefully tapped upon the
Hag to render bit
AMopa onnxtT aoivi.
Th Hignor I a gentleman of flue per
tonal appearanoe.ratber below tbe average
tature, but piiaelug a magnet lo pre
ire and decidedly an tiff air of a mm
of tbn world. Hit rendition! wer mag-
nitloeut a perfect tiring of pearl, and
tbt aadienoe eecortd bin Ui the echo.
Tbe beutifully eoprauo anlo by
MadenoiellParppa wa. a mutter piece
of to ,iul art, and the enraptured nudi
euoe loudly euoored the aooomphxheu
vooalial, aud lu aokuowledgement ut the
iMmphmeut Mdlle.Pareppa gracefully re
turned to tbe foot light and tainted the
tudit'Uca with that faniotit old Southern
TM ftWAttBR Ktvaa.
Th patho aud lutouation of theaing
er'a voice wa tnnat eiotiiHile In ita
tweetoee aud perfaolion of (rliatid bur-
mony, aod tht retired from the ttuge
Imklat a perfect ovation of appl,tne
from tba audience. Tbe people of lude
ptndouoe aud vicinity will long remem
ber witb pleaaur tbe tpleudid etitnrtiiin
nteut given by Hignor Libornti t tamoua
band of muaioal artiata.
W regret our inability to gtv ttie
particular, of Tburaday't trotting rum
The very brief tynopala given below ia all
we eonld learn iu regard to tbe affair. We
are ablo, however, to tupply a full record
of Friday' nice.. Tbe following enlrie.
were made in the Tbutaday trotting race
via: Jet, entered by r. J. Morria; iwi-
ligbt, euUired by Oliver Smith; Dolly,
entered by Cbnt. Brulthwnite. Tbe race
included mil beat, boat 8 in 5. Turae
ft), tntrnuoe fee added,. Tbit rnoe waa
won by Jet taking three straight heut.
The entnet for Fridiiy't runuing ruoe
were at follow, via: Dolly, eutered by
Wm. Kayt; Sorrel Dick, entered by Wra.
all; Pedro, entered by David Staplulon;
Bhuik Jim, eutered by Floyd E.lwnrua;
Cloudy, entered by Lewi Matuey. Tbe
race wa of a mile, beat ami). I iral
heut won by Dolly, srooml and third
heat wou b Pedro, Puree 810, ontrimoc
fee added.
The entrtct for trotting race, heut S in
mile heuta, were na herewith nuncied,
viz: Ooly, entered by Quo. Boothby; Cleo
Maion. eutered by Ohna., Jet,
entored by F. J. Morrix; Teddy, entered
by Oliver Smith. Purat 8M, eulmnoe
ce ndded.
Jitft Iti lvt l l n'( lir f, f (
Oleo Mh.oh, Ooly and Jet coming in nn-
er the ttring in the order nlxive given.
Second bent won by Ooly -Time, 8:01
Toddy lecond, Oleo Miwou thin). Jut din
Third heat won by Ooly-Time. 8:031.
Oleo Miwou teooud, witu Teddy clime in
the rear.
Fourth and flnal bout wou by Only
Time, 'IM- Toddy onming in again
teooud beat,
The two minute and fifty aiz teooud
gillt It oouNidcred pretty good time, whef
wa take into oouniderntjon the raw mm
dituiu of tht boratii, and tlm hoiivinoHt ot
the track, ' Everything . roportcd to
bave pnaaod off pleHHiiutlv, and the
people teemed tatiafled with the result ol
(be rnce.
MlM Ada Judaon. Mr. WlUkaa.
rht Way Ih. Hy I'wd I Da la Ik OI4a
I wonder what thru the boy who
read thi have for challenging or lurlu
ng oua another to go In twIiiiniingP
lav oifier JtiHrti; Itopl.
Tb boyt lu Ike laiy't town uetl
make the inolion of wliniiiliig with
ixitb arum; or limy held up tba fore
llngor and midille llugur In the form of
I .wallow-tall; they illil till, when
waa neceaaary tn la tecret about it.
lu acliool, and when they did not want
Ilia whole crowd of boy to come
aliing: and ofien when tlmy jtiat pro.
teniieii nicy am not want ine one
They really had to le aeitrct nt time,
for tome of the boyt were not allowed
to jro In at all; other war forbidden lo
go lu more than one or twloo a day;
aud a they all bail to go in at b ail
thro or four time a dav, wiiw tort of
igu had to be maid that wa understood
among tlienuelre alone.
Mine l hi 1 a true history, I had
better own that they nearly all, al oue
time or other niualbava told Ho alwitt
It, either twforo or after the fact, tome
habitually, onin only lu great extrem
ity. iture ami there a uoy, like u
Ix'ir'a eblur brother, would not U-
Ilea at all. even about golujf In twlui
nilug; but by far the giealur number
Dott ed wi tiioir nam late aim told
They nromld that they would not
go I u, and then they taid that thev
had not been In; hut fate, for which
they had made thi incrillue, waa apt
lo betray them. Either they got their
thlrtt on wrong tide out lu uruMimr,
or ela while tlicy were In aome enemy
cam upon them and lied their thlrtt.
Titer are few crueltlet which public
opinion lu tht boy' world oondemun,
but I am glad to rcuioitibor to their
honor that there were not many in that
boy a town who would lie thin, ami
fervently hoiai tint there It no boy
now living who would do It. A tbe
crime I probably extinct 1 will nay
that in thoae wickmi iiayt u you were
toon e nilaereanl, aud there wa tome
boy you baled, you .tola up and tied
the bardott kind of a knot In one arm
or 11 h arma of bit ahirt. Then, if the
evil oua put It Into your heart, you
tonked the kuot lu water and pounded
It with a alone.
I am glad lo know that In the day.
when be wa thoughtleat and aenaotua
enough my boy uever waagulliy of any
degree of till, meannca.
It waa bit brother, I toppoae, who
taught hi in to abhor It. and pvrbapt it
wa bit own lufferiug from it lu part.
for he, too. anmetliuea ahml bitter lean
ovorauch a kuot aa I bave awn bap.
lca little wtuht't do, teaiitig at it
with their nulla and gnawing; nt it witb
their teeth, knowing that the time wa
pruwlug wheu they could hoi to hide
th tact that they bad been In twitn
hi In )f, and forearelng' no rvniody but to
cut off the aleeve above tbe knot, or
elto to put on their clothe without tbe
t:nrt aud trun to uniyiui tue nuoi
when It got dry.
It I
farm d
It Myiltrt.
Probably two or poaalbly three per-
tont In every thousand who get pr
torlpllont iroin phyiloiant undumtaod
lb tlgniticanoe of the cabullxtio char
acter there Inacrlbed by the "medicine
man," while tht other 097 ee Latin
name and tome thingt that look like
the letter Zand bit brother, huueh
backed tud playing leap-frog.
Every prescription conaiat of four
part the tiipentcriplion, the inacrlp
tiou.tbetubicrlptloo and the aignitlure.
Iu the upper left-hand corner It the
trrubol H. It ia I combination of an
old mythological algn Intended a aa
Invocation lo the Deity aud the Initial
of tbe Latiu verb "recle." which
meant "lake thou.' It it Intended at
a direction to the compounder, Then
comet the liwripilon, which tullt
of the Ingredient and their quautU
tie. The ttibacription contain direc
tion, at to the form tho compound
.hall attune,
To Intuit good effect, however,
medical men .ay that tho doctor aud
th druggiit thotild bo paid. They
tay that it It a coincidence that peo
ple who are tlow at nettling their doc
tor billt alwayt teemt to have tome
thing the mailer with them, while
prompt payer, are e)imlly prompt at
Another noticeable thing it thnt poor
pay people are the one. who nave
"cranky" ailment d incase, diflloiilt
to diagnone, mora diflioult to oure,
while the collection of the bill It the
moat difficult mutter of all.
In tht matter of Ingredients a pro
torlption may oontulu the base which
it the principal active agent, the aux
iliary, au adjuvant to aaeist the baae't,
action a corrective, to counteract any
uupleaaant effect of the bate aud ad.
Juvant, and tht vehicle, tome pleasant
taking, Inactive titbttnuco cither to
hold Ui foregoing lo tolutiou or to
give a consistent form to the prepa
ration. Water It a vohiclo largely
In the country, whore It It taken oul
of typhoid-fuvur wells and out of tit
terut with "wlggle-titilt" In thorn, it
cost nothing, In the oity, where
hydranti are uaod, it coat more, but
It purer. The medicine designed for
the relict of tho patient, however,
geuerally killt any "wiggle-taila" that
aro corked up In the tolutiou,
Kvery physician should be a phe
nomenal niathflinnticlnti. llu has to
tolve hard turns In what It called in
arithmetic compound numbers, at all
hours of tiny aud tiight and wilb tho
auxlous friends und female relatives
pinging in his enrs inch questions; '
"Uli, doctor, how long will he live
If be gets over tlilsP" "Isn't ho sure
to have, the cholera uext Summer be
cause he had the 'grip' Inst winter? I
taw it lu the paper that ho might," the
adds with a motion of tho head that is
intended to carry conviction. Ques
tion of tlila kind have a tendency to
"rnr.r.le dnzalo" the doctor and In pro
scribing strong remedies a mistake iu
determining the size of hit doses If
the prescription olork docs not dis
cover and correct it might bo a vital
error for (he pntlont. Kamtu Qitv
A moment later the fellow was again
In the handt of a koeper. The mor
phine was applied once more and the
doctor wut serenely asking bow he felt.
It wtt not until tbe meu were safely
lodged in their new asylum a couple of
hours afterward l but the doctor broke
down and then, trembling and with
fluttering voico, ho went to the hotel
and asked for a long horn of brandy,
"That It the most terrible task of any
that I hare to do," he said. "In trans
ferring the - 'limeys' I am always
possessed hv the expectation that one"
of them will break loose and kill tome
body. It is not for niyaplf that I four,
but for Qina harmloss and unsuspect
ing passenger. I would rather carry
a fond of dynamite on the cart than
half a dojsen of those follows."
Tony Hart, the actor, la dy ing In an
Insane asylum In New York.
iMncontent against the government It
rapidly Increaaing tn Cuba,
Tb census of Alaska ahowa a popula
tion of from 84,000 to 81,000.
Tb Heaalan fly baa dime great dam
age to wlnler wheat in Missouri and
An epidemic of fever ha lawn rauaed
in Killarney by ;tlie two of diseased po
Lord Randolph Churchill Is tu be
mad tbe leader of the house by the Con
JohnTnnlf, poor bothr-maker
Baltimore, became craxy on receiving
H,uuo back- perwion.
One man waa fatally and Ave badly
burned by melted iron in a foundry at
litiiiehetn, J'.
Professor Koch of Berlin ha disco v
ered what ia said to be a cure for con
sumption. It I to expensive, however,
that ouly tbe wealthy can afford it,
Tbe monument to the member of th
Jeaanett expedition ot 1H81 in the Na
val Academy crtuetnry at Annapolis hat
been unveiled,
A bloody conflict occurred at a ciran.
try dance at Carthage, 111,, canted by a
man who had been ordered ont of the
honse, Fifty oonple partlHiated In the
tight. Joseph uuiwon waa fatally
Arrangement are being mail In New
kork to form national Jockey club, an
orgaoUatton to control racing and pro
tect toe pniiiic from being swwlUxl.
First tbntroller Matthew hfia retairt-
d to the secretary of tbe treasury that
during tbe past (Ural year his office hat
examined 27,1113 accounts, luvolvlug 13,
Rev. Dr. Clebuid Kiulis-h Nobwn, dean
of the convocation at Washington of the
iTotestattt F.plMHipnl dloceae of Mary
land, is acini.
John A. A null i. aged 13. shot hit 8-
year-old brother in th head at New
ork, a the result of a quarrel over tbe
division of tome randy.
A call has been Untied for a convention
of the retail clerks of America, to be
held at Detroit Dec. 8, for tbe purpoa
or organising nn ler tbe American Fed'
eration of Labor.
The ei-Catholic priest, Tbomaa P.
Laden, lectured ou "Humanism" at
Auieatmry, Mass. On the way to the
hall he wa inublieil.
Father Ducey of New York will be
taken to task by Archbishop Corrigan
for making a speech In favor of the Peo
ples' League candidate.
The daughter of Congrewiuian Butbpr-
worth of Ohio wa married at Washing
ton to Houghwait Howe, a descendant
of th Inventor of the Howe tewing ma
chine. V lieu tbe ceremony was per
formed the young man wa on hit death
bed, and shortly after its conclusion, bt
breathed but laat.
Archlnshop Foemut of Chicago cele
brated his silver Jubilee.
Postmaster Donaldson of an Arkansas
town tent lu hit resignation. In a letter
be say: "Yesterday I waa knocked
down, kicked and stamped on. We com
promised and I resigned, I mn glad to
get away from here. The people think
it a disgrace to be a Republican. "
Archbishop Ireland at St, Paul says:
For my part, as citizen, I favor unre
servedly compulsory education."
The Dockers'Uuion of London baa Is
sued a menifeeto forbidding any strike
on account of the dock companies' pro
posed change.
The National Council of the Seventh
Day Baptist at Chicago adopted tbe re
port of the committee on policy, which
make a change in the method of ordain
ing new ministers, whereby individual
churches, as well as associations, will
bave a voice.
The Anti-Setuetic party of the Hun
garian diet baa dissolved after an exist
ence of ten yen.
Cardinal Lavigurio ia said to have
stated that the pope no longer hoped for
anything from Austria. He would
place all bis trust in France to aecure
the restoration of the temporal power.
Tile London Timet on Bearing tea
mutters says the question of a cloeed sea
must be dealt with before progress is
possible. When that is settled England
will be, perfectly ready to cooperate with
America in dealing with the . Buhring
tea marauders.
The St. John's Savings Bank and Real
Estate Exchange of Ht. Augustine, Fl.,
has Assigned.
William J. Simmons, president bf the
Eckstein-Norton Industrial- college fox
colored yonths at Louisville, Ky,, Is
The atookholdors of the Atchison, To-
peka aud Santa Fe have ratified the pnr-
haso of the Colorado JUulland.
The workmen of all the plants oper
ated by the H. O, Frick Coke company
ofScottdahvPa,, will strike if Andy
Verostid, the discharged Committeeman,
not reinstated. This will involve 10,-
000 men.
At Huntington, Pa., a loaded coal-'
train of thirty-six. cars, throvgh a mis
placedswitcb.wtpJ thrown thro' the Hotel
Brunswick and landed in the yards of
the Olrard bona and the Jackson bouse,
2()0 feet eastward. Tho loss was (30.000.
Von Moltke refused the dukedom ten.
dered him by Emperor William.
A case of leprosy, bat beeu found at
Chester, Pa, .
Bncoi, the Italian fitstor, will begin a
fnrty-flve days' fast Saturday. He takes
nothing but a few drops of liquid, which
he obtained tn Africa, ana takes plenty
of exercise,
A womaft poured boiling water on two
Hungarians who were fighting t Oullat
lin, Pa., fatally scalding one of them.
Salvador will establish a legation at
Washington. ' Gen. Benjamin Molina
111 be at the head of it.
In an address at Kingston, Out.,
Bishop McCleary said that any attempt
to abolish separate schools would result
In the dismemberment of tho dominion.
In New York, Springer A Co., dealers
In silk and worsted yarns, failed for
ilO.000; I, L. Falk Ss Co., clothing,
failed for $280,000; and Isadora Rosen
thal, cloakmaker failed for $1110,000,
Marquis de Mores was fined 400 franc
m Belgium for fighting a duol, and his
two seconds were lined 100 franc each.
Portugal has wanted a syndicate
monopoly on wheat,
The Two Republics of the City of Mex
ico saya that the Mexican congress haa
not as yet Imposed an additional duty
on live stock and if it does ample notice
will be given to shippers,
During the late heavy rains along the
northern border of Mexico the Rio
Orande rose to rauldlv that .the JjeQr
ple of the citlen of Porflrlo Diaf'tTud
Villa de la Fnente had to flee from their
hornet without t topping for food or
clothing. Many hotue were swept into
the river before the occupant could
cape, and boat had to be used in resca
lug tome of tb famlliu.
Tb American Secular Vulon ha be
gan it fourteenth annual congress at
J'ortamouth, Ohio.
Judge Caldwell of Little Rock. Ark.
hold, that the act of con great and the
lawt of the ttate in th original package
case art valid.
All th paper and book of S. Pelton
A Co., a Denver firm that failed art
missing and th creditor are greatly ex
Mint Director Leech aayt th coin
age for tb past fiscal year wa the larg
est bt th history of th mint, aggrega
ting 11J,68.071 piece.
In Matchuala, Mexico, a church roof
fell In, causing the death of three peo
ple and wounding four people, including
a priest named Lo,
New York it the first ttate In popula
tion In th Union, and Nevada th last.
California ia th twenty-second, Oregon
the thirty-eighth and Washington the
Report from tbe Arbnckleand Wich
ita foothitlt, in the Chlckaaaw nation,
of tht finding of gold, tilver and lead
are not exaggerated. A Urge territory
hat been purchased by capitalist.
The product of gold from the mine of
tbe United State during toe calendar
year 18X9 wa 133,800,000; tilver, 80,000,
000 onnuea, of tbe commercial value ot
46,700,000, and coining value $M,Wa,.
Tbe Leaveu worth, Ka., Time printed
list of a church fab; raffle, and
tht postmaster threw the whole edition
out on the ground that It waa a violation
of th lottery la w, Th Time then filed
atuit against Postmaster Ritchie for
10,000 damage, making the claim that
no law can forbid an American newt-
paper printing new.
Governor Hill ha written a letter to
Secretary Noble asking for a new enum
eration of New York city. Hesayt tbat
the alleged difference of 800,000 name
will make a difference to the itat of at
least one member of congret in tbe next
apportionment, and a vote in tbe elec
toral college. He charge tbe enumera
tor were Republican partisans and
worked In the interest of their party.
William Marsh, a wayward ton of
Hampton Marsh, president of the Na
tional Iron bank of Morns town, N. J.,
entered hit father' house at night and
stole considerable jewelry.
The land office department hold that
an utry man who ha tubmitted final
proof on a deaert land entry before the
official turvey wa fixed, thonld not be
required when the bind Is officially sur
veyed to make new proof showing the
proper reclamation thereof.
Tbe story come from Chicago to the
effect that negotiation are in progress
looking to a consolidation between the
Northern Pacific and the Baltimore and
Ohio, which, if consummated, will form
great transcontinental route.
"Tbe Angelas, "has been told again to
Frenchman, who will place it on exhi
bition at Paria.
It is stated that since the accession of
Czar Alexander tn 1891 270,000 Jews
have been expelled from Russia,
A vi gorous crusade against brigandage
in Cuba is still carried on, three more
bandit having been executed at Colon.
Forty Cuban tobacco factories have
oloeed down since the McKinley bill
went into effect.
Gerhard Rohlft, the African explorer,
expreeaea the opinion that a trana-Sa-haran
railway could be built only after
the complete disarming of all the peo
ple through whose territory the route
would lie. For this purpose 20,000
picked soldiers would be necessary.
Eleven German life boatmen were
drowned while trying to relieve the
crew of a British vessel off Sleawick,
Rev. Jame Bntler it In jail at Chatta-1
nooga, Term. He ran away with the
youug and pretty wife of Benjamin
Jackson, one of his most prominent and
wealthy parishioners, and not satisfied
with Mrs. Jackson alone, he took one of
Jackson's finest teams.
The King of Holland it insane.
The totel production of steel in the
United State during the last fiscal year
was 4.480,926 tons, against 1,148,711 tons
in 1880, an increase of 290 per cent
At the session of the International
American Bee association at Keokuk,
Ia., the name was changed to the North
American Bee Keepers' society. Dr. A.
B. Mason of Avondale, O., Thomas G.
Newman of Chicago and R. McKnight
of Ontario were appointed the world't
fair apiarian committee. Several inter
esting papers relating to bee culture
were read.
The body of Detective J. J. Murphy
of Columbus, O., who disappeared from
Ogden some time ago, waa found hi an
irrigation ditch near that city. It is be
lieved be was accidentally drowned
while temporarily deranged.
In the village of HaU't Mills, N. Y.,
Mrs. Levy Hall, wife of a prominent res
ident murdered her 18-year-old daughter
by smashing her skull with a club, Mr.
Hall was lying on a bed in the room help
less with rheumatism when the tragedy
occurred. Mrs. Hall is insane.
Bow Old Commodore Vamtarbilt Onot
8ad Win Coot.
"Yes. old Commodore Vanderbilt wa a
money-getter and a money-aaver," aaid an
old-time Wall atreet operator to a select
circle of young men who were watching the
tape In a down-town offloe, "He looked
after the nickels, and the dime and dollar
followed after. It was in 1863, 1 thing, when
concluded to take atrip to Europe, and I
didn't want to Impair my oapital wanted
to make my expentet, you know. I had
alt considerable in air. vanderouve pet
Net York Central and had an idea that he
would make a deal In it while I waa gone.
Bo I drew mv check for 11,000 and had it
oertlfied, went to Vanderbilt't office and
presented a put for him to tign. It was on
1,000 share of Central at the doting price
on the day before. He hemmed and hawed;
taid he didn't like to do budneat tbat way.
Finally, aa a favor, he would do it at 1 per
cent, below tht oloslng. I agreed. He was
very busy; his dek littered witb letter.
In those days the Government required a
war stamp of flvt oentt on a contract.
Vandorbilt rewrote the putbe wanted it
his own way then took a pen-knife, and for
ptore than ten minute wat busy removing
the flve-oen t ttamp on the put I had prepared.
Thon witb a oharaoteristto grunt of satis
faction, 'There's five cents taved,' he glued
the ttamp on the new contract, took my
oheck, banded me the put, laying I 'There's
money for you in thit contract; good morn
ing,' and I wai gone. In lest than ninety
days the ttook bad advanced eighty points,
but I had sold long before,"
Seattle It sow operating its own water
work system.
Th output of th two fruit canneries
at Santa RotaCal., thi season wat J00,
000 can.
A seizure wat made at Seattle on th
tteamer Olympia of 240 ff-tael cant of
opium, valued at $8,400.
W. C. Ceatro of Yolo county, Cai, in
tend to plant 1,000 acre of river land
in cotton next season.
M. Baker waa teriosuly mutilated at
Tulare, Cat., at wat also Mllo G. McKe
at BakertAeld, Cel., while firing salutes
in honor of Senator Stanford.
JohnF. Gowayof Olympia, Wash.,
who wat appointed United State con
tul at Tokio, Japan, haa declined the ap
pointment, owing to ill health,
One Colusa county, Cal., mandrov
28,000 sheep acroet tbe lands of a neigh
bor and be hat been sued for $3890 dam
age for trespassing.
Umatilla Indians have retnrned from
their annual hnnt. Nearly all the par
ties wer successful In securing enough
fish aad gam for the winter't nt.
Th wife of Stillman, the murderer,
died at Fresno. Tbe disgrace attached
to the act committed by her husband
greatly affected her. - t
Pomona, Cat., bat an ordinance which
exact a penalty of $50 from people who
t their bent run at urge.
Wallace and Ed Ray, two young men
who wer riding on a railway bicyl
near Delano, CaL, wer struck by an en-
Ce and killed. The engine had no
Frank Manteufei, th missing Ala
meda, CaL, bridegroom, haa been beard
from In Chicago. He waa engaged to a
Ban Francisco jeweler't daughter, and
tht guests had assembled for the wed
ding. Tb groom, however, had sud- '
denly disappeared and it waa thought be
bad been foully dealt with. .
James T. Bague, a Sutter county,
CaL, nurseryman, hat offered to distrib
ute a stock of 15,000 black walnut tree
among the school district of tbe entire
ttate, free of charge, providing the tree
are properly cared for.
Mis Nina Meigs, daughter of Gen.
John G. Meigs, wa married at London
to Sir Jame R. D. McGregor, eldest ton .
of the late Sir Charles Roderick Mc
Gregor. They received many costly
Sample of beet tngar have been re
ceived by tbe secretary of agriculture
from the factory at Grand Island, Neb.,
with the report that everything at the
factory ia running smoothly and the
quality of the beet is very satisfactory.
The president has appointed Edward
C Williams postmaster at Santa Crux,
Cal., vie Bart Burke, resigned.
A German named Ott, while hunting
near Eugene, Or., waa mistaken for a
deer and killed by his companion.
Forest fires near Bolinas, CaL, bamed
over 18,000 acres and caused a loss of
Ed Rogers and Charles Snelling, each
20 yearn old, arrested at McMinnville,
Or., gave bail and disappeared.
The Indiana of tbe Hood river country,
Or., have been collecting stores of acorns
for they predict a severe winter.
Vioe President Thompson of th Union
Pacific Extension company at Portland
denies that the Union Pacific intend to
build from Kalama to Frankfort, oppo
site Astoria, and build a new town.
Bruce B. Lee, an old resident ot Cali
fornia and ex-harbor commissioner at
San Francisco, died at Red Bluff.
William Goldbaum, an Oceanside,
CaL merchant, hat failed for $10,000.
Tbe federal grand jury hat indicted
Contractor Jainea McCudden of Vallejo,
Cal., on two counts for presenting for
payment fraudulent claims against tbe
United SUtee,
The refusal by Governor Francis of
Missouri of his warrant for F. E. Parker
of Pendleton, Or., embezzler, has called
down upon hit head the wrath of Gov
ernor Pennoyer, who telegraphed him
that he haa neglected to discharge the
duty imposed upon him by the constitu
tion of the United States, which he haa
tworn to obey. A peremptory demand
for the surrender of Parker accompanied
tbe telegram.
A large, living spring at the base of
Terrace street, Seattle, haa been the
cause of the earth moving and frighten
ing people on the hill ont of their homes.
A drainage system will be put in Ind
earth avalanche will probably be
The Coronado Driving Park associa
tion will bave eleven days' racing at th
end of the year.
Chicken cholera is playing havoo in
the farms about Petalnma, CaL One
farmer has lost over 1,000 chickens.
The raisin drier of J. M. Sngh, near
Fresno, Cal., has been burned. This is '
the thirteenth raisin drier which haa
been consumed by fire this season in
Fresno county. The insurance compan
ies refuse to take any risks on them.
A Hussey, appointed Indian agent at
the Grande Bonds agency, . found to
much work to do and so little remuner
ation and no accouunodatioas at th
reservation that ha concluded not to ac
cept the position.
Frank Mason shot and killed bis two
brothars-in-law, while they wet asleep
in his house at West port, CaL After
committing the deed Mason ran into the
neighboring woods, where his body was
afterward found. He blew his brains
out with his rifle. Insanity is supposed
to be the oause of the deed.
The final survey of the Clear Lake and
North Paclfio railway has been begun at
Lakeport, Cal. lire. F. H Long drove
the first grade stake. This company has
a capital of $250,000 and will build a
narrow gauge road from Lakeport to the
Donahue railroad. It is to be oompleted
by July 81, 1893.
; William O'Toole, a prominent rancher
of Milpitaa, CaL, drove his horse over
the edge of a bridge atAlviso lake and
before assistance could reach him h
smothered to death in th mud.
The rifle of the German army
been changed throe times sine
inmmer of 1871, each time at an
pemUture of 110,000,000 marks.
Tolnma of Niagara Fall.
The amount ot water passing over Niag
ara falls varies with the height of the river.
Prof. W. D. Gunning estimates the average
amount at 18,000,000 cubio feet per minute.
Allowing 63j pounds to the cubio foot thi
would give a total of W3,5O0 tons pei
minute, or 25,313,500 tons in 45 minutes, oi
which somewhat more than two-thirds
passes over the Horseshoe falls. Other
estimates place the total amount paaslng
over both falls at high at 100,000,000 tout
per hour -
l !
; .
if' !
It I
1 1
I" !
f 1